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INFOSYLVA is an information service of news clippings provided by the FAO Forestry Information Centre with news on forestry in English, French and Spanish. To subscribe, send an email to, leave the subject blank and then write in the first line of the message the following: subscribe INFOSYLVA-L your email address FAO Monographs Diagnostico de capacidades y estrategias de proveedores de servicios empresariales en el sector forestal tropical: herramienta para análisis y planificación (Spanish) Junkin, R. In: Serie Tecnica. Manual Tecnico Centro Agronomico Tropical de Investigacion y Ensenanza (Costa Rica), no. 87 / FAO, Rome (Italy). Dept. Forestal; Centro Agronomico Tropical de Investigacion y Ensenanza, Turrialba (Costa Rica), Oct 2008, 67 p., Accession No: 438175, Call No: S217 12 (FOL), Full text: Guidelines for good forestry and range practices in arid and semi-arid zones of the Near East (English) In: Working paper - RNEO (FAO), no. 1-09 / FAO, Cairo (Egypt). Regional Office for the Near East, 2009, 58 p., Accession No: 438215, Call No: 634.99(5-15) F731(E) (LIB; FOL) La categoría VI de la UICN en America Latina: area protegida para el manejo de recursos; Programa FAO/OAPN. Fortalecimiento del manejo sostenible de los recursos naturales en las areas protegidas de America Latina (Spanish) Ponce del Prado, C., Curonisy Velarde, Y. / FAO, Rome (Italy). Forestry Dept., 2008, 52 p., Accession No: 438369, Job No: I0612, Call No: 719 P77(S) (LIB; FOL) Le pin pignon (Pinus pinea L.); (Silva Mediterranea, Comite des questions forestieres mediterraneennes) (French) Agrimi, M., Ciancio, O. / FAO, Rome (Italy). Forestry Dept.; FAO, Rome (Italy). Silva Mediterranea, 1993, 160 p., Accession No: 500779, Call No: 634.917 Ag8(F1993) (LIB; FOL) Memorias del taller Biodiversidad agricola; Proyecto FAO/FNPP sobre Bosques y Biodiversidad Agricola para la Seguridad Alimentaria en Centroamerica, Roma, 8-9 y 29-30 de Marzo 2007 (Spanish) Biodiversidad AgricolaBiodiversidad AgricolaRome (Italy), 8-9 Mar 200729-30 Mar 2007 / FAO, Rome (Italy). FAO Netherlands Partnership Programme, 2007, 234 p., Accession No: 500781, Job No: K0568, Call No: 631.5 F7331(S2007) (LIB; FOL), Full text: Near East Forestry Commission (NEFC): Half a century later; Achievements, lessons learnt (English) Abdel Nour, H.O. (comp.) / FAO, Cairo (Egypt). Regional Office for the Near East, 2007, 120 p., Accession No: 438217, Call No: 634.99(5-15) F732(E) (LIB; FOL) Payment for environmental services in agricultural landscapes: economic policies and poverty reduction in developing countries (English) Lipper, L. (ed.), Sakuyama, T. (ed.), Stringer, R. (ed.), Zilberman, D. (ed.) In: Natural Resource Management and Policy (USA), (no. 2009) / FAO, Rome (Italy), 2009, 283 p., Accession No: 438013, Job No: A1207, Call No: 339.5 L66(E) (LIB; RR; FOL) Pest management in tropical forest plantations; Proceedings of the IUFRO/FAO workshop 25-29 May 1998, Chanthaburi, Thailand (English) In: FORSPA Publication (FAO), no. 30 ; IUFRO/FAO Workshop on Pest Management in Tropical Forest Plantations, Chanthaburi (Thailand), 25-29 May 1998 / Forestry Research Support Programme for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok (Thailand); FAO, Rome (Italy), May 2002, 176 p., Accession No: 408147, Project: Forestry Research Support Programme for Asia and the Pacific, RAS/163/NET Call No: 634.94 In819(E1998) (FOL) Proceedings (English) Zaroug, M.G. (ed.), Mirreh, M. (ed.), Kone, P.D. (ed.) ; Expert Consultation on Range Monitoring Including Under Forest Systems in the Near East, Cairo (Egypt), 26-28 Nov 2007 / FAO, Cairo (Egypt). Regional Office for the Near East, 2008, 194 p., Accession No: 500769, Call No: 633.2 Ex7(E2007) (LIB; FOL) Public participation in forestry in Europe and North America. Report of the FAO/ECE/ILO Joint Committee Team of Specialists on Participation in Forestry (English) In: Working paper - ILO Sectoral Activties Department (ILO), no. 163 / Joint FAO/ECE/ILO Committee on Forest Technology, Management and Training, Geneva (Switzerland); ILO, Geneva (Switzerland). Sectoral Activities Dept., 2000, 137 p., Accession No: 401271, Call No: 634.99(4-7) M661(E) (FOL; INTERNET), Full text: Regional Symposium on Oil Trees for Energy Production and for Valorization of Marginal Land and Water Resources in the Near East. Luxor, Egypt, 10-13 February 2009; Abstract and agenda booklet (English) Regional Symposium on Oil Trees for Energy Production and for Valorization of Marginal Land and Water Resources in the Near East, Luxor (Egypt), 10 -13 Feb 2009 / FAO, Cairo (Egypt). Regional Office for the Near East, 2009, 25 p., Accession No: 438163, Call No: PAM620.9 R26(E2009) (LIB; FOL) Vital forest graphics (English) Lambrechts, C. (ed.), Loyche Wilkie, M. (ed.), Rucevska, I. (ed.), Sen, M. (ed.) / FAO, Rome (Italy). Forestry Dept.; UNEP, Nairobi (Kenya); United Nations Forum on Forests, New York (USA), 2009, 69 p., Accession No: 438219, Job No: I0823, Call No: 634.99 L17(E) (LIB; FOL), Full text: Non FAO Monographs American National Standard for engineering wood flooring; Approved June 6, 2002 (English) American National Standards Inst., New York (USA); Hardwood Plywood and Veneer Association, Reston, VA (USA); National Wood Flooring Association, Chesterfield, MO (USA), 2005, 9 p., Accession No: 419958, Call No: PAM634.98 Am3 (FOL) American National Standard for hardwood and decorative plywood; Approved May 6, 2004 (English) American National Standards Inst., New York (USA); Hardwood Plywood and Veneer Association, Reston, VA (USA), 2004, 35 p., Accession No: 420210, Call No: PAM634.98 Am31 (FOL) Analisis de vacios de conservacion en Costa Rica. Gruas II. Propuesta de ordenamiento territorial para la conservacion de la biodiversidad en Costa Rica; Volumen IV: Acciones estrategicas para el cumplimiento de las metas para la conservacion de la biodiversidad continental en Costa Rica (2008-2012) (Spanish) Herrera-F., B. (ed.), Paaby, P. (ed.), Coto, M. (ed.) / Sistema Nacional de Areas de Conservacion, San Jose (Costa Rica), 2008, 138 p., Accession No: 420358, Call No: 719.4 H431 (FOL) Annual letter 2003 - 2004: 100 years of tropical forestry in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands (English) In: General Technical Report IITF-GTR - Forest Service (USA), no. 37 / Forest Service, Portland, OR (USA). Pacific Northwest Research Station; International Inst. of Tropical Forestry, Rio Piedras (Puerto Rico), 2008, 108 p., Accession No: 420364, Call No: 634.99(729) F76(2003-2004) (FOL) Avances y perspectivas en el mejoramiento genetico de Pinus occidentalis Swartz (Pino Criollo) (Spanish) Perez Santana, M.H., Torres Herrera, J.G., Jimenez Guzman, A.A. / Plan Sierra, Inc., Santiago (Dominican Republic), 2008, 50 p., Accession No: 419864, Call No: 634.91 P41 (FOL) Change in governance as collective learning process: management, politics and ethics in forestry; Preconference proceeedings (English) Buttoud, G. (ed.) ; Change in Governance as Collective Learning Process: Management, Politics and Ethics in Forestry. International Symposium, Nancy (France), 21-24 Jun 2009 / Nancy (France), AgroParisTech-ENGREF, 2009, 192 p., Accession No: 420412, Call No: 634.9 C36(2009) (FOL) Decentralisation and state-sponsored community forestry in Asia; Seven country studies of transitions in forest governance, contemporary forest management and the prospects for communities to contribute to and benefit from sustainable forest management (English) Scheyvens, H. (ed.), Hyakumura, K. (ed.), Seki, Y. (ed.) / Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, Kanagawa (Japan), 2007, 192 p., Accession No: 420000, Call No: 634.99(5) Sch2 (FOL; INTERNET), Full text: Educacion en la biodiversidad: conceptos, metodos y tecnicas (Spanish) Chacon, C.R., Espinoza, M.A. / Ministerio de Ambiente, Energia y Telecomunicaciones, San Jose (Costa Rica); Sistema Nacional de Areas de Conservacion, San Jose (Costa Rica), 2008, 88 p., Accession No: 420456, Call No: 37:719 C34 (FOL) El abastecimiento sostenible de madera en Costa Rica (Spanish) Amighetti, A. (ed.) / Organizacion para Estudios Tropicales, San Pedro (Costa Rica); Centro Agronomico Tropical de Investigacion y Ensenanza, Turrialba (Costa Rica), 2008, 114 p., Accession No: 420458, Call No: 634.98 Am5 (FOL; INTERNET), Full text: Estrategias de vida en comunidades indigenas cabecares de Alto Chirripo, Costa Rica; Incidencia en el aprovechamiento y comercializacion de productos forestales y agropecuarios (Spanish) Lopez, M.A., Campos, J.J., Villalobos, R., Stoian, D. In: Serie Tecnica. Informe Tecnico - Centro Agronomico Tropical de Investigacion y Ensenanza (Costa Rica)Gestion Integrada de Recursos Naturales a Escala de Paisaje (Costa Rica), no. 346, no. 2 / Centro Agronomico Tropical de Investigacion y Ensenanza, Turrialba (Costa Rica), 2006, 31 p., Accession No: 420376, Call No: S217 10 no.346 (FOL) Evaluacion y planificacion del manejo forestal sostenible a escala de paisaje en Hojancha, Costa Rica (Spanish) Serrano Davila, M.E., Campos, J.J., Villalobos, R., Galloway, G., Herrera, B. In: Serie Tecnica. Informe Tecnico - Centro Agronomico Tropical de Investigacion y Ensenanza (Costa Rica)Coleccion Manejo Diversificado de Bosques Naturales (Costa Rica), no. 363, no. 33 / Centro Agronomico Tropical de Investigacion y Ensenanza, Turrialba (Costa Rica), 2008, 38 p., Accession No: 420380, Call No: S217 10 no.363 (FOL) Evaluation et comptabilite des actifs des forets tropicales. ITTO (Projet) PD 39/98 Rev. 2[M]. Research on value accounting of tropical forest environmental resources and its integration into the national economic accounting system in China (French) Hou Yuanzhao (ed.), Wu Shuirong (ed.) / Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing (China), 2005, 297 p., Accession No: 420008, Call No: 338:634.9(51) H81(F) (FOL) Forest experiences of Mexican communities (English, French, Spanish) Comision Nacional Forestal, Mexico City (Mexico); Secretaria de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, Mexico City (Mexico), (2008), 96 p., Accession No: 419854, Call No: 634.99(72) C73 (FOL; INTERNET), Full text: Forest governance in a rapidly changing world (English) Von Pfeil, E., Sepp, C. / Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Technische Zusammenarbeit, Eschborn (Germany), 2008, 50 p., Accession No: 420354, Call No: 634.99(100) V89 (FOL; INTERNET), Full text: Forestry and our cultural heritage; Proceedings (English) Seminar on Forestry and Our Cultural Heritage, Sunne (Sweden), 13-15 Jun 2005 / Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe, Warsaw (Poland). Liaison Unit, 2006, 156 p., Accession No: 419794, Call No: 634.99(4) Se5(2005) (RR; FOL) Forestry strategy to the year 2020 of the Lao PDR (English) Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Vientiane (Lao People's Democratic Republic). Dept. of Forestry, 2005, 85 p., Accession No: 419938, Call No: 634.99(598) M664(2020) (FOL) Forests and society: the role of research. (Congress proceedings); V. 1: Sub-plenary sessions.- v. 2: Abstracts of Group discussions (English) IUFRO World Congress, Sess. 21, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), 7-12 Aug 2000 / International Union of Forestry Research Organizations, Vienna (Austria), 2000, 2 v., Accession No: 419952, Call No: 634.9(063) W89(2000) (FOL) Forests in post-conflict Democratic Republic of Congo: analysis of a priority agenda (English) Center for International Forestry Research, Jakarta (Indonesia); World Bank, Washington, DC (USA), 2007, 82 p., Accession No: 420044, Call No: 634.99(672) C33 (FOL; INTERNET), Full text: Herramientas para la evaluacion de la sostenibilidad del manejo forestal comunitario en Guerrero, Mexico (Spanish) Montano, M.M., Carrera Gambeta, F., Campos Arce, J.J., Louman, B., Galloway, G. In: Serie Tecnica. Informe Tecnico - Centro Agronomico Tropical de Investigacion y Ensenanza (Costa Rica)Coleccion Manejo Diversificado de Bosques Naturales (Costa Rica), no. 345, no. 31 / Centro Agronomico Tropical de Investigacion y Ensenanza, Turrialba (Costa Rica), 2006, 55 p., Accession No: 420374, Call No: S217 10 no.345 (FOL) Herramientas para la valoracion y manejo forestal sostenible de los bosques sudamericanos (Spanish) Izko, X., Burneo, D. / Union Mundial para la Naturaleza (UICN), Quito (Ecuador). Oficina Regional para America del Sur, 2003, 156 p., Accession No: 420050, Call No: 634.99(8) Iz3(S) (FOL; INTERNET), Full text: Impacts of Europe's changing climate: 2008 indicator-based assessment (English) In: EEA Report (Denmark), no. 4/2008 / European Environment Agency, Copenhagen (Denmark); World Health Organization, Geneva (Switzerland); European Commission, Brussels (Belgium). Joint Research Centre, 2008, 246 p., Accession No: 420048, Call No: 551.5 Eu7(2008) (FOL; INTERNET), Full text: Implementation of MCPFE commitments: National and Pan-European Activities 1998-2003 (English) Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe, 4, Vienna (Austria), 28-30 Apr 2003 / Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe, Vienna (Austria). Liaison Unit, 2003, 88 p., Accession No: 420360, Call No: 634.94 M665(1998-2003) (FOL) Implementation of regional burnt area algorithms for the GBA2000 Initiative (English) Tansey, K.J. / European Commission, Brussels (Belgium). Joint Research Centre, 2002, 159 p., Accession No: 420012, Call No: 634.94 T15 (FOL) International Conference on the Application of Reduced Impact Logging to Advance Sustainable Forest Management: Constraints, Challenges and Opportunities. 26th February to 1st March 2001, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia; Compendium of conference papers (English) International Conference on the Application of Reduced Impact Logging to Advance Sustainable Forest Management, Kuching (Malaysia), 26 Feb - 1 Mar 2001 / Asia-Pacific Forestry Commission, Bogor (Indonesia); Center for International Forestry Research, Bogor (Indonesia); FAO, Bangkok (Thailand). Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific; Forest Dept. of Sarawak, Kuching (Indonesia); International Tropical Timber Organization, Yokohama (Japan); Ministry of Forestry, Jakarta (Indonesia); Sarawak Timber Association, Kuching (Malaysia); Tropical Forest Foundation, Alexandria, VA (USA); Forest Service, Washington, DC (USA); United States Agency for International Development, Washington, DC (USA), 2001, 325 p., Accession No: 419984, Call No: 634.93 In822(2001) (FOL) International Council of Forest and Paper Associations. ICFPA second annual meeting, April 16-17 2004, Canberra, Australia; Meeting book (English) ICFPA Meeting, 2, Canberra (Australia), 16-17 Apr 2004 / International Council of Forest and Paper Associations, Washington, DC (USA), 2004, vp., Accession No: 420010, Call No: 634.98 In83(2004) (FOL) Japan's public procurement policy of legal and sustainable timber: progress, challenges and ways forward (English) Lopez-Casero, F. (ed.), Scheyvens, H. (ed.) / Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, Kanagawa (Japan), 2007, 98 p., Accession No: 420014, Call No: 634.98 L883 (FOL; INTERNET), Full text: Joint position of the MCPFE and the PEBLDS/EfE on the Pan-European understanding of the linkage between the ecosystem approach and sustainable forest management (English) Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe, Warsaw (Poland). Liaison Unit; UNEP, Geneva (Switzerland). Joint Secretariat of the Pan-European Biological and Landscape Diversity Strategy; Council of Europe, Strasbourg (France). Directorate-General for Education, Culture and Heritage, Youth and Sport, 2006, 15 p., Accession No: 420362, Call No: PAM634.99(4) M663 (FOL) La foret des hommes: terroirs villageois en foret tropicale africaine (French) Delvingt, W. (ed.) / Gembloux (Belgium), Les Presses Agronomiques de Gembloux, (2002), 286 p., Accession No: 419988, Call No: 634.99(6) D38 (FOL) La foret francaise en 2050-2100: essai de prospective (French) Bourgau, J.M., Bertin, M., Lerat, J.-F., Monnot, J.-G., Morin, G.-A., Poss, Y., Treyer, S. / Ministere de l'Agriculture et de la Peche, Paris (France); Conseil General de l'Agriculture, de l'Alimentation et des Espaces Ruraux, Paris (France), 2009, 148 p., Accession No: 419982, Call No: 634.99(44) B66(2050-2100) (FOL) Land use on cattle farms: guide for the payment of environmental services; Integrated silvopastoral approaches to ecosystem management project (English) Murgueitio, E., Ibrahim, M., Ramirez, E., Zapata, A., Mejia, C.A., Casasola, F. / Centro para la Investigacion en Sistemas Sostenibles de Produccion Agropecuaria, Cali (Colombia); Centro Agronomico Tropical de Investigacion y Ensenanza, Turrialba (Costa Rica), 2004, 56 p., Accession No: 419950, Call No: 634.99(8.03) M94 (FOL; INTERNET), Full text: Loi no. 14/PR/2008. Portant regimes des forets, de la faune et des ressources halieutiques (French) Republique du Tchad, N'Djamena (Chad), 2008, 50 p., Accession No: 420002, Call No: 634.99(674.3) R29(2008) (FOL) Low volume roads engineering: best management practices field guide (English) Keller, G., Sherar, J. / Forest Service, Washington, DC (USA); Virginia Polytechnic Inst. and State Univ., Blacksburg, VA (USA); Agency for International Development, Washington, DC (USA), 2003, 158 p., Accession No: 419956, Call No: 634.93 K28 (FOL; INTERNET), Full text: Making NFPs work: supporting factors and procedural aspects. Report on COST action. National Forest Programmes in a European Context (English) Glueck, P. (ed.), Carvalho Mendes, A. (ed.), Neven, I. (ed.) In: Schriftenreihe des Instituts fuer Forstliche Betriebswirtschaft und Forstwirtschaftspolitik (Germany). 1016-7323, no. 48, no. 48 / Institute of Forest Sector Policy and Economics, Vienna (Austria), 2003, 53 p., Accession No: 419990, Call No: 634.99(4) G521 (FOL; INTERNET), Full text: Management of nontimber forest product resources of India; An analysis of forest development corporations (English) Tewari, D. / Delhi (India), International Book Distributing Co., 2008, 152 p., Accession No: 420156, Call No: 634.98 T311 (FOL) Manejo forestal comunitario en America Latina: experiencias, lecciones aprendidas y retos para el futuro (Spanish) Sabogal, S. (ed.), de Jong, W. (ed.), Pokorny, B. (ed.), Louman, B. (ed.) / Center for International Forestry Research, Bogor (Indonesia), 2008, 294 p., Accession No: 419776, Call No: 634.96 Sa1 (FOL; INTERNET), Full text: Manejo y tablas de rendimiento de Pinus occidentalis (Spanish) Dobler, G. / Plan Sierra, Inc., Santiago (Dominican Republic), 1999, 154 p., Accession No: 419860, Call No: 634.95 D65 (FOL) Measuring biological diversity (English) Magurran, A.E. / Oxford (United Kingdom), Blackwell Pub., 2004, 256 p., Accession No: 420304, Call No: 502 M11 (FOL) Meeting in the middle: the challenge of meso-level integration; An international workshop on the harmonization of land use and land cover classification. October 17-20 2000, Ispra, Italy (English) McConnell, W.J. (ed.), Moran, E.F. (ed.) In: LUCC Report Series (Spain), no. 5 ; Meeting in the Middle: the Challenge of Meso-Level Integration. International Workshop, Ispra (Italy), 17-20 Oct 2000 / Land Use and Cover Change International Project Office, Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium), 2001, 56 p., Accession No: 419992, Call No: 634.99 M472(2000) (FOL; INTERNET), Full text: Perspectives ouest-africaines: les ressources pour le developpement; Rapport produit par le Club du Sahel et de l'Afrique de l'Ouest/OCDE (French) De Verdiere, M.C., Perret, C., Weber, R. In: Cahiers de l'Afrique de l'Ouest (OCDE), / OCDE, Paris (France); Club du Sahel, Paris (France); Communaute Economique de l'Afrique de l'Ouest, Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), 2009, 112 p., Accession No: 419904, Call No: 330.34(66) D34 (FOL) Politicas de recursos naturales en Centroamerica: lecciones, posiciones y experiencias para el cambio (Spanish) Camino, R. de (ed.), Ballestero, A. (ed.), Breitling, J. (ed.) / Universidad para la Paz, Cuidad Colon (Costa Rica). Dept. de Ambiente, Paz y Seguridad, 2008, 369 p., Accession No: 420410, Call No: 339.5(728) C14 (FOL) Proceedings Forum Forests as Source of Raw Materials, 7-10 May 1999. Forests in Focus. (English) Poker, J. (ed.), Stein, I. (ed.) In: NNA-Berichte (Germany). 0935-1450, v. 12(3)(, v. 12(3)(; Forum Forests as Source of Raw Materials, Hannover (Germany)Hannover (Germany), 7-10 May 1999710 May 1999 / Alfred Toepfer Akademie fuer Naturschutz, Schneverdingen (Germany), 1999, 80 p., Accession No: 420204, Call No: 634.98 F77(1999) (FOL) Programma quadro per il settore forestale (Italian) Ministero Politiche Agricole e Forestali, Rome (Italy), 2009, 142 p., Accession No: 420132, Call No: 634.99(45) M66 (FOL; INTERNET), Full text: Report on the assessment of forest cover and land use during 1992-2002 (English, Laothian) Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Vientiane (Lao People's Democratic Republic). Dept. of Forestry, July 2005, vp., Accession No: 419994, Call No: 634.99(598) M66(1992-2002) (FOL) Report on the state of forests and forestry in the Czech Republic. By December 31, 1999 (Czech, English) Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic, Prague (Czech Republic). Forestry Dept., 2000, 139 p., Accession No: 419978, Call No: 634.99(437.1/.2) M662(1999) (FOL) Restauracion del paisaje en Hojancha, Costa Rica (Spanish) Salazar Isaza, M., Campos, J.J., Prins, C., Villalobos, R. In: Serie Tecnica. Informe Tecnico - Centro Agronomico Tropical de Investigacion y Ensenanza (Costa Rica)Gestion Integrada de Recursos Naturales a Escala de Paisaje (Costa Rica), no. 357, no. 4 / Centro Agronomico Tropical de Investigacion y Ensenanza, Turrialba (Costa Rica), 2007, 51 p., Accession No: 420378, Call No: S217 10 no.357 (FOL) RILSIM 2.0 user’s guide: software for financial analysis of reduced-impact logging systems (English) Dykstra, D.P. / Forest Service, Washington, DC (USA), 2004, 120 p., Accession No: 419948, Call No: 338:634.93 D99 (FOL; INTERNET), Full text: Silvics and silviculture of coastal western redcedar: a literature review (English) Klinka, K., Brisco, D. In: Special Report Series (Canada), no. 11 / Ministry of Forests and Range, Victoria, British Columbia (Canada). Forest Science Program, 2009, 105 p., Accession No: 419856, Call No: 634.92 K68 (FOL; INTERNET), Full text: Small and medium (forest) enterprise development for poverty reduction: opportunities and challenges in globalizing markets; Conference proceedings (English, Spanish) Donovan, J. (ed.) In: Technical Series. Technical Meetings - Tropical Agriculture Research and Training Center (Costa Rica), no. 12; International Conference on Forest Development, Turialba (Costa Rica), 23-25 May 2006 / Centro Agronomico Tropical de Investigacion y Ensenanza, Turrialba (Costa Rica), 2007, 149 p., Accession No: 420312, Call No: 634.92 D71(2006) (FOL; INTERNET), Full text: The National Forestry Act and Tree Planting Act, 2003 (Uganda) (English) In: Uganda Gazette. Acts Suppplements (Uganda), no. 5 / National Forestry Authority, Kampala (Uganda), 2003, 62 p., Accession No: 420152, Call No: 634.99(676.1) N21(2003) (FOL) Valutation and green accounting of tropical forest assets. ITTO (Project) PD 39/98 Rev.2[M]: Research on value accounting of tropical forest environmental resources and its integration into the national economic accounting system in China (English) Hou Yuanzhao (ed.), Wu Shuirong (ed.) / International Tropical Timber Organization, Yokohama (Japan); Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing (China), 2005, 352 p., Accession No: 420006, Call No: 338:634.9(51) H81(E) (FOL) Voluntary standard for sliced decorative wood face veneer; Industry standard DF-1 1995. Supersedes DFV-1 1988. Publication date January 5, 1996 (English) Hardwood Plywood and Veneer Association, Reston, VA (USA); Fine Hardwood Veneer Association, Zionsville, IN (USA), 1996, 9 p., Accession No: 420212, Call No: PAM634.98 Am32 (FOL) Phamplets China national program for ecological environment improvement (Chinese, English) Du Menggang (ed.), Lu De (ed.), Zhang Shougong (ed.), Xu Deying (ed.), Chen Min (ed.) / International Forestry Cooperation Center, Beijing (China); State Forestry Administration, Beijing (China). Dept. of International Cooperation, (1999), 46 p., Accession No: 419946, Call No: PAM338:614.7(51) D85 (FOL) Corredores biologicos (Spanish) Jimenez, G., Corrales, A. In: Coleccion Programa Educacion Ambiental (Costa Rica), no. 15 / Ministerio de Ambiente y Energia, San Jose (Costa Rica); Sistema Nacional de Areas de Conservacion, San Jose (Costa Rica), 2001, 13 p., Accession No: 420382, Call No: PAM37:719.5 J56 (FOL) Definitions and methodological options to inventory emissions from direct human induced degradation of forests and devegetation of other vegetation types (English) Penman, J. (ed.), Gytarsky, M. (ed.), Hiraishi, T. (ed.), Krug, T. (ed.), Kruger, D. (ed.), Pipatti, R. (ed.), Buendia, L. (ed.), Miwa, K. (ed.), Ngara, T. (ed.), Tanabe, K. (ed.), Wagner, F. (ed.) / Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Geneva (Switzerland); Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, Kanagawa (Japan), 2003, 32 p., Accession No: 419996, Call No: PAM634.94 P381 (FOL; INTERNET), Full text: Development of Forestry Forum in Ghana: guidelines for improved effectiveness (English) Forestry Commission, Accra (Ghana). Resource Management Support Centre, 2004, 17 p., Accession No: 420356, Call No: PAM634.99(667) F76 (FOL) Forestry issues in the Guiana shield region: a perspective on Guyana and Suriname (English) Haden, P. In: European Union Tropical Forestry Paper (EU), no. 3 / European Commission, Brussels (Belgium); Overseas Development Inst., London (United Kingdom), 1999, 19 p., Accession No: 420016, ISBN 085003-403-5, Call No: PAM634.99(881) H11 (FOL) Guia ilustrada sobre el estado de salud de los arboles. Reconocimiento e interpretacion de síntomas y danos (Spanish) Boa, E. / FAO, Rome (Italy). Forest Resources Div., 2008, 49 p., Accession No: 600693, Job No: Y5041, Call No: PAM634.94 B63(S) (LIB; FOL), Full text: Manual de capacitacion. Descentralizacion de la gestion de las areas protegidas en America Latina; Programa FAO/OAPN. Fortalecimiento del manejo sostenible de los recursos naturales en las areas protegidas de America Latina (Spanish) Castano Uribe, C. / FAO, Rome (Italy). 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