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0 Car DVR leader User’ oRDRO CarDyR J″ a"Ⅱa` BefOre yOu use Our prOdud,创 ease read tⅢ s manu创 carefulˇ and keeρ 1 for future referen∞ s manual Preface Contcnts Prcfacc Product guarantccs ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨………………………………………………¨¨¨¨¨¨¨………………………………2 sun11nary ofPr。 ducts¨ ¨¨¨¨¨…………………………………………¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨……………………………………¨¨¨¨¨¨…3 CharactcrisJcs ofProduct.¨ ¨¨¨¨¨…………………………………¨¨¨¨¨¨¨……………………………………¨¨…¨¨¨¨¨¨4 stmctLlrcs ofProduct.¨ ¨¨¨¨………………………¨¨¨¨¨¨…………………………………………¨…¨¨¨¨¨¨¨……………………5 Function ofKcys¨ ¨¨¨¨¨…………………………………………………………¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨…………………………………………¨¨…¨6 opcraJon InstmcJon ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨…………………¨……¨¨¨¨¨…¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨……………………………………¨…¨¨¨ˉ7 InstallaJon and Takingˉ out ofMcmo-y Card.¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨………¨¨¨¨¨¨¨………………………………………¨ 7 Powcr on/off ofmachinc ¨¨¨¨¨……………………………¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨………………………………¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨………… 8 Camcra Ⅸ汪odc… ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨………………………………………¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨……………………………¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨…………9 Photographingˇ Iodc¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨………………………¨…¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨……………………………¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨……………10 Play rnodc ¨¨¨¨¨¨…………………………………¨¨¨¨¨¨¨……………………………………………¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨………………………11 systciaa scttlng ¨¨¨¨¨…………………………………¨¨¨¨¨¨¨……………………………………¨¨¨¨¨¨……………………………・12 Thank you for purchasing digita1driving rccordcr Thc uscr}o1nanua1has a dctaⅡ cd dcscription on ho、 v to coⅡcCtly usc thc digital driving rccordcr and providcs dctai1cd product infoΠ incIuding opcration,insta11ation prccautions and tcchnica1spccifIcations。 汛/c hopc thc product can P1casc rcad thc rnanua1carcf`111y bcforc using.、 mcct your rcquircmcnts and providcs thc scrvicc for you£ Random FitJngs of Product Paralllctcrs¨ s缶 fC钞 ¨¨¨¨¨………………………¨¨¨¨¨¨…………………………………………・17 or a1ong tllnc Guarantcc for Products opcratlon of ComccJng Computcr.¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨……………………………………………¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨…………………14 opcraJon Diagram ofHDNII~… ……¨…¨¨…………………………………………………………… I5 t|'comp1ics、 vith thc or using of customcr。 Thc product is tcstcd strict1y that its propc1冂 spcciflcation and thcrc is safctv gualantcc壬 Prccautions.¨ ¨………¨……………………………………………………………………………… 18 19 so1ution of difflcultics.¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨……………………………………¨¨¨¨¨¨………………………………………¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨・ Characteristics of Product SuIn1rlary of Product Thc digitaI rccordcr,brcakthrough cuⅡ cntIy on thc markct ofvchiclc travcⅡ ng data rccordcr,thc hostitsclf DigitaI callacra and puⅡ D1moduIc、 vi11rccord bcforc and bchind ofthc road situation to host,for compalison obscsration ′ 1、 FHD∶ bcforc1920米 1080Full HD vidco/bchind D1 2、 HD PC CAM function 3、 Gˉ scnsor n1c pr。 tcction 4、 Witll a varic″ of scCnc whitc balancc compcnsation负 nction 5、 Thc usc of 7G lcns、 vidcˉ ang1c not dcfomation,havc morc cIcar 6、 DispIay scrccn of2.7"16∶ 9 irnagc,thc dctaⅡ s rnorc c1car1y 1rd as storagc dcvicc, This digita1rccordcr has屹 hc advantagcs Thc usc of micro sD c泛 】 of small volumc,Comp盯 cd、vith gcncral digital driving rccordcr,this kind of digital 7、 Bc providcd、 vith ftlnction ofcxposurc compcnsation driving 8、 Bui1t-in lmicrophonc/订 9、 32G for Maxi1nun△ support volumc ofrnicro sI)cal d rccordcr can rccord morc micromcsh and prcfcct vidco,and thc vidcO can dlrcct1y otltputto FHD TV for pIayhg to rcally c刂 oy1080P vison cffcct. nation, 10、 I】 D1V umpct output intcrfacc∶ HDM sign output,bc providcd wi刂 1rcsolution ratio rcachcs up to1920辛 1o8o ~◆ Structures ①f Product Function of Keys Pc,wcr kcy: Po、 vcr on、 Powcr or Modcˉ shiRing kcy to bc uscd for shifting rnodc of Catncra、 P1ay、 Photography(Whcn you arc rccording,this bu⒒ on is fast1ocking and un1ocking buttonl Record Mcnu kcy to bc uscd for cntcHng into condition of function tablc on and o£ f and systcn△ sctting mncti。 n tab1c to sc厶 it、 vⅡ 1 cntcr into血 nction tab1c ifyou prcss oncc,and cntcr into systcn1sctting nmcti。 Chuck nut n t犭 bIc if you prcss bvicc。 (Whcn you arc rccording,this button is Fast sw⒒ ching bLItton bcforc and ancr picturc) 4 T y混 嘿 5 Lcns Up kcy∶ uscd for sc1cct Up itcm in Mcnu Down kcy∶ uscd for sclcct Down itcm h Mcnu OUT 灏 3⒎ 6、 Rccording kcy: Vidco taking、 photo taking (in thc funcJon tablc,uscd to conⅡ rm伍 c血 nction tablc⒊ 舡ing;in thc哎 atc ofstan,pausc,and play) HDbII OUT 5 ≤F wann△ ps: 1、 Operating GuideⅡ Ⅱe thc machinc and Gard maybc bc dalnagcd ■ hstallation and Application 2、 1、 Adhcrc thc illachine and suckcr onto thc front glass of thc car and rcmcmbcr that thc vicw of 3、 3、 Plug thc vchiclcsˉ 五Ⅱhg wirc into thc lnachinc 4、 spccd:mcro sD card(Card spccd at Class10or highcθ ,mC hIg卜 spCCd If miGro sD card fomatis in。 ompatiblc with thc machinc,thc card may not bc rcad,and such phcnomcnon can bc climinatcd by foⅡ Insc武 伍c Vchiclcsˉ fl11ing b・ Irc iⅡ to thc ogarc仗 e1ightcr of car and thc pγ machinc can conVcⅡ Plcasc apply thc hlghˉ micro sD card wm bc pr。 vldcd with C10mark drivers mo shaIl not bc bIockcd 2、 PIcase conⅡ m thc inscrting dircction forthc micro sD card,ifthc inscrting drcctlon is inooⅡ cc1 its12V~24V into a voltagc of5V The photographhg aⅡ glc can bc adJustcd accordlng to pcrsonal prcfcrcnGc na仗 ing thc micro sD card with thc machinc “ lttClltion tllat山 、 ■■Powcr on/ofFofmaGhinc and automatic shutdo△ vn \ 1、 Prcss thc po、 vcr kcy oncc and thc machinc can bc pow可 Cd on,when prcss aga△ l,thc machinc can bc po、 vcrcd off ' ■■IⅡ stalhng and Tak△lg-out of storagc Card 2、 l、 powcr o正 Whcn thc machinc is not cxtcmal powcr supply oondition,no opcration in thc sc仗 Ⅱnc with the lndicatlon dircction 2、 In ordcr to savc battcry power,thc avaⅡablc scttings rncnu can sct automatic shutdown timc,auto ⅣVhen installing thc n】 icro s1)card,inscrtthc micro sI)card into thc sIot in When rcmoVing山 e card,gcnuy prcss ulc m忆 r。 sD card,and takc it ollt whcn can bc automatically shut down In any modc according to thc nlnctions of tablc "bIENU"kcy to cntcrthc systcm semp modc,scIcct mcnu using thc Up/Down keys it pops out 7 ing tilnc 8 bighˉ dynamic,cxposurc connpcnsation,rnotion dctcction,audio rccording,datc mark,accclcromcter ■ This drivimg rccordcr has a、 vidc anglc of I30dcgrccs and thrce Iancs can bc sccn simultancOus1y ■ CamcIa l、 茑荸 ′ n tlle car Ghar筝 r∞ nncc【 on statc,aLlto ignⅡ iom wJl alItomaσ calIy boot and bc肥 n Modc: Turn on thc po、 vcr key,aftcr the maGhinc complctcs thc start rnodc,u1c uppcr left corncr on tlle dlspl⒋ y wⅢ prcscntthe camcra modc血 gll"〔 ≡ 习 ",whi山 dcnotcs th甜 thC camcra modc has bccn cntcrcd currcndy,In otllcr modcs,you can bc clltcrcd by prcssing thc modc convcrsIOn rding,In thc procesj ofphotographing, do nottakc Outthc micro s[)card,othcmisc it、 rCc° l Ⅱlc i"thc card orthc card camot bc rcad Pay attcmJc,ll notto mclvc thc忆 damagc thc "s too qll忆 aVoid photographing low quality image whcn sw“ t° ˇⅡ Hy ching sccncs rapidly kcy"MODE"。 2、 Prcss the powcr kcy to stan rccording,short prcss thc powcr kcy to stop rccording oll0C agaIn1n thc vidco proccss,dIsplγ sGrccn wm nash Thc lcd icon"● ■Ph° t° graplllng " 1、 3、 Func伍 on l“ mc,d⒍ Prcss山 down kcy to modi勺 c MENUkγ ω en佗 rtllc contcxt mcnu l,l【 rcsoIuuoⅡ wⅢ appcar on山 e upper忆 Ⅳal R∞ mcr σ thc dIsplay ω mcan thatthc phoω modc Is Cntcrcd c1lrrcndy 2` Photo taklng∶ Prc$Rccording kcy and photo taking can bc prcformcd ,dud Ghanncls rccording, ,`switch(Rear viCw camcm sct nccd to bc conmcctcd),loop rccording,in佗 PrC阝 s thC rnodc kcy to seIcctthe photo modc In thc photo rnodc,thc photo modc sign “[亘 山 ” thC contcIlts for thc context mcnu, prcss Rccording kcy to confrm itIn thc rundiom lIst mode,you can modify tllc foIIowIIlg contemts∶ displ:l∶ and ,dc P四 $tllcˉ 叩 Modc rccordIllg, I0 3、 Functional list rnodc: Prcss thc“ do、 vn MENU” kcy to cntcrthe oontcxt mcnu modc Prcss thc up and kcy to modi勺 thC contcnts forthc GOntcxt mcnu Prcss Rccording k吖 Vidco pIay∶ Prcss Rccording key for p1aying or pausc, Prcss up or down kcy to choosc fall baGk 2、 to confrm Thc ’ ’ ’ oDE’ kcy to qu“ pIaying Press’ Mcnu’ kcv you can dclcte山 c vidco Or fast Prcss’ `亻 foⅡ o、 ˇ ing contcnts can be modiⅡ cd i"thc contcxt mcmu mode∶ shooting modc,RcsoIution ratio, ContInuous shootIIlg,IIllagc qudIty,sllarpncss,WhItc阮 Anu~sllakc,Qu忆 k prcv忆 w,Datc lallcc,∞ b△ IsO,⒌ posu∞ CompcnsatIOn, mark ) Functional list rnodc∶ Prcss thc NIEN【J key to entcrthc contcxt1ncnu【 nodc Prcss thc up or 3、 ” 氵 dowⅡ kcy ω mod勺 thc∞ n℃ n‘ 钇rt杌 ∞ ntc处 Mcnu Prcss“ Rc∞ d血 gk叩 toconⅡ m owiⅡ g∞ ntcn“ foⅡ can bc mod"cd山 1tllc∞ Ilt眯 t mcllu modc∶ Thc d创 cⅡ ,protccdon alld pl吖 s"dcsho、 v 石螽 彐 warm TⅡ s:Whi△ pllotographhg,Pγ attcnJoIl ω grasp tllc rcGOrdcr qu忆 dy∞ rcducc thc shako of hands ■ ∷ systcm sctting Prcss"NIENU"kcy to cntcrinto thc f1nctional Ⅱst modc Prcss“ N】 ENU’ kcy m忆 e to choosc mcnu Prc$up ordown kcy to modifˇ ■Play modc l、 Prcss thc kcy offnodc shiRing to cntcr into play:nodc~In p1ay rnodc,thc picmrc Or vidcO wⅡ I doplay on山 c scrccll,prcss up or down kcy,y【 ,u oaIl brow$Prcss Rccordhg kc,,you can entcr 1nto Vlc、 V mcnu } ) thc contcnts of funotio"al list Plcss RccOIding kcy to afflrm ■ FllllcuClil l灬 l、 t。 fs阝 ∞m sCttIng hdudcs: Datc/Timc∶ Usc up and down kcy to havc incrcasc and dccreasc opcration Prcss ’ iRccording’ ’ key to af「 llill and cntcr into ncXt sct itcm 0∠ 2、 Automajc poWc卜 o贪 sct automatio powcr off"mc onIy thc stams jndicator light、 vill bc Ⅱashcd on thc display scrccn 3、 Kcy sound∶ Kqy sound mrncd on and o正 9、 4、 sctting languagc: To sctthc Ianguagc that you nccd I0、 TV Modc⒈ II、 5、 Uscd to setthe ouⅡ ut ofTV slgnal model Light Frcquency∶ "60叱 " 【 Jsed for choosing thc1ight仃 cqucncy Forthc uscrs in Taiwan,should choosc If choosc wrong light frcqucncy,intcrFcrcncc of horizontal stripc shapc、 vⅡ l Formatting∶ To format dlc Mcmory of Micro sD Card` DcfauIt sct Uscd for sc竹 IIlg systcn1paramctcr as prcsct vaIuc of factoryˉ Vcrsion∶ Used to chcck thc vcrslon numbcr forthe rccorder Opcration for Connccting CoIllputcr ■ Conncctthc lnachinc to thc computcr through【 JsB,thcn wiⅡ appcar b″ o kinds ofrnodc which appcar on named Mcmor/and PC CAM uscthcup and do、 vn button to sclcct modc,Thcn prcss Imagc Auto cIosc scrccn∶ fTcsh This勋 nction "Ⅴ ideo’ is uscd for sctting thc scrccn closc timc,it GOuld be sct to 30s、 60s、 120s and closc ’ kcy to aflm° Aftcr cntcrhg thc Mcmory modo,tllc£ lcs hsidc thc vidcO rcoordcr can be scamcd ulrough Parking gua“ ⒈To sctthc parking guard on or ofE oomputcr,on which DCINIA wiⅡ Whcn parking monitor function is on,ifthc automobiIc is in a stams ofⅡ amcOut aftcr90 pcrfom opcration such as cuttimg、 copying as wcⅡ as dclcjng scconds,thc rccordcr shall startto takc video automaticaⅡ sorecn必 Ⅱlcs, Whcn you sclectthc PC CAM mc,dc,It can bc uscd as a PC CAM y Thc recordcr shaⅡ rccording for30 scconds and thcn powcr ofautomaJcally(AtthC momcnt,thc displγ appca△ Uscrs can usc oomputcr to storc tl,cse In offst・atc, 14 schemaJc Diagram for ⅡD△ I10peradom Parameters ofProduct 纛 Ψ唧 焖 DⅡ I° 11】 p111 warcr Lclls Li¤ uid owstal d1so1av Vidco outpu‘ 1dco 、 ng wlrθ 垫 禺圄勰U 〓 囱渤蛳 ⅢⅡ又connect Photograph PC CANi Audio lM CMOs wafcl, 1/3"Iiε acc arca i,lItput ol HDNlI slgIlaI H264(Thc oompfcssioj】 fomat) Bcforc: 1920勹 080,30缶 a△ 1c/sGc∶ 1280扌 720,30fraI1lc/sco 848+480, 30na】 llc/sc。 ;640+480,30fiaillc/se。 bclmld: 720+480, 30fIamc/sco 12M4032r3024 IOM∶ 3648+2736 3264+2448 5M2592+1944 2M【 HD)△ 920+IO80 13M△ 280+960 VGA∶ 640+480 8、 Ι ∶ 3M∶ 2048+1536 280Ⅱ 720 640△ 480 320◆ 240 3uⅡ t-tll microphollc/s。 caker(AAC) MICRO sDHC Card(dlc top supoo“ usB intcrfaGc JsB20 Battc~ 9ctaGhabIc hi只 D血 enslonm`cig⒒ )unellsioll:90+s5+201IlIn ⅣciL,hf: s3, h oapaGI~Ⅱ tll1um ion b缸 IO‰ 80°/。 10℃ +65℃ /ˉ 15 slIrf・ of pimcIcns,F19apcrurc,35mm foGlIs lengdl 27uloh l⒍ 9TFT LCD ktcmal mcdIum∷ Wolk h仁 scnsimε 7pic。 cs tcΓ 32G MICRO sDHC C盯 d) ˇ, 37V550111AH Random AccessorIes safety Precautions Warln Tip∶ WhⅡ c you purchasing ofthis product9 chcck acccssorics as shoWn on thc piG缸 rc to avoid thc Ioss for you! Iftlac product ls not propcrˇ used,The fo11owlng probIcms may bc causcd,Pleasc usc it accordhg to 囡 曰 Car charger thc following safety stipuIatIOns. Wamhg UsB cab:e ■Takc noticc notto cnablc o山 crthings to cnterinto machhc This may causc flrc,eIec△ □ 口 婴 HOIder LⅡ hium ic shock and produot dcfcots Ifyour produot fall into thc watcr or Iiquid in negligcnce,pIcasc mm thc powcr o£ fand fInd our scrvicc dcpartrncnt as soon as possible ■ PIcase do not enabIc thc products to faⅡ down thc ground This rnay givc rise to product damagc and defoots battery ■Plcasc kccp thc product far away iom hum记 and dus饣 placC This may rcsultin product fault and dcfccts ■PIcasc do not dccomposc this product atrandom, othcmise,you oan’ warrall矽 t gct thc product from∞ mpany 18 17 ■Plcase do not、 vipc thc produots wlth Chcmicals and dctcrgcn1It rnay causc thc rcCordcr discoloration ■Plcase do notrcmoVe UsB cablc whcn datais饣 ansferrulg,It may havc scrious cffect on product ■VidcO takcn is foggy,bccausc lcns is not clean cnough,P1casc chcck whcthcrlcns product thc dirt and fmgcr print Bcforc shoot血 g,usc Icns papcr to olcan lcns zγ ,chCck whcthcr1cns ls dL匆 ,use c1can Glodl to wipc lcns ■ VidcO takcn ls f△ 】 ■■Whcn taking thc sky and water sccncs,thc vidco is vcry daFk,such simation bcIongs to a big siIⅡ ple contrast socnc,、 Vhich wⅡ 1producc scrious cffcot on automatic cxposurc function of camcra Undcr TroubleshootiⅡ g this situatioⅡ ,thc cxposcd compcnsation iInction is rcquircd to amcnd thc cxposurc vaIuc of camcra ■ Thcrc ls horizontal stripc intcrfcrcncc in imagc caused by inoo“ For Tai、 Van uscrs, light frcqucnCy shall bc sct to"60I】 In the casc ofnomal opcration,ifthcrc is a prob1cm with thc products,plcasc rcfer to thc followtng mcthods to solVcthcm,plcase∶ ■ Not bc avaiIablc for taking pic加 rc and photographing,check micro sD card、 ls cnough mcmor/ vhcthcr therc 、 ■ Automatic stoppimg duc to a grcatcr Volumc ofHD vidco data in vidcO rcoording P1casc cmploy thc hlgh spccd m忆 ro sD card,high spccd m血 o sD card wiⅡ bear C10mark vidcO reoording PIcase ■Automatic stopping duc to a grcatcrVolumc ofHD vidco data iⅡ ⅡⅡcro sD card、 viⅡ bcar C10mark cmplqy the high spccd micro sD Gard,high spced ■No vidco displayed in tclcvision scrccn,ohcck whcthcr conncctton of△ ⅡD卜Ⅱ 1V plug is CoⅡ CCt aIld whcther tclcvlsion is sctin corrcct HDMI state 19 20 Z" cct Ⅱght Ilequcnoy sc⒒ ulg