Download Make suretoresdtheImpo_nt Pr_autbns beforeusingtheprodu_
Make suretoresdtheImpo_nt Pr_autbns beforeusingtheprodu_. KeeptheUsersGuide(OD) in sn accessible placeforfurturereference, S@ thelabeiattachedontheproductand9iretheinformation toyourdealerwhenyouask forsewics, PI_ read these safeW precautions _refully before using the product. _Wiii _ Precautions in installing the Product II Keep aw_ from heat s_mes - E_¢lrical shock, fire, maffur_ _ke e|ectriaa| heaters. or derogation may _ur. II Keep the packing antj._isture n_tenal or vi_! _king out of the reach of children. oAnfi-m_s_u_ ma|enal is _fu_ ff swalloW, if swa_ky¢¢edby mi_e, force the p_tient to v_it a_ vis_ the r_are_ _. A_itiopafly, vi_l ip_ing _ _e _fffocat_. K_p __ of t_ reach of chi_ren. 1 Do not put _avy _jects on t_ _od_t: or sit upon it, =ff _ p_ co[_s or is dr_d, y_ may _ injured.C_ldren must pay 1>3rt_u_r a_ent_. m _ not leave _e poweror sign_ ca_e un_ten_d on tl_ pathway, - The _:_rby _n fa_er,which _n cauGee_m_ shock,fire, p,rod_ _eak_ m Install _e pmdu_ in a neat and dry pl_e,. - DL_t or mo_e can ca_,e e]ec_ shock, tire or p_d_ or inj_, damage. = If you ca_ smel|smo_ or _er _ or heara s_ _und unp|ug_e p_er cordand _n'_ s_vi_ cen_r,i - ify_ contin_ to _ wiP_Jt takingpro_r _a_res, eJ_J_ @.3ckor tire can _ur. the = If you dropped _e productort_ c_e is broken,turn off _e productand un_ug _e power co=_. If y_ _ntin_ _ _ w_t _kJr_j p_per _a_res, e_l shock or fire can _r, _ntact the _r'#_e c_er_ ! Do not _rop an o_ _ or a_ly imp_t to t_ p_uct. - It can cause inju_ to _m_, p_blem to pr_ a_ _ma_ DOn_ _row any toys or objectson the p_uct the d_y. Caution = Make su_mthe pr_uct vent}|_ than lOcm from _e wa|l) =ff _J in_l the prc_ too d_ m _ not _ock _e v_|_ion =The pr_ can _ _.f_ed _|e is r_t bl_k_, Insta|l _e pr_uct to the wa_, it may be _d _n a suably or fire can break out d_ wide pla_ (more to infema__at. h_e of t_ _od_t by a tabl_loth or curtain. orflre _n break o_ d_ to _¢erh_J_ i_e the product = In_ll _e producton atilt and _ble _e that has;_ risk of droppingthe product. - If _ p_ _ _rop_, y_ may be inj_d or _ productmay be b_e_ m in_ll _e productw_re no EM| _urs, m Keep t_ prod_ away from di_t - The pr_ can _ _maged, sunlight. Electrical Power Related Precautions Warning = Make sure _ _nnect th_ _wer cane to tl_ g_n_d - You may be e_ctrocuted or ini_ed, cu_nL [] Use the rated voltage only, - The predu_ can be damaged, or you may be e_c_Jted, [] in t_ _nce _ thun_r very' dangerous. - ff ¢_ _se e_ctriic _ck, and lightning, never to_h the pow_ cord and signal ca_e becau_ it c_ be = _ _t conn_ _veral exten_on c_s, el_nca! appliancesot el_dc_ heaters _ a single o_et. Use a powerbar wt_ a grounding _ir,_l design_ for excl_tve usewith t_ comp,uter. A fire can break outd_ to crve_flr_ m Do r_t touch the powerplug with _t hands. AdditionaJly,if the cord _n is wet or c_ered w_ dust,d_ • e p_er plug c_p_e_ely or wipe dust off. - You may be e_ctrocuted due _ ex_s _isture. I If you don't intendto usethe productfor a long Ume, unplug t_ _er cable from the p_uct - Coven_ d_t c_ _ a fire, or ir_Jlat_ _tedor_ion can cau_ e_ect#_leaka_, el_ sh_k orris. • _x the power ¢_ble compl_ely, Hfl_ pc_welrcable is not fixed comp_1ely, a fire _n bre_ out, Hold t_ plug wh_ pu_lingo_ _e power cable. _ r_t be.r_ the _er _ _j_ts on t_ _r co_l. The _wer li_ _n be damaged,whichmay _ e_ctr_ _ck or fire cord with excessiveforce or p_ • Do r_t inse_ a c_duc_ (like a metalchop_ck) intoone end of the powercable while t_ other end is connectedto tbe input _rminal on the wall Additiona!l_y, do not touchthe _,er cable right after plugginginto the wall input terminal. - You may be e_ctrocuted. ImThe power supply cord is u_ accessibleafter installati_. m M_n _r _ate. as,_e main diac_c_on _vi_,. Ensurethat the socket_Set ise_ily b_aker is the powercord a_'this brea_ng _e_¢_emust be _ocatedat a I_ion Caution m Do not unplug _e _rc_ while _e _duct - E_icaI _hock_n _mage the prod_ Precautions is in u_. in Moving the Product Warning [] Make sureto turn off t_ producL - You rr_aybe e_ctrocuted or_ _uct can be d_aged, [] Make sure to relive all cables befo_ i_v_ng the _d_,. - "Yourr_y be e_ctrc_uted or_ p_oduct can be d_a_d. whe_ it is easy Caution II _ not shock_e p_uct _en f_ving it. - You may be e_ctr_ed or_ productcan be dama_d. -I DOnot dispose the _duct_pack_ng box. U_ it Hen you move. B Makethe panelface forward and hold it with both handsto move,, - ff y_ drop P_ pr_uct, _ d_od product_n _u_ el_ shockor fire, _tact for repair. w_ t_ serJicece_er Precautions, in Using the Product Warning _i = Do not disassemble, _pair or _d_ _e p_duct at your own discre_on. Fi_ or el_c _ _ci_nt _n €>_cur_ oContact the _rvice center for check,calibratJonor repair, mWhen c_ning _e brown_ surface,unplug t_ power _ _ratching. Do not cleanwith a wet c_ot_. _d scrubwith softc_othto prev_t I Keep the p_uct _ay from water. - Fireor el_c shock_ci_nt _n occur. Caution ! Do not p_ _ store i_!ammable _bs_c_ r_ar _e pr_uct. T_re is a _r of expl_on _ fire due to care_ss I"_n_ingoft_ i_mrnable _stan_ I When ,c_ean_ng _e b_n _ surfa_, unp_ugit_ power _ _ratc_ing.. Do not clean wi_ a wet cir. -T_ water can _nk into the prm_t, ii Take a rest from time to ti_ to _ v_ _ ca_ e_ctr_ _d scrubwith softofoth _ prev_t s_k or s_nous mafft_nct_. y_ur vision, I Keep _e productclean at al__s. B Takea comforlableand natum_position when wo_ng wAh a pr_uct to relax _e musc|_. i Ta_ a regularbreakw_n w_ng Do not pre_ s_ng_y u_ a scratch on it. with a produc_for a long _.. the pardi w_h a hand or sharpobject_ch as ha& _nci| or ipen,or make i Ksep _e properd|stan_ from the product, Yourvi_ rn_y_ impai_ ifyou 1_ at the p,rod_ too cindy, m _ the _propri_ tesolt_on -Your vi_ can be im_red. a_ • Use _tP_zod _tergent only Hen - _odL_t can be deformed. clock by referring _ the Ueet_s Gu|de. cl_nin_ the product_ (Do not use _l_ene, _inn_r or alco,_,) On Disposal Ili The fluorescent lamp used |n _is productcontainsa small amountof _rcury. • DOnot dispo_ of this _t _th _e_ra| householdwaste. Dispose! _ _s p_uct must _ ca_ed o_t in a_ar._e _ _e regu|_ions of your Io_1 a_o_ Name of the Remote Control Bu_,ons (A type) * Mute button • Volume 4 I_ Button ° Cheek Button • AV Button • inp,_ Select Burton _ch time you pre_ the Input buttc4q it will change to AV---I_ Com_nentl Com_nent2 _ HDMWDVl ff you pre,'_ the b_ton once_ me foH_ing Inp_ SignaJ Wind_ will appear. _lect me signal _pe you want wing the V & b_t_, RGBi_ In rting I bakeries into remote ntrol. 1. Take out the battery cap, 2, insert the batteries w|th correct po_arity {+/-13. Close the b_e_ cap, • Dis_.._e of used _tterie_ environmental pollution, _n the recycle bin _o prevent Name of the Remote Control Bu_ons( B type) AM _R / | INPJT F * AV Button_ 4 5116"°° • ARC button To seJ_ the image size d the screen. • Auto _n • SI_ Bu_ton w_hing AV/S_Vid_D@ tC_n_tll ,Com_nen_ The pr_u_ _gl__ aL_a_ca_ly _r_d off_a ce_.ainperi_ of time, P_ th_ b_n re.rely _ an _riate _n_ d_a_on • _$M B_ton tt_ - A_atic.3l_ Pre_ _is _ , Power Onl_ Button • Input _lect Button (_ next page) AutotoXic _ustment fu_n (Operational for the analog signal | ®, ad_s t_ image. re_#_eby to _t inter_ screen. ® I © There_ nota f_ .... wh_:hissupported There _ _t a funcfl_ wh_h _:su#rted -- There_ _ a Nn_on _Ai_ _ sup_ J- ...... i MENU * Menu _on _\ i /_ v - uPand;_n b_on,s Bring up ar_ _n I.... ......* Voleme < I_ Betton ° Che_ Button di_o_ adjustment _,_,',,_ -- L Th_ is n_ a fu_bn wh_h _ _d A¥ P_ER FS-7 • AV Bu_on Each time you press the Inp_ butt_ _ will c_nge to _NP_ SLEEP PSM ARC if you press the b_on once, the following _np_ Signal Window will appear_ _ect the _gnal _ype y_ want _O AV_ Com_nentl _mponent2 _ R,GB_ HDMI/DVI wing the A V b_on_ MENU EXiT A MUTE InseAing batteries into remote control. _*'_,/ / / / '-_-,/ / / _ / 2 Insert the batteries wi_ co_ct polarity (+/-), _ / I.Take OUtof theused battery the recycle bin to prevent - Dispose batteries environmentaJ potluti_. * Applicable onllyfor m_els that support the _and ], Disassemble the stand cover. The cover may be easily disassembled by pressing up on the base as shown in the figure. Stand cover _° After connecting the canes, ,correctly position the stand cover into the holes on the stand, If securely connected, you wNI hear the, iatch click into place, * Applicable onJyfor models Mat sup,_ Use the screws to s_ure in the below figure. the s_akers the speakers on the rear side of the pr_uct as, shown When the speaker is: ins_lled. * The pri_uct im_e in the user's guide could be different from the actual image. Rear View 0 Pow_ Conn,_t_ I_ Wir_ : Connect the power cord Power conn_or and image may differ according Remote Controt Port RS-232,C _rial Ports RGB, HDMI/DV_ Ports 0 PC Sound Jack : Conn_ the audio cabi,e to the *UNE OUT ja_ _ the PC sound _rd. AV iPorts to model First of a!!, see if the ,computer, woduct Then, conne_ the signal input cable. _When _) conne_ng and the _ripherals are turned oiff_ with the D-Sub sign@ input _te, When connecting with the HDMI to DVI signal inp_ ca_lle (not ind_), Rear side of the product. Pr_C LJ_ the _n_ ad_l_ Rear side of the product, Connect the Audio cable. Rear side of the product. Conne_ the power cord, Ma_nto_ a_p_r sinc_ an i_ompalib_ _savailable in _le maAet (D_erent signa/i_ system) q_j_ Turn on _,wer by pressing the _er Ibu_o,n on the proud, PoeJer b_on _Turn _ _e PC, Sel_t an input signal Press the iNPUT b_on on the remote c_trol to select the in_t iNPUT--,, VA--_ SET.") Or, press the iNPUT bu_on at the front side of the woduct, w_ _Sub _e_ * Select RGB' 15-pin _Sub anabg signal __.)Vv'_n _r_ciing , Se_ H_VI wi_ha HDMI to DVl s_na[ input cable. : HDMI to DVI Digi_ s_naL signal, Use this fun_ion when displaying ANALOG RGB inputs of a PC to the other pr_uct,. • To use different pr_u_s connected to each other Connect one end of the signal input _ble(15-pin D-Sub Signal Cabte) to the RGB OUT oonne_or of prode_ 1 and connect the other end to the RGB IN connector of other products. 15-pin D-Sub Signal Cable Product: 1 Pr_uct 2 Product 3 Product 4 Connect the video _ble cord (See page 11 ), as sh_n in the _low When connecting with a BNC cable. • Connect the input terminal with a proper color match. figure and then _nnect %hen ._nnecting with a S°Video cable. Connect to the S-Video input te_inal to watch high image quality movies. Product: Product VC_VD an input signal,, @ Select Press the INPUT butt_ on the r_ote Or, press the INPUT huron • _lecl AV. Wh_ connecti_ • _lect AV. with an _Vi_ control to sell_ cable_ R_i:ver the input signal, at the front side. of the product. w_h _ BNC cabS. V'_n the _w_ Connect the video/audio cable as shown in the _ow _wer cord (See page 11). • Conn_ the input te_inM w_h a proper _br Product figure and then, connect the mat_. _} Product HD#v' R_er an in,_t signal. @ Seect Press the INPUT buffon INPUT----* V =--_ HD_ on the remote _ntr_ to sel_t R_i_¢er the input signal. SET Or, press the INPUT button at: the front side of the pr_ui_. Conn_t the vide/audio cane as shown in the _low power cord (S_ page 1t). V_-'D VDi_-top B_ vc_vo/_,top Box Select an inpm signal, Pros the INPUT bu_on on the remote control to sel_t (,.puT VCR_iDVD/Sel4op the input signal. sET) Or, press the iNPUT button _ the front side of the pr_uct. @W_n _nn_J_ witha HDMI to DV_s_gr_Jinputcable, W_n conn_r_ witha HDMI s_ Jnp__e. • _lect HDMI_VI _W_n _cting • _le_ RGB with a D-_ _gnal input cabS. the Product Product Product ® figure and then c_ne_ Box • When you set the input _gna_ of the main _r_n as 'AV (CVBS)', you can transmit the signaJ that you're watching to the AV output terminal Vid_V BNC Cable (not lnc|uded) Audio C,ab_e Product BNC Cable (_t inclu_d) Audio Cable Video/TV * This fe_ure is not available for all models, •. Set it up cl_ to the wall so t_ The insertions product d_sn_t fail over when it is pushed backwards. shown below is a safer way to set up the product, which is to fix it _ fat! over when _ is pulled in the, forward direction will also prevent t_ t_ product, t}'_ wall _ the product do_n't _twitl prevent Me product from falling foP;_,ardand hudir_ _ople, product: from damage caused b,y_alL Plea_ make sure. that:children _nt it climb on _ _'_ng from 1. Use the braker and _e bolt to fix the produ_ to the wall as shown in the picture, 2. Secure the bracket with the bolt(not provided as pa_ of the produ_, must pt_rchase separately) 3. Use a sturdy rope (not provii_d as parts of the produ_, must purchase se_rately) safer to tie the, rope _ it becomes horizont_ between the wall and the pr_uct ...... *To g_ t_ _o_A sa_e_m_e _Jrethat_e hei)_ _ _e b_et _ prod,ucL on the wall to _e Me product, _t is _ m_r¢_# on_ wa_!iS_me _ _ the Name of the Buttons in the Screen Adjustment Unit ower Indicator) _ .This lights up w_n the display normally(on mo_),Indicator if the display is green in s_eep (Energy Saving)operates mode, his indicator • U_ this button to show/hide the OSD (On _en screen,. • Use this bu_on to se_t • Adjust t_ _Ii _ ,,,_j_st an icon or adj.: up and down. the volume, Display) menu the se,_ing in the OSD ssr_n Name of the Buttons, in the Screen Adjustment Unit _._ ,0_o,_ _o°)................................... [When XGA M_e is active and 1360 X768 Is selected] |NP_ BuH_ INPUT _ * _÷_ T A, _ AUTO/SET the inp_ signai AV RGIB HOM_VI C_F:_e V_eo, S_rate HDTV, DVD HOTV, DVD 15_in D-S_ ar_ _g_l Digffa_s_ • The unit that receives t_ V_eo signal from the rem_e co_roL OSD Menu Function Adj_ts scan bdght_ss, Adjusts the timer function, P_TURE SO_J_D Adjusts the scr_n video. De_riptiion contrast and _|or that you prefer. How to adjust _e OSD (On _reen Display) screen (A Ty_) _U EX_ tt : _ EXIT • Use the remote control to ad|ust the OSD scan, Press. the MENU IBu_, W_n the i_ y_ U_ t_ Y _ _ Accept the chants then the main menu of ti-_ OSD appears, want becomes highiighted , press the SET 8L_iOn, _ B_ons to adiust the itemt,o,the desired _eve, I. by pressing the SET B_on. Exit the OSD by pressing tlk_ EXIT Button. How to adjust the s_een a_omati_lly You need to adjust the screen display when _r_cting a new c_p_er set an _'timal or _ar_ji_ the m_e. t_ product to Refer to tk_ foi[owi_ secti_ to product screen, Press the AUTO/SET button (AUTO button in a tempe PC analog signal Then, an ep_mal _reen fi_ into t_ current mode ff adiusiment is not sa_sfactory, you r_ed to a_ust _r_n clock and p_3se inthe OSD men_ Centre,I) in the stat_s will be _lec_ed _at position, [When XGA Mode is active and 1360 X768 is selected] Adjusting Scr n PSM Color The PSM function automatically adjusts the screen image quality depending _ the AV usa_ environment_ - Dynamic : Select this option to display with a s.haq_ imam, • Standard : T_ most general and natural _reen display status, • Mi|d : Seled this option to display with a mi_d image. , User1,2 : Sele_ this option to use the user-d_ined selling.. Contta_ : Adiu_ t_ difference between the i_ht and dark levels in the picture 8tlghtness : To adiust the bfight_ of the screen, Colouri : To adiust the color to desired level Sharpn_s : To adiust:t_ clearness of the _reen Tint :To adiust the flr_ to desired level CSM Selecting a facto_ setting color _t , Warm ' SBghtly reddish white,. • Nodal : Sllightly bluish white. : ,Cool : Slightly purpli_ white, User : Se_e_ this option to u_ the user-defined _ttings. R_ / ,Grin / Blue Set your c_wncol_ levells. _U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U Adjusting Scr n XD Color XD is LG E_ect_onics unique picture impro_Jing techndogy to display a real HO source through an advanced digi_J signal prc_es_ng a_godthm_ its not avaiiable to use this run.ion in RGB-PC or HOM_IDVI PC m_e_,, This menu is activated a_er selecting the U_rl or U_r2 of PSM. • AL,to : XD is automatically change to Auto. • Manual : When seceding the Manual, y_ can adjust the XD Contr_t0 MPIEG NR. XD Colour, Advanc_ - Cinema : (Functi_ works in the following mode- AV, Com_ne,nt 4,8_/576i) When you w_ch the m_ie, this function adiu_s the set to the _st _cture appearar_e. .8,lack Res_ Level • (Fur_tbn works in the foll_i_ mode - AV(NTSC), HDMIiDVll adjusts the,c_trast and the br_htne_s of the _reen usi_ t_ bJack ileve! of the scre_ R_urn to the de,fau_ _ttings PSM, CSM, XD, Advan_d at the factory. XD NR, Adjusting the audio function SSM The_ _d v_eo _j_ _ _ q_ will you're,_ washing • Surround MAX : Set tl-_ Suffound IMAX on. This fur_t_n plays back the mono or stereo sound input with the dynamic surround ef_s. It wiB provide rich a_ profound sound t_e. if you set t_ Su_ound MAX on, u_r audio se_ing can n_ be adjure. • Rat : T_ most commanding _d natu_ a_io. • Music : Se_ th_ option to enjoy _e or_Jr._l sound when iistening to the music. ,.Movie : $e_ct th_ option to enjoy su_ime sound,, • Sports: Select this option to watch sports broadca_ir_,, • User : Select this option to use tl"_ user-_fined audio settings, AVL To adiust u_ven s_nd votum_ across aHct'_n_s ap_opdate _eveLTo use this feature, select On. Balance U_ _is func_on to bal_ce sound from the _eff_d o,rsigna_ a_o,mati_By to, the most dght s_akers_ You _n a,dj_ internalspeak_ _tus. if you w_t to u_ youre_erna] hi-fister_ system, turn off the internal speakemof the,set, When _n_._,_, ,,_y_r _c_omp_er_ _,_, _the 'SSM' gsettin =_ in the _d_o menu is one of Fi_,, _Music, Adjusting the, timer function Cl_k if the time is on the dock is incorred, 1) P_ss the MENU button a_ hen 2) Press the !_ butt_ and then use 3) Press the _ button and then _ 4) Press the i_ b_on and _hen u_ m_et the clock manually° use T & b_en to select the _ME menu. T A b_on to select the C_k: m_u T & bu_on to s_ the h_r(00~23), T A b_on to set the minutes(00~59). Off / On time The off time a_om_icaHy 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Auto si_p Press the Press the the Press the Press the if Auto sleep automatically 1) Press the 2) Press the swffches the set to sta_by at the pre-_t time. MENU button and then use T A button to _el_ tl_ TIME menu. !_ butffon a_ hen u_ T Abutto.n to sele_ Off time or On ti_. i_ button and hen u_ Y A b_to,n to set the hour(01 _23). I_ b_on and hen u_ T& button to set the minutes(00._59)_ !_ button and hen u_ Y A b_on to select On or Off is active and t_'_re is no input signal, t_ set switches to Stanby mode after 10 minutes. MENU button a_ then use T A b_on toi select the Auto sleep menu, _ butt_ and then use • & b_on to _l_t On or Off, time f_ion overnd_. On time _n_ion ff _hey are _ , When ,On time is Operated, input screen iS tumd on _ff to the same time; was t,med off. Selecting the options To cho_e Child lock the language in which the controt n_es are displayed. Use the T A buttons to seie_ On or _. _e Set can be set up so that it can only be used with the remote control. This feature can prevent una_hodzed viewing. In order to I_k the OSD _t_n adj_tment, set t_ Child lock t_ to the 'On' po._dtion. In order to unrock it, do the following : • Push t_ MENU button on the remote centre! a_ set Child I_k to the 'Off' _ilJo,n. ISM Meth_ A frozen _ stil! picture from a PCNi_o game dispi[ayed on _e screen for pro!_ged _riods result in a g_t image remaining even when y_ cha_e the image, Avoid allowing a fixed image to rem_n on the _'ts screen for a long peri_ _ time. Normal : ff image sticki_ is never a problem, ISM is not neces_ry =_t to Normal. White wash : white wash removes permanent images from the _reen, (An excessive _rmanent image may be impossible to ct_r entirely with white, wash, Orbiter : may help preve_ ghost imag_, However, it is _st not to all_ any fix_ image to rem_n on the _reen, _o avoid a _rmanent ima_ on _e _reen, the screen will move every 2 minutes. Inversion : This is fun_on to inve_ the pa_l cebr of the _reen. T_ _nel color is a_omaticaIly inve_ eve_ 30 minutes, S_!D You can assign a unique Set ID NO (name assignment) to each product w_n several produc_ are _nr_cted for display. Specify 'the number (1 --99) using the _!' A bL_on and ex_,, U_ the assign_ Set |D to individuality o_t_I each prod_st using t_ Product Co_troI Program. wilt Tile m_ _tis u_d to eniar_ the screen and a_ used w_h s_,eral p_oductsto view screen° • '_e Mode Tile m_e and choose Titealignment and _t t_ _Dof the current p_uct to set I_ation. * Only after F_sing the SET button the adjustments made to the se_s will be saved - Ti_ mode : row x _]umn - 4 x 4 available, ( r = 1,2, 3, 4 c= 1, 2,3,4) Configuration d an int_r_ion screen is also awitab]e as well as configuration of One by one D_p_ay, - Ti|e mode (product 1 ~ 4) : t(2) x e(2) row Selecting the options i _le mode (product i ~ 9) : r(3) x c(3) row Ti|e mode (product 1 ~ 2) : r(2) x c(1) row column J Tile mode (producti _16) : r(4) x c(4) rOW _lumn Selecting the options • Tile [D _!_ • H Stze Adj_t the horizoma_size oft_ bezel * V Size _j_t . H-P_,itton Moving the screen _sffion _rizontally. * V_o_n Moving t_ ve_icaily, * R_et Function to initialize a_ re,lease Tile, tt-_ iocation of the _le by setting an ]D, the,vertical size of the screen _kmg into ac_unt the size of the bezel screen _,_ion N[ Ti_ setting a_e relea_ to Fuji _reen_ Power Indicator Use this fun_ion screen taking into account the size,_ the when selecting Tile recall _d tile sc_en returns to set the power indic_or on the front side of the produ_ ff you _et Off, it will go off. If you set On at any time, the power indic_or automatic_]y be turned on. _o Ught will Use this function to _t the Lo_ Display Lamp on the front side of the pr_uct to On or Off_ if you set On__e lamp wi[_automatica!]y be turned on Demo to On or Off Use it to see the difference (XD Demo function _tween is not available XD demo on and XD Demo off. in RGIB PC/IHDMI/DVl PC mode.) Adjusting Screen CLOC PHASE AL,_O_onf[g,i (RGB PC input only) and Position This button is for the automatic adi_.tmer_ of the screen position, dock and phase, This function is suitable for ana]_ue signal inp_: only. If the picture is#'t c_ear a4ter a_o adjustme_ and es_c[a![y that c_mcters are still trembling, adiu_ the pidure phase manually. * It's !E_tavailable to, use Phase, Clock function in RGB DTV, C_por_ent, HDM]/DVI D'FJ_) XGA M_e (RGB-PC only), Clock To minimize any vertical ban or stipes visible, on the _reen background. The. hodzo_l screen size will also chan_. This funcfi_ is suitable tot analogue signal input onty Pb_e To, adjust the f_us of t_e display, This _em allows you to remove any hofiz_l noise and clear or _arpen the [ma_ of ,characters., This function is sui_b]e for analogue signa! input only HoPosition Moving the _reen V°Position Moving the screen positi_ po_iti.onhorizontally. vertioa]ly. For more improved or better picture quality, _lect computer re_uti_. the same m_e corresponding to Adjusting Screen CLOCKJPHAS, E and Position ARC To select the image size of the screen When your AV receives tl-_ wide screen signal, it will lead you adj_t t}_ picture honzontal_y, in a nonlir_ar pro_rtion, to fiH the entire Fu_l When y_r AV receives the wide screen signal it will lead you to adju_ Me picture horiz_tally or vertically, in a linear propodion, to f iil the entire _r_n fully (Europe vemdon on[y) When y_r AV re_ives t_ wide screen signa[, it will be a_ornatically changed to picture format to be sent, This p_ure 16:9 Y_ can enj_ t}'_ cinema (the pidure torrent of 16:9) or general TV programme through the 16:9 mode The _reen 16:9 is viewed just like that b_ t}_ _reen 4:3 is magnified to • e left and rigM _ that the screen 16:9 is full 1:1 This picture, format is 1 to 1 o,fge_ral 14:9 You can enj_ t_ pictu_ of 1,4:9 or ge_ral AV programme through the 14;9 mode The _reen 14:9 is viewed just like that the screen 4:3 is magnified to the uppedlower and _e_right. PC, HDMI/DVI PC) e X X X x X x • .......................................... X 0 X i ................................... ! ...................................... r_ _ _;_;_;_ X X ......................................................................................... i o: X e I X .......................................... • _ AV, (only _B You can enjoy the cinema in a vast _een through t_ Z_m mode, The screen 4:3 is magnified to the upperAower and te,_nght sides _ t_t _:reen 16:9 is full, The bottom a_ top of the picture may be i_t, 2 i Z_ml, Reset format is 4 to 3 of general AV • X X X X X • X • X • X X • • X X • U_ this function to reset the product to the, facto_ default(Manual co,nfig, rnanu only) @ is Me pr_u_ _er _[d c_n_ed? but the ser_n @ the _we_ power indicator ap_ars indi_ to the • See if the power switch is turned on. O _sthe p_e_ indicator I_ht on? @ Power is _, • See ff the power _rd is properly _nn_ed outlet. is green e×tt_e_y ° Adjust bff_ess and _ntrast ag_n, _rk. _r? • If the proud is in power saving m_e, move the mouse or press any key. @ Does the 'Out of range' message • The signal from the PC (video card) is:o_ of the ve_cal or horizontal frequency ran_ of the product. Adjust: the fr_uency range by refernng to the Specifications in this _quaL • M_imum _soi_ion - 32 /37 / _ inch model RGB _ 16_ x 1200 @60Hz HDMI/DVl _ 1280 x 1024 @60Hz @ Does the 'Ch_k • The signal cable, between PC and product is not connected. Check the signal cable. o Press the 'INP_' menu in the remote Control to signal cable' mess@ check the input signal. @ _d you in_[[ • Install the product driver, which is provid_ with the produ_, or downl_d it from the web site, (http://www, lge,com) Me dtive_ • See if the plug&play function is.supposed by referring to the video card user manual. @ The 'Controls Locked' message eThe _qtroJ I_ng f_ctbn prevents uni_ntJ®al @Isthe screen _si_on wrong? • D-Sub, an_og si_ -Press the "A_O _button in the remote _ntrol to, automa_ly _t_ the optirral _reen status t_t fits into the current mode. if a_ustment is _t _isfa_o,ry, use the Posffion OSD menu. ° See if the video casd re_lutJon and frequency are suppled by the produ_, If the frequency is out of ran_, setto the re_mmend_ re_lu_on in the, Control Panel _ Display _ Setting menu, @ _ _in _ines _ppear on the ba_ground screen? • D-Sub anaJog si_al -Press the "A_' button in the remote _ntrot to automatically sele_ an optJrral _reen status t_t fits into the current mode, If a_ustment is_t satisfacto,_ use the Clod< OSD menu., @ Horizontal noise appears or the ch_acte_ _ook blurted, • ID-Sub anaJog si_ - Press the "AUTO" button in the remote controt to a_omatica[ly sele_ an opti_aJ _reen status that fits into the cur#ent mode, If a_us_nent is not satMacto_y use the Phase OSD menu. @ _e _n is displayed abnormally. • The p_per input s_gn_ is not _nnected to the signal port. Connect the signa_cable that matches with the s_rce inp_ signal. • No sound? • See ff the audio _le is _nnected • A_u_ the volume • See if the sound is set prope_y • Sele_ the _propnate _ualize ipr_e_y sound • Adjust the volume @ _reen • Set the, number of _lom to morn _an 24 bits (tree has poor co[_ re_uti_ (18colors) _tor) Select _ntrol Pane_- Display - Se_ngs - _lor Table menu in Wind.s • Screen cotor_ O _ co,or is unstable black spots a_ear ot mono_ on the _reen? • Checkthe _nnection sta_s of the signal _bte Or re inse_t the PC vid_ _rd • Several pixels (red green wh_e or b_ack_1o0 may _pear on the screen which can be attnbutabie to the unique char_eris#cs of the LCD panel It is r_t a maffun_on of the LCD The product s_cifications LCD Panel can change without prior notice, for product improvement, [32 _nch] 32 inches (8&04 cm) TFT _hin Film Transistor) LCD (Liquid C_stal Display) Pane_ Viable diagonaU size: 80,04 cm &5_5 [37 _nch] mm (PixeJPffch) 37 inches (9403 cm) TFT _hin LCD (Liquid C_stal Fiim Transisto0 Display) Pane_ Viable diagonal size: 94,03 cm 0,6_ [42 inch] mm (piixe! Pitch) 42 inches (106.73 cm) TFT (Thin Fi_mTransisto0 LCD (Liquid Cpystal DispLay) Panel Anti-Glare coating Viable diagonam size: 106.73 cm 0,,681 mm (_xel Pi'uch) [32 inch] Rated Vol_ge AC 100-240V~ 50/60Hz 1.5A Power Consumption On Mode : 145W SJeep Mode Off Mode : _<lW (RGB) /4W (HDMI/DVI) ; _ lW [37 _nch] Rated Vol_ge AC 100-240V- _/60Hz 2.0A Power ConsumpUon On Mode : 180W Sleep Mode Off Mode : < lW (RGB) / 4W(HDMI!DVl) : _ IW [42 _nch] Rated Vol_ge AC 100=240V *- _/60Hz Power Consumption On Mode : 240W 2.5A Sleep Mode Off Mode : < lW (RGB) / 4W(HDMI!DV[) : _ IW De pr_uct Illl m specifications can change without prior notice for pr_uct [1] [2] [3] 1[4] W W -- Width x Height x Depth [32 inch] [1] 80._ _ (31.61 hdles) x 54._ (21._ i_es) x l&00 _ (7.09 inches) [2] _._ mq #1,61 hd_es) x 49,_ _ (19.4 i_,es) x 9.,_ cm (3.&3in_es) [3] _,_ _ (37,95 hches} x _,_ [4] _,_ _ (37,95 hdles) x 49,_ _ (19A i_es) [1] 92._ _ (36.54 hdles) x 61.90 _ (24._ i_es) x 22.77 _ (8,._ i_) [2] 92_ _ (_54 hdqes) x 57_12 _ (2249 i_) x 1 li,_ _ (&53 i_s) [3] 112.9 _ (4&45 h_es) x 61 _ _ (24_ i_es) x 22,77 cm (8,_ i_) [4] 112.9 all (4&_ hches) x _. 12 _ (22.49 i_es) x 1 t,_ _ (&53 i_) (_,_ x 29.45 _ (11.59 ir_es) x 1!,91 _ (4.,69i@_s) (2764 i_es) x 29,45 _ (25.71 ir_es) x 11.91 _ (11_59i_es) (4.69 i_s) (21,26 i_) x l&_ _ x 9_ _,_ incus) (3,9.3in_es) [37 inch] [42 inch] [1] 105,7 _ @1,61hches) x 70_ _ [2] 1057 _ (41_61hches) x _.33 al! (25.71 i_es) [3] 12&9_ (4957 hdles) x 70._ _ [4] 125.9 cm (49.57 h_es) x 65,_ _ i_) The product sp_ications can change without prior notice for product [32 inch] [1] 19.4 kg (42,77Ibs) [3] 21.1 kg (4&52 Ibs) _] 16.0 kg (3.27 ]bs) [4] 17.7 kg (39.02 ]_) [37 inch] [1] 2&i kg (57,_ I_) [3] 2_.5 kg (67,24Ibs) _] _,_g (48_ _) IE41 _.7 kg (_._ ]bs) [42 inch] [1] 35.2 kg (77,_ Ibs) _] 30.8kg(67._Ibs) _] 38.0 kg (_,77 I_) [4] _.6 kg (74.07 ibm) De product s_ifications can change w_hout prior notice for product M_. R_luti_ RGB : 1_ X 12_ @_Hz HDMbOV_: 12_ X 1_,4 @60Hz - It tray _t be sLJpp_ _pendi_ on lfneOSor,_ cardbj_ P_eom_nded Resolution RGB: WSXGA HDML,'DVI " WSXGA t_ 1_0 X 768X @6_z 7_ @_Hz _ It may not b_ sup_ _n_ng on the OS or vM_ cardt_'_ Horizen_l Frequency RGB : _ - 83 kHz HDMI/DVI : _ - 72 kHz VeAi¢_ F_u_cy 56 - 85 Hz Synch_n_on Type Separate!Comp_i_oOG (Sync On GreenyDigita_ 15-pin D_,_b type, IHDMI (dig_31),_VMeo, _pos_te Operatj_al _nditjon VM_, _po_nt, Temperature: 10_C ~ 35°C_ Humid_: Tem_ratu_: * Appiicable only for models _at sup_ RMS Audio Output Input Sensit:Mty RS-23_ ,-20°C - 60'C, H_id_: the speakers 10W+10W(R+L) 0.7Vrms 10% ~ _% 5% ~ 95% P'CMode- PresetM_e VGA 640 x 3_ VGA 720x400 VGA 640 x 480 VESA 640 x 480 VESA 640 x 480 VESA 800 x 6_ VESA 800 x 6_ VESA 800 x 6_ MAC 832x624 VESA 1024 x 768 70 70 6O 75 85 60 75 85 75 60 31.469 31 468 31.469 37,500 43°269 37.879 46.875 5&674 49,725 48 _3 VESA VESA VESA VESA VESA VESA 1024 1024 1280 1280 1360 1366 x x x x x x 768 768 720 768 768 768 VESA128i0 x 1024 VESA1280 VESAI_,0 x 1024 x 1200 60.123 68.68 44.772 47 47.72 47 63.981 79.98 75.00 RG8 : Mode 1 ~ Mo_ 1'9 HDMI/DVI : M_e 1 ~ Mode 17 @ DW Mode @ PowerIndi_ On Mode Green Steep Mo_ Off Mode Amber VESA wall mounting Connected to another object (stand type and wall-mounted type.) This product accepts a VESAcompliant mounting interface pad. = ffhis has to be purchased se_rately if requital.) For fuRher information, refer to the VESA Wall Mounting Instruction Guide. t I(ensi_on separ_ely Connoted separately S_udty Slot- (This has to _ purchased if required.) to a locking cable that can be purchased at most computer stores LI_ this method to connect _veral products to a single PC. You can control _veral products at a time by _nne_ing them to a single PC. iii_i_i_ Connecting the cable Connect the RS-232C cable as shown in the picture. * The RSo232C pr,otocol is used for commun[_tion between the PC and product. Yo,u can turn the product on!off_ select an input _urce or adjust the OSD menu from your PC. iii i monitor 1 i_ monitor 2 , monitor 3 monitor 4 RS-232C Configurations PC Monitor RXD TXD 2 € GND DTR 5 _ _ 2 5 DSR RTS CTS PC TXD RXD RXD TXD GND DSR GND DTR DTR CTS RTS DSR RTS CTS Monitor TXD RXD 3 GND DSR 6 7 7 D-S_b9 _Sab 9 D_Sab9 DoS_ '9 (Femur} (aa_} (Female) (Male) Oommuni_tion Parameter i_ Ba_ Rate: 9_uadRate 1_Data Len_h : 8b_ I!, Parity Bit: None l_ Stop Bit : 1bit it, Row Control : None I_ Communication _de I_ Use a _raight cable (UART) : ASCII _e, DTR CTS RTS Command Reference List 01. Power 02, 03. 04, 05. Input Select Aspect Ratio Screen Mute Volume Mute COMMAND1 k k k k k 06. Volume Contro_ 07. Contrast 08. Brightness 09. Color 10_ Tint 11. Sharpness 12_ OSD Select 13. Remote LocW key' Lock 14. Balance 15. Color Temperature 16. _J state 17, ISM rr_e I8. I9. 20, 21_ 22. 23. Auto _nfoura_on Key Tile Mode Tile H Size Tile V Size Tile ID Set 24. Elapsed time return 25. Temperature value 26. Lamp fault check COMMAND2 a bi c d e DATA(Hexa) OOH- 01H 02H - 09H 01H - 09H OOH - 01H OOH - 01H k f 00H ° 64H k k k 9 h i OOH- 64H OOH - 64H OOH - 64H k k k k k k k j k I m t u z 00H 00H OOH OOH OOH OOH FFH j p u c d 00H08H 01H Key Code OOH - 44H 9 h i I n OOH - 64H OOH - 64H OOH - 10H FFH FFH p FFH j m d d d d d d d o - 64H 64H 01H 01H 64H 03H Transmission /Receiving I [Commandl][Command2][ Protocol ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr] I * [Command I]: First command. (j, k, m, d) * [Command 2]: Second command_ * [Set ID]: Set up the, Set: ID number of product. range : 1~99, by sexing '0', server can control a]ll products * In case of operating with more, than 2 sets: using set ]D as: '0' at the same time, it should not be checked the ack message, Because all seLs will send the ack message, so it's impossible the check the whole ack messages * [DATA]: To transmit command data. Transmit 'FF' data to read status of command, * [Cr]: Carriage Return ASCII code '0x0D' *[ ]: ASCII code Space (0x20) OK A cknowledgemen I [Command2][ t ][Set IDI[ ][OK][Datal[x ] 1 * The Product transmits ACK (acknowIedgemen0 based on this format when receiving normal data. At this: time, if the data is da_ read mode, it indicates present status data, If the data is data write mode, it returns the data of the PC computer, Errot: Acknewledgement I [Command2][ ][Set ]D][ ][NG][Data][x] * if tlhere is error, it: returns NG 1 Transmission / Receiving Protocoll 01, Power(Command ° a) I_ To control Power On/Off of the Set. Transmission Data 0 " Power Off ! " Power On I [a][ ][Set ID][ ][OK][Data][x] I !_To show the status of Power On/Off. Transmission I [kl[al[ ][Set IDI[ ][FFI[Cr I I [ [a][ ][Set ID][ ][OK][Data][x] ] Data 0 " Power Off: 1 • Power On I 02. Input Sele_ (Command : b) (Main Picture input) To select input source for the Set. You can also seJect an input source using the iNPUT butt:on on tlhe remote control., Transmission ] ! [k][b][ ][Set ID][ ][Da_][Cr] Data 2 : AV 4: Component 5 : Component 1 2 6 7 8 9 I [b][ ][Set ID][ ][OK][Data][x] Data 2 _ AV 4 ' Component 5 Component (DTV) (PC) (DTV) (PC) I 6 1 2 RGB RGB HDMI HDMI 7 8 9 RGB RGB HDMI HDMI (DTV) (PC) (DTV) (PC) Transmission / Receiving Protocol 03, Aspect Ratio(Command : c) (Main picture format) !_To adjust the screen format. You can also, adjust the screen format using the ARC (Aspect Ratio Control) button on remote control or in the Screen menu, [ [k][c][ ][Set ]D][ ][Datq[Cr] ] Data I : Normal Screen (4:3) 2: Wide Screen (16:9) 3: Horizon (Spectacle) 4:Zoom1 5 : ,Zoom2 ] [c][ ][Set ID][ ][OK][Data][x] 6 : Original 7:14:9 8 : Full (Europe ,version only) 9, :1:1 (PC) ! 04, Scmien Mute(Command : d) I_ To select screen mute on/off. Transmission [k][d][ l[Set ]D][ ][Data][Cr] Data 0 ' Screen mute, off (Picture on) 1 • Screen mute on (Picture off) AcknowledAem,ent ] [d][ ][Set IDI[ ][OKl[Datali[xl I @ Transmission / Receiving Protocol 0,5. Volume Mute(Command : e) _-To control On/Off of the Volume Mute. Transm,ission I [k][el[ l[Set ID][ l[Datal[Cr] Data 0 ' Volume ] Mute On (Volume Off) 1 " Volume, Mute Off (Volume On) I [e][ ][Set ID][ ][OK][Data][x] Data 0 : Volume 1 : Volume _, ] Mute On (Volume Of 0 Mute Off (Volume On) Volume Control(Command To adjust Volume. : Transmission [ [k][f][ ][Set [D][ ][Data][Cr] Data ] Min : OOH ~ Max : 64H (Hexadecimal code) Acknowledgernent I [_[ ][,Set ID][ ][OK][Data][x] Data ] Min : 0OH ~ Max : 64H * Refer to 'Real data mapping _page A7, Transmission / Receiving Protocol 07, Contrast(Command : g) i_ To adjust screen contrast, You can also adjust the contrast in the Picture menu. Transmission I [k][g][ ][Set iD][ ][Data][Cr] Data Min " OOH ~ Max 64H • Refer to 'Real data mapping' [ [g][ ][Set ID][ ][OK][Data]Ix] I _ shown below, I * Real data mapping 0 Step 0 A Step 10 F: Step 15 lO: Step 16 64 Step 100 08. Brightness(Command : h) i_ To adjust screen br[ghtness, You can also adjust the brightness Transmission I [k][h][ ][Set ]D][ ][Data][Cr] Data IMin : OOH ~ Max : 64H • Refer to 'Real data mapping' [ [h][ ][Set ID][ ][OK][Data]Ix] * Real data mapping 0 Step A Step 10 F Step 15 10 Step 16 64 Step 100 in the Picture menu. ! _ shown below, ! Transmission / Receiving Protocol _, Color(Command : i) (Video only) To adjust the screen color. You can also adjust the color in the Picture menu 1 [ [k][i][ ][Set _D][ ][Data][Cr] Data Min "00H *- Max ' 64H (Hexadecimal code) • Refer to 'Real data mapping' page A7. ! [i][ ][Set ID][ ][OK][Data][×] Data ] Min ' 00H ~ Max ' 64H 10, Tint(Command : j) (Video ,only) To adjust the screen tint:. You can also adjust the tint in the Picture menu, Transmission [ [k]U][ ][Set ID'][ ][Data][Cr] Data 1 Red: 00H ~ Green: _H (Hexadecimal code) - Refer to 'Real dam mapping _page A7 I _][ ][Set ID][ ][OK][Data][x] Data Red: 00H ~ Green: _H * Tint Real data mapping 0 "Step °50 64 • Step 50 I Transmission / Receiving Protocol 11, Sharpness(Command : k) (Video only) i_ To adjust the screen Sharpness, You can also adjust the sharpness in the Picture menu. Transmission ] I [k][k][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr] Data Min " 00H ~ M_ (He,xad_imai " 64H code) * Refer to °Rea_ data mapping' page A7, [ [k][ ][Set ID][ ][OK][Data]Ix] Data Min : O,OH~ M_ ] : 64H 12, OSD Sel_(Co, mmiand : I) I_ To control OSD on/off to the set. Transmission i [k][I][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr] Data 0 : OSD Off [ [I][ ][Set i 1 : OSD On ID][ ][OK][Data][x] Data 0 ' OSD Off 1 _ OSD On 13. Remote Lock/Key Lock (Command - m) I_ To control Remote, Lock on/off to the set. This function, when controlling I [k][m][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr] Data 0 • Off 1 "On Acknowledgement I IEm][][Set ID][ ][OK][Data][x] Data 0 • Off 1 "On RS-232C, I locks the remote control and the local keys, Transmission / Receiving Protocol 14 Balance(Command : t) To adjust the sound balance. I [k][t][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr] Data I Min " 00H ~ Max • 64H (Hexadecimal code) - Refer to 'Real data mapping' page A7, ! [ [t][ ][Set ID][ ][OK][Data]i[x] Data Min _00H ~ Max' * Balance _L50- 64H R50 15, Color Temper_ure (Command : u) i_ To adjust the screen color temperature_ Transmission [ [k][u][ Data 0 1 2 3 ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr] : Normal :Cool :Warm : User [ [u][ ][Set tD][ ][OK][Data][x] Data 0 : Normal 1 :Cool 2:: Warm 3 : User I I Transmission/Receiving Protocol 16. Abnomal _te (Command : z) I_ Abnormal State : Used to Read the power off status when Stand-by mode. ion. ! [kl[z][ ][,Set fU][ ][Data][Crl ! Data FF : Read 0 : Normal 1: No signal 2 : Turn the 3 : Turn the (Power (Power monitor monitor on and signal exist) on) off by remote control off by sleep time function 4 : Turn the monitor off by RS-232C function 6: AC down 8 : Turn the monitor off by off time function 9 : Turn the monitor off by auto off function I [z][ ][Set ID][ ][OK][Data][x] ] 17. ISM mode(Command: j p) I_ Used to select the afterimage preventing Transmission ! DI[P][ ][Set IDI[ ][Data][Cr] Data 1 :Inversion 2 : Orbiter 4 : White Wash 8: Normal I [p][ ][Set ID][ ][OK][Data][x] ] function. Transmission / Receiving Protocol 18. Au_ Configur_Command: j u) I_ To adjust picture position and minimize automatically, it works only in RGB(PC) ! D][u][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr] ] Data 1 _ To set [ [u][ ][Set IID][ ][OK][Data][x] I 19. Key(Command : m c) I_ To send IR remote key code. Transmission I [m][c][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr] ! Data Key code • Refer to page A1,8 Acknowte_ement I [eli l[Set ID][ ][OKl[Datal[x ] I image shaking mode, Transmission / Receiving Protocol 20. Tile Mode(Command 1_ Change a Tile Mode, Transmission I [d][d][][Set : d d) ID][][Data][x] i D,ata O0 Tile mode is off. 12 1 x 2 mode(column 13 1 x 3 mode 14 1 x 4 mode 44 4 x 4 mode x row) * The data can not be set to OX or XO except 00_ I [d][]['00][][OWNG][Data][x] I Transmission / Receiving Protocol 21. Tile H Size(Command : d g) I_To set the Horizontal size Transmission, ! [d][g][l[Set Data iD][l[Datal[x] IMin : 00H ~ Max : 64H I [g][][Set ID]H[OWNG][Data][x 22, Tile V Size(Command i_To set the Vertical size. I [d][h][][Set Data I [h][][Set ] I - d h) ID][][Data][x] 1 IMin " 00H ~ Max • 64H ID][][O_NG][Data][x] I Transmission /Receiving Protocol 23. Tile ID Set(Command : d i) !_ To assign the Tile ]D for Tiling function. Transmission I 1 Da_ Min : 00H ~ Max : 10H (Hexadecimal code) I [!!!![Set!D![![O.ING![Da,!_!!x ! ] 24. Elapsed time return(Command I_ To read the elapsed time, Transmission I [d][l][][Set ]Dill[Data][x] [ * The data is always FF(in Hex), Acknowledgement I [Ill][Set Ial[][OWNel[Data![x ] * The data means used hours, (Hexadecimal code,) I : d I) Transmission / Receiving Protocol 25, Temper_ure value (Command : d n), To read the inside temperature value, Transmissio_ I [d][n][][Set UD][][Data][x] * The data is always I [hill[Set FF(in Hex). ID][][O_NG][Data][x] * The data ] I is 1 byte long in HexadecimaL. 26. Lamp fault Ch_k(C:ommand I_ To ch_k Ilamp fault. I [d][p][][Set ID][][Data][x] • d p) ! * The data is a_ways FF(in Hex), I [Pill[Set _D][][OKJNG][Data][x] Data 0 ' Lamp Fault !: Lamp OK I ! I_" Connect your wired remote co,ntrol to Remote Control port on the Product, i_ Ou_ut waveform singJe pulse, m_ulated with 37_9,17KHz signam at 455KHz ! t FCAR = lfTc =fosd12 Duty ratio = T1 _c = 1/3 _TI 1_ Configuration Carrier frequency of frame • i st f_me High custom code • Repeat frame i_ Le_ code I-, gm$ vF" "-! 9ms b B_ d_cription • B,_ '0 ° * Bit "1" _J ,j _" r 1ot2ms Frame int_a/I : Tf • The waveform is transmitted _ as long as a key is depressed, Tf Tf _J ............................................... I P[ D I Tf=108ms@455KHz Function Nole 00 A PJC Bu'tlon 01 v R!C Button 02 VOL(_) R/C Button 03 VOL(41 ) R/C Button 08 POWER ONtOFF PR!C Bu_on C4 POWER ON Di_ret:e IR Code(Only Power On) C5 POWER OFF Discrete LR Code(Only Power On) 09 MUTE PJC Button 98 AV R/C Button INPUT PJC Button 0E SLEEP RIC Button 43 MENU RtC Bulton 5B EXIT PJC Button 6E PSM RiO Button 44 SET RiO Button !0 Number Key 0 R/C Button 11 Number Key ! RIO Button 12 Number Key 2 RiC Button 13 Number Key 3 RiC Bu_on 14 Number Key 4 PJC Button 15 Number Key 5 R/C Button 16 Number Key 6 PdC Butlon 17 Number Key 7 _C 18 Number Key 8 R/C Button 0B i (Power On/Off) Button RJC Button Di_rete IR Coide_!r]put iAV Discrete rR Code(!nput COMPONENT1 Selection) Di_rete IR Code(!nput COMPONENT2 Selection) Discrete IR Code(input RGB PC Selection} Di_rete IR Co,de(hput RGB DTV Selection) Di_rete LR Code(!nput HDM_/DW Selection_ Selection) RiG Button ARC (4:13) 4:3 mode) ARC (1619) Discrete IR Code(On!y 16:9 mode) ARC (ZOOM) Discrete _R Code(Only ZOOM1 AUTO CONFIC Discrete LR Code ZOOM2 mode)