Download LED type micro E06/E065` projector Series
臼 冒Jξ :℃ r|黯 眢 The user manua丨 fProducts Ⅵ/ith DaCkag|ng in k丨 nd Oreva ) To dear customers∶ Thank you for oho° sin舀 our oompany’ s products ε 06s is an infinito mini proJe° t° r mado from Ejialo Ohina` whioh is designod and ou9komized tho trend of equiρ ment espeoiaIIy for mob:备 trondsottors,muθ io onJoying mastors,sharing m韶 EO6s is not only a sh° "lth patm¨ θ 嫩n,offi∞ business,nn rt fooal }θ ngth and high-defin|ti°n projector size, but also with the adˇanced "ire18ss sharing teohnoIogy ∶ t oan instantly ° hange the photos or videos in your lphone. android or any other k:nds of s囟 旧rt d° ˇioos from tho sma|l soreen output into a large one You oan θ nJoy muoIo any time any whθ r° wiro|essly That oan be nonˉ supor ln tho ourr仓 nt era ° f poρ ular persona| omart dθ EOss oan oonn∞ t to the lntθ IⅡ vioes, min】 pro丿 eotor gent termina|unfetkered ln ρ art;oular in the era of mobility, who will toke 彳ith a bi召 and heaˇ y ρrOJector running around?EOss loved by tho masses of usors w"sign,fioantly:mpro帅 proJeotor’ s easθ of uθ pθ rformanoo thθ mobilθ Wo oan sharo thθ huge soroon anytime and any"here, onak i ng era ρ opular ovθ rywhoro EJial° EO6s is vorˇ suitabte for business peoρ Iθ as a suner p° rtabIe "° m9ttor for an outdoor moetin舀 ρ rop° sat, or ln sllBIl nI proJθ otor m∶ the o 田lth :ts fashionable appearanoo and r;oh me咬 ing insido tho oomgny,you oan oas"y∞ ntrol戋 he use。 f it.%sides, as businoss offioo ρ o°ple、 in the r心 st timo you oan also sharo pl臼 y all kinds oF films "ith family or friends with th:s projeotor, oX0orieno;Ⅱ 舀the jov of homo thθ ator together the wonderfu|巾 sh毗 of oours⒍ ""l be also⒃ ved:nto a wOnderful :n our heart~ staˇ 《 】● Warning noticeI Table of c° ntent∶ 1、 safety and ● ¨¨● ¨¨¨¨¨● ● ● preVention・ ¨¨¨¨¨・ ¨…¨¨● ¨¨● ● ¨¨● ¨● ● ¨¨● ¨● ¨● ¨¨¨03 8eoause the projeGtor is stro吖 旮勹1fht sour。 e, so ’ t |ook int° the |onsI Or y° u may danlage your eyes leθ s仓 ¨¨¨¨¨¨● ¨● ¨…¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨● 2 Pr° duct f° atures structure・ ¨¨¨・ ¨・o4 3 3 Functi° n buttong and instruotions・ v° …・ …¨¨¨¨● ● ¨¨● ¨¨¨¨ ● ¨¨● o4 make sure a externat headphone, TF card $lot, id °hi1dren swa11° w|ng small devioes (su° h as TF rd. ot° PaneI b凵 tt0ns ) lnterfaoe butt° ns 4 Interfaoe :nstruotions・ ・ ¨¨・ …¨・ ● ¨● ¨¨● ¨¨¨¨● ¨● ¨● …● ¨● ¨¨¨¨● ¨● 05 …¨・ ¨¨¨● ● ¨¨● …¨● t^ Functi° naI aρ j,lication oρ eration¨ ・ ● ¨● ¨● ¨● ¨∷06 Bas:c operat;ons 1 safety and preˇ enti° n P{oaso obserˇ e thθ f° |l° wing safety prooautjon$, thls w:II inoreo$¤ Ea0h f凵 n0tion臼 l oρ eration reIeˇ ¨¨・ ¨● ¨¨¨● ¨¨● ¨● ● ¨¨● ● ¨¨・ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨・ 6 system sett;ngs・ ¨¨¨¨・ ・ ¨¨・ 07 aooessories and othor perIpheraI dθ 7signal s° ur° g soleotion ・ ¨¨………・ ¨¨¨¨¨¨…¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨●08 8^ρ p"cations¨ ¨ … ¨ … ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ … … ¨ ¨ ¨ … ¨ … … … ・ OB 9 Acoessibil:ty i° vioΘ ower oords. ρ s On the m;nl pr° Jeotor or near t use strong dissolˇ ing agents, suoh as∶ thinner, benzeno o° mpounds or other ohemioals 09 …・ ¨・ ……¨¨¨¨¨¨¨● ¨¨¨¨● ¨¨● ¨●1o ¨・ 。 ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨● ● ¨¨● ● ¨¨● 11 spec:fi。 at;。 ns ¨・ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨● ● ¨¨● ¨¨● ●12 12 user serˇ don’ ant quaIifications consuIting serv;oe Do not use damaged ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨・ ¨¨¨¨● ¨● ¨¨● ¨¨● ¨¨● ¨● ¨¨¨¨● ¨¨● ¨¨¨● 10 丁he same sor° en push feature ¨・ ¨¨・ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨灬¨・ …¨¨¨● ● ¨¨● ¨● ¨● ¨● e ¨・ ^¨ ¨¨¨¨●14 13 "arranty oard the l:fe of the ma。 hino In addit;on to the manuat menti° nod, ask staff with ¨¨¨¨・ ¨● ¨● ● ¨¨● ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ● ¨¨・ ¨¨¨¨● ● ¨¨● ● ¨¨● 15 ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨● 14 Techn° :° gy sρ eoifioati° ns ¨¨¨・ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨・ ¨・ ¨¨¨¨16 1 Before 。|eaning` be sure to diso° nneot the AC Clean the mini projector using a oIean c° tton or soft leather cIoth and nonˉ abrasiˇ e detergent w丨 th a few droρ s ° f warm water Then w:pe °ff the resid。 al moisture ψith a dry ol°th 2 Don’ t ρut tho proJector ° n the working ρlatform that’ s not stable or Ⅱeak 3~Don,t ρ ut the projector on the Iegs or any part of ° ur body, to ρrevent ˇ you discomfort or injured oaused by heat 4.Don’ t press the p'° jeotor Iens Don’ t put the projeotor with small p:ooes together to aˇ o:d soratohos or enterlng it 5 Don’ t plaoe objeots on the any object Do卩 6 Don’ ρrojector, nor use the m;ni pr° jeotor to push t expose the projector to strong magnetio or charged area t expose it to dusty environment or oρ erato it :n gas Ieak places t expose or use thθ min, ρroJootor in |iqu饣 7 Don’ Don’ ds・ rain or moigturθ 2. produot fθ aturθ s struotures t use it during lightninε storm Tips 1 In the boot stato. ρloa8e avoid objeots blocking thθ ρrojθ ctor’ s air oor a;r o|rouIation rθ duoing thθ heat i"Iet and outIot to aˇ oid ρ dissIρ ation effeot tor app"es onlv to the onvironmont of 2 safety tenperature:Thi8prOJ∞ Htˉ degr∞ CeIs|us △【 ower ρrojeotor, ρloasθ uso tho ρ 3~ To extond the Iifo of the m;ni ad臼 pt。 r meeting the safety req凵 ir0mentg 4 Projeotor buiIt-in fa": Aftθ hours ” o'king. ot刂 s normal if fans r I° ng o` △ ork "ith a s丨 ight sound star刂 》一 Jc rθ ˇ ont rojector on tho Iθ gs or any p臼 rt of your bodv, to ρ ut tho ρ ρ 3 Don・ t vou d;soo田 f0rt 0r injurod oaⅡ sed by hoat~ 4 Don’ t 9rosβ the ρrojθ otor Ions DoⅡ ’t ut tho rojθ otor with smalI ρ ρ ρioces toEether to aˇ o;d sor日 tohθ s or enter;ng it t ρIace objeots oⅡ th0 ρroJeot° 5 Don’ r, n° r 凵sh uso the m;ni ρrojooto' to ρ 。the orojootor to strong magnetio or ohorgQd aroa my obJect~Dor t exp。 。 r臼 t0 it :n go6 1eak t or oρ θ t oxρ os0 it to dusty onvironmθ ” 6 Don’ ρlaoo8 3. Funotion buttons a"d instruotio"s 1 P日 o0l bⅡ 1to口 s 0 3 - 5 Booonds/turn off the main ρo” er sup9Iy: ^: Pr0臼 B: 0o口 " kθ y mo"u oρ oratio", ,rogs 3 sooonds to s口 me (doo'oaε e〉 C: Ja‘ itoh the ˇ oIuˉ ; y; " J1o"u, r0turn kθ D :Right arrOw kov i" tho mθ nu oρ eratiom, ρross throo sθ oonds to s,itoh the s:‘ Ⅱ al souroo; E: Left 臼rr0" key i门 the me"u oρ oration, ρross throo seoonds to 8叩 itoh thθ ˇoIlme (increase) 2 Intorfaoo fu“ otions △θns mouth:ρ HD"I lnterfaoe∶ dig;tal hIgh-dofin∶ t1° n roJθ 。 t° r d:sρ ˇideo, audio input interfa° e; 12∶ 56 AV I" / AVDIlO OuT Int° rfaco∶ AV video ;nρ ut/audio outρ ut Interfacθ Iav lons; ■ 巳 ∷ ∶ ■ ; VsB interfaoe: extθ rnaI storago deˇ ;co ;nterface (not as a ρ0"er funCˉ tion. suρ port u disk) DC power inρ ut oonnθ otor: Connθ ot the powθ r adapter rated 〈 using this 5V2A / DC po"er suppIy)∶ TF oard slot∶ exteroal TF, "ini sO storag° devioe intorface: Lights∶ pr° Ject° r ψ °rk lights; Po氵 er koy∶ Push uρ to turn on thθ ower, push doIfn ρower thθ ρ 5 to turn off; Foous "hool: sρ ∶ nner ρrojector disρ lay 。larity BasIo operations Boot: Pross (A) tho po″ er button for 3 - 5sooonds, the 1na。 h:ne Braoket∶ TrIpod nut mouth is ρ owered on Tho system enters thθ interfaoe, theo the dofauIt ^ndroid4 2 2 systont ρrojeotor oan be s"itohed to use shutdown: press (A) the ρower button for 3 - 5 sθ oonds` thΘ 4 systθ m Interface ∶ nstruotions Tho maoh;ne souroe ;ntorfaoo is d;vided :nt° : Android /"9+l/AV :ntorfaoe Ⅱo。 1 2 3 ψilI ρrom,t ψhether to turn off the 1RachiⅡ θ,Gliok(0κ )to shut it dolIn 2 Eaoh funotional oporations 2 1 Connect the ^O adaρ ter InterFace InterFaCe features 1ndr◇ id贺 足 F尝 λ托 :la、 t∶ ;∶ ::〖 Renarks ∶ :sand 2 2 CIiok on the Video ρlayer HD澉 1 ::导 {::∶ ::扌 :奋 ⒊ 哎 g炙 t色 l 厶V only use the su9ρ Iied ρ oψ er adaρ ter dedicated Aohioˇ o ρIaying aod broⅡ s;ng looal (usB / TFcard)or "etⅡ ▲udio sign仓 1 1nput ork d muItimodia ˇideo "eighborho° 2 3 C丨 iok on the musi。 pIayor s a system customizθ d and dθ ^odroid interfaoe:It’ for OLP mioi ρr° Ject° r by EJiale oomρ any mtorfaoo moduleθ main ∶ is as boIo" ve丨 oρ ed ^ndroid svstem Aohieˇ e ρlay;og and broⅡ sing IooaI(usB / TF。 ard)or Ⅱ et"ork Ⅱeighborhood muItimedia music 2 4 Cliok on the ρ;oture ρIayer Aohieve playinε and br° ws;ng 丨 ooa丨 (usB / TF 。 ard)° r "otwork "eighbo'hood mult}media piotu'θ 2 5 Cliok on the ap,lIcations ˇou oan oheok al} looaI (usB / TF 。臼rd) 臼 ndnθ t"ork noighborhood 丶 buiIt-$ystem aρ pli¢ at:ons and do"nlo臼 d fiI0s 丿 6 system $etting A,Android; B,HDml; C ^V A Open the "∶ fi, seIeot the Ⅱ:fi netⅡ ork ψ hloh 。 an bθ oonneoted; B~ 丫 ou oan modify usor ρθrmiss:ons for aII the loo臼 I system s° tting ; C svstem uρ grade: the system ρroVIdes t饣 o waˇ s Looal uρ grado(requ∶ res external storage doˇ ioes havi"g the 1 soft田 are upgrade ρ aokage); 拙et△ ork upgrade(requires the ρr∶ o' egtabIishment of 白 2 net凵 0rk 0ha"neI) su,port to do"nload, "ifi‘ 7. signaI souroe selection 9 support to ohange font sIze, to autoˉ rotate the soreen, the mouse wheel zoom , teXt-toˉ speeoh output and enhanˉ 1 "ired oooneot: oonneot the projootor and a °elI phone with "OTE:This prooession, the oonne¢ tiommay fail beoause the ρhonθ does not support the protoool That’ s normaI 2 Connθ ot with ⅡlFI hotspot∶ Wl卩 l hotspots Can be established Whon thθ p'° Jeotor and mobiIe in tho samo LA" 3 Turn on the projeotor sottinε s and thθ ρ rojeotor portable hotspot in wireless a巾 d n0t田 0rk;ng oopabtlitiθ s use the phono to find the hotspots "IFl and oonneot it ou can use the Then ˇ game sorθ θ n nush foatvre "・ th the apρ Iioation caIled Eshare 4 Bofore us∶ ng the ooIl phono or othor smart deˇ n push foaturo the firgt timθ 8ome gor。 ¢ ioe for the , you oan downIoad and ;nstall Esharo apρ I:catIon in Android or ^ρ ρIe markot store AIso you can turn on tho ρ 'ojoCt° (as pIotu'。 d〉 ; DownIoad and :nstaII aooordin留 to thθ wobsitθ mentionθ d 6 0ρ θ n tho Eharθ APK instalIod in your ρ hone or smart dovioo, the deˇ ∶ oe aftor findin舀 The samo soreen push feature HI,"l 5 Aooessib;Iity press the funotion key to Iook for the deˇ oing web accessibility eto 10 Ir1staI: or 'oya∶ unIo臼 d et0 in r for tho Eshare 臼ppIi° ation ioe You oan oonnect it and oliok its name (as shoⅡ ed) 11, sρ ooif;oat∶ ono 7, Vou oo" ρti0h tho p;。 七uro,oud:o, ˇido° , dooumontB in your ooll phono o' othor Bma't doˇ joo臼 optical por。 ”↑ ¢B t0 th0 proJo。 t° r and Bhoo Projec攵 ion thom aftor tho oo"noot∶ on, It oa" 臼l臼 0 a0扣 ;oVo 臼 s;ng moro thon teChnoloBy DLP 王 ngtJtlmentB DLP dig亠 to】 、 1ght process1nB v啻 oJect五 on tooh3olog,/ ’ 0,3’ 臁D Tox砬 $ ono doˇ ;oo oImu丨 to"oo臼 θIV, Craph五 cg 曲 夂,,g 8,At tho Eoho'o In Vour phooo, you oo" ooo tho r自 dio oontroI臼 , r ,h0nθ oan oontroI tho proJoot° r 臼 nd b0 0 souF¢ ^ftor o,on;"g, vo凵 mouθ o o"d koybo臼 rd (0B ohoψn), co】 lR,o,B,Thr∞ ˉ 1ED l18ht gour∞ ove,20,∞ Oh。cs“ fo e!,po o,・ B0tF∞ 1攵 fe Br戈 ght” 审 s Col,stmst 饣atio LzO l拥 CnB :000:: Loss1hOn】 ,0% DI臼 to=t夂 ot, Jp-f。 rn,ty 。 n:。 t!° 8铙 ,g忄 【 di卩 t。 nc。 “anoal Focus 85‘ 衤 龟 80 oˇ e,・ Pr° Joct多 1・ Foous腐 ode Phyg亠 cdl r。 。 olut|佴 「 ,,hQngⅡ g Ⅱnk,” 。 P,・ 10ˉ 100‘ nCheB CPll Bu:lt-1nC0,0city Lo瑶哂 g口 sllI,port,鸿 o臼 n oρ θ rato Th;θ foatIj'θ i8 port|oⅡ Ia'Iy o“ itnbIθ dirootly. 忄 or friondg ρIayi"ε ‘臼 m0s a mob;lθ ,hooo oamor¤ Fkot,「 0oo boo△ o↑ ¢ R叩 8,AVI,WⅡ V,sOP,IOV,etc 鼯,叩 A△ ACC,etc.supn0r``。 ls,∞ ko,・ 9 BRP,CI「 spoak¢ 8 、,ng n。 th。 d 口‘f1 touch keyB Into,Foc● 'JPEG‘ Bu“ ←:n ⅡzI JPC,PⅡ 0etc Bullt-in II饣 1 802.!亠 b/B lrs m:pl仓 y/跏 r° caB阢 W^ F盯 ::::丿 suDpoFt g蚀 eg¢ e眵 funct1m褓 B1uOtooth footBε θonto a Iargθ ,roJθ 。 t° r 。 。rθ en dioplaˇ J・ oⅡ ter” Picture∞ cRn∞ tB ˇ1r口 ,ogg oamero "ilI imltodIatoIy 9Ⅱ t tho ^Ⅱ d thθ “ n0=。 i-+,z/slnpl° syoton Du之 1-coro 1 6C / ∶ ot。 gF。 t!on Bu1】 t-1n“ ⒊ can。 8pond-o32C gh,「 rcBch RuBg‘ on, Ch廴 nege,Eng亠 ⒌ s9o心 gh,^” -亠 0 HPB,ψ oporθ 10 ^ q,oo;al foBtⅡ ro ;θ thot our ρroJ。 。 tor oan aIgo bθ u愈 in‘ 臼 0 】 6:09 ^θ RR氵 【us,c docl,,lellts 了hon tho ρhonθ c。 gt打 ont/rear ˇord,Exco1,PowerPo土 ot,P0「 ,C◇ ogl● doctaents Vtdeo doot,mts olob::B ρ hono d:spIov, 1deno9B〉 ProJo¢ 靼 tho0 0je¢=-o。 亠¢ 。△ o 。、F。 、-ρ ^sp。 △ 叻 】ΙCot1on臼 peC1rtc。 t1o,g opergt夂 nB gyε ten 9 Vou ooⅡ aIBo 9ut y0ur ,'ojooto' d;B,Iay 8o'ooo ;m,0go to vour :ψ ,峦 0n0terB Ⅱ【 ,kI+l:support ⅡDⅡ :81Bno11nput usB△ ⒉ s。 ppor`刂 dlgk,玎 sB狁 φ blle hord dI雷 h 饣sB R° ug勤 usB k。 yboord In0刂 t t口 r爽土 o色 I out,ut t。 rnI0gl 3,sn△ E烁 mded Flmct‘ on臼 sp口 。 lF,cot!on臼 toto! ,° ˇe, Btln← 1n go刂 ∞ ▲dB,ter Prodl,c( B1ε o △1n1 oud1o out,o廿 : sD+1'oktondod up 父o 32C :0ˇ 2500nA DC5V/z△ !30Ⅱ 6勿 Ⅱ 20nR ・ C3) 12 Vser servioe The ρrojector requires maintenance the dust or stains WiII reduce the Υou shouId keep the lens clean, beoause ρrojeotion image quaIity on tho screen lf any part ° f the projootor noeds to be rep|aoed, ple日 se 00ntaot With Vour ersonneI dea|er °r qual|f玄 ed servioe ρ 1.Check the ⅡDⅢ 1 cable is connected ,lfe11, ◇the扌 s/ise ch色 ¤恳c anothcr. 2, ε◇ nflr狐 Whether the defau1t sys戈 e掀 sign之 1 ig 嚣B菇 ∶么~Jl宅 反ε宫・l,ress 疵enu key F t◇ switch t◇ thε IIDl】 I gign色 1. ⅡDlII doesr t w。 rk 3‘ Jd色 ke sll,e 文幻备t the 各oftware is not inst色 11ed 燕oteb◇ ok l,◇ tkeV (var变 ous l爸 t,top h◇ t蔽 1 P丨 CIoan thθ Iens easo use thθ standard Ions 。Ieaning oloth or paρ er Iens should be orumbIy, onIy the reoonwlended or nonˉ Tho projeotor oorrosiVe mater:aIs can be used. 0on’ t use your f;ngers. 2 Clean the projeo饣 or oabint,t Gently lIipe Ⅱ:th a soft o|oth If :t’ clean it "ith a soft oIoth diρ n ψ r a m:ld dθ atθ r ° ρod ∶ wi卩 o 3 s diffiouIt to remoˇ o the dirt, torgθ nt AV sc=een is b色 d Thon troubleshooting lf y°u sti丨 l °an’ t s° lve the troublesho° s configured Ⅱith CPu and pr。 te。 tion oirouits electronio oomponents It’ inside the ρroduct If there is ˇioIatjon of operating ρ rooedures or impropor operation・ the ρr° teot∶ on c:rcuit of the produot wilI begin to If there are scWle unⅡ sual o:r° tmstanoes, the failure wilI bo l;fted as long as you make the oor'ect settings or porform as the fol|owing above methods, pIease contact with us teIy 13 Resolution 1. P◇ 篮cr su卩 p1y ls bad: Check tb官 急dapte,・ and ensu△ c the 色daptcr a go◇ d ¢◇厶t色 ct. 2 St急 ti¢ rlhen。 Btleno^makes the 疵急chirle C色 n卩 t b◇ ◇t tc△ tpora=i1y diε ab1cd: Press 变he l,◇ Ψcr button t◇ re$tatt. If thε aboVt。 t,vo 途 扌夸 仓0呤 f1r狐 c吨 I,1ea$e contact sv炙 th the de$1骞 n急 ted seFVi¢ e p◇ 炙 nt or corIsu1t ou= co风 pany. ting using the °r the agent immediaˉ Do not open the machine by y° urself Warranty card 1ser’ na瓜 e 9etai1ed address lra1ful,ction . Fˉ tho oabinet drv "ith a soft and dry oloth The produot io o hig卜 tech product made from optioaI,meohanioal and run eys s◇ ftVat・ e i$ n【,t the saWte). 急11 the above aFe c◇ nfir狃 e叱 lD1e急 εe cont念 ¢t With the degi息 n每 ted $ca・ ˇicc p◇ irjt oF con$u亠 t our c° rlp仓 Ⅱ 。 1 1.Confirm AV video ◇u弋 l,ut cab1c and thc di sIl1ay dev炙 c京 is c◇ nnccted c◇ rrectly, 2.Confirll vrl.ε ther the Ftachin夸 o11trlut 】 R◇ de is c° nsistcnt With y◇ ur disl,1。 y dev1cF~。 1f the aboVe tl/o 往re Confi扌 Fl e战 p1e备 $e cont仓 ct With the desisrln色 ted 念 rVice point or co0su1t ◇ur c° Ⅲpany, I£ Lho狃 臼nu nber Date of lturch容 se 任achine LgentJ s name ’ ho扭 enullber s detailed 犭ddre夕 ‘ 〖 aintεnance ,records L黑 ent氵 nljnber | 14‘ fIoatlong toohnology θpθ 。∶ Ro口 dom ^oooooorIog; r ^d臼 pt° r(standard oonflgurotion〉 I B,"DⅡ l coblo gt臼 nd臼 rd 00nfIε urotion〉 (θ to"dord ^, PoWθ °onfiguration): 0,^V oablo 〈 ; 0,pouoh。 Thaok you for roadin: th∶ θmonuo1. lf you haˇ θany quoθ tionθ , ρIooBo fooI frθ o to oontaot with uθ or aεootg, Ⅱo ⅡiIl ρroˇ ido quolIty oorˇ ioo for you and θInoo'oly hoρ o that you ugo our ρroduoto ond onJoy V° ur lifo, ‘ I