Download Electrolux TM-75 Operating instructions
OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS AND PARTSLIST INSTRUCTIONS D'UTILISATION ET LISTEDE PIECES INSTRUCCIONES DE OPERACION Y LISTADE PIEZAS v - TM-75Tile Saw FEL}<EFI. 174OOWest 119th Street Olathe, Kansas 66061 CustomerSeruice......800-365-4003 Corp.Office 913-928-1000 Cust.ServiceFAX......800-825-0028 Corp.OfficeFAX .......91 3-438-7951 I l+cIIAMANT ElclaFrr -f I v 0AF041 07 O C o p y r i g hA t , u g u s t2 0 , 2 0 0 1 ,D i a m a nB t o a r t ,I n c . EVERY MACHINE IS THOROUGHLY TESTED BEFORE LEAVING THE FACTORY. EACH MACHINE IS S UP P LI E DW IT H A C OP Y OF T H IS M A N U A L. OP E R A TOR SOF TH IS E QU IP ME N TMU S T R EAD AND BE FAMILIARWITH THE SAFETY WARNINGS. FAILURE TO OBEY WARNINGS MAY RESULT IN INJURY OR STRICTLYTO ENSURELONG SERVICEIN NORMALOPERATION. DEATH. FOLLOWINSTRUCTIONS CONTENTS S y m b oD l efinitions............ and Locations DecalDescriptions ReferencF e igures SafetyWarnings- DO's& DO NOT's. Instructions 1. Features 2. Benefits 3 . M a c h i n eS e t - U p 4 . O p e r a t i n gP r o c e d u r e s . . . . . . . . . . 5 . A l i g n m e nPt r o c e d u r e s . . 6. Maintenance......... 7 . T r o u b l eS h o o t i n G g uide. 8. Repairs 9 . S p a r eP a r t s Diagramsand SparePafts 3-4 ................5 . . . . . . . . . . . . .-.76 -9 ...........8 ............10 ..............10 11- 12 12- 13 . . . . .1 3 ............14 .....15 ....15 ...........15 16 - 17 AWARNING HAZARD HEARING DURINGNORMALUSE OF THIS MACHINE,OPERATORMAY BE EXPOSEDTO A NOISELEVELEQUALTO OR SUPERIORTO 85 dB (A) AATTENZIONEIIIA RISCHIO DE LESIONE ALL'APPARATO UDITIVO NELLE NORMALI CONDIZIONI DI UTILIZZO, MACCHINA PUO COMPORTARE PER L'OPERATORE ADDETTO UN ESPOSZIONE QUESTA ACUSTICA DI LIVELLO PARI O SUPERIOREA 8s dB (A) A AArENcroN RIESGODE DANOAUDITIVO E N C O N D I C I O N EN S O R M A L E SD E U T I L I Z A C I O NE,L O P E R A D O RD E E S T AM A Q U I N AP U E D E A 85 dB (A) E S T A RE X P U E S T OA U N N T V E LD E R U T D OI G U A LO S U P E R I O R SymbolsDefinitions Symboles DefinicionDe Simbolos A o . Pleasereadthe instructions for use priorto operatingthe machinefor the firsttime. ' Avanttoute mise en service,lireattentivement la noticeet se familiariseravec la machine. . Antesde la puestaen marcha,lea detenidamente y familiaricese las instrucciones con la m6quina. . Mandatory . Obligatoire . Obligatorio o . lndication . Indicazione e Indicacion o . Prohibition . Interdiction . Prohibicion A @ @ @ @ . WarningTriangle . Triangled'advertissement . TridngwuloDe Advertencia . Wear Eye Protection . Portobligatoiredes lunettesde protection ' Usar Gafas De Protecci6n . Wear BreathingProtection . Portobligatoired'un masquerespiratoire protecteur . Usar MdscaraDe Protecci6n . The Use Of Ear Protectionls Mandatory . Portobligatoireda casqueantibruit . Es ObligatorioEl Uso De ProteccionAuditiva . Wear SafetyShoes . Portobligatoiredes chaussuresde s6curite . UsarZapatosDe Seguridad @ A @ . Wear Appropriate Clothing . Portobligatoirede la tenueappropri6e . Usar RopaAdecuada . MachineryHazard,Keep HandsAnd Feet Clear . Danger!Restera distancede la machine . MdquinaPeligrosa- MantengaManosY PiesAlejadosDe La Mdquina . No Non-Working PersonnelIn Area . Zone interditeau personnelnon-ouvrier o ProhibidoParaPersonas AjenasA La Obra A . Ke€pWork Area CleanAlVell Lit, RemoveAll SafetyHazards . La zone de travaildoittoujours6tre propre,bien eclaireeet ne pr6senteraucun risque o MantengaLimpioEl SitioDe Trabajo/Bienlluminado,ElimineTodos Los RiesgosDe Seguridad A . DangerouslyHigh NoiseLevel . Niveaude bruitdangereux . NivelDe RuidoElevadamente Peligroso @ . RepairsAre To Be Done By An AuthorizedDealerOnly . Les r6parationsne peuvent6tre ex6cut6esque par un distributeur agr66 . Las ReparacionesDebenSer EfectuadasUnicamentePor Un Distribuidor Autorizado A . AlwaysKeepthe BladeGuardsln Place . Toujoursv6rifierque les protectionsde disquesont bien en place . Mantengasiemprelas protecciones de la hoja en su sitio f\ . DiamondBlade . Disquediamant6 . SierraDiamantada A o ElectricalShock Hazard . Risquede secousses6lectriques . Peligrode sacudidael6ctrica t-t DECAL DESCRIPTIONS & LOCATION AUTOCOLLANTS- DESCRIPTIONS ET EMPLACEMENTS DESCRIPTION DE CALCAMONIASY UBICACIONES P/N 185262 Location:Tray - Front P/N 169866 Location:Rip Guide P/N 185263 Location:MotorCover- Front P/N 185264 Location:BladeGuard- Side O U T L E TI S N O T F O R G E N E R A LP U R P O S E USE. U S E O N L YF O RV E N D O R A P P R O V E DW A T E RP U M P . P/N 189247 Location:MotorCover- Rear v Read manual. Lea el manml. V e u r l l e zl i r e l e m a n u e . . P/N 187043 Location:MotorCover- Top FIGURES REFERENCE FrcuRES DEnErEnENcE F I G U R AD E R E F E R E N C I A *4 tl t $tr'; F i g3 F i g5 F i g6 Fig 7 F i g8 F i g9 F i g1 0 F i g1 1 F i g4 %,'\ *. Fig 12 REFERENCE FIGURES FrcuRES DEnErEnENcE FIGURADE REFERENCIA F i g1 3 F i g1 a F i g1 5 F i g1 6 F i g1 7 F i g1 8 F i g1 9 Fig 22 187076 90' AdjustableProtractor F i g2 1 Fig 23 187077 Dual45'Angle Guide Fig 24 187078 BullNoseMiterGuide SAFETYFIRST! WARNINGS DO'sAND DO NOT's TOCOMPLYWITHTHESEWARNINGSAND OPERATING WARNING: FAILURE INSTRUCTIONS COULDRESULTIN DEATHOR SERIOUSBODILYINJURY. DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO andcontrols. all warnings,instructions, readthisentireoperato/smanualbetoreoperatingthis machine.Understand keepall guardsin placeand in goodcondition. protection. wearsafetyapprovedhearing,eye,headand respiratory on the machine. readand understand all warningsand instructions containedin this manual. readand understand the symboldefinitions keepall partsof yourbodyawaylrom the blade. knowhowto stopthe machinequicklyin caseof emergency. turnthe "ON/OFF"switchto the "OFF"positionpriorto connectingtho machineto the powersource. inspectthe blade,flangesandshattsfor damageor dirt beforeinstallingthe blade. alwayskeepchildrenawaytromthis machine. use onlybladesmarkedwitha maximumoperatingspeedgreaterthanthe bladeshaftspeed. whenwetsawing. alwaysusea groundfaull circuilinlerrupter thataccompany any bladeusedwiththismachine. readall safetymaterialsand instructions inspecteachbladecarefullybetoreusingit. lt thereare any signs ol damageor unusualwear,DO NOT USE THE BLADE, mountthe bladesolidlyandtirmly. Wrenchtightenthe arbornut. il you do not knowil blade is use lhe correctbladefor the type ot workbeingdone. Checkwith blademanufacturer correcl. operatethis machineonlyin wellventilaledareas. establisha trainingprogramlor all operatorsot this machine. people.Neverallowanyoneto standin lront of or behindthe bladewhilethe motor clearthe workareaoI unnecessary is running. makesurethe bladeis notcontactinganylhingbetorestartingthe motor. usecautionwhenlittingandlransporlingthismachine. alwaystie downthe machinewhentransporting. whensettingup the machine. usecautionandfollowinstructions haveall serviceperformedby competentservicepersonnel. makesureelectricpoweredmachinesare pluggedintoa properlygroundedcircuii. rnakesurepowercordsare the propersizeand in goodcondition. maintaina securegripon the materialbeingcut. verifythe bladearborholematchesthe machinespindlebetoremountingthe blade. cleanthe machineattereachday'suse. followall electricalcodesin yourarea. considerworkareaenvironment.Don'texposepowertoolsto rain. Don'tuse powertoolsin wet locations. use cautionto guard againslelectricshock. Preventbody contactwith groundedsurlaces(i.e., pipes, radiators, ranges,relrigerators). use correctvoltageand properextensioncords. Nevercarrytool by cord or yank it to disconnectit trom receptacle. Keepcordawayfromheat,oil and sharpedges. alwayscarrythe machinewiththe molorstoppedand powercord disconnected. disconnect toolsfrompowersourcewhennot in use,beforeservicingandwhenchangingaccessories. for changingaccessories.Inspect carefullymaintainand cleanlor betterand saferperformance.Followinstructions and,if damaged,haverepairedby authorizedservicefacility. tool cordsperiodically onlycut in a straightline. alwaysgivea copyol this manualto the equipmentuser. lf you needextracopies,callTOLLFREE 1-800-365-4003. SAFETY FIRST! WARNINGS DO'SAND DO NOTS WARNING: FAILURE To COMPLYWITH THESEWARNINGSAND OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS COULDRESULTIN DEATHOR SERIOUSBODILYINJURY. DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT operatethis machine unless you have read and understoodthis operator'smanual. operatethis machine withoutthe blade guard, or other protectiveguards in place. stand behind or in front of the blade path while the motor is running. leave this machine unattendedwhile the motor is running. work on this machinewhile the motor is running. operatethis machine when you are tired or fatigued. use a wet blade without adequatewater supply to the blade. exceed maximum blade speed shown for each blade size. Excessivespeed could result in blade breakage. operatethe machine if you are uncertainof how to run the machine. use damaged equipmentor blades. touch or try to stop a moving blade with your hand. cock, jam, wedge or twist the blade in a cut. use a blade that has been droppedor damaged. use carbidetipped blades. use abrasiveblades. touch a dry cutting diamond blade immediatelyafter use. These blades require several minutes to cool after each cut. use damaged or worn blade flanges. allow other personsto be near the machinewhen startingor when the machine is in operation. operatethis machine in an enclosedarea unless it is properlyvented. operate this machine in the vicinity of anything that is flammable. Sparks could cause a fire or an ex plos i o n . allow blade exposurefrom the guard to be more than 180 degrees. operatethis machine with the blade guard removed. operatethis machine unless you are specificallytrainedto do so. use a blade that has been over heated (Core has a bluish color). jam materialinto the blade. gr ind o n th e s i d e o f th e b l a d e . lay power cords in or near the water. replacethe motor with any motor that does not have a specialgroundingconnection. s t and o r l e a n o n ma c h i n e . start cuttingwith a saw until you have a clear work area and secure footing. oper a teth i s m a c h i n ew h i l e u s i n gd rugs or al cohol . This saw was designedfor certain applicationsonly. DO NOTmodity this saw or use lor any application other than for which it was designed.lf you have any questions relativeto its application,DO NOTuse the saw until you havewritten DiamantBoart, Inc. and we have advisedyou. - V - Diamant Boart, Inc. 17400West 119th Street Olathe, Kansas 66061 1-800-365-4003 rruDrcAnotl )ATORY LJ:il5?IJH,8il A *ARNTNG S PRoHrBrroN These signs will give advise for vour Before leaving our factory every machine is thoroughly tested. Follow our instructions strictly and your machine will give you long service in normal operating conditions. 1. Features Use: Sawing of tile materials. Tools: Diamondblades-(For information contact your FELKER@ supplie) Bfade Capacity:A 8" (200 mm) - bore 5/8" ( 1 5 . 9m m ) . (CCW). Blade Rotation: Counter-Clockwise Cutting Thickness (material): 1 518'(41.2mm) Cutting Diagonal@ 10" (254mm) Gutting Length: 14" (356mm) Blade Cooling: Waterpump Horsepower: Voltage: 314 115 Volts,60 Hertz,1-Phase 4.2 amps Amperage: Blade Shaft RPM: (3300) Weight lbs. (kg.): 36.5 (16.5) Dimensions (L x W x H): 26" x16.5" x 14' (660x 419 x 356mm) Pan Holding Capacity: 9.3 quarts(8 liters) Before starting up the machine, make sure you read this entire manual and are familiar with the operation of this machine. The working area must be completely clear, well lit and all safety hazards removed. The operator must wear protective clothing appropriate to the work he is doing. @@@ @e@ @ A l0 Any persons not involved in the work should leave the area. Use only blades marked with a maximum speed greater than the blade shaft speed. 2. Benefits Your FELKER@tile saw is a ruggedlyconstructedunit engineeredto give long, satisfactoryperformance. Simple,daily maintenanceand care will add to the life of your tile saw. and productivity . and Lightweightfor easy maneuverability maintenance. . Has a durablepolymercuttingtable- able to handlealmostany cuttingjob due to its reinforced construction. Cuttingtabledesignedto drainwater quicklyback intothe watertrayfor efficientrecyclingof water. Cast blade guard with hinge to allow easy removalof cuttingblade. Cutting table runs on nylon wheels for smooth and accuratecuts and easy maintenance. Water tray of durable polymer constructionto resistrust and to drainwater and sedimentmuch faster. 3. MachineSet-Up WATERPUMPSAFETYGUIDELINESAND MAINTENANCE. Follow all of the assembly and i n s ta l l a ti o ni n s tru c ti o n sc o mpl etel y before connecting this saw to a power source. UNPACKING ( F i g ' s1., 2 & 3 ) Carefully openthe containerand removeall the saw components and packingmaterials.Be certainyou havecheckedeach item with the checklistbelow beforediscarding the containeror the packing materials.The contentsare as follows: Always plug the saw power cord into a GFCI outlet when using. lf a GFCI type outlet is not available, use a plug-in type GFCI plugged into a properly grounded outlet. Do not use any temporary plug adapters. . o 1. Operator'sManual 2. DurableWater Tray 3. Saw Framew/Cart 4. PowerHead 5. BladeGuard 6. CuttingGuides(4) 7. Water Pumpw/ Hose 8. Blade- B" [200mm] 9. Misc.Tools & Hardware ' . . The waterpump is equippedwith a ground electricalplug,to reducethe risk of possible shock. Be sureto connectto a properlygrounded type receptacle. Neverpickthe waterpump up out of the water when it is pluggedin. DO NOT EVER use the water pump to pump anythingbut water. Neverseruicethe pumpwhen it is stillpluggedin. Neverlet the pump operatedry. lt is self-cooled by pumpingwater. Dry use willcausethe pumpto fail. Maintainregularlyand cleanout debrisfrom intake screen. Checkthe powercord for nicksor fraysand never try to alterthe powercord in any way. NOTE:lF ANYOFTHEPARTSAREMISSING OR DAMAGED PLEASECONTACT YOURFELKER CUSTOMER SERVICE FORINSTRUCTIONS. CALL1-800-365-4003 . ASSEMBLY . AssemblyTools required: - fourwrenchessupplied(2 allentype) . Placesaw frame with cart intowatertray. (Fig4) . Feedthe powerheadassemblyonto the arm of the saw framethroughthe openingin the backof the powerhead.(Fig5) . Allignthe threeholesin the powerheadwiththe threethreadedholesin the saw f ramearm and installthe M5 x 1Ommcapscrewsand lock washers.(Fig6) . LooselyInstallthe MGx 40mm capscrewand washersat the rearof the saw frame. lnsertjust enoughbrassspacersto fill any gap betweenthe saw f rameand the powerhead, and thenfully tightenthe capscrew.Not usingspacerscan adverselyaffectallignment.(Fig7) o lnstallbladeguardontothe powerheadwith s u p p l i e dk n o b . ( F i g8 ) FITTINGOR CHANGINGTHE BLADE WATER PUMP INSTALLATION . Removethe waterpumpfrom its packagingand checkit to be sure it is not crackedor damagedin any way. a Routethe 8mm plastictubingas shown. (Figg) o Attachthe endsof the 8mm plastictubingto the b l a d eg u a r da n d t o t h e w a t e rp u m p . ( F i g1 0 & 11 ) Placethe waterpump in the rearof the watertray and set in placeusingthe mountingbracketas s h o w n .( F i g1 2 ) Keepthe powercord out of the waterand pluginto the motorpigtailthree-pronged outlet. (Fig 16) . /\ ANDREMOVAL r " 1 BLADEINSTALLATION \r-Y (Fig13_15) o o o Turn motorswitchoff. Disconnectpowercord. Carefullyraisethe bladeguardto its highest positionand tightenthe adjustmentknob on the rear support,so as to put firmlyin place. Then removethe bladeshaft nut and the outer f lange. (Fig13) Use the Smm allenwrenchto hold the shaftand the box end wrenchto turn the nut (Fig 15) counter-clockwise. Placebladeontothe shaft,pushingit up against the innerflange. Makesurethe bladeis mounted with the directionalarrowpointingcounterclockwise.(Fig1 ) Next replacethe outerflangeand shaft-nutand tightendown. (Fig14, 15) Do not over-tighten. Next lowerthe bladeguardback into positionand tightenthe knob. Pay attention to the direction of rotation shown by the arrow on one side of the Blade (rotation in the opposite direction to the tightening of the nut). Blade should rotate counter-clockwise when facing the bladeshaftnut. l1 Make sure that the supporting surfaces of the Blade, the Flanges and the arbor are clean. ELECTRICALCONNECTIONS . Use a groundedcircuit. . Use a GFCIwhenwet sawing. . Usethe correctplugand outlet. . Check that the main voltageis identicalto that of the machine. . Extensioncord: Use the correct size extension cord. Be certainthat the cord is in good seruice condition. . lf, on position1 (on),motordoes not run: . check the electric power on the site (fuses, cutouts,sockets,etc); . check the extension being used (faulty connection,wire break) . check powercable,it's connection; . checkthe operationof the on-offswitch. Before any examination, machines power cord. 4. o . . o the inq Procedures . . . unplug Always be very careful. Find a comfortable, well-balanced position. Always keep protective casing in place while working. Placethe machineon a dry sudace or the optional stand. Fill the holdingtank with clean water [holds 9.3 quarts(8 liters). Plug the machine into the power outlet and turn the motorswitchto the on position. CUTTINGTABLE THE CUTTINGTABLEIS MARKEDIN INCHESAND M I L L I M E T E RTSO M A K EY O U RD I M E N S I O N A L CUTSACCURATE. GH E 9 0 D E G R E ER I P S T E P SF O R P O S I T I O N I N T . guide onto the tablebackstopfrom Slidethe rip one end. (Fig 17) . Set the rip guideby positioningit at the desired pointon the front end of the cuttingtablef ront lip and flippingdownthe thumblbck untilthe rip guide is firmlylockedin place.(Fig 18) Notethat the thumb lock will hold accessoryfirmlyin place withoutusingthe full travelof the thumb lock. t2 . . . movementis designedfor any long Additional term wearingthat may be experienced. Unnecessary clampingwiththe thumblockcould raisethe end of the accessoryup off the table surface. The rip guidecan be usedfor straight90" cuts from boththe left and rightsides. for the desiredcut, Afterthe rip guideis positioned placematerialflushagainstthe rip guideand the measurement rail. Now you are readyto make your cut. CUTTINGDEPTH The 8" (2O0mm)bladecapacityyieldsa cuttingdepth of 1 5/8"(41,2mm). After completingany work, switch off the machine.There is no point in leavingthe motorrunningand the bladeturning. QUICKTIPS FOR WATER PUMPOPERATION lf you are havingtroublegettingwaterflow properly throughthe waterpump,try this: . First,checkto see thatthe pump is fully submergedin water.Fillthe watertray with clean waterto completelycoverthe pump. . Second,checkto see if all tubingis connectedto the pump correctlyand its feeds are properly attached. Sometimesthe tubingis not pushedfar enoughintoits attachment,allowingwaterto escapeat the attachmentpoint.Simplypushtubingfirmlyintofitting untilit stopsand willnot pullbackout. . Third,if there is a problemgettingwaterto flow out properly,checkthe watercontrolvalvesetting on the front of the pump. lt can be adjustedf rom "Min"to "Max"(Fig 19) Oftentimesthe watercontrolvalveis set to "Min"and is not capableof pumpingenoughwaterwhen first turnedon. This is easilycorrectedby turningthe valve to "Max"and then adjustingto the desiredwaterflow. . Fourth,if problemsstillpersist,there is also a chancethatdebrisor sedimentis cloggingthe waterpumpintakescreen,the pump impelleror insidethe tubing. - Clearingtheseareaswith f resh watercan alleviatethe clogging.The buildup sediment needsto be cleanedfrom the bottomof the Water Tray and the intakescreencleaned.Fill tray withf reshwater. - With pump intakeremoved,look insidethe area impellerand checkfor debris.Cleanas neededwith freshwater.(Fig 20) lf the tubingis clogged,removeendsfrom the waterpumpand Bladeguardfitting.Flush with freshwater untilall debrisis removedand r e c o n n e ct u t b i n g (. F i g1 0 & 1 1 ) WATER (Fig's10,11) TUBING REMOVAL Plastictubingconnectsthe waterpump to the blade guard.The fittingsusedto connectthistubingsealand gripthe outsidediameterof the tubing.Specialinternal lockingfingersattachedto the flangedcolletholdthe tubingfast.To cleanthe watertubingrequiresthe tubingto be removedfrom the fittings.To releasethe tubingform the fitting,fullydepressthe colletbefore pullingthe tube out of the fitting.When you press down on the colletyou are openingthe lockingfingers and freeingthe tubingto be easilyremoved. WATER TRAY REMOVALAND INSTALLATION THE REMOVALAND INSTALLATION OF THE WATER TRAY IS EASY. . First turn off the saw and unplugthe power cord. Do the same for the waterpump. . Then removewaterpump from tray. . Then take frame and motor assemblyout of the water tray. . Take tray and drainwaterand contents(sediment) . To installsimplyreversethis process. NOTE: THERE ARE NO ADJUSTMENTS TO WATER TRAY 5. Aliqnment Procedures the is recommendedthat the ParallelAlignmentin step2 be checkedto insurethe bestqualitycuts. 2. Checkthe ParallelAlignment . The conveyorcart shouldtravelparallelto the planeof the blade. . Placea squarerule againstthe backstop, lightlyin contactwiththe blade. The blade surfaceshouldbe parallelto the square;e.9., no gap betweenthe bladeand the squareat eitherthe frontor backedgeof the blade. Next,holdingthe squarefirmlytraversethe cart fore and aft. The bladeshouldremainparallel to the square,stayingslightlyin contactwith it throughoutits fulltravel. lf the bladedoes not stay in contactwith the square,the Parallel Alignmentmust be performed. ParallelAlignment (See Parts List, Diagram 1 & F i g2 1 ) . Loosenthe fronttwo RollerGuidefasteners (ltem6 & 8). Movethe RollerGuideBar (item 3) and Cart by the AdjustmentClamp(itema) untilthe squareis flushwiththe blade.Tighten the fastenersand recheckthe alignmentagain. The cart shouldnow travelparallelto the blade and the bladeshouldbe centeredin the slot. Your TM-75tile saw is factoryassembledand alignedpriorto shipmentto ensureaccuratecuts when your saw is delivered.However,since FELKER @cannotcontrolroughhandlingduringshipping,it is suggestedthat the alignmentbe checked. lf the saw is found in need of adjustment,referto the appropriate section(s)below. There are two basic TM-75alignmentchecks. Any adjustmentsmade mustfollowthese proceduresto ensurethat the unitfunctionsfreely. Adjustmenttools required:Carpenter'sSquareand the smallopen-endwrenchprovidedwith your new saw. (Fig 3) 1. Check the Blade in Slot Alignment . The bladeshouldbe centeredin the conveyor cart slot. . Set-upyour saw as describedabove,move the conveyorcaft back and forthform the f rontto the rear of the pan. lf the bladecontactseither side of the slot,the Cart Slot Location Adjustmentmustbe performed. Cart Slot Location Adjustment (See Parts List, Diagram1) . Movethe ConveyorCart so the Bladeis approximately midwaybetweenthe front and backof Cart.Loosenthe three(3) RollerGuide fasteners(ltems6 & 8) withthe supplied wrench. Movethe AdjustmentClamp(item4), RollerGuideBar (item3) and Carttogether untilthe bladeis centeredin the slot.Tighten l3 Before performing any maintenance' ALWAYd Place the machine on a level surface with the motor OFF and disconnect the electrical current' Let the machinecool down!! FOR LONGESTLIFEAND BESTPERFORMANCE . Alwayscleanthe saw aftereveryuse' . wipe all of the exteriorsediment or dirt off the the motor. Never spray water directly onto motor! . Wipe all exterior surfaces and keep the cutting tablecleanand free of all debris' . Wipe the rollerguidebar on the f rame' r Always check lhe blade for cracks or signs of damage. OPTIONALACCESSORIES FoldingStand: - #187073Standwith wheels Store in a safe Place, out of reach of children. Maintain atl tools carefullY' WJ '"-J t4 7. The manufacturer accepts no responsibility caused by unsuitable use or modifications. At the workstation, the sound pressure level may exceed 85 dB (A). ln this case hearing protection must be worn. T r o u b l eS h o o t i n gG u i d e SAW WON'T START,SAW IS TOO SLOW TO S T A R T ,S A W M O T O RM A K E SH U M M I N GN O I S E . Makesure plugis in liveelectrical circuit. . Voltagefrom sourcemay be too low. SAW SHUTSOFF ABRUPTLY . Poweris interrupted, checkpowersourceand restartthe saw. r Voltagefrom sourcemay be too low. Checkfor low voltage. WATER PUMPSYSTEMWON'T STARTOR STOPS ABRUPTLY . Checkto see that pump is pluggedin and is connectedto plastictubing. . Checkto see if pumpis completelysubmerged. . Checkto see if the waterpump is cleanand f ree o f a n yc h i p s ,d e b r i sc, l o g g i n ge, t c . SAW WON'T CUT STRAIGHT . Checkto see if saw f rameor rollingguidebar is bent. . Checkto see if the supportfor the cuttingtableis bent. . Checkfor possibledefectiveblade. . Materialsmay havebeenpushedor forced throughthe cut. Let bladepullmaterialfor a clean cut. . Checkcarttrackingadjustment. S A W B L A D ED O E S N ' TC U T W E L L . Bladeneedsto be dressed. . Blademay be mountedon saw backwards. . Blademay be wornor damaged. . Bladeslifemay be usedup (oldblade) 8. Repairs Entrust all repairs to your authorized dealeronly. We carry out all repairsin the shoftestpossibletime and at the most economicalprices. (See front page for our'addressand phone numbers) Contactyour authorizedFELKER@dealerconcerningmaintenance and repairs. 9. SpareParts For quick supplyof spare pafis and to avoid any lost time, it is essential to quote the data on the platefixedto the side of the motorand manufacturer's the part number(s)and description to be replacedwith everyorder. The instructions for use and spare parts found in this document are for informationonly and are not binding. As part of our product quality improvementpolicy, we reserue the right to make any and all technical modifications without prior notice. The manufacturer accepts no responsibility caused by unsuitabte use or modifications. l5 \, \1 l6 DIAGRAM1 ..- TM.75 PARTS LIST Loc 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 't4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 P/N 185108 Frame Assy (incl. 2-8) 185106 Frame 185107 Bar. RollerGuide 18 5 15 9 Clamp,RollerBar Adj. 17301I Lockwasher,ExternalTooth, M8 167478 Capscrew,Hex Hd M8 x 1.25x 25mm 139746 Washer, Flat M6 185255 Screw,Mach Pan Hd M6 x 1.0 x 1Omm 1 8 5 1 1 1Water Tray 1 8 5 1 3 0 &"y, Cutting Table (incl. 11-24) 185136 CuttingTable 185125 Bracket.U Roller 185126 Stud,UpperU Roller 185127 Stud, LowerU Roller 185137 Roller,U ShapedNylon 139745 Locknut,FiberM6 x 1.0 't39737 Capscrew,Hex Hd M8 x '1.25 x 20mm 185129 Bracket,SingleRoller 172027 N u t .H e xH d M 8 x 1 . 2 5 185138 Roller,RightSide Nylon 18 5 13 1 Stud,SingleRoller 17301I Lockwasher,ExternalTooth, M8 173059 Washer,Flat M8 139738 Locknut,FiberM8 x 1.25 185245 tusy, Power Head w/ Guard (incl. 26-53) 185235 Bracket.Motor Base Wldmnt 18s260 Plate,Spacer 185221 Motor k"y, 3l4HP 4.2A115V (incl. 29-35) 185216 SpacerSleeve 185215 Seal, Shaft 18 5 2 1I Flange,Inner 18 5 2 1I Outer Flange 185220 Nut,ArborM12 185248 Cover,Fan 185274 Slinger,Shaft 185239 Cover.Motor- Machined 185238 Bushing,StrainRelief 185214 Capacitor 185246 Cord, 16/3 SJTW w/ Male Plug 185247 Cord, 16/3 SJTW w/ FemalePlug 020762 Washer.Flat .250 SAE 163689 Lockwasher,Split M6 185252 Capscrew,Soc Bt Hd M6 x 1.0 x 16mm SS 185253 Switch,Toggle3/4hp 090552 Plate,Switch 032503 S h i m ,B r a s s . 0 2 0 173059 Washer,Flat M8 185258 Capscrew,Soc Bt Hd M6 x 1.0 x 40mm SS 020782 Lockwasher, Split#10 185259 Capscrew,Soc Bt Hd M5 x 0.8 x 16mm SS 17201',| Nut, Hex Hd M5 x 0.80 174432 Capscrew,Soc Hd M5 x 0.8 x 1Omm Loc 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 P/N 185243 185241 18 5 15 0 't85257 Descri kty, Blade Guard (incl. 54-61) Guard.Blade8in - Machined Adaptor-YWaterTube Tube.Water6x4x280mm 185140 Knob,M8 x 45 18 5 14 1 Screw,M4 x 20mm 185244 Flap,Splash 020762 Washer.Flat.250SAE 185251 Capscrew,Soc Bt Hd M6 x 1.0 x 1OmmSS 185237 Blade,Sin (200mm)Cont Rim 185160 Bracket,Pump Mounting 1 8 5 1 3 2 Assy, Water Pump (incl. 65-66) 185146 Water Pump 115V/60H2 185158 Adaptor,90'Tube - Water Pump 185201 T u b e . W a t e r B x 6 x 6 0 0 m m 169887 Guide,Rip - Plain - lls6e Not Shown - P/N 169866 185262 185263 185264 187043 189247 Decal,FelkerRip Guide Decal,TM-75 Pan Decal.TM-75 MotorCover Decal,FelkerB" [200mm]Guard Decal,Warning Decal,Water Pump Outlet 192001 185233 18 5 1 4 5 185272 Wrench,Allen4mm Wrench.Allen5mm W r e n c h ,O p e n[ 1 7x 1 3 ] Wrench,Bo></Open [18 x 10] 187076 90' AdjustableProtractor 187077 D u a l 4 5 ' A n g l eG u i d e 187078 Bull Nose MiterGuide 2 'l 'l 1 4 5 4 1 1 5 1 1 7 4 4 3 t7 ffi ffiHmcfrmlus( Electrolux Construction Products INSTRUCTION SHEET P/N 542195411 Mist Flap Installation Installthe RubberMist Flap (P/N 542195411) as shown in the pictureon the left. Installation: 1) Use the hardwarethat mountsthe headto the frame,and 2) the hardwarethat mounts the motorcoverto the motor base. The cover hardware must be removed& reinstalledwith the Mist Flap underthe FlatWasher. 3) Tightenthe hardware securelywith the M4 hex wrenchthat is provided. Save this sheetwith the operation manualfor futurereferenceand for orderingof seruiceparts. - P/N 5422010-65INSTRUCTION Rev.0 - 05-17-2005 SHEET Felker's New Equipment Warranty Except as noted below. Felker warrants that its new equipment will be free from manufacturing defectsfor a period of two (2) yearsfrom date of purchase b1'the original consumerpurchaser. - The abovewarrantyis subjectto the following new equipmentexceptions: l. The warrantytime period for the following new equipmentis limited as follows: T M-7 5 rM,F T S-1 5 0 F , R S -3 0,FR S -38,FR S -51--- One (l ) year FIS-7OrM,Little Jack,JackJuniorand SlammerJacktools--- Six (6) months FIS-5OrM--- Ninety (90) days 2. To the extentthe following componentsare part of any the new equipment,Felker's warrantyon the componentpartsis limited to the manufacturer'swarrantyperiod set out below: Manufacturer.....WarrantyPeriod GAS and DIESEL ENGINES Manufacturer.....WarrantyPeriod ELECTRIC MOTORS Manufacturer.....WarrantyPeriod TRANSMISSIONS B r ig g s& S tra tto n . .Z y e a rs K ole rGa s ........... ....2y e a rs Rob i nGa s ................2 y rs ./2 ,0 0h0rs . HondaGas........... .2 years W is c i n s iG n a s .......... I y e a rl 2 ,0 0h0rs . H a t zD i e s e l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 y e a r v B al dor....... I year E aton........ ........ . .year . 3 s* Leeson...... yrs./1, 000 I year S unstrand................3 hr s. * (* fromdateof m anuf act ur e) B osch........ .........6 months Milwaukee ..........Lifetime HYDRAULIC PUMPS B l ack& D ecker.. ....1year Fenner-S tone............. . I year D M1 0 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . .m . 6o n t h s J o h nS .B a r n eCs o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . y. .e. .a. r. 1 AIR MOTORS and VAC. PUMPS WATER PUMPS Gast.......... I year Jasbsco..... I year Beckett...... I year 3. Felker'sobligationunderthis warrantyis expresslylimited to the replacementor repair at Felker,Olathe, KS 66061,or at a servicefacility designated by Felker,of suchpartsas inspectionshalldiscloseto have been defective.This warrantydoes not cover labor, exceptfor gas poweredQuickie Super sawsand does not cover maintenance items suchas belts,air filters,bearingsand wheels.Purchaserwill be responsibilefor payingfor shippingcoststo and from the locationwherethe equipmentis to be repairedor replaced.Motors and engines are to be servicedby the nearestfactory authorizedsericecenter.Theseservicecentersare designatedby the manufacturerof the engine/motor.Under no circumstances will Felker be responsible for incidental or consequentialdamages. 1. Felker'swarrantydoes not apply to defectscausedby damage,abuse,modifications,low voltage,actsof God, unreasonbleuse, faulty repairs made by others or defects caused by failure to plrovide reasonable maintenance. All warrantiesare void if the equipmentor any of its componentsare alteredor modified by the purchaser, or of the productis usedin a manneror with a bladenot recommended by the manufacturer. -s. The forgoingexpresswarrantiesare in lieu of all otherwarranties.FELKER EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED \\"{RRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Plc'ascrecord the Date of Purchaseand the Serial Number of your saw in the spacebelow. (The serial number is locatedon the sideof the motor.)When orderingserviceitems,pleasehavethis informationavailable. S er ia lN u m b e r: Date of Purchase: lvlodcl Number: Where Purchased: For any missing,damagedor serviceitems needed,DO NOT return to original storeof purchase, insteadcontact: FELKER CUSTOMER SERVICE Cust.ServicePhone..... I -800-365-4003 Cust.ServiceFAX.......1-800-825-0028 - l9