Download Page 1 Page 2 ` Preface Before you begin ////F i 2` Massage (CFM for
UsER■ s MANUAL Before vou begin <丨 丨 JIfFf扌 M¨ s¤¤ e ) 丨 (CFM forshort) TO avoid accidentfrom incOrrect operation and reach the desired effects, user shouId read the foHOwing words carefully。 ∵ (1)Make sure your Voltage and electric currentidentify vvith the parameters ofthis CFM(220v -240v/50Hz). (2)This CFM contains no transformerand do make sure yoursocket,which definite丨 y sustains 6A current voltage and not be shared by other electrical products,have a ground wire. (3)P丨 acethe (4)N° (5)C丨 CFM On Πatground. chⅡ dren operate this CFM without adu丨 t’ s guidance orreaCh it easⅡ y. 。se the CFM immediately with any abnormity and cOntactus. (6)stop using CFM ifthere any prob丨 em with it,especia丨 ly something wrong with power-Wire, (7)Keep away waterfrom CFM. (8)DOn。 ttouch the machine with a Wet hand. (9)Do not m。 ve the CFM whenitis running, (101Cut o矸 the power after each use. (11)CF"∶ s not「 ecommended for people who isinjury. (12)sⅡ Ⅱ 丬吁ng at using cFM 。r exercises on CFM in less than an hourafterdinneris not oeoomr|ended. (13)Patients岫 diabetes or hart-attack or cancer shou丨 d fo"ow the instructions of a doctor. (14)CFM can notbe used by pregnant woman or woman on menses. (15)NO exercises on CFM after dΓ inking. (16)No rn° re than3tifη es eXercise a day.8tirη es a day for obese persons at most whereas no more than20fη inutes a tirne anyway. (17)Using CFM foΓ about1o to15minutes after morning get-up and before sleep at night cou丨 d produce the best desired e矸 eCts and do drink enough waterto help rη etabo"sm. (日 8)Handicapped people should not use CFM without he丨 p of others. (19)CFh闪 designed for home-use only,and we suppose not take the responsibⅡ ity forthe C0ΠⅡ ηerCia卜 use. (20)N。 n~pr° fessiona丨 persons sh。 uld notopen CFM. (21)Contact usifyou have any question with this CFM and we wil丨 response immediately. ∶ 艹 Ts CoⅡ T【 Ⅱ lntroduG刂 on l● 1-● 3 Comparation Parameters・ Features・ |unctions・ inst0Ⅱ ation List of paⅡ s・ l● 4-● 7 Assembly・ Guides・ Programs setting 蚰aHng g刂 de l● 8ˉ △● HoW to use・ Heathy diet other 丨△△ Maintenance・ Trouble sⅡ Q9-ing 扌 鬈毳 —影 Imtr|Juti|Ⅱ <丨 |fCFⅢ ‖ ‖| i∷ Comlponent Pa吐 s丨 ) Conso丨 e Fat-sensor Supporttube Left handra"-tu be Right handraⅡ -tube Base board Coˇ er Adjustab丨 e cushion <l Parameters丨 ) MaXimum POWer lnput VOltage lnput POweΓ 1.5HP 220V/50Hz 5口 ρ 四 sρ eed Range 20 Amp"tude 0-10mm VseΓ Weight CapabⅢ ty 尘0κ G 丨 Assemb丨 y size NW/G,W L735XW6θ 5XH{220 45KG∫ 49KG £甙刁 9 碰 IⅡ {r|JⅡ ti|Ⅱ ∷胂 |ICFⅢ 阝 铷 △ :EasV枷 而mg |∶ (丨 Features丨 > 1.Rationa|strearnline design and fashionab丨 e co丨 ors. 2,3LED Windows fortime,speed and fat-sCan. 3,Three programs for sⅡ rnrη ing with fat-scan function, 4.satisfy various needs by20speed options, 5.Stab丨 e running with 120KG due to direCt current dynamo. 6,Anti-statiC and over-current protection. 7.Achieve Wonderfu丨 e仟 ects by eXercises on CFM. 8.ln crease body f丨 eXibⅡ ity. 9.strengthen organs, tissues, and ske丨 eton Without burden, 10,Consume fat by exercises on the who丨 body brought by shaking. 11.Enhance the rη etabo"sm. e 12.He丨 pe丨 asticity on the skin and1η usc丨 es. 13.NOVe丨 aerobics. 14.Convenient use CFM at home due toits sma"size. 15.EⅡ minate the ache frorn arthroρ athy or organ InJuΓ y, 10.strengthen the ske丨 eton thence prevent osteoporosis, 17.Fitforthe recOvery fronl surgeγ 18.lncrease the hoΠ ηone∶ n bIood。 . 19,PreventfragⅡ ity from IOng lacking exercises. 20.Beauufythe skn by ρmmoⅡ ngthe metaboⅡ sm. ::言 首言o∶ 。|∶ |i∷ =. ^j叩 IⅡ tr|JⅡ ti|Ⅱ (丨 Function|) sⅡ mⅡn∶ mg |fCFⅢ ° ⒎ 菇 尾 ∶ ;严 ∶ 澉揽擗嬲珥琳乳 :∶ : m咖 “ 0曲0 neuFaloˇ ste" ∷ ∷ 器::1:∶1器昊 ;T#讫 招 黥 铷讪⒒e inte引 ne 澍祺俏溆瑟斟 罐莳甲0邛 ℃ BetteFcOmstitutiOⅡ 酬阳暾巾咖um砷 and d甜 e :∶ 跚∴ 唧 ;刂 羽 d 唧 ;W如 (|CFM Vs othersimiIar products|> Comparing charaCters 叩 ing mode CFM sirni丨 NeW style shaκ Ⅱ o l∷ lntensity ar products Tri击 -itiona丨 NO fη vibrati° n ore than3options ∷ 0σ 9 Ⅵ00"心 ∷ 冖∷ Wh010000y Plantar Nolse Quiet Raket Gestures Varlous Restricted E矸 0ots Train the Plantar∷ Ⅱus丬 es° n丨 y 盼 酊 o3 ∷ <丨 AssemHy Parts丨 ) No NUM No. Parts 1 COveΓ 12 COrss丨 ng sGreWs(M5X10) 4 2 Left tube 13 COrssing screWs(M6X10) 3 3 Right tube 14 spring mattress(M8) 4 4 tube Left handraⅡ ˉ 1 15 Spr丨 5 Right handrei卜 tube 1 6 COnsOle 7 suppOrttube 8 9 10 ng mattress(M5) 4 16 Washer(M8) 4 1 17 Washer(M5) 1 1 18 signa|cab丨 eA 呱M8X2⑴ 2 19 Fatˉ sensOr B 叫M8X6⑴ haf 2 20 Fatˉ sens0rA 4 21 sOGkd head sc陀 sOCkd head sG⒃ c⒆ sung se∞ ws侧 5Ⅺ ⑴ screw(M8X40) <丨 signa丨 cab丨 2 steps丨 > 1.Lay the pedestal on even ground。 2,Connectthe signa|cab丨 es ofsupport tu be(7)and the wire from pedesta丨 (1). 3.LOckthem With sOcket head screw(8) (9),spring mattress(14),washer(16) as in the picture. 丨 nsterttubes(4)(5)int。 the holes Ckthem With on pedesta丨 (1)and丨 。 crossˉ screws(10),spring 狃 NUM Parts mattress(15). eB 2 2 = ^ssemHy (i|∶ ∶ Connectthe tubes(2)(3)with tu bes(4) (5),and fix them with screws(12),l° Ck one end ofthe tubes(2)(3)with sCreWs (11)° nt。 supporttube(7). Connect signa丨 cable(18)(21)C。 nnect fat-sensorA(20)with sensor B(19),put othervvires into the supporttube(7). Fix the pane|(6)on the tube(7)vvith screWs(13), 谌 AUTo/BodyFat Time POwer stop Button speed Down speed Up start Button Auto/BodyFat Button Adjust use Time Button Performance Guide ◎ 0 Button start`st° p:this button controls power operation. ◎ Aut。 dv fat:Afterturn on the A负 er pressing button ti1η e,user can set uρ personaI Ⅱgures.By"+"or"-1 usershould choose a gender mode 1for men and2for women. 】rst。 power,user can switch programs `:。 between auto-massage and manual-massage(fr° mP1,P2to After setting gende△ useΓ cou丨 d set up age by pressingbutton ti:η e.The original age setting figure is20.And P3)° rca丨 culate body fatindex by set a figure vvith aGtualone is BR/ll program.By pressing this button,the console VVindoⅥ `Wi" display88-P1-P2-P3ˉ 1;88means manual pr° gram.Usercan set up the speed figure by Considering body conditions and persona丨 habits,P1,P2,P3are auto-programs氵 whiCh Wou丨 d not change vvithout a strong丨 han-wh"e running, Time:Maximums time for using is steps offat scan∶ Press button BRlll and choose1and set gender,ages, height,weight,you getthe resu". "1"means entering program BM1. y recOrnmended.The original setfigures of height and weightare respective丨 y170cn△ 70kg,a丨 so adjustab|e.Pressing button tirη e and the VVindoW wi"display"-ˉ "after a"figures set.Merely hoIding the fat sensor,user getthe BMlresu丨 t in about5secOnds. 10Fη inutes. ◎ ◎ :Ⅲ ∶ 1∶ fj:氵 :扌 Glepluo” 甘 I:叮 梦 拐馏甘 w° :丨 谣如 :l拭 水 △艹”|△ 呷中叩!△ 0Ⅱ 岬~Ⅱ 屮些 <丨 0perat∶ om丨 > 亻 123 LOcate onthe CFM,press start/stop button to aCtivate it, Oρ erate the bu仗 on as"丨 ustrated. Ifyou stand onthe CFM,we adVise you to fη oVe yourfeet outward a li∮ Ie forthe distance between yourfeetis reIeˇ antto the effect of use, 4.Ifyou take othergestures to use the CFM,we advise you to actiˇ ate the CFM first.For you rη ay fee丨 difficult to press the start bu!ton oryou cou丨 d have yourfarni丨 yto give you a hand. 5.DO notusethe CFM for morethan20minutes for your Make the machine in ne backwards, take hea丨 th. cⅡ advantage of a situation to rη ove forward Programs setting speed ofprograms FAT VALUE FOR REFERENCE Type speed EXercise time EXerc丨 se cyc|e COmmOn Ⅱtness 1ˉ 3times/day 5ˉ LOsing weight 4ˉ 8times∫ day 10ˉ 20mins Average speed 20mins LOWerspeed NOTE The figutes showed on the chart are powerintensity Program 10MINs 9MlNs 2 8MlNs 7MlNS 6MINs 5M丨 Ns 4MlNs 3MlNS 2MlNs 1MlN 6 2 1 4 Gender FEMALE MALE 3 5 4 4 T0oL0W 6 8 4 N0RMAL 4 丁0o HEAVY <17 17-27 >27 <14 14ˉ 23 )23 莳 H● Wt● use鳙 ‖ Ⅲ Ⅷ 渊 Ⅷ 淞 Ⅲ stration丨 ) sit on the p丨 ate,fold Feet on the p丨 ate, hands ho丨 d the hand丨 yourlegs,hands ho丨 d on the handlebar. ebar and being the state of kneeˉ bend, 甓 ∶ 嬲:默 铞刂 :iii{{∶ i||∶ ls. ° 吐 嚣懋 舻 l∶ musC丨 es and stomach, Feet on the side, Sit on the p丨 ate, hands put on you hands hoId on the toes.Knee only s"ght丨 y bended. hand|eba1keep Stomach musdes Iegs stΓ aight. flexed. F 窨钴 凇:Ⅳ翱肝 用:摁 嘿l 龆割ζ waists, on the plate and Feet on the foot on th0plate and another another on ground; hands put on waists. on the hand|eban stay vvith one foot Mainly train the part of Waists,stomaCh muscles and thigh. on ground hands ho丨 d 吐 恣 足 uJ馄 嘿 寻 musCles and legs. :fl曾 H● Wt● <丨 Ⅱ se蘖爨 躔 躔 蓦 曩 鲟 曩 I"ustrat∶ on丨 > 滟硝投浦彝⒏忍 y:扌 启 猊氵 去 :k即 暇 鼬 嬲 攒 a早 {烁 啉 糨舒七 s Feetonthe p丨 ate, hands put ground,hands put on the pIate,body bethe state of yfng prone. 丨 嬲锣鞲刀 upper body rnusc丨 es. Body |ay prone on on put 丨 egs on the rnain support the p丨 ate, ground,b。 dy be the state of丨 squatdown onthe ying tube,hands put on prone and keep ba丨 ance. ground. Mainly train the part of sh。 u丨 de1 upperbody rnusc丨 es. 珊 黯糨 chest, arms and s, Stay one hand on Feet on the p丨 ate, the pIate and squat body丨 ay on ground, nextto the item. hands puton ground. 摞猪 言 翮 。 . [∶!渣 :∶ i:苫 :e浑 :刂 i HeaIthydiets Appropr∶ ateIv having breakfast Dietfor obese persons Princip丨 ∫ Having fresh fruits every rnorning ratherthan es 2.Good supply of protein,50to75g perday. ps digestion, whiCh should not be neglected. 3.Restriting the taking ofta"oW. 4.Good contro丨 ofthe taking of Carbohydrate, ExpeIthe gas 1.Good control ofsugar and ca丨 ories. no more than150 to 250g perday,take more foods rich Vvith coarse-fibred丨 ike cOrn, buck wheat,etc. 5.Good supp丨 y of vitarVlins and rnineraI materia丨 s from fresh fruits and vegetables。 6,Cuisine∶ preferring steamed foods,stewing and acetarious foods than frying food or saute foods. 7.Regular rnea丨 s and exercises on CFM everyday, get rid of snack, dessert and juice he丨 Avoiding inha丨 ea丨 otofgas by cheWing gums aⅡ the day,which he丨 p prevent your body from oating. As the same, eat rη ore fruits丨 ike grapes instead offrying food orfatty food. b丨 Carbohvdrate Foods "ke pi77a,ItaⅡ an noodles add your weight. Theless food Ⅱke th0m, the better. Keep awav frorvl sak sWeet soft drink. lnappropriate foods Foods contain rich Carbohydrate.For eXampIe, Gandy,cookies,breads,rice,yeⅡ ow wines,etc. Fatty foods丨 ike butter,ta"ow,a丨 rη Various Cookies and snacks are obvious the causes of over-weight” Do pay heed to ingredients ofthe snaCks and cookies before you buythem. ond,Cream, pea-nut,harn,etc. Denv aIcohoI Notes: Much a丨 coho丨 makes you fee丨 thirsty and you wⅡ 丨 have to drink rη ore Water Which bloat your Ca|oHe doesn’ trnean nutHtion are inappropriate, The key for shaping your bodyis about how to ba丨 ance nutrition.For examp丨 e, a good daⅡ y nutrition in c丨 body as told above. udes Calories,vitarnins,inorganiC sa丨 t,protein,nninera丨 stuffs,etC. AppropriateIv taking water lndeed, 8 to 10 glasses of water help your metabo丨 ism and beauufy your skin but bloat your body as we". … 黢 ∷∷ ●thers Maintenance丨 ) <丨 ReguIar maint。 nance not only elongates the life of CFM but also helps safeguard your body. (1)丁 ighten a"the screws ofthe CFM in everytwo months. (2)Keep fire and"quid awayfrom the CFM. (3)MOp the cFM with a soft piece of dry clothes after sue after using. (4)Pu"outthe plug when the CFM Ieftidle. <丨 NO Trouble shooting|> P「 ob丨 ems Chink when runnIng 2 NO disp丨 ay on vvlndows SOlution Tighten the screws and even the four cushions Check upthe power Display on 3 Windows but VOItage might be tooIOw motor won・ t work 4 CFM not vertical Regu丨 ate the four cushions toward the ground under pedestal 蜃 ’ 曩