Revision 2.0, Part number QM31500
© 2014 Handi Quilter, Inc.
Table of Contents
Important information...................................................................................................................4
General Safety Considerations....................................................................................................4
Environmental Considerations............................................................................... 4
HQ Bobbin Winder Components............................................................................ 5
Assembly Instructions............................................................................................ 6
Bobbin Winder Controls......................................................................................... 8
Using the HQ Bobbin Winder................................................................................. 8
Adjusting the Bobbin Sensor Assembly................................................................ 10
Adjusting the Thread Tension............................................................................... 11
Thread Tracking Adjustment................................................................................. 11
Troubleshooting the Bobbin Winder..................................................................... 12
2 HQ Bobbin Winder User Manual
Important Information
Regulatory Information
This equipment has been tested and found
to comply with the limits for a Class B digital
device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules.
These limits are designed to provide
reasonable protection against harmful
interference in a residential installation. This
equipment generates, uses, and can radiate
radio frequency energy and, if not installed
and used in accordance with the instructions,
may cause harmful interference to radio
communications. However, there is no
guarantee that interference will not occur in a
particular installation. If this equipment does
cause harmful interference to radio or television
reception, which can be determined by turning
the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged
to try to correct the interference by one or more
of the following measures:
— Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
— Increase the separation between the
equipment and receiver.
onnect the equipment into an outlet on
a circuit different from that to which the
receiver is connected.
onsult the dealer or an experienced radio/
TV technician for help.
Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est
conforme aux norms NMB-003 et CNR-210 du
Canada. Son fonctionnement est assujetti aux
deux conditions suivantes: (1) Cet appareil ne
puet pas provoquer d’interférences nuisibiles et
(2) cet appareil doit accepter toute interference
recue, y compris les interferences pouvant
entraîner un fonctionnement non desire.
Bobbin Winder
Input Power - 12Vdc at 2.5 A maximum
Variable speed winding
3600 rpm maximum winding speed
Auto-shut off sensor
Auto-shut off after 5 minutes
Bobbin winder power supply
Input: 100 – 240VAC 50/60Hz 50VA
Output: 12Vdc at 3A
This Class B digital apparatus complies with
Part 15 of the U.S. Federal Communications
Commission (FCC) rules, Canadian ICES003 and RSS-210. Operation is subject to the
following two conditions: (1) this device may
not cause interference, and (2) this device must
accept any interference received, including
interference that may cause undesired operation.
HQ Bobbin Winder User Manual 3
General Safety Considerations
To protect against risk of fire, bodily injury,
electrical shock or damage to the product:
• Do not immerse any part of this product in
water or other liquid.
• Do not spray liquid on this product or allow
excess liquid to drip inside.
• Do not use this product if it has sustained
damage, such as a damaged cord or plug.
• Clean only with a damp cloth. Use water
and a light detergent such as dishwashing
detergent if needed.
Environmental Considerations
Recycling Information
Handi Quilter recommends customers
dispose of any used electronic products in
an environmentally sound manner by reusing
parts or whole products and recycling
products, components and/or materials.
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment
(WEEE) Directive
In the European Union, this label
indicates that this product should not
be disposed of with household waste. It
should be deposited at an appropriate
facility to enable recovery and recycling.
For information on how to recycle this
product in your country, contact your
Handi Quilter Dealer.
Pour protéger contre tout les risques de feu,
blessures corporelles, chocs électrique ou risque
d’endommager ce produit.
• Ne pas immerger aucune partie de ce produit
dans l’eau ou tout autre liquide.
• Ne jamais vaporiser cette machine ou
permettre un excès de liquide de tomber goûte
à goûte a l’intérieur.
• Ne jamais utiliser la machine si elle a été
endommagée, tel que corde électrique ou prise
de courant avarié.
• S’il est nécessaire de nettoyer
4 HQ Bobbin Winder User Manual
HQ Bobbin Winder Components
Thread Tracking
Thread Mast
Thread Post
Speed Selector
Thread Guide
Bobbin Post
Bobbin Stop Sensor
AC Power Cord
Power Adapter
HQ Bobbin Winder User Manual 5
Assembly Instructions
Thread Post
1. S
crew the nut to the thread post. Add washer.
Thread post into threaded hole (Figure 1
Detail). Tighten clockwise down to the bobbin
Thread Post
Thread Mast
2. T
o install thread mast, first slide the thread
guide onto the thread mast (Figure 2
Assembly Detail). Make sure to orient the
pigtail of the thread guide down, relative to
the thread mast. Next screw the nut onto the
threads at the bottom of the thread mast. Slip
a washer over the threaded portion of the
thread mast and screw thread mast
into the bobbin winder base. Position
the loop at the top of the thread mast
so it is directly over the spool pin.
While holding the thread mast in
position, tighten the nut at the bottom
of the thread mast.
Position the thread guide over the
nut. Angle the thread guide slightly to the
left toward the bobbin area.Then secure the
thread guide in place using the small hex
wrench to tighten the set screw found in the
collar of the thread guide.
Figure 1 and Figure 1 Detail
Thread Mast
Pigtail Thread
Figure 2
6 HQ Bobbin Winder User Manual
Figure 2 Detail
3. P
lug the DC power cord from the
power adapter into the side of the
bobbin winder (Figure 3).
4. P
lug the AC power cord into the
power adapter (Figure 4).
5. P
lug the other end of the AC power cord into
the wall outlet (Figure 5). Note: The power
adapter enables the bobbin winder to work
in all countries with the appropriate power
cord for that country and without the need
of a transformer or similar adapter. Contact
your local Handi Quilter retailer to obtain the
appropriate power cord.
Figure 4
Figure 3
Figure 5
HQ Bobbin Winder User Manual 7
Bobbin Winder Controls
All controls are shown in Figure 6.
Auto Fill LED
Start (Green)
Speed Selector
Stop Button (Red)
The red button stops the bobbin winder once it
has started.
Start Button (Green)
The green button starts the bobbin winder. Press
and release the button to wind the bobbin. When
the bobbin is full the stop sensor will turn the
machine off. If the stop sensor is not correctly
adjusted and has tripped before the desired fill
amount, pressing and holding the green button
down will continue to wind the bobbin until the
button is released.
Stop (Red)
Stop Sensor
Figure 6
Speed Selector
Rotate the speed selector knob to adjust the
winding speed. Winding speed can be adjusted
while the bobbin is winding.
Auto Fill LED Indicator
The LED is on when no bobbin or an empty or
partially-full bobbin is in the winder and it will
flash while winding a bobbin. When the stop
sensor is tripped, the LED turns off until the
bobbin is removed from the winder.
Using the HQ Bobbin Winder
The HQ Bobbin Winder is designed to wind
bobbins for your Handi Quilter machine and will
wind all M-class bobbins. The bobbin winder
includes a winding speed control that allows
winding bobbins at up to 3500 RPM.
1. P
lace the thread cone on the thread post to
keep the thread steady (Figure 7).
2. P
lace a bobbin on the bobbin post.
Tip: Make sure to push the bobbin all the
way on the post each time for consistent
Figure 7
8 HQ Bobbin Winder User Manual
3. T
hread the Handi Quilter Bobbin Winder as
shown in Figure 8 by feeding the thread
through the loop (1) at the top of the thread
mast and then into the thread guide (2)
between the mast and the thread
tensioner (3). Guide the thread into the
tensioner making sure to floss the thread
firmly between the discs. Then wrap it
around the bobbin in a clockwise direction (4)
(Figure 8).
he thread guide works best when positioned
at the bottom of the thread mast, angled to
the left toward the bobbin area. If the thread
comes out of the tensioner discs during
winding, loosen the set screw in the thread
guide collar and reposition the thread guide to
the left (toward the bobbin spindle). After it is
in position, tighten the set screw.
Figure 8
4. U
se the speed selector knob to select the
winding speed. Hold the thread end and press
the green button to start winding the bobbin. If
the thread does not catch, press the red stop
button, rewrap the thread, and start winding
the bobbin again.
If using a slotted bobbin, feed the end of the
thread from the inside of the bobbin to the
outside through the slot. Hold thread end as
you begin to wind.
Optional Accessory
If using a spool of thread rather than a thread
cone, use an optional horizontal spool pin
(available from Handi Quilter) attached to the
thead post (Figure 9). See your HQ Rep or
go to to order.
Figure 9
HQ Bobbin Winder User Manual 9
Adjusting the Bobbin Sensor
The Stop Sensor is adjusted at the factory
for an M-class bobbin with bobbin weight (fine)
thread. If you prefer more or less thread on
your bobbin, the sensor can be changed with a
simple procedure.
Sensor Assembly
1. F
ill a sample bobbin with your chosen
thread, allowing the bobbin winder to stop
2. If the bobbin was wound with too much thread,
loosen the bobbin stop sensor’s adjustment
screw enough to be able to move the sensor
assembly (Figure 10).
Adjustment Screw
Figure 10
Move the sensor assembly toward the bobbin,
until the embossed line on the assembly
reaches to a just before where you want the
bobbin to stop filling. Retighten the adjustment
3. P
lace an empty bobbin on the bobbin post,
thread the Handi Quilter Bobbin Winder and
press the start (green) button to start the
winder. When the sensor stops the winder,
press the green button until the bobbin is as
full as you want.
4. R
e-adjust the sensor by loosening the
adjustment screw enough to be able to move
the sensor assembly. Move the assembly until
the LED indicator turns on, then move the
assembly back slightly and tighten the screw.
obbins will now fill with thread to your chosen
amount of fullness, as long as you are filling
the same size bobbin.
5. Y
ou have the flexibility of resetting the sensor
for different bobbins and thread types by
following Steps 1-4 above.
10 HQ Bobbin Winder User Manual
Adjusting the Thread Tension
The HQ Bobbin Winder was designed to give
you the flexibility you need to work with different
threads and bobbins.
2. R
otate this knob to extend or retract the thread
tensioner on the front for better alignment with
the bobbin.
Having a proper wind on a bobbin is critical
to good stitching. A bobbin that is wound too
loosely will allow the thread to become tangled or
embedded into itself. A bobbin that is wound too
tightly may warp the bobbin, causing permanent
damage and creating a “bulge” that keeps the
bobbin from fitting properly in the bobbin case.
urn the knob clockwise to move the thread
tensioner closer to the bobbin winder base.
urn the knob counter-clockwise to move the
tensioner farther away from the bobbin winder
You may want to adjust the thread tension to
accomplish the best wind for the thread you are
using. Use the following instructions to adjust the
thread tension on the winder to provide a smooth
bobbin fill with a firm surface.
1. L
ocate the tensioner knob on the front of the
bobbin winder base (Figure 11).
2. A
djust the tension by turning the knob, using
one-quarter turn increments for best results.
3. T
urn the tension knob clockwise to tighten the
4. T
urn the tension knob counter-clockwise to
loosen the tension.
Figure 11
Thread Tracking Adjustment
The thread tracking adjustment on the
HQ Bobbin Winder is adjusted at the factory
for an optimal wind on the bobbin. However,
bobbins can vary slightly, so the winder was
designed to give you the flexibility you need to
work with different threads and bobbins. If the
factory setting does not allow a proper fill, it
can be changed with the simple procedure
outlined below.
1. L
ocate the knob opposite the thread tensioner
on the back side of the bobbin winder base
(Figure 12). NOTE: This isn’t the knob on
the thread tensioner itself.
Figure 12
HQ Bobbin Winder User Manual 11
Troubleshooting the Bobbin Winder
Power Issues
Bobbin winder has no power
Check first: Ensure the power cord is plugged into the wall.
Check second: Ensure the power cord fits tightly and is fully
inserted into the power supply.
Check third: Ensure the power supply light (usually a green
light) is bright. If it is dim, the power supply may not have full
voltage and therefore is not able to power the motor.
Check fourth: Ensure the green light on the top of bobbin
winder is on. (This light goes off when unplugged and flashes
while the bobbin winder is winding. It also goes off if the beam
on the sensor is interrupted with your finger or a full bobbin.)
If after checking the four items above the bobbin winder
still has no power, take it to an authorized Handi Quilter
representative for service.
Bobbin winder doesn’t
automatically shut off
If the bobbin winder receives too much sunlight, it is possible
for the shut-off sensor to be overpowered by the ambient light
and it will not shut off when the bobbin is full. In this case the
bobbin winder will continue running and overfill no matter
where the shut-off sensor is adjusted. To ensure that the
bobbin winder shuts off properly, place the bobbin winder in an
area where the shut-off sensor will not be in direct sunlight.
CAUTION: Use the bobbin winder power supply with the bobbin winder only. Do not use it with the
TruStitch Receiver as it will damage the Receiver.
Mechanical Issues
Cannot tighten the thread mast
12 HQ Bobbin Winder User Manual
The bobbin winder thread mast may have a little thread
relief at the top of the threads, causing the nut to spin and
preventing it from tightening the thread mast loop over the
thread cone. Turn the nut counterclockwise to ensure connects
with the threads on the thread mast, then tighten it to secure
the mast over the thread cone.
Thread comes out of the bobbin
winder’s tension assembly
Ensure that the pigtail thread guide is rotated slightly to the
left of the tension assembly. This pulls the thread further into
the tension disks so it will not pop out of the discs during
winding. If the thread is slippery and continues to come out, try
double-wrapping it around the tensions discs. Note: Use this
technique only if nothing else works.
Bobbin winder runs but the bobbin
doesn’t spin
Remove bobbin from bobbin post. Use a flat screw driver to
gently pry apart the two tines on the bobbin post to increase
the gap between them. Bobbins should press firmly on to the
shaft. After this adjustment, bobbins should spin properly and
not slip while the bobbin post spins.
Bobbin fills inconsistently with
Make sure the bobbin is fully pushed on to the bobbin
post. If necessary adjust the thread tracking adjustment
knob (on the back of the bobbin winder, directly opposite
the tension assembly). Turn it gradually clockwise (to move
the tension assembly closer to the bobbin-winder base) or
counterclockwise (to move the tension assembly away from
the bobbin-winder base) until the bobbin winds evenly.
NOTE: Although the thread tracking knob was set at the
factory, it can require adjustment if bobbins aren’t consistently
pushed on to the bobbin post.
HQ Bobbin Winder User Manual 13
Handi Quilter, Inc
445 N. 700 W.
North Salt Lake, UT 84054
© 2012 Handi Quilter, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA. 04/16/14