LATCHING AUXILIARY RELAYS This document may be subject to changes. Contact ARTECHE to confirm the characteristics and availability of the products described here. Moving together INDEX 4. ›› Answers for any application 5. ›› General characteristics 6. ›› Technical standards 7. ›› Range of products 9. ›› General purpose latching relays 10. ›› Trip and lockout relays I 11. ›› Trip and lockout relays II 12. ›› Latching relays with coil overvoltage 13. ›› Breaking capacity 18. ›› Pick-up voltage/release voltage-temperature . protection charts 20. ›› Model selection 22. ›› Dimensions and panel mounting cut-off Auxiliary Relays | Latching 3 ANSWERS FOR ANY APPLICATION ARTECHE latching relays are relays with 2 stable positions for the output contacts. Depending on which coil is energized, the output contacts will change from one position to another. The design of Arteche relay allows to have no consumption in permanence. ARTECHE latching relays range is designed to guarantee the best features and complete security even in the hardest working environment. The design, durability and quality of the different alternatives that ARTECHE latching relays can offer (FF range and standard range), make them suitable for high responsibility controls in different areas, highlighting: ELECTRICAL UTILITIES: Power plants, electrical substations. ›› Position monitoring of circuit breaker and sectionalizer ›› Direct operation on MV / HV (circuit breaker, sectionalizer) ›› Position memory: - manual / automatic - local / remote ›› Galvanic isolation between the control system and the primary equipment ›› Applications where high speed operation is a must ›› Applications where high breaking capacity is required ›› Tripping and lockout functions ›› Low duty loads control, activate digital inputs. FF range RAILWAY SECTOR: Electrification, signalling, interlocking and rolling stock. ›› Boarding doors locking ›› Brake circuit command ›› Lighting and air conditioned systems operation ›› Traction system ›› Low duty loads control, activate digital inputs. FF range INDUSTRIAL SECTOR: Continuous process industries (Petrochemical, concrete, iron industries), water treatment, ... ›› Critical process surveillance ›› Position monitoring circuit breaker and sectionalizer ›› Galvanic isolation between the control and the systems power ›› Low duty loads control, activate digital inputs. FF range ›› Activation of security sistems in industrial processes: The great power of the output contacts makes possible direct action on HV and MV switchgear, because their making/breaking capacities, continuous through-current and overvoltage capacity guarantee perfect insulation. - bloking electrical machines 4 Auxiliary Relays | Latching GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS The main features of ARTECHE’s latching auxiliary relays are the followings: ›› Designed to allow continuous operation even in high temperature ambient, within the whole voltage range. ›› No consumption in permanence. ›› Self-cleaning contacts. ›› High level of electrical insulation input and output circuits. between ›› Availability of extended voltage range (+25/-30%) for high security applications. ›› Capable to operate under low duty loads, activate digital inputs, and operate without any load. FF Range. ›› High speed operation (up to 10 ms). ›› Capable to withstand vibrations and seismic conditions. ›› Sturdy design. ›› Front state indication on the nameplatte. ›› High protection degree (IP40), with transparent cover, making them suitable for use in salty and tropical atmospheres. ›› In compliance with the most demanding test standards: IEC, EN, IEEE and bearing the CE mark. ›› Wide range of auxiliary voltage levels (Vdc and Vac). ›› Simplicity of installation (plug-in relays in a wide range of sockets with different installation configurations). ›› Capable to work under ambients with relative humidity around 100%. ›› No need of maintenance after installation. Large variety of assemblies with frontal and rear connection sockets by screw or fast-on clip. Auxiliary Relays | Latching 5 TECHNICAL STANDARDS GENERAL STANDARDS In addition to the specific applicable standards, ARTECHE latching relays are designed based on the fulfilment of the following standards: ›› IEC 61810: Electromechanical all-or-nothing relays. ›› IEC 60255: Electrical relays. Measuring relays and protection equipment. ›› IEC 61812: Specified time relays for industrial use. ›› IEC 60947: Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear. ›› IEC 61000: Electromagnetic compatibility. RAILWAY APPLICABLE STANDARDS ›› EN 60077 Series. Rolling stock equipment. - Part 1: General conditions in service and general terms. - Part 2: Electrotechnical components. ›› EN 50155 (IEC 60571 equivalent). Railway applications - Rolling stock equipment. E322124 UL Recognized Component Marks for USA and Canada: The combined UL signs for the USA and Canada are recognized by the authorities of both countries. All auxiliary relays identified with this mark meet the requirements of both countries. 6 Auxiliary Relays | Latching RANGE OF PRODUCTS General purpose latching relays The bistable ARTECHE relays with 2 stable positions. These positions are held by a permanent magnet, which prevents intermediate positions, giving a huge security operation. The position change is made with 2 sets of coils with separate entrances in BF3 and BJ8 and with breaking-flame contacts for each set of coils. Their pick-up time lower than 20 ms and the high breaking capacity of their contacts make them appropriate to be used as an interface between the protection system and the breaker. The main application for these relays is multiply the output contacts in those controls that need to memorize 2 stables positions: - automatic / manual - close / open Auxiliary trip and lockout relays ARTECHE offers specific relays intended to be used in tripping and lockout applications, where high quality requirement in operating time (with models that assure the trip ever in less than 10 ms) and breaking capacity are needed. Front indication on the nameplate, that indicates if the relay has changed the contact position. All the relays include a diode in parallel with the coil (see bistable relays with overvoltage protection characteristic). There is also the possibility of a bistable trip and lockout relay with manual reset. Latching relays with coil overvoltage protection ARTECHE’s auxiliary relays, either Vdc or Vac, have the possibility of including an element in parallel with the coil (diode or varistance). These elements aim to prevent the over voltage peak generated by the coil itself and it may affect other equipment installed on the same line. Auxiliary Relays | Latching 7 TECHNICAL FEATURES PER MODEL ››World-class range of auxiliary relays for energy sector, specially designed for the most demanding applications 8 Auxiliary Relays | Latching GENERAL PURPOSE LATCHING RELAYS Model BF-3 BF-4 BJ-8 BI-16 Relays with two stable positions. Required when the position memory (open-close, automatic-manual, local-remote...) is needed. Applications Construction characteristics Contacts no. 3 Changeover 4 Changeover 8 Changeover 16 Changeover 10 1 11 Connections Trip II + 14 10 1 I Reset + 2 3 11 3 Trip II 7 12 4 2 - 8 13 5 I Reset 9 2 7 Trip II + b a 12 + B1 + 1 4 8 13 5 c 9 I Reset 14 6 11 20 10 + d 21 30 3 41 50 5 51 61 30 3 31 40 4 41 50 5 51 71 80 8 Options Weight (g) Dimensions (mm) Options are not available 81 Trip II + b a c I Reset + d 3 4 41 50 5 51 60 6 61 61 70 7 71 80 8 31 40 70 7 21 30 60 6 70 7 20 2 21 60 6 B Terminals 10 1 11 20 2 31 40 4 A Terminals 10 1 11 71 80 8 81 300 600 1400 45 x 45 x 96,5 (F large Type) 90 x 50 x 100,5 (J large Type) 120 x 110 x 105 81 Coil characteristics Standard voltages(1) 24, 48, 72, 110, 125, 220 Vdc / 63,5, 110, 127, 230 Vac (50-60 Hz) 24, 48, 72, 110, 125, 220 Vcc/Vca (50/60 Hz) +25% -30% UN +10% -20% Un Voltage range Pick-up voltage Average consumptions only in the change-over See pick-up voltage / temperature curves for Latching relays 6W 12 W 24 W Operating time Pick-up time <20 ms Contacts Contact material Distance between contacts Permanent current Instantaneous current Max. making capacity Breaking capacity Max. breaking capacity Umax opened contact AgNi 1,8 mm 10 A 80 A during 200 ms / 200 A during 10 ms 80 A during 200 ms / 150 A during 10 ms 40 A / 0,5 s / 110 Vdc See breaking capacity curves (Contact configuration) See value for 50.000 operations 250 Vdc / 400 Vac Performance data Mechanical endurance 107 operations Operating temperature -40ºC +70ºC Storage temperature -40ºC +85ºC Max. operating humidity 93% / +40ºC Operating altitude(2) (1) (2) <2000 m Other voltage upon request Ask for higher altitudes Auxiliary Relays | Latching 9 TRIP AND LOCKOUT RELAYS (I) Model BF-3R Applications BF-4R BJ-8R BI-16R* Intended for trip and lockout applications where high demanding requirements in operating time and breaking capacity are needed. Construction characteristics 8 Changeover 16 Changeover 10 A Terminals 11 1 20 12 5 4 2 - 8 13 9 1 7 8 13 5 - 4 + 2 = 3 Trip 11 + B1 12 - - Reset 7 = 3 10 Trip 11 Reset + 14 Reset = Connections Trip 2 9 b + 6 2 3 d + 5 4 50 5 60 c - 10 61 6 Options Options are not available Weight (g) Dimensions (mm) 51 61 70 7 71 80 8 41 60 70 7 31 50 51 6 2 40 41 b + 8 21 30 3 31 40 a - 4 d + 5 41 50 51 60 c - 6 7 71 61 70 80 81 11 20 21 30 31 40 4 10 1 11 20 30 a - 14 + 1 21 3 B Terminals 10 = 1 Trip 4 Changeover - 3 Changeover Reset Contacts no. 71 80 8 81 300 600 1250 45 x 45 x 96,5 (F large Type) 90 x 50 x 100,5 (J large Type) 120 x 110 x 105 81 Coil characteristics Standard voltages(1) 24, 48, 72, 110, 125, 220 Vdc / 63,5, 110, 127, 230 Vac (50-60 Hz) Voltage range +10% -20% UN Pick-up voltage Average consumptions only in the change-over See pick-up voltage / temperature curves for Latching relays 17 W 17 W 30 W 90 W Operating time Pick-up time <10 ms (Vdc) <20 ms (Vac) Contacts Contact material AgNi Distance between contacts 1,8 mm Permanent current Instantaneous current Max. making capacity Breaking capacity Max. breaking capacity Umax opened contact 10 A 80 A during 200 ms / 200 A during 10 ms 40 A / 0,5 s / 110 Vdc See breaking capacity curves (Contact configuration) See value for 50.000 operations 250 Vdc / 400 Vac Performance data Mechanical endurance 107 operations 106 operations Operating temperature -40ºC +70ºC Storage temperature -40ºC +85ºC Max. operating humidity 93% / +40ºC Operating altitude(2) <2000 m Other voltage upon request Ask for higher altitudes * UL in progress (1) (2) 10 Auxiliary Relays | Latching TRIP AND LOCKOUT RELAYS (II) Model Applications BF-4RP BJ-8RP BI-16RP* Intended for tripping and locking applications where high quality requirements in operating time and breaking capacity are needed, with manual reset. Construction characteristics 8 Changeover 16 Changeover 10 A Terminals 3 7 = 12 4 2 - 9 Reset - Reset - 6 4 a - 14 + 1 31 3 10 41 5 d + 5 Dimensions (mm) 51 6 6 61 70 7 71 8 81 Options are not available 60 d + c - 61 31 40 4 41 50 5 6 51 7 71 61 70 80 8 21 30 3 60 70 7 b + a - 41 50 60 80 Weight (g) 40 4 51 2 31 11 20 21 30 50 c - Options 2 40 8 13 5 3 10 1 11 20 21 30 b + 1 = 11 + B1 Trip = Connections Trip 20 2 B Terminals 10 11 Trip 1 - 4 Changeover Reset Contacts no. 71 80 8 81 81 300 600 1400 45 x 45 x 96,5 (F large Type) 90 x 50 x 100,5 (J large Type) (A) 120 x (B) 110 x (C) 105 Coil characteristics Standard voltages(1) 24, 48, 72, 110, 125, 220 Vdc 63,5, 110, 127, 230 Vac (50-60 Hz) 110, 125, 220 Vcc Voltage range +10% -20% UN Pick-up voltage (20ºC) Average consumptions only in the change-over See pick-up voltage / temperature curves for Latching relays 17 W 30 W 90W <10 ms (Vdc) <13 ms (Vac) <10 ms (Vdc) <20 ms (Vac) <10 ms Operating time Pick-up time Contacts Contact material AgNi Distance between contacts 1,8 mm Permanent current 10 A Instantaneous current 80 A during 200 ms / 200 A during 10 ms Max. making capacity Breaking capacity 40 A / 0,5 s / 110 Vdc See breaking capacity curves (Contact configuration) Max. breaking capacity See value for 50.000 operations Umax opened contact 250 Vdc / 400 Vac Performance data Mechanical endurance Operating temperature 107 operations 106 operations -40ºC +70ºC Storage temperature -40ºC +85ºC Max. operating humidity 93% / +40ºC Operating altitude(2) <2000 m Other voltage upon request Ask for higher altitudes * UL in progress (1) (2) Auxiliary Relays | Latching 11 LATCHING RELAYS WITH COIL OVERVOLTAGE PROTECTION Model BF-3BB BF-4BB BJ-8BB BI-16BB* Intended to protect the contact of the equipment that feeds the coil in our relay. Applications Construction characteristics 8 Changeover 1 11 20 8 13 9 = = 7 5 8 9 14 6 31 a - 4 d + 5 41 51 60 10 6 c - 61 70 71 80 Weight (g) Dimensions (mm) 8 Options are not available B Terminals 10 1 11 20 2 20 2 21 30 3 31 40 4 50 7 Options A Terminals 10 1 11 40 13 + 1 3 12 4 2 - Trip 3 21 30 b + - 4 5 1 - 7 12 + B1 - 3 10 2 + Trip 11 11 Reset 14 + Reset = - Reset Connections Trip 2 16 Changeover = 10 Trip 4 Changeover 41 5 51 60 6 71 3 d + 4 8 31 5 51 60 6 c - 41 50 61 70 7 80 81 21 30 40 61 70 7 b + a - 50 - 3 Changeover Reset Contacts no. 71 80 8 81 300 600 1400 45 x 45 x 96,5 (F large Type) 90 x 50 x 100,5 (J large Type) 120 x 110 x 105 81 Coil characteristics Standard voltages(1) 24, 48, 72, 110, 125, 220 Vdc(3) 24, 48, 72, 110, 125, 220 Vcc/Vca (50/60 Hz) +25% -30% UN +10% -20% Un Voltage range Pick-up voltage Average consumptions only in the change-over See pick-up voltage / temperature curves for Latching relays 6W 12 W 24 W Operating time Pick-up time <20 ms Contacts Contact material Distance between contacts Permanent current Instantaneous current Max. making capacity Breaking capacity Max. breaking capacity Umax opened contact AgNi 1,8 mm 10 A 80 A during 200 ms / 200 A during 10 ms 80 A during 200 ms / 150 A during 10 ms 40 A / 0,5 s / 110 Vdc See breaking capacity curves (Contact configuration) See value for 50.000 operations 250 Vdc / 400 Vac Performance data Mechanical endurance 107 operations Operating temperature -40ºC +70ºC Storage temperature -40ºC +85ºC Max. operating humidity 93% / +40ºC Operating altitude(2) <2000 m Other voltage upon request (2) Ask for higher altitudes (3) Vac voltages upon request * UL in progress (1) 12 Auxiliary Relays | Latching BREAKING CAPACITY ››With devices operating worldwide, also heavy industries like oil & gas sector trust in our relays. Auxiliary Relays | Latching 13 BREAKING CAPACITY The breaking capacity is a critical parameter on the design and the applications of the relays. Its mechanical life could be considerably reduced, depending on the value of the load (especially with heavy duty loads), the number of operations and the environmental conditions in which the relay is operating. In any configuration, ARTECHE’s auxiliary relays have a high breaking capacity values. These limits are showed in the table below, in terms of power and current values. In all the cases, these relays guarantee a right performance during 50,000 operations. Likewise, the values showed in the following charts have been obtained in standard conditions in the laboratory, and they could be different in real conditions. In any case, the possibility of connecting serial contacts or a bigger distance between contacts makes these values to be considerably increased. 24 Vdc voltage Different loads configurations. Resistive load: Highly inductive load: ›› L/R= 0 ms. ›› L/R= 40 ms. 106 1000000 1000000 106 100000 105 100000 105 No. operations 10000000 107 No. operations 107 10000000 104 10000 0 0,00 5,00 5 10 10,00 15,00 15 20,00 20 Current 10000 104 25,00 25 0 0,00 2 2,00 4 4,00 6 6,00 8 8,00 10 10,00 12 12,00 Current 1 contact 0 ms 20 ms 40 ms Vdc Contact configuration P(W) I(A) P(W) I(A) P(W) I(A) 24 1 contact 500 20,83 370 15,42 250 10,42 (*) Ask for data and curve of serial contacts 14 Auxiliary Relays | Latching 110 Vdc voltage Different loads configurations. Resistive load: Highly inductive load: ›› L/R= 0 ms. ›› L/R= 40 ms. 106 1000000 1000000 106 100000 105 105 100000 104 10000 0 0,00 No. operations 107 10000000 No. operations 10000000 107 1 1,00 2 2,00 3 3,00 4 4,00 5 5,00 6 6,00 7 7,00 8 8,00 9 9,00 10 10,00 104 10000 0 0,00 1 1,00 2 2,00 3 3,00 Current 4 4,00 5 5,00 6 6,00 7 7,00 Current 1 contact 2 contacts 0 ms Vdc 110 Auxiliary Relays | Latching 20 ms 40 ms Contact configuration P(W) I(A) P(W) I(A) P(W) I(A) 1 contact 170 1,55 140 1,27 90 0,82 2 contacts 1,360 12,36 1,106 10,05 730 6,63 15 220 Vdc voltage Different loads configurations. Resistive load: Highly inductive load: ›› L/R= 0 ms. ›› L/R= 40 ms. 1000000 106 1000000 106 100000 105 100000 105 10000 104 0,00 0,00 No. operations 10000000 107 No. operations 10000000 107 0,20 0,20 0,40 0,40 0,60 0,60 0,80 0,80 1,00 1,00 1,20 1,20 1,40 1,40 1,60 1,60 10000 104 0,00 0,00 0,10 0,10 0,20 0,20 0,30 0,30 Current 0,40 0,40 0,50 0,50 0,60 0,60 0,70 0,70 0,80 0,80 Current 1 contact 2 contacts 0 ms Vdc 220 16 20 ms 40 ms Contact configuration P(W) I(A) P(W) I(A) P(W) I(A) 1 contact 150 0,68 115 0,52 66 0,30 2 contacts 319 1,45 234 1,06 134 0,61 Auxiliary Relays | Latching HOW TO SELECT THE CURVE OF MY RELAY These charts show the breaking capacity values, either for resistive and highly inductive loads, in three voltage values of reference (ask for other voltage values). The charts show two different curves: ›› 1 contact: Breaking capacity of the relays with distance between contacts = 1.8 mm. ›› 2 contacts: Breaking capacity for relays with serial contacts, and distance between contacts=1.8 mm. The distance between contacts is shown in the tables of technical data. HOW THE BREAKING CAPACITY CAN BE INCREASED ARTECHE’s auxiliary relays are power relays, designed specially to have a high breaking capacity. Thus, there are applications where the loads are so high that it is necessary to even increase the breaking capacity, keeping the reliability of the contacts of the auxiliary relays. Thus, ARTECHE relays have the following alternatives and recommendations: ›› Possibility of external connection of equipment (serial contacts) getting an important increase of breaking capacity in these equipment is shown, guaranteeing the right performance during a high number of operations. Auxiliary Relays | Latching 17 PICK-UP VOLTAGE/RELEASE VOLTAGE-TEMPERATURE CHARTS 18 Auxiliary Relays | Latching Variability of operative voltage range against temperature for the latching auxiliary relays. General purpose latching relays and relays with coil overvoltage protection. GENERAL PURPOSE RELAYS Operative range against ambient temperature. Maximum storage temperature 250 U/UN (%) 200 Upper limit of the pick-up voltage 150 Pick-up voltage limit 100 Operative range of the coil voltage 50 0 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 Temperature (ºC) TRIP AND LOCKOUT RELAYS AND TRIP AND LOCKOUT RELAY WITH PUSH TO RESET BUTTON Operative range against ambient temperature. Maximum storage temperature 250 200 Upper limit of the pick-up voltage U/UN (%) 150 Pick-up voltage limit Operative range of the coil voltage 100 50 0 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 Temperature (ºC) Auxiliary Relays | Latching 19 MODELS SELECTION Latching Type Range Range FF* Aux. Supply Vdc or Vac. Model Selection General purpose range 3 contacts relay BF-3 4 contacts relay BF-4 8 contacts relay BJ-8 16 contacts relay BI-16 Options Diode in parallel with the coil (only Vdc) BB Fast acting trip and lock out relay (electrical reset only) R Fast acting trip and lock out relay (electrical and manual reset)** RP Range FF Rolling stock applications or low duty loads*** No - Yes FF Aux. Supply Vdc or Vac Indicate voltage level and if it is VDC or VAC (ex: 24 VDC) * Indicate just if FF range is required. ** Unavailable for 3 contacts. *** For more information refer to railway application brochure. DIMENSIONS OF THE RELAYS Type F Type J F large J large 45 115 105 10 100,5 10,5 110 50 10,5 96,5 20 120 96 90 45 Relay Dimensions Type I Auxiliary Relays | Latching Arteche has more than 100 customer service technical points, an expert engineers network close to you everywhere RETAINING CLIPS RETAINING CLIPS OP SOCKET E0 Universal (D and F sized sockets require 2 units ; J sized sockets require 4 units) RELATED PLUGGED RELAY Universal (Bag of 20 units) RD; RF; RJ; TDF; TDJ Universal (Bag of 100 units) E41 DN-DE IP, DN-DE 2C IP RD OP E50 DN-TR OP, DN-TR 2C OP RD OP E40 FN-DE IP, FN-DE 2C IP RF OP E43 FN-DE IP, FN-DE 2C IP TDF OP E42 FN-TR OP, FN-TR 2C OP RF OP E44 FN-TR OP, FN-TR 2C OP TDF OP E31 FN-DE IP, FN-DE 2C IP BF E21 FN-TR OP, FN-TR 2C OP BF E45 JN-DE IP, JN-DE 2C IP RJ OP E47 JN-DE IP, JN-DE 2C IP TDJ OP E46 JN-TR OP, JN-TR 2C OP RJ OP E48 JN-TR OP, JN-TR 2C OP TDJ OP E29 JN-DE IP, JN-DE 2C IP BJ; UJ E27 JN-TR OP, JN-TR 2C OP BJ; UJ ›› E0 retaining clips OTHER ACCESSORIES Security pins for RD; RF; RJ; TDF; TDJ relays (bag of 100 units) ›› E** retaining clips SOCKETS, DIMENSIONS AND CUT-OUT Sockets Options Relay BF BJ BI Type Screw Faston Weight (g) IP10 Front connection FN-DE IP10 FN-DE2C IP10 110 IP20 Front connection FN-DE IP20 FN-DE2C IP20 110 IP10 Rear connection FN-TR OP FN-TR2C OP 90 IP10 Flush mounting F-EMP OP IP10 Front connection JN-DE IP10 JN-DE2C IP10 225 IP20 Front connection JN-DE IP20 JN-DE2C IP20 225 IP10 Rear connection JN-TR OP JN-TR2C OP IP10 Flush mounting J-EMP OP IP10 Front connection I-DE IP10 Rear connection I-TR IP10 Flush mounting I-EMP 300 Accessories Retaining clips Function signs on the extraction ring 180 400 1000 I-TR2C 500 500 Front connection for double faston IP10 sockets DN-DE2C IP10 FN-DE2C IP10 JN-DE2C IP10 lateral connection for the rest of the sockets ›› Front connection socket 22 ›› Rear connection socket ›› Flush mounting socket Auxiliary Relays | Latching Relays type F Relays type J Relays type I I-DE IP10 44 43 155 29 29 32,3 48 Sockets for DIN rail 154 105 64 105 64 84 83 32,3 88 (1) (2) 31 29 31 29 112 112 82,7 79,8 Fix Drilling 12 45 117 4d 60 3,5 = FN-TR OP IP10 FN-TR2C OP IP10 84 80 6 41,8 51,2 Sockets for rear connection JN-TR OP IP10 JN-TR2C OP IP10 43 6 3,5 2 of I-TR, I-TR2C IP10 120 43 51,2 44 40 = 40,5 +- 0,2 108 84 42 42 80,5 +- 0,2 fø 8o IP10 F 41 6 110 2 of 104 90 = 52,6 = = 41,8 = 5 145 Fix Drilling 20 IP10 5 Cut-out Fix Drilling eø 112 min. 42,7 39,8 122 min. I-EMP IP10 80 80 75 120 Sockets for flush mounting 124 124 15 12,5 8 15 12,5 8 Cut out Cut out 90 min 125 66 57 (1) DIN rail according to EN50022 Auxiliary Relays | Latching (2) 4,5 90 min 106 96 125 Cut out 80 min DIN46277/3 4,5 90 min 4,5 R2 Cut-out 66 57 61 50 66 57 106 96 Minimum distance between sockets will depend on type of relay and sockets. Please request sockets user manual for more detailed information. 23 Updates: ARTECHE_CT_LATCHING-RELAYS_EN Version: E3 ©Arteche