Download IBM ServicePac SD374
IBM Europe, Middle East, and Africa Services Announcement ZS09-0239, dated December 1, 2009 IBM ServicePacs offer warranty and maintenance upgrades for IBM Storage Table of contents 1 1 2 Overview Planned availability date Description 12 Prices 12 Announcement countries At a glance IBM® Storage ServicePac® portfolio update. Overview IBM ServicePac products offer a range of hardware maintenance or maintenance upgrade coverage in an electronic format. ServicePac is available through the same IBM Business Partners who sell the related IBM hardware. With these ServicePacs, you get an upgrade solution at the same time you purchase the IBM machine. The number of unique ServicePacs is kept to a minimum and each part number supports a range of machine types. To select the correct ServicePac for a particular machine type, a selection guide is available with a complete list of machine types for crossreference. Alternatively, additional ServicePac information and prices can be found at ServicePacs can be ordered by part number through SAP in the same way other IBM products are ordered. The simple registration process ensures fast and efficient coverage. To be eligible for service, a ServicePac must be purchased within 30 days of the purchase of the machine type to which it applies. A ServicePac must be registered within 15 days of purchase by completing the ServicePac online registration at Planned availability date January 26, 2010 IBM Europe, Middle East, and Africa Services Announcement ZS09-0239 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 1 Description Latest update: IBM Storage ServicePac portfolio update. Storage ServicePac - Warranty and maintenance upgrades ServicePac part number ID Base warranty ServicePac Description 14R1493 SD14 14R1495 SD15 14R1489 SD16 SOF 3YR ICE NBD SOF 3YR ICE NBD SAP 3YR IOR NBD 3YR IOR 5x9 NBD 3YR IOR 7x24x4hr 3YR IOR 5x9x4hr 14R1491 SD17 SAP 3YR IOR NBD 3YR IOR 7x24x4hr 14R1497 14R1499 29R5343 29R5344 29R5418 29R5419 29R5420 39K3025 39K3026 39K3029 39K3030 40M6798 40M6799 40M6847 40M6848 41E8669 41E8670 41E8671 41E8672 41E8677 41E8678 41W9131 41W9132 41W9133 41W9134 41W9783 41W9784 41W9785 41W9786 41W9787 41W9788 10N3031 10N3032 10N3033 10N3034 10N3035 10N3036 42V1248 SAP SAP SOF SOF SAP SAP SAP SOF SOF SOF SOF SAP SAP SAP SAP SAP SAP SAP SAP SAP SAP SOF SOF SAP SAP SOF SOF SOF SOF SOF SOF SAP SAP SAP SAP SAP SAP SOF 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 4YR 4YR 4YR 4YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR SD18 SD19 SD20 SD21 SD30 SD31 SD32 SD48 SD49 SD50 SD51 SD59 SD60 SD61 SD62 SD67 SD68 SD69 SD70 SD71 SD72 SD209 SD210 SD211 SD212 SD213 SD214 SD215 SD216 SD217 SD218 SD219 SD220 SD221 SD222 SD223 SD224 SD249 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 4YR 4YR 4YR 4YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YE 1YR 1YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 1YR 1YR 1YR 1YR 1YR 1YR 1YR 1YR 1YR 1YR 1YR 1YR 3YR IOR IOR COE COE IOE IOE IOE IOL IOL IOL IOL ICE ICE IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR ICE ICE IOR IOR IOR IOR ICE ICE ICE COE ICE ICE ICE ICE IOR IOR ICE ICE IOL NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD IOR IOR IOR IOR IOE IOE IOE IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR 5x9x4hr 7x24x4hr 5x9 NBD 7x24x4hr 5x9 NBD 5x9x4hr 7x24x4hr 5x9x4hr 7x24x4hr 5x9x4hr 7x24x4hr 5x9x4hr 7x24x4hr 5x9x4hr 7x24x4hr 5x9x4hr 7x24x4hr 5x9x4hr 7x24x4hr 5x9x4hr 7x24x4hr 5x9x4hr 7x24x4hr 5x9x4hr 7x24x4hr 5x9x4hr 7x24x4hr 5x9x4hr 7x24x4hr 5x9x4hr 7x24x4hr 5x9x4hr 7x24x4hr 5x9x4hr 7x24x4hr 5x9x4hr 7x24x4hr 5x9x4hr 42V1249 SD250 SOF 3YR IOL NBD 3YR IOR 7x24x4hr 42V1250 SD251 SAP 3YR IOL NBD 42V1251 SD252 SAP 3YR IOL NBD 42V1868 SD256 SOF 3YR ICE NBD 3YR IOR 5x9x4hr 3YR IOR 7x24x4hr 3YR IOR 5x9x4hr 42V1869 SD257 SOF 3YR ICE NBD 3YR IOR 7x24x4hr 42V1870 SD258 SAP 3YR ICE NBD 3YR IOR 5x9x4hr 42V1871 SD259 SAP 3YR IOE NBD 3YR IOR 7x24x4hr IBM Europe, Middle East, and Africa Services Announcement ZS09-0239 Eligible Machine type Model 3580 H23 L23 3580 H23 L23 1722 60J 60K 60L 60X 6LJ 6LX 1722 60J 60K 60L 60X 6LJ 6LX 1710 10J 10X 1710 10J 10X 3582 L23 3582 L23 3581 F3H L3H 3581 F3H L3H 3581 F3H L3H 1750 511 1750 511 1750 EX1 1750 EX1 3580 L3H 3580 L3H 1740 1RX 71J 1740 1RX 71J 1815 82H 80H 1815 82H 80H 1815 84H 1815 84H 2005 32B 2005 32B 1815 88A 1815 88A 1815 88H 1815 88H 2026 416 2026 416 2026 432 2026 432 2005 B16 2005 B16 2026 16E 2026 16E 2026 32E 2026 32E 2005 16B 2005 16B 1812 81A 81S 1814 52A 1812 81A 81S 1814 52A 1812 81H 1812 81H 3573 L4U L34 S34 4UL 3573 L4U L34 S34 4UL 3573 F3H F4H L3H L4H S4H S44 E44 3573 F3H F4H L3H IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 2 42V1872 SD260 SOF 3YR ICE NBD 3YR IOR 5x9x4hr 3573 42V1873 SD261 SOF 3YR ICE NBD 3YR IOR 7x24x4hr 3573 42V1874 SD262 SAP 3YR ICE NBD 3YR IOR 5x9x4hr 3573 42V1875 SD263 SAP 3YR ICE NBD 3YR IOR 7x24x4hr 3573 42V1876 42V1877 42V1878 42V1879 42V1880 12X6600 12X6601 12X6602 12X6616 12X6617 12X6618 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 5x9x4hr 7x24x4hr 5x9x4hr 7x24x4hr 5x9x4hr 7x24x4hr 5x9x4hr 7x24x4hr 5x9x4hr 7x24x4hr 5x9x4hr 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 1814 1814 1814 12X6619 SD275 SOF 3YR IOL NBD 3YR IOR 7x24x4hr 1814 12X6620 12X6621 12X6622 12X6623 12X6710 12X6711 12X6712 12X6713 12X6714 12X6715 43X3552 43X3553 43X3560 43X3561 44J7780 44J7781 44J8535 44J8536 44J8537 44J8538 44J8542 44J8543 44J8544 44J8545 44J8546 44J8546 44J8546 44J8547 44J8550 44J8551 44J8552 44J8553 44J8554 44J8555 44J8562 44J8563 44J8564 44J8565 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7x24x4hr 5x9 NBD 44J8567 SD392 SOF 3YR IOE NBD 3YR IOE 5x9x4hr 3581 44J8568 SD393 SOF 3YR IOE NBD 3YR IOE 7x24x4hr 3581 44T5892 SD476 SAP 3YR IOL NBD 44T5893 SD477 SAP 3YR IOL NBD 44T5894 SD478 SOF 3YR IOL NBD 3YR IOR 5x9x4hr 3YR IOR 7x24x4hr 3YR IOR 5x9x4hr 3580 3580 3580 IBM Europe, Middle East, and Africa Services Announcement ZS09-0239 L4H E44 L32 2UL L32 2UL E42 L3S S42 E42 L3S S42 B64 B64 64B 64B R18 R18 18R 18R 70A 70A 72A 20A 72A 20A 70H 70H 72H 72H All All All All All All 7VH 7VH 8VH 8VH L3E L3E 10U 10U 6LU 6LU 1RU 1RU 81T 81T 70T 70T 72T 72T 82A 82A 84A 84A B32 B32 L33 L33 H3L H3L F28 H23 L38 F28 L23 F28 L23 L4X L4X L43 S4H S44 S32 L2U S32 L2U F3S F4S L4S S4S F3S F4S L4S S4S 70S 70S 72S 72S models models models models models models S3E S3E 60U 60U 710 710 80A 80A F38 H23 L23 L28 F38 L28 F38 L28 S4X S4X S43 H23 L38 H23 L38 S4E IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 3 44T5895 44T5896 44T5897 44T5898 44T5899 44J8019 44J8020 44J8021 44J8022 44J8023 44J8024 43X3844 43X3845 43X3846 43X3847 43X3848 43X3849 51J8757 51J8758 51J8759 51J8760 51J8761 51J8762 51J8763 51J8764 51J8765 51J8766 51J8917 51J8918 51J8919 51J8920 51J8921 51J8922 51J8923 SD479 SD480 SD481 SD482 SD483 SD502 SD503 SD504 SD505 SD506 SD507 SD508 SD509 SD510 SD511 SD512 SD513 SD635 SD636 SD637 SD638 SD639 SD640 SD641 SD642 SD643 SD644 SD645 SD646 SD647 SD648 SD649 SD650 SD651 SOF SAP SAP SOF SOF SAP SAP SAP SAP SAP SAP SAP SAP SAP SAP SAP SAP SOF SOF SOF SOF SAP SAP SOF SOF SOF SOF SOF SOF SOF SOF SOF SOF SOF 3YR 1YR 1YR 1YR 1YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 1YR 1YR 1YR 1YR 1YR 1YR 1YR 1YR 1YR 1YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR IOL IOL IOL IOL IOL IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOL IOL IOL IOL IOL IOL IOL IOL IOL IOL IOL IOL IOL IOL IOL IOL IOL NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 4YR 4YR 5YR 5YR 3YR 3YR 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SOF SOF SOF SOF SOF 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR IOL IOL IOL IOL IOL IOL IOL IOL NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR 7x24x4hr 5x9 SD 7x24x4hr 5x9 SD 7x24x4hr 5x9 SD 7x24x4hr 5x9 SD IBM Europe, Middle East, and Africa Services Announcement ZS09-0239 3580 2005 2005 2005 2005 1726 1726 1726 1726 1726 1726 1727 1727 1727 1727 1727 1727 2005 2005 2417 2417 2417 2417 2498 2498 2498 2498 2859 2859 2859 2859 2861 2861 2862 2858 2862 2862 2862 2863 2863 2863 2863 2863 2863 2864 2864 2864 2864 2865 2865 2865 2865 2866 2866 2866 2866 2866 2866 2866 2866 2867 2867 2867 2867 2867 2858 2867 2867 2867 2868 2868 2868 2868 2869 L43 5KB 5KB BK5 BK5 All All All All All All All All All All All All R04 R04 C24 C24 24C 24C 24E 24E 40E 40E A10 A10 A20 A20 OO1 OO1 A10 A12 A10 A20 A20 OO4 OO4 A10 A10 A20 A20 A10 A10 A20 A20 A10 A10 A20 A20 A10 A10 A20 A20 A11 A11 A21 A21 A10 A10 A20 A20 A11 A22 A11 A21 A21 A10 A10 A20 A20 A10 S43 S4E models models models models models models models models models models models models B24 B24 B40 B40 G10 G10 G20 G20 G10 G10 G20 G20 G10 G10 G20 G20 G11 G11 G21 G21 G10 G10 G20 G20 G11 G11 G21 G21 G10 G10 G20 G20 G10 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 4 51J8962 51J8963 51J8964 56Y5994 SD690 SD691 SD692 SD817 7x24x4hr 5x9 SD 7x24x4hr 5x9xSD 2869 2869 2869 3572 56Y5995 SD818 SAP 1YR IOL NBD 3YR IOR 7x24x4hr 3572 65Y0625 65Y0626 65Y0627 65Y0628 65Y0629 65Y0630 65Y0631 65Y0632 68Y4924 68Y4925 71Y2366 71Y2369 71Y2432 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR IOR 7x24x4hr 2858 2858 2858 2858 2858 2858 2858 2858 2858 2858 1818 1818 4002 4273 4002 71Y2437 SD846 SAP 1YR IOR 9x5x4 3YR IOR 7x24x4hr 4002 71Y2792 SD867 SAP 1YR IOL NBD 3YR IOR 7x4x4hr 3758 4002 SD820 SD821 SD822 SD823 SD824 SD825 SD826 SD827 SD828 SD829 SD834 SD835 SD841 SOF SOF SOF SAP SOF SOF SOF SOF SOF SOF SOF SOF SOF SOF SOF SOF SAP 3YR 3YR 3YR 1YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 1YR 1YR 1YR 1YR 71Y2438 SD845 SAP 1YR IOL IOL IOL IOL IOL IOL IOL IOL IOL IOL IOL IOL IOL IOL IOR IOR IOR IOL IOR NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD 7x24x4 7x24x4 9x5x4 NBD 9x5x4 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR 5x9 SD 5x9 SD 7x24x4hr 7x24x4hr 5x9 SD 5x9 SD 7x24x4hr 7x24x4hr 7x24x4hr 7x24x4hr 7x24x4hr 7x24x4hr 7x24x4hr A10 A20 A20 S3E S4H S3E S4H A10 A20 A10 A20 A11 A21 A11 A21 A12 A22 51A 53A AC5 48E AC2 C4A AG5 C4B B32 BC5 G10 G20 G20 S4E S3R S4E S3R S3H S4R S3H S4R G1A AX2 C5A E48 AC4 AG4 G4A BC2 BC4 G5A C5B The following two ServicePacs are available in the following countries only: • Austria • Bulgaria • Croatia • Czech Republic • Denmark • Finland • Germany • Hungary • Ireland • Norway • Poland • Romania • Russia • Slovakia • Slovenia • Switzerland • Sweden • South Africa • United Kingdom ServicePac part number ID Base warranty 51J8741 SD625 SOF 1YR IOL NBD 51J8742 SD626 SAP 1YR IOL NBD IBM Europe, Middle East, and Africa Services Announcement ZS09-0239 ServicePac description Eligible machine type Model 2YR IOL 5x9 NBD 2YR IOL 5x9 NBD 2005 B16 2005 16B IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 5 Storage ServicePac - Post warranty maintenance upgrades ServicePac part number ID Base warranty ServicePac description 41E9338 SD74 SAP 3YR IOR NBD 1YR IOR 5x9 NBD 41E9339 SD75 41E9340 SD76 41E9341 SD77 41E9342 SD78 41E9343 SD79 SAP 3YR IOR NBD SAP 3YR IOR NBD SAP 3YR IOR NBD SAP 3YR IOR NBD SAP 3YR IOR NBD 1YR IOR 5x9x4hr 1YR IOR 7x24x4hr 2YR IOR 5x9 NBD 2YR IOR 5x9x4hr 2YR IOR 7x24x4hr 41E9344 SD80 SOF 3YR IOR NBD 1YR IOR 5x9 NBD 41E9345 SD81 SOF 3YR IOR NBD 1YR IOR 5x9x4hr 41E9346 SD82 SOF 3YR IOR NBD 1YR IOR 7x24x4hr 41E9347 SD83 SOF 3YR IOR NBD 2YR IOR 5x9 NBD 41E9348 SD84 SOF 3YR IOR NBD 2YR IOR 5x9x4hr 41E9349 SD85 SOF 3YR IOR NBD 2YR IOR 7x24x4hr 41E9350 41E9351 41E9352 41E9353 41E9354 41E9355 41E9356 SAP SAP SAP SAP SAP SAP SOF 1YR 1YR 1YR 2YR 2YR 2YR 1YR SD86 SD87 SD88 SD89 SD90 SD91 SD92 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR 5x9 NBD 5x9x4hr 7x24x4hr 5x9 NBD 5x9x4hr 7x24x4hr 5x9 NBD 41E9357 SD93 SOF 3YR IOR NBD 1YR IOR 5x9x4hr 41E9358 SD94 SOF 3YR IOR NBD 1YR IOR 7x24x4hr 41E9359 SD95 SOF 3YR IOR NBD 2YR IOR 5x9 NBD 41E9360 SD96 SOF 3YR IOR NBD 2YR IOR 5x9x4hr 41E9469 SD97 SOF 3YR IOR NBD 2YR IOR 7x24x4hr 41E9361 SD98 SAP 3YR IOR NBD 1YR IOR 5x9 NBD 41E9362 SD99 SAP 3YR IOR NBD 1YR IOR 5x9x4hr 41E9363 SD100 SAP 3YR IOR NBD 1YR IOR 7x24x4hr 41E9364 SD101 SAP 3YR IOR NBD 2YR IOR 5x9 NBD 41E9365 SD102 SAP 3YR IOR NBD 2YR IOR 5x9x4hr 41E9366 SD103 SAP 3YR IOR NBD 2YR IOR 7x24x4hr 41E9367 41E9368 41E9369 41E9370 41E9371 41E9372 1YR 1YR 1YR 2YR 2YR 2YR SD104 SD105 SD106 SD107 SD108 SD109 SOF SOF SOF SOF SOF SOF 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD IBM Europe, Middle East, and Africa Services Announcement ZS09-0239 IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR 5x9 NBD 5x9x4hr 7x24x4hr 5x9 NBD 5x9x4hr 7x24x4hr Eligible machine type Model 1710 10X 10J 1722 60J 60K 60X 6LJ 1710 10X 10J 1722 60J 60K 60X 6LJ 1710 10X 10J 1722 60J 60K 60X 6LJ 1710 10X 10J 1722 60J 60K 60X 6LJ 1710 10X 10J 1722 60J 60K 60X 6LJ 1710 10X 10J 1722 60J 60K 60X 6LJ 1710 10U 1722 60U 6LU 1710 10U 1722 60U 6LU 1710 10U 1722 60U 6LU 1710 10U 1722 60U 6LU 1710 10U 1722 60U 6LU 1710 10U 1722 60U 6LU 1724 1XP 10U 1724 1XP 10U 1724 1XP 10U 1724 1XP 10U 1724 1XP 10U 1724 1XP 10U 1740 1RU 710 1742 90U 1740 1RU 710 1742 90U 1740 1RU 710 1742 90U 1740 1RU 710 1742 90U 1740 1RU 710 1742 90U 1740 1RU 710 1742 90U 1740 1RX 71J 1742 90X 1740 1RX 71J 1742 90X 1740 1RX 71J 1742 90X 1740 1RX 71J 1742 90X 1740 1RX 71J 1742 90X 1740 1RX 71J 1742 90X 1750 511 1750 511 1750 511 1750 511 1750 511 1750 511 60L 6LX 60L 6LX 60L 6LX 60L 6LX 60L 6LX 60L 6LX 1SC 1SC 1SC 1SC 1SC 1SC IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 6 41E9373 41E9374 41E9375 41E9376 41E9377 41E9378 41E9380 41E9381 41E9383 41E9384 41E9386 41E9387 41E9389 41E9390 41E9392 41E9393 41E9395 41E9396 41E9398 41E9399 41E9401 41E9402 41E9403 41E9404 41E9405 41E9406 41E9407 41E9408 41E9409 41E9410 41E9411 41E9412 41E9413 41E9414 41E9415 41E9416 41E9417 41E9418 41E9419 41E9420 41E9421 41E9422 41E9423 41E9424 41E9425 41E9426 41E9427 41E9428 41E9429 41E9430 41E9431 41E9432 41E9439 41E9440 41E9441 41E9442 41E9443 41E9444 41E9451 SD110 SD111 SD112 SD113 SD114 SD115 SD117 SD118 SD120 SD121 SD123 SD124 SD126 SD127 SD129 SD130 SD132 SD133 SD135 SD136 SD138 SD139 SD140 SD141 SD142 SD143 SD144 SD145 SD146 SD147 SD148 SD149 SD150 SD151 SD152 SD153 SD154 SD155 SD156 SD157 SD158 SD159 SD160 SD161 SD162 SD163 SD164 SD165 SD166 SD167 SD168 SD169 SD176 SD177 SD178 SD179 SD180 SD181 SD188 SOF SOF SOF SOF SOF SOF SOF SOF SOF SOF SAP SAP SAP SAP SOF SOF SOF SOF SAP SAP SAP SAP SOF SOF SOF SOF SOF SOF SAP SAP SAP SAP SAP SAP SOF SOF SOF SOF SOF SOF SOF SOF SOF SOF SOF SOF SAP SAP SAP SAP SAP 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SAP SAP SAP SAP SAP SAP 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD IBM Europe, Middle East, and Africa Services Announcement ZS09-0239 IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR 7x24x4hr 5x9 NBD 5x9x4hr 7x24x4hr 5x9 NBD 5x9x4hr 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1815 1815 1815 1815 1815 1815 1815 1815 1815 1815 1815 1815 1815 1815 1815 1815 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2026 2026 2026 2026 2026 2026 3552 3560 3552 3560 3552 3560 3552 3560 3552 3560 3560 3580 3580 3580 3580 3580 EX1 EX1 EX1 EX1 EX1 EX1 82A 82A 82A 82A 82H 82H 82H 82H 84A 84A 84A 84A 84H 84H 84H 84H B32 B32 B32 B32 B32 B32 32B 32B 32B 32B 32B 32B H08 H08 H08 H08 H08 H08 H16 H16 H16 H16 H16 H16 L10 L10 L10 L10 L10 L10 16E 16E 16E 16E 16E 16E 1RX 1RX 1RX 1RX 1RX 1RX 1RX 1RX 1RX 1RX 1RX L3H L3H L3H L3H L3H 80A 80A 80A 80A 80H 80H 80H 80H B5K B5K B5K B5K B5K B5K 5KB 5KB 5KB 5KB 5KB 5KB H3L H3L H3L H3L H3L L3E L3E L3E L3E L3E IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 7 41E9462 41E9463 41E9464 41E9465 41E9466 41E9467 41E9468 10N3372 10N3373 10N3376 10N3978 10N3979 10N3975 10N3976 13P0955 13P0956 13P0957 13P0958 13P0959 13P0960 13P0961 13P0962 13P0963 13P0964 13P0965 13P0966 12X7242 12X7243 12X7244 12X7245 12X7246 12X7248 12X7249 12X7251 12X7252 43X3555 43X3556 43X3558 43X3559 44J8569 44J8570 44J8571 44J8572 44J8573 44J8574 44J8588 SD199 SD200 SD201 SD202 SD203 SD204 SD205 SD226 SD227 SD230 SD232 SD233 SD235 SD236 SD237 SD238 SD239 SD240 SD241 SD242 SD243 SD244 SD245 SD246 SD247 SD248 SD327 SD328 SD329 SD330 SD331 SD333 SD334 SD336 SD337 SD341 SD342 SD344 SD345 SD394 SD395 SD396 SD397 SD398 SD399 SD413 7x24x4hr 5x9 NBD 5x9x4hr 7x24x4hr 5x9 NBD 5x9x4hr 7x24x4hr 5x9x4hr 7x24x4hr 7x24x4hr 5x9x4hr 7x24x4hr 5x9x4hr 7x24x4hr 5x9 NBD 5x9x4hr 7x24x4hr 5x9 NBD 5x9x4hr 7x24x4hr 5x9 NBD 5x9x4hr 7x24x4hr 5x9 NBD 5x9x4hr 7x24x4hr 5x9x4hr 7x24x4hr 5x9 NBD 5x9x4hr 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NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD IBM Europe, Middle East, and Africa Services Announcement ZS09-0239 2YR 1YR 1YR 1YR 2YR 2YR 2YR 1YR 1YR 1YR 2YR 2YR 2YR 2YR 1YR 1YR 1YR 2YR 2YR 2YR 1YR 1YR 1YR 2YR 2YR 2YR 1YR 1YR 2YR 2YR 2YR 1YR 1YR 2YR 2YR 1YR 1YR 2YR 2YR 1YR 1YR 1YR 2YR 2YR 2YR 1YR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR 5x9x4hr 7x24x4hr 5x9x4hr 7x24x4hr 5x9 NBD 5x9x4hr 7x24x4hr 5x9 NBD 5x9x4hr 7x24x4hr 5x9 NBD 5x9x4hr 7x24x4hr 5x9 NBD 5x9x4hr 7x24x4hr 5x9 NBD 5x9x4hr 7x24x4hr 5x9 NBD 5x9x4hr L3H F3H F3H F3H F3H F3H F3H 88H 88H 88A 88A 88A 88H 88H 16B 16B 16B 16B 16B 16B B16 B16 B16 B16 B16 B16 70H 70H 70H 70H 70H 72H 72H 72H 72H 7VH 7VH 7VH 7VH 100 100 100 100 100 100 72A 20A 72A 20A 72A 20A 72A 20A 70A 70A 70A 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7x24x4hr 51J8790 SD697 SAP 3YR COE NBD 1YR IOR 5x9x4hr 51J8791 SD698 SAP 3YR COE NBD 1YR IOR 7x24x4hr 51J8792 SD699 SAP 3YR COE NBD 2YR IOR 5x9x4hr 51J8793 SD700 SAP 3YR COE NBD 2YR IOR 7x24x4hr 51J8794 51J8795 51J8796 51J8797 51J8798 1YR 1YR 2YR 2YR 1YR SD701 SD702 SD703 SD704 SD705 SOF SOF SOF SOF SAP 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR COE COE COE COE COE NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR 5x9x4hr 7x24x4hr 5x9x4hr 7x24x4hr 5x9x4hr 51J8799 SD706 SAP 3YR COE NBD 1YR IOR 7x24x4hr 51J8800 SD707 SAP 3YR COE NBD 2YR IOR 5x9x4hr 51J8801 SD708 SAP 3YR COE NBD 2YR IOR 7x24x4hr 54Y4630 54Y4631 54Y4632 54Y4633 54Y4634 54Y4635 54Y4636 54Y4637 54Y4638 1YR 1YR 2YR 2YR 1YR 1YR 2YR 2YR 1YR SD709 SD710 SD711 SD712 SD713 SD714 SD715 SD716 SD717 SAP SAP SAP SAP SAP SAP SAP SAP SOF 1YR 1YR 1YR 1YR 1YR 1YR 1YR 1YR 1YR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR 7x24x4 7x24x4 7x24x4 7x24x4 7x24x4 7x24x4 7x24x4 7x24x4 7x24x4 IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR 5x9x4hr 7x24x4hr 5x9x4hr 7x24x4hr 5x9x4hr 7x24x4hr 5x9x4hr 7x24x4hr 5x9x4hr 54Y4639 SD718 SOF 1YR IOR 7x24x4 1YR IOR 7x24x4hr 54Y4640 SD719 SOF 1YR IOR 7x24x4 2YR IOR 5x9x4hr 54Y4641 SD720 SOF 1YR IOR 7x24x4 2YR IOR 7x24x4hr IBM Europe, Middle East, and Africa Services Announcement ZS09-0239 3580 L33 H23 L23 3581 F28 F38 H23 L23 L28 L38 3582 L23 3581 F28 F38 H23 L23 L28 L38 3582 L23 3581 F28 F38 H23 L23 L28 L38 3582 L23 3581 F28 F38 H23 L23 L28 L38 3582 L23 3581 F28 F38 H23 L23 L28 L38 3582 L23 3581 F28 F38 F3H L23 L28 L38 3582 L23 1727 All models 1727 All models 1727 All models 1727 All models 3573 L34 L4U S34 S44 4UL 3573 L34 L4U S34 S44 4UL 3573 L34 L4U S34 S44 4UL 3573 L34 L4U S34 S44 4UL 3573 E44 F3H F4H L3H L4H S4H 3573 E44 F3H F4H L3H L4H S4H 3573 E44 F3H F4H L3H L4H S4H 3573 E44 F3H F4H L3H L4H S4H 3573 L32 S32 3573 L32 S32 3573 L32 S32 3573 L32 S32 3573 E42 F3S F4S L2U L3S L4S S4S S42 2UL 3573 E42 F3S F4S L2U L3S L4S S4S S42 2UL 3573 E42 F3S F4S L2U L3S L4S S4S S42 2UL 3573 E42 F3S F4S L2U L3S L4S S4S S42 2UL 1818 51A 1818 51A 1818 51A 1818 51A 1818 53A 1818 53A 1818 53A 1818 53A 1812 81A 81S 81T 1814 52A 1818 D1A 1812 81A 81S 81T 1814 52A 1818 D1A 1812 81A 81S 81T 1814 52A 1818 D1A 1812 81A 81S 81T 1814 52A IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 9 56Y5996 SD819 SAP 1YR IOL NBD 2YR IOL 5x9xNBD 68Y5393 SD830 SAP 3YR IOL NBD 1YR IOL NBD 1YR IOR 5x9x4hr 68Y5394 SD831 SAP 3YR IOL NBD 1YR IOL NBD 1YR IOR 7x24x4hr 68Y5395 SD832 SAP 3YR IOL NBD 1YR IOL NBD 2YR IOR 5x9x4hr 68Y5396 SD833 SAP 3YR IOL NBD 1YR IOL NBD 2YR IOR 7x24x4hr 71Y2371 71Y2372 71Y2373 71Y2374 71Y2476 1YR 1YR 2YR 2YR 1YR SD837 SD838 SD839 SD840 SD859 SAP SAP SAP SAP SAP 71Y2477 SD860 SAP 71Y2478 SD861 SAP 71Y2479 SD862 SAP 71Y2480 SD863 SAP 71Y2481 SD864 SAP 71Y2482 SD865 SAP 71Y2483 SD866 SAP 71Y2793 SD868 SAP 3YR 3YR 3YR 3YR 1YR 1YR 1YR 1YR 1YR 1YR 1YR 1YR 1YR 1YR 1YR 1YR 1YR 1YR 1YR 1YR 1YR IOL IOL IOL IOL IOL IOL IOL IOL IOL IOL IOL IOL IOL IOL IOL IOL IOL IOL IOL IOL IOL NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD NBD IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR 9x5x4hr 7x24x4hr 9x5x4hr 7x24x4hr 9x5x4hr 1YR IOR 7x24x4hr 2YR IOR 9x5x4hr 2YR IOR 7x24x4hr 1YR IOR 9x5x4hr 1YR IOR 7x24x4hr 2YR IOR 9x5x4hr 2YR IOR 7x24x4hr 1YR IOR 9x5x4hr 71Y2794 SD869 SAP 1YR IOL NBD 1YR IOR 7x24x4hr 71Y2796 SD870 SAP 1YR IOL NBD 2YR IOR 9x5x4hr 71Y2795 SD871 SAP 1YR IOL NBD 2YR IOR 7x24x4hr 1818 D1A 3572 S3E S4E S3H S4H S3R S4R 1726 All models 4002 AC5 AX2 C5A 4273 48E E48 1726 All models 4002 AC5 AX2 C5A 4273 48E E48 1726 All models 4002 AC5 AX2 C5A 4273 48E E48 1726 All models 4002 AC5 AX2 C5A 4273 48E E48 1812 8VH 81H 1812 8VH 81H 1812 8VH 81H 1812 8VH 81H 4002 AG4 G4A 4002 AC2 AC4 C4A 4002 AG4 G4A 4002 AC2 AC4 C4A 4002 AG4 G4A 4002 AC2 AC4 C4A 4002 AG4 G4A 4002 AC2 AC4 C4A 4002 AG5 G5A 4002 BC2 BC4 C4B 4002 AG5 G5A 4002 BC2 BC4 C4B 4002 AG5 G5A 4002 BC2 BC4 C4B 4002 AG5 G5A 4002 BC2 BC4 C4B 3758 B32 32B 4002 BC5 C5B 3758 B32 32B 4002 BC5 C5B 3758 B32 32B 4002 BC5 C5B 3758 B32 32B 4002 BC5 C5B Warranty service upgrade (WSU) Warranty service upgrades enhance the level of service from the base warranty service associated with the machine type and model. A warranty service upgrade can include single elements or combinations of: • Extended hours of coverage • Upgraded service delivery method (SDM) • Higher level of response time objective IBM Europe, Middle East, and Africa Services Announcement ZS09-0239 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 10 Service delivery method IBM On-site Repair (IOR): Repair is performed at the customer site. If the machine cannot be fixed with the help of IBM remote support, the repair activity is performed by an IBM representative at the customer's site. The term screening refers an initial remote problem determination (PD) or problem source identification (PSI) activity on a customer's service request that is performed by technical support personnel. Typically, this is the first technical activity performed after the service request has been entered into the call management system and the customer has been entitled. Call screening results in the creation of the initial action plan to resolve the service request. On-site service repair limited (IOL): Repair performed at customer site, excluding CRUs Service is same as IOR, but the customer is responsible for replacement of Tier 1 CRUs. ServicePac response time The target response time for the completion of PD is an average of two hours from the customer's service request being registered in the IBM call management system. The four-hour on-site response time of some ServicePacs is defined as the period of time between the end of screening and the service representative arriving at the customer's machine location for repair. The sum of the two elements, two hours PD plus four hours IOR after PD, is the on-site response time target, which is consistent with the service description for same-business-day (SBD) coverage. The average target on-site response time is six hours, which is equal to a two-hour average target for PD and four-hour average target for IOR after PD. It should be noted that average targets are set for guidance and that actual times will vay by complexity of service request. Hours of coverage • 9 x 5 coverage - 9 hours per day, Monday through Friday, excluding public and national holidays • 24 x 7 coverage - 24 hours per day, Monday through Sunday, 365 days a year Limitations with respect to replacements or to parts for services upgrades: Products classified as consumable supplies, such as peripheral devices and accessories like external displays, are not covered by this service. Repair parts and replacement machines, which may be furnished on an exchange basis, may not be new, but will be in good working order. All replaced parts and machines become the property of IBM. Some parts of IBM machines are designated as customer replaceable units (CRUs), enabling you to replace these parts. CRU information and replacement instructions are shipped with your IBM machines and are available from IBM at any time on your request. You may be offered to install a CRU yourself or you may request IBM to install it as part of this service. You must return all defective CRUs to IBM in accordance with the return instructions issued with the replacement CRU. Certain machines require machine code or licensed internal code (LIC), such as microcode or system code, to correctly function. For such machines, you are responsible for downloading designated machine code and LIC updates from an IBM Web site or from other electronic media, and following the instructions that IBM provides. For a full definition of IBM maintenance services, visit guides.html IBM Europe, Middle East, and Africa Services Announcement ZS09-0239 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 11 Prices For pricing information, contact your IBM representative or your IBM Business Partner. Announcement countries • Austria • Belgium • Bulgaria • Croatia • Czech Republic • Denmark • Estonia1 • Finland • France2 • Germany • Greece • Hungary • Ireland • Israel • Italy • Latvia(1) • Lithuania(1) • Luxembourg • Netherlands • Norway • Poland • Portugal • Romania • Russia • South Africa • Slovakia • Slovenia • Spain • Sweden • Switzerland • Turkey • United Kingdom3 1 Order and register via Finland 2 Except overseas territories 3 United Kingdom mainland only Trademarks IBM and ServicePac are registered trademarks of IBM Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. IBM Europe, Middle East, and Africa Services Announcement ZS09-0239 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 12 Terms of use IBM products and services which are announced and available in your country can be ordered under the applicable standard agreements, terms, conditions, and prices in effect at the time. IBM reserves the right to modify or withdraw this announcement at any time without notice. This announcement is provided for your information only. Reference to other products in this announcement does not necessarily imply those products are announced, or intend to be announced, in your country. Additional terms of use are located at For the most current information regarding IBM products, consult your IBM representative or reseller, or visit the IBM worldwide contacts page IBM Europe, Middle East, and Africa Services Announcement ZS09-0239 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 13