Download K70 Service Manual - Old Philips Colour TV
CTV S26K497lrc Servlce manual P tups o Volume control Rl3 @ Tone control @ @ Brlghtness control Rl3 80 Contrast control R92 9 Slrlted o @ o 81 R976 Saturatlon Hue control control VItrF + IJHF R1382 R1043 hmtng U14 @ @ @ Matns swlteh Black-whhte/colour Speech/muslc SKl swltch swltch SK-3 SKz for receptlon of black-whlta and colour transmltters operatlng according to CCIR-PAL standard. Aerlal match-tng Convergence tr'ocus strng I. F. lumlnance I. F. sound 75 O magnetlc electro- statlc 38. I MHz 32.9 MHz F"M sound 6,0 MHZ I. F. chromln[utce Malns voltage Power consumptlon Band I Band III Band IV + (WIF) (VHF) V (LIHF) 470 47 1-74 34,47 MHz 4.43 MHz 220 - 240 V 280 W 68 MHz 230 MIlz 890 MlIz s) 604 PURLEY WAY . WADDON. CROYDON . CHg 4DR TELEPHONE: 0l-686 0505 (Recorded messages after business hours) TELEX: 262308 Index: CS27062-CS27074, CS26984, CS26985, CS27075 Subject to modification 4822 727 L0525 csz7062 Printed in the Netherlandg WARNINGS . . . . . . 3. Removlng the chassls. As the chaesls ls llve lnde@nddnt of the posltlon of the malns plug the set shcrld be connected to the rnalng vla an lsolatlng trangformer (approx, 500 VA) wben the rear panel ls removed. Due to the htgb tenslon (ca. 25 kV) the valves ln the HT cage produce a certaln amount of X-radiatlon. However, when the cage ls closed the screenlng ls so effectlve that the X-rays ca:mot leave the cage. To prevent that the set can operate wlth opened HT cage a safety swltch has been provlded whlch lnterrupts the 92 voltage for the llne output valves. Thls ewltch should never be closed or shunted when the cage ls open. After repalr ensure tlat all Bcrews tn tle ltd are properly tlghtened. Never replace valves or components whlle the set ls svltched - Hlnge out the chassls. - Remove the plugs A,B,C,E,F,H,L,M -T-2. - Remove the prlnt of the plcture tube. - Unsolder the two earth leads. - Detach the suspenslon cord from the chassls. - Detach the H. T. -cable from the plcfure tube. - Llft the chassls out of the two hlnge polnts and remove lt from the chassls. 4. Removlng the control - on. U6e safety goggles when replaclng the plchrre tube, When replaclng valves or other componenta ln the HT cage, removlng the chasels and replaclng the plcture tube, ftrst short-clrcult the residual charge on the plcture tube. For thls connect a properly lnsulated wlre to the chaesls and hold the other end agalnst the H.T. connectlon for a few seconds. Be careful when meagurlng the voltages on the tube Bocket. The focusslng voltage (on potnt 9) ls approx. 4.5 kV, - 5. Removlng the push-button unlt - Remove the plugs X and Y. Remove the three flxtng screws. Remove the push-button unlt. 6. Replaclng the hrnlng potentlometers - Remove the push-button unlt. - Remove the cap from the push-button unlt. - Unsolder the leads from the defectlve potentlometer strip. - Bend the tag wlth whlch the strlp ls flxed, upwards. - Replace the strtp wlth the potentlometer. REMARKS 1. The osclllogtams have been measured under the followlng condltlons. 7. Replaclng the p. c. board of the band swltch of U14 - Remove the hrnlng unlt from tlre set. - Remove the screenlng cap and the polnter. - Loosen the ftxlng screw from the p.c.board a. For the black and whlte sectlon a cross hatch pattern has been used as lnput stgnal and for the chromlnance sectlon a colour bar pattern. b. The brtghtness contrl, lcrob 3, at normal brlghtness. Imob 4, set to 4 Vp-p on the c. panel Remove the cover from the convergence panel. Remove the convergenee panel from tire set. Remove wlth a long screwdrlver.the two screws from the under- and the upperslde of the control panel. Remove the slx larobs (volume, tone , etc. ) from the front of the set and remove the control panel backrvards. The contrast control, control grtd of the vldeo output valve. d. Saturatlon control larob 5, set to 40 mV p-p on the base of TS439. e. The hue control, lcrob 6 ln the mechanlcal mld-posltlon 2. The dlrect voltages have been measured as follows: No aerlal slgnal, minlmum brlghtness, maxlnum contrast and saturatlon. The voltages ln the chromlnance sectlon marked wlth an x have been measured wtth the colour/black-whtte swltch ln posltlon 'rcolour" and the collector and emltter of TS443 lnterconnected. a blank pattern ls required when the PM 5507 ls used, thls pattern can be obtalned by means of the ralnbouw slgnal, the vldeo knob turned fuIly clockwlse and the black/whtte-switch of the set turned to posltlon blacVwhtte. 4. Integrated clrcult TAA550 (U414) mounted on p. c. board 8, ls avallable ln varlous verslons under one code number. - - 8. Replaclng valves ln the hlgh-voltage cage. - Flrst read the warnlngs. - Remove the cover from the H. T. cage. - Loosen the serews fixtng the top plate, a few hrrns; push 3. If These verslons are malked as follows: a. Red or yellow palnt dot. The Zener voltage ls between 30 and 33 V. Thls I. C. may be marked as follows: No code number or code number 30 on the houslng of the I. C. In this case the brtdge wlre should be fttted tn parallel wtth Rl513. b. Green palnt dot : The Zener voltage ls between 33 and 36 V. Thts I.C. may be marked as follows: Code-number 33 on the houslng of the I. C. In thls case no brldge wire should be fltted ln parallel of the band swltch and pull the p. c. board outwards. (Attentton! Do not damage the contact sprlngs. ) Write down the colours of the connectlng wlres and unsolder them. Connect the new p. c.board and place lt ln posltlon, carefully ltftlng up the contact sprlngs. Reftt the polnter and adjust the helght of the p.c.board so that the polnter can move unhampered. 9. thls plate upwards. Consequently, the PD500 ls algo movlng upwards so that lt can be easlly removed. Push the valve of valve holder GY 501 sllghtly upwards so that the top connectlon of thls valve can be removed. Now the valve can remove from the holder. Removlng the convergence colls - Remove the multlpole plugs - Insert a thln screwdrlver - N,O, and P. tnto the mlddle opening (Flg. 2) and carefully press the screwdrlver dlsengage the locklng pln. Now the convergence coll can be wlthdrawn. Note: When the coll ls lnserted agaln lnto the holder, one should hear the holder cllcktng ln the openlng of the coll. wlth R1513. MECHANICAL INSTRUCTIONS 1. - Remove the screw from the upper slde of the cover to the left of the rear panel, and remove thls cover. Note: The c(nvergence panel ls provlded wlth explalnlng slgns to facllttat€ converglng. The numbers lndtchte - the sequence of converglng. 2. Hlnglng out the chassls - Remove the rear panel and, subsequently, the nylon - locking pln from the rtght-hand upp€r slde of the chassls Push the plastic locldng plate on the rtght-hand urderslde of the chassls to the rtght. Fig.2 csz 7063 BLOCK DIAGRAM SOUND s526,527 B -Y-001 GR163 TS 121 , /oatr.e L22,L23,L58 TS 521 U5540 - 8402t U554 I I i tE_AMp. B B-P-002 GR160 -S -001 B -S-005 B cHRol DETEc -C-010 /oarcz LUM INA N CE GR459, /,70 U 536o, B U ,L72,L73 TS/,25, L27,L28,L29 553 b -L-007 B/,01, 416t U536c LUM.IF.AMP. IF. AMPLIFIER U562 od,o OETECTOR CHROM. IF. AMP. u1l.'17 I B-C-010 B-r-007 BURST B-L-008 AMP I I U553o B-C-015 B - L-010 H OR IZON TA L U589 e GR 495 TS /.52, 453 PULSE AMP 6R /.90, /,91 8408t 8408p Bl.10,t'11,u2 8L13, L1L PHASE DISCR B-T-002 B-T-003 B -T- 008 TS /.3/. TS 426 EMITTER FOLLOWER ( L uM.) B TS15r 6R488 INTERFERENCE B VERTICAL -T-007 -T-007 SUPPR TS455 PULSE B AMP. -T-007 TS 456 6R 496 AUT. FIELD SYNC. B- C-012 8116p , L17 T597 TRANSDUCTOR B-L-009 BURS' io,ra*,",* OCK DIAGRAM CHROMINANCE TS/.36 IE-A CHROM. MP, DE T / tstls The lay-out of thls block dlagram follows the lay-out of the clrcult dlagram as closely as posslble. CHROM. AMPLIFIERS ECTOR B -C-011 B Wtth the aid of the numbers of the valves, unlts, etc. stated above the blocks, the relevant sectlon of the ctrcult dlagram can be located eaeily. The numbers below the blocks lndlcate -C-012 the chapter of the SERV-O-MECUM ln whlch the worldng of these clrcuits ls descrlbed. U562 od,of,oi,op TS 435 U 563 k U REACT CIRCUIT - ---1suB.osc suB oscrrL. CHROM. AGC. TSI.I3,LLL GR479 563 n,t, R 1215 I COLOUR KILLER + AMP "WHITE" SETTING WHITE SWITCH : B- C U553e B-C-016 -0i5 B-C-017 B- _ C-018 B-B-007 CH ROM. VIDEO TS 4/.7 GR 185, /.86 u578 i.f 8403,10/., 405 BLUE LATERAL R1299/ | R 1307 STAT. CONV, CONV. (R-Y)AMPLIFIER BEAM CURRENT TS /.3/. TS SETTING t L\,Ll.2 GR 493 B COLOUROIFF. -C -012 + MULTIVIERATOR DC LEVEL SETTIN6 B- C-012 B-B-009 r B-B-009 AMPS. B- B-007 HOR CONV. VERT. CONV TS 445 B-C-012 B-B-002 | (B-Y)AMPLIFIER B-C-013 B -C-0 B-C- 029 GR 198 499,500 B-B-003 R1315 / R1323 12 I T V 2/.16 v7 841 R 1125 R1126 s 598 TD 5/.0 R 2o A 2b 6.tlt, 1o Q 1338 u 578 n37 R 1303 1b - 1336 lDENTIF.T,SkHz SK9 u s62 R ao o1Z:rL 4b Or|rs 5o Sr5rs o tlrc 8o Or!r, sb orlre 6o Q t5rt sb R1298 G2 Blr! u536 R o o v5L7 u572 3/,,5 MHz @e R 33,1 MH z 1050 sl(10 (R-Y)'+(a-v)'l+ Oo R1307 u 569 u 553 (R-Y)'+ +* € (g-Y)' R R1306 1055 SATURATION//CONTRAST u 552 R TD 570 997 5,5 MHZ @t$v 1 330 32.? MHz KONVERG. Fig. 3 cs27065 1299 SK8 R1258 R909 +25 s 598 8 L1L PD Y r03 I G2 8119 B 419 R1299 l 72 R 1215 R1307 HOR. SYNC R 1207 R1212 BALANCE B 41 AlBA11 2 Fig. 3 s6o4 5OO A ADJUSTMENTS t- Adiustlng for a stralght ptchrre (see Flg.3) Sllghtly loosen screw B. T\rrn the complete deflectlon unlt stlghtly to the left or to the rlght untll the plchrre ls stralght. Ttghten screw B agaln. 2 Focuslng (see Flg. of U589 so that the entlre plcture ls as sharp as posslble at hlgh brtghbress. 3 Dynamlc convergence (see Flg. 4) Remove the cover ln Pln-cushlon correctlon (see Flg. 3) z. Wlth the atd of 5598 and Rl292 make the horlzontal llnes at the top and bottom of the plcture as stralght as possible. b. Wlth the atd of R1179 make the vertlcal llnes ln the mlddle of the plchrre as stralght as posslble. Start by checklng ild, lf necessary, readjustlng the statlc convergence (see polnt ?a and 7b). Use a crossl'hatch pattern, swltch off the blue gun wlth Vertlcal llnearlty (see Fig. If the centre horlzontal green and red llnes lntersect, turn the core of S604 (see Flg. 3) untll the llnes are parallel as far as posslble or untll they colnclde. Slttch on SKll. lcrobs 7a, 7b and 7c (only lf the convergence strongly devlates): start wtth the lsrobs ln the mld-posltlon. Make the central horlzontal blue llnes as stralght as posslble. . Wlth . Srvltch off the blue gun (SK11). . Wlth lonob 3: Adjust so that the horlzontal red and green llnes are parallel over the entlre plcture wldth. Horlzontal llnearlt (see Flg. 3) Thls ts adjusted wlth the core ln coll x of U589. 3) a. Devlatlons over the full plchrre helght are corrected wlth the ald of R1273. b. Devlatlons ln the top of the plchrre are corrected wlth . Wlth lmobs 4a and 4b: Adjust so that the central vertlcal red and green llnes are parlllel over the entlre plchrre helght. . Wlth lmobs 5a and 5b: Adjust so that the dlstance beiween the horlzontal llne palrs (red + green) ls equal over the entlre plcture helght ln the mtddld of the screen. the ald of R1284. Plcture helght (see Ftg. 3) Thts ls adjusted wlth R1266. 7. StatLc convergence (see . Wlth Flg.3) Use a dot or cross-hatch pattern. a. Swttch off the blue gun wlth SK1l, see Flg. 3. Make the red and green patterns colnclde ln the centre of the plcture by means of lmob la and knob lb. Thus a yellow pattern ts obtalned. Srrltch on the blue gun agaln. b. Adjust lmob 2a and 2b so that the blue pattern and the yellow pattern colnpl$e in the centre of the screen. As a result a whlte pattern ls obtained. Note: If no satlsfactory result ls obtalned, lt ls posslble to lnterchange the termlnals S1-S2 of the -blue lateral untt, see Fig. 3. Centrlng (see Flg. 3) a.. Wlth R1290 the picfirre carr be shtfted ln the horlzontal dlrectlon. b. Wlth R1289 the plcture can be shlfted ln the vertlcal dlrectlon. Colour purltv (see Flg. 3) Allow the set to warm up for approx. 20 mlnutes. Apply a blank pattern slgnal. The room should be as dark as posslble, brlghtness and contrast should be set to normal llght lntenslty. Slltch off the green and blue guns by means of SK8 and SK10 respectlvely. Loosen the four wlng nuts A a few firrns and sllde the deflectlon coll as far as possible forwards or bac}ilvards untll the red blur on the screen ls as small as posslble. After thls the red spot ls centred as well as posslble by means of colour purlty rlngs C. After thls the deflectlon coll ls slld back untll the entlre screen ls unlformly red. Subsequehtly, check the blue and green colour purlty by flrst swltchlng on only SK8 and then only SK10. When after thls SK8, SKg and SK10 are swltched on slmultaneously, a unlformly whlte plcture should be obtalned. Thls plcture should contaln no blurg. If lt contalns blurs, correctlon to some extent ls posstble by sllghtly hrrnlng the colour ptrrlty rlngs and/or sllghtly movlng the deflectlon coll. After thls the three colours should be rechecked lndivldually. Tlghten the wlng nuts agaln. If no prqper result ls obtalned the complete procedure should be repeated. For checklng the landtgg of'the electron beams on the phosphor dots,use can be made of mlcroscope tlrye 800/ MLS, ordertng number 4822 395 90041. csz?066 front of the convergence panel. SKll. 3) Set potentlometer ap 10 lmobs 6a and 6b: Adjust so that the dlstance between the vertlcal llne palrs (red + gleen) ls equal over the entlre plcture wldth ln the mlddle of the screen. . Cary out red and green statlc oonvergence (see polnt 7a). . Wlth lmobs 7a, 7b and 7c: Adjust so that the central horlzontal blue llne and the correspondlng horlzontal yellow Ilne are parallel over the entlre plchrre wldth. . Wlth lorobs 8a and 8b: Adjust so that the dlstance between the horlzontal llne palrs (blue and yellow) ls equal over the entlre plcture helght ln the mlddle of the screen. . Statlc convergence (see 7a and ?b). . Wlth lmob 9: Adjust so that the dlstance between the vertlcal ltne palrs (blue and yellow) ls equal over the entlre plchrre wtdth ln the mlddle of the,screen. Note: If no satlsfactory result ls obtalned lt ls posslble to lnterchange the termlnals R1-R2 of the blue lateral unlt, see Flg. 3. . Statlc convergence (see point 7a and 7b). 11 At the back of the set above the addltlonal loudspeaker socket there are the knobs R, G and B (Rl302-R1298 and R1306 respectlvely) behlnd the cap on the rear panel. Wtth these knobs the background colour can be adjusted accordlng to the wlshes of the customer. ADJUSTMENTS AFTER REPAIRS 1. 2. IF-AGC 10. Trackln of saturatlon Contrast and sahrratlon controls to maxlmum. Connect an oscllloscope to 7M05; measure and note down HF-AGC the peak-to-peak value of the colour slgnal. Connect the oscllloscope to 7 8401; measure and note down the dlfference ln voltage between the black and the whlte level. Reduce thls voltage wtth the ald of the contrast control to Z/S of. the value measured. Connect the oscllloscope again to 78405 and adjust R1055 to 2/3 of the voltage measured at thls polnt. Thls clrcult ls only operatlve at very strong lnput slgnals. If the plcfure of a local transmltter ls dlstorted, adjust R997 so that the plcture ls undlstorted. 3. Horlzontal tlme base (use a cross-hatch pattern) a. Connect junctlon C785/R1170 (M7) to chassls. Adjust U587 so that the plcture ls stralght. Remove the connectlon between junctlon C785/R11?0 and chassls. Connect bTS453 to chassls. Adjust Rl162 so that the plcture ls stralght. Remove the connectlon between bTS453 and chassls. b. 4. Booster voltage (a) and booster dlode current (b) (use a cross-hatch pattern) a. Connect a valve voltmeter (range 1000 V d. c. ) between junctlon C860/5590 (r'-'r) and polnt 10 of U589 (Ml0). Adjust Rl207 to 550 V meter deflectlon. b. Connect a valve voltmeter between 9B410 (M8) and 3B411 (M9). Adiust Rl203 to 0 V meter'deflectlon. Check the voltage under a agaln and, lf necessary, correct lt. Note: The booster voltage should be aceurately adjusted to the value speclfled and should never exceed thls value. Also take lnto: account the tolerances of the measurlng lnstrument used and ensure that the mains voltage does not devlate. 5. and contrast (appty a colour slgnal) Adjust R1003 for ma:rlmum nolse ln the plcture (no stgnal). 11. @ (e. g. after replacement of plcture tube; use a blank pattern) Set the colour swltch SK3 to posltlon black a^nd whlte. Use another set of the same type as a reference; thts set should be connected and adjusted ln the same way. Allow both sets to warm up for approx. 10 mlnutes. Adjust the cut-off polnt of the new plcture tube (see polnt 6). If requlred, correct t};re 92 flne adjustments (R1298, R1302 and 1306) untll the llght lntenslty of both tubes ls the same (at low brlghtness). Next, set both hrbes to a hlgh brlghtness. If the whlte oolour of the new hrbe devlates, the cursors A, B and C of sllde potentlometer R1215 (see Flg.3) should be adjusted untll the whtte tones of both tubes are approxlmaterly the game. If the sllders A and B of sllde potentlometer R1215 have to cross each other, the jumpers V2 and V3 on the plcture tube prlnted panel can be soldered ln the other positlon. In both sets remove SV3 and connect the pln of SV3 on the p. c.board to the +25 V (junctlon R9L4/R905 on prlnt 5). Now eqtrallse the white colours wtth cursor D. Rernove the lnterconnectlon and reflt termtrral SV3. Beam current llmttatlon (use a plaln whlte and synchronlzed raster) Brlghtness and contrast to maxlmum. Remove jumper across R1213 (wlre support on hlgh-voltage cage). Connect voltmeter across R1213 and adjust for 0.1 V wlth F"L2]-2. Subsequently, brlghtness and contrast to mlnlmum. The meter readlng should now be 1. 3 V (t 0. 1 V) Reflt jumper across R1213. Check the booster voltage. For any eorrectlons see polnt 4a. 6. Cut-off polnt of plcture tube (use no aerlal slgnal) Remove slngle plug from p. c. board 4. (CRT-base panel) R1298, R1302 and R1306 (g2-flne adjustment) to mld- posltlon. Make the room as dark as posslble. The potentlometers mentloned below should be adjusted so that the screen just remalns dark. R1299 for the green gun (swltch on SK8 and swltch off SK9+SK10 ). R1303 for the red gun (swltch on SK9 and swltch off SK8+SK10 ). R1307 f.or the blue gun (swltch on SK10 and swltch off SK8+SK9). reflt the slngle plug. Apply a black /whLte test pattern from a transmltter or a generator, and vary the brtghtness from hlgh to low wlth the brlghtness control. Lr so dolng, the grey hue should not change. Correct any devlatlons at a low level of brlghtness by means of larobs Swttch on SK8 and SK9 and G, R, (Rl 7. and B. 29 8 , R130 2 and R130 6). +25 Supplv Voltage Connect a voltmeter between the collector of TS421 and chassis. Adjust R909 so that the meter readlng ls 24.6 V. 8. Vertlcal tlme base (use a cross-hatch pattern) Short-clrcult RL246. Connect an 8.2 M0 reslstor between the cursor of R1258 and 28416. Adjust R1258 untll the plcture ls statlonary; Remove the short-clrcult and the 8.2 M0 reslstor. 9. Vertlcal output stage Connect a voltmeter between 784L7 and chassls. Adjust Rl280 to the voltage value lndlcated on the chassls. csz 7067 (J TRIMMING INSTRUCTIONS B. THE CHROMINANCE CIRCUIT Note s : 1. 1. 2 Durlng trimmlng the T. V. set should be connected to the malns vla an lsolatlng transformer (500 VA). The measurlng equlpment should be properly earthed. The IF chromlnance detector (see Flg. 3) Set the band swltch to posltlon UHF an apply an unmodulated 36.8 MHz slgnal of approx. 10 mV to the IF lnjectlon polnt on the hharurel selector (see polnt 2 under |tNotestt). Apply a dlrect voltage of 5. 5 V between junctlon R100s/Clat (test polnt "M2") and chassls (ff-'' to chassls). Connect a valve voltmeter (posltlon 10 V d.c., negatlve) to polnt 1 of U554 (test polnt ttlU,.f.z9rr) and adjust core I'in'r Applvlng the IF-slgnal Apply the IF-slgnal vla 1000 pF capacltor to polnt G of the VHF channel selector (prlnt 8). of U554 for mfurlmum deflectlon. 2. A. 1. The IF st es * lumlnance detector (see at 40. 9 to posltlon UHF and apply a wobbu- polnt on the \IHF channel selector. Apply a voltage of 5.5 V between junctlon Rl003/C681 (test polnt rfM2") and chassls (tr-r' to chassls). Connect an oscllloscope to polnt 1 of U554 (test polnt Flg. 3) to posltlon UHF and apply unmodulated IF slgnals of approx. 10 mV to the IF lnjectlon polnt on the VHF channel selector (see polnt 2 under "Notes"). Turn the contrast control to ma:r. Appty a dlrect voltage of 5.5 V between junctlon R1003/ C681 (measurlng polnt 'tN'.I?rr) and chassls ('r-rr at chassls). Connect a valve voltmeter (posttbn 10 V d. c. negatlve) to junctlon S45I/C654 (test potnt '?M3"), arid adjust the cores mentloned below for mlnlmum meter deflectlon. "frfr of. 1J552 at 30. 9 MItz tt rfef of. U552 at 30. 9 MHz x of. 1J552 IF bandpass curve lator slgnal of 36 MHz (sweep 10 MHz) to the IF lnjectlon Set the band swltch rrlil Checklng the Set the band swltch LUMINANCE CIRCUIT f rM29 rt). The curve should be as shown ln Flg.8. 38,9MHz MHz x rfirr of U552 at 40.9 MHz x rdil of U553 at 33, 1 MHz rrdrr of U536 at 33,1 MHz rfe'r of U536 at34,5MHz xtr U551 at 32.7 MHz f x Cores 'et' and ttj, of U552 are hollow and are located at the top of the coll can. Coll 'ff'f and tflfr are accesslble by means of a trlmmlng f key through the hollow cores xx rferr and 36,8MHz rrjrr. For adjustlng thls core flrst lnterconnect the collector emltter of TS443. 33.1MHz 25x and , Checklng the IF bandpass curve >500x of the VHF channel selector. Apply a dlrect voltage of 5.5 V between junctlon R1003/C681 (test polnt ttMz'?) and chassls (rr-rf to chassls). Connect an oscllloscope to polnt 1 of U536. The curve should be as sho'urn ln Flg. 7 . When the collector and the emltter of TS443 are lnterconnected, the dotted curve of Fig. ?, should be obtalned. I I 2 \\ 3. M Hz >500 x 30,9MHz to posltlon UHF and apply a wobbulator slgnal of 36 MHz (sweep 10'MHz) to the IF lnjectlon polnt Set the band swltch /'0,9 41,5 MH z Fig.8 >70x The 4.43 MHz chromlnance-ampllfler, see Flg. 3 Pull out the IF cable at the bottom-left on the chassls Turn the saturatlon control to max. and set black-whtte/ colour swltch (SK3) to posttl-on "colours'f . hrtercormect the collector and emltter of TM43. Connect an oscllloscope (prosltlon AC) or valve voltmeter wlth frequency range up to 6 MHz to the collector of TS439. Apply an unrnodulated 6 MHz slgnal (approx. 10 mV) to polnt 1of U55A (test polnt I'M29rr) vla a capacltor of 2200 pF and adjust core I'bf f of U558 for mlnlmum ampllhrde, Now apply 15,5 MHz slgnal and adjust core t'err of U558 for mlnlmum amplltude. 38MHz C.:SOUND SECTION 35MHz The 6 MHz sound sectlon (see Flg. 3) \ 38,9MH z t 33,1 MH z > 320x ?l),--13!,17MHz -Y 10x - 3 0,gMHz >500 x Fig .7 4o,gMHz ,500, 41,5 MH2 >70 x P'rlI out the IF cable at the bottom-left on the chassls. Apply an unmodulated 6 MHz slgnal (approx. 10 mV) to polnt 1 of U554 (test polnt rrM29") vla a 2200 pF capacltor. Connect a valve voltmeter (pobttlon 3 V d. c. posltlve) to junctlon R975/C665 (test polnt "M5t'). Turn core 'h, il' of U547 a quarter turn antl-cloclsrdse (the meter glves a readtng of approx. 1 V) and adjust ?tf , g" of U547 for ma:r. meter deflectlon. Subsegrently, connect an 820 Q reslstor between polnt 3 of U557 and chassls and adjust rreff of U557 for max. defleetlon. Remove the reslstor from polnt 3 and connect lt between polnt 9 of U55? and chassls and adjutst "c,d" of U557 for max. deflectlon. Remove the reslstor and adjustth,lt'of U54l to a deflectlon of 0 V. Subsequently, apply a 30 7o modulated AM stgnal and adjust rralrf of U547 for mlnlmum ouptt voltage on test polnt rtM5rt, to be measured by means of an oscllloscope or mllltvoltmeter" csz 706 8 n D. seECIFIC SHRoMINANcE ADJusTMENTs 1. (see Fig.3) The sub-osclllator Apply a colour slgnal and adjust the recelver to normal setttng. Connect an oscllloscope to polnt 9 of U563 vla an attenuator probe (10 :1 ) . Connect junctton 5561 /Caaa to chassls and lnterconnect the collector and emltter of TM43. Adjust ''ab" of U563 for mlnlmum amplttude on the oscll= loscope. Remove the oecllloscope and adjust "ff ' of U563 so that the colirur pattern ls practlcally statlonary. 2, F is.11 The ldenttflcatlon clrcult Apply a colour slgnal and set all controls of the recelver to thelr normal posltlons. a. By means of a slngle-beam oscllloscope: Connect an oscllloscope to the collector of TS434 (measurlng polnt M23) and adjust 5556 for murlmum amplltude (about 20 V p-p). Remove the oscilloscope b. By means of a double-beam oscllloscope: Connect the "beam A" lnput to the collector of TS434 (measuring polnt M23) and the "beam Bf ' lnput to junctlon C732/C?33. Adjust S556 so that the Ilne pulse colncldes wlth the maxlmum and the mlnlmum value of the ldentlflcatlon slgnal (see Flg.9). Remove the oscllloscoPe. F i9.12 When Flg. 10b ls obtalned, adjust R1103 so that Flg. 10a arlses. Subsequently, connect the I'beam Arf lnput to the collector of T5445 (test polnt 'rM18) and adjust the horlzontal ttme base so that 2] perlods arlse (see Flgs.11 and 12). In these figures the sectlons lndlcated by means of the clrcle are essenttal. Dlsplay one of these sectlons on the oscllloscope by settlng the horlzontal amplltude to x5 (lf necessary, use Xshlft). The oscllloscope rnav now show one of Flgs. 13. Fig 3. 9 The colour AGC - Appty a colour slgnat and set all controls of the recelver to thelr normal Posltlons. - Connect a valve voltmeter (1n;poslttron 10 V.:) to jrrnctlon RL029/R1031 (measurlng polnt M"25rr) and adjust "h,1" of 1J562 for mlnlmum meter readlng (about 5 V). Remove the voltmeter. Fig.13o Fig.13b 4a. The dela Ilne TD570 (wlth PM 5507) Apply the ralnbow slgnal from the PI\{5507 and adjust the recelver to normal settlng. Connect the rrbeam Bil lnput of a double beam oscllloscope to junctlon Rll04/U575 (test polnt I'Ml9") and adjust the horlzontal tlme base so that three perlods are dlsplayed (see Flgs.lOa and 10b). F ig .13c Fig.13c Fig. 13d - If Flg. 13a ls dtsplayed both for the B-Y' F ig. 10o (Flg. 11) and for the R-Yt slgnal (Flg.L2\, the amplltude and phase of the delay llne are correct and no further adjustment ls necessary. - If Flg. 13b ls only obtalned for the B-Yt slgnal, then adjust V572 so that Flg. 13a 1s obtalned. Flg. 13b ls obtalned both for the B-Y' and for the R-Yt slgnal, then flrst adjust the core (crosshead) of U569 so that Flg. 13a ls obtalned for the R-Yt slgnal and adjustcUl72 so that thls td also obtalned for the B-Y I slgnal. - If Flg. 13d ls obtatned, flrst adjust.R1060 so that Flg. 13b ls dlsplayed, Rrrther proceed as descrlbed ln the precedlng sectlon. If Flg. 13c ls obtalned, adjust R1060 so that Flg. 13a ls dlsplayed. - If Fig.10 b csz7069 - 4b. The PAL dela IlneTDJ?q(wlth PM5506 or PM5508) Set the generator to posltlon "Delay". Set the contrast and the brlghtness to thelr normal posltlons, and set the saturatlon control to 3/4 of tts range. - If the thlrd bar shows the I'Venetlan bllnds?' effect, 5b. The sub-osclllator and the burst- hase dl scr lm lnator (wtth PM 5506 or PI\4 5508) Set the geDerator to posltlon rrPhaseI and set all controls of the receiver to thelr normal posltlons. a. Adjust I'aerr of U563 unttl the lower part of bars 1 and 2 ls practlcally equal to the upper part of these bars. b, Adjust t'vrrof U562 untll the Iower and the upper part of the thhd bar are equal. c. Repeat the adjustments mentloned sub a) and b) until the Iower and the upper part of the flrst, the second and the thlrd bar are equal. elemlnate thts wlth R1060. - If the flrst and second bars show the "Venetlan - bllndrr effect, ellmlnate thls wlth U569. to posltlon 'Colorlr Barr'. the fifth bar.from the left (cyan and magneta respectlvely) shows the I'Venetlan bllnds" Set the generator f Il the thlrd or - effect, ellmlnate this wlth U572. Set the generator 6a. The to posltlon "Matrlxr'. elimlnate thls wlth R1103. Note: For photographs of the I'Venetlan bllnds" effect reference ls made to the Dlrectlons for Use of the colour pattern generator (PM 5506 - PM 5508). 5a. The sub-osclllator phase trAdjustments after repalrsr'. Apply the colour bar pattern from the PM5507 and tune the recelver carefully to the hlgher sldeband. Turn contrast and saturatlon to maxknum and brlghtness to mlnlmum. Set the hue control to lts mld-posltlon and the black-whtte/colour swltch to rtcolour". Turn the vldeo control of the PM 5507 to maxlmum. Connect an oscllloscope to polnt 12 of 8419 (B-Y stgnal) and adjust rrolr of U577 to 150 V, @eak-to-peak value). By means of the saturatlon control decrease thls value to half (75 V), then by adjusttng "oil of U577 lncrease lt agaln to 150 V. Next adjust, ln turn, the contrast,brlghtness and saturatlon controls for a normal plcture. Wlth the vertlcal amplttude control of the oscllloscope adjust the peak-topeak value of the slgnal to 4 blocks. Measure the peakto-peak value of the voltage at polnt 11 of 8419 on the oscllloscope and note lt. Next adjust the amplitude control of the oscilloscope so that the peak-to-peak value of the voltage at polnt 2 of 8419 corresponds to the value noted, Connect the oscllloscope to_polnt 3 of B4t9 (R-Y slgnal) and adjust "o" of U578 to 2{ blocks. Then connect the oscllloscope to point 6 of 8419 and set the amplltude control of the oscllloscope so that tle peak-to-peak value ls the same as that prevlously noted. Swltch off the red and the blue gun (wlth SKg and SK10 respectlvely) and set the black-whtte/colour switch to rrblack-whlte". Adjust the brlghtness control untll the green bars are just vlsible, then set the black-whlte/ colour swltch to rtcolourrr. Adjust R1125 so that on the screen the 6th green bar from the rlght (there are 10 ln total) just looses lts brlghtness. Connect the oscllloscope to polnt 7 of 8419 (G-Y sfgnal) and adjust R1126 so that the peak-to-peak value ls 1.4 blocks. a Check adjustments 1,2 and 3. Apply the ralnbow slgnal from the PM 5507 and hrrn contrast and saturatlon to ma>rlmum. Connect a valve voltmeter (posltlon 30 V d. c. , posltive) to polnt 3 of U562. Apply a dlrect voltage of 5 V between junctlon R1029/ R1031 (test polnt ttM25") and chassls ("-f'to chassls). Adjust th,1" and rrvil of U562 accurately to mzuctmum meter deflectlon. Remove the dlrect voltage and the valve voltmeter. Interconnect polnts 4 and 5 (test polnts 'M16" and rMlTrr respectlvely) of delay llne TD570. Connect the Y lnput of an oscllloscope to polnt 3 of 8405 and the X lnput to polnt 3 of 840 3. The oscllloscope now shows elllpses accordlug to one f f of Ftgs .L4. 6b. Fig.1l,b Fig.14 o R-Y/B-Y demodulator and G-Y matrlx (wlth PM5507) Check successtbely the above adjustments 1,2,4a and 5a then adjustments 5-6 and 11 under the headlng If the red bar shows the "Venetlan bllnds" effeet, The R-Y/B-Y demodulator 4nd the c-Y matrtx (wlth PM 5506 or PM 5508) Thls adjustment can only be reallsed with the aid of the modlfled I'Colour Bar" test pattern; in thls case the upper part of the pattern ls made up cf colour bars and the lower part of a white area. If thts should not be the case. flrst refer to the converslon lnstructlons Cd 583 for generators PM - Fig .11,c - 5506 and PM 5508. Check successlvely the above adjustments 1,2,4b and 5b, then adjustments 5-6 and 11 under the headlng trAdjustments after repalrsrt. Set the generator to posltlon "Colour Bar", Adjust the contrast and the saturatlon to maxlmum and the brlghtness to mlnlmum. Set the hue control to mld-posltlon. Cormect an oscllloscope to polnt 12 of the picture tube (B-Y slgnal) and ailjust for 150 Vp-p wlth preset I'orr of U5?7, Adjust the saturatlon control untll the voltage ls reduced to 100 Vp-p. - Adjust tlreset" "o" hr these Flgs. one elllpse ls lndlcated wlth an lnterrupted llne and one wlth an unlterrupted the. Adjust the vldeo amplltude of the PM 5507 so that approx. 2.5 V ls obtalned ln the Y dlrectlon. - If Flg. 14b ls obtalned, adjust ttvtt of u562 so that the two elllpses preclsely coyer each other as shown ln Fig. L4a. adjuet traerf of U563 tuttll the two elltpses colnclde (see Flg. 14b) and then adjust fv" of U562 untll Flg. 14a [s obtalned. - ff ftg.L4c ls obtalned, flrst f csz7070 of U577 agaln to 150 Vp-p remove the oscllloscope. - Swltch off the red and green guns with SK9 and SK8 reepectlvely. Adjust the brlghtnese, the contrast and the saturatlon so that there ts no dlfference ln brightness between the four blue bare, and the tlue lower part of the screen. - Swltch on the red gun and swltch off the blue gun. If requlred, a,iLiuiit ilrcset "oi'of IJ578 si;i;hat there ls no dlfference ln b::1::ht;res: l:etrvct-'rr the four red bars and the red Irler pirrl ol. the scrceil. - S{.ttch on the glr:en grrn ard sq'itch rrlf the red gun. If necessar]', adjrisr H1125 and Rli26 so that there ls no dliference in brlghtness between the four green bars and tht-; icrwcr grc*ln part cl the screen. - Swltch on the r-ed and thc green gun agaln. - Check adrrstment 5b. pos.1 : L822 /,66 10184 pos 2 1 1822 290 80186 PRINT x2 <- {{X5 Y6 X1 {r X3 -lF Y5 + TTV 2O60 A 8 ,'tTl1 \\-\ '.,tgt*rll. -I___l\_-__ IAt r t rAis \\" >'l TTV 2 /.59 N \-(={-: w K ttg nz 1 B, TS, GR m o PRINT PRINT '!3 1 811 832 937 648 860 818 836 843 850 829 838 833 812 846 853 8l.L TS156 6R496 IS L23 TS 455 B /.16 831 831 828 845 8s6 855 826 825 821 857 T 596 Bt 17 8s2 6/.6 600 800 I 913 912 905 S1r 907 908 906 910 799 909 1?10 121? 12t 3 12t 6 1253 1252 12r,5 1250 \218 1219 1279 1266 1?51 1251127 31?651211 1210 1256 1277 125? \237 128c 1211 1238 \218 1235 ]269 'lr'80 1285 1267 1258 1259 12'lL 1?16 PRINT TS 122 GR 459 TS 421 851 - c 1261 S,T,U BJS,GT 5 598 PRINT 6 l2 l8 12 r9 t31l 1223 r310 1292 122L 1222 861 864 1220 1228 r30 3 962 1301 865 122? 5l,L r300 1297 r295 1215 1299 PRINT 4 1307 R GR4g1 GR490 PRINT 8408 GR/.81 GR461 GR468 101'1 911 898 899 1165 1163 1164116? 117011751162',1171 11721113118211791176 1178 1288 1290 1289 901 1'181 r 896 895 ',1192 203 11851195 897 9',t6 892 1206 1208 120'.t GR/.66 s 529 903 890 900 891 118/. 1191 119/. 1168 1196 120t S GR/,62 GR49/. GR495 GR45{, GR{,63 s528 5604 u587 T 597 c 2 1121 B,TS,G S, T, U 904, 800 -'1099 1100-1199 1118 129/,1293 12091212 1295 1210 1211 1286 1200- 1397 R1286 'l'16 'l9L PRINT 3 795 781 ?89 798 799 782 792 797 783 788 791 785 't7g ?86 '18'l 793 ?t7 ffiffiF -*'{.ffi& r:'!ii'li +3 700 I r.,.. li --- 799 I TV 21,65 R =-\_.BLlL PRINT .t ^1,4r i"'u^*L -R8etl 56.58,60.?0 --l L I I l1fu .t, 'ri]l PRll-,T ;; I I I I L_--_ b5 b6 b7 b10 b11 b8 TT V 2469 TS{,26 610 503o b c TS1400 rS/.31 TS451 GR461 GR462 rS452 GR 488 TS432 TS453 GRt,75 TS455 GR463 TS{5€: GR468 GR464 TS456 u1l,1l, u1416 S526 51i 678 d 621 620 622 612 523 680 613 765 760 766 757 = 619 624o 684 525 681 682 b c s528 T 586 689 685 627 683 628 630 637 778 775 761 8410 -/.11 _- _--112 TT? I JJ. __--L1t ?T J."L -11',7 -1,',16 -401-/.04-403-405-402-408 828 826 825 GR{,90 GRr U553 638 639 629 782 787 776 I 827 SUPPLY ?T .J- 4 +31 1.1v fJU :"s !fl'-&aJd-' 4V c 880 c szo SLB' ter TS 458 4zKIGRL61 c609c 2K2 R c509d 2K2 GR /.60 t 13/.3 6R 463 xBY 127 55?8 BAI(t c ,K o tx rl 2 A ut4 i,,"[_rl ce zall :il?i c529 -g,gV GR 16{, = !tooopr 8Z Y88 c9v1 R 890 1l +20 200v GR/,68 BA I(8 TS 1400 'BC1t8C t IF-AMPLIFIER R 1/"60 u 552 l* l.J- =^ *| 1K7 I -. c 5s5 c 689 T,,, 11K 7 [' n 5 '-l tl tc l* b aftsi wl I LT , c 681 _-l H' ok lox [IHF - -w-[- nl -toK Trcx' -l tly__J 3)v 3 ir'r, - l,xlT R995 tv TS431 8C +21 148C roo3 l-fc582 c eeo A- R 't002 I ]o GR !75 "y,rtr, - Rroo6 +25 x 997 R 1004 R 998 AUT-GAI N ,rurrrr{\r/\1,, 2v CONTROL -U R 994 l,3v -U c7?8 Rtl63 a t50K Rt16? SYNC. SEPARATOR R rt5 +?q 7 76 i,lllfilHliliilllfii4'i R GR(9' I n , .) + ''. 7 ctss . rr .^.lt 52 t7 115115,1 TS 4 8C 1{,8 ) crrol ii* rzo TS4 53 BC 147 5% o,sw:llfi 5% c 761 10% row + | 5o/o I Rlrsl I I {} 0,25w {-l- lw {i 2w -f] : lUfi 5Yo 1C% <2"2Mn. > 2,2M5? I I I 282 S 't0% s,sw :i33fi I :t!'u", 5% ln o/ tv /d 5% :{F- {,oov {}!{F- socv fiF 1r11-- \ DC o,12sw % BAX15, c7't5 AC ---+:--- -il[} /3( 0,2v \ -€:f- t R 1'l 58 1't55 r\Y;[ --->-- 585 5a/o R t?1"! c7 66 :A JE Be l5B tJv J oR 488 -llvR soov oa 90 soov roov 3{}- rooov c76i R Ir 50 ri.s\ 828 lo 121 lax c 167 :A c 836 (7/F7 ,00 +26 SUBJECI TO MODIFICATIONS 886 88? 889 888 884 922 924 9s3 992 bUU - 999 CD it>! I 200 -68v I 115? 1450 891 8s2 893 895 89? 896 99/. 995 996 997 1151 r150 11r,6 11r,9 11r,5 1111 11,61 ll62 1457 1456 k 58 1460 1398 1657 998 11.53 899 898 901 I 11 1152 1154 1000 1r,55 1 510 It5a - 1006 1155 1158 1513 1238 1?31 12t 1 i2L2 13t ',]213 3.1348 1397 1? /.6 1215 I t TS t 630 u 536 537 638 639 62s 643 6/,4 785 786 612 778 '.t76 782 781 833 83/.836 837 . STAB 840 VO LTAG E A 1(8 rf 4V c aI,ce rt JTT .-643 ,K SOUN D 2 843 gt,t, 848 C6LL (70.p F c 3o o0K DETECTC U5L1 - +25 t1K t1 0Y SOUND L u557 - -_-_l I oof BF 195 8C r07 c646 ;5.l5lTsL22 851 852 806 807 800 801 853 845 m TS4?3 R 909 AC128101 7 6 B4 t- R Tttzl U5L7 -IF-AMPLIFIER 91( BZY 88/C1s 2s,3v I0x2 /.67 GR 8t +26 ,8V - EIF 8 4',10 B 411 795 797 798 799 841 c768 o tTyFl n 903 c61? tK 25 s 537 R 1153 GR 466 v 1.t 650 768 791 ?89 191 't9* 880 u 557 549 R 6(8 at 910 r- I t00p F L +20 200v LUMINANCE-DETECTOR +25 u553 -1 b o 8F195 I C1 8F 197 I 1 652 lC 651 .FrF l17yF 14K7 l" r J o v 5,8V 6,6V / R/ /l 2 9 8F 196 V 9?6 eE2 ocl i," ,,t 6,5 R I .,H 921 .12 +25 I r$.t R 9;0 l13l oo r;-l txo t-;l loo n e2? -d| i6E8 J. R9 t,sv @ 1s6 2s,, <VTl,, i _.llit tri,L\,^ HOR. SY NC T c778 Ril53 a c eos t0K c795 6 ,K .6R490 r. BAX16 L 81,11 \ .! 27 *f t00 c776 PL 504 a c 788 a lt 820 t00 K -F c798 \..,r?o c 800 -I9 6 ) R 18 K il tl c ?9r I I /(ft, I ll ll 3tl J io'" lij,?,, .L.Ll '.';lEJ c 793 + aK7 I t__ ll ]L I I I I Y l VERT OSCILLATOR VERT. SY NC. -\\ L 1i._T ! \-_t Rl?55 uo,, V ERT OUT PUT I I '20K 8(1 c t'{F oF16r | R 1 250 R c 811 l?5r 270 oi x R 1?5i I "?,[!J c838 T,i,, c834 c 832 t a t J 3K l 1'0K i;;7 -c833 R 125? ltooK 1C837 lR56 i;,-i'ar t12 c j{} 8(0 8K2 c865 t:ll- c 841 t'{} c 8r.5 {}R -0,5V 22K 127 1 J9K o; 22K 2 903 'r162 )48 139? 1? t 3 1? r.6 12 - r165 L5 1168 il67 90/. 1170 - 905 907 906 908 909 910 912 1250 9r3 ',r21,9 r251 1252 1253 1254 920 921 9u, 1175 1176 r1?9 r178 1171 1153 1181 1182 1185 1256 1257 118/. 1261 1258 1259 69 57 63 1022 1260 1186 1194 1195 1264 1191 1192 1188 1189 1213 1265-1261 1204 1203 1269 1211 66 67 928 931 935 S33 119? 50 12',7A 12',t1 121112nn11202121612181280 812',10 I 71 1i TSt25 B /.10 Lzl IS 84',]1 GR/.69 TS 428 T 596 TD U5L7 851 852 806 807 800 t B 415 TS 521 GR,{70 GRt,8t 31,13 Giir,91 GR472 540 S590 S541 5543 U5B9 s545 T597 654 655 656 659 667 665 566 668 657 658 669 859 801 5598 s 54/, 660 670 671 r 663 GR,173 5/,9 6't2 GR 495 s 515 S 516 662 86" +25 Acl Y SOUND DETECTOR SOUND -AF-.AMPLiFIER c 655 17K {, LU M I NAN CE 4-^_32 b) - AM PLI FIER lla* Itt 66 r63 D/ llf fll"ilLillrrfliLi )\Ir TD 51,0 l2v trt \ 840'l R 9 59 '1Pt802 J 1l 22 R945 ;tiA- 5,8v TSt27 o 6V 8C 5 8v' 6_ c556 , e{F R s 1s9 + c660 fiy Eapr 220 5{,1 1/ ^t r'/' R 917 R 9C i48C x 934 R96f. K c 659 '5'lFl -+.-A R930./ R 929 | ' EF t80 -Z4V 8416t GR470 r GR{'72 \ 957 R 941 I ,/ }ruu Y ,/ iii^,,,yya( R 2,tv I oAgr 9/.9 t,5v ljtRI.69 '1il,f- X R 953 +-.-r s0l 81i E H.T HOR fll OUTPUT l-- hran 30v x 12 T c aoo c 800 IA L BL12 100 K .F t0K 00 PY 5OO 8411 =ll PL 504 ;l t) tt,.| GR(95 BAX16 I,.l 7 h ll f\-I' T ll l26ovi2ocv Ll t _Jt___l L ,ronl I 80{, A I--i LIT K2 i F 63,2132 + Of,=D.rl r r{l--'-,---- <-_ 26 30, .C 60, 6i,62i l soov v ERT OUT PUT 481 I 863 e BA 1&8 I 2V8 _t__ c85516 (70T| - C 85 7lo 170 -.5Cv R! 250 v c853 I e$ I I75V 5r(sf I I b6 5K5 L d c96 c 856 I-r t ?r' ( I f80v I l\ l_:\]---J- t l\ e 859 20 0&0yF -( 4 L^ 5 r3c 10 33,35 18, 39 41 -{-- l8 39 8 1269 12?r r2?0 1271 121l1279:2a1vozn'n:27B2ar 60 8 12 't0 I '11 1206 1208 1207 l2aL noo 3105 ac 6'i,62,90,9'l {'r 9 97 I lrc L --- t:so+ 1395 fm-ngr rssalzSs 1286 1292 1288 rzsor2Tf- 1210 1 t822 727 1808.4 noa-ru1, 129: r:ao rflz K7o (B-To) | 1199 urr rZs5l 1200- IS. B.GR GR /.77 TS 434 5T.U 600 699 c 700 799 s 561 s 556 688 TS ss8 696 -Oga 693 LLz u 562 485 GR 483 692 591 690 GR s u 558 u554 486 559 436 TS /.45 575 S 573 TS U 697 702 706 721 7t1 u565 ',t23 KT 502 705 800- CHROMINANCE CHROM. A.G.C. '! ili s----{-F I,I ri llI l,tx ri ti ll l' ,,1,ilil ?0 PAL PAL 18 SWITCH IDENTIFICATION \ I ?6 30 32, 33. 36 38,19,40. {,1. 60. 61.6? 80 10. .*---!> Mj,,, 81 r0r3 1014 1015 1,47,,, Jl--lL/,' "Lt-T r08? 1093 1089 1096 l09l "'L}J 1088 1092 1097 1098 1023 1095 1106 'tl0? 1103 1102 1101 11001099 1030 fizL 1025 1026 1029 1075 1076 1081 1090 1082 1031 110/. 1036 1035 1033 436 TS /./. u575 S 573 GR4/.5 GR/.48+450 GR/.92 GR522 B/,03 TS439 TS 2 706 '.tzL 7t us6s 1 u578 U577 U553 KT 502 711 709 723 u 567 712 713 ?10 GR/.79 GR523 g{,05 s 568 RE 5I8 708 715 8404 750 756 752 75t,'118 753 757 731755713?/,17t5 721 1t-9117 813 +816 +2s DELAY LINE SK3 i ?T su, i -l,UUlJl,l,-l I I i +25 I I' i I I I I COLOUR i K ILLER I I I I I I I I I I I I ','tt}*! ,'W','fuilA\ I I t, V 52 54 70 AMPL. 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B4O2 B4O3 F,4O4 8610 5 B4O B 841 0 B4r 1 B4L2 841 3 8414 8416 B4L7 841_9 GR495 GR496 GR498 GR499 GR500 GR522 PL802 PCLB6 PC F2OO PCFzOO PC F20 0 PC FBO 2 PL50 VL5O 5 VL5O 6 BV5I2 Printed board PD500 PC F8O PLsO 8 - 120 X s5l_5 s516 - 4 4 {t - 16 CI RE5l_ 8 @ s525 BC 148C s528 s529 s530 s531 u536 s537 TD54O s541 s543 s544 s545 U547 T549 u551 - UK u552 u553 u554 s556 u557 u55 8 s559 u562 pi u565 u567 GR446 BAX16 GR448 BAX16 GR449 BAXl6 GR45O BAXl6 GR459 0F161 GR46O F-YL27 GR461 RYJ.27 GR462 BYL27 GR46:] 8A148 GR464 BZYsB/ C9V1 GR466 84148 GR46 7 BZY88/ Cl8 GR468 84'148 GR469 BAXl6 GR47O OF161 GR47 2 04.91 GR47 3 0F161 GR47 5 0F161 GR477 BAX16 GR4?8 BZY}g/C?V5 GR47 9 0A91 GR481 8,{148 GR4B3 OF161 GR485 04.90 GR486 0,4'90 GR48 8 04'90 GIT4gO BAX16 GP.491 BAX16 GTt492 0F161 tlP,zlj{ BYX10 u569 TD57O 71- 240 240 280 157 4822 157 L0007 30066 70093 50308 10006 4822 4822 4822 4822 4822 157 158 158 2L0 L57 50308 10101 10101 20L56 50624 4822 4822 4822 4822 4822 r57 50652 253 30027 253 30027 466 t0L44 2L2 20063 157 L57 157 157 10034 10042 10007 10007 4822 2L0 4822 140 4822 154 4822 2L2 4822 2L2 20L86 60184 50133 20034 2005L 210 158 154 L54 4822 158 20158 20184 40039 30029 10251 L57 156 2L8 157 156 L0045 10332 24042 10007 10332 4822 157 10011 4822 L56 20493 4822 2r2 20038 s573 u575 u57 4822 4822 4822 4822 4822 4822 4822 4822 4822 s568 s5 242 70L4t 4822 L56 202L2 4822 2L2 20049 4822 2L2 20037 4822 L54 90027 4822 153 90025 s561 U563 4822 4822 4822 4822 4822 4822 4822 4822 4822 u572 +$- ul.4l'4 BZY88/C7V5 KT5O2 py500 cy501 TS421 ACl28/Ot BCT47 T S42 2 T S4tZ iJ BC 10 7 T5425 BCr_49 TS426 8C148 TS427 8C159 TS428 8C159 T S42 9 BC148C TS431 BC148C TS432 8C149 T S434 BC 14 78 TS43 5 BC148C TS43 6 8F 194 T 5437 BF195 TS43B 8F195 TS43 9 8F194 T 5441 BC 148 T5442 BC148 TS443 BCi77 T5444 BC 148 Br'19 5 T S44 5 T5447 8F1.95 T 5451 tsC 148 T 5452 BC 14 8 TM53 8C147 TS455 BCr_48 TM56 8C158 TS45B AC128/A1 TS521 BCI ?jc'tr's1400 0 F161 9 PL504 A66 BAX16 0F161 0F161 0F161 7 2r2 u578 4822 s585 4822 157 10008 T 586 4822 157 40109 4822 156 10044 4822 140 10107 4822 rzt 40L93 4822 122 50033 u587 U589 ab ad l-w af 10 kpF 100 kpF 50 pF 6CI aJ ao ap AS 30 M0 500 ka 39 kCI at au N. T. C. e 8Y176 f g h t x z s590 u591 u592 U593 a-h t- j-k T 596 48L2 4822 4822 4822 4822 20038 LzL 40L92 113 90046 111 70103 101 20365 rL} 20L49 4822 252 60002 30065 30588 10102 10102 4822 116 4822 130 4822 158 4822 158 4822 4822 4822 4822 4822 158 10102 157 50583 L50 50027 L57 50592 158 10082 4822 150 4822 156 4822 150 4822 L50 4822 140 20015 30278 10076 200L2 20036 4822 152 30075 4822 L56 20484 4822 156 40495 4822 156 40496 4822 156 20546 4822 157 50585 4822 L57 50239 4822 130 40463 - TAA550 ilR886 R887 R888 R891 R892 R895 R896 R897 R900 R901 R904 R905 R909 R911 R914 R916 R929 R941 R958 R960 R969 R976 R981 R985 R987 R988 R995 R997 R1000 R1001 R1003 R1019 R1026 R1043 R10 50 R10 55 R1060 R1103 R1111 R1113 R1115 R1125 R112 6 P"Lt27 R1130 R1131 R1135 R1139 R1162 RLl 79 R1197 R1199 R1203 R1206 R120 7 R1210 RL2L2 R1215 R1258 R1266 RL273 RL274 RL279 R1280 RL2B4 R1289 R1290 Rr292 R1298 R1299 100 0 100 fi V. D. R. 4, 7 Q 4, 7 {l 4822 116 40006 4822 116 40006 4822 116 20081 4822 113 80121 4822 113 80121 150 A 150 A 5, 6 I 390 a 33 A L/e 4822 115 4822 113 4822 113 4822 11_1 4822 111 10031 90044 90045 50166 30004 r/2 w 4822 111 4822 r1l 4822 100 4822 113 4822 111 30011 50346 10036 90043 50193 330 0 22 I 4K7 St 680 CI 220 A L/8 100 CI 10 k0 1K2A L/4 w 3K3 A 27 St t/4 w 3W 470 CI 200 kO + 200 kCI 15 27 r/a w 0 10w l<Sl 180 L/2 W A t/4 w 3K90 V. D. R. 220 CI v. D. R. v. D. R. 4K7 0 120 kCI 470 470 l/a w A CI L/4 W 2K2A 220 0 2k2 0 470 0 10w 10w 10w 10 k9 10 kS' 10 l<st - 22 ldr 10 k0 10w 8K2A 12 0 68 A 82 A 82 0 t/+ w 1/s w L/4 W L/4 w 22 W 10 kQ 0,51 0 470 kCI V. D. R. 100 ka 3k90 1 MA 1 MA CI V. D. R. 1 MO 100 kS' + 11 Q 7,5Q+7,5Q 47 0- 2W 470 kfit 2Nr2 A 111 116 100 116 116 30018 20063 10075 20083 20083 4822 100 10036 4822 110 60163 4822 100 10038 4822 101 10115 4822 11-1 30015 4822 100 4822 100 4822 100 4822 112 4822 112 10019 10029 10038 30134 30134 t'1 4822 112 30134 4822 100 10051 4822 100 10035 4822 LLz 30L32 4822 1l-1 30255 4822 111 30007 4822 111 3 0299 4822 111 30299 4822 100 10051 4822 100 10035 4822 100 4822 111 4822 116 4822 101 4822 101 1 kO O 4822 4822 4822 4822 4822 4822 116 20003 4822 101 10027 4822 105 20013 4822 101 10019 4822 101 10019 V. D. R. 47 T<SI 11 4822 101 10069 4822 101 10116 4822 111 30027 4822 LLz 30145 4822 LLL 50204 4822 113 60088 4822 113 60084 4822 101 10068 4822 116 20038 4822 101 10022 10 220 4822 111 30343 4822 101 l-0118 4822 111 30316 4822 115 90077 4822 111 30003 10102 70006 20084 10019 10022 _^\ 4822 103 10087 4822 103 20213 4822 103 10076 4822 LOL 20262 4822 L}L 20265 t csz7a75 I R1302 R1303 R1306 R130 7 R1315 R1316 R1318 R1319 R1320 Rl_321 RI322 RL327 R1330 R1335 R1336 R133 7 F,133 8 R1341 RL347 R1375 R1383 R1384 R1385 R1398 C610 C611 C623 C624 C625 C629 C639 C644 C648 C649 470 W 4822 4822 4822 4822 4822 2M2 {t 470 kO 2M2{2 330 0 330 CI 150 Q+ 100 A L20 A L20 A 100 A 47 100 100 100 100 100 100 0 A 0 CI CI 0 0 LOL 20263 LOL 20265 103 10079 2W 2W 4822 103 10079 150 A - 2W 4822 103 10081 2W 4822 103 10078 2W 4822 103 10082 2W 4822 103 10082 2W 4822 103 10078 2W 4822 103 10076 2W 4822 103 10078 2W 4822 103 10078 2W 4822 ln3 10078 2W 4822 103 10078 2W 4822 103 10078 2W 4822 103 10078 1K50 L2 0 35W 47 t<St 33 k0 Vew Uaw 22 LOL 20263 LO]- 20265 A 560 ldt L/+ w L/+ w c652 c 653 c 660 c672 c677 c682 c 685 c 691 c694 c 698 c 703 c708 C7L2 c 713 C7L6 c 718 C7L9 C72L c735 c753 C755 C768 C820 C826 C833 C851 C852 C859 C860 C870 C871 C880 C881 C1431 C1433 CI435 kpF - 250 V 100 kpF - 250 V 400 pF 500 + 250 + 50 prF 16 pF - 300 V pF 16 V 470 ttF 100 pF 33 irF 40 V 47 ttE 25 V 63 V 350 V 16 V 16 V 1000 4 trE - 400 V 4,7 1tF 8pF prF 120 pF L20 pE 47 pP 47 pF lpF 15pF 47 1tF 27 pF 33pF 82 1tF 47 1tF 47 1tF 250 ttF 1 t-rF 47 1.tF 500 pF 4 ttF 47 1tF' 5 kpF 4,7 ltF 33 pF 33 prF 16 pF 20.000 pF 1000 prF 330 pF 50 pF 4700 1tF 500 pF 1 pF 1 pF 47 pF 100 40 V 40 V 16 V 25 V 25 V 63V 63 V 25 V 25 V 60152 60147 50063 30181 4822 4822 4822 4822 4822 L2L 20068 LzL 20068 r24 40087 L24 40088 I24 20433 4822 r24 4822 L24 4822 L24 4822 L24 4822 L24 20417 20035 20407 20384 20366 4822 L24 2037L 4822 L24 20347 4822' L24 20066 4822 124 20385 4822 L24 20385 4822 4822 4822 4822 4822 r24 20385 L24 L24 L24 L24 2037L 2037L 20341 20357 r24 20371, r24 20362 V V V V 2,5 V 4822 4822 4822 4822 4822 L24 L24 L24 L24 L24 400 V 25 V 5000 V 63 V 4822 4822 4822 4822 4822 L24 20035 L24 2037L 124 20347 L24 2036.6 4822 4822 4822 4822 4822 L24 L24 L24 L24 L24 4822 4822 4822 4822 4822 4822 L24 4009L r24 20428 L24 20408 40 V 300 V 2,5 V 16 V 16 V 30 V 4V 2,5 V 63 V 63 V 25 V Push-button unlt Ut4 P. C. board of band switch UL4 Potentlometer strlp UL4 Contact holder of band-swltch TJL I{nob 92 (flne-trurlng) Switch SK3-SK11 110 110 110 110 L24 20366 L24 20379 L24 2037I 40 V 4822 459 20L28 4822 492 61398 4822 4822 4822 4822 25 V 25 V 25 25 63 25 Dlal wlndow of push-button unlt Clamplng spring of p. c. board of channel selector Mountlng plate of control panel Splndle of potentlometers (volume, etc " ) Matrs swltch SKL Knob, volume , tone , etc . 4822 116 30087 4822 115 50129 4822 4822 4822 4822 4822 40V 4822 462 70698 4822 404 30051 4822 404 30052 4822 404 30053 4822 410 21068 Rear panel Long spihdle of convergence lalobs Strort splndle of convergence lcrobs Convergence lmob, small dlameter {F 100 Table protector Cam securlng the chassls Hinge of chassls Cam securlng the rear panel Push-button of m.alns swltch 2037L 20399 2034t 2037L 20024 r24 20067 20366 20433 40097 204L7 20403 L24 2034L L24 2034L I24 2037L 4822 459 602LL 4822 535 70345 4822 276 L0372 4822 4L3 30446 4822 2L0 40LLL 4822 466 10184 4822 101 90043 4822 290 80186 4822 432 10081 535 90678 535 90667 4L3 30448 691 10113 Convergence box 4822 4822 4822 4822 Slltch 4822 273 30t79 SK8-9-10 Knob of SK3-SK11 Caslng of deflectlon coll Buffer rlng of deflectlon coll Purlty rlngs Sprlng securlng the purlty rlngs 4822 4L3 30*47 4822 276 10383 4822 410 21003 4822 691 10068 Red plug on convergence r.rnlt Green plug on convergence unlt 4822 532 60438 4822 532 507L2 4822 492 6L342 4822 266 40029 4822 266 40031 BIue plug on convergence unlt Coaxial plug M Coaxial coupllng socket M Plugs A-B-C-D-X-Y Plugs H-L 4822 266 40032 4822 264 10036 4822 267 10036 4822 266 30055 4822 266 20045 Plugs Plugs Zq E 4822 266 30054 4822 264 5005L 4822 492 60063 4822 413 40396 4822 255 70L47 -F Holder of safety fuse I{rrob, , focuslng Plug holder F Valve Valve Valve Valve Valve holder, 10 plns, pertlnax 4822 4822 4822 4822 255 255 255 255 4822 255 holder, 9 plns, ceramlc holder , I plns, pertlnax holder, PL 508 holder of ptcfure hrbe Valve holder PL504 - PL509 Valv6 holder GY501 Fllament wlndlng GY 501 - Focus cable HT-cable,with cap PY500-PD500 7007L 70L39 70L0L 70097 70L42 4822 255 70044 4822 255 70L4L 4822 320 20043 4822 320 2004,5 4822 320 20035 Ring round HT-cable Top connectlon PD 500 Safety swltch of HT-cage 4822 532 60307 4822 256 90066 4822 276 L0302 4822 2L0 40L04 4822 2L0 50064 Aerlal caslng, complete 4822 691 10143 Channel selector VIIF Channel selector UHF - U1416 - U1412 'ERVICE 15-4- 1 9? 1 NNATIO//I K?0 CTV setg Bk 41 a. S22K4e2/L6/56 - S26K497 /L5/55. Modified: Channel selector U1417 - UHF - 4822 210 50064. New version with built-in n+{ -filter 4822 zLB 20057. b. General. Modified line outprt stage, see Fig. 1. 8411 (PL504) has been replaced by PL509. R1181 (2? kA) hae been replaced by a resistor of 47 kO. Added: Rl180 (220 k0 - L/8 W) between 38408 and 88{08. No longer uged: R893. R899 (18 kO) has been replaced by a resistor of 1.8 kO. In the filament circuit, Bl10 has been fitted in the place of B{11, and vice veroa. RIl99 (1 Q),has been replaced bv a reeistor of 0.51 f2- 4822lfg 60088. Added: D503 - D 504, BYL27, between 98410 ard 18410. erd between 98411 end 18411 Reagon: Reduction of diesipation of 8410 end protectlon of PL509. c. General. Modifted: Controls on gZ panel. Control 92 fine tuniry wae 4822 413 3044?; hes become 4822 413 3043?. d. General. Modtfted: Blue and Green AdJuetment. Added : R1312 - 8.2 kQ - L/4 W betweenpoint 2 of the picturetube and Junctlon R1215 - Vl. e. General. Modlfied: R1209 hae beer. replaced by aafety regletor Reason : Protection agair. t picture tube flashover. f. - 22 kf| - 4822 LLL General. Modtfted: R906 (470 0) has been replaced by a resistor of 680 0. Reaeon : Improvement of stabllisatlon. g. Generel. Modtftcatlon brightneeB control, 8ee Fig. 2" Modtfied : OF 161 (cR4?3) hee been replaced, by AAZ 17. R971 (390 kQ) has been replaced by a reglgtor of 4?0 k0. The supply voltage on R9?1 was +?. and has becmre '+3. Added: R1108 - 1kA. R1109 - 68 Sl and R1110 - 2.2k92. 'Reason:De*eageYrt",frT,il,tffi r niltfi :t:$:il1""J""f,T?;;t:?"k,a*ons. Copyrrght ror.rv.d. Confidrntiel informrtion for Pdattd ia rhc Nrrh{mdr scrvicG"$tehrc CSZgg?S BK L1 B/.1 0 PL 509 8Y127 a R 1197 I p1509 R 1199 R1202 1 F5 Fig c663 A +3 R -21 961 R R 971 .Y 967 \ 1c662 +25 R 1110 -y +ZS R969 R1109 Rrlog c3 Rl3Bo Fi c9299?? 9.2 o t\ { hf o B3 13A