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MICROMATIC MicroMaticPowerPack Service& SpecificationManual Manufactured by BVLControlsLtd. Nor'heast Region 747 NorthFenwickStreet Allentown, PA 18103 (800) 1 345-3020 CentralRegion 213NorthThirdStreet Rockford, lL 61107 1 (800)435-6950 SoufheaslRegion 321Marianne Street Brooksville, FL 34601 (888) 1 233-7827 Westen Region '19761BahamaStreet Northridge, CA 91324 (800) 1 367-8852 Uh:iE MICROMATIC MICROMATICPOWERPACK Manufacturedby BVL Controls Ltd. AIR COOLED PP4301(cwA-3) 1/3HP FR22 1 1 5V o l t s PP4302(cwA-2) 'U2HP FR22 115Volts PP4303(cwA-34) 314HP FR22 208/230Volts R134a 115 Volts (MM-033) 1 1 3H P K-PP-4301-EP WATERCOOLED PP4301-WC(cww-3) 314HP 1 1 5V o l t s PP4302-WC(c\M^/-2) '|2 HP 1'15Volts PP4303-WC(c\ ^/V-34) 314HP 208/230Volls MICRO MATIC GROUP MICROMATIC PRODUCTWARRANTY partsandlaborwhenunit BVLwarrants thisproductfor one(1)fullyearincluding is returned to ourfactory(freightis notpartof the warranty) or partsonlywhen Partswillbe chargedto youraccount repairhasto be doneat anotherlocation. part. andwillbe crediteduponreceiptof thedefective ln Canadar B.V.L.Controls Ltd. 940Michelin Laval, H7L5Cl Quebec In U.S.A.: Reslaurant Selice of America 37Shuman Avenue Stoughton, MA O2O272 Ub:iE MICROMATIC DESCRIPTION Coolingdistance: K-PP4301-EP UP TO 75' of coolingline PP4301and PP4301-WC UP TO 125'of coolingline PP4302and PP4302-WC UP TO 250' of coolingline PP4303and PP4303-WC UP TO 350' of coolingline Currontdrawperunit: Voltage K.PP43OI.EP 115 PP/130'l/ PP4301-WC '115 PP13O2J PP4302.WC '|15 Startup 9.54 9.8A 10.6A 75A 7.14 7.94 5.34 R-22 R-22 Running PP4303/ PP4303-WC 204t230 Reftigerant R134a Charge l0 oz. 16oz. 21 oz. 36 oz. 18(low) 43 (low) 43 (low) 43 (low) 150(hish) 220(hish) 220(high) 220(high) H: 13.0 Hr 28.5 H: 28.5 H: 29.5 W: 23.5 W: 16.75 W: 16.75 W: 18 O:22.0 Dr 26.5 D:26.5 Ot 26.5 70 lbs. 106lbs. 't13tbs. 134lbs. 4 gal. 12 gal. 12 gal. '12qal 1" 1" 1" 1" Pressurc (inches)* Dimensions Weight ' DimensionsincludeDumDand motol Tankcapacity StyrofoamInsulation ModelMl\4-033 Procor pumpwithcapacityof 50 GPHgravityfedto insurelongerpumplife. All othermodelsi Gearpumpwithcapacityof 100GPHgravityfedto insurelonge.pumplite. U}:iEMICROMATIC OPERATION PP43O1,PP4302,PP4303,PP4301-WC, PP4302-WC and pp43O3-WC 'L 2. Connection: a) Connectone linefrom isolatedtrunklineto the DumDouflet. b) Connectsecondcirculationlineto the inletof the tub. Fillingunitwithglycol a) Removetop deckfromthe unit. b) Fill the bath with Micro Matic Polar Fto glycol solution(mixed 2 % parts water to 1 part grycol) solutionup to 2' from the return tubang. c) Replacetop deckunitintothe bath. d) Make sure all re-circulation lines are properlyconnectedand turn the pumpmotoron by plugging intothetopdeck. Liquidlevelwill dropuntilcirculationlineis full e) Remove orange refillingcap, fill with water up to return line (approximately 1"fromthecover). D Temperature will dropto 30"Fon thermostat. Note: Temperatureis set at 3eF from the factory. To changetemperature,press menu until the temperatureis blinking.Set the desiredtemperatureand pressmenuto set. ub::? MrcRoMATtc OPERATION K.PP43OI-EP 1. 2. Connection: a) Connectone linefrom isolatedtrunklineto the pumpoutlet b) Connectsecondcirculation lineto the inletofthetub. Fillingunitwithglycol a) Removetop coverfromthe unit. b) Fill the bath with Micro Matic Polar Flo glycol solulion (mixed 2 % parls water to 1 patTglycotl solutionup to overflowoutlet.. c) Makesureall re-circulation linesare properlyconnected andlurn thepumpmotoron. Liquidlevelwill dropuntilcirculation lineis full d) Refillwith waterup to overflowoullet(approximately 1" fromthe rop). gauge. Temperature willdropslowly to 30'Fonoutlettemperature Note: Temperature is setat 3eF fromthe factory. 0 gauge. Temperature willdropslowlyto 34'Fon inlettemperature s) Temperature in returnline(inletgauge)shouldbe no morethan3' or 4' morethanoutletgauge,if installation wasdoneproperlyand quality trunklineis used.lf a trunkhousing is insidea PVCchase where there is water present,it will cause large temperature differentials between thegauges. h) ReDlace toocover. U}:iEMICROMATIC MAINTENANCE Keepliquidlevelconstant in glycolreservoir. ,.. 1. { 2. Checkliquidmonthly a) lf levelis low.lill withwater. b) lf ice buildup, removeonegallonof waterand replacewith pure Micro MaAcPolar Flo glycol. Keep condensing unit free of foreignmatterand cleaneverysix (6) months. M CFO MAT C MICROMATIC TROUBLESHOOTING Trouble L Excessivefoam Cause Warmwalk-incooler Solution A. Adjustcoolertempercturc to 34" to 36€, (usequalitytheftnometer) B. Check applied pressureto B. Adjust seftr,g on regulator fol prcperpressurc oarrel Checkequipment lines D. Warmproduct C. Checkthe physicalequipnent from keg to faucet D. Referto 5 Replacecompressorrelay,relay relay or capacitor 2. Compressordoes A. Compressor (no notstart hum), capactbr. malfunction butthefan motor B. Measurevoltageacrosscommon tuns, voltage B. Inadequate and run tetminalon comqrcssor. Voltagemust not drcp below90ok of nted voltage. failure C. Compressor 3. Compressorstarts and continuesto run untillreezeup and will not cut off. control failure A. Thermostat B. Freonleak Compressor doe6 A. Inadequate voltage not run but hums. B . Slartingrelaymalfunction C. Replacecompressot. Replacethetmostat B. Repairleak and recharge A. Measurcvoltageacrcss common and run teminal on compressor. Voltagenust not drop below90% of ratedvoltage B, Replacestaftingrelay Be surcto useconectrelay.Failure to use corect rclay will cause comprcssorfailuro. C. compressormalfunction C, Replacecompressor M C BO MAT C MICROMATIC Cause Trouble 5. Solution Defective Pump (checkmotor arso,l Check retum line in reseNoir for liquidflow.Replacepump B . Defectivemotor(checkpump B. Replace motor arsoJ c. Reftigeration unit not running D . Conduit lines overheatedarea located Removelron any hot water pipes or kitchenarea silh saoveor g/ass washer. In E. Conduitlinesfloodedin PVC chase. Removelinesfrcm PVC,thoroughly dry PVC and rcpai or rcplace conduitas needod. F. Uninsulated or poorlyinsulated lines A lines should bo fully insulated trcmcoolerinlo dispenser.lncludes glycol lines from power pack into cooler. G. Thermostat G. Adjust tenpenture setfing. H. Condenser fan motor not woaKrng to colder Replacecondenserfan motor. l. Freonleak L Repairleak and recharge. J. Dirtycondenser J. Cleanlhe condenser K. Condensationinside conduit K (maybe causedfrom insulatjon cleaninglines) Check trunk housing in areas lor drcoping or /ow spots, sprl insulation approximately 5" and sepa/?te.Allow any waterto dmin, thenairdry, the sea/c/osed. L. Warmwalkin cooler Check temperclure of walk-in coolerJiquid temperaturc, set coolarat 34'to 360. L. Uh::E MICROMATIC ElectronicTemperature Controlwith Display ChangingTemperature Units Pressthe Up and Downbuttonssimultaneously to togglebetweeno F ando C. Note: The Keypad Lockjumper must be in the unlockedposition(instaled) before adjustingthe control.If the keypadis locked,pressing buttonshas no effecton the control. Setting the Setpoint beforesettingthe setpoint,be surethe controlis set to the temperatureunitsyou wantto use,Celsiusor Fahrenheit. To viewandadjustthe setpoint, usethefollowing method: 1. Pressand holdthe Meru buttonfor abouttwo (2) secondsuntilthe display changesto flashingSP. Note: lf no enties are madefor thitty(30) seconds,the controlreveftsto the temperaturedisplay. 2. Pressthe Menubuttonagain.Thecurrentsetpoant is displayed. 3. Pressthe Up or Down buttonto adjustthe setpointtemperature. 4. Press the ,ltenu button to save. The displavthen returnsto the sensor temoerature. Note: lf the Menu bufton/:snof pressedafterchangingthe setpoint,the controlrevedsto the setpointvaluepreviouslyprogrammedintothe A419. FunctionRangesand Settings Function S P Setpoint Range -3Oto 212' F C34to 100"C) d t F Differential 1 to 30o(F or C) ASd Anti-short CycleDelav 0 to 12 minutes oFs TemperatureOffset 0 to 50o(F or C) S F SensorFailureOperation 0 = outputoff 1 = outputon FactorySettinq 30 5 1 0 'l IIb:iEMICROMATIC Note: Operationat Extremes: lf the combination of setpointplusor minusthe differentialfallsoutsidethe temperature range(30o F to 2120F [-34. C to 100a Cl), the 4419 operafesas fol/ows.' Cooling/Cut-in: lf the contrclis operatingin Cooling/Cut-in mode and setpoint minusdifferentialis lessthan -30" F, the controlswitcheson at setpointand off whenthe temperature dropsbelow-30oF (-34oC). Heating/Cut-in: lf the controlis operatingin Heating/Culinmode and setpoint plus differentialis greaterthan 212oF (00'C), the controlswitcheson at setpointand offwhen the temperature exceeds2120F (100oC). Cooling/Cut-out: lf the control is operatingin Cooling/Culoutmode and setpointplusdifferentialis greaterthan 212' F (100"C), the controlswitcheson whenthe temperature exceeds212oF (100' C) and off at setpoint. Heating/Cut-out: lf the control is operatingin Heating/Cut-out mode and setpointminus differentialis iess lhan -30' F (-34' C), the controlswifcheson whenthe temperature dropsbelow-30"F C34"C) and off at setpoint. SettingOtherFunctions To set the Differential(dlF),Anti-ShortCycle Delay(ASd),TemperatureOffset (OFS),or SensorFailure(SF)operation, usethefollowing method: Orderof the Functions 1. Pressand holdthe Menu buttonuntilthe displaychangesto flashingSP. Thiswilltakeabouttwo (2)seconds. NOTE: lf no enties are made for thitty (30) seconds while programming /s /n progress, the controlrevefts to the temDerature display. 2. Press the Up ot Down button repeatedlyuntil the desired function is displayed. 3. Pressthe Menubuttonto displaythefunction's currentvalue. 4. Pressthe Up or Downbuttonuntilthedesiredvalueis displayed. 5. Pressthe Menubutlonto savethe newvalue.The disolavthen returnsto the sensortemDerature. MICRO MAIIC MICROMATIC NOTE: lf you do not pressthe Menu bufton after settingthe new value, the control revefts to the previouslyprogrammedvalue for that function. Checkout Beforeapplyingpower,make sure installation and wiring connectionsare job accordingto specifications.After necessaryadjustmentsand electrical connections have been made,put the systemin operationand observethe controlfor at leastthree(3) completecyclesbeforeleavingthe installation. Troubleshooting lf the controlsystemdoes not functionproperly,verifythat the unit is wired, configured and set properly. lf the problempersists, procedures usethefollowing to determine the causeof the problem; 1. Checkfor propersupplyvoltageto the,A419control. WARNING: Riskof ElectricalShock. Highvoltagemaybe presenlat electrical terminals and otherexposedinternalmetalsurfaces. Avoid contactwith all metalsurfaceson controlwhen coverts removeo. Removethecoverby loosening thefourcaptivecoverscrews. o) Usea reliable AC voltmeter to checkthe voltagebetweenthe COM and 120Vor 240Vterminalson line voltagemodelsand the two 24Vterminals on low-voltage models The voltage must be between 20 and 30 VAC for 24 volt applications, 102 and 132VAC for 120 volt applications, 177 and 'fot 264 VAC 2081240volt aDDlications. lf the voltagereadingis withinthe requiredrange,proceedto Step 2. lf the voltagereadingis not withinthe requiredrange,checkthe powersourceandinputpowerwiresfor problems vpneb. e 99pac'tI PIMP Gallds PsHour IGPHI Punp ilotor HP EC033 5"Hx i91/2',Wx1S1/2 D{incrude MM,033 PP4301-EP E@nomY CWA3 PP4301 1l3 P€mlum RrsA PesE lz lso r2 s!/W? @!!?rryers..i!t1 2300 250 32 12 4A 1/3 Gear a0 1,3 Gear a0 t3 3 H r 2 3 1 / 2W r 2 2 D ( i n c u d dp u m p ) 2 a1 t 2 H x 1 7 W x 2 7 O