Download AD1000 User`s Manual - RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc.
AD1000User'sManual ffi RearTimeDevices, Inc. " Accessin g theAnalogWorld"., ISO9001 and AS9100 Certified ^nla\a\/l User'sManual ffi INC. REALTIMEDEVICES, Drive 820NorthUniversity PostOfficeBox906 16804 StateCollege,Pennsylvania Phone:(814)234-8087 FAX:(814)234-5218 Publishedby RealTimeDevices,Inc. 820N. UniversityDr. P.O.Box 906 StateCollege,PA 16804 Copyright@ 1993by RealTimeDevices,Inc. All righs reserved Printedin U.S.A. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTTON...... .............t-l Application Software CHAPTER 1 - BOARD SETTINGS 1-l Factor-Con n.P3,andP4 ...........14 (EOC)Interrupt(FactorySeuing:Disabled) n. * AIDEnd-of-Convert ....'......14 P3 -8254 Timer/CounterOutputInterrupt(FactorySetting:Disabled) ..................1'5 P4 - EXTINT andPPI PC3Intemrpts(FactorySetting:Disabled) P5 _ 8254Timer/CounterI/O HeaderConnector(FactorySettings:As Shownin Figure1-5)......................1'5 ..............1-8 P6- BaseAddress(FactorySetting:300hex(768decimal) ................. ........................1-9 Monitor(FactorySetting:8255PPIPortB, Bit 7) ."........ P8- End-of-Convert CHAPTER 2 _ BOARD INSTALLATION Connecting andDiginl I/O ............... theTimer/Counters Connecting Program Diagnostics RTDDIAG Runningthe CHAPTER 3 - HARDWARE DESCRIPTION ........... Interface Peripheral DigitalI/O, Progammable CHAPTER 4 BA + 0: BA + l: BA + 2: BA + 3: BA + 4: BA + 5: BA + 6: BA + 7: BA + 8: BA + 9: BOARD OPERATION AND PROGRAMMING ChannelI (AINI) Select(WriteOnly).......... Channel2(AIN2)Select(WriteOnly).......... Channel3 (AIN3) Select(WriteOnly) .......... Channel4(AIN4)Select(WriteOnly).......... Channel5(AIN5)Select(WriteOnly).......... Channel 6 (AIN6)Select(WriteOnly).......... Channcl7 (AIN7)Select(WriteOnly).......... S (AIN8)Select(WriteOnly).......... Channel ...........'. MSB Data(Read/IVrite) Start12-BitConvcrsion/Read ............. LSB Dara@eadAMrite) Start8-Bit Conversion/Read ............2-1 ......-...........24 ............-..-.-.24 ..-..-.--.-.-3-1 .................34 ..........-.4.1 ......................4-3 ---.-........-........4-3 ......................4-3 ......................44 ......................44 ......................44 ......---.............44 .....................'44 ..............44 -.....---.-......44 BA + BA + BA + BA + BA + BA+ BA + BA + ................ 12: PPIPortA - DigitalI/O (ReadlTVrite) ............. 13: PPIPortB - DigitalI/O (ReadAilrite) 14:PPIPorrC - DigitalI/O (Read/write)............. 15: 8255PPIControlWord (WriteOnly)........... ................. 0 (ReadAMrite) 16: 8254Timer/Counter I (Read/IVrite)................. l7: S254TimerlCounter 2 (Read/lVrite) 18: S254TimerlCounter ConnolWord(WriteOnly) ........... 19: 8254Timer/Counter .............44 ................4-5 .,...............4-5 .....................4-5 ...-.......-.....4'6 .........-.......4'6 .............4-6 ....................-...46 ..................4-8 .........................4-9 .....4-9 Startingan AID Conversion MonitoringConversion Status.......... Data............ ReadingtheConverted What Is IntenuptController 8259Programmable IntemrptMaskRegister(IlvR) .......... End-of-Intemrpt(EOI) Command WhenanIntemrptOccurs? WhatExactlyHappens UsingIntemrptsin Your Programs for ADl000IntenuptProgramming SpecialConsiderations Writingan IntemrptServibeRoutine(ISR) Savingthe StartupInterruptMaskRegister(IMR) andInterruptVector Restoringthe StartupIMR andInterruptVector CommonIntemrptMislakes .................4-10 ......4-10 ......4-10 .....................4-10 .....4'll .......4-11 .............4-ll .,......-.4'12 .-..-4'13 .......-.......4-13 ......4-15 Examplehograms andFlow Diagrams SingleConvertFlow Diagram(Figure4-3)............. .....................4-16 CHAPTER5 - CALIBRATION SPECIFICATIONS APPENDIX A _ AD1OOO APPENDIX B - CONNECTORPIN ASSIGNMENTS A-1 APPENDIX C - COMPONENT DATA SHEETS FOR SIGNAL*MATH.......... APPENDIX D _ CONFIGURING THE AD1OOO c.t FOR ATLANTIS APPENDIX E_ CONFIGURING THE AD1OOO APPENDIX F - WARRANTY I,I B-l ..........D.I .E-l F-1 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS 1-1 t-2 1-3 t4 1-5 1-6 t-7 1-8 2-l 2-2 3-l 4-l 4-2 4-3 5-1 Settings................... BoardLayoutShowingFactory-Configured InteruptChannelSelection Jumper,P2 ................ End-of-Convert Interrupt P3 Output Jumpers, 8254Timer/Counter P4 EXTINT andPC3InterruptJumpers, P5 ............ Timer Interval Jumpers, 8254Programmable 8254andP5Circuitry P6................ BaseAddress Jumper, End-of-Convert Jumper,P8 ................ Assignments ................. Yl ltO ConnectorPin AnalogInputConnection .............. AD1000BlockDiagram................. TimingDiagram A,/DConversion Circuiry S?S4TimerlCounter Flow Diagram SingleConversion iii .................. l'3 ...............1-4 ...................1-5 ..............1-5 ..........1-6 ......................1-7 l-8 ...................... ..................1-9 .....2-3 ........................24 ......................3-3 ........................4-8 .......4-14 .......................4'16 iv INTRODUCTION i-1 The AD1000mediumspeedmultichannelanaloginputboardturnsyoru IBM PCIKT/AT or compatible dataacquisitionandcontrolsystem.Installedwithin a singleshortor full-size computerinto a high-performance expansionslot in thecomputer,the ADl000 boardfeatures: . Eight single-ended analoginputchannels, . l2-bit,20 microsecond A/D converter, . 25 l<7lzmaximumthroughput, . +5 volt analoginputrange, . Threeindependent 8-MlIz timer/counters, . 24TILICMOS-compatible8255-based digitalI/O lines(16 at theVO connectorand8 at on-boardpads). The following paragraphs briefly describethemajorfunctionsof theboard.More detaileddiscussions of board functionsareincludedin Chapter3, HardwareDescription,andChapter4, Board OperationandProgramming.The boardsetupis describedin Chapterl,Board Settings. Analog-to-DigitalConversion The analog-todigital(A/D) circuitryreceivesup to eightsingle-ended analoginpus andconvertstheseinputs into l2-bit digital datawordswhich canthenbe readand/ortransferred to PC memory. The input voltagerangeis -5 to +5 volts,with overvoltageprotectionto +35 volts.A/D conversions areperformedby an industrystandard12-bit successive approximation converter.This high-performance converterand amplifierprecedingit makesurethatdynamicinput voltagesareaccurately thehigh-speedsample-and-hold digitized.Theresolutionof a 12-bitconversionis2.4414millivolts andthemaximumthroughputis 25 kIIz. The converteddatais readand/ortransferredto PC memory,onebyte at a time, throughttrePC databus. 8254Timer/Counter An 8254programmable intervaltimer containsthree16-bit,8-MHz timer&ountersto supporta wide rangeof timing andcountingfunctions.The clock,gateandoutputpinsfor eachof the threetimer/counters areavailableat the I/O connector. Digital VO TheADl000has24TlLlCMOS-compatible digitalVOlineswhichcanbedirectly interfaced withextemal devicesor signalsto senseswitchclosures,triggerdigital evens,or activatesolid-staterelays.The linesarcproperipheralinterface@PI)chip. Sixteenof the linesarebroughtout to fie videdby theon-board8255programmable VO connectorandeightareavailableat a setof on-boardpads. What ComesWith Your Board You receivethe following itemsin your ADl000 package: . AD1000interfaceboard . Softwareanddiagnosticsdiskettewith exampleprognmsin BASIC, TurboPascal,andTurboC; sourcecode . Ljser'smanual pleasecall RealTime Devices'CustomerServiceDepartmentat If any item is missingor damaged, (814)234-8087.If you requireserviceoutsidetheU.S.,contactyour local distributor. Board Accessories In additionto theitemsincludedin your AD1000package,RealTime Devicesoffersa full line of softwareand Call your local distributoror our mainoffice for moreinformationabouttheseaccessories hardwareaccessories. and for helpin choosingthebestitemsto supportyourboard'sapplication. i-3 Application Softwareand Drivers provideexcellentdataacquisitionandanalysissupport.Use Our customapplicationsoftwarepackages digital signalprocessingandanalysis,or SIGNAL*MATH for integrateddataacquisitionandsophisticated ATLANTIS for real-timemonioring anddataacquisition.rtdlinx andrtdlinxA.{B driversprovidefull-featured high level interfacesbetweenttreAD1000andcustomor third partysoftware,includingLabtechNotebook,NotebooktG,, andLT/Conuol.rtdlinx sourcecodeis availablefor a one-timefee.Our PascalandC Programmer's sourcecodefor customprogpmming. Toolkit providesroutineswith documented Hardware Accessories Hardwareaccessories for the AD1000 includetheTB40 terminalboardand XB40 prototype/terminalboardfor prototypedevelopment andeasysignalaccess,EX-XT andEX-AT extenderboardsfor simplifredtestingand debuggingof prototypecircuitry,andthe XP40singlewire flat ribboncablefor externalinterfacing.The AD1000 canbe interfacedto RTD's 50-pinchannelexpansionandsignalconditioningboardsby usinga DiscreteWire Kit UsingThis Manual This manualis intendedo helpyou installyour newboardandget it runningquickly,while alsoproviding enoughdetailabouttheboardandits functionsso thatyou canenjoymaximumuseof its featuresevenin themost of dataacquisitionprinciplesandthatyou complexapplications.We assumethatyou alreadyhavean understanding programs. cancustomizetheexamplesoftwareor write yourown applications When You NeedHelp This manualandtheexampleprogramsin thesoftwarepackageincludedwith your boardprovideenough informationto properlyuseall of theboard'sfeatures.If you haveanyproblemsinstallingor usingthisboard, (814)234-8087,duringregularbusinesshours,easternsandardtime u contactour TechnicalSupportDepartment, qrtern daylighttime,or senda FAX requestingassistance to (814)234-5218.Whensendinga FAX request,please includeyour company'snameandaddress,your name,your telephonenumber,anda brief descriptionof the problem. i-4 CHAPTER1 BOARD SETTINGS TheAD1000boardhasjumpersettingsyou canchangeif as necessary for your application.The boardis factory-configured listedon the tableandshownin thediagramat the beginningof this chapter.Shouldyou needto changethesesettings,usethese easy-to-followinstructionsbeforeyou installthe boardin your computer. 1-1 Factory-ConfiguredJumper Settings jumperson theADl000 board.Figure 1-1showsthe Table1-1liss thefactorysettingsof theuser-configurable explainhow to changethe boardlayoutandthe locationsof thefactory-setjumpers.Thefollowingparagraphs facory settings.Payspecialattentionto the settingof P6, ttrebaseaddressheaderconnector,to avoid address contentionwhenyou first useyour boardin your system. Table1-1- FactorySettlngs Jumper FunctlonControlled FactorySettlng P2 theA/Dendof-convert Connects signalto an interrupt channel Disabled(notconnected) P3 oneof lhe 8254timer/counter Connects outputsto an channel interrupt P4 Conneclsan externalinterrupt or an interrupt generated by the PPI(INTRA)to an interrupt channel Disabled(nolconnected) Disabled(notconnected) P5 Configuresthe 8254timer/counters Alltimer/counters are cascaded (seediagramfor P5) P6 Setsthe baseaddress 300 hex(768decimal) P8 theA/Dendofconvertsignalsothatit can Connects lhroughlhe PPIat PA7,PB7,or PQ7 be monitored throughPB7 Monitored P9 for soldering 8255PortB padsavailable connsctions Noconnections o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o UI o o o o o o o o o o o o o o @ Fg Esl ooooooooooooo [,t deint sA al Real Time Dovbos, lm. State Collego,PA 16804 USA At pr Fig.1-1- BoardLayoutShowingFactory-Configured Settings 1-3 @ P2, P3, and P4 - Interrupts HeaderconnectorsP2, P3, andP4 let you connectvariouson-boardand externalsignalsto the computer's by theA/D converter'send-of-convert signal,by any oneof thetfuee intemrptchannels.Intemrptscanbe generated peripheralinterfaceor from an externalinterruptsource timer/counteroulputs,andby the 8255programmable broughtonlo theboardthroughthe VO connector. Beforetrying to useinterrupts,you mustbe familiar with theprocedurefor initializingthe intemrptvectorsand arebeyondthescope thePC's intemrptcontroller,andsettingup $reintenupthandlingroutines.Theseprocedures to effectivelyuseint€rruptsin your computersystem.Chapter4 providesan of this manual,but mustbe understood overviewon usingintemrpts. Also, be carefulto avoidcontentionwith otherdevicesthatmay useintemrptsin your computerwhenyou chooseyour intemrpt channel.Eachinterruptsourceactivatedmustbe assignedto an unusedintemrpt channel.Use the table insidethe back coverof this manual!o recordthe interruptchannelyou haveselected. It is also very importantto note that the boardinternrptsourceis a TTL totem-pole(pustr&ull) type output; it is not open-collector.Therefore,do not connectthis intenupt to any otherintemrpt output! .P2 - A/D End-of-Convert(EOC)Interrupt @actorySetting:Disabled) (EOC)signalto HeaderconnectorP2, shownin Figurel-2, letsyou connecttheAID converter'send-of-convert (lowest priority (highest priority IRQT channel). through intemrpt IRQ2 channel) channels, any of thecomputer's jumper jumper placing pins, in Figure l-Za.By leftmost this is vertically two shown The stored acrossthe top as generate pins Figure be used to intemrps. IRQ channels, EOC can horizontally acrossthe of oneof the the signal goes is intercompleted; therefore, an IRQ3. EOC high when 1-2bshowsthe EOC connectedto The a conversion (not (converting) converting). EOC line from low high rupt will occurwhenthe transitions to IRQT IRQT IRQ6 IRQ6 IRQ5 rRos IRQ4 IRQ4 IRQ3 IRQ3 IRQ2 IRQ2 Fig.1-2b:EOC to 1RQ3 connected Fig.1-2a:Factory setting(disabled) Fig. 1-2 - End-of-ConvertInterruptChannelSelectionJumper, P2 . P3 - E254Timer/CounterOutput Interrupt (FactorySetting:Disabled) HeaderconnectorP3, shownin Figure l-3, is usedto jumperoneof thethree8254timer/counteroutputs, OUT0, OLJ"TI,or OUTZ,to oneof thecomputer'sinterruptchannels,IRQ2 (highestpriority channel)throughIRQT (lowestpriority channel).The top six pairsof pins on this headerconnectorareusedto selectthe IRQ channel,and thebottomthreepairsof pins areusedto selectthe desired8254output.The two jumpersstoredverticallyacrossthe top four pairsof pins,asshownin Figure I -3a,mustbe installedto connectan 8254outputto an intemrptchannel. Placeonejumperhorizontallyacrossthepins of theselectedtimer/counteroutput(oneof thebottomthreepairsof pins).Thenplacethe secondjumperacrossthepins of theselectedintemrptchannel(oneof thetop six pairsof pins).Figure1-3bshowsan example. t4 IRQT IRQT IRQ6 IRQ6 IRQs IRQ5 IRQ4 IRQ4 IRQ3 IRQ3 IRQ2 IRQ2 OUTO OUTO OUTl OUTl OUT2 OUT2 Fig.1-3b:OUT2 to lRQ4 connected Fig.1-3a:Factory settings(disabled) Fig. 1-3 -8254 Timer/Counter OutputInterruptJumpers,P3 . P4 - EXTINT and PPI PC3Interrupts (FactorySetting:Disabled) HeaderconnectorP4, shownin Figure 14, letsyou connectan externalsignal,EXTINT, or the 8255PPI'sPC3 (tr {TRA) signalto oneof thecomputer'sinterruptchannels,IRQ2 (highestpriority channel)throughIRQT(lowest whenthe priority channel).EXTINT is routedontotheboardthroughexternalI/O connectorF7. PC3is generated 8255PPI is beingoperatedin modeI or mode2, asexplainedin thedatasheetin AppendixC. To connectoneof thesetwo signalsto an interruptchhnnel,thetwo storedjumpers,shownin Figurel-4a, mustbe installedacrossthe appropriatepairsof pins. Placeonejumperhorizontallyacrossthepinsof thesignalchosenandplacethe second jumperhorizontallyacrossthepins of theselectedIRQ channel.Figurel-4b showsthePC3connected0oIRQ7. IRQT IRQT IRQ6 IRQ6 IRQ5 IRQ5 !RQ4 IRQ4 tR03 IRQ3 IRQ2 IRQ2 PC3 PC3 EXTINT EXTINT Fig.1-4b:PC3 to |RQT connected Fig.1-4a:Factory settings(disabled) Fig. 1-4 - EXTINTand PC3 InterruptJumpers,P4 PS -8254 Timer/CounterVO HeaderConnector(FactorySettings:As Shownin Figure 1-5) intervaltimer's clock andgate HeaderconnectorP5, shownin Figure l-5, configuresthe 8254programmable Also includedon P5 arepins to routean externalintenupt(EXTIIVD from andthe sourcesandoutputconnections. computer'sRESETsignalto extemalI/O connectorP7.Figurel-5 showsthe factorysettings.All threetimer/ Thesearethe settingsusedby SIGNAL*MATH andATLANTIS acquisitionandanalysis countersarecascaded. software(seeAppendixesD andE). l-5 ;l H XTAL OO EXCKO H +5V OO EXGTO H CKOTO oo CKOTO H cKl xl XTAL H EI +5V OO EXGTl H CKOTl oo CKOTl H cK2 oa XTAL OO EXCK2 H +5V oa oo EXCKl 5l ;l 8lo o EXGT2 H CKOT2 OO CKOT2 O' EXTINT aa RESET Fig. 1-5 -8254 ProgrammablelnlervalTimer Jumpers,P5 The 8254 providesttrreeindependentl6bit, 8 MHz timer/countersfor timing and countingfunctionssuchas eventcounting,andintemrps.Eachtimer/counterhastwo inputs,clock (CK) in andgate frequencymeasurement, (GT) in, andoneoutput,timer/counterOUT. Figure 1-6showsa blockdiagramof the8254andP5 circuitry. Srartingfrom thetop of P5, thefint threegroupsof pinson the left sidearelabeledCLK0, GT0, andOUTO,the threeI/O signalsfor timer/counter0. The signalson theright sidefor timer/counter0 arelabeledXTAL, EXCK0, +5V, EXGT0, CKOTO,CKOTO(this signalhasa bar overtop of thesignalnameon theboardbecauseit is the timer/counter0 to timer/counter1). The goups inverseof theCKOT0 signal),andCKI (theoutputwhichcascades of signalsfor timer/countersI and? ue identicalo timer/counter0, exceptthat OUT2 canbe connectedto describethese EXTINT, an externalsignal,or RESET,thecomputer'sresetsignal.The following paragraphs be appliedto any or all the application can place names whenever of 0, 1, or 2 in the signal signals.An "x" is usedin of the threetimer/counters. t-6 82s4PtT TIMER/ COUNTER CLK 0 GATE CLKOUTO/CLKOUTO. OUT ^! TIiIEF/ COUNTEF sMHz il,ttot, CLK ;-''l- *u I GATE I ,,".rj ExrcLKl cLKourr ! OUT TIMER/ COUNTER CLK 2 GATE cLKour2- .l OUT CLKOUTz/CLKOUT2. (EXTINT/FESET) to to Ea^M PCBUS z RESET .^ I Fig. 1-6 -8254 and P5 Circuitry . CounterInputs (ConnectOnly ONE at a Time): circuitsis from the5 MHz crystaloscillator,labeledYl, located XTAL - This input o all ttrreetimer/counter jumper horizontallyacrossthepair of pinsconnectsthe 5 MHz in the upperleft cornerof theboard.Installinga your application,the XTAL frequencycanbe changedby clock to the timer/counterclock input. If requiredby installinga differentcrystaloscillaor at Yl. Note,however,thatthemaximumfrequencyat which thetimer/ counterswill operateis 8 MHz. EXCKX - This input allows an extemalclock to control the timing of the correspondingtimer/counter.This pin mn be horizontallyjumperedto the CKx input on ttreright sideof the connector,in placeof the XTAL source. The EXCKx signalsarebroughtonto the board throughextemalI/O connectorP7 (seeAppendix B). CKx is to theclock input of the next timer/counter. CKx - This input connectsthe outputof onetimer/counter providedfor timer/counters I and2 only, andis connectedto theoutputof theprevioustimer/counter(timer/counter areusedto cascadethetimer/counters 0 or 1) by placinga jumperhorizontallybetweenthepins.Theseconnections for longertime delaysthanaresupportedby a singlel6-bit timer/counter. . GateInputs (ConnectOnly ONE at a Time): +5V - This input,if connectedto theGTx inputby installinga jumperhorizontallyacrossthetwo pins,places the timerhounter in an enabledstateat all times. EXGTx - This input canbe horizontallyjumperedto tre GTx input on theright sideof theconnectorto providean extemalgate.The EXGTx signalsarebroughtonto theboardthroughextemalI/O connectorP7 (see AppendixB). t-7 . CounterOutputs(ConnectOnly ONE at a Time): CKOTx - This oulput canbe horizontallyjumperedto the correspondingOUT pin on the right sideof the connectorso that the timer/counter'soutput signalcanbe routedto externalVO connectorP7 (seeAppendix B). The CKOTx signalsareavailableat P7. OUT pin on theright sideof the CKOTx - This outputcanbe horizontallyjumperedto thecorresponding connector!o providethe inverseof thetimer/counteroutputsignalto extemalI/O connectorP7 (seeAppendixB). TheCKOTx signalsareavailableat P7. EXTINT and RESET (timer/counter2 only) - Thesetwo pairsof pins at thebocomof theheaderlet you connectan externalintenuptsignalto oneof thePC'sintemrptchannels,or bring thePC busresetsignalout !o the externalVO connector,P7. Both signalsareroutedthroughthe samen lt} pin that carriesthe CKOT2 andGOT signals,pin 38. CKOT2,CKOT2,EXINT, andRESETareall intemallyconnectedon headerP5. Only oneof these four pairsof pins canbejumperedat a time.Thejumperedsignalis availableatYl-38. For example,whenthe externalintemrptis connectedto P7-38,thejumperis installedacrosstheEXTINT pins on P5 (seeFigure1-Q. This routesthe EXTINT signalthroughP5 o headerconnectorP4 whereit canbe jumperedo a PC intemrpt channel. P6 - BaseAddress(FactorySetting:300hex (768decimal)) Oneof themostcommoncausesof failurewhenyou arefirst nying your boardis addresscontention.Someof your computer'sI/O spaceis alreadyoccupiedby internalVO ando0rerperipherals. WhentheAD1000board attemptso useI/O addresslocationsalreadyusedby anotherdevice,contentionresultsand the boarddoesnot wolt. To avoidthisproblem,theADl000 hasa headerconnector,P6, which les you selectany oneof eightsarting addresses in thecomputer'sI/O. Shouldthefactorysettingof 300hex (768decimal)be unsuitablefor your system, you can selecta different baseaddress.Theseaddresses are,from left o right on P6: Hexadecimal Declmal 200 512 240 576 280 640 2C0 704 300 768 340 832 380 896 3C0 960 To changethebaseaddresssetting,removethejumperfrom thefifth pair of pins (300hex)and,usingFigure 1-7asa guide,install it in thedesiredlocation.Recordthenewbaseaddresssettingon ttretableinsidetheback coverof this manual. o o ol P6 o \r ol C) @ $l o o ol o o (r, oooooooa I ooooaooo o ll c, o o o @ e) ci) BASE ADDRESS P6 Fig.1-7- BaseAddress Jumper, 1-8 P8 - End-of-ConvertMonitor (FactorySetting:8255PPI Port B, Bit 7) Header (EOC)signalcanbe usedto monitorthestatusof A/D conversions. The A/D converter'send-of-convert monitor o which PPI through from the lines you choose one of three digital les Figure 1-8, in conn@torP8, shown theEOC:Port A, bit 7 (PA7);PorrB, bit 7 (PB7);andPortC, bit ? (PC7).Oneof ilresethreelinesis selectedby pair of pins.The selecteddigital line mustbe configuredasa installinga jumper horizontallyacrosstheappropriate (see 4). Chapter Mode0 input r;]"; lr--ola P8 Jumper,P8 Fig.1-8- End-of-Convert 1-9 CHAPTER2 BOARD INSTALLATION The AD1000boardis easyto installin your IBM PC/XT/AT or compatiblecomputer.It canbeplacedin any slot, shoftor fullhow to install andconnect size.This chaptertells you step-by-step the board. After you haveinstalledthe boardandmadeall of your connections,you canturn your systemon andrun the RTDDIAG boarddiagnosticsprogramincludedon your examplesoftwaredisk to verify that your boardis working. 2-1 2-2 Board Installation Keepthe boardin its antistaticbag until you arereadyto install it in your computer.When removingit from the bag,hold theboardat theedgesanddo not touchthecomponents or connectors. Beforeinstalling the boardin your computer,checkthejumper settings.Chapter1 reviewsthe factory settings andhow to changethem.If you needto changeanysettings,referto theappropriateinstructionsin Chapter1.Note thatincompatiblejumpersettingscanresultin unpredictable boardoperationanderraticresponse. To installtheboard: 1. Turn OFFthe powerto your computer. 2. Removethe top coverof thecomputerhousing(refero yourowner'smanualif you do not aheadyknow how to do this). 3. Selectany unusedshortor full-sizeexpansionslot andremovetheslot bracket. 4. Touch the metalhousingof ttrecomputerto dischargeany staticbuildup and thenremovethe boardfrom its antistaticbag. 5. Holdingtheboardby is edges,orientit sothatits cardedge(bus)connectorlinesup with theexpansionslot conn@torin thebottomof theselectedexpansionslot. 6. After carefullypositioningtheboardin theexpansionslot sothat thecardedgeconnectoris restingon the computer'sbusconnector,gentlyandevenlypressdownon theboarduntil it is securedin theslol NOTE: Do not forcetheboardinto the slot.If theboarddoesnot slideino place,removeit andry again. Wiggling theboardor exertingtoo muchpressure canresultin damageo theboardor to thecomputer. ?. After theboardis installed,securetheslot bracketbackino placeandput thecoverbackon your computer. The boardis now readyto be connectedvia the externalI/O connectorat therear panelof your comput€r. External VO Connections Figure2-l showstheADl000's P7 VO connectorpinout.Refero this diagramasyou makeyour VO connections. ANALOG GND DIGITALGND AINE AINT AIN6 AINS ANALOO OND AIN4 AIN3 AIN2 AINl DIGITALGItD PA? PA6 PA5 PA4 PA3 PA2 PAI PAO PC7 PC6 PC5 POI PC3 pcl PC0 PC2 EXTCLKO EXTGATEO CLKOUTO/CLKOUTO. EXTCLKT CLKOUTl/CLKOUTT. EXTGATEI EXTCIK2 EXTGATE2 +12VOLTS .i2 VOLTS CLKOUTZCLKOUT2DIGITALGNO Fig.2-1-P7 VOConnector PinAssignments 2-3 Connectingthe Analog Inputs Connectthe high sideof eachanaloginput to oneof theanaloginput channels,AINI throughAIN8, and connectthelow sideto anyoneof thetwo ANALOG GND signals@4-l or 7). Figure2-2 showshow theseconn@tions are made. NOTE: It is goodpracticeto connectall unusedchannelsto ANALOG GND, asshownwith channel8 in ttre diagrambelow.Failureto do somay affecttheaccuracyof your conversionresults. 1000 I/O CONNECTOR P7 SIGNAL SOURCE VOUT 1 GND o a a PIN 3 llprtlz' . }OU CANCONNECTTHE GROUND SIGNALSTO ANY ANALOGGNO PIN (r oR 7) rl tv Fig.2-2- AnalogInputConnection Connectingthe Timer/Countersand Digital VO For all of theseconnections, the high sideof an externalsignalsourceor destinationdeviceis connectedto the appropriatesignalpin on theI/O connector,andthelow sideis connectedto any DIGITAL GND. Running the RTDDIAG DiagnosticsProgram Now thatyour boardis ready[o use,you will wantto try it out. An easy-to-use diagnosticsprogram, RTDDIAG, is includedwith your examplesoftwareto helpyou verify your board'soperation.You canalsousethis programto makesurethatyour curent baseaddresssettingdoesnot contendwith anotherdevice. 24 CHAPTER3 HARDWARE DESCRIPTION This chapterdescribesthefeaturesof the AD1000hardware. The majorcircuitsaretheA/D converter,the 8254timer/counters, peripheralinterfacewhichprovides andthe 8255programmable the digital VO lines.Boardintemrptsarealsodescribedin this chapter. 3-1 F The ADl000 boardhasthreemajor circuits, the A/D converter,the timer/counters,and the programmable peripheralinterface@PI) which providesthe digital I/O lines. Figure 3-1 showsthe block diagramof the boad. intemrpls. This chapterdescribeshardwarewhich makesup themajorcircuis. It alsodiscusses Fig.3-1- AD1000 BlockDiagram A/D ConversionCircuitry conversions on up to eightanaloginput channels.The following The ADl000 boardperformsanalog-to-digital paragraphs A/D circuiry. the describe Analog Inputs analoginput channelsareavailableon theAD1000board.The analoginput rangeis -5 to +5 Eight single-ended +35 amplifierthroughan Vdc overvoltageprotection.The channelsareconnectedto a sample-and-hold volts,with channel'sVO writing o the desired software by is through The channel selected active multiplexer. eight-channel 4. port, asdescribedin Chapter The SAI amplifiercapturesandholdsthe input signalat a constantlevel while theconvenionis performed, ensuringrhatdynamic analogsignalsare accuratelydigitized. This capacitivecircuit quickly chargeso a level to fte input voltagebeingsampledandholdsthechargefor thedurationof theconversion.The corresponding AD1000usesa .01gF low dielectriccapacitorwith a maximumacquisitiontime of 20 microseconds. A/D Converter The industrystandardHI574 ND converterperformsconversionsatarate of up to 50 kllz, or oneconversion to This conversiontime is addedto the SAI amplifier'sacquisitiontime of 20 microseconds every20 microseconds. J-J give a boardmaximumthroughputrate of.25kl1z.The A/D outputis a l2-bit dataword which is outputin two 8-bit canbe performedwhenspeedis morecritical thanresolution.Becausethe bytes.Note that8-bit conversions converteddatais containedin a single8-bit byte, 8-bit conversionstake about 13 microseconds,increasingthe maximumboardttrroughputto about30 kHz. Timer/Counters 0osupporta wide rangeof intervaltimerprovidesthreel6-bit, 8 MIlz timerlcounters An8254programmable individually for manyapplications, used These can be cascaded or functions. timer/counten rimingandcounting including tiggering an A/D conversionat a specifiedtime. Eachtimer/counterhastwo inputs,CK in andGT in, and oneoutput, timer/counterOUT. The sourcesor destinationsof the timer/counterVO canbe selectedusingjumperson headerconnectorP5 (seeChapterl). The timer/counterscanbe programmedasbinary or BCD down countersby writing the appropriatedaa to the command word, as describedin Chapter4. The commandword alsoles you set up the modeof operation.The six progam' mablemodesare: Mode0 Mode I Mode 2 Mode 3 Mode 4 Mode 5 Event,Counter(Intenupton TerminalCount) One-Shot Hardware-Retriggerable RateGenerator SquareWave Mode Software-TriggeredStrobe HardwareTriggeredSrobe (Reniggerable) Thesemodesaredetailedin ttre8254DataSheet,reprintedfrom Intel in AppendixC. Digital VO, ProgrammablePeripheralInterface periilheralinterface@PI)is usedfor digital I/O functions.This high-performance The 8255programmable TILICMOS compatiblechip has24 digitall/O linesdividedinto two groupsof 12lineseach: GroupA - Port A (8 lines)andPort C Upper(4 lines); GroupB - Port B (8 lines)andPort C Lower (4 lines). Sixteenlines,Port A, Port,C lower, andPort C Upper,arebroughtout to theI/O connector.Port B's eightlines areavailableat the P9 padson the board.You can usetheseportsin one of thesethreePPI operatingmodes: Mode 0 - Basic inpuVoutput.Lets you usesimpleinput andoutput operationfor a porr Datais written !o or readfrom the specifiedport. Mode 1 - Strobedinput/output.Lets you EansferI/O datafrom Port A or Port B in conjunctionwitlt strobesor signals. handshaking bidirectionallywith an externaldevice L,esyou communicate Mode 2 - StrobedbidirectionalinpuVourput. is similarto Mode l. throughPort A. Handshaking Thesemodesaredetailedin ttre8255DataSheet,reprintedfrom Intel in AppendixC. Interrupts timerrcounter outputs,PC3 intemrptsources:end-of-conver7,8254 The AD1000hasfour jumper-selectable signal (INTRA) from the 8255PPI,andanextemalintemrptbroughtontotheboardthroughP7. The end-of-convert canbe usedto interrupt the computerwhenan A/D conversionis completed'The 8254 tinetlcounter intemrps can be usedto generatevariousend-of-countintemrpB.The 8255PC3 intenupt canbe generatedwhenPPI Port A is operatedin modeI or mode2, asexplainedon the 8255datasheet,AppendixC. The externalintemrptcanbe used of how to useinterthatyou havean understanding to generateintemrptsat any desiredinterval.We recommend ruptsin your systembeforeyou connectan intenuptto an IRQ channel.Chapter4 providesa moredetaileddiscussionaboutintemtps. 34 CHAPTER4 BOARD OPERATIONAND PROGRAMMING Thischaptershowsyou how to progmmanduseyourAD1000 board.It providesa completedescriptionof the VO map,a detailed descriptionof programmingoperations, anda flow diagramto aid you in programming.The exampleprogrcmsprovidedon the disk in your boardpackagearelistedat theendof this chapter.These progmms,writtenin Turbo C, TurboPascal,andBASIC, include sourcecodeto simplify your applicationsprogramming. 4-l 4-2 Definingthe VO Map The VO mapfor the ADl000 is shownin Table4-1. As shown,theboardoccupies20VO port locations.The baseaddress(designated asBA) canbe selectedby changingttrejumperon headerconnectorP6,asdescribedin Chapterl, Board Seuings.The followingsectionsdescribetheregistercontentsof eachaddressusedin the VO map. Tabfe4.1- AD1000l/O Map ReglsterDescription Channel 1 (AlN1)Select ReadFunction WrlteFunction Addressr (Decimal) Reserved Activatechannel1 B A +0 Channel 2 (AlN2)Select' Reserved Activatechannel2 B A +1 (AlN3)Select ChannelS Reserved Activatechannel3 BA+2 Channel4(AlN4)Select Reserved Activatechannel4 BA+3 Channel5(AlNs)Select Reserved Aclivatechannel5 B A +4 Channel6(AlN6)Select Reserved Activatechannel6 B A +5 Channel7 (AlN7)Select Reserved Activatechannel7 B A +6 ChannelS(AlN8)Select Reserved Activatechannel8 B A +7 Start12-bitA,/Dconversion B A +8 Start8-bitA'lDconversion BA+9 Start12-BitConversion/ Read A/D convededdata, ReadData MSB Start8-BitConversion/ ReadData ReadA/Dconvededdata, LSB Reserved B A +1 0 Reserved B A +1 1 PPIPortA ReadPAO-PA7 digitall/O digitall/O ProgramPAO-PA7 B A +1 2 PPIPortB ReadPB0-PB7digilall/O ProgramPB0-PB7digitall/O BA+13 PPlPorlC ReadPCO-PC7 digitall/O digitall/O ProgramPCO-PC7 B A +1 4 PPlControlWord Reserved ProgramPPIconfiguration B A +1 5 0 8254Timer/Counter ReadTCOcountvalue LoadTGOcountregister B A +1 6 8254Timer/Counter 1 Read TC1 counl value LoadTC1countregister B A +1 7 2 S2S4TimerlCounter ReadTC2countvalue LoadTC2countregister B A +1 8 8254ControlWord ' BA = BaseAddress Reserved Programcontrolregister B A +1 9 BA + 0: Channel1(AINI) Select(Write Only) Writing to this addressselectsanaloginput channelI (AINI). Thedatawrittenis irrelevanl After you select channel1, it remainsactiveuntil you selectanotherchannelor powerdown. BA + 1: Channel2 (AIN2) Select(Write Only) Writing to this addressselectsanaloginput channel2 (AIN2). The datawrittenis irrelevanl After you select channel2, it remainsactiveuntil you selectanotherchannelor powerdown. BA + 2: Channel3(AIN3) Select(Write Only) Writing to this addressselectsanaloginput channel3 (AIN3). The darawrittenis inelevant.After you select channel3, it remainsactiveuntil you selectanotherchannelor powerdown. +-J BA + 3: Channel4(AIN4) Select(Write Only) Writing to this addressselectsanaloginputchannel4(AIN4). The datawrittenis irrelevanLAfter you select channel4, it.remainsactiveuntil you selectanotherchannelor powerdown. BA + 4: ChannelS (AINS) Select(Write Only) Writing to this addressselectsanaloginputchannel5 (AIN5). Thedatawrittenis irrelevanl After you select channel5, it remainsactiveuntil you selectanotherchannelor powerdown. BA + 5: Channel6(AIN6) Select(Write Only) Writing to ttris addressselectsanaloginput channel6 (AIN6). The datawritten is irrelevant After you select channel6, it remainsactiveuntil you selectanotherchannelor powerdown. BA + 6: ChannelT (AIN7) Select(Write Only) Writing to this addressselectsanaloginput channel7 (AIN7). The datawritten is irrelevant After you select channel7, it remainsactiveuntil you selectanotherchannelor powerdown. BA + 7: ChannelS (AIN8) Select(Write Only) Writing to this addressselectsanaloginput channel8 (AIN8). Thedatawrittenis irrelevant After you select channel8, it remainsactiveuntil you selectanotherchannelor powerdown. BA + 8: Start l2-Bit Conversion/Read MSB Data (Read/Write) Writing to this addressstartsal?-bit A/D conversion(thedatawritten is irrelevant). A readprovidesttreMSB (8 mostsignificantbits) of the l2-bit A/D conversion,asdefinedbelow.Theconverteddatais left-justified.When you areperforming8-bit conversions, only theMSB mustbe read. MSB D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 DO 12-Blt: Bit11 Bit10 BitI BirI Bir7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bir4 8-Bir: Bir7 Bir6 Bir5 Bit4 Bir3 Bit2 Bir1 Bir0 BA + 9: Start 8-Bit Conversion/Read LSB Data (Read/Write) Writing to this addressstartsan 8-bit AID conversion(the datawritten is inelevant). A readprovidesthe I.SB (4 leastsignificantbis) of the 12-bitA/D conversion,asdefinedbelow.Theconverteddatais left-justified. LSB D7 D6 D5 D4 Bh3 Bit2 Bitl Bit0 D3 D2 D1 DO BA + 10: Reserved BA + 11: Reserved BA + 12: PPI Port A - Digital VO (Read/Write) Transfersthe 8-bit Port A digital input and digital outputdatabetweentheboard and an extemaldevice.A read Eansfersdatafrom theexternaldevice,ttrroughP7, andinto PPI Port A; a write transfersthewrittendatafrom Port A throughP7 to an extemaldevice. +-{ BA + 13: PPI Port B - Digital VO (ReadAMrite) Transfersthe 8-bit Port B digital input and digital outputdatabetweenthe boardand an externaldevice.A read transfersdatafrom the externaldevice,o the on-boardpadsat P9, and ino PPI Port B; a write transfersthe wriuen datafrom Port B throughthe on-boardpadsat P9 to an externaldevice. BA + 14: PPI Port C - Digital UO (ReadAVrite) Transfersthe two 4-bit Port C digitalinput anddigital outputdatagroups@ortC UpperandPort C Lower) betweenthe boardand an extemaldevice.A readtransfersdatafrom the extemaldevice,tfuoughF/, and ino PPI Port C; a write transfersthe written datafrom Port C throughP7 to an externaldevice. BA + 15: 8255PPI Control Word (Write Only) Whenbit 7 of this word is setto l, a write programsttrePPI configuration.When you want to monitor the endof-convertsignal throughP8, bit 7 of PPI Port A, B, or C, the PPI must be programmedso that the port usedis a Mode 0 input porr 07 D6 D5 D4 D3 D1 DO ---1 -l r Mode Set F'"g i 1 = active I, I I I I I I I I I rde Seler;t l= fllode = mode l= modg i3it c I D2 I I I I PortA 0 = output 1 = input | I | lI l I PortB 0 = output | 1 = input | I ModeSelect 0=mode0 lr1=mode1 L Port C Upper 0 = output 1 = input Portc t C Lower 0 - ooutput ul 1 = input inp | I | iytBJ !ororpa Whenbit 7 of thecontrolword is setto 0, a write canbe usedto individuallyprogmmthePort C lines. D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 SeUReset FunctionBit 0 = active D2 Blt Select 000= PCO 001= pC1 010= PC2 0 1 1= P C 3 100= PC4 101= PC5 110=PC6 1 1 1= P C 7 D1 DO Blt SeUReset 0=setbitto0 1=setbittol For example,if you want to setPort C bit 0 to l, you would setup lhe controlword so thatbit 7 is 0; bits l, 2, and3 are0 (this selectsPC0);andbit 0 is I (this setsPCOto l). Thecontrolword is setup like this: 4-5 X Sets PCOto 1: (writtento BA +15) D7 SeUResel Function ion Bit D6 D5 D3 D4 D2 D1 X = don'tcare DO Set PCO Blt Select 000= PCO BA + 16: 8254Timer/Counter 0 (Read/Write) A readshowsthe countin thecounter,anda writ€ loadsthecounterwith a newvalue.Countingbeginsassoon asthecountis loaded. BA + 17: 8254Timer/Counter 1 (Read/Write) A readshowsthecountin thecounter,anda write loadsthecounterwith a newvalue.Countingbeginsassoon asthecountis loaded. BA + 18: 8254Timer/Counter2 (Read/Write) A readshowsthecountin thecounter,anda write loadsthecounterwith a newvalue.Countingbeginsassoon asthe count is loaded. BA + 19: 8254Timer/Counter Control Word (Write Onty) Accessesthe8254controlregisterto directlycontrolthethreetimer/counters. BCD/Blnary 0 = binary 1=BCD CounterSelect 0 00 = Counter 01 = Counter1 2 10= Counter 11 = readbac*sening Read/Load 00 = latchingoperation 01 = read/load LSBonly '10= read/load MSBonly 11= Read/load LSB,thenMSB 4-6 CounterModeSelect 000= Mclde0, evsntcount 001= Mode1, programmable 1-shot 010= Mode2, rategeneralor 011 = y96s 3, squarewavsratsgenerator 100= Mode4, software-triggered strobe 101= Mode5, hardware-triggered strobe Programmingthe AD1000 This sectiongivesyou somegeneralinformationaboutprogrammingandtheAD1000board,andthenwalks you throughthemajorAD1000programmingfunctions.Thesedescriptions will helpyou asyou usetheexample programsincludedwith theboardandtheprogrammingflow diagramat theendof this chapter.All of theprogarn descriptionsin this sectionusedecimalvaluesunlessotherwisespecified. The AD1000 is programmedby writing o and readingfrom the correctI/O port locationson the board.These I/O portsweredefinedin theprevioussection.Most highJevellanguages suchasBASIC,Pascal,C, andC+r, and of courseassemblylanguage,makeit very easyto read/writetheseports.The tablebelow showsyou how to read from and write to I/O ports using somepopularprogramminglanguages. Language Read Data= INP(Address) BASIC Write OUTAddress,Data Data) Data= inportb(Address) outportb(Address, TurboC TurboPascal Assembly Data:= Port[Address] Port[Address] := Data movdx,Address in al,dx movdx, Address moval, Data outdx, al In additionto beingableto read/writetheI/O portson theAD1000,you mustbe ableto performa varietyof operationsthat you might not normally usein your programming.The tablebelow showsyou someof the operaton in this section,with an exampleof how eachis usedwith Pascal,C, andBASIC. Notethat the modulus discussed operatoris usedto retrievetheleas significantbyte(LSB) of a two-byteword,andtheintegerdivisionoperatoris usedo retrievethe mostsignificantbyte (MSB). Language c Modulus o/o 2=bo/oC IntegerDivision I a=b/c AND OR & a=b&c I a=blc Pascal MOD a : = b M O Dc DIV a:=bDlVc AND a:=bANDc OR a:=bORc BASIC MOD a=bMODc \ (backslash) a=b\c AND a=bANDc OR a=bORc Many compilershavefunctionsthat canread/writeeither 8 or 16bits from/to an VO port For example,Turbo PascalusesPort for 8-bit port operationsandPortW for 16bis, TurboC usesinportb for an 8-bit readof a port andinport for a l6-bit read.Be sureto useonly 8-bit operationswith the AD1000! Now thatyou know someof thelanguagebasics,we arereadyo look at theprogrammingstepsfor the AD1000boardfunctions. 4-7 A/D Conversions The following paragraphswalk you throughthe programmingstepsfor performingA/D conversions.You can follow thesestepson the flow diagramat the end of this chapterand in our exampleprogramsincludedwith the board.In thisdiscussion,BA referso thebaseaddress. . Initializingthe AD1000 ThePPI mustbe BeforeoperatingtheADl000, you may haveto initializethe 8255PPIand8254timer/counter. 1, 2 on programmed Mode 0, or operation, depending so that thedigital I/O linesarcsetup asinputsor outputs, you must Port B, set you monitor signal through bit 7, your application.For example,if theend-of-convert wantto = (X word BA + 15 care): to don't up Port B asa Mode0 input.This is doneby writing thefollowingcontrol D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 DO If we replacetheXs (don't care)with zeros,thecommandin BASIC is: our (BA + 15), 130 to definethedesiredmodeof operationif you areusinganyof the The 8254timer/countermustbe programmed The 8254is initializedby OUT signalsasan interruptor whenusingthe8254for timing or countingoperations. writing thecontrolword at BA + 19.Failureto initializethe8254whenan outputis connectedto an intemtpt channelmaycauseerraticsystemoperation. . Selectinga Channel To selecta conversionchannel,you mustsimplywrite to theaddressport of thedesiredchannel,asshownin Table4-1. The datawrittenis irrelevant.Notethatwhenthesystemis hrst poweredup, all channelsaredisabled. After you progmma channel,it remainsactiveuntil you selectanotherchannel. . Starting an A/D Conversion A/D conversionsare stafiedby writing a START CONVERT commandto the appropriateI/O port. For 12-bir Port BA + 9 is used.A START CONVERTcommandmust Port BA + 8 is used.For 8-bit conversions, conversions, be writtenfor eachA/D conversion.Thedatawrittenis irrelevant.Figure4-1 showsthetiming diagramfor A/D conversions. StartConvert A/D Status Converting NotConverting Converting Endof-Convert ReadData TimingDiagram Fig.4-1- A/DConversion 4-8 Not Converting . Monitoring ConversionStatus The AlD conversionstatuscanbe monitoredthroughtheend-of-convert @OC)signal.This signal,theinverse of theSTATUSsignaloutputby the A/D converter,is low whena conversionis in progressandgoeshigh whenthe conversionis completed.This low-o-high transitioncanbe monitoredthroughany oneof threePPI digital I/O lines, PA7, PB7,or PC7,or throughan intemrptline. . Readingthe ConvertedData The generalalgorithm for mking an A/D readingis: 1. Starta 1, writing o BA + 8: out base_address*8r 0 (Notethat thevalueyou sendis not important.Theactof writing to thisVO locationis thekey to startinga conversion.) 2.Delayatleast20microseconds, monitorPPIportA, B, orC,bitTforatransition, oruseanintemrpt to ensurethat tle conversionis compieted. 3. Readtheleastsignificantbyteof theconverteddatafrom BA + 9: Isb? = inp(base_addresst +9) 4. Readthemostsignificantbyteof theconverteddatafrom BA + 8: msb? = inp(base_addresst +8) 5. Combinetheminto the l2-bitresultby shiftingthefourLSB bits o theright.TheMSB mustalso be weightedcorrectly: result? = (msb* * 16) + (lsbt/l-6) . For a 12-bitconversion,theA/D datiareadis left justifiedin a l6-bit word,with theleastsignificantfour bits equalto zero.Becauseof this,the two bytesof A/D datareadmustbe scaledto obtaina valid AID reading.Onceit is calculated,thereadingcanbe correlatedto a voltagevalueby subtractingZMB w scaleit andthenmultiplyingby 2.M14 millivolts. For example,if theA/D readingis 1024,theanaloginputvoltageis calculatedasfollows: (1024 - 2048) bits * 2.4414 mV/bit = -1.49999 volts. Note that 8-bit A/D conversions canalsobe performedby writing to VO locationBA + 9 to starta conversion. While an 8-bit conversionhasa lowerresolution,it is performedmuchmorerapidly,in about13 microseconds. A l2-bit conversiontakesabout20 microseconds. Thekey digital codesandtheirinputvoltagevaluesaregivenfor l2-bit and8-bit conversionsin ttrefollowing two tables. 12-bit A/D BipolarCodeTable 8-bit A/D BipolarCodeTable Input Voltage OutputCode InputVoltage OutputCode +4.9976votts M S B11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1L S B +4.9609volts M S B 1 1 . I 11 1 1 1L S B +2.500volts 1100 0000 0000 +2.500volts 1100 0000 0 volts 1000 0000 0000 0 volts 1000 0000 -2.500volts 0100 0000 0000 -2.500volts 0100 0000 -5.000volts 0000 0000 0000 -5.000volts 0000 0000 1 LSB= 2.44millivolts 1 LSB= 39.063millivolts 4-9 Interrupts - What Is an Interrupt? An interruptis an eventthatcausestheprocessor in your computerto temporarilyhalt ifs curent p(rcessand executeanotherroutine.Upon completionof thenewroutine,controlis retumedto theoriginalroutineat thepoint whereits executionwasintemrpted. Intemrptsarevery handyfor dealingwith asynchronous events(eventsthatoccurat lessthanregularintervals). Keyboardactivity is a goodexample;your computercannotpredictwhenyou mightpressa key andit wouldbe a wasteof processortime for it o do nothingwhile waitingfor a keysnoketo occur.Thus,the intemrptschemeis proceedswith othertasks.Then,whena keysrokedoesoccur,thekeyboard'intemrpts'the usedandtheprocessor processor, processor getsthekeyboarddata,placesit in memory,andthenreturnsto whatit wasdoing andthe beforeit wasinterrupted.Othercommondevicesthatuseintenups aremodems,disk drives,andmice. Your AD1000boardcaninterruptt}reprocessorwhena varietyof conditionsaremet,suchasconversion completed,timer countdownfinished,andothers.By usingtheseintemrpts,you canwrite softwarethateffectively dealswith real world events. - Interrupt RequestLines To allow differentperipheraldevicesto generateinterruptson thesamecomputer,thePC bushaseightdifferent intemrptrequest(IRQ) lines.A transitionfrom low to high on oneof theselinesgenerates an intemrptrequest which is handledby thePC's interruptcontroller.The intenuptcontrollercheckso seeif intemrptsareto be from thatIRQ and,if anotherinterruptis alreadyin progress,it decidesif thenew requestshould acknowledged supersede theonein progressor if it haso wait until theonein progressis done.This prioritizingallowsan interrupt to be interruptedif the secondrequesthasa higherpriority. The priority level is basedon the numberof the IRQ; IRQ0 hasthehighestpriority, IRQI is second-highest, andso on throughIRQ7,which hasthelowest.Many of IRQ0 is usedby the systemtimer,IRQ1 is usedby thekeytheIRQsareusedby thestandardgystemresources. board,IRQ3 by COM2,IRQ4 by COMI, andIRQ6by thedisk drives.Therefore,it is importantfor you to know which IRQ linesareavailablein your systemfor useby theAD1000board. - E259ProgrammableInterrupt Controller Thechip responsiblefor handlingintenuptrequestsin thePC is the 8259Programmable IntemrptController. To useinterrupts,you will needto know how to readandsetttre8259'sintenuptmaskregister(MR) andhow o (EOI) commandto the8259. sendttreend-of-interrupt - Interrupt Mask Register(IMR) Eachbit in the intemrptmaskregister(IMR) containsthemaskslatusof an IRQ line; bit 0 is for IRQO,bit I is for IRQI, andso on. If a bit is set (equalto 1), thenfte corresponding IRQ is maskedandit will not generatean intemrpt If a bit is clear (equalto 0), thentheconesponding IRQ is unmasked andcangenerateintemrps.The IMR is programmedthroughport 2lH. IRQT IRQ6 IRQs IRQ4 IRQ3 IRQ2 IRQl IRQO UOPort 21H For all bits: ?=1H3ffi;li:!1tfi') - End-of-Interrupt(EOI) Command After an intemrptserviceroutineis completed,the8259interruptconEollermustbe notified.This is doneby writing thevalue20H to I/O port 20H. - What ExactlyHappensWhen an Interrupt Occurs? to properlywrite software thesequence of eventswhenan interupt is riggeredis necessary Understanding (suchastheADl000), the peripheral line is high device When an intenupt request driven interrupthandlers. by a 4-10 interruptcontroller checksto seeif intemrptsareenabledfor that IRQ, and thencheckso seeif other intemrps are which interrupthaspriority.The intenuptcontrollerthenintemrptstheprocesanddetermines activeor requested (CS), instructionpointer(IP), andflagsarepushedon thestackfor slorage,anda new The code segment sor. curent loaded from that a table existsin thelowest1024bytesof memory.This tableis refenedto asthe CS andIP are is intemrptvectortableandeachentry calledan intemrptvector.OncethenewCS andIP areloadedfrom the interruptvectortable,theprocessorbeginsexecutingthecodelocatedat CS:IP.Whenthe intemrptroutineis completed,theCS, IP, and flagsthatwerepushedon the stackwhenthe intemrptoccurredarenow poppedfrom the stackandexecutionresumesfrom thepoint whereit wasintemrpted. - Using Interrupts in Your Programs Adding intemrptsto your softwareis not asdifficult as it may seem,and what they add in termsof performance is oftenworth theeffort. Note,however,thatalthoughit is not thathardto useinterrupts,thesmallestmistakewill often leadto a systemhangthat requiresa reboot.This canbe both frusrating and time-consuming.But, after a few tries,you'll get thebugsworkedout andenjoythebenefitsof properlyexecutedintemrps. - SpecialConsiderations for AD1000Interrupt Programming Two specialconsiderations mustbe takeninto accountwhenusinginterruptson theADl000. First, you mustbe very careful to makesurethat the 8259programmableintemrpt controller is properlyconfiguredto ignore intemrpts becausethe 8254timer/countermustfirst be on the selectedchannelimmediatelyafterpower-up.This is necessary initializedto definethedesiredmode(s)of operation.Beforethe8254is initialized,its modes,counts,andouputs areall undefined.If systemintemrptsarenot disabled,thecounteroutputsmaycauseenaticbehavior. To usethe 8255PPI'sPC3intenupt,you mustenabletheinterruptby writing a "l" to theINTE maskbit in the PPI controlword.This operationis fully describedin the 8255dau sheetincludedin AppendixC. Note thatthe INTE maskis alwaysdisabledat power-upor resetandwhenevsrthe PPI modesare changed. - IMriting an Interrupt ServiceRoutine(ISR) The first stepin addingintemrptsto your softwareis to write the intemrpt serviceroutine (ISR). This is ttrc routinethatwill automaticallybe executedeachtime an intenuptrequestoccurson thespecifiedIRQ. An ISR is registersshouldbepushedontothe differenttfranstandardroutinesthatyou write.First,on entrance,theprocessor stackBEFORE you do anythingelse.Second,justbeforeexitingyour ISR, you mustwrite an end-of-intemrpt (EOI) commandto the 8259intemrptcontroller.Finally,whenexitingtheISR, in additionto poppingall the registersyou pushedon entrance,you mustusethe IRET instructionandnot a plain RET. The IRET automatically popstheflags,CS, andIP thatwerepushedwhentheintemrptwascalled. If you find yourselfintimidatedby intemrptprogramming, takeheart.Most PascalandC compilersallow you to identify a procedure(function) asan intemrpt type andwill auomatically addtheseinstructionsto your ISR, with oneimportantexception:mostcompilersdo not automaticallyaddthe end-of-intemrptcommandto ttrcprocedure; you mustdo this younelf. Otherthanthis andthefew exceptionsdiscussed below,you canwrite your ISRjust like in your programandit canaccessglobaldata.If you are any otherroutine.It cancall otherfunctionsandprocedures writing your first ISR, we recommendthatyou stick o ttrebasics;just somethingthatwill convinceyou thatit works,suchasincrementinga globalvariable. you areresponsible for pushingandpopping NOTE: If you arewriting an ISR usingassemblylanguage, registersandusingIRET insteadof RET. Therearea few cautionsyou mustconsiderwhenwriting your ISR.The mostimportantis, do not useany DOS functions or routines that call DOS functionsfrom rvithin an ISR. DOS is not reentrant;that is, a DOS functioncannotcall itself. In typicalprogramming,this will not happenbecauseof theway DOS is written.But whataboutwhenusinginterrups?Then,you couldhavea situationsuchasthisin your program.If DOS functionX is beingexecutedwhenan intenuptoccursandttreintenuptroutinemakesa call O DOSfunctionX, thenfunction X is essentiallybeingcalledwhile it is alreadyactive.Sucha reentrancyattemptspellsdisasterbecauseDOS iL Justmake functionsaronot written to supportit. This is a complexconceptandyou do not needto understand your it is not you within The wrinkle is [hat, unfortunately, not DOS functions from ISR. one surethat call any do obviouswhich library routinesincludedwith your compileruseDOS functions.A rule of thumbis thatroutines 4-ll which write to thescreen,or checkthe statusof or readthekeyboard,andany disk VO routinesuseDOS andshould be avoidedin your ISR. The sameproblemof reentrancyexistsfor manyfloatingpoint emulatorsaswell, meaningyou may haveto avoidfloatingpoint (real)mathin your ISR. Notethattheproblemof reentrancyexists,no matterwhatprogramminglanguageyou areusing.Evenif you arewriting your ISR in assemblylanguage,DOSandmanyfloatingpoint emulatorsarenot reenEant.Of course, therearewaysaroundthisproblem,suchasthosewhichinvolvecheckingto seeif any DOS functionsarecurrently activewhenyour ISR is called,but suchsolutionsarewell beyondthescopeof thisdiscussion. The secondmajorconcemwhenwriting your ISR is to makeit asshortaspossiblein termsof executiontime. Spendinglong periodsof time in your ISR may meanthatotherimportantintenuptsarebeingignored.Also, if you spendtoo long in your ISR, it may be calledagainbeforeyou havecompletedhandlingthe first run.This oftenleads to a hangthat requiresa reboot. Your ISR shouldhavethis structure: . Pushanyprocessorregistersusedin your ISR.Most C andPascalintenuptroutinesautomaticallydo this for you. . Put thebody of your routinehere. . IssuetheEOI commandto the8259intenuptcontrollerby writing 20H to port 20H. . Popall registerspushedon entrance.Most C andPascalintenuptroutinesautomaticallydo tttisfor you. The following C andPascalexamplesshowwhattheshellof your ISR shouldbe like: In C: ISR(void) void interrupt { /* Your code goes here. Do not use any DoS functions! */ outportb(Ox20, Ox20); /* send Eor corffnandto 8259 */ In Pascal: Procedure ISR,' Interrupt; begin { Your code goes here. port [$201 := $20; end; Do not use any DOS functions ! ) { Send EOI conmand to 8259 } - Savingthe StartupInterrupt Mask Register(IMR) and Interrupt Vector The next stepafterwriting the ISR is to savethesmrtupstateof ttreintenuptmaskregisterandthe intemrpt vectorthatyou will be using.The IMR is locatedat I/O port 2lH. The intenuptvectoryou will be usingis located in theinterruptvectortablewhich is simplyan arrayof 256-bit(a-byte)pointersandis locatedin thefint 1024 bytesof memory(Segment= 0, Offset= 0). You canreadthis valuedirectly,but it is a betterpracticeto usoDOS function35H (getintenuptvector).Most C andPascalcompilersprovidea libraryroutinefor readingthevalueof a vector.The vectorsfor thehardwareinterruptsarevectors8 through15,whereIRQOusesveclor8, IRQI uses vector9, and soon. Thus,if the AD1000will be usingIRQ3,you shouldsavethevalueof intemrptvector 11. Beforeyou installyour ISR,temporarilymaskout theIRQ you will be using.This preventstheIRQ from requestingan interruptwhile you areinstallingandinitializingyour ISR.To masktheIRQ, readin the currentIMR !o your IRQ (remember, settinga bit disablesintemrps on thatIRQ at I/O port 2lH andset the bit thatcorresponds while clearinga bit enablesthem).The IMR is arrangedso thatbit 0 is for IRQO,bit I is for IRQI, andsoon. See InterruptMaskRegister(IMR) earlierin this chapterfor helpin determiningyour IRQ's bit. theparagraphentttJed After settingthebit, write thenew valueto I/O port 2lH. 4-r2 With the startupIMR savedand the interruptson your IRQ temporarilydisabled,you can assignthe intemrpt vectorto point to your ISR. Again,you canoverwritetheappropria@ entryin thevectorable with a directmemory write, but this is a badpractice.Instead,useeitherDOSfunction25H (setintenuptvector)or, if your compiler providesit, thelibrary routinefor settingan interruptvector.Rememberthatvector8 is for IRQO,vector9 is for IRQ1,andsoon. If you needto programthesourceof your interrupts,do ttratnext.For example,if you areusingtheprogrammableintervaltimer to generateintenupts,you mustprogramit to run in thepropermodeandat theproperrate. Finally,clearthebit in theIMR for the IRQ you areusing.This enablesintenuptson theIRQ. - Restoringthe StartupIMR and Interrupt Vector Beforeexitingyour program,you mustrestorettreintemtptmaskregisterandintemrptvectorsto thestatethey werein when your programstarted.To restorethe IMR, write the value that was savedwhen your programstarted to I/O port 2lH. Restoretheintemrptvectorthatwassavedat startupwith eitherDOS function35H (getintenupt vector),or usethe library routine suppliedwith your compiler.Performingthesetwo stepswill guaranteethat ttre intemrpt statusof your computeris the sameafter runningyour programas it wasbeforeyour programstarted running. - CommonInterrupt Mistakes . Rememberthathardwareintenuptsarenumbered8 through15,eventhoughfte corresponding IRQsare numbered0 through7. . Oneof the mostcommonmistakeswhenwriting an ISR is forgettingto issuetheEOI commandto the8259 intemrptcontrollerbeforeexitingthe ISR. Timer/Counters for timing andcounting intervaltimerprovidesthreel6-bit, 8-MHz timer/counters The 8254programmable eventcounting,andintenupts.Figure4-2 showsthetimer/counter functionssuchasfrequencymeasurement, circuitry. OUT. Theycanbe proEachtimer/counterhastwo inpus, CK in andGT in, andoneoutput,timer/counter gammed asbinary or BCD down countersby writing the appropriatedatato the commandword, asdescribedin the I/O mapsectionat thebeginningof thischapter. Oneof two clock sources,theon-board5-MHz crystalor theexternalclock,canbejumperedastheclock input canbe usedto clock thenexttimer/counterto Or, theoutputfrom theprevioustimerrcounter to eachtimer/counter. a +5 volt.sourceandan cascademultiplecounters.Two gatesourcesareavailablefor enablingthe timer/counters: externalgatesource.The outpus areavailableat theP7 I/O connecorandinterruptheaderconnectorP3. canbeprogrammedto operatein oneof six modes,dependingon your application.The The timer/counters paragraphs describeeachmode. briefly following Mode 0, Event Counter (Interrupt on Terminal Count).This modeis typicallyusedfor eventcounting. While the timer/countercountsdown,theoutputis low, andwhenthecountis complete,it goeshigh.Theoutput stayshigh until a new Mode0 controlword is writteno thetimer/countsr. Mode l, Hardware-RetriggerableOne-Shot.The outputis initially high andgoeslow on fte clock pulse following a triggerto begintheone-shotpulse.Theoutputremainslow until thecountreaches0, and$en goeshigh andremainshigh until the clockpulseafterthenext trigger. Mode 2, Rate Generator.This modefunctionslike a divide-by-Ncounterandis typicallyusedto generatea to 1, the outputgoeslow for real-timeclock intemrpt.The outputis initially high,andwhenthecountdecrements goes high again,tre timer/counter reloadstheinitial count,andtheprocessis oneclockpulse.The outputthen This sequence continuesindefinitely. repeated. 4-13 825{ PIT CLXOUTO/CLKOUTO. o-l-----PrN 'bj-3!-ga F-i 33 + ExrGArEr clKourr/clKourr- I Jr E X T E R N AILN T E F R U P T I ^ -^ ^. FnoM PCBUS I z RESET Fig. 4-2 - u | 8254 Timer/CounterCircuitry Mode 3, SquareWave Mode. SimilartLoMode2 exceptfor theduty cycleoutput,this modeis typicallyused for baudrategeneration.Theoutputis initially high,andwhenthecountdecrements to one-halfits initial count"the reloadsandtheoutputgoeshighagain.This outputgoeslow for theremainderof thecount.The timer/counter processrepeatsindefinitely. Mode 4, Software-TriggeredStrobe.The outputis initially high.Whentheinitial countexpircs,theouput goeslow for oneclock pulseand thengoeshigh again.Countingis "triggered"by writing theinitial count Mode 5, Hardware Triggered Strobe(Retriggerable).The outputis initially high.Countingis riggeredby therising edgeof thegateinput.Whenthe initial counthasexpired,theoutputgoeslow for oneclockpulseand thengoeshigh again. For moreinformationaboutthe 8254,seethedatasheetincludedin AppendixC. Digital UO T\e24 digiul I/O linesin the8255canbe usedto transferdatabetweentle computerandexternaldevices. Sixeen linesareavailableat the I/O connector;eightlines areavailableat theP9 on-boardpads. For moreinformationaboutthe 8255,seethedatasheetincludedin AppendixC. 4-14 ExampleProgramsand Flow Diagrams theuseof manyof theboard's Includedwith ttreAD1000is a setof exampleprogramsthatdemonstrate menu-driven is an easy-to-use Also included BASIC. Pascal, and in C, in written features.Theseexamplesare your boardafter out you first checking are helpful when especially program, is RTDDIAG, which diagnostics (Chapter 5). installationandwhencalibratingtheboard Beforeusingthe softwareincludedwith your board,makea backupcopyof the disk. You may makeasmany backupsas you need. C and PascalPrograms Theseprogramsare sourcecodefiles so that you caneasily developyour own customsoftwarefor your AD1000 board.In $reC direcory, thereare several.H files which areneededto implementthe main C programs. Thesefiles containtheroutinescalledby the mainprograms.In thePascaldirectory,PSL files containall of the procedures neededto implementthemainPascalprograms. Analog-to-Digital: READ how to takeAiD conversions. Demonstrates Timer/Counters: TIMER how to programthe 8254for useasa timer. A shortpro$am demonstrating Digital VO: INPO OUTO Simpleprogramthatshowshow to setup thePPI linesasinput lines' Simpleprogramthatshowshow to setup thePPI linesasoutputlines. BASIC Programs Theseprog&msincludesourcecodefiles for easycustomprogramdevelopment. Analog-to-Digital: READ how to takeA/D conversions. DemonsEates Timer/Counters: TIMER how to programthe 8254for useasa timer. A shortprogramdemonstrating Digital VO: INPO OUTO Simpleprogramthatshowshow to setup thePPI linesasinput lines. Simpleprogramthatshowshow to setup thePPIlinesasoutputlines. 4-t5 . SingleConvert Flow Diagram (Figure 4-3) This flow diagramshowsyou thestepsfor aking a singlesampleon a selectedchannel.A sampleis takeneach time you sendthe StartConvertcommand.All of thesampleswill be takenon thesamechanneluntil you selecta new channel.ChangingtheI/O addressbeforeeachStartConvertcommandis issuedletsyou takethe nextreading from a differentchannel. ChangeChannel? StartConversion: BA+8for12-bit; BA+9for8-bit End-of-Convert ReadLSB: BA+9 (Contains bitso-3of 12-bir conversion) ReadMSB: BA+8 (Contains bits4-11 of 12-bit bils0-7of 8-bit conversion; conversion) Stop Program Fig.4-3- SingleConversion FlowDiagram 4-16 CHAPTER5 CALIBRATION This chaptertells you how to calibratethe AD1000 using the RTDDIAG calibration program included in the example software packageand the two trimpots (TRl and TR2) on the board. These trimpots calibrate the A/D converter gain and offset. 5-2 This chaptertells you how to calibratethe AID convertergain andoffset The offset and full-scaleperformance readings,you cancheckthe of theboard'sAfD converteris facory-calibrated.Any time you suspectinaccurate UsingtheRTDDIAG accuracyof yourconversionsusingtheprocedurebelow,andmakeadjussasnecessary. programis a convenientway to monitorconversions diagnostics while you calibratetheboard. Calibrationis donewith theboardinstalledin your PC. You canaccessthetrimpotswith thecomputer'scover removed.Powerup thecomputerandlet theboardcircuitrystabilizefor 15minutesbeforeyou startcalibrating. RequiredEquipment The following equipmentis requiredfor calibration: . hecision VoltageSource:-5 o +5 volrs . Digital Voltmeter:5-12 digis . SmallScrewdriver(for trimpotadjustment) prograrn(includedwith examplesoftware)is helpful when While not required,theRTDDIAG diagnostics performingcalibrations.Figure5-l showstheboardlayout.The trimpos usedfor calibrationarelocatedin the uppercenterareaof the board. la e, t; rct m rc5 R m m2 NA gm &T0 crcT0 o o o o o o o o o 'o o o oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo tro uto lE-3 lk'! atl rc7 m m R m! m uo ul u2 lldol llool llool |lt, {rl l-li"EffiBmm I I li8"*?rsss-,"8ffi8" o Nr I o 16 l€ @; '' A\ OOOOOOO l"F;" \7 Eroooooo liU""odo*,,3Egr 19 rcotrrRor-sYsrsro ff o* a-"- 9" 6#r" * M;*L**oooooooooooooo Real Timo Dovicss,Inc. StatoColl€gs,PA 16804 USA Fig.5-1- BoardLayout 5-3 ^r pr @ EH Efl @ A/D Calibration Two adjustrnents aremadeto calibratetheAID converter.Oneis theoffsetadjustment,andttreotheris the full TrimpotTR1 is usedto makettreoffsetadjustment, andtrimpotTR2 is usedfor gain scale,or gain,adjustment. adjustment.Adjustmentsaremadeusing12-bitresolution.Table5-l shows*re idealinput voltagerangefor eachbit weight. Table5-1- A/D ConverterCalibrationTable ldeal lnput Voltage,15V (in mlllivolts) A/DBit Weighr 4095(FullScale) 4997.6 2048 0000.0 1024 -2500.0 512 -3750.0 256 -4375.0 128 4687.s 64 -4843.8 32 -4921.9 16 -4960.9 I ,4980.5 4 -4990.2 2 4997.6 1 -5000.0 Useanaloginput channelI to calibratetheboard.Connectyour precisionvoltagesourceto channelI (positive sideto P7-l I andgroundto P7-1or 7). Groundall otherchannels.Setthevolage sourceo 4.99878 vols, starta conversion,andreadtheresultingdau. Adjustuimpot TRI until it flickersbetweenthe valueslistedin the table below.Next, setthe voltagew +4.99634volts,andrepeattheprocedure,this time adjustingTR2 until thedaa flickersbetweenthevaluesin thetable. DataValueslor Calibrating-5 to +5 Volt Range Offset(TR1) ConverterGain(TR2) Input Voltage= -4.99878V InputVoltage= +4.99634V A/D ConvertedData 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 5-4 1 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 0 1 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 1 APPENDIX A AD1OOO SPECIFICATIONS AD1000Characteristicsrypicat @2s"c Intertace IBMPC/XT/AT compatible Jumper-selectable baseaddress.l/O mapped Jumper-selectable interrupts AnalogInput 8 single-ended inputs Inputimpedance, eachchannel ........ lnputrange protection Overvoltage Settling lime............. .............>10 megohms t5 volts ..*35 Vdc 1 psec,max A/DConverter............... ....Ht524 Type............ Resolution Linearity Conversion speed.......... Sample-and-hold acquisition time Throughput Successive approximation ........... bits(guaranteed ........12 to 11bits) ...................*1 LSB,typ psec,typ ..............20 psec,max ...................20 .25kHz DlgltalilO............. CMOS82Cs5 of lines Number (16 .........24 at UOconnector & 8 on board) High-level output voltage................... ....................4.2V, min voltage.................. Low-leveloutput ..................0.45V, max inputvoltage. High-fevel .2.2Y,min:.S.SV, max inputvoltage Low-level .-0.3V,min;0.8V,max High-level outputcurrent,lsource 100pA, max outpulcurrsnt,1sink.,........ Low-level 1.7mA,max drivecurrenl,I(DAR) Darlington 1.0mA,min;-5.0mA,max road rnput current ...........f:::::::::::::.T]::.::::.:::.:::itrlfl lnputcapacitance, 1o PF MHz "fi!)J"";Fl,[Tl;: C(OUT)<@F=1 pF .......20 TimeriCounter ............. ...........CMOS 82C54 Three16-bitdowncounters Binaryor BCDcounting Programmableoperatingmodes(6)..........................lnterruptonterminal count; programmable one-shot;rategenerator; squarewaverategenerator; software-triggered strobe; hardware-triggered strobe Counterinputsource clock(8 MHz,max)or ........... External on-board5 MHzclock outputs Counter ...............Avai1ab1e externally; usedas PC interrupts or source counrer sare ..............*:::::: fl?::J,?Ht:; always enabled (PCbus-sourced) Mlscellaneous lnputs/Outputs *12 volts Digitalground CurrentRequirements +5 volts +12volts...... -12 volts ........68 mA 20 mA ......28 mA A-3 Connector 40-pin, rightangle,shrouded header withejector tabs Slze (99mm Shortslot- 3.875"H x 5.40"W x 137mm) A-4 APPENDIX B CONNECTORPIN ASSIGNMENTS B-2 ANALOG GND D I G I T A LG N D AINS AINT AIN6 AIN5 ANALOG GNO AIN4 AIN3 AIN2 AINl DIGITALGND PA7 PA5 PA5 PA4 PA3 PA2 PA1 PAO PCi PC6 PC5 PC4 PC3 PC2 PC1 PC0 EXTCLKO CLKOUTO/CLKOUTO. EXTGATEl EXTCLK2 EXTGATEO EXTCLKl CLKOUTl'CLKOUT1. EXTGATE2 +12 VOLTS CLKOUT2/CLKOUT2. -12 VOLTS O I G I T A LG N D AD1000P7 Connector/MatingConnector Manufacturer ADf000 P7 Connector P7 Mating Connector Fujitsu 3M RobinsonNugent MrL C-83503 FCN-705Q040-AUA4 FCN-7078040-AU/B 3417-7M0 IDS-C4OPK-C.SR-TG M83503/7-09 B-3 APPENDIX C COMPONENTDATASHEETS c-l c-2 IntervalTimer Intel82C54Programmable DataSheetReprint intel' 82C54 TIMER INTERVAL CHMOSPROGRAMMABLE I Compatlblewith all Intel and most other mlcroprocessors r Hlgh Speed,'%eroWalt State" Operationwlth 8 MHz8086/88and 80186/188 I HandlesInputsfrom DCto 8 MHz - 10 MHzlor 82C54-2 r AvallableIn EXPRESS - StandardTemperatureRange - Ertended TemperatureRange I Threeindependent16-bitcounters I Low PowerCHMOS - lcc : 10 mA @8 MHzCount frequencY I CompletelyTTL Compatlble CounterModes r Slx Programmable r Binaryor BCDcounting r StatusReadBack Gommand I AvallableIn 24-PlnDIPand 28-PlnPLCC CHMOSversionof the industrystandard8254 counter/timerwhich is The lntel 82C54is a high-performance, providesthree designedto solve the liming control problemscommonin microcomputer MHz. All modesare software 10 up to independent16-bitcounters,each capableof handlingclock inputs programmable. The 82C54is pin compatiblewith the HMOS8254,and is a supersetof the 8253. Six programmabletimer modesallow the 82C54to be used as an event counter,elapsedtime indicator, programmableone-shot,and in many other applications. The 82C54 is fabricatedon Intel's advancedCHMOSlll technologywhich provides low power consumption with performanceequal to or greaterthan the equivalentHMOSproduct.The 82C54 is availablein 24'pin DIP and 28-pin plastic leaded chip canier (PLCC)packages. s 6 t t 9 l0 tl t2t3rt|tIltt. 231241-3 PIISTIC LEADEDCHIPCARRIER otl I Dl 2 t a 03 Dr Or 231244-1 Ycc 2i2 m m 21 e5 20 Ar D, I It lo Or , tt clt Do I tt oura ,CLI O t OIJT O OTTE O Flgure1.82C54BlockDlagram aa t3 t0 lrt oxo l t z 2 o^tc 2 clx I OATET ogT I Diagramsare for pin tef6renc€only. Packagesiz€sar€ not to scel€. Ffgure2.82C54Plnout 3-83 S.PtsmbGr1989 Ordcr ilumbcn 2312't4'005 82C54 Table1.PlnDescrlption Symbol PlnNumber DIP PLCC Dz-Do 1-8 2-9 CLK O I 10 11 10 I 12 o I o Powersuoolvconnection. Ground: Out1:Outputof Counter1 't6 13 14 16 17 18 19 Data:Bidirectionaltri-state databus lines, connectedto systemdatabus. Clock0: Glockinputof Counter0. Output0: Outputof Counter0. Gate0: Gateinputof Counter0. 17 OUTO GATEO GND OUT1 GATE1 CLK1 GATE2 ouT2 CLK 2 At, Ao 12 13 14 15 't8 tlo I I I Gate 1: Gateinputof Counter1. 20 o 2. Out2: Outputof Counter 21 I I Clock2: Clockinputof Counter2. 20-19 23-22 6 21 24 RD 22 26 WR 23 27 Vcn 24 NC Function Type Clock1:Clockinputof Counter1 Gate2: Gateinputof Counter2. Address: Usedto selectoneof thethreeCounters ortheControtWordRegisterfor reador write to thesystem Normally connected operations. addressbus. Selects A1 As Counter0 o 0 1 Counter1 0 Counter2 1 0 Reqister ControlWord 1 1 ChipSelectA lowonthisinputenablesthe82C54 to respondto FiDandWRsignals.FiDandWFiare ignoredotheruise. ReadControl:This inputis low duringCPUread ooerations. WriteControl:Thisinputis low duringCPUwrite operations. Power:* 5V powersupplvconnection. 28 1,11,15,25 NoConnect sired delay.After the desireddelay,the 82C54 will interruptthe CPU.Softwareoverheadis minimaland variablelengthdelayscan easilybe accommodated. DESCRIPTION FUNCTIONAL General intervaltimer/counter The82C54is a programmable designedfor use with Intel microcomputersystems. elementthat can It is a generalpurpose,multi-timing be treated as an array of l/O ports in the system software. The 82C54solvesone of the most commonproblems in any microcomputersystem,the generation of accuratetime delays under software control. lnsteadol setting up timing loops in software,the programmerconfiguresthe 82C54to matchhis requirementsand programsone of the countersfor the de- Someof the other counter/timerfunctionscommon to microcomputers which can be implementedwith the 82C54 are: r o o . o o . r 3-84 Realtimeclock Evencounter Digitalone-shot rate generator Programmable Squarewave generator Binaryrate multiplier Complexwaveformgenerator Complexmotorcontroller intef 82C54 BlockDlagram CONTROLWORDREGISTER DATABUSBUFFER This 3-state,bi-directional, 8-bitbutteris usedto interfacethe 82C54to the systembus(seeFigure3). The ControlWordRegister(seeFigure4) is selected by the Read/WriteLogicwhenAr, Ao : 11. lf the CPU then does a write operationto the 82C54,the data is stored in the ControlWord Registerand is interpretedas a ControlWord used to define the operationof the Counters. The ControlWord Registercan only be writtento; status informationis availablewith the Read-Back Command. 231244-4 Flgure3. BlockDlagramShowlngDataBus Bufferand Read/WrlteLogicFunctlons 231214-5 READ/WRITELOGIC The Read/WriteLogicacceptsinputsfromthe syscontrolsignalsfor the other tem busandgenerates funclionalblocksof the 82C54.Ar and As select one of the threecountersor theControlWordReg into.A "low" on the RD ter to be readfrom/written inputtells the 82C54that the CPll_isreadingoneol the counters.A "low" on the WR inputtells the 82C54that the CPUis U[!ng eithera ControlWord by or an initialcount.BothRDandWRarequalified F; FD and WFiare ignoredunlessthe 82C54has beenselectedby holdingCSlow. Flgure 4. Block Dlagram Showing Control Word Begister and Counter Functlons COUNTERO,COUNTER1, COUNTER2 Thesethreefunctionalblocksare identicalinoperation, so only a singleCounterwill be described.The internalblock diagramof a singlecounteris shown in Figure5. The Countersare fully independent.Each Counter may operate in a differentMode. Tne ControlWord Registeris shown in the figure;it is not part of the Counteritself, but its contents determine how the Counteroperates. 3-85 82C54 storedin theCRandlatertransfenedto the CE.The ControlLogicallowsone registerat a time to b€ loadedfromthe internalbus.Bothbytesare transCRt,tand CR1are ferredto the CE simultaneously. In this clearedwhenthe Counteris programmed. for one way,if the Counterhas beenprogrammed byteonlyor least bytecounts(eithermostsignilicant significantbyte only) the other byte will be zero. Notethatthe CEcannotbe writteninto;whenevera countis written,it is writtenintotheCR. TheControlLogicis alsoshownin thediagram. CLK to the outn, GATEn, andOUTn areallconnected sideworldthroughthe ControlLogic. 82C54SYSTEMINTERFACE 231214-6 Flgure5. Internal Block Diagramof a Counter The status register, shown in the Figure, when latched,containsthe currentcontentsof the Control Word Register and status of the output and null count flag. (See detailed explanationof the ReadBack command.) TheactualcounterlslabelledCE (for "CountingElement"). lt is a 16-bit presettablesynchronousdown counter. The 82C54 is treatedby the systemssoftware as an arrayof peripherall/O ports;threeare countersand the fourth is a control regisler for MODE programming. Basically,the selectinputsA9,A1 connectto the A9, 41 addressbus signalsof the CPU.The CS can be deriveddirectlyfrom the addressbus using a linear select method.Or it can be connectedto the output of a decoder,such as an lntel 8205 for larger systems. OLM and OL1 are two 8-bit latches. OL stands for "Output Latch"; the subscripts M and L stand for "Most significantbyte" and "Least significantbyte" respectively.Both are normally referred to as one unitand calledjust OL. Theselatchesnormally"follow" the CE, but if a suitableCounterLatch Commandis sent to the 82C54,the latches"latch" the presentcount until read by the CPU and then return to "following" the CE. One latch at a time is enabled by the counter's Control Logic to drive the internal bus.This is how the 16-bitGountercommunicates over the 8-bit internal bus. Note that the CE itself cannot be read; wh€never you read the count, it is the OL that is being read. Similarly,there are two 8-bit registers called CRy and CRg (for "Count Register").Both are normally refened to as one unit and called just CR. When a new count is written to the Counter, the count is 3-86 l Ao c3 ' couxlct oi2 OUI OAIE CLi DrOr aacra cottTEi 'OUl CAt€ Crx' t! 9l coutrct Out cl?E clx' 231241-7 Flgure6.82C54System Interlace iffier DESCRIPTION OPERATIONAL the 82C54 Programming General Countersare programmedby writinga ControlWord and then an initialcount.The controlwordformatis shownin Figure7. After power-up,the state of the 82C54is undefined. The Mode, count value,and outputol all Counters are undefined. How each Counteroperatesis determinedwhen it is programmed.Each Counler must be programmed before it can be used.Unusedcountersneednot be programmed. All ControlWords are written into the ControlWord Register,whichis selectedwhen A1, Ao : 11. The ControlWord itselfspecifieswhich Counteris being programmed. By contrast,initialcountsare writteninto the Counters, not the ControlWord Register.The A1, Ag inputs are used to select the Counter to be written into. The format of the initial count is determinedby the ControlWordused. ControlWord Format A1,A6:11 FS:0 FD:t D7 WR:0 D5 sc1 sc0 D5 Da D3 D2 Ds D1 RW1 RW0 M2 M1 MO BCD SC- SelectCounter: M - IIODE: M2 scl sco 0 0 SelectCounter 0 0 0 0 Mode0 0 1 SelectCounter1 0 0 1 Mode1 1 0 SelectCounter2 X 1 0 Mode2 1 1 Read-BackGommand (SeeReadOperations) X 1 1 Mode3 1 0 0 Mode4 1 0 1 Mode 5 RW - Read/Write: RWl RWo 0 0 CounterLatchCommand(see Read Operations) 0 1 0 1 Read/Writeleastsignificantbyteonly. 1 0 Read/Writemostsignificantbyteonly. 1 1 Read/Writeleastsignificantbytefirst, then mostsignificantbyte. BinaryCounter 16-bits BinaryCodedDecimal(BCD)Counter (4 Decades) NOTE: Don't care bits (X) shouldbe 0 to insure compatibilitywith lulure htel products. Flgure7. ControlWordFormat 3-87 intet 82C54 structionsequenceis required.Any programming aboveis acthatfollowstha conventions sequencs ceptable. WriteOperations procedurefor the 82C54is very The programming flexible.Onlytwo conventionsneed to be remembered: 1) For each Counter,the ControlWord must be writtenbeforethe initialcountis written. 2) The initialcount must follow the count lormat specifiedin the ControlWord (leastsignificant byteonly,mostsignificant byteonly,or leastsignificantbyteandthenmostsignificantbyte). Sincethe ControlWord Registerand the three Countershaveseparateaddresses(selectedby the A1,Aoinputs), andeachControlWordspecifies the Counterit appliesto (SCo,SC1bits),no specialinControlWord- Counter0 LSBof countCounter0 MSBof count- Counter 0 - Counter1 ControlWord LSBofcount- Counter1 MSBof count- Counter1 ControlWord- Counter 2 LSBof countCounter2 MSBof count- Counter 2 ControlWord- Counter0 Counter Word- Counter1 ControlWord- Counter2 LSBof countCounter2 LSBof countCounter1 LSBof countCounter0 MSBof count- Counter 0 MSBof count- Counter1 MSBol count- Counter 2 A1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 A0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 A1 1 1 As 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 A newinitialcountmay be writtento a Counterat any time without affecting the Counter's programmed Modein anyway.Countingwill be atfected Thenewcount in theModedefinitions. asdescribed mustfollowthe programmed countformat. to read/writetwo-byte lf a Counteris programmed precaution applies:A program counts,the following mustnot transfercontrolbetweenwritingthe first andsecondbyteto anotherroutinewhichalsowrites intothatsameCounter. the Counterwill Othenrise, be loadedwithan incorrect count. A1 11 11 11 10 10 01 01 00 00 Aq 2 Counter Counter1 0 Counter Counter 2 Counter 2 Counter1 Counter1 0 Counter 0 Counter A1 11 11 01 11 00 01 10 00 10 A6 ControlWord- Counter1 - Counter0 ControlWord LSBof count Counter1 GontrolWord- Counter2 LSBof countCounter 0 MSBof count- Counter1 LSBof count2 Counter MSBof count- Counter 0 MSBof count- Counter2 ControlWord ControlWordControlWord LSBof count MSBof countLSBof countMSBof countLSBof countMSBof count- 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 NOTE: In all four examples,all countersare programmedto readlwritetwo-bytecounts. Theseare only four of manypossibleprogrammingsequences. Figure8. A FewPosslbleProgramming Sequences ReadOperations It is often desirableto read the value of a Counter withoutdisturbingthe countin progress.This is easily done in the 82C54. There are three possible methods lor reading the counters: a simple read operation, the Counter Latch Command,and the Read-BackCommand. Eachis explainedbelow.The first method is to perform a simple read operation.To read the Counter, which is selectedwith the A1, A0 inputs, the CLK input of the selectedCountermust be inhibitedby usingeitherthe GATE input or external logic. Otherwise,the count may be in the proc€ssof changing when it is read,givingan undefinedresult. 3-88 int€t 82C54 grammingoperationsof other Countersmay be inserted betweenthem. COUNTERLATCH COMMAND The second methoduses the "CounterLatchCommand". Likea GontrolWord,thiscommandis written to the Control Word Register,which is selected when A1, Ao : 11. Also like a ControlWord,the SCO,SC1 bits selectone of the threeCounters,but two other bits, D5 and D4, distinguishthiscommand from a ControlWord. Another feature of the 82C$4 is that reads and writes of the same Countermay be interleaved;for example,if the Counteris programmedfor two byte counts,the followingsequenceis valid. 1. Read least significantbYte. 2. Write new leastsignificantbyte. 3. Read most significantbYte. 4. Write new most significanlbyte. A r ,A o : 1 1 ; 6 : 0 ; F D : t ; W F : 0 D5 Da D3 D2 D1 Ds sc1 sc0 0 0 X X X X D7 lf a Counter is programmedto read/write twebyte counts,the fotlowingprecautionapplies;A program must not transler control between readingthe lirst and secondbyte to anotherroutinewhichalso reads from that same Counter.Othenvise,an incorrect counl will be read. D5 SC1, SCo - specifycounterto be latched sc1 sco 0l0l 0l1l 1l0l 1 | 1 Counter 0 1 2 | Read-BackCommand READ.BACKCOMMAND The third method uses the Read-Backcommand. This commandallows the user to check the count value, programmedMode, and cunent state of the OUT pin and Null Countflag of the selectedcounte(s). D5,D4- 00 designatesCounterLatchCommand X - don't care NOTE: Don'tcare bits (X) shouldbe 0 to insurecompatibility withfuturelntelproducts. The commandis writtenintothe ControlWordRegister and has the format shown in Figure 10. The command applies to the counlers selected by setbits D3,D2,D1: 1. ting their corresponding Figure 9. Counter l-atching CommandFormat A0,Al:il The selectedCounter'soutputlatch(OL)tatchesthe count at the time the Counter Latch Commandis received.This countis held in the latchuntilit is read by the CPU (or until the Counteris reprogrammed). The count is then unlatchedautomaticallyand the OL returnsto "following"the countingelement(CE). This allows reading the contents of the Counters "on the fly" without affectingcountingin progress. MultipleCounterLatch Commandsmay be usedto latch more than one Counter. Each latched Counter's OL holds its count untilit is read.CounterLatch Commandsdo not affect the programmedMode of the Counterin any way. lf a Counter is latched and then, some time later, latched again before the count is read, the second Counter Latch Commandis ignored.The count read will be the count at the time the first CounterLatch Commandwas issued. With either method, the count must be read according to the programmed format; specifically,if the Counter is programmed for two byte counts, two bytes must be read.The two bytes do not haveto be read one right atter the other; read or write or pro- e5:0 FD:i WF:0 Da 1 1 D EOUNTST TUSCNT2 CNT 1 CNTO 0 D5:Q : Latch count of selectedcounter(s) Da:0 : Lalch statusof selectedcounter(s) D3: t : Selectcounter2 D2: 1 : Selectcounter1 D1:1 : Selectcounler0 D9:Reservedfor futureexpansion;must be 0 Figure 10.Read-BackCommandFormat The read-backcommandmay be usedto latch multiple counter output latches (OL) by setting the COUNTbit D5:0 and selectingthe desiredeounte(s). This single command is functionallyequivalent to several counter latch commands, one lor each counter latched. Each counter's latchedcount is held until it is read (or the counter is reprogrammed).That counter is automaticallyunlatched when read, but other countersremain latched until they are read. lf multiplecountread-backcommands are issued to the same counterwithout readingthe 3-89 intet 82C54 count,all but the first are ignored;i.e.,the count whichwill be readis the countat the timethe first read-back commandwasissued. THISACTION: A. Wrile to the control r.r wororeglsler:rrr B. Writelo the counl r"gitt"i (cn)rP] C. Newcountis loaded inlocE (cR --+ cE); Theread-backcommandmayalsobe usedto latch statusinformation of selectedcounter(s)by setting ffi'ns- bit D4:0. Statusmustbe latchedto be read;statusof a counteris accessedby a readfrom thatcounter. D5 D6 D3 D2 D1 Ds NULL RW1 RW0 M2 M1 MO BCD COUNT OutPinisl OutPinis0 N u l lc o u n t Countavailablefor reading CounterProgrammedMode (See Figure7) Nullcount:0 Flgure12.NullCountOperation Both count and status of the selected counter(s) may be latched simultaneouslyby setting both mmT anoSIFfUSbitsD5,D4:0.Thisis functionally thesameasissuing twoseparate read-back Flgure 11.Status Byte NULL COUNTbit D6 indicateswhen the last count writtento the counterregister(CR)has been loaded into the countingelement(CE).The exact time this happensdependson the Modeof the counterand is describedin the ModeDefinitions, but untilthe count is loadedinto the countingelement(CE),it can't be readfrom the counter.lf the countis latchedor read beforethis time, the countvaluewill not reflectthe new countjust written.The operationof Null Count is shownin Figure12. Command D7 D5 D5 Da D3 D2 D1 Ds Nullcount:1 lf multiplestatus latch operationsof the counter(s) are performedwithoutreadingthe status,all but the first are ignored;i.e.,the status that will be read is the statusof the counterat the time the tirst status read-backcommandwas issued. OUTPUT D7t = 0: D 51 : 0 : Ds-Do Nullcount=1 [tl OnU the counterspecifiedby th€ control word will have its null count set to 1. Null count bits of other countersare unaffecled. I2l r the counteris programmedfor two-byte counts (least significantbyt€ th€n most significantbyte) null countgoes to 1 whEnthe secondbyle is written. Thecounterstatusformatis shownin Figure11.Bits D5 throughD0 containthe counter'sprogrammed Modeexactlyas writtenin the last ModeControl Word.OUTPUTbit D7 containsthe currentstateof the OUTpin. This allowsthe userto monitorthe counter'soutputvia sottware,possiblyeliminating somehardwarefroma system. D6 CAUSES: commandsat once,and the above discussionsapply here also. Specifically,if multiplecount and/or statusread-backcommandsare issuedto the same counter(s)withoutany interveningreads,ali but the first are ignored.This is illustratedin Figure13. lf bothcountand statusof a counterare latched,the firstreadoperationof that counterwill returnlatched status,regardlessof which was latched first. The next one or two reads (dependingon whether the counteris programmedfor one or two rype :ounts) returnlatchedcount. SubsequentreaCoreturn unlatchedcount. Descrlptlon Besultc 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 Readbackcountand stafusof Counter0 Countand statuslatched for Gounter0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 Readbackstatusof Counter1 Statuslatchedfor Counter1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 Readback statusof Counters2, 1 StatuslatchedforCounter 1 't 0 1 1 0 0 Countlatchedfor Counter2 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 Readbackcountof Counter2 0 Readbackcountand statusot Counter1 Countlatchedfor Counter1, but not status 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 Readbackstatusol Counter1 Command ignored, status latchedforCounter1 already 2,butnotCounter1 Figure13.Read-BackCommandExample 3-90 inbf G 0 0 82C54 Thisallowsthe countingsequenceto be synchronized by sottware.Again,OUT does not go highuntilN + 1 CLK pulsesaftertne new count of N is written. RD WR At Ao 1 0 0 WriteintoCounter 0 0 1 1 WriteintoCounter1 0 0 lf an initial count is written while GATE = 0, it will still be loadedon the next CLK pulse.WhenGATE goes high,OUT will go high N CLK pulseslater;no CLKpulseis neededto load the Counteras thishas alreadybeen done. 0 1 0 1 0 WriteintoCounter2 0 t 0 1 1 WriteControlWord 0 0 1 0 Readfrom Counter0 0 0 1 0 0 1 ReadfromCounter1 0 0 1 1 0 0 U 1 1 1 1 X X 0 1 1 X X X X ReadfromCounter 2 (3-State) No-Operation (3-State) No-Operation (3-State) No-Operation Flgure14.Read/WrlteOperatlons Summary ModeDefinitions The lollowingare definedfor usein describing the operationof the 82C54. CLKPULSE:arisingedge,thena fallingedge,in thalorder,of a Counter's CLKinput. TRIGGER: a risingedgeof a Counter's GATEinput. COUNTER transfer LOADING:the of a countfrom the cR to the cE (referto the "FunctionalDescription") l-l,.l-1" l3 | ll i ll I I lslt:l CUr l0 Ltl rl ltl. e MODE0: INTERRUPT ONTERMINAL COUNT Mode0 is typicallyusedforeventcounting. Afterthe ControlWordis written,OUTis initiallylow,andwill remainlowuntiltheCounter reaches zero.OUTthen goeshighand remainshighuntila newcountor a new Mode0 ControlWordis writtenintothe Counter. GATE : 1 enablescounting; GATE: 0 disables counting.GATEhasno effecton OUT. AftertheControlWord andinitialcountarewritlento the initialcounlwillbe loadedon thenext a Counter, CLKpulse.ThisCLKpulsedoesnotdecrement the count,so for an initialcountof N, OUTdoesnotgo highuntilN + 1 CLKpulsesaftertheinitialcountis written. lf a new countis writtento the Counter,it will be loadedon the nextCLKpulseandcounting willcontinuefromthe newcount.ll a two-bytecountis written,the followinghappens: 1) Writingthefirstbytedisables counting. OUTis set (noclockpulserequired). low immediately 2) Writingthe secondbyteallowsthe newcountto be loadedon the nextGLKpulse. 3-91 l- l- l- l* lSlt I I ll ll ls l:il 231244-8 NOTE: The FollowingConventionsApply To All Mode Timing Diagrams: 1. Counters are programmedfor binary (not BCD) countingand for Reading/Wrilingleast significantbyte (LSB)only. 2. The counteris alwaysselected(eS alwayslow). 3. CW standsfor "ControlWord"; CW : 10 meansa controlword ol 10, hex is writtento the counter. 4. LSBstandslor "Leasi SignificantByte" ol count. 5. Numbersbelowdiagramsare count values. The lowernumberis the least significantbyte. The upper number is the most significantbyte. Since the counter is programmedto R€ad/Write LSB only, the most significantbyte cannotbe read. N standslor an undelinedcount. Verticallines show transitionsbetweencount values. Figure15.Mode 0 intef 82Cs4 MODE2: RATE GENERATOR IIODE 1: HARDWARERETRIGGERABLE ONE.SHOT OUTwillbeinitiallyhigh.OUTwillgo low on the CLK putsefotlowinga triggerto begin the one-shotpulse, and will remain low until the Counter reacheszero' OUTwillthen go high and remainhigh untilthe CLK pulse after the next trigger. After writingthe ControlWord and initialcount,the Counteris armed. A trigger results in loadingthe Counterand settingOUT low on the next CLK pulse, thusstartingthe one-shotpulse.An initialcountof N will resultin a one-shotpulseN CLK cyclesin durahence OUT will tion. The one-shotis retriggerable, remainlow for N CLK pulsesafter any trigger.The one-shotpulsecan be repeatedwithoutrewritingthe samecount into the counter.GATE has no etfect on OUT. lf a new countis writtento the Gounterduringa oneshot pulse,the currentone-shotis not affectedun' less the Counter is retriggered.In that case, the Counteris loaded with the new count and the one' shot pulse continuesuntil the new count expires. This Modefunctionslike a divide-by' is typiciallyused to generatea Real Time Clock inter' rupt.OUf will initiallybe high.When the initialcount has decrementedto 1, OUT goes low for one CLK pulse.OUT then goes high again, the Counter reioads the initialcount and the processis repeated. Mode 2 is periodic;the same sequenceis repeated indefinitely.For an initialcount of N, the sequence repeatsevery N CLK cYcles' GATE : 1 enablescounting;GATE : 0 disables counting.lf GATEgoes low duringan output pulse, OUT is set high immediately.A trigger reloads the Gounterwith the initialcounton the next CLK pulse; OUT goes low N CLK pulsesafter the trigger.Thus the GATE input can be used to synchronizethe Counter. After writinga ControlWord and initial count, the Counterwll[ be loadedon the next CLK pulse.OUT goes low N CLK Pulsesafter the initialcount is written. This allowsthe Counterto be synchronizedby softwarealso. FT cLt oltE oul l0lolFFl0l0l lr l0lFFlr lr I WI cLr GAIE ouT 0l0 r 12 LSI -l wt ct,( GA'E lor0l l.,tl 231244-'tO out liirlnir ,_.t0t0l0lfFlFFt0lol r"lalrlolrrlFcl.Jrl 23't244-9 Figure16.Mode 1 Figure17.Mode 2 inbf 82C54 Writing a new count while countingdoes not atfect the current counting seguence. ll a trigger is received after writing a new count but before the end of the current period,the Gounterwill be loadedwith the new count on the next CLK pulseand counting will continue from the new count. Othenrrise,the new count will be loaded at the end of the cunent countingcycle. In mode 2, a COUNTof 1 is illegal. OUTwill be highfor (N + 1l/2 countsand low for (N -1)/2 counts. "aa M---l--l rtODE 3: SQUAREWAVE MODE Mode 3 is typicallyused for Baud rate generation. Mode 3 is similarto Mode2 exceptfor the dutycycle of OUT. OUT will initiallybe high.When half the initial count has expired,OUT goeslow for the remainder of the count. Mode 3 is periodic;the sequence above is repeated indefinitely.An initial count of N results in a square wave with a period of N CLK cycles. ".: ::: --l-] ". After writing a Control Word'and initialcount, the Counterwill be loadedon the next CLK pulse.This allows the Counterto be synchronizedby software also. Mode 3 is implementedas follows: Even counts:OUT is initiallyhigh.The initialcountis loaded on one CLK pulse and then is decremented by two on succeedingCLK pulses.Whenthe count expires OUT changesvalue and the Counteris reloaded with the initialcount. The above processis repeatedindefinitely. Odd counts: OUT is initiallyhigh. The initialcount minus one (an even number)is loadedon one CLK pulse and then is decrementedby two on succeeding CLK pulses. One CLK pulse after the count expires, OUT goes low and the Counter is reloaded with the initial count minus one. SucceedingCLK pulses decrementthe count by two. Whenthe count expires, OUT goes high again and the Counter is reloadedwith the initialcountminusone.The above process is repeated indefinitely.So lor odd counts, I-l r:r:I: r:| : r:r3| r r:r:I aaa GATE : 1 enablescounting;GATE : 0 disables counting.ll GATEgoes low whileOUTis low,OUTis set high immediately;no GLK pulse is required.A triggerreloadsthe Counterwith the initialcount on the neld CLK pulse. Thus the GATE input can be used to synchronizethe Counter. Writinga new count while countingdoes not affect the current counting sequence.lf a trigger is received atter writinga new count but beforethe end of the current half-cycleof the square wave, the Counter will be loaded with the new count on the next CLK pulse and countingwill continuefrom the new count. Othenrise,the new countwill be loaded at the end of the cunent half-cycle. l-l l'l.lrl-l: l-l ltl:ltltl!l:i: ll:l!l 231211-11 NOTE: A GATEtransitionshouldnot occur one clock prior to terminalcount. Figure18.Mode 3 MODE4: SOFTWARETRIGGEREDSTBOBE OUT will be initiallyhigh.When the initialcount expires,OUT will go low for one CLK pulse and then go high again.The countingsequenceis "triggered" by writingthe initialcount. GATE : 1 enablescounting;GATE : 0 disables counting.GATE has no effecton OUT. After writing a Control Word and initial count, the Counterwill be loadedon the next CLK pulse.This CLK pulse does not decrementthe count, so for an initial count of N, OUT does not strobe low until N + 1 CLK pulsesatterthe initialcountis written. lf a new count is writtenduringcounting,it will be loadedon the nert CLK pulseand countingwill continue from the new count. lf a two-bytecount is writ- ten,thefollowinghappens: 3-93 inbf 82C54 After writing the Control Word and initial count, the counterwill not be loadeduntilthe CLK pulseafter a trigger. This CLK pulse does not decrement thE count, so for an initialcount of N' OUT does not strobelow until N + 1 CLK pulsesafter a trigger' 1)Writingthe firstbytahasno effecton counting. 2) Writingthe secondbyteallowsthe newcountto be loadedon the nextCLKPulse. This aflowsthe sequenceto be "retriggered"by software.OUTstrobeslow N* 1 CLK pulsesafter the newcountof N is written. A triggerresultsin the Counterbeingloadedwith the initialcount on the next GLK pulse. The counting OUT will not strobe low sequenceis retriggerable. for N * 1 CLK pulsesafter any trigger.GATE has no effecton OUT. m lf a new countis writtenduringcounting,the current countingsequencewill not be affected.lf a trigger occurs after the new count is written but before the crrrrentcount expires,the Counterwill be loaded with the new count on the next CLK pulse and countingwill continuefrom there. cLt cart our 0lFrlFFlFFl 0 lFFlFErF0l n rt ctr CLT oAtt 6^rt OUT out l" l" l" l- l3 | 3li l3l? l3 l:[l Ctrll L3lrt l5!r2 TI ET CLI cLr GA'E GAIE oul out l.l'.l"l-l3l ololo ilri2 I o I o I F FI rxlr l'lrl"l'l:l lrl0lF;l 231244-12 cs:t^ Figure19.Mode 4 Lsa=3 ll3 ll lis i::i Lst,! WE ctx IIIODE5: HARDWARETRIGGEREDSTROBE (RETRIGGERABLE) Glt€ OUT wilt initiallybe high.Countingis triggeredby a risingedge of GATE.When the initialcount has expired,OUT will go low for one CLK pulse and then go highagain. OUI lr "r rl t. t t t a r|t t o t lF*F t flt"t 3 r Ia lo I o l o I o l r r i r r l " 231244-13 Flgure 20. Mode 5 3-94 o, o I intet 82C54 Slgnal Statur llodes Low Or Golng Low 0 Disables countine OperationCommonto All Modes Rlslng Programming Enables countino 3 1) Disables counting 2) Setsoutput immediately hioh 'l) Disables counting 2) Setsoutput immediately hioh 4 When a Control Word is written to a Gounter,all ControlLogicis immedialelyresetand OUT goesto a known initialstate; no CLK pulsesare requiredfor this. 1) Initiat€s counting 2) Resetsoutput afternext clock 1 2 Hlgh GATE lnitiates counting Enables counling lnitiates counting Enables counting Disables countinq The GATE input is always sampledon the rising edgeof CLK.In Modes0,2,3, and 4 the GATEinput is level sensitive,and the logic level is sampledon the risingedgeof CLK.In Modes1,2,3, and 5 the GATEinputis rising-edge sensitive.In theseModes, a rising edge of GATE (trigger)sets an edge-sensitiveflip-ftopin the Counter.Thisflip-flopis then sampleo on the next risingedge of CLK; the flip-flopis reset immediatetyafter it is sampled.ln this way, a triggerwill be detected no matterwhen it occurs-a highlogicleveldoes not haveto be maintaineduntil the next rising edge of CLK. Note that in Modes 2 and 3, the GATE input is both edge-and level-sensitive. ln Modes2 and 3, if a CLK sourceother than the system clock is used, GATE should be pulsed immediately lollowingWR of a new countvalue. Enables counting 5 lnitiates counting Flgure21.GatePinOperations Summary COUNTER mAx iltN [IODE COUNT COUNT 0 1 1 1 0 0 2 3 2 0 2 0 4 1 0 New counts are loaded and Counters are decrementedon the fallingedge of CLK. The largestpossibleinitialcount is 0; this is equivalent to 216 for binary countingand 104 for BCD counting. NOTE: 0 is equivalentto 216 for binarycountingand 104 lor BCDcounting Figure22.Mlnimumand MaxlmumInitlalCounts The Counterdoes not stop when it reacheszero. In Modes0, 1, 4, and 5 the Counter"wrapsaround"to the highestcount,eitherFFFFhex for binarycounting or 9999 for BCD counting,and continuescounting. Modes2 and3 are periodic;the Counterreloads itself with the initial count and continues counting from there. 3-95 intel 82C54 'Notice: Sfressesabovethoselisted under'Abso lute MaximumRatings"maycausepermanentdam' age to the device.Thisis a str€ssrating only and functionaloperationof the device at these or any otherconditionsabovethoseindicatedin the opera' tionalsectionsof thisspecificationis not implied.Fx' posure to absotutemaximumrating conditionsfor ertendedperiodsmayaffect devicareliability. ABSOLUTEMAXIMUMRATINGS* UnderBias.' . . . . .0'Cto 70'C Temperature Ambient StorageTemperature .....-65'to +150'C ......-0.5to +8.0V SupplyVoltage ..... +4Vto *7V OperatingVoltage .GND-2V to *6.5V Voltage on anylnput.. Voltage on anyOutput. .GND-0.5Vto V6s + 0.5V . . .1 Watt PowerDissipation D.C.CHARACTERISTICS Temperature) 10%,GND:0V)fin : -40oCto t85"C for Extended (fA:0'C to 70'C,Vcc:svt Symbol Vu Vrs Vor Vox Parameter InoutLowVoltaqe InputHighVoltage OutputLowVoltage OutputHighVoltage Mln -0.5 Mar 0.8 2.O !1-.1 * 0.5 0.4 3.0 Ven - 0.4 Unlts V V V V V pA x2.o 166 lnpuiLoadCurrenl Currenl OutputFloatLeakage V66 SupplyCunent 20 rrA mA lccsa V66 SupplyCurrent-StandbY r0 pA I11 lopr r10 Vg6SupplyCurrent-StandbY 150 pA Clru Crro InputCapacitance pF cour OutputCapacitance 10 20 20 lccsgr l/O Caoacitance pF pF TeetCondltlonr lor : 2.5mA loH : -2.5 mA lon = - 100p.A Vrrrr=Vecto 0V Vorrr:Vcc to 0.0V Freq: '#ly;rrrTl crk CLKFreq : 96 eS: Vcc. BusV66 All Inputs/Data AllOutputsFloating CLKFreq : 96 6 : Vcc.AllOtherInputs, l/O Pins: V6ND,OutputsOPen lc:1MHz pins Unmeasured to GND(5) returned A.C.CHARACTERISTICS :0V) (Tn : -40"C to +85"Cfor Extended Temperature) Ol : 0'C to 70'C,Vcc : 5V t1O%, GND (Note1) BUSPARAMETERS READCYCLE Symbol Parameter tlR AddressStableBeforeRD-J tsn FiDJ G staoleBefore tRn AddressHoldTimeAfterFD T RDPulseWidth DataDelayiromFiDI tnn tno tlo tor tRv Data Delayfrom Address RD-f to DataFloating Time Recovery Command 82C51 Mln 45 0 0 Max 150 5 200 NOTE: 1. AC timingsmeasuredat V6s = 2.0V,V61 = 0.8V' 3-96 120 220 90 82C54-2 Max Mln 30 0 0 95 5 165 Unlta ns ns ns ns 85 ns 185 ns 65 ns ns intet 82C54 (continued) A.C. CHARACTERISTICS WRITECYCLE tRw AddressStableBeforeWF J tsw WRt eS stauteBefore twl HoldTimeAfterWFt Address WFiPulsewidth DataSetupTimeBeforeWFif DataHoldTimeAfterWF f rww tow two tnv 82Cs4 Parameter Symbol ilin 0 llax 0 0 150 120 0 200 CommandRecoveryTime 82C54-2 Min Max 0 0 0 95 95 0 165 Units 82Cs4-2 Units ns ns ns ns ns ns ns CLOCKANDGATE Symbol tcrx tpwx tpwl Ts tp tew tcu Parameter ClockPeriod HighPulseWidth Low PulseWidth ClockRiseTime ClockFallTime GateWidthHigh Gate Width Low tos tcx GateSetupTimeto CLKT Ton OutputDelayfromCLKJ tooe twc twe OutputDelayfrom GateJ CLK Delayfor Loading(a) GateDelayfor SamPling(a) two tcr- OUTDelayfromModeWrite GateHoldTimeAfterCLKT CLKSet Up for CountLatch 82C54 Max Min 125 DC 60(3) 60(3) 25 25 50 Min 100 30(3) 50(3) 50 50 50 50(2) 40 50(2) 0 -5 100 0 -5 100 55 40 240 -40 40 260 -40 45 DC 25 25 50 150 120 55 50 Mar ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns NOTES: 2. ln Modes 1 and 5 triggersare sampledon each risingclock edge.A secondtriggerwithin 120 ns (70 ns lor the 82C54-2') ol the risingclock edgemaynot be detecled. 3. Low-goingglitchesthat violatetpWH,tpWl may causeenors requiringcounterreprogramming. below. 4. Exceptfor ExtendedTemp.,See ExtendedTemp.A.C.Characteristics 5. Samplednot 100%tested.T1 : 25'C. 6. lf CLK presentat Twg min then GountequalsN+2 CLK pulses,Try6 max equalsCountN*1 CLK pulse.Tyy6min to Tyy6max,countwill be eitherN + 1 or N + 2 CLK pulses. 7. ln Modes 1 and 5, i{ GATEis presentwhen writinga new Countvalue,at Tyy6min Counlerwill not be triggered,at Try6 max Counterwill be iriggered. 8. lf CLK presentwhen writinga CounterLatch or ReadBackCommand,at T61 min CLK will be reflectedin count value latched,at T61 max CLK will not be reflectedin the @unt valuelalched.Writinga CounterLatch or BeadBackCommand betweenT6s min and Tyysmax will resultin a latchedcountvalluewhich is + one leasl significantbit. 40"C to + 85'C for ExtendedTemperature) EXTENDEDTEMPERATURE CT 82C54 82Cs4-2 ' Parameter Symbol Min twc twc CLK Delayfor Loading -25 llax 25 GateDelayforSampling -25 25 3-97 Min -25 -25 llax 25 25 Unlts ns ns intef 291244-11 291241-15 RECOVERY 231244-16 inbf CLOCKAND GATE ?3121j-17 ' Llst byl€ ot counl being writlen A.C. TESTINGINPUT.OUTPUTWAVEFORM A.C.TESTINGLOADCIRCUIT INPUT/OUTPUT ,,0 2.0 \,t t\ 0.t > Ttlr rorxrt < 0.1 2312U-18 A.C.Testing:Inputsar€ drivenat 2.4Vtor a logic"1" and 0.45V for a logic"0." Timingmeasur€m€nts aremad€at 2,0Vtof ! logb "1" and 0.8Vfor a logic"0." I oertc. I utocl l?rtrll | I | FI c r . + llrt Gl = 150PF Gs includesllg cspecitance 231211-19 PeripheralInterface Intel82C55AProgrammable DataSheetReprint intel' 82C55A INTERFACE PERIPHERAL CHMOSPROGRAMMABLE Capability I ControlWord Read-Back I Direct Bit Set/ResetCaPabllitY r 2.5 mA DC DriveCapabilityon all l/O Port Outputs I Availablein 40-PinDIP and 44-PinPLCC r Availablein EXPRESS - StandardTemperatureRange - ExtendedTemperatureRange I Compatiblewith all Inteland Most Other Microprocessors r High Speed,"Zero Wait State" Operationwith I MHz8086/88and 8 0 1 8 6 /1 8 8 l/O Plns a 24 Programmable r Low PoweTCHMOS r CompletelyTTL Gompatible GHMOSversionof the industrystandard82554 generalpurpose The Intel 82C55Ais a high-performance, ll provides programmablel/O devicewhichis designedfor use with all lntel and most othermicroprocessors. programmedin 2 groupsof 12 and usedin 3 majormodesof operation. 24l/O pins whichmay be individually The 82C55Ais pin compatiblewith the NMOS8255Aand 8255A'5. ln MODE O, each group ol 12llo pins may be programmedin sets ol 4 and I to be inputsor outputs.In to haveI linesof inputor output.3 of the remaining4 pinsare used MODE1, each groupmay be programmed bus configuration. for handshakingand interruptcontrolsignals.MODE2 is a strobedbi-directional The 82C55Ais fabricatedon lntel'sadvancedCHMOSlll technologywhich provideslow powerconsumption with performanceequalto or greaterthan the equivalentNMOSproduct.The 82C55Ais availablein 40-pin DIP and 44-pinplasticleadedchip carrier(PLCC)packages. r e3 i i 3 c i 3 ! 3 r c 7 tfs€l I oo 0r , A0 ?c, ic & rc5 ro D! rc l2 :3 D' D5 06 H m r6 17 ttltSzEEtS! ' !:1c55 Figure1.82C554Block Diagram Figure2.s2cssA;;t:tu; Oiagramsare lor pin referene only.Package sizesare nol to scale. 3-124 t9tt Ordor llumbe:231256S4 82C55A Table1.PlnDescripilon Symbol PAs-o PlnNumbcr Dlp PLCC 1-4 2-5 m 5 6 e3 6 7 GND 7 I Ar-o 8-9 9-10 Typc Nameand Functlon t/o PORTA, PINS0-3: LowErnibbteof an B-bitdata outputlatch/ bufier and an 8-bitdatainput latch. READ CONTROL:This inputis low duringCpU read operations. I I CHIPSELECT: A lowonthisinputenabtes theB2CS5A to respondto FiEandWFIsignats. ffi andWRareignored otherwise. SystemGround ADDRESS: Theseinputsignats, in conjunction RE andWFi, controltheselection of oneof thethreeportsor the controt wordregisters. Ar As WF G Input Operatlon (Read) 0 0 0 1 0 PortA-DataBus 0 1 0 1 0 PortB-DataBus 1 0 0 1 0 PortC-DataBus 1 1 - DataBus 0 1 0 ControlWord OutputOperatlon(Wrlte) 0 0 1 0 0 DataBus- PortA 0 1 1 0 0 DataBus- PortB 1 0 1 0 0 DataBus- PortC 1 1 1 0 0 DataBus- Control DisableFunctlon X X x X 1 DataBus-3-State X X 1 1 0 DataBus-3-State m PCz-l 1 0 - 1 3 1 1 , 1 3 - 1 5 t/o PCo-s PBo-z 14-17 16-19 t/o 18-25 20-22, 24-28 vo PORTB, PINS0-7: An 8-bitdataoutputtatch/bufferand an 8_ bil data inputbuffer. SYSTEMPOWER:* 5V powerSuppty. t/o DATA BUS:Bi-directional, tri-statedata bus lines,connectedto systemdatabus. RESET:A highon thisinputclearsthe controlregisterand ail ports are set to the inputmode. WRITECONTROL:Thisinputis low duringCpU write operations. Vcc Dz-o 26 29 27-34 30-33, 3s-38 RESET 35 39 WH 36 40 I 37-40 41-44 t/o PAz-n NC 1,12, 23,34 PORTC, PINS4-7: Uppernibbleof an g-bitdata outputlatch/ bufferand an 8-bitdata inputbuffer (no latch for input).This port can be dividedintotwo4-bitportsunderthe modecontrol.Each 4-bitportcontainsa 4-bitlalchand it can be usedfor the control signaloutputsand statussignalinputsin conjunctionwith ports A and B. PORTC, PINS0-3: Lowernibbteof port C. PORTA, PINS4-7: Uppernibbleof an 8-bitdata outputtatch/ butferand an 8-bitdatainputlatch. No Connect 3-125 intef 82C55A DESCRIPTION 82C55AFUNCTIONAL General peripheralinterface The 82C55Ais a programmable sysdevicedesignedfor use in Intelmicrocomputer tems. lts functionis that of a generalpurposel/O componentto interfaceperipheralequipmentto the microcomputersystembus. The functionalconfigurationof the 82C55Ais programmedby the system softwareso that normallyno exlernailogicis necessary to interlaceperipheraldevicesor structures. Data Bus Buffer This 3-statebidirectional 8-bitbutferis usedto interface the 82C55A to the systemdata bus. Data is transmittedor receivedby the bufleruponexecution of inpul or output instructionsby the CPU.Control words and status informationare also transferred throughthe data bus buf{er. Read/Write and Control Logic The function of this block is to manageall of the internal and external translers of both Data and Controlor Statuswords. lt'acceptsinputsfrom the CPUAddressand Gonlrolbussesand in turn,issues commandsto both ol the GontrolGroups. Group A and Group B Controls The functional configurationof each port is programmedby the systemssoftware.In essence,the CPU "outputs" a controlword to the 82C55A.The control word containsinformalionsuch as "mode", "bit set", "bil reset", etc., that initializesthe functional configurationol lhe 82C55A. Each of the Controlblocks (GroupA and GroupB) accepts"commands"from the Read/WriteControl Logic, receives"control words" from the internal data bus and issuesthe Propercommandsto its as' sociatedports. ControlGroupA - PortA and PortC upper{C7'C/.') ControlGroupB - PortB and PortC lower(C3-C0) The control word register can be both written and read as shown in the addressdecode table in the pin descriptions.Figure6 shows the control word format tor both Read and Write operations.When the controlwordis read,bit D7 will alwaysbe a logic "1", as this impliescontrolword mode information. Ports A, B, and C The 82C55Acontainsthree8-bitports (A, B, anctC). All can be configuredin a wide varietyof functional characteristicsby the systemsoftwarebut each has its own special features or "personality" to further enhancethe powerand flexibilityof the 82C55A. Port A. One 8-bit data output latch/butfer and one 8-bit input latch butfer. Both "pull-up" and "pull' down" bus hold devicesare Presenton Port A. Port B. One 8-bit data input/output latch/butfer. Only "pull-up"bus hold devicesare presenton Port B. Port C. One 8-bit data output latch/buffer and one 8-bit data input butfer (no latch for input).This port can be dividedinto two 4-bit ports underthe mode oontrot.Each 4-bit port containsa 4'bil latch and it can be usedfor the controlsignaloutputsand status signalinputsin conjunctionwith ports A and B. Only "pull-up" bus hold devicesare presenton Port C. lor See Figure4 for the bus-holdcircuitconfiguration Port A, B. and C. 3-126 82C55A tr olllcttoartt Dlr. aga .t fi r:ta t Flgure3. 82C55ABlockDlagramShowlngDataBus BufferandRead/WriteControlLoglcFuncttons ETTEFilAL POFI !.C Pill fiTEiilAL DIIA itF .NOTe 231256-4 Portpins loadedwith morethan 20 pF capacitancemay not havetheir logicl€v€l gueranteed following a hardware reset. Figure4. PortA 8, C, Bus-hotdConfiguration 3-127 intet 82C55A DESCRIPTION 82C55AOPERATIONAL coirThot roRo q Mode Selection Dr D! J There are three basic modeso{ operationthat can be selected by the system software: Mode 0 - Basic input/output Mode 1 - Strobedlnput/ouput Bus Mode 2 - Bi-directional D.iDr e7 or Do II I L When the reset inputgoes"high" all portswill be set to the input modewith all 24 portlinesheldat a logic "one" level by the internalbus hold devices(see Figure 4 Note). After the reset is removed the 82C55Acan remainin the inputmodewith no additional initializationrequired.This eliminatesthe need for pullup or pulldowndevicesin "all CMOS" designs. Duringthe executionof the systemprogram, any of the other modesmay be selectedby usinga single output instruction. This allows a single 82C55A to service a variety of peripheraldevices with a simple software maintenanceroutine. / ceort! \ foFr c trilEil t.lftUt 0. OUtrUl roar !*Ut 0. OuTrul rcDE ITLECTloil 0. rODE 0 r. rcOt r / cto'^ \ Fr? c rttrcRl t .li,?ul O. OUtruT The modes lor Port A and Port B can be separately defined, while Pofi C is dividedinto two portionsas required by the Port A and Port B definitions.All of the output registers, includingthe status flip-flops, will be reset wheneverthe modeis changed.Modes may be combined so that their functionaldefinition can be "tailored" to almost any l/O structure.For in Mode0 to instance;Group B can be programmed monitor simple switch closingsor displaycomputational results, Group A could be programmedin Mode 1 to monitora keyboardor tape readeron an basis. interrupt-driven ronr A t.littl 0. OrrTtUf rot 8tlEgtrdr O.rcOt0 Ol - IODE lx.Fl2 I rcOg 8f,T FL^G l. ICTIV! 231256-6 Figure6. Mode Definltlon Format The modedefinitionsand possiblemodecombinationsmayseemconfusingat firstbut aftera cursory reviewof the completedeviceoPerationa simple, willsurlace.The designof the logicall/O approach 82C55Ahastakeninto accountthingssuchas etficientPCboardlayout,controlsignaldefinitionvs PC layoutand completefunctionalflexibilityto suPport almostanyperipheraldevicewith no externallogic. Such designrepresentsthe maximumuse of the pins. available SlngleBlt Set/ResetFeature co{ttoL oeyo rq+r! rc ra;- offitot oerD tart\ Anyof the eightbits of PortC can be Set or Reset usinga singleOUTputinstruction.This leaturerein C;ontrol-based appli' ducessoftwarerequirements cations. ?r.^! WhenPortC is beingusedas status/controlforPort A or B,thesebitscanbe set or resetby usingthoBit Set/Resetoperationjust as if theyweredataoutput ports. 3-128 InterruptControlFunctions oon?to( woio q q q DOX? cail o. q or DrlDo tr? slr/nasf,T l-taT O. tltEt Jt SEttcT t 0 lt I t r l ' a t S ta ti l +lot!loitlolttoltlt l +l!loll lt ltl0lt lt llrl -6'roliioliFiiTiE llsfTnElcTtt O. acrlvt When the 82C55Ais programmedto operate in mode1 or mode2, controlsignalsare providedthat can be usedas interruptrequestinputsto the CPU. Theinterruptrequestsignals,generatedfromportC, can b€ inhibitedor enabledby settingor resetting the associatedINTEflip-flop,usingthe bit set/reset functionof portC. Thisfunctionallowsthe Programmer to disallowor allowa specificl/O deviceto intenuptthe CPUwithout atfectinganyotherdevicein the interruptstructure. c INTEflip-flopdefinition: 23'1256-7 (BIT-SETFINTE is SET-lnterruptenabte (BIT-RESET)-INTE is RESET-|nterrupt disable Flgure7. Blt Set/ResetFormat Note: All Mask flip-flopsare automatically reset durrng modeselection anddeviceReset. 3-129 intef 82C554 Operatlng Modes Mode 0 (Baslc Input/Output).This functionalconfigurationprovidessimple input and output operations for each of the threeports.No "handshaking" is required, data is simplywritten to or read from a specifiedport. Definitions: Mode0 BasicFunctional o Two8-bitportsandtwo 4-bitports. o Anyporlcan be inputor output. o Outputsare latched. . Inpltsare not latched. r 16 ditferentInput/Output configurations arepossiblein this Mode. iIODE 0 (BASIC INPUT) MODEo (BASTC OUTPUT) 231256-9 3-130 intel 82C55A MOOE0 Port Oeflnltlon A B D4 D3 D1 D6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 t 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 GROUPA PORTC PORTA (UPPER) OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT INPUT OUTPUT INPUT OUTPUT INPUT OUTPUT INPUT INPUT OUTPUT INPUT OUTPUT INPUT OUTPUT INPUT OUTPUT INPUT INPUT INPUT INPUT GROUP B PORTC PORTB (LOWER) OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT INPUT INPUT OUTPUT INPUT INPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT INPUT INPUT OUTPUT * 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I I INPUT INPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT 11 INPUT INPUT 12 13 OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT 14 15 INPUT INPUT OUTPUT INPUT 10 INPUT INPUT INPUT INPUT MODE0 Conligurations q?rqo.Dto: oro.%o.o!DrDrDo orDo co.rtRot woto ,! oro!qo.orDlo,oo ot Dr O: O. Ot 02' 3-131 O, Do I' INPUT INPUT INPUT intef 82Cs5A (Continued) MODE0 Conflgurations coNrnot roro aa corrRo! woRo o, o. o! D. olol' Dr o or D, olo Do 0 ?Art\ rAl\ tcracr rtfrc. acrrco rc/co 'l'q Ert% coN?rot woRD.. D, Da coillRoL Dr O. OJ D, Oi Do r^/\ ?Ar?\ Rrftr Erlc. rct'c! Errco tc't 'craS cortior ioRo ar0 o, oa D! D. rorD; 'lo or Dt olo I 02 Dt o. 0 o t 0 'Ay'\ pAr-r\ rf. H. rcrt% rct4co Erfto Br{o cofllnoL ;oeo at o, 0 o, cor?eolroFo rrr D. 0 Dt D, Dr Oo 0 t r.r\ tar'\ tf. tcffc. Er€o Er{o r9/lo rSffg! 23r256-11 3-132 82C55A I|ODE0 ConflguraUonr(Continued) @r|Tiot iofiD rtl o, 03 or or I 0 0 I Dr ot or oo 0 0 o coxlRot rono ru DrD.qO.DrDrOtOo 0 0 t I 0 I 0 tar'\ rclEr Er't tlr.tto corfrol ||otD trt Dr%%D.D!DrDr% ooinrol ioto rrl tl0l0lrltl0l0lt OperatlngModee MODE1 (Strobed InpuVOutput).This functional providesa meansfor transferringl/O configuration datato or froma specifiedport in coniunctionwith strobesor "handshaking" signals. In mode1, PortA and Port B use the lineson PortC to generateor acceptthese"handshaking" signals. Mode 1 BasicfunctionalDefinitions: o Two Groups(GroupA and Group B). o Eachgroupcontainsone 8-bit data port and one 4-bit control/data port. o The 8-bit data port can be either input or output Both inputsand outputs are latched. o The 4-bitport is used for control and status ot the 8-bit data port. 3-133 int€f 82e55A lnput Control Signal Deflnition SiF lStroUe Input). A "low" on this input loads data into the input latch. oorattol rtolD ! rrrc I iel IBF (lnput Bufler Full F/F) FF!^ DF^ A "high" on this output indicatesthat the data has been loaded into the input latch;in essence,an acknowledgement.IBF is set by ffi irpgt being low and is reset by the risingedge of the RD input. Itlth^ lro INTR (lnterrupt Request) A "high" on this output can be used to intenuptthe CPU when an input device is requestingservice. INTR is set by the STE is a "ons", IBF is a "one" and INTEis a "one". lt is resetby the fallingedgeof F'0. Thrs prccedure allows an input device to request service from the CPU by simply strobing its data into the port. INTE A Controlledby bit set/reset of PCa. INTE B Controlledby bit set/reset of PC2. @NtttOL D, |ORD Or Or D. Dr D: ltlr ||ta tt{rir 231256-13 Flgure8. IIODE1 Input l'|t F Itt?tto'EII'XCtAL -- 231256-14 Flgure9.llODEt (StrobedInput) 3-134 t inbf 82C5sA OutputControlSlgnalDeflntilon 6EF lOutput Buffer FuttF/F).TheOBFoutputwitl go "low" to indicatethat the CPUhas writtendata outto the speciliedport.The6EF flf wiflbe serby the risingedgeof the WFIinputand resetby ffi Inputbeinglow. @itrtot fi)Ro ffi (lctnowtedge lnput). A "low" on this input informsthe82C55Athatthe datalromportA or port B hasbeenaccepted.ln essence,a responsefrom the peripheraldeviceindicatingthat it hasreceived the dataoutputby the cPU. rxtt I AI ,--J INTR(lnterruptRequest).A "high"'onthisoutput can be usedto interupt the GPUwhenan output devicehas accepteddatatransmittedby the CpU. INTRis set whenAeR is a "one".6EF-isa .,one" andINTEis a "on€".lt is resetbythefallingedgeof frp INTEA Controlledby bit set/resetof PC6. INTEB Controlledby bit set/resetof PC2. 231256- 15 Flgure11.MOOE1 (StrobedOurput) 3-135 int€t 82C5sA Combinationsof MODE1 Port A and Port B can be individuallydefinedas inputor outputin Mode 1 to supporta wide varietyof strobed l/O applications. 3T-B^ llfr txtR. l/o o!-it rTx. txrRr roFT a - tsliotEDou?n,l, ron?8-tstRoEEorxrutl tohla-lsTRoEEorilPu'l roFr I - ts?RoSEDour?t ?) 231zfi-17 Figure 12.Comblnationgof MODEI Operating Modes Output Operatlons MODE 2 (Strobed Bidlrectional Bus l/O).This functionalconfigurationprovidesa meansfor communicatingwith a peripheraldeviceor structureon a single 8-bit bus for both transmittingand receiving data (bidirectionalbus l/O). "Handshaking"signals are providedto maintainproperbus flow disciplinein a similar manner to MODE 1. Interruptgeneration and enable/disablefunctionsare also available. 6EF (Output Buffer Full). The OEF output will go "low" to indicate thal the GPU has written data out to port A. MODE 2 Basic FunctionalDefinitions: o Usedin GroupA only. o One 8-bit,bi-directional bus port (PortA) and a 5bit control port (PortC). o Both inputs and outputsare latched. o The S-bitcontrol port (PortC) is used foi control and status for the 8-bit, bi-directionalbus port (PortA). INTE 1 (The INTE Flip-Flop Associated with OBF). Controlledby bit set/reset ol PC5. Bldirectional Bus l/O Control Signal Definition INTR (tnterrupt Request).A high on this outputcan be used to interruptthe CPUfor inputor outputoperations. ffi (lcfnowledge). A "low" on this inputenables the tri-state output bufter of Port A to send out the data. Oherwise, the output butler will be in the high impedancestate. Input Operations STB-(Strobe Input). A "low" on this input loads data into the input latch. IBF (lnput Buffer Full F/F). A "high" on this output indicatesthat data has been loadedinto the input latch. INTE2 (The INTE Flip-FlopAssoclated with IBF). Controlledby bit set/resetof PCa. 3-136 intef 82C55A o.IrYnoL woio qo.oto, 66f^ Id-r^ ront ! i;I'l r.lilPtt O. OUTruT s^ llFr Ghort B xooE 0. {ODE0 l.r|(to€l 231256-18 r^, Figure 13.IIODE Control Word 231256- 1I Figure14.MODE2 DAtlttol ctu to aaclt | '.o oltl rcttPnEtal FtoI to t2ca6 oatl Fnot tlcatatoPcnpx€r L Figure15.MODE2 (Bidirectionat) NOTE Anysequence ry1gg_w!qcurs beforeAffi. andsrEi occursbetoreFE is permissible. (INTR= tBFr FIA-S. Sr-Ei.n-D+ 6EF. ilffi r [S6- o ryp-6; 3-137 intef 82CssA MOOE 2 ANO MODE O (OUTPUTI MODE 2 ANO MOOE O IINPUTI ?+r\ 6F^ IFxr tcr coN?iot roiD fc" d-;^ Fq Er $DrOtD.OrD2OrDo tcr F-r^ tc. fr^ rg tlFA fct t3i^ tsrn tro t/o tq4t M O D E2 A N D M O D € I ( I N P U T I MODE 2 AND MOD€ 1 (OUTPUTI ,ea ? ,'\ rlrixl'. l.ltlo 6Fr fg ol^ G^ tcr E-r. lc. ffi. tc. F-^ rq Nle fca tlt^ rqrq rqr!! lcl sFr ic2 F., fC! nrq fc2 lrT\ RO lc! t!;r TR ,co ttttt 231256-21 Figure16.iIODE% Combinatlons 3-138 82C5sA ModeDetlnltlonSummary MODEO MODE1 IN OUT IN OUT PAo IN PAr IN PAz I N IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT PA6 PAz IN IN OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT PBo PBr PBz PBg PB+ PBs PBo PBz IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT PGo PCr PCz PCg Pce PCs PCe PCz IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT PAg IN P& I N PAs I N MODE2 GROUPA ONLY e <t+ <+ <+ MODEO OR MODE1 ONLY vo INTRs INTRs lBFs 6EFs Sffis Fffis INTRl INTRa feA t/o lBFg t/o tlo t/o INTBl ffia lBFa AffiA oBFA t/o. Affia t/o OFFl SpecialMode CombinationConsiderations Thereare severalcombinationsof modespossible. For any combination,someor all of the PortC lines are usedfor controlor sta:us.The remainingbits are eitherinputsor outputsas definedby a "Set Mode" command. Duringa read of Port C, the slate of all the Port C lines,exceptthe AEK and STE lines,will be placed on the data bus. In place of the AG and STB tine states,flag statuswill appearon the data bus in the PCz, PCr'' and PC6 bit positionsas illustratedby Figure18. Througha "Write PortC" command,onlythe PortG pinsprogrammedas outputsin a Mode 0 groupcan be written.No otherpinscan be affectedby a "Write PortC" command,nor can the interruptenableflags be accessed. To write to any Port G output proErammedas an outpul in a Mode 1 group or to changean interruptenableflag,the "Set/Reset Port C Bit" commandmust be used. Witha "Set/ResetPortC Bit" command,any Port C lineprogrammed as an output(includingit.TR, IEF and OBF)can be written,or an interruptenableflag can be eitherset or reset.Port C lines programmed as inputs,includingAffi and SFEilines, aisociated with PortC are not attectedby a "Set/Reset Port C Bit" command.Writingle the correspondingPort C bit positionsof the ACK and STB lines with the "Set/Reset Port C Bit" command will affect the GroupA and GroupB intenuptenableflags,as illustratedin Figure'18. Current Drive Capabillty Any outputon Port A, B or C can sink or source2.5 mA.This featureallowsthe 82C55Ato d:ectly drive Darlingtontype drivers and high-voltagedisplays that requiresuch sink or sourcecurrent. 3-139 inbr 82C554 INPUTCONFIGURATION D5 D3 D2 D1 D1 Reading Port C Status D7 D5 ln Mode 0, Port C transfersdata to or from the peripheraldevice.Whenthe 82C55Ais programmed to function in Modes 1 or 2, Port C generatesor accepts "hand-shaking"signalswiththe peripheraldevice. Readingthe contentsof PortC allowsthe pro grammer to test or verify the "status" of each peripheral device and change the program flow accordingly. GROUPA D7 D5 Ds GROUPB OUTPUTCONFIGURATIONS D5 Da Ds D2 D1 Dg 6EFAI lNrEll tlolt/o I rrurn1lrNrEB l6FB I rNrns GROUPA There is no special instructionto read the statusinformation from Port C. A normal read operationof Port C is executedto performthis function. GBOUPB Figure17a.MODE1 StatusWordFormat D? D5 D5 Da D3 D2 D1 Ds AI INTE1| lBFll INTE2| INTRI GROUPA GBOUPB (Defined By Mocte 0 or Mocle 1 Selection) Figure17b.MODE2 StatusWordFormat Interrupt Enable Flag INTEB INTEA2 INTEA1 Posltion PC2 PC4 PC6 AfternatePortC PinSisnal(Mode) Iffie (OutputMode1)orSTBg(lnputMode1) 5TE4(lnputMode1 or Mode2) Iffia (OutoutMode1 or Mode2 Figure 18.lnterrupt EnableFlags In Modes 1 and 2 3-140 irilef 82C5sA ABSOLUTEMAXIMUMRATINGS' Ambient Temperature UnderBias.. . .0'Cto + 70'C StorageTemperature ..- 65'Cto* 150'C Voltage Supply 0.5to * 8.0V Operating Voltage .... + 4Vto + 7V Voltage onanyInput.. .GND-2Vto * 6.5V Voltage on anyOutput. .GND-0.5Vto V66 + 0.5V PowerDissipation .....1Watt 'Notice: Slressasabovethose listed under "Abso lute MaximumRatings"maycausepermanentdamege to the device.Thisis a stressrating only and functionaloperationof the device at these or any otherconditionsabovethoseindicatedin the operationalsectionsof thisspecificationis not implied.Exposure to absolutemaximumrating conditionsfor ertendedpeiods mayaffect devicereliability. D.C.CHARACTERISTICS T A : 0 ' C t o 7 0 ' C , V C C= + 5 V t 1 0 o / o , G N=D 0 V C I n : - 4 0 ' G t o + 8 5 ' C f o r E x t e n d e d T e m p e r t u r e ) Symbol Parameter Mln Max Unlts Vrt lnput LowVoltage -0.5 0.8 V vrx lnputHighVoltage 2.O Vcc V vol OutputLowVoltage 0.4 V Vox OutputHighVoltage 3.0 Vss - 0.4 V v Irt lnputLeakage Cunent t1 pA lorl OutputFloatLeakagbCunent t10 pA lolR Darlington DriveCunent (Note4) mA x2.5 TestCondltlone lgg : 2.5 mA loH = -2.5 mA loH = - 100pA V;1 : Vg6 to 0V (Note1) V1X: V66 to 0V (Note2) PortsA, B, C Rss : 500O VExl = 1.7V V9g1 : 1.0V PortA only V9g1 = 3.0V PortsA, B, C lpnt Port Hold Low LeakageCunent +50 + 300 pA lpxx PortHold HighLeakageGurrent -50 -300 pA lpnuo PortHoldLowOverdrive Cunent -350 pA V9g1 = 0.8V lpxxo Port Hold HighOverdriveCurrent + 350 pA V9U1 : 3.0V lcc V66 SupplyCunent 10 mA (Note3) lccsg V66 SupplyCunent-Standby 10 pA Vgg: 5.5V VrN: VCCor GND PortConditions It llP = Open/High O/P : OpenOnly With Data Bus : High/Low Fs : High Reset: Low Purelnputs : Low/High NOTES: 1. PinsA1,Ao,eS, WFi,F6, Reset. 2. DataBus;PortsB, C. 3. Oulputsop€n. 4. Limitoutpulcunentto 4.0mA. 3-141 intel 82C55A CAPACITANCE TA : 25oC,VCC= GND = 0V Symbol Parameter Mln llar Unlts Test Condltiona plns Unmeasured returned to GND fc : 1 MHz(s) Crru InputCapacitance 10 pF Cvo l/O Capacitance 20 pF NOTE: 5. Samolednol 100o/o tested. A.C. CHARACTERISTICS TA : 0o tO 70'C, VCC: +5V +10%, GND = 0V TA : -40'C to +85'C for ExtendedTemperature BUS PARAMETERS READ CYCLE Symbol 82C5sA.2 Parameter llln tnn AddressStableBetoreR-DJ AddressHoldTimeAfterFb f tRn RT PulseWidth tno DataDelayfromRDt top RE T to DataFtoating tnv Recovery TimebetweenFDIWF tln Unlts llax 0 ns 0 ns 150 ns 10 120 ns 75 ns Test Condltions ns 200 WRITECYCLE Symbol 82C55A-2 Parameter llln tnw Address StableBeforeWFI! 0 twR Address HoldTimeAfterWFit 20 Unlts llax Teat Condltlona tww' WFIPulseWidth 100 ns ns ns ns lDw DataSetupTimeBeforeWFif 100 ns two DataHoldTimeAtterWFIf 30 ns PortsA & B 30 ns Port C 20 3-142 PortsA & B PortC int€f 82C5sA OTHERTIMII{GS Symbol Parameter 8rc55A.2 llln ilar Unlts Condltlonr 350 ns twg WFi: l toOutput !n PeripheralDataBeforeRD 0 ns tnn Peripheral DataAfterFE 0 ns tnx Affi PulseWidth 200 ns tst STEPulseWdth 100 hs Per.DataBeforeSF Hign Per.DataAfterSTEHign 20 ns ns 50 ns tpx tlo Iffi:0toOutput Iffi : 1 to OutputFloat Tect 175 ns 250 ns 150 ns teog WFI: l toOEiF:O Affi:0to6EF = 1 150 ns tsrg SfEi:OtolBF:1 150 ns tnrg FE:ltolBF=0 150 ns tnr tsr F-D:0toINTR:O 200 ns SfB:ltolNTR:1 150 ns ffi:lto1NTR:1 WFI:0to|NTR:0 150 ns 200 ns seenote 1 ns see note 2 txo twog tlrt twr tnes ResetPulseWidth 20 500 NOTE 1. INTRI mayoccuras earlyas WF l. 2. Pulsewidthof initialResetpulseatterpoweron mustbe at least50 pSec.Subsequent Fesetpulsesmaybe 500 ns minimum. 3-143 82C55A WAVEFORMS toDE 0 (BASTC TNPUT) 2312fi-22 iloDE 0 (BASTC OUTPUT) 231256-23 3-144 intef WAVEFORMS(Continued) trlODE I (STROBED INPUT) MODE1 (STROBED OUTPUT) tr (I' fflt rcI cr?tt t 82C55A intef 82C55A WAVEFORMS(Continued) MODE2 (BTDTRECTTONAL) 231256-26 Nolc: Anysequenceqlgle m occursbeforeFCRnruOffi occursbeforeFE is permissibte. (INTR= IBFo Fi.AS. ffi. FD + 6EF. ill4ffi o fiffi r ffi1 WRITETIMING READ TIMING 231256-28 231256,-27 A.C.TESTINGINPUT,OUTPUTWAVEFORM A.C.TESTINGLOADCIRCUIT c('llotF T l_ 231256-29 : AC. Tosting Inpds Aro Div€n At 2.4V For A Logic 1 Ard 0..15V For A Logic 0 Timing M€asuromsnts Are MadeAl 2.0v For A Logic 1 And 0.8 For A Logic0. 231256-30 'Vgn ls Set At VariousVoltag€s DuringTesting To Guarantee Th€ Speotication.Cs lncludesJig C,apachance. 3-146 APPENDIX D CONFIGURINGTHE AD1OOO FOR SIGNAL*MATH JumperSettings WhenrunningSIGNAL*MATH, you may needto changesomeof the ADl000's on-boardjumpersfrom their currentpositions.BeforeusingSIGNAL*MATH on theAD1000board,checkthe followingjumpers: . P6- Baseaddress . P5- 8254timer/counter I/O configuration .Y2,P3 &P4- Interrupts . P8- End-of-convertmonitor Theboardlayoutis shownin FigureD-1. B o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o u1 m7 m s o o o,^ gH !l:l oX iil oo o "- 6l-9-9-ooooooo-fa @ FH "' lgj)#fuuuuuu'lel R F3I m m2 MO MI ua rc7 m m n m m rc! m ffi c"(Oj-) l,la& in l,rSA al Rod fimo D€vicos,lnc. S"tatsColl€gp,PA 16804 USA ar pl @ Fig. D-1 - AD1000BoardLayout P6 - BaseAddress thatthebaseaddressof your ADl000 is the factorysettingof 300hex (768deciSIGNAL*MATH assumes mal). If you changettrissetting,you must run the ADAINST programandresetthebaseaddress. NOTE: WhenusingtheADAINST program,you canenterthebaseaddressin decimalor hexadecimal notation.Whenenteringa hex value,you mustprecedethenumberby a dollar sign (for example,$300). D-3 PS -8254 Timer/Counter UO Configuration The 8254mustbe configuredwith ttrejumpersplacedbetweenthepins asshownin FigureD-2. This is ttre faclorysetting.Verify ttrateachjumperis in theproperlocation.Any remainingjumpersmusrbe removedfrom the P5 headerconnector. H xl XTAL OO EXCKO H EI +5V OO EXGTO H CKOTO OO CKOTO H cKl oo oo XTAL 5l ;l EI H +5V ao EXGTl H CKOTl OO cxorr H cK2 OO XTAL oo EXCK2 5l ;l EXCKl HI H +5V oo EXGT2 H CKOT2 ao oo oo CKOT2 EXTINT RESET Fig.D-2-8254 Timer/Counter P5 Jumpers, D-4 P2,P3&P4-Interrupts To selectIRQ channelsandinterruptsourcesfor SIGNAL*MATH, you mustinstallonejumperon P2 andtwo jumperson P3.First, installa jumperon theend-of-convert interruptheader,P2,acrossthepins of your desiredIRQ channel.Then,installa jumperon P3-OUT2,anda secondjumperacrossthepair of P3 pins for the IRQ channel you select.The IRQ selectedon P3 must be different from the IRQ seton P2! FigureD-3 showsEOCjumperedo IRQ3 andOUT2jumperedto IRQ4.Makesurerharnojumpersareinstalledon P4. P2 o o IJJ IRQT IRQT IRQ6 IRQ6 IRQ5 IRQs IRQ4 IH IRQ4 IRQ3 IRQ3 IRQ2 IRQ2 OUTO OUTl OUT2 Fig.D-3- End-of-Convert Interupt& Timer/Counter OutJumpers, P2 & P3 P8- End-of-Convert Monitor placeajumperbetween WhenrunningSIGNAL*MATH, EOCandPB?,asshownin FigureD-4. EOC Hi Fig.D-4- End-of-Convert Jumper,PB D-5 RunningADAINST After thejumpersaresetandtheAD1000boardis installedin thecomput€r,you arereadyto configure SIGNAL*MATH so thatit is compatiblewith your board'ssettings.This is doneby runningthe ADAINST driver installationprogram.After runningtheprogram,openADI00O.EXEfrom theOpena File menu.You will seea screensimilarto thescreenshownin FigureD-5 below.Thefactorydefaultsettingsareshownin theillustration. Your settingsmay or maynot matchthedefaultsettings,dependingon whetheryou havemadechanges!o these settingsbefore. BaseAddress. Theboard'sbaseaddresssettingis enteredin theupperright block,asshownin the diagram. The factory settingfor all Real Time Devicesboardsis 300 hex (768 decimal).The baseaddresscanbe enteredasa value(hexvaluesmustbe preceded decimalor hexadecimal by a dollar sign(for example,$3m). Refero your board'smanualif you needhelpin determiningthecorrectvalueto enter. EOC IT (End-of-ConvertInterrupt). In thisblock,entertheIRQ channelnumberwhich corresponds to your jumpersettingon P2. Timer IT (Timer/Counter Interrupt). In this block,entertheIRQ channelnumberwhich corresponds to your junper settingon P3. LabTech SW IT (LabtechNotebookSoftwareInterrupt). This setsthe softwareintemrptaddresswhere labtech Notebook'srtdlinVtlB-I00O driveris installed.The facory settingis $60.This seuingcanbe ignored whenrunningSIGNAL*MATH. A./DParameters. Six A/D boardparameters arelisted:resolution,numberof channels,activeDMA channel, gain,loss,andinput voltagepolarity. End-ol-Convert IntenuptChannel Timer/Counter IntenuptChannel BaseAddress Software Interrupt Address D/A DMA Channel Select; ExternalGain & Loss A/D DMA Channel Select; ExternalGain & Loss A/D Unipolar/ Bipolar Select ,.,Exit, D/A Unipolar/ Bipolar Select Fig.D-5- ADAINST.EXE Screen D-6 Resolutionandnumberof channelsarefixed by theprogramfor your board. The DMA channelnumberblock is not valid on the AD1000,andshouldbe left blank. Thenexttwo blocks,gainandloss,areprovidedso thatyou canmakeadjustments for externalgain or loss.If your input signalis externallyattenuated, you then canadjustfor this by settinga valueotherthan I for loss.If you you gain factor, can for havean external then adjust thiscondition.Numbersmustbe enteredaswholedecimal values.Thefactorydefaultsettingfor gainandlossis 1. Sincetheinput rangefor the AD1000is +5 volts,an X shouldbe placedbeforeBipolaron the screen(default setting). D/A Parameters.Thesesettingsarenot applicableto theAD1000. D-7 APPENDIX E FORATLANTIS CONFIGURINGTHE ADI-OOO E-l E-2 ATLANTIS dataacquisitionandreal-timemonioring applicationsoftwarefor your If you havepurchased AD1000,pleasenotethat theATLANTIS driversfor yourboardmustbe loadedfrom thedriverdisk into the same directoryastheATLANTIS.E)G progmm.WhenrunningttreATLANTIS dataacquisitionsoftwareyou mayneed to changesomeof theADl000's on-boardjumpersfrom theircunentpositions.BeforeusingATLANTIS on the ADl000 board,checkthe followingjumpers: . P6 . P5 . P3. P8- Baseaddress 8254 ttmerlcounterI/O configuration Timer/counteroutputinterrupt End-of-convertmonitor FigureE-l showstheboardlayout. B lFBx 'lffi$ -tt @ EH E3l FEx 1831tr lEsl:: Its3lH ll(Jrglu. ar Real Tmo Devices,Inc. Slate Collegp,PA 16804 USA @ Fig.E-1- AD1000 BoardLayout P6 - BaseAddress ATLANTIS assumes thatthebaseaddressof your AD1000is ttrefacory settingof 300 hex (seeChapter1). If you changedthis setting,you must run the ATINST programandresetthe baseaddress. NOTE: The baseaddresses on the AD1000boardaregivenin hexadecimal. The ATINST programrequiresthe baseaddressto be enteredin decimalnotation.The following tableprovidesthehex anddecimalvalues. E-3 Hexadeclmal Declmal 200 512 240 576 280 640 2C0 704 300 768 340 832 380 896 3C0 960 P5 - 8254Timer/CounterVO Configuration The 8254mustbe configuredwith ttrejumpersplacedbetweenthepins asshownin FigureE-2. This is the facory setting.Verify thateachjumperis in ttreproperlocation.Any remainingjumpersmustbe removedfrom the P5 headerconnec[or. E-4 ;l H XTAL oo EXCKO EI H +5V oo EXGTO H CKOTO oo CKOTO H cK1 oa ao XTAL 5l ;l EXCKl H +5V OO EXGTl H CKOTl oo CKOTl H cK2 oo XTAL OO EXCK2 H +5V EI 5l ;l $la o EXGT2 H CKOT2 OO CKOT2 oo oo EXTINT RESET Fig.E-2- 8254TimerCounter Jumpersfor ATLANTIS, P5 E-5 P3- Timer/Counter OutputInterrupt To selectan IRQ channelandan intemrptsource,you mustinstallthe two jumperswhich arestoredon this headerconnector.To configurethis headerfor ATLANTIS, placeonejumperacrossthepinsof your desiredIRQ channel,andplacethe secondjumperacrossttrepins of our2, theoutputfrom timer/counter2 in the 8254.lvlake certainthatttrereareno otherjumperson this connectorandttratthereareno jumpersinstalledacrossthepins on P2 or P4 (thefactorysettingfor all intenuptjumpersis disabled,asshownin Chapterl). Also, makesurethatthe IRQ channelyou haveselectedis not usedby any otherdevicein your system.FigureE-3 showsyou how o configure P3 for IRQ channel4. IRQT IRQ6 IRQs IRQ4 IRQ3 IRQ2 OUTO OUTl OUT2 Fig.E-3- 8254Timer/Counter OutputInterrupt forATLANTIS, Jumpers P3 P8 - End-of-ConvertMonitor Theend-of-convert signalis monitoredthroughPB7whenusingATLANTIS. Thefactoryseuingof ttris connectoris PB7, themiddlesetof pinson P8, asshownin FigureE4. If the factorysettinghasbeenchanged, placethejumperacrossthepins for PB?. EOC Hi Fig.E-4- End-of-Convert Jumper,PB E-6 APPENDIX F WARRANTY F-2 LIMITED WARRANTY RealTime Devices,Inc. warrantsthehardwareandsoftwareproductsit manufactures andproduces!o be free from defectsin materialsandworkmanshipfor oneyearfollowing ttredateof shipmentfrom REAL TIME DEVICES.This warrantyis limited to theoriginalpurchaserof productandis not transferable. Duringlhe oneyearwaranty period,REAL TIME DEVICESwill repairor replace,at its option,any defective productsor p:utsat no additionalcharge,providedthattheproductis returned,shippingprepaid,to REAL TIME DEVICES.All replacedpartsandproductsbecomethepropertyof REAL TIME DEVICES.Beforereturning any productfor repair, customersare requiredto contactthe factoryfor an RMA number. THIS LIMITED WARRANTY DOESNOT EXTEND TO ANY PRODUCTSWHICH HAVE BEEN DAM. AGED AS A RESULTOF ACCIDENT,MISUSE,ABUSE (suchas:useof incorrectinput voltages,improperor insufficientventilation,failureto follow theoperatinginstructionstharareprovidedby REAL TIME DEVICES, "actsof God" or othercontingencies beyondthecontrolof REAL TIME DEVICES),OR AS A RESLILTOF SERVICEOR MODIFICATION BY AI.IYONEOTHERTHAN REAL TIME DEVICES.EXCEPTAS EXPRESSLYSETFORTH ABOVE, NO OTIMR WARRANTIESARE EXPRESSEDOR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, B{.ITNOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIESOF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESSFOR A PARTICULARPURPOSE,AND REAL TIME DEVICESEXPRESSLYDISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIESNOT STATED IIEREIN. ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES,INCLUDINGIMPLIED WARRANTIESFOR MECHANTABILITY AND FITNESSFOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE,ARE LIMITED TO THE DURATION OF THIS WARRANTY. IN THE EVENT TT{EPRODUCTIS NOT FREEFROM DEFECTSAS WARRANTED ABOVE, TIIE PURCHASER'SSOLEREMEDY SHALL BE REPAIROR REPLACEMENTAS PROVIDED ABOVE. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCESWILL REAL TIME DEVICESBE LIABLE TO TIIE PURCHASER OR AI{Y USERFOR ANY DAMAGES,INCLUDING ANY INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIALDAMAGES,EXPENSES,LOST PROFITS,LOST SAVINGS,OR OTHERDAMAGES ARTSINGOUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PRODUCT. SOME STATESDO NOT ALLOW TIM EXCLUSIONOR LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQIJENTIAL DAMAGES FOR CONSUMERPRODUCTS,AND SOMESTATESDO NOT ALLOW LIMITA. TIONS ON HOW LONG AN IMPLIED WARRANry LASTS, SO T}IE ABOVE LIMITATIONS OR EXCLU. SIONSMAYNOTAPPLY TO YOU. THIS WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFICLEGAL RIGHTS,AND YOU MAY ALSO HAVE OTIIER RIGHTSWHICH VARY FROM STATETO STATE. F-3 AD1000BoardUser-Selected Settings Basel/OAddress: (hex) (decimal) IRQChannelSelected: P2- ND End-of-Convert IRQChannel#: P3-8254 Timer/Counter Out IBQChannel#: P4 - ExlernalInterruptlPO3 IRQChannel#: End-of-ConvertPPIMonltorBlt Selected: A/D End-of-Convert PPI Bit #: (PA7,PB7,or PC7)