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The independent magazine for the independent user September 1982 r 171 , 1 10071 11 -7171 Getting to grips with Spectrum programs 1,_ Programming Tip ••••••,,,••• - - - , • • • • •••••••wwww• Prestel adaptor to be launched We profile Eric Deeson of EZUG Schools software reviewed ZX-8I sails to the South Atlantic A Spectrum anger grows. Plus: Eight p of progra rs, helplit 'nindgames MICHAEL ORWIN'S ZX81 CASSETTES THE BEST SO FTWARE ( BY VAR I O U S AUT HO RS) AT LO W PRICES Qt.:(.) . 1 "Mic hael O nNin 10 stolid well designed games which work, offer EIt contains S' plenty and choice, and are fun." S of£ variety 5 C a From s s the e t ZX Software review in t e Your Computer, May '82 issue. T "I h a dw y o u r Invaders,' React c as s ette I was o delighted with this first cassette." P. Rubython, London NW10 i s v"I havee been intending to write to you for some days r howy muc h I enjoy the games on 'Cassette One' to say o whichg you supplied me with earlier this month." o d E.H,, London SW4 v•• • Iapreviously bought y our Cassette O ne and l consider ituto be good value for m o n e y " e . Richard Ross-Langley Managing Director Mine of Information Ltd. CASSETTE 1 (eleven l k programs) machine code: React, Invaders, Phantom aliens, Maz e of death, Planet lander, Bounc ing letters, Bug splat. Basic: I Ching, Mas ter mind, Robots , Bas ic Hangman. PL U S Large screen versions o f Invaders and Maz e o f Death, Ready for when you get 16k. Cassette One costs £3.80 CASSETTE 4 CASSETTE 2 Ten games in Basic for 16k ZX81 Cassette Two contains Reversi, Awari, Laser Bases, Word Mastermind, Rec tangles , C r as h, R oulet t e, Po n t o o n , Penny Shoot and Gun Command. Cassette Two costs E5. CASSETTE 3 8 programs for 16k ZX81 ST ARSHIP T RO JAN = IN1:2D Repair o u r S tHaz a r s ards h i p binclude ef o re disaster ystrikes. asphyxiation, radiation, escaped biological specimens and plunging into a Supernova. STARTREK T h is v er s ion o f t h e w e l l k n o w n s pac e adventure game features variable Klingon mobillity , and graphic photon torpedo tracking. PRINCESS OF K R A A L An adventure game. BATTLE Strategy game for 1 to 4 players. KAL ABR I ASZ World's silliest card game, full of pointless complicated rules. CUBE R ubik C u b e s imulator , w i t h lo t s o f func tions including 'Backstep'. SECRET MESSAG ES This message c oding program is very txlp (lex' jf, M AR T I AN C R I C K E T A s imple b u t addic tiv e g a m e (totally unlike Earth cricket) in machine code. The speed is variable, and its top speed is very fast. Cassette 3 costs £5. 8 games for 16k ZX81 ZX- SCRAMBLE (machine code) w ith 3 stages. Bomb and shoot your w ay through the fortifi ed caves. a . G UNFIG HT INVADERS ( mac hine c ode) ( m a c h i n e c ode) • Na A N A N a a • a a P i . p a - a. 4. 4 a . M i Ae G ALAXY IN VA D ER S (machine code) f t O P , THE' Fleets of swooping and diving alien crdtt to fi ght of f . . , pe.,” TNESKYTHEY .1 SNAKEBITE (machine code) -0, ANT-IFUNGUSEONS. Eat the snake before it eats you. Variable speed. , O N (very fast at top speed). PDC LIFE (machine code) E O A ZX81 version of the well k nown game. e 3D TIC-TAC-TOE (Basic) L, D Played on a 4 x 4 x 4 board, this is a game for the E A brain, it is very hard to beat the computer at it. T FRA 7 of the 8 games are in machine code, because this is much faster than Basic. ( So me LOD of thes e games w er e pr ev ious ly av ailable f r om J . Steadman) . Cas s ette 4 c os ts £5. YNL Rec orded on qualit y c as s ettes , s ent by fi r s t class pos t, f r o m: E. Y Michael Orwin, 26 Brownlow Rd., Willesden, London NW10 9QL (mail order only please) S R T P A H O N E . U N G A L W I P F T I V I I V I L I N O A N t GE r • , • % 4 , 0 1 1 0 A v T A N T N GU S Or 4 ' sinaair user t imagLat ir Editor Nigel Clark Consultant editor Mike Johnston 5 S I NCLAI RV O Y ANCE Schools could soon be a thi ng of the past. We consider the dangers of this idea. Production editor Harold Mayes MBE 6 PROFI LE We speak to Eric Denson. who has firm views on the future of computers in Design William Scolding Editorial director John Sterlicchi Advertisement director Simon Horgan Advertisement manager John Ross Editorial/production assistant Margaret Hawkins Managing director Terry Cartwright Chairman education. 9 E DUCATI O N USES Keith Jammer looks at the advantages of the ZX-8I compared to other computers in education. 1 2 TE ACHI NG HARDWARE A number of add-ons have been produced for the schools market. Tony Dutton investigates. 1 5 S CHO O LS SOFTWARE Dave Sayers r epor ts on how commercial softwar e is helping to teach traditional subjects. 1 9 N E W S Clive Sinclair runs in the Cambridge half-marathon; price cut for the ZX-81 and much more. 2 1 Y O UR LETTERS You keep us in touch with your thoughts on the world of Sinclair_ Richard Hease 2 3 S TARTI NG FROM SCRATCH Our guide on how to learn to use your Z.X-81. Sinclair User is published monthly by ECC Publications Ltd. II is not in any way connected with Sinclair Research Ltd. 2 7 P RO G RAM PRI NTOUT Eight more pages of our popular programs. Telephone 4 1 FIELPLINE Andrew Hewson looks at a variety of problems facing readers. All departments 01-359 7481 If you would like to contribute to Sinclair User, please send typed (or beautifully hand-written) articles or programs to: Sinclair User ECC Publications, 30-31 Islington Green. London Ni 8/31 We will pay El ° for each program printed and E50 for each article. which should be approximately 1,000 words long. .,'*Copyright 1982 Sinclair User ISSN No. 0262-5458 Origination by Outline Graphics. Printed by Eden Fisher (Southend) Ltd Distributed by Spotlight Magazine Distribution Ltd 1 Benwell Road, Holloway. London N7 01-607 6411 SINCLAIR USER September 1982 3 7 H A R D W A R E WORLD Our reviewers look at what is new in add-ons. 4 5 SOFTWARE SCENE Pac-man games have been produced for the ZX-el in large numbers. We assess some of the earliest attempts. 4 7 SINCLAIR USER CLUB More news from our rapidly-expanding club and a new offer to members. 5 1 c o m p u r r n o N Another of our great competitions in which we offer a 7.X.-99. 5 3 M I N D GAMES Anagrams and crosswords are considered by Philip Joy. 5 6 SPECI AL OFFER We repeat our amazing offer of E20 off the cost of the kit for the ZX-131. FREE I NSI DE — the first edition of our new Spectrum User section. devoted to news about the Spectrum, its uses and problems. NEXT MONTH • We look into the future and how microcomputers are likely to play a big part in our lives. 3 M E L B O U R N E H O U S E • ZX111 • S P E C T R U M 111111iy is this m a n s m i ing? You'd be smiling too if you were Dr. Ian Logan. Dr. Logan is shown receiving the Rosetta Stone Award for his perceptive insights into the way the ZX8 I ROM operates. Melbourne House are proud to be the publishers of Dr. Logan's books. Melbourne House are Sinclair specialists, publishing books that are winners in every category. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced programmer, you'll need Melbourne House books. If you've got a Spectrum on order (or better yet. if you've already got your Spectrum). then you'll be glad to know that Dr. Logan is working on Understanding Your Spectrum, sure to become the definitive book on the Spectrum. • So if you want to smile like Dr. Logan, you can do one of two things: Order one of our books from your bookseller or fill in the coupon and really understand your Sinclair, or you can write a great book or program and send it to us. Who knows? Your smile may be in this ad next year! O Machine Language Made Simple For Your Sinclair, 1 .O Understanding Your ZX81 ROM. by Dr Ian Logan. t 8 9 5 8 9 5 O Z7(81 RO M Disassembly Part A, by Dr Ian Logan, t7.00 O ZX81 RO M Disassembly Part B. by Dr Ian Logan and Dr Frank O'Hara, U3,00 O Not only 30 Programs for the ZX81: K 6 9O 5The Complete Sinclair Z.X81 Bask Course, ):17.50 1=.11 = M N B NMI M E I l l E M M O r d e r Melbourne House Publishers. !MEW 1 3 1 Trafalgar Road, 5 t I T Greenwich o M London SE 10 O Please rush me your new Spectrum2X81 catalogue 'Please specify.) P Pease send me books as marked above Note: Please add 80p for post. pack & VAT 1 Name 0 Address 1 1 1 . NNE Correspondence to Glebe Cottage. Station Road. Cheddington, Leighton Buzzard. BEDS LU7 7NA Postcode MELBOURNE HOUSE • Z X 8 1 • S P E C T R U M sinclairvoyance Home schooling is a dangerous dream the day would come when th e computer I replaced the school. He did not elaborate but N that computers would eventually become said better A teachers than human beings. That conjures images of a special room in the R home with a system permanently set up with a set of E cassettes which have to be worked through. There C would be examination cassettes which have to be completed E in a set time for a qualification to be obtained. N With even Sinclair having sold into only two T percent of the homes in Britain. it will be a long time i before computerised home education is the most usual n system throughout the country. It is. however. something which can be introduced gradually, with t parents being offered the option o f choosing e traditional schooling or learning at home. r In the initial stages that could be expensive, as Government v help to buy the necessary hardware would be needed, together with an investment in i the The cost would be on top of normal e cassettes. educational costs. wOnce the home schooling idea was accepted, C however, the costs of providing education would fall l dramatically. Almost the whole of the present system would no longer be needed, with consequent i savings in wages and building and maintenance v costs. Teachers would be replaced by a handful of e people responsible for setting and updating the cassettes and marking the examination cassettes. S None o f the thcusands o f anciliary staff — i caretakers, cleaners and cooks — would b e n needed. School transport would become a thing of the c past and crossing patrols would no longer halt traffic at the busy times of the day. Additionally, l vast areas of land would become available for a development. i Clive presumably visualises Sinclair Research r playing a leading role in those developments. The ZX-131 has long been a favourite machine for s introducing children t o computers an d their a educational possibilities. The Spectrum has now i received Government blessing by being placed on d Department of Industry Micros in Schools the Scheme for primary schools. t Sinclair alread y provides a package o f h a SINCLAIR USER S e p tember 1982 t educational software a n d t h e moves in t o telesoftware will make the transmission of courses much easier. In addition, Sinclair has long had the declared intention of developing the educational side of its business. With the first clues to the Z.X-83 being that it will take Sinclair further up-market, that could be the one which will begin the move to home schooling. The only hints available so far are that it will have its own screen, using the flat screen developed for the television set, use two of the forthcoming Microdrives, and be easily portable. With the cost of hardware falling steadily, it would allow everyone at last to enjoy cheap, highquality education in a form which is already achieving good results. It all sounds too good to be true. It is. Schools are much more than places for learning the subjects which appear in the curriculum. They are a major stage in learning social skills. All children make friends in their neighbourhood but most friends are made at school. They also gain by having contact w i t h others f ro m different backgrounds. There are sufficient problems in the world caused by a lack of understanding between groups of people without increasing the divisions by removing an effective way o f bringing people together. Human beings have achieved their development through being able to co-operate with each other, to do things which would have been impossible individually. Anything which reduces the ability to work together will work against that continued development. With the swift advances which have already been made in computer-aided education, i t is unlikely that the development will not continue. At the moment, however, the problems of transferring learning t o th e home seem too great t o b e surmounted. 5 In a rare spare moment, Eric Deeson speaks to Claudia Cooke. The best man for the jobs convincingly a u th o r i ta ti v e E glare and announces: " I n 10 R years everyone w i l l h a ve a E l ( ) computer and in 50 years there will I be no need fo r schools". Such, he C believes, w i l l b e th e impact o f D computers on our lives and he finds E the whole prospect exciting. E The 40-year-old science teacher. S who happens to have written some O 30 books and to be studying for his PhD, is forceful i n his views — so N fforceful that my initial reaction was ito wonder whether he might be an xegomaniac. He lives and breathes work and elets you know that he has a finger in salmost every p i e — because h i s yfingers are the best for the job. The otrouble was that after 90 minutes I ubelieved him. L too, was convinced there was no better person to fill the w irole o f h e a d o f s c i e n c e a n d tcomputing a t H i g h g a te Sch o o l , Birmingham. h No better person to hold the fiveayear honorary p o st o f e d i to r o f Physics Education; mind you, even Deeson admits that is "th e biggest honour I have had in my life". No b e tte r person t o h e a d th e Educational ZX Users' Group, w i th its 1,500 members world-wide and its b o a st o f h a vi n g t h e l a rg e st Sinclair so ftw a re l i b r a r y i n t h e world. No b e t t e r p e r s o n t o a c t a s consultant to so many people in the field o f computing, or to lecture at their conferences, o r t o squeeze time for his own PhD on the side. Certainly he is justified in having six computers in his home, although 6 s m i his three school-age children can be a problem w h e n th e y a r e programming w i t h a vengeance when he needs to use the machines. Deeson is puzzled by the concept of holidays, free evenings and spare time; i t is one o f the few things he admits is not his forte. " I d o n 't think I ' m i n danger o f having a nervous breakdown o r a n y th i n g ; I h a v e t h e r i g h t personality to cope with all that! do; b u t! admit that my family suffers; I don't give them enough time. "Yet we have a really big, superexpensive family holiday about once every 18 months. Last time we went to the States and I thought I would hate it, taking no work with me, but! found I could still switch-off and I wasn't bored at all. I loved it, " I never take a day off, even at weekends; there is just so much to do. I read computing books instead of n o v e l s a n d I r a r e l y w a t c h television — perhaps occasionally the news". Deeson l i ve s w i t h h i s w i fe , a maths teacher, their children and a dog and a cat in a large, comfortable house i n a l e a f y s u b u r b o f Birmingham. We know now about many of the things he does, but why does he do them all? It a ll began in 1968. Deeson a graduate o f Ke e l e University i n physics and economics, had trained as a teacher a nd wa s b y the n working as a teacher-trainer, a job to which he hopes to return one day. " Pe ople d i d n o t s e e t h e applications f o r computers i n education a t that time but I could see they were beginning to influence c L A our lives", he says. It was computer awareness which he found important, far more so than a grasp of the technical side. By the late '60s, terminals were entering some schools and in 1969 Deeson wr ote a n article o n the impact o f computers i n th e n e xt decade. He describes it as more of a sci-fi piece than anything else and even he could not have foreseen the microchip; b u t th e potential even then w a s exciting, a n d i t i s th e potential which still intrigues him. " I m u c h p r e f e r te a ch i n g computer awareness courses. The e xa mi n a ti o n s t r y t o i n c l u d e technical facts as well as concepts but i t becomes v e r y diffi c ult, because those facts are changing all the time. m USER September 1982 AO " When t h e S i n c l a i r Z X -80 emerged i t was v ery ex c it ing because at last schools could have computers in sufficient quantity for them to explore. It was a very crude computer but i t had advantages over the ZX-81 and the Spectrum because of its very simple range of facilities. " The o t h e r t w o a r e v e r y sophisticated but, particularly i n junior schools, the keyboard is a problem. I b e l i e v e S i n c l a i r greatness lies in the fact that one key has so many functions". Deeson owns all three Sinclair models, as well as a BBC home education machine and an Acorn Atom. They are indispensible to him for his work , enabling hi m t o develop programs, writ e reviews SINCLAIR USER S e p t e mb e r 1982 and produce books. "It is really encouraging to find that my children and all their friends love playing with the computers. When the Spectrum arrived, I could not get my hands on it for two days. "I find in school that most of the children a r e interested i n t he concept of computers, i f not the technical side. It is the girls as well as the boys, although it is important to make sure the girls do not feel shy at the beginning because they feel the boys will know automatically what to do with a computer". For three years, from 1975 t o 1978, Deeson took his family when he went to Nigeria as principal of a teacher training college. There was no electricity, hence no computers, but surprisingly h e loved every minute of it. " I enjoy responsibility and I like administration, too. I was in charge of hiring and firing, selecting pupils, arranging accommodation and all kinds of tasks. The beauty of it was that my bosses were thousands of miles away". He enjoys the challenge of the classroom. too, and feels he has sufficient experience t o b e i n control o f almost any situation which might arise but he also knows that the traditional classroom scene may not be with us much longer, "I am sure that within the next 50 years, perhaps less, schools will no longer be required. We wi l l get away from the classroom with its one teacher and 30 children and find real freedom. I call it computerassisted freedom". "Obviously I do not want to see a police s t at e b u t I t hi nk w i t h computers that all the problems of discipline will disappear. I want the children to wander round the room, playing and talking to each other and enjoying their discoveries. It is all part of the learning experience". Deeson is touching on the future of our educational system in his PhD but he is aware that, for the majority of teachers, projections even a decade ahead can seem little more than suspect and disruptive. "The majority of teachers, like the majority of people, still have no contact with computers. They do not t hink a b o u t t h e l o n g - t e r m implications; I do not think they want to but I don't think computers will go away". Deeson, who is chairman of the West Midlands committee of the As s oc iation f o r S c i enc e i n Education, has s o muc h w o r k outside his school job that it would be fair to assume he was p _.nning to cease being a teacher soon. That is not so. "Apart from the fact that I love teaching, t h e r e a r e a l l t hes e changes on the horizon which will affect schools as much as anything else. The best part of it all is that I shall still be around to see them". 7 Use your computer in the case... Foam rubber gives complete protection... Purpose-built forthe ZX system... • us NE Znal & Spectrum Custom Cases. Just E 3 4 • 95 =r) l a • • 10 PO :3 0 40 0 a l • MEM • • • • • • • EI-111 Erm .M • F O R 1 •1 T O 2 2 PR I N T / N EXT 1 PR I N T AT I I Turn your ZX system into a portable computing centre! Your LX hardware -ZX81 or Spectrum is designed to work together as a system, And now there's a simple way to make the most of the fact. The portable computing centre in a briefcase. A ZX Custom Case holds all your hardware in the most ergonomically , c n s i b l e p o s i t i o n s f o r e a piece of equipment is gripped securely by shock-absorbing foam. Each connecting lead fits under the foam, so there's no chance of tangles. And as each piece is held firmly, connections are excellent. You can forget wasted time setting up or unhooking the system, too. When you've finished, simply tuck in the mains and TV leads and replace the hinged, lift-offl id. And of course, if you're taking your ZX system to college or the office, ZX Custom Cases are a lot less cumbersome than a bag or rucksack. And a lot more protective and professional. Designed by ZX enthusiastsfor ZX enthusiasts. Both the ZX81 and Spectrum Custom Cases were designed by a group of ZX system users and manufactured by Britain's leading case makers. Made from impactresistant ABS, each case holds every piece of Sinclair hardware available for the respective computers- plus Learning Lab, manual, software cassettes and any cassette player up to 10' 2 "the X hardware, 5 ' 2 simply leave the pre-cut foam in position, then remove it as you get " -"extra pieces of equipment. . And I when f brand pun y introduced, o u or you upgrade from ZX8I to , h a v e Spectrum, h a rsimply d w contact a r e us for a replacement foam n 'i insert t s foriust Q1,95 (+p&p). a l l 7 Send for your ZX Custom Case- now! ZX8I and Spectrum Custom Cases are guaranteed for two years, and cost just £34 9pay more for an ordinary briefcase. 5 To order, simply use the FREEPOST coupon. Or if you have a credit card, ( + telephone 0276 62155, Mon-Eri, 930-5.30. p & p ) e a c Computex Cases (IBS), Stanhope Road, Camberley, Surrey, GUIS 3PS. h Plea,e allow 2ti d a , tor de I men 14 da y m melt • back undertaking . 1R1(..amberley. Surrey, GUIS 3BR. 71 e Please send mc , 7 . . X 8 1 Custom Cases) at 7 :L36.95 inc. L 2.00 post, paciting. inliUntri4;C each 01. m C Please send mc c i t y ,•Spei. trum Custom t oe at - (36 95 , in 4 2 00 post. packing, insurance each. m m•aIsCrldOkt e f s l a cheque/PO. 1or p made p %ratite to Computce Cases ub • Please debit my Act: ssss Nisi* account no te •Please delete ak appropriate. PLEASE PRINT er ' Signature y C Name. Mr/Mrs/Miss ao tu Addreks ec s o j S U S 208 lu Kee in England ncr 91288. Il COMPUTEX CASES education uses Although omitted from the Government support scheme, Sinclair is making an impact in schools. Keith jammer investigates. clair Research has succeeded R in its campaign for inclusion in E the Micros in Schools Scheme. P The MIS scheme has always had its critics, among whom are, o f O course. Sinclair users, It has been R claimed frequently b y teachers T that, des pit e t h e exclusion o f Sinclair from the original scheme, S there are more ZX-Ells in use in aschools than all other micros comrbined. e Cost is the reason as much as aanything else; one can buy six ZXs for the price of the cheapest version pof the machines in the scheme. p The inclusion of the Spectrum in ethe Government list of machines apf o r s upport i n primary aproved schools is. of course. a victory for rSinclair and a recognition of comimonsense arguments. Does it imply nthat Sinclair micros are not suited to work at secondary level and above? g I would like to reject that implicattion by looking at the educational huses of micros at all levels. The t o a i r must simply be aquestion whether the ZX range can cope with teducational needs. If the machines Scan, their remarkable cheapness is i an added bonus, in that several can be us ed instead o f one l arger nmachine. - Educ at ional u s e s c a n b e broken.-down i nt o a number o f categories: • Computer awareness - the aim Cost boosts the use of ZX-81 in education maximally-effective teaching i n most subjects. • Administration - with the com- puter aiding the general running of a school, as in the case of any other business. being to maximise familiarity with computers, their use, their uses and • Data capture and process control their abuses. Many schools include — again helping, as in any other at least a few hours of such work in relevant business, with equipment general courses followed by a l l interfacing. Computer awareness concerns pupils. the provision of courses and ex• Computer studies - the use of perience designed to make all future computer hardware as t he apcitizens familiar wi t h computers paratus of the formal examinationorientated c om put er s c ienc e and t h e i r s t r e n g t h s a n d weaknesses. It is surely potentially teaching. • Computer-assisted learning - in the most important aspect of work in which computer power is one of the primary schools as well as at seconmany res ourc es av ailable f o r dary level: all other applications afSINCLAIR USER September 1982 fect only the minority of pupils but this is essential for every one. It is also important in the sense that it can, and must, involve a large proportion of the staff of a school; at the moment there are surprisingly few teachers who know much about computers. Computer awareness almost explicitly excludes hands-on ex perience and programming skills. Many schools wi t h no computer power available have developed successful schemes of this nature in the last few years. It is a pity that happens and now there is no need to teach about computers wit hout showing one in use. continued on page 10 continued f rom page 9 Which one to show in use? The 1K ZX-81 m ay b e programmed to emulate every aspect of computing one m ay wi sh t o discuss i n awareness classes. The 16K ZX-81 or Spectrum, with printer, can do so even better and at more depth but the programs need more effort to write. Courses of that level need to deal with such things as the principles of data processing. the databank. number-crunching, interfacing. Computing i n situations such as hotel booking, banking, office work and the laboratory can al l b e modelled adequately and cheaply by the ZX micros. Some com puter awareness courses introduce programming. both as a logical concept and to provide the basis fo r voluntary computer cl ub activities. T h e Sinclairs are peculiarly suitable for such work, being surely by far the best beginners' machines available. I am not certain if that applies to the Spectrum; the exceptional features of single key-word entry and syntaxchecking mean that even seven- privately-owned equipment on loan. Perhaps t h e b e s t w a y o f consolidating computer awareness is for the majority of teachers to use computers as a resource in their teaching. That takes u s t o th e broad important a r e a o f computerassisted learning. The success and significance of Sinclair micros may be gauged from the facts: • There ar e about 25 software houses specialising in ZX learning products; t w o o f them , A V C Software and Rose Cassettes, are well-established and successful. • The educational MUSE software Library — administered by EZUG — contains some 50 Z X cassettes, after only six months more than are available for any other micro. • The first software and the first publication in the Spectrum market were both for education, both from AVC Software. The majority of all those products can be classified as computer-aided learning material; between them they offer assistance in 12 school subjects. Eric Deeson of EZUG has estimated that a complete library of 'It has been claimed by teachers that there are more ZX-81s in use in schools than all other micros combined.' year-olds can quickly produce pleasing routines. I still bemoan the demise of the ZX-813, in fact: it was remarkably effective even for advanced work and, o f course, involved a less daunting t a s k o f keyb o ar d familiarisation. Having introduced the subject of computer club work. i.e., the unstructured playing with micros, I can note yet another area in which Sinclairs deservedly reign supreme. There is the added advantage that probably all schools have at least a few pupils by now with Sinclairs at home. The resulting facility o f enabling school i deas t o b e developed at home is of great value. So too, conversely, is the possibility of upgrading school facilities with 10 S I N CAL programs covering the needs of children aged from five to 16 would need to contain upwards of 5,000 titles. Any assessment of the validity of a given micro for education must rest in particular on its ability to cope with the formal needs of formal computing courses at CSE level and above. Those needs are two-fold. First, the students have to undertake a fairly lengthy programming project. assessed as up to one-quarter of the marks for the examination. Second, they must have equipment available with which they can practise and explore t h e various concepts studied. There is little difficulty with the project; t h e s t u d e n t m u s t C L A I By kiwi permission of Griffin and George demonstrate his programming ability and that will be restricted to some extent, whatever machine he uses. This year. for the first time. ZX-81s have been used for computing projects even at advanced level. The equipment involved needs to be easy to use and readily available and must include a printer. The ZX is by far the best in that context as it meets the requirements so cheaply that schools can readily have a fair number of keyboards available. The aim must be at least one between each two students. If one spends money on ZXs for formal school projects, one must be sure that they also meet the needs of the theoretical components of the course. The Z X suitable there. Its major lack is the ability to handle files meaningfully 8 its 1 omission but of direct READ i s DATA, arguably unnecessary i n real o lni f e b u t p a r t o f school syllabuses, an d easy entry a t l y machine-code level have also been j quoted as precluding its effective use. u sI would t not go so far; with the ZX a facilities adequately enough to b the necessary demonstration allow 81 and o exploration. Certainly many o schools had no choice but louse this u micro as the basis of much, if not all, n t of e their practical work. Still, we now have the Spectrum, ceasier to use and more versatile and areliable — and not much more costly. That is indubitably able to meet n all formal school needs to advanced e level and, once the Microdrive and m network interfaces are available, is ualmost certain to become the main lmicro for everyday use in British schools. a t R USER S e p t e mb e r 1982 e •;.efi "In " ' t c -) 2 J! -i- .- k t ' - S O Z . E N r tL tt;b 1 S 1 f4 4'-g12'?';13 5 i 2 1 . 2 5f P 1 E , ' I a 0 : 1 4 0 - S . ! 8 t O I E . 1 4 1 , hE b "l 7 t , c 6 : 8 • V 1 O- E 1 Z *" § .7 q "i C j , E t' 'n2 1 1 4 1 N f g R i .q•4; , 1 t h 5 - . 1' 2 1 C t P S ; 5 4 't -ah 5t ZN2 Y iJ 2 1 2 -. H! G E 1 . ?t2 l 4iq t4 ! E i § : A 3 1t gq tU.l n 4t 4 6R 1 6F A ; ? . „ F . _ 2 CC a ; 1 1 1 I ti 0 W 41 C C i I C I ,I I.IL 'output, are via 2mm. I Et 4 g e% k . A ga in i t plugs _• IrE . , ; rear of the RAM-I/0 0 i t w i l l convert a n I n A at t L i l a " %lir Ille ildirlifil 1) ! 5 n lV tQ ciU I I i i i 1E1 1 i h o 2 1I : 1 0 . 8 / 1 eu tt; ' LLI n 3U 1 7 r;e l. n VI . .• aI<4g me ta t 1 Z i n M cW O i ' Et g eI i i'wo o k m E i 1 **0 m .<c s'Enrn a:a s • 1 4 g" t -tea n •, , *A- ni01 112 , be 4 I , - 0 f 8 e l z t7 SINCLAIR USER S e p t e mb e r 1982 11 continued from page 9 Which one to show i ZX-81 m a y b e p r o emulate every aspect one m a y w i s h t o awareness classes. T or Spectrum. with pri even better and at rni Tony Dutton looks a t the expanding market for hardware add-ons available for primary and secondary schools. Peripherals can boost uses in education prices have put the ZX-81 a t E the top of the class, according „to informed sources in the field o f .educati on. R e a s o n a b l y - p r i c e d .hardware mu st b e th e cri te ri o n VDUs a n d p r i n te r s . F r o m t h e ,when a n education a u th o ri ty o r summer of 1981. just a few months -buyer in the profession is buying a after the introduction of the LX-81, system. It must also be versatile and ,easy enough, too, for primary school Sinclair h a d a l re a d y planned t o 7and senior school use. chalk-up the education market on its , That permits mo re children t o blackboard o f success. Following ,b e n e fi t f r o m a n u m b e r o f that line o f thought, i t mounted a teconomically-priced machines than h i g h l y - s u c c e s s fu l s u b s i d i s e d yonly o n e m o r e e xp e n si ve t y p e computer purchase scheme for U.K. secondary schools. The result was .serving fe w e r students. Al so th e that more than 2,300 schools took lower-priced systems release more kmoney f o r peripherals, s u c h a s advantage o f the o ffe r to buy one l i n d e c o n o m i c ZX-81 and 16K RAM pack, each at half-price. "In al l , approaching 20,000 ZX-81s have been sold to schools, at normal a n d su b si d i se d p r i c e s , making i t t h e m o s t widely-used computer i n U .K. education. Th e company developed its commitment to the schools sector in November by sponsoring a special award scheme for Z X e d u ca ti o n a l s o ftw a r e ," Sinclair said. The company has also not been slow in developing, of all places, the Japanese educational computer hardware market. The ZX-81 i s selling by mail order from Mitsui and through selected dealers to the key student market. The company projects sales of 20,000 units in the first full year and 50.000 in the second. Peripherals for the ZX-81 for the educational market are limited and few, with the majority of the few being adequate f o r tu to r i al purposes. That is with the exception of the ZX printer offering full alphanumerics across 3 2 columns a n d sophisticated graphics, if used by commerce students for operations such a s p r i n ti n g ready-gummed labels. The fa u l t lies w i th th e special aluminium-coated paper supplied with th e unit. Thi s situation, however, can easily be overcome by attaching a p r i n t e r i n te r fa c e , allowing the system to operate a conventional printer. Nevertheless. that limitation does not outweigh a reasonable price of E59.95 Inc VAT. A range of the interfaces supplied by Grif fi n and George. 12 A very useful feature is the 8K basic ROM allowing flicker-free graphics. Although it is generally accepted that graphics play a small SINCLAIR USER September 1982 part, if any. in school computer use, it is worthwhile to have available. Also for any ZX-80 systems in the classroom it is equally expedient, as a drop-in replacement chip. I t is supplied w i t h n e w k e y boa r d template and operating manual. At £19.95 the c hip provides a ll the features o f t h e ZX - 8 1 e x c e pt graphics. If , however, a graphics facility is required on the ZX-81, the graphics m ode func tion o n t h e 40-key k e y b o a r d a l l o w s 2 0 graphical a n d 5 4 inverse v ide o characters to be entered directly. Recently Griffin & George introduced two new interfaces for the Z.X-81. They interface the computer to external peripherals so that the system can talk to the outside world. Simple programs permit control of equipment, such as motors, lights and buzzers. Even conventional laboratory experiments can be monitored, data collected and manipulated by the Z.X-81 Results can then be displayed in graphic or numeric form on the TV screen or printed-out permanently using the ZX printer. Three interfaces a r e available. The first, the RAM-I/O Pack, plugs straight into the expansion port on the back of the Z.X-81. It contains SINCLA IR USER September 1982 4KB. s o r e a s ona bly c om ple x programs can be written without running out of memory space. I n addition to that memory, the unit has a separate 8-bit input and 8-bit output port. That p o r t c a n b e accessed directly f r o m t h e ZX-8 1 B a s ic without the need to use the machine code routines to input and output information. The eight input a nd output lines, along with a + 5V and ground line, are taken to two independent 10-pin connectors on the rear of the module. The output lines are capable of driving LEDs directly, so using the RAM-I/O e na ble s t r a f fi c - light sequences to be produced with LED switches to be monitored and other electrical items t o be controlled. The opportunity for experiments is enormous. A second unit, called the Control Pack, contains eight relays each capable of switching I A a t up to 30V. The Control Pack uses mechanical relays, so the external circuitry is isolated from the ZX-81, with a high degree of protection provided for the computer. The unit plugs directly into the rear of the RAM-I/0 Pack, from which it draws its power 1 supply. A l l external connections, both input and output, are via 2mm. sockets. The t hir d i n t he range i s a n Analogue Pa c k . A ga in i t plugs directly into the rear of the RAM-I/O Pack. T h e unit w i l l convert a n analogue input voltage in the range 0 to 2.55V to a digital signal to feed to the computer. When outputting from the computer, it will convert a digital value from 0 to 255 to an analgue output in the range 0 to 2.55V. External connections to the Analogue Pack are via 2mm. sockets. All three packs are housed in a robust plastic case. The Control Pack and Analogue Pack are used in conjunction with the RAM-I/O Pack and not on their own. Full operating instructions are supplied with each pack. Prices are CRA-720-H ZX-81 RAM-I/0 Pack, E35-54; CRA-724520D Analogue Pack, E18.69; CRA724-540U Control Pack, E28.05. To keep together a ll Z X equipment in a neat working package, a desk console is supplied by G&G. It provides security, as all the pieces are stuck on the console, so that they Desk console, are difficult to remove, and it can be seen at a glance that all equipment is present. All pieces are stuck with doublesided tape, which prevents bad connections a nd prevents the equipment moving. The unit can also be transported easily between classrooms. The console accommodates a ZX-81 computer, 16K memory expansion unit, Z X printer, powe r supply, cassette recorder, c a s settes, and pens and pencils. Electr ic a l c onne c tions a r e m a d e through t he console v ia 3.5mm jacks. 3 Fe - N e w Fr om F u l l e r FD System f o r the Z X SPECTRUM E39•95 + E2.50 p & p. Professional Keyboard & Case — This unit has the same high standard as our ZX81 unit. Tough A.B.S. Plastic case encloses our Keyboard, the Spectrum Printed Circuit Board and the Power Supply. Our own Power supply is available:- 9 volts DC at 2 amps. Mains either 110v or 240v AC at E5.95 8 0 p , p & p. The Keyboard has 42 keys with all the spectrum functions printed onto them, the full travel key switches have gold plated contacts and a guaranteed life of 1 0 INSTALLATION 6 o p e r a t i -oSimply n s . unscrew the ZX printed circuit board from its case and screw it into the FD case. plug in the keyboard and that's it. No technical know how or soldering required. the built unit is tes ted and c omes w ith a money bac k guar antee. Spectrum Keyboard and Case Kit E33.95 Our Mother Board for the spectrum has 2 slots at E15.95 or 3 slots at E19,95, this unit also fixes inside the case p & p 80p. SPECTRUM S OU N D A MPLIFIER E5.95 + 8 0 p p & p. Complete w ith leads . v olume c ontr ol and loud speaker in tough ABS Plastic case measuring 5" x 3" x 1" just plugs into your spectrum MIC input. SPECTRUM P LU G PLANNER — E18.95 + V I M p 81 Complete with 3 metres of cable, three 13 amp sockets for TV, Tape etc AND 9 volt at 2 amp power supply with power jack to fit Spec tr um or ZX81 The ever popular FD42 Keyboard and case for ZX81 0 9 .9 3 including VAT & Post FD42 as a ki t 0 3 .9 5 including VAT & Post FD42 Built only E24.95 including VAT & Post FD42 Keyboard Ki t E18.95 including VAT & Post GUARANTEED 14 DAYS DELIVERY FROM RECEIPT OF ORDER, OR CALL TO THE ZX CENTRE. Mail to FULLER MICRO SYSTEMS, The ZX Centre, Sweeting Street, Liverpool 2. England, U.K. AD Code fl Please Supply:Name Address SAE f or mo re det ails — E n q u irie s T e l 0 5 1 -2 3 6 6109 14 SINCLAIR USER September 1982 As t h e ZX-81 becomes m o r e popular in education, m o r e software i s being written. Dave Sayers tests a sample. computers in schools is growing T rapidly i n both the secondary H and primary sectors. The increase in the use o f micros i n education has E been stimulated by two things — the N part funding o f th e purchase o f U computers b y th e Department o f M Education and Science and the many B keen and interested heads of school E and teachers who have introduced R computing i n t o th e i r classrooms, ooften using their own machines and fprograms m Yet th e re lies th e irony; w h i l e were being bought there imachines was little o r no software available ccommercially w h i c h w a s w r i tte n rspecifically f o r school u se . T h e oprograms reviewed show th a t th e -need f o r s o f t w a r e h a s b e e n recognised and is being filled. There a re several points which have to be borne in mind; loading the programs has to be made as simple as possible and instructions should be clear and concise, i n booklet fo rm where n e c e s s a r y , w i t h a n explanation of what the program does and h o w i t i s o p e ra te d , s i n c e instructions included a s te x t a r e often sparse and uninformative. The programs should run without bugs, use graphics i f possible, and have interesting content together with excellent error-trapping. Rose Cassettes sent six tapes fo r review. Junior Maths 1 and 2, junior English 1 and 2, Champion Quiz and Arithmetic f o r t h e under-eights. Junior English 1 and 2 and Champion Quiz are all quiz type programs and as such, because o f th e l i mi te d content a n d vocabulary, l a rg e l y unsuitable for regular classroom use. Champion Quiz, however, is better than most of its type. Junior Maths I includes l o n g multiplication a n d division, fractions I and 2 and two other programs. Th e level s e t i s difficult but the children are taken through each stage o f working the answer. SINCLAIR USER S e p t e mb e r 1982 Programs can help to brighten school-days Junior Ma th s 2 includes areas. perimeters, sets and Venn diagrams. as well as two other programs. The standard o f the tape is really very high, w i t h g o o d d i a g ra ms a n d instructions. I t w a s, moreover, a winner with the children. Arithmetic for the under-eights is a superb c a s s e tte , d e a l i n g w i t h addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The level can be set at units; tens and units; o r hundreds, tens a n d units. Th e numbers a r e shown i n l a rg e characters, w e l l suited to a classroom monitor, and carrying is illustrated on screen, i n stages. A really good, worthwhile 1 tape f o r classroom use, w e l l p u t together a n d , l i k e a l l t h e Rose software, properly error-trapped. Junior M a t h s I a n d 2 a n d Arithmetic for the under-eights look like essential buys fo r a n y school using the DC-81 i n the classroom. I hope they will also be available for the Spectrum, too. The tapes cost E4.50 each and each cassette runs itself from loading. The F u n t o L e a r n cassettes, available from W H Smith and direct from Sinclair by post at E6.95 per cassette were the next t o be examined. Eight titles were reviewed, continued on pure 16 5 104. continued from ptige 15 English literature 1 and 2, History 1, Mathematics 1, Music 1, Inventions 1, Spelling 1 and Geography 1. Spelling 1 i s an interesting idea which unfortunately is not suitable for school use. Words are played from tape, listened to by the child and the child's spelling of the word is checked by the computer. The only trouble is that there are too many sets of words on each side of the cassette. 15 to be precise, a n d th e ti me involved i n searching for sets, as well as the fixed nature o f th e w o rd s, renders i t unsuitable for schools. Nevertheless. any parent interested i n helping a child with spelling should consider it. Geography 1 is very good indeed, with tw o programs — cities a n d countries in Europe and towns in England and Wales. When run, the relevant m a p s appear, although borders in Europe are not marked. An atlas would help. The children enjoyed it and I felt it was useful to them, as it can teach them as well as quiz them. A good buy. Ma th e ma ti cs I i s a f a i r l y ordinary mathematics tester. Th e Rose cassettes d o th e sa me j o b better, I feel, although this one deals with decimals as well. Apart from Spelling I. Geography 1and Maths 1. the other programs are si mp l e quizzes. T h a t a g a i n beats and note times. The four clef programs cover alto and tenor/bass and treble. When run, notes appear one at a time on a short bar, which is suitably large for use on a classroom monitor; the graphics are very good. The children are then quizzed on the notes shown. A h e l p fa c i l i ty i s included. Beats a i m s t o te a c h ch i l d re n rhythm b y h a vi n g t h e m fo l l o w moving graphics. In mystery beats the graphics a r e s ta ti c a n d th e children have to discover the beat for themselves. As i n Arithmetic fo r the undereights the large graphics fi t these programs well fo r use in front of a class. A t E 12 fo r three they must rank a s good value, essential f o r music te a ch e rs. T h e y a l s o r u n themselves fr om loading, a good 'Instructions w e r e poor. Educational software should b e supported b y comprehensive instructions'. renders them, on account of content and a g e le v e l, uns uita ble f o r schools. Geography 1 is very good value f o r m o n e y a n d h i g h l y recommended. A l l t h e programs were well error-trapped, although they did not r un themselves from loading. ZX-81 Software, published b y Brian Negus of 19 Westfield Drive, Loughborough, Leics, LEH 3QI. has three music teaching cassettes on offer. These cassettes were well errortrapped, tw o o f them dealing w i th the various clefs and the third with 16 feature. Negus informs us that these programs will soon be available for the Spectrum. AVC Software of PO Box 415, Harborne. Birmingham. B17 9 T T submitted two programs for review, Tables Countdown and Geography Hangperson, at E3 per program. The programs a r e c l a i m e d t o b e completely error-trapped b u t one girl still managed to crash one when she typed RUN NEWLINE instead of GOTO 5 0 . Th a t w a s because, i n using R U N , s h e c l e a r e d t h e variables loaded fro m th e tape. I feel th a t A V G should reconsider that p a r t o f i t s p r o g r a m m i n g o n e h a s t o re-load th e program to re-start it. Tables C o u n td o w n i s s l i g h tl y expensive fo r what i t does, as the Rose cassette arithmetic f or the under-eights offers fo u r programs of b e tte r presentation f o r £4.50. although a simple graphics reward is included. It tests the four rules, without he lp, a t f o u r levels o f difficulty. Geography Hangperson te s ts knowledge of locations in the British Isles with the aid of graphics clues. The locations are not well-thoughtout and the contents of the program are lim ite d b u t t h e c lue s a r e amazing — " Is there a town that makes frisbees. Sir? It looks like a man with his head on the wrong way round". I cannot recommend either o f those two programs for school use. The r e a r e b e t t e r p r o g r a m s available a n d a t l o w e r c os t . Although the A VC programs can produce a printout of scores, so can the Rose so ftw a re , o f w h i ch th e children thought very highly, and so did They were better thought-out and far more comprehensive than other products, with the exception of the Negus cassettes, which were also very good. Loading i n a l l cases w a s fi rstclass a n d only proves th a t good cassettes are vital for easy loading. Cheap tapes just will not suffice. Instructions were poor for all the programs reviewed; educational software really should be supported by comprehensive instructions i n booklet form. SINCLAIR USER September 1982 A U T O M A T I C TAPECONTROLLER Z X 9 9 FORTHESINCLAIR Dall •DATAPROCESSING The ZX99 gives you software co n tro l o f up to fo u r tape drives (two for reading, t wo fo r writin g ) a llo win g merging of data files. This is achieved b y using the remote sockets of the tape drives, controlled by USR statements or commands. •RS232CINTERFACE E59•95 plus E2•95p+p The ZX9 9 has an RS232C output allowing connecting with any such printer using the f u ll ASCIIcharacter code (you can now print on plain paper in upper or lo we r case, and up to 132 characters per line) at a variable band rate up to 9,600. •SPECIALFEATURES There are so many special features it is d if fi cu lt to list them all, fo r example: A UTO MA TI C TAPE COPY: Y o u can copy a data file regardless of your me mo ry capacity as it is processed through the Sinclair block b y block. TAPE BL OCK SKIP: With o u t destroying the contents of RA M DIAGNOSTIC I NFO RMA TI O N: To assist in achieving the best recording settings. The ZX 9 9 contains a 2K RO M which acts as an extension to the fi rmwa re in the Sinclair ROM. The ZX9 9 's RO M contains the tape drive operating system and the conversion to ASCII for the RS232C output. There is an extension board on the rear t o plug in yo u r RA M pack (larger than 16K if required). The u n it is supplied wit h one special tape drive lead, more are available at fl each. • ZX99SOFTWARE We n o w have available " E d it o r 9 9 " , a q u a lity wo rd processing program including mail-merge, supplied on cassette fo r 19.95. Also fo llo win g soon: * Stock Co n tro l * Order Processing * Sales Ledger • Debtors Ledger * Business Accounts • Ta x Accounting Dept. SU5 Data — Assette, 44 Shroton Street, London NW1 6UG. 01-258 0409 •E399CASSETTERECORDER E25 inc. P 81 P. 44 Sn ro t o n Stre e t London N WI Tested wit h ZX81 and Acorn. Ideal f or recording and loading your programs, Features: Cue and Review, Din socket, tape counter, tone control. built-in mic, autostop, mains/battery operation, auto-record level_ 12 mont h guarantee. Tel 01-258 0409 Please enquire about our BBC recorders, • S T A R DP8480S E299 p l u s E6 Securicor delivery \ R5 2 3 2 C interface, bi-directional. 80 CPS, • 8 0 COluMn printer. Works wit h ZX81 and ZX99 also BBC, At om, Tandy and most otndr malor \ co M p u t e rs. •E690REVOLVINGCASSETTERACK Single £ 2 . 9 9 IhoIds 32 tapes or 20 in cases I Double E 5 . 9 9 (holds 64 tapes or 40 in casesi Treble E 8 . 9 9 'holds 96 tapes or 60 in cases! Quad — E11,99 (holds 128 tapes or 80 in cases) •13BCCASSETTELEAD 7 pin plug to t wo 3. 5mm plugs and one 2.5rnm plug. Only E2 inc. P & P COMPUTERCASSETTES FRDERFORM • 111, No. Item/Code I-ugh quality, screw assembled cassettes supplied with library boxes. Any lengths available. C5 — 35p C 1 0 — 37p C 1 2 — 38p C15 — 39p C 2 0 — 41p C 2 5 — 45p C30 — 44p . • • • • • Dept. SU5 Data — Assette, 44 Shroton Street, London NW1 E UG . 01 2 5 8 0409 Price inc . P & P Total Cassettes. Add min El 50 or 10% P & P. Cheques PO made payable to Storkrose Lt d. •••• • C h a r g e my Access/Visa No. , Signed L N a m e Address ,• • • =• =, SINCLAIR USER September 1982 • • • = E l , e l n • _J 17 J.K. G R E V E V fr om SOFTW - ARE THE BUFFER LTD T I J C Ni r t I c i v r r i t ' L i e L)Lt I C KI 1 I tu) :IL- 11 'Wit h o u - t Iquestion 0 . 0the 1 1finest K Lmachine code games available n t o d a y " J . N . R O W L A N r I U L I JD PLroduc t Manager t o r IN H S M I T H t7 r 0iAM N ESTAPE 1 tot 114 o n l y EM S mot T AST ER c- 10rGa me I sc i O I D S. U F O . C O D E . BOM BER GUILLOTINE KALEII3ESCOPE. e tc tZi. . 4 . t 1 PROBABLY 1 THE BEST VALU E th TAPE AVAI L AI L L o . k • n o . io . 1 Wer ve done i Cin Th. games which sorra o f our competitors J i I require 15k to dot •l i n GAM EST APt 2 fee i i o n y UM - srm it n o p rru l Supe rb machine code Spa • ce Ba ttle S e t f against a b a c k g to u n d c l i tv a nk ling s ta r s , w i t h s tu n n i n g i f esplosrons — i f you cart het the enemy ,allyelAMID Can you move the Pyramid? Make a rhestake and C it will colia,,z1 A Thinkers garne A m i n The ultimate Graphic Designers ayd 8 Direction% I n Memories. SAVE C OPY e u so u t , C LS, etc GAPOIESTAPE 3 tor 1114 O n l y CCM 'C ATAC OM BS A M ulti-Le ve l Graphycs Adve nture Ea ch level con contain u p to 9 Rooms. 8 Passage. 7 Monsters, Food. Gold. Tra ps. Phantoms, i n Exit I t o the ne st and &W e l an infinite number of levels NOTE T h i s is NOT one of the necessarey limited le st MICRO SHOP (NEXT TO STREATHAM STATION) NEW SOFTWARE SHOP EXCLUSIVELY FOR ZX81 PROGRAMS, GAMES, " ADDO NS " MOST OF THE MAIL ORDER ITEMS ADVERTISED IN THIS MAGAZINE AVAILABLE OVER THE COUNTER LOADING PROBLEMS' TRY OUR INTERFACE BUSINESS 81 TECHNICAL DATA HANDLING PROGS PROPER KEYBOARDS; CONSOLES; V DUS Adventures as SOld elsewhere "An • m -tot hoots " C O M P t l i f & V IDE O GAM E S ca d e nt GAM ESTAPI 4 for INC o n l y [C I S •313 M ON ST ER M AZ E T h e Ge me t o T o p Al l O t t e rs a d ilnbe lie ,a bla Graphics' C a n y o u fi nd y our w a y thr ough th e d i c Maze t i v Ind it s e lite YOU , e towards ,T A l l you i inn lull perspective'', you've neve. seen anythrng h like this before. g 3 D e '3 0 M ONSTER M AZE .1 the best gigee I ho•nt se e r a iE t ChO MeP U T E R b VIDEO GAMES , Lea?" to m T . R to A m or . I t I ha d to choose lus t one X programme , h eme E t t a th e n J K G r a yEe 'Pl 3X 0 M ON S TE R M A ZE o v o i d be th e one * y a hoot d o u b t" I r A nC OMaP U ' ,Sw swus e u TIN c G h e Tn c e i h -e w , M li l r d a r r t coG eMa o pST APE a lS tot : Isl k a a vo l y VLSI c e t sn s M h . s n r . O e*30 DEFENDER f T h e Ultima ate Spa l ce G a ll* S U M . fe st tu M a h e v i l u w i b lhornyMe marauding Alien Spacecrati tosame t your home Whe t h .c This re s hows y ou th e v ie w Out ,a a ll i n 3 0 . y Our yieimtcreen h , " sof your T h e backdrop moves when " fighters cockpit 'monde., u r . eyou turn, IR tI.ght directons). loft I s it you J Por ifly up J or t down n e wareAreally ee R flying C Oit M s ,C BaFctua u tV lly T soon * Will l l includes Shie ld Strength. Attitude Proximity, Forward Radar and your viewscreen o h V e Score Gn e,tu nrcn snows your totalling m home planet. ba ckdrop o f Sta rs. M e te ors. Explosions. r Y t o w W O a f U d s e Fhltdrhe Bla st* yOu l Photon Beams, u p to 4 Enemy Saucers end of course its a ll in e A o0R' u E ful' 3E Piy En HIT a t the / w X Mtiorofole (mood of the othe r softwa re Sousse we nte d a yi'eA SPAASH K 0 i Uhge m s no' to be hmessed! Tcopy!, o3 e 0 u.e r GAM ESTAPE I t o . 1 k o n l y M INI & W n , ,e e , e n md • BREAKOUT Supe r Fa st Full Screen Cleaohno Ga me . Your , CCtime Favourite with an added twist Se e how much Monet e n h us byou ca n win and wa tch the pounds convert t o Dollars. A t f S e a O u s u in Machine Code for Fa il Action with 3 Speeds, 2 Be t Sizes tc e r es t end three angles ot tebOundl The best BREAKOUT around 'i s dy and at M a price you can't go wrong t o , h n u e O i n f GAMES MARKE D • I NCL. MACHI NE CODE s t y Prices o inc lude V A T and U. K , P, 8r P h o e u (A d d aPProor,ate i POslacte on Fo re ig n O rders ). Chedues /P.O.s t o s A l a r e T tc 16 Brendon Close, Oldland Common, Bristol BS15 6 0 L F a t l d h CREDI T CARD SALES: Phone 0 1 9 3 0 - 9 2 3 2 (9 a.m. - 7 p.m.) eFOR I NS TANT DESPATCH e x f m . a ' it you ve tte to see before buying. Our range oi o a m E r r Ar e s v are stocked by the following stores Y o 3 BUFFER M I CROSHOP ,24 Gloucester Rd Brighton, GAMER u 1 GEORGES 89 Perk St Bristo l, Ave ". r A MICROSTYLE 29 Belvedere. lansdrown Rd .Bath, Avon, i d MICRO WARE 1 3S 1 M eltonR dLe ice ste r, i144 Sr Georges Rd Cheltenham. Glos. it SCREEN SCENE e W H SM I TH O vr e r 200COnrouletBranches, s ZECIXTRA 5 e S c hoolL e n s K i n s o n . R our ne m Outh,D o r n i t Y p a lo TRADE r b u a s a h y r & a n v H E X i 18 e J.K. G R EVE S O F T W A R E LTD P O g 374A STREATHAM HI GH ROAD, LONDON S W16 Tel: 01- 769 2887 S,A.E APPRECIATED FOR CATALOGUE - M OV IN G AHEAD WITH ZX SOFTWA R E ZX CHESS Et ADVENTURES PROGRAMS FOR T HE ZX-FORTH D 0 3 1 . 8 0 16K RAM PACKS I N C L U £29.50 D I N G 1K ZX-CHESSII E2,95 ZX CHESS I reduced to £6.50 ZX CHESS II now only E9 95 ADVENTURES ADVENTURE 'A' E6.00 ADVENTURE 'B' ETOO ADVENTURE 'C' E8.00 GALAXIANS £3.95 ZX BUG £7.00 Full implementation of FORTH for the ZX — 10 — 26 time faster than BASIC. 'Simplicity of BASIC with speed Ef machine code.' BYGBYTE RAM PACKS, no wobble problems. 1 year guarantee on each RAM PACK. The best you can boy Immediate delivery. We didn't think it was possible, but the game plays against you, TWO opening rnoveS, Only 1K of menxify needed Very popular machine code program, with its levels of play and an analysis option. Unbeaten except by A new improved version with a faster response fi rm, seven levels of play. and in addition a recommended move option. Exciting machine code games with Instant response. choose f ro m t he range below Y o u fi nd yourself stranded on an alien planet Can you reach your ship and escape? In a fungle clearing you come across an Inca temp*. You must break in, collect treasure and escape alive. Beware. Includes a cassette save routine. You are unfortunate enough to be drawn to an alien cruiser. Can y ou reach the control room and free yourself or will they gel you testIn tvroutn sa e d clu i e. All the features at the acarde game in a fast machine code program. Swooping attackers, explosions arid personalised scoring. A 30 in 1 machine code tool and disassembly, allows access t o all registers and t o search through, and morditY ITIETTIOny. with cassette routines. and many mote Fat a catalogue giving full details, please send a S.A.E to Artic Computing Dept EE 396 Jarnes Reckitt Avenue Hull HUB WA. SINCLAIR USER September 1982 ZX-81 price cut to keep sales THE PRICE of the ZX-81 has b e e n r e duc e d t o E49.95. It is believed that the move was prompted by the need to keep sales moving in Britain, since there has been a big fall in the number of orders since the announcement of the Spectrum. It was felt that the gap between the prices of the 7A-81 a nd the Spectrum was n o t b i g e nough. Sinclair Research ha s always maintained t ha t there wa s a market f or both machines. 13 FACES IN THE CROWD: Clive Sinclair, left, and Nigel Searle, head of Sinclair Research computer division, in the crowd of runners at the start of the Cambridge Festival half marathon. The men's race was won by Ian Thompson with Carol Gould coming first in the women's section. It is also thought it is a reaction to the announcement by Binatone that it will b e selling a micro costing less than EN . The machine is being imported from the Far East and the launch date depends on tests of the machine proving s a tis fa c tor y . I t i s hoped to have it on sale before Christmas. The ZX-81 will soon be available thr ough m or e retail outlets. This follows the signing of a n agreement wit h Prism Microproducts_ for sole distribution rights for the machine in Britain to small retail organisations with fewer than 20 outlets. Add-on guarantee gamble ANYONE attaching a ddons t o t h e i r S i n c l a i r machines whic h require opening the case or removing t h e k e y b o a r d automatically invalidates the guarantee. Tha t m e a n s t h a t Sinclair is not obliged to repair the machine should anything g o wr ong. A spokesman f o r Sinc la ir Research said tha t once the case had been opened the guarantee no longer obtains but in some cases, where nothing ha d been disturbed i n s i d e , t h e repairs might still be free. That came to light after a reader wrote to Sinclair User of his experience. PI Shaw of Basingstoke Road. Reading wrote that, lik e many other ZX-81 owners, he had bought a full-size keyboard. The model r e quired the removal of the computer board from its casing and fixing it into the new keyboard. I t w a s a great improvement and Shaw was very happy with his machine. Science dominates contest ENTRIES for mathematics and science applications dominated the educational software awards organised by Muse, the educational computing association. The r e we r e m or e than 100 entries but the science bias resulted i n prizes being awarded in only fi v e o f t h e s i x categories. Many o f t h e e ntr ie s have now been accepted into the Z X -the Muse library which, with 8 1 nearly 50 programs, is s now e c the t ibiggest section. Prizes o f S i n c l a i r o n o f SINCLAIR USER September 1982 Prism is a sister company to ECC Publications which publishes Sinclair User. Its future plans include increasing its distribution of hardware and software ite m s i n t h e Sinclair market. Winner of the Spectrum is announced printers w e n t t o D a v e Fisher of Coventry in the primary maths/science section f o r Bomber; t o Charles Rowbotham o f "Then, o n e da y , m y Manchester under other ZX-81 developed a fault. primary f o r For e ns ic ; to worry, it was fully under secondary maths/s- Not gua r a nte e d, o r s o I cience to John McMullan thought. of Stechford for Forensic; "According to Sinclair under other secondary to Research I had inR ic ha r d M a r i o t o f Kenilworth f o r Bigspell; validated my guarantee by and under othe r t o I a n opening and removing the Souter of Tunbridge Wells computer board from its casing," he said. for 110G. No award was made in The necessary r e pa ir the a d m i n i s t r a t i o n work w i l l c os t h i m a minimum of E20. category. 1 THE W I N N E R o f t h e Spectrum and printer we offe r e d i n o u r J u n e competition is S j Churchman of Blandford Camp, Dorset. F r o m a h i g h quality entry the judges decided that his version of an EPROM blower was the best. We will print an outline of t he hardware a nd a review of its capabilities in our next issue. 9 N ot.-1.,rat i t ' X 8 1 r-----: \ 1 RAM if)k 5 --- 2 -6 f . 9 0 Si, Sim iso BASIC n o m e re a l orlie I - cef r 324'BASIC program area R B c 6 ‘ , 1 4 R M P a c k oGOBBLERS RICKMAN FOR 16K Z3C81 BEAT THA T HI GH SCORE! GOBBLE THOSE DOTS BEFORE THOSE MEANI ES GOBBLE YOUI YOUR ONLY AIDES ARE FOUR "POWER PI LLS" WHI CH MAKE THE MEANI ES EDI BLE. BUT NOT FOR LONGI P 4 5 PO R T RI P L , 1 2 R A M packs o w w m e near 4 8 S plash( ' Cale Booh 7 / TS umatra with foa m suer connecrof to Improve ton& 2 7 • 4 7 • 7 0 onto,. metlyarorcal statodet Fo g , g t ° * 5 , p r•r• r d o d o , I f 1 S t o o l p ri c e o r ao s, t e n , NOTE 5 6 k , 01 o th l e 6.4k A O R A M U is s to t m i aildtes s abie enor m ity is in 4 AeeaS ° e , e r , 165 M a c h m e c oOe ar ea u n a ffe c te d by CLE A R N E W . L OA . r 5D . S A ' , • 5 h 32 64. t BASI C vanabIes lt &nays asp t • • o t • . * ' v a An enhanc ed l y ets io0 of our tor . s c a l i n g GA LA X Y INV A DE RS P R OGR A M N o n e, t e p ro v e d i n ve rS e r S h a g " o e n gheS a t e tr Scores i •kagoe tables t ,o t dThe sikr hr obtained a t eac h o f 3 c lifftic ulty (Feels o nS • as cn r de einstructions (minimum Ak R AM I GALAXY I N VAD*ER wt i S tiO av attablA et o n l y ( 3 0 0 t ctultyu levcels , 2 0 inv ader s i n 4 r o w s 01 F. M ac hine r o d iei fonr I Di diffi tt i o n s Y NCHM ODIFahmily Fun Nno ll cassette/mei instructions R A M ? E A a A c om petitiv eZd gam e tor 2 to 6 people T h e lX1.11 pic k s Wo o . k eeps IN . m o r e anri te tcn e s th e lX o se rs i n at u m at e r i g rAp l UESI D e a l I o n Ecl u cd ,1 0 0 0 o i t o o FAMILY FUN NoP11116 R AM only t 3 I n e I o na gam es C a s s e tte and M anual With intr uc hons . itattngs . pr ogr am note-% n i U LTIGIIIAPHICS 2 3116k R AM naadadl E S A I t , n n l y rrl et n u n t -, t e rt p . , k a g y 01 o t o c e c t u re s g e t i n g y r . t o i l e t : 3 e , A phttutt. S ur ,,pited i tti th 20 page illus tr atea m anual tr , 11 6 4 1 ( Rvoo. A- .Q. u. a- l zi txy sSio r t w a r e SUPERlNVAOER5C.I5St*. M I16AMdoall t 4 GRAPHICS STARTER PAC K (Pour lk Gra phics programs1 V 95 95 E 4 , 0 • M A CHINE CODE D FOR • ON SCREEN S CORING 50 0 the BEST yet from M.C. Associates PELOPONNESIAN WA R — a br a nd n e w 1 6 K g a m e Your ultimate goal is a final victory over the Spartans but you will need to deploy all your skill in a combination of diplomacy and military force before you even stand a chance! Price E5.95 also 20 A L IV E A S L O N G A S P OS S IB LE I N OP E N SPACE F I L L E D IN ITH F L Y I N G R OC K S SCORE B Y S H OOTIN G TH E M W H I C H A L S O CA US E S TH E M T O B R E A K I N T O L OTS EAST ACTION ZX81 TYRANT OF ATHENS ROMAN EMPIRE oASTER 11DS OF LI TTLE BI TS AND M AKES LIFE EVEN WORSE! 90 I C tO tS , and te w l i s C o m p u te r m eans . S Os , iiationee, tegtek s ion I and t te ,IS rt l eSt a nd a . a n E ur . ope a n CUS famdTS ple a s e a d d 30p pa r s o ftw a r e omen. wor le ha r de 7 c u l r o r n w s w r i te te f de ta r ls o f ha r dwa r e rnarlenv chatcrof 0d PfOversees o r 8 BRIDGE SOFTWARE ISO) p f u r t IS FERNWOOD: M AR PLE BRIDGE, STOCKPORT. CHES SKS SHE a h e r ,, g d a p n q u i 0 c3 Pe Rte rktu rtty , e t a , h d s p o . r n P k a o l b e n l t c e C e h O s v n a m t l i a l r d t o o n n r i c d n l e g u , l s i o o s r l v f i e r o o o p n m S S $ . o e e t l . S t t t i d t s . u h f C I l t s i Q l o r o a o s s m l p o u t r u s e e f . x s r a o m f p r l e s d a t a AN ANNOYINGLY FRUSTRATING GAME FOR ONLY E5.95 FOR 16IPE ZXEll ,Cam el te ann 12 page ilk ottatec t book l e tw i ttl l i s ti n g s n e tA IR O tec hnic al nOteft 0 the pr ogr am s explairang the use ot P LOT. U N P L O T. P RINT SPACE A T I N K E TS, 1 GOS UB P E E K . Th e ZX 81 r her ac lpr tables etc ot t h e z x a I STATISTICS PAC KAG(1 Poru lk Stottaticsprograms1 • MACHI NE CODED FOR FAST ACTI ON • E X TRA "GOBBLER" FOR 10,000 POI NTS • O N SCREEN SCORI NG • H I G H SCORE WI TH "E NTE R NA ME " FA CI L I TY OUP TO 4 PLAYERS Price C4_95 Price €5.95 • H I GH S CO RE W I T H ENTER NAME• FACILITY • LtP TO 4 PLAYERS ' , (MOT A S EASY A S IT SOUNOSII E • S H IP MOVES JUST LIK E X ARCADE V E RS ION •TR OTA TE LEE TIROTA TE R RIGHTeTHRUS T • E IR E S N A L L , Of • INCRE A S ING N O R M A OF A S TE ROIDS • THREE A S TE ROID SIZES • N A S TY ' A LIE N SPACE SHIP !FIRE S SACKI1 THIS GAME ISASJUST AS BAD - AND ONLY E5.95 AN OFFER FOR REALHI MASOCHISTS-BOTH TAPES FOR E9.95 P MAI L ORDER ONLY-PLEASE MAKE CHEQUE/ PO PAYABLE TO F O FARM, RBOTANY 1 . 0 0 0 P T S CRAI G 0 BAY, TI NTERN, GWENT 5 1 * T H E S O F T W A R E F ANew release " Wa rlo rd " E 4 • 9 5 RA16K game set in 13th Century Japan M • Can you rule a warring village to survive fo r 30 years? • Can you defeat the armies and samurai of other warlords? ZX81 16K LOMA:MIEN COMPUTERGAMES • A challenging game where all results are dictated by your own decision. "SAMURAI WARRIOR" Could you survive in 13th century Japan? • In combat with other Samurai • Fighting bandit groups • Assisting villages or will you co mmit ritual suicide? Buy more than one cassette and deduct 50p from the price of each. Become engrossed in this game of skill f o r only £5.95 Cheques or POs please — made payable to: M.C. ASSOCIATES 4 GRANBY ROAD, CHE ADLE FRAME CHESHIRE SK8 6LS LOTHLORIEN C OMPU TER GA M E S 94 Flixton Road, U r m s ton, Manchester M31 3 4 0 Cheques or POs please, payable to: SINCLAIR USER September 1982 Mains filter advisers WITH REGARD t o Pa u l Coker's l e tte r i n the July Over-heating stops printer MY ZX-81 w i th 16K and printer a r r i v e d i n m i d May fro m Sinclair. A fte r two days I stopped 1 6 K RAM wobble by putting a large tea-tray into an old cushion cover. The ZX-81, RAM a n d p r i n t e r l i v e permanently o n th e tr a y and there has never been any fu rth e r trouble w i th wobble. Nearly every time I tr y to LUST a long program, however, the power supply pack becomes very hot and eventually the printer goes dead, w i t h white-out o n screen. Moreover, i t does not come alive again fo r several hours, i .e ., u n ti l the power pack has cooled. This is no glitch or mains fluctuation. It happens a t any time o f day o r night including 3 a m — n o K-cursor a n d n o p ri n te r for several hours. Since my R AM pack is now free fro m wobble — and a n y w a y , w i t h o u t touching anything except to unplug fr o m th e w a l l socket, a m e m o r y t e s t shows 16K available when switched o n again a fte r the cooling period — the fault can be ascribed only to the power pack, which seems unable to cope with the printer f o r L L IST o f more than 1K programs. My o n l y so l u ti o n a t present is to copy long programs, screen b y screen. with a long cooling period between each screen copy. Marion Stubbs, Southampton. •Sinclair Research sa ys SINCLAIR USER September 1982 that i t has never met this problem p re vi o u sl y b u t issue of Sinclair User, Display El e ctro n i cs h a s a mains fi l t e r w h i c h i t recommends f o r c o m puters. F u r t h e r d e ta i l s obtainable f r o m 6 4 - 6 6 Melfort Road, Th o rn to n Heath, Croydon, Su rre y. Tel. 01-689 7702. T Dawson Prestwick, Ayrshire. WITH REFERENCE to the letter from Paul Coker on mains spike suppression, in July, what is required is a tr a n s i e n t suppressor. They can be obtained from a radio dealer and are supplied by Radiospares: the mains v e r s i o n i s c o d e 238-457. It is a small component w h i c h r e q u i r e s soldering across the mains at the input to the transformer in the power supply u n i t, w h i c h m u s t , o f course, b e disconnected from the mains before dismantling. Although the loading of the Spectrum i s f a r su perior t o th e ZX-81, th e Spectrum has a slight idiosyncrasy. Y o u c a n have saved yo u r programs o n tape and loaded successfully many times when i t apparently refuses to do so. The remedy is to ensure that your batteries are a t full voltage: a p p a re n tl y when t h e voltage d ro p s below the control voltage for t h e t a p e r e c o r d e r motor stabilisation circuit, the speed of loading drops and the Spectrum notifies a ta p e loading fa u l t. Replacing the batteries w i l l cure the fault. F Harrop, Hollingbury, Brighton. deal w i th th e points you make in future editions. thinks it might be due to a heat-sensitive component Better munch saves battles in either the mains adaptor or t h e c o m p u te r . D o readers h a ve o th e r suggestions? MY S ON S a n d m y s e l f enjoy Sinclair U se r b o th for articles and programs — which I input and they use. The Monster Munch by Ti m Hartnell — Ma y, 1982 — however, almost resulted in a full-scale war when o n e o f th e m d i scovered h o w t o escape from the maze. If you are at either side of t h e b o a r d , y o u c a n escape using a tw o -p a rt instruction, i .e ., " N W " . That transfers the 'H ' to the E side of the board but the monster cannot follow. He is therefore safe so long as he travels " N " or By adding the following, I cut off that escape route: 217 LET BS = BS + "(SPACE)" 218 IF BS (2) = " E " AND P>9 OR BS(2) = AND P< 2 THEN GOTO 215 Now the monster always munches. Harold Cather, Yate, Bristol. Contact made with flicker TH A N K Y O U f o r t h e machine code survey but I make two points: A ti p ? Wh e n typing-in programs i f the machine is in FAST mode, the screen flicker tells one if a key has made " c o n t a c t " m o r e cheaply than buying beep systems — a n d j u s t a s effectively. The only thing is not to forget to revert to SLOW before SAVING, or you might produce a blank screen when the program is RUN. I w a n t t o kn o w mo re about what machine code does. I want a better feel of what an address means — not just jargon by way o f definition. I w a n t t o g e t behind the feel of hex and the mnemonics s o th a t I can understand what I am doing. So h o w a b o u t s o m e articles fro m people who can co mmu n i ca te t h e i r knowledge before I go out and buy another book? 1 want to be sure o f understanding what I read. Bevil Redrup, Truro, Cornwall. Appeal for pen-friend I WOULD like a pen-friend who h a s a ZX-8 1 w i t h whom I c a n e xch a n g e programs a n d o t h e r things. I can be contacted at Mollagatan 16. 50246 Boras, Sweden. Magnus Nygren, •Thank you for your com- ments o n machine co d e and we will be trying to 2 1 NOW FROM AFDEC ZX81 RAM PACKS 16K E25.00 Inclusive and post free. Well proven design. Simplicity itself — Just plug in and go. Power derived from ZX81 without additional connections. MAKE THE MOS T OF YOUR MICROCOMPUTER WITH OUR POPULAR RANGE OF PROVEN BOOKS:— GETTING ACQUAINTED WITH YOUR Z X81 b y Tim Hannell Eighty Plus programs in this 128-page book including draughts. E 5 . 9 5 = 2 0 SIMPLE ELECTRO NI C PROJECTS FOR THE Z)(81 and other computers by Stephen Adams ( 6 . 4 5 — MAS TE RI NG MACHI NE CODE ON YOUR ZX81 O R ZX80, by Toni Baker 180 pages, teaches machine code horn first principles. E7.50 49 EXPLOSIVE GAMES FOR THE ZX81, edited by Tim Hartnell E5.95 34 AMAZI NG GAMES FOR THE 1K ZX81 by Alastair Gourley E4,95 El T H E G ATEWAY G UI DE T O T H E ZX.81 A N D Z U G b y Mar k Charlton Over 6 0 programs and routines. ZX BASIC explained ,n detail E 6 . 4 5 'A LE ARN PASCAL O N ZX 8 1 Z X S P E CTRUM O R BBC M I C R O COMPUTER WI TH 'PASCAL FOR HUMAN BEI NG S'. by Jeremy Ruston, which contains a 12K compiler so you can run a limited version of Pascal on your ZX81, ZX Spectrum or BBC Mic roc omputer Book. plus compiler listing. E 4 95 0 L E T YO UR BBC MI CRO TE ACH Y O U TO PROGRAM, by Tim Hartnell. over 4C. , THE BBC MICRO REVEALED. by Jeremy Ruston The full story on p g rMa icrocomputer m ther o BBC tor the serious user E 9 . 9 5 s . B GETTING B CACQUAINTED WITH YOUR VIC 20, by Tim Hartnell, with over 60 to gel your VIC up and running trom day one B A programs S E6.95 I C 0 Sf Y MP rHO NY FO R A MELANCHO LY CO MPUTER by Tim Hartnell o 24 gre am t Vic ga me s £ 6 . 9 5 fi 39 PROGRAMS FOR THE ACORN ATOM Best of Interface r TESTED s £ 6 . 4 5 tedited by Tim Hartnell pGETTING r i ACQ UAI NTED WI TH YOUR ACORN ATO M. by Trevor nSharpies c ia n d Tim Ha rt n e ll 1 8 4 pages . 8 0 programs . inc luding E 7 . 9 5 pdraughts l e s INTERFACE, the monthly magazine published by the NATI O NAL E ZX USERS' CLUB is Just £950 (U E 12,50 (Europe) tor 12 issues 6Semple copy, with many programs tor your ZX computer, hook ,software a n d hardware reviews, education, contact addresses, 4just El . 5 •AN M i t books now COMtion S OK from supp/ement mod avedlabk• w a n i n g ) , Au o u r M I p r o g r w r i s A O ru n o n y o u r / X Sp e Cfri d rn Please send me the items marked I enclose E Name Address. . ...... . . . . . . . . Please make cheques payable to INTERFACE and send the above form or a copy. to: I NTE RFACE . De pt. SC 4 4 - 4 6 Ear ls Cour t Roa d. London WEI SEJ Rome Moot up to 28 days tor nal hient 22 Ingenious flush mounting design eliminates 'Wobble and accidental memory loss. Special feature — LED O n/ O ff indicator. Coming soon — A professional keyboard at an affordable price. Send the coupon TODAY for your Rampack. Allow 14-21 days for delivery. AFDEC ELECTRONI CS LTD. 318 Kempshor t Lane Basingstoke, Hants. Please s u p p ly . 1 6 K Rampac k s at E25,00 inc lus iv e Ch ePlease q Print Clearly. uName e P Address . O . / M o n e y O r d e r I Please specityl e INCOME TAX n Checks PAYE coding by offering you all likely allowances -c displays and prints your coding and its make-up, the n l powerful facilities automatically calculate NI a nd PAYE deductions o to five years net pay for next week or month. Options for overtime, salary increases, etc. Plan your income s for e E6.50. BRIDGE d C Ideal for all bridge players. Enter contract bid and made. BRIDGE does the rest for you. All over — trick, slam, . doubled points etc. Displays and prints scorecard, totals for . 5. rubbers a nd all hands played. A high-class program Z X E m Serious Application Software for your 16K ZX-81/SPECTRUM excellent value at £6.50. SALES LEDGER Excellent small business system, prints cash received/sales day books on monthly basis, maintains ledger for 5 0 + accounts, prints statements, names and addresses, etc. Only fi l l Also RE TAIL ACCO UNTI NG lE81. INDEX/RETRIEVAL SYSTEM (E6.50) " E2 off any 2 " E5 off any 4 • • *Tailor-made software developed — please contact us for a prompt quotation Z X S A S (sae forNew more details) 42/45 Broad St, London EC2M 10Y SINCLAIR USER September 1392 starting from scratch Come to the ZX-81 with a clear mind to make the best use of your new machine. Lifetime's obsession can easily be acquired start o f a lifetime obsession B with home computing. I t i s U e a sy,h o w e ve r. t o b e c o m e discouraged i f everything does not Y go to plan from the beginning. I For th o s e w i th o n l y a l i ttl e N knowledge o f computers and their G capabilities, t h e b e s t w a y t o aapproach the ZX-81 i s to abandon Z any ideas for special uses. While the X basic machine is ideal for learning -how to use computers, it is too small 8for any major uses. I t i s better to 1become accustomed t o th e ma n y facilities and then decide how you cwish to ue them. a Begin by unpacking the machine, novercoming your surprise at its size band w e i g h t a n d , fo l l o w i n g t h e emanual, set u p the system. I f you tcannot g e t th e K o n th e screen. hcheck th a t everything i s plugged into its correct socket and re-set the e machine b y pulling-out the power plug for a second and try tuning-in again. If still nothing appears, check the power supply unit by shaking it. If it rattles, return it. I f i t is satisfactory, check your system with that of a friend. Once the K appears you are ready to begin learning about the Z.X-81. It can save family arguments i f you can afford a separate television set for your system. I t also makes life easier if you can find somewhere to leave your equipment set u p permanently. You w i l l fi nd that a few power sockets a re needed and a four-way block connector on a short length of extension cable will help to SINCLAIR USER S e p t e mb e r 1982 tidy trailing leads. The manual i s w ri tte n i n great detail a n d i s reasonably easy t o follow. Some of the chapters may not seem immediately relevant but it is worthwhile reading th e m a s yo u might m i s s something w h i c h i s important. Patience is needed at that stage to learn t h e w a y s i n w h i c h t h e computer will accept information. It is tempting to try to enter programs before you are really ready but that is l i ke l y t o l e a d t o e rro rs. F o r example, words like AND. THEN, and AT should not be typed-in letter by l e tte r. B y th e ti me yo u have reached ch a p te r 1 1 , y o u should have accumulated sufficient knowledge to b e able t o type-in o th e r people's programs, such as those in Sinclair U s e r a n d Si n cl a i r Pro grams, without too much difficulty. It is important that when using the machine it is not jolted. Some of the connections can easily work loose and everything which has been put in will be lost. The manual is not to everyone's taste and i f you fi n d i t di ffi cul t to follow, a number o f books on th e market can help you. Find the one which suits you best. As a way of relaxing. you can buy some o f t h e g ro w i n g r a n g e o f commercially-produced so ftw a re . That can be loaded directly fro m cassette b u t make sure th a t your machine is big enough to take the tapes yo u b u y. Th e re a r e some programs f o r th e unexpanded 1 K machine but most of them require a 2 16K R AM pack. The tapes vary in quality. I t is advisable to read the reviews i n Sinclair User and use your judgment to find the best. An alternative method to learn about the ZX-81 is to plunge in at the deep end and see what the computer will do. Refer to the manual when you have difficulties. You can ignore the fu n c ti o n s a n d ca l cu l a ti o n s initially and experiment with PRINT statements to obtain the feel of the machine. You m a y h a ve h e a r d a l re a d y about t h e p ro b l e m i n vo l ve d i n SAVEing a n d LOADing yo u r o w n cassettes. The manual again gives detailed instructions b u t many o f the e a r l y ma ch i n e s w o u l d n o t accept tapes fro m some recorders. That problem is said to have been overcome but there can still be difficulties. Th e y u s u a l l y o c c u r w h e n LOADing tapes recorded by other people. One simple method to overcome this is to wind the tape to the middle o f th e program a n d typ e LOAD" " followed b y NEWLINE: then slowly increase the volume of the recorder with the tape running until th e television screen shows four o r fi ve thick horizontal black bands. If you then re-wind the tape, the program should LOAD normally. Finally, a health warning. Apart from any practical uses, computing with your ZX-81 can be a very entertai ni ng h o b b y a n d i s a l m o s t certainly habit-forming. Yo u m a y easily fi n d yourself crouched over your machine, red-eyed, in the early hours of the morning, thinking that in another five minutes you will sort out the problem. Try to break that habit by getting into the fresh air and meeting other Sinclair users. By obtaining a ZX-81 you find that you have joined a not very exclusive club w i t h m a n y th o u sa n d s o f members, many of whom would be only too happy to advise you i f you have difficulties. Make sure of your regular copies of S i n c l a i r U s e r a n d S i n c l a i r Programs a n d you can be guaranteed many happy hours w i th your Sinclair machine. 3 ZXEIL E D F NIGHT GUNNER M I M E TURN YOUR ZX131 INTO CASH! E ne m y a i r c r a f t a p p r o a c h i n g f r o m t h e r e a r ! Ca n y o u de f e nd your pl a ne a ga i ns t enemy attack ? Beware, the mor e you shoot down, the faster they get An exciting machi ne code vi deo game wi th impressive graphics. Features include: best scor e of t he day, a ut orepeat on t h e c ont r ol k e y s . auto-r etur n t o the s e l f demonstr ati ng ti tl e page. Requires 16k RAM S u p p l i e d on tape, wi th instructions Send details of your equipment with S.A.E. for latest prices 1 Action packed fun for only E 4 45 FIGHTER P I L D T 15 fe e t.... 7 feet.... Touchdown! Another successful i ns t r um e nt l a ndi ng Appoa c hi ng at 1 5 0 knots is not al ways as easy as thi s. You are i n ful l contr ol f r om t a k e - of f t o l a ndi ng dur i ng t h i s r eal -ti me fl i ght si mul ati on of a j et fi ghter . T h e s k y is the l i mi t! F l y a di ffer ent mi ssi on every time Endless scope for i m pr ov i ng your i nstr ument fl y i ng skills 16k RAM Required. S u p p i e d on tape, with full instructions. why start with lk? S upe rv a lue a t C4-45 Buy secondhand and get more for your money All prices inclusive (Overseas add E0-55 p&p per lapel All products guaranteed, refund it not satisified ZXBis RAM packs etc. S.A.E. for prices list Digital Integration. SEC ON D H A N D SIN C LA IR S 23 The Bourne, Brimscombe, Str oud. Glos. GL5 2RP 22, Ash Church Road, Ash, Aldershot. Hants, GU12 6LX. KEMPSTON (Micro) ELECTRONICS P : Z X 8 1 K l i KEMPSTON (Mic r o) ELECTRONICS k K 0e Quantity D e s c r i p t i o n U n i t Price A mo u n t $.$ y b o 24 a •::: -:-: •:: •:,. :•:• •:•: •.:: This is a lull, forty key, moving keyboard which fits into the recess left after peeling off the existing 'touch • sensitive' keypad Consider the following advantages: • Positive feedback from keys • Fits onto the ZX81 • N o trailing wires • No special case needed • Elegant design with two colour legends. The fully built keyboard requires absolutely no soobeong since two fl exible connectors plug into the Z.Xl31 sockets. Alternatively, the keyboard is available es an easy build kit at a considerable saving. Now available with 41 keys, the extra key can be USW to give a repeat facility.: : (22.50 Nit/ C 2 6 . 0 0 (built) 41 key version: C Z .50 (built) 1 2 3 , 0 0 (kit) All prices inclusive of VAT, but postage must be added at 70 pence for a single • item, 100 pence for 2 or more items Payment by cheque or P.O. •• •••• • •• Av ailable by mail order from: • •••• ?.BO Adamson Court. Hillgrounds Road, Kampaton, Bedford MK112 8 0 Z •::: Please allow 21 days for delivery. S.A.E. in all correspondence. See us at the PCW Show (also ZX Microfairt * Your Name end Addrpms S I A S •:-: • M i t KA Keyboard kit (40 keys) ZX81 Klik-Kavboard but MO keys) ZX81 Data P a 5 ! 1 ? 9 9 . , y p t a l •:.•::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-=•:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::•:•:;:;:;:::::::::::::::::::::::::: MAIL ORDER ONLY tz' •e s ()* * DEALERS — WE HAVE 4 43 A FEW TABLES LEFT Contact: C 4,1 . MIKE DONNACHIE v• 4t 4- 0 4, WEST YORKSHIRE LS 2 8 6NZ 4 4 1 t Northern Premier Exhibitions 1 4 4 6 4 proudly announce their 1st S t 4 ZX fair O on U 1 Saturday, 2nd October T 10 a.m. till 5 p.m. H Admission: Adults 75p. P Children under 14 50p. A PUDSEY CIVIC CENTRE, R DAWSONS CORNER, STANNINGLEY, A NR. LEEDS. D (midway between Leeds 81. Bradford) E , Hardware, Software, Books and Magazines — P everything for the ZX User. This Fair is exclusively for ZX Computers, U so come and enjoy A DAY OUT among friends D S E SINCLAIR USER September 1982 Y , Great games packs for I6K ZX81 • PACK 1 AS T RO-I NV ADE RS -lust look at these features then look at the price! •Superior machine code programming •ffapid-fi ring with explosive on-screen kill effect *High-scoring saucers 1154 aliens eac c eleratin 00estructable g a t t a c k defence shields 00n-s c reen kill count * High score update *Fast action space graphics —a new dimension in 1X81 value AVM-1111(80M is yours on cassette for ONLY 0. 65 with FOUR BONUS GAMES: ARCADE G RAND - PRIX d r i v e four levels of machine code skill PENALTY - defend your goal against the sharp shooting ZX81 GOLF - judge your shot-strength, angles, bunkers plus machine code insect fun with SWAT PACK 2 A 0 A 0 F Ilultra-dynamic machine code action * hos t ile alien waves *fast responsive controls; ship up/down, thrust, laser bolt, and smart bomb *comprehensive sconng Illaxplosivegraphics • • explosive price' 1 S u p e r b book of Revision Notes 2 P r o g r a ms of problems using random data different each time' Answers given 3 P r o g r a m H i n t s on "How to Revise" 4 P r o g r a ms of Multiple choice questions "Most original and useful" J R. DERBYS. "Very pleased with 'Physics'. please send A P"i s t r y A . A. SUSSEX. C S.A hem Physics " 0 " , Chemistry " 0 / C" , Biology " 0 " E7.50 + 50p p&p Maths "0" Part I £ 5 . 5 0 + 50P p&p : JUNIOR SCHOOL PACK: PLANET DEFENDER — blast aliens in planet orbit S C I S :OSTUDY PACKS: F Taking T Exams next year? A for £10.00 + 50p p&p Contains 1 T e a c h e r s "PAARKBOOK" (also suitable for sec schools) E 4 50 2. N e w improved version of "JUNGLE MATHS" 5, Minster "One of the best Junior programmes available S . J. Lanc as t er ( E 4 50) Gardens, 3 " M A G I C S P E LL". A versatile Nevithorpe, Eastwood, spelling test program ( E 4 Notts. Planet Defender comes on cassettes for O NLY 13.55 with machine code STO RM through space. BREAKOUT [machine code) r a c e against the clock, plus GRAPHIC HANG MAN FI G HT 16K ZX81 cassette packs l and 2 are 13.66 each I post free in U.K.). Fast E RS despatch from John Prince c o 29 Brook Avenue, Levenshulme, m b Manchester M19 a t 5 fl e e t s o f s w o o p i n g a l i e n Cassette based sClear "menu" operation a Facilities include sort, search, list, delete, change, total numeric field, save s Complete with demonstration file and full instruction! application leaflet. y Requires 16K Ram pack. o uApplications: Recipe file Stamp/coin collections b Inventory Control l Employee Data a Record Collections s Magazine article catalogue t X 8 soon for B.B.C. + SPECTRUM! The ultimate SINCLAIR ZX 81 (16K) DATABASE FILING SYSTEM by DALE HUBBARD Fed up with boring games — make your ZX81 work for you! The one you've been waiting for!! and load file, line print, etc. May be used for any application where fast access is required to stored information Access accepted Send cheque or P.O. or credit card number to: GEMIN I MA R K ETIN G LTD . 9 Solartron Road, Ex m outh, Devon EX8 2BR. OR telephone us wit h yo u r cre d it card o rd e r on Exmouth (03952) 5832 DESPATCH BY RETURN SINCLAIR USER S e p t e mb e r 1982 ONLY E5.95 FULLY INCLUSIVE! c) \cfc_c.G‘tog •„,,0 , oe0 9 c p 25 MICROWARE ZX HARDWARE.... Retail Shop In LEICESTER for S I NCLAI R Com puters Keyboards/Ram Packs, 1 /0 Po rt s, Monitors, G / Roms; Games, Serious, Home/Business. Education Programs; Books Er Magazines. PROFESSIONAL 40 KEY KEYBOARD • All legends and graphics in 2 colours • N o soldering to ZX81, just plug in •Proper typewriter keys •RAM/Printer compatable. Kit £19.95 Built [24.95 Case E10.213 Repeat key add on TBA. Range of in 'out ports, music boards, motherboards, D to A converter boards write for catalogue. Also — N o w stocking Bo o ks a n d Software f o r SPECTRUM, B B C an d VIC 20. MICROWARE 131 Melton Road Leicester Tel: 0533 681812 Closed Thursday Open 9.30 5.30 MICROWARE 23 Wa y double sided, g o l d female e dge connector, wirewrap type E2.95 Male connector E1.25 Ribbon cable £1.40 per metre Mastering Machine code book E5.50 Programming for real application E6•50 Tape for real applications £11.25 HARRIS Et LOCKYER A SSOC IA TES (Sole distributors for Redditch Electronics) Dept VC, 33 Pedmore Close, Woodr ow South, R e dditc h, Wor c s . Tel (0527) 24452 Prices included VAT + P + P. Overseas add (7. 80 postage. Delivery 3 days for in stock items else allow 28 days Official orders welcome. Send sae tor FREE catalogue, ZETA TEACHING PROGRAMS 1X81 and SPECTRUM Top Quality Softwar e from ZX81 1 6 K 2E51 A Range of Professionally Produced Programs for Junior Er Middle Schools Ages: 8 1 2 on the Space Invaders theme, this S P E L L INVADERS -: based encourages children to improve their spelling. ZSK1 R E A C T i O N TEST : improves key board familiarity. ZNIG1 G R A P H S : used as an electronic blackboard to draw bar charts 'level 1 5 M.P.), ZMCI D E P T H CHARGE : practice in ordered triple co-ordinates in 3 dime nsions while hunting e ne my subma rine s. ZIVIC2 Z I G O L ZMA1 O X 0 + M A2 O X 0 lha A3 O X 0 Price Each Tape Full Set : practice in ordered pair co-ordinates in 2 dimensions on a space-ship theme. : addition test. : subtraction test. : multiplication test. E5.75 incl. VAT Please add El for post Er packing E42.00 incl. VAT Please tick which cassette requited SPELL INVADERS ZMC2 ZIGOi ZSK1 REACTION TEST ZMA1 O X0 + 2MG1 GRAPHS ZM A2 O X0 - ZMC1 DEPTH CHARGE ZMA3 0)(0 4 2E51 CAMPBELL SYSTEMS ZX81 16K GULP II "The best computer game I have ever played it beats many actual arcade games! BRI LLI ANT. " says John Fox of Osset, Yorkshire. Endless fun even just in demo mode, and huge numbers of variations. E 4 . 7 5 ZX81 16K-64K THE FAST ONE the best general-purpose business filing system around. Includes sorting, totalling, fully user definable data and reports. All m/ c, comes with 11-page manual. £ 1 5 . 0 0 SPECTRUM SPDE self-relocating machine code Disassemble( and Editor, shows all Z80 ops and operands, helps you develop your own int c D r Ian Logan uses it. E 5 . 9 5 SPECTRUM G ULP MAN This is GULP II plus colour and sound, and has to be seen and heard to be believed. Totally machine coded. and with scope to POKE your own joystick control. £ 5 95 All programs are supplied double-recorded on cassette, sped 1st class return post. Prices include VAT. Dealer enquiries welcome. Sae for full catalogue. Name Address Please make cheque" PO payable to Scieni Software Engineering Ltd. and post to' SSE1, Brookvale, Waterworks Road. Otterbourne, Winchester 502 1 2 26 D P CAmPRELLSYSTEMS, Dept SLI,15 Rous Rd. Buckhur st Hill. Essex IG9 6BL. England. SI NCLAI R USER September 1982 will l i k e Flycatcher. A bugI eating reptile squats a t the top Fof the screen, hungry for the flies Ywhich buzz past below it. Pressing P causes its long, dripping tongue to O Uslide out and if a fly is caught on its ltip, the tongue is retracted and the player scores 10 points. i There are two snags. One is that kthe flies reduce speed when they see ethe tongue moving in their direction. cThe other is that the tongue cannot rbe retracted until it bags the blueebottle; missing causes i t t o hang ehelplessly u n t i l a nothe r v ic tim into its clutches. pstrays You lose one point for every fly ywhich starts a nd the game ends - when the tongue touches line 1 6 cwithout c a t c h i n g a n y t h i n g . rGraphics notes; a60 — Graphic W. graphic 8, graphic w5. 70 — Graphic Q, graphic R, graphic l 4. i 130 — Space, shifted N. shifted M. e190 — Graphic 5. s ySINCLAIR USER September 1982 FLYCATCHER l e L E T S u e 20 GOTO 5 0 30 CL S 40 L E T 5=54.10 50 L E T R = 2 0 5 70 0 8 f 0 l9 e0 100 1 01 0 1A 2 0p 130 1.10 150 150 170 180 190 2e 0 0 210 2l 21 0; 2- 3 0 240 2 5 0 260 • • • • P R R II N NT T A A T T O P 1 , 1 " L E T C = I N T I R N D * 1 5 ) I F C 4 3 THE N GOTO 8 0 P R I N T A T o fl a ; s L E T 5 = 5 - 1 iL tE T D = 0 P R I N T A T C , D ; " ) 4 " L E T D= D4 1 I F D = 1 8 THE N GOTO a o I F I NKE Y $ = " P " T HE N GOTO 1 8 0 GOTO 1 3 0 L E T T = 2 P R I N T A T R L E T T = T - 1 L E T A= A+ 1 " I 1F 1 T = 0 T H E N G O T O 1 3 0 I F C 4 › R THE N GOTO 2 5 0 I F D ) 8 AND D 4 1 4 THE N GOTO 3 I F )4 )1 6 T HE N GOTO 1 9 0 • T o P 27 Once the window i s reached, a LIMB the ladder to success in our Wi n d o w Cleaner g a me n e w ladder is started with less time C f BramptonBierlow,SouthYorkshire. a t t h e t h i r d w i n d o w ." Gra p h i c r Niel explains the idea: n o t e s : " I t involves manoeuvring a rung 4 0 - Graphic shifted E. graphic o to the top of a ladder in the hope of s h i f t e d 7, graphic shifted R. mreaching a window above. Keys M 6 0 — Graphic shifted 5. N and N are used for right and left and 7 0 - Graphic shifted 5. i the full stop moves i t up. Hitting a 8 0 — Graphic shifted 5, space; two e part of the ladder kills you and after s p a c e s ; graphic shifted 5. l three lives, or running out of time, 9 0 — Graphic shifted W; 12 graphic F l1 th 2 LE T Hs e:: e r e t mg iri na m Ng I CI TP:"--. P g7 L E T R = 5 30 SL e mfi i i. r tc t i 50 P RI NT RT 0 , 0 ; 3CORE=---5 h4 s 5; 60 P R I N T R T 0 , 9 ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 - - 3 C0 k E =- ; H o. r , 70 P RI NT RT 0 , 2 2 ; - # T I H E = - ; T ; fo u 8 0 P R I N T FI T 1 , 9 ; 1 1 OI NDOW-. 5=";I J ts ; " 1 hh g - 100 P RI NT RT ) 4 , 8 0 ai - 10 I F I NKE V $ = 11 n -1 ; . . f L1 7 L O R L 1 1 1 7 2 5 = 6 5 .) - at -R 3 0 I F R < 2 0 T H E N L E T R = R + 1 I 1N kI t i N it e t Y S = K 1AE4 0 N L EDT 1 3) 0 4 -N4 . f fR d N D ) . 5 YDl7i g 0) " T3r R N ( R LT=Ni !i D 5 HT A" N D i 6 1$F1T=680= 0PH E T R R T R , LT.0 4 - 1 ; - 0 4 0 3 0 0 TH EN Rt m 4R. I1 NnO N- 1 r8 o ="I DN n o1 l z NTT=RTT- 1 0 , 2 0 ; T " 1070171 R ) P LR = E TI 0 „ ,T149 0 2sI; F 6 R =- C - 1 A N D E t . D R t 2Nn 5 GgO T O 1 0 0 .r D f A E s J aE 4 5 e > np :2" L 4 ehE T 1 . 1 = + 1 .a T H x i 2E LET V=U+1 E N T t c G C rs O T a Ka=s 3-4 0 I Nhp u r R s 3O ' i THEN S TO P 3" 4 3 3 7 0 Gm 0 f "I 6 0 7 10 C at F s Li ne S l 'd $ i5 , s. . SI NCLAI R USER Sept em ber . g FLET a . ig LET n fl ,a ULT T 2 2 12i7274117-7211.:1,-x: ; MILT"RT„ z i , v ; 11 i .... - ir 28 MT gT t : t . . . ! 1LirTu'1:3 251 3:S - EITD ,xi tFT' i X l - ..1 g& " k i . 1982 SLNCLAIR USER S e p t e mb e r 19132 29 CTU o Sea -King heading tor Ilertnes through 10agale. if with you• - t I f Seay u r as force e l f in returning cannot, aid your imagination from 1 te P R I N T - t A E L I c o p l • E l a 5 1 . , O UL_ RTI O 2 0 P R I N T - e “ T e p . FUE . O N 1 GPLLONS" F 30 I t i p u l - _ , _ 3e 4.0 4.1 -,-- LeT F , , , . ue P R I N T ...,,, I N P U T .i_ CL-5 ,7---.0 t_eT x - l w 0 . I" 4 - e 62 --'? I . r T"" L -,.poo(3)-1 this lielcopter Landing game , ik G fosberry of Bognor Regis. i s for the unexThe program pancied 7.)(-80 and involves selectding ing both gale strength and amount of fuel on board, then gui y o u r craft to a pad on the left of the screen. Graphic notes.. 120—Graphic, graphic b. Q. z ; l o -CHCr l i t, t c r T--,1-- , - , 6, + C 1- 0 5 F O R 1 - t = 1 : 0 1 t r1 r0 P R I N T . I l s o e x T 1 -1 , _ . . . iI tao - pp-1141r_,,,se .,x. 1 3 0 F o P J .-.A. 1 - 14-0 -- ppINTJ s; 0 NE )c , T _ . 1 0 - I-'.I.V.2 FPoRpI N T . : a 156 t-lex-t_ - 1 5 5 P. P T I O _A-I R1_, c _ _ r 11 6 0 F O R t i , . . . - A l s 4 t i c1 ' e rl, i n . 1 - x = i 5 Roo Fses Ti-teN 1,%. L , r r _'DOS I FF %.4 t 4 " - - 7 - T HT e o L E ) F . P -1°. 1 -, 1 E . . _ - s - T HeN L e, p . . . p 4. 1 , a l l I r - ' - - s - i l i er4 L e T , 1 212 1- 1 :''' 4 2,:,C1 20 F F P° ,PI N 2- r. . t i .-A.e r4e)41. c' t , - , -. 1 P R I N T . 320 P R I O T 5 p i j F . t : 4 Z g 2-%,:,0 P R I N - r I F34-0 P P I A r c * 4P e 2 41,5 I tC1 -5 . . - . 4 , . , - r r i e o G o T P 345 o 1.q p l 1 35° . . , p , , l S . W - . 3 3 r 1 -1 - t t l t 4 e p T I f . tc t l v l o 4 " i e T 41t tgf 7 I 30 SI NCLAI R USER September 1982 ATIETER VOLTMETER CONVERSION version isa program for thel K A z x -61 w h i ch calculates the value M M o f a re si sto r re q u i re d t o convert any meter to a voltmeter or E T ammeter of known range. E R The program will fi rst ask i f you a require conversion to voltmeter or nammeter — you need type-in only V dor A. It then asks for the resistance V of th e me te r a n d th e Fu l l Scale oDefll ection c u r r e n t a n d t h e n , on whether you entered tdepending m V o r A . w i l l a s k e i th e r f o r th e e t reading of the converted emaximum r meter. C o n - RIFLE RANGE fo r w a r d b u t e n te r ta i n i n g R game, submitted by Eve Gorton I of Stockport. It involves blasting at a Fmoving r o w o f ducks, fairground Lstyle. You have 16 ducks to kill and an Eunlimited number o f bullets. Once Ryou have run out of ducks, you can Apress S fo r your score and sharpNshooter rating, G "To date," she reports, "no-one Ehas managed to shoot all 16 targets i in only 16 shots." Graphics notes: s85 — Graphic shifted A. 90 — Alternate spaces and graphic ashifted Vs, 16 of each. s t SINCLAIR USER S e p t = ber1982 r 10 20 30 ER? • 40 50 60 70 SO NT? 90 100 105 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 3 0 0 PRINT "V OLTM t F t O R AMMETER INPUT A $ PRINT R $ , ' R E S I S T P I RINT R , A C TE F I-NNNP U IF A $ W = " V " T HE N G O T° 3 0 0 O F SID PR P NT F,"RE OUX RE D FS D CURRE F C U U R M I N PE U TN S R T P RINT E T ? R L E T T R = k R * F l i k S - F X LET 6 $ = -5 HLI NT" LET 1 2 $ = P - RINT l e f t PRINT - c o m w f c r " , S $ AR C I RN O P T S" S O F -,P R RINT C $ ; " T H E ME TE R -O PA RU I HN SE T ,M 4 . 4 1S. , , " P R E S S A N Y K E Y ” CLS RUN P R I N T F,'"MAXIMUI4 A F A Z I N G ? 310 3 I 2 N 0P P R I N T M 330 L E T R = ( M - ( R * F 3 ) , ' F 3U 4T0 L E T B $ = M5 0 L E T C $ = -3 3 1 3 0 - 5U0 LG TO IT O M P L I I NR " E S E R I E •:q0 P R I N T T A B 1 0 , " R I F L E R A N G E " S2 5 P R I N T A T 5 , 0 ; " Y O U M U S T H I T A LU L T IH E TT A R G E T S T O L E A R N Y O U R S H AR H P S H" O O T E R R A T I N G 30 P R I N T A T 1 0 , 0 ; K E Y- T O F I R E . P R E S S 0 T O S T A R T 3 5R IE FS S I N K E Y $ < ) P 4 -T 0 CHL 5 E 75 L E T s = e 0 8 F0 L E T D = 0 T H E N 8 5 P R I N T A TO 2 0 , 1 5 1 R I F L E " G O T 3 9 2 P R I N5 T A T 8 , 1 5 ; " F I R E " 95 P R I N T A T 1 0 , 0 ; A $ 100 I F I N K E Y $ = 0 105 L E T R $ = A $ ( 2 TO )4 4 1 $ (1 ) F 105 I F A $ = " T H E N - THE N OOTO 2 0 0 1 1 0 OG O TSO 9 U5 G 120 I F A $ ( 1 5 ) < ) " " THE N L E T D = 1 B 125 I F D= 1 T HE N L E T A $ ( 1 5 ) = " * " 11 3 0 P R I 2N T A T 1 0 , 0 j R $ 135 I F D= 1 THE N P R I N T A T 8 , 1 5 , " GOOD S H O T " 140 I F D = 0 THE N P R I N T A T 8 , 1 5 , M -I S S E D - 145 FO R J = 0 T O 1 0 146 NE X T J 150 I F D = 1 THE N LE T R $ ( 1 6 ) = -1 5 5 - P R I N T A T 1 0 , 0 ; 1 4 $ 160 I F I NKE Y $ = " F " T HE N GOTO 1 6 0 165 P R I N T A T 6 , 1 5 ; " P R I M I N G 170 FO R Y = 1 T O 1 5 175 NE X T Y 180 P R I N T S T 8 , 1 5 ; " F I R E 185 L E T D = 0 190 L E T 5=54.1 195 RETURN 200 CLS 205 L E T A $ = " A L L GONE-PRESS 5 F OR Y O U R S C O R E " 210 P R I N T A T 1 0 , 0 , R $ 215 I F I NKE Y $ < > " 5 " T H E N GOTO 2 1 5 220 CL S 225 P R I N T A T 1 0 , 0 , I T- W I T H ; 25 36, 0 " I F 5 > = 3 6 T H E N L E T R $ = " O H D E S1 R. W H Y N O T T R Y A G A I N ? " ST 2 3HA 5 OIRF T G5 >E= 2T1 SA N D 5 < = 3 5 T H E N L E T S 1R $ = " *- S E CtO N D C L A S S * " - 240 I F 5 • = 2 O THE N L E T R $ = • * * * F / RST C L A S S * * " 250 P R I N T A T 1 2 , 0 : R - A T I N G : - " ; , R $ 2 T OP P5 H O O T E R S 6H0 AS R • • 31 a1.4111ill '- 4 1 • '•••• . 1 k 1 4 1 antilnataa • , , Oakencates I l i 1,1 '4. 5 14 44 4 1 1 • • • , W o g i, i k 44 , 41 •4 4 eii fi 1 ;4 1 , 444 4 1 P4. . 10. 1 4 1 , .„ ,e , ,, 4 4 1 4 4 •'• 1 1 1 1 1 r ,.7 67a •.• do,O41; 10 RE M 21 0" CR i E3 MJ N ePt 1 .0 0 T P .R IEN T R T M I "- 5T A B 2 0 ; " ' TAB 1 9 r • , TR8 . . E• • TR 1 7 ;T A '; T B A B 0 NE OHAH . 2 2 ; " Ai rs TRE ; I g " • 1 6 S t • TRB 1 7 " 2 1 " ": TREi 1 9 ; - R e ; I F ; 15: T R , T Re 7 ▪ " T R EEi 1 " 2 T E I " . : T A0 B 1 7 : • ; . TA6 • ••••• '1 4 . •••• 11 • , 5 g •• OWNS, is one of the best proz TRE 1•••• , %0 T 15.; grams we have received. It is 106 " an aid to .teaching geography, T r, 2 0 0 D I M- N $ ( 2 2 , 1 5 ) 14111 , 2 1 0 L E Ta aNi $ ( 1 ) = " 4 5 1 6 5 1 R N I N G H A H " with vivid flashing displays and a o n 01 220 L E T N$ (2 )="4 4 0 5 BOURNEHOUTH" ‘I 0 1neat map. 2 3 0 L E Tr n N $ C . 5 ) = " 4 2 0 B R I S T O L 11 1A b• I 4 2 4 0 L E T N $ t 4 ) = ,1 T h e program w a s sent b y T E , i d 4010im 2 5 0 L E T --N $ & 5 ) = 11 . Newham o f Wo r c e s te r P a r k , 260 LET N $(6)="4717COUENTRY" Surrey. a n d w e cannot better his L 114. A4 S : 2 7 0 L E T 5-N $6 ( 1 7 )6= "C6 2 0 7 D O V E R " 3 6 1 2 8 0 L E T N $ ( A H B81R) C=I description: 2 9 0 L E T N $ D ( 9/ ) = 2 , • • • 4 4 R -A G "The p ro g ra m i s designed t o D 300 L E T 'lii N $ ( 1E0 ") = " 5 5 1 1 L O N D O N F F 4 7$ 2A 81 L 1 ) = teach, or test knowledge of, the loca1 iZz' 3 1 0 L E T N .... 320 LE T N 4 1$ (2A. 5l' 2 L ) = E E S r• lion o f towns a n d th e spelling o f , 330 LE T N $V( 1E 3 R) =P" 6 2 1 9 N O R W I C H " 1 • 4 4S 2I 54 H 3 340 LE T N ) =A place names. I t c a n r u n i n t w o O O ") =N5" E4 4 3HL57E 350 LE T N k1 N t6C T8 1 3 0 X FO RD" modes — Easy, in which town names ? .rf•360 LE T N $C( 1A6 8 ) = " 3L 4 0 2 P L Y H O U T H W E R "21 I7 NT are listed on the screen and, when a 4 S 370 L E T N $ = -E " 380 L E T I . N $T (T1 I 6N) = map location flashes. are identified 4 4 '411 -O ,• 390 L E T N l i t 1 9 ) = H A H " by number; or Hard, in which only 4 0 0 L E T -O t5 f Z; -5 .001 10$ 05( R2P E0 ) = the map appears and the name o f O R T S ; 4 5) G 8 "H3 5 1 2 6 W A N 6 E A " 410 LET N S8Df 2/ 1N = A the flashing town must be entered. H O U T 4 N 7 $ 0 k 6 2 8 2 0 ) u = T 4 2 0 LET E F F I E L ( 0=0 and spelt correctly without help. 4 3 0 L E T -H " M P T O N "- A " I f t w o successive i n c o r r e c t 1 !••• ! 45/ 4 s e 3 e Y o — 4 4 guesses are made, i n either mode, 71 411 ditl pto6,4•tx.k the co mp u te r g i ve s t h e c o r r e c t R. 1.K.„./ ••••,,„•, • • E-.4 La II 1. 4140 0 y 4 answer. There is a scoring system to i i 1 0 . 1, e• • record p e rfo rma n ce ." Gr a p h i c s i 4 •1 p •.P • notes — all entries are for graphic , e uralceiT, • . 4111' , shifted keys. except spaces which N 4 k are inverse: . 4 44 0 L E T L , ; = 0 100 — Q; Q. space, 5; three spaces. 1t P=R" I• NT T A 1T 4 5: . 1 4 aiiee •4 "5 0gtil AeBe ; 4 . ; ':P I RE S gE r i TRE 1 W; 8 , th r e e spaces. Q ; 8 , f o u r GO+0 e 2 f fi 12)0f =L % ET C . =. 0 spaces. W. 6; 2.8 five spaces, 1./V: Q, four spaces. R. space; 6, two spaces, 510 LET R= / NT (RND* 2 2 )+ 1 5 2 0 L E T X . m--UAL N S ( P , T O 2 ) • E . two spaces. W. 4: 2, 8. five spaces, k/ 54 30 U LN EP T LYO=T1 , 4XA.LY N $ R , 3 T O 4 ) • W ; Q. four spaces. R. space; 6, two o spaces. E. two spaces, IN , 4:R, seven 550 I F INKE-v *="‘s T H E N GOTO s e e spaces; 8,6,6,5.W. space, Q. space, cs-r' 'v S = -0 " T H E N OOTO 7 6 0 1_ 1 ; • A' I sf5e6e0 PI LF O ITN K X E, Y r4 . 5 g7 e0 OI O F T ION K E Y * = " A " T H E N OOTO 6 6 0 Q. three spaces: 3, ten spaces, 1; 7, S 5 4 0 • N 8. six spaces. W, two spaces. 6. Q, , c two spaces. W : 8 . fo u r spaces. E. , 600 PR I N T A T 0 , 5 "ER S' Y". ; A T ' ,.E, e s 'V.. 4 E, 5 6 1 0 PA ATU - S 4 E“ 4H A R D A T 6 , 5 ; " ( E e • H eight spaces, Q; Q. fi ve spaces. W, t 061.04.4 c„. r , four spaces. R. to W spaces, 5; 6, Q. 44441. i __•••••, _ t a 6 2 0 I F I N K E Y S = - E - T H E N GOTO 7 0 0 fourteen spaces; Q. 7. E. six spaces. t 1444441.1 6 3 0 I F I N K E Y S = - H " T H E N 0 0 T O 6 c de 7 . pAz "7;"0 0A PT R I N Q, fi ve spaces, 1 ; 2 , B.., E, t . fo u r T, 5A"T 0 , S; ; " " A T 2.6. 4 •1 " R T 6 , 5 ; " ; spaces. R. space. 3 , Q.Q. rdne 1 • 4 1 ., 7 1 0 F O R / = 1 T O •7-za t 4;21 spaces, E ; Q . fi v e spaces. E. s i x S ( / , 5 T O ),; P ERXI N spaces, E. 1; Q, five spaces. T, 7, 2, 2, • 77 32 00 N T TI A T I - 1 , 0 1 . ; A T / - 1 , 7 4 i N E.7. space,7;6, space,R, 5. space. 2. 25? 740 PPINT AT 0 , 2 4 - P R E S 5 - " 0 " - " ; space. 3. W; Q. E. 7. • T AB 2 46 .- -T4H- N EWLINE. Tcria N 7 5 02 G O T ° E 5r 0. 10 " T A B 2 4 ' I N P U T N o ; 920 — E. R. space, 5. T; 5, 8, tw o " . 760 I NP UT 8 Pit spaces; W. Q, space, 5, Y. ' = 765 LE T T = / N T -50• 12) 1020 — W . 8 . space, E, R; E, Q. 7 70 I F 5 = R THE N OOTO SOO space, 5. 0; 5. R. space, W. Q. 1780 I F 8 c R THE N COTO 1 0 0 0 1 1 . ••• i f i Y i r • 4 • 1 1 1 g . 1 111 , 1 1 , 1 1 i N d a f T . . • 4 4 1 10 . , 4 4 4 4 32 4 1120 — 1, M. 1230 — 1, M. N T . _A ;TA 0T . . 63 ", N 4 .8 40 0 - T PO RWI N 4 A- H E T H E " A T ":AT 1 0 , 0 ; 'PRE8 8 " - A " - TO",:TAB 0 ; " A N 8 w -7 eR -68 T HcEo N" 4 - :/ 0T A!? - P4ut_104e•—. O t-8 P E Ltz T H E NAME a l e FOR Y =1 TO 2 0 eae PRINT AT 2 , 0 " L ' -' I ' -' 4" f t . • SINCLAIR USER September 1982 39 14.,111 Pb , o. 1 .1 14041 , • 4 1 iI g 36 P RINT P T a , 0 , — F -6 •4.0 N E X T Y ;6 5 0 C O T O 5 0 0 550 INP UT 5 $ e6s LET T=LEN s s 5T6 5 H 0E N g O T O 9 0 0 - M . ✓o .41110 le 4 ,m o n ,. ••••••••• • • 2.) S IM P IV • • 27 41 I V1 N / 4 ,1 3 • 4LEN . 4 5 TO * ) T7 H E NI FG O T O T loeia o t L 900 0 F O R s a l T O S 4 . 4 9 21 04 "P R I N T P T E I" . „ N ";TR F-ro=t8 2 92 54 0; "P R I N T T A 6 52 6 . ; " $ $' . 9 3= 0 N E X T 0 T A0 „ - - • = t , - , - - r z4i e „ -. t; F t ; T 9 4- 0 L E T 0 = 0 4 - 1 . A 6 8 99 554200 G PO R TI O N TS O AO T 6,17_;0i 4 4 7 1000 FO R Zr:1 T O 3 e1 0214$04 P R I N T R T 0 , a 4 ; . re i t. . • I T Olt • It! 7, 1 . ; TA8 2 4 ;•-; T A4; 8 2 4 ; " ..; TA I P --/-cce 2 6 ; " 7 0 2 0," P R / N T R T a 1 0 3 0S N E ' T Z 1 0"1 3 T L E T C = C + 1 100 O 2500 I F C m . - 2 A N D T t 2 T H E N C O T O I 11200 A1 0 5 5 I F C 7 2 A N D . AIN" "AG , • = 2 T H E N 1070 G0 6- 0 OLPe TT 1,J=w+t O o NG PTO R TI O N T5 A 1l e0Ra 9 I0 4 0T 7 , 1 7 4 4 ; P..T “ . 1 1T0 R 0 PRINT P T 3 , 2 7 - 5 0 R A Y - i T A 6 3 Te W V T R E Z 1 1 1 0 F O R Q = 1 T O 1 57 1120 P R I N T P T R-1 , 0 ;1 1 1 1 W1 1 3 0 P R I N T A T R - 1 , ;0 ; R ; ; 1140 NEXT V 1150 LE T U= U4 1 1160 P RI NT A T 7 , 1 7 ; V ; 1170 GOTO 5 0 0 1200 P RI NT AT 3 , 2 7 ;-S O ARY " ;TA6 • • • 71210 P R I N T A T 1 9 , 2 ; N S ( R ; 5 T O 1220 FOR Z = 1 TO 4 0 1230 P RINT AT 19,0,"101V; 1240 P RI NT AT 1 9 , 0 ; " - ; 1250 NEXT Z 1260 P RI NT A T 1270 GOTO 1 1 5 0 1 B I R M I N G H A M 2 BO URNE MO UTH 3 B R I S T O L 4 C A M B R I D G E S C A R D I F F • C O V E N T R Y 7 D O V E R 8 L E E D S 9 L I V E R P O O L 10 LONDON 11 MANCHESTER 12 NEWCASTLE 13 NO RWI CH 14 NO TTI NG HAM 15 OXFORD 18 P LY MO UTH 17 P O RTS MO UTH 18 RE ADI NG 19 S HE FFI E LD 20 SOUTHAWI TON 21 SWANSEA P2 Y O RK 6 rA SINCIAMURM September m a L 2 P RE S S THEN I NPUT N O e* N E U L I N E . 33 best invaders games we have S seen for the unexpanded DC81. P You blast through a scrolled-up hyper-space A attempting t o a v oid colliding wit h • the dreaded black C inverse spaces. On the way you must E do T your best to trawl up as many comets and asteroids as possible. R As the program stands, it is more aAquestion of space dodgems than of W amassing a high score but that could be L amended easily by reducing the size E of the black holes. R Congratulations to D Pickering of Bordon, Hampshire for cramming so i much into so little. s o36 n, e o f t h e •1• 1 L E T 3 L E T H = 16 2 0 L E T H =H + t $ 7 1 30 P P L T F•T H -4 -0 L " E 8T "P = P E E N ). i P E E K 1 8 a 9 6 5 6 P E E— N. 1 6 3 9 9 ) 5E 0 L ENT 5 =' 5 + t 1 0 R t - I D P = 2 7 ) + 5 0 F t ND 1 3 S O I F P = 1 2 8 Tk -(E N GCITCI 5 0 0 9 0 P R I N T t " 0 " r• Nts " ) 4- I =" 4_2• F I N D / W t . E V $ = " 5 " ) + I " P 1 ) 57 Y) $ = " 8 ) R T 1 0 „ MA O * 3 C H R $ 2 7 R T F 1 0 „ RND * 3 / C H P R N E . 4 D3 , H ; C H P lt A r T T , P N D s 1 0 _s FO I L , 1 + 2. 02 5 7 C; P O• L L• 1 130 GOTO 1 0 5 0 0 P P I ts I T A T 3 „ " a r s R T 1 8 , 1 .4 • •• • P • SFUE 34 SINCLAIR USER September I 9t12 THE EXPLORER'S GUIDE To The ZX81 20 ZX S P E CTRUM P RO G RAM S The Book f or the ZX81 Enthusiast. PSYCOL personality assessment 500 ust del O r s generat or Tank bat t le/ Alien chase * P LUS LOTS M ORE * By Mike Lord, 120 pages. £4.96 inc V A T + P&P on cassette Programs for 1K RAM, and programs for 16K RA M. Games, Business and Engineering Applications. RA M Et I/0 Circuits. Useful ROM Routines. Hin ts and Tips. 40 essential PEEKS + P OKE S for your Spectrum and ZX81 including BREAK I N g e t int o any ZX81 aut o run program Book let — 12. 00p. f4 95 Wh at Can I Do wi th 1K? h .. Ho g e ,iho h a n d e d t) ( 8 1 V a i e h n o A •Wttn OK ROM i , F e 5 '1 M1 I S t a rB y T o n i B d A i l t N g g ag e s a t w n r n e r s . W A N t o b • g t o n e r a n d e x p e rt al i k e 4 The ZX80 Magi c Book ECM Mastering Machi ne Code on your ZX81 , d P P I m n a c n o t .$ y , . b o o k , u r r o . 1 , 9 4 . 0 p r o g r a m s a n d , C l u t i r . . , i VISA . ZX AS TE ROI DS (ZX81 only) Spec t rum v ers ion c oming s oon) More attractive features than Raquel Welch — E4.96p. fT51) ALL PRICES INCLUDE U K. P Et P AND 15% V A T W H E R E APPL I C ABL E OVERSEAS CUSTOM ERS AD D E l 50 CARRIAGE PER ORDER TIMEDATA LTD Dept H 5 7 Swallowdale, Basildon, Essex SS16 5JG Tel: (0268) 411125 (MON-FRI) 2c.imEDliza 5K m/ c cassette — s imply t he best! ELECTRIC PENCIL COMPANY 1 Mount Vernon, Hull N. Humberside. Tel: 0482 825234 Tr a d e e n q u i r i e s we l c o me . • a "THE BEST ZX81 B O O K " If you have a Sinclair ZX81 and want to use it to its full potential then, as the experts have all agreed, this is the book for you_ It contains detailed guidelines and doc ument ed programs in the areas of gaming, inf ormat ion retrieval and education, as well as a unique listing of the 8K ROM for machine code applications 'Far and away the best o n c e again Linsac has produced the book for the serious end of the market' - Your Computer Nov ember 1981. The ZX81 Companion is a most professional product w i t h many good illustrative programs, tips and warnings Equipment. October 1981 . - E d u c a t i o n 'Bob Maunder's at t empt to s how meaningf ul uses of the mac hine is brilliantly successful t h o u g h t f u l l y written, detailed and illustrated wit h meaningf ul programs T o conclude - the book is defi nitely an outstandingly useful second step for the ZX8 1 user'. - Educational ZX80/ 81 Users' Group Newsletter. September 1981 Send your cheque for E7,95 (includes UK p&p) to: UNSAC I S B N0 9 0 7 2 1 1 0 1 1 SINCLAIR USER S e p t e mb e r 1982 S ) brough 5 5ES 6Middles 8 Barker Road,I S Linthorpe, Price E7.95 35 160 ZX81 from L I J A ; i r j a b ..b,1 t hi n e ZX leaders games Scramble 4r 1 ,p , TAS WORD WORD PROCESSING ON THE ZX81! Your ZKEll bec omes a word processor wit h TASWORD. Ty pe in letters, doc uments and pictures, s tore them on tape, and edit and update existing documents. Wit h a printer, whic h is not essential. you can print y our documents TASWORD FEATURES INCLUDE 'DOVER 3 0 0 LINES of tex t in a tex t fi le. •CURS O R CONTROL and auto repeat on all keys •SCRO LL up and down through the text fi le. • AUTOMATIC word-wrap and right-ius tilic ation. • FULL ZKEll c harac ter set inc luding inverse characters and graphics symbols. • INSERTION A ND DELETION of hnes and characters. CA HELP PAGE onto the screen at the touc h of a key. •CENTRE tex t on the screen, and mov e tex t left and right. • REFORMING of edited tex t t o a neat lay out wit h a single keystroke TAS WORD TUTOR We send you a manual and a cassette. One side contains TASWORD, The other side contains TASWORD and TASWORD TUTOR. This teaches you word processing using TASWORO N o programming k nowledge is required to use TASWORD. [ 6. 50 Mail order only A l fully inclusive l o w up to 14 days delivery Please make cheques/P.O. payable t o TASMAN SOFTWARE 17 HARTLEY CRESCENT, LEEDS LS6 2LL The high-speed arcade game. Easily the fastest available. 3 2 zones. thrust and altitude controls. Supplied on cassette with libirarv case ONLY0.95 OthergreatZXgamesandadd-ons fromMikro-Gen: AIDConverterBoard SpaceInvaders the t es t you can get, with ever-mcreasing rate of play Breakout with seven bat angles to make it really difficult Bomber positively addictive I / Chess The original-and still the best! Sorcerer's Castle takes you into a world of magical adventure Ap o t h .o p t y wI , c L , , C 1 s e t t e ASO 1195 each ge ChessE6-501 Lets you connect analogue joysticks to the ZX81 digital inputs. Suitable for many other applications, easy to c onnec t and it improves RAM pack stability' ONLYE18.50 Joysticks Connect via our ND Boardmakes your ZX81 a true programmable games machine ONLYE9.50EACH Disassembler/Monitor An absolute must when learning machine code lets you enter and run your own code ONLYE.3.95 Write for full details of the Mk t o ayaitable from local stockists or direct from the manufacturers 'please make rhequew POns payable to Mikro-Gen and add 40p post & packing) G en r a g e s.pokers or Software to &nick, o f p r o g r a m s p a n d p a d d I o n s . z4 A a r r eSCent Bracknell Berks RG12 2Eif ,Tel B r a c k n e ll1 0 3 4 4 I 2 7 3 1 7 36 E C O M P U T A C A L C Jcoott i c . 167 ° P i HONE G A 2 G E / L EC T 6 7 AR 1 IN 65UR 7 Pi, 167 167 31' -62 43 7 1 15 , 35 4 1 2 1 2 ; 35 •68 61 , ,12 la 76 65 •1 2 , 12 264 27 -235 : R T E5 C TR L. 2 8 4 . 2 3 544 275 An advanced spreadsheet program for the Sinclair D031 with 16 K This versatile s of t ware allows manipulat ion and inspection of R Adata M . in t he mos t convenient way ever. Ideal for fi nancial planning, personal budgeting, c as hfl ow analysis and countless o t h e r bus ines s , h o m e , s c ient ifi c a n d t ec hnic al applications. The screen acts as a window on a muc h larger grid (up to 38 x 38) of titles and numbers (up t o 9 digits). Change one number or f ormula and all dependant results change automatically. Save on tape or printout for a permanent record. Tasks t h a t w o u l d t a k e h o u r s w i t h penc il, p a p e r a n d calculator c a n b e p e r f o r m e d i n s e c o n d s w i t h COMPUTACALC ZX Cassette and booklet - (7, 95, Available f rom W. H. Smit h, Better Computer shops and mail order from SILICON TRICKS, Dept S7 2-4 Chichester Rents. London WC2 1EJ. I T e 01-603 6074) NO W I • S L L L S A P V A I L E C T R I t A B L E AAll C 1 A6 LK Cfl 48K for and l l more features M of I 6computacalcZX mail order v irif SI NCLAI R USER S e p t e mb e r 1982 hardware world tialb U.S. firm makes a new printer AN AMERICAN company, Mindware, has produced a blue-ink-on-plain-paper printer f o r t h e ZX - 8 1 . Having 16 characters per line, it cannot produce the full screen picture like the Sinclair printer but t he user can set various modes to giv e t h e display h e wants b y P OK E ing a system v a r ia ble 1 6 4 1 7 with the mode required. After tha t the printer will react like the Sinclair printer t o COPY. LLIS T and LPRINT. The port used is the same as the Sinclair printer and an EPROM in the pr inte r controls i t s operation without takingup any memory space. Mode 1 i s the screen split in half, the left-hand side being printed before the right-hand side; Mode 2 will be used for extra character s e t s i n t h e printer. Mode 3 is for a 16-character l i n e L I S T and Mode 0 is used for LUST. The paper used is the same type as for till rolls and the ink cartridges are easily a v a i l a b l e . A l l graphics are printed. The printer costs E65. Mindware is at 70, Boston Post Road, Wayland, MA 01778 U.S.A. of the EPROM is E9.95 from d'Ktrontics. 2 3 Sussex Road, Gorleston. Gr e a t Yarmouth, Norfolk. A keyboard is also available for the Spectrum complete with numeric pad for E30, stantly by typing-in RAND plus E15 for the case, but USR 16025. you have to add 0 .5 0 for It will then provide faci- postage and packing. lities such a s a f ull r e number of GOT0s, as well as GOS U B s a n d l i n e numbers. Find, Insert, Delete. Move, Copy and Keep Basic lines within a pro- CHESHIRE Mic r o Design gram. K e e p a n d Ins e r t has produced a temperastore program lines above ture sensor for the Z.X-81. RAMTOP t o be Inserted The device, called the 1R3, into a not he r pr ogr a m . plugs into the EAR a nd Alter allows you to search power sockets of a ZX-81 the program for a string of and can measure tempera- ZXED is now on EPROM ZXED d ' K tronics B a s ic editor is now available on EPROM for those with the graphics board from the same fi rm. Instead of a Long wait for the cassette to load. it is available inSINCLAIR USER S e p t e mb e r 1982 VC temperature 81 t e s t s t h e Mindwure printer .characters a n d replace them. A help instruction is also included, giving instructions on using Z.XED. The 4K EPROM is in the RAM socket provided on the graphics boa r d a nd does not affect the use of the other EPROM. The cost tures fr om - 5 t o + 100 degrees centigrade. The measurement time is one second and a USR machine code routine is provided as a listing or on cassette. T h e u n i t i s hermetically-sealed a n d the probe can be up to 35 metres long: two metres is provided. The pr obe r etur ns a number between 500 and 2000. Accuracy is claimed to be to one degree centigrade. The Z R 3 c a n b e obtained f r om Cheshire Micro Design, 6 6 , Close Lane, Alsager, Stoke-onTrent S T 7 2 T R . T e l : 093-63-6196. I t c os t s E17.50 including post and VAT for the U.K. Foreign orders should add postage for 240 grammes. Ad-Lib plot for graphics A GRAPHICS plotter sheet for the ZX-81 is available from Ad-Lib for formatting your screen display. It consists o f a plastic-coated paper sheet 8 by 111/2in.. with t h e screen PR IN T squares on one side and the PLOT squares on the other. On the PRINT side there is also a list of the graphics symbols. The sheets a r e supplied with an overhead projection pen which must be used. They can be reused by erasing the drawing with a damp cloth. The cost of five sheets and one pen is E2.50 and a pack of coloured pens for formatting o n the Spectrum is available at E4.75 from Ad-Lib, 2 A Grovelands Avenue. H itc hin, Herts. Tel: 0462-56074. Twin EPROM from Taurus TAURUS Computer Design has p r o d u c e d t w o EPROMs on a board for fitting inside the ZX-81. The first contains a monitor plus a n a dde d dis continued on puke 38 37 %k V the character set EPROM assembler i n 4 K . T h e E10, a nd t he assembler second contains an assem- EPROM E12. Cassette verbler for rapid translation sions — monitor E8.75, disof machine code programs assembler E6 .5 0 , c ha r into bytes on which the acter set E6.50, assembler E6.50: a u s e r m an u al i s 1-80A can run. Together they make a pr ov ide d w i t h e a c h . very powe r ful machine Taurus is at 47 High Street, code f a c ilit y w h i c h i s Baldock, Harts SG7 6BG. available at switch-on by Tel: 0492-893900. using a USR routine. The board fits underneath the keyboard a nd resides i n the memory from 8K-16K. There is also a word pro- GORDON Electronics has cessing EPROM (4K) which produced a keyboard in a will provide u p t o fi v e case whic h requires n o character sets, including soldering to attach it to the lower-case c ha r a c te r s . ZX-81. The pins provided The m o n i t o r , d i s - on the end of the ribbon assembler, assembler and cable push into the keycharacter s e t a r e a ls o board sockets on the ZX-81 available on cassette. printed circuit board. The board and monitor The cost of the keyboard disassembler costs 0 0 , is E25.50 and in its case it continued from page 37 Gordon keyboard is E37.50. including VA T and postage. Gordon Electronics, 7 6 Mountbatten Road, Braintree, Essex CM7 6TP. Tel: Memotech — added to give 48K of usable memory. The black box is a Centronics-parallel port plus driving software to run a printer. T h e 3 2 K R A M costs E 4 9 . 9 5 . H i - r e s E61 .80, Centronics por t 0376-26048. Memotech expansion E41.90. Memoteeh Ltd, 3 Collins Street, Oxford 0 X 4 1XL. Tel: 0865-722102. N1EMOTECH ha s a dde d three new black boxes to its range. A hi-res board — 192 x 256 pixels — can have its memory page anywhere in RAM and it can also have more than one of the 6 .5 K pa ge s s tor e d in m e m or y f o r r a p i d graphics. The hi-res can be used w i t h a n y o f t h e company's RAM packs. including the new 32K. The 32K RAM pack can have an existing 16K RAM pack — not only f r om Mansfield printer paper MANSFIELD Computers and Electronics now supplies pr int e r pa pe r a t £10.95 for six rolls, as well as software and books for the Z X user. Mansfield Computers and Electronics is a t 7 6 Ratcliffe Gate. Mansfield, N otts N G1 8 2113. Tel: 0623-31202. N e w for ZX81 users EVENMORE MEMORY WITH OURBYGER BYTE 32K+ RAM PACK Why put aside your 16K RAM Pack when you can use it together with the new Byger Byte 32K + Ram Pack to give you 48K of memory. No trailing leads or wires — all you need do is plug the existing 16K Ra m Pack into the back o f the n e w Byger Byte 32K + Ram Pack and Bingo 48K of memory. Name Address Make cheques payable to Phoenix Marketing and I enclose my cheque/ PO for E Please debit my Access/ Barclay Card 11 I 1 I I I 1 I I Date Uses existing power supply. New 32K Ram Pack is tested and guaranteed with the following 16K Ram Packs-Byg Byte, Sinclair, Downsway. Also available: 16K Ram Packs 122, new 32K + Ram Pack 139.50, Standard 32K Ram Pack 135, 64K Ram Pack 153.95. Tape loading interface for trouble free loading of program 19,50. New high quality keyboard with bleep and reset 149.96. All prices are inclusive of VAT and free postage and packing. Signature •New32K Ram Pack E22•03 • Standard 32K Barn Pack £39.50 •64K Ram Pack 653.95 1850 • Tape boarding interface • New high-quality, fully cased 149.95 keyboard *Please indicate otder by ticking boxes 0 0 PHEONIX MARKETING OAKLANDS HOUSE, SOLARTRON ROAD, FAR NBOROUGH, HANTS. TEL: (09552) 514990 SINCLAIR USER September 1982 GREAT NEWS for ZX81 AND Spectrum owners! H I R E ZX Educational Software z x just cassettes for El each! Why pay up to El 0 or more for a s ingle cassette& programs — whic h may only interes t you for a while— when you can hire f rom a vast range of 130 programs for just El (plus 25p p ip ) for a f ort night ! Software Library caters for users of ZXEll (1K and 16K) and Spec trum —and it 's ideal if y ou're think ing of upgrading, for you can s witc h to tapes s uitable tor your new hardware at any time, at no ex tra cost, knowing you hav en't tied up your money unnecessarily. Subjects inc lude exciting machine-code games, educ ational, toOlkit and home/ club! business utility programs . A L L cassettes are genuine commercial originals , and a free quarterly news letter packed wit h tips keeps you up•to-date with new introductiOnS. SPECIAL OFFER! Join NOW and get your first tape on FREE hire , iws SL The Sinclair Owners' SOFTWARE LIBRARY SU Heat her Cottage, Warren Road, Liss, Hants GU 33 7DD. /e • a ) p,r to join the Software Library for the next 12 months, and enclose my membership fee of E5. Please send my fi rst program tape on free hire, plus a list of others available. I understand that I am under no obligation to hire spy minimum number of further tapes, and that if I'm dissatisfied with my first tape you will refund my money in full and without question. NAME ADDRESS • T e l No own a Sinclair Da il I K ; LX111 16K I ZX Spectrum (delete as appropriate) Spec t rum J unior Educ at ion E 5 . 5 0 Use your Spectrum to help your children wit h their school work This cassette contains eight attractive, easy-to-use programs for the 7 to 11 age group. Topics include English comprehension, spellings, homophones, junior science, maths and history. Entering your own questions and answers allows you to adapt two of these programs for exercises in any subject area. Moving colour graphics and sound are extensively used to improve motivation. Suitable for 16K and 48K machines, User documentation supplied with the cassette. 0-Lev el Chemis t ry (Cl) E 5 . 5 0 This cassette c ont ains f our clearly presented revision/ tutorial programs. The subject matter has been carefully structured to cover the most important aspects of: * Elements, compounds and mixtures. * Structure, bonding and properties. • Redox, electrolysis and the activity senes. * Acids, bases and salts_ 48K Spectrum and 16K ZX81 versions of the cassette are available. Please specify which you require Professional Computer Assisted Learning materials from: CALPAC CO MPUT ER SO FTWARE 108 Hermitage Woods Crescent, St Johns, Woking, Surrey GU21 1UF. Overseas orders: C6•50 ($1 I 60) per cassette, includes AI RMAI L . pos t age - E' Z X 8 1 / 1 6 K SOFTWARE LI " S T A R T R E K " £ 4 . 9 5 16K S T A R T R E K : E x c it in g s pac e a d v e n t u re g a m e in c lu d in g klingons starbases, phasors, 8 8 galaxy, 4-levels of play, long and s hort range scanners, etc . Li " S U P E R - W I M P U S " E 4 . 9 5 i s K S UP E R W U M P U S : Ca n y o u h u n t a n d c at c h t h e my s terious wu rn p u s in h is u n d e rg ro u n d laby rint h? I n t rig u in g underground adv ent ure Li " G R A P H I C — G O L F " £ 4 . 9 5 16K GRAPHI C GOLF: Try out your golfi ng expertise, on the computer's golf course, 18-different graphically display holes. Haz ards , inc lude lakes, trees , win d , ro u g h etc , Li " G A M E S PACK 'I " £ 4 . 9 5 16K GAMES PACK 1: Fantastic value for money, nearly 50K of programs on one cassette. Five games including "Real Time G raphic " L u n a r L a n d e r , S t a r wa r s , H a m m u r a b i , M in e fi e ld , Mas t ermind. ZX-ARCADE ACTION El N E W ! ! "MUNCHER!!" E 5 . 9 5 At last Pacman f or your 2X-81, all the arcade features plus!? software for the OS character board, "SPACE-INVADERS" £ 4 . 9 5 Simply the best yet, t he closest thing t o real Invaders on the ZX81. Full arcade features! including 1 or 2 player option and software to drive the OS character-board. 1_1 " A S T E R O I D S " £ 5 . 9 5 Authentic representation of the arcade game including 1, A, thrust and fire controls, 5-levels of play and alien spaceships. Ii " D R O P O U T ' £ 5 . 9 5 Exciting NEW arcade game. Can you destroy the aliens before they build up in their atomic plies and overwhelm you, Dealers enquires welcome, generous discounts. When ordering 2 or more deduct E1.00 Send S. A E lop Catalogue. Tick boxe(s] required. Cheques: POs payable to ''SILVERSOFT" Name Address W A N T E D D u o . Spectrum B B C Micro Software E•celirni Olovaito, S t o r delads All Ar e i (l e ga m e s r un i n 4K SI LVERSOFT I Dep_ SU7) 35 Bader Park, Bovverhill, elksham, Wiltshire. SINCLAIR USER S e p t e mb e r I 9 82 .39 HILDERBAY LTD GAMES PACK De ar m a ?or a wo r • Fred tag Congdon 5 ,SO dotal* iliacode ISS) 1City , • I am b Police d. I S O rWare e mWars M e e t & taliCe rle Snake itilasic 4 1 IS teel A cavil Satan I %Woo* 1 Stake d dle sie l ag ! 1, Slack Halos ifileic Ida! 4 Professional Software He w te p e e s e ase s c o e d , • i n t i l O t r W i s , LMe reinenetem !n o lisle 1titf1os5 numbe r and in cre me n t t e e . GOTO'l soci GOSIoll • lnCitoCiall in ti 5, 111 l a m, a anal Lan searches Ica and l i s t s 5O4 y, e r, ! w e c o n t e m n '? stocoireci character S oma end fiefdoms changes ave rt mo u rad ma crt a We d g ie s ma You mould l'i• • Noce diss you Nee Owl( Iree hvlee Ito nom ieft owed Hon on I 108 1dl l o d lae ttNi ts Fi I l lW . . ,aO W CRUI SERS G AME 116K-7.011 F irst ce mate st e l ve n CO PSI K e ttl e w e e s t e e p and deism% S o l t toge the r Estalsidard I l l . u o • th o r od , i d s to dr 'e M a l e end m e n , c compole o inda d s NiStri V i s o s ds i apee r ste e d M S and g ase s. M e . 0 5 a n d I o i i d o m i n g s o a rs . e rs 1 5 . tl 5 o rta your s a w .te d oaare cIde t N o m e charge* ewer, chancing on ( ( no &V O W l o se m m e s e TAPS ROUTINE weenie* • ame n d WAIl rone ide m s 1191111 t1a$ r W i t All routine. ate oroten in r O itiSSS v M e ag l • nein . coola sne l e g ate . d e e oft Orddid l a 0 l 4t olCSIK11010 K w * d e e m e d Ph l S C A l• t i e C a A R t daw i A• waded rfl t a u t c a d a a N M am a ?W I M s 0 1 1 ato 0 FORISAONC to 95(19 ge 14IK RAM PACK (211 5E11,47 R ij Q tr ! L o e s s on Lasse n§ D lle re sse llke e tt use tal• to Eao '' .E 0 lesteerUmbentes Craws a 500 E 4 found e dge s 01 rO or K e e n ,e0 a . l ethe ZINTTE7033719d h aw can be use d it 511r ne 3 1 8 7 1 dutats • Wla Nlia an y mo n d e at ti n e to p F - M e e tly. P larte o e t an t l i e yOu S eine sod Illoolsoss ill adaSOC a A 1 0 • 5 ity, b y your ch ale t, I n . K e a n I d we n , OCComPoCe s i re o n se ctar tom sp e c.'s anti iRemora convene se character, displace it alma te al nog "g o at M i l t le ve e aad p tad o le e e t Cn aractat to s t e l t d e e we e , M e ld s th e e e sissing M e w IF' FILL Seven claws advise ce ,' a s WO re 8 .. V rectangle from your spec'?se C o Pratt Poe/then Colin:de Compete:de e V d corPnate s UP. DO WN L EF T e iGO IT a l t a r Pa , or otre b l e p o e d iate o Ali d e ae ne e lne l ara I r re ach te e Iw,0 et el c l M e te d so d , so w egmo tio n n e cad e co d a le r Se PEM -F aSt taaponse • n te i Ntrotheiht deedatched o w , . 10 Edifigdni M move. nest PRINT GRAP HI CS T O O L KIt LaSeS O r,ly d i or , 2A Of 5 'aM e d d Nies L W al , e e to l e e i n . picdpeoudners ,n I n a sanitise Some e e o p t TOOLAiT oesenteci S San advaflces. in coe rota. e U 0W ta i r o. •moav f St 4 E C. d 0 ,ALL e FOR 0 L Y 0 5 a f t 610,1 Scroll c tc, d ' Ke e n In the d e wclaw, s i 0.04111 l l o PACK. 0 e S R A al dd in icate d ' w RAM Seco as ma ida O Thus Include s • amb e r/a will w m d o geoeiv C N de ftei e ne rsiO ldscre aa turns ro d ' O ghing m om ,. Como* in you. H ,a 2 m e g b Il cre e d c d d o il S bot t. * ei h em Ions, 0 . . . w o n . d ,no 1 T e doped sh e , taw le g &aro O ack •iom i e ro m i d 0m11:1411 Ile a to m n h e o dbode t S bookle t wi n odadnalas 0 Sc, d rr . . . , to yaw ardsCe ie d oc 5 C 1 ( 62 05 i i ' l 0 95 All bNLY o 1 t Coielsa WO lu ll, m o t e l , . e, 0 R h .0n O : 1 a • • A a r C a a dOVER2 ftEA2 4 P a r teALL 51510ES SAE • P e tin ale a FOS E 0 0n , L _ 0P•151151T51k0 SE MADE its I t t a t I N G i W ne i s Ce e fe stan al l I E Al ',Opal le geal Oa V W . OWN C N I C S A Mokne l e sse e TO 1114 Sae rPOIRE O taih tre N NOtatilaLLY P ag g • d acw L • •MICEWT D A D E A c , 31. c i L .D t 4 e C t e c e s o e mo u s , K d a L • IP m illi d • I r i . a V f t e1 • • - ; O• N I S a a im • d E W• • • P• .• M ' ei id s l a m • 0 1 F m N l 7 T I I diairsdot A v e nue , NOPITHIRIG, SUSSES- ORM JJIá lie gine y no O R M B a a l 5 S C " C R 0 O " 0 L 4 L " e t h i c ! , s o l d t i Cr • i , t e l e t i t Y5 t5 i I 0 0 1 O NS I A Gtel y o t o n a s t P41•417 O i ri Pi l eol i n t h e from tape first time every time! E5.95. ZX-81 16K RAM packs, comprehensively tested (for bad bits, addressing faults, printer, saving) £30. c 0 S0 0 1 ro P i S h Zeni l l 05 e lt n i Il t n iL t C '1 • 0 I 4 1 S HILDERBAY SUMMER ZX-81 SALE 1 . . . 0 3 each t t " " S i l P l ; l 1 ' . " 6 2 , C 5 ' g r t 7 1 SCREEN KIT 1 M O R E POWERTOYOURSCREEN inBasic programs BORDERS- anysize anywhere onscreen SCROLL• inALLFOURdirections FILLSCREEN any graphic or character CLEARandREVERSEPARTOFSCREEN - anypart FLASHINGCURSOR- anywhereonscreen- simulatesINPUT £20 until 21 September E9 (2 programs) each Financial Pack I Gold SPECIAL GRAPHICS ROUTINES p p 8 A T T ZX Software L E withDATAFILES S SUPERBVALUEE5.70co H I E7.50 P E6.95 S Hidarbay Loading Aid. Load your microcomputer Time Ledger Critical Path IIK I WO O . , 22 ad l n wo i co ,k eh ln e e Peer p e a to o co n e d otu• ro w ' , g e n . . . WO W W a d . . "o r pM o s a I la RAM ONLY) (ZX111 At C 5 l h a D . W i k a l are eawod• rk we l o s 1 C B u t Mul l i . 1 4 1 1 •5 1 0 O O O d s e ai n • R E M S l a t • f n • S t , dse fhe nw Tape recorder suitable for microcomputer use, aligned and tested on computer signals122 + E2 p&p. Budget Iftli W a w a * . taa G RAPHI CS TO O LKI T Details from us. 48K Payroll f25 until 21 September Optimax TOOLKI T ALL ON ONE CASSETTE EOITI ONLY Ee 95 et9 90j SPECTRUM SOFTWARE now available! Beamscan (beam analysis) Payroll Stock Control • 2 9 5 i T ?AL t a t r a . a re to w te e RAU 2 .dar SAVEBASICVARIABLESoncassette LOADback intoANTprogram all al DOUBLESPEED andMEMORYLEFT OHO PylesGI incline code gwesINSTANTANEOUSSCREENRESPONSE •Becomes girl of your Basicprogram • •Nc, need lo load segirilMY In VAT &P C a o o e n A i d e d c I C * M I M S Al g last rCOMPLETE o g FREEDOM r a FROMBASIC tor machine code programmers •Versatrie erilry Chantal&ITSNes " N a m monotopeeler tor tiara copy m codeand Sbiiefttry 4 1 1 6 essentialcommandstor MXpectramaiimg E5 each ZX-MC M A C H I N E CODEDE-BUGIMONITOR These programs have been described and reviewed previously (or we can prove details). SPCOffighellatUft5101 5 Detug COBIRIVICIL Inreodirri IWOcrupes 2'•rA RAM In B ow area REGISTERSDISPLAY&BREAKPOINTS • S u o p i e d i onset* wit. 36 me insovai All prices include VAT, and are post free. Sale prices are valid until 21 September 1982. Fre e updates, comprehensive telephone and personal support, and competition prizes are not available for summer sale purchases. •SAVE,LOAD.VERIFYATDOUBLESPEEDfromanypartofRAM wait mactimecode ravines operating fromBISICarea of RAN some your WCprogramsaboveBasicarea Screenmeencer Of AEInevermoves • SELFcowTAINEDeteuln 10 ' programme S e sc aunnotmbe vset, , *Ile B a wl:. perms C 0 I n c V version •A AeaZXMCTwithoutthe SAVEAOAD/ItRIFY teddies M U M RUM, OEM& macaw* code in Raw REMImes '& ,P *OSuppliedancassetlewith +313out p seP AE etor wore detiiis of scatware I n c VAT & P C.W.O. HILDERBAY LTD Professional Software REM-LOAD MACHINE CODEENTRY/DE-BUG 8/10 Parkway Regents Park London NW1 7AA Tel: 01-485 1059 T e l e x : 22870 • 40 XI 1 4A10 641( 11 SPECTRUM r m a Fi c t ur i 3 anu t al Mail order only— Mow 14 days di/my L e6CORKSCREWHILL, WEST MCP KE NT BR4 986 f v:L sE AS E SEND FOR DETAILS OF SPECTRUM SOFTWARE f o r r oO SINCLAIR USER September 19B2 m f a bi •11111111111111 NI, l i n I I goilting . 1 0 1 II die e l M IN PPP' IN 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 -NIL OMNI M I L 11111110 . 1 111 V I1M1 *NON 111 aMnI M gI Mat ":1; - A CONSTANTS" 60 DIM B(3,10) 70 FOR I = 1 TO 10 80 FOR J = 1 TO 3 90 INPUT B(LI) 100 NEXT 110 NEXT I 120 PRINT "INITIALISATION COgrwin No', 4 4 6 . soiO • COMPLETE" 130 GOTO 10 1, • •' a.; Andrew Hewsnn. Data handling can be achieved on ZX-81 has a theme this month, as the I letters in my postbag have been C varied: i t must be something to too A with the weather. John Perry of do N Mai den, Su rre y, w ri te s: " I New have N been trying to convert a program O written for the TRS-80 but the program u se s D A TA a n d R EAD T statements which are not available c on th e Z X l jumping on the machine because i f acannot handle data it is useless." it 81.. i I There is a solution to the problem but m fi rst let me explain that DATA a m and t READ statements provide a cmethod o n fo r declaring the value o f h s i d at the time the program is variables a e r i to save the user from enterwritten, t n gt h e i te m s a t ru n -ti me . F o r ing t example, the lines: h DATA 1. 2, 3 10 20 e READ A. B. C will c assign the values 1.2 and 3 to A, Boand C respectively every time the program i s RUN. The same effect l could, o f course, b e achieved b y u using m LET A = I 10 n LET B = 2 15 20 LET C ,, 3 The r e a l p o w e r o f D ATA a n d SINCLAIR USER S e p t e mb e r 1982 2000 PRINT "SAVE ROUTINE",. "ENTER PROGRAM NAME" 2010 INPUT i s 2020 SAVE Z$ 2030 GO TO 10 For the purposes o f the demonstration I have assumed th a t th e important part of the program lies READ statements is that they allow the p ro g ra mme r t o change t h e between lines 200 and 1999. The initialising routine at lines 50 to 130 asks th e user to enter the values which simulate th e D A TA sta te ment. Those values need only b e entered o n ce , because t h e sa ve values of variables during execu- routine at line 2000 saves both the tion. For example: 10 DATA 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ,6 20 READ A, B. C program a n d t h e va ri a b l e s o n cassette and then jumps back to the beginning of the program. Next time the program is loaded from ca sse tte i t w i l l "c o m e i n running" and jump back to line 10 with the values of all the variables. in particular the values in array B. 1000 READ A. B. C will cause A. B, C to take the values 1. 2, 3 initially and then 4, 5, 6 at line 1000. Once again, the same effect could be achieved using LET statements and So the ZJC-B1 Basic programming ma n u a l i s c o r r e c t i n pointing out on pages 145 and 146 that READ and DATA are more or less superfluous Instructions. To prevent Perry jumping on his ZX-81. here is a method of simulating READ and DATA: 10 PRINT CALCULATE I N I T I A OR SAVE1I,C,S)?" 20 L IINPUT S E . Z$ 30 GOTO 10 + 40*(Z$ = " I " ) + 190*(Z$ " C " ) + 1990*(Z$ = " S " ) 50 PRINT' IN ITIA L IS E " ,,ENTER TEN SETS OF THREE 4 still intact. H e i s t hen f ree t o transfer the values out of the array later in his program. In fact, once the values of B are established, lines 50 to 130 are re dundant and could be deleted by entering each line number in turn in the usual way — see my answer to Mike Chandler l a te r f o r a mo re interesting method. It is important, however, not to start a program by using RUN if you want to retain the variables. You should use GOTO I or some ot her appropriate l i ne number ins tead. John Randall of Woking, Surrey, should note the use of GOTO instead of RUN. He writes: " C a n y ou suggest a programming technique so th a t i n i ti a l s a n d a sco re a r e continued on puge 42 1 continued from page 41 keyed-in and retained during saves to enable a best-score system to operate for games?" I have been asked that kind of question a surprising number o f times. The answer is that so long as you do not use RUN, NEW or CLEAR, all y our variables a r e retained. They are also copied on to cassette during SAVE and copied back into memory during LOAD. "Deleting lines by entering their line numbers in turn is a nuisance. Is the r e a method f o r deleting blocks o f line s ?" a s k s M i k e Chandler of Glasgow. There is, because the length in bytes of each line is held in two locations immediately following the line number a nd w e c a n manipulate them to our advantage. To see the e _5 20 30 4-0 F se RIACt " A t • Ve,s-. i ' l : t 1 S /i153-4 a 1 4 1 .e 1N U M I . 0 .. P C 'R A e , ( 1 1 PR % 14I 2N1•4Is \ 5 : 1 0 ;t 1e 2e0 , 16 - 1 8 0 ,lF T1311V\ ,aEF 0 t 0I - .' 7 rt ' --,„ 10, 93r 0;-932 ( .. ' , , 0 0 ?" - a 3 1T c1. .‘3.t40e 2 . .O % - -j ' rr 1 +C T , 1.4•0 E 6 ' t ( ' 10 e -t , , 0 €2. . l c s1F 4 A . 0 0 ' 3 w i ., t1 ZX-81 ' ‘o cA line length, clear 1.your 0by 1 6 0 0 4 .othen entering N EW tand A enter the 1 0 2 2 7 e , following line: . 10 REM .- 2 , Then PEEK at.Fthe , first few bytes 9 1 in the program area , . .which starts % at 16509 and you will 1 r c,see: Address Contents 4 Meaning c 16509 0 l i- n1 e number = 16510 1 0 = 10 1 256*0 + 10e 1 . 4 16511 2 line length = 16512 0 2 + 256*0 =s2 16513 2 3 4 code for REM _ 16514 1 1 8 code for newline . Notice tha t the line length excludes the four bytes required: for the line number and the line length. t The following routine fi nds t h e address of the first byte of two lines entered by the user: 9000 DIM B (2) 9101 LET START = 16509 9020 PRINT "ENTER FIRST AND 42 6 LAST LINE NOS" 9030 INPUT B (1) 9040 INPUT B (2) 9050 IF B(1)< 0 OR B(2)< OR B (1) > 9999 OR B (2) 9999 THEN GOTO 9020 9100 FOR I = 1 TO 2 9110 LET L = PEEK (START + 2) + 256*PEEK (START + 3) 9120 LET LINEND = 256*PEEK START + PEEK (START + 1) 9130 LET START = START + L + 4 9140 IF LINEND < B (I) THEN GOTO 9110 9150 LET B (1) = START — (L + 4)*(I = 1) 9160 NEXT I The routine finishes with the two addresses held in B (1) and B(2). The next trick is to fool the ZX-81 into thinking that all the lines between and including the two line numbers 0 :t ot P • v'S. ‘ 0 1e t A, • 5f5 6 ' 1 0t 0i line by POKEare just one monster /t ing the difference between B(2) and B (1) less 4 into the0 slot for the line length o f the fi r s1t line . Tha t is — yr _ e x c e .) achieved by adding the lines: 9200 LET B(2) = B(2) — B(1) —4 9210 POKE B(1) + 2 . B(2) — 256*INT (B(4256) 9220 POKE B(1) + 3. INT (B/2)/256) The monster line c a n then be deleted in the usual way, by entering the line number alone. Derek Chadwick o f Kingston. Surrey, has an interesting question. He asks: "Is there any way of liningup figures by the right? I am calculating interest amounts t o two decimal places". The following routine will round to t w o decimal places t he da t a entered at line 20 and right-justify the figure printed at line 80. Notice that 0.5 is added in the calculation to round the number in line 30 be- MN U M M N ME I MI 11111 • m o o r = I l b. N 1 I 1M • 1 1 1 . OM I 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 ▪ 1I 1 0, 1 11 1111 INNIS •U4M M EP1'7-L. M I N I P M M V I N 1 M i l l i " If 1 M •1.111G WINO 1 ME 1M IMMO N M I I S M MEM D M O a1 l 4 N M N M I m E i n = MN I•l N mow NNE/ MI • NE NE M • • 11111No 1• 14• 11 1T 8a 0a 1cause t he I N T function a lwa y s 1rounds-down. I f the 0.5 were not 1 present, then 9.877, for example. 1 would b e rounded-down t o 9 .8 7 1 when it should be rounded-up t o 1 9.88. 1 1 The print position is determined 1 by converting the value of I to a string and then calculating where the de c im a l p o i n t oc c ur s ; i t functions correctly even if I is an integer and hence has no decimal point. 10 LET lin = 20 INPUT I 30 LET I = IN T (100*I + 5)/100 40 LET ZS = STR$ I 50 IF ZS (I) = DS THEN GOTO 80 70 NEXT J 80 PRINT AT 21, 16-J; Z$ 90 SCROLL 100 GOTO 20 Janet Peterson of Grove asks: "Is it possible for a cassette tape to wear out? I am a teacher and my class has used a commercial cassette of games many times but I am finding it increasingly difficult to load." Yes, magnetic t a p e w i l l f a i l eventually. T h e r e a r e s e v e r a l problems. First, simply reading a cassette degrades the signal stored on it by a small amount so if you LOAD from it many times the signal will become weak. Second. i f you leave a cassette untouched t he signal from each layer of tape will print through on to the next, causing an eventual degradation of the tape. Finally, i f y ou a lwa y s stop t he cassette at the same place and then re-wind it, the tape will stretch. My advice is always to make a second copy of important cassettes. If you have a commercial cassette which you cannot copy because you cannot break the program while it is running. t h e n " e x e r c is e " t h e cassette regularly by re-winding it completely. That will help to avoid print-through and stretch. (Heui son Consullnifis, 1982 • Please addres s problems a n d queries t o Andrew Hows on. Heipline. Graham Close, Biewbury. Oxfordshire. SI NCLAI R USER S e p t e mb e r 1982 PIEVIOTECHExplores the Excellence of 3r9 E F R , Lvlemotech'sElemopahRange L 32 PIEPIOPMS 161i 1130110PAH 64H 1 u l 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 . • .1 1 1 ,0 1 1 .-..1 1 1 9 • 1 . 1 1 1 1 . 0 1 0 4 t h k i s i a i l i t MIETIIIIMEMINIESIIIIINIMS11111M111111=111111• NW I M F 1•1111111111111111•1111111•••1111111•••• ME I M F '111•11111111111MEMIEMESEMEEM El a IF At 1 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 • I I I M • E • I M M O Inv • AI • • E l dE L E l l i m o m o m m o m m o o m o n s u i m • • EN U • EEME• 11111• • MEI• • N • EMEME All fi ve of the c urrent ly av ailable Memopais s are hous ed in elegant blac k anodis ed aluminium cases. and are s t y led to tit wobble-t ree ont o the back of t he ZX81, allowing more add•ons (f rom Memot ec h or Sinc lair) to be c onnec t ed MEMOPAK 64K MEMORY EXTENSION plus VAT a i plus uffr rtmlo pIus U AT The 64K Memopak ex t ends the memory of the ZX81 by 56K, and wit h the Z.X81 giv es 64K, whic h is neit her s wit c hed nor paged and is direc t ly addres s able. The unit is user t rans parent and ac c ept s c ommands such as 10 DI M A(9000). Break down of memory areas...0-8K-Sinclair ROM. 8-16K-This area can be used t o hold mac hine code for c ommunic at ion bet ween programmes or peripherals . 16-64K-A s t raight 48K for normal Bas ic use. MEMOPAK 32K and 16K MEMORY EXTENSIONS These t wo packs extend and c omplet e the Memot ec h RAM range (for the t ime being! ) A not able f eat ure of the 32K pac k is that it will run In t andem wit h the Sinc lair 18K memory ex t ens ion to giv e 48K RAM t ot al MEMOPAK HIGH RES GRAPHICS PACK HRG Main Feat ures — • Fully programmable Hi-Res (192 x 248 pixels) • Video page is bot h memory and bit mapped and can be loc at ed any where in RAM. • Number of Video pages is limit ed only by RAM size teach takes about 6.5K RAM) • I nstant inverse video ontoff gives flashi ng characters • Vi deo pages can be super i mposed • Vi deo page access is similar to Basic pl ottunpl ot commands • Contai ns 2K EPROM monitor wit h f ull range of graphic s s ubrout ines c ont rolled by mac hine code or USR f unc t ion MEMOPAK CENTRONICS TYPE PARALLEL PRINTER INTERFACE Main Featur es — • Interfaces ZX8I and parallel printers of the Centr oni cs type • Enabl es use of a range of dal matrix and daisy wheel printers with ZX81 • Compati bl e with ZX8I Basi c, prints from LUST, LPRI NT and COPY • Cont ains fi rmware to convert Z)(81 c harac t ers to ASCII c ode • Gives lower-c as e c harac t ers f rom ZX8I inverse c harac t er set PAEMOPAK RAM HI-RES GRAPHICS CENTRONICS I T A complete range Of ZX8 I plug•in peripherals Digitising Tablet R S 2 3 2 Interface We regret we are as yet unable to accept orders or enquiries concerning the abnve products. but well let you know as SOOn as they become available Please make cheques payable to MEMOTECH Ltd Please tend mo P r i c 84K RAM £68.70 + E10•30 VAT 32K RAM E 4 3 . 4 3 + E6.52 VAT 151C RAM E26.00 + E3.90 VAT Please Debit my AccesWBarclaycard • HRG E52 00 + E7.80 VAT 1a c c o u n t number CENTROMOS I F E 34. 10 + E5.20 VAT - 1 Packaging & Postage 12.00 per unit 1does P *or sof>4 e e d II [s 1S*IGNATURE i I N*A M E e w e r * v i t v , c eE79 00 N o T o t a l E49 E29.90 E59 80 E39• TO TAL E L A T 1 1 ENC E AGGRESS — TE LE P H ON E • • • • • • We want to be sure you are satisfied with your Memopak - so we offer a 14-day money back Guarantee on all our products Memotech Limited, 3 Collins Street, Oxford 0X4 1XL, England Tel: Oxford (0865) 722102 Telex: 837220 Orchid G 1 SINCLAIR USER September 1982 43 ZX Spectrum LTEXT AND Z T E X T ZX81 WORD PROCESSORS 20 Programs E6.95 l o we r c as e c h a r a c t e r s on the ZX printer!! The ZX Spectrum has brought advanced computing power into your home, The Cambridge Colour Collection, a book of 20 programs, is all you need to make it come alive. No experience required. Simply enter the programs from the book or load them from tape (E . Amazing e f f e c t s . A l l p ro g ra ms a r e f u l l y animated using hi-res graphics, colour and sound 2. wherever possible. 9 Entirely original. None of these programs has 5 ever been published before. eProven Quality. The author already has 30,000 xsatisfied purchasers of his book of ZX.81 programs. t Hours of entertainment r• Lunar Landing. C ontr ol the angle of descent aand jet thrust to steer the lunar module to a safe )landing on the moon's surface. a• Maze. F i n d your way out from the centre of a nr a n d o m ma z e . d• Android N i m . P l a y th e Spectrum a t th e ancient game of Nim using creatures from outerrspace. u• Biorhythms. P l o t t h e c y c l e s o f y o u r nEmotional, Intellectual a n d Physical activity. .Some would say this is not a game at all. No longer ne e d y ou b e confi ned . a c e genies. be ttle ihr os a nd the like W i t h h p , programs y o u r ZX 8 1 be c om e s a v ia ble c om m e r c ia l m a c hine , Z T E X T !uppe r charecters , r , t u only I and L TE X T incorporate a te s t editor and a 'formatter gaunter. The te tt &M oe allows you to type test and ( u epditpit eT hr e tornsatter .• printer takes the te a t and sends it to be screen or ZX p r i n t, lust it a dying n d end Inirmaltirig according to commands embedded in the le s t Inc lude d el Itcommands lr a mop of w e r are such useful opeoattoos as string search. string replacement and merge facility enabling a skeleton c loc une nt to be fi lled with variable •111011"18110n L c a s T E X tor both upper and lower case characters. N o, tha t re not a misprint. e v utninen caters e high graphics feature of the ZX printer Graham Asher has busti a complete set g I Nresolution . c h case a characters r a lower The s e posoarri come complete with a detailed manua c t e r s , S end 95p 'redeemable against forst order r tot full catalogue ' and FREE listing P lease s la te ZXM1 o n order a r All prices include V A T and P &P avaaahie hum e Oesie Softwa re . Lowe r North Stre e t. Cheddar. Some rse t. w o Tel C h e d d a r 743409 r d Dealer e nquir ie s w e l c o m e p r o c e aeCtS s S PROF iSS a o r TAKEN 74 NOUNS BY PHONE A DAY M e V I P n 1 1 e 1 1 e , ' M 1 . ! Improve your mind • Morse. A complete morse-code training kit. This program will take a complete beginner to R.A.E. proficiency. • Maths. Ad j u sta b l e t o various levels, th i s program is an invaluable aid to anyone trying to improve their arithmetic. Run your life more efficiently • Home Acco u n ts. Ke e p i n g tra ck o f yo u r finances w i th t h i s easy-to-use program w i l l enable you to see at a glance where the money goes and plan your spending more effectively. • Telephone Address Pad. Ins ta nt access to many pages of information. • Calendar. D i sp l a ys a 3 month calendar past or future, ideal f o r planning o r tracing p a st events. ZX81 Assembled ZX81 Kit 16K RAM Printer E69.95 E49.95 E 2 9 . 9 5 NE W PRI CE E 5 9 . 9 5 NE W PRI CE All units now in stock Wide range of books, software and DCP packs also available in our 'Budget Micros' department. 1111111•••11111•1 I I I • • • • • • • •11111111111•••• ORDER FORM: Send Cheque or P.O. wit h order t o: Dept. D., Richard Francis Altwasser, 22 Foxhollow, Bar Hill. Cambridge CB3 8EP Please send me O Copies Cambridge Colour Collection Book only E6.95 each. O Copies Cambridge Colour Collection Book Et Cassette E9. 90 each CambridgeComputerStore Name: Address: 1 Emmanuel Street, Ca mbridge C8 1 1 NE Phone (0223) 358264/65334 Also A c o rn A t om • VIC-20 • Tandy TRS-80 44 S I N C L A I R USER S e p t e mb e r 1982 7 Pac-man hits the Sinclair scene PAC-MAN, t h e colourful chomping video game from the U . S . . h a s h i t t h e Sinclair s c e n e w i t h a vengeance. N o t co n te n t with having a book a n d even a hit record about it, no f e w e r t h a n t h r e e co mp a n i e s h a v e d e veloped versions f o r th e 16K LX-81. The DJL Software Zuckman i s w ri tte n i n 10K o f machine code and has all the addictive features o f the original within the limitations posed by the ZX-81 character set. You are the gobble-man ( " 0 " ) b e i n g chased b y th e ghosts — inverse commas — as you make your way round the 29x21 ma ze , e a ti n g t h e dots in your path. One o f the reasons fo r the enormous popul ari ty of Pac-man is the w a y he hunter can be eaten by the game; i f you eat one of the fo u r c o r n e r " e n e r g y posts", the ghosts change their appearance and you can then chase them and win a bonus i f you catch them. You have to be careful, as, a fte r a fe w seconds, they r e v e r t t o th e i r o l d nasty selves. DM made a n unusual ch o i ce o f k e y s f o r movement — Q and P fo r left and right, M and X for up and down — b u t th e kn a ck c a n s o o n b e acquired. Zuckman costs E5.95 from DX Software, 9 Tweed Close, Sw i n d o n , Wiltshire. In the Babtech Zedman, you are a mouse in a 19x19 maze; the standard cursor SINCLAIR USER S e p t e mb e r 1982 controls a r e u s e d f o r movement. The four ghosts move f r o m t h e c e n tr a l area one after another and roam the maze in search of their p r e y . E a ti n g t h e dollar signs in the corners makes the ghosts edible for a short time but Babtech w a rn s t h a t t h e y a r e slippery c r e a tu r e s a n d may pass you if you rush at them. You have three lives but if you fi n d i t all too easy you h a ve 1 0 ski l l levels arcade games f o r E5.95. Babtech is a t 3. Bakerton Mains V i e w . Edinburgh, EH14 3BR. The third Pac-man lookalike i s t h e A b e r s o f t Mazeman, which also uses the standard cursor controls, this time on a 30x20 maze. Once the mazeman starts moving he continues until he hits a wall or you change his direction. The ghosts have fo u r possible shapes; A means i t i s i ts own n o r m a l unpleasant and d a n g e r o u s s e l f , moving ra n d o ml y r o u n d the maze: B means yo u have e a t e n a c o r n e r "power capsule" and the ghosts a r e vu l n e ra b l e ; inverse B means they are about to turn nasty again. Wri tte n i n 5 K o f machine code, th e game also p ro vi d e s a n e x t r a mazeman i f y o u s c o r e 10,000 points. Mazeman costs E4.45 from Abersoft, 7 Ma e sa fa l l e n , B o w Street. Dyfed, SY24 5BA. from w h i ch to choose to keep you on your toes. The 4 K machine code Zedman i s complete w i th Spacers, an invaders-type program, g i v i n g t w o Playing at business IF YOU FANCY yourself as a financial whizz-kid, test your skills w i th tw o new business games from CCS. Airline has good animated bar charts and histograms and is fu l l o f unexpected hazards. We were hi-jacked by the PLO but managed to make a p ro fi t a t the end o f the fi rst year. In the next year, however, we overspent on sta ff a n d f a c e d t h e prospect o f r e s i g n i n g . There are some pertinent decisions to be made and the game provides a useful i n tro d u cti o n t o t h e business w o r l d a n d i t s terminology. T h e a i m o f Airline i s t o ta ke -o ve r British Airways as soon as possible. In Au to ch e f, i t i s t o buy Trusthouse Fo rte b y the judicious management of a chain o f restaurants and f a s t f o o d o u tl e ts . There are three levels o f difficulty, although e ve n on the easy level we lost a fair amount of money, and it helps to have a pen and some paper to keep tra ck of cost forecasts, rent, and other vital factors. The games co st E4.75 each, a n d a r e available from C C S, 1 4 L a n g to n Way, London SE3 711. • • • • • • • • • • Wp o o r- -.•••••••• -r 4 Pixel makes use of space TWO INTERESTING new space games, both in 16K, are f r o m Pi xe l Pro d u ctions. In Subspace Striker, you are the captain of the Swordfish, which lurks in h yp e rsp a ce s h o o t i n g down enemy vessels w i th its deadly Antimat torpedoes. A f a i r l y fa m i l i a r theme is enlivened by some splendid graphics o f th e various spaceships a n d excitement is added by the capacity o f the Swordfish to su rfa ce a n d d i v e t o avoid enemy fire. An especially good destruction sequence c o m pensates f o r t h e m i s continued on page 46 5 continued from page 45 fortune o f s uffe r ing a direct hit. The instructions are a little confusing a t first but stay wit h it. I t costs E5.50 for the ZX-81 version. There a r e outstanding graphics i n Trader, too, many of them animated, and t h e s t or y l i n e i s original and entertaining. You are a n inter-galactic trader trying t o make a profit on your wares while escaping a variety of pitfalls on your journey from moon to moon. You will need to do some quick thinking and it helps to have pe n a nd paper handy to keep tabs on your stocks. We made a killing on Synthomunch, a yukky kind of staple food popular in the Meridien area, but ZX81 cannot guarantee i t will work for you. The game is i n three parts, so that it is in effect a 48K saga, with plenty to keep you absorbed to the end. The complete thing costs E10.50. Both games are available from Pixel Productions, 3 9 R iple y Gardens, London S W1 4 BHP. Adventurous Synacroop SYNACROOP S of t wa r e has produced a cassette of four games, all in 16K. Two are s hor t a n d s im ple . There i s a two-pla y e r gambling game, Up against the w a l l , a n d a straightforward shoot-out with a l i e n s pa c e c r a ft Th. most compterte book rit the p .c. C.,woo w s Ana e , r n w a . , , , , , , w . n o n a , w e Am, at wawa. l e d f r . 4 •to • •F A e w• a !. . co g tea t • S a• n a• a t Saew e - nta l w e d . " too sa Z.11 w a a a v l A. 4 . n n eon t e . 4 1 . 4 Dol e te • F . * w o n g c0 t e t t e . . I nt w a t nt 114 , O tto. . , o s a . Wh o m 0, PO4 s 1 a m - o m e n . C o w a n . . Z x b a o .N. P o •" w n e t e d . . A m e t w a Z. 1 1 0 . 1 o l,• o • •c n n e v o t I . Ae ha nw eltelo c o n e . . w e np••••e s e c on t0 . a. . i p n fl b i . fl , a q 4 f . t i . j M e c h . . Co d e . . . w e t . - w a n A A P I n •t o9 w , m. m Da t ee e a n.w, 2 0 4t 0 rnoma nn. r•S k l anaw egn I W o n . . . ra w te a r . . a n d s ol i And save e4 . t n a t e c o d e . . . w att. . ; wu k 0 n • o u t l . . I and P a e n d re a me r c o n w e e . . 1 , 1 3ea t lce 4 a. 1 6t1 • .• • • •i • 1.1 1./ Von0 t d .i▪ 1 w d 4* WA e t.2 O u N C E S a D O T S T A T , V W S , ne t ,0 4 A n t 0 1 .4 .4 . 1 . ., .4 1 0 1 . 0 1 e .N ., A M . , O W • • • • • • • CO •I •e i c pownod•la 1O 1 •• t a m • • • • • • • •I I •••• WOO •••• p a t OW 4 s D IA E oI • • • • • •0 D i •e Ic 0 . O S o .0 T n ,4 v w 4 S te 1 w le 1 n w W •_ne- $l • . • n o m W o L w I l e • T W c onte nts te e t a do • • O w ie CAM we o w e e t i e . W A. a n g t M atl w e . . 4. . . 1 reenacts C o n . . . 4 . F Io •D P e a 4 . 0 4 . c od. t Io nne n L ,.e e en t e 0 1 0 ,a.IIM wI fl a I e c N 1 * 4 4 E g!4 A. M I0 • • •••••••• b • • • • ,e•E A 4 'e i w a . onornory 0 1 4 . 0 . , o m e g a nI tAc dOW ertI O •.C NDa n d . . . . . . o w a t e l e Inhl LaSilit w •U •••••••••1 a.O 4 wee We e , • e l . • • • • CAM g.M "I K n e w . I, E W m ..e . 0 a• - • . 2 S. O o ta nA ', ma w a d d re w e • t a w tC , AgM o .a 4t en act zn e e e o m m i e Ca n De , , e a t , c 1.941 e i mp c h . . . r m . wnwown• , pr t w e e s a A Sat n n w e a w n nne 16K MEMO R Y E26 95 E61.95 64K MEMO PA C K •• . 3 2 46 T e cI, ; • o n e-S a rnr m t • t0 * e n•4 a t s•• • a g• • o k ,• • • • • • 1 • o t s , , L a L . . e 4 4 t Escaping be f or e t h e oxygen r u n s o u t i s pr oble m a tic b u t n o t impossible. The other adventure is Curse of the Aztec tomb, based mainly on graphics, depicting fiendish dangers such a s falling boulders and bridges which close as you are about to jump on to them. You will need nimble fingers on the control keys and perhaps a practice game or two to earn a high score. The cassette costs E4.95 and is available from Synacroop Software, 6 3 Cedar A v e nue , Cosely, West Midlands. called Revenge o f the flying saucers. Each side also features a m o r e s ophis t ic a t e d adventure, one of which is called Escape f r om t h e Pyramid o f Mars. There the aim is to collect four keys from the depths of the pyramid wit hout be ing annihilated by a mysterious fl a s hing de f e nc e mechanism. The graphics HEWSON CONSULTANTS Z X SPECTRUM HINTS A N D T I P S F O R T H E ZXEil by Andrew Hewson £ 3 . 9 5 48+8K N E W are lively and because the hazard is a random one. the suspense builds-up. especially when safety is in sight. E79.00 Z80 O P CODES C 1 _ 4 5 A r n o . • l o t I h 0 . , w o r , n • I A n d i n s • . p . r no nue d p . u 9 r w fl m . r . . . i t T e n * l a n d 4 &ON t I K t e l I a l a l l SO O p e g . i S O t i Itte m m r. . . t• o n i ce f a c t , O p Co d . i t . o ct p l a i n e d c r o o n • r e t sdt e n c e t t S v p . . e d a . d e t e l t e rl o w D e n . p . r e r , t w e l t e r e I ra , i 1 4 n 4 . e • t • e r t e Ant. a D,nc t ua t o 'oc he . , , • ee t etUIVIIDEcmwOholk•wI ; I o , . t c , ...4Gcsug • IS I T s od l Fe ndl I v e s entl v u n n • cDE L I I A m w • de e r. . f . tonone e d • . 1 . 1 . CE . a t 1 .• • .1 .p ••to, etr• vo• 0 • oEDIT l o t. . .a? • • • lookup." rW oe n • t E N D • edam . . • • • d • l ! N O W I s w •ooSt ON e , • I t o o . •n• • e• • ••• • •a• .vimpo.• • • • • • • ....k. 1 0 .0 r • o r n o o m e 1re•waho• d0 . , 4 4 1 1 O t t , . o •6 1 1 c 1, a, 4 Anne Ene t e ra t o. Ne w 1e nd a 1 A. to w t i a lo e ut. t wI I . t e e . . . ,• otn ol ew w o t M I oOva g wwoltImoo o t s mut &pe e d •I • • • O ••••••I 4.411 e t • • • • • • • I I o . I Bi to Owe ,o I O•te •w • e nv on m. e . w o n l e a . w Ito w e t • An A m o k . AA ow e V. "' •M . Co w l ttl end n m a r . t a m I •• W , • At o iuo nl c a.0. : .b l 4o t 0 * t .e e n e d g e wear •oul •O An n o y , dA Ne ttl e * mo d e t t a t t . . . . 1 1 0 • •e• • • • Iwp•wg In W.190. I warelp Iww o. I v balm ont_ w e e nd N a v e n u e , new i t o . v ow P e . < Wa g V d tio••• w o n t , l e o • • • • v e t . •••••n , w y • e w a w h w • A l l 101100 0 , 1 1 p4 , • S c o u r the O w 'Do e •• C e l d g e t e e g b i l e t . W e ° c 0 0 t • ti ol •▪ AI , I 6- 4 • • 1 • C a p t • a e l 1 t le p l e r. ils..1 l a d ew eDa 1 • F o i l w. t. . . DO W . y , -• F u l l e e ns te w e nom e l o APl e . '• Cdo n a el e d . • • w n w w . Ac c o u n t ) •• B e a t t e e b e l l K m . O o d . t • PROGRAMMERS £ 6 . 5 0 TOOLKIT 2 X 8 1 PILOT * ZX81 E 5 . 9 5 o o PUCKMAN N EW ZX81 E5.95 • 541100 c p . p e K • a t . . . ,• w a aw d o c • S t . . W a d Na l l e eO x • boa • , • d 20 BEST PROGRAMS FOR THE ZX SPECTRUM £ 7 . 9 5 BY AN D R EW H EWSON • Ha ve tun with your Spectnom • F u ll length programs • Learn by esampla • Full colour graphics progfarns lit the 16K mac- lane owlet:07o- Index File Music Sketch Duckstroot Cromer( - U s L e C o n Machine code editor neoble tiling program tot your address book, he r* account etc Write your own Wren, save them bond them. alter therm end otirr them e your computer as a chewing tablet a r n how to disrepute* tho attributes file and have I n tool v e c t pictures to • digital Mem and M e e thorn - Write , alter and load trio code, name routines and ca t them by name, rowel and delete machme code SPACE INTRUDERS FOR THE ZX SPECTRUM Features m de de Full sound and colour ACUOI) 3 laser bates, 4 defences M C super fast achon High score display descending aliens, e4 ',bent in each squadron Squadron after squadron attack your position ALL THIS YOURS FOR ONLY E 5 . 9 5 Cheque with owlet or quote ACC1101 or Barclaycard numbei to H EWSON CONSULTANTS, Dept SU BOA St M a rys Street_ WalInglord, Oxon OXIBBEL E C M 9 SINCLAER USER September 1982 sinclair user club Honorary club member served on HMS Hermes during the conflict in the South Atlantic. DC-81 sails to Falkland Islands DURING t h e Fa lk la nds crisis we received many programs simulating some of the events in the South Atlantic. We have decided, however, to print only one special submission. The listing overleaf was produced by a sailor on HMS Hermes while he was on active service with the Task Force. In recognition of his part in the action we have decided to make Chief Petty Officer Tr e v or Wa lhe n, 36, an honorary member of ZX-81 with him to provide the Sinclair User Club. He relaxation from the strain received the news when he of the conflict — "I used to returned t o Britain wit h work during the night from Hermes towards the end of 8pm to Sam and when I July. " It was marvellous." came of f I would spend he said, "It made my home- about two hours at a time with the ZX-81." coming even better," He has ha d his ZX-81 He adds tha t h e ha d since Ma r c h a nd ha d a ordered a 16K RAM pack Z X -80 p r e v i o u s l y . from Sinc la ir Research Although h e is a n elec- but as it had not arrived, tronics engineer i n t he he used to borrow one from Royal Navy, in which he a colleague, who also had has served for 20 years, he his ZX-81 on board. did not start taking a deep He sent his fi rst pr ointerest in computers until gram to Sinclair User in he saw a colleague with a May but while he was in ZX-80. the S out h A t la nt ic h e " I r e a d a bout t he m improved it twice before when they were first on he submitted t h e fi n a l sale but I was not really version, which is printed interested until I saw one here a n d t i t l e d H M S and saw what it was cap- Hermes. I t takes 5 K o f able o f doing," Wa lhe n memory. "Because of its topicakeyboard, is also available says. When the Task Force lity. gr e a t interest wa s in this exclusive offer to members. T h e nor m a l moved south, he took his continued on page 48 price is E26.50 but members c a n obta in i t f o r E23.85. The other pa r t of our offer involves the range of software f r o m C a r ne ll I wish to join the Sinclair User Club and enclose Software. Members c a n my subscription of E12 save 2 5 percent o f the normal price of the three Name cassettes sold by Carnal!. That reduces the cost of Address the Volc a nic D unge on/ Hangman fr om E4.50 t o E3.40 and Alien Intruder and Wumpus Adventure from E5 to E3.75. All prices include VAT. Which computer do you own? As us ua l, t o pe r m it members t o t a k e ZX-81 U S p e c t r u m E advantage of these offers, Send y our coupons t o Sinclair User C lub, you can include an order ECC Publications, 30-31 Islington Green. London with y o u r membership N i 813j. Cheques should be made payable to application. A f or m i s Sinclair User Club, printed below. 25pc off Kempston Spectrum add-on CONTINUING t he policy we began last month, we are again making two exclusive offers to members of the Sinclair User Club. This m onth i t involves C a m e l! S o f w a r e a n d Kempston Electronics. To link with the start of our ne w Spectrum User section we are offering a discount of 10 percent off the add-ones developed by Kempston f o r t h e n e w machine. They include the 24-line user I/O port which allows you to have 24 individually-controlled lines. Normally i t costs E16.50 but c lub members c a n obta in i t f o r E 1 4 . 9 0 including VAT. Two items which have been produced for the time when t he Microdrive i s ready towards the end of the year a r e also being offered. A Z X motherboard w h i c h nor m a lly costs E16.95 is available for E15.25 and a ZX stackable connector, costing E5.50, will cost members E4.95. Kempston's other major product, its 41-key click SINCLAIR USER September 1982 MEMBERSHIP 1 FORM 4 7 c onanuedf rompage47 shown by other members of the crew and i t helped ease the tension," he says. Now he is home. Walhen is looking fo r w a r d t o a little relaxation and considering w h i ch computer to buy next. In t h e g a m e , a n A r g e n ti n i a n S u p e r Etendard aircraft is fi ring at Hermes, which is fi ring back. T h e a i r c r a f t i s armed w i t h Exocet mi ssiles and bombs, which are re l e a se d a t r a n d o m . Hermes h a s fo u r Seacat missiles, w h i ch a r e a l so fired at randeom. The c a r r i e r ' s o t h e r defence is its chaff device for decoying th e Exocet. That i s controlled b y the player, w h o m u s t p re ss INKEY$ C a s soon a s i t a p p e a rs b e l o w t h e aircraft. Th e player also controls the movement o f Hermes b y th e 5 a n d 8 keys. To win, the player has to knock o u t 1 0 a i r c r a f t which can win by sinking the Hermes. That needs a score o f 12. which can be achieved b y r e c e i v i n g CPU Trev or Wit then as he crosses the equator on his way south. three fo r every Exocet hit Due to lack of space we have not been able to print our and tw o fo r every bomb usual lis t o f us e r groups. W e apologise f o r this hit. Hermes i s also being omission and will attempt to include it in October. attacked by a submarine. LE T a = a LE T H = l a LE T , L 1 E T F * 0 0051..0 9 0 0 0 ROS UE 2 0 0 0 FOR E = 0 T O 2 7 P RINT N T 0 ,0 ,1 0 1 140 1 0 , =6 2 160 170 150 190 a 2 01 I F E rLi2, A T H E N , G OE T O 3 0 0 t ,2- 3 0 1F O R 8 = - 1 2 TO - 1 a N 2I 4- 0. f4P RfiI N T A T 8 , 0 1 ; :,J 8 0 P R / N A T e .$ 4 .- • O R L2 - 6 0 L E T AT = A - ...5 E ,2 * 7 0R M ZI X T , 2 3 0 N I F P = E 1 OP A=E OR A . E . 1 OR T -R . E * 2 O R A . E * 3 THE N a o r e l e e e RA 300 L E T F X H T ( FIN 1 • 1 0 1 +0 Kl e I F E t N * 3 O R f F L . H . 0 A N D F . = n H *E7 1 T N E N C T O 3 9 0 I Z221 F ,O P G . - I 2 T O - 1 N330 P R I N T A T 111,r, 0 P R IN T A T G , F ; T3 -3 4 50-LE T F = F * - 8 I -3 40 , 0 NEXT G R3 - 70 I F F = E OR F = E . 1 OR F = E * 2 OP F.E * 3 OR F = E * 4 TH E N GOTO 1 0 0 0 N290 P R IN T A T 1 1 1 0 L E T M = I N T fR N E 5 0 2 2 1 + 2 O 4, H 2 0* I F 1 1 4 ) E * 2 R H O H t . E * 3 T H E N * 4T O 4O 6 9 0 2 4, 3 0 P R I N T A T 40 PAUSE 3 0 1 4 -4 8 0 L E T C . - 1 2 AY 450 / F I N * E 1 S . ,+ - 70 FOP C . - I 2 TO • 0 16 4 4 7 0 48 O 0 P P I N T A T C , H * 1 . O . , = T 0• 0 0 N F . T C . 10 P RINT A T C H O5 5P T 2 e LHE T X E.X +1 8 5Ra 5 G O S U B 9 0 0 0 N 5 5I 3 0 F O R N e a T O 1 0 540 P R IN T A T 0 8N8 0 P R I N T A T N , H , " 5T6 0 L E T 1 1 = M # . 5 5 5 -A8 0 I F N . 7 A N C ( N . H - 0 C A H . H - 1 OPT 1 1 . 1 1 O R 1 1 = H * 1 O R 1 1 . 1 1 * 2 O R H A M * * 1 0 OR N . H * 4 i T H E N G O T O 1 1 0 0 5 I 90 NE =T N 5 00 P RINT R T F 810 I F H . N OR N . H * 1 OP H . H * 2 OP C .H * 3 OR N . N * 4 OP N . N . 5 H 6.O R H=11*7 T N E N GOTO 1 2 0 0 5 J 10 L E T J . I N T t A N D . 2 4 . -7 24 0 I F A N C . J . , e + a 4140 P m e n GOTO 8 5 8 754..3 0 "+ 3 7 T7 4 0 P R I N T A T K . J . A 1 pP 0 tW I F e N O n T P & A K O T m T 1 3 C 48 5T1O S I N , 9 0 1 S 8 0 0 1 4 9 0 P A L1 1 1 T e r 2 4 C AGE 8 P A I N , 4E9N5G S TOP -1 t. e l Ee ., J T 1 5 2 eH P AI I N T T S A T 4 , 7 , R A 5 -T Y 5 3 0 PI R I N TN A T 5 . 7 -1 -0 - P• I T I 5 1 1 1 u 5 4 0l P cR I N TT A oT 1 0 , 1 0 1 . ttr e P A IN T A T 1 2 , C T-- o o L 1 N U 8E6 L0 LP R tI N o T An T e1 4- . 6 , -1 moi4PosY H A V E -1 5O7 eU P A U S E 04 0 0 5 0 1 1 505 0 SC L U5 P E R 1 E 8 0 0 lP R I N f T A T 4 . 1 0 . 1 - 610 P R IN T A T 5 , t 8 , 620 P R IN T A T 8 . 7 , " T R Y -1 A 1L0 A Y 1 A 6- 3G0 PAR I IN TN A “T 1 0 , 1 0 , 1 - 540 S TOP 750 I F I N K E Y 0 . 7 H + 4 I N ( E Y 1 1 . -e -6 e TL EHT E4 . N -7 G7 0 O G O STU E O5 0 0 0 8 7 880 LE 0 T 1 i 0. N * 4 H . e i * ( N : 2 3 ) 7 - 9 0 GO5 U 1 1 a e e e 8 0 0 P R IEN YT P T K - J , " )8 -1 t0 I N VX NE T K 8 2 0 I F J . N O R J.0.1• 1 O P J . 0 1 . 2 O P OR J . 4 4 . 4 O R J = H * 5 O R J . . H . O R 4 . H + 7 T H E N GO T O 2 1 .e 0 830 I F I N K E Y . = 5 k im - -4 0 TL EHT E N pl.c tr ie E N lim -G6 5 8 O0 0 5T0 6 O3 0 0 0 ,p 9 - d t t o0 t E 0 1570 GOS Ue 2 0 0 0 ., 5 9 0 L E T 0 . 1 1 4 7 tP 1 4 8 ' . 1 5 1 * 0 '9 1 6 2 0 I F U s P * 5 Tm e 1 4 0 0 5 1 0 6 6 0 0 0 09 3 0 L E T P = P . 1 94e I F P = 2 5 THE N LE T P . O L9 5 0 P R I N T A T 0 . E , ' ' , A M I E E 80 N E .7 E T9 970 GOS U6 9 0 2 0 03 8 0 I F 5 . 1 0 T H E N G O T O 1 6 0 9 9 0 I F 5 . 1 0 711E 14 O U T O t r e e 1 1010 P AINT A T L. o n e 1 P AINT A T 2 . 0 , ,1H00 34 00 R AU5E. 5 0 -P4 1 0 .5 0 P R I N T A T 0 *. 0 I8 0 P R I N T A T 1 . E , 1 R , E 1 0 7, 0' P R I N T A T 2 E i " -N 1t 0 8 0 L E T 5 . 5 . 1 T1H0 9 0 C O T O 9 7 0 1) 1 1 0 P R I N T A T 7 , H - 2 A 1120 PAUSE 3 0 T 1-- 1 1 ;0 P A I N T A T T , H _ 2 flt 1 4 0 C O T O 7 o e t I-1 1, 2 1 0 P A I N T A T 1 3 , N - 1 , N I T .1 H 20 PAUSE 5 0 .,1E2 E22c5 r0 o P. .RvI N T A T 1 5 . M - 1 , 1 40 0 3 5 0 0 alma, .112 260 LE T T = 7 , 5 Z12 0 0 0 3 5 0 6 9 0 2 0 1 1 270 I F T A l, , a t e C O T O 7 0 0 P 1310 P RINT R T 1 5 , J - 1 . 1'.H31:2270 P A U S E 1 0 1 T 3 3H0 PER I N T , 1 1 4 0 I r . rS. s u E 1 4 NT J,J G- N e-e OL1E T , 7 . 7 4 - 2 1C 3 08 '03 6 0 5 0 8 9 0 0 0 1T3 7 1 2 OI F T . t 2 THE N GOTO 1 4 0 0 113 8 0 G O T O 9 0 0 144 1 0 P R I N T A T 1420 P R IN T A T 1 2 , H 04 3 0 P R I N T A T 1 1 . 1 1 . 1 - 4 5 U N 1 1 0 40 PAUSE 2 0 0 -1 - 450 C L5 .1 *4 0 0 *P A I *N T - A T 4 , 1 0 1e 4 7 0 P R I N T A T A DUMMY P U N " 1480 P R I N T A T 1 0 ,8 ,;"A LA Y A G A I N C. U" M TW H, A M -L . A . C L A ANT" S H O O T . 0 3O0. 0P E 2N P R ID N T OA TU t Nt , w 2- 0 1 0 i l l -M a 0i 0 0 P R I N T A T 1 1 0 . 1 + 5 , 3 6-. m E -l o -. a , +A U R .t- i0R 3 r1 r0 T R E T U RI N O N 6 1T- 0 1 02 C L. 5 1 1 81, 0 2A 0 G 0 5 U 8 7 0 0 0 is e ne 0 0 5 0 6 2 0 0 0 51T0 4 0 P A / N 7 A T 1 1 4 P P 3 J -.1 .0 6 0 P R I N T A T P . U ; “ • H 6w 65 FR R = - 1T 0 TO G O T O 5 1 2 0 -.300 57. 00 FI O 8 0 8 -0 L E T N e 1 4 4 . / W E ' l l i e I.-HA T 1 4 , P -k 1 , 109171 P R IN T A T 0 , N e 3 6 e -6 1T 0E0P L E T H2. H 4 1 H t E N - 1 1 1 1 * 2 5 $ -S ,e lAl e T 0 0 5 0 8 7 0 0 0 o6 -1 f2 I0N P F E , T A T P . O R IN ” 5130 NEXT P 6 1 4 0 I F 1 .4 =N O R u * * * * 1 O P 0 = 1 1 * 2 0.11*5 O P U . N * 4 O R U . N . 5 O R w = H + 8 O R 0=11+7 TH E N GOTO 6 2 0 0 01 0. 1 8 0 G e r i " 2 0 0 0 8170 0 0 5 0 6 9 0 3 e 08 10 8 0 R E T U R N 6E 2 0 0 P R I N T A T 2 , 4 1 - 1 . 6 10 PAUSE 3 0 -6L 2 200 LE T 7 . 7 . 2 N T0 I F T > . 1 2 TH E N 0 0 1 0 1 4 8 0 8 S 2I 3 e - 2. 5 0070 e i n e I 7000 P RINT P T p . l 6 e P " A T . e . m 4 1 2 /TAT*T *. 5 A T 2 1 1 7 , ARGE NTINA.* .i•Tt . A T U eele i 6 1 p Le Tu t a k 0 N a 8 ; I. T N :. R T T I A o T 1 4 7 . 9 R USER S e p t e mb e r 1982 . THE PROFESSIONAL ONE ZX81 THERMALPRINTER The Computer Printer high speed matrix printer combines contemporary printer mechanism design with advanced microprocessor based VLS I control electronics and distinctive functional styling. • Professional high performance 40 column line printer. • Attractively styled durable housing. • Tot a l interfacing. • Quie t operation. • Graphics capability standard. • Uses Olivetti dot matrix thermal print mechanism. • L o w cost thermal paper supply. • Pr ic e includes ZX interface and one roll of paper. .29450 inclusive o f ZX interface and one ro ll o f paper. Please add f 16.47 to cover postage, packing and VAT (total E110,97)• Please allow ma ximu m of 28 days fo r delivery. ARE3S177 7MAESAFALLEN,BOW ST, DYFED.SY245BA ZX81 & Spectrum Games Now NEW LOW prices!!!! PROGRAM O L D N E W 81 SPECTRUM Chess 1.4 1 0 . 0 0 8 . 9 5 10 levels rn•c Adventure 8 10,00 9 5 9 140 locations eased o n the originai (At r10.00 well worth the money Sinclair User Issue 2 review) Invaders 5 , 0 0 4 45 Fast m c arcade action Mazeman 5 , 0 0 4 . 4 5 All the features o f the original arcade version rri•c All prices are inclusive Return o f post service S A L E 95 It Sr I P E RS o NA L S O r i v i R R E S E RV I CE S 1 1 ? O U V E R S T R , ; , 161(S F T WA E s p ac e 5100NRE o n ly 4 . 9 5 'requires 48k Spectrum d e DEANELECTRONICS LIMITED Glendale Park Fernbank Road A sco t Berkshire England C Telephone 0344 885661 T e l e x 849242 O M PSS P U T AS PART E OF OUR CONTINUING POLICY OF U N BEATABLE VALU E FOR M ONEY W E AR E OFFERING FOR THI S M ONTH ONLY OUR R AN GE OF PROGRAM S I N PAC KAGE FORM AT UNBELI EVABLE PRICES R Includes PUCK P PACK* MAN I*STAR lePROGRAMMERSPACK11 "Ind MAZE ZX COMPILER end N H AN C ED BASIC DRAG RACER, the se ere the best arcade R The compeer ha s helped ma ny people garnes availabse and are written tn superwrite rn MACHINE CODE - ENHANCED fast machine code to grve unbelievablv BASIC la ke s the strain out of programgood results - absdliantpackagra - hoghes I ming So m e of rts many features erscludis recommended £ 4 . 1 6 auto renumberong, b lo ck deletion e t c 14.15 N r'SPACE PACK*I All t h e be st T lePROGRAMMERSPACK 21 in o n e p a cka g e - in clu d e s SPAC E DEFENDER, S T AR T R EK. ALI EN a n d WOROFIX e n d G R A M A comple te • te xt manipulation twe e t Eise n TAI LGUNNER E A m a z i n g va lu e d r image URI for those who need comp* . images Or te*rE in their programs f t % R Includes excellent ['GAMES PACK 21 STOCKS I*GAM DESPACK'I Anselectson of Et SHARES. BREAKOUT (M . C). D AY AT games including GRAND PRIX, NIGHTTHE PACES, PONTOON a nd TOWERS MARE PARK, I SUPER-BREAKOUT IM OF H AN OI Qu a lity programs a t o a rs and HIGH RISE I M .C I f 4 , 1 5 price £ 4 . 1 6 V PERSONAL SOFTWARE SERVICES, 112 OLIVER STREET, COVENTRY CVS 5FE I These packeges C r. a ll aveilable a t (4.96 each. EC % for two or ES SO for three Al l prices C r. inclusive of VAT end carriage by re turn of poet. S Send cheque/PO to. PSI , 112 Olive r Street. Co...entry CV6 0 SEE , send two le t class stamps psIforori p y of our fully detailed catalogue 'STOP PRIESS• N O W AVAI L ABL E • C I S A V E • T H E H AR D WAR E- SOFTWARE COM BI NATI ON PAC KAGE TH AT LETS YOU L OAD AN D SAVE A FULL 16K I N O ONLY 26 SECONDS FOR LESS TH AN 120.00 S AE FOR DETAI LS N E t % 4'4 Now! For the SPECTRUM UK! P e g i M i t i k ILL EDUCAT IONAL C O M P U T I N G 1 or, the Soil children ages 5 11 ego COitechot otters i so much for so hide Ault Hero a t M E A l o t o l ottogr a r nm os t o W e n y o u r S l i d e , t r a i l m k t a p o • r k tfu l ook ,c oh0 0 0 t t o o t A n d , 0 1 0 d o n ' t e v e n n e e d t o krwi De , d Thom O r o c l o o t i n s tr i o c o o n s A A O p l e n t y ,1 odyteo O r t l i b M c n e l , for FRO a m MCEIREMBIE ,17/5EATIPIRMI. IM It i: E P A IIN A ILTE r a .v - v e m 10111:11Mr= e I I I I M I Eu r a r d i t i v a m m r e m i a r i m _ . _A I,MR oiLT s - 0 1, a te e ndte totor nino S tr om e ' tr te tr ig U011 a c lia c ov illy D o Includes s i o TORTOISE n o 0 A simplif sed All p r o g r a m m e s t version of the lit fl< o famous Tur tl e p Creative use- of p ro g ra m m e o g ra o llI C S ' COOED MISSILE , Com bines t he M a n y in n o va t ive e fun of ar cade ideas r games w i t h n Fully documented e le a rn in g d I n c lu d e s m a n y r a games md p 8 p t Greon-olotter • liestogran • aSimon-speli• S k t , I p , e q I •uuiazi da Upstairs. Angles • Downstairs T i m oe s• Music-notes - r a b l e• Sef U M • W•pe-out •Seell c •Temperature • Clock S • eMoney t S Snake s t X Mastelmied Number ouoii • + 25 more E D U C A R E Y c o — c o Z se i SPECTRUM TAS80 viD t o GENIE W I Z = EI •E1 T1 1 1 1T .,• N M E M P F I N i r n t i r i U M M I A M I n i • •• — •" TE-1M FOR V I CH MA T C H t P* 1 1* PI is l l l l l l l l l 11111111 l l l l l l l rrisi 1111117 Z This I 111 M N OT M a me I re simulation_ rhos i• e n e xciting and highly e nioyible game in which you p la y the pa rt Ot a Footba ll M a na ge r coping * nth I n s penelems a nd U 'NM 16140111 I M involve I d in n a m in g yo u r clu b T h e re a t e s o m a n y te a time s i t i s to list the m here but include d are town hop te a ms N OR M ALLY Wink N impossible t o t t pisni-killings, wage bills 10 pay, and you can eyen be sacked! II a a game i requiring t a gre a t de a l o t skill, a nd pe ople pla y I I tot lite ra lly hours on me t lore P R O O F lk w have WE GU AR AN T EE th a t t h is i s one o l t h e b e st com pute r p if fl e s yo u 've e ve r e pla y e d E. this ga me is e xtre me ly a ddictive ' al l l ,Bl lUTi lBEWAR lllll I l to = mud, , pukidlit Jo 4 1 0 1 )K I ' M C AW % £4.95 only S I N C IMME. 1M. MO. Spectrum T A S 8 ABK RAM V I d O 0 0 / f ° o p t . S t. mr. N O X 178 i ONNlat v, Aftl. TON N I W A N PVE r P IR fRAO % N T A U ( i O ,. W P L . ' e flr R GM * Z X81 L E V E L 16K S RAM 1 5 1 ( RAM 1 HAttiMARE REQUIRED , . ' n i l I i r . t P U t ? Make sure you What is the best way to guarantee that you never become bored with your Sinclair computer? The answer is to subscribe to Sinclair User, written specifically for owners of ZX-80s, ZX-81s and Spectrums. Sinclair User is the latest montly from ECC Publications — pioneers of Practical Computing, WHICH COMPUTER?, and Computer & Video Games, Whether you bought your system yesterday or are an old hand, you are probably an enthusiast for your machine ad your biggest problem is likely to be obtaining all the information to satisfy your interest. Sinclair User is devoted to quenching your thirst for information, As the name suggests, the content is geared specifically to helping you, the user. There are pages of information on available hardware and software. Our aim is to make Sinclair User invaluable and we chronicle applications which are of special interest, 50 ifsarricg tthiorml MM. e n c l o s e c he que pos ta l or der f or f o1 E r DUCARE T 1139a Sl oane S P t Nam e d i . 1 nI a S WI X 9AY li 'Addr ess L e t e a v i m . • r m ui so Let s •n e Cd s oo e un n n d t m • e E i q _ u u a p t i i t o b n E s d • u A L r o e r a a s h • 5 G 7 u 1 e s s a V o l u r n e User , g e t i t e a c .714dictive A GREAT GAME of 1 isaratedile L Can you continue to obtain the most from your Sinclair without reading Sinclair User every month? So why not fill the subscription order form t oday ? Send it to Sinclair User, ECC Publications, 30-31 Islington Green, London N i 8131 1 Overwas rates E ur ope £ I , ° a w l . Fur opl E Z4 ilocludonsi i s mail p o t w o o be roMle poyable to EEC Publications. , i h r . u l d Subscription Order Form I wish to start a subscription to Sinclair User, I understand that I may cancel my subscription at any time and you will refund the balance. O I enclose a cheque for E9 for 12 issues (U.K. only — including postage). O Please charge my credit card Card Name N o Address Signed Date A I R USER September 1982 • Win a ZX-99 by filling the screen Our competitions have proved so popular that we are to continue them, despite having awarded the last of our printers in last month's contest, the winner of which will be announced next month. We have decided to continue our policy of offering major prizes and this month we will be giving the winner a ZX-99 tape control system for the ZX-81. This month our competition is based on an idea from a reader, Tony Poulter, of Meopham, Kent. The aim is to write a program for the 1K ZX-81 which will display a full screen of 748 characters. As that is regarded as impossible, it may be necessary to award the prize to the person who manages to achieve the greatest number of characters. We shall be looking also for the most elegant and flexible solution. As a tie-break, should one be necessary, we want you to write a slogan beginning with the words: "I would like a Spectrum because. • ." Entries should reach us by September 13. The usual rules about the editor's decision being final and employees of ECC Publications being ineligible apply. WOO dIMIN EW f ORM wo n l o w p a s o n o m o o m o o 1 1 1 .1 WI M P I n g e O N O IM M O •ffia 0 01 — — — . . . . .. . 1 . 1 . . 1 1 1 . O N IMPS ONO o we yams snob wo e i I 1 ed as a tie-breale I would I I r s slogan, which will be us. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . .. . 1I I comp ..... •••.• ...... i ilII l i k e a Spectrum because .. .e1 N a m e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. •. ................. I t1I . . . . . . . . . . ... I O eA d1 . . . . . . . . . . . . P u b l i c a .t dthI i loSend your entries to ECG n I s , 30-31 Islington Green, 1 re1 L o n d o n NI.8B1 to arrive not later than S 1 3 . - ep t e m b e r Ess SI NCLAI R I L o w t o n USER o September w 1982 51 SPECTRUM C.INE LL 3 2 K R A M . Upgr ade your 16K Spec trum to full 48K. Easy to fi t. No soldering needed. Full instructions supplied. (S32) £ 3 9 . 9 5 ZX81 Uniquely expandable to 32K by the addition of our 16K Expansion Module. £25. 00 Basicl6K RAM Pack (8116) 1'19. 95 16K Expansion Module (8116E) £3.9. 95 Full 32K RAM Pack (8132) All pric es f ully inc lus iv e of V A T and P&P. Send now to: STONECHIP ELECTRONICS UNIT 4, HOSKINS PLACE, WATCH ETTS ROAD, CAMBERLEY, SURREY. Tel: (0276) 681131 ZX SPECTRUM CITY Within a few weeks of getting out first 7...X version of "MONOPOLY". We did not think it would sell so we scrapped 81 w e it . h Wae hav d e been a k ic k ing o n e anot her ev er since! However, it was developed in parallel to a mainframe game called g o o d "CI TY" which was an enhanced version of "MONOPOLY" played w o r k i n g on a street map of London rather than the standard board. The street map took up a few hundred kilobytes and thus was not easily put into the ZX-81. The basic mechanics of the game are available for the ZX-81 but the game is played on a blank map. The streets are constructed wit h the buildings. Now, along came the SPECTRUM with 48K of RAM and in went the street map, not London but an imaginary t own. The colour facilities made the program simpler than the mainframe version because much more information can be displayed to the player on one screen. In the end 'CI TY" is not at all like the game that inspired it. Everyone that we have invited to test it says that it is much better! 16K ZX-81 CI TY E6. 4 8 K ZX SPECTRUM CI TY 18 ZX ASSOCIATIVE DATABASE SYSTEM Ma ke cheques o r P.O's payable to STONECHIP LTD. S 8 1 C A variable format database in which nothing need to p r e adapts to your needs as you use it. Conventional searches, sorts, updates, d e fi n e merges, d. I ett c , bec ome a t hing o f t he past. Our local "EXPERTS SYSTEMS" expert is quite worried about it. 8116E 0 8132 ENCLOSE E 16K ZX 81 ADBS f9. NAME ADDRESS 1 6 or 48K ZX SPECTRUM A DB S 114 DOCIMODUS 1 ALLOW 28 DAYS DELIVERY S E The abov e aim als o av ailable F l u F , F I R M i C R O S 4 - 4 0 r , S T R F A T H A l v i C O N E : I O N r- 16K Expandable RAM. 52 R Al W U M P U S ADVENTURE FOR 1 TO 4 PLAYERS. Seek the famous creature in the mos t dangerous Wurrtpus hunt ever. A ll the usual features are there: SUPERBATS * P I TS * TREMO RS * S W A MP S * MA G I C ARROWS PLUS Exciting new features EVIL GOBLINS that will try to sacrifice you to the Wumpus. * G I A NT SERPENTS * WUMPUS MUCK * MAGIC SPRINGS * FULL 164( PROGRAM * * RA NDO M Et PRESET CAVE p A rrE n Ns * * Y O U CONTROL THE LEVEL OF DIFFICULTY * GREAT FUN FOR YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS * BI MO V I E MOGUL: Guide your fi lm through the often hilarious traumas of production. Us e your budget wisely and you may make a fortune Success depends on many factors end not iust luck. FULL 16K PROGRAM * * * ORDERS: Plus SOp PEW or large S.A.E. for lis t to: -CARNELL SOFTWARE 4 STAUNTO N ROAD, SLOUGH. BEAKS. SL2 1NT Use your ZX81 Rampacks and other ZX81 units on your new Spectrum in addition to your Spectrum add-ons. 1'15.00 (S81C) 0 A C4: WUMP US ADVENTURE/ MOVIE MOGUL M O O Spectrum Z X 8 1 Converter. S S U W Al A L I E N INTRUDER: You awaken to find you are the only survivor on the Explorer Class 3 Starship Can you escape before you also fall victim to the Alien monstrosity that devoured the crew? There are many wave to end this adventure but only one way to survive! FULL 16K PROGRAM * *INTERACTIVE GRAPHICS * SAVE GAME ROUTINE a 8) HEIROGLYPH1CS: Decode the ancient 39 symbol alphabet in time to u. save the famous explorer, "Wullie M a k e r from a sandy grave. FULL 16K PROGRAM * * A NI MA TE D GRAPHIC DISPLAY * RANDOM CODE * E22, 50 0 8116 T C3: ALI EN I NTRUDER/ HI EROGLYPHI CS £ 5 . 0 0 Add on unit for your Spectrum. Amplifi es the sound output. Separate tone and volume controls. Eliminates hum loops when saving to tape. Eliminates plug swapping when loading or saving programs on cassette. No extra power supply PLEASE SEND ME 0 S 3 2 F A) V O LCA NI C DUNGEON. Rescue if you can the Ellin Princess. Mythical monsters, pits, fiery caverns, diminishing strength and water make your quest anything but easy. FULL 16K PROGRAM * * S A V E GAME ROUTINE * SINGLE KEY ENTRY * "Volcanic Dungeon is terrifi c value and I would recommend it to anyone" M r s Thomas Cornwall BI HA NG MA N: Delux version o f t he classic game. Play against an opponent or the computer's 400 word vocabulary. Good graphics. Sound Amplifier and Tape Switching Unit • required. (S S W O ZX81 A DV E NTURE SPECI ALI STS C2: VOLCANI C DUNG E O N/ HA NG MA N ( 4 , 5 6 I N 161 Walmers ley Road, Bury . Lanc as hire BI 9 5DE. 1 L— C L A I R USER S e p tember 1982 * ,-' , 3 III1111\ I: , di r, b n I G L ' 3 ' \ , 12 0L , 1 0 N ‘S I k Philip Joy considers a pair of old mind games, anagram and crossword, a n d finds them diffi cult f o r computers. Good use of screen by rare word games details a b o u t t w o th i n g s, a I Hreview A V E ofd e c i dprograms, e d t o i n cwhich lude two are old mind games, Anagram and Crossword. T h e second th i n g i s adventure games, on which I have received so me v e r y i n te re sti n g comments. First. Anagram and Crossword, both on one cassette and sent fo r review. I t i s o b ta i n a b l e f r o m Warren Newman, 3 Thalia Close. Greenwich. SE10 9 N A. Th e ta p e arrived w i th a b r i e f description about both games. Crossword was diffi cult to load. with the volume level critical. b u t that i s common and i s something ZX-81 o w n e rs expect. Newman's letter says: " I t is, so fa r a s I a m aware, the fi rst electronic version of a crossword puzzle". I am not sure about i t being the first but they are not very common. One reason is that they can be done only once; apart from changing the clues and answers, nothing else can be done when you finish it. You need someone else to make up and type the crossword. otherwise you w i l l know th e answers. Fo r th e same reason you must not list the program or the answers will be shown and the puzzle ruined. SINCLAIR USER September 1982 It has a fast response time, using the fast mode of the ZX-81, and uses the screen well. One point is th a t there i s a n option t o display th e crossword. I f you did that, surely the whole puzzle would be ruined? The cl u e s a r e re l a te d t o ZX-81 computer terms and so will appeal to enthusiasts. On the B side of the tape. Newman money and i f you like that kind o f puzzle, you will like these programs. My thanks also to Leo Amatino, who looked a t these games a n d gave unbiased remarks. I would like to mention another game I r e c e i v e d o n t a p e . a n "unbeatable" version o f multiplepile Nim. I say unbeatable in quotes. because no-one I have asked to play it has beaten it, including me. It has won some games and drawn some. but h a s n o t b e e n b e a te n — a remarkable achievement. With some o f th e rubbish programs on the market for the ZX-81. this program. I think, should be sold. but the sender has no plans to do so, so far as I know. My favourite type of mind game is the adventure type, a game which is a to ta l mind game like chess, b u t with more fun and general appeal. Adventures are the type of game in which you are projected into some castle/forest and you have to solve some problem. like finding the longlost treasure. Al o n g t h e w a y t h e r e a r e numerous problems and each has an e x c e p ti o n a l s o l u t i o n . M o s t microcomputer a d ve n tu re s h a v e completion times of around a month. The idea is derived from the large mainframe computers, where large 'Crosswords can be done only once; apart from changing the clues and answers, nothing else can be done.' says t h a t a sta n d a rd g a m e o f Anagram i s o ffe r e d w i t h t h r e e levels o f play. Again, though, th e game was diffi cult to load, but once in you can make a back-up for your day-to-day use. One thing about this type o f game i s th a t i t becomes uninteresting a fte r playing ma n y games. Again, as in Crossword, the screen i s well-used; not a l l games make good use o f th e screen b u t these two certainly do. My t h a n k s t o N e w m a n f o r supplying the cassette fo r review. The cost is E4.95 and you will need 16K I think it is reasonable value for 5 disc packs a r e used to store the game and your progress. It is a fact that some computer centres stopped work while the workers tr ied t o finish a problem. Of course, th e ones o n microcomputers like the ZX-81 are not so complicated, but just as much fun to play, and there are many for the 16K ZX-81. They often produce much frustration b u t t he r e i s gr e a t satisfaction when a month of work produces a result. Please s e nd de ta ils o f M i n d Games to Philip Joy. 130 Rush Green Road. Romford, Essex, RM7 0C2A. 3 NewlX811 Software from Sinclair. A whole new range of software for the Sinclair ZX81 Personal Computer is now available - direct from Sinclair Produced by ICL and Psion, these really excellent cassettes cover games, education, and business/ household management. Some of the more elaborate programs can only be run on a ZX81 augmented by the ZX 16K RAM pack. (The description of each cassette makes it clear what hardware is required.) The RAM pack provides 16times more memory in one complete module, and simply plugs into the rear of a ZX81. And the price has just been dramatically reduced to only E29.95. The Sinclair ZX Printer offer full alphanumerics and highly-sophisticated graphics. A special feature is COPY which prints out exactly what is on the whole TV screen without the need for further instructions_ So now you can print out your results for a permanent record. The ZX Printer plugs into the rear of your ZXB1, and you can connect a RAM pack as well_ Games Cassette Gl: Super Programs 1 (ICL) Hardware required - ZX81. Price - E4.95. Programs - Invasion from Jupiter S . kittles. Magic Square. Doodle. Kim. Liquid Capacity. Description - Five games programs plus easy conversion between pints/ gallons and litres. Cassette G2: Super Programs 2 (ICI) Hardware required - ZX81. Price - E4.95. Programs - Rings around Saturn. Secret Code. Mindboggling. Silhouette Memory Test. Metric conversion. Description - Five games plus easy conversion between inches/feet/yards and centimetres/metres. Cassette G3: Super Programs 3 (ICL) Hardware required - ZX81. Price - L4,95. Programs - Train Race. Challenge. Secret Message. Mind that Meteor. Character Doodle. Currency Conversion. Description - Fives games plus currency conversion at will - for example, dollars to pounds. Cassette G4: Super Programs 4 (ICL) Hardware required - ZX81. Price E4 . 9 5 . Programs - Down Under. Submarines. Doodling with Graphics_ The Invisible Invader. Reaction. Petrol, Description - Five games plus easy conversion between miles per gallon and European fuel consumption figures. 54 Cassette 65: Super Programs 5 (ICL) Hardware required - ZX81 + 16K RAM. Price - E4.95. Programs - Martian Knock Out Graffiti. Find the Mate. Labyrinth. Drop a Brick_ Continental. Description - Five games plus easy conversion between English and continental dress sizes. Cassette G6: Super Programs 6 (ICL) Hardware required - ZX81 + 16K RAM. Price - E4.95. Programs - Galactic Invasion, Journey into Danger. Create. Nine Hole Golf. Solitaire. Daylight Robbery. Description - Six games making full use of the D e l' s moving graphics capability. Cassette 67: Super Programs 7 (ICL) Hardware required - ZX81. Price: - E4.95. Programs - Racetrack. Chase, NIM. Tower of Hanoi. Docking the Spaceship. Golf. Description - Six games including the fascinating Tower of Hanoi problem. Cassette G8: Super Programs 8 (ICL) Hardware required - ZX81 + 16K RAM Price - E4.95. Programs - Star Trail (plus blank tape on side 2). Description - Can you, as Captain Church of the UK spaceship Endeavour. rid the galaxy of the Klingon menace? Cassette G9: Biorhythms (ICL) Hardware required - ZX81 + 16K RAM. Price E6 . 9 5 . Programs - What are Biorhythms? Your Blohythms. Description - When will you be at your peak (and trough) physically, emotionally, and intellectually? Cassette G10: Backgammon (Psion) Hardware required - ZX81 + 16K RAM. Price E5 . 9 5 . Programs - Backgammon. Dice. Description - A great program, using fast and effi cient machine code, with graphics board, rolling dice, and doubling dice. The dice program can be used for any dice game. Cassette G11: Chess (Psion) Hardware required- ZX81 + 16K RAM, Price - E6_95. Programs - Chess, Chess Clock. Description - Fast, effi cient machine code, a graphic display of the board and pieces, plus six levels of ability, combine to make this one of the best chess programs available. The Chess Clock program can be used at any time. Cassette G12: Fantasy Games (Psion) Hardware required - ZX81 (or ZX80 with 8K BASIC ROM) + 16K RAM Price - E4.75. Programs - Perilous Swamp. Sorcerer's Island. Description - Perilous Swamp: rescue a beautiful princess from the evil wizard, Sorcerer's Island: you're marooned. To escape, you'll probably need the help of the Grand Sorcerer. Cassette 613: Space Raiders and Bomber (Psion) Hardware required - ZX81 + 161< RAM Price - E3,95. Programs - Space Raiders. Bomber. Description - Space Raiders is the ZX81 version of the popular pub game. Bomber: destroy a city before you hit a sky-scraper. Cassette G14: Right Simulation (Psion) • Hardware required - ZX81 + 161< RAM Price - E5.95. Program - Flight Simulation (plus blank tape on side 2)_ Description - Simulates a highly manoeuvrable light aircraft with full controls, instrumentation, a view through the cockpit window, and navigational aids_ Happy landings! Education Cassette El: Fun to Learn series English Literature 1 (ICL) Hardware required - ZX81 + 16K RAM Price - E6.95. Programs - Novelists Authors. Description - Who wrote *Robinson Crusoe'? Which novelist do you associate with Father Brown? Cassette E2: Fun to Learn series English Literature 2 (ICU Hardware required - ZX81 + 16K RAM. Price E6 . 9 5 . Programs - Poets, Playwrights. Modern Authors. Description - Who wrote 'Song of the Shirt'? Which playwright also played cricket for England? SI NCLAI R USER S e p t e mb e r 7982 r's ird to A 81 ta Ion) A. nk gh ern t . - ---l: 34y :' - z Z e ol si fti r kr,r z z . o 1 e . e I r r e , - - --- Cassette B3: 1/11-CALC (Psion) Hardware required - ZX81+ 16K RAM Price - E7.95. Program - VU-CALC. Description - Turns your ZX81 into an immensely powerful analysis chart. VU-CALC constructs, generates and calculates large tables for applications such as financial analysis, budget sheets, and projections. Complete with full instructions. • . Cassette B4: VU-A LE (Psion) Hardware required - ZX81 + 16K RAM Price E7 . 9 5 . Programs - VU-FILE Examples Description - A general-purpose information storage and retrieval program with emphasis on user-friendliness and visual display. Use it to catalogue your collection, maintain records or club memberships, keep track of your accounts, or as a telephone directory. ‘ w w e e Cassette E3: Fun to Learn series - Geography 1 (ICL) Hardware required - ZX81 + 16K RAM. Price - E6.95. Programs - Towns in England and Wales. Countries and Capitals of Europe. Description - The computer shows you a map and a list of towns. You locate the towns correctly. Or the computer challenges you to name a pinpointed location. Cassette E4: Fun to Learn series History 1 (ICL) Hardware required - ZX81+ 16K RAM. Price - E6.95. Programs - Events in British History. British Monarchs. Description - From 1066 to 1981, find out when important events occurred. Recognise monarchs in an identity parade. Cassette E5: Fun to Learn series Mathematics 1 (ICL) Hardware required - ZX81 + 16K RAM, Price - E6.95, Programs - Addition/Subtraction. Multiplication/Division. Description - Questions and answers on basic mathematics at different levels of difficulty. Cassette E6: Fun to Learn series Musicl (ICL) Hardware required - ZX81 + 16K RAM. Price - E6.95. Programs - Composers. Musicians. Description - Which instrument does James Galway play? Who composed 'Peter Grimes'? Cassette E7: Fun to Learn series Inventions 1 (ICL) Hardware required - ZX81 + 16K RAM Price E6 , 9 5 . Programs - Inventions before 1850. Inventions since 1850. Description - Who invented television? What was the 'dangerous Lucifer'? Cassette E8: Fun to Learn series Spelling 1 (ICL) Hardware required - ZX81 + 16K RAM Price - E6.95. Programs-Series A1-A15.Series 51-B15. Description - Listen to the word spoken on your tape recorder, then spell it out on your ZX81. 300 words in total suitable for 6-11year olds. SINCLAIR USER September 1982 Business/household Cassette B1: The Collectors Pack (la.) Hardware required - ZX81 + 16K RAM. Price - E9_95. Program - Collector's Pack, plus blank tape or side 2for program/data storage. Description - This comprehensive program should allow collectors (of stamps, coins etc.) to hold up to 400 records of up to 6 different items on one cassette. Keep your records up to date and sorted into order. Cassette B2: The Club Record Controller (ICI) Hardware required - ZX81 + 16K RAM. Price - E9.95. Program - Club Record Controller plus blank tape on side 2 for program/data storage. Description - Enables clubs to hold records of up to 100 members on one cassette. Allows for names, addresses, 'phone numbers plus five lots of additional information - eg.type of membership. r - at, - How to order Simply use the FREEPOST order form below and either enclose a cheque or give us your credit card number. Credit card holders can order by phone - simply call Camberley (0276) 66104 or 21282 during office hours Either way, please allow up to 28 days for delivery, and there's a 14-day money-back option, of course. ZX81 SOFTWARE Sinclair Research Ltd, Stanhope Road, Camberley. Surrey, GU15 3PS Tel: Camberley (0276) 66104 & 21282 To: Sinclair Research, FREEPOST, Camberley, Surrey, G1115 3BR Please send me the items I have indicated below. Item Item Code price Total Code price Tote! oty Ceeeette 45 E6 95 30 E4 95 E2 English Literature 2 Cl Super Programs 1 4e £695 31 £4.95 E3 Geographyl 62 Super Programs 2 47 t e 95 32 £4.95 E4 Hustoy 1 63 Super Programs 3 443 L6 95 E5 Mathematics 33 £4.95 64 Super Programs 4 49 E8 95 E6: Music 1 34 £4.95 65: &ger Programs 5 E8 95 E7 Inventions 1 35 E4 95 G6 5 E 8 95 38 E4 95 E8 Sp e llin g 1 - Super Programs 7 G7 1 52 E9 95 1 3 1 Collectors Pack S 37 E4.95 Glit Super Programs 8 E9 95 B2 Club Record Controller 53 u £6.96 30 GO:Biorhythms E7 95 pGla Backgammon 83 VU-CALC 30 £5.95 eG11 Chess 55 E7 95 84 40 £895 r L29 95 41 L4 75 z x lei( RAM pack 012 P 27 E59 95 ZX Printer 42 £3.95 r013: Space Raiders & Bomber 43 £5.95 Post tt packing F o014: Flight Sim ulabon E2 95 only it ordenng hardware a 44 £6.95 6. gEl English Literature i TOTAL S n r t a a I enclose a cheque/postal order to Sinclair Research Ltd for E m s Please s charge my *Access/Barclaycard/Trustcard no. y I I 6 *Please delete as applicable. L I I ! I I I G a i I m I I I M LAsictress e I I I I r s Cassette so 54 Il l I I 1 11 11 I I I 1 / M r s I I II I I I I I NS A . 55 2 . Build your own Sinclair Special ZX-81 Kit Offer ONLY L29•95 (plus p&p) SAVE E20 on a Sinclair ZX-81 kit. A special offer open only to readers of Sinclair User has been negotiated with Sinclair Research, which means you can buy the world-beating ZX-81 for just E29.95 (plus post and packing). Stocks are limited, so be sure to place your order soon. Allow 28 days for delivery. Maximum four units per applicant. • E To: Sinclair User Special Offer, ECC Publications, 30-31 Islington Green, London, N i 81Ij Please send me_ Z X - 8 1 kit(s) at the special Sinclair User price of E29.95 plus E2.95 p & p. Please tick if you require a VAT receipt El *I enclose a cheque/postal order payable to Sinclair Research Ltd for E *please charge to my Access/Barclaycard/Trustcard account no. *Please delete/complete as applicable Signature Name Mr/Mrs/Miss Address 56 S I N C L A I R USER September 1982 S O FDRAW POKER M A S un intha c r e dnol 1 0 and becomea multi X etairathing• An Athr- tyre millionaire or lose 'tome ba uid on mathematical probabilits and inc ludm e recognisable gr a ph" si t assent' only I 3 SIS SINGO M i n t be unsociable' S hare your ifX111 w i th lamity a nd for r e t, in a pleasant game of bongo T h e computer produses as m a in tickets as 1.013 c a nt and displairs thr ntimlier, hoard a nd draw Wringer regmredl rassene only it3 kS R uh programs on one cassette onlii l e 44k All pr om i m p i t h Ebeques or I ' l l ; to S OFIltaX ( Dypt S 26 T h u d fladh total M a i *FROGGER it• IX 81 i t6 L j los t' e M oving Cars, Logs, Turtles 4 * • * A lliga tor s . OIVI4N1 Turtles Thr e e •Screen-a' o f A c tion A l l Arcade Features E ntirely M achine- Code ONLY l b 951nr, P h P • • * * • a ZUCKMAN First A uthe ntic 1X 51 Version o f 'P U C K M A N ' * A L L M achine Code ttOk t * F O U R Inde pe de nt Ghosts • b a d , E n e rg y P o st s e tc. • E legh score 'Hall of Fa m e • A uthe ntic Arcade A c tion l older on h ONLY 15.95 inc. PEP P S end P O or cheque to DJL SOFTWARE ZX-81 16K ADVENTURE GAME. Full 16K used. Plenty of Action map supplied, plus detective game of Logic 12-4 players). B o t h o n cassette only 0 5 0 , S. Taylor, 2 Greenway, Elt ham, London SE9 5SZ. 9 T w e e d C los e , S w i n d o n . Wilts S112 3P U D EEPR OM - AD D EPR OM POWER TO YOUR ZX COM PUTERS 2716 VA•Eprom Progra mme t, with LIE stored i n E p ro m S i m p l e t o u se , SI NCLAI R BUI LT ZX-81. i - Bi pac sound box. Original packing + manual l e a d s p o we r - p a c k , 3 cassettes f o r 1 6 K + Z X - 8 1 companion E80 o.n.o. Phone Oxted 2834. EDUCATIONAL SOFTWARE 2X-S1 I 56K/ G .C .E . " 0 -R E V IS ION : 3 te a c h a n d te s t Gr a m m a r programs L E V plus 3 Vocabulary programs. EI.C_E. "0 " LEVEL M ATH S REVISION: E I le eLc h and test OfOgfaWn plus 2 programs F R of generated questions / rpm "0 " le ve l syllabus E N ( with e x pla na tions t JUNIOR M ATH S 1: Long Multiplication. C H Long Dnision, HCF. L CM, Frachons 11 - I, FractiOnS 2 ( E t + I . J U N I O R M A T H S 2 : Areas, P erimeters, S imple E qua tions . P e r c e nta ge s , S e ts , Venn Diagrams. JUNI OR EN G L I SH 1 M e a n in g s I . Meanings 2 Ihardeti. Pa rts o f Speech. Prok,erbs, Sondes. Anagrams JUNIOR ENGLISH 2; Idioms. Opposites I, Opposites 2 thaw:let/. Group Terms. Odd Word Out. S pellings ARITHMETIC FOR T H E U N D ER I ' s: A dd. S u b tr a c t, M ultipis i D i v i d e A l l o w s lot antrir of unit; fi rst 3 levels. EDUCATIONAL QU I Z . 4 programs on General K nowle dge , R e a s oning, E nglis h and M a th s , A l l q u e s ti o n s u s e R N D function. 14.50 pa n ca e se tte o r se n d sa e f o r catalogue to R O SE C ASSETTES. 148 Widnay Lane. Solihull. We st M idla nds 891 3 LH. SI NCLAI R USER S e p t e mb e r 1982 25V Sta bilise d supply tor I A/ 17.75 QV ,Eprom-read ca rd 18.25 CO. Eprom Progra mme d wit h Bre a ko u t. to o l k i t ' r e n u m b e r , r e a d , d a t a , restore bloc k - fi ll, bloc k - de le te , s i te o f program. fr e e memory, decimal hem, hex decimal, M C E prom Read Card'. P rogrammer a n d R e a - d c a r d c o n n e c t cleecly to z x• el /80. P • P on A and B i t ( U .K .' , ( 2 overseas ZX - S P E C TR U M ? P lease enquire ORME ELEC TR ON I C S, 2 Bia rrippe r R d.. C e m bor is it C o r n w a l l . sinclair supermart BI NGO ON 1K 13 line listing calls 1 to 99 random order and displays tabulated check-back. Cheque or P.O. El to C. Jefferies, 280 Whitefields Rd, West Midlands B91 3PA. ZX-81 I N C U S T O M - B U I L T CASE. 16K RAM. Power supply. Full size keyboard, leads, manual 240V out let e x t speaker, Ta p e power outlet, Fully fused, must be seen. Plus programs E100. CAR LOG A new USEFUL suite of proletztonai programs lot the 2X81116K). 1 V e r y simple t o us e wit h f ull instructions. 2. C o m p l e t e ca sse t t e r e c o r d o f mileage a nd ite mise d e xpe nse s. 3. A l l conceivable ratios, totals and projections computed. CAR LOG is suitable for your car, your c l a d ; c a r or y our w h o l e fl e e t o f tr u c k s Only E8.95 NI MRO D SORPNARE 4 Stanley Rd., London SW14 7132. SPECTRUM AN D lX•111 SOFTWAR E COSM OS. Sa ve your fle e ts horn the marauding aliens in Moo n e w rm'c specs game w i t h dr e m a nc gr a phic s o n y o u r ahip's sensor screen ( 4 . 1 1 QU A LITY GAM E S O.J i ) N ( TABLE TUTOR. A complete menu driven • EVOLVE senoce for the uncle" 10's. CASSETTE FOR DUD course i n m u l ti p l i c a ti o n ta b l e s w i t h exemiales, m a l l - hom e wor k o w l a ns we r FULL SCREEN INTERACTIVE "LI FE" • BRE AKO UT • NI M QUARTE T. A c om pe ndium o l crosswords, puz z le s a n d m e m or y ga m e ImultiployerI with up to 10 difficulties. CCU 4 S K ILL LE V E LS Er U N B E A TA B LE METEOR S TO RM FA S T M O V I N G G R A P H I C S G A M E T R I A D . Three new puz z les 10 perplex and In/strata even the Cubists c 3 . 2 * S upplie d on cassette S AE for c e ta logue VORTEX SOF T WAR E 2 6 C ra wford SEND CHEOUE.• P O WITH ORDE R T O Road. H a tfi e ld, H a r tfor da llior A LIO OPQ ROWLANDS Et SI M M ON D S SI NCLAI R ZX-81, 16K RAM, 9 months old, c omplet e. Excellent condition. E80. Marmer, Whitehall Co t t a g e , R h o d e s M i n n i e . Canterbury, Kent CI 4 6YA. Tel: Lyminge 862604. 45 M e r r ie fi e ld A v e . B r oa ds ione . D or s e t ONLY E3•954I11CPEIP) S ocket, low cost Cl ( 2 7 .7 5 IA) Enables M C a n d ba s ic m utinie s t o b e instructions and s oftwa r e supplied. S P E CTRUM P R O G R A M S . BOMBER - high quality compulsive basic program plus PAINTBOX - sketch, draw, print , save and load f o r cartoons, displays et c . MOO on cassette. D R Pope, 62 Cockereil Close, Wimborne, Dorset BH21 1XT. ZX 16K MARVELS 4 ZX-81 G A M E S F R O G G I N G larcadefroggerl. Guide y our f rog across the river. Becomes harder, crocodiles etc. MI NO TA UR. Beat the mons t er t o ma z e ex it . £ 4 cassette! D. Warrington, 1 Haddon Drive, Bakewell DE4 1 BD. 16K/81 G A M E S TAP E includes Ch i n v a d e r 1 , C h i n v a d e r 2 , ChScramble, ChCent ipede Maze, All in mic , very r C hChStartrek, 3 - D fast and addictive. On tape for only E5. WANTED. WANTED. Top quality 16K ZX•E11 a n d S p e c t r u m programs. Hi g h e s t c ommis s ion paid. P l e a s e s e n d t a p e a n d instructions to: Scorpio Research, 24 Geary Drive, Brentwood, Essex. 10 ZX-81 1 K G AME S TAPE. including: UFO, Air Battle, Doodle Bug, Demon Kill, + sock on soft keys S e n d E4.00 (Post Free) t o Jackett Sof t ware, 4 8 Fairwat er Ave, Welling Kent DOM - 16K FOOTBALLPOOLS PROGRAM • I m t s out i n order ot pr efer enc e, i t * 18 m os t Skalt s c or e- dr aws , a l s o t h e 1 5 m o s t homes. draws and aways, • P icks o u t th e results o n th e bookmakers' Amid Odds coupons ihm have bum given oSAIN cipomxi5. m ils Calculates your expected profi t ,• A llows the USW to update the tables weed, by week as resort* come in For a cassette of the program, pips err rostrocPoo le a fl e t g n a w a br ie f explarratron o f the reet , H A R T L A N D S O FTWARE t iD e pt. S I s PENZANCE c PLACE. LONDON W11 4 PA o r i t 5 9 5 Independent researcher c learing r Out o current/on-going project files. ZX-81 /SATELLITE T V (Ot her c o mmi t me n t s p r e v e n t c o mp l e t i o n . ) S a t e l l i t e T V Documentation i n t h e f o r m o f : Original material - phot ographic / phot os t at ic r e p r o d u c t i o n s computer listings - programme c as s et t e. I n c l : T e c h n i c a l De s c r i p t i v e l i t e r a t u r e "buz z word" jargon dic t ionary what's what / who' s who directory - satellite disposition schedule dish antenna parabolic curve/form generator. A vast amount of facts, figures etc. giving a valuable insight into t omorrows "b o o m" business of t he electronics industry. Send cheque/ PO to the value of E5.00 to: A. J . Innes, 82 St Pauls Parade, Cus wort h, Do n c a s t e r , S o u t h vorkshire DN5 8LP, Is u p e r m a r t sMA ZI NG N E W B R E A K O U T A FOR 16K ZX-81. Features: s uper fast machine code speed, on screen is c oring, ex c ellent graphic s , Bef ore/ Af t er g a me r a n d o m n graphic s p a t t e r n s . A l s o t w o versions of Star Smash. You whiz c past fl ying stars. Also in machine code. Just send E3.95 to Autosoft, 5 Burnside, East Bolden, Ty ne Er lWear NE36 OLS. PO/ Cheques t o M. Watson, a i sPoRTIM; 1-011ECAS1 r I SINCLAIR DtS1 16K Rroforwor Fr a nk Ge or g' ' , wadi k n o w n F o o t f a l l P ools F a / a : m u m P rolltern is now available cm the tr ,r n ver non w o n A N or m risco Forecast Program Fr, praparstress, Writs to P r ofa m or F U . Georgie Sorsa,u o f i n fo r m . , ton C o r n r o w . Helms, H igh 5 . 0 0 . . Charlont S t, Grine, a o , k a SPECTRUM AUDI O AMPLI FI ER - really hear t he keyboard and BEEPs, jus t plugs in, only E9.95 complete. A . Pennell, 14 Swey n Rd., Cliftonville, Kent. 57 SPECTRUM — 1X81 BUSINESS GAMES - DWI/SPECT RUM •P S.E GAM ES TAPE ( 1 8 KI - Towe r of Wipe-out. liksailia Attach, Stopwatch, -Brahma, Space Adventure and Depth Charge, e3.,71141nc. PEW' • P S E G AM E S T AP E 2 116K) F r u i t Machin*, Ba ttle ships, Fighte r Pilo t . N ig h t Fighter, Defender. Missile Command E4-1151inc.PEsIP/ 'Arcade games on Games Tape 2 written in fast. action machine code, I P.S.E. GERM AN LANGUAGE EDUCATION SYSTEM 1600, Children ta king ' 0 ' o r ' A &brood? Wa nt t o improve your . l e v Perilnerids? e rs? current B u sstandard? i n e Syste s s m cove rs grammar. verbs. vocabulary. hints and aids for learning. Inducting random tests to test progress and drive le ssons h o rn .. 4 ta pe s. G ER M AN GRAM M AR I , 2 , a n d 3 . a n d P S E. DATAPH RASE a computeroad phresobook for essential phrases in common usage Each lo p e E5,511 o r Ell, SO for a ll 4. Price s include P&P. •P S E FRENCH LANGUAGE EDUCATION SYSTEM (18K I. - - Available shortly. P S.E language tapes produced in conjunction with e local school. Special terms can be sent on request for school usage Profe ssiona lly-produce d t a p e s a n d doc um e nt/M on b y m a d o r d e r o n l y f r o m Precision Software Engineering, 2 0 Shelton Ave N e w a rk, N one N G2 4 4 N X. S AE f o r P E RS O NNE L R E C O R D SYSTEM. Co n t r o l s rec ords o f holiday s a n d s i c k n e s s w i t h management r epor t s _ • M e n u driven •Displays records on screen or direct to ZX Printer ' High speed machine•code save and load facility to create data files, Two programs on one cassette priced C9.95. Send cheque or postal order to! Warren Newman, 3 Thalia Close, Greenwich SE10 9NA. SPECTRUM? AUTOCHEE As MG you must negotiate lor teases. decide on menu prices. hive' of wages, a dve rtising a nd devidancht a nd forecast levels of inflation liyo u are not successful you will he made to M inn I AIRLINE. You must decide on number of aircraft to operate, loan and fuel contracts. whether to buy or charier, and levels of NEW GAM E • 2 PLAYERS • 116X S • • • STELLAR pet DUEL • • • Only one Sta rsho will survi, r n u r Captain r to command the Inve r's' Reel il WILL IT BE YOU? • L AN D ON PLANETS • PH ASOR S • SEN D IN ASSAU LT TROOPS • W AR P b su e LIGHT SPEED • C OLOU R SO U N D C AR N AGE' SPECRUM ON I TS WAY? s ta l fi n g Have this S UP E R N E W GAM E ready a n d m a inte na nc e . PRINT SH OP. As owner o f a printing ,:ompany you have to deLiclis on staffing. 000fIr SIOCCS, quota tions , wor k schedule dInd cash requitenvents• re 75 f o r one , 1 8 .0 0 f o r a n y t w o o r E12,00 for throe . 14 Langton Wa y. London SE3 7TL Tel 0 1 858 0763 BI NGO ON 1K • 13 line listing calls 1t o 99 random order and displays S P E CTRUM W O R D tabulated check-back. Cheque or PROCESSOR. On•screen edit — PO C l t o C . J e t t e r i e s , 2 8 0 insert, replace, scroll. Word-wrap, Whitetields Rd, West Midlands B91 justification, fi le-handling, double- 3PA. space p r i n t i n g . Ca s s e t t e a n d manual £15. L-GAME, new, based 10 A M A Z I N G 1 6K Z X - 8 1 on de Bono, CS. Brian Hebbes, 6a G A M E S , I n c l u d e s s t a r t r e k , Newlands Avenue, Southampton. Pacmaze and vampires. Very good graphics. $8 o n cassette.P .0. o r cheques t o Mic hael Bredbury, 25 ZX81 (16k) Brynhedydd Road, Rhy l, Clwy d, educati onal s of t w a r e North Wales LL 18 311H. Easy load cassette 15 75 Inc poet etc TRICODER C AM BR I D GE (M oil orde r' 75, Oxford Rd Cambridge C8 4 3PH Z X S P E C T R U M 16K GAMESPACK 1 . Fa s t movi ng asteroids, B a t n u m, B o m b r u n , missile c ommand a n d def ender only, £5.50 the lot_ Sae for details. R. Bhattacharya, 3 Wensley Close, Harpenden, Herts. OMEGA* SOFT. The last word in educational and games programs for t h e SPECTRUM a n d ZX-81. Maths1 o r Englishl 19-14) onl y £3.95 f or 5-prog cassette_ Sae for catalogue. 299 Laburnum Grove, Portsmouth, further details,' up to dale price list, ZX-81 + 1 6 K R A M S I NCLAI R BUILT. Leads, adaptor manual all box ed. H a r d l y u s e d , p l u s computable ZX and phone pad etc_ C70. Writ e Harrison, Flat 933, 19 Newport Court , L o n d o n WC2 H 7JS. ZX81 + ME MO TE CH 64K. Cost f150 but will acceptC110 o.n.o. J D Peel, 1 0 Cr o f t l a n d s B i g r i g g E g r e mo n t C u m b r i a , P h o n e Seascale 28333 ext. 23393 in day. ON YOUR MARKS? : Primary arithmetic in the ::. form of games • ••• Five routines on one cassette accessed by menu selection. Superbgraphicsenhancement:i:: •:• Price: €6.95 Computatutor 3 Thalia Close. Gr eenwi ch SEW Sell your used computer or per i pher al s thr ough Sinclair S upe r m a n at l ow cost ... up to 30 wor ds for only f 5. Have you updated your computer or do you no longer use that add-on ' Ins tead of leaving it lying around, turn it into cash be pla cing a cla ssifie d advertisement in Sincla ir Superman t and ma th around 4 0 .0 0 0 irSerft Of the Sin cla ir Z Xwrite Please s your y s advertisement t e m s in the boxes be low. one word per box Unde rline war ds required in bold type Your name a ddre ss a nd/ or telephone number Should be included Please print in block camtals Note—this se rvice is open only to priva ir a t Ivor tisets The advertisement Vied appear in the earliest possible issue . . ADVERTISEMENT INDEX ABERSOFT 4 9 ADDICTIVE GAMES 5 0 AFDEC 2 2 ARTIC COMPUTING 1 8 BUFFER MICRO 1 5 CALPAC 39 CAMBELL SYSTEMS 26 CAMBRIDGE COMP. SHOP 44 CARNELL SOFTWARE 5 2 CLASSIFIED 5 7 Et 58 COMPUTEX CASES 8 13_1C TRONICS 1 1 DATA ASSETTE 1 7 DEAN ELECTRONICS 4 . 9 DIGITAL INTEGRATION 2 4 DOCI MODUS 5 2 EDUCARE 5 0 ELECTRIC PENCIL CO. 3 5 FULLER MICRO 1 4 GEMINI MARKETING 2 5 HARRI S& LOCKYER 2 6 HEVVSON CONSULTANTS 4 6 HILDERBAY 4 0 INTERFACE 22 40 J.K. GREVE 18 KAYDE 60 KEMPSTON 2 4 LINSAC 3 5 MC ASSOCIATES 2 0 MELBOURNE HOUSE 4 MEMOTECH 4 3 MIKRO GEN 3 6 MICROWARE 2 6 MICHAEL ORWIN 2 NORTHERN PREMIER 2 4 OASIS SOFTWARE 4 4 P.S.S. 4 9 J.G. PRINCE 2 5 PICTURESQUE 4 0 PHOENIX MARKETING 3 8 READOUT 5 9 RI CHARD ALTWASSER 4 4 SCISOFT 2 5 SOLENT SOFTWARE 2 6 SILICON TRICKS 3 6 SOFTWARE FARM 2 0 SOFTWARE LIBRARY 3 9 SILVERSOFT 3 9 SECOND-HAND SINCLAIR 2 4 36 TASMAN TI MEDATA 35 22 ZX SAS Name Address Tel Have you include d the fee of C S' C. . 1 1 . . M . I n I I . Aot•nrI l i k a ma nt Pi tan•gl er N O P . % rne , . . . G P . , a n t I '. . . g•I Ar l w a . . 1 . . . . . . . 4 • • .br re e na . " W M . w . . . • n i t . . . O M to ON. • ,,,,b i p t I na &doe . 1 . . . . . . . . M a n e . . lel 0 . t e , I 1. , . . .. . .P .. M , , , M , , ro. . 1 . . . l a m a r•ne , twe . o p e mi ni s i v . WO , Ab . • , , fr.... a , , INS. • • • • • I “ . . . 1 1 . , . . . A. t . . . . . , e - i m i , •overell f 11•1 gh. U . .n. . . 1 0 1 . I MO . owl.wywa, I n . I NI fi r. W•e tt tr. r, i , o , g a ,on. i a . m. , . . ge n r a p . . . . I .r 4 tP P 4 .4 .. 4 . 10. • L.E . . , , , . a . , . o ,, s r rome. . . . . . . . . . c l I m I I . . . 0 1 , , , , s h • •gng, ally , • • • • • • • • . . . of , n g , V A p . a . 1 •• I .m o . * P r o m a4 n . p r . . , . a nii c c . , ro. , 0 tar d m a r t . d Iv. ha . a l ( V P . - . - . • I 11 • i • k a r . -, . ., . ", ' ' ' . . . . . • re • r • o • g • i k , . . • , v . , . . , r , , , n , . . • . . . “ . , . , . , . • . . . • 58 SI NCLAI R USER September 1982 THE ZX BOOK CLUB DUE SEPTEMBER 1982 written by the man who helped write the documentation for the ZX Spectrum:- An . d i 441 4 • 1 P4 h .. f t , LEARNING TO USE -1 0 0 10 16. 4 Mori : o n l y THE ZX SPECTRUM COMPUTER 1 6 E . g• % by Robin Bradbeer. 1 0 0 pages fully illustrated. SIMPEEELECTS? PROJECTS()111C __Fp rotxsinotoic. '? .puters M A r To * o c t - vl af et * tap ei A I _ Z )3 r N E 0 14(" e , 1 0 8 3 e 1 1 This book has been written specially to help new and prospective owners of the ZX Spectrum to easily understand the operation and full capabilities of this amazing new microcomputer. • Pro vi d e s clear descriptions o f the hardware and functions, describing use of the new keyboard, command keys and editing facilities. • Exp l a i n s simple programming using Sinclair BASIC. • D e scri b e s graphics and colour facilities in detail. • In c l u d e s many programs, including animation. • Ap p e n d i ce s cover technical details and a glossary. A L S O D U E SEPTEMBER 1982 — and also by Robin Bradbeer:- LEARNING TO USE THE o n l y z ZX81 COMPUTER by Robin Bradbeer, 100 pages fully illustrated. a E 5.95 In the same series as the Learning to Use the ZX Spectrum, this new book follows the same format, style and content and will prove an invaluable guide for new (and experienced!) ZX81 owners. Other bestselling titles:- Byteing Deeper into Your ZX81 by Mark Harrison 20 Simple Electronic Projects for the ZX81 by Stephen Adams Mastering Machine Code on your ZX81 by Toni Baker The ZX81 Pocket Book by Trevor Toms READ-OUT PUBLISHING COMPANY LTD 8 Camp Road, Farnborough, Hampshire, GU24 6EW Telephone: 0252 510331/2 Telex 858001 GOWER G READ-OUT PUBLISHING C O M PA N Y LTD r 8 CAMP ROAD, FARN BOROUGH, HAMPSHI RE GU24 6EW 24 hour ans wering service. Telephone: 0252 510331 2 Name Please reserve my copy/ies of Learning to Use the ZX Spectrum £5.95 ElLearning to Use the ZX81 E 5 . 9 5 Addres s E l Please send me c o p y / i e s of Byteing Deeper into Your ZX81 £645 0 20 Simple Electronic Projects for the 2X81 f 7 45 Make cheques payable to Read-Out Publishing Com pany Ltd I enclose my cheque for Please debit my Access r i ......11.111.111111.1111111.111 0 Mastering Machine Code on Your Signed Dais ZX81 i Ell 50 The ZX81 Pocket Book f 6 95 KAYDE Electronic Systems ZX80/1 Z X KEYBOARD WITH R E P E AT K E Y Fully cased keyboard 0 7 . 9 5 Uncased keyboar d E 2 7 . 9 5 Keyboard Case E 1 0 _ 9 5 • a hignly professional keyboard using ex ec uit , uuttons as f ouild ;,r. t op • d l i t y I t em It has a repeat key and comes complete in its own luxury case- This is a genuine professional keyboard and should not be confused with toy keyboards currently available on KAYDE 1 6 K R A M PA C K S • T pebble with all accessories and needs no extra power and therefore it will run quite happily on your Sinclair h power supply. It does not over-heat and will not lose memory at all As you may know some makes go down e to I l k after being on for a while. 1 16K RAMPACK is very stable and will not wobble or cairc.r. This 6 and tested with a complete money back Guarantee. built K R A Stops m ovem ent of RAM P ACK and other accessories M P(Not needed with a KAV DE RAM PACK) A C K /WOE Graphics Boar S 4K Graphics ROM. This will give nearly 450 extra graphics ark/ with there ,-re ,with , oa pre-programmed b a b l i • • m a k e s a total of over nine hundred. in y , m KAYDE Graphics Board has facilities for either 2K or RAM (for user definable graphics/ 4K of ROM or The s A i s Our p 4K Tool Kit Chips that will be available shortly. All the graphics are completely software controlled, t therefore they can be writ t en into your programmes. Here are a f ew examples: A f ull s et of s pac e l invaders y — R u d m a n — Bulits, Bombs — Tanks — Laser Bases end Alien Ships. y y e p t l NO EXTRA POWER NEEDED I u t g t i sPeck • only true ZX version p o p u l a r arcade game. t •sall I think this is the best presented moving graphic p sCentipec e I • "a n ce t a Invaders: t Thel a n y w h e r e . r ' '• • c ar l y a i n i s i g • d e h a oy 3D Labyrinth. A Cubit Maze that has corridors which may go left, noht, up, down. t -eckmen ! (the latest addition in 81 gamesi o i f ap WHY WAI T TO PAY MORE u n c ee EAST r I MMEDI ATE DELIVERY E t 1 Z to: D E P T . o Post , X SU Dept S U S t a 8 Electronic Systems Ltd h Kayde l 1 The Conge e l . Yarmouth V I S A I enclose t: u Great I I Norfolk NR30 1P„I i l k A l N a me s t t e Tel: h 0493 57867 (Dept SU) A d d r e s s c r i o Don't Forget you can always order p n m o onk the telephone with your credit card • e Please add 1'1.50 Pi P for all hardware and 50p for all software. r Allt products include V A T all hardware s Please make cheques payable to Kayde Electronic Systems Ltd. t comes h L. fully built and tested with a • 1i 4 ( t s t - i h fl sy e mt r h KAYDE F L E X I B L E RIBBON CONNECTOR KAYDE 4 K GRAPHICS BOARD KAYDE 1 6 K GRAPHICS BOARD SOFTWARE KAYDE 1 6 K 81 S O F T WA R E