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A Newsletter for BSD SoftLink ® Customers and Friends
The Wizard is Here
The latest version of BSD
SpecLink includes wizard
capability! What is it?
Basically, it’s a new feature that
allows you to insert nonprinting and non-selectable text. What good
is it? Well, Wizard capability allows you to
add a checklist at the beginning of any
SpecLink section with links to the body of
the spec. Non-printing checklist paragraphs
mean that you can easily add intelligence to
your office master spec without worrying
about extraneous text appearing in your
output. The non-selectable text (which also
is non-printing) means you can add
instructions and comments that are turned
on automatically by links and cannot be
included or excluded inadvertently by the
user. In future releases of SpecLink, BSD
plans to add a Wizard project with
checklists for many of the more complex
specification sections. In the meantime, you
can use this new feature to make your office
master easier to use by project architects.
The Wizard capability is implemented in
SpecLink through another new feature—
user-applied paragraph tags. These tags
appear in a column that can be opened and
closed from the View/Display Layout menu.
Table of
The Wizard is Here .............. 1
New Interface ........................ 1
CostLink/CM Update ............ 1
Specifying Performance ...... 2
Q&A ......................................... 3
Update .................................... 5
2002 Training Schedule ...... 8
SpecLink and PerSpective
Have a New Face
The new tag selector
is at the end of the
Document toolbar.
With the cursor in
any paragraph, the
current tag for the
paragraph appears
in the toolbar
button. To change
the tag, click the
pull-down arrow to
the right of the
button to see the full
list, and then click
on the new tag
desired. The
complete list of tags
is shown in the
illustration to the
right. Note that we
have added a
number of new tags, in addition to NP (nonprinting) and NS (non-selectable). There are
new reports available for the new tags,
including CT (certificate), DC (design
calculations), II (installation instructions),
etc. Altogether, 1,100 new tags have been
added to the SpecLink master. Like all
requirements reports, the new reports are
available from the Print dialog box.
The interface for SpecLink and PerSpective
has significant changes this quarter! In
response to requests from some of our
subscribers who have various kinds of
colorblindness and comments from users
that it has been difficult to tell what text is
active and what is not, we have made a
number of changes designed to complement
our color cues with shape and position
variations. The most obvious result of these
modifications is in the status boxes, which
now change shape as well as color to
indicate link status. Green links still appear
as boxes, but yellow links now appear as
triangles, and red links appear as octagonal
stop signs. In addition, the status indicator
for an active paragraph is now depressed,
while an inactive paragraph displays a
raised indicator. The icons for notes and for
user-added and edited text have been
changed so they are more
and less dependent on color. The color cues
in the status columns for cursor location and
active/inactive paragraph status also have
been modified to further highlight that
Another major change in the user interface
is the behavior and location of the notes
Continued New Interface on page 7
CostLink/CM Update
This quarter CostLink/CM includes a new
user manual with updated tutorial, using a
more representative example project. The
new user manual can be downloaded from
our website or printed from the
CM_Doc\UserMan folder on your update
CD. New in this release is a chapter called
Linking to Excel that walks you through the
process of creating links from an Excel
workbook to your CostLink/CM project.
Users who already know how to use
CostLink/CM can download the project
from our web page and simply complete the
new chapter to learn more about the new
Linking feature.
Added to CostLink/CM this quarter is a new
Portrait-oriented report that can display up
to 5 Direct Cost columns. For more
information on these and other changes see
the Release Notes.doc in the CM_Doc
folder on the Summer 2002 BSD SoftLink
Specifying Performance Before the Design Begins
If you’re a design-builder you can fulfill
your contractual obligations and make a
decent profit but still seriously disappoint
your client. Do that too many times and
your reputation suffers and/or you’re out of
business. Much design-build business is
done on a negotiated basis because the
design-builder needs to be sure he
understands the client’s expectations and,
vice versa, that the client understands what
he’s going to get. But there are many
situations where lengthy negotiations and
the process of building mutual trust are
luxuries neither party can afford. Some
projects, particularly government work,
must be done on a fixed price basis with
bids solicited from several design-builders.
Or the time frame may be too short. The
preparation of written performance criteria
helps the owner and design-builder come to
agreement on scope and quality. Defining
the performance criteria before the design
begins can be done much more quickly than
spelling out all the details of the design and
construction, as is done in conventional
design-bid-build. Basing a design-build
contract on a good set of performance
criteria has another advantage — it gives the
design-builder the freedom to look for the
optimal design solution.
regulatory requirements such as building
codes, achieving environmentally
responsible design, requiring reuse of
existing construction, establishing physical
security requirements, and specifying an
expected life span.
So, how can you prepare a set of
performance criteria that is good enough and
complete enough to safely enter into a fixed
price contract before the design begins?
Actually, you can’t — the prospective
design-builder will have to do some
preliminary design (even if just in his head)
in order to set a price and time schedule.
However, the performance criteria
themselves can be
of without
assuming any particular design
For each factor identified as important to a
built element, the actual performance
requirement needs to be framed as a statement
of needs. It is important to clearly and
completely state the needs as fully as they need
to be defined. In some cases, it may seem
slightly ridiculous to state the obvious—this
depends on the contractual relationship
between the parties. On projects where the
price is fixed, all criteria that can be conceived
of are likely to be important.
What are performance requirements or
Performance requirements or criteria are
statements about aspects or characteristics
of a built element that apply regardless of
the design solution. Performance
requirements for the whole project arise
from the function and location of the project
as well as the owner’s concept and
philosophical goals. Examples of
performance criteria include complying with
The first step in framing a performance criteria
statement is to address factors that normally
apply regardless of the building function or
occupancy. After that, any environmental or
occupancy factors that make the current
project different from others need to be
identified. The same factors may apply to a
greater or lesser degree (e.g., bracing of
lighting fixtures in lay-in ceilings may be
required in some seismic zones but not in
others). Sometimes, factors that do not
Performance requirements for the individual
built elements, such as exterior walls, roofs,
lighting, power distribution, etc., need to be
specified because of factors that influence
the design of the built element. These factors
fall into six categories: basic function, amenity
and comfort, health and safety, structure,
durability, and operation and maintenance.
For instance, interior lighting must provide
light (basic function) of optimal color
(amenity) without glare or excess heat
(comfort) and without starting a fire (safety).
All of these factors apply to interior lighting,
regardless of the building’s purpose or the type
of lighting fixtures. In addition to these basic
functional requirements, the lighting fixtures
have to be structurally supported (structure)
and most owners expect them to be reasonably
resistant to normal wear-and-tear (durability),
as well as being easy to maintain and repair
and inexpensive to operate (operation and
normally apply are relevant under certain
conditions (e.g., watertight conduit isn’t
relevant except in flood-prone areas).
Element: Interior Lighting
Factor: Light Levels (amenity and comfort)
Requirement: “Provide
illumination for all interior
spaces that is adequate in level
and quality for comfortable
performance of tasks typical for
each space, regardless of the
availability of natural light.”
Criterion: “Provide maintained
ambient illuminance values for
various activities that are within the
ranges specified in the IESNA
Lighting Handbook-2000.”
Factor: Energy Efficiency (operation
and maintenance)
Requirement: “Minimize energy
consumption while providing function,
amenity, and comfort specified.”
Criterion: “Provide energy efficient
design using procedures and values
specified in ASHRAE 90.1-1999.
Provide at least 10 percent less
energy consumption than that of an
equivalent minimally-complying
baseline building, demonstrated by
comparing the actual Design Energy
Cost to the Energy Cost Budget of a
prototype building, both calculated
in accordance with ASHRAE 90.1."
The second step in framing a performance
requirement is to add substantiation
statements. Substantiation is any activity or
form of documentation used to predict or
prove success. The term substantiation is
used—rather than the more traditional terms
“testing and inspection,” “submittals,” or
“quality assurance”—because although all
of those are actually forms of substantiation,
none of them adequately communicates the
scope of substantiation needed over the
entire design and construction period.
Though the ultimate substantiation is the
built element itself, most owners, design
professionals, design-builders, and
Continued Specifying on page 7
All Products
I like to open files by doubleclicking on them in Windows
Explorer. Can I do that with files I create
with BSD software?
Yes. To start the software and
open a project by double-clicking
a project or database filename in Windows
Explorer, navigate to any BSD project or
database and double-click on the file. You
will see the Windows ‘Open With’ dialog
box. From the list of software on your
computer, select the appropriate BSD
software (SpecLink+, PerSpective, or
CostLink/CM). Leave the checkmark in the
‘Always use this program to open this file’
checkbox, and then click OK. Do this for
each type of BSD file that you would like to
be able to open by double-clicking.
Our company has a Citrix server
that people run software from
when they are traveling. Can we run BSD
software this way?
Yes. On the Citrix server perform
a Typical installation of SpecLink
or PerSpective, or perform a Complete
installation of CostLink/CM. You will need
to get an Access Key for the server - call
BSD Technical Support (800-266-7732) to
discuss your options and to see if you will
need to buy a key for the server, or if you
have a license that you can move to the
server at no cost. Once the software is
installed and has a key, employees at your
company will be able to run BSD software
from the Citrix server when they are
traveling the same way they run the other
applications. No installation will be required
on the computers the users are dialing in
I never installed my update last
quarter. What do I do?
Install the most recent update
over your current installation
using the updated installation instructions in
the User Manual on the cd or website. For
update installation instructions for SpecLink
and PerSpective, see Chapter 12. (This
chapter is only available on the cd and the
website.) For new installations of SpecLink
and PerSpective, and for all installations of
CostLink/CM, see Chapter 2. Make sure
you use the updated copies of these chapters
on the update CD-ROM or the BSD website
( You do not need to
install last quarter’s CD-ROM, nor should
you need a new Access Key (unless you
have not yet entered your renewal key).
I want to start BSD software from
an icon on my desktop. How do I
do that?
To start any program from your
desktop, you create a shortcut. To
create a shortcut, open Windows Explorer
(either by right-clicking on the Start menu
or by holding down the Windows key on
your keyboard while typing the letter ‘E’),
and size it so you can see your desktop in
the background. Navigate to where the
software is installed (the default location for
PerSpective is C:\Program
Files\PerSpective, the default location for
SpecLink is C:\SpecLink+, and the default
location for CostLink/CM is C:\CostLink
CM). Locate the executable file
(Persp32.exe for PerSpective,
SpecLnk+.exe for SpecLink, and
CstLnkCM.exe for CostLink/CM). With
your right mouse button, drag the
executable file to your desktop. Release the
right mouse button when it is over the
desktop and a menu will open. From the
menu, choose Create Shortcut Here. If you
created the shortcut properly, it will have a
little arrow on the bottom left corner. If it
does not have an arrow, then you moved the
exe instead of creating a shortcut. Move it
back and try again using the right mouse
button only.
TIP: For PerSpective and SpecLink, you
can edit the shortcut to make the software
run faster. (Do NOT do this for CostLink/
CM.) Right-click on your shortcut and
choose properties. Click the Shortcut tab.
Click at the end of the Target field (the last
thing it will say is speclnk+.exe), type a
space and then /N. (If your target line
contains quotes, add the /N after the
quotes.) Then click OK.
BSD CostLink/CM
I am changing the labor rates in
the resource view of my estimate,
and it is going very slowly. Is there anything
I can do to speed this up?
The first thing to check is to go to
a Primary view, and in the Tools
menu check to see if there is a checkmark
next to the option ‘Auto-Recalculate
Markups.’ If there is a checkmark, click on
the option to turn it off. When this option is
turned on, CostLink/CM completely
recalculates a new grand total for your
estimate every time you make an edit.
Another way to speed up the process to
create a new Labor Library and edit the
labor rates there instead of in your estimate.
When the library is finished, reprice the
estimate to the new rates in the library.
Continued Q&A on page 4
A BSD SoftLink ® Publication
Editor: Marisa Witherspoon
The LinkLine is published by
Building Systems Design, Inc.
1175 Peachtree Street
Suite 1900
Atlanta. GA 30361
Permission to use excerpts in
other publications is granted
provided the publisher is notified
in advance at 404-876-4700.
BSD SpecLink, BSD CostLink and BSD
SoftLink are registered trademarks,
and BSD CadLink and BSD LinkMan
are all trademarks of Building Systems
Design, Inc.
Get the latest on BSD by visiting
our web page at
How can I change the order of
line items in my estimate?
By default, line items are sorted
by the source tag. If you would
like your line items in a different order both
on-screen and in your detail reports, turn on
the sequence column. From the Tools menu,
choose User Options. In the User Options
dialog box under Select Project Panel,
choose Project Sheet. The right side of the
dialog box will update to show a list of
available column types. In the Include
column, click to place a checkmark in the
checkbox for Seq (Numeric user-defined
sort order). Click the Close button. The Seq
column is now displayed in the Sheet Panel.
Type numbers in the Seq column. Click on a
different title and back on this one - the
tasks are sorted by the sequence column.
When the sequence column is on, the tasks
are first sorted by the Seq column and then
by the Source Tag column.
I am trying to search for “wiring”
tasks in Division 16. I clicked on
the first folder in Division 16 and selected
“Down” as my search direction, but it keeps
finding tasks in Division 2 instead. How can
I get it to search only Division 16?
In order to search the tasks in
Division 16, click on the first task
in that Division (instead of clicking on a
folder), open the Find box and enter the
search criteria, including “Down” as the
search direction, and then click Find Next
(not Find First).
I am using the new Link to Excel
feature to link the quantities of
the tasks in my estimate to the overall size
of the project that I enter in my Excel
spreadsheet. When I change the size of the
project, some of the quantities are decimal
values when they should be whole numbers.
For example, the number of trees required
changes based on the length of a sidewalk,
so I created a formula to calculate the
number of trees. Sometimes the value is
4.52 trees. I want it to be 4 or 5. Is there any
way to do that?
In Excel, edit your formula to
read =ROUND(your formula,0).
The zero after the comma will cause Excel
to round to the nearest whole number. If you
want Excel to always round to the next
higher number or always to the next lower
number, use ROUNDUP or ROUNDDOWN
SpecLink & PerSpective
I want to add a new choice to a
list of choices in a paragraph so
that whenever a new project is made based
on this project, the new choice will be
available. How do I do it?
You can add choices to useradded or copied paragraphs. To
edit an existing choice list in a master
paragraph, copy the paragraph by clicking
in it and using the Copy and Paste
commands. In the new copied paragraph,
place your cursor in the choice field and
then from the Document menu, choose
Choices, Edit Choice. To avoid confusion
about which paragraph to use, you can mark
the master paragraph as excluded and add a
project note to it explaining which
paragraph to use instead.
How can I find a section in
SpecLink or a chapter in
PerSpective if I don’t know the CSI
Included with each quarterly
update is a printout of all the
documents, numbers, and descriptions.
There is an electronic version of this catalog
listing on the CD under the Info folder
inside the SpecLink+ or PerSpective folder
named after that quarter (for example
2002Summer.doc or .rtf). Open this
document in a word processor to search it
using the Find command.
I am creating a new section and
would like it to be listed in the
requirements reports when certain
paragraphs are selected. Up until now I have
been finding paragraphs that had the right
tag, copying them, and pasting them into my
new section, and then editing the text. Is
there an easier way?
Yes! New on the Summer 2002
version, you can add Tags to any
paragraphs. Just click in the paragraph that
needs the tag, and from the new dropdown
list on the formatting toolbar above the
Document Panel choose the appropriate tag.
When the paragraph with the tag is active
and you print the requirements report for the
tag, the section will be listed in the
requirements report. For a list of Tags and
their functions, see the release notes.
I’m considering making a
checklist document that the
project manager will go through to select
what is included in a particular job. I will
create links from those selections that will
activate the appropriate sections in the job.
The only problem I have is that the checklist
will print when I print the whole project,
and it will be listed in my automatic table of
contents report. Is there any way to get
around this?
Yes! New on the Summer 2002
version, you can add Tags to any
paragraphs as described in the previous
Q&A. One new tag is NP for non-printing.
You can apply this tag to individual
paragraphs within sections to keep them
from printing. Or, to keep an entire section
from printing or being listed in SpecLink’s
automatic table of contents, apply the NP
tag to the title of the section or chapter in
the Document panel.
When I create new projects, I
always want to save them in a
certain folder on my server. Is there a way to
make SpecLink or PerSpective save to that
folder automatically?
Yes, you can specify a default
directory where projects should
be saved. To specify a default directory,
open SpecLink or PerSpective and close any
open projects. From the File menu, choose
Permissions. In the Permissions box, click
the System Settings tab. The fourth field
down is called Project Location. Click the
yellow folder icon to the right of that field
and navigate to the folder where you want
your new projects to be saved by default.
Then Click OK. The next time you create a
new project, if you simply type the name in
the New Project line, the project will be
saved in the specified folder. If you want to
save the new project to a different location,
click the yellow folder icon to the right of
the New Project line and navigate to the
correct location.
About Your SpecLink and PerSpective Update
• 805 sections total, 196 updated (24 %)
• 442 generic sections, 158 updated (36 %)
• 363 proprietary sections, 38 updated (10 %)
• 8 new proprietary sections
• 122,720 paragraphs
• 130,054 internal links
• 16,871 notes to specifier
• 170 standards organizations referenced, 37 verified this quarter
(22 %)
• 2,001 external documents referenced, 474 verified this quarter
(23 %)
• 101 new or updated documents
• 12 documents removed or replaced by different document
• 871 manufacturers referenced in 306 generic sections
• 290 manufacturers sponsoring proprietary sections
• 178 chapters total, 26 updated (14 %)
• 25,938 paragraphs
• 28,746 internal links
• 4,058 notes to specifier
• 75 standards organizations referenced, 28 verified (37 %)
• 613 external documents referenced, 214 verified this quarter
(35 %)
ACI 318 - Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and
Commentary; 2002.
ACI 308 - Standard Practice for Curing Concrete; 2001.
ACI 347R - Guide to Formwork for Concrete; 2001.
CRSI Manual of Standard Practice; 2001.
CRSI Design Handbook; 2002.
ACI 530.1/ASCE 6/TMS 602 - Specification for Masonry
Structures; 2002.
ACI 530/ASCE 5/TMS 402 - Building Code Requirements for
Masonry Structures; 2002.
AISC Load and Resistance Factor Design Specification for
Structural Steel Buildings; 1999, with Supplement No.1
AWS D1.1 - Structural Welding Code - Steel; 2002.
TILE: TCA Handbook for Ceramic Tile Installation; 2002. To get
your free copy send email to -- be sure to
mention that you are a BSD SpecLink subscriber.
ASME A17.1 - Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators; 2002.
ASHRAE 90.1 - Energy Efficient Design of New Buildings Except
Low-Rise Residential Buildings; 2001.
ASHRAE 90.2 - Energy-Efficient Design of New Low-Rise
Residential Buildings; 2001.
Marble Mfg., Inc.; factory molded synthetic marble lavatories,
countertops, tub surrounds. This 25 year old family owned business
is the nation’s leading cultured marble manufacturer of vanity tops,
tub and shower surrounds, The Niche, shower pans, windowsills,
thresholds and whirlpool tubs. With their in-house design
department, Mincey can create or design whatever you need for your
next commercial project.
ROOFING: Re-Con Building Products; shakes and slates. Re-Con
FireFree Plus are individual slates or shakes, lightweight, walkable,
fire resistant, weather resistant, aesthetically pleasing, asbestos free,
and backed by a 50-year limited product warranty.
08360 CLO - OVERHEAD DOORS: Clopay Building Products
Company; sectional overhead doors, insulated and non-insulated.
08360 IDL - OVERHEAD DOORS: Ideal Door brand sectional
overhead doors by Clopay Building Products Company.
BARRIERS: Presray Corporation; watertight doors, hatches, and
flood barriers. A typical Presray Flood Barrier system consists of a
lift-out or hinged barrier with patented inflatable gaskets or
compression gaskets on both sides and across the bottom and a
conversion frame for connection to the existing door frame. When
the gasket is inflated or the compression seal is tightened, the barrier
effectively restrains floodwaters.
Enterprises Limited; davits, platforms, safety anchors, fall
prevention systems, and other equipment. Pro-Bel Enterprises
Limited is an international designer, manufacturer, and installer of
mid to high-rise suspended access equipment and safety systems.
Go to Pro-Bel’s web site for more information about the design and
implementation of window washing and suspended maintenance
13123 PEI2 - SOLARIUM: Patio Enclosures, Inc.; glazed
aluminum framed, curved and straight eaves. Patio Enclosures is
the nation’s largest custom manufacturer and installer of commercial
and residential sunrooms. Within two business days of an
information request from architect or contractor, Patio Enclosures
will respond with data on budgeting, specifications, standard
dimensions, custom design, or other technical material.
AND SUPPORTS: Miro Industries Inc.; pipestands, pipe hangers,
conduit hangers and struts, duct/equipment supports. Since 1982
MIRO has been developing and providing superior rooftop pipe and
conduit support products to protect the roof membrane without
membrane penetration, dependably support pipe and conduit upon
the roof, and reduce the cost and difficulty of installation.
BSD ProductLinks in SpecLink+
02785 - Stone Pavers: North Carolina Granite; links to granite color selector.
04812 - Glass Unit Masonry: Pittsburgh Corning; links to glass block patterns and sizes; AIA continuing education program.
05400 - Cold Formed Metal Framing: The Steel Network; vertical deflection clips.
06176 - Plywood Web Joists: Louisiana-Pacific; links to detailed structural data, available design review service and software.
07530 - Elastomeric Sheet Roofing: Firestone Building Products; links to massive web site with all roofing technical data.
08470 - Revolving Entrance Doors: Horton Automatics; links to actual design drawings for help in identifying the appropriate model.
09300 - Tile: Schluter Systems; non-ceramic trim for tile; links to detailed drawings, finish availability, and SpecLink-friendly spec.
11161 - Dock Levelers: Kelley Company; links to detailed descriptions, sizes, capacities; specifications; and AutoCAD details.
12355 - Residential Casework: Kitchen Cabinet Manufacturers Association (KCMA); links to list of KCMA certified manufacturers.
13851 - Fire Alarm System - Protected Premises: Fire-Lite Alarms; links to detailed information and a panel selector.
The Aluminum Association ........................................ 1
Associated Air Balance Council ................................. 1
American Architectural Manufacturers Association 20
Am. Assoc. of State Highway & Transp. Officials .... 3
American Assoc. of Textile Chemists & Colorists ..... 3
American Bearing Manufacturers Association .......... 2
Am. Council of Governmental Industrial Hygienists . 1
American Concrete Institute International ............... 18
Associated General Contractors of America .............. 2
Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers ........ 1
The Asphalt Institute .................................................. 2
American Institute of Architects ................................ 1
American Institute of Steel Construction ................... 5
American Iron and Steel Institute ............................... 1
American Institute of Timber Construction ............... 1
Air Movement and Control Association Intl. ........... 11
American National Standards Institute .................... 72
Association of Official Seed Analysts ........................ 1
APA - The Engineered Wood Association ................. 3
American Petroleum Institute ..................................... 7
Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute ........... 23
American Society of Civil Engineers ......................... 1
Am. Soc. of Heating, Refr. & Air-Cond. Engrs. ...... 15
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers ..... 48
American Society of Sanitary Engineering ................ 5
American Society for Testing and Materials .............. 1
Architectural Woodwork Institute .............................. 1
American Wood-Preservers’ Association ................... 9
American Welding Society ......................................... 6
American Water Works Association ......................... 35
Builders Hardware Manufacturers Association ....... 22
BIFMA International .................................................. 1
Building Owners and Managers Association ............. 1
Copper Development Association .............................. 1
Compressed Gas Association ..................................... 2
Cast Iron Soil Pipe Institute ....................................... 2
Chain Link Fence Manufacturers Institute ................. 1
Corps of Engineers ..................................................... 4
Carpet and Rug Institute ............................................. 1
Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute .......................... 3
Cedar Shake and Shingle Bureau ............................... 2
Cooling Technology Institute ..................................... 2
Door & Access Systems Manufacturers’ Assoc., Intl. 1
Design Build Institute of America ............................ 14
Door and Hardware Institute ...................................... 4
EIFS Industry Members Association ......................... 4
EJCDC Engineers’ Joint Contract Documents Committee ..... 3
Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association .............. 1
Federal Aviation Administration ................................ 5
Federal Specifications and Standards ........................ 8
Hardwood Plywood & Veneer Association ................ 1
H.P. White Laboratory, Inc. ........................................ 1
International Code Council ........................................ 1
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers ....... 27
Illuminating Engineering Society of North America . 4
MBMA Metal Building Manufacturers Association ............... 1
MFMA Maple Flooring Manufacturers Association ............... 1
Military Standards and Specifications ....................... 2
Mfrs. Stand. Soc. of the Valve & Fittings Ind. ........... 1
NAAMM Natl. Assoc. of Architectural Metal Manufacturers . 12
NBGQA National Building Granite Quarries Association ....... 1
National Collegiate Athletic Association ................... 1
National Electrical Contractors Association .............. 8
National Electrical Manufacturers Association ....... 42
InterNational Electrical Testing Association .............. 1
National Fire Protection Association ......................... 2
National Fenestration Rating Council ........................ 1
National Institute of Standards and Technology ........ 2
National Roofing Contractors Association ................ 1
NSF International ....................................................... 3
Portland Cement Association ..................................... 1
Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute ....................... 2
Southern Building Code Congress International ....... 1
Steel Door Institute ..................................................... 5
SMACNA Sheet Metal & Air Cond. Contractors’. Natl. Assoc. 10
Tile Council of America ............................................. 1
Telecommunications Industry Association ................. 1
Truss Plate Institute .................................................... 3
Underwriters Laboratories Inc. .................................. 6
Underwriters Laboratories of Canada ........................ 1
United States Postal Service ....................................... 1
WDMA Window and Door Manufacturers Association .......... 1
Woodwork Institute of California .............................. 1
* 529 documents were checked for validity in the last quarter. Where documents
were revised, replaced, or withdrawn, the appropriate changes were made in every
SpecLink section and PerSpective chapter affected. This is what we call our
“horizontal” updating process, made possible by the fact that SpecLink and
PerSpective use a relational database and both databases are reissued quarterly.
Continued Specifying from page 2
contractors want to forestall deficiencies
that are so fundamental or extensive that
they simply cannot be corrected without
starting over. Some forms of substantiation
are more useful than others, since they offer
more information or more assurance of
success. For the energy consumption
example above, the following would be
appropriate substantiation statements:
At the Proposal Stage: Identify the
method of calculation of lighting
energy efficiency to be employed.
During Design Phase: Detailed
listing of design criteria and design
analysis showing compliance,
prepared by a licensed engineer.
Prior to Completion of Construction
Documents: State the energy cost
of all lighting systems over the first
year of operation; include analysis
of probable change in annual cost
over time due to aging but
disregarding inflation and rate
Alternative Methods of Defining
Despite best efforts, it is often not possible to
definitively state the performance
requirements of a built element without
reference to a specific design solution. There
are important aspects of building
performance for which there are no
standards available to measure performance,
so alternative methods of defining
performance are needed. The first
alternative is to describe the basic function
of the building element and state the
intended life span in years. The designbuilder is then required to substantiate that
the proposed assemblies will perform, based
on actual experience. This is referred to as
“proven-in-use.” Obviously, the proven-inuse method of defining performance is not
foolproof—the new building could fail
because today’s conditions, construction
technology, or materials are not equivalent
to those of the past.
The second alternative method involves
identification of several assemblies that the
owner believes will perform acceptably
under the current project conditions, and a
list of unacceptable ones. The designbuilder then chooses from the acceptable
alternatives. A prescriptive specification for
each acceptable assembly is usually
required to clearly establish the level of
quality required to achieve the presumed
performance. This technique is referred to
as “use/do not use” lists because the
requirements take the form: “Use one of the
following:” (with a list) and “Do not use any
of the following:” (with a list).
Key concepts in performance specifying for
design-build include:
• Specify performance without regard to
design solutions (make no
• Specify substantiation to predict and
verify success of the design solution;
• Specify progressively more predictive
substantiation at subsequent stages of
design and construction;
• Require “proven-in-use” design
solutions for built elements for which
engineering or mock-up testing is not
possible or unavailable;
• Require the designer to select from
products in “use/do not use” lists if
none of the other tactics sufficiently
defines required performance.
PerSpective, a whole-building
performance specifying system, uses all the
key concepts described in this article.
Developed by a joint venture between the
Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) and
the Design-Build Institute of America (DBIA)
and distributed by Building Systems Design,
Inc., PerSpective provides model text that
specifies performance of commercial and
multi-family residential buildings as
• Starting at the whole-building level and
proceeding through each built element
found in most buildings, including
electrical systems, using a Uniformatbased structure, the PerSpective model
text first presents performance
requirements organized by the major
factor groups.
• Next, “use/do not use” lists are
presented for the principal design
solutions applicable to those elements.
• Short form prescriptive specifications
are available for the most commonly
used products, applicable in the event
that the design allows or requires them.
• Detailed lists of substantiation options
are offered for all significant
performance criteria, organized and
tagged by the stage of the design or
construction at which the substantiation
must be provided.
Any or all of these options can be used for
any built element and different elements
may use different combinations depending
on the importance to the project and the
amount of design freedom appropriate to the
For more information about PerSpective,
call toll free (888) BSD-SOFT, or (404)
876-4700, or visit Building Systems
Design’s website at
Written by Susan McClendon and reprinted
here from the May issue of Electrical
Contracting and Engineering Magazine
Continued New Interface from page 1
window. Instead of the original floating
window, notes have now been “anchored”
and appear in the same window as the
navigation tree. On-off buttons on the
toolbar allow any combination of tree,
master note, and project note to share the
space on the left side of the screen.
Hyperlinks within the master notes now
open a completely separate browser
window, instead of opening the browser
within the notes window. And finally, the
hierarchy icons have been reduced in scale
and made less obtrusive. We think the new
look of SpecLink is more refined as well as
more informative, and we hope you agree.
For a more complete description of all the
changes in SpecLink and PerSpective,
please see the release notes that accompany
your Summer update. You'll find them on
the CD-ROM. As always, we welcome your
BSD SpecLink+
1-1/2 days* $495
BSD PerSpective
2 days* $695
BSD CostLink/CM (M32)
3-1/2 days* $1295
June 10 - 11
July 15 - 16
September 16 - 17
October 21 - 22
June 12 - 14
July 17 - 19
September 18 - 20
October 23 - 25
July 9 - 12
August 27 - 30
October 8 - 11
• AIA Members: Earn 12 Continuing
Education Units that qualify for Health,
Safety, and Welfare hours
• CSI Members: Earn 12 Education
Contact Hours (ECH’s) toward your CCS,
CCCA, or CCPR Certification renewal
• AIA Members: Earn 16 Continuing
Education Units that qualify for Health,
Safety, and Welfare hours
• CSI Members: Earn 16 Education
Contact Hours (ECH’s) toward your CCS,
CCCA, or CCPR Certification renewal
• Government Contractors
earn MCACES Certifcation
• May qualify for Continuing
Professional Competency credits
*Class starts at 12:30 PM on Monday
afternoon and ends at 5 PM on Tuesday.
*Class starts at 12:30 PM on Wednesday
afternoon and ends at 12:30 PM on Friday.
*Class starts at 8:30 AM on Tuesday
morning and ends at 11:30 AM on Friday.
You can now look for BSD class schedules on our Internet site. Just go to www.bsdsoftlink com and go to the training page.
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