Download TESTLOOP™-C User Manual

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TESTLOOP, Your Personal Lab Assistant TM
User Manual
March 20, 2006
Copyright 2004-2005, Lab integration Inc. TESTLOOP is a trademark of LAB INTEGRATION INC
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TESTLOOP, Your Personal Lab Assistant TM
Introduction------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
Requirements ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
Software installation --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
TESTLOOP-C Structure -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
Starting the application ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5
Defining a machine ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6
Creating a new product-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10
Creating a new test procedure-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------14
Selecting Results and Setting Parameters for Calculation ---------------------------------------------------- 32
Performing a test------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------40
Product and Procedure Association -----------------------------------------------------------------------------41
Adapting a Procedure for a Product -----------------------------------------------------------------------------41
The Performing Test Window ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 42
Discovering the Machine User Interface ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 45
Starting a test ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 48
End of Test----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------51
Displaying test results ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------52
Results through the page of products -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 52
Reports ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 53
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TESTLOOP, Your Personal Lab Assistant TM
The TESTLOOP™-C (Control) software is a powerful tool to be used with your new LAB INTEGRATION INC. LM
machine from or other machines supported by it. It offers an array of features not usually found in such an
affordable software package.
Some of its main characteristics are:
Simple operation: Once the products and the test templates are created, simply “Select the product”,
“Select the test procedure” and “Test”.
No menus or ‘‘right-click’’ menus to get lost into! All functions are available right from the windows
which makes it very efficient and flowing.
Controls the testing machine based on the procedure’s instructions.
You can create an infinite number of test procedures based on international standards or your own
Extensive analysis of results with a multitude of points and calculations available.
All machine controls are available from either the machine’s keypad, the keyboard or the mouse.
Graphs and measured values are displayed in real-time at a typical 50Hz (simultaneous sampling on
all channels) to a maximum of 200Hz for LM60 machines and 500Hz* for LM120 machines.
Dynamic table of results with automatic grouping by ‘’Sample ID’’. User can create more grouping
Flexible, easy to use and complete.
Whether you are an experienced computer user or not or even new to testing software, you will be able to
get the benefits of TESTLOOP™-C quickly with its logical and simple presentation. The parameters are easily
accessible and presented in a logical order so you won’t get lost in numerous menus and windows. Testing
procedures are associated with products and then, fine-tuned. You are ready to test.
To identify the various measurements and calculations related to materials testing, a lot of words are used
and it can become quite confusing at times, depending upon the industry you are active in.
To make sure you can utilize all the potential of your TESTLOOP™-C software, please make sure your
computer has the following resources:
Recommended computer system:
Pentium IV processor or equivalent running at 2.6 GHz
512 MB of RAM
1 free COM port (RS232 9-pin), 115 kbauds (460 kbauds for LM120 machines)
CD-ROM for installation
Windows® 2000 Pro, XP or XP Pro
Separate video card with 128 MB of RAM (not on board or shared video)
Monitor resolution of 1280 x 768
Please check with your I.T. that all TESTLOOP users are given <<Administrators>> rights on the
PC where TESTLOOP is installed (local computer). This will ensure to be able to run the
application properly.
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TESTLOOP, Your Personal Lab Assistant TM
Minimum computer system:
Pentium III processor or equivalent running at 800 MHz or more
256 MB of RAM
1 free COM port (RS232 9-pin), 115kbaud or 460 kbauds for LM120 machines
CD-ROM for installation
Windows® 2000 Pro, XP or XP Pro
Separate video card with 128 MB of RAM (not on board or shared video)
Monitor resolution of 1024 x 768
Please note:
If your computer does not meet the minimum suggested above, we might not be able to
support your software.
3. Software installation
The installation of TESTLOOP™ will install the following 3 components:
MSDE - This is the Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine. If your computer already has an SQL server
installed, this step might be skipped. framework - Most modern applications use the common .net framework. Distributed
freely by Microsoft, it might already be on your computer.
TESTLOOP - All files and databases will be installed under “C:\Program Files\TESTLOOPV2\TESTLOOP”
along with a few drivers.
4. TESTLOOP-C Structure
TESTLOOP™-C is a modern and dynamic database that stores your test procedures and test results. Most
databases are pre-defined and static platforms in which data is added. TESTLOOP™-C creates tables
dynamically based only on what the user needs avoiding cluttered and oversized files. Tables are also
modified dynamically should the parameters change.
The structure for TESTLOOP™- C is SQL Server based. This structure allows for solid and reliable performance,
quick data manipulation with the help of ‘’Stored Procedures’’ and, is ideal for data connectivity with other
data collecting system. Today’s trend is to have systems that communicate with each other; therefore,
TESTLOOP™- C completely fits in and is ready to participate. TESTLOOP-E can bring this communication to a
higher level by being the central database itself.
The whole idea behind a testing software is to perform tests and to present results to the user in an
organized fashion; that is what originated ‘’Your Personal Lab Assistant’’™, TESTLOOP. TESTLOOP™-C has a
unique way of presenting results. What was observed is that ‘’Products’’ are tested instead one or many
Standards which provide a ‘’Testing Procedure’’.
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You will notice that the results are displayed and/or combined using a unique key called here “Sample ID”.
The grouping key “Sample ID” and other possible keys are described in this manual in the ‘’Creating a new
product’’ section on page 10.
Starting the application
By launching the application, the following screen appears: This is the main screen, which is divided into 4
distinct sections:
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TESTLOOP, Your Personal Lab Assistant TM
Products - To create and define the products to be tested
Associated Procedures - Those procedures that will be used to test the products
Templates and Settings - To create templates of test procedures, to define the machines and other
software parameters
Table of Results - Where the results will be displayed depending on the product and procedure
To perform a test you must have:
Defined at least one machine in ‘’Templates and Settings’’
Defined at least one procedure in ‘’Templates and Settings’’
Defined at least one product in ‘’Products’’
Defining a machine
TESTLOOP was created to interact with many different devices. These devices are the instruments that
generate the test data so TESTLOOP must know what device to use for a particular test.
These devices could be one of the following:
LM Testing Machine or any other supported testing machines.
Dimensional measuring equipment (callipers, gauges...)
Impact testers
Data acquisition systems
And the list goes on
You must have a least one machine defined to be able to perform any test. To create and define one or
any machine, click on the “Manage” button in the “Templates and Settings” group. At the top of the new
window, click on the “Device Setup” tab and your screen should look like this:
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The top list displays the machines available for connection while the bottom list shows the list of
channels for the highlighted device.
Adding a device
To add a device, simply click once in the name field on the line where the star is. See below:
Start typing a name for your device will change it as follows:
You can give your machine/device a name. When choosing the name, keep in mind that this machine
name will appear in the list of results, so it should be meaningful to you while not being too long. Avoid
using multiple words to keep it clean; although it will still work should it be necessary for better
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Device Type
Select from the list the type of instrument you will be connecting to run the test. The most popular will be
the LM-Machine from LAB INTEGRATION INC. Other systems can be connected and the list will grow as
more types of instrument become available.
Comm Port
Select the proper communication port number. On most computers, Comm 1 or Comm 2 is available
and up to Comm 8 can be added.
Baud rate
The baud rate is the communication speed between the instrument and the computer through the
Comm port. LM60 machines can go up to 115,200 bauds while LM120 and LMD120 machines can use
460,800 bauds. For Console type machines, this setting has no effect because the communication
speed is established by the Console program.
Sampling rate
This field affects mainly LM and LMD machines where the data transfer rate to the computer can be set.
The typical value is 50Hz and this is very good for most static tests. Unless the computer seems too
slow to handle this transfer speed, it is best to leave it at 50Hz. Higher transfer rate can be used: up to
200Hz for LM60 machines, up to 500Hz for LM120 machines and up to 1000Hz for LMD120 machines.
Setup number
Again, this is only applicable to the LM and LMD machines which can store up to 4 machine
configurations. The same electronics can be used to control a servo-mechanical frame and a servohydraulic frame. This option allows you to select the appropriate machine. Most electronics though,
have been configured specifically for one machine only; unless you know otherwise, always use Setup 1.
Connect and retrieve channels
To retrieve available channels from your machine, click on ‘‘Connect and Retrieve Channels’’. For LM
and LMD machines, make sure the machine is ready to connect. For ‘‘Console’’ the channels are
created without connection. After the machine is ready, all available channels are listed with their
standard names. You can rename the channels but try to use meaningful short names because these
names will be presented throughout the software options. Just click on the name of the channel you
want to edit and type over the new name. For instance, you may want to rename the ‘‘force’’ channel to
‘‘load’’. Most channels have a meaningful name but if your machine is equipped to read, say the
temperature, the channel name may come up as ‘‘Channel5’’ since this is an added unidentified
channel. It is then useful to change its name to a more descriptive ‘‘Oven Temp’’.
Here is a list of typical channels created and the explanation of their settings:
Position - A very important channel, the second of importance next to the force. It is often
wrongly called ‘‘Extension’’ or ‘‘Elongation’’ although position becomes the only source of
‘‘Extension / Elongation” when no extensometer is being used. Position displays the travel of the
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crosshead during a test and this channel is used for speed control in case of ‘‘Rate of
displacement (e.g. mm/min, in/min).
Settings for position - Position uses ‘‘Dimensional’’ type of units. You can select your preferred
units that will appear by default throughout the program and position should be displayed. It
should also be inverted in compression. Only a few machines move in the same direction
whether it is a tension or a compression test. In this case, the direction should NOT be inverted
for these machines.
Force - The force channel is the main channel of testing machines. In most tests, the maximum
force will be recorded. Even if you are only interested in the stress, you will need the force
channel since the stress is a calculation of the force over the geometry of the sample. The
obvious type of units for force is ’’Force’’ and you can set the default units you would like to see
every time you select a force measurement. You will be able to change it of course, when setting
the measurement. The force should be displayed and inverted in compression test although the
scale type of machines will require the force channel not to be inverted during a test.
Deformation - Deformation is a more generic term for a channel that measures the deformation
of a sample. In tension test, an extensometer can be used to measure the true ‘‘Elongation’’ of a
sample while an LVDT can be used to measure the real deflection during a flexural test. In any
case, the purpose was to measure the Deformation of the sample.
The ‘’Deformation’’ channel is not always present and if you don’t have a device
to measure it, the channel will probably not appear.
Deformation’s type of units is “Dimensional’’ where again, you can select the
default units. It is truly your preference to display this channel but if you are using
a device to measure deformation, it is advisable to do so. Typically, the
deformation gauge should be inverted in compression testing but compare the
movement to determine whether it should be inverted or not. If the resulting
movement is in the same direction (or with position and/or force); then, it should
probably not be inverted.
StrainP - Strain is a calculation. It is the ratio of the change of form from the original form
expressed as a ratio or as a percentage of change (ratio x 100). A real strain is usually
established using a device (extensometer, LVDTs, etc...) but it has become popular to determine
the strain using the displacement (change of position) of the crosshead. We call this StrainP
because the calculation relies on the position of the crosshead. StrainP uses ‘‘Dim/Dim’’ type of
dimensions and the units can be strain (ratio) or % strain (ratio x 100). Channel inversion should
follow that of the position channel.
For proper StrainP calculation, make sure the parameter ‘‘Parallel section’’ is filled
in properly. StrainP will equal:
‘‘Parallel Section’’
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Stress - Stress is a calculation! For standard tension and compression tests, the stress is the
Force/Sample area and the formula varies for other types of test but it is still based on the
sample size/geometry. A stress channel is detected and the measurements will be accurate if
the ‘‘Sample Information’’ tab is filled out properly in the test procedure. If you are not concerned
with the stress, you may choose not to display it. The type of units for stress is ‘‘Pressure’’ and you
can set the default units. The invert in compression rule should follow that of the force.
StrainD - StrainD is a calculation! It is the ration of the change of form from the original form
expressed as a ratio or as a percentage of change (ratio x 100). The StrainD is established using
a deformation gauge (extensometer, LVDTs, etc...) and the calculation is one using the ‘‘gauge
length’’ field in the ‘‘Sample information’’ tab.
StrainD calculation:
‘‘Gauge Length’’
or the appropriate formula based on the test type.
StrainD will appear every time a deformation gauge is detected. StrainD uses ‘Dim/Dim’’ type of
dimension and the units can be strain (ratio) or % strain (ratio x 100). Channel inversion should
follow that of the deformation channel.
Other channels created:
SpeedP, SpeedF, SpeedD and Command - These channels will be used mainly for detection. In
load control, for instance, it is possible to detect if the load is yielding by looking at the Command
or SpeedP; if the value increases, it means the machine is compensating because the force is
yielding, therefore the machine accelerates to compensate. The Command causes the
acceleration that can be read also by SpeedD; which will accelerate (change). SpeedF can be
used to detect a rate of falling of force to trigger a rupture. Look for more information in the
“Rupture and Events” section of this manual.
Two examples to explain our manual:
To explain the functionality of TESTLOOP, we will be using two examples: An OSB (oriented
strand board) engineering wood manufacturer and a sheet metal supplier. When referring to
the board manufacturer, we will use OSB while for the metal producer, we’ll be using METAL.
5.2 Creating a new product
To start running a test, at least one product has to be defined. This step is important as it will be
defining your database and will help you manage your data.
The first thing to establish is the smallest grouping denominator. What we mean is that when you come
to perform a test, you usually have a small group of samples, say from 1 to 20, that you want to test to
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get one result: the average. This average becomes the published result. This group of samples is
identified by a single ID that we call the “Sample ID”. It may be your “Lot Number”, “Project Number”,
“Run Number”, “Heat Number” or any other reference.
Obviously, more identifiers can be added such as: “Date”, “Colour”, “Side”, and “Order Number”. Then, if
you want to see your results for a particular “Order Number”, you will be able to do so with a simple
Drag-and-Drop. We will display this feature later on.
To create a new product, click on “Add” in the products section. The following window appears:
Identify the product by its name. If you are creating a new product but you would like all the settings to
be similar to one already created, check the ‘‘Copy of’’ and select which product from the drop-down list
now available. Then click on ‘‘Create’’.
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From then on, you can enter its description.
Additional product identifier:
You will have also noticed that the first denominator has been created automatically which is “Sample
ID”. You can now rename this field by clicking once on it and typing over the new name. The data type
will help you specify the type of data that will be used in this field. 3 types exist:
String - Allows you to enter any type of data in. It should be used even for field that you name
“Order Number”. In this case, “number” is a reference, not a value or a quantity.
Numeric - For entries such as values and quantities in numbers. If units are associated with this
field, indicate them in the name such as “Grammage (g/m)”.
Date - Will be used for automatic insertion of the test date. It will be possible to change the date if
you wanted the date to be the production date and if it was tested a few days after.
Do not set the ‘’Data type’’ of ‘’Sample ID’’ to a date format, even if you renamed it. If all
you wanted was to record the date, set your Sample ID as a string and define your
own date format when it’s being entered prior to a test such as 2005-09-15 or
15SEP2005. This is the only field where you should not use ‘‘/’’, ‘‘*’’. “\”.
Visible - It will be used to display or not display the column in the table of results.
Our OSB manufacturer wants to test their 13 mm board. When the sample board is put
aside, it has a special number which will become our “Sample ID” renamed here
“Prod ID”. They also want to record the date of the test, the direction of the board
being tested and the operator. Here is what the window would look like:
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The direction of the board is a repetitive field which will log whether the board was tested in the
machine (MD) or cross machine direction (CD). The plus sign (+) to the left of direction allows you to
enter these pre-defined values so that the user will be able to select from a drop-down list rather than
entering it every time (with possibility of mistakes). To add these values, simply click twice on the plus
sign (+) and a small window will appear allowing you to add the values.
The same can be done for operator.
Clicking on “Save and Close” will save this product and its settings.
Our metal processor wants to test a processed sheet metal product called “HT1054”.
They identify their samples with a “Heat No” which is the temperature processed batch.
Also useful is the “Date”, “Customer”, “Supplier” and the “Temperature”. Their window
would look like this:
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Here again, you can take advantage of the pre-built list by adding your suppliers and customers name
so the only thing the user has to do, is select from a list rather than typing the names over and over;
which might trigger some mistakes. “Save and Close” will again store this product, ready to be tested.
Our products have been created, now we need procedures to test them.
5.3 Creating a new test procedure
To create a new test procedure to be used over and over again, we define it as a template in “Template
and Settings” from the main menu. Click on “Manage” to access the procedure templates. The
following page will appear: The top section of the screen displays the list of available procedures. The
lower part shows the settings for the selected procedure within the 4 tabs: ‘’Sample Information’’, ‘’Test
Sequences’’, ‘’Rupture and Events’’ and ‘’Results’’.
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Let’s create procedures for the test required in our 2 examples:
OSB - Our OSB manufacturer will do a flexural test, an IB test and a Nail Pull test.
METAL - Our metal manufacturer will process a regular metal tensile test.
To create a new procedure, click on the line once, where the ‘’*’’ appears and start typing the name of
the new procedure. For instance, you may type ‘’Flexural Test’’ to start programming the flexural setup.
You can then enter a description for that test. Your explanation can be short or can be very long. If the
length is exceeding, the window will expand over and over to display the whole text. A drop-down
arrow will also appear allowing the description to be opened and displayed completely. It is now
possible to enter more information than a general description, if desired.
The test can be referenced to a particular Standard which you can identify in the “Standard” column. If
the list of procedures templates become very populated, it will be possible to find a desired standard by
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sorting the column. To do so, a simple click in the column header will sort the whole list ascending or
Device Setup
The “Device setup used” requires the machine setup to perform the test. Select from the list the
appropriate setup.
Test Type
General purpose, tension and compression all have the same formulas in the background for stress
(force/sample area) and strain (elongation/gauge length). The tension and compression selections are
more for quick recognition but they don’t perform any differently than ‘’General purpose’’.
Test Direction
This selection determines if a test is going to be in tension or compression. Typically, a machine is set to
give positive numbers in tension and negative numbers in compression. This selection will affect all
channels that have the “Invert in compression” checked once you have set your device (see section 5.1
for more information).
1st TAB - Sample Information
To perform a test, we need to know what type it is and the geometry of the sample
because these affect calculated results such as stress, strain, strength and many others.
Specify sample dimensions
These are the DEFAULT VALUES ONLY. You will be requested to enter the exact values before each test if
you check the “Use” box next to the measurement. If the box is not checked, these default values will be
used for calculations if a calculated value is requested. Specify the units of measurement. They can be
mixed since TESTLOOP converts everything in SI units in the background and then converts back to the
user’s preferences. Specify the number of decimal places for the values. Again, TESTLOOP uses all
decimals entered for calculations even if it displays only the number specified.
The ‘’Sample Geometry’’ affects calculated results because the formula to calculate the surface area
might be different from one another. Select your sample geometry and, if it is not in the list, you can
select ‘’other’’ to enter directly the surface area.
In flexural test, ‘’other’’ will give you the choice of ‘’Moment of Inertia’’ and ‘’Section Modulus’’. In this
case, the one completed field will be used for calculations only.
In peel testing, only the width is considered while in tear testing and only the thickness of the sample is
required for strength calculations.
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Compensation is a way to eliminate unwanted phenomena that occur during testing. It comes from
either the machine mechanism and/or the accessories which are inevitable despite how well they are
designed and they operate. TESTLOOP gives you full control in the method of doing so by introducing
these 2 corrections:
Toe-In — Caused by tightening up as the load increases. It is demonstrated on the first section of
a test curve increasing gradually kind of exponential, it should be linear in reality. The
compensation calculates the rigidity of the material and draws a line to zero load (see red curve)
and recalculates a new origin (position 0).
Rigidity — This field is used to compensate for the machine/load cell rigidity. Every system flex to
a certain degree. When the machine crosshead displacement system is used to make
calculations after a test (e.g. modulus of elasticity, offset yield, etc.), the frame/load cell flexion is
taken into consideration since the displacement is measured at the motor, not on the frame
itself. It is possible to correct for such behaviour by entering the machine/setup rigidity factor into
this field. Then, the position at any given load will be corrected using this factor. It is always
possible to use or not use the rigidity factor. After a test, if you select to include the
compensation or to remove it, simply select the desired option in test parameters and click on
calculate in test results. The curve is adjusted and the results recalculate using or not using the
Here are the settings for our examples:
OSB – Flexural - It is a 3 point bend test of a rectangular sample of 13 mm thickness x 115 mm
width x 312 mm span. Compression is positive since the crosshead will be moving down to
apply the load and the graph axis has been set so that the live curve will be fully displayed in the
graph window.
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OSB – IB - It is a ‘’General purpose’’ tension positive test, where the sample geometry is not
considered because it is constant at 50 mm x 50 mm; therefore, the test results are directly
expressed in N or lbf.
OSB – Nail Pull - It is a ‘’General purpose’’ tension positive test, where sample geometry is not
considered so the settings are similar to IB.
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METAL – Tensile - With the metal tensile, we will set the machine as a tension test with a
rectangular sample and the graph axises are going to be different because we will display the
stress and the strain in this case.
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To program a test sequence, a few fields are required and they are presented to you this way:
You can program as many sequences as you want. There are no limits.
Here is the explanation of each field in more details:
Sequence number - Enter the number in which you want the steps to be executed (1, 2, 3, etc…).
Sequence type - This identifies that sequence or it performs a specific option. When you move
into this field, a drop-down arrow will appear and 2 selections are available: ‘’Preload’’ and
Preload - When preload is selected, the position (and only the position) will be zeroed at this
preload value. This is very useful if you want to eliminate the displacement that occurred before
the sample was actually touched. In flexural tests for example, there is always some clearance
left between the loading nose and the sample so that the latter can be inserted easily. The
calculations should begin though only when the loading nose touches the sample. This
sequence can be done quickly by using ‘’Preload’’ in ‘’Sequence type’’ and by setting a faster
Use the preload only ONCE during a test.
Conditioning - No data is stored during a conditioning stage. This is very useful in foam testing
where the foam needs to be preflexed prior to launching the actual test. It has also proven useful
when tests are conducted for hours and information does not need to be stored at all times.
Speed control / Speed / Speed Units
With testing machines, it is believed that a speed is a rate of displacement (i.e. mm/min or in/min, etc.).
But with LM and LMD testing machines and some other types, it is also possible to set the speed as a:
rate of loading (N/s, lbf/min), a rate of stressing (MPa/s, psi/min) and even a rate of straining
(%Strain/min, etc., with optional extensometer).
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The Speed control selector will display only the control channels that are available. There are 6
possibilities but only the ones available with your machine will be displayed:
Machinename-Position - This is the typical speed control which is a rate of displacement
Machinename-Force - This is a rate of loading
Machinename-Deformation - Through the use of an extensometer, this is a rate of deforming
Machinename-StrainP - This is a rate of straining when no extensometer is present
Machinename-Stress - This is a rate of stressing
Machinename-StressD - Through the use of an extensometer, this is a true rate of straining
Ultimate limit
The ultimate limit is that limit in the control mode we do not want to exceed before reaching the
destination. For instance, you may want to move at 100 mm/min to a preload of 5N. The machine is
then moving at the given speed waiting to hit the 5N. But if the sample is not loaded or is weaker than
the specified preload, the machine will never stop. The ultimate limit allows you to add an extra value to
monitor. In this case, you can specify not to move past 10 mm.
There are 2 important things to know about the ultimate limit
1) The units are those of the speed control channel, i.e. if the speed is in mm/min, the
ultimate limit units will be mm. If the speed units are N/s, the ultimate limit units will be N.
2) If the ultimate limit hits (e.g. is reached before the destination), the machine will try to
move on to the next sequence. The ultimate limit is not an error but another monitoring
Destination control / Destination value / Destination units
Here you can specify what destination you want your machine to reach. The possible destination
channels are (if the channels are present, see above):
Machinename-Position - To attain a specific crosshead position
Machinename-Force - To reach a given load
Machinename-Deformation - To reach a given deformation
Machinename-StrainP - To reach a given strain based on machine position and parallel length
Machinename-Stress - To reach a given stress or strength
Machinename-StressD - To reach a given strain based on deformation and gauge length
Once the destination is reached, what do you want to do? Here are the possibilities:
Next - Automatically, TESTLOOP looks if there is another stage to follow. It you don’t want to
perform any other action than to move on to the next stage, select this option.
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Maintain destination - This selection will hold the machine at the given destination. If the
destination is a load, the machine will apply any movement required to make sure the load
is held. The destination can be maintained for the duration specified in hold time.
Hold position - The machine stops and will keep that position for the duration specified in ‘’Hold
Stop – End - Stops the machine. This is the end of the test. This function is useful when you need
to remove the sample before returning the machine to the origin to make sure the grips don’t hit
while returning.
Return – End - This is the end of the test and the machine can return to the original position,
ready to start the next test.
Replay sequence - This feature can be used for cycling testing. You can instruct the machine to
go back and redo the sequences it did from a given sequence. Please note that there is no use
to ask the machine to redo the same sequence because IT HAS ALREADY ATTAINED the
destination. If you’d like the machine to redo the same sequence, remember that it started doing
it from the previous one. You then have to specify the previous stage. This feature needs
information from “Replay sequence” and “Number of replay” below.
Hold time / Hold time unit
If “Maintain destination” and “Hold position” have been selected, you can specify how long you want
the destination or the position to be held.
Replay sequence
Enter here FROM which sequence the replay starts.
Number of replays
Enter here the number of times the replay of the sequences should be done.
TESTLOOP will record the values at ALL available channels which can be selected in the
Test Results tab at EACH sequence. Let’s say you wanted to know the load at a given
distance, you can add a sequence with a destination at THAT specific distance. The load
value will be available in your ‘’Test Results’’. To know what the load is after a waiting
period of time (this would be to evaluate relaxation of a sample for instance). A second
sequence is required; which will be identical but with a ‘’Hold time’’ instead.
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The programmed steps would look like this:
In this example, the machine would move to 25% of the specified thickness of the sample (let’s say we
are testing foam) and, since we are holding for 0s, TESTLOOP will record the values of all channels at
that position and move on to the next stage. Because the next stage is at the same position, the
machine will not move at all and will execute the only different parameter; which is the waiting time of
1 min. At the end of the minute, the values of all channels are recorded again and they will be available
for selection in the Test Results tab.
Here are the settings for our examples:
OSB – Flexural - Test sequences for flexural testing are simply to move to a given preload in
order to zero the machine position at that point and then to allow the machine to move far
enough, in this case 50mm, so that the sample breaks. The ‘’Rupture and Events’’ module will
take care of stopping the test when the sample breaks.
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OSB – IB - In the case of the IB test, a single sequence is required where the machine will move
to 20 mm; which is plenty to separate the blocks. Again, the Rupture and Events will take care of
stopping the machine where the blocks separate. The machine is stopped at the end for the
sample to be removed before returning the machine to its original position. Because the sample
has expanded (separated) during the test, the 2 holders would hit each other if returned then.
OSB – Nail Pull - The nail pull procedure will be the same as the IB except it will be pulled a bit
longer to allow the nail to come out. Again, the machine is stopped at the end of the test
otherwise the nail would re-enter in the piece of wood if the machine was returned.
METAL – Tensile - As dictated by the standard, the metal tensile test is a bit more elaborate and
requires 4 distinct sequences. A preload needs to be applied and then the machine has to
switch to a stress rate until the sample yields. The ‘’Rupture and Events’’ module can be used for
yield detection. More will be covered in this section. But in case the yield is not detected, a
destination value has been set at the expected maximum yield value of the material so that the
machine switches to the next sequence which is to drive in strain control for the duration of the
yield period. The destination control becomes the switch now for the next sequence which is to
terminate the test at a faster speed to break which will be detected again in the ‘’Rupture and
Events’’ tab.
By now, you will have understood that ‘’Test Sequences’’ and ‘’Ruptures and Events’’
module work together to control the steps of the test.
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3rd TAB: Rupture and Events
By now, you will have understood that the Test Sequences and Ruptures and Events
module work together to control the steps of the test.
The ‘’Rupture and Events’’ section is very useful. While ‘’Test Sequences’’ instruct the machine what to do,
it does not allow reacting or changing to unpredictable phenomena when they occur. Rupture (which is
an event) and other events can be monitored during a test and a specific action can be taken when
they hit. Here is an overview of the ‘’Rupture and Events’’ tab:
You can program as many events as you want and they are all being monitored at once. The most
useful event is the rupture event and it will be used to describe the use of this module. Here is how it
looks once the “Add automatic rupture detection” is depressed:
Here is an explanation of the various fields:
Order reference - This is the ID of the check. The simple way is to number them 1, 2, 3…
although the change in order won’t affect anything since ALL of the check points are being
monitored together.
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Detection channel - All available channels in your testing system configuration will be displayed
in this list. Here is an example with the LM60 machine:
Trigger type
There are 8 types of trigger:
Becomes greater - When the value of the specified channel becomes greater in absolute value
than the trigger value.
Becomes smaller - When the value of the specified channel becomes smaller in absolute value
than the trigger value.
Bit Off - If your machine and/or data acquisition system is equipped with I/Os, you can detect
when a bit or a group of bit changes. This detection is for when the bit goes from “On” or a
floating condition to “Off”.
Bit On - If your machine and/or data acquisition system is equipped with I/Os, you can detect
when a bit or a group of bit changes. This detection is for when the bit goes from “Off” or a
floating condition to “On”.
Drops by - This is to monitor an absolute change in the channel from another value. The ‘’Drops
by’’ is typically a change from a maximum attained. If you want to monitor an absolute change
from a minimum, consider using ‘’Increases by’’.
Drops by relative - While the ‘’Drops by’’ is an absolute value, the ‘’Drops by relative’’ is a relative
value in %. Again, this would by a drop from a maximum attained.
Increases by - This is to monitor an absolute change in the channel from another value. The
‘’Increases by’’ is typically a change from a minimum attained. If you want to monitor an
absolute change from a minimum, consider using Drops by.
Increases by relative - While the ‘’Increases by’’ is an absolute value, the ‘’Drops by relative’’ is a
relative value in %. Again, this would by a drop from a minimum attained.
Trigger value
Enter the value for the trigger. In case of bit detection, specify the bit number.
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Trigger units
Select the units for the trigger. In case of bit detection, no units are required.
This is important. It determines the next action that will occur, now that our events have triggered.
Here are the options:
Activate next check - When you want a check to trigger (launch) another check, this is the option
to use. It is used for rupture detection because if we were to start the real rupture detection
immediately (that is the force drops by 50% for instance), it always triggers right away. This is due
to the small variation of load when the machine is idle. It could represent only one or 2 bits of
resolution but it is enough to trigger a break. So, we first let the force reach a certain value (force
becomes greater than 50N, for instance) so that it is constantly creeping up. Then, we can
‘’Activate the next check’’ which is to look for a drop in force by a certain percentage of the
maximum it reached. The ‘’Activate next check’’ is used again for starting to look for the yield.
When the force has reached a given value (that is it becomes greater than that value), the
command of the machine is then constant while in the elastic region of the material. If the
command increases by a certain percentage (say 10%), e.g. the material is yielding so It is time to
change the control mode. We can initiate this by selecting the ‘’Go to Sequence No’’ in the
reaction and by specifying that number underneath.
Record values - The values are recorded anyway so this option specifies to do only this at this
Return – End of test - Same as in the ‘’Test Sequences’’, the machine returns to the origin (where
it started the test) and the test terminates.
Stop– End of test - Same as in the ‘’Test Sequences’’, the machine stops and the test terminates.
Bit On - Use to turn on (activate) a specific bit for control purposes.
Bit Off - Use to turn off (deactivate) a specific bit for control purposes.
Go to Sequence No - This option will start a specific sequence in the test sequence module. The
current sequence will be terminated and the values at that moment recorded. The newly
specified sequence will be launched and any subsequent sequence from that one will be
executed as well.
Turn off - This option turns off the drive of the machine. It can therefore be used as a protection.
In case a critical condition is met or exceeded. Obviously, the test would be terminated.
Here are the settings of our examples:
OSB–Flexural – IB–Nail Pull - The only setting required by these tests is the rupture detection.
Therefore, the force first has to become greater than 50N. Only then, the next monitoring check is
activated. In that second check, we will trigger the rupture if the force dropped by relatively 25%
of what it was (e.g. if the force reaches 1000N, the rupture will be triggered when the force drops
to 750N).
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METAL – Tensile - The metal ‘’Rupture and Events’’ page will be busier. There are 2 checks
required but they need to be started only when a condition is met, which is when the force has
reached a given value or has stabilized. The first check will be a standard rupture detection while
the second check will be about detecting the yield. To do that, we monitor the ‘’Command’’
channel and we check if it increases; which would indicate the machine is trying to compensate
for a drop in the load for a given strain. The programming would be as follows:
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4th TAB: Test Results
This tab is used to select the desired test results. This is the result page when no result has
been selected.
The Results page is divided into 3 sections which are all linked together. The one to the left displays the
results available. It consist of a tree that helps group the measurements.
There are 3 major groups:
Points - Known test results with specific calculations.
Test Sequences - Those are the values of each channel at each sequence programmed.
Ruptures and Events - Those are the values of each channel when the events hit.
Let’s explore the ‘’Available Test Results’’ window further by clicking first on the ‘’+ next’’ to “Points”. It
yields this window for our programmed OSB – Flexural test: From there, we can see two new grouping
showing up: the points themselves (showing “Maximum” and “Minimum”) and the machine (JJ2) with
the available channels under the machine. If you had more than one machine or a data acquisition
system, they would appear under each point with their respecting channels.
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Here is the list of available points and their meaning:
It refers to the maximum force attained during the test. The “Stress” channel of the machine at the
maximum force becomes the “Ultimate Tensile Strength” or “Maximum Stress”. The position would be at
the maximum force (it would not be the maximum position).
Again, it refers to the minimum force during a test. Although this does not sound practical (as one
would think the minimum to be 0), it is very useful for those who make insertion/extraction test. The
insertion force would be the maximum while the extraction force would be… the minimum.
Upper Yield
For material exhibiting a yield in this form, all channels value at that moment can be returned.
Lower Yield
For material exhibiting a lower yield, all channels value at that moment can be returned.
Offset Yield P
The “P” in this offset yield evaluation indicates that the yield was determined using the position channel
of the machine rather than a deformation gauge. It is useful with a flexural test where LVDTs are no
longer used since the machine provides such an accurate displacement value so yield and modulus
can be determined accurately, especially when software compensation for machine rigidity is used.
Offset Yield D
A deformation gauge was used in the evaluation the offset yield. It will only work, of course, if a
deformation channel is present.
Modulus P
The “P” in this modulus evaluation indicates that it was determined using the position channel of the
machine rather than a deformation gauge. It is useful with flexural testing where LVDTs are no longer
used since the machine provides such an accurate displacement value; consequently, the yield and
modulus can be determined accurately, especially when the software compensation for machine
rigidity is used.
Modulus D
A deformation gauge was used in the evaluation the modulus yield. It will only work, of course, if a
deformation channel is present.
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Tear and Peel
Many other calculations are available for these types of test as displayed below. For each value
TESTLOOP can report the Force or the Strength (Force/Width for peel tests or Force/Thickness for tear
tests) (see your machine configuration to create a ‘’Strength’’ channel rather than a Stress channel):
Maximum - Identical to the other maximum, it has been made available here so that the
selection of test results is somewhat grouped.
Minimum - Although identical, the intention with this minimum is to specify a region of the curve
where to look for the minimum, very useful in a test where the force oscillates.
Mean - An important measurement in tear and peel testing, the user will be prompted to
specify where to calculate the mean force or Strength on the curve.
First peak/Average of peaks — Along with ‘’Average of peaks’’ and ‘’Average of valleys’’, these
are intelligent measurements. The linear regression (best fit line) is first evaluated within the
region specified. A peak is the highest value in between where the point goes above the
regression line and where it goes under. The valley is the contrary. The first peak is the very first
occurrence of this from the start of the test, regardless of the evaluation limits. The linear
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regression is calculated between 2 limits (see first peak) and the peaks are the highest values
between where the curve goes above the regression line and where it goes below. It is possible
to specify an offset from the regression line to make a peak valid. TESTLOOP will report how
many peaks it found and their average.
Average of valleys - The linear regression is calculated between 2 limits (see first peak) and the
valleys are the lowest values between where the curve goes below the regression line and
where it goes above. It is possible to specify an offset from the regression line to make a valley
valid. TESTLOOP will report how many valleys it found and their average.
Area under the curve - The ‘’Area under the curve’’ is the energy absorbed by a sample during a
test. It is expressed in (force X deformation). If the deformation gauge is present, the ‘’Area under
the curve’’ calculation can be based on that channel. Otherwise, the position channel will be the
basis for the calculation.
5.4 Selecting Results and Setting Parameters for Calculation
To select the desired test results, simply click on the check box next to it. The result will appear in the
‘’Selected Test Results’’ window. It is first displayed as it appears on the tree but once in the selected
window, the name can be edited, the units selected and the format of the test result applied. See the
example for the maximum load:
The name of the result can now be edited by clicking once in the name which appears as
“Points;Maximum;Machine;Force”. Start typing and it will overwrite the existing name to a more
meaningful one such as “Maximum Force”.
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You can select your preferred units for the force right here with the number of decimal places you’d like
to be displayed. Remember that TESTLOOP always stores the full resolution and choosing to display less
decimal DOES NOT truncate the results.
You may have noticed by now that the third window at the bottom right (Result Parameters) is
populating as well. Let’s see what’s there:
The name of the result appears again but it is now possible to specify in which area of the graph the
result is to be found. For instance, if the maximum force is desired between 5 mm and 25 mm of the
movement of the machine, the parameters would be set as follows:
Start unit:
Stop unit:
Value AT:
Unite value:
5 mm
25 mm
Since we want to find the results between 5 mm and
25 mm, we first have to establish 5 and 25 mm of
the machine displacement, which is the position
Value where to start looking for the maximum force
The fact that the Position channel was selected in the
channel base, only position units can be selected
Value where to stop looking for the maximum force
Will probably be the same units as Start unit although
other dimensional units can be used for this search
No use in this case
No use in this case
*A word on ‘’Channel Base’’:
‘’Channel base’’ is the tool that determines where to look on the curve. Typically, ‘’Force’’ and ‘’Stress’’
are on the Y axis while ‘’Position’’, ‘’Time’’ and ‘’Deformation’’ are on the X axis. You would usually use
an X ‘’Channel Base’’ to narrow a search for a Y result and vice versa.
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Some test results need another parameter for their determination. This is where ‘’Value AT’’ and its units
will be used. The following explanation of each point and our examples will demonstrate how this
parameter is being used.
Parameter settings for test results:
As you have now learned, it is possible but sometimes also necessary to specify an area on the curve
where to search for the result. Here are the possibilities and requirements for each result:
Not mandatory. If the parameter fields are left blank, the maximum force of the entire test area will be
reported. To narrow the search, the “Channel base” needs to be specified. Since ‘’Maximum’’ refers to
the value of each channel at the MAXIMUM FORCE (Y axis), the ‘’Channel base’’ should probably be an
X axis type of channel (‘’Position’’, ‘’Time’’, ‘’Deformation’’). ‘’Value AT’’ and ‘’Value units’’ are not
Not mandatory. If the parameter fields are left blank, the minimum force of the entire test area will be
reported. If a test goes in tension and compression (or compression then tension such as an insertion/
extraction test), the ‘’Minimum’’ will be a negative value. If the test is only in one direction, it may
become very useful to specify a search area for the ‘’Minimum’’; otherwise, it will more than likely return
to zero (the force was at zero when the test started). To narrow the search, the “Channel base” needs to
be specified. Since ‘’Minimum’’ refers to the value of each channel at the MINIMUM FORCE (Y axis), the
‘’Channel base’’ should probably be an X axis type of channel (‘’Position’’, ‘’Time’’, ‘’Deformation’’).
‘’Value AT’’ and ‘’Value units’’ are not considered.
Upper Yield
Not mandatory. ‘’Upper yield’’ is a turning event where the force, after originally creeping up, starts
going down. The upper yield is that peak and the software will determine this peak from the start of the
test. If a search area was to be specified, ‘’Upper Yield’’ can therefore be used to find a peak in a
specific area of the test. ‘’Upper yield’’ is a force phenomenon so the ‘’Channel Base’’ should be an X
type channel. ‘’Value AT’’ and ‘’Value units’’ are not considered.
Lower Yield
Not mandatory. ‘’Lower yield’’ is a turning event where the force, after coming down, starts going up
again. The lower yield is that valley and the software will determine this minimum from the ‘’Upper
Yield’’. If a search area was to be specified, ‘’Lower Yield’’ can therefore be used to find a valley
(minimum) in a specific area of the test after a peak was determined. For a simple minimum value not
related to a peak, ‘’Minimum’’ can be used. Lower yield is a force phenomenon so the ‘’Channel Base’’
should be an X type channel. ‘’Value AT’’ and ‘’Value units’’ are not considered.
Offset YieldP
MANDATORY. The Offset Yield is that point where the stress starts to bend down from its original
course. When is meant by original course is the ‘’Modulus of Elasticity’’, the elastic region of a material
where the ‘’Stress/Strain’’ curve goes up usually in a linear fashion until the material YIELDS (is no longer
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elastic). This Yield is determined by an offset of the curve from its Modulus line. To determine the ‘’Offset
Yield P’’, we need to know the original slope of the curve (the Modulus) so that we can calculate when
we deviate from that slope by a value specified in Value AT. There are a few ways to calculate the
original slope. The most popular one is to use the Force as a channel base and to specify the Start and
the Stop in PERCENTAGE units If you specify Percentage rather than absolute units (N, lbf...), TESTLOOP
will know you mean the Percentage of the Maximum/Force.
Here is how it would look:
In this example, we have used from 5% to 25% of the Maximum of the Force channel. The original
slope could have also been determined between 2 Force values, 2 Stress values, 2 Time limits, 2
Position values and 2 StrainP values.
The ‘’Offset YieldP’’ is determined using the ‘’Position’’ channel so the slope is calculated as ∆ Stress over
∆ StrainP. Also, the ‘’Value AT’’ HAS TO BE a ‘’StrainP’’ value (0.2% for metal, 1%, 2% or 5% for plastic and
rubber are typical values).
Between the 2 values specified, the initial slope is calculated using the linear regression
(best fit) method.
Offset YieldD
Mandatory. The ‘’Offset Yield’’ is that point where the stress starts to bend down from its original course.
When is meant by original course is the ‘’Modulus of Elasticity’’, the elastic region of a material where
the Stress/Strain curve goes up usually in a linear fashion until the material YIELDS (is no longer elastic).
This Yield is determined by an offset of the curve from its Modulus line. To determine the Offset Yield D,
we need to know the original slope of the curve (the Modulus) so that we can calculate when we
deviate from that slope by a value specified in Value AT. There are a few ways to calculate the original
slope. The most popular one is to use the Force as a ‘’Channel base’’ and to specify the ‘’Start’’ and the
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‘’Stop’’ in PERCENTAGE units. If you specify Percentage rather than absolute units (N, lbf ...), TESTLOOP
will know you mean the Percentage of the Maximum/Force.
Here is how it would look:
In this example, we have used from 5% to 25% of the ‘’Maximum’’ of the Force channel. The original
slope could have also been determined between 2 Force values, 2 Stress values, 2 Time limits, 2
Position values, 2 StrainP values, 2 Deformation values or 2 StrainD values.
The Offset YieldD is determined using a deformation gauge so the slope is calculated as ∆ Stress over
∆ StrainD. Also, the ‘’Value AT’’ HAS TO BE a ‘’StrainD’’ value (0.2% for metal, 1%, 2% or 5% for plastic and
rubber are typical values).
Between the 2 values specified, the initial slope is calculated using the linear regression
(best fit) method.
There are a few results under ModulusP and they are listed below. All calculations in the following
section are all based on the POSITION and/or StrainP channels.
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Elasticity - Mandatory. The ModulusP of Elasticity is the initial slope of the Stress/StrainP curve. It is
also called the Young’s Modulus or MOE. This is the region where the material exhibits elastic
behaviour so if it is unloaded while in this area, it will return to its original state. The best method
to determine the ModulusP of Elasticity is to use the Force as the Channel Base and to specify the
Start and the Stop in PERCENTAGE units. If you specify Percentage rather than absolute units (N,
lbf ...), TESTLOOP will know you mean the Percentage of the Maximum/Force. It could also be
determined between 2 Force values, 2 Stress values, 2 Time limits, 2 Position values and 2
StrainP values. Between the 2 values specified, the ModulusP of Elasticity is calculated using the
linear regression (best fit) method.
Secant - Mandatory. The Secant ModulusP is the direct division of the Stress/StrainP at any given
point on the curve since it is referenced to zero StrainP. TESTLOOP needs only the ‘’Channel Base’’
and the ‘’Value AT’’. Specify where you want to determine the ‘’Secant’’ value (at a given Force,
Stress, Time, Position or StrainP using these 3 fields.
Chord - Mandatory. The Chord Modulus is the direct calculation of delta Stress over delta StrainP
(no linear regression). Channel Base is required to establish the point 1 (Start) and point 2 (Stop).
Force, Stress, Time, Position or StrainP are all valid channels. Value AT and Value unit are
Slope - The slope is the same as the ‘’Elasticity’’ but the Force/Position is used instead. This is
actually the RIGIDITY of a material, expressed in N/mm, lbf/in, kgf/cm, etc.
Offset - Mandatory. The parameters for Offset should be the same as those for Elasticity. The
offset is the X value on the StrainP channel if the initial slope was drawn down to 0 on the Y axis.
There are a few results under ModulusD and they are listed below. All calculations in the following
section are all based on the Deformation and/or StrainD channels. These results will only return values
if a Deformation gauge is present and is being used (such as an extensometer, an LVDT, etc...).
Elasticity - Mandatory. The ModulusD of Elasticity is the initial slope of the Stress/StrainD curve. It
is also called the Young’s Modulus or MOE. This is the region where the material exhibits elastic
behaviour so if it is unloaded while in this area, it will return to its original state. The best method
to determine the ModulusD of Elasticity is to use the Force as the Channel Base and to specify the
Start and the Stop in PERCENTAGE units. If you specify Percentage rather than absolute units (N,
lbf ...), TESTLOOP will know you mean the Percentage of the Maximum/Force. It could also be
determined between 2 Force values, 2 Stress values, 2 Time limits, 2 Position values, 2 StrainP
values, 2 Deformation values or 2 StrainD values. Between the 2 values specified, the ModulusD
of Elasticity is calculated using the linear regression (best fit) method.
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Secant - Mandatory. The Secant ModulusD is the direct division of the Stress/StrainD at any
given point on the curve since it is referenced to zero StrainD. TESTLOOP needs only the Channel
Base and the Value AT. Specify where you want to determine the ‘’Secant’’ value (at a given
Force, Stress, Time, Position, StrainP, Deformation or StrainD) using these 3 fields.
Chord - Mandatory: The Chord Modulus is the direct calculation of ∆ Stress over ∆ StrainD (no
linear regression). ‘’Channel Base’’ is required to establish the point 1 (Start) and point 2 (Stop).
‘’Force’’, ‘’Stress’’, ‘’Time’’, ‘’Position’’, ‘’StrainP’’, ‘’Deformation’’ and ‘’StrainD’’ are all valid channels.
‘’Value AT’’ and ‘’Value units’’ are omitted.
Slope - Mandatory. The slope is the same as the ‘’Elasticity’’ but the ‘’Force/Deformation’’ is used
instead. This is actually the RIGIDITY of a material, expressed in N/mm, lbf/in, kgf/cm, etc...
Offset - Mandatory. The parameters for Offset should be the same as those for Elasticity. The
offset is the X value on the StrainD channel if the initial slope was drawn down to 0 on the Y axis.
Tear and Peel - All results for Tear and Peel tests are either a direct Force or a Strength (Force/
Width for peel, Force/Thickness for tear).
Maximum - Mandatory. For Tear and Peel tests, we are usually looking for a maximum between
2 limits which covers the delamination or tear period. Specify the Channel Base (which will
usually be Position) and the Start and Stop values and units.
Minimum - Mandatory. For tear and peel tests, we are usually looking for a minimum between 2
limits which covers the delamination or tear period. Specify the Channel Base (which will usually
be Position) and the Start and Stop values with their respective units.
Mean - Mandatory. The mean Force or Strength has to be evaluated between 2 limits. Again,
specify the ‘’Channel base’’ (probably ‘’Position’’) and a ‘’Start’’ and ‘’Stop’’ value with units that will
cover most of the delamination/tear.
First Peak - Mandatory. TESTLOOP needs the ‘’Channel Base’’ with the Start and Stop values so
that it can determine the linear regression line. Then, the first peak that crosses that line is the
first peak that can be expressed as a Force or a Strength (Force/Width or Force/Thickness). See
the graph below.
Average of Peaks - Mandatory. TESTLOOP needs the ‘’Channel Base’’ with the ‘’Start’’ and ‘’Stop’’
values so that it can determine the linear regression line. Then, a peak is the highest value
above an imaginary line (that is distant from the regression line by the value specified in ‘’Value
AT’’) between a cross going above the regression line and falling under the regression line. All
the peaks found are averaged and reported as a Force or Strength (Force/Width or
Force/Thickness). See the graph on page 39. Only the peaks between the ‘’Start’’ and ‘’Stop’’
values will be used.
Average of Valleys - Mandatory. TESTLOOP needs the ‘’Channel Base’’ with the ‘’Start’’ and ‘’Stop’’
values so that it can determine the linear regression line. Then, a valley is the lowest value below
an imaginary line (that is distant from the regression line by the value specified in Value AT)
between a cross going below the regression line and going above the regression line. All the
valleys found are averaged and reported as a Force or Strength (Force/Width or
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Force/Thickness). See the graph on page 39. Only the valleys between the ‘’Start’’ and ‘’Stop’’
values will be used.
Area under curve - Not mandatory. This is the energy calculated using the ‘’Position’’ (Force *
Position) of the Deformation gauge (Force X Deformation). If nothing specified, the energy will be
calculated over the entire test. To specify the evaluation area, use the ‘’Channel Base’’ and set
the ‘’Start’’ and ‘’Stop’’. ‘’Units of Force’’, ‘’Stress’’, ‘’Strength’’, ‘’Time’’, ‘’Position’’, ‘’StrainP’’,
‘’Deformation’’ and ‘’StrainD’’ (if Deformation gauge is present) as well as the percentage of
Maximum Force / Stress can be used to narrow the evaluation area. The ‘’Value AT’’ is not used
Test Sequences - Not used. Only the value of the channels at the end of the selected sequence
can be reported.
Rupture and Events - Not used. Only the value of the channels when the event hits can be
reported. The Force on the JJ2 machine at maximum in the standard points is first expressed as
‘’Points; Maximum; JJ2; Force’’. The field can now be customized to a more meaningful
expression. To do so, simply click once in the result name; it will be surrounded by a dotted line.
Type over the new name. Maximum Force is appropriate. The units will remain in N but the
format has been changed to 0.0.
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6. Performing a test
Now that we have at least one defined machine, one defined procedure template and one product, we are
ready to test… the products.
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TESTLOOP, Your Personal Lab Assistant TM
6.1 Product and Procedure Association
Before starting, we need a method to test a product so they have to be somehow associated.
Here’s how:
Select the product you wish to test. We will use our OSB manufacturer as an example. They use 3
methods to test a batch of products: Flexural, IB and Nail Pull. Here is how it becomes associated.
We first select our newly created 13 mm board. The ‘’Templates and Settings’’ list becomes populated
with the available test methods. To associate the procedure, simply select the desired one, one by one,
and click on the “merge” button to the left. This will remove the procedure from the list and move it into
the “Associated Procedures” list. It will now look like this:
Now the Nail Pull, IB and Flexural Test have all been associated with the product, ‘’13 mm’’. They are no
longer available from the ‘’Templates and Settings’’ although they have not been deleted.
6.2 Adapting a Procedure for a Product
Now that the procedure is associated, it can be adapted specifically to this product. For instance, you
can use the same template for a 13 mm board and an 18 mm board but the speed and the default
thickness will differ for a flexural test. To adapt the procedure to the product, click on the ‘’Edit’’ button
that is to the right of the name of the procedure. The following window will come up: The top row lists
the name of the procedure being used, its description, the reference to the standard and the machine
setup required or being used to perform the test. The name of the procedure can be changed here but
you should keep a reference to where it originates. For Instance, Flexural Test can be renamed to
“Flexural 13 mm”. At least, you know it originates from your ‘’Flexural Test’' template.
The same thing applies to the Description, which can now be more specific to the product being tested.
Moving the mouse pointer over the field will display the whole text. The reference to the Standard can
also be changed but NOT the machine setup.
As for the procedure itself, only the ‘’Test Type’’ and ‘’Test Direction’’ cannot be changed. You can literally
edit everything else, add, remove or edit ‘’Test Sequences’’, add, remove or edit ‘’Events’’ and add,
remove or edit ‘’Test Results’’.
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TESTLOOP, Your Personal Lab Assistant TM
Please refer to the configuration of a test in ‘’Templates and Settings’’ for more information on how to
set up a test.
If you are to remove a ‘’Test Sequence’’ or and ‘’Event’’, it is BETTER to check if there are any
results associated with them and remove them first.
Each procedure associated with a product can be edited / adjusted the same way.
See below:
This will take you to the test screen shown in 6.3.
6.3 The Performing Test Window
This is the window for our flexural test. If you are using an LM of LMD type of machine, you will
recognize the controller replica that will appear in the new window.
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This window announces at the top that you are in the ‘’Performing Test’’ section with the name of the
procedure being used, in this case ‘’Flexural Test’’.
The graph is already scaled using the default values that have been programmed in the procedure and
it is possible to change the scaling values and channel displayed by using controls in the Y-Axis and XAxis sections to the right of the graph.
Starting a test is now very appropriate to show how easy it is to USE TESTLOOP.
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Above the graph, there is a toolbar related to actions performed on the graph itself
To the right of the graph, there is a section titled “Graph”. First, select the product. Then, click on the
+Graph for the procedure you wish to use.
This will be used to display the graph number with the possibility of showing or not showing the graph
in the graph window. Explanation on the use of this feature will follow when the testing procedure is
On the top right corner, the “Resize Graph” button allows you to use the whole page to display the
graph and clicking on it again will resume to its normal size.
Below, the Y/t button allows to display all channels against time and to revert to X/Y by clicking on it
The export will be a very nice and quick feature. It will create an ASCII file of the whole test for all
channels present in their engineering units selected by the user either in the preferences or on the
graph itself. It will then be possible to use another software such as a spreadsheet to manipulate the
data if desired.
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TESTLOOP, Your Personal Lab Assistant TM
But the 2 important buttons here are:
Edit parameters works exactly the same as when the “Edit” is clicked next to the procedure from the
main window. You will notice though that the button will make the whole width of the newly opened
screen and clicking on it will save the change and close the window as indicated on the button:
The ‘’Test Results’’ window is one that operates by itself while testing, but it may be practical for you to
open it sometimes and close it some other time. Again, the button makes the whole width of the newly
opened window when clicked and it allows to close the window again once done.
6.4 Discovering the Machine User Interface
Of course, TESTLOOP uses a machine to perform the test so when comes the time to do it; it is time to
bring up your machine’s visual interface. There are a few that exists:
There are 3 consoles: EZ, LR/LRX and TCD. Make sure the proper one comes up.
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TESTLOOP, Your Personal Lab Assistant TM
It will look similar to this:
LM and LMD machines
The display - Under normal operation, will show 3 to 8 lines of measured channels depending
on the available channels built-into your machine. Typically, you should always see channel F
which stands for “Force” and channel P which stands for “Position”. If channel D is displayed, it
will stand for “Deformation” when an extensometer has been connected. The numbers on your
computer reproduction will now display the same numbers as those on your machine.
However, we have given you the possibility to change the units of calculation on your computer
reproduction, for your convenience.
Connecting to your machine - If your machine is not already showing PC-CONTROL*, press F2
(Menu) and scroll through the menu by pressing F2 again until the pointer is on PC-CONTROL.
Press F1 (Esc) to select this option. On your computer, you can now click on the “Connect” button
next to the display of the machine control reproduction.
Positioning the machine - As previously mentioned, the LDC display has been reproduced on the
software, so that you can control the machine by using: the computer keyboard, the mouse, or
the machine interface. It will have the exact same effect.
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First, press the “Connect” button to communicate with the machine, meaning the machine is
ready for positioning. Once the connection button turns green, the communication between the
computer and the machine is established. The display will show the selected values.
By pressing the “C-Control ON button“, you ask the controller to turn the drive system ON
whether DC, AC or even a hydraulic power pack. If there is a problem, the machine will
automatically turn the power off.
The “Jog Speed” is set automatically to 50% of the machine’s maximum speed (so 2 times that
speed is your machine’s maximum speed). The numeric keypad on the LM machine (or
computer) is now used to set a different “Jog Speed” if desired. Pressing any of those numbers
will set the “Jog Speed” to an equivalent percentage of the maximum speed.
For example:
Pre-defined jog speeds: Pressing a number on the keypad sets the jog speed to a percentage of
the nominal speed of your machine. Here are the settings:
0 = 1%
1 = 2%
2 = 4%
3 = 8%
4 = 16%
5 = 32%
6 = 50%
7 = 70%
8 = 85%
9 = 100%
Pressing 1 = 10% of maximum speed, pressing 2 = 20% of maximum speed, 3 = 30% of
maximum speed, ETC. Press any number, and watch the jog speed indicator on the right side of
the display automatically change to the equivalent percentage. You can also type in directly the
speed you want your machine to go to. Click once in the jog speed box. The number will come
on. Type the desired speed in, and use the arrows. It is that simple.
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and turn the “Digipoti” clockwise, the move the crosshead downwards. Turn it counter clockwise
it goes up. The crosshead only moves as you turn the “Digipoti”. You stop turning, it stops
moving. Click back on the “+/-“ key to deactivate the function.
The stop button stops the machine, at any time. Of course, the emergency buttons, both on the
interface and the computer are connected and fully operational when pressed. Whether you
decide to control the machine through the interface or the computer, it will be just as easy and
user friendly. You now have all the necessary knowledge to position the machine, install your
grips and test your samples.
6.5 Starting a test
To start a test, click on Start on the machine control icon. The Test Results window comes up
automatically filled out with the products identifier, the sample dimensions to be edited (if any) and the
selected test results:
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All fields in BOLD have to be either filled out or edited prior to launching a test.
Since we have entered a list of possibilities for ‘’Direction’’ (MD and CD) and ‘’Operator’’, all we need to
do now is select from the list. If a given value is not present, simply go back to the main screen where
your product is already selected, click on ‘’Edit’’ and you can go and edit your list of choices. You may
have to close the ‘’Performing Test’’ window and reload it again in order for the list to update
completely. Here is how the table fills out: Remember that in our example, the Prod ID was originally the
automatic column created by TESTLOOP when the product was first created. This is the main grouping
denominator and all graphs for a given Sample ID are reloaded together and stored together because
they form a unit that provides the final results: the ‘’Mean’’ and other statistics for a given batch.
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If you are using WinWedge® with a bar code scanner, your samples may be identified
with a bar code. Simply place the curser in the Prod ID field and scan the bar code. The
information will go directly in the field with NO mistake. WinWedge will also do the same
for the sample dimensions when used with callipers and gauges equipped with Comm
Adjust your sample dimensions if required.
Before you go on, notice also that the “Graph” window on the right has started to populate with the
sample counter and a check box already ticked. This graph/sample counter will be updated as you are
Click on ‘’Start’’. The machine will go through the test sequence reliably while your graph will be drawn
live so that you can follow its progress. You can use the Y-Axis and X-Axis controls to change the
channels, the units and the scaling factors during the test. If you want those parameters to be changed
permanently, do it by clicking the ‘’Edit Parameters’’ button. The settings are on the first tab called
‘’Sample Information’’.
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Do not open the ‘’Edit Parameters’’ window during a test. Do so prior to a test or after a
test has been completed.
6.6 End of Test
When the test has completed, the ‘’Test Results’’ window comes up again looking slightly different:
Showing in bold now are the test results only to bring your attention to them before any other action is
taken. The buttons at the bottom are also different.
Here is what can be done now:
The information entered previously can still be edited. If you have made a mistake with the product
direction, the operator, the Prod ID, they can be edited right from this screen.
The sample dimensions can be edited as well but changing them affects the test results. If you do
change them, make sure you click the ‘’Calculate’’ button so that the results are adjusted accordingly.
Changing the units of the results and any of the results parameters using the ‘’Edit Parameters’’ button
may affect the test results. Make sure you click the ‘’Calculate’’ button after making a change to make
sure the results are updated.
Pressing ‘’Next’’ will SAVE this result and Start a new test immediately. The data entered from the
previous test will be pre-entered automatically. Make changes if any and click ‘’Start’’ to proceed with
the next test. You can carry on until you have completed testing your batch.
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Accept allows you to SAVE this test. It is good to use it after the last sample of a batch (Prod ID in this
case). If after clicking ‘’Accept’’ you wish to carry on testing, simply click the ‘’Test Results’’ button to close
that window and click on Start again. You will have to re-enter the information then click ‘’Start’’. Once
you are done with this test, simply close the ‘’Performing Test’’ window.
‘’Rejects’’ will simply delete this test but will reload the table with the information previously entered. The
new test is ready to be launched.
If you click ‘’Report’’ right after the test has finished; only the graph will print. If ‘’Accept’’ is pressed
before, ‘’Report’’ will include every curve and every result ticked in the ‘’Graph’’ section.
Displaying test results
Results through the page of products
First, select a product then, click on the name of the procedure related to this product. A list of results
will pop up in a window frame as follows:
Once the results are displayed, it is possible to group them up using identifiers as per our example, the
‘’In Test’’ field shows really well this great possibility. Now, click on the column header, hold and drag
the mouse up to the shadowed space, then release. New lines have been thus created, which will
include the average of grouped items without considering zeroed values.
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To remove the grouping, simply put the column header back to the level of other headers.
7.2 Reports
Two types of report are available in TESTLOOP. The first one is really simple. You just have to doubleclick anywhere in the table of results to get a printable format of all results appearing on the screen as
the following example:
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A menu appears when you click on the ‘’REPORT’’ red button.
Two options are available:
Upload the graph
View the report
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By clicking on ‘’Show report’’ ,a window pops up prior to printing:
You will notice all sample-related items (parameters) and the tests results. Different options are offered
to you:
Each product ID can be renamed to comply with specific requirements for report purposes. For
instance, the ‘’Span’’ item could be replaced with the distance between 2 point bend.
Result Format
This field is applicable for numeric type items such as dates and has nothing to do with chain
There are three areas pre-defines as ‘’Header’’, ‘’Group’’ and ‘’Details’’.
Header — The name of item and its value are placed following the information such as ‘’Name of
procedure’’, ’’Standard’’ etc… Should the sample dimensions be the same, this area is perfectly
suitable for it.
Group — There must be at least one group set up and ‘’Sample ID’’ is set as the main one by
default. Grouping is useful when you want to get aggregate details related to identifiers.
Details — Tests results and dimensions of the samples are virtually the only information showing
(may vary from test to test).
From then on, you have the possibility to select required aggregate details. The average and deviations
are selected by default. Note that other aggregate functions are also available such as: ‘’Minimum’’,
‘’Maximum’’, ‘’Number of results’’ and the ‘’Minimum-maximum’’ range.
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To make your report look professional, TESTLOOP offers the possibility to insert the logo of your
company, which will appear centered at the top of each page of the report.
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