Contents Note∶ TV/FM/Game func刂 ons are optional -1- 5.Earphone NotiCe A哟 ustthe volume in the mlddIe du"ng use ofthe earphρ Ⅱ stening Thank you for your purchase ofthis DVD ρlaye∴ Please read this manual carefu"y and keep it ρropeHy forfuturθ Note∶ Whρ n rθ fθ rencθ aⅡ on the DVE),shouId avoid ofthe Wate1such as bathtub,bathroom,basin,k"chen room,sink and washroom And also shou凵 be avdd of humidity en顶 ronme灬 ,such as basement, swlmming pool, when the hand is not dry, do not touch charge,or wlll be eIectronic 1.user n° Ⅱce shoCk。 After buying the DVD,plθ ase read the operauons and° carefuIly,the incorrect use WⅢ 2.∴ Cause the damagθ thθ r of hθ alth lnstruction of user rnanual ⒎fa|away and loose of wea"h D:sc 叩 ρ|e,vase qui0 Ⅱ ∷ bes曲 .WⅡ nthe m引 de。 fDVD h叩 8.Faraway from Ⅱeating ine矸 iCiently read. Ⅱ "quu,Ⅵ 田l ce呷 ρ日ectρ n忆 shock 丨 DVD mustfar away from heat,such as Wam∩ ˉ air blowe1indumon c∞ ker and so on 3.InspecJOn of thθ θxlstenCe of damage) hθ 馐 ⒍ 抬 m剑 rm"md m刨 gh 旧 ∞ σ ⒍ ⒃ № 四 ⒆㈨ ” 瀵 mark m仗 t△ Check the crust and power adapter(espθ da"y thθ ρ arts 碣 齑 4,Repair ug to match With Wide 靶 Connector and make sure the sθ cure oonnθ c"on, so a" rθ pair issue, please 殂 In order to aVoid the eIectric shock, plθ gro° ve fr0品 Please sure DVD and spare pa吐 s far away fron1Ⅱ quid,don t putitin such environment, ∷ It cannot use the broken,disto"ion soapθ orrnθ ndθ d dlsc,WhlCh w"I Caus。 da汛 oge and ⑧△ ∷ the ram ρ r d of ded屺 shock and nre aρ 。d叩 t,uease。 。 nt out|he DVD Ⅱ∷ humd"y enⅥ ronment‘ Do not open the caunet so as to avoid thρ re¢ rada臼 of” e ° 卩 "a叩 叫 lase△ When repairthe DVD must conogned the teco雨 caI senⅡ Ge people.When u引 ng serVice NotiCe and safety Info"η 、 ⒍iH"midity mountthθ machine,our company cannot supply afte卜 βales opθ n,rθ fIt or dθ 丿 、 ・Ⅱ maydamege ρqr帅 en k冫 high vOIume rnusic f0r a IOng tirne ∶∥ , ne・ asθ usθ wldθ g"oWθ d,don t repairthe DVD `ithout teChnlca18θ and spare parts 犭 n`lcθ 暂 contacttechnicaI service centen Ⅵ b丨 adθ p丨 9.Avoid to thunder ∷ DO not use DVD in the thunder and Iightning conditions ∶Ⅱ 10.EⅡ 叫 ronment andˇ enⅢ ate DVD an口 sρ are parts should be oh ven刂 late enˇ of put o亻 "onment W`lrun DVD and other la!ion,causing DVDparts and bed,sofa,or other soft surface may be wa"of ven刂 other ρ arts components is too hoot,eVen Cause fre accident, 11.LCD sCreen 叩品拧 刂 刂 卩 龆£ r‖ 1Hm估 iD。 J‖ ∷ ∶ Ⅱ not drop,lmpact,scratCh LCD screen,or do not puttoo heavy goods on the DVD NOte∶ avoid ofthe"quid of LCD screen touch b0dy directly,when it was broken,the quid Ⅱ has touChed the skin,pIease wash your skin oy rnass water atleast15minutes ▲ ▲ 12.Laser Atten刂 h吕 J乩 抵甩 龆品I肼 裟点 oh:This DVD pIayer⒗ equioped呐 αh the laser system PIease mbke sure to get the famiⅡ ar w"h the instruQjons ofthis manuaIto hdp you master how to use th心 player prope-y.h case of requ"ng repai△ please contract th0刂 sf西 butor。 r our technˉ ∞ l s〈:丬 rl`1ce oenter DO not open∵ the intedock mecha"sm。 !f need repair please contaot the -3- distrIbutor or our tθ chnical servlce centei Do not stare atthθ VisibI0Iaser radIatlon damagθ 13.Charg● the φa廿 erb,by a 2)the ba⒒ °ry wⅢ destroy the enˇ laser beam in case of any "onment,please deal with these 丨 egisIa刂 ve decree, θyθ s∶ r Use thθ powθ r wIre:chargθ and battery in thθ accessory box,do not use other modoIof parts.Ma-o sure thθ changθ uug su"forthθ proper AC Avo旧 of θbct"c shock,uease use tho咖 0e ρlug su"for socket,and connθ d刂 ghuy UnsuitabIe power sourCθ fnay do damage the DVE),even causθ nre accident and electJc 咄 "ote: The bu"tˉ in Ⅱ△ery high capaCity rechargeable ba位 0Hes, no ρ errnission to install ρ r rem° ve must be redaα 刈by ρrofessona⒗ . 1)DO n° t putthe ba仗 ery into nre,in avo旧 of eXplosion z9叫℃n"。 charghg or pla丿 ng,0o not hsta"the ba廿 3)D° not putthe baueγ Do not use the power sockθ 1ρ ° wer"ne,ρ ower adaρ tor ahd battery module which may +ˉ not Do not use the samθ powθ r source wi|hh℃ h ρ owθr motor θlθ ct"cal oVer the Iim1ed powerrnotor ofthθ wIdng board VVhen thθ DVD haVθ unusual sound and sme"such as s|讯 e"叩 and poop,Ⅱ ease v"℃ h offthe powerllne as goon as po猁 ue 5)D° Note; 猫茗描凇:茗 I蕊 :揣 ∷ Pleese d。 n。 t0hcltho D’ :悍 ;li∶ 茴usθ thθ poWerIine o too hioh wⅢ r。 unstable ofthoˇ oItago查 nd data,a洌 also the四 ulpmθ mwuρ hhdrcumsmb刨 ,even m,哄 m l昱 拈 .叩 into water or other not aρ pear or batten`violθ nce and otherteam on the imρ ad。 6)DO not open the ba⒒ ery and change the strudure batteryl,you can use more bnger刂 10)Use in temρ eratureˉ 5° C一 彳0° 1)Charging proCess Before shipping,a"batteries have not enough poWθ 1∷ ∴ Please ρut Ⅱe DVD connect DC ch0rgθ ,thθ DVD WⅢ Chargθ by itsef,lthe re-Ⅱ ght mean chargo not enough,When fu"chargθ thθ Iay the greθ n,thθ n u can ρ "ght v叫 "bθ u on tHp. ∶ you Can pIaythe DVb when the DVD is charglng,more convenient DVD When y° 2)replace and deal wIth ba⒒ ery ry° u reρ lace the ba讪 dangerous. | ˉ 引y must be samθ standard o"glnal ba仗 ery,or there WⅢ be ∷ ∷ ∷ . DO not ρutthe ba仗 θryteam h h"en叫 FOnmθ nt There are some ha日 ηfuI subshnce inside battθ ry tθ am, 描 v由 1ihθ h曲 氵 厶 :m⒃ me,∞ nveHentfor yourt砧 C damage bρ dy hea!thy and● note as beIow: ; i ∶ ∶ ronment,pIease "ˇ 1)In orderto protecttho quaIity ofthe DVD,r ChargIng sh0吐 ery nθ ed to∷ ∫ eoIa0d'pI0aso nθ plaCo thθ HΦ resolu刂 on color T阿 LCD R川 oCreen d⒗ play 2.super eIectron⒗ shock res泌 砍 ance(3sec° nds for DVD,10seconds for CD/VcD and90 ∷ Ⅱ seconds for MP3) 3.Compa】 ble with most DVD,sVCD,VCD,CD∷ Mp3,MP4,DIV× dIscs etc 4TV recoMng func】 on(PA凵 NTsC/sECAM oystem)(o。 u° n。 9 5 Bu"t∷ in super power po丨 ymor"thium b0ttery foF up to2hours0ontinue playing 6,Built in D0LBY dθ ∞ der supρ o"ing MEPG彳 ˇideo decoding ∷ usB,sD`MMo ∷ 8,suppod fu"fundons controlremote,ea硎 y to opemte 9.suppo"game fundion(0ptional) MP4、 MP3、 WMA、 MPG、 Aˇ o∶ dto "means the ba仗 :{岳 :犭 :lI帮 t{l;∶ to prevent a Function Introduction 14.Battery and charg:ng exρ losion 0rd乩 ⒍丬 ease take tho ooweri咐 zl r you want∷ to have a0ng re砹 9)Before the】 rst charge please use a"stock powe【 Dangerous: Note∶ , quids,it wⅢ cause damage to the bauery. Ⅱ had already damagθ d and aged, ρutthe ba仗 eγ ery. a dired connedion,"WⅡ ICause damage to the bauery4)Do 廿me,the Iightturn to green, ‘∶ battθ ry by service centre 11s叫 Ⅱh” guIated ρ 12.∷ "吧 AVl、 Γsuρ ply adapterAo↑ VOB、 DIVX、 ∶ JPEG fomats. o0~240v PersonaIi℃ adJustment of TFT d心 pIay 13.Finρ uItraˉ 14.supρ 。 thin desJgn,suⅡ f0r your bettorI亻 o ∷ J Ⅱ ∵ ∷ nal) ∷ ∷ ∵|∷ "RM/RMVB fomats(opti° 10,FM Radio仙 ndon/RMVB funcn洄 n`∶ rXT ReadeF仙 n硎 on are optional 1 Please ho!d with dlsC or stickθ r on disk Do notletthθ disc θXposθ d Aner play disc,ρ lθ short pressing the"se卩 θdgθ ,dont t° uch su汀 aCe,lest i叫 ure disc surface digitaI signaIs Please do not puttapθ to dlrθ Ct sun"ght or nθ 6 arthe heat source LCD/O asθ kθ θρdlsC CIean disc Before play disc,pIθ asθ usθ clθ an】 annθ lette cIθ sETUP an DVD and from cθ ntral outwards to 7 M0DE wipe CDs popˉ uρ menu∷ system seⅢ ngs`Ianguage se⒒ ing/audio settings/video se⒒ ing'speaker ∶ 量 ;尘 ∶ Ⅱ ∶ ;慝 ∶ 瞿樱 ∶ 恳 刂 |:?|∶ I;【 l∶ ;:I::『 ~lj∶ LCD/0"back屺 ht仙 ndon Can real⒓ e shut out sho"tirne press"mode"buuon ρan be popˉ up rnode menu DvDm/video input func刂 on screen。 Under DVD pIayback,can rekreat quickIy,in orderto search for Do not use Volat"e gago"nθ i thθ functiona"ties of deansing "quld or plastic disc With (< electrostatic spray etc solutlon spec雨 c target broadcast;some modeIs and compound the "settinos"rn0nu underthe fundion of state to the leR. Under DVD playbaCk,can quickIy into pIayto sea” >> Keys Function and PaneIlmstruction o丬 ectˇ es;s0me panθ Is underthe state to the oghtfundion. dI仃 θrent, not nθ cθ ssariIy a"the functions tha1 10 I<( contains the foⅡ owing kθ ys, ))I the"s0救 ings"rnenu underth0state to the right function short刂 me press"play/paus0"can pIay/pausρ func刂 ons sw"ch; Pness this bu⒒ on can cohΠ rm seIect rnenu content or start )‖ some modelsi。 thθ "se△ Ings"comp° s"θ state ofthe fun。 tio。 of upward rnθ nu,or sIrnultanθ ously comρ osite rea"ze choice func刂 on,somθ Use machine read CD content,and put UsB diskintO UsB C0PY fundon,or simultanθ ousIy doWnWard compound reaI眨 e one 14 4 V0Lˉ sho砣 V0L+ UsB/sD LCD sCrθ en ofcom∷ posite function of s妇 te ofthe rnθ nu to thθ com涸 lθ 负,or simultaneou引 y R/L e realize choosθ retreat quicklv fundion. time∷ press"volume+"can 仙nc】 on.some modelsinthθ roa"zθ sT0P the volume increase LCD sCreen menu compound to the right ofthe s妇 te,or sImultanθ ousIy composite func刂 0n ∷ ∶ real讵n刂 on ch° ℃e¤ ulckl11闹° function, ˉ6- LCD/d9 ∵ "can realizθ the volume decreases sho仗 pressing"v° lumθ ˉ function.some modeIs in thθ jack,Press cρ py-u廿 on,operation according to disolay,put the disC Contents copies tO UsB disk Ⅱ modelsin compo81te"set"menu state the song seIection fundion, playing disc;MeanWh"e comp° und in"settings"rnenu state the 仙ndon.0κ 0onflrm shoft tirne press"channθ lˉ "can rea"ze channeI minus CH- Vnder DVD ρlaybaCk,can press a paragraph orthe next program, co丬 ρd~es;somρ m° dels and compound to seorch for spec雨 short press thθ "mθ nu"bu‖on ρoρ ˉ uρ image parameters one song fVncdons. 3 g旧ph° rlast ρrogram,to modeIs and compoundthe function, shod time press"channθ l+"can roaⅡ ze channeI add function, CH+ search for soeCⅢ C° 丬edˇ es;some "menu"underthe function of state uDward function∶ nstruct:on LCD MENU h for spec旧 C modeIs and comp° und the"se仗 ing可 i menu UnderDVD playbaCk,can press on a pa旧 Note∶ di仟 erent rnρ dθ l of bu仗 ons 1 " 18 MENU/PBC 19 0PEN sh° Ⅱumρ press"LCD/0"0ock℃ ht仙 ndon Can reaⅡ ze shut out. ∷ DVD pIaybaCk cond"ion for doc playback/∪ sB`sD sWitch bu仗 on, shorttime press】 1rack"can unde"ake∶ len single voice`right sinoIe VoiCe/stereo/n1ixed track function switchino. sho"time press"stop"can reaⅡ ze in play when stop function shorttime ρress"PBC/menu"can rea"ze DVD~title/VCD~ menu functions switchin¤ CⅡ cked CD door sWitch,open CD doorput CD, ˉ7ˉ Remote ControI Function and Instructions hte亻aces wⅡ h Ⅱghts: 1 GAME ANT Game handle socket Match machine antenna or cabIe TV sionalinDut PoWθ rInρ ut seats NOte∶ when notin use,please draW p° wθ r DCˉ lN Φ∷ ⊙∷ ④Φ Dc adapte1and wⅢ poWer adaρ ter pIucked from the socket 4 The poWersW"ch Note∶ oN/oFF When notin use,please dial shut0FF to・ 5 AV lN 6 AV0UT Ω EARPH0NE sD/MMC 7 ¨ ¨ ¨ Θ⊙ ⒐⒐ ⊙ ⒍ ⊙ σ ⊙ σ∷ 3 EXternal Video si¤ nalinout UsB socket This machine Video signaI Outout HeadsetinDut or outout/θ xtθ rnal earohone sD/MMC Card sockθ t UsB E¤ uiomθ nt socket Game handlθ sockθ t GAME NOte∶ the game handle quantity and inteI亻ace pos"ion according to speCific models and declde Because of di仟 θrθ nt modθ l∶ Charging instructions haVe the fo"oWing kinds・ o● ⑩∵ "ght cOIOr diffe匚 A)Charging,red"gh‘ fu"of chargIng green light 11 RechargeabIe lights B)Charging,Iamρ shining∶ and fu"of charging,!ong 0 0∷ 翻∷ bright C)Charging,thelamρ b"ghti fu"of charging,lamp poWer o仃 Remote ContrOI receⅣ no WIndow Receive a remote controI signaIs ght ye"ow"ghts,red Tum onthθ poWe1turn indicator Ⅱ on indicator l℃ ht ofF D旧。rent modelthe l℃ ht of color differs somewhat this bu廿 on to pIay rnachine or shutdown P0lllER P冖 ess MENU ln the video,DVD playback shoWed programs rnenu LCD MENU tirne press the"menu"bu位 on popˉ up image parameters Press this button can appear LCD se仗 ings menu,sho" function. 0n DVD mode ordinalcI忆 M0DE k this bu杖 on WⅢ sWitch tO TV stateˉ AV input¨ turn back DVD playback rnodes oicture, ▲ ˉ8- In"se仗ings"menu state the fundion of upward ~9~ ( UnderⅡ so位 ings"menu state thθ 仙nCtion ofIeR, ENTER Undθ r"se廿 ings"menu operauon of sθ lected fundion > Undθ r"sθ ttIngζ menu state to the"g"ofthe仙 ncton, PR00/sERRCH Channθ l sumng shortcu1channel su闹 ng navigation whθ n oK c° RETURN EXIts cu″ ent operation,retum to thθ note:AV output don∶ t rnute oDθ ration Prθ ss this bu⒒ on to play and stoρ ・ u< l(( ))I Aˉ fmntlevel θntθ r ρlay this bu廿 on to statθ ,thθ n press this pθ at play bu廿 on,aired faVo冖 te CH+ sD/UsB DVD neXt ρlay CDrVdeo state key∞ n sIOW ρlay sometime soreen disDlav sIOw DIaV 0n∷ 0n DVD CondⅢ ons ρla⒒ super VCD dlsc,can e△ oy the simDle pBc interad~e仙 ndion, sETUP to key rea"zation by short,eaCh function sWitChing, G0T0 Under DVD ρIaybaCk,can prθ ss on a paragraph orIast ρmgra而 ,to sθ arCh for sρ θcinc goals. n prθ ss Under D、 thθ direc刂 on kθ y choosθ a paragraph orthe neXt tV oond"ion η吐h叮o卩 ChanneI can be rea"zed with l Mθ anwhilθ compound the DVD ρIayer condⅢ on for disc DIaVback/UsB/sD switCh bu仗 on playback condition,can bθ docs/UsB/sD C0PY buuon conducted for C0PY bu⒒ on ∷ 1,Flip the remote controlto the baCk,take down the"d; 刂 狱辈胃黥 罡 Tf{i||!{il||∶ 丨 撒 梢蒜器箔絮%. {|∷ 刂 NOte: 1 Remotρ control do not use rechargρ a0Ie batteHes, 2. DO not mix use di仟 erent brand,type of ba⒒ ery, doht putthe old and new ba仗 eries Meanwh"θ comρ os"e DVD channel add fundion。 C0PY modulauon zooM kevs butla田 er0r smaller screen FiX the batter:es・ TV condition for"channθ l decreased"can reaⅡ ze CHˉ 1ing to tirne reρ ertoirei search 0n DVD next pIay CD`Video state,by compleX zo0M ρlay contains many kinds The Ieftlri¤ hVstθ roo track switching keys,rea"ze,acco“ broadcast `D sθ pIayback,C台 Drog旧 m,to arch for sDθ cmc ooals。 feature,Channθ ρress Ⅱe、 θr poρ ~uρ 叩enu,then a∞ ording "ume the direction 0n DVD cond而 on Videoraudi° cD'broadcast GOT0 ofIan¤ ua¤ e subutles, AUDl0 0n DVD cond"ion Vdeo/audio CD`broadcast,charader displaV key can display disc information obiec1ves broadcast ρress B key Ca冂 CVCIe for A oidure Under DVD pIaybaCk,but伯 stfomard,lookng for specinc sho吐 time press"subtitIθ "again through shorttime sVBTITLE 0n DVD neXt play vdeo,according!o state Aˉ B sh° bmadCast ue key can show a" orooram】 】e PBC ∪nder DVD ρlaybaCk,baCkWard quickIy,Iooking for speci面 co叻 ec刂 ves 0n DVD next play DVD and state】 sL0W bu仗 0nk,susDθ nd DIa⒒ Under DVD playbaCk,rθ proq旧 ms. func1on. 0sD ρlayback on tirne this button forthe sVstem sounds add features, Press this bu仗 on forthe system sounds reduCed TITLE — 丨 MVTE opθ n`cI° se the trumρ et sound ouΦ ut cabin rnachine, )) ofdown PⅡ ess V0Lˉ ∧ Under"sθ Ⅲngs"menu state thθ 仙ndbn REPEAT V0L+ W0ˇ wⅡ h quickly enter Channel surlng state. PⅡ θ ss ideo】 Ies `,can choose the place be f0nd of audkVˇ show`olaVback nnm, V >l Watching tV program or DVD pIaybaCk vdeo/auOo CD Number keys togetherto use ∷ 3. VVhen the remote control function is not strong or contrOI range be smaⅡ ρIθ ase repIace new ba灶 ery. 4.LOngˉ te"η no use remote contro1please putthe remote contrOI not baRery inside,Iest ˉ10ˉ ˉ11- 1,PANEL sETTING quid lθ akagθ ,corrosion,causing damage to the remote control batteFy Ⅱ 6 Donit disassemblθ rθ motθ Press the LCD MENU" key to enter menu setting; press the direction key UP/D0VVN key to move thθ cursor, press the direction key t° select the desired contro1 7 DOnt Iρ t"ght ρoInⅡ blank rθ motθ or panθ Iinfrared senso1so as hot to interfere w"h remote signa1. ∷ 8 VVithin5meters away from thθ rnachlnθ ln30° ˉ “ 5 DOn:t putthθ remotθ controlin eXtrθ mθ ly hot or rnoist pIace. submenu function and the direction key EEFT/RIGHT key to adjustthe func廿 on, 1)B"ghtness Adjustmen⒈ Press the direc】 on key DOWN key and RIGHT keyto “ Choose the B'ightness” submenu,press the direction key LEFT/RlGHT key to Angle and usθ d onIy within the scoρ e ofthe remote control bθ st θπθCt. adjustthe function and set the b"ghtness of video output. 2)C° ntrast Adjustmen⒈ Press the directlon key DOWN key and RIGHT key to ’ “ Contrast’ submenu, press the direction key LEFT/RlGHT key to Baoic Function operation Choose the adjuβ tthe function an-setthe contrast of video outρ 1.0peraJon 1)COnnectthe machlnθ 3》 to θlθ ctHC With powθ r suρ ply(100ˉ 240V) Choose the Red"ght sho呐 峪 poWer submenu,press the direction key LEFT/RlGHT key to adjust 4)TlNT Adjustmen⒈ Press the direc刂 on key DOWN key and RIGHT key to n dlsplay,Lθ a呐 ng the power switch Choose the 0FF and unplug the adapter r notin using “ Tint’ ’ submenu,press the direction key L≡ FT/RIGHT key to adjustthe function and setthe tint of video output, 3)Links with the TV sθ 1pIease change the Tˇ modelintO AV state 2.P∶ CoIOr’ ut on key D0WN key and RIGHT key to the functi° n and setthe cOIOr of video output, on and charging. 2)switch the0N buuon on the machine for sCreθ Color A哟 ustmen⒈ Press the direc刂 ‘ ‘ ’ 5) RatIo∶ Press!he direction key D0、 ⅣN key to move the cursor and choose fRatio” ,press the direction key LEFT/RIGHT key to adjust thθ ay'Pause 1)This player v""automatica"y play once the disc is loadθ d 6)Defau"∶ After this op刂 °n is chosen,this function setting c° Iumn is restored to 2)Press>|key,to pause factor settings 3)Preβ s● 丨key once more to resume pk,y 3. Game fun0tion 1)Connectthe joysjck with the maChine and ola∞ function and set the ratio ofiFnage screen of video output as16∶ 9/4:3, 1.sYsTEm sETuP thθ game d⒗ c to the pIayer for play Then cIose the coVe1the player can pIay soon ∷ 2)Use the remote contrOIfor mρ nu ρ age changθ ,Choose the game se"al number by press1-10+ 3)Use the汩 ys刂 ck to pl° y games.Press RETURN kθ y in the remote ContrOI Or press M0DE sTART atthe same刂 meto back game menu 4.PIay the program of usB`sD`mmC memory card sWitCh the model tO DVD state, cove the oρ eh doo1 ρrθ ss sD'UsB key to play the programs of memory card 1)Tˇ syste田⒈ Cho0se the【 TV systeml option,press the direCtion key RIGHT key to enterthe suomenu;according to the co!orformat ofthe connected TV,choose a proper system from NTsC,PAL syρ tem;° tⅡ emi,e,hoimage wⅢ βnu AvT° (卩 ρ叩ρηbρ rto choose a correct TV be aˇ ailable) Ξ )Pow。 r良 e。 ume:choose the1|° RIGHT anu凵 P wer R杏 sumel ooi° n,preβ o the direc刂 on key key t° choose the desired option to set the function ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 0N” or oFF” ; Whon this device is in stop state or sw"ched off, restad the device to resume the Iast video pIay status, 3)scrρ en saˇ er:On/0f1you mayturn on/offthe screen saver。 4)Tˇ 1Vpe:ρ h° °pe the[TV Typρ ]ρ p刂 on,preps toe uireqⅡ on key RIQHT kρ y!o enterthe submenu,according to your demgnd,there are three ava"able ”odes: 4∶ 3Ps∶ FOr Common TV,in such mode,when the wide-screen Video is pIayed, the Ieft and right edges ofthe video wiⅡ 12- cut o“ -13ˉ . 4∶ 3LB:FOrComrnon TV,in such mode,when the wide-screen video∴ black strips, the toρ end{bottom ofthθ scrθ θn W∶ is∴ played, ・ ∷ 16;9:suItable fortho widθ -sCrθ"haVθ ∷ θn TV, a∶ v旧 eos桷 匆 not bo uayodlnthθ ∷ b.Forthρ 4:3叨 d° o,whlohθ c, The sθ lθ ction of vIdθ ∷| used。 i to thθ ratio of the vidθ o gcⅡoθ recorded;therefore,some n dzo you have chosen. Vθ r Vldθ o ∷ ∵ rauo心 sot,the p!ayraⅡ o wⅢ be4:3∴ o ra"o sha"match the sCrθ oh ratio of the TV being ∴ ∷ 1 5)Pa。 。word:In"IoIly,sθ t this ooⅡ oh as'″ Password locr’ status;in suoh case, you can not choosθ the password| ao pθ r “LeVe`’ nor chang0∶ the pasowor-∴ 丁0sθ t paspwo0d∷ oi thI§ thθ "Lθ vθ F’ op"on,oross thθ numbθ r kθ y to inputthe h"iaI dovlcθ :ooo0,then o'θ ss th0sθ Iθ Ction kθ y to confirm;to the p。 sswρ rd∵ you nθ val耐 pas9woi0shall bθ Ⅱ evise θd to input the oId pagsword and thon nθ w passwo“1(th0 ∷ Ⅱ of4dV"sⅡ ). Gl RaⅡ h⒐ WⅡ oh thθ d⒗ cw"h Ioρ k func"on,y。 u may,according to tho level of the disc and your actual dθ mand,choose a proper age controlIeveI The Contro刂 I0vels are∷ 0r'ahgod from high to IoW; Lθ VoI日 is thθ loWθ st Wh"e Leˇ e丨 8is the highest, This fjnc"on is onIy su"abio彳 or1he disc With Iθ Vθ r Iinη it.systen∷ this functi° n can be reaⅡ zed only wh0n the passWord彳 unctIOn is rθ Ieased,ceⅡ eIcontrOI cah be u。 od whon∷ 0assword fuhctioh is actine. 7)Dθ fau":After this opti0n is chos0n,this functIOn sθ Geman,span心 h}Fr茹 Ⅱ ,P吲 uguese,"创 h戍 Rusdan六 e℃ .. EngⅡ sh,Chinese, ∶ ∷ 4)Menu Lang∶ Enter MENV LANG sθ tting,press the drection key to choose the desired “Menu LanguageF oρ ‖on,then pressⅡ the[ENTERl key to confirm∶ There are mu"iple,modes aveⅡ able for such 0ption∫ i∶ e. EngⅡ sh, Chinese, German, sρ anish,French,POrtugues0,"a"an,Russian,etc∶ . NOte∶ "the choose Ianguage choose Ianguage is unava"abIe in disC. the DVD.then this device wi" automatically theyou defau"ed in such - 3.AUDIO sETuP ∷ Ⅱ ∶ ∷ 1)KEY∶ Press the UP/DoWN keyt0movθ the s"ding oIOck to a-jusfthe audio 4.VIDEO sETuP ∵ 1)B内 htness∶ ∷ˉ 1 ∴,∴ ∫ ∷ Press!oρ VP/Dρ W~婶 y Ⅱ move me modub to aqus!the ∷ brightness of V∶ deo output, ∶ i | ∴∷ Ⅱ ∷ 2)q。 ntrast:P四 sstheVPrpowN keyto∷ mρ ve the module” a丬 ustⅡ the。 ρntrast of videp♀ utput・ ∶ sl Hue∶ Press t∷ he UP/DoWN keytρ movqⅡ ρ mouule Ⅱ io哟 ustthe hue of"dρ ρ output, t"ng coIumh cah restore ∷ ∷ ∷ ∷ 4)satura刂 °n∶ Press the uP`P哪 N key tρ 雨ρve the module to a四 ust t0e satuIration of video output. to the in"ialfactory settings. o sET卞 巾 9|“ “ sub刂 Ⅱe Language” option,then press the[ENTERl key to con们 Ⅱ η There ar♀ mu"iplρ modes ava1able for氵 uch0pt!on,i.e∶ Note: ∷ The pIay θffθ ctI8rθ Iatθ d 3)sub】 ue Lang: Enter∷ sUBTlTLE LAN0setting,press the direCjon key to Choose thθ desired Ⅲ ˉ "Gu^c庄 I=∶ P?wN屮 礻Ⅱ ss the?冫 呐d∶ ∶:Ι :∶ :!呷 呷 ~ 5∶ 1》 DIG1TAL sE丁 UP ∷ ∷ ∶ ∶ }∶ Ⅱ∷ ∶ ε叩?卩 :le】 ∵ ^ pa咄 usttp?s扪 arpness of ∷ ∷ i 0P M0d0∶ In the outρ ut mode, choose the desIred Ⅱne output∷ and RF ∶ ●∵ 缈 Dynam℃ Range∶ Press the∵ d"eo"on`keˇ D0wN kev to enterthe “Dynam℃ ” “ Range cOmpressi° a叫 ustment.∶ n menu∷ t。 eJect the folloWing Dynamio∵ Range Comρ ression” functionaI piCtures;press the directioh key RIGI1T key and D0WN ・14ˉ ˉ15ˉ 6.ATV sETUP Press the sETUP key to enterrnenu setup,press the direction key to move the cursor to the T、 nu position, prθ s the direction key to choose the desired ` mθ ss submenu function,prθ “ ENTER” key to conⅡ rm,TO adjust other submenus, thθ pressthe sETUP kθ yto backto thθ mθ nu 1)Auto search: Prθ ss thθ dirθ ction key to move the cursor up/down to choose “ Auto search” ,thθ n press the direction key to move the cursor丨 eft and right to Choose “start” and prθ ss the “ENTER” keyto conⅡ rm. “ 2) Manual search: Prθ ss the direction key to move the cursor to ManuaI searoh” ,then prθ ss thθ direCtion key to move the cursorleft and right to choose “ start” and prθ ss thθ “ ENTER” key to confirm, This device supports auto Press the【 ENTERl key to Choose the desired track,press the direction “ key to moVe the cursor left to the “ ENTER” start” option and then press the key to start copyingⅡ search and manual sθ arch Choose the oorresponding format to have auto search The manualsearch nθ θds to choose Correct band and format 3)Fine Tune∶ When one channellock deViates from the defined frequenCy ofthe channe1 pⅡ ess the dIrection key to move the cursor for fine tune, then pres the “ direction key t° move the cursor left and rioht t° choosO stad” ,and then press ’ the “Enter’ key to enterthe fine tube search function 4)ATV AudiO MOde∶ Press the direc刂 oh key to movo the cursorto the “ATV AudiO Mode” , then press the direction key to move the cursor left and right to Choose the desired format from l,BG,D/K,M” and fInaIly press the “ENTER” “ key to enter the format for the local situation, (D"ferent area has different format Please choose the one fitting your area,) CD`Transcord`MuIt∶ media Function 1.Copy the musicrv:de。 ∶ n mP3,cD,EVD,mP4,RmVB(Ⅲ P5) When pIa叨 ng MP3/CD,press the ICH-C0PY】 key on the remote controlIer,the display ofthe device wi"ejectthe operauon menu;pressthe UP/Do、 ⅣN keyto move the cursorto[TRACKs],press the dirθ c刂 on key RlGHT keyto move the cursorto the [TRK TITLE]menu,and press the[ENTER]kθ y to choose a"tracks。 Press the “Track” to be reρ roduCed and UP/D0VVN key move the bIue cross cursorto the press the[ENTERl key to confirm In the transcording process, do not disconneCt UsB Or power off; otherwise the f"e transcorded w"I be IOst;after the transCorded musiC or video is played completely,the transcording w"l be compIete atthe same tirne,ln suCh Case,the U disc has suCh track.'\fter the operation is over, “ press the direction key to了 noVe the cursor to the oUlT” option,press “ the ENTER” key to exist and then unpIug the UsB NOte∶ 、 Ⅳhen EVD/AmP4/MP is pIayed,you must press the “ ■r’ key on the remote contro"er and then press the[COPYl key("n° t so,no reaction when only the.1COPYl key is pressed)to have the fo"owing Ⅱterface∷ the device w"l丬 ed the operation rnenu(press the direction keyto rnove the cursor ˉ16ˉ ˉ17~ right to thθ iCon of your desired fiIe,such as music icon,aIbum icon,game W PARAMETER icOn,video iCon,e-book icon,and then press the UP/DOVVN key to rnove the cursorto[TRACκ sl,prθ ss the d∶ recⅡ on to move the cursor Hghtto the AnaIOgue TLE]mθ nu。 nd们 nalIy prθ ss[ENTERl key to confirm。 Or press the UP/DOWN keyto rnoˇ θtoθ blue cross cursorto the track to be copied and AUDl○ sYsTEM [TRκ T∶ press the[ENTERl kΘ y to confirm.After pressing the[ENTERl key to Choose the desir° -track,press the direcuon key to rnove the cursorIeft to “ the sTART” opti° n and then press the[ENTERI key to start Copying. After the operation ends,press the dir° ction key to move the cursorto “ “ the QUIT” option and then pr0ss th° ENTER” key to ex"and fina"y ∷ unpIug the USB DVD Parameter DVD ParttechiniGaI s∷ pe0ificaJOh DVD, sVCD,VCD, CD, CDˉ R/RW, JPEG DVD, D∨ D, COmpa刂 ble disc WMA,MPG MP3, DIVX,V0B,AVl,MP4etc (RM/RMVB ls op刂 onal) suppo"ing out deVice UsB/MMC/sD Anti-shock funC攻 ion DVD;3seconds;VCD/CD;10seconds;MP3∶ 90seConds Audio out AUDlO;2 0V+-02,speak∶ 0utput of earphone∶ Frequency 20Hz— 20KHz Audio(s/N)Radio ≥50dB 15mW Range of adlVity ≥50dB VlDEo oUTPUT LEVEL 10V± 0.2Voˉ D亻 75Ω PA凵 N丁 sC`AVT0`sECAM VlDEo0UTPUT ) 8Ω /1 5W; frequency receiver . 86325MHz M;5525MHz~801 25MHz BG/DK/″ L;4825MHz`ˇ DK,l,BG,L,M