Download SDC15 Single Loop Controller
W M.T O No. CP–SS–1814E W Y.C 0 T . 0 OM W.1 WW .100Y.C M.TW O W W WW .100Y.C M.TW T . M WW 00Y.CO .TW .CO .TW Y W 0 0 M .1 W.1 Y.COM W WW 00Y.CO .TW W W W .T 00 W.1 Y.COM W W.1 Y.COM W W W W .T W 00 W M.T .100 W.1 Y.COM W M.T O W O W C . .C W WW .100Y .TW M.T .100 .TW 00Y M O 1 W M . O W C . O W W W Y .C W WW .100Y.C M.TW M.T .100 .TW 00Y O 1 W M . O W C W .CO .TW WW .100Y. .TW WW .100Y.C M.TW M 00Y O 1 W M . O W CO WW .100Y.C M.TW WW 00Y.■ W WW .100Y.C M.TW T . Features O W M .1 W .CO .TW .CODigitroniK Ycompact WW .100Y.C M.TW WW 00YThe W SDC15 isWa W 0 0 48 x 48mm digital T . 1 M . WW 00Y.CO .TW W.1 Y.COM featuring .COand .PID WW 00inputs groupW multi-range W Y W W T WW .100controller T .1"Rationaloop W.1 Y.COM W M. using new algorithms OM PID W control system O W W C . W C W W .T W 00 0Y W 0Y. WW .10(Ra-Pid)" and M.T W.1 Y.COM W M.T"Just-FiTTER". WW.10 O O W W C . C control Y W outputs (thisW number of points Y.two .TW WW .1Up M.T .100 .TW 100 mayOvary 00to M . O W M W C . O on the model) can be used, which Y W depending W .Cselect- .TW WW .100Y 0 are Y.C the relay WWpulse,.10and WW able M.T .TW 00from M contact, voltage current. O 1 W M . O W O W .C WW .100Y.C M.TW Y.C of mounting WW are provided, 00Y panelM.TW WW Two .TW methods 1 00kinds . 1 M . O and socket mounting type. WW 00Y.CO .TW W mountingY.type WW 00Y.CO .TW C W W W W W Additionally, M .1 .T 00 .1 CE markOM OMcontroller is compliantWtoWthe WW 00Y.CO .TW W.1 Y.Cthis C . W Y W W W 0 W .T• Up to eight pointsW can 0 W ing. .100 M for the parameter .1 be registered M.T W.1 Y.COM keys, .CO .TW Owith W W Y W C ensuring easy operation. W . • Compact body a depth of 60 mm. 0 W W W Y W .T W M .10 .100 M.Tpanel is also only 2W .100 of theO OM • Use of "mode" W keyWensuresY.easy RUN/ W CO operation, The mask front mm thick. W C . C W . 0 Y W TW and EVW . W 0 0 Y W T . 1 0 0 W• The accuracy T M . . READY, AUTO/MANUAL, and SP selections, 1 0 is ±0.5%FS. M M .1 W. WW 00Y.CO .TW .CO relay W CObe changed W Y W WW latch cancellation. W • The input 0type among the thermocouple 0 Y.can W T . 0 0 W T M .1 Ware M. and linear group. WW.1 .1 RTD group, OM .CO .TW O • Up to three event outputs provided. W W C input group, . Y C W . 0 Y W W W 0 0 Y W T 0 M DEV, and .1 such O .T 00 In .addition to temperatureW events, •W The control can the W.1ON/ Y.COM .C as PV,.T OMbe selected from any of W W.1 method W Y W C W . 0 W W W "Rationaloop 0 burnout, 0 Y control using W PID (RaT events, such as CT.1heater SP, status over-cur. OFF PID 0 0 W control, T M . 1 0 M . O 1 W O and loop diagnosis W W OM W. W Y.C Pid) +W W can also.1be W 00set. Y.Cand self-tuning. WW .100Y.C rent, TW . 0 W Just-FiTTER", T M.T . 0 M O 1 W M . • The controller is compliant to the CE marking O • The heat and cool control can be achieved using two conW .C W .CO .TW WW and.1EN61326). .TW 00Y WW .100Y.C(safety TW .standards WW and.1event EN61010-1 M trol outputs 00Y outputs. M O W M O W .C makes O W Use of personal • 18 kinds of W operations, (SP) value selection, .TWit W 00Y unit) M Y.Csuch as .set WW .100Y• .C TW computerWloader (optional . 1 0 WW T . 0 M O 1 W M . O W C possible to easily perform various settings, such as setup RUN/READY and can O latch cancellation, etc.W W .C Y.C WW .100Y. WWselection, .TW W 0 Y W T . 0 0 W T M . 1 0 switchMinputs. and parameter setting. M . be set using two external O 1 W . O W O W W Y.C to easY.Cof personal WWmakes.1it00possible • 0Use Y.C TWcomputer loader • The process variable 0 (PV) value can.T beWcorrected. WW . 0 0 WW M.T 1 M . O 1 W M . O W C W 3-wireYRS-485 single unit0to • The controllerW uses .C the.Tdata Y.up to eight.TW W logging from .CO communications. WW 0Yachieve WW .10ily 10 W M . .TW 00 M units. 1 W M . O W .CO .TW O W W C . Y W C W . 0 Y W W 0 W .T W .TW 00Y of M .100 W.1 Y.COM W .1Block ■ Basic Function SDC15 OM W O W W C . W C W Y W .T 00 W WW .100Y. .TW M.T .100 W.1 Y.COM W Mselections O W O W W C • 11 kinds of thermocouple • Relay contact . .Cof ranges) .TW W 00 (2) Ykinds WW .100Y• Voltage pulseMoutput .TW (For SSR drive) WW 2 kinds M.T .1outputs 0of0(19RTD Control (MV) selections M O 1 W . • CurrentO output W C . O W Wkinds of(14DCkinds of ranges) W Y .C Y.Coutputs are combined. W voltage/current input WW .100Above .TW WW 6selections Process variable (PV) input M.T .100 .TW 00Y M O 1 W M . O W C • Current value correction W (PV) .CO .TW Control operation WW .100Y. (PV) value .T WW .100Y.C M.TW 0Yfilter WW•• Current Current (PV) ratio 0value OM 1 W M . O • PV upper limit, lower limit, upper/lower limit W C . O W W C Y W upper/lower limit . 0Y.upper limit, lower WW .1•0Deviation TW .limit, WW .100Y.C M.TW• Any of ON/OFF control, .100 M OM • SP upper limit, lower limit, upper/lower limit W O W C . O W W C . Event outputs (3) Y W self-tuning, and PID control C • MV upper W limit . Ylimit, lower limit, upper/lower W Wselected. W of selections 00burnout/Over-current 0Y W• SetW(SP) value,.14 0kinds M .100 M.T .• 1Heater W M.T • isDirect/Reverse O • RUN/READY selection W CO External switch inputs (2) . O W W action C • EV functions, such as loop diagnosis . Y W C W . 0 Y W W • Latch cancellation, etc., 18 W 0 Ykinds W W • Control allocated. M.T .100output can beO W.1 Y.COM M.T• Heat/Cool operation .100 W O W W C . W C W Y W W W Y. W WCurrent .100 M.T .100 transformer W .100inputs (2) OM.T O W W W C W WW .100Y. .TW WW .100Y.C M.TW M O W O W Y.C WW 00Y.C WW • RS-485 (3-wire) • Personal computer Communication input/output W .TW 100 loader OM.T Loader communication . 1 M . W O W WW .100Y.C WW .100Y.C MPower .TW supply W O 85 to 264Vac, W W WW WW .100Y.C M T26.4Vac, O 21.6 to 52.8Vdc W WW .100Y.C M.TW O W WW .100Y.C W 1 WW Single Loop Controller SDC15 < < W M.T O .C W 00Y 1 M.T . O W C ■ Specifications WW .100Y. .TW M O W PV input Input type Thermocouple, RTD, DC current, DC voltage (Selected by model. See Table 1.) WW .100Y.C M.TW .TW Sampling time 0.5s M WW 00Y.CO .TW .CO Process variable (PV) -1999 to +9999 orW -199.9 to +999.9 Y W 0 T . 0 correction W.1 Y.COM W OM W.1 Thermocouple W(under C . W W Input bias current input: 0.2µA or less Y W 00 conditions) 0 input: M.T W M.T .1standard .10RTD Approx. 1mA (flowed from A-terminal) O W O W C . Y or less .TW Y.C input: .TW 0 - 1V range: WW .1001µA WW .1DC 00voltage M .TW M 0 - 5V, 1 - 5V range: 3.5µA orO less W M O W .orCless O W C . Y W 0 10V range: 7µA C W . 0 Y W .TW W 0 0 Y W T . 1 0 0 T M . . 1 0 M . O 1 W Effect of wiring 0.2µV/Ω or less Oinput: WThermocouple .C OM W W. W input: Wresistance WW RTD 00Y 0Y.C M.TW±0.05%FS/Ω orWless Y.C 1 0 0 T M.T . . 1 0 . O 1 DC voltage input: 0 - 1V range: 1µV/Ω or C less W M . O W W Y. less .TW .CO .TW 0 - 5V, 1 - 5V range: WW 3.5µV/Ω WW .100Y.C M.TW 100 ororless M . 00Y 0 10V range: 7µV/Ω 1 W M . O W .CO .TW W C . Y W W 0 Y W WW 00Y.CO .TDisplay W at burnoutW Thermocouple Upscale + alarm display (AL01)10 M (AL01) . .100 inputOM.TRTD M .1 RTD input burnout: Upscale + alarm W .COdisplay O WW W C W . Y W C W . 0 Y W W A-wire burnout: Upscale + alarm display (AL01) .T W 0 0 Y W T . 1 + alarm display 0 M . .T 1 00 M . O 1 W B-wire burnout: Upscale (AL01, M . O W O W WAL03) Y.Cdisplay (AL01, WWUpscale T C-wire burnout: +0 alarm AL03) . 0 WW .100Y.C M TW . 1 WW .100Y.C M.TW M(AL01, AL03) . + alarm display O 2- or 3-wire burnout: Upscale W O W C O W Y. display (AL02) and Downscale0+0alarm W short-circuit: WW .TW WW .100Y.C A.TB-wire 1 + alarm display WW .100Y.C M.TW M . M Aand C-wire short-circuit: Downscale (AL02) O W O W O W W voltage +0alarm (AL02) 0Y.CdisplayM WDownscale .TW WW .100Y.C DCM .TWinput: WW .100Y.C M.TW . However, a1voltage input ranging from 0 to 10V cannot O W O W .C O W W be W detected. W 00Ydisplay (AL02) WW .100Y.CDC current .TW 1 WW .100Y.C M.TW M.T . input: Downscale + alarm M O W O W .Cranging .from O W However, input Y WW a current TW0 to 20mA WW .100Y.C M.TW 100 WW .100Y.C M.TW M . cannot be detected. O W O .C W display) W W WW LED00(PV: COSP indication Indications method 4-digit, W 7-segment Upper green W SP: Lower Y.C Worange W 00Y Y.PV, Tdisplay, . 1 0 WW T M.T . . 1 0 M . and setting O 1 W M . Number of setting points Max. 4 points O W C W W .CO method Y.Cdigit .TW WW .100Y. .TW key operation 0at0each WW .100YSetting M .TW <, , or W 1 M . O W M O W O W Setting 1. W WW .100Y.C M.TW 0Y.C M.TW Y.C range .TW See Table W 0 WW .100Indication 1 . O ±0.5%FS±1 digit W M O Oaccuracy W WW W is ±1%FS±1 In the negative of the thermocouple, accuracy digit (at an0ambient 0Y.C temperature Y.C the.T WW .TWof 0 Warea 1 0 WW .100Y.C M.TW23±2°C). M . 1 M . O W W WW 00Y.CO .TW .CO WW .100Y.C M.TW See Table 1. W WW .1Indication 1 00Y rangeM.TW M . and Thermocouple input:WW1°C O WW 00Y.CO .TW W Indication .CO .TW C . Y W W W 0 Y W setting 1°C, (depending on the type of input) W M .1 .TRTD input: 100.1°C 00 units OM range): 1, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001 W.input voltage input/DC current (programmable WW 00Y.CO .TW W.1 Y.COM DCW C . W W Y W W .Tvalue of setting value (SP)Wlimit 00 to upperM W T limit LowerW .1 Settling limit value of range limit OM M.Lower .100value (SP) O(SP) Wof.1setting C . O W W C W . Y W C limit Upper limit Lower limit value value limit to upper limit value of range W . Y W W .T 0Y method MDigital WW Function M.T .100 .TW4-digit, 7-segment 100 (Common 0display M . O 1 W . LED indication to the PV display, displayed in green) O W W .C .CO EV1,.TEV2, WW .100Y.C M.TW W EV3: Red LED WW .TW lamp indication 00Y WWStatus.indication 1 00Y M . 1 M O Green LED lamp indication (READY), MAN O0T1, 0T2 (control output), RDY WW 00Y.CO .TW W .C(power): WW C W . Y W W W 0 Y W T . W Display selection T variable (PV), Setting value .(SP), M .1 event remaining Process Time 10 Control output 00 M value, Heater current value, M.SP WW 00Y.CO .TW W.1 Y.COtime, No. WW 00Y.CO .TW W W W W WKey lock .100 Selected W.1 Y.COM W M.Tfrom the following threeWmethods: W.1 Y.COM W O W W C • Key lock is activated in all modes. . W W W for operationW .T setting mode/SP/event.W.100 W M.T .Tonly 100 andOparameter 00Y • Operable indications .SP/EV/UF M O 1 M . W C O W .C •C Operable only for operation indications WW .100Y. .TW WW SP/EV/UF. .TW 00Y WW .100Y.The M .TW 1 M . O W Password data is protected by setting the password. M O W O W W Y.C WW W 0Y.C(For SSR Y.C WWVoltage TW Control output Output type Relay contact pulse drive) Current.100 . 0 0 WW T M.T . 1 0 M . O 1 W M . O W C . O W Control method Selected following three methods: .C from the WW .100Y .TW WW .100Y.C M.TW WW .100• Y ON/OFF control M .TW O W M O W "Rationaloop PID (Ra-Pid)" and "Just-FiTTER") O with fixed PID value (PID control using W • Control WW .100Y.C M.TW W Y.C WW .100Y.C M.TW WW .10• 0Self-tuning T . O W W 19Vdc±15% OM W .CO .TW Y.C Output ratingWW Output .rating: Open Output type: WW Wvoltage: C 0 Y W 0 0 Y W 0 outputMNO.Tside) W M.T .1 Internal resistance: 0 to 20mAdc or 4 to 20mAdc 10 82Ω±0.5% 0(Control M . O 1 W . O W C W 250Vac/30Vdc, load) Allowable 24mAdc Allowable load resistance: .C W current:0Max. .CO 3A (resistive WW .100Y. 0YMax. Wcurrent .TW WW .(Control TW M.T Leak at.1 OFF: 100µA Max. 600Ω .side) 00Y output NC M O 1 W M O W C . O W W C 250Vac/30Vdc, load) Output ±0.5%FS W accuracy: 0Y W . Y.C 1A (resistive WW .100Y. .T(However, WW Service 0 to 1mA ±1%FS) .10 .TW 00life: M OM 1 W M . O W C . 50,000 cyclesC orO more on NO side W W C . Y W W Y W Y. more .onTW W WW 100,000 M .100 M.T .100 100cycles orO W M NC side .opening/closing O W Min. specifications: .CO W W C . Y W C W . 0 Y W W W 0 Y W .T W 5V, 100mA .100 W.1 Y.COM .100 5 to 120OM.T OM W W W C Cycle time (s) 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1 to 120 – . W C W Y W W 0Y. (%FS) M0.1.TtoW999.9 WW .100 M.T .100 PID control Proportional W .10band O W O W W C W I = 0) 00Y. W W time 0(s)0Y.C 0 to.T9999 W (PD operationWwhen .TW WIntegral 1 M . 1 M . O W Derivative time (s) 0 to 9999 (PI operation when D = 0) O W .C WW .100Y.C M.TW WW set (%) .toTW Manual -10.0 110.0 (only when I = 0) 00Y 1 M . O W O W WW .100Y.C WW .100Y.C M.TW W O W WW WW .100Y.C M.TW O W WW .100Y.C M.TW O W WW .100Y.C W 2 WW W M.T O .C W 00Y 1 M.T . O W C WW .100Y. .TW M O W Control output Just-FiTTER Overshoot suppression coefficient 0 toW 100 .C W W 00toY999.9 M.TW .Tclearance 1 ON/OFF control Operation (°C) 0 to 9999 or.0.0 M O action or reverse action WW .CO .TW .CDirect Y Control operation selection W 0 Y W 0 0 T . M input (In READY mode: Control output OFF) .1 or externalOcontact .10 Selected RUN/READY front Wpanel OMwith the RDY key on the W Wselection .C C W . Y W W 0 Y W W control selection Heat/Cool M.T M.Tand event output WW.10 .100 ControlOoutput O W C . External Number W .C 0Y W .TW W of inputs.1002Y .TW 10RUN/READY contact M . .TW M Function Up to four kinds of setting value (SP) selections, selection, AUTO/MANUAL section, Auto tuning O W M O W O (digital input) W SP ramp enable/disable, PV Y.C disable/enable, Control action0Direct/Reverse WW .Tselection, W 0 Timer 0Y.Chold,Self-turning Y.C WW .10stop/start, TPVWvalue . 1 0 T M . . 0 value Max. hold, Min. PV value hold, start/stop, All DO latch cancellation M O 1 W OM W W. W .CO contact Y.C WW Non-voltage C W . 0 Y T Input rating or open collectorW . W 0 0 Y W T . M .1 .T 00 .10 OM W time 1s or longer WW 00Y.CO .TW W.1 Y.COM W Min. detection holding C . W W Y W .T 00 Allowable W ON contact .Max. M .1 M.T .100 OM W 1 250Ω WW 00Y.CO .TW C . W Y W WW 00Y.CO .TW resistance WW .T Allowable OFF Min.100kΩ .100 W.1 Y.COM W M .1 OM W O W W C . contact resistance W C W W W .T W Y. W 00Y .100 M.T .11.0V OM W M.T Allowable ON-state WMax. .100 O W C . O W W C W Y Y. W W voltage W .TW WW .100Y.C M.Tresidual M.T .100 100 M . O W O Open terminal voltage 5.5Vdc±1V W C . O W W .C .TW Wterminal voltage 00Y of 250Ω) WW .TWApprox. 5.0mAW(at contact 1resistance 00Y(at short-circuit), WW .100Y.C M.T ON Approx..1 7.5mA M . M O W O W W C the model) to 3 (depending .CO Number WW .100Y.C M.TW W of outputs W0W 0Y.on TW . 0 WW .1Event T . 1 00Y M . of internal Up to W OMNumber WW 00Y.CO .TW W .CO .TW W 5 settings C . Y W W event W settings 0 Y W 0 W M .1 .T 00 OMlimit W.1 YPV.Chigh Event type PV low limit WW 00Y.CO W.1 Y.COM W W W W .TW W 0 ● shows that the ON/ W Direct action T .Reverse 1 0 W T action Direct action OM Reverse action . . 1 00 M . 1 W M . OFF is changed at O W C . O W W C W . Y W C W . 0 Y W this value. W HYS ON.100 .T HYS 10 WW .100Y M.T HYS ON .TW M ONW. HYS ON O M shows that the ON/ O W C O is changed at W W .C Y. WWMain setting Main .Tsetting Main setting WW .TWMainPVsetting 100PV 00Y WW .100Y.C OFF M . .TW M PV .1 O aM point that "1U" is W Oadded to this value. W W W PV Y.C WW 00Y.CO .TW C . 0 W T W . W 0 Y W 1 0 W M . Deviation high .T 0 M .1 high/low limit WPV .CO limit.TW WWaction W.1 Y.COM W .CO Y W W 0 Y W W Direct action Reverse action Direct Reverse action 0 0 W T W .1 M. .10 OM W M.T .100 O W C . O W W C . W W 0Y ON M.THYSW W HYS ON .10 ON .THYS WW .100Y.C M.TW ON HYS W HYS ON.100Y HYS M W O W SP + Main setting + Main setting Main setting Sub-setting .CO .TSPW O W W Main setting Sub-setting .C Y W C W . 0 Y W W W 0 0 Y W PV T PV . 1 0 0 W T M . . PV PV 1 0 M . O W M .1 O W C . O W W C W . W 0Y limitM.T Y W Deviation WDeviation .TW 00limit WW .100Y.C M.TW .10high/low 1low M . W O W CO action O W W W .C action.TW Y.Reverse C Direct actionW Reverse DirectW action . 0 Y W W 0 0 Y W W M.T .1 .T 10 00 M . O 1 W M . O W .C O W .C ON .TW ON HYS WHYSW ON 00Y HYS .TW HYS HYS ON WW .100Y 1 WW .100Y.C M.TWONSP + MainHYS M . M O W setting setting O .C Sub-setting .TW O W Main setting Sub-settingW .CPV WW SP + 0Main0Y 0Ysetting W PV PV W 0Main .TW SP SP 1 WW .100Y.C M.TW . 1 M . OMPV W O W C . O W W C . Y W WSP low limit .TW SPW high limit 00Y .TW 100 WW .100Y.C M.TW M . 1 M . O W WReverse actionO .Caction .TW O Direct action Direct action W WW .1Reverse 00Y WW .100Y.C M.TW WW .100Y.C M.TW OM W HYS Y.CO .C O WW HYS W HYS ON ON Y WON C ON HYS W . 0 W W .TW W 0 0 Y W T 1 0Main setting M. Main setting W M . .TMain setting 1 00 . Main setting O 1 W M . O W .C O W SP W SP WW .100Y SP WW .100SPY.C M.TW WW .100Y.C M.TW M.T O W O W C . O W W .C Y W MV high limit WW W SP high/lowWlimit .TW 100action OM.T 00Y WW .100Y.C Direct . .Taction 1 M . W M Reverse action Direct action Reverse O W O W WW .100Y.C M.TW W WW .100Y.C M.TW WW .100Y.C T . W HYS Y.CO HYS ON HYS ON O HYSM ON W W W .CO HYS.TWON WONW HYS C . 0 Y W W W 0 Y W Main setting Sub-setting Main setting Sub-setting 10setting W Main setting M.T .Main .T 10 00 M . O 1 W M . O W C MV SP O SP W WW .1MV00Y. .T WW .100Y.C M.TW WW .100Y.C M.TW OM W O W C . O MV low limit MV high/low limit W W C Y .C W . 0Y. Direct WW .TW WW .100YDirect .100 .TW action Reverse action .10 action Reverse W action M OM M O W C . O W W C . Y W C Y W W TWON WW .100ONY. HYS M.TW M .100 .100ON HYS OM.HYS HYS HYS ON HYS ON W W CO . O W W C . Y W C W . Main setting 0 Sub-setting Y W W Main setting Sub-setting Main setting Y W .T W M .10 .TW Main setting MV .100 W MV .100 MVM OM MV W .CO O W W C . Y W C W . 0 Y W W W 0 0 Y W T . 0 W 00 W.1 M.T Heater short-circuit W.1 Y.COM Oburnout/Over-current W W.1 YHeater W C W . W W W 0 actionM.T W Reverse action W 100 actionOM.T Reverse action W.10 Direct C .Direct O W . W C W . 0Y ON M.T WWON HYS.100YHYS ON M.TWHYS ON HYSW ON HYS .10HYS O W O W C Main setting Sub-setting Main setting . W Main setting C Sub-setting Main setting . Y W W 0 Y W CT at output OFF 0 W T CT at output ON CT0 at0 output ON . CT at output OFF 1 . 1 M W O W. WW WW .100Y.C M.TW O W WW .100Y.C M.TW O W WW .100Y.C W 3 WW W M.T O .C W 00Y 1 M.T . O W C Event Event type 0Y. diagnosis WW .10Loop .T1 W M ● shows that the ON/ The event is turned ON when any change O W in PV corresponding to increase/decrease in MV (Manipulated OFF is changed at variable) is not W WW .100Y.C M.TW .T observed. this value. M This event is used to detect any fault of W devices. .CO .TW W final control .CO items Y shows that the ON/ ● W 0 Y W Setting 0 0 T . 0 • Main setting: M .1 OFF is changed OM MV (Manipulated variable) W.1at Y WW 00Y.CO .TW C a point W that "1U" is . W • Sub-setting: PV W Wto this value. .T Diagnosis time 00 • ON delayMtime: added W.1 Y.COM W O specifications W.1 ● Operation W C . W 0 Y W .T W W .TW .10reach .100The eventOisM turned ON when the value does the PV set in the sub-setting within the diagnosis OM Wnot M.T W C . O W C . timeY even though the held. WMV exceeding .TisW W 00theYmain setting 0 (ON delayMtime) Y.C WW .●1CAUTION TW . 1 0 0 T M . . 0 O 1 W M . O W C . O W W .C the ON.Tdelay, setup".W W it is necessary .C Ysetting W to put in.1"Multi-function 00Y WW .When M.T .TW The of the ON delay before shipment is 0.0s. 100default setting 00Y M O 1 W M . O W C W .CO .TW action WW .100Y. TW action .Reverse WW .100Y.C Direct .TW M 00Y M O 1 W M . Heat Cool control W control O WW .100Y.C M.TW WW 00Y.CO .TW WW .100Y.C M.TW O W M .1 O W Y.C Area satisfying WW .100PV WW 00Y.CO .TW .TW WW .1PV00Y.C M.TW M conditions 1 HYS O 1 W M . Sub-setting Sub-setting O W .C O W W C Area satisfying W . Y W C W . 0 Y W T W W W M. .10 .TW 100conditions 1 OM.T 00Y . O 1 W M . W C O W HYS WW .100Y. .TW WW .100Y.C M.TW WW .100Y.C M.TW M O W O W O W W Y.C Time .TW WW .100Y.C M.TW Time W 100 WW .100Y.C M.TW M . O W O W C . O W satsifyingTW Y.Csatisfying WW MV.100Y Area WWMV .100Area conditions 2 conditionsM 2 . .TW WW .100Y.C M.TW M O W O W C . O W W C . Y Main setting Main setting W .TW WW .100Y .TW 100 WW .100Y.C M.TW M . M O W O W O W WW .100Y.C M.TW WW .100Y.C M.TW WW .100Y.C M.TW O W O W O W W Time 0Y.C3 M.TW Time Y3 .C WW .10Conditions 0 WW .Conditions T . 0 WW .100Y.C M.TW 1 M O O WW 0ONset0delay W .CO .TW Y.C ON .TW WW ONset delay C . W W time time0Y W Y W 1 0 0 ON W M . .T 0 EV EV W.1 Y.COM Time W Time WW 00Y.CO .TW W.1 Y.COM W W W W 0 W T ON delay is started when conditions 1 and 2 are satisfied. On delay is started when0 conditions 1 and 2 are.saisfied. 1 0 W T M . . 1 0 O W OM W. OM W.1 WW .100Y.C M.TW WW .100Y.C M.TW WW .100Y.C M.TW diagnosis 2 W O WW 00Y.CO .TW W .CO Loop W C W . Y W W W 0 Y W T any (Manipulated 0 change in PV .corresponding to increase/decrease W M .TThe event is turned ON when 00 W.1 in MV W.1 Y.COM W is not observed. .CO .TW W W.1 Y.COM variable) Y W 0 W W Wevent is used W 0 This to detect any1fault .Tdevices. 00 of final control W W.1 Y.COM W M.●TSetting items .100 OM W. O W W C . W C W . W .T W setting: MVW 00 0Y • Main (Manipulated variable) .T WW .100Y M .10the W.1 Y.COM W M.T • Sub-setting: Change in PV from point that the MV exceeds the main setting. O W O W W C . W W • ON delay time: Diagnosis WW time .100Y WW .100Y.C M M.T .100 .TW M.T O W ● Operation specifications O W C . O W W Y does .TW W MV0exceeding Y.C The event main setting is held W (conditions 2)1and .TW WW .100Y.C M M . 00 the PV O .TW is turned ONWwhen the 1 0is addedOthe . W not reach the value that the sub-setting toM (subtracted from) the PV at the point where the W O exceeds the main setting within W W .Ctime (ON .delay Y.C MV .TW W the diagnosis C W . 0 Y time) (conditions 1). W W W 0 0 Y W T W 00 M .10 W.1 Y.COM W M.T O W W W.1 Y.C●OCAUTION C . W When setting the ON delay, it is necessary to put in "Multi-function setup". W Y W W .T W M.T .100 .TWsetting of the W 100shipmentOisM 00 . TheM default ON delay before 0.0s. O 1 W . W C O W W Y. Waction .TW Reverse WW .100Y.C M.TW 100 WW .100Y.C M.TW Direct action M . O W O W Heat O control Cool control W WW .100Y.C M.TW WW .100Y.C M.TW WW .100Y.C M.TW OPV WW 00Y.CO .TW W WW 00Y.CO PV.TW C . W W W Y W W M .1 .T 00 .1 HYS OM W WW 00Y.CO .TW W.1 Y.COM W C . PV to be used W W Sub-setting Y W W Area satisfying W (0 or .more) Area satisfying 1 00 as reference .T W .Sub-setting conditions 1 OM conditions 1 W (0 or more) .10PV0to be usedOM.T W 1 Y.COM W C . W W W HYS Y W C as reference . W W .T WW .100Y M.T .100 .TW 100 M . O W M O W C O W .C W WW Time .100Y. .T WTime .TW 00Y WW .100Y.C M.TW 1 M . OM W O W C . O W W C Y Area satisfying . Y.C WW .100Y. MV M.TAreaWsatisfying conditions 2 W WW .100MV conditions 2 .100 .TW OM W M O W C . O W W C . Y W C W Y W Main setting W Y. W WW Main .setting M .100 M.T .100 100 W M.T O W .CO O W W C . Y W C W . 0 Y W W W 0 Y W .T W .100 W.1 Y.COM M.T .100 OM W O W W C . W C W Y W Time W Time WW .100Y. ConditionsM3 .TW .100 Conditions M.T3 .100 W O W O W ON delay W C ON delay WON .C W W WW .100Y. set time.T WW EV 00Y set time M.TON M 1 EV . O W O Time Time W .C 0Y.isCstarted when WW .1ON0delay TW 1 and 2 are satisfied. .conditions started when conditions 1 and 2 are satisfied. WW ON.delay .TW 00is Y M 1 M O W O W WW .100Y.C WW .100Y.C M.TW W O W WW WW .100Y.C M.TW O W WW .100Y.C M.TW O W WW .100Y.C W 4 WW W M.T O .C W 00Y 1 M.T . O W C . diagnosis Event Event type WW .100YLoop .TW1 M O ● shows that the ON/ W The event is turned ON when in PV to increase/decrease in MV (Manipulated .C corresponding Wany change OFF is changed at variable) T .TW not observed. W 00Y . is W 1 M . this value. M O Wof final control . This fault devices. O event is used to detect any W W shows that the 0 ON/ 0Y.C M.TW Y.C● Setting .items W 0 T 1 0 . 1 Msetting: Change in PV from . OFF is changed at O •O Main the MV reaches the upper limit (100%) or lower limit (0%). Wpoint thatY.the C(PV W W a point that "1U" isY.C WW WRange of absolute 0 • Sub-setting: value of deviation – SP) W 0 0 W T . 1 0 M.Tallowing the event to turn OFF. added to this.1 value. M time: Diagnosis time WW. • ON delay O O W C . W to turn OFF. Y •C OFF delayT the.T event W A period of time W from power WW .100●Y.Operation . time: 100ON allowing M . .TW M specifications O W M O W C is turned O W control. 0The .C direct action • The ON when the increase in PV becomes Wis used for theWheat 0Y.event .TW W Y.C WW .100Y T . 1 0 T M . . 0 smaller than the main setting after the diagnosis time (ON delay time) has elapsed from the time that the MV M O 1 W M . O W C . O W W W than the main setting from the .Creached the had upper limit, or when the decrease0in YPV becomes.Tsmaller W C W . Y W W 0 0 Y W T . .T has.1elapsed fromO theM time that the MV had reached the lower limit. 10 time thatOtheMdiagnosis time (ON delay time)W 00 . 1 M . W C . turned.ON W C action is used for the cool control. The0event when the decrease in PV becomes W .CO .TW Y.reverse WW TW 0 Y(ONisdelay WW .10• 0The 1time M . smaller thanM the.T main setting after the diagnosis time) has elapsed from the time that the 00Y O 1 W M . O the upper limit, or whenWthe increase Y W C becomesTsmaller had in .PV W than the main setting after .Creached W W WW 00Y.CO .TW . MV 00the 0Y WW .10MV 1 the diagnosis M time.T (ON delay time) has elapsed from time that the had reached the lower limit. M . W M .1 W • The event .CtheOabsolute regardless of other when value Wconditions W of the deviation (PV – SP) .CisOturned .OFF Y W 0 Y W T WW 00Y.CO .TW . 0 0 WW .becomes T than the sub-setting. 10 eventless M OM W.1 when W• The is O turned OFF regardless of otherW conditions a period of time .C W.1 Y.COM W C W after starting of operation . Y W W 0 Y W W 0 less thanM 0 time thatM W from the the.T power has been turned ON becomes the.T OFF delay time. 1 0 0 W T . . 1 0 . O 1 O is turned OFF when the absolute WHowever, Y the OM WWvalue0of0Ythe.Cdeviation .isTthe W. W(sub-setting – hysteresis) .Cevent W value of theWdeviation WW value T or0less after the absolute has become the M sub-setting or more. . 1 0 WW .100Y.C M.TW . 1 O OM ● CAUTION W. O WW to0put W Yin.C"Multi-function WOFF delay, it W 0 Ythe.CON delay.T .TWsetup". and is necessary 1 0 WWWhen setting 0 WW .100Y.C M.TW M . 1 M . O W TheW default settings O and OFF delayW before shipment.C are 0.0s. O W Cof the ONTdelay W W 00Y Reverse WW .100Y.Direct . W action 1 WW .100Y.C M.TW M.Taction . M O W O W O W HeatW Cool control 0Y.C WW .TW W control .100Y.C M.TW 10 WW .100Y.C M.TW M . O W O to be used W Main setting (0 or more) O W WW .100Y.C M.TW WW .100Y.C PVM .TW as reference WW .100Y.C M.TW OMain setting (0 or more) PV W PV O W CO Area satisfying Y.C WW 00Y.HYS W Main WW .10Area0satisfying .TW HYS W T setting . WW .100Y.C M.TW M 1 conditions 1 PV to be conditions 2 M . Main setting O (0 or more) W Area satisfying satisfying used as O W W W1 (0 or more) Y.CHYS Area.conditions PVW to be WWconditions020Y.CO .TWHYS C . reference 0 T W W 0 Y W used as 1 0 W M . .T 0 .1 Main setting M (0 or more) reference WW 00Y.CO PV to be.TusedW W.1 Y.COM W as reference WW 00Y.CO .TW W W W 1 W M . .T Time Time 1 00 M . O 1 W M . O W .C O W W C W . Y W C W . 0 Y W T W . W 0 Y W .T W MV MV .100 W.1 Y.COM W M.T .100 OM W O W W C . Upper Upper W C YArea satisfying .TW W satisfying .T W limit 00 Area W limit WW .100Y. conditions 2 2 M .100 conditionsO OM W.1 Y.C M.T W O W W C Area satisfying Area satisfying . W C W . 0 Y W W .TW conditions 2 WLower 0 0 Y W 2 T conditions . 1 0 0 W T M . . Lower 1 0 M . O 1 W O W limit limit OM W. Y.C WW TW Time.TW 0Y.C WW .10Conditions 100 Conditions 3 OM.Time WW .100Y.C M.TW Conditions 3 W. Conditions 3 3 M O W .C ON delayW ON O ON delay ON delay .C W W Ydelay W W set time ON set timeW set 0 ON 100set time ONOM.T 0timeYON M.TW EV WW .100Y.C M.TW EV . 1 . W Time O W W .COTime .TW ON delay is W Y.2Care satisfied. WW 002Y .TW started when conditions are satisfied. 001 and 1 WW .100Y.C M.TW ON delay is startedWwhen conditions.11 and M . M O W O W C O W WW .100Y. .TW WW .100Y.C M.TW WW .100Y.C M.TW M O W PVO alarm (status) O W WW 00Y.C WW .100Y.C M.TW Waction .TW WW .100Y.C M.TW Direct Reverse action 1 M . CO .occurs, OON if PV alarm (alarm code AL01 WW W .CO OFF Y WW C to 99) occurs, ifW PV alarm (alarm code AL01 to 0 99) . Y W W .TW W 0 0 Y W T . 1 0 W M . 1 00 OFFM in.T other cases. ON in other cases. M . O 1 W . O W O W .C (status) WW .100Y.C M.TW READY WW .100Y .TW WW .100Y.C M.TW M Direct action W Reverse action O WW 00Y.CO .TW W .CO .TW W C . Y W W W 0 Y W 0 W M .T mode. 00 ON in the Min the READY mode. WW.1 MREADY O W.1 Y.COFF .CO .TW O W.1 YOFF in the RUN mode. ON in the RUN mode. Y W C W . 0 W W W 0 W .T 00 W (status) W.1 Y.COM W M.T .100 OM W.1MANUAL O W W C . W C W . Y W Reverse action .T WDirect actionW 00 .T WW .100Y .100 OFFOinM W.1 Y.COM M.T mode. W ON in the MANUAL the MANUAL mode. O W W C . W W Y W W W mode. RUN .mode. 0Y.inCthe AUTO WW .10OFF M.T .100 MT .100 ON inO O W M.T W C . O W W C During AT (Auto Y Y. tuning) .TW W . W action WW WW .100Y.C M.TDirect .100 100 M . Reverse action OM W O W C . O W W C . Y W C W W while running. 0Y while ATMis.T Y. AT is running. W WW ON M .100 .TW .10OFF W .100while AT O OFF is M being stopped. ON while O AT is being stopped. W .CO W W C . Y W C W . 0 Y W W 0 Y W During.SP W .TW 100ramp OM.T W.1 Y.COM MDirect .100 W O W W C action Reverse action . W C W Y W W Y. W WW ON during .100 100during SPOramp. M.T .OFF W M.T .100 SP ramp. W O W W C . ramp is .not C is not performed SP .ramp or is completed. performed or isW completed. 0YSP WW ON.1when TW 0(status) WWOFF when .TW 00Y M 1 M . Control operation O W O W WW .100Y.C Reverse .TWaction action WW .100Y.C Direct .TW M M O W W directYaction .C action (cooling). ON during Y direct .CO(cooling). Wduring W 0reverse WWOFF 0 0 WOFF T . during1reverse action (heating). ON during action (heating). 1 0 . M O W. WW C . W W Y W W .T 00 W.1 Y.COM W W W .T 00 W.1 Y.COM W W .100 W 5 WW W M.T O .C W 00Y 1 M.T . O W C W(Smart Tuning) Y. Event Event type standby WST .TW (status) 100 setting M . ● shows that the ON/ O W Direct action Reverse action OFF is changed at W standby. WW .100Y.C OFFM TW .Tsetting ON in theM ST in .the ST setting standby. this value. O W O setting completion. W the STW shows that the ON/ OFF W 0Y.CON in M Y.Cin the ST.T W .T setting completion. 0 0 1 0 . OFF is changed at Timer (status) 1 M . O W O W .Ctimer event. W disabled0for C and reverse a point W "1U" is action settings 0Ythe Ware .TW Wtothat TWevent, .timer 1 0The added this value. M . 1 M . When using the it is necessary to set the operation type of the DI allocation to "Timer Start/Stop". O W O W C . .C when.T setting allocation, W the event channel WW designation .TW multiple timer events are 00Yof the DI M WW .1Additionally, 00Y from .TW M controlled individual internal contacts (DI).W.1 O M O W O .Citems .TW WW .100Y.C M.TW W 0Ydelay Y.C WW .●1Setting 0 0 T . 0 • ON time: A period of time necessary to change the event from OFF to ON after DI has been M 1 O OFF to ON. OM WW 00Y.CO .TW W. .Cfrom WW changed C W . Y W W 0 Y W T . 0 delay time:MA period of time necessary toW M ON to OFF after DI has been .1 the eventOfrom .T change 00 O W.•1OFF .C W W.1 Y.COM W C changed from ON to OFF. . Y W W 0 Y W .TW 0 W ● Operation .T 1 00 specifications M . .T 1 00 M . O 1 W M . O ON when DI ON continues WThe event .C or longer. turned Ytime WWfor ON1delay WW 00Y.CO .TW .TW 00delay 0Y.isisCturned WW •• The TW . 0 event OFF when DI OFF continues for .OFF time M or longer. 1 M . O 1 W M . O W C • In other cases, the current status is continued.W Y. W WW 00Y.CO .TW .TW WW .100Y.C M.TW 100 M . O 1 W M . O W O W ON WW .100Y.C M.TW WW .100Y.C MDI .TW WW .100Y.C M.TW O W O W Y.C WW 00Y.CO .TW ON delay WW C . 0 W OFF delay .TW W 0 Y W 1 W M . .T 1 00 M . O 1 W M . O W O W Y.C ON W WW .TW WW .100Y.C Internal event .T 100 WW .100Y.C M.TW M . M O W O W O W WW .100Y.CTime M.TW WW .100Y.C M.TW WW .100Y.C M.TW O W ● CAUTIONW O W .COand OFF W W it is necessary 0Y.C M Ydelay When setting the ON delay, setup". WWto put in.1"Multi-function .TW 0 0 W T . 0 WW .100Y.C M.TW 1 of the ONOdelay M . The default W settings and OFF delay before shipment are 0.0s. O W O W C channel Y.Cshipment.TisW W setting 0of0the The W default designation of the DI allocation "0". In this Y.event WW 00before .TW 1one WW .100Y.C M.TW M (DI). . 1 M . case, the timer event start/stopO can be set for all internal events W from internalO contact W C O W Wset for one Y. Additionally, set,W the timer event can Wdesignation is W Y.Cevent channel .Tbe WWas one.1or00more .T 100 start/stop WW .100Y.C M.TW M . internal event specified by one internal contact (DI). M O W W .Cin "Multi-function O Wnecessary0to0Y W W setup". .CO However, when event channel of W it is put 0Y WW setting.1the T the DI allocation,W . 1 0 WW .100Y.C M.TW Direct/Reverse M.T . M O action, standby, and READY operations can be set when setting up each event (E1.C1 to W O W C O W .C W WW .100Y. .TW .TW 00Y WW .100Y.C M.TWE5.C2). W M 1 M . O W O differential 0 to 9999 or 0.0 to 999.9 W W Operating .CO WW .100Y.C M.TW WW .100Y.C M.TW WW .1Output ON/OFF operation 00Y operationM.TW O W W O W OutputYtype .CO .TW contact forW2 W Y.C SPST relay contacts,W Common for 3Ycontacts/independent contacts C . 0 W .TW W 0 0 W 1 0 W M . 1 00 rating M.T250Vac/30Vdc, 2A (resistive M . O 1 W Output load) . O W O W WW .100Y.C M.TW WW .100Y.C M.TW WW Life.100Y.C M.100,000 TW cycles or more O 5V, 10mA WW 00Y.CO .TW W Min. opening.C and WW 00Y.CO .TW W W W Y W 0 W closing M .1 .T 0specifications W.1 Y.COM W OMCommunication protocol W WW 00Y.CO .TW W.1 Ysystem C CommunicationW Communication RS-485 . W W W .T 00 W .1 .T OM M .100 Network Multidrop, provided with the slave station W function. OisM W.1 This device C . O W W C W . Y W C W . 0 Y W 0 W1 to 31 units .T WW .100Y TW M.T .10 .flow 10max. M . O W M O W C Data Half-duplex O W .C W WW .100Y. .TW .TW 00Y WW .100Y.C Synchronization M Start/stop synchronization .TW method W 1 M . O W M W O .CO .TW Interface system Balance WW .100Y.C M.TW WW 00Y.CTransmission W 0Ytype WW (differential) 0 W T . 1 M . M Bit serial W Oline WW 00Y.CO .TW W.1 Y.Data .CO .TW W C Y W W W 0 W 3 transmit/receive W .T lines 00 Communication .10lines W.1 Y.COM W OM W OM speed W W.1 YTransmission C . 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400 bps W C W . Y W W W W .T 00 W M.T .100 .Tdistance 00 Communication M O 500m max. W.1 1 W M . O C . O W .C W WW .100Y .TW (3-wire type) 00Y Y.C .TW WW .100Protocol M .TW RS-485W 1 M . O W M O W Message characters bits/character W Character COconfiguration WW .100Y.C M.TW W 11 WW .100Y.C M.TW 0Y.length WW .10Data T . 7 or 8 bits W OM WW 00Y.CO .TW W Stop Y .CO .TW Y W W bit.C length 1 or 2 bits WW W 0 0 W M .1 .T 00 OM W.1or non-parity parity, WW 00Y.CO .T W.1Parity bitY.COM WEven parity, oddW C . W Y W W W .T 00 W line 3-wire Loader Communication W.1 Y.COM M.T .100 W.1 Y.COM W Obps W communication Transmission speed WFixed at 19200 W C . W W . Y W W .100 .TW M.T .100 OM W .100 cable,O2 M Recommended cable W Dedicated m long O W C . W C . Y W C W Y W W2 Y. W Current Number of inputsW M .100 .TW M.T .100 100 W M . O W transformer .CO O W W C . Detection function W Control output .isCON.: Detection of heater line break or overcurrent Y W W 0 Y W 0 Wdevices short-circuit input W Control.1output .TW of final control Detection 00Yis OFF.: M M.T .100 W.1 Y.COM O W O W W C . W C Input object Number of current windings: 800 turns W Y W W Y. transformer W WW .100 M.T .100 QN206A .(5.8mm-hole diameter) 100 W M.T Optional O W O W W C Optional W W (12mm-hole WW .100Y. .TW 0Y.Cdiameter) WQN212A .TW M M Measurement current 0.4 to 50A.10 O W O W range WW .100Y.C M.TW WW .100Y.C M.TW O W Indication range 0.0 to 70.0A O W WW .100Y.C WW digit.100Y.C M.TW Indication accuracy ±5%FS±1 W O W WW WW .100Y.C M.TW O W WW .100Y.C M.TW O W WW .100Y.C W 6 WW W M.T O .C W 00Y 1 M.T . O W Current Indication resolution 0.1A C Y. WW .100output .TW transformer Output Selected from control output 1 and control 2, orM event output 1, event output 2, and event output 3. O W input C or more W Min. detection time Burnout detection: output ON0time 0Y.300ms WW .TW Min. control 1 M.T OFF time 300ms or more . FinalM control device short-circuit detection: Min. control output O W O C C WW .100Y. General Memory backup 0Y. Semiconductor .TW .TWnon-volatile memory 0 M 1 M . O specifications Power supply W O W voltage AC model: 85 to 264Vac, W 50/60Hz±2Hz. W .Cpower supply Y.C WW .100YDC .TWmodel: 21.6 toW26.4VacW50/60Hz±2Hz, 100 Mto.T . power supply 21.6 52.8Vdc M O O W C . W Y W Power AC.C power supply model: 12VA orW less. Y .TW Wconsumption .TW 105W0 or lessO 00DC M . .TW 1 M . W M power supply model: 72VA or less (24Vac), (24 tp 48Vdc) O W W W W terminal andWsecondary .CO .TW 0Y.C500Vdc, Y.C power .supply .TWor more 0 0 Y W T Insulation resistance Between terminal, 10MΩ 1 0 0 M . 1 0 M . O 1 W .C OM W. W .COsupply .model: power supply terminal terminal, 1500Vac for 1 min. WW AC WW W DielectricWstrength 00Yand secondary 0Y Y.C TW Between power 1 0 0 T M.T terminal, 500Vac for 1 min. . . 1 0 M . O 1 DC power supply model: Between power supply terminal andCsecondary W M . O W W W Y. .CO .TW Power ON inrush Wpower TW 0Y.CsupplyMmodel: current AC0power supply or .less. WW .TW20A or less. DC 100model: 20A M . 1 00Y . O 1 W M . WAmbientYtemperature .Cmounting).TW W for side-by-side .CO .TW0 to 50°C (0 toW40°C WW 00Y.CO .TW Operating conditions 00Y 0 humidity WW Ambient 1 0 M . 1 10 to 90%RH (No condensation allowed) M . M .1 W .COof X, Y,.Tand WW 00inYeach WZ directions) .CO .TW Y W WW 00Y.CO .TW resistance 0 to 2m/s (10 to 60Hz for 2 hrs. 0 WW Vibration 1 0 M . 1 M . O 1 W M . O W resistance Shock 0 to 10m/s O W W Y.C WW .100Y.C M.TW WWMounting .TReference 00angle WW .100Y.C M.TW plane ±10° 1 M . W O WW 00Y.CO .TW W .CO -20 W C Transportation Ambient temperature to +70°C W . Y W W W 0 Y W T . 1 0 W M .T 00 W.allowed) Ambient 95%RH (No condensation W.1humidityY.COM10 to W .CO .TW W W.1 Y.COM conditions Y W 0 W W WPackage .drop .T height, 60cm, (1 corner, W Drop 3 sides, W M fall) .10 6 planes,Ofree .TW 100test OM MMask .100 W C . O W W C W . and case Mask: Polyester film, Case: Modified PPE Y W C W . Y W W .T WW .100Y M.T .100 .TW material 100 M . O W M O W O W and Light Wgray (DIC650)WW .100Y.C M.TW Wcase color Mask: 0Y.C Case: WWDark gray .T 0(DIC546), WW .100Y.C Mask T . 1 M . M IP66 W OStructure WW 00Y.CO .TW W .CO .TW W C . Y W W W 0 Y W Conformed EN61326 W M .1 .T standards EN61010-1, W 00 .10 OM OM category CategoryW WW 00Y.CO .TW W.1 Y.CInstallation C . II (IEC644-1, Y EN61010-1) W W W W 0 W .T 1 W M .T 00 Mounting .10 (mounting S type: SocketW mounting OMwith dedicated socket) WW. .CO .TW OM W.1 Y.C C . Y W W T type: Panel mounting (with dedicated mounting bracket) 0 Y W W W 0 W .T W .100 W.1 Y.COM W M.T .100 Weight OM S type: Approx. W 200g (including socket) O W W C . W C W bracket)W .T W 150g.1(including 00Y dedicated WW .100Y. .100 .TW T type: Approx. M.Tmounting OM W M O W C . O Standard Part name Model Q'ty Auxiliary parts Part name Model W W C W Y W W 0Y1. (optional Y.C bracket WW .TW parts) Mounting bracket accessories 00Mounting W M.T .100 .TW 81446403-001 .10 81446403-001 M O 1 W M . O W C . O W W Y CP-UM-5287E .TW WW .1001Y.C M.TW Gasket W 100 81446918-001 0Y.CmanualM.TW WW .10User's M . O W O W Current transformer QN206A.C (6mm-hole diameter) W (Installation) W .CO .TW 81446918-001 WW QN212A .Tdiameter) 00Y (12mm-hole WW .1010Y.C M.TW 1 WW .1Gasket M . 00Y O W WC15T. Y.CO OM W W Y.C Wwith Supplied W only WW .10081446391-001 0 .TWSocket 0 WW .100Y.C M.TW*1 M.T 1 M . O W *2 Connected to C15T. Hard cover 81446442-001 O W O W W cover 0Y.C M.TW WW .1081446443-001 WW .100Y.C M.TSoft *3 Standard accessory WW .100Y.C M.TW O W O W W Terminal cover 81446898-001 W Y.C WW 00Y.CO .T C W . 0 W W W 0 Y W M.T .1 .T 1 00 and Ranges M . Table 1WInput Types O 1 W M . O W C O Y.Ctype C01 WWRange.1(°0C)0Y. RangeM(°.F)TW WW 00Y.C W(°W .TW 00Input Input typeWC01 No. 1Sensor type Range (°C) Range F) No. Sensor type .TW 1 M . W M . COto +900TW .CO .41 Y.-300 WW 00Y Thermo1W KY.CO-200 to +1200 -300 to +2200 RTD Pt100 WW -200 to +500 W 0 W W 0 W T 1 0 W T M. . . .1 O+900 W+500 couple 2 0M to 1200 0 to 2200 JPt100 -200 to -300 to .10 K OM 42 W C . O W W C W . Y W C to 800 +200 +400 W3W .10K0Y. 0 M M.T .100 -300 to O .TW 0 to 1500W W.100Y OM43.TW Pt100 W-200 to W 4 44 -200W to +400 W Y.C W to +200.100-300 WW K00Y.CO0 to 600.TW 0 to 1100 WW 0Y.C M TW JPt100 . 0 W M.T 1 5 K 0 to 400 0 to 700 45 Pt100 -100 to +300 -150 to +500 . O 1 W M . O W C . O W K Y.-200 .C 46 .TWJPt100 -100 WtoW+300 .1-150 6 W +400 W-300 to +700 WW 00Yto +500 M.TW 00Y 0 C to M W T . 1 0 M . 1 W . O W 9 J 0 to 800 0 to 1500 Pt100 -50.0 to +200.0 -50 to +400 .CO .TW W W 0toY+400 Y.C 51 W WWJ 00Y.0CtoO600 .TW0 to 1100 WW 0 0 T . 1 0 10 W 52 JPt100 -50.0 to +200.0 -50 . OM W M -300 to +700 .1 -200 toO+400 W.1 Y.C53OM Pt100 C . W W W Y 11 J -50.0 to +100.0 -50 to +200 W C W . W W WW E .100Y0 to 600 M.TW .10to0+200 OM.T 100 54 OM.TJPt100 -50.0 to +100.0 W-50 . 13 0 to 1100 W C O W C 0Y. WW 0.1to0400 .T 14 WW .100Y.63 TW 0.0 to 200.0 .Pt100 0Yto.C+400 M.-300 WWT .10-200 TWto +700 M OM W O W C . O 15 R W 0 to 1600 0 to 3000 64 JPt100 0.0 to 200.0 0 to 400 W C .C . 00Y WW .100Y67. .TW 0 to 500W W WW 16 S 3000 Pt100 0 to.1900 00 0toY1600 M0.TtoW M OM 1 . O W C . O W W C . Y W C W 0 to 500 W 0 to 900 17 0 to 3300 68 JPt100 Y Y. W WNBW .0010toto01800 M .100 .TW M.T .100 W M 18 1300 0 to 2300 O W .CO O W W C . Y W C Input type C01 No. Sensor type Range W . 0 Y W W W 0 Y W .T 20 Wre5-26 0 to01400 0 to .2400 W 100 W.1 Y.COM MT .1 0 Linear inputW. 84 0O toM 1V W C 21 Wre5-26 WW 0 to 2300 .CO0 to 4200 . W W Y W W 0Y -300M W -200 .to10+400 TW .100 a range M.TThe scaling is made inW .18600 1 toO5V 24 DIN U ot .+700 W W O W C 87 0 to 5V W to +9999. W .C 25 DIN L WW -100 to +800 +1500 WW 88.100Y.0 to 10VM.ofThe T-1999 .TW 00Y -150 toM decimal point position can 1 . O W O W 89 000Yto.C20mA be.Tchanged C W variably. . Handling Precautions WWW W Y W 0 .T 1 0±5%FS M . 1 M . • The accuracy of the B-thermocouple is at a temO W 90 4 to 20mA O WW at a00temperature Y.C WW .100Y.C perature of 260°C or less and of.TW W±1%FS 1 M . W 260 to 800°C. O WW 00Y.toCthe W WW T • The range having the decimalW point is displayed 1st . M .1 digit after the decimal point. WW 00Y.CO .TW W • The setup is made using C01 No. according to the sensor W.1 Y.COM type and range to be used. W W .100 W 7 WW 2 2 *1 *2 *3 *1 W M.T O .C W 00Y 1 M.T . O W C ■ Model Selection Guide W WW .100Y. M.T O W I II III IV V VI VII Example: C15TR0TA0000 WW .100Y.C M.TW .TW M I II III IV WW 00Y.CO .TW .CV O .VITW VII Y W 0 Basic Mounting Control PV Power M Option Additional M .1 .10 supply O processing model outputWW input WW 00Y.CO Specifications C W . W Y W W No. M.T .1 M.T .100 O W O W C . WController00Y C15 SingleW Loop .TW WW .100Y.C M.TW 1 M . .TW T Panel mounting type O W M O W O WW type.100Y.C M.TW Y.C (Note 1).TWS WW .100Y.C M.TW Socket mounting 0 0 1 Control OM WWoutput001Y.CO .TW Control output 2 W. WW 00Y.CO .TW C . W W Y W M .1 .T (Note 2) R0 RelayW output None 00 W.1 Y.COM W CO .drive) W W.1 Y.COM W V0 W Y W 0 W Voltage pulse output (For SSR None T . 0 .1 .T 3) VC W W.100 M.T Voltage pulse output OM W M(Note .100 O (For SSR drive) Current output C . O W W C W .C (Note W 00Y WW .100Y. .TWVoltage pulseWoutput (For drive) Voltage M.T pulse output (For SSR drive) .1SSR .T3)W VV 00Y M O 1 W M . O W C Y. Current output WW WW 00Y.CO .TW C0 .TW None WW .100Y.C M.TW 100 M . O 1 W (Note 3) M . CC Current output Current output O W W W Y.B,CN, Wre5-26, WW 00Y.CO .TThermocouple W 0 W(K, T . 0 T W input J, E, T, R, S, 1 WW .100Y.C M.TW .1 OM DIN U, DIN L) W. OM RTD input (Pt100/JPt100) W C . O W W C R . Y W C W .TW W .TW 100 00Y WW .100Y. M . .TW 1 M . DC voltage/current input O W M O W L O W Y.C 0 to 20mAdc, (0 to 1Vdc, 1 to 5Vdc,W 0W to 5Vdc, 0 to .TW 4 to 20mAdc) 0010Vdc, WW .100Y.C M .TW 1 WW .100Y.C M.TW M . O W A Model (100 to 240Vac) W O W WW 00Y.CO AC W(24Vac/24 toW 0Y.C M.TW 0 W T . D DC Model 48Vdc) 1 WW .100Y.C M.TW . 1 M O W O W. O W Y.C None .TW WW .100Y.C M.TW 0 WW 00 0 WW .100Y.C M.TW M relay outputs: 3 01 .1 Event O WW 00Y.CO .TW W WW 00Y.CO C W . W W W Event relay outputs: 3 Y W T . 1 W M .T 1 00 02W. Current OM transformer inputs: 2 WW. .CO .TW W.1 Y.COM W (Note 3, 4) W C . Y W 0 Y W W Digital inputs: 2 0 0 W 0 W M .1 .T 00 M.Toutputs: 3 Orelay W.1 YEvent WW 00Y.CO .TW W.1 Y.COM W C . W W W W (Note 3, 4) W03 transformer W M.T inpust: 2 .100 Current W.1 Y.COM W M.T .100 Ocommunications W RS-485 O W W C . W C Wcontact) .100 .T W 0Y W .TW 2 (independent WW .100Y. Moutputs: OM W M.T (Note 5) 04 WW.10 Event.Crelay O C . O W W W Y Event outputs: 2 (independentW contact) W 3, 4, 5) 05W 0Y relay .TW WW .100Y.C M.T(Note M.T .100 10Current transformer inputs: 2 M . O W O W C . O W .C inputs: 2 WW .100Y .TW WW .1Digital .T2W(independent contact) 00Yrelay WW .100Y.C M.TW M M O W Event outputs: O W O (Note 3, 4, 5) 06 W .C WW .100Y.C M.TW WW .Current TW 2 .inputs: 00Ytransformer WW .100Y.C M .TW 1 M RS-485 communications W O WW 00Y.CO .TW W .CO W C W . Y W W W 0 Y 00 No additional processing W T . W M .1 .T 00 M .10 O WW 00Y.CO .TW D0WW With inspection certificate W.1 Y.COM W C . W Y W W W .T 00 certificateMavailable W Y0 Traceability W.1 Y.COM W M.T .100 O W.1 Y O W W C . W C W . W Wseparately W .T Note 1. Socket Wsold M.T .100 .TW 100 00Y M . O 1 W M . O W C Note 2. Only 1a contact .CforOC15S WW .100Y. WWis applicable .TW WW .100Y.C M.TW M 00theYC15S M.TW Note 3. Can notW be selected.1 for O W O W O W separately WW .100Y.C M.TW Note 4. Current transformer W Y.C WW .100Y.C M.TW 0 WW sold T . 0 .1 DC Model OM Note 5. Can not be selected WW 00Y.CO .TW Wfor WW 00Y.CO .TW C . W W W Y W W M .1 .T 00 W.1 Y.COM W WW 00Y.CO .TW W.1 Y.COM W W W W W .T W .100 W.1 Y.COM W M.T .100 OM W O W W C . W C W Y W .T W 00 W WW .100Y. M.T .100 W.1 Y.COM W M.T O W O W W C . W WW .100Y .TW WW .100Y.C M.TW M.T .100 M O W O W C . O W W W Y W WW .100Y.C M.TW WW .100Y.C M.TW M.T .100 O W O W C O W WW .100Y. .T WW .100Y.C M.TW WW .100Y.C M.TW OM W O W C . O W W C Y W . WW .100Y. .TW WW .100Y.C M.TW .100 M OM W O W C . O W W C . Y W C W Y W W W WW .100Y. M .100 M.T .100 W M.T O W .CO O W W C . Y W C W . 0 Y W W W 0 Y W .T W .100 W.1 Y.COM M.T .100 OM W O W W C . W C W Y W W W WW .100Y. .100 M.T .100 W M.T O W O W W C W WW .100Y. .TW WW .100Y.C M.TW M O W O W WW .100Y.C M.TW WW .100Y.C M.TW O W O W WW .100Y.C WW .100Y.C M.TW W O W WW WW .100Y.C M.TW O W WW .100Y.C M.TW O W WW .100Y.C W 8 WW W M.T O .C W 00Y 1 M.T . O W C ■ Dimensions W WW .100Y. M.T O W ● C15T (Panel mounting type) (Unit: mm) WW .100Y.C M.TW .TW M O W O C W .C Y. W .TW .T2 W 100 00Y 60 M . 1 M . O W O W .C W (Accessory) 00Y WW WW 48 .100Y.C M.TW Mounting bracket 1 M.T . O W O W C . Terminal screw M3 WW .100Y .TW W WW .100Y.C M.TW T M . O W M WWSDC1500Y.CO .TW .CO .TW WW .100Y.C M.TW Y W 0 0 M .1 WW 00Y.CO .TW W.1 Y.COM W WW 00Y.CO .TW W W M .1 .T 00 W.1 Y.COM W WW 00Y.CO .TW W.1 Y.COM W W W W .T 00 M .1 M.T .100 W.1 Y.COM W WW 00Y.CO .TW W W WW 00Y.CO .TW W .T .100 W.1 Y.COM W M .1 OM W O W W C . W C W Y W W .T W Y. W .100 M.T .100 OM W M.T .100 O W C . O W W C W Y W WW .100Y. .TW WW .100Y.C M.TW M.T .100 M O W O W C Handling Precautions O W .C WW .100Y. .TW W WW .100Ymounting .TW When the mounting WW .100Y.C M.T M Tighten the screws of the attached bracket. bracket is secured firmly so that no play M O W O W by Y O W If the screws W .C Y.C tighten the screws panel. .TWexcessively, WW further 100 areOtightened 00half-turn toMfix.TtheWbracket to theW WW .100Y.C Mexists, M . .TW 1 . this may cause the case to deform. W O W O W WW .100Y.C M.TW WW .100Y.C M.TW WW .100Y.C M.TW O W W WW 00Y.CO .TW .CO .TW WW .100Y.C M.TW Y W 0 WW ●.1C15S 1 0 M O(Optional unit) (Socket W OM mounting type) WW. W81446391-001 W W .CO .TW ● Socket Y.C C . 0 Y W W W 0 0 Y W 0 W M.T .1 .T 00 M 74.2 .1 O 1 W M . O W C O W .C 31 .TW WW .100Y.51 M.TW 61.2 WW 00Y WW .100Y.C 48 M.TW 1 M . O W 26.5 Terminal screw M3.5W O W W Y.C WW 00Y.CO C W . 0 W W W 0 Y W T . 1 0 W M.T . .T 1 0 M . O 1 W M . O W C O W WW .100Y. .TW WW .100Y.C M.TW WW .100Y.C M.TW M O W O W SDC15 O W WW .100Y.C M.TW WW .100Y.C M.TW WW .100Y.C M.TW M4 mounting hole O WW 00Y.CO .TW W WW 00Y.CO .T2- W C . W W W Y W W M .1 .T 00 W.1 Y.COM W WW 00Y.CO .TW W.1 Y.COM W W W W W .T 00 W 40 W.1 Y.COM W M.T .100 W.1 Y.COM W O W W W C . W .T W 00 W WW .100Y M.T .100 W.1 Y.COM W M.T O W O W W C . W W WW .100Y WW .100Y.C M.TW M.T .100 M.T O W O W C . O W W W Y W WW .100Y.C M.TW WW .100Y.C M.TW M.T .100 O W Socket Stopper O W C O W WW .100Y. .TW WW .100Y.C M.TW WW .100Y.C M.TW M O W O O W upper WW Put the stopper of this 0Y.C WW .100Y.C M.TW W in the mainWbody Y.Cand lower.Tholes TW . 0 0 WW in the 1 0 M . M controller and secure Ofirmly. WW 00Y.CO .TW W.1the socket WW 00Y.CO .TW C . W W W Y W W W.1 Y.COM W M.T .100 W.1 Y.COM W O W W W C . W W ● Panel cutout W .T W diagram M.T .100 .TW 100 00Y M . O 1 W M . O W C . O W .C WW .100Y .TW 0Y.C M.TW WW .10mounting Individual Side-by-side WW .mounting M .TW 00Y O 1 W M O W O W WW .100Y.C M.TW W Y.C WW .100Y.C M.TW 0 W30W T . 0 1 min. W WW 00Y.CO .TW W.45 Y.COM W .CO .TW (48xN -3) W Y W W 0 W 0 W M .1 .T 00 W.1 Y.COM W WW 00Y.CO .T W.1 Y.COM W W W W W .T 00 W M .1 .T 00 W.1 Y.COM W WW 00Y.CO . W.1 Y.COM W W W W W .T W .100 W.1 Y.COM M.T .100 OM W O W W C . W C W Y W W W WW .100Y. M .100 M.T .100 W M.T O W .CO O W W C . Y W C W . 0 Y W W units.) W 0 Y W("N" shows the.1number .T 00 of mountedM W W.1 Y.COM M.T .100 O W O W W C . W C W Y W W W WW .100Y. .100 M.T .100 W M.T Handling Precautions O W O W W C . W WW .1more .TinW 00Yunits tightly WW .100Y.C M.TW • When mounting three or the horizontal direction, pay M O W O W special attention so that the ambient W does not exceed 40°C. Y.C temperature WW .Talways WW .100Y.C M.T•WWhen 100 is required, M . the water-proofW structure the unit indiO O W C this controllermount W supplied Y.with vidually after the has been mounted 0 Wgasket 0 WW .100Y.C M.TW on the main body. W.1 O W W C . W W Y W • Keep a space of 50 mm or more in the vertical direction. W M.T .100 O W WW .100Y.C M.TW O W WW .100Y.C W 9 WW 48 sp 59 44.8 pv mode rdy man ev1 ev2 ev3 ot1 ot2 para 8 7 6 4 pv 71 sp mode rdy man ev1 ev2 ev3 ot1 ot2 para 9 3 11 1 2 3.4 10 +0.5 0 +0.5 0 45 45 +0.5 0 +0.5 0 50 min. 48 5 W M.T O .C W 00Y 1 M.T . O W C ■ Part Names and Functions W WW .100Y. M.T O W W 0Y.C WW 0No. .TW (1) Display 1: Shows 1 M.Tthe PV value (current temperature, . M O W O C W items. .C or.T setting WW .100Y. etc.) M .TW 00Y 1 (1) M . O W (2) Display No. 2: Shows the SP value (set temperature, etc.) O W C W WW .100Y.or T . WW .100Y.C M.TW the set value of each setting item. M O W O W C . W C W . Y W (3) Mode indicators (2) W Y W .T W W (4) 100 LightsOinMREADY M.T .100 M.T rdyW : W. O W C . O C (3) W mode (control stop). . Y W W .C 0 Y W T . W 0 0 Y W T . 1 0 0 man: Lights in MANUAL mode (manual operaT M . . 0 O W W.1 Y.COM W C . W W.1 Y.COM W W Y W tion mode). W .T 00 W .T 00 .T 00 OMevent relay output is ON. W.1 Lights ev1 toW ev3: when W.1 Y.COM W C . W.1 Y.COM W Y W .TW output is ON. 00 whenM W .T 00 (6) ot1 W to ot2:W.1 Lights control .T (5) 1 00 M . O 1 M . O W .C W When W pressed for 1s or key: WW 00Y.CO .TW 00Ythis key WW .100Y.C M.TW(4) [mode]W 1 M.isT kept . O 1 W M . O longer, the operation which has been set preW C . WW viously WW 00Y.CO .TW .TW 00Ycan be M WW .100Y.C M.TW 1 . performed. W O W .CO .T OM W.1 W WW The.1default 00Y setting WW .100Y.C M.TW WW .100Y.C M.TW M before shipment is the O W O W RUN/READY selection. C O W Y. WWChanges .TW WW .100Y.C M(5) .TW 100the display. WW .100Y.C M.TW M . [para] key: O W O W O W Y.C W , key:WW (6).T<, Increases the numeric value, or .TW WW .100Y.C M 10or0 decreases WW .100Y.C M.TW M . O W O W C shifts the digit. . O W W WW .100Y WW .100Y.C (7) TW connector: .Loader WW .100Y.C M.TW M.T M O W O W O W 0Y.C computer WW .1a 0personal Connects .TW using the WW .100Y.C M.TW WW .100Y.C M.TW M O W O W dedicated supplied with the Smart .C O W WW cable .TW 00Y WW .100Y.C M.TW 1 WW .100Y.C M.TW M . Loader Package. O W O W (7) O W WW .100Y.C M.TW WW .100Y.C M.TW WW .100Y.C M.TW O WW 00Y.CO .TW W WW 00Y.CO .TW C . W W W ■ Terminal Connection Diagram Y W 0 W .1 W.1 Y.COM W M.T .10 OM W O W W C . W C W . Y • Wiring W .T W • Wiring W WW of.1C15T .100 00Y M.T of C15S .100 OM W M.T O W C . O W W C W Y W WW .100Y. .TW WW .100Y.C M.TW M.T .100 M O W O W C . .C 5 W 1 W .CO .TW CT1 13 WW WW .100Y6 3 M.TW .T 00Y WW 1 00Y M . 2 14 1 7 CO W M . O .1 O W CT2 WW 00Y.C 4 TW WW .100Y 8 .TW . W3W .100Y.C M.TW 15 W M 2 1 M . O W 9 O 5 W O W 1 W + WW .1006 Y.C M.TW W Y.C WW .100Y.C M TW . 0 W T . 0 2 ‐ W 7 1Y.2CO OM 7 W.1 6 WW WW 00Y.CO 4 +.TW 5 .TW 00 7 W 1 1 WW .100Y.C M.TW M . 1 8 M . 8 O W O5 W 4 2 .C O 8 1 + W W 9 00Y 9W WW 1‐ W Y.C WW .100Y.C M.TW 3 1 0 T 3 2 W M.T . . 0 O 1 W 9 10 2+ M . + O W C O W 3 WW .100Y. .TW WW .100Y.C4 M.TW 2 WW 1.10013Y.C7 M7.TW 10 M O W 1 O W 1 + O 8 1 11 W 1 WW .100Y.C M.TW W Y.8C WW .100Y.C M.TW 2 ‐ WW 2 0 14 T . 9 0 2+ M 2 .1 3 WW 10 00Y.CO .TW W WW 00Y.C+O3 .TW 3 15 9 .CO 10 W W W Y W W .T 100 10 W11.1 Y.COM W 1 + 4 W.16 W.1 Y.+C21OM W OM W W C ‐ . W W 2 W 6 5 W 5 17.10011Y M.T .100 .TW 100 C OM8.T7 . O W M 11 W C . O W18 12 Y.C 3 Y 4 WW 10 6 .TW WW .100BY.C .TW 100 WW TW M . 2 00 M 12 . O 1 1 + W M . O W A O W 1‐ WW11 .100Y.C M.TW 2 WW .100Y1.C M.TW WW .100Y.C 11M.TW 2+ 3 O WW 00Y.CO .TW W WW - 0032Y.CO9 .TW 3 C . W W W Y W W M .1 .T 12 00 M W.1+ 1 Y.C10O11 1 2 WW 00Y.CO .T W.1 Y.COM W W W 4 W W W .T 00 W ‐ 5 W.1 Y.COM M.T .100 W.1 Y.COM W O W W W + C . W W 6 . W .T 0Y W .100 .TW 100 of RS-485 0DI/COM M . OM 1 W M . ● Connection communications O W 2 C C . O W W C . Y W 4 16 C W Y W W W is a.3-wire B WW .11 00Y17. RS-485 M .100 100 connection. M.T 5 W M.T O W CO . O A W W C . Y W 6 18Y.C W 0 Y W W 16 17 W 0 W .18T W .100 W.1 Y.COM M.T .10016 + OM W O W W C DA 4 . W C W Y W W ‐ WW DB .10170Y. .100 .TW 5 M.T .100 W M O W + 6 O W W C 18 SG W WW .100Y. .TW WW .100Y.C M.TW M O W O W WW .100Y.C M.TW WW .100Y.C M.TW O 5-wire instrument Example: W Connection with O W WW .100Y.C WW .100Y.C M.TW W O Handling Precautions W WWany external terminating resistor since a deWW .100Y.C M.TW Do not connect O W similar to the terminating resistor is built-into this controlWW .100Y.C M.TWvice ler. O W WW .100Y.C W 10 WW pv sp mode rdy man ev1 ev2 ev3 ot1 ot2 Control output < < para Control output CT input Event output Relay Relay Relay Event output Voltage pulse Voltage pulse Relay independent contact Relay Voltage pulse Current Current Voltage pulse Relay independent Current Voltage Power supply Current Power supply PV input contact Voltage pulse mA 100 to 240Vac V 24Vac / 100 to 240Vac 24 to 48Vdc RTD Current (non-polarity) Current 24Vac / 24 to 48Vdc PV input (non-polarity) Thermocouple Socket terminal No. Thermocouple RTD Digital input DA Current Voltage mA V RS-485 communications DB RS-485 SG W M.T O .C W 00Y 1 M.T environment noise sources and . O W 3. Installation C ● Precautions on the use of self-tuning functionW . W W 00Y M.Tmeasures The final control devices must be powered up simul- W.1 preventive O W 0Y.C M WW .10Generally, the.Tfollowing may be the noise sources in the taneously with or prior to the instrument .TWwhen the selfM O W O C . environment: tuning function is to be used. .C WW .1installation .TWelectromagnetic coil, solenoid valve, 00Y and contact, .TW 00Y M Relay 1 M . O W O .C line.T(particularly, W WW 00Y.C 100Vac or more), motor WW .power 00Ysupply M .TW 1 ● PrecautionsW on wiring 1 M . O W commutator, phase angle control SCR, radio communicaO W C . W W 0Y welding Y.C WW tion Tmachine, . W 0 0 WWinstrument T . device, high-voltage ignitor, etc. 1. .T Isolation within 1 0 M . 1 . W OM .CO .TW OM Solid line portions " WW W C . " are isolated. Y C W . 0 Y W 0 W .T .TW 100 00Y Preventive OM against fast rise noise W.1 measures OM C . W W.1 Y.COMDottedWline portions " W"Ware. not 0isolated. C . Y W 0 filter is M Y W Use of effective .TW to prevent fast rise noise. W .T 1 .10CR .T 10 Control 00 Power supply output M . O 1 W M . O W C . filter:.TW W .C .CO .TPVWinput WW Recommended 00Y WW .100YControl .TW output 2 1Yamatake's model M No. 81446365-001 . 00Y M 1 W M . O W COto 953M500333311 . W C W . Y W (Equivalent made by Matsuo W 0 Y W WW 00Y.CO CT Event.output W 1 W T 1 M.T .10 .Tinput 100 M . O 1 W M . Electric.) (Indepndent O W C Internal input 2 W Event0output WW .100Y. WW 00Y.CO CT.T .TW W 0Y.C1 contact) W .TW M 1 M . circuit 4. Wiring precautions O 1 W M . Loader WEvent outputY.2CO O communication W WW .100Y.C M.TW output W 0 3 Event M Y.C input 1 .TRS-485 WW Event.1output T1W . 0 WW .100Digital (1) AfterW taking the noiseOpreventive measures, do not bundle W .C OM Wprimary 0and W CO .(Indepndent W C W . the 0Ysecondary Y W TW cables together or put W .power W 0 Y W T contact) . Digital input 2 communications 1 0 0 W T M . . 1 0 M . O 1 W M . both power cables in the same conduit or duct. O W W W W .C Y.C and communication W W .CO 0 Y W T . W 0 0 Y W T . inputs and outputs may vary depending on the model. (2) Keep the input/output lines 50 cm 1 0 0 WW .1Available T M . 0 Opower lines and power W M. W.1 Y.COM W C . O W W or more away from the supply W Y W C . W 00 of 100Vac W .T WW .100Y M.T or more. .a1voltage .TW 100 M . lines having O W M O W .C against noise of instruW2. Preventive .CO measures WW do.1not .TW Additionally, put theseM lines together in the same 00Y WW .100Y.C M.TW WW .1ment TW .supply 00Y power O W M O W C . conduit or duct. O W W W W W 00Y WW .100Y.C M.TW 0Y.C M WW (1).10Reduction M.T .1wiring of.T noise O W O W 5. Inspection after C W .C CO theTnoise theW noise filter WW .100Y. .TW W is small, W 00isYused M.TWAfter the wiring 0Y.though WW .1Even M . 1 0 . O W M work has been completed, much W as possible. Othe effect of the noise as W W W to eliminate W always in.CO .TW Y.C C . 0 Y W T W . W 0 0 Y W 1 spect and check the wiring status. Great care should 0 0 W .1 C15S OM OM W. M.T .10 power supply C15T W Instrument C . O W W C Noise filter W . Y W C be taken since incorrect wiring may cause W .T the instruW .TW 100 0010Y 0Y. WW 100.to10240Vac M . .TW 1 M . 11 O W M ment to malfunction or severe personal injury. O W O W WW .100Y.C M.TW WW .100Y.C M.TW WW .100Y.C M.TW O WW 00Y.CO .TW W W12W 1100Y.CO .TW C . W W W Y W W M .1 .T 00 W.1 Y.COM W WW 00Y.CO .TW W.1 Y.COM W W W W W .T 00 W 100 is excessive W.1 Y.COM W M.T .noise (2) When W.1 Y.COM W O W W W C . W .T W 00 W WIfWa large.1amount 00Y of noise M.T .100 W.1 Y.COM W M.Texists, appropriate isolation O W O W W C . transformer and C filter Tare W W W Wused to eliminate WW the.100Y 0Y.line W M.T .100 M.T O W M. .10noise. effect of the O W C . O W W W Y .C filter .TW W WW .100Y.C M.TW WW Insulation M.T .100 00Y Line O 1 W Yamatake's model No. M . O W C O WtransformerY.CE81446364-001 WW .100Y. .TW W WW .100Y.C M.TW 0 (Equivalent WW (100/100V) TZAC2205-00U Instrument M . to 0 O 1 W M . C15T C15S W O (200/200V) power supply W made Oby TDK) WW .100Y.C M.TW 100 to 240Vac W10W .100Y.C M.TW WW .100Y.C 1 M.3TW 11 O WW 00Y.CO .TW W WW 00Y.CO .TW C . W W E W GND Y W W M .1 .T 1 00 WW 00Y.CO .TW W.1 Y.C2OM4 W 12 11 WW. 0Y.COM W W W W .T W .10 W.1 Y.COM W M.T .100 OM W O W W C . W C W Y W .T W 00 W WW .100Y. M.T .100 W.1 Y.COM W M.T O W Other circuit Grounding O W W C . W WW .100Y .TW WW .100Y.C M.TW M.T .100 M O W O W C . O W W W Y W WW .100Y.C M.TW WW .100Y.C M.TW M.T .100 O W O W C O W WW .100Y. .T WW .100Y.C M.TW WW .100Y.C M.TW OM W O W C . O W W C Y W . WW .100Y. .TW WW .100Y.C M.TW .100 M OM W O W C . O W W C . Y W C W Y W W W WW .100Y. M .100 M.T .100 W M.T O W .CO O W W C . Y W C W . 0 Y W W W 0 Y W .T W .100 W.1 Y.COM M.T .100 OM W O W W C . W C W Y W W W WW .100Y. .100 M.T .100 W M.T O W O W W C W WW .100Y. .TW WW .100Y.C M.TW M O W O W WW .100Y.C M.TW WW .100Y.C M.TW O W O W WW .100Y.C WW .100Y.C M.TW W O W WW WW .100Y.C M.TW O W WW .100Y.C M.TW O W WW .100Y.C W 11 WW W M.T O .C W 00Y 1 M.T . O W C W WW .100Y. M.T O W WW .100Y.C M.TW .TW M WW 00Y.CO .TW .CO .TW Y W 0 0 M .1 W.1 Y.COM W WW 00Y.CO .TW W W W .T 00 W.1 Y.COM W W.1 Y.COM W W W W .T W 00 W M.T .100 W.1 Y.COM W M.T O W O W C . .C W WW .100Y .TW M.T .100 .TW 00Y M O 1 W M . O W C . O W W W Y .C W WW .100Y.C M.TW M.T .100 .TW 00Y O 1 W M . O W C W .CO .TW WW .100Y. .TW WW .100Y.C M.TW M 00Y O 1 W M . O W WW .100Y.C M.TW WW 00Y.CO .TW WW .100Y.C M.TW O W M .1 O W WW .100Y.C M.TW WW 00Y.CO .TW WW .100Y.C M.TW O W O W OM W.1 WW .100Y.C M.TW WW .100Y.C M.TW WW .100Y.C M.TW O WW 00Y.CO .TW W WW 00Y.CO .TW C . W W W Y W W M .1 .T 00 W.1 Y.COM W WW 00Y.CO .TW W.1 Y.COM W W W W W .T 00 W W.1 Y.COM W M.T .100 W.1 Y.COM W O W W W C . W .T W 00 W WW .100Y M.T .100 W.1 Y.COM W M.T O W O W W C . W W WW .100Y WW .100Y.C M.TW M.T .100 M.T O W O W C . O W W W Y W WW .100Y.C M.TW WW .100Y.C M.TW M.T .100 O W O W C O W WW .100Y. .TW WW .100Y.C M.TW WW .100Y.C M.TW M O W O W O W WW .100Y.C M.TW WW .100Y.C M.TW WW .100Y.C M.TW O W O W O W WW .100Y.C M.TW WW .100Y.C M.TW WW .100Y.C M.TW O W O W O W WW .100Y.C M.TW WW .100Y.C M.TW WW .100Y.C M.TW O WW 00Y.CO .TW W WW 00Y.CO .TW C . W W W Y W W M .1 .T 00 W.1 Y.COM W WW 00Y.CO .TW W.1 Y.COM W W W W W .T 00 W W.1 Y.COM W M.T .100 W.1 Y.COM W O W W W C . W .T W 00 W WW .100Y M.T .100 W.1 Y.COM W M.T O W O W W C . W W WW .100Y WW .100Y.C M.TW M.T .100 M.T O W O W C . O W W W Y W WW .100Y.C M.TW WW .100Y.C M.TW M.T .100 O W O W C O W WW .100Y. .TW WW .100Y.C M.TW WW .100Y.C M.TW M O W O W O W WW .100Y.C M.TW WW .100Y.C M.TW WW .100Y.C M.TW O WW 00Y.CO .TW W WW 00Y.CO .TW C . W W W Y W W M .1 .T 00 W.1 Y.COM W WW 00Y.CO .TW W.1 Y.COM W W W W W .T W .100 W.1 Y.COM W M.T .100 OM W O W W C . W C W Y W .T W 00 W WW .100Y. M.T .100 W.1 Y.COM W M.T O W O W W C . W WW .100Y .TW WW .100Y.C M.TW M.T .100 M O W O RESTRICTIONS ON USE W C . O W W W Y .C W WW .100Y.C M.TW WW TW M.T .100 .manufactured 00Y O This product has been designed,.1developed and for general-purpose application in machinery and equipment. W M O W C O .C Y. W WW WW .T Accordingly, when used W in the applications outlined below, a fail-safe and/or redundant .TW 100 00Yto implement 0Y.C TW special careWshould be.1taken . . 0 M OM 1 W M . O W design concept as well as a periodic maintenance program. C . O W W C .C Y. W WWfor transportation TW handlingWmachines.100Y OM. .material Wworker .TW control devices 100 00Y • Start/stop M . • Safety devices for plant protection and 1 W M . O W W Y.C WW .100Y.C M WW 00Y.C•OControl W 0 WW reactors T . • Aeronautical/aerospaceW machines devices for nuclear 0 T . 1 M . M WW 00Y.CO W.1 Y WW 00Y.CO .TW .CO safety Never use this product in applications human may be put at risk. W W W 0 WW where T .1 W.1 Y.COM M. .10 OM W O W W C . W C W Y W W WW .100Y. .100 .TW M.T .100 W M O W O W W C Specifications are subject to changeW without notice. .C W WW .100Y. .TW W .TW 00Y M 1 M . O W O W WW .100Y.C M.TW WW .100Y.C M.TW O W Advanced Automation Company O W WW .100Y.C WW .100Y.C M.TW W 1-12-2 Kawana, Fujisawa WW 00Y.CO .TW WW (H) Kanagawa 251-8522 Japan W W.1 Y.COM W 1st Edition: Issued in May, 2003 W URL: W .T 00 2nd Edition: Issued in Jun., 2008 W.1 Y.COM W No part of this publication may be reproduced or duplicated 0 W 0 without the prior written permission of Yamatake Corporation. W.1 W 12 W (08)