Download Robotic Vacuum Cleaner
User manuaI βefore you turn the app丨 iances on,p|ease read the userIs manua|carefu丨 and keep itforfuture reference‘ y, 丨 Contents lMP0RTANT¨ ¨¨¨¨¨………………¨¨¨ … 1 sAFETY NOTICE 1 ¨¨…¨¨¨……¨ ¨ ¨¨¨¨¨…………………………¨¨¨ UsE REsTRICTl0Ns DEsCRIPTlON sUPPLlED C0NTENTs ……………………………… … …… ……………………… …………………… ¨ ¨ …………………………………………… ………¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨………¨……… 4 sPEClFlCATION¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ 4 ¨¨¨¨ ¨ GUlDE0F0PE RATI0N ¨¨¨¨…………… … 1 Battery charging ¨ ¨¨¨¨ ¨¨ ¨¨……… …… ¨ ¨ 2j Using the product 2 ¨ ¨¨ 3 ¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨……………………… 5 ¨ ¨¨… … ¨ ¨¨ …¨¨¨…¨ ¨… …… ¨¨¨ ¨¨ ¨¨ ¨¨ 5 ¨¨¨ 6 3,Display defin"ion・ ¨………… …¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨…………………………………… ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ 7 4 0peration of docking station 8 5 0peration of space isolator 9 6 Rem° te contro|paneI CLEANlNG AND MAlNTENANCE 10 ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨…………………¨¨¨¨¨¨……・ 11 1 RemovaI,insta"ation and cleaning ofthe dust container ¨¨ ¨¨¨¨ ¨¨ ¨ ¨ 2 Cleaning the fan motor ¨ ¨¨ ¨¨……………¨¨ ¨¨ ¨… …………¨¨¨ ¨ …… 11 3,Cleaning and replaCe the f"ter 4, Usingthe mop ¨¨¨¨¨ ¨ 11 11 ¨…………………… ¨ ¨¨ ¨¨¨¨……… ¨ ………… 12 5, Removal and insta"au° n。 fthe main brush ¨ ¨¨ ¨¨ ¨¨ ¨ ¨¨¨ ¨¨ ¨ … … 12 6.Removal and insta"ation ofthe side brush ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨…………………¨…………… 13 REPLACEMENT OF BATTERY 14 1 Battery replacement ofthe Cleaner ¨¨¨¨ ¨ ¨ ¨¨ ¨… ………… ¨ 2.Battery replacement of space Isolator TR0UBLEsHooTING ¨¨¨¨ ¨…………¨¨¨¨¨¨ ……… ……… 14 …¨ 14 ¨¨¨¨¨……¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨……¨…¨¨…………………… 15 I铷 ● This product contains Ni-M H battery,do notincinerate ba1tery or eXpose to high p0RTANt temperature,asthey may eXplore ● lA/hen the battery packis notin use,keep away from other metal objects,such as∶ Please read aH user manual before you use Warning:Use the product onIy as described in this manua1fa"ure to fo"ow a" instructions listed beIoW may resuk in electric shock,fire and`or serious injury. ● Do nottake apart any accessories,ihcluding remote control and spaCe isolator 0nIy use acement parts or accessories provided orrecommended by the manufacturer ● This productis designed for household use Do not use tin industria|surroundings or outdoors! ● The appⅡ ances must be disconneCted from the lη ains supply when removing the battery ● ln an emergency s"uation contact professional help immediately ● Repairs should be carried out by a service agent or a su"able qua"fied person in accordance with releVant safety regulations Repairs by unqua"fied persons could be dangerous ● DOn’ t use this product on Water ground surface I鼯 one ternη ina丨 to anothe∴ ● The battery must be removed from the app"ance before itis disCarded ● The battery is to be disposed of safety Attention: rep丨 paper c"ps,cons,keys,na"s,screVVs or other sma"m eta|objects that can make connection from Keep itfor future reference ● 0n!y use replacement parts or accessories proVided orrecommended by the manufacturer 罅衤灬娴姆冖 -usE∷ ● This ρroduct contains a rechargeable battery "is charged by provided charging deVice R庄 s卞 良iC亍 :0Ns This produCt only used W"h DC24∨ 500mA adapter ● ⊙nly forindoor use,do not use outdoors or on balconies ● DO notusethe app"ancesif any partis damaged or defectiVe ● This app"ance is notintended for user by persons(including chⅡ physica丨 dren)vvith red uces ,sensory or mental capab""ies,orlack of experience and knowledge,unless they ● Device is not a toy,do nots"or stand on it,sma"ch"dren and pets should be supervised vvhen the robotis Cleaning have been giVen superVision orins】 ruction concerning use ofthe app丨 iances by a person ● DO not pick up anything thatis flanη mable,burning or smoking responsible fortheir safety ● Do not use this device to pick up anything wet ● Ch"dren must be supervised to ensure thatthey do not play with the product ● Do not use withlong-p"ed carpets ● Before connecting this productto the wa"socket,make surethe main Vo"ageisthe same as that stated on the rating p|ate ● Keep the charge powercord aⅥ `ay from hotsurfaces and sharp edges ● NeVer use accessories,do not aItemptto use the aCCessories Ⅵ `ith any other product nor attemptto charge this product with anothρ r charge ● Before use,checkthe charge cord forsigns ordamage or ageing,"is forbidden to use the productif"has a damaged powercord or plug ● Never use the productifyou have wet hands orfeet ● Do not spray the product With water or any other"quid DO not put water or any other"quids into the product DO notsubmerge the productin Water orin any other"quid ● This productis designed for household use,do not use itin industrial surroundings or outdoors ● store in a dry place always ● Ifthe productis being used,do not block the airinflovv and outflow openings,blocked air vents can cause oVerheating and motordamage ● Do not vaCuum large pieces of paper or plastic bags,they can eas"y clog the app"ances ● Never use the vacuum cleaner Withoutfilters orthe dust container being inserted ● Using a chargerfronη a different product may cause a risk offire -1— -2~ 圄 n tec° m° R ●0 Vacuum cleaner 0 DOCking station Adapter User manual Battery Type 144∨ DC,Niˉ MH1700mA Θ Θ Charge output 24W Charge input AC100ˉ 240V NOise IeVel ≤ 58dB First charging tirne 1 Infrared sensor 9POWersw"ch 2Handle 10,Main ROtating Brush NOrmal charging time 8HOurs 4¨ 5HOurs 3 AutomatiC charging contacts 4 LED D∶ splay 11 Button of dust container VVOrklng time 60¨ 90h/lin 12Moρ &VaCuum lnlet COver Battery for space isolator 5Bumper 13 Battery Charger socket 14 Dust container Dust container capacity #1(LR20x2) 330mI Remote Control distance ≤ 5m 15Rechargeable Battery Unit sizO ⑦34Cmx85cm 6 1/Va"sensor 7step sensors 8side Brush 16U∨ Lamp -3_ -4— 赏 囊 事 ∶ ∶藩 Il,I|∶ I,,奋 1,Battery charging (ManuaI charging and Automatic charging) ll丨 l| 2.Using the product Before using,ρ ick up objects like clothing,loose papers,pu"coros for b"nds or curtains, povver cords,and any frag"e objects as they may entangle with cIeaning brushes Manual charging 丨 fthe device passes oVer a powercord and dragsit,there is a chance an object could fa"off a Attention! Charge the battery for8h° urs before first use,and manual charging is suggested when the firsttime uso. table or shelf ●Ensure the battery is charged ●Putthe robot cleanerin the room VVhich is needed to be cleaned ● Connectthe end ofthe adapterto the DC socket on the vacuum cIeaner and it w"lbe charged directly,see be丨 ●Turn on the main poVVer sWitch,don’ tturn it on in front ofthe space isolator signaI Ⅱght ●once turn on the main poVVer sVvitch,command“ ow picture sML“ button Wi"flash,please press button untilthe flash stopping lf you press the button″ L″ during the flashes, the deVice wi"search for dock station and charge automatica"y, itis for showing how to charge automatica"y funtion purpose Δ warning: High Vo"age!Danger ofinjury by e|eotHo shock!You must haVe dry hands before use! ● 0nce the battery is fu"charged,unplug the adapterfrom the socket DO not pu"the power R/lain power switch cord,grasp the adapter and pu"to disconnectfrom the socket Then take o矸 terminal of adapter(DC plug)fr° m vacuum cleaner Automatic charging ●To startthe robot Cleaner,press one ofthe buttons(sML)t。 choose the desired Cleaning ● FirmIy seatthe docking station on and even surface against a VerticalVVa" ●There mode mustnoˇ va"s or cavities in the range of3m from the front ofthe docking station,and Ⅱkewise O5m must be keptfree along its sides ●The vacuun∩ cleaner Ⅵ `ould not be able to locate the station ifthe infrared signal sensor was covered ●In$ertthe adapter end into the DC socket on the docking station(see pic1) 燹 `>_____ 鲺 △ №r"nj: High Vo"age!Danger ofinjury by eIect"c shook!Υ ou must haVe dry hands before use丨 ● TO PAUsE cIeaning robot, press one of the command buttons ● TO Resume c丨 eaning robot,press one ofthe command buttons again ● TO Turn off cleaning robot,pressthe main powersw"ch ● First charging time is8hours,then regular charging time is4-5hours Warning:0nly use a replacement battery as suppⅡ ed by manufacturer. -5- -6- 」 2。 DispIay dofin∶ tion 3.operation of docking station lfthe battery goes flat during the vacuunη ing proCess, the vacuum cleaner wi"automatica"y locate the docking station so thatthe battery can be charged ④ ⑥ ° 0⑧ ⑨ Ξ臼唧虞 胃 ■■■■■ J|:∶ k《》 Ⅱ。 cIi^RGl"G Θ Θ ρ∶P!ey n?。 :sp∶ ay 卩 fⅡ ctl??FefinⅢ 。 ● ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ③ ⑨ sP0T spot Working mode AUT0 M orL Working mode DOCK RObotis seeking for docking station |ˉ Robotis under c丨 Robotis under charging gg“ RObot working time leaVes dock station, system Press Auto one more tirne to cance|" s — Again press“ Clock” button,the minute icon∶ area is2square metersρ ace,Ⅱ is su"able for spot cleaning in one certain area “S” working mode,if you use dock station,product automatica"y charges the Θ M for sma"room“ — Again press“ Time” button,the minute icon∶ vacuunη ing to be done by using “ L” 0 L Then“ ∫ VVorking mode,robot keeps running untiI power weak,if you use dock station,thon cleaner automatica"y charges the battery and Work again ltis su"able forlarge room The vacuum cleaneris in charging,the】 Ve“ ■■■■■”、 ash circulaHy numeral means charging time ^`"1】 (four minute as a un"display) ” The vacuunη cleaneris fu"charged,the five“ ■■■■■ Wi"fla$h atthe same time,"CO"shows on display In addition,there is anothertimed working mode,we can setto cIean automatica"y according to the pre-se⒒ ing time This function need to be set on docking station,p丨 Userintroduction ofthe timed cleaning function(Page8) -7— ease refer to the docking station “ ” 召Ξ wi"sta ash,setthe currenttime by r⒒ o刊 ash,setthe current minute “ +” or“ -” “ £ 孑 Jrl” +” or“ -” buttons startto刊 ash,in which you wish wi"sta rt to刊 ash,in Which you Wish buttons — After compIeting the time setting,press“ Time” again,“ oFF” vvi"be showed on display, then press“ product automatica"y charges the battery after Work ” ∶ will start to刊 ”wⅢ 日日 ∶ the“ Time” button,the houricon“ Working modθ ,robot cleans for43nη in;"is su"able ’ ’ 、 闪 Working mode,if you use dock station, ocr button,the houricon“ JJrf日 — Press battery after work “ M” C丨 ● Timo:Pre-setting th0vacuum time∶ Working mode,robot cleans for5min,and working s” the“ — Again press“ Clock” button,current day ofthe week Can be se丨 ected by press“ — After completing the settings press the“ Clock” button to be down POWer,not fu"powerifthe icons flash “ — Press by pressing the +” or-” buttons Robot With error CAPAClTY 巛 》 ” ● Auto:Press Auto button onCe,the icon“ 1磁 。shows on disρ lay,startto automatic cleaning N TR0UBLE NR :is咴 it Wi"flash a"the time(No mattertho battery fu"charged or not)u nt"the cleaner eaning mode CHARGING i∶ 《 》 ’ 蕊’ Ready for Working by press any button CLEANlNG iⅡ Attention:when dock station is Work∶ ng,for battery charging,the icon“ is刊 ashing, itjust means dock station is in charging procedure,N0T means battery capaCity status, ● Clock:setting currenttime READY 《 》 心 ●lnsertthe adaρ ter end into the DC socket on the docking station(refertO Automatic charging ⒇阳∞5),takethe c ea⒃ r∞ nmdthe∞ ck stat o△ 岫en山 e伽 e"蕊 "刊 Ⅱh atthe朗 me @ No。 ⑩ ・¢j由 丨 。 。 | — 2” +” ,“ 0N” shoWs on display,then press“ Tilη e” to complete the time function shows on disp|ay you can cancelthe pre-setting by cut offthe poWer Attention: C)If d° ck station is not fu"Charged or automatic charging time is less than5hours,butthe pre-setting time is reached,the pre-setting time function cou丨 d notvvork,the pre-set tirne sha"be more than5hours C|After finished setting,the docking station can’ ● lf y° u t be power offbefore vacuum time have chose Time function,please cancel Auto funCtion,otherwise the Time function V̌"l not be Workable C)lt may hapρ en thatthe Vacuum cleaner does notfind the docking station because of obstacles,a flat battery or because of complex Conditions in a large area ● P|s charge the vacuum cleaner on the docking station、 -8— ″hen setthe vacuum time 4.operation of space isoIator cleaneris moving The space isolator can Iimitthe rnovement ofthe Vacuum cIeanerⅥ The distance between the space isolator and thρ `hen itis vacuuming to only a certain area by sending out an infrared signaI and thereby preventing the VaCuum cleanerfrom entering otherrooms or other p丨 charger should be greaterthan3m° therWise they could cause each otoerinterference DO not place the docking station within the signalrange ofthe space isoIator ace(areas) 5.Remote control panel ③ Power Cleaning modes {:}弘 : sML Direction button Ⅲ 叶 1PowersWⅡ ch 2PoWerindicator"ght 3Range setting switch 41nfrared signaltransmi$sion ① .Power switch:press the button to turn on orturn o矸 pic1 ② .Powerindicator"ght:ifthe Vacuun∩ cleaneris Ⅵ `orking properly,the indicator"ght Wi" f|ash approximately untilthe battery g° es flat ● 1 0pen the battery cover and then replace the battery (Referto pic1) 2P丨 ace the ρositive and negatiVe poles correctly forfear ofthe damage due to Wrong poles! (Refert° ρic2) 3Take outthe battery if"was unused for a IOng tirne ③ .Range setting sWitch: — move the switch tm口 ρositi。 nto seta range of maX8m — move the switch tonposition to set a range of maX6m — moVe the sWitch toE position to set a range of max3m ● Before using remote ControI,make sure to turn on the poWer svvitch on robot cleaner Power:Press powerto turn on the VaCuun1cleaner,if you press again,the vacuum cleaner WiIl turn off ④ .lnstaⅡ ation ofthe space isolator Before using spaCe isolator,open the battery compartment coVer and in$ert2batteries(type D) (notincluded in as accessories),make sure that you adhere to the correct poIarity,otherVVise the space i$oIator wⅡ l not Work Direction button:Change the vacuuming direction by V▲ <) Clean modes:sML,press s All Lto selectthe cleaning model Attention∶ Place the space isolator atthe entry to a staircase or genera"yinto the doorofa room You can pIace the spaCe isOIator at a certain location so thatthe Vacuun∩ cleaner stops and Remote controI and space isolator are working by infrared,it might cause each other interference,so do notputthem atsame area. does not moVe oVer certain locations To ensure thatthe space iso丨 atorVVorks properIy,remove a"possible obstacles from"s vicinity 杩 △ pic2 the space isolator warning: YOu mustlocate the space isolator atthe same IeVel on the floor as at which the Vacuum -9— -10- — open the transparent sheet(see pic8), take outthe f"ter(see pic9) 1.Remoˇ aI,insta"ation a"d cIoani"g ofthe dust container s"de outthe dust container by pressing the button on the Vacuunη cIeaner(see ρic1and Pic2),then empty the rubbish Transparent sheet PiC8 — CIean the f"ter by hair dryer or brushes (see ρic10) — After cleaning the f"ter,put"backin dust container, oryou can replace new f"ter PiC2 PiC1 4.Using the mop 2, CIeaning the fan motor. —ˉPress the blaCk button on the container,the fan wi"be released automatica"y(see pic3) — Turn the fan upside down,reIeases2catches and open the cover(see pic4and Pic5) — Use the cleaning brushes to clean the edge ofvent, of dustbin(pic2), Mop hanger M躔 PiC4 111 Bucklethe Moρ hanger° n the bottom da"y cleaning mixture to cIean mop Moρ 崂鲴 … — StiCkthe MOp on the hanger(pic1) Use — Putthe dustbin into Vacuun∩ cleaner (pic3) 丿 Atte"tion: Do not use the rnop on carpets or other PiC5 uneven surfaces, Attention∶ DO not use water or wet mop to cIean the fan rnotor∶ 3.Cleaning and replace the fⅡ ter — 0ρ en the hoIder and pu"out a litue (see pic6),take outthe trash. -ˉ Use the dust brush to cIean the dust container (see pic7) pic3 5 Removaland insta"ation ofthe main brush RemoVal and insta"ation ofthe main brush and the fIoor brush∶ _Push the safety Iatch forward and Iiftthe CoVervvith the rightthumb,then using the Ieft hand Ⅱ ftthe rod ofthe middIe brush(see pic1and pic2) PiC6 PiC7 -12- ~~~Π -Take outthe main brush and the floor brush (see pic3) ~~ REPLACEⅢ ENT OF BATTERΥ -Before closing the cover ofthe bottom part ofvacuum clean,attach the main brush and 1 Battery repIacement ofthe CIeaner: the floor brush into the appropriate openings Ⅱ D Use fingersto presstWo ends of battery buckle, take outthe battery vertiCa"y upWard Attentio n! (Referto Figure1and Figure2) "is Veryimportantto clean the hair on main brush regular y itˇ vi"improve c丨 Ⅲ → Attention:if need to Change the the Vacuum battery,please contact eaner performance! the after-sales service center or professional FOr what cyclone hair oryarn on main brush, maintenance stafffor changing please turn around the main brush to take out pic 1 逗)P|ease p丨 ace the pos"iVe and negative or cutit off pic 2 electrode correctly forfear ofthe damage due to VVrong electrode! ife When O)lf"、 Ⅳ "l be unused forlong,please charge the battery fu"to extend the battery丨 nexttime use,charge iffor8hours to make sure itin the best use state 6.RemovaIand insta"ation ofthe sIde brush ④ Use the battery proVided orrecommended by manufoCturer,oritIη (D Battery NO∶ Nl-MHˉ 017144 1 Before replacing the side brush, ay cause damage 6months ⑥ Warranty∶ 2.Battery repIacement of sρ ace lsolator: 日 re|ease the screˇ V onthe main shaft ofthe side brush 2 Push the side brush to the main 餮 2P|ease place the batteries 捌 (Referto pic1) 黛 isolator and oρ en the battery cover after cleaning (See Pic1 ) 日 1 Unplug the base button ofthe space shaft and then tighten the screw Ⅵ `th correCt polar"y(+/)(Refert° pic2and pic3) ° ic3 piC1 unused forlong pic2 3Please take outthe battery if"was Attention: 1 Please don1forgetto take outthe battery before discarding the cleaner 2P丨 ease rememberto turn o仟 the svvitch before taking outthe battery from the Cleaner and space lsolator 3Please don’ t place the battery in the high-telη perature environment aboVe45° Corin the Water 4Please don’ t exert externalforce to the battery or drop them from high plaCe 5The battery should be recycled、 ⅣⅡh safe disposal P|ease don1discard it free丨 y orthroVv" into fire for fear of explosion! 6|fthe battery leakage,be careful avoid the|iquid to skin or clothes,use dry mop to cleanif touched and send the battery to recycle bin or maintenance service,do notthroⅥ 7Please don’ tuse non-rechargeable battery forthe Cleaner - 13— -14- `anywhere tR0UBL日 sH0oTlNG 1.Theˇ acuunn cleaner keePs backward orturns left(right)duly turn on. 1 1Turn offthe vacuun∩ c丨 eaner 1 2Check thatifthe sensor Ⅵ c丨 rty;clean the sensorVVith the cotton sWab or soft `indow is d∶ oth 1 3Check the front bump ifitis not wOrk Press the left,middle and right part ofthe front bump step by step,ensure they wi"spring back automaticaⅡ y 2.The Vacuun∩ cleaner gets in troubIe as roadbloCk, 21The vaCuun∩ c丨 eaner may getin trouble as roadb丨 oCk when it cleaning,"wi"try to get out ofthe trouble by"self firstly If not,please he|p the robot cleaner and clean the roadblock by hand 22The vacuun∩ cleaner maytwine by powercord 23The vacuum cleaner maˇ clog by the edge of dropping curtain or carpet 24Checkifthere are too many roadblocks around the vacuum cleaner 3The vacuun∩ cleanerfe"doWn the stairs 31Genera"y speaking,step sensor could detect8cnη a""ude difference of mo$t kinds stairs HOwever,ifthe stair edge is too smooth and evasiVe,or highly reflectiVe,the sensor detection functions vvi"be Ⅵ `eek,and please putthe space isOIator here cleaner 32Clean the c"ffsensors in the front part ofVacuun∩ 4,The Vacuum cleaneris not working ortheˇ acuunη ing quaⅡ ty is poor, 41 Turn offthe vacuunη cleaner and take outthe dust oontainer 42 Checkthatthe dust containeris empty,the suction and f"ter are cIean,and thatthe side brush is Ⅵ `orking properly 43 Checkthe main brush thatifit was clogged by halr orfibre Clean itthe fiX"baCk 44 Checkthe rubberⅥ `heelsifthey Were clogged by rubbish 45 Clean the wa"sensorsin the front part ofthe vacuum cleaner 5.lncreased noiseIeVeI When vacuuming 51 Clean the dust container and f"ter 52 Check thatthe main or side brushes are not excessively so"ed 53 Check the suCtion portif"was blocked 54 丨 fthe increased noise level persists,send the Vacuunη cleanerto an after-sales center Vi"be refi"ed 、 ^`here the lubricantˇ on: lfthe fa"ure st"l exist afterthe aboVe check,pIease contactthe afterˉ sales sorVice Attent∶ center,pr° fessional maintenance staff orthe techniCaI center ofthe company,do not disassembIe and maintain it by yourself, -15~