, SERVICE MANUAL SHARP CODE: OOZMZ1U06//-E Expa nsion Box MODEL MZ-l U06 F OR MODEL MZ-700 , . - - - - - - -I N D E X -----------.. 1 . Specification 2. Block diagram " , 3. Connector pin configuration 4 . System sc hematics 5. Power supply 6. Troubleshooting 7. Ci r cuit diagram and parts layout 8. Ac tual wiring diagram 9. Parts guide & list SHARP , 1. MZ-1U06 specifications 1-1. General specification Connector signal configuration See the wlrlng diagram for detail of the bus line connection cable and the interfaing connector signal line connections. Signal level TTL compatible I/O specification The specification of IC used shall be the input and output electrical characteristics. The following ICs are used: SN74LSOO, SN74LS04, SN74LS10, SN74LS14, SN74LS22, SN74LS30, SN74LS42, SN74LS244, SN74LS245 Automatic reset circuit A reset pulse of more than 3 ms is issued at power on. Operating temperature o Storage temperature -15 to +70oC Supply voltage 230 VAC +34 V, 50/60 Hz -32 Physical di dimensions 224.4 mm(W) x 264 mm(D) x 68 mm(H) to +50 oC 1-2. Mother board specification Buffer circuit Data bus (SN74LS245 x 1) bus (SN74LS244 x 2) Control bus (SN74LS244) ~Address 1-3. Power supply specification +34 ~32 Input voltage: 230 VAC Output voltage: 5 VDC, 2.0 A V, 50/60 Hz -1- 2. Block diagram A AO -A15 V , BUFFER ~ ADRESS ~r-n' '\ ~ PORT A ADDRESS 11 SET Y EXRESET J ./ POWER SUPPLY -L DAISY CHAIN ~ • IEI f DO -D7 DIR GATE I -\ DATA BUS \. ,j BUFFER IEO A i\ L\ --V I 1 CONTROL SIGNAL / \ ~ J -y , ~ CONTROL A.. SINGNAL .I BUFFER 'r \. \ \ .; .. r y AUTO RESET CONNECTOR -2- IEI IEO t, 3. Connector pin configuration CNl Parts side {) Pin No. g 9 0 '1 2 {) 3 D 4 {) Q 5 6 9 7 BUSst> A 0 A A Back side 1 GN 2 GN 3 GN 4 GN 5 GN 6 GN 7 GN D D 8 D f) D D 8 GN-Q 9 GN 9 10 RESET 1 11 I~XRESO 2 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 A 3 A 4 A A A A A 5 6 7 8 9 A 10 A 11 A 12 A 13 A 14 A CN2 15 HALT GN D ; M FXWAIT W R G N {) {) R G N {) 20 10RQ 21 G N B 22 MREQ 23 G N 8 24 I N T 25 Pin No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Back side vcc Vcc o2 B o3 B o1 B D4 8 Pin No. 1 pin A 9 B Parts side VCC ~tRC"QB 1 {) 2 8 Vcc A 8 B B 2 3 f) 4 A.15 8 5 6 f) f) f) f) Back side 2 3 4 5 6 GN"f) ~_ 7 A6 8 D ~_._B_ GN D 068 A 158 o7 B A 148 8 9 o0 CN4 AND 5 CN3 9 10 11 12 13 8US-~B 14 15 A 138 .16 Iv! 1 ~_ 17 A12B 18 'W R EL 19 A 11 8 20 R f) B 21 A 108 22 IORQ8 -~ A 7..EL HALT.IL ----- I E I 10 A 5 8 11 ~ 12 A 4 8 13 RSIB 14 A 3 8 15 EXRSTB 16 A 2 B 17 INTB 18 A 1 B 1 9 EXWAITB 20_ A 0 B 21 GN-D 22 GNf) 1 8 0 B G N D back side No. 3 8 4 B 5 [3 6 B {) 7 [3 A 14 [3 7 Bus-iiB A 13 [3 8 1--11 f3 f-'-'----rAJ28 9 WR [3 A 11 8 10 R {) G A 10 B 1 1 IORQ8 A 9 8 12 MREQ8 A 8 g 13 G N f) A 7 8 14 HALT 8 A 6 B 15 I E I A 5 [3 16 I E A 4 8 17 RSTB A 3 B 18 "EX RST[3 A 2 [3 19 INTB ~---.lJl 20 EXWAITB ~ r-A-~ 21 G N 0 22 GND a ----- - -3- BUS BOARD Fi?1J~.' I J:>. I to'i-iO: , 1 1 1 liNe .G-NQ GNf) GNO GN GN .JiN GN GN£) !-tAlT 'X1fF!:;ET RESET tiN£) VI WR ~ ~ $ ill ~. ______ • _ _ _ • i ~O ~1 02 ~. £4 v5 -{)6 f)7 8tis~ A12 All A1(1 A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 AJ A2 A1 AO A1~ A15 A14 '-- ;-- AC ~~ I lAC +sv l GN£) BUS BOARD 1 +sv GND '-- POWER SUPPLY H PL~o-JFILTE{]TRANS I ···-~Ir- t- N CN4.CN5 t ....Co o o o.... 0" 51 (1) ('t rn CJl Co( J:>. 5. Power supply circuit 5-1. Power supply block diagram AC FILTER CIRCUIT - RECTIFIER CIRCUIT - POWER RECTIFIER FILTER SWITCHING I-CIRCUIT I-- CIRCUIT CIRCUIT ~ 1 CONTROL CIRCUIT 5-2. Power supply section wireing SWICH FILTER o---<:r"<0-- ~0 AC PLUG POWER +5V AC TRANS SUPPLY - ..., ~ (8U S BOARD) r". GNO ~ 5-3. Troubleshooting the power supply unit 5-3-1. Possible phenomena In order to know the exact point of the trouble, put power on and check the output voltage that; 1. it is at the given rating of 5V, 2. no voltage at all (OV), 3. it is about 1 to 4V only, 4. it rises to 15V, or, 5. irregular increase in output ripple. See the description below for each of phenomena above. 5-3-2. Tracking the trouble location 1. When it is at the given rating of 5V If a vol tage drop occurs wi th the Bus Board in connection, though the normal condition is seen when a 2.5A load (2 ohms, 20W ceramic resistor or electronic load device) is connected to the power supply, it is because that the circuit load is higher than 3A and more. In this case, check the Bus Board and the circuits connected to it. -5- 2. When no output voltage is seen (OV) 1) Open fuse Fl 2) Defective Ql 3) Defective Rl6 4) Defective IC 24 5) Defective thermal fuse T1 Replace the above components in reference with the figure to check the defective component. Check thermal fuse Tl 3. When the output is 1 to 4.5V Replace component in reference with the figure to check the defective item. 4. It rises to l5V Replace Ql with the new one when this conditions is encountered because Ql is shorted in this case. If it remains the same after the replacement, remove the cause that makes Ql destructed and replace the following component in the given order to check the item causing the trouble. Rll and Rl2 •••.. if still stays the same ••.•• D3, Cl7, and Rl3 •.•.• if still stays the same •.••• then IC 24. 5. Irregular increase seen in the output ripple Replace Cl7 as it might have been fatigued. 5-4. Tools required for the tests 1) Oscilloscope 2) Voltmeter or multimeter (digital multimeter is preferable) 3) A 5V, 2.5A load like the electronic load device or 2 ohms resistor of more than 20W. -6- 6. Trouble shooting Mother Board section 6-1. Troubleshooting procedure Replace IC14 of AOB-A4B IC3 of DOB-D7B Check reset circuit Load S-BASIC Enter the search program-3 Enter the search program-l Execute RUN command Execute RUN command NO Replace IC14 of A5B-A7B RUN Replace the bus line cable _Check if ~O ~d ~ go low a Replace IC6 the same time L...-_ _ _ _ _ _ _- - ' Check if ~ and 1m" to low at the same time ~ ~. Replace the bus line cable Fig. 3 Fig. 2 Re(llace IC14 of AOB-A7B IC3 of DOB-D7B ..........Check if IQRSB~O Replace IC6 <"and 1mB to low at ....... the same time L...-______________ Fig. 4 ~ Check the data bus ijO select circuit -7- Search program-1 COOO COOl C002 C003 C004 C005 C006 3E 00 D3 00 C3 02 CO IORQ (lORQB) im (WRB) Fig. 1 (Fig. 2) Search program-2 coca COOl C002 C003 C004 C005 C006 3E FF D3 31 C3 02 CO lORQ (lORQB) RD (RDB) I I Search program-3 coca COOl C002 C003 C004 C005 C006 3E ;FF D3 FE C3 02 CO Search program-4 coca COOl C002 C003 C004 C005 C006 3E 00 DB 00 C3 02 CO 6-2. lC circuit check method 1) Press the lC insulator with your fingertip and check the following: *see if too hot-----lC gate defect or short in the circuit. *see if any condition changes-----improper soldering or printed wire. 2) Check the following defects using the oscilloscope; *TTL lC logic" does not match-----lC gate failure *see if the TTL lC voltage is within the TTL level. NOTE: TTL high level: 2.5V or more TTL low level: O.SV or less -8- 7. Circuit diagram ans parts layout r SEC IN ~ C16 TK 580919 0 0 0 + 0 RECI I o o ~% ~ o-o~ ,~ -'~ ;of uOT I •~ ~, i~ a:: 6 L1 ~, ___ !!, ~ 6«~! ~ o!!!!o _ ~6 ~ O~--.JI OUT Il. a:: c ~ 1 A .... a:: 0+ :J 0K LOUT 5v.!I- C17 % lit + '- ...w- OO 02 1 A 250 V SHARP A SHARP I o o v--v 0 FUSE T IN _ C18 -RI7_ Q BCE IC24,~ ~()+ '" ,_Q1 ~ R22 A OUT ~~O ~~ E44187 -9- « >"1 lI')N .~ N 10 lI) [t=~~=~~==~L- ________________________~ ~ ~d crdJ...:~~Wr""'" + Lt:>. + 91) , L-I~'_:!-l + + 61:> 61 M )1001 > 0,.., N:J: NO ':;ill') -10- I I-' I-' I CN1 A • o + 25 20 1C21 15 10 5 3IC14 C 10 -u- IC2 IC3 rT IC 1 -C~ 05 J. I Ic5 CN 2- ~ IC15 (I ...C 13 IC IC7 IC16 IC8 IC9 Icn C 11 --c ~ CN3 D1 ,..,., C1 + R5 C2 f *~R4 +l~ I IC 12 C9 --C~ 22 J ~ ~IC20 JR6 ""'" Wv -u- C 3 R 1 R2 R3 1C19 ~1~ C4~~ IC18 C8 --C~ IC10 ~~ 1 - . . II L---H22 1 IC22 IC4 C6 -C~ R' t/') 0:: 4. :t: ('l.. 4. I I\) I-' I :: ~"" All 412' AIJ AI4 .lIS :~O I IZI "' 4 . 7 IC21 4 7 AI48 .lIS a . n - .. A9B Aloa AI18 . IC2l! I A~B A611 A71 ~' '~ mB le: 14 Ala A2B A3B A48 JIl.-_8 A08 .!iI ./8.sI ..A. IC 16 :> >:=====+=:JJ 3, 3. ~ .z. IC16 ICI6 13 1.2. .1L ]0 -"= "i AO AI A2 A3 A4 A!I A6 A1 1078 ioU A~" .leg • 1031 ~ ~ • Emfi ~~BAnb ilt.b! Jrij 141 F RESn GHQ IC20 ::!~J.,. ...iiJf ~T§' :;'10 I ~l..~I _4,r'~l IC20 13 12 1,IC1I 1111 GHIl GNO \la: ~ WwIolT ~ HAl a !!Ill. ~Q8 VCc RSTI I I 7 \lice 028 C 4a 068 013 038 . OS8 • D711 . ~~ 4 IC 3 .. ... I 1 2 1 J • I 5 I 6 GI;O ~BUS"'IJ lIt 101 aus</l DO 02 0 .. D6 01 03 DS 07 L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ..J 8. Actual wiring diagram -13- 9. Parts guide · t & 1 1S " ....... ~ 30 ~ -14- 25 rn Electronics parts NO. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 PARTS CODE oC F 9 5 I 3 5 I A/ OCF95-0401-A/ OCF95-2202 C/ VRD ST2EY221J VRD-ST2EYI02J VRD ST2EY332J VRD ST2EY682J VRD-ST2EY223J VRD ST2EY330J VRD ST2EYI03J VRD ST2EY221J VRD ST2EY561J VRD ST2EY681J VRD ST2EY182J VRD-ST2EY202J VRD ST2EY472J VRD ST2EY333J VRD-ST2EYI04J VRS PT3ABI0lJ OCF95-31 0 I-A/ OCF95 3 2 5 I A/ OCF95-2001 A/ o C F 9 5 2 3 0 I A/ VHDDSI588L2 1 o C F 9 5 2 3 0 2 A/ o C F 9 5 2 6 I 9 ·0/ o C F 9 5 260 9 M/ OCF95-2808 T/ o C F 9 5 2 6 0 9 A/ o C F 9 5 2 7 0 I A/ o C F 9 5 2807 C/ o C F 9 5 2 8 0 9 M/ OCF95-2615-G/ o C F 9 5 2 8 I 0 U/ o C F 9 5 2 8 1 I 0/ OAE30276973// VHiSN74LSOO I VHiSN74LS02 I VHiSN74LS04 I VHiSN74LSIO I VHiSN74LSI4 I VHiSN74LS22 I VHiSN74LS30-1 VHiSN74LS244N VHiSN74LS245N VHiSN74LS42 I OCF95 I 902 A/ o C F 9 5 I 9 0 2 B/ o C F 9 5 I 9 0 2 C/ OCF95-1902-D/ o C F 9 5 2 4 0 I A/ o C F 9 5 4502 A/ o C F 9 5 4 5 0 2 B/ o C F 9 5 4 506 A/ o C F 9 5 3 903 A/ o C F 9 5 4 504 A/ o C F 9 5 4 505 A/ o C F 9 5 4 I 0 5 A/ PRICE NEW RANK MARK AN N N BC AP N AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AB AE N N AC N AL AP N AB AC N AU N AQ N N AC AC N AB N AD N AB N AA N AB N N AC AN N AE AE AE AE AM AG AE AS AR AM AT N AR N AP N AE N AE N AG N AF N AR N AP N AQ N BS N AV N PART RANK C B B C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C B B B B C C C C C C C C C C B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B A A B C C C C DESCRIPTION [Ll [T! Coil Power transformer Rectifire Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Metal oxide resistor Cement resisto r Variable resistor Transistor Diode Diode Diode Capacitor Capacitor Caoacitor Capacitor Polvester caoacitor Capacitor Capacitor Capacitor Capacitor Capacitor IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC LED Fuse for UK Fuse for 220V [RECI [R3 [R8 [R2 R6 [RI RS [R4 [Rill [RI4 R2S [R7 R22 [RIS [RIB [R17 [R20 R21 R23 R24 RI9 RI2 RI6 VRI [01 03 01 04 [C16 [C17 [Cl [C19 C2l [CIS [C2 [C3 [C4 CS-C13C20 [lC24 ICI71Cl8 [ICll IC161C20 [lClO ICl9 [ICI2 [lC9ICIS [lC61C141C22 [lC3 [IC8 [lC131C2l IC41CS [IClIC2 [lC7 [02 [FURS] FURS] SW] AC cord for UK AC cord for 220V I/O Cable Flexible board - , ! • -15- [2J Mecha nica I pa rts NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 PARTS CODE oC F 9 5 4 025 A/ OCF95-4024 A/ OCF95 4 0 2 6 A/ o C F 9 5 3 5 0 2 A/ OCF95 4 0 1 8 A/ OCF95-3501-A/ o C F 9 5 4 0 1 0 A/ o C F 9 5 4 034 A/ OCF95 4 0 2 1 A/ OCF95 4 0 2 7 A/ OCF95 4 5 0 7 A/ OCF95 4 03 7 A/ OCF95 4 004 A/ o C F 9 5 4 0 0 3 A/ o C F 9 5 4 0 2 3 A/ o C F 9 5 40 1 9 A/ OCF95 4 006 A/ OCF95 4 03 0 A/ OCF95 4 0 3 1 B/ XBPSD30P10000 o C F 9 5 4 0 1 2 A/ XBPSD40P08000 XBPSD26P06000 o C F 9 5 4 0 1 1 A/ XWSSD30 o 7 0 0 0 XWSSD40 o 7 0 0 0 XWHSD40 08000 XWHSD26 05000 OCF95 40 1 3 A/ OCF95-4016 AL XBPSD30P10000 PRICE NEW RANK MARK BC N N BB N AP N AU AH N N AQ N AB AC N N AK N AE AA N AE N N AE AC N AG N AF N N AC N AK N AC AA N AA AA AA AA N AA AA AA AA AA N AA N AA PART RANK PRICE NEW RANK MARK AR N N AC AC N PART RANK 0 0 0 C 0 C C 0 0 0 C C 0 C 0 0 0 0 0 C C C C C C C C C C C C DESCRIPTION Cabinet Top Chassis PWB Guide angle Connector for I/F slot Guide rail for PWB Connector for flexible cable Pin Soacer for PWB Heat sink Shield box for Power sup PRI.PWB Fuse holder I/O Cable Tie wrap Badge (SHARP) Leg Maskinll frame for I/O slot Masking cover for I/O slot Bushing for I/O cable Bushing for AC cord Soacer for AC SW Screw (M3X10 Screw (M3X5) Screw (M4X8) Screw (M26 x 6) Screw (M3X5) SDring washer(M31 Spring washer (M4) WasherlM4) Washer Nut (M4) Nvlon washer M3 Screw (M3XI0) ~ Other NO. PARTS CODE 1 o C F 9 5 900 1 2 OCF95 5 003 3 OCF95-5004 i/ A/ A/ 0 0 0 DESCRIPTION Instruction manual Caution label ClnslBook) Caution label (AC cord) ; -16-