Download CVFN-OG01-220V user manual
us ER TC-G159 Please read this manual before use Please keep this manual for future reference (( ROHS CONTENTS Section1 Safetyinformation .........1 Section2 Generalinformation ......3 Section3 Technicalinformation ......7 Section4 Installation. ........8 Section5 Maintenanceinformation Section6 Troubleshooting.. . ......15 SAFETYWARNINGS& PRECAUTIONS instructions. manualcarefullyandfollowall safetyandwarning 1. Readthe owners/operating unattended; operate to 2. ThismachinehassharprotatingbladeslNeverallowthe mower childrenand petsawayfrommowerwhenin operation. keepbystanders, 3. Neverallowanyoneto rideor aiton mower of the mowerto 4. Neverallowchildrenor personwho is notfamiliarwiththe safeoperation ooeratethe mower. 5. Keephandsandfeetawayfromthe cuttingbladesand othermovingparts. 6. Neverattemptto serviceor adjustthe mowerwhileit is in operation. the mower' 7. Inspectand clearthe mowingareaof all debrisbeforeoperating moweris operating' the while blades the 8. Neverraisethe moweror attemptto inspect any adjustments. 9. Alwaysturnoffthe powerbeforeliftingthe moweror attempting from behindor distance safe a the mowerin manualmode,maintain 10.Whenoperating aroundthe mowerandwearproperfootapparel. 11.Do notoperatethe moweron slopesgreaterthan20 degreesor useit in manual on slopeswherea firmfootingis not possible' operation 12.Do notoperatethe mowerif any safetyfeatureor deviceis damagedor inoperable' 13.Do notattemptto disableor defeatany safetyfeatureor device. the blades' or servicing 14.Useheavygloveswheninspecting the virtualwire anddrivingthe and usegloveswheninstalling 15. Weareye protection a tripping Firmlydriveall pegsin orderto keepthewireformbecoming wirestakes/pegs. hazard. cord. 16.Do notusethechargingStationpowersupplywithan extension withthismower' powerpackandpowersupply/charger equipment 17.Useonlytheoriginal if thecordhasbecomedamaged. 18.Donotusethepowersupply/charger 19.Do not placemetalobjectsin the areaof the chargingcontactson the ChargingStation' 20.Do not placemetalobjectsacrossthe chargingpinsof the Mower. 21. Do notspraywaterdirectlyintothe dockingareaof the ChargingStationor ontothe operatingpanelof the chargingstation. Page1 SAFETYINFORMATION r-r-Tl li-- l-l:i I L-'.--.'-,--*_; ..t' ,-.- l 1.WARNINc-thisisadangerouspowertool.Usecarewhenoperatingandfo||owa|lsa andwarnlngs' lnstructions 2.Readtheowner/operatingmanua|carefu|lyandfo||owa|lsafetyinstructions. takecaution 3. Objectscan be thrownfrommowerwhileoperating' awayfrommower' 4. Keepchildren,petsand bystanders 5.Sharprotatingb|ades.Keephandsawayanddonotattempttoliftmowerfromthisar 6. Sharprotatingblades.Keepfeetaway' v OANGERISharProtatingblades KeePhandsand feetaway' ean occur' Seriousin.lurY I CAUTION! P o s i t i o nt h i s s i d e o f t h e C h a r g i n gS t a t i o n t o w a r d sl a w n i n t e r i o r ' I TheChargingstationfencemustfacetowardstheip nteriorsectionofthelawnwhen t o r o p e r t yo r p e r s o n s ' i n s t a l l e dF. a i l u r et o d o s o m a y r e s u l ti n d a m a g e Page 2 F GENERALINFORMATION 1. Mower 2. Remotecontrol 3. Chargingstation 4. VifiualwirelO0meters 5. Key(2pcs) 6. Stakesfor fasteningchargingstation(4pcs) 7. Pegsfor virtualwire(100pcs) 8. Blades(2pcs) 9. Charger 10.Englishmanual 1. Bumper:The mowermeetthe obstacle,lt can changethe direction to cut grass 2. chargingpoint 3. Infraredrav P a g e3 n 1.Fuse 2. Charge 3 . S e n s eo f r a i n ( i t i s r a i n i n g, h e w i l l g o t o d o c k i n gs t a t i o n) 4 . P o w e rl i g h t 5, Power Switch "O"on takeit outand changethetyre Page4 "O"off F Il il Safety hence , keep off the foot and hand C h a r g el i g h t r e d :c h a r g i n g g r e e n :f u l l c h a r g e/ i d l e Virtualwire light red:brokenwire/idle Patchjack, connectthe virtualwire randomlv . no positiveand negativepoles L: GO LEFT CIRCLE R; GO RIGHT GO STRAIGHT MOW: Mowingswitch HOME: go chargingstation 'lH: workingfor one hour 3H.workingfor threehours Page5 1 . T h eb a t t e r yi s l o w w h e n h e c u t s g r a s s , h e w i l l r e c h a r g ea n d t h e n h e w i l l c u t a g a i n 2.Onlywhen the mowerfinishcharging,he drop back and buzzing(callthe ownerto turn it off) Charging red c h a r g e dO K g r e e n Two kinds of charge as above pictures P a g e6 TECHNICALINFORMATION 50/60H2 Powersupplyinput:100-240V Output:24V Robotmowertechnicalinformation Coveragearea lper 600m'?+20% SuggeslsO,,trea: t{pei CuttingPower ,a$Qii:800me Fullyautonomous 4i.l,ll.1.i:i .:. Yes 82W Selfdesign ',:.';,',,,,,111:.l:ll.l..:.l Auto recharge Y*ti''ll:iii]llll:lll::::iil]lll.:]]lill,::::i:]:i:]l],]: i.l]i]::iiiilll::::::l:tit,.:l Withinl0meters ,,..l::]].'l]::.:t]:,,l],::l] *;,'::].1:1,]],,i,,:,:]llll:i.:]:ii]ll:ll]:tll:.::', Bladeadjustment pc 2pcsblade,14cm/L'1 Antitheft Vesi'rtcs:key.,..,.::;l,:tll:ttl,...,..ll:.ll:.,,'.,.::.,,'..:.: :1;,1'::... 30degreeMaxslope Rainsensor Wirelessremotecontrol Hillcapability 17.sKGwith Lead-acidbatteries 2OKG] G.WN.W .- withlithiumbatteries 171145KG Cut size 3CM/4CMADJUST Mowersize Battery(bechanged) .,.,,,'.... 56iSi?5Ca:titt,. .:'lir1;,'..1'-,,:.:.',,,,,,'..''......,', 7.2AH lead-acid/ lithiumbattery24Y, Security .',,,.,.i.: *ieir,',,:,:11:;',;;1;;;;,.:.'.,',i,.:., Llft.serxoti..b{r Waterproof Yes Chargingtimefor battery Mow rotatespeed hw€,:::,:rr1r ,':,13ra :l:,l t;11t.l;;;;',:.;l::t1l:t:itt:i::: *10o/o 6000 rpm 2-3 hours Averageworkingtime ::. ..,:::iiiiiittii:t]],,:tl warranty ,,.GAr€:::,::i::l:::::l Battery 1 years Page7 INSTALLATION Chargingstation& Virtualwireset up station 1. Charging Chargingstationwithstakes Notice' yourlawnanddecidethe bestlocation. Beforefixthestationon thelawn, youshouldexamine it is easvfor the mowerto findthe stationto recharge. checkthefollowingpictures: '1. Ensurethe chargingstationis placedin a levelstationthatis easyto recharge 2. Ensurethereis no obstaclein the frontof chargingstation. distancein frontof the chargingstation. 3. Ensurekeeping2-2.5metersof the straight-line P a g e8 irti Receptacle l n s i d el a w n 24 Volts 110V 240V P o w e rS u p p l y C h a r g i n gs t a t i o na n d p l u g r e c e p t a c l e G r e a t e rt h a n2 . 5 m r e a t e r t h a n2 m G r e a t e rt h a n2 m fromthe chargingstationand any obstacleis 2 meters.Makesure A minimumdistances the distancefromcornerto chargingstationis at least2 meters. G r e a t e rt h a n2 . 5 m Makesurethe minimumdistancefromchargingstationand virtualwireis at least 2.5meters. Page9 w-'"wswFiFEtFn-- Greater t h a n2 . 5 m The distancebetweenchargingstationand virtual loop should at least 2.5 meters R e l a t i v e l yL e v e l - O K Pleasefix the chargingstationin the levelplace. Please keep the chargingstationaway from water. '10 Page ---: Hard or dry ground may cause Pegsto b r e a kw h e n d r i v i n gt h e m i n . I n e x t r e m e cases,wateringthe lawn where the pegs willbe driven P a y a t t e n t i o nt o t h e s h o r td i s t a n c ea n d l o n gd i s t a n c e. B e c a u s et h e l a w n i s a n o m a l i s t i ci n g e n e r a l. : r e a o u t s i d ei s s a m e l e v e l o r t h e v i r t u a lw i r e i s s t r a i g h t 3 0 c m S h o r td i s t a n c e a : r e a o u t s i d ei s a n o b s t a c l eo r t h e v i r t u a lw i r e i s g r e a t e rt h a n 9 0 " . 5 0 c m L o n gd i s t a n c ea Corner,angel Areaoutsidevirtual, samebasicleveland freeof obstacles. Virtual wtre position O:I] |<-_->| S h o r td i s t a n c e Area outsidevirtual. Bas a wall as an obstacle. e\ Virtual wrre position o:-l l<--------------- L o n gd i s t a n c e P a g e1 1 l A d d p e g si n t o p u l l t h ev i r t u a l w i r e d o w n t o t h e g r o u n ds u r f a c e ,b e l o w t h e g r a s st i p s Virtualwire Burythe virtualwirebelowthe grass, possiblefastenon the ground. The mowercan notcut the wire and whenthe grassgrowup , we can keepthe virtualwireStationas before. C o r r e cct o r n e sr e t u Pu, s i n g Virtualwire corner lncorrect setup L a w na r e a --q /l PropeS r e t u pi n S h a r PC o r n e r s /l 90 degrees Care must be taken not to create a corner sharperthan 90 degreeswhen settingup the virtualwire. A corner sharperthan 90 degrees can cause the Mower to lose track of the virtualwire. we can make greaterthan 90 degreescorner to avoid this situation virtual Redundant wiremustbe cut ' A maximumvirtualwirelengthof 300mis recommended longerlengthsshouldbe brokenintoseparatezones Areasrequiring P a g e1 2 Followsare somesituations ,howto burythe virtualwire. M i nd i s t a n c 0.Scm Burythe virtualwireaccording to actuallawn. Startingpoint Positionthe mowertowardsthe wire afterthe chargingstation. Page13 MAINTENANCEINFORMATION BATTERY Attentions for LeadAcidBatteries 1. Pleasedon'tremovethe batteriesprivately 2. Storage (1 )Chargethe batteries at leastonceeverysix monthsof they areat 25"C.The interval of thischargeshouldbe reducedto 50% by each10"Crisein temperature above25C . The self-discharger ratedoublesfor each10C in temperature. lf tneyare storedfor a longtimein a discharged state,theircapacitymay notrecoverevenaftercharge.lf the batteries are storedfor morethana yearat roomtemperature, the lifeof the batteries may be shortened. (2') Storethe batteries startingfromthefullychargedstateto preventthe lifeof the batteriesbeingshortened. Usethe batteries as quickryas possibre afterreceiving themas theygraduaily deteriorate evenunderproperstorageconditions. Attentions for Lithiumbatteries 1. Pleasechargethe rithiumbatteries in accordance withstandardtimeand procedures. 2. Whenthe poweris too low,it shouldbe startedchargingas soonas possible. 3 Activation-The lithiumbatteries shouldbe normalcharged-discharged for 3-5 timesto activateelectricity backto normalcapacity. 4. storage-wesuggestthe optimumstorageof rithiumbatteryis with40% power and keepin the shade. P a g e1 4 TROUBLINGSHOOTING T R O UB L E S H O O TN IG The mower moves out of the a r e a r o u n d e db y t h e V i r t u a l wire or moves in circle searchingfor the Virtualwire The mowerdoes notwork C h e c kt h ev i r t u a l w i r el i g h t . B e s u r et h ev i r t u a l w i r e i s c o n n e c t e tdo t h e b a s e s t a t i o nt h a ti s i n m o t i o n , a n dt h e r ei s n o l o o s ep l a c e The virtualwire fails to sendsignals. The virtualwore ts broken bv the mower ',....,. Clearthe lawn,whefel the,: ' movesto the area wfr€re rnoweris trappedor iestart, the grassis thick; ,ttiemowerin another:rplaca,: 3. The frpntwheelis iThen:the mowsr will,SCI.k,in: '' ':,"i:" i.rlii ' . tiftedup. A,ne1i41,Cif9te., ' i ill:" """ 1.The " power" buttonon the remotecontrolis {ar rnha-l ruuut Themowerbuzzed The remotecontroldoes not work tEu 2.Frontwheelis liftedup 3.Blades are plugged up seriouslyandthe power becomesinefficient 4.Themowerstopwhenhe can not meetthe grassin 5minutes. The electricitypower:is low The batteries can not recharge Largepatchesof uncut grassremainafterMower hascompleted mowing 1. Press " poweron & off" buttonagain. 2. Restartthe mower. 3. Turnoff the mower,and chargeit manually. Changebatteri& Checkwhetherthe charger is wellconnected PoweL is,l1ot, fultycharged.,, for operation Powernearingnaturalend of life P a g e15 ' ,,:::r: . ..,:.II. ,:I:.....,:.I i ,II.: ,' ,,. II ,,l II.i:r, ,.,:i . . III,:' Replacethe batteryand followthe maintenance 1. Cutthe grassappropriate height 1. Grassis extremely overgrownor very wet Thg,bumperdoes not activatewhen meeting obstacle .t....,: Jigrgleswitchis broken .. ,,Sendthe mowerto providei' and repair , I,1t11t.l...'',,ii1:1;1: . :r:r:t:::::i:.:ri::rrrrir: Mowergetsstuckfrequently Lowground optimalterrain whentraveling to Raisegroundclearance theuppermostposition Cuttinoheiohttoo low Raisecuttingheight Terrainneeds repairs landscaping Fillin all holes, coveror excludeall exposedroots ln orderto smooththe terrain Mowerdoesnot completethe edge Obstaclealonothe oath Watchthe fulloperationof edqeand confirmno obstiacle are present Mowerlampnotflashing whenthe bladesare in operation Faultypowerlamp lamp Replaceoperating Mowerdrivesbut blades willnot mow Mowon RC has been r I, turnedoff Turnon the mowerbutton Shortruntime, operates lesstimethannormal Poweris notfullycharged for operation Chargeagainuntilthe power light "green" Powernearinonaturalend of life Replacethe batteryand followthe maintenance 1. Grassis extremely overgrownor very wet 1. Cutthe grassappropriate height Mowerdoes not detectthe charoinostationcontacts Confirmpowersupplyis Powersupply is not plugged pluggedintothe main power suptl1, powersupply inp'lhe,main l No powerto plugreceptacle Checkthe power Checkthe plug or mainpoweris shutoff Chargingstation/the virtualwire corrosion P a g e1 6 Checkthe chargingstation Contactyourproviderid the contactsis replaced Moweris operatedin the zonewiththe charging stationbutstopped No power P a g e1 7 turn off the powerby keys andtakesit to charge. 15 16 ".:r.:.'- J '' ,l ,1 I'F=--r l''r' L? ./ - // o -ryi a'7 1 *t--S*=tt 8\ .'ll -1 - : ,1, --4'f\ . j 2l l.Uppercover 2.Bottomcover 3.Wheels 4.Shell 5.Batteries 6.DCmotor T.Slowdown motor 8.Axle 9.Bumper 10.Motor gasket 11.Gear 12.Motorpressure plate 13.Bearing pressure plate 14.Batten of battery 15.Handle 16.Rain sensorcopperhead 1T.Springs coppersheet lB.Bearing 19.Blades 20.Blades post 2 1.Omni-directional wheels 22.Charging copperhead Page18