O RK O T C R KSP O P OR T S C R K O R T SP R K G RT CO O R SP CO K O R P eS CO RT O P ORKn S C RT K O R P O T S CorkSport Turbo InletRKPipe C OR P S - PORT w/ Recirculation & Breather CO Fitting K R O T S C OR RK P S CO6 RT K O R P O C RT KS O R P O T C KS R 4 RKSPOR O T C R O P O T C6 R KS O R P O T S C R K O R 2 SP CO RT K O R P CO RT KS O R P O C RT KS O R P O T S C R K O R P O T S C R K O R P O T S C R K O P S COR RT K O R P O T C KS OR R O T SP R NOTE: These instructions were written for reference onlyC and the use of a K O R P O Tthese instructions S manual is recommended. Please factory service read C R ? O K O R P this inlet pipe is prior to starting installation. S Because T Cthoroughly R K O R intended for use with a v takes that connect to the factory COto the installation instructions forORKSP RTinlet pipe, it is important to have O access P T Inlet Pipe has a connection for aC S RCorkSport your particular intake. This O RK P O T valvecover breather hose and includes a silicone hose that replaces your S C R K O factory clip-lock P S CORbreather hose. RT K O R P O T S C removal of battery box and Vehicle R ! WARNING: Disconnection of battery, K O R P O ECU are required for installation. Consult factory service manual C or RT O RKS P owners manual for your car for spe tails on disconnection of O T S on the battery can cause SERIOUS C R K O R Battery. Bridging the terminals damage to P to battery weld Swant CO and can cause injury. Plus, YouORdon’t RT K vehicle electronics O P T anyRparts together today - trust us - be careful.C KS O R P O T S C R O P ORKGen-6-462 T S MazdaSpeed3 All 2007-2010 C R K O R P O MazdaSpeed6 2006-2007 T All 60-90 min S C R K O R P O Mazda CX-7 MZR 2.3 DISI Engine Only T 2007+ C KS 2/5 OR R P O T S C K OR P T S COR K OR P S COR RT K O R P O T S C R K O R P O C RT KS O R P O C RT KS O R P O T C RT KS O R P O T C KS OR R P O T S R call 360-260-CORK (2675) T C K O R P O For help with installation, C R KS O R P O T C R O RKS CORKSPORT Mazda Performance Brand Part Number: Model Year Trim Time Estimate: Wrench Rating: 3/8 Drive Ratchet 6” 3/8 Drive Extension 8mm long socket 10mm Long Socket 12mm Long Socket Phillips Screwdriver Longnose Angled Pliers Channel Lock Pliers Silicone Spray Flashlight CorkSport Turbo Inlet Pipe w/ tting & Crankcase Recircula Breather Fitting 2x 63-71mm T-Bolt Band Clamps 54-57mm Silicone Reducer 6” Long, Smaller ID Silicone Hose 12” Long, Larger ID Silicone Hose RK O T C R O Installation R Instructions: P O T S C R K O R Inlet T SP CorkSport Turbo CO R K O R T SP CO R K O R P the InstructionsRWork T S How COfamiliarity with O best cover all of our customers experience levels and P ORK To T C Rinstructions KS Mazda, we have broken the systems on R their our down into O P O T S C numbered steps, each of which has theR core Rhigh K information in the header Oawith P O T additional detail as needed depending on your experience. If you have S C R K skip to O of experience, you canRjust R level use the checklist below and then P O T S C K Oneed step number where P you help or assistance. Video assistance may S COR the RbyTthe HD icon: Areas T also be available for certain steps and is indicated K O R P O where there isC a safety concern are indicated the warning icon: ! KSbyare OR R Cautionary areas (where parts are fragile, etc) indicated by the caution P O T S C R O? Key tips are indicatedRwith icon: the light bulb icon: RK P O T S C K O P T S COR R K O R T SP CO R K O R SP CO RT K O Overview/Checklist: R P T of the build. You can use COthis as a Rsteps KSis an overview of each of This the O R P O C reference and a checklist on the RTcar. KasS you button up the work O R P O T S C Cover R K O R 1: Remove Intercooler P O T S C R K O R P O T S 2: Remove Battery Cover C R K O R P S C3:ODisconnect RT K O R Battery Terminals, Hold Down Bracket & P Battery. O T C KS OR R O T C three harness loom ORKSP R box front cover, disconnecting 4a: Remove battery O P T strap connectors from cover. S C R K O R P O T C R KS 4b: Remove ECU cover. O R P O T C R KS R O T SPO 4c: DisconnectPthe two ECU plugs. C OR RK O T S C R K O 5a: Disconnect P S COR MAF sensor harness. RT K O R P O T S C vehicle. from R5b: Remove factory airbox K O R P O T box from vehicle. C Rbattery O RKS 5c: Unbolt and remove P O Tto it! S place - your ECU is connected C R K Put into a R safe O SP CO RT K O R P O T 6a: Remove valvecover breather hose. C KS ORTip to use bent paperclip R to unclasp the breather connectors. P O T S C R O P ORK 6b: Remove factory T S C R inlet. turbo K accordion flex hose from O R P O T S plastic turbo inletPpipe. C Recirculation hose from R Kfactory O R 6c: R Disconnect O T C KS O R P O T S C bracket by K Disconnect factory plastic valvecover OR turbo inlet pipe from T COR 6d: removing 10mm nut. KSP OR P OR S C RT Kfactory inlet pipe. O R 7a: Remove wiring harness loom clips from P O T S C R K O R P O Remove boost control solenoid C Rup,Tnotline. K7b:STake O R P O care to pull it directly on angle. C RT KS O R P O T C inlet pipe from turbocharger KSand out of the vehicle.SPORT 7c: Remove plastic R O T C OR RK P O T S C R K O P T For help with installation, call 360-260-CORK (2675) S COR R K O R CO RT O RKSP O CORKSPORT KSP CS O RK O T C R KSP O Installation Instructions: R P O T S C R C K O R P CorkSport Turbo InletORT O S C K R O ORT SP CO K R P S CO RT (continued): SPO ORKR Checklist T C R K 8: Assemble the CorkSport Turbo Inlet Pipe and hoses. O R P O K T S C OR RKbracket. P O T 9a: Install CS Turbo Inlet to Turbocharger and valvecover S C R K S KSPO R O T C valvecover OR bracket stud. P T S COPR 9b: Install CS Turbo InletOonto R K O R P 9c: Install 12” long, larger C ID valvecover breather hose between RT KSCS Inlet and O R O Valvecover breather. P O T C KS OR R P O T S R to boost control solenoid. T C hose RCORK9d: Connect 6” long, smaller ID silicone O P S R Khose O R P onto CS Inlet Pipe. O T 10a: Install factory recirculation T S C R K O R SP C- O RTsystem (Cobb, Injen, AEM, Mazdaspeed K 10b: Install intake pick y avor) O R P T S CO R K O R P O S C 11a: Install battery box and 3 10mm RT Kbolts. O R P O T S C R K 11b: Install ECU connectors and ECU Cover. O R P O T S C R K O Hold Down Bracket, Front of Battery R P O T S 11c: Install Battery, Box and wiring C R K CclipsORonto front of battery box. ORKSPO RT O P T 11d: Install intercooler cover. C KS OR R P O T S C R K O R P Start the car, ifS issues, check for leaks at silicone couplers O Tand MAF C R K idle O SensorO toR MAF Housing on your intake pipe. T SP C R K O R CO 21wheel horsepower. ORKSP RT Buy a CorkSport Downpipe and get another O P S C RT O RK P O T S C R K O P S COR RT K O R P O T S C R K O R P O C RT O RKS P O T S C R K O R SP CO RT K O R P O T C KS OR R P O T S C OR P ORK T S C R K O R P O T C R KS O R P O T C KS OR R P O T S C K OR P T S COR K OR P S COR RT K O R P O T S C R K O R P O C RT KS O R P O C RT KS O R P O T C RT KS O R P O T C KS OR R P O T S C R K O R P O T For help with installation, call 360-260-CORK (2675) C R KS O R P O T C R O RKS RK O T C R O Installation R Instructions: P O T S C R K O R CorkSport Pipe PMZR 2.3 DISI Inlet T S CO R K O R Fittings P Ow/ Recirc & Breather TRemove Intercooler Cover S C R K O 1: R Tintercooler cover is attachedCO SP R The with two 10mm bolts K O R O connect the the cover to the intercooler. Use SP which C RTdrive K O R your 10mm Socket and 3/8” ratchet to remove the P O T S C Rthe Kin Diagram 1. Lift the front two bolts shown of O R P O T S C R intercooler cover off of the intercooler and push the Kof O R P O T S entire cover toward the firewall and off C R back of the intercooler.TLift the covertheoutcatch K O R P O at the of S the engine bay and placePitOon C R K R your workbench. CO RT KS O R P O T C KS OR Diagram 1 R P O T S C R K2: Remove the Battery O R Cover. P O T S on with two clips POR C The battery box coverORisKheld T shown in DiagramC2, pry the clips outward byRKS R O hand and lift the front of the lid upward and SP CO then K OlidRT R pull S the forward out of the latchT mechanism at P CO R Kback of the box. the O R P O C RT KS O R P O T C Terminals, HoldORKS R O 3: Disconnect Battery P T S C R K O and Battery. RT Down Bracket R 2 P O S Diagram C K A) Use a 10mm end wrench and disconnect the Oone nearest the firewall),Rplace P OR terminal of the battery T the battery S Cnegative (the K O R P O negative lead out of the way between the battery box and fenderwell, T Cpainted fender. DisconnectORtheKSpositive lead making OR sure not to scratch the the P T pull the leads clear of theCfront of the batteryusing R K 10mm end wrench and to make itS O R P O T S the battery. easier to remove C R K O R P T 3b Sthe CO R K O R B) Remove two 10mm nuts shown in Diagram SPand lift the COthe battery hold-down O RT K O from bracket R P S Cplacing it on your RT bracket free of the studs, O RK P O T workbench. S C R K O P T place it S COR Rand K C) Lift O the Battery free of the battery P box, O R T S C location. R in a safe K O R P O C Cover, ECU RT O RKS P 4: Remove the Front Battery O T ECU Plugs. S 3b Cover, and Disconnect C R K Diagram O R T SPplace on two grooves inPthe CObattery cover is just slid Rmain K A) The front into O R O T Citself. box, and it sits on two pegs that are at R top front KS Obattery R P the corners of the box However, O T S OR loom straps that RT C are three wiring harness P ORK there S C K the battery box by a setSofPO are held in placeRto O T C push lock connectors. These are removed R Kby O R P O T compressing their latching features with a pair of C KS OR or straight needle nosed R angled pliers and P O T S C R hole they are K O them back through the P T S COR pushing attached to. It is helpful to then pivot them out OR RKnot reconnect Odo of the way so they into the KSP C RT O R hole. Remove all three of these connectors P O T S 4a C R K O shown in diagram 4a and remove the front cover R Diagram P O C RT K ofSthe battery box. O R P O C RT KS O R P O T C RT KS O R P O T C KS OR R P O T S C R K O R P O T C R KS installation, call S360-260-CORK For help R with (2675) O P O T C R O RK O CORKSPORT KSP 1 1Now would be a good time to take a look at your intercooler and see if you have any bent fins or debris lodged in the intercooler fins or between the fins and the cover or tanks. removal of any and all debris and straightening of the fins will improve the performance of the unit. RK O T C R O Installation Instructions: R P O T S C R K O R CorkSport Pipe PMZR 2.3 DISI Inlet T S CO R K O R Fittings P Ow/ Recirc & Breather T S C R 4 (Continued): K O ORcontrol unit (ECU) SP b)T Remove the cover from the engine C R K O R O disconnecting the latch attaches the front of C Tthat SP by Rbox K O R the cover to the battery and ECU shroud. See P O T Slocation of ECU cover andPlatch. C R K Diagram 4b for O R O S C RT K O R P O C) R Disconnect two ECU plugs by the Tbelow thethe Cofdepressing KS O R hasp white camlock latch the plug P O C RT KS housing. When the hasp is O R P O T S C depressed, lift the white R K O R P O T mechanism C which will KS OR Diagram 4b latch R P unlock and disconnect the O T S C R An example Kecu plugs. both operate identically. O R P O T S . When done correctly, POR C can be seen in diagram 4c K R O T this process should S C be effortless. R K O R SP CO RT K O R P CO RT KS O R P O T Diagram 4c SSensor, Remove C 5: Disconnect theOMAF R K O R P T the Airbox and C R KS O R Battery Box.T P O S C R K A) The Mass Airflow (MAF) sensor, shown inR O P O sealed T S C diagram 5a is plugged in with a latch lock R K O R Press (A) and P O connector. Press down on the latch top of S CLatch RT on the K O R the connector and pull on the connector with one Will Release P O T SMAF housing and airbox C hand while supportingORthe K OR SP C Unlike the ECU connectors, RT Clasp with the otherThand. K A O R P O S this one can often times build up a strong C surface R K O R tension between the sealed o-ring and mass Tthe SPsensor CO R K O R airflow housing, so you’ll have to pull SP COhard. When you push down RT on the latch, you will K O R P O T S see the latch lift up a retaining clasp. If the claspK C R O P does not moveRup, you’re not going to pull theCOR T S K O without breaking it, so push out P T the S COR Diagram 5a connector R K latch down harder rather than pulling the O R P O T S C R connector harder. K O R O T to the car using a single 12mm C R O RKSP B) The Airbox is connected and a pair of O Tgrommetsbolt SP that connect into two Prubber C R K push-in plastic nubs below the airbox as O R O T Sinlet pipe to the airbox. Once well as aC 10mm hose clamp attaching R the you R K O P O T the S 10mm bolt C box to the vehicle, backOoff R the 12mm bolt attaching Kthe Oremove R P on the hose clamp attachedT to the rubber accordian inlet pipe and push the pipe S OR off of the airbox. C Pull the airbox up and P ORK T compartment S C R K out of the engine (the O R P O T detents will hold it R fairly C KSandandsetgrommets O R tight. it on your workbench. You P O T S in the C will remove the MAF Sensor R K O later R P O RT KS instructions prior to C installing the new O R P O C intake, and can leave it in place for now. RT KS O R P O T S C Rthe K the three 10mm boltsSfrom O R C)ORemove P T Cfloor of the battery box shown R K in O R P O T S C diagram 5c using a ratchet, 10mm K OR P socket and 6” 3/8 drive extension. You S COR RtoT K O R will now be able P O T S from extract the battery C RT K box and ECU O R P O T Diagram 5c C KS OR R P O T S C R K O R P O T For help with installation, call 360-260-CORK (2675) S C R K O R CO RT O RKSP O CORKSPORT KSP RK O T C R O Installation Instructions: R P O T S C R K O R CorkSport Pipe PMZR 2.3 DISI Inlet T S CO R K O R Fittings P Ow/ Recirc & Breather T(Continued): S C R 5: K O ORthe wiring harness T are a number of elements Cfrom SP the engine compartment. There R K O R P so often times an extra OsetRT O that surround the box, of hands can be helpful to S C K R clear the way O to extract the box. Put the boxP on the bench in a safe place as it T S C contains your ecu, the brain and nervous OR RKsystem of your MazdaSpeed3. P O T S C R K O Remove the Valve Cover R P O 6: Breather Hose, Rubber accordion T S C K OR Inlet pipe Bracket.RT Recirculation Hose, P S COR hose, K A) The valvecover breather hose is a tricky one P R O S asOit uses two clip lock PORT C connections. you can use two screwdriversRto K O clips T of the latches on the internal releaseReach C KS O R P (green on the valvecover, blue onT the inlet O S C Kaccordion hose), ? But there O R is R a much easier way by P O T S out of a paper clip POR C fashioning a releaseOmechanism K R T shown in diagramC6a. Unclip each of the endsK of S R O R the valvecover hose and remove it Obe the SP Cfrom RT breather K O engineP compartment store it away, it will not R CO RT KS reused. O R P O T Diagram 6a S C R K O R P O T B) The rubber accordion that connects the S the turbo inlet pipe withPO C hose R K R airbox to the hard plastic turbo inlet pipe is held onto O S C the hose clamp and extract RT Back the 10mm boltTout of K a 10mm hose clamp. the O R P O C accordion itO will R not be reused. KS hose and store it away, R P O S recirculation hose is attached C RTto the KThe O R C) P O T C recirculation valve (sometimes KS known as a blow-off SP OR R O T C and onto a fitting onOthe valve) on the intercooler K OR R P T S underside of the hard plastic turbo inlet pipe on the C R K O in diagram 6c. Both other, S asPshown ends are T COR R K O R retained with a pair of hose clamps that be P(or by can O T S C R released with channel lock R pliers hand if K O O pliers to release the RK SP a masochist). use the C RT you’re O P tension and CO RtoTmove KSDiagram 6c clamp O R the hose clamps the P O C RT KSthe hose away centerR of O P O T C off of the fittings ORKS Rfrom the fittings. Pull the hose O P and place it onto your R workbench. T C O RKS P O T Sdisconnect the 10mm nutPthat C R K D) Finally we will O R O T holds theChard plastic turbo inlet pipe inSplace. R K O R P O T remove nut and Chosethe R Diagram 6d for location, KS Diagram 6d OSee R P pull the grommet and hard plastic free of the O T S C ORK mounting stud. RKSPOR T C R O P O T 7: Disconnect harness Clips Intake, Disconnect R Sfromturbocharger. C Wiring Kfrom O R Boost Solenoid Line and Inlet pipe P O T S C R K to it. OThe hard plastic intake pipeRT A) has two wiring harness clips attached R P O S C K each of these are O well concealed by other items in the engine P T pipe out of the car and S COR Because compartment, diagramK7a on page 4 shows the turbo inlet R O R P O the locations ofCthe clips are marked for clarity. RT KS Remove the clips andSpivot O R them out of the way. P O T C R K O R P O T S C K OR P S COR RT K O R P O T C RT KS O R P O T C KS OR R P O T S C R K O R P O T For help with installation, call 360-260-CORK (2675) S C R K O R CO RT O RKSP O CORKSPORT KSP O RK O T C R KSP O Installation Instructions: R P O T S C R C K O R CorkSport MZR P2.3 DISI Inlet Pipe ORT O S C K R O ORT Ow/ Recirc & Breather Fittings SP C K R 7: (Continued): P S CO RT O P ORKR B) T S C R tting is K O R SOLENOID P O K marked T on diagram 7a. Remove the hose clamp from KS C OR both ends of the line att tting by COR P T S R K S KSPO R O T C tting on the turbo pipe and ORinlet P S COPR the boost control solenoid. Great care should be RT Kon the boost control O R P O taken with the end of the line T C R KS O R itT is a plastic housing. If you have O solenoidlty,Oastry P O Diagram S 7a R rotating the hose to break the sealT C K R P O S then straight up. It does take C Rpulling RCORKof the rubber to the pl tting lyand O P if pulled in line with the att tting. T R O RKS P T C) Finally, we are goingCtoOremove T S R K the plastic inlet pipe from R the turbocharger. O Tand model, the inlet pipe will most likely SP COhave a hose clamp DependingO onR year K R P thatK isS actuated with a pair of pliers, but on some models and years there is a CO RT O R hose clamp with an 8mm bolt. Back the hose cl lastic P O C RT K.SThe stud that mechanically mounts the O R P O T R inlet pipe to the bracket mayC have fallen back into place, so make sure itSis K O R P O T removed (see stepR 6d, Page 3). Extract the plastic turbo inlet C pipe and put it in S K Obe re-used. R P a box, it will not O T S C R K O P S C8:ORAssembling and InstallingOthe RT K Corksport Power Series Turbo O R P T C Inlet Pipe. KS OR R O T Cclamp that holds the silicone tubing to theORKSP R as shown in diagram 8a. As seen, the t-bolt Assemble the turbo inlet pipe band O P T but still loose on the silicone coupling. TheC2” S turbocharger K compressor housing should just be tightened downR slightly, O R diameter ared end connects to the Corksport turbo inlet pipe, TBoostwith the SP2.25” COend connects to the turbocharger whiletheRthesilicone R K O band clamp 10mm fastener tightened. Each ofO hoses - the 6” long, smaller (ID) short hose for the SbePlubricated with silicone RT Control Solenoid and the 12” long,T larger IDC hose for the valvecover breather connection R should K O P S CO R O RK P O T S C R K Oto Caution IDP hose ? S CORshould be taken when installing theOsmaller RT K O R P T S C Rand can bend if too much pressure is applied. K O R P O C RT O RKS P O T S C R K O R OSolenoid 9: TurboCInlet Installation, Valvecover Hose Installation SPand RT K O R Boost Control Hose Installation. P O T C KS OR R P O T S tted down between the ECU C ORsimilar to the harness and the valvecover, P ORK wiring T S C R Khard plastic turbo inlet. O R orientation of the factory P O T R Feed the siliconeC coupler end of the inlet down in KS O R P O T the given space toward the turbocharger compressor C Diagram8a 8a KSDiagram ORinlet avoiding ca R P housing ttings and lines O T S C K ORand components in the vicinity.RAlign turbo inlet on the wiring harness P T S COR ofthethebracket KTurbo Inlet pipe with the stud on the on the Corksport valvecover O P O2”Rdiameter S bracket and connectC the silicone coupling over the end of the RT K O R P O turbocharger compressor inlet, taking care to keep the loose band clamp in T S C is probably too tight. R K R pl SPO ly - if not, the t-bolt band clamp O C RT K O R P O C RT KS O R P O T C RT KS O R P O T C KS OR R P O T S C R K O R P O T For help with installation, call 360-260-CORK (2675) C R KS O R P O T C R O RKS O RK O T C R KSP O Installation Instructions: R P O T S C R C K O R CorkSport MZR P2.3 DISI Inlet Pipe ORT O S C K R O O9:RT Ow/ Recirc & Breather Fittings SP C (Continued) K R P S CO ORT Turbo Inlet over the stud onRT P ORKR B)factory Attach the bracket onS the Corksport the C O in RK and start the nut onto the stud asSindicated valvecover O bracket P K Diagram T C 9b. Check to ensure that the silicone coupling fully engaged OR RKis still P O T between the turbocharger and turbo inlet pipe and tighten the nut the rest of S C R K S KSPO R the way. Then tighten the t-bolt band clamp at O T C R O R the turbocharger compressor inlet. This has to SP COP RT K be tight. O R P O C KS larger ID breather hose SPORT R O O T C) Feed the 12”long, C the wiring harness toward the ORK OR underneath P T S Rvalvecover brea tting as shownTin C RCORK O P R Diagram 9c. KS Apply O R P O T a small T S C R K O R amount of SP CO RT K O silicone spray to R P T of the CO Rinside Diagram 9b KS the O R P O S thehose and to the C val RT Kover O R P tting and slide the hose O T C R KS O R tting up to the stopT collar. If there are any P O S C R kinks in the hose, re-evaluate the routing...this K Ocrankcase from ventilating RT R P O S will prevent your C K O P OR S Cproperly. RT K O R P O T C spray onto KS Diagram 9c D) Apply a small amount of silicone OR R O T SP C R the free end of the 6” long smaller ID hose and K O R P O T connect it toKthe S boost control solenoid outlet. BePGentle. C R O R T S Intake Installation. CORecirculation Valve Hose Installation, R K 10: O R SP COhose between the recirculation valve RT A) Install the factory recirculation K O R valve P O T Turbo Inlet. The bent end of this Chose S RCorksport O and the lower pipe on the RK P O T S C R K O tousing R Recirculation valve. The other endbeSconnects connects toO the the lower P RT DiagramO 10a pipe on C the Corksport Turbo Inlet. Both ends will secured the K R P O T S C 10a. Rfactory spring clamps as shown inTDiagram K O R P O C R O RKS P O T have Spipe assembly is installed and all ofPtheOconnections C R K B) Now that the inlet R O inlet pipe, you’re ready to installRyour Cthe been made to intake system. Your RT KSthat O P O T intake installation will of course require the MAF sensor is still connected C KS OtoRyour OEM airbox that you removed R from the vehicle. Start your intake P O T S Rthe references to the factory turboTinlet C instructions and replace O P ORK installation S C pipe with the CorkSport KTurbo Inlet Pipe and you should beSallPset.OR R O T C R K Battery and Covers. O R 11: RT Installation of Battery Box, ECU Connectors, P O C KS O R P O T S C R fastening into the chassis with the K A) Install the battery box backSinto place, O P T COR three 10mm bolts through the base of the box. Feed the battery terminal lines R K P through the cutouts C in O theR box as shown in Diagram 11a, on page 6. O S RT K O R P O T S Rthe ECU connectors and latch the cam B) Install locksCto seat the connectors K O R P O T the C Rconnectors. KintoSthe ecu. Install the ECU cover over O R P O C RT KS O R P O T C RT KS O R P O T C KS OR R P O T S C R K O R P O T C R For help withRinstallation, call 360-260-CORK (2675) KS O P O T C R O RKS RK O T C R O Installation Instructions: R P O T S C R K O R CorkSport Pipe PMZR 2.3 DISI Inlet T S CO R K O R Fittings P Ow/ Recirc & Breather T (Continued) S C R K 11: O ORtoward the Tthe battery box (Negative terminal SP C) Install the batteryPOinto C R K R O firewall) and install hold down bracket over R the studs on the box. Ttwoand S the C Kon O R There is a diagram the bracket that shows ‘Forward’ an arrow which T P O S C R KInstall the two 10mm flange should point toward the front of the car. nuts O R P O T S C R onto studs. Install the positive K O thecable R P O T battery onto its terminal and S C R K Otight. the 10mm nut hand P S COR tighten RT K O Install the negative battery cable onto R P O Ctighten the 10mm nut ORKS RT its terminal and O P T hand tight. Install the front cover C KS OtheR battery R P onto box and snap the O T S C Ras Kwiring harness clips into Splace O R P O T C shown in diagram 4a,OPage R K 1. Install O R P T C into place and latch ORKS the battery box top R O the two latches SP RT on the forward sidesTof C K O R the box. P CO R KS O R P O T S C D) Install the intercooler cover, R K O R P O T making sure that the C metal bracket S R K O R under the cover is latched onto the tab P O T S C R Diagram 11a K O in the back of the intercooler tank R P O T S C R casting. Lower the front of the intercooler cover and align the clearance K O P OR in the cover with the tapped holes and install the two 10mm S Choles RT head bolts K O R hand tight. P O T C KS OR R P O T R car: You are now ready StartingPthe toCstart the car, if there are RKS O O T- hose clamps for tightness Cand Sthe idle, check your connections issues with R K O R Pfully seated in the placeOit Rconnects check to make sure the MAF sensorSis to Tthe housing COintake K R your pipe, and not cocked at a non parallel angle relative to P tightness. O Sfor RT surface. After a testTdrive,Crecheck K all hose clamps again O R P O S C R O RK P O What’s Next: Now that you have improved the induction on your MZRC2.3 T S R K O with your Power SeriesRT R consider opening up yourSexhaust DISI Engine, Turbo P O C K Back Exhaust system featuring: O R P O T S C R K O R O T Downpipe Power Series C R O RKSP CorkSport The other logical to go with your Speed3, Speed6 or CX-7 is to O TPower SPdirection C R K O R open up the exhaust system with the CorkSport Series Downpipe. With SPturbine and wastegatePoutlets, CO RT the separate K O R O T not only increases tubing size Sprevents Cdownpipe Kthe OR R P of the factory unit, but also the O T S C R K O R disruption of flow at full boost by P O Tblowing perpendicular to C S R K wastegate gasses O R T SP flow out of the turbocharger. CO the exhaust R K O R Pup which This faster turbo spool SGains COgivesin you RT K O R results a larger power band. P O horsein T power have been up to 21Cwheel S R K O R T on otherwise stock SP CO power when installed R K O R P O MZR 2.3 DISI The CorkSport S Engine. C RT Kor O R downpipe T bolts to the stock second catalyst aftermarket racepipes. It is P O SSeries C system featuring the Power R of our Turbo Back Exhaust K O theP lynchpin R O S C CatBack RT High Flow Catalyst) T Racepipe (with or without and 80mm KDownpipe, O R P O C Exhaust. KS OR R P O T S C RT K O R P O T C KS OR R P O T S C R K O R P O T For help with installation, call 360-260-CORK (2675) S C R K O R CO RT O RKSP O CORKSPORT KSP