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TE-3X48WW PARLED AQUA PARLED aqua TE-3X48WW USER MANUAL ADD : 19 Lacist St. Wesbrark, Maine, U.S.A. (04092) Phonel : (1) 207-712-3004 TE-3X48WW PARLED AQUA TABLE OF CONTENTS PART 1 PRODUCT (GENE RAL)........... ......... ................... .............1. 1.1 --PR ODUC T IN TRODUC TION.................. .......................................1. 1 .2--PR ODU CT FEATUR ES .......................... .......................................1. 1. 3 -- TECHN IC AL SPECIFICATIONS ............................. ........................2. 1 .4--PHOTO METR IC DATA ..................... ...................... ...................... .3. 1 .5-- SAFET Y WAR NING ................................................... ...................3. PART 2 INSTALLATION... ................... ......... ................................4. 2.1--MOUN TING............... ....................... ....................... ......................4 . 2.2--POWE R CONNECTIO N.................... ....................... ....................... 4. 2.3--SETTIN G UP WITH A D MX51 2 CONTRO LL ER ............. ....................5 . 2. 3 -1--DMX 512 A DD RES SING WI THO UT I D AD DRE SSI NG. . .... .. . .... . ...... .... ... . ... .. .. ... 5 . 2. 3-2--DMX512 A DDR ESSING WI TH I D AD DRE SS.. .... ... . ... .... .... ... .... ... .... .... ... .... ... .5. PART 3 DISPLAY PANEL OP ERATION.........................................6. 3.1--BA SIC .................................................. ........................................6 . 3. 2--MENU.......................... ........................................ ........................6. 3.3--EDIT STATIC C OL OUR ........................... .................................. ....7 . 3.4 --R UN MOD E....................... ........................................... ................ 7. 3.5--D MX512 SETTIN GS............................. .........................................7. 3.6--PER SON ALITY.............................................. ...............................7 . 3.7--ID AD DRESS....................................... .........................................7 . 3.8--SPECIAL SETTINGS................................................................... ..8. 3.9--WHITES SETTING ....................................................................... 8. 3.10--A C TIVATE TH E PASSWOR D ..................................................... . 8. PART 4 USING A DMX512 CONTROLLER........ .......................... ..9. 4 .1 --BASIC ADD RESSING. ..................................... ...........................9 . 4.2--C HANNEL ASSIGNMENT.......... ............................................... ...9 0. 4.3--BASIC INSTRUC TION S FOR DMX5 12 OPERATION.... ..................11. PART 5 APPENDIX.................................................. ....................12. 5 .1--TROUBLE SHOOTING ..................................... .......................... 1 2. 5.2-- MAINTENANC E....................... ............................................... ... 1 3. ADD : 19 Lacist St. Wesbrark, Maine, U.S.A. (04092) Phonel : (1) 207-712-3004 TE-3X48WW PARLED AQUA 1 PRODUCT (GENERAL) 1.1 PRODUCT INTRODUC TION This product is designed for in door or outdoo r use. Suitabl e applications i nclude wash or effect lighting for architectura l, stage, theatr e or r oad show applications. Direct input o f DMX512 s ignal allows the units to be controll ed from any DM X512 controlle r. T his pr oduc t can be operated as a single uni t or in multiple units for large a pplications. 1.2 PRODUCT FEATURES LED F IXTURE * IP67 protection rating * Linear / N on linear dimm er * Strobe * Upload cu stom par ameter s to slave fixtur es * LED disp lay * Display c ontr ol 'lock -out ' * Direct DM X512 input * Independ ent ID address * Different white color s se tti ng * 'Over- hea t' pr otection 1 ADD : 19 Lacist St. Wesbrark, Maine, U.S.A. (04092) Phonel : (1) 207-712-3004 TE-3X48WW PARLED AQUA 1.3 TECH NICAL SPECIFIC ATIONS LED M ODULE LED MO DUL E: Vo lta g e 1 00~250 V...50/6 0Hz 150W Rated Power IP67 pr otec tion rating IP LED/Un it 48pcs ( 12 x Co ol whi te / 36 x W arm wh ite) O utpu t/ LED 3W En viro nm ent Tem per at u re -20℃~40 ℃ Co olin g Dir ect a ir c onve ction D im en sions 335 x 30 0 x 235 m m Weig ht 9Kg 300mm 2 35mm 2 10mm 3 35mm 2 ADD : 19 Lacist St. Wesbrark, Maine, U.S.A. (04092) Phonel : (1) 207-712-3004 TE-3X48WW PARLED AQUA PHOTO METRIC DATA COOL WHI TE 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 WARM WHITE 20 6 0 98 0 57 8 398 L U X 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 15° 876 0 4 2 6 8 10D ista nc e ( m) 416 0 102 2 2 4 53 3 25 7 2 0 4 L UX 15° 1.4 6 8 1 0 Di st a nc e(m) COOL WHI TE+WARM WHITE 1.5 1 21 6 0 3 11 0 14 9 4 890 2 4 6 8 5 75 L U X 15° 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 1 0D ista nc e( m) SAFET Y WARNING IMPORTANT 【AL WAYS R EA D THE U SER MANU AL B EFOR E OPER ATION. 】 【PL EA SE CONFIR M THAT TH E POWER SUPPLY STATED ON THE PROD U CT IS TH E SAM E AS TH E MAIN S POWER SUPPLY IN YOUR AR EA .】 ● T his produc t must be inst alled by a qual ified pr ofessio nal. the equip ment as descr i bed in the use r manual. ●A minimum distance of 0. 5m must be maintained be tween the equ ipment and combustibl e surface. ● T he produc t must al ways be placed in a well ventilate d area. ● Always ma ke sure that th e equipment is instal led s ec urely. ● DO NOT s tand close to the equipmen t and stare d irectly into the LED light source. ● Always disc onnect the po wer supply be for e attempting and mainten ance. ● Always ma ke sure that t he suppor ting str uc ture is s olid and can support the combined weight of the p roducts. ● T he earth w ire must alway s be connecte d to the gr oun d. ● Do not touc h the power ca bles if your ha nds are wet. ● Always ope rate ATTENT ION ● T his produc t l eft the place of manufactu re in perfect c ondition. In or der to maintain thi s condition and for safe ope ration, the use r must always follow the instructi ons and safety wa rnings des cri bed in this user manual. ● Avoid shaki ng or strong im pacts to any p art of the equ ipment. ● Make sure t hat all par ts o f the equipmen t ar e kept clea n and free of dust. ● Always mak e sure that the power conne cti ons are connected cor rec t and sec ur e. ● If ther e is an y malfunction of the equipm ent, contact y our dis tributor immediatel y. ● When trans ferri ng the pro duct, it is advi s able to use th e or igi nal pac kaging in which the p roduct left the factor y. ● Shields, lenses or ultravio let s creens sh all be changed if they have become damaged to such an extent that their eff ectiveness is impaired. ● T he lamp ( LED) shall be c hanged if it has become damaged or ther mally defor med. 3 ADD : 19 Lacist St. Wesbrark, Maine, U.S.A. (04092) Phonel : (1) 207-712-3004 TE-3X48WW PARLED AQUA 2 2.1 INSTALLATION MOUNT ING HANGING The fix ture can be mounted in a ha ngi ng position using the supporti ng br acket. The bracke t should be s ecured to the mounting truss or structur e us ing a standar d mounting clamp . Please note that when hanging th e unit a safet y cable s hould also be used. UPRIGHT The fi x ture can be mounted in an upright or sitting position us ing the supportin g brackets. T he LE D MO DULE c an be mounted at any angle and in any p osi tion. It is possi bl e to fur ther adjust th e angl e of the LE D M ODULE using the tw o adj ustm ent knobs located on the side of th e fixture. 2.2 POWER CONNECTIONS @ 220V: 15 units ma y be connecte d in ser ies @120V : 7 units may be c onnected in s er ies Note: 1. As t his fix ture's DM X signal cab le connec tion i s Parallel connection, so if ov er 32 units to be connected, then a DMX signal am plifier is needed. 2. If th e signal c able is over 60m between the DMX512 c ont roller and fixt ure or beween two fixtur es , then a DMX signal amplifier is needed as well. 4 ADD : 19 Lacist St. Wesbrark, Maine, U.S.A. (04092) Phonel : (1) 207-712-3004 TE-3X48WW PARLED AQUA 2.3 SETT ING UP WITH A D MX512 CONT ROLLER 2.3-1 DMX512 ADDRESSING WITHOUT ID ADDR ESSING (Std.2 MODE) ● Conne ct the DMX512 controller to the units i n series . has 6 DMX channels so the DMX Addresses should inc rease by increments of 6 ( e.g. 1,7,13,19...) ●T he ID addr es s has no t been set so th er efore when u sing the contro ller Ch6 must be inactiv e ( CH6=0 ) . ●It is als o possi ble to deactivate ID address selecting【ID OFF 】fr om the【Settings 】menu. on the fixture ● Each D MX Address may be used as many times as r equired. ● Any DMX address in t he range fr om 001 to 512 may be used. ● Each u nit DM X Add r.1 Exampl e : DMX Add r.7 DM X Add r.1 3 ........ .... DM X 512 CON TRO LLE R The figur e above shows a simple DMX512 layout w ith the s tarting address of the first uni t set at 1, with the se cond set at 7 and so on... ( Note that whe n used in this w ay, the CH6 ID function mu st be inactiv e ( CH6=0)) 2.3-2 DMX512 ADDRESSING WITH ID ADDRESS (Std.2 MODE ) ● Connect the DMX5 12 controller to the units i n se ries has 11 D MX channels so the DMX Addr esses should increase by incre ments of 6 ( e.g. 1,7,13,19...) ● Eac h DMX Addres s may be used a s many times a s required. ● Any DMX address in the range fr om 001 to 512 may be used. ● Eac h DMX addr ess may carry up to 66 separate ID addresses. ● 【ID 】should be s et in the menu on each unit in a scending value s (i .e . 1,2,3...) ● 【ID On 】should b e set in the【Se tting s】menu on eac h unit. ● ID a ddresses ar e a ccessible fr om CH6 on the DM X512 controller. ● Eac h unit DMX Add r.1 ID A dd r.1 DM X A ddr.1 ID Add r.2 DM X Ad d r.1 ID Addr.3 DM X Add r.7 ID Add r.1 DM X Ad d r.7 ID Add r.2 D MX A dd r. 7 ID Add r.3 ............ Example: D MX5 12 C ON T ROL L ER The figur e abov e shows a simp le DMX layout which has used three units at each DMX addre ss. The three units have different ID addresses w hic h allows the user to collectively c ontrol the whol e group of units a t that DMX addr ess by setting CH6 to 0, or to c ontr ol eac h uni t independently by first selecting th e DMX address and then by us ing CH6 to locate th e target ID addr ess . 5 ADD : 19 Lacist St. Wesbrark, Maine, U.S.A. (04092) Phonel : (1) 207-712-3004 TE-3X48WW PARLED AQUA 3 3.1 DISPLAY PANEL OPERATION BASIC The LED fixture is mounted wit h a LCD dis play and 4 c ontrol b uttons. MENU EN TER scroll through the main menu or retur n to the main menu enter the curr ently selected menu or confir m the cur r ent func tion va lue scroll 'UP' through the menu list or increase the value of the current function scroll 'DOWN' through the menu list or decrease the value of the current function 3.2 ME NU EN TER UP D OWN MENU MENU STAT W(0~25 5 ) C(0 ~25 5 ) ST(0 ~2 0) RUN dMX SLAV DMX d(00 1~51 2) PERS S Td.w S Td.d S Td.1 S Td.2 ID ID( 01~ 66) S ET UPL d RES T Id ON OFF HIGH NORM OFF dIM1 dIM2 PO W dIM dIM3 dIM4 C AL1 W(0 ~255 ) C( 0~25 5) WT 01 WT 02 WT 07 KEY ON OF F 6 ADD : 19 Lacist St. Wesbrark, Maine, U.S.A. (04092) Phonel : (1) 207-712-3004 TE-3X48WW PARLED AQUA 3.3 EDIT STATIC COLOUR MENU STAT W(0~25 5 ) C(0 ~25 5 ) ST(0 ~2 0) 【 STAT IC COLOU R】 ● Combine 【WA RM WHITE】 a nd 【COOL WHITE】 to c reat e whites with d iffer ent color temperatu re ● Set the value o f the 【Strobe 】 (0-20Hz) 3.4 RUN MODE MENU RUN D MX S LAV 【 RUN 】 the【RUN 】mode to set wor king mode. is for using the DMX512 contro ller to contr ol t he fixtures. ● 【 SL AV 】 mode is for Mas ter - - Slave operation. ● E nter ● 【 DMX】 mode 3.5 DMX512 SETT INGS MENU DMX D(0 01~ 51 2) 【 DMX 】 ● E nter 3.6 the【DMX 】mode to set the DMX ADDR ESS. PERSONALIT Y MENU PERS S Td.w S Td.d S Td.1 S Td.2 【 PERSO NALITY 】 ● E nter the【PERS】mode to se lect DMX mode:【ST d.w】,【S Td .d】, 【 STd .1】or 【ST d.2】 . 3.7 ID AD DRESS MENU ID ID (01 ~6 6) 【 ID】 ● E nter the【ID】 mode to set the ID ADDRESS. 7 ADD : 19 Lacist St. Wesbrark, Maine, U.S.A. (04092) Phonel : (1) 207-712-3004 TE-3X48WW PARLED AQUA 3.8 SPECIAL SETT INGS MENU S ET UPLd REST Id ON O FF H IGH N ORM PO W dIM O FF d IM 1 d IM 2 d IM 3 d IM 4 【SETT ING】 ● Select【UPL D】to upload the custom pro gr ams fr om the curr ent MAST ER unit to the SLAVE u nits. ● In order to ac tivate the upload function the password mu st be entered. ● Password is the same as th e main acc ess pass word. ● When upl oad ing the MASTE R and SLAVE units will be b lack out. ● O n successfu l uploading of the custom pr ograms the MA ST ER and SL AVE units will display C ool White. ● In order to r eset custom modes to default values selec t 【 REST 】. ● Enter 【ID 】i n order to allow/disal low ID a ddress functio n fr om the DMX512 contr oller. ● Enter 【POW 】 to choose t he operation power mode 【N ORM】 or 【H IGH】, when it is nor mal mode, the power consum ption is about 90W, while un der high mode, it is about 150W. ● Enter 【d IM】 to select dim mer mode and dimmer speed . When DIMME R is set to 【Off 】, then RGBW and MA STER DIMME R are linear. T he Dim 1/2/3/4 are speed modes of the non linear di mmer ,【dIM1】 is the faster, w hile 【dIM4】 is the slowest. ● T he 【dIM 】 setting her e do es not react o n the the 【STA G 】 mode. 3.9 WHITES SETTING MENU C AL1 W(0~25 5 ) W T01 W T02 C(0 ~255 ) W T07 【CAL1 】 the 【CAL1】to selec t white color of different colo r temperatur e. are 7 p re-progr amme d White colors can be edited by using 【C oo l white】& 【 Warm white】 . When DMX mode is 【Std. 2】, these 7 wh ites wi ll be sh owed on CH4. ● Enter ● T here 3.10 A CTIVATE TH E PASSWORD MENU KEY ON O FF 【KEYL OCK】 the【KEY 】mode to s elec t whether the access pas swor d is on or off. order to en ter access pas sword it is nec essary to first pr ess 【SET】 . ● Access pass wor d is【UP】+ 【DOWN】+ 【 UP 】+【DOW N】. ● Enter ● In 8 ADD : 19 Lacist St. Wesbrark, Maine, U.S.A. (04092) Phonel : (1) 207-712-3004 TE-3X48WW PARLED AQUA 4 4.1 USING A DM X512 CONTROLLER BASIC ADDRESSING ● ● ● 4.2 Connect all of the units in series using standar d DMX512 signa l cable or the IP65 rated cable provided. Set the DMX5 12 address in the【DMX】men u. It is possi ble t o have the sam e DMX addr ess or independen t addr ess es for eac h fix ture. CHAN NEL ASSIGNMENT ● Note: This pro duct have three DMX512 channel configuration: 【Std.w】,【St d.d】, 【Std.1】 and 【Std.2】 Std.w C HANNEL VALUE FUNC TION 1 0 255 WAR M WHIT E 2 0 255 COO L WHIT E Std.d C HANNEL VALUE FUNC TION 1 0 255 MAS TER DIM MER 2 0 255 WAR M WHIT E 3 0 255 COO L WHIT E Std.1 C HANNEL VALUE FUNC TION 1 0 255 MAS TER DIM MER 2 0 255 WHIT E MAC R O 9 ADD : 19 Lacist St. Wesbrark, Maine, U.S.A. (04092) Phonel : (1) 207-712-3004 TE-3X48WW PARLED AQUA Std.2 C HANNEL VALUE MAS TER DIM MER 1 0 255 0 255 0 255 0 10 N O FUN CTION WAR M WHIT E 2 3 FUNC TION COO L WHIT E WHIT ES MA CRO 4 11 40 W HITE 1: 3200K ( Fac tory Calibra ting) 41 70 WHI TE 2: 34 00K 71 100 WHI TE 3: 42 00K 101 130 WHI TE 4: 49 00K 131 160 W HITE 5: 5600K ( Fac tory Calibra ting) 161 190 WHI TE 6: 65 00K 191 255 WHI TE 7: 72 00K STRO BE 5 0 10 9 255 N O FUN CTION 1~20 Hz ID A DDRESS 9 ID1~ID66 10 19 ID1 20 29 ID2 30 39 ID3 40 49 ID4 50 59 ID5 60 69 ID6 70 79 ID7 80 89 ID8 0 90 6 99 ID9 10 0 109 ID10 110 119 ID11 12 0 129 ID12 13 0 139 ID13 14 0 149 ID14 15 0 159 ID15 16 0 169 ID16 17 0 179 ID17 18 0 189 ID18 19 0 199 ID19 20 0 209 ID20 2 10 ID21 2 55 ID66 10 ADD : 19 Lacist St. Wesbrark, Maine, U.S.A. (04092) Phonel : (1) 207-712-3004 TE-3X48WW PARLED AQUA 4.3 BASIC INSTR UCTIONS FOR D MX512 OPER ATION ( STAGE1) MAS TER DIMMER ● CH1 controls the intensity o f the currently p rojec ted color the sli der is at the hig hest positi on ( 255) the intensit y of the output is the maximum ● When COOL WH ITE & WARM W HITE SEL ECTI ON ● CH2 and CH3 control the in tensity r atio of eac h of the WA RM WHITE & CO OL WHITE LE Ds. ● When the sl ider is at the hig hest position (2 55) the intensi ty of the color is the maximum. ● CH2 and CH3 can be comb ined together t o create whites with different c olor temperatu re. STROBE ● CH 5 control s the str obe of C H1 to CH4 has pr ior ity over CH2, C H3 & CH4. ● CH5 WHITE MACRO ● Ch4 ● T he allow us er to select 7 whites wi th diffe rent color temp eratur e. 7 whites are took fr om the 【CAL 1】 on Display panel . ID ADDRE SS S EL EC TION ● CH6 is used to selec t the tar get ID addr ess ● Each indepe ndent DMX add ress may have . upto 66 independent ID addr esses. ● An ID addres s of 0 will activa te all ID addre ss loc ations . 11 ADD : 19 Lacist St. Wesbrark, Maine, U.S.A. (04092) Phonel : (1) 207-712-3004 TE-3X48WW PARLED AQUA 5 5.1 APPENDIX TROU BLE SHOOTING SITUAT ION No d isp lay CAUSE 1) 2) 3) 4) No pow er i nput Power c onnec t ion error Display damag ed Display board I C error , or pow er input connect ion erro r,or tw o boar d c onnec ti on error 5) Contr as t dec ay ACTIO N 1) Che ck powe r s uppl y 2) Che ck powe r c onne c ti on 3) Rep lace dis play 4) Che ck the IC and al l the c onnecti on s 5) Adju s t the L CD contras t LED MO DUL E on , bu t no con tro l fr om d isp lay 1) Display IC reve rse ins ta ll 2) Display IC dam aged 1) Che ck Displ ay IC in s tallati on and q ual ity Displa y n or mal, bu t no r esp on se fr om b utto ns 1 ) Button s dama ged 2 ) Displa y IC dam aged 1) Rep la ce b ut ton s 2) Rep lace Dis play IC No D MX signa l 1) Signal C abl e error 2) Signal c onncetion error 3) The DMX s ignal receiv e IC damaged 4) DMX address error 1) Che ck al l sig nal Cab les 2) Che ck al l sig nal c on nc etion s 3) Che ck the D MX sign al recei v e IC 4) Che ck DMX address W hen the surf ace te mpe ratu re o f the un it ex cee d 75 ℃, t he te mpe ratu re p rote ctio n no wo rk . 1) The heat sensor res istance of LED boar d error 2) The temperature protection circ ui t on the dis play error. 1) Re place th e heat s ensor re si stanc e. 2) Ch eck the tempera ture pro tection ci rcuit. C o lo r m ixing u n even ,with sp lash 1) LED not joining well 2) Lens not installi ng wel l 1) Ch eck LED s joinin g 2) Ch eck l ens installin g Partial co lor ( partial warm wh ite, p artial co ol w hite ) 1) The current of one of the color group LEDs is too strong or too w eak . 2) LED bri ghtness not enough 1 ) Check dri ver c urrent o f the pa rtial col or LEDs on the D river P CB 2 ) Check LED qu ality 3 ) Reset to facto ry defau lt setti n g. L EDs of th e sam e color ar e no t li t 1) LED damaged 2) LED damaged or M ai n PC B 1 ) Repla ce LEDs 2 ) Repla ce dama ged LE D or Ma in PC B M anual a nd pr o gr am c an not save 1) Sav ing IC damaged 1 ) Repla ce sav in g IC 12 ADD : 19 Lacist St. Wesbrark, Maine, U.S.A. (04092) Phonel : (1) 207-712-3004 TE-3X48WW PARLED AQUA 5.2 MAINT ENANCE 14 13 12 1 2 3 4 11 5 6 8 7 No 9 10 ITE M 1 Front cov er 2 Rubber s e al 3 Clear glass 4 Lens com pleted set 5 LED P CB 6 Heat sink 7 Bracket 8 Power con nection b oard 9 Display P CB 10 Display pr otection me tal plate 11 Saf ety ch ain board 12 Driv er PC B 13 PO WER P CB (5V) 14 Power sup ply (24V)l 19 ADD : 19 Lacist St. Wesbrark, Maine, U.S.A. (04092) Phonel : (1) 207-712-3004 TE-3X48WW PARLED AQUA Connection Drawing J1 十 J1 J2 24 V J3 0V 一 J3 J2 J2 DMXOU T 5V 0 V S 0V 屏 蔽线 0V 5V HXPEE HXPEE -B 0V DMX IN N J1 J2 J3 LED 24V POWER J4 TP2- 09 505 T P2- 09 505 -B L POWER PO WEROUT POWERIN AC 10 0V ~2 50 V ADD : 19 Lacist St. Wesbrark, Maine, U.S.A. (04092) Phonel : (1) 207-712-3004