Download Technical Specifications for the Vari-Lase laser

810nm Laser Console
User’s Guide
User’s Manual
Manufactured by:
MedArt A/S
Industriholmen 15A
DK2650 Hvidovre
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42-0706-05 Rev D 1/13
Vari-Lase Laser Console, Instructions For Use
Copyright 2009 - 2012
MedArt A/S, Industriholmen 15A, DK-2650 Hvidovre, Denmark.
Photographic, mechanical or other reproduction of this manual or any part thereof is not
permitted without written permission from MedArt A/S.
Date: July 6, 2010
MedArt A/S
Industriholmen 15A
DK2650 Hvidovre
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+45 3634 2300
+45 3634 2323
42-0706-05 Rev D 1/13
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................................... 3
Caution ................................................................................................................................................................ 4
Handling Precautions ........................................................................................................................................ 5
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................ 5
Intended Use ....................................................................................................................................................... 6
Endovenous Procedure Kit ............................................................................................................................... 7
Installation and User Obligations ..................................................................................................................... 7
Safety ................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Labels and Symbols......................................................................................................................................... 10
Description of Operating Console .................................................................................................................. 12
Operation .......................................................................................................................................................... 14
Output Power Verification ............................................................................................................................... 16
Definition and Retrieval of Treatment Parameter Sets ................................................................................. 17
Remote Interlocking ......................................................................................................................................... 18
Bare Fiber Connection ..................................................................................................................................... 19
Connection and Release of Foot Switch........................................................................................................ 19
System Setup and Status Display Controls .................................................................................................. 20
Service/Adjustment Functions ....................................................................................................................... 21
Cleaning and Maintenance .............................................................................................................................. 24
Main Power Connection and Replacement of Fuses .................................................................................... 24
Trouble Shooting .............................................................................................................................................. 25
Warnings and Stop Codes............................................................................................................................... 26
NOHD (Nominal Optical Hazard Distance) and MPE .................................................................................... 27
Protective Eye Wear ......................................................................................................................................... 27
Service and disposal........................................................................................................................................ 27
Storing and Transportation ............................................................................................................................. 28
Technical Specifications for the Vari-Lase laser console............................................................................ 29
Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration – EMC topics ............................................................................ 31
Appendix A ....................................................................................................................................................... 34
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1. The Vari-Lase laser console is a Class 4 laser, which emits invisible laser radiation.
2. Avoid exposure to direct or scattered radiation.
3. Patient, operator and others in contact with the laser must wear suitable protective eyewear.
Protective eyewear must be of a quality corresponding to the standards IEC 60825 and EN
4. The fiber systems for the Vari-Lase laser console must be used only with a suitable
handpiece or as a delivery system in connection with endovenous treatments.
5. Read the operating instructions thoroughly before connecting the laser unit to main power
and prior to use. The laser unit must be set, regulated and used in accordance with the
instructions for use. Failure to observe usual safety precautions may present a risk of
hazardous exposure to laser radiation.
6. When the laser unit is not in use, ensure that it is rendered inaccessible to unauthorized
personnel. Remove the key to disable the laser unit.
These warning
labels are placed
on the laser unit
Restrictions on use of Class 4 laser equipment
The Vari-Lase laser system is intended solely for physicians trained in the use of these
instruments. The safety precautions for Class 4 laser equipment must be followed. The physician
is responsible for evaluating each patient’s suitability to undergo laser surgery and furthermore
to inform the patient about any risks involved, the actual treatment, pre- and postoperative care
and any other relevant information.
All use of the equipment is based on the doctors’ knowledge and experience. The doctor is
responsible for correct diagnosis and for all treatment results.
MedArt undertakes no liability whatsoever for any damage or injury as a result of an application
of a product which is not in strict accordance with intended use and the instructions provided
with the product. This waiver also includes liability for any damage and injury arising as a result
of the product user’s lack of qualification to evaluate the treatment applied in the actual individual
circumstances, or as a result of errors or mistakes committed by such user who would otherwise
be considered as having the necessary professional skills to apply such treatment.
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Handling Precautions
Do not bend the fiber excessively. Avoid bending diameters smaller than
12cm. Avoid touching the fiber ends.
We congratulate you on the purchase of this Vari-Lase laser system,
among the most advanced and user-friendly diode lasers available. It
constitutes the fruition of many years of experience in the manufacturing
and development of high technology medical laser equipment.
The Vari-Lase laser console is fed by a diode laser module, which can
provide a continuous or pulsed wave laser beam. It has a highly
intelligent user interaction system - even though it is a very compact
Rigorous quality control and factory testing ensure the very highest levels
of quality and reliability.
The laser unit incorporates various fail-safe systems and conforms to
international standards for medical electrical equipment, IEC 60601-1 and
those specifically for laser equipment IEC 60601-2-22 and IEC 60825.
The Vari-Lase laser console conforms to the EU Medical Device Directive
(MDD 93/42/EEC).
This product is marked with type number MedArt 700. The type number
uniquely identifies the product. The type number is placed on the type
label located on the rear panel of the product.
The Vari-Lase laser console is marked with
MedArt A/S
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Intended Use
The Vari-Lase laser console is indicated for endovascular medical
therapy of vascular conditions. It transmits through an optical fiber and
the power density reaches 11.9kW/cm enabling the laser to
coagulate, evaporate and carbonize tissue.
The Vari-Lase laser console operates with a wavelength of 810nm. The
810nm wavelength is primarily absorbed in melanin, hemoglobin and
dark tissue and only a limited amount of the light is absorbed in water.
This enables a fast heat increase in the irradiated area, leading to
effective heating of tissue at low output power.
Indications for the Vari-Lase laser console
The Vari-Lase laser console is indicated for the medical treatment of
varicose veins and varicosities associated with superficial reflux of the
Greater Saphenous Vein.
Contra indications for the Vari-Lase laser console
The Vari-Lase laser console procedure is contraindicated in patients
with an aneurismal section in the vein segment to be treated.
The Vari-Lase laser console procedure is contraindicated in patients
with severe peripheral vascular disease, as evidenced by an anklebrachial index of < 0.5.
The Vari-Lase laser console procedure is contraindicated in patients
with thrombus in the vein segment to be treated.
The Vari-Lase laser console is contraindicated in patients with a history
of deep vein thrombosis.
Caution should be used in advancing the sheath in case of
extremely tortuous anatomy of the great saphenous vein to
minimize damage to the vessel.
If not properly performed, endovenous laser treatment may
form a major risk to the patient’s health. The endovenous
laser treatment shall be carried out solely by properly
trained physicians.
Caution should be used in patients that have a
demonstrated history of peripheral vascular disease to
ensure that the nature extent of the disease is known and
accounted for in the treatment plan.
Max. Power density in a 300µ fiber
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Endovenous Procedure Kit
To ensure a safe and efficient treatment, use the Vari-Lase endovenous
procedure kit. Details on the nearest dealer can be obtained from
Vascular Solutions, Inc. (address on page Error! Bookmark not
Installation and User Obligations
The Vari-Lase laser console is designed to operate within normal room
temperature (15-27°C / 59-81°F) and humidity conditions. The unit must
be allowed to acclimatize before use following exposure to extreme
temperature or humidity. Do not install the unit close to radiators or
other sources of heat convection.
The Vari-Lase laser console may overheat due to excessive room
temperature in combination with operation at high output power. In case
of overheating the laser unit will automatically shut down for a short
cooling period. Hereafter the laser unit will be ready for continued
We advise against the use of lasers at a distance of less than 2.5m from
short-wave or microwave equipment, since unstable laser irradiation
may occur.
No attempt should be made by unauthorized persons to open the
Vari-Lase laser console with a view to repair. Failure to observe this
caution may present a serious safety hazard and will void warranty.
MedArt cannot be held liable for events resulting from negligence,
abuse or incorrect operation of the unit. Please acquaint yourself
thoroughly with the instructions for use, and in the event of doubt
contact your Vari-Lase dealer.
The Vari-Lase laser console is designed and tested for maximum safety
for both the user and patient. It is however, ultimately the operator’s
responsibility to introduce safe practices, which ensure the safety of
personnel and equipment.
Only MedArt trained personnel should attempt to inspect
and/or repair the Vari-Lase laser console. The Vari-Lase
laser console contains no user serviceable parts.
Electrical safety
The system must be grounded.
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Optical safety
Avoid exposure to laser radiation in excess of the allowable limits listed
in Title 21 U.S. Code of Federal Regulation, parts 1040.10 and 1040.11,
during the installation and operation of the Vari-Lase laser console.
Injury to the eyes and the epidermis can result from either
direct or scattered radiation. The power density of the light
emitted from lasers can be high enough to cause severe
burns to the skin when directly exposed to the beam.
All personnel in the operating room must be protected from
stray and scattered radiation by wearing the appropriate
protective eye-wear to guard against ocular injury. Never
look directly into any laser beam.
Use surgical instruments with a dull and dark anodized finish whenever
possible. Shiny surfaces can reflect laser beams. Take extreme care if
shiny surgical instruments are used.
Fire and explosion precautions
Combustible material can ignite if exposed to certain wavelengths of
laser radiation.
Do not operate the laser in the presence of explosive gases
and liquids as well as highly concentrated oxygen.
The following precautions can minimize the risk of fire:
Surround the surgical field with wet gaze or towels
If possible, eliminate flammable materials from the surgical field
Have a fire extinguisher nearby
Always place the laser unit in Standby Mode whenever possible. This
will prevent accidental firing of the laser.
Precautions against transfer of diseases
The cleansing and sterilization instructions provided by this manual
shall always be followed to avoid transfer of diseases through patient
contact with operation components.
Insufficient cleansing or sterilization of operation
components that get in contact with the patient may result
in transfer of diseases.
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Precautions against toxic effects
When undertaking endovenous treatments, it is of utmost importance
that all materials introduced into the veins of the patient, are fully biocompatible.
Material without properly certified bio-compatibility must
never be used for endovenous laser treatment.
Precautions against embolic hazard
The Vari-Lase Procedure Kit is designed for single use
only. Reuse of the fiber may result in hot spots causing
combustion and embolisation or fiber fragments.
Precautions against hazardous radiation exposure
To ensure a safe and efficient treatment, the user must always follow
the procedures of this manual.
Use of controls or adjustments or performance of
procedures other than those specified herein may result in
hazardous radiation exposure.
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Labels and Symbols
The type label is situated at the rear of the laser system.
Specifies the name and address of the manufacturer
of the equipment.
Specifies the rating of the main power supply.
Specifies the ratings of the fuses to be used for the
Specifies Type BF Applied Part (Body Floating).
European Directive 2002/96/EC requires that
equipment bearing this symbol must not be disposed
of with unsorted municipal waste. For further details,
please see page 27 in this manual.
Indicates the foot switch inlet.
Specifies the name and address of the corporation,
which distributes the equipment within Europe.
Please notice; this corporation is not the same as
the manufacturer.
Serial number label is situated at the rear panel of
the laser.
The interlock label is situated under the front panel of the laser system.
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Service connector A. For service use only.
Service connector B. For service use only.
Interlocking socket. See paragraph “Remote
Interlocking” on page 18.
Explanatory label and Laser Warning label is affixed visibly on the fronttop of the system.
CDRH and production date label – situated at the rear of the system.
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Description of Operating Console
Vari-Lase laser console
Parameter selection - accompanying LED
lit when active
Provides the possibility of choosing any
pre-programmed set of treatment
parameters - accompanying LED lit when
Selector keys
Program key
Menu key
Provides access to the various menus
features by the Vari-Lase laser console
Left key
Used for menu browsing and operation
Right key
Used for menu browsing and operation
Back key
Used for stepping upwards in the menu
hierarchy and leaving the selected menu
item without saving changed parameters
Enter key
Confirms/saves the parameters currently
displayed - accompanying LED lit when
Jog wheel
Turning the jog wheel clockwise will
increase any selected parameter, turning
it counter-clockwise will decrease the
Ready key
When activated the Vari-Lase laser
console is set into Ready Mode. See
paragraph “Operation” on page 14 for
more details
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Standby key
When activated, the Vari-Lase laser
console is set into Standby Mode.
Parameters can be modified, but no laser
output can be generated
stop key
See paragraph “Operation” on page 14
Laser ready
Lit whenever the Vari-Lase laser console
is emitting aiming light
Flashing when laser emission occurs
Key switch
The laser unit is disabled when the key is
in off-position or when the key is
removed. Text “TURN KEY“ and a key
symbol is displayed when the key is
turned in off-position
Laser pulses are delivered via a fiber
Laser beam
input port
Foot switch
Laser input port for verification purpose.
See paragraph “Output Power
Verification” on page 16
Display used for displaying visual
information to the user
Air foot switch inlet and release button,
situated on rear panel
Interlocking socket situated under the
front panel.
See paragraph “Remote Interlocking” on
page 18
Service connector A. Intended for service
use only
Service connector B. Intended for service
use only
Main power switch
Fuse holder
Main power cable
for Use
Instructions to follow the information in
the Instructions for Use
See paragraph “Main Power Connection
and Replacement of Fuses” on page 24
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Preparing for use
1. Carefully insert the fiber in the fiber connector located at the front of
the laser unit (18)
2. Plug the foot switch tube into the socket at the rear of the laser unit
3. Insert the main power cord at the rear of the laser unit (27)
4. Switch on the main power switch at the rear of the laser unit (25)
5. Connect interlock or insert dummy plug in the connector (22), cf.
“Remote Interlocking”
6. Enable the laser unit by inserting and turning the key in the switch
(17). The aiming light will be activated and the indicator (15) will be
7. While the Vari-Lase laser console is powering up, laser emission is
disabled, all keys and selectors are disabled. The Vari-Lase laser
console is default set into Standby Mode
8. Set the treatment parameters
9. Set the Vari-Lase laser console into Ready Mode by pressing the
Ready key (12). After a required 3 seconds safety-delay the unit will
become ready and the text in display will show READY
10. Start treatment by pressing the foot switch. Each time the foot
switch is activated, laser radiation will be emitted and the Laser
emission indicator (16) is lit
Setting of treatment parameters
Power, pulse width, and pulse repetition rate can be set to prepare for
the required treatment.
The treatment parameter to be set is selected by pressing the
associated selector (1, 3, or 4) located below the display. When a
parameter is selected, it can be modified by turning the jog wheel.
When all parameters are properly set for treatment, press Enter (10) to
store the parameters. One can also press the Ready key to store the
parameters and bring the unit directly into Ready Mode.
Pressing the Back key (9) during setting of a parameter terminates the
setting without changing the parameter.
Output power
Power can be set in the range 0-15W in 1W increments. The output
power level is shown in the display.
Pulse width
Pulse width can be set in the range 10-3000msec. The pulse width is
shown in the display.
Pulse repetition frequency
Frequency can be set in the range 0.3 - 100Hz. Further, output can be
set to single pulse and CW. The frequency is shown in the display.
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Standby Mode and Ready Mode
When the Ready key is pressed, the unit enters Ready Mode. In this
mode, laser radiation will be emitted when the foot switch is pressed.
When pulse length is shorter than 50msec, a steady audible tone will be
generated twice a second. When pulse length is longer than 50msec,
an audible tone will be generated when laser is emitted. Pressing the M,
Back, or P key or any selector key will return the system to Standby
If the system remains idle in Ready Mode for 250 seconds, it will
automatically return to Standby Mode for the sake of operator and
patient safety.
When the Standby key is pressed, the unit enters Standby Mode. For
safety reasons the laser should always be brought into Standby Mode
whenever not treating. In Standby Mode, laser radiation cannot be
Start and stop of laser radiation
When the treatment laser is active, the yellow Laser emission indicator
flashes and an audible tone signal will be heard.
When the Laser ready indicator is on, the Vari-Lase laser
console emits aiming laser radiation.
When the text in the display shows READY, the Vari-Lase
laser console emits treatment laser radiation immediately
upon activation of the foot switch.
Foot switch operated
When the foot switch is pressed, the Vari-Lase laser console starts
radiating. Releasing the foot switch stops emission.
Emergency STOP key
When the emergency stop key (14) is pressed, the Vari-Lase laser
console stops emitting laser radiation and all functions are blocked. The
main power switch (25) must be switched OFF for approximately 15
seconds and ON again for restart.
Shut down procedure
The Vari-Lase laser console is shut down by pressing the main power
switch (25) on the rear of the unit.
The Vari-Lase laser console automatically detects that the main switch
is pressed and the unit is brought into a safe state where a controlled
shut down procedure is executed.
The shut down procedure can be initiated regardless of the state of
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Output Power Verification
The Vari-Lase laser console provides advanced built-in facilities for
output power verification purpose.
Press the M key (6) to enter the Function Menu
Press the Right key (8) to enter the second Function Menu
Press the “Measure Power” selector (2)
Align the output tip of the fiber with the sensor opening (19) and
keep it aligned during the entire measuring process
5. Activate the foot switch – and keep the foot switch pressed during
the entire measuring process. Any measurement interrupted by the
release of the foot switch will be ignored
6. The Vari-Lase laser console automatically tests the laser output by
measuring the power level of a number of pulses – wait for this to
7. The measured optical output in watts is displayed
Repeated measurements may cause the built-in power meter to heat
up. If so, a message will appear urging the user to wait 5 minutes
before further measurements are undertaken.
All personnel in the operating room must wear protective
eyewear during the measurement.
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Definition and Retrieval of Treatment Parameter Sets
The Vari-Lase laser console features the possibility of defining sets of
treatment parameters. These parameter sets can later be retrieved for
fast unit setup.
This is an overview of the features of the treatment parameter function:
- 16 parameter sets can be stored
Easy access, stored parameter sets can be retrieved with 2
button presses
Each parameter set can have 2 lines of 8 characters to describe
the use. The description is shown on the main screens
After power off the parameter sets will still be available
All parameters are saved including guide beam intensity, fiber
diameter and fiber tip. Bare fibers are handled as part of
treatment sets as well
Power up defaults
When powering up the MedArt 700 laser unit the parameters in program 16 are always retrieved. The parameters in program 16 can be
changed and stored by the user if different values are preferred. Note:
the default program name “DEFAULT” isn’t stored if changed. The new
default parameters will be active next time the MedArt 700 laser unit is
powered up.
Factory defaults are:
1W, CW (continuous wave)
Aiming light level 100%
Aiming light ON in STANDBY mode
Laser Energy Emission Every 70J
Laser Energy Emission Mark ON
Laser Energy Beep inc. 30%
Program function modes
The program function has 4 modes that are selected with repeated
presses of the Program key (5).
First press:
Shows simple parameter screen with parameter set names only.
Press one of the 4 Selector keys (1-4) to recall the intended program or
press the Left or Right keys (7, 8) to scroll between blocks of 4
Second press:
Show detailed information about each program.
Again the Selector keys (1-4) recall a program and the Left or Right
keys (7, 8) scroll.
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Third press:
Press a Selector key (1-4) to save the current set of parameters.
Fourth press:
Press a Selector key (1-4) to change the name of the parameter set.
The set parameters will not be changed only the name.
Retrieving a parameter set
Go through the following steps to retrieve a predefined set of
1. Make sure the laser unit is in Standby Mode
2. Press the Program key (5)
3. The contents of the program memory slots are displayed on the
screen. Press the Left, Right keys (7, 8) to access the remaining
program locations
4. Press the Selector key (1-4) corresponding to the parameter set to
be used
5. The previously saved parameter set is recalled and the laser unit is
ready to be set into Ready Mode
Changing the name of a program
1. Make sure the laser unit is in Standby Mode
2. Press the Program key (5) 4 times
3. Press the Selector key (1-4) corresponding to the program who’s
name you wish to change. Use the Left, Right keys (7, 8) to access
other program locations
4. Use the Left, Right keys (7, 8) and jog wheel (11) to change the
5. Press Enter (10) to return to Standby Mode
Note: The name of program 16 is overwritten by system defaults at the
next system power up.
Remote Interlocking
The Vari-Lase laser console provides an interlocking feature that can be
employed for deactivation of laser emission when doors are opened to
the treatment area.
If remote interlocking is not required
The unit is supplied with a special interlocking dummy plug that has to
be inserted in the interlocking socket (22).
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If remote interlocking is required
If the interlocking feature is required to ensure a safe entry to the
treatment area, an appropriate switch may be mounted on the
doorframe in a way that ensures contact closure when the door is
Pin 1 and 6 in the interlocking socket must be connected to the switch
and multiple doors can be wired in series if needed.
A special plug giving access to pin 1 and pin 6 in the interlocking socket
(22) can be supplied by Vascular Solutions, Inc.
Bare Fiber Connection
Not following the recommendations provided below may
lead to damage to the fiber or delivery system and/or harm
to the patient or user.
Connecting bare fibers
To facilitate endovenous laser treatment, a bare fiber equipped with a
standard SMA-905 connector (as specified by International
Electrotechnical Commission IEC document 86B/1903/CDV, connector
plug F-SMA I) may be connected to the Vari-Lase laser console using a
SMA-to-QSC adapter. Remove the protection cap from the fiber SMA905 connector. While the QSC adapter is installed in the laser, insert
the SMA-905 into the QSC adapter and carefully tighten the nut.
Keep the fiber cap on, when the fiber system is not
Do not touch the fiber connector tip, as this will reduce
fiber lifetime.
Connection and Release of Foot Switch
A connector (21) for the foot switch is provided on the rear panel. For
connection simply plug-in the foot switch connector.
Release the foot switch by pressing the adjacent button.
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System Setup and Status Display Controls
A number of system features, which may be setup by the user, exist.
To do this please follow the below procedure:
1. Make sure the unit is in Standby Mode
2. Press the M key (6) to enter the ‘Function menu 1’
3. Press Selector key (2) to enter the ‘User Setup 1’ menu
Four setup options are displayed. Press the Right key (8) or the Menu
key (6) to display the last three options in ‘User Setup 2’. These seven
options are described below:
Sound Level
Turn the jog wheel (11) to change the volume of the internal speaker.
Press the Enter key (10) when a satisfactory volume is found. For
safety reasons the level cannot be set to values lower than 30%.
Display Contrast
Turn the jog wheel (11) to change the display contrast. Press Enter key
(10) when a satisfactory display contrast is found.
Aiming Beam
Turn the jog wheel (11) to adjust the brightness of the aiming beam.
Press the Enter key (10) when the desired brightness is found. The
effect will be visible next time Ready Mode is entered.
Choose Language
Turn the jog wheel (11) to see the languages, which can be selected for
display text. Press the Enter key (10) when the desired language is
Status Display 1/Status Display 2
The user can choose two selectable status readings to be displayed
during operation. The two readings can be chosen from a group of four:
No status is displayed
The number of pulses generated
The amount of time laser has been radiated
The amount of joules generated
The one reading is chosen by using menu entry ‘Status Display 1’ and
the other by using menu entry ‘Status Display 2’. Use the jog wheel
(11) to browse through the four options. Press the Enter key (11) when
the desired status reading is found. The reading will be displayed
whenever the unit is in Standby or Ready Mode.
Reset Counters
The user may want to reset the readings; e.g. before a patient
treatment is initiated. To do this, please follow the below procedure:
1. Make sure the unit is in Standby Mode
2. Press the Menu key (6) to enter the ‘Function menu 1’
3. Press Selector key (3) to reset the status display readings
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Service/Adjustment Functions
The Vari-Lase laser console provides the user with various features for
setting and reading of equipment parameters. These adjustable
parameters are organized into six service groups that can be accessed
when the unit is in Service Mode. Follow the below procedure to enter
Service mode:
Make sure the unit is in Standby Mode
Press the Menu key (6) to enter ‘Function menu 1’
Press the Right key (8) to enter ‘Function menu 2’
Press Selector key (1) ‘Service Setup’
The unit is now brought into Service Mode
The following six groups of service settings are accessible to the user:
Standard user controls like display contrast, sound level, etc.
Access codes can be entered for service or maintenance purpose. For
safety reasons access is only granted to authorized personnel.
Reports various IDs associated with each individual Vari-Lase laser
Standard user set-up values which are stored in the code plug. The
code plug is memory location inside the laser unit inaccessible to the
This group contains time logging and timing functions.
Setup of aiming beam and laser energy mark functionality behavior.
Service mode controls
All available User Settings will remain in English regardless of what
language is selected for displayed text.
• Use the jog wheel (11) to browse the service settings
• Use the Left, Right keys (7, 8) to change from one group of service
settings to another
• Use selector key (4) ‘Change’ to modify a parameter. Note: the
change feature only exists for a subset of the parameters
There are two types of parameter input modes:
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Limited range parameters. Operate the jog wheel (11) to change
the parameters. Press the Selector key (4) ‘Save’ to store the set
Large number selection. Operate the jog wheel (11) to change the
value of the current digit. Press the Right, Left keys (7, 8) to select
another digit. Press the Selector key (4) ‘Save’ to store the set
Available service settings are described in more detail by the following
Sound Level
This setting changes the volume of the internal speaker. The volume
changes instantly; but will not be saved until ‘Save’ is pressed
Display Contrast
This setting changes the contrast of both displays. The contrast
changes instantly; but will not be saved until ‘Save’ is pressed
This setting changes the language used for displayed text. The
selected language is not saved until ‘Save’ is pressed
Status Display 1
This setting features the selection of status reading 1 (as described on
page 20) to be displayed
Status Display 2
This setting features the selection of status reading 2 (as described on
page 20) to be displayed
Access Code
To be used by authorized service personnel only
Serial Number
The laser unit serial number is displayed
Type Number
The laser unit type number is displayed
SW Version
The laser unit software version is displayed
Power On Time
Reports the total power-on time of the laser in minutes
Laser Active Total Time
Reports the total Laser Active time at any power level in minutes
Total Joules
Reports the total number of joules emitted from the laser
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Aiming Beam Level
Brightness of the aiming beam. The brightness changes instantly; but
will not be saved until “Save” is pressed
Aiming Beam in STANDBY mode
Defines whether or not the aiming beam is on in STANDBY mode. The
aiming beam output changes instantly; but will not be saved until ‘Save’
is pressed.
Laser Energy Mark Interval
Defines the amount of energy that must be emitted between each laser
emission mark.
Laser Energy Mark Beep inc,
Defines whether or not the laser emission mark is played with an increased sound level compared to the standard laser warning beep.
The increased level can never exceed the system maximum 100%
sound level.
Laser Emission Mark
Defines whether or not the audible laser emission mark is enabled or
not. If enabled, a laser emission mark is heard every time a certain
amount of laser energy has been emitted corresponding to the value
set in 712.
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Cleaning and Maintenance
The Vari-Lase laser console requires no maintenance except for
periodic calibration of the power meter.
Do not expose the laser unit or accessories to moisture or extremes of
temperature or humidity. Do not attempt to sterilize any part of the
For a routine maintenance schedule, please refer to appendix A.
Calibration of power meter
Every 24 months the power meter should be recalibrated. Contact your
Vari-Lase dealer for details.
Clean the laser unit using a cloth moistened in a mixture of 30% alcohol
and 70% water. Pure undiluted alcohol or detergents should not be
During cleaning, the laser unit must be switched off and disconnected
from the main power supply.
Main Power Connection and Replacement of Fuses
The laser unit is connected to main power via the main power cable
inlet (27) on the back panel of the laser unit. The main power switch
(25) is used to switch the laser unit ON or OFF.
The unit is equipped with 2 pcs. glass fuses (T1.6AL), which protect the
laser unit in case of electrical fault. If the unit cannot be switched ON,
try to replace the fuses, before the unit is handed in for repair.
To replace the fuses:
Remove the main power cord
Pull out the fuse box (26)
Replace the fuses and re-insert the fuse box
Close the fuse box
Use only Ø5x20mm T1.6AL fuses
NOTE: The Vari-Lase laser console must always be grounded.
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Trouble Shooting
No light in display when switched
Possible Cause
• Defective main power fuses
• Low main power supply
Low output power
Fluence, pulse duration, or
frequency cannot be set as high
as it could be previously
A temperature fault message is
displayed and the Vari-Lase laser
console stops radiating
Defective fiber
Defective QSC
Low pulse width combined
with low frequency
• Change fuses
• Wait minimum 5sec for power
• Change fiber
• Change QSC
• Choose higher pulse width
Fluence is a physical property
closely connected to output power
and pulse width. Due to the
dependency between the
parameters, maximum value of
fluence, pulse width and
frequency depends on the setting
of the other parameters.
Decrease the value of one or
more of the other treatment
Wait a few seconds for the
system to cool down. If the
problem remains, try to reduce
room temperature. Reduce
output power. Reduce duty
cycle (shorter dwell time,
longer breaks)
Return for repair
Overheated diode due to
combination of high room
temperature, high power
setting and high duty cycle
Internal laser cooling system
Aiming beam has faded or is
looking diffused
As the aiming beam passes
through the same optical system
as the working beam, it provides a
good method of checking the unit.
If the aiming beam spot is not
present at the distal end of the
fiber, its intensity is reduced or it
looks diffused, the fiber might be
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Check the unit by undertaking
an output power verification as
described in the paragraph
“Output Power Verification” on
page 16
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Warnings and Stop Codes
The table below provides a complete overview over the various warnings and stop messages that can be
displayed by the Vari-Lase laser console.
If one of the messages appears repeatedly, note the message and call your Vari-Lase dealer.
Error message
Emergency button has been
This is an internal laser system
This is an internal laser system
Laser shuts down. Cycle main
power switch to recover
Laser shuts down. Cycle key
switch to recover
All laser circuits are shut down.
Cycle key switch to recover/retry.
Note: Do not repeatedly provoke
an over-current stop; the laser
diodes could be damaged.
Reduce power and retry
This is an internal laser system
Laser shuts down. Cycle key
switch to recover
This is an internal laser system
Laser shuts down. Cycle key
switch to recover
This is an internal laser system
Laser shuts down. Cycle key
switch to recover
Power supply output voltage low
Saves data internally and shuts
down system. Check main power
Laser diode temperature is too
The laser is shut down. Normal
operation will resume when
temperature is reduced
All laser controls are disabled until Resumes normal operation when
a fiber is inserted
the fiber is inserted
All laser controls are disabled until Resumes normal operation when
an interlock connector/switch is
installed. Pin 1 (GND) and 2
(Interlock input) must be shorted
on the interlock connector
This is an internal laser system
Laser shuts down. Cycle key
switch to recover
Parameter(s) in the internal code
Laser output is disabled. Resumes
plug or laser is out of range.
normal operation when standby
Pressing the Standby key (13) will has been pressed
initialize the parameters to default
This is an internal laser system
Laser shuts down, Cycle key
switch to recover
Internal system temperature too
Switch off the system and let
reach room temperature before
powering up
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NOHD (Nominal Optical Hazard Distance) and MPE
The Nominal Optical Hazard for the system is calculated.
The basis for this calculation is the wavelength of the system, the max
power, and the parameters of the delivery system.
The MPE (Maximum permissible exposure) is also calculated.
Bare Fiber
N.A. - Numerical aperture
Divergence φ
Spot area in 10cm
E10cm Irradiance in a distance of
10cm, measured in 7mm aperture
MPE - Empe
Required damping
Log(E10cm/ Empe)
Min. protective eye wear
Bare Fiber
Bare Fiber
Protective Eye Wear
Protective eye wear must be of a quality corresponding to the standards
IEC 60825 and EN 207.
According to these specifications, the protective eye-wear must be
marked with the following:
Type of laser:
continuous wave laser
800-830 nm or larger wavelength interval
Protective class:
or higher
Service and disposal
In the event of malfunction or fault, please contact your Vari-Lase or
MedArt A/S dealer.
The laser unit contains no user serviceable parts.
Service must be performed only by the Vari-Lase laser console manufacturer or a duly authorized representative, trained by the Vari-Lase
laser console manufacturer.
Opening the laser unit will void manufacturer's warranty, stated or implied and could lead to potentially dangerous situations.
The Vari-Lase laser console contains a lithium battery. It is clearly identified by the text “CR2032PCB, BATTERY, LI-ION”.
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The battery is not exchangeable by the operator. The battery is
expected to have a lifetime longer than the system lifetime.
The unit must be re-calibrated and safety-checked by trained service
personnel once every two years.
European Directive 2002/96/EC requires that the equipment bearing
this symbol on the product and/or its packaging must not be disposed of
with unsorted municipal waste. The symbol indicates that this product
should be disposed of separately from regular household waste
streams. It is the owner’s responsibility to dispose of this and other
electric and electronic equipment via designated collection facilities
appointed by the government or local authorities. Correct disposal and
recycling will help prevent potential negative consequences to the
environment and human health. For information on correct disposal of
your Vari-Lase equipment, please contact your Vari-Lase or MedArt A/S
Details on the nearest dealer can be obtained from:
MedArt A/S
Industriholmen 15A
DK-2650 Hvidovre
+45 3634 2300
+45 3634 2323
Vascular Solutions, Inc.
6464 Sycamore Court
Minneapolis, MN 55369
+1 763 656 4300
+1 763 656 4250
Storing and Transportation
The laser unit must be stored under temperature conditions in the range
of -10°C - +50°C (14-122°F), air humidity below 80%, and air pressure
in the range of 70kPa – 150kPa.
If transporting the laser unit the Vari-Lase laser console should always
be transported in the original packaging material.
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Technical Specifications for the Vari-Lase laser console
Type no.:
Laser type:
Output power:
700 Vari-Lase
Continuous Wave Diode Laser. Laser Class 4 (IEC 60825)
Mode of operation:
Target indicator:
1 - 15W in steps of 1W
15W, depending on transmission in connected fiber
Better than 10% at maximum output power
Continuous wave or pulsed beam
810 nm ±10nm
Red indicator light through fiber, 635nm
Can be enabled when the laser is in Standby mode
SMA-905 / MedArt Quick Safe Connect (QSC)
400µm, 600µm, & 1,000µm
0.22 or higher
Foot switch
Large button on front panel
Yellow indicator on the front panel
Fiber connection:
Fiber diameter:
Numerical aperture of fiber:
Start/stop functions:
Emergency stop:
Warning signal for aiming light
Warning signals for laser
Laser Ready warning:
Laser Ready timeout:
Frequency range:
Pulse width:
Nominal Ocular
Hazard Distance:
Beam divergence:
Acoustical mark:
Output power meter:
Protection against ingress of
Power supply:
Power consumption:
Indication of main power ON:
Patient leakage current:
Earth leakage current:
Operating environment:
Safety class:
Application in presence of
flammable anesthetic mixtures:
EMC regulations and testing:
Flashing yellow indicator and intermittent sound
Text READY in display, yellow indicator on front panel and target
250 seconds
0.3 – 100Hz
10 - 3000msec
0.22NA fiber  NOHD = 2.4m
0.37NA fiber  NOHD = 1.4m
QSC output: 0.45 rad
Unique beep sequence after emission of 10 – 500J
Volume level increase 0 – 70%
Acoustical mark can be enabled or disabled
1W to 150W
Better than ±20%
Class IPX0
Main power connection (100 - 240VAC, 50/60 Hz)
30 - 150VA
Display is lit
2 pcs. T1.6AL, Ø5x20mm
Typically 0µA (< 100µA)
Typically 150µA (< 300µA)
< 300µA at 110V and at 240V
Room temp. 15 - 27°C/ 59 - 81°F
Humidity 10 - 80%, Air pressure 70kPa – 150kPa
I type BF
Not suited
30 x 27 x 17cm
Approx. 4.5kg
EMC specifications are tested under the following conditions:
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Air foot activator was used
Interlock function was connected to a 3m twisted pair of
shielded cables
Connected optical fiber was found to be of no influence to the
EMC test results
The system is developed and tested in accordance with the following regulations, covering software,
electrical, and laser safety:
EN 60601-1 + A1
EN 60601-1-1
EN 60601-1-4, 2 edition
IEC 60601-2-22
IEC 60825-1, 2 edition
IEC 62304, 3 edition
Electrical safety
Medical electrical equipment
Medical systems with software
Particular requirements for the safety of diagnostic and therapeutic
laser equipment
Safety of laser products
Medical device software
The following regulations and standards has been used to obtain the necessary EMC approvals:
IEC 60601-1-2
EMC standards
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Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration – EMC topics
Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration – electromagnetic emissions
MedArt 700 is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or the
user of the system should assure that it is used in such an environment.
Emissions test
Electromagnetic environment - guidance
RF emissions
Group 1
MedArt 700 uses RF energy only for its internal function.
Therefore, its RF emissions are very low and are not likely to
cause any interference in nearby electronic equipment.
RF emissions
Class B
MedArt 700 is suitable for use in all establishments, including
Harmonic emissions Class A
domestic establishments and those directly connected to the
IEC 61000-3-2
public low-voltage power supply network that supplies
buildings used for domestic purposes.
Voltage fluctuations/ Complies
flicker emissions
Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration – electromagnetic immunity
MedArt 700 is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or the
user of the system should assure that it is used in such an environment.
Immunity test
IEC 60601 test level
Compliance level
Electromagnetic environment
- guidance
Floors should be wood,
± 6kV contact
± 6kV contact
discharge (ESD)
concrete or ceramic tile. If floors
± 8kV air
± 8kV air
IEC 61000-4-2
are covered with synthetic
material, the relative humidity
should be at least 30% RH.
Electrical fast
Main power quality should be
± 2kV for power supply ± 2kV for power supply
that of a typical commercial or
± 1kV for input/output
± 1kV for input/output
IEC 61000-4-4
hospital environment.
± 1kV differential mode ± 1kV differential mode
Main power quality should be
IEC 61000-4-5
± 2kV common mode
± 2kV common mode
that of a typical commercial or
hospital environment.
Voltage dips, short
<5% UT (>95% dip in
<5% UT (>95% dip in
Main power quality should be
interruptions and
UT) for 0,5 cycle
UT) for 0,5 cycle
that of a typical commercial or
40% UT (60% dip in UT)
voltage variations on 40% UT (60% dip in
hospital environment. If the user
UT) for 5 cycles
for 5 cycles
power supply input
of MedArt 700 requires
70% UT (30% dip in
continued operation during main
70% UT (30% dip in UT)
IEC 61000-4-11
power interruptions, it is
UT) for 25 cycles
for 25 cycles
<5% UT (>95% dip in
recommended that the system
<5% UT (>95% dip in
UT) for 5 sec.
UT) for 5 sec.
be powered from an
uninterruptible power supply or
a battery.
Power frequency
Power frequency magnetic
(50/60Hz) magnetic
fields should be at levels
characteristic of a typical
IEC 61000-4-8
location in a typical commercial
or hospital environment.
NOTE: UT is the AC main power voltage prior to application of the test level.
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Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration – electromagnetic immunity
MedArt 700 is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or the
user of the system should assure that it is used in such an environment.
Immunity test
IEC 60601 test level
Compliance level
Electromagnetic environment
- guidance
Portable and mobile RF
communications equipment
should be used no closer to any
part of the MedArt 700,
including cables, than the
recommended separation
distance calculated from the
equation applicable to the
frequency of the transmitter.
Recommended separation
Conducted RF
IEC 61000-4-6
150kHz to 80MHz
Radiated RF
IEC 61000-4-3
80MHz to 2.5GHz
d = 1.2 P
d = 1.2 P
80M to 800MHz
d = 2.3 P
800M to 2.5GHz
where P is the maximum output
power rating of the transmitter
in Watts (W) according to the
transmitter manufacturer and d
is the recommended separation
distance in metres (m).
Field strengths from fixed RF
transmitters, as determined by
an electromagnetic site survey ,
should be less than the
compliance level in each
frequency range .
Interference may occur in the
vicinity of equipment marked
with the following symbol:
NOTE 1: At 80MHz and 800MHz, the higher frequency range applies.
NOTE 2: These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is affected by
absorption and reflection from structures, objects and people.
Field strengths from fixed transmitters, such as base stations for radio (cellular/cordless) telephones
and land mobile radios, amateur radio, AM and FM radio broadcast and TV broadcast cannot be
predicted theoretically with accuracy. To assess the electromagnetic environment due to fixed RF
transmitters, an electromagnetic site survey should be considered. If the measured field strength in the
location in which the MedArt 700 is used exceeds the applicable RF compliance level above, the
MedArt 700 should be observed to verify normal operation. If abnormal performance is observed,
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additional measures may be necessary, such as reorienting or relocating the MedArt 700 system.
Over the frequency range 150kHz to 80MHz, field strengths should be less than 3V/m.
Recommended separation distances between portable and mobile RF communications equipment
and the MedArt 700 laser system
The MedArt 700 is intended for use in an electromagnetic environment in which radiated RF disturbances
are controlled. The customer or the user of the MedArt 700 system can help prevent electromagnetic
interference by maintaining a minimum distance between portable and mobile RF communications
equipment (transmitters) and MedArt 700 as recommended below, according to the maximum output power
of the communications equipment.
Rated maximum
Separation distance according to frequency of transmitter / m
output power of
150kHz to 80MHz
80MHz to 800MHz
800MHz to 2.5GHz
transmitter / W
d = 1.2 P
d = 1.2 P
d = 2.3 P
For transmitters rated at a maximum output power not listed above, the recommended separation distance d
in metres (m) can be estimated using the equation applicable to the frequency of the transmitter, where P is
the maximum output power rating of the transmitter in watts (W) according to the transmitter manufacturer.
NOTE 1: At 80MHz and 800MHz, the separation distance for the higher frequency range applies.
NOTE 2: These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is affected by
absorption and reflection from structures, objects and people.
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Appendix A
Table A-1
Routine Maintenance Schedule
Check the exterior of the unit
making certain that there are no
loose electrical connections or
Performed by
Clinic or hospital staff
Test of fiber
Clinic or hospital staff
Verify output power
(see page 16)
Clinic or hospital staff
Perform power meter and laser
output Calibration. Check that
power-meter has an accuracy of
20% or better. Check that laser
output has an accuracy of 10% or
better. Use an external calibrated
power-meter for both checks.
Every 24 months
Vari-Lase laser console
manufacturer authorized
personnel only
Table A-2
Power Meter Calibration Procedure
Note: This chapter highlights the instructions for the Verification of Calibration of the Vari-Lase laser console.
These instructions are provided to comply with Federal Regulations.
These procedures should be performed only by the Vari-Lase laser console manufacturer or a duly
authorized representative, trained by the Vari-Lase laser console manufacturer. Calibration verification
performed by any other individual will void any manufacturer's warranty, stated or implied.
1. Enter Service Mode
2. Set the “PowerMeter Gain” setting 800 to: 100%
3. Check that the power meter temperature is close to ambient temperature (±3°C). The power meter
temperature can be read from service setting 802. Set the measurement power to 0W and start the
power measurement by pressing Ready. The power meter temperature is displayed at the end of the
measurement cycle.
4. Set the laser power to 15W using service setting 705 and measure the output power using an
external calibrated power meter
5. Point the fiber at the internal power meter and measure the power using service setting 802
6. Set the “PowerMeter Gain” setting 800 to:
Note: The “PowerMeter Loss” is as default set to 0.1 from factory and should not be changed. This value is
based on the power meter material properties.
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42-0706-05 Rev D 1/13
810nm Laser Console
User’s Guide
Vascular Solutions, Inc.
6464 Sycamore Court North
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55369 USA
USA Customer Service: (888) 240-6001
42-0706-05 Rev. D 01/13
MedArt A/S
Industriholmen 15A
DK-2650 Hvidovre