Download Precision Safety Durable
Precision safety Durab丨 e User、 ManuaI Θ △ 蛲 C∈ 匿 〗 safe0哟 P∶ ● Ba"ery Installation and Reρ Iacement "|ati0"s ease read the safety reguIat∶ ons and operation Garefu"y before oρ erating. gu∶ de △ P-read all of曲 i口 e operation创 gⅢ de and safeo mguhJOns this manuaI before operation.I:nproper operatioms 叫 thout comρ lyimg with this manuaI gu∶ ded could cause damage to the deˇ ∶ ce,∶ n】 uence on measurement resuIt or bod∶ ly i刂 ury to the usei △ The instmment‘ not alloWed to d‘ assembIe or repair m甜柒扌出驻赀皆1瑟甜i牌 钭I哩 黜 杵 out of reach of chⅡ drem and avoid using by any irreIeVant ` personneI. △ s脉 砷 prohiuted to sh∞ t eyes or other ρarts of body 啼 "‘h the Iase△ itis not a"oWed take the Iaserto shoot any °丬eds’ surface With strong refIed∶ ng, ・ 叮 聒 #菩 嚣 稍 蓖 鞲幛 枭 诤 事 瑟 f麇摊 季 辛 毳 舞 泽 △卩 凇 曲u吊帮窜帚 Fm龉搜哩烈宿品泥 :品 髁 诎 刚 黪 ・DisCharge the ba仗 ery door on the baCk of deVice, and pIace ba仗 ery aCcording t° correct poIarity, then coverthe battery door ・0nly15V AAA alkaline ba‖ ery Is appIied to the meter ・lf not used for a Iong tirne,please take outthe ba仗 ery to avoid battery corrosion to meter body ● Display screen Laser On Power supply Referenoe Point ・ Max丨 mum "ith reIated:aW and JoguIations. Z\Any qualiψ ⒗sues° r any ques刂 ons o"the mete△ pIease comtact IocaI distr∶ butors or manufacturerin】 me,we are ready to o矸 er soIutions for you. pr。 fessF。 ・ Area,Volume and Pythagorean ′Jf'臼 ′C臼 sfs叮 "Jg0oJ "臼 ″fa【 jo" "臼 q"a`Jfy gefs'eρ ・ Malor Dlsρ Iay U羁 眦骣 婴 ● Reference POint se"ing ● κeyboard Press1囿 Dkey to seleCtthe reference point The Vn"sw"ch device reference point by defauⅡ Pythagorean Measu冖 ng 岫酾∞ ∷ 田 I帑 回 ● single Distance Measuring: 窳瑞醢 眚 ・subtrauon Turn on the Iaser beam by short pre$s ofthe ・Baoklight on/o料 ・0ff Remoˇ e ∷∷ Ⅱ ∷∷I is rear button躐 胗黟under measrlng mode,press the button躐 踺鹂again for single rneasurement oflength, ・saVe/Read then the measured resu"s disp丨 ayed in the malor display area ● Continuous Measuring: Long press button黠 under measuring mode and ● Turn on'o仟 the Meter Under o矸 status,press button镙 黪 ,device and 丨 aser get starting simu"aneously and stand by for enterinto Continuous measuring mode Minirnum measuring resu"dispIays in aux"iary dispIay area,present resu"dispIays in malor display area short press bo‖ on曩 to exit measurement ∽der m statu黾 ong町 ess button黪 衔 3 seconds to turn the deVice off The device w"l be shut o仟 VVithout any operation for150seConds ● unit seⅡ ing Press bu‖ on日日,reset current measuremenl un", the defau"unit is∶ continuous measuring rnode ● Area “ , □ shows on the screen 0ne ofthe side of rectangIe bⅡ nking on the display Please fo"ow the below instructions for 0000m There are6units for selection Volume Measu"ng: Press bu⒒ on I囝 ˉ area measunng∶ Press噌 爰 羧0nce 攮 簧 营 翥 翥 ength oo00m Area o000mz o00Omˇ Press黪 o00m o0Om2 o00m3 The deVice calculates and shoWs the resu"in o Oin o 00fl‘ o 00ftˇ o 00ft o 0Oft∠ o00ff Length 01/16in o oomz 000Ⅱ 001"6 o oOn‘ 000Ⅱ 0’ ° ˇ for丨 ag画 n for width the malor display area The resent rneasuring resu"oflength is shoˇ Ved in the auXⅢ ary display area ' . 一 ・ Press鼷黟thirdly b・ Press锟 Dfor Length Press《 蹴 鼬 ag钊 n for Width 一 display Please fo"ovv the below instruction for VOIume rneasuring∶ '一 Measurement DOuble press button压 彐 ,曰 shows on the top of screen,0ne ofthe side of cube bⅡ nking on the ' ● Volume ' a'' Press(Θ ,dear0矸 trle resu"and measu"ng again if necessary Press(围 势again to exitthe rnode 2)Press回 ,when oneIeg of''司 blinkng, calculate the hypotenuse by rneasuring the Iength of bⅣ o legs Press曩 ,measure Press鳜 ,measure the length of one leg(a) the length of anotherIeg(bl Device calculates the length of hypotenuse(X) for Height The device calculates and shoWs the resu"in the malor dispIay area ' Press卺 拎 ,clear0矸 the resu"and measuring again if necessan/ ΦPress口 Ⅲ曲e hypotenuse dzl|Ⅲ 呐ng Press焐 豁 agaln to ex"the mode Press鹘 黢 ,measure the length of one hypotenuse la) ● Pythag° ras There are four Pythagoras modes in case that user gets hard to reaCh the target Press■ 目 for mode selec】 on: Press黪 ,measure (b) Press蠛 鼷 黠,rneasure the length of one Ieg(c) DeVice CalCulates the Iength of the丨 eg in fu"Ⅱ ne(x) ' b' 一 Device calculates the length of anotherIeg(x) 'c一 Press曦 躐 汹 ,rneasure the length of one leg(b) 助 蓄 瑟 饔 ' nking on the screen '一 the bⅡ 一一 hypotenuse(a)according to a'' ‘ Press颥 邋 酗,measure the length of 一 '一 blinking,calCuIate the seCond Ieg by rneasuring the hypotenuse and anotherleg, the length of another hypotenuse ' 1)Press口 目,the hypotenuse of '''彐 on the screen 4 Press■ 目t"lthe one hypotenuse side of 司 uinMng on.e screen Press龊 躞,measure the length° f one side(a) Press黪 ,measure Press曩 ,measure the Iength ofthe rnedian line(b) the Iength of another side(c) Device calculates the length ofthe Ieg in fu"line(X) ' ' ' a' 一 `c ` Measuring Resu"s Press曰 b read the saved data Press曰 ∝ 一 一 一 ` ` ' 一 ` ` '一 △ '一 ● BroWse 一 ■■to Legs must shod than hypotenuse,orthere wⅡ be"err"shoVVs on screen ln orderto guarantee the accuracy,p丨 ease make sure a" measurements are startfrom the same point l 缁 t° browse fon∽ `ard orrecords backWard LOng press rem° ve a"history YOu may get some warning informa刂 on as below: ● Add"ion`subtraction Cause The device can be used forlength addition and subtraction under single solut on signa stoo weak distance measuring mode Press■ ,"+"shows in the malor 黜昏 Err2 sign创 o too strong Err3 LoW batteγ vo"age display area,entering cumulation mode Va!ue oflast measurement and the resu" of cumu丨 ation w"l be showed on the sCreen Press■ ,"ˉ "shows in the malor display area,entering regression mode Er「 4 诋裸 槲阻 g η 苕甑 瞥 陷踟 罗 Chose the su汀 ace w"h weaker tan° e 甜苕 vsethe⒑ nemng Change1he power supp y Cool downthe deV ce range Value oflast measurement and the resu" of regression w"丨 be shovved on the screen R← measure and ensure thal se° uggσ mⅡ Pythag♀ ras measunng error ° 锎 驷 招片 ry 8搬 脞 ContaCt w"h serVioe cen1er The storage function can only be used under single measuring mode This function can keep the precision ofthe deVice ● saˇ e Measuring ResuⅡ s Press固 for3seconds,the resuⅡ wⅢ automatica"y saved to the memory stick inside ofthe deVice be lnstruction∶ PoⅥ on邋 豁 ,and off,Long press bu廿 then press鲮 椤鎏`er ,release the button燠 黛黢】 and a figure underit display on the screen ""CAL" ∪ser can adlust the峋 ure wlth bu‖ on口 ,■ &固 ∞∞ d"b the accuraCy ofthe meter A苟 us】 ng range∶ -9to9mm ITEM specif∶ cations Distance measurement ±2mm Measuremen1un"° c° nunu° us ● The meter shou丨 d not be stored in high temperature and strong humid"y enVironmentforlong tirne;矸 itis not used very o竹 en,please take outthe p“ ons measure- battery and plaCe the meterin the a"oCated potable bag and store in Cool and dry ρIaCe yes ● Please keep the device surfaCe cleaning VVet Dutd00r target reflection soft Cloth is appⅡ ed to clean dust,but erosion丨 iquid Area measuremen funct on yes is never a"owed to use forthe meter maintenance VoIume measuremen1 yes Laser output windoVV and"s focuslens can be maintained according to maintenance procedures funot on Pythagorean propos卜 FuⅡ mode for optical device "on measurement Add and sublraCt meas yes Please check ifthe aCcessories are Completed according to the beloW"st Min/Max value yes Max钛 orage 100units Automauc ba° k ight Bu让 ons/Kevs sound N0. y cut° PoWersupp y AAA 620680nm,<1mW Lasertype 什laseI 20s Automa"c shutdown 150s 20Cˉ 60・ C Working temperature o・ C-40◇ 4 Ba廿ery Ba"erv"fe 6ooo umes lor sinqle measuremenl 2 Portable bag Gi仗 7 54*28mm D mens,on "8☆ Use a target创 ate to mcrease the measurementrange du门 dayⅡ ght orifthe target has poor ref ection properties q|● ∶ Note Hand strap C RH85% 15V2★ AAA We ghtlndudng baueryl NOte∶ QTY user s manua storage temperature storage humidity unit E senes Laserlevel AutomaucaⅡ "em Laser distanoe meter ng box ° 帛 : 哩沼;韶留 1 only100M