Download Sharp mz-800 Service manual
SHARP SERVICE MANUAL CODE: OOZMZ8OOIIIIE PERSONAL COMPUTER MODEL MZ-800 MZ-1P16 MZ-1E20 Table of contents t, 2. 3. Specification .. Parts identification .. Systemdiegram .. . .................................... 4 4. Systemdescriplion .. 4·', Memorymep .. ................................................... 6 .. 9 4-2. CustomLSI ..... 4-2-1. Memoryconlroller ... 4-2-2. 4-2-3. 4-2-4. 4-2-5. VOcontroller .. Clock generator end timing generator .. Display address generator ... Scroll control circuit ..... 9 9 . ....................... 12 .. ......... 12 .. ..... 13 . ......................................... 15 4·2·6. VRAMdeta inputloutpulcircuil .. .............................................................. 20 4-2-7. Register functions .... .. ........... 25 4-2-8. Pal1etcircuit ..... . ................................ 26 4-2-9. CRTC register map •. 4-2-10. ROMconfigufation ... .. ............................................. 27 4-3. 8255 Programmable Peripheral Interface ... ......... ................................ 27 .. ...... 31 4-4. 8253 Programmable Interval Timer .. . .................................................. 31 4-5. Printer interface .. .................................................................. 34 4-6. Programmable sound generator .• ......... 35 4-7. Joystick .. 4-8.Systemswitchsetups ... . ..................................................... 35 5. Powersupply ..... MZ-1P16 ..... .. ......................................................... 35 . ................................................... 35 SHARP CORPORATION 1 SpedfIution -f- t IMl-700 - "'ItB W.fJOO - 8ItB CG I;:' - :::.... Dicpl'vmethod .CoIor 8'lm.p ..... thod - Resolution PCGmalhocl ... ,,.. 320 >e 200 OP 320 >e 2OO ~~ >e 2OO Colo< ..slgn .......1 Se'Mn.ndchl.KtIt Se.Mn ~h'ndling ~_Ienc:oc* M!~7~moo.only ~- '''''''' 10<121 10<121 180< '''', c:oIora ~0:010010 900'.ochltac:t... ~••• glnl"'ed- ---- ~of18co1ort; _I--- - "'1t8 ...,. "'coIofl ChOHn out of 1ScaIO,. ~......tlon _+---+==",-~__ ~keOfI8caIO" Cen"onlclinterl_ =:!.~-dtofd ~n~l~naISPllk" ~~ Cen"-Mitc:hldtaMl interl_ P\o!point.. VI""'output RF, VIDEO C%rInCOderIPALI 'ThI1'lfmlna',oldd ,AnalagRG8woth tI•• Ml-820FI Joystick ~ -~ RS-232C fO<IheRGBllrmlnl' AlAR, compatibll ijo'flitickdldlcatedl I'ntlrlac.' OP ----+TO':::._O"'"' '- ......--,"'c----I'~""c:::"'2:::.:ii_ density MZ-88,03 ATAAlcompat,bll Joyllick W-1E19,MZ·1Fl1 MZ.'0'lcomPl~ -o;;t;;;",,,ixp<lntlr PlOt printer :~'.:::",PI"~ Ml-1P18 St.ttu.SC£I011 _ ~ilZ-800 2. Parts identification IFront view I Data recorder Definable keys Main keyboard POWER lamp Cursor control keys DELETE and INSERT keys Channel knob (home TV channel selection) BW/color select switch Composite connector Expantion slot RGB connector RESET switch Power input External printer output connector EXT cassette jack Joystick connector Volum!! control RF connector (home TC cable connection) Dip switch MZ-1P16 power supply socket (+SV) POWER switch 2 MZ-800 3. System diagram MZ-1A18 AAMfile MZ-1A25 Expansion RAM MZ-1x17 MZ-1E19 MZ interface MZ-1E20 MZ-1U06 1U06 interfacing PWB Expansion VO box MZ·1F11 MZ-6F03 MZ driver MZ blank media MZ-2Z046 DISK BASIC MZ-1P16 MZ-2Z047 Plot printer CP/M MZ-1D04 12", 8-tone, monochrome CAT MZ-1D19 14", 18-color, AGBI, CAT /I~ 0, 'J).oh , MZ-1E05 MZ-1F19 MZ-1C30 MZ-1F19 M FD interface Single floppy disk drive Expansion cable Single floppy disk drive MZ-1T04 MZ-1F02 MZ-1C30 MZ-1F02 Expansion cable Dual MFD drive MZ-811 connection tape recorder Dual MFD drive MZ-8BI03 AS-232C card MZ-SOP5(K) SO-column, dot matrix printer 25. /1~ JOYSTICK ATAAI compatible 3 MZ-800 4. System description 16 KB l Basic RAM, 64KB r---' I I l. r- L _~ PPI 8255 -, MZ-1P16 --- Plot printer l OP I ,.--J KEY PlO Z-80 PlO CMT VF MlSOP5K printer Printer interface CTC 8253 r----+----.J Joystick interface (ATARI compatible) PSG RGBI SN76489 CRTC AMP (Semi-cuslom) MZ-1D19 o VRAM 16 KB rI I --, MZ-1R18 slol (dedicated) I I r - -----, I Expansion slot-l I L L ___ -.J [2]' MFD _____ 4 J o 0 TV HZ-1R25 ) --~ RS-232C MZ-8BI03 MZ-1F02 I VRAM 16 KB (OP) Video CJ1 1 OSCJ Cursor 556 Z-80A GDG ·1 t... LJ [ 1 WE &J 8253 DATA RECORDER AMP II~~ ~ lci7Jt PC21 ~rl CTC Peripheral VO bus CAS RAS CSROiI.1 I- Option 16 KB dn' ~ --c= CONTROL BUS DATA BUS VRAS OSC 556 VRAM DATA BUS RESET VRAM ADR. BUS ADDRESS BUS ~CustomlC t I~ cPU~ 0= 3.547 MHz RGBI 00 u 0" u., ~~~ '17.73 MHz -~ Monitor, SP L--+_ _ _, PA4 PA5 r PAf PBI Z-80A PlO T 16KBROM (27128 'I1L/"""'I L\2- fi 1"" w c. )( 0 ." 'Cij " ~ £ I ~ ..)J ';~ ~ System switch (MZ +--+ Centronics) ~CTRLBUS I~fl,--I~~--'-I PRINTER DATA BUS CTRLBUS If Bus driver --ffi] I General purpose input bus ' .~ J JI ,I:'~::::::~i External printer bus , iil 3 CD Q. .' aJ - MZ-800 4-1. Memory map The MZ-800 has a different memory map depending on the mode. To have compatibility with the MZ-700, it has two modes of the MZ-700 mode and MZ-800 mode. o MZ-800 memory map MZ-800 mode MZ-700 mode FFFF" EOOO ~ ~ 0000 COOO O[J D AOOO 01000 -- MAIN MAIN o-RAM o-RAM 64K. 64 KB I I : : ~ __ J OVOR"';: __ , ,.--, 1 I I I I n : lml: 1: IIV) II L__ J 1 II 1 L __ oJ ~ 640 )( 200 mode 320 x 200 mode 4000 NOTE: ,- __ .J Item within dotted lin. represents an option unit ~ O-RAM 1 :1 eX):1 ~ 1000 r--.., 1 r---, 2000 VRAM ROM VRAM O-RAM MZ·1R25 Memory map changes after initial program loading ® Power on (resel) MZ-800 mode $0000 MON. ROM SI 000 @ At start of monitor © Wril. 10 PeG MZ-700 mode MZ-7oo mode $0000 r - - - - - - , MON. ROM $0000 $1000 $1000 CG.ROM r-----; from CG MON. ROM @ System operation MZ-7oo & 800 modes $0000 CG.ROM $2000 $2000 DRAM LD A, 08H OUT (CE), A $8000 V-RAM (320x2oo mode) => IN (EOH), A DRAM => D-RAM D-RAM IN (El H), A ~ SCOOO DRAM V-RAM (CG) SDOOO SDOOO V-RAM SEooo MON. ROM SFFFF SEooo SE010 I<.!'Y. SEooo SE010 nM~K MON. ROM V-RAM MON. ROM SFFFF SFFFF • Memory map at power on is in the MZ-800 mode as in ®, but it changes to the MZ-700 mode by the monitor ROM when the monitor program starts. After transferring the CG data to the VRAM PCG area from the CG ROM at @, the memory map then returns to SFFFF L..._ _ _---' • Depression of the manual reset switch assumes memory map transition in order of ® ~ ® ~ @ ~ ®, similar as in the case of power on. • However, depression of the reset switch in conjunction with the I CTRL I key assumes the memory map of @ after being changed once to the MZ-700 or MZ-800 mode depending on the state of the system switch. In the case of the MZ-800 mode, it is set to the plane I. IT (4-color mode) of the 320 x 200 mode. ®. • When the system program is completed to load, the memory map goes into the MZ-700 mode if the system switch (SW1) is set to ON side. If set to OFF side, it changes to the MZ-800 mode, then the memory map as in @. During those changes, all memory spaces are composed of RAM and isolated from ROM and VRAM. 6 MZ-800 Memory Sank Control ~ port MODE Function SEO SEl - SE2 - MZ-SOO mode MZ-7oo mode SE3 MZ-7oo mode SE4 MZ-SOO mode MZ-7oo mode MZ-800 mode o SOOOO - S7FFF o Soooo - SFFFF o SEooo - SFFFF o SOOOO - $OFFF o $0000 - SFFFF o SEooo - SFFFF o SOOOO - $OFFF o SOOOO - $OFFF to DRAM. to DRAM. to DRAM. to monitor to VRAM, key monitor monitor monitor to to to ROM. timer, and ROM. ROM. ROM. monitor ROM. o Slooo - $CFFF o Slooo - SlFFF to DRAM to CG ROM. o Soooo - $FFFF o S2000 - $7FFF to VRAM, key and timer, and $Cooo - SDFFF monitor ROM. to DRAM. o $8000 - SBFFF VRAM to (NOTE). o SEooo - SFFFF monitor to ROM. i--l 0000 I I I 1000 2000 4000 I I I I I 5000 I I I 6000 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DRAM '--I 1--' I I I I I I I I I MONITOR ROM I I 3000 ,---, I I 7000 8000 9000 Aooo BOOO COOO Dooo I I I FFFF I I I I DRAM B r-- - - (NOTE) I I I L __ ..J V RAM I I I I I I I I I I DRAM I I I Fooo DRAM I I I I I I I I I I EOOO E070 I I I I MONITOR ROM CG ROM I I I I I I I MONITOR ROM I I I L __ DRAM V RAM V RAM KEY, TIMER DEY, nMER MONITOR ROM MONITOR ROM MONITOR ROM J Area within dotted line does not involve change. (NOTE): In the case of 320 x 200 mode, contents of $8000 - $9FFF are transferred, instead, and those after $Aooo are transferred to DRAM. 7 MONITOR ROM ----1 Power on or RESET input MZ-800 ~rt MZ-700 mode MODE Function 0000 1000 MZ-800 mode MZ-700 mode IN (SEO) MZ-800 mode MZ-700 mode r--l I--l 1--' 1--, ,---, I I I I I I I I I I I I 3000 4000 5000 8000 I I I I MZ-800 mode MZ-700 mode 9000 Aooo I I I I I I I I I I MZ-800 mode I 1 I 1 I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DRAM (NOTE) I I DOOO 1 I Eooo State before prohibited Prohibited I I I I I ---- V RAM (CGRAM) Prohibited I V RAM I I I 1 I B B I I I r--, I I I I I I I Booo Cooo ROM 1 ,---, I I Q8 ROM 1 I 8000 R 1--, I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 '1 Fooo IN (SE1) o SDOOO - S7FFF o SEOOO - SFFFF o SDOOO - SFFFF o SEOOO - SFFFF o S1000 - S1FFF o S1000 - S1 FFF o S1000 - S1FFF o S1000 - S1 FFF returned to toCG ROM. toCG ROM. returned prohibited. prohibited. returned to to returned to the state be- o SCOOO - SCFFF o $8000 - SBFFF the state bathe state bethe state bafore prohifore prohifore CG was fore CG was toVRAM (PCG VRAM to bited. bited. set. set. RAM). (NOTE). o SCOOO - SCFFF o $8000 - SBFFF to DRAM. to DRAM. 2000 7000 OUT (SEe) OUT (SE5) 1 State before prohibited I 1 I L __ -.l FFFF 8 I I I I ~ I 1 I I I I I I I I I L __ -.lI IL __ .J L __ I I J MZ-800 4-2-2. 1/0 controller In this I/O controller is created the select signal for assignment of MZ-800 internal device. See Table-2 for relation of internal device vs I/O address. 4-2. Custom LSI The custom LSI is a 100-pin single chip LSI on which the MZ-800 memory controller (I/O controller) and CRT controller, etc. are contained. 4-2-1. Memory controller Used for the control of the memory bank. Addressing of DRAM, ROM, and VRAM is conducted by selection I/O address, $EO - $E6, using OUT or IN command. I/O address Signal name Device (I/O) Function CPR Z80A PlO (I/O) Port Port Port Port F2 PSG PSG (0) PSG output port F1 FO JOY JOYSTICK (I) Joystick-2 input port Joystick-1 input port FO -- (0) FF FE FD FC E6 1 -- -- (110) B, printer data output A, printer control and timer interrupt B control (Mode 0) A control (Mode 3) Pallet write Memory bank control EO D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 DO C53 8253 (I/O) Control port output Counter-2 Counter-1 Counter-O KEY 8255 (110) Control Port C, cassette, etc. Port B, key input Port A, key strobe output CF CE CD CC -- -- 0 I/O 0 0 $E008 -- -- I/O (NOTE): Mapped to E007 - E004 in the MZ-700 mode. (NOTE): Mapped to E003 - EOOO in the MZ-700 mode. CRTC register TEMP, HBLK input; and 8253 GO ON/OFF output for the MZ-700 mode only. * When above I/O address is accessed, it makes 10WR active for OUT or lORD for IN command. 9 MZ-800 Pin No. 1 2 3 4 Signal name 1/0 CPU 5V GND ADO - I I 19 20 ADF DTO I I on 27 28 -----0--29 --30 GND VCC MREO -- RD 31 WR 32 RFSH 33 IORQ 34 e----,.;----- I--Ml 35 ---36- -SEL1 CASB 37 INH5 ~8 f-----VBLN 39 1-- 40 GND 41 VRAS 42 IJCli:S 43 VADO I _._--50 51 52 53 54 55 Functional description 0 CPU clock (3.547 MHz) Power supply Ground I CPU address bus 1/0 CPU data bus - 0 0 0 0 Ground Power supply CPU MREQ signal CPU RD signal CPU WR signal CPU RFSH signal CPU lORQ signal CPU Ml signal System RAM address multiplexer select signal System RAM column address strobe signal Inhibit bank (OUT $E5) select signal (uH" = Inhibit). Vertical blanking signal 0 0 VRAM RAS control signal VRAM CAS control signal - I I I I I I - I 0 VRAM address signal (multiplexer output) VAD7 VOE VCC GND - 0 VRWR 0 VRAM output enable Power supply Ground VRAM write signal 1/0 VRAM data bus (standard RAM) 1/0 VRAM data bus (option RAM) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Color sub-carrier wave Video signal, red Video signal, blue Video signal, green Brightness control signal Vertical sync signal Horizontal sync signal Note Negative logic Negative logic Negative logic Negative logic Negative logic Negative logic OPEN Negative logic Negative logic Negative logic Negative logic Negative logic VAO I I 62 VA7 VCO I I --- 63--f-70 VC7 I----i ,-SBCR --ii-- I---- RED I---- --73--~--- BLUE ----GREN 1----- 75 76 YITN 77 f - - - -78 -----79 80 -_ .. _--81 HSYN 1------- VSYN -. --- -8-2- GND VCC CLKO - CROM 0 0 KEY ---a3- f------NTpL -- --------f---- ~~=p~SD~ 86 -S7 lOWR C--- lORD -------aa-- --------cR S 89 90 f-- ----91 92 93 94 95 96 97 1------g8 99 100 SIO RSTO MNRT --- PORT I I I 0 0 0 0 0 I I C53 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TEMP I WTGD JOY CPR PSG --- I CKMS 53G Negative logic Negative logic Clock input (17.7344 MHz) ROM chip enable 8255 chip enable NTSC/PAL selection (PAL - "L") Test pin ("H" - test mode) MZ-700/800 mode selection ("L" = MZ-700 mode) Sum of CS and WR of 1/0 controlled by the custom IC Sum of CS and RD of 1/0 controlled by the custom IC 1/0 $BO - $B4 chip enable 1/0 $F4 $F7 chip enable Reset output Manual reset input Power on reset input Wait signal to CPU Joystick chip enable PlO chip select 76489 chip select 8253 musical interval clock 8253 musical interval ONIOFF gate signal 8253 chip enable MZ-700 mode, $E800 tempo input * Term "OPEN" represents the signal not used on the board. 10 Negative logic Negative logic GND GND Negative logic Negative logic OPEN OPEN Negative logic Negative logic Negative logic Open drain Negative logic Negative logic Negative logic Negative logic I MZ-800 Pin conflgur.tlon m TlM' C&3 ~G CKMS JOY IIOIIT IIISTO CI"$ IOWR TEST KEY CIJR MOO MNIfT SIC lORD MOO' Mm CJIIOM ..... GNO GNO ADO ...... AOl ~TN AD' G"N BlUE •• 0 sac. ... AD7 VC> AOO vet; AOA \IC4 VCI ADO VC, ADC VC2 AOO VC. AD' VA7 \/CO OTO VAB on VAS 072 VM 073 VA3 0" 0" VA2 VA1 ..... on on VAD GNO GNO ""IIJ lO!SH WJr Custom LSI block diagram lilT ~ ~ SEll VJIA!" VI[R [NHS GND VADO ~ VA02 VAD' PORT MNRT Clock generator & timing generator NTPL --1 - RD WR MREO M1 10RO RFSH CROM SEL1 CASB INHS VA07 I CLKO DTO -7 Vcc 2, 29, 52, 79, pin GND 3, 28, 40, 53, 78 pin VAD6 VAOS VSYN SBCR HSYN VBlN CKMS CPU ADO - F VA04 VADJ • RESET - CPU DATA .-- MOD7 ~ 8 CPU VF I )~ R~iSplay contro Input BUFF T Rscroll - register~I-- Scroll circuit ~ I-- ! t MPX l ---- Pallet circuit CPR KEY C53 53G JOY PSG CRS SIO lORD 10WR 110 RED GREN BLUE YITN VRAM address controller controller 1· ! r MPX Shift register l ~ WTGD TEMP + CONTROL ~ I MPX register t-- Memory controller RSTO Display address generator CPU address ,16 I WAIT controller 1 VRAM -I Timing control 1 1 VRAM data 110 circuit 8 VRAS 11 VCAS VRWR VADO-7 VROE , 8 8 VAO-7 VCO-7 MZ-800 4-2-4. Display address generator 1) Display address generation • Display address increments from left to right as beginning from the home position at the upper left corner of the CRT screen (address $000). The first display line dominates address $000 through $027. Because a screen frame consists of 200 rasters, the address at the right side of the bottom corner is as follows: (200 x 40) - 1 = 7999 = $1 F3F • The address counter stops counting for a horizontal flyback line and stored in the address latch circuit. When the horizontal flyback line terminates, the address latch output is preset in the address counter (display address generator). • Address is generated even while the vertical flyback line is active and it makes the counter reset before termination of the vertical flyback line. 4-2-3. Clock generator and timing generator Oscillation from the crystal oscillator is divided to create the CPU clock, horizontal sync, vertical sync, and display address control signals. Since the low state of signal is used for NTPL (NTSCI PAL selection) with the MZ-800, the CPU clock of 3.547 MHz is derived from the crystal frequency of 17.734 MHz by dividing it 1/5. NTPl 1>-----' 2) Display address generation in the MZ-700 mode • Because characters are displayed under the PCG method in the MZ-700 mode, address is generated for each character and the same address is used for displaying of one character. The 3-bit horizontal line counter is provided to count horizontal lines to generate the address (LCO - LC2) for selection of the character front. Display address increments from left to right having the uppermost left corner of the screen for the home position. Since 25 lines are used to develop displaying of characters composed of 8 x 8 dots, the address at the right of the bottom lines becomes $3EF. CK32 (112) 001 (114) VSYN To displ.-v .dd ..... generator 3) Display address multiplexed with CPU address • Address used to write data to the VRAM is latched in order to avoid CPU wait. Display modes of 640 dots and 320 dots are assigned by the mode switch (DMD2). • Display address is multiplexed with the VRAM write address in the timing of DISP which has the timing that the display address and CPU address may become a pseudo cycle steal. Clock generator and timing generator circuits OTO-7 ICPU dala) IScroll regosted ,-----, Scroll control sw SSA IO,splay mode 'egoslll') OM02 t>----+---' Display address generator block diagram 12 I MZ-800 4) Line scroll SOF = $O~ $28 Programming "SOF = $28" makes the display screen shifted eight lines up. Data on the highest line therefore shifted to the bottom line. Programming "$28 ~ $0" makes the display screen shifted eight lines down, and the line on the bottom moves to the highest line. 4-2-5. Scroll 1) Scrolling is possible for both horizontal and vertical directions by means of software offset. The following four registers are use~ for scroll control. a. Scroll start address register: SSA (7-bit) b. Scroll end address register: SEA (7-bit) c. Scroll width register: SW = SEA-SSA (7-bit) d. Scroll offset register: SOF (10-bit) 5) Screen split Appropriate deviation of SSA. SEA, and SW permits to divide the screen into three sections of ®, ® and I ( ©. Though the section ® is permitted to scroll, sections ® and © are not permitted to scroll. See the figure to explain with. I ! +--__ I SEA x y z @ SSA-. I ® I l,____ SEA-. ) © --- 2) Control of scroll starts by the initialization of the scroll control register. SSA = $0 SEA = $7D SW = $7D SOF = $0 Assume now that the top of the section ® is on the 5th line (40 raster) and the top of the section © is on the 18th line (144 raster). Attention must be paid to the fact that values SSA and SEA are used for assigning lines. Scroll registers are set with the following values. SSA = $19 SEA = $5A SW = $41 SOF = $0 In this occasion, it needs to initialize the screen that has been displayed. "SOF = $5" must be programmed to scroll ® one line. Then, only the section ® is shifted up, and the highest line of ® moves to the bottom line of ®. Programming "SOF = $A" makes it scrolled one more line. SOF ~ SW Scroll offset (SOF) should necessarily be within a range of the scroll width. Display is not assured with SOF set greater than SW. 3) Way of smooth scrolling SOF = $0 ~ $5 Programming "SOF = $5" makes the display screen shifted one line up. The highest line (address: $0 - $27) is then assigned to the lowest line ($1 F18 -.: $1 F3F). As normal scroll involves updating of the data for the lowest line, the data of address $1 F18 - $1 F3F are updated. SOF = $5 ~ $0 By reducing the value of SOF by "5", it makes the screen shifted one line down. SEAL-____________________________ ~ 13 MZ-800 Scroll control register SSA: Scroll start address Increment of SSA: $5 Minimum value of SSA: $0 Maximum value of SSA: $78 Scroll and and control circuit hardware • Block diagram Scroll offset Scroll width Start address MSB LSB N 6 3 4 5 2 SEA: Scroll end address Increment of SEA: $5 Minimum value of SEA: $5 Maximum value of SEA: $70 SOF LSB MSB N c SEA-SOF 10 DA(MA) 5 3 4 2 SW: Scroll width Increment of SW: $5 Minimum value of SW: $5 Maximum value of SW: $70 Relation of SW. SEA. vs SSA SW = SEA - SSA SW> SSA 10 7 6 SEA DA(MA) 7 MSB LSB N 6 5 3 4 S~ I 2 SOF: Scroll offset Increment of SOF: $5 Minimum value of SOF: $0 (without offset) Maximum value of SOF: $3E8 LSB MSB SOF 1 I 7 6 5 4 S~F I 2 3 LSB MSB SOF 21 __________ 1 9 S~F 1 Relation of display address. SEA. SSA. vs SOF Display address m SSA 6 SEA 6 SOF 9 SSA SEA SOF j I k SSA SSA SSA 4 3 5 SEA SEA SEA 4 3 5 SOF SOF SOF 7 8 6 i h SSA SSA 1 2 SEA SEA 2 1 SOF SOF 5 4 S~A 0 SEA f I e - - I S~F IS~F 3 d SOF 2 S~F I Screen left end address o Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Line 8 16 24 192 Line Line Line Line 199 Line 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Relation of SW vs SOF SW> SOF 14 1 1 1 I a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I I - I I 0 0 0 0 0 0 b c 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 First line Second line Second line Twenty fifth line MZ-800 Concept of the scroll control circuit Scroll method • Scrolling by means of VRAM address conversion. Execution of scrolling by address conversion • Scroll offset (SOF) is the count of lines which the CPU gives to the CRTC. For instance, the following must be observed to perform scrolling. 3-line scroll: SOF3 = OF x 3 5-line scroll: SOF5 = OF x 5 And, to scroll one more line after 5-line scroll; 5-line scroll: SOF5' = SOF5 + OF = OF x 6 Range of scroll • y-axis programmable. BASIC console command compatible • x-axis fixed Scroll sequence • The scroll start address is termed "SSA" and end address "SEA". • Execution of scroll, with offset given from the CPU. • One line (line S) starting from SSA disappears from the display screen. • A new line (line S') is added to SEA. Line S' is the same refresh memory as the line S. The contents of the memory was erased (nullified by the CPU) before the execution. Display screen 000 SOF SSA t----''-------------i A Scroll screen o SW SEA 1-----1 OB IF400 (FAOO) • Display address DA is the signal created in the CRTC display address generation circuit and arranged in their order from the upper left corner of the screen. The bottom right address is 1F400 in the 640 x 200 mode. • Display memory address DMA represents the VRAM address corresponding to DA. Since scroll is executed by means of address conversion, the order of DMA may not be the same as DA, necessarily. • CPU address MA is the VRAM address that obtained from the CPU through the CRTC. To lighten burden on the CPU, a circuit is added to make order of DA identical to order of MA arrangement. x Fig-a Scroll area _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (640/320) SS'/! ABC ABCDE 1234 1 23456 Line S XYZ ~ VRAM r-- ~DMA OPORSTU 9876543 Fig-b Screen before scroll Fig-d Address conversion - SSA ABCDE 4-2-6. VRAM data input/output circuit 1. Nothing intervenes for input and output of data in the case of the MZ-700 mode. 2. MZ-800 mode • Write Read data (RD) from the VRAM and write data (WD) from the CPU are subjected to logical operation accordi'1~ to the direction from the write format register (WF) and its result is written. A BC XYZ OPORSTU SEA I-9876543 Line S' Fig-c Line after scroll 15 MZ-800 • Read For plane read data from the VRAM, data to be read by the CPU are arranged in accordance with the direction of the read format register (RF). As the PCG method is adopted for the MZ-700 mode, the text and ATB areas are actually mapped to $0000 - $OFFF. So, the VRAM address has the following relation with the display character position. 1 2 3 40 :1:: 1 1-1 0001 11"'0 -1 ~".n. t. 11 ) •. ======t=a I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 251 03CO I I I -_-_~~~~ 2) MZ-800 mode As the bit map method is used for the MZ-800 mode, it is possible to four screens of 320 x 200 dots and two screens (maximum) of 640'x 200 data. The cycle steal method is used for this mode. i) 320 x 200 dots See separate page for the timing chart duing display and CPU read timing. \/eo -1 tPlIMII.IJJ,IV! * Logic circuit Read data from the VRAM and write data from the CPU are subjected to logical operation (OR, XOR, RESET, etc.) and its result is used for the write data. What i. p.eudo cycle steal With the MZ-800, the pseudo cycle steal method is adopted for VRAM accessing. VRAM acee.. timing 1) MZ-700 mode See separate page for display timing chart. The VRAM is configured in the following manner in this instance. VA LOAO~ x:~~. I-- vc (option) Not used Not used CG area $3000 TEXT area $3FFF OISP. addr..s OISP. clcle X cpu address X OISP. add re.. I CPU clcle I OISP. clcle As shown in the figure, a next display data fetch and CPU accessing are multiplexed during a display period. Because accessing of the VRAM while characters are on display causes the screen to blink with the MZ-700 mode, it awaits for blinking to complete before accessing of the VRAM. But, with the cycle steal method it enhances faster screen processing as it enables to access the VRAM during a display period. Because it is not a complete cycle steal with the MZ-800 but timing is taken using a wait in order to synchronize with the CPU cycle for accessing from the CPU, it is therefore called "pseudo cycle steal $0000 $2000 ===:x u ATB area H 16 • • MZ-800 MZ-700 MODE DISPLAY TIMING 56.3ns r=: ClK 451ns ... 1 ,'---- ~--------------~, VRAS VCAS VOE , ''-_----'I ~ VAD 0-7 X X'---'-'-'-''--''-'-----' ATB. adr. X 'ROW X COL. X DUMMY adr. • X X ---v----' '----------' __ ROW COL. '-----v-----' ~ -.J ' - - - - CG. adr. text adr. ------- --~C=>>----<C=>>--------<C=>>------<c=>>----- VAO -7 ' lOAD (shift register) text DATA CG.DATA ATB. DATA invalid DATA , ...._ - - - .... -----' MZ-SOO MODE (320 X 200 dot) ClK \ VRAS . \ \ VOE \ ~ ROW X \ \ COL. X I (III) plane adr. VCO -7 ------ X COL. ROW X COL. CPU adr. latch DATA C=>>-------<C=>>-------<C=>>---------< II plane DATA CPU read DATA ---------C=>-----<C=>>-----<C=>~----------~ , , III plane DATA lOAD \ II (IV) plane adr. I plane DATA VAO - 7 CPU cycle \ -.J VCAS VADO -7 .1 . DISP. cycle IV plane DATA 17 CPU read DATA • MZ-800 1) 320 x 200 dots See the figure below for VRAM configuration and CRT character display position. VA $0000 ve (option) 0 2 0 1 2 I I I 1 I ($1F3F ) Plane I I I I > Plane III I 7999 Not used $2000 0 2 0 1 2 I I 1 I I I I I I I Plane II I I I I 40 2 I ~ :I I I I I I ----hd I I I ---"DJ 3 ;I: I I 40 I I I I I 2 I I 2~ 17960 7999 ---- (Raster) eRT display position Plane IV I I I 7999 Not used $3FFF 2) 640 X 200 dots Because it operates in the cycle steal mode, two bytes of display data are fetched during one byte display cycle. (See the chart in separate page.) See the figure below for VRAM configuration and CRT character display position. $0000 0 2 4 I I I 80 I I 0 2 4 I I I I I I ' I ' t'--l--H I-~EJ 2 o 2 80 3 4 __ I I I I I ($1F3F ) $2000 I 15988 Not used 1---, --3 5 : 79 I I I I I I --,--3 :, 200 "'-159-20--1---+-1 I I ~:::::::::::::::::: i' ' ' I eRT display position I I I I I I ($3F3F) 80 15999 Not used $3FFF VA ve (option) (Plane I) (Plane Ill) 18 • MZ-800 800 MODE (640 X 200 dot) DISP. cycle -I· ,'---___----~I VRAS VA 0 - 7 0 - 7 ~ ROW X'____CO_L_.----'X'____C_O_L._~'C~'___ _ _ _ _ __:_--~X '---;;~ '------C~ N+1th adr. I plane N+l th DATA X'-__--,--_ ~===N=+=-2th~ad-r.~~ cPU read DATA ----------~~~----~~~----~<==>~---------------~ III plane Nth DATA 1II plane N+ 1th DATA CPU read DATA LJ CPU and VRAM accessing 1. Accessing of the VRAM by the CPU is carried out in the cycle steal mode (MZ-800 mode only) during the flyback period of the display under the control of the CRT controller. 2. Even when there is no accessing from the CPU in the CPU cycle, such as VRAS, VCAS, VOE, etc. are outputted in the timing of the read cycle at all times. 3. Write to the VRAM is carried out after logical operation of the read and write data by means of the read-modify-write method. But, in the case of the 320 x 200, 16-color mode, data are written in two CPU cycles as there is a need of writing to Plane IV. See separate paper for timing chart. 4. CPU wait 1) Write • As there is a one-byte buffer in the CRT controller, write to the VRAM from the CPU is carried out through the buffer. But, actual write to the VRAM is ~VRAS -.J VCAS ~ V OE ~ VADO-7 ~ cpu cycle <D done by the CRT controller. Therefore, there would be no need of wait under almost any condition in the MZ-800 mode. • Even in the MZ-700 mode, wait is issued when there are more than two writes in a display period. Display period HBLN ~r-.-----------1.l"'- ______ WAIT ------------4,,\'- _ _ _ _ _ _".)r. )l"----J ~t..._J 2) Read Wait is issued along with the CPU write action both during displaying and flyback periods to perform reading operation in synchronization with the CPU cycle. cpu cycle@ DISP. cycle -I- Flyback period ~:~~w:R-----LJ~<D~-----t-L----~®l--,~rl-,-:-----<D@ ..- - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - _ .r - '.~ I - - - - - - - - - - - - \ \ r \~----------- \ \ ROW COL. X~~~======~----x'--~~==x~====~x===~~~x CPU adr. latch DATA I. III plane DISP. adr. ROW X'--__C_O_L._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _X 11. IV plane L-.J VRWR ----~CJ:J___{ read DATA VC 0,-7 , -------~~~----~~~----~<==>~------------------~ LOAD (sift register) VA 0-7 \'----- ,'-------/ I plane N th DATA vc \'----- \~-----------~ VOE VAD 0 - 7 DISP. cycle -I· \~-- __----_~I ''---~ \'---~/ VCAS CPU cycle -----~ )>--------<c=::)>-----c=>-~ I plane write DATA 1II plane )>---------<c=::)>-----c=>>-----QD---( 19 DISP. DATA IV plane } - - MZ-800 4-2-7. Register functions VRAM configuration • One or two chips of 16 KB VRAM are used. • In the case of a single 16 KB VRAM chip, it handles 320 x 200 dots, 4 colors, or 640 x 200 dots 1 color. • In the case of two 16 KB VRAM chips, it handles 320 x 200 dots, 16 colors, 640 x 200 dots, 4 colors, 320 x 200 dots, 4 colors, 2 frames, or 640 x 200 dots, 1 color, two frames. • DMD 3, 2: Display method and resolution DMD 2 3 o o I o 1 -----~-- -i next are about functions of the custom LSI. There may be some restrictions because the standard version of the MZ-800 incorporates only one 16 KB RAM. • I MZ-700 mode ----------------+------------------------~~----- I 1 Prohibited DMD 1, 0: Display screen designation DMD DMD 1 0 Display mode register (OUT &HCE) • It consists of four bits which are used to represent display method, resolution, and display screen (color plane) in combined way. Bit map, 64~~ _____ _ I 1 0 1 * Discussed Bit map, 320 x 200 I 320 x 200 640 x 200 Frame A, Plane I Frame B, Plane ID (NOTE) Planes I, m 0 0 1 0 1 0 Frame A, Planes I and n Frame B, Planes ID and IV Planes I, n, m, and IV 1 1 Prohibited MZ-700 -~= Normal Prohibited Prohibited I m, not Plane n. NOTE: 640 x 200, Plane B IS Plane • With the MZ-800, DMD 1 ~ 0, DMD 0 = O. Display mode register (DMD) Table-' VRAM configuration and display mode VRAM ~:~~c~ VRAM configuration Resolution _________~___. ~_~______ _I : ItIVTI' 1 320 x 200 I i Display Display Color combination 0010' '"me (NOTEI 140010<5, F"mJ I. n DMD __ 'I 3 2 __ I0 0 1 0 0 I 0 16 KB 640 x 200 8000 H f---- ~ ~_B_F_F_F ___ -----llltl ""'" I I 11 -=-~ H 32 KB _ _ 8000 j " r-Ll GGG on " T' vcr 0 G t I BFFF IF"me -VA-0--7--vc-o-., III 320 x 200 140010<5 +;---1l~ -~o 1~+-; l n ~-i -~ +r~- (eme B 1rn, 0 1'6 0010<5 IF"me ~I. ~~-f r -- --- -t-------+--~t- I _1_' 0 ~010' l:am~-____f--~---1-l-~~---~I-~ame 640 x 200 i I[ +.1. ! B I ill 11-------- i,l I 4 colors Frame A I I. ill +----:- ~-~-- --------------~~---------~ I ~0-2-c5-h-~r-nae-cs-te-r-s-t-II-8 0010<5 !"me A IAGB (NOTE) Except for the MZ-700 mode, actual display colors are produced by the pallet. 20 I 0 i 1 I 0 1 i I ! i I ---1---1-----+---I I I i 1 i 1 i 0 I, fo T~ i;i I 0 ! I : MZ-800 VRAM to CPU interface • SRCH/S I NG "0": Single color data read ..... Reads the data of the color plane, 1, IT, rn, or N, specified by "1 ". NOTE: Only one item should be "1" out of I, IT, rn, and N. If it is "1" for more than two or non-existence of the VRAM may not assure the data read. "1": Specified color search ..... "1" is retu rned for the bit of the color specified by 0/1 of I, IT, rn, and N. NOTE: Depending on the display more, color combination is permitted for the bit combination of L IT, ID, N; ID, N; I, IT; I; and ID. Bit combination otherwise will be disregarded. (ex. For the 640 x 200, 4-color mode, combination becomes possible for I and ID, and IT and N are disregarded. • As the CRTC bus is completely separated from the CPU bus, read and write of the VRAM is carried out through the CRTC. Therefore, interfacing with the CPU is done via the read register or write register in the CRTC. • VRAM access by the CRTC is done under the pseudo cycle steal mode. • Not only read and write are for the accessing with the CPU, it permits to read multiple number of screen data logical operational results and to write the read-modify-write of the logical operational results for the data already written. So, it has two registers of the read format register and the write format register. • It permits CPU access to the non-display plane in the display mode according to the BI A bit and it enables selection of data buffer and two screens, when the 32 KB VRAM is used. a) Read format register (RF) (OUT & CD) LSB MSB SR~I:G r~",r'''~] ~A I • B/A CPU access plane change MZ-800 ---> "0": Frame A access ..... Accesses the frame A (planes I and IT for the 320 x 200, 4-color mode; plane I for the 640 x 200, 1-color mode). "1": Frame B access ..... Accesses the (planes ID and N for the 320 x 200, 4-color mode; plane IT for the 640 x 200, 1-color mode). I IV ! 11 III * NOTE: Same as the bit B/A of the write format register. • L IT, ID, N ..... Color plane designation. 21 I f I ! MZ-800 Table-2 Display mode vs read format register Display mode SRCH/SING B/A IV m n Function (NOTE) --------------r---------------+--------+---------~----~----_+----_r----~--------------------__i 320 x 200. 4116 colors Single color data read Frame A: "0" o o o o o Plane I data read o n data Plane read ~--~-----+-----+----~----------------------- Frame B: "1" 640 x 200. 1/4 colors o o o m data read o o Plane o o o Plane IV data read -----------~--------------~---------~--------_+----_+----~----4_----+_--------------------~ x x o x x o x x x x o o o 320 x 200. 4 colors o o Specified color search 320 x 200. 16 colors x I, o n dot search dot search T. n dot search L n dot search x x m.W dot search x x m. W x x m. IV dot search x x m. IV dot search o T.1f. o m. IVC dot search L1f. m. IVC dot search o T. n. m. IV. dot search I. n. m. IV. dot search o T. n. m. IV. dot search o o o o o o o o o o o T. n dot search n. m. IV. dot search 1 1 1 1 L x x x 0 T. dot search x x x 1 I. dot search x 0 x x m. dot search x 1 x x m. dot search x 0 x 0 T. x 0 x 1 m. dot search L m. dot search x 1 x 0 T. x 1 x 1 m. dot search I. m. dot search 0 0 0 1 Data. ATB. CG area read 0 640 x 200. 1 color 1 1 c--640 x 200. 4 colors ----- 1 x -~-.--- MZ-700 0 0 (*): Refer to the display frame of Table-1. NOTES: • Read for the non-existing VRAM are not assured . • The above parameter has to be set up for the MZ-700 mode. B/A must be set to "0" for the standard MZ-800 (without MZ1 R25). * 22 MZ-800 b) Write format register (WR) (OUT & CC) • WMD 0 - 2 ..... Selects the logical operational mode for readmodify-write . • • rn, I, Il, IV ..... Color plane designation Write mode '2 -SINGLE-- . +- 0 WRITE WMD 1 0 0 0 1 o r --tr0- EXOR ----t-- - OR o I __ RESET 0-1 ~ 1- B/",: IV 0/1 (*) ~ Frame A: 0 11 ---j 01 Frame Color plane ill IT -~ Function 0/1- I o~T, ~/~ +,1,'~/01, ,-- t---r- OIl I --;1 B: 1:_~/~ .j,_~l_i_ 0~~0/1: I 1 B/A (NOTE) Standard MZ-800 ---> "0": Frame A access ..... Frame A is accessed for the display mode. "1": Frame B access ..... Frame B is accessed for the display mode. [WD: Write data VD : VRAM data 1 -----lc~~~I-;ne of;;1~WD, wri;--------- 320 x 200, i 4/16 colors jcolor ,Color plane of "0": Fixed 640 x 200, 1/4 colors Color plane of "0": Fixed pl~~~--;:;-0Y-WD <:BVO-------I---~' ---------- -------.------- ll~-:;~~;~~ ~:~~:::F~; VD ______ _ -,1 -~ -Iu=i=- ('F~:: i ;;;;:-;oo@, !:;;~~:~~';:f::~~,:::',:,O;--' ------I 'L o iColorplaneof"l":WD.VD 1 _ r-~--. 0/~_+0/-1_·1i _ x--~--~"li ~2~I:r~o~_~ (Character write to the graphic plane) I REPLACE ,I x i_. x 0 __ I, 0/1 i~ OIl I OIl i, OIl ,I. .' 16 colors II Color plane of "1": WD ---l+I---x-i--lI----~--t~ ! 0/~r~4~-=-;~ ®, 1Calor plane of "0": Writes "0". J __><....t~~><_l_~l-~~olor ~ Calor plane of "X": Fixed I ___~ __ i I x I x ,011 I x i OIl! 640 x 200, ! to-~~_--- I ~-t-~~ i i 132: :o~:~s ®, -r-~rites I f-~ _9Q .<>'~J.-~-' -i-- ~<:<>Iors ~ 1 0/ 0/1 1 x PSET I I x ___ x I I OIl 11 0/1 t'I OIl T;1 I I 3~~ cox 1200 , ors only-bi.t "1 ~:-~-;-~~ i;;~pecific calor. (Character write to graphic plane) I Calor plane of "1": WD + VD 1 r- - "0-- -r -;-:--~- -;-1o~1 ~~~-;;-~®~-! Calor plane of "0": WD· VD r- - - 1 - - ~ x OIl 1 x ! x 1 calor, ® ! Calor plane of "X": Fixed I --"'-r-- - ----r----t------I , I MZ-700 1 0 o I x i x : OIl __+-_____ ! _ 1I 1I o I 0 I 1 I 0 I 0 I 0 I x I OIl! I I (*) Refer to Table-l display frame NOTES: • Write for the non-existing VRAM are not assured. • The above parameter has to be set up for the MZ-700 mode. • BI A must be set to "0" for the standard version MZ-800. 23 640 x 200, 4 ~?Iors MZ-700 i 1 11 . _____ _ ' Writes WD into the DATA, ATB, and CG area. MZ-800 CD REPLACE c) Example of CPU read/write access • Shown next are access examples of REPLACE write, PS ET write, and SEARCH read in the 320 x 200, 16-color mode. As for display colors, Plane I corresponds to 8, IT to R, ill to G, and IV to I. write • To develop light yellow characters on the graphic screen. Plane I (B) data Bo 01° 1'1'1'1' i COTo i '1' °R~ 1 1 V R A Plane III (G) data M Display before write It develops the screen when a next CG patterns are written after setting the REPLACE mode and the light yellow color in the WF register. Mode WF register Plane 11 (R) data So, the bit "1" of the write data becomes the color specified by WF and rest of others become RESET (black). BlA Calor designation ~-O--o=r!] , , --oJ: Write data I (CG pattern) ,~----- ° Light yellow replace mode V R ° Plane I Plane 11 I ° 1°lolol~liEJ 10t'lol'[0] , ! ° I' I Plane III Plane IV A M Display after write ° 1° I , 1° I' I ° 1' 1°liJ 1° I' 1° 1' 1° I' 1ON ® PSET write • To overlay a light yellow hatching over the graphic display screen of CD. Mode WF register BlA Calor designation '- 1_,___0-- '1_0-- -'-1_,_____0_1 : G Write data ~ ° R Light yellow PSET mode B ° I (B) V Display after write R A M ° 1° 1° 1° I' 1° 1' 1° I I ° 1' I' I' 1° I' I' I, 1 III (GI 1° I' I' I' I' So, only the bit "1" of the write data becomes the color specified by WF in this mode, and rest of other colors do not change. RF register 1° I' 1° 1' 1° I' 10 I' 1 1° ° ° 0' I: I' 1° I' L . -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--' Only the bit of light yellow becomes ",", • When the above read data are read after setting the red PSET mode in the WR register. ... <J " I 0~ en'" a:1= "a: i~ BlA Calor designation LI_,_IL-_----'-I_o_--'-I_,____o---'I : IV(!) Read data @ SEARCH read + PS ET write • To change light yellow in ® above to change to red • The following data are set when the memory is read after setting the light yellow search mode in the RF register. Mode 11 (RI Light yellow search 24 Cl) Cl) '"co '" '" ::;; '" "a: Cl) ~ 1a:~ 1t u j Now, a partial color change has been attained. As in above, it enhances fast display change with less of VRAM accessing by using various write modes. MZ-800 <Pallet register write> (FO H ) 4-2-8. Pallet • As there are four 4-bit pallet registers provided inside the unit, it permits choice of R, G, B, and I combinations, and it enables to make choice of any desired two or four colors out of sixteen available colors. However, in the 320 x 200, 16-color mode, choice of colors permitted to four kinds of colors output of sixteen. • Only the conventional mode is applicable for the MZ-700 mode without using pallet. • Pallet is not applicable for the border color. (FO H ) OUT FO H DB; SW; Bo B, PLT2 B, B, SW, Ro R, R, R, ~ ~ ~ f DB, G; G, G, G, 3 0 B output : R output ~~~~;~ut ---0 ~ ~ Plane III SA output DB, Plane 1\- 01 ~ G output "-l.o- I output --0 I I SA output --0 : So S, A Inpu! select Signal B 320 )( 200, Output select Signal SWQ, 1 S, So Register No. 0 0 0 PLT 0 0 0 --- PLT' PLT 2 0 , , - .01 1 PLT 3 1 0 0 SWo• SW, .- --- 2) Bi, Ri, Gi, li: Pallet write data 3) SWo, SW,: With these switches, it is possible to make combination of Planes ill and N data in the 320 x 200, 16-color mode. Switches are used to assign pallets to four groups of colors. (Plane ill data) = SWo, (Plane N data) = SW, Only for the color information, the color information set by the pallet register are available as B, R, G, and I outputs. For color information other than that, data in Plane I through Plane N are sent out as the B, R, G, and I outputs. (See example next.) PLT3 ~I~~:;PUI --0 0 DB, S2 0 enable PLTl S2 x -~- Pallet PLTO I 1) So - S2: Register section <Configuration> SWitch LSB MSB Plane III 1\ SR output <Pallet output and display mode> • Shown next is the relation of the display mode, color plane data vs R, G, G, I outputs. Pallet output select Display color Display mode Frame A 4 colors out of 16 colors A SWo• SW, B Plane n data Plane I data Output select Pallet enable x Frame B 4 colors out of 16 colors Plane ID data Plane IV data B o o o Bo 1 B3 o o Bo o 1 B2 R2 G2 12 1 1 B3 R3 G3 13 0 0 Bo Ro Go B, 10 R, G, I, o 4 color 320 x 200 Output Output Output Output A x Go I 10 f----+-----+---4----- -----+-----1 SW = o (Ex.) 16 colors 16 colors out of 16 colors Frame A 2 colors I I! data SW = Plane IV ' (data ) 10 _+ __----1 I~~_~-~-ti-:-:-+--:-:-~-~-'~--::~ 2 B3 R3 G3 I 13 ~---------+--x-4-X-~-I--~-IT-+--ID---+-IV~ Plane I II x x ! 1 I 1 Ir---0_ x Bo Ro Go 10 ~---~-1-6-co-l-or-s~-+_-d-a-t-a-+_---+I'~--------~~-_+-B-,_~-R-,_4-G-,-+--I-,~ O~i-x~--B-o_+-R-o-+_-G-o~~-lo~ I , x B, R, G, I, ~-----4------+--------+--~-~-------+i------------+----~---+--~-~-------~----~ 10 I 0 0 I Bo Ro Go Frame B 640 x 200 2 colors out of Plane IT data Plane I data (PI ane ill ) 4 colors - 2 colors out of 16 colors 4 colors out of 16 colors Plane ID data Plane I data I x I x I 1I Plane ID data 1 x ! 25 1 0 I B, R, G-,-+--I-,---I MZ-800 (Ex.) c. e'" Cl An example of the pallet in use in the 320 x 200, 16-color mode • Assume that the pallet register has been set to the following. PLTO = Black PLT1 = Cyan PLT2 = Red PLT3 = Magenta • When SWo is set to "0" and SW, to "0", the pallet is applied to four colors in group 1 (ill = 0, N = 0) and it results in the color as shown in CD of the table right (yellow to cyan). • When SWo is set to "0" and SW, to "1", four colors of group 3 (ill = 0, N = 1) becomes the display color set by the pallet. • Therefore, any color can be chosen out of 16 colors against four colors of color group selected by SW1 and SW2. • For group other than selected by SWo and SW" the color that I - N outputted on B, R, G, I is displayed. ~ c. e'" Cl l N c. '" 0 l5 M a. e'" Cl . c. '" 0 l5 Plane data I II ill N 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Display color of 1- N ..... RGBI SWo = 0 SW, = 0 Black PLTO = Bleck 0 Blue PLT1 =Cyen 0 Red PLT2 PLT3 = Magenta SWo = 0 SW, = 1 Black = Red 1 1 0 0 Magenta 0 0 1 0 Green +- +- 1 0 1 0 Cyan +- +- 0 1 1 0 Yellow +- +- 1 1 1 0 White +- 0 0 0 1 Gray +- PLTO 1 0 0 1 Light blue +- PLT1 0 1 0 1 Light red +- PLT2 1 1 0 1 Light magenta +- PLT3 - light 0 0 1 1 Light green +- +- Light cyan +- +- +- = Gray = ~\~~t = ~~ht - magenta 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 Light yellow +- .... 1 1 1 1 Light white +- +- Border color • As the CRTC has a 4-bit border color register, it permit to use any border color out of 16 colors. • Border register (OUT 06CFH ) MSB LSB BCOLI~ ~ X~~ ~ X~~ __X__ • __ __X__ __ __-L__G __ ~ R~I~_B~ __ B, R, G, and I becomes "0" (black) when reset. 4-2-9. CRTC register map • VRAM control • Data display on the video screen Control I/O address map 1/0 address -- -- IN/OUT H (B) l (C, *) --------- CC CD CE CE 0 0 0 I Write format register (WF) Read format register (RF) Display mode register (DMD) Status read CF CF CF CF CF CF CF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Scroll offset register l (SOF1), 8 bits Scroll offset register R (SOF2), 2 bits Scroll width register (SW), 7 bits Scroll start address register (SSA), 7 bits Scroll end address register (SEA), 7 bits Border color register (BCOl), 4 bits Superimpose bit (07) (CKSW), 1 bit FD 0 Pallet register --------- 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 --~- ~ 26 Written by indirect OUT command. B register <- 0-7 QUT(C),A MZ-800 4-2-10. ROM configuration The MZ-700 monitor, character generator (eG), MZ-800 monitor, and IPL are implemented on a single chip of 16k x 8-bit ROM. ROM add.... soooo Mapping address ,..-------. $0000 MZ-700 monitor $1000 ~----~ $1000 CG Not used $2000 $Eooo $E010 QD-IOCS FD $3000 $ESOO (start address) MZ-800 IPL & monitor IPL & monitor QD command $F400 $3FFF BASIC 10CS Version pending on the mode. In the MZ-700 mode, it is {In memory space, and in the MZ-800 mode, it is on lID space. 4-3. 8255 Programmable Peripheral Interface The 8255 has three pairs of 8-bit lID ports, each one can be assigned to input or output port by means of programming. A different mapping is established dePort name (address) Pin No. 110 Active state Function I PA ( 700 $EOOO ) 800 $DO I PB ( 700 $EOOl ) 800 $Dl PAo PA, PA2 PA3 PA. PAs PA7 PBo PB, PB2 PB3 PB. PBs PB. PB7 H H H H L L L 0 I }Keyb~'d ~'" Joystick-l strobe Joystick-2 strobe CRT cursor blink timer reset I Keyboard scan input I +- L J PCo PC, PC2 PC3 Pc. PCs PC. PC7 0 0 0 0 I I I I ---- Prohibits sound output of the 8253 Cassette write data Disables timer interrupt Rotates the cassette motor Checks the cassette motor Cassette read data CRT cursor blink timer input Vertical blink signal -- -- -- Control port I L -L ~TE-21 H -( 700 $E003 ) 800 $D3 "mbe L 1------- INOTE-'I PC ( 700 $E002 ) 800 $D2 $FFFO SFFFF NOTE-l: Output data dependent on the bit set mode. NOTE-2: Motor is controlled on and off by the rising edge of the signal. 27 MZ-800 8255 From keyboard PBO Key data input pin (a-p) I 07 PB7 07 I I DO DO VBlNK PC7 556 OUT PC6 Al Al PC2 AO AO READ PC5 MOTOR PC4 RD PC3 MOTOR ON WR PCl WRITE PCO KEY To keyboard PA7 PA3 Key data strobe (10-p) RESET 55 RESET PA2 lS 145 PAl PAO LS145 decoder, and PSD-PS7 are connected to the key matrix directly. a) Key scan Ports PAD-PAa of the 8255 are connected via the CD @ @ @ @ @ Do 28 MZ-800 Key strobe is issued through PAo-PAl to ~can the key. As it is supplied to the decoder, it makes one of outputs, 0-9, set low. It is then added to the key matrix to scan the line of the key depressed (vertical key matrix scan). The line is in the low state, if it is in depression (horizontal key matrix scan). NOTE: In the ready for command state, PAo-PAl are normally repeats to be low state and the decoder outputs repeats to be high state. But, since the decoder is of an open collector type, it would not permit to check high and low state. Example 8255 output Because the connector (5) is in low state, key scan is permitted only for keys, A through H. State of the 8255 input port B. PB 7 PB. PBs PB. PB, PB2 PB, PBo L H H H L H H L Above stata shows that keys, A, E, or H, is in depression. lJ ~ey switch b) Cassette control The 8255 issues the cassette write data from PC, and read signal through PC5. The type of data (input, output) and its format are as follows: ___~I I I ~ .I' LONG CASE 1 SHORT READ POINT READ POINT READ EDGE PAo L Only the LS145 decoder output 4 (#5 pin) is in low state. Decoder side "H" Strobe signal 8255 PB side PA, PA2 PA, L H L i SHORT (HIGH) 240,.S (LOW) 278,.S LONG (HIGH) 470,.S (LOW) 494,.S READ POINT 379,.S the signal rising edge. Data are recorded in repetition of LONG and SHORT, and the same data are written twice. LONG represents the bit value "'" and SHORT the bit value "0". Data will be read at 368 microseconds after ( SHORT 10 seconds 220CO TAPE MARK LONG 40 SHORT 40 1-1. INFORMATION BLOCK 128 bytes 1 Check sum, 2 bytes INFORMATION BLOCK 128 bytes Check sum, 1 Check sum 2 bytes DATA BLOCK LONG 20 SHORT 20 SHORT 5 seconds LONG 1 LONG 29 1 2 bytes LONG LONG TAPE MARK SHORT 256 bytes 1 SHORT 256 bytes DATA BLOCK 11000 Check sum, 1 2 bytes LONG MZ-800 See next for the contents of the information block. Byte count Name Function Note ATRB 1 Attribute NAME 17 File name (16 characters maximum) CR (OD) affixed SIZE 2 File byte size In order of low to high order DTADR 2 Loading address EXADR 2 Execution address 1---- 104 COMNT Comment Not used Rotation of the cassette (dedicated) is controlled by the 8255 and its peripheral circuits. For use of other than MZ-800 cassette tape recorder type, it needs to short SENCE to GND, READ to EXREAD, and WRITE to EXWRITE of the connector T-5. Use of the cassette recorder of other kind may sometimes not permit proper loading and saving operation. In such an event, adjust the volume and tone controls to find the optimum positions. To meet the opposite polarity of cassette tape recorder, there is a dip switch provided. Changing the switch position makes TPSW signal state changed so as to invert the signal waveform. To cassette 8255 r-~-~----- PC. r-~-+~~~- PC3~--t. ClR MOTOR SENCE Q~ If switch has not been ON on the cassette recorder side, SENCE signal is in high state. When a switch (REW, FF, etc.) is pushed, it makes the signal turned low. It presets the D-FF and the motor starts to rotate with MOTOR in high state. With lock given to the D-FF through PC3, it permits on/off control of the motor. If a switch is pushed on the cassette recorder side, it permits examination of the motor operating state by means of Land PC4. SENCE PC3 __ MOTO~ ® - Repeated 1-1---------,1,..--- ======:;::1rL ! =====*==~~~====*=====~:'\ :L .L L...---'\\---t---""F: Ur===i=1= Execution No change ·PLA Y t " of load in MOTOR is command signal (PC4) displayed. PLAY SW ON End of load 30 MZ-800 4-4. 8253 Programmable Interval Timer The 8253 makes sound generated with the counter #0 and internal timer is operated with the counters #1 and #2. • Counter mode #0 ..... Square waveform generator MODE3 #1 ..... Rate generator MODE2 #2 ..... Interrupt on terminal counter Ao Do D, D, Data bus A, A, Aa 1r 8! A. As Ds Ds D7 7 BlA CID PlO control GE. 78/'- p ,''0 A - c' 8253 DD I DTO AD1 ADO RD WR C53 D7 OUT 2 (8255) PC2 INT fill Ba +5V Bs GND Bs B7 I ClK 2 A1 OUT1 AO ClK 1 OUTO RD WR ClK 0 CE GATE 0 INT IEI Interrupt { IEO control (PSG) Audio· in Pin configuration (8255) PCO CKMS (1.10 MHz) 53G • The counter #0 counts input pulse of 1.1 MHz, divided by the predetermined rate (musical score data) to generate sound. It is connected with the mixing audio amplifier through AUDIO-IN of the sound IC (76489AN). This counter output is gated by PC of the 8255 port C, and the counter gate is controlled by 001 of $E008. The counter #0 output is also used for interrupt control INTO and connected to A4 of the Z-80A PlO port A. • The counter #1 counts pulse of 15.6 kHz and generated a pulse on OUT1 at every second. The counter #2 counts pulses and makes OUT2 turned high. OUT2 outputs becomes INT via the gate and is connected to INT of the CPU. 4-5. Printer interface The Z-80A PlO is used for the printer interface. It has a pair of 8-bit 1/0 ports. 31 f E!HDYJ BSTB DO HSYN (PlO) PA4 ARDY ASTB B, B, B3 B. M1 { 10Ra pon A ~ Pon B MZ-800 Signal name Description Pin No. I/O 19,20,1 40,39,38 3,2 1/0 Z80-CPU Data Bus Bidirectional, 3-state, Z-80 CPU bus. Data and command transfer between the Z-80 CPU and the PlO is carried out through this data bus. Do is the least significant digit. B/A 6 I Port B or A Select Port select signal. Depending on the state of this signal, the port is specified through which data or command is transferred between the Z-80 CPU and the PlO. }H : Port B L : Port A CID 5 I Control or Date Select Controlldata select signal. Depending on the state of this signal, control port or data port is selected for the port assigned with B/A. Pin name 00-07 B/A L L H H CID L H L H Selected port Port A data Port A control Port B data Port B control et 4 I Chip Enable Chip enable signal. A low on this line enables the PlO. Normally connected with the 1/0 address decoder output. 1/1 25 I System Clock System clock CPU clock 1/1 is usually used. M1 37 I Machine Cycle One Connection with CPU M1 signal (Iow active). The PlO attains synchronization with the CPU interrupt control logic by M1. The PlO will be reset when M1 is set low at least for a period of two clock cycles after turning iORQ and Fm high state. 'iORQ 36 I Input Output Request Connection with CPU iORQ signal (Iow active). This signal perform data transfer between the CPU and the PlO in connection with B/A, CID, cr, and RD. If cr, RJ), and iORQ are low, the data on the port selected by B/A are transferred to the CPU. If iORQ are low, data or command is written through the port selected by B/A. cr, Ri) 35 I Read Connection with CPU RD signal (Iow active). This signal controls the direction of data transfer between the CPU and the PlO in connection with B/A, CID, cr, and iORQ. IEI 24 I Interrupt Enable in Interrupt daisy chain signal. The PlO will respond to the INTA cycle of the CPU only when this signal is high. 22 0 Interrupt Enable Out Interrupt daisy chain signal. This signal is high only when IEI is not high with the PlO having an interrupt request. It goes low when IEI is low or PlO is having an interrupt request. I--------~--- IEO - 32 MZ-800 Pin No. 1/0 23 0 Interrupt Request Connection with CPU INT signal. A low on this line causes the PlO to place an interrupt request to the CPU. Because it is of an open drain type, it is possible to make INT of several peripheral LSI wired OR using the pullup resistance. Ao-A, 15-12 10- 7 1/0 Port A Bus Port A data bus. Data transfer is carried out with the PlO and peripheral device via this bus. AD is the least significant digit. ASTB 16 I Pin name TNT Signal name Description -- I Port A Strobe I Port A strobe. I Significance of this signal depends on the Port A operational mode. 1) Byte output mode • I 2) Byte input mode I ! I I 3) Bidirectional mode I I I I ~tmode : It indicates that the peripheral device has received data from the PlO at a riding edge of this strobe. : Peripheral device loads data in the PlO port A input data register at a rising edge of this strobe. : The contents of the port A output data register are outputted on AO-A7 when the strobe is in low state. : Not used . .. ARDY Register A Ready 0 18 I Bo-B, 27-34 1/0 BSiB 17 I ~~----------~ .. -~ - ._._------- Register A ready. I I Significance of this signal depends ot! the state of the port A operational mode. 1) Byte output mode : Data are loaded in the port A data I output register when this signal goes high, makes AO-A7 stable, I and it indicates that data can be transferred to a peripheral device. I I 2) Byte input mode : A high on this line indicates that the port A data input register is not occupied so as to be ready for receiving of a next data into the data register. 3) Bidirectional mode : This signal is used to indicate that data has been ready in the port A output data register. Data will not be issued on AO-A7 in this mode, unless ASTB turns low. 4) Bit mode : Not used. I Port B Bus Port B data bus. Function of this bus is identical to AO-A7. But, it permits to drive a Darlington transistor as the bus can supply 1.5 V, 1.5 mA. BD is the least significant digit. Port B Strobe Port B strobe. Function of this signal is identical to ASTB, except for the following: This signal is used to load data from a peripheral device into the port A input data register, when the port A is in the bidirectional mode. I f---- BRDY 0 21 Register B Ready I I I For the MZ-800 the PlO located on the 1/0 space, and address of ports performs the following: $FC Port A control Register B ready. Function of this signal is identical to ARDY, except for the following: This signal indicates that the port A input data register is unoccupied and is ready for receiving of a next data, when the port A is in the bidirectional mode. $FD $FE $FF 33 Port B control Port A data Port B data MZ-800 Pin name 1/0 Active Signal name PAD PA, PA2 PA3 PA. PA5 PAs PA, IN IN IN IN IN IN OUT OUT L L - RDA STA GND GND PB. PB, PB2 PB3 PB. PB5 PB. PB, OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT W u. ~ <{ t: e a.. LL U. ~ co t: e a.. H H H H - A low on this line indicates that the printer data is ready to receive. A low on this line informs the personal a paper depletion during status check. An 8253 output used for interrupt. Horizontal blanking signal used for interrupt. Used for printer initialization. Indicates the printer to receive data. IRT RDP RD. RD, RD2 RD3 RD. RD5 RD. RD, - - - Function Printer data or control code to the printer. Interfacing timing NOTE: Though RDA is active low, it may be handled ~ @ CD RDA @ ~~~~2~ XEff~ctive data PBo - PB , RDP I I I Personal computer. confirms that RDAis low. Personal computer sends data to the printer. the same as high state of BUSY when considered in term of signal significance. Direct the printer to receive data. I As shown in the figure above, it could be known that RDP and IRT should be inverted in order to make connection with the Centronics compatible printer. It can be attained by changing PRSW to high using the dip switch. I , After conforming high state of RDA. it makes RDP forced low. NOTE: When the MZ-800 dedicated printer is used, After the personal computer confirms that the printer is ready to receive data at (<D), the data is then sent to $FF port (PlO port B) at step (ID). As reception of data is directed to the printer at step (@), it makes RDP forced low at step (@) upon confirming that the printer received it (RDA=H). After this, it awaits until RDA goes from high to low before transfer of a next data. But, it is possible to transfer successive data by interrupting the CPU at a falling edge of RDA, since RDA is inputted to the RSTB input of the PlO, when in the port B mode O. It is also possible to interrupt the CPU referring to Port A inputs. Though discussed above is the printer interface methlod for the MZ compatible printer types, there is the Centronics compatible method for parallel interfacing of the printer. Since this method is basically the same as the MZ mode, except that signal polarity is opposite. MZ specification c---- ------- - Signal name '------------------ RDA (NOTE) RDP IRT l Active there may be such a case that proper operation is not attained due to different printing characters and control codes. It must be also noted that all MZ-800 characters can not be printed. Besides, connection with a Centronics compatible printer may not be permitted hardware-wise, sometimes. 4-6. Programmable sound generator The SN76489N is used for the programmable sound generator which is controlled by the I/O port $F2. It is write only. In order to permit smooth sound generation, timer interrupt is applied using the 8253. For the interrupt timer, the count 0 of the 8253 is used. The counter 0 is used for creation of sound steps in the MZ-700 mode, but, it is used for the timer interrupt source of the PSG in the MZ-800 mode. Interrupt is controlled by PA5 of the PlO. it is, however, possible to mask the counter 0 output by PCO of the 8255, in order to prevent sound generation during interrupt. Centronics specification Signal name Active BUSY STB INPUT PRIME "H" -----,--,. "L" "H" "H" "L" "L" 34 l MZ-800 4-7. Joystick It permits connection of two ATARI compatible joysticks. ADO JOY ~ ,l Gl 1---, G2 ,.. FWD DT0 I ~--I---. 1 I ~ ! BACK "3 LEFT 4' DT 1 -<1- DT 2 DT 3 SW '-------~~~--~I~ RIGHT 6 ,.. DT4 '7 DT 5 2SW type only TRG2 Configuration of ATARI compatible joystick I >>-_____....,I't-.. V PA4 4tWM 4-8. System switch setup System switches are assigned as follows: + 5V ~GND SW No. (Configuration of joystick-1) 1 Low active strobes are issued through PA4 (JOY1) of the 8255 and PA5 (JOY2) interrogate switch activation through inputs to $FO (JOY1) and $F1 (JOY2). 2 3 i I Function I Setup method I +-----------L-----------I I I . iON: MZ-700 mode ! MZ-700/MZ-8~ ""ct~':.""'_800 mod, I ! i I MZJCentronics printer selection I I MZ printer with SW2 and SW3 at ON iI Centronics printer with I I SW2 and SW3 at OFF I ---,-----------4 I I Ch,"",d.o" to ,"4 External cassette recor- I bl d th I . . der polarity selection i a e rea on e exterI d na cassette recor er. * Switch setups at the factory SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 ...... ...... ...... ...... OFF ON ON ON (MZ-800 mode) } (MZ dedicated printer) 5. Power supply 5-1. Block diagram Switching transformer F ACIN Noise filter Rectifierl filter I L ___ .J TRGl LS365 8255 I I I Pl Power switching ~ ~Sl ~---' __ +5V +5 V - - - . rectifierl filter CCP OV Chassis P2 Drive High voltage circuit L---------------l Control 35 MZ-800 <tMZ1P16~ 5-2. Operational description The block diagram of the power supply unit is shown above. It adopts the self-excitation ON/ON control method. First, the source supply is rectified through the noise filter and converted into direct current. As the dc current is applied to the switching transistor, it causes the transistor to start repeating ON and OFF. After the dc voltage is converted into high frequency pulse, it is added to the primary side of the main transformer which causes to induce voltage on the secondary side. This high frequency pulse is then rectified and filtered to obtain the dc voltage of +5 volts. For control of output voltage, the output voltage is compared with the reference voltage and its error is detected in the control section. While the switching transistor is in the OFF cycle, it makes the photo cuppler PC1 active by the detecting signal of the control section for given period. By adjusting control current of the drive circuit, it makes the out put stabilized. 1. SPECIFICATION Outline The MZ-1 P16 is the external installation 4-color plot printer designed for use with the MZ-800 series personal computer. It can be fixed on the MZ-800 when the table is used. Specification Type name Print method MZ1P16 1, Black; 2, Blue; 3, Green; 4, Red Print speed 10 characters average (smallest letter) 80/40/26 digits Printing size (software assigned) 115 Character set 0.2 mm Resolution Power supply +5 V supplied from the MZ-800 via the DC jack Power consumption: 11 W Physical dimensions: 162(W) x 133(D) x 59(H), excluding accessories. Weight 1 kg (MZ-1P16) Roll paper (1), ball point pen (one Accessories each of black, blue, green, red). paper holder (one each on side), paper shaft (1), paper guide (1) Operating temperaturd 0 to +35 centigrades Storage temperature -20 to +70 centigrades Operating humidity 80%RH, maximum 5-3. Maintenance Cleaning Dust deposit inside the power supply unit may becomes the cause for overheat as it prevent heat dispersion, which results in damage in component. Stains on the fuse contact and connector contact may lead to contact failure. So, it has to be cleaned using soft cloth dampened with alcohol or dry soft cloth. 5-4. Problem determination and sequence Follow the next procedure to find the cause of trouble. (1) Avoid removing the board to check. But visually observe the board to check for open circuit line, burnt resistor, fuse, and semiconductor chips in the first place. (2) If a defective item were found, it has to be replaced with the new one. But. care must also taken as there are possible defects in mUltiple number of components. 36 MZ-800 2. INSTALLATION (Fixing the printer) 1. Fix the printer unit on the table as shown in the figure. (Place the printer in the arrow direction (D, lightly move in the arrow direction S, then secure it with screws.) ~/ * It is also possible to use the printer free on the table without securing. / r= =======lI Screw for securing the printer ~ Connection procedure after the installation (D Make sure that power is off to the MZ-800 and its peripheral units. <ID Remove the printer connector cover on the back side of the MZ-800. @ Connect the data cable and the power supply cable of the unit with the printer connector and the 5 VDC jack of the MZ-800. @ For connection of the printer connector, use the screws that had been at both ends of connector. Rear side of the MZ-BOO 't la \ ..) \ A~~~\-Dat~able \c ""0 onnector cover * When this unit is in use, set the MZ-800 printer dip switch to the MZ side. 37 Power supply cable MZ-800 3. OPERATION 3-1. Block diagram H \ ,j H Connector r-- I-- ~ V-axis stepping I-motor J. Drive array I I-- interfacing Buffer I--- , Intelligent - ,--- \ \ I-- ~ X-axis stepping motor ~ Pen up! down magnet , J LSI ~ 1\ , Magnet drive circu it ........ ,. , L_ ,... I _J Printer mechan ism Control switches {paper feed Reset Pen exchange 3-1-1. At power on At power on, more than 5V of pen up current is applied for a period of lOrns, plus 5 and minus Orns, to move the carriage 556 steps backward on the X-axis in order to initialize the colour position. As the carriage is held at the left margin after disengagement of the motor, it is then moved 30 steps forward on the X-axis, then stepped back 30 steps again to check if the colour position detector has been made. If not, it continues to move the carriage 30 steps forward on the X-axis, then return 30 steps to ensure the made condition. 3-1-2. Colour change_ operation To change colour, the slider makes three reciprocating movements of 6mm (30 steps) at the left end of the X-axis to move the pen position one step. When the desired pen position is attained, it then returns to the home position. Since the pen rotor makes a unidirectional rotation at the left end of the X-axis, and is locked within printable range, care must be exerted not to touch the rotor and the slider. 3-1-3. Pen exchange operation A pen needs to be exchanged with a fresh one when it runs out of ink. In such an event, the pen is moved 485 steps forward on the X-axis from the home position with the used pen located on the top of the rotor, then take out the used pen, by pressing the pen release lever and exchange it with a fresh one. 3-1-4. Motor phase and rotating direction The arrow head indicates the forward direction for both the X-axis and Y-axis. ~ c BC AD BD 38 MZ-800 3-2. Pen exchange method It is more effective to save power to shut off current while the X and Y axis motors are at a halt. But, there may be a possible malfuction because of unsuppressed vibration, if the current is turned off with a normal pulse width. In order to prevent this, current is applied excessively for more than the given hold time (tMH = lms or more). To remove pen, press the pen exchange button, when the slider is at the right handside, push the pen release lever. Motor 3-4. Colour position detector The colour pOsition detector consists of a reed switch and a permanent magnet and it may cause malfunction owing to external vibration, and magnetic influence. Especially, when deposit of alien matter or paper fragments is between the left end of the carriage and the frame this may result in a failure of the colour detect performance. 3-5. Character set Push the pen release lever Input of an undefmed code up to $20 is ignored. Other undefmed codes are represented in hexadecimal notation using the pen in a next color position. Pin configuration (top view) To install the pen, push the tip of the pen through the ring of the return spring in the fIrst place, then push into the holder. Upon completion, ensure that the tip of the pen is engaged with the hole of the pen return spring. If colour change is done when the pen is disengaged from the hole, it may cause improper rotation of the rotary holder as the slider makes contact with the pen. Do not try to rotate the rotary holder by hand when installing the pen during replacement of the pens. TO XTAL1 XTAL2 RESET SS INT EA RD PSEN WR ALE DBo DB, DB, DB3 DB. DBs DB, DB, Vss 3-3. Stepping motor driving Signal • The X-axis stepping motor and the Y-axis stepping motor are driven by the two-phase magnet. Stepping motor driving signal Basic drive pulse Phase A n n n I I " :~, ~WW~ ~il"; ' I , Phase B Phase C i I ' , ! i : I ' I Pin Configuration ---[[Jr-! -+--+--+-+- Phase 0 Motor clock f-----i I , Hold period i--tMH Vcc T1 P27 P26 P25 P24 P17 P16 P15 P14 P13 P12 P11 P10 Voo PROG P23 P22 P21 P20 --1 39 MZ-800 3-6. Colour plotter printer control LSI Pin assignment Name Symbol Function In/out Vss Ground Connected to OY. Vcc Main power Connected to 5Y. Voo Power Connected to 5Y. PROG Program Plo ~P17 P2 0 ~ P27 Do - D7 I 1 I To Tl I Not used. Out Port I Used as printer control signals. Port 2 Used for data input port from CPU. Data bus Used for stepper motor control signals. Test pin 0 In Test pin 1 In 1 Input from pen change switch. I Input from paper feed switch. INT iI Interrupt input In Data transfer strobe MZ- 700 ... MZ 1PO 1. RD I Read signal In Not used. - I Write signal Out Not used. WR RESET ALE PSEN i i ! 1 I I I I I Address latch enable Program store enable Used to initialize the processor. In Reset I Out II Out I Not used. Not used. Single step In Not used. EA External access In Active when EA = OY. Xl, Xl Crystal inputs In Pins used to attach the crystal oscillatQr or RC network to generate internal clock. However, external clock signal may be inputted through these pins. SS 40 · ,vIZ-800 3·7. Interfacing with the MZ·800 Fig. 1 shows the block diagram for connection with the printer. Fig. 2 shows its circuit description. Fig. 3 shows the timing chart. Table of character set '~~ LSD D ! E 0 , I 2 ! 3 i I 4 1 5 II 6 iw Q! 1 A Q I i i !0 i i I I !G#3iC'S I El$4DT I l"lwlm I !'V!sl i I l[8]x5EU []8x6FUI I :u; I it::1 i I i i ~--7i 7 C 8iHX 8 9 I A i B c i E I i I 1'1 K I'A-- I I ' *~IJ2! I ibif1oi: ! ! lA Xi viCi~ '~I-~~:-f--l + ; K [ I r i D i ihid!'; ') 91 I Yj , <L'~ 1- = NI JI C I I I I eli I I~ :' Ir'iuiyi I I F I II 3·8. Block diagram Color position detector 00---1 Buffer ARDP---I X.axis stepping motor Transistor array V.axls MPU stepPing motor ARDA - - - I PEN UP/Down Solenoid Solenoid driver Functional Switches PAPER FEED PEN CHANGE ARDA - - - . . . , The CPU sends data to the printer after confirming that ARDA is in low state. Five micro seconds later, the strobe signal ARDP goes high. The CPU confirms that ARDA is in high state, ARDP is returned to a low state 14.5 micro seconds later. DATA _ _ _ _~><~ , ______ ~------ L ARDP--------~--~ I I I --:-:- . ; . :... 51'S 41 . I I I I 14.5' : I I'S MZ-800 4. COlOR PLOTTER-PRINTER CONTROL CODES 4-1. Control codes used in the text mode • Text code ($01) Places the printer in the text mode. • Graphic code ($02) ................................................ Same as the BASIC PMOOE statement. Places the printer in the graphics mode. • Line up ($03) .......................................................... Same as the BASIC PSKIP statement. Moves the paper one line in the reverse direction. The line counter is decremented by 1. • Pen test ($04) ......................................................... Same as the BASIC PTEST statement. Writes the following patterns to start ink flowing from the pens, then sets scale = 1 (40 chr/line), colour =0. Black Blue Green Red DODO • Reduction scale ($09) + ($09) + ($09) Reduces the scale from 1 to 0 (80 chr/line). • Reduction cancel ($09) + ($09) + ($OB) Enlarges the scale from 0 to 1 (40 chr/line). • Line counter set ($09) + ($09) + (ASCIIh + (ASCIIh + (ASCII)o + ($00) ........................................................................... Same as the BASIC PTEST statement. Specifies the number of lines per page as indicated by the 3 ASCII bytes code. The maximum number of lines per page is 255. Automatically set to 66 when the power is turned on or the system is reset. • Line feed ($OA) ....................................................... Same as the BASIC PSKIP statement. Moves the paper one line in the forward direction. The line counter is incremented by 1. • Magnify scale ($OB) Enlarges the scale from 2 to 1. (26 chr/line) • Magnify scale ($OC) Reduces the scale from 2 to 1. • Carriage return ($00) Moves the carriage to the left side of the print area. • Back space ($OE) Moves the carriage one column to the left. This code is ignored when the carriage is at the left sfde of the print area. • Form feed ($OF) Moves the paper to the beginning of the next page and resets the line counter to O. • Next colour ($10) Changes the pen to the next colour. 4-2. Character scale • The character scale is automatically set to 1 (40 chr/line) when the power is turned on. Afterwards, it can be changed by the control codes and commands. • In the graphics mode, the scale can be changed within the range 0 to 63. • The scale is set to 1 when the mode is switched from graphics to text. 42 MZ-800 4-3. Graphic mode commands 4-3-1. Command type In the graphics mode, the computer can control the printer with the following commands. The words in parentheses are BASIC statements which have the same functions as the graphics mode commands. Command name LINE TYPE Format Lp (p=O to 15) ALL INITIALIZE HOME (PHONE) A H INITIALIZE (HSET) I DRAW (LINE) Dx, y, ... , xn, yn (- 999~x, y~999) RE LATIVE DRAW (RLINE) J.:lx, .:ly, ... , .:lxn, .:lyn ( - 999 ~ .:lx, .:ly ~ 999) MOVE (MOVE) Mx, Y Function Specifies the type of line (solid or dotted) and the dot pitch. p = 0 : solid line, p = I to 15 : dotted line Places the printer in the text mode. Lifts the pen and returns it to the origin (home position). Sets the current pen location as the origin (x = 0, y=O). Draws lines from the current pen location to coordinates (Xl. Yt), then to coordinates (X2, Y2), and so forth. Draws lines from the current pen location to reI ative coordinates (.:lxI. .:lYt), then to relative coordinates (.:lx2, .:lY2) and so forth. Lifts the pen and moves it to coordinates (x, y). (-999~x, y~999) RELATIVE MOVE (RMOVE) COLOR CHANGE (PCOLOR) SCALE SET ALPHA ROTATE PRINT AXIS (AXIS) R.:lx, .:ly ( - 999 ~.:lx, .:ly ~ 999) Cn (n=O to 3) Lifts the pen and moves it to coordinates (.:lx, .:ly). Changes the pen colour to n. Sn (n=O to 63) Qn (n= 0 to 3) Specifies the character scale. Specifies the direction in which characters are printed. Prints characters. Draws an X axis when p = I and a Y axis when p = O. q specifies the scale pitch and r specifies the number of scale marks to be drawn. PCtC2C3 ... cn (n = 00) Xp, q, r (p=O or I) (q = - 999 to 999) (r = I to 255) 4-3-2. Command format There are 5 types of command formats as shown below. 1. Command character only (without parameters) A, H, I 2. Command character plus one parameter L, C, S, Q 3. Command character plus pairs of parameters D, J, M, R " , " is used to separater parameters, and a CR code is used to end the parameter list. 4. Command plus character string p The character string is terminated with a CR code. 5. Command plus three parameters X " , " is used to separate parameters. 43 MZ-800 1 2 3 4 5 , MZ-800 7 • • 10 n 12 CPU P.W.B. Lavout o E F G H 46 MZ-800 2 3 Cassette Recorder Caution of the Assembling • Be sure ® and ® must be in exact position. Otherwise tape data will be destroyed when "play" is done. 47 4 5 6 MZ-800 10 9 8 7 11 12 Cassette Recorder Circuit • ,r------- ---------- -- ----- ----------------- -- -----·---· , "," Ht., J , B . , ." '[ ' 0 c ,, ,, , ,, I I Cl , L __________ _____ _ ____ _________________ __ ___ __ _ _______ J "' - ~ . TotIO"' """O.•..... M,., . ,,, _____ ~"" ,~''''O. ~J'( ' ''OO< "CO" "'", al.' _____ ,,,"'.......,.., { o '.U ____ '''''"'' G", ". "" ",.'RHV ....Q.f·' ." ". ''' '1C~ ' ''' ,"". O"Ee' ",,,,,"'" -----l:.- .",,".," ,.,, '"'''' " ••• ____ " " " . " . ,. . ,OS . . , .. ' ' ' ' ' ' '''UO oM","", NOT", , ALe """'A"':' 1 ." J , Ac' VA l ~" <.... ~CI,.~CI ." V"~(S .""'OR, AR, '" ," " , ,"""'_, " ,,,,",,,eo A" VOL T~G" "'''''';Uft,O ' '~,,~ . , V . . . , ' ' ' ' vC,U"" '.... 0''''''''01<, ' ND '0. ' '''"Ov",,~'' 'N . ' • '0-'" U'HSS O,,,,.w.,, ...<0,".0 "~Tf " OM ""t~T '~D I~. TO" C',""U," '" C" ..... G""""" <,,"HO' ~'~I~U" ' " 0 ~O S<G •• L '"."CT '0 C""CI o wnHOO' ~{"'C, Cassette Recorder Layout E F G H MOTOR ERASE fl EAD RIP HEAO MZ-800 I I 1 3 2 I I 4 5 6 MZ-1P16 CIRCUIT " - c .. z ( .. ," M 5 1-' aO~OM -OS'lP cm ,----------- L _ __ -, _ MZ·1P16 LAYOUT N I064AC • I -800 MZ-800 , 1 9 10 " 12 MZ-1E20 LAYOUT • , • , , , , c o JOY STICK LAYOUT E -• F • o • N1063R JOY2L-_ __ • o • G JOY, L -_ __ H - 48 • 2 1 5 4 3 6 7 B 10 9 12 11 Power Supply Circuit 8 • • SWI SDI FI T~OOmA 01 A. LI L.l..l ZOOS I RB1~1 1 J 481 or ., 10/2W r- AC 240V o o A. L..!..l e7 1.u"U.V TI Z 0110 ., I .. ~CI 1 II 0" C3 882-004 c L21 IDOlS CONNECTOR --, ISV I •• lOO .' Lh.".I. .. 3300,F/400Y~ 2 et I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 o 1 IG , , ., . . '. . - j A. PCI L.ll PC-511 G , e sv Q3 DC .,lAC K 2SC1213D F c ,. &800P G H • 49 MZ800 rn CPU Unit Exteriors NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 PARTS CODE CCOVH1002ACZB OUNTG1412ACZZ OUNTG1413ACZZ OUNTK1418ACZZ OUNTK1419ACZZ OUNT 1409ACZZ OUNT-1420ACZZ DUNT-1421ACZZ DUNT-1435ACZZ GCOVH1002ACZZ G F TAR 1019 AC Z Z G F TAR 1025 AC Z Z LCHSM1018ACZZ PCUSS 1 0 0 2ACZ Z QCNCW1008AC03 QSW-K1031ACZZ QTANS1002ACZZ QTANS1003ACZZ 608 N VSP0080P X B BSC 3 0 PlO 000 XBPSM30P06KSO XBPSM30P08KOO XUPS030P10000 HBOGB1003ACZZ GLEGG1020CCZZ PGUMS1266CCZZ LANGT1077ACZZ LANGT1078ACZZ QCNCM1056ACZZ QCNW-I111ACZZ QCNW-1112ACZZ Q S W- Z 1 0 3 2 A C Z Z XBPSM30P06KSO GCOVH1009ACZB GFTAR1021ACZB HPNLC1004ACZB X B BSC 3 0 P 0 6 0 0 0 PRICE RANK AQ AX AX NEW MARK ** N N BA BS BM BM BK AB AB AC AY AA AC BH AD AD AN AA AA AA AA AC AD AA AC AC AG AK AG AM AA AN AE AE AA N N N PART RANK 0 0 0 C C B E E E D -0 0 C C C C C C B C C C C 0 0 C C C C C C B C 0 0 0 C DESCRIPTION I/O Cover unit Bottom cabinet Top cabinet CPU PWB Unit Joy PWB Unit Cassette unit Power supply unit RF Modulator (Europe except France) RF Modulator (France only) Aclyric cover lid for 26P connector lid for JOY connector Main chassis Speaker cushion Connector Key board unit Ground terminal Ground terminal Speaker (P008P) Screw (3X 10) Screw (3X6KS) Screw Screw (3XlO) "Sharp" badR:e Rubber foot Cushion for PWB fixing angle Angle for PWB Angle for PWB Connector Cable (15pin) Ca ble (9pin) Dip switch (4pin) Screw 13 x 6KS) I/O Cover lid I/O Panel Screw (3X6) -1- . MZ800 rn CPU Unit Exteriors -2- MZ800 [lJ I/O Cabinet Unit PARTS CODE NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 C CAB B 1 0 1 8 A C Z B GFTARI024ACZA LCHSMIOIOACZZ LHLDZ 1 0 0 5ACZ Z QCNW-I076ACZZ X B BSC 3 0 P 0 6 0 0 0 X B P S D 3 0 PlO K S 0 X UPS D 3 0 P 0 8 0 0 0 PRICE RANK AS AF AQ AD BA AA AB AA NEW MARK PART RANK D D C C C C C C DESCRIPTION I/O Cabinet unit Lid for slot I/O Chassis PWB 2uide Ca ble with conector (for 44pin) Screw (3X6) Screw (3 X lOKS) Screw (3X8) . I---------- -_. f--- -3- MZ800 [l] CPU Board Unit NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 PARTS CODE LBSHZ2029SCZZ QCNCM1009ACZB QCNCM1009ACZi QCNCM1009ACZL QCNCM1009ACZO QCNCM1010ACZZ QCNCW1013ACZZ QCNCM1038ACZZ QCNCW1270CC2J QJAKC1013CCZZ QSOCZ6418ACZZ QSOCZ6428ACZZ QSOCZ6440ACZZ QSW-P1009ACZZ RCRS 1007 AC Z Z RMPTCB102QCKB RMPTC8103QCKB RVR-B1450QCZZ VCEAAU1AW107Q VCEAAA1AW227M VCEAAU1EW475Q VCTYPU1EX223M VCTYPU1EX333M VCTYPU1EX473M VH 065040-032 VH LH0080A/-1 VH LH0081A/-1 VH LM386N//-1 VH MB 8 14 1 6 1 2 VH NE556N// 1 VH UPD8255/ 1 VH 27128/AC85 VH 8253////-1 VS2SC458K// 1 VCCCPU1HH101J VCEAAU1CW106Q VCEAAA1CW226Q VCEAAU1HW105Q VCKYPU1HB102K VCSATA1CE226M VCSATA1CE336M VCTYPU1EX103M VCTYPU1NX104M VHDDS1588L1-1 VHiCD4069B/-1 VHiM74LSOO/-1 VHiM74LS02/ 1 VHiM74LS04/ 1 VHiM74LS08/ 1 VHiM74LS125 1 VH'M74LS14/ 1 VH M74LS145 1 VH M74LS245-1 VH M74LS257-i VH M74LS32/-1 VH M74LS365 1 VH M74LS74/ 1 VH M74LS86/-1 VH S N 7 4 L S 3 7 3 N VH SN7417N/-1 VHiSN76489/-1 VHi4164-150-H VRD-ST2EYOOOJ VRD S T 2 E Y 1 0 0 J VRD ST2EY101J VRD ST2EY102J VRD-ST2EY103J VRD-ST2EY104J VRD S T 2 E Y 1 2 2 J VRD RV2EY152J VRD ST2EY182J VRD-ST2EY183J VRD-ST2EY221J VRD-ST2EY330J VRD S T 2 E Y 3 3 1 J VRD ST2EY332J VRD S T 2 E Y 4 7 2 J VRD S T 2 E Y 4 7 3 J VRD ST2EY561J VRD S T 2 E Y 6 8 3 J PRICE NEW RANK MARK AB AA AC AC AC AF AC AM AE AC AD AE AG AF AV AD AD AE AB AC AB AB AB AB BT AX AW AH AZ AH AV BP BA AC AB AB AB AB AA AB AB AB AB AD AE AE AE AE AE AH AM AH AM AQ AF AF AG AF AL AG AW AZ AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA PART RANK C C C C C C C C C B C C C B B B B B C C C C C C B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C C C C C B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C DESCRIPTION Bushing Connector (2pin) Connector (9pin) Connector for Colour encoder (l2pin) Connector (15pin) Connector for Power supply (For power supply) Connector for Recorder (For da ta recorder) Connector (JAE 50P) Connector for Key Jack (for MIC) IC socket (18pin) IC socket (28pin) IC socket (40pin) Push switch (Reset) X-TAL (l7.7344MHz) Block resistor (1.0KOx 12 1/8W ±10%) Block resistor (lOKox8 1/8W +10%) Variable resistor Capacitor (lOV 100JJF 6.5~ x 10) Capacitor (lOWV 27JJF) Capacitor (25WV 4.7JJF) Capacitor (25WV 0.0221' F) Capacitor (25WV 0.033pF) Capacitor (25WV 0.047pF) IC LSI (LH0080A) LSI (LH0081A) IC LSI (MB81416 12) IC (NE556N) LSI (UPD8255) P-ROM LSI (8253) Transistor (2SC458K) Capacitor (50WV 100pF) Capacitor (l6WV 10pF) Capacitor (16WV 22pF) Capacitor (50WV 1.0pF) Capacitor (50WV 1000pF) Capacitor (l6WV 22uF) Capacitor (16WV 33uF) Capacitor (25WV O.OlpF) Capacitor (12WV 0.10pF) Diode (OS 1 588L1) IC IC M74LSOO) IC M74LS02) IC M74LS04) IC M74LS08) IC M74LS125) IC M74LS14) IC IC (M74LS245P) IC (M74LS257P) IC (M74LS32) IC (M74LS365P) IC (M74LS74) IC (M74LS86P) IC (SN74LS373) IC (SN7417N) IC IC (4164 Resistor 1/4W +5%) Resistor 1/4W 100 ±5%) Resistor 1/4W 1000 ±5%) Resistor 1/4W 1KO ±5%) Resistor (1/4W 10KO +5%) Resistor (l/4W 100KO +5%) Resistor (l/4W 1.2KO ±5%) Resistor (l/4W 1.5KO +5%1 Resistor (1/4W 1.8KO +5%) Resistor (l/4W 18KO +5%) Resistor 1/4W 2200 +5%) Resistor 1/4W 330 +5%) Resistor 1/4W 3300 +5%) Resistor 1/4W 3.3KO +5%) Resistor 1/4W 4.7KO +5%) Resistor 1/4W 47KO ±5%: Carbon resistor (l/4W 5600 ±5%) Resistor (l/4W 68KO +5%) -4- MZ800 [!] Key Board Unit NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PARTS CODE OCFD5799D//// OCF3362A///// OCF3363A///// OCF6303A///// OCF3357A///// OCF4906A///// OCF3361A///// OCF3364A///// OCF3364B///// OCF3364C///// OCF0711C///// OCF4274A///// OCF6387C///// OCF1731F///// OCF4988A///// OCF4976A///// XBTSD20P06000 OCF4274B///// OCF4274C///// OCF4274D///// OCF4274E///// OCF4274F///// OCF4274G///// OCF4274H///// OCF4274J///// OCF4274K///// OCF4274L///// OCFD5000D//// * Key top unit PRICE NEW PART DESCRIPTION RANK MARK RANK Space key AF C AB Crank guide F C AD C Crank shaft A AC C Key_ contact AA Guide tip C AX Frame (NSH-1) C AB C Crank holder F AA Return spring for 60 key) C AA Return spring fa r shift key) C AA Return spring for space key) C AA Return spring for hart key) C BE N Key top set A C BB N PWB W. Parts E AF N B LED AN Flat cable C AC C Protector AA Screw C AT N C Key top set B AT N C Key_ tQP set C AD N Key top set D C N Key top set E °A T C AH N C Key top set F AK N Key top set G C AF N C Key top set H AH N Kev top set J C AD N Key top set K C AH N Key top set L C AG Blank key top C *, B UNIT (1-9, 0, i, -, 1. \,Q, W, E) C UNIT (M, N, V, C, X, Z, L, K, ], H, F, S, I, U, Y, T) D UNIT (?) E UNIT (R, 0, P, A, D, G, B, @, c.;,:,)", ., /, l) F UNIT (GRAPH, CR, SHIFT) G UNIT (Fl, F2, F3, F4, F5) H UNIT (INST, DEL) ] UNIT (i, -+, ~,+-) K UNIT (ALPHA, CTRL) L UNIT (ESC, TAB, ALPHA,SHFT) , r--------, ~< . . 7: ~ , ., I I &o.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ 15 -5- MZ800 [[] Power Supply Unit NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 PARTS CODE pco VS 0181 V A Z Z P CO VS 0215 P A Z Z P Z E T i 002 1 P A Z Z LBNDCOO08PAZZ X B B SM 20 P 0 6 0 0 0 X B BSC 3 0 P 0 6 000 XBPSC30P06KOO XBP SD3 0 P 0 8 0 0 0 XBP SD4 0 P 0 8 K S 0 X B P SC 3 0 P 0 6 K S 0 QFS COO 0 2 P A Z Z QF SHA 0 0 0 1PA Z Z DSOCN0344PAZZ QJAKCOO04PAZZ XNESD30-24000 R T R N ZOO 3 5 P A Z Z R T R N Z 0 1 lOP A Z Z R T R N ZOO 8 1 P A Z Z RVR M0089PAlZ VHDRB156///-1 i X04 64PAZZ RH VRD R U 2 EEl 5 2 J VRD SC2EF180J VRD S C 2 EFl 5 1 J RC F Z 0 3 0 C P A Z Z VRD R U 2 EEl 5 1 J VRD-SC2EF272J RC-QZ0023PAZZ RR X ZOO 0 8 P A Z Z VCEAAU1AM228M VCEAAU2GM105M VCEAAU2GM476Y VCKYPU1HB682K VCKYPU1NB204Z VCK YPU3 DB 1 0 1K VCQYKU1HM102K VCQYKU1HM333K VCTYPG1CD104Z VHDDFC05R//-1 V H D 1 S 2 0 7 6 A/- 1 VRD-ST3AF224J VRS-PT3AB1ROJ VRS PT 3 DB 683 J VRW-KT3DC100K VS2SC1213-DlA PRDAR0143PAZZ PRDAR0144PAZZ VHDESAC8204-2 VS2SC3150// 1 VRD-RU2EE 1 0 1 J VRD SC2EF332J RH-PX0075PAZZ QSW-COO03PAZZ QSOCAOO03PAZZ PRICE RANK AG AF AE AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AD AA AF AD AA AE AT AH AC AG AF AA AA AA AE AA AA AD AB AC AD AH AA AB AB AA AB AE AC AB AA AA AA AC AC AF AE AN AK AA AA AK AK AF NEW MARK N N PART RANK C C C C C C C C C C A C C C C B B C B B B C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C B B C C C C C C C B C C C B B C DESCRIPTION Case (B) Case~A~ Barrier Wire band Screw (2X6) SCrew (For heat sink INLE"Q(3X6j Screw (For switch)(3 X 6) Screw (For heat sink) Screw (4PX8S) Screwi3P X 6S1 Fuse Fuse holder (H 0011) Connector (out put) W. Wire [Fl ] Jack~For DC~ Nut (For heat sink) Filter coil Transformer Filter Va ria ble resistor Cl KO) Diode IC Resistor (1/4W 1.5KO ±5%) Resistor (1/4W 180 ±5%) Resistor(1/4W 1500) Capacitor Resistor~1/4W 1500~ Resistor Cl/4W 2.7KO ±5%) Capacitor (AC400V 3300pF) Resistor Capacitor (lOWV 2200uF) Capacitor (400WV 1.0uF) Capacitor (400WV 47 uF) Capacitor (50WV 6800pF) Capacitor (12WV 0.2OuF) Capacitori2000WV 10QQEl Capacitor(50WV 1000pF) Capacitori50WV 0.03~F) Capacitorj16WV O.lOEF} Diode Diode Cl S2076A - FEC) Resistor Cl W 220KO ±5%) Metal film resistor (1 W 10 + 5%) Resistorj.2W 68KO + 10%} Resistorj2W 100 +100/ol Transistor Heat sink Heat sink Diode Transistor Resistorjl/4W 100Ql Resistorjl/4W 3.3KOl Photo transi~tor AC switch AC inlet -. -6- [L2!] [Tl] [Ll ] [VR21] [D1 ] [IC21 ] [R9] [R8] [R6] [C2] [R7] [R22] [Cl,5,6] [R4] [C2223] [C7] [C3] [C12] Ecg] [ClO] [C2l] [C25] [Cll] [D2] [D3] [R3] [R5] [R2] [R!] [Q23] [D21] [01] [R21] [R23] [PC1] [SW!] [SOl] MZ800 [[] Power Supply Unit 1 54 53 47 ' 13 , - MZ800 [§J Packing Parts NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 la 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 f-- 18 f-- 19 20 21 22 PARTS CODE QACCZ3321QCN1 QACCE3620QCZZ QCNW-1065ACZZ QCNW-1049ACZZ TiNSM1294ACZZ TiNSG1212ACZZ T LAB Z 1 0 1 0 AC Z Z T lAB Z 1 102 AC Z Z SSAKA5004CCZZ SSAKHOO13HCZZ SPAKC1556ACZZ SPAKC1552ACZZ SPAKA1624ACZl SPAKA1624ACZR SPAKA1625ACZZ SSAKHOO14HCZZ SSAKA0231QCZZ RT P EK 1 0 0 6 AC 8 4 T lAB Z 1 1 0 3 A C Z Z T lAB E l l 1 9 A C Z Z T lAB E l l 20 AC Z Z TlABZ1009ACZC T lAB SI 128 AC Z Z PRICE RANK AL AL BA AN AC BE AD AD AA AA AQ AQ AH AH AM AB AA BB AA AC AC AA AB NEW MARK N N N N N N N PART RANK C D D C D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D DESCRIPTION AC cord (France only) AC cord (Eurooe except France) Cable for TV (France onlv) Cable for TV (Eurooe except France) Instruction manual (Supplement) Instruction manual Basic (Europe except France seeg) Function label Graphic label Poly bag (100 X 300llln) Poly bag (260X400llln) Packing case (France only) Packing case (Europe except France) Packing cushion L Packing cushion R Packinll sleeve (Accessories) Poly bag (640 X 5001llR) Poly bag (80 X 220 30U) Master cassette tape Label (DC 5V} label for tape (lZ016) label for tape (lZ013) Label Caution -.-~ --- 14 15 16 4 /1 1 : 6 EUROPE Ol\LY EXCEPT / FRA!\CE & SF-Ea ~. 10 1/ : _ /7 '::-8 J..'1--+++---17 13 ~J "'1"'-"" CASsETTE TAPE i' - MZ800 rn Cassette Unit Exteriors NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 PARTS CODE o B V 0 7 5 7 1 7 0 043 o B V 6 6 1 1 8 200 0 2 oB V 6 6 8 8 0 0 0 0 1 7 oB V 6 6 8 8 0 4 0 0 1 9 oB V 6 6 8 8 2 2 0 0 1 5 oB V 9 7 1 0 2 6 0 4 1 4 oB V 9 7 1 1 2 6 0 4 1 7 oB V 9 7 1 8 2 6 0 5 1 1 oB V 9 7 6 0 2 6 1 0 1 8 oB V 6 6 8 0 0 1 0 0 0 5 oB V 6 6 8 0 4 0 0 0 1 7 o B V 0 6 4 6 3 1 000 6 o B V 6 6 8 5 4 0 000 1 PRICE RANK AA AC AT AL AC AA AA AA AA BG BP AA AG NEW MARK N N N N N N N N N N N PART RANK D C D D D C C C C E E C C DESCRIPTION Tape mirror Cassette lid sprinll Cabinet ass'y Cassette lid ass'y Plate Screw (P2.6X4 SN) Screw (T2.6X4-SN) Screw (P2.6X5-SN-S) Screw (TP2.6XI0-SN-A) Amp PWB unit Mechanism ass'y Lead wire clamp Connector (9pin) -- -- .._- . . 4-----"'''''- 3- - - - - - - - - / 5-------1 11------ - ~--9 1. ---- 12 ~---------9 8 - 9- - __.. - MZ800 [ID Mechanism Unit (For Cassette) PRICE NEW RANK MARK I OBV0210680007 AN N AH N 2 o B V 0 2 I 128 0 0 0 6 N AW 3 o B V 0 2 2 2 8 3 000 I 4 oBV 0 4 4 0 8 0 0 0 0 4 AM N N AD 5 oBV 0 5 6 0 6 9 0 0 0 4 N AD 6 oBV 0 5 6 0 8 0 0 0 0 9 7 o B V 0 5 609 5 0 0 0 5 AD AA N 8 o B V 0 6 3 0 1 2 1 009 AA 9 oBV0 6 3 0 2 2 0 0 0 9 la o B V 0 6 3 0 6 0 0 0 0 7 AA 11 o B V 0 6 3 196 0 0 0 1 AA oBV0 6 3 1 9 8 2 0 0 9 AA N - 12 AA N 13 o B V 0 6 3 199 200 2 --14 o B V 0 6 3 2 0 6 0 0 0 5 AA N N AA 15 o B V 0 6 3 2 0 7 0 0 0 8 AA l~t)O B V 0 6 3 5 1 1 0 0 0 0 17 0 B V 06-3 6 9 7 3 0 0 2 AA -181 0 B V 5 6 2 4 1 5 0 0 0 3 AF AA IW+.!!..!! V 0 6 5 3 3 8 0 0 0 9 20 0 B V 3 8 0 I 2 9 0 0 0 9 AC AD 21 ! 0 B V 3 8 0 1 3 1 1 0 0 7 AC 0 BV 3 8 0 1 3 2 1 0 0 0 N 23 0 B V 3 8 0 1 3 3 1 0 0 3 AC N j4 l..80 134 1 006 AD 25 0 B V 5 0 0 1 7 0 0 0 0 5 AA AC N AB N 28 ,OB V 6 5 0 I 3 6 1 0 0 6 AD AC N 29rOj:i--':~6 5 0 1 3 7 2 0 0 0 300BV6501380001 AB AB AB N AB N 341TBv650-14j-looo AE 3st-lfaT&-s(f14TooQTAF 36 lOB V 6 5 0 I 4 6 1 0 0 7 AG -37 0 18 3 2 0 0 3 AC 3sro-sv65Ols-4ToosN AC AB 3911J3:f656T 6 3 0 0 0 6 N 40 i 0 B V 6 5 0 2 2 5 1 0 0 5 AD N AK ___ A F --t-N 43 . 0 B V 6 5 0 2 5 9 5 0 0 4 AF N A B___ AB 46 ,OB V 6 5 0 2 7 5 2 0 0 1 AG N A-F N _~?T~):i V_ 65T-Z::-f-Zo 0 0 2 A-F N 48,OBV6502930005 49106-,r6502940008N AA 50 ra-B V 6 6 2 8 6 2 0 0 2 4 N AD N AG 5110 B V 6 6 6 1 0 5 0 0 0 8 N AB r-- A A N N __ 54 1 (LBX 6§ _~ L~jU!JLQ.2_ f-A S N AE 55 ' 0 B V 6 6 8 1 2 0 0 0 0 7 N AG 56 _0_B_V__ L 6 8 2 7 0 0 0 0 5 AA N 57 ,OB V 9 7 1 0 2 0 0 2 5 4 j8_}QJLY_~_LLQ.1Jl_01._W--- f- A A AA 59-i- Q_E3 _'L~_7__L.Q.1.. QQ.4 1 6 AA 60 i 0 B V 9 7 1 0 2 0 0 5 1 9 AA ~g_E3"y 9 7 1 2 2 0 0 4 1 2 AA AA -(;4 OBV9760260811 AA --65lOEi V 9 7 9 9 0 2 4 0 0 6 N AA PART DESCRIPTION RANK B Record -:j:llay back head B Erase head Motor B B Tape co unter B Counter Ca psta n belt B B Gear belt EXT spring C EXT spring C C EXT ~ing EXT spring C EXT spring C EXT spring C C EXT ~ing EXT spring C COM spring C C SPl spring C Sprin&. lead-wire ciamper C Stop lever C Record lever C Play lever C C Rewind lever C F.F. lever Flywheel shaft supporter C C Record switch sPIing C Flvwheel Base C lock plate Safety lever C C Eject arm C Stoll.arm C Reverse cue lever Record lock lever C Take-up arm set C Pinch roller base ass'y C C 6 Push switch base C Push s~ring Stopper spring C C Arm su~~rt A Switch shaft C Flywheel C Take- up reel base ass'y C Reel base ass'v A C Take-up gear C Take-llQ lever C Clutch ass'y C C Rewind arm ass'Y. First foward arm ass':!, C Tension pick u~ C Push button C Head base ass'v C Switch lever C EXT Spring C -Mechanism chassis ass'y C Angle C C Motor su~~ort Screw (P2X2-SK) C -Screw (P2X3-SN) C -Screw (P2X4-SN) C Screw (P2X5-SN) C ScrewJ_l2X4 SN~ C -Screw(P2X4-SN-S) C -Screw (P2XI0-SN) C -----Screw (Self tapp TP2.6X8-SN-A) C -Screw (P2X4.7-SN) C E Tvpe ring (ZR1.5-SU) C &~-HS. V-J-~llJl.JJi~2...=b~ - E Type ring (ZR2.5-SU) C 67 0 B V 9 8 1 1 0 2 5 1 4 5 AA C -6S;-OBV98TI0301431 A A ! E T~~e rin: tZR3'-SU) N C lET e rin SW2-SN) j91-QJf~ ~_L~LQ_ 1 U_-:: Washer (W021060030SN) C 70 0 B V 9 8 7 0 0 0 3 0 0 3 , A A, I washer_~W0301 00080SI'.jL~___ ___ _~_________~ ________ AA 1l,OBV9870012005 Washer W0210450ill ___ ~~_____ ~~__ ~~________ ~______ i210-BV 9 8 7 4 0 0 2 0 0 4 A A I N+g tjj r b--ifv9TI-To26004-Washer {WP012036025) C - ------t_AA_t PARTS CODE NO. _-2?i O-S: r l 1H~ ~~~H{~_U ~ ~ ~ ~ filJi-~~H--~+:~! ~ ~ :lo-sv65 :Ht~ ~+H~-; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l~lrrt-Trrn ~ ~ ~ ~ i -- ~. ~ ~11f~~~J~+~ ~ H ~ ~ -~ t -~----------~~-- -*t~-~ ~ ~ H-~ ~ ~ H6~ __ ---------~-~~~~~-"--" ---~-~ :=MT- =t iJL i - ---r----- -l- --~-~----.----~ ----~~-----------~----------- -i----------- ~+.::~=--------------- ----~----------- I I I I r ·~r--~ .. ----------------~--~~ I -- I -10- [ID Mechanism Unit (For Cassette) i~;_ _ _ _ _ _ _ : ~ , r- 56 67 ~_35 ~~~--i---1+!--~~-~-'~j,2:~~" ~~,----17 2~ 49 ck ~ , 51 , ~ 62 Jp 37 ~ ~ ------4 &' I . $-34 56 '~15 b' ~-65 '----59 40----, 11.-..--55 ---62 60'---- 52-66----~-44 43----- ~--73 L~---42 " --------:;;:T'--:-: 20'---~=__- L----5 7 (\ h ~~==-==-~-=--==--=~~?----f{{ ~ 6: _________________________-.g~/?:~_i\il_~ i 26 60 : -t:) &.~. . --~ 31 67--------. 33 \ I ! Jl. 56---------~':3 ::~ J'! 59 -11- J~ L------45 66 Qf""ti. ~----'----- 67 MZ800 [9J PWB Unit (For Cassette) NO. PARTS CODE 1 o BV0 3 6 4 1 8 0 0 0 2 2 o BV0 3 6 5 8 0 0 0 0 8 3 oB V 9 0 2 0 0 4 6 2 5 0 4 V HOD S 1 5 8 8 L 2 1 5 o B V 9 1 103 4 0 0 0 8 6 o B V 9 205 1 1 8 149 7 o B V 9 2 086 1 0 2 4 8 o B V 9 2 086 1 034 1 8 o B V 9 2 086 1 034 1 9 o B V 9 2 0 8 6 1 5 140 10 o B V 9 208 6 1 534 6 11 o B V 9 2 0 8 6 1 544 9 12 o B V 9 2 0 8 6 2 0 540 13 o B V 9 2 0 8 6 2 2 243 14 o B V 9 2 086 2 2 346 15 o B V 9 2 0 8 6 2 2 449 16 o B V 9 2 0 8 627 145 17 o B V 9 2 0 8 6 3 3 144 18 o B V 9 2 0 864 7 048 19 o B V 9 2 0 8 647 141 20 o B V 9 2 0 8 6 4 734 7 21 o B V 9 2 0 8 6 5 6 040 22 o B V 9 2 0 8 6 5 6 246 _23 o B V 9 2 0 8 6 5 644 2 24 o B V 9 2 0 8 682 148 25 o B V 9 2 0 8 6 8 224 1 _,26 o B V 9 2 2 7 1 2 0 142 27 o B V 9 2 5 0 3 4 7 046 -2"8 O'B V 92 98020 1 74 29 ~_V9318310250 -30 o B V 9 3 1 8 3 4 7 3 5 9 31 o B V 9 3 4 9 0 1 0 1 6 1 OBV9349022063 33 OBV9349047064 c---34 o B V 9 3 4 9 2 100 6 0 35 o B V 9 3 4 9 5 0 1 061 1---~6 o B V 9 3 495 1 0 960 37 o B V 9 9 0 5 2 1 005 1 38 VHiUPC358C/ 1 c--l-~ o B V 9 0 2 0 0 4 5 5 5 8 -----¥- PRICE RANK AH -A F AF AB AK AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AC AB AD AC AC AD AC AD AC AC AC AD AG AD NEW MARK N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N PART RANK B B B B B C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C B B DESCRIPTION Slide SW Leaf SW Transistor (2SC2120 Y) Diode IC (uPC1470P) Resistor (R014018lJ 1800) Resistor (R016Tl 02JT 1 KO) Resistor (R016Tl03JT 10KO) Resistor (ROI6Tl 03JT 10KO) Resistor (ROI6TlSlJT lS00) Resistor (ROI6TlS3JT ISKO) Resistor (ROI6TlS4JT lS0KO) Resistor (ROI6T20SJT) Resistor (R016T222JT 22KO) Resistor (ROI6T223JT 22KO) Resistor{ROl6T224JT 220KOl Resistor (R016T271JT 27001 Resistor (ROI6T331JT 3300) Resistor (ROI6T470JT 470) Resistor (ROI6T471JT 4700) Resistor (ROI6T473JT 47KO) Resistor (ROI6TS60JT S60) Resistor (ROI6TS62JT S.6KO) Resistor (ROI6TS64JT S60KO) Resistor (ROI6T82lJT 8200) Resistor (ROI6TS22JT S.2KO) Resistor (RNPI4T20lJS 2000) Resistor (RS08AB3A470J 470 1 W) Variable resistor (POSH3C201N 2000) Capacitor (C04SXl EI02K) Capacitor (C04SXIE473K) Capacitor (CE04WOJI0IMU) Capacitor (CE04WOJ220MU) Capacitor (CE04WOJ470MU) Capacitor (CE04WICI00MU) Capacitor (CE04WIHOI0MU) Capacitor (CE04WIHRI0MU) Coil (SSI00K) IC Transistor (2SClSIS-GR) [SWl-SWl-3] [SW2] [Q3,Q4] [01 04] [lC2] [R20] [R21 R6] [RI8,10,9,713IS 28] [R27] [RI9] [R3] [Rll] [RI4] [RI2] [RI6] [RI] [R30] [R22] [R2] [R26] [R23 R4] [R8] [RIl] [R29] [R31] [R24] [R32] [R2S] [VR!] [C2,S] [CI0] [C9] [Cl] [C8] [C3] [C6] [C4,Cl Cll] [Ll ] [lC!] [Ql,Q2,QS] t----- f---- --II [Q] MZ -1 P16 Exterio rs NO. I PARTS CODE ~~I~~ ~f;fK ~~~~ DESCRIPTION ---itc:cABB 1 0 0 6 A C Z A AM N 0 Cabinet top 2 G CAB B 1 0 0 8 A C Z B AC C Holder . 3 G CAB B 1 0 0 8 A C Z C AL N 0 Cabinet top -- "4 C-F TAT 1 0 0 1 A C Z A AK N 0 Lid -- 5 G F TAT i 0 0 9 A C Z A A END Lid for oen chanlle 6 P C UTI 0 0 1 A C Z A A0 N 0 Paper cut F T Z 1 0 alA C Z Z AH E Paoer shaft unit - 8 0 UNT M1 0 5 1 AC Z Z BW E Printer mechanism unit -9 JKNBT 1 0 0 5 A C02 -+---7A·-;:G;--t-~N-+---;O;---+';K:'-'n-";obC"';-fo':':'r::::p::::a':'::pe:.:cr:'-;fe"-e'-:;d=----------------------I 10 n:fLoTl 0 0 2 A CL 2 AB N 0 Holder -U--!-~ H L 0 Z 1 0 0 2 A C R 2 I AA B~- _-"-N'--+-...,0;o.--+:H::,o"'ld"'e"-.r--,--;--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -; _~_ PG IOW 1 0 0 1 A C Z Z I -+--'0;o.--+:P""'a~pelrc.Jll;>"u""id"'e'_:_:_---------------------------l 13 P S P A B 1 0 0 3 A C Z Z AA C Collar for printer _--I~h.pJE T El 0 0 5 A C Z Z A A-+--=~::::~C~::::!~ln~s~ul~at~o~r~sh~e~e~t~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=-_____________________I 15'QCNW-I013ACZZ AD C Ground wire 16 0 U N T K 1 4 2 5 A C Z Z BF N E CPU PWB unit -"17 0 U N T K 1 4 2 6 A C Z Z AL N E Switch PWB unit _-:~ G LEG P 1 O_..9_~l-~Cc-C:--=Z;.cZ~-+-""'A'-'B=__+_-_:_;___+-C=__t_'Lo_=u:.-cb7'be~r;_'_f=oo'-'t_;_;_---_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 19 L A N G T 1 0 7 9 A C Z Z AB N C I Angle for cable --i(j-h A N GKJ.---oaiA-C:--=;Z--"ZI---+-7 A 7H:-+--:-N,-t--oco---+I-':-A""'ng"'ll:-=-e-;-fo=-'r-'s"'u-;=-Ia·~id:-e-r- - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 ---7CS _ 21--l..! C H S M 1 0 1 6 A C Z Z .. -. 22: LCHS"MTo 1 7 A C Z Z - 23 tQ C N W- 1 1 0 8 A C Z Z AM AQ AL N N ! C Bottom chaSSIS -=O:--E'St.:::.:a~nd=..:.:.:.-===--------·--~Ncl---+---:C=---ECC"a:;-:-bl:=e-ofo-r-po-'w-e-r- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 -24"10 CNIN =-flO9A C Z Z=t=--BD--r--~N-~~-=-_=:~C~__l-t_';:71/~F~C;a~b~le;;~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-::::::::::::::::=-_---1 " 2sTr·rS'F T Z 1 0 0 1 A tu AC I C Paoer holder 26 ! N S F T Z 1 0 0 1 A C Z B A G C Paoer shaft :,jJJXREST4O=-O''60 0 0 A A + __l-I~Co-~E-'ty.z=pe:...;-r~in~Il(~.4=mm::L)---.------------------_ _ _ _-I _2_8~.l<..!I.!l_~_~.oF'..o_ 6 0 tl 0 AA ,C Screw (3 x 6) 29 X B P S 0 3 0 P 0~4'-~K~'E-0-~0'--+-7A-':A:--I---+--L-'C~-ES""cr"'e-'-'-w~(~3.:..:X-"41-;-K;--')-------------'------------------l -30 X U B S 02 6 P 0 8 0 0 0 AA 'C Screw 31 I X U B S 0 2 6 PlO 0 0 0 AA I C I Screw --32 IX B P S M 3 0 P 06 K S 0 --I-cA:":A~+-1----+-~C--+-:ISO-=c::.:re::.:w'--"(:,-3cCC"x 6KSl " 12- [IQ] MZ -1 P16 Exterio rs NO. PARTS C.ODE XBPSM30P08KOO 34 QC NW-Ill 0 A C Z Z 35 QSW-PIOIOACZZ 36 QSW PIOIIACZZ 37 LX BZOO38FCZZ 38 P Z ET VIOl 0 AC Z Z 33 PRICE NEW RANK MARK AA N AE AC AD AA N AC PART RANK C C C C C C DESCRIPTION Screw Connector (4pin) Push switch (Paper feed) Push switch (Pen Change,Reset) Screw Insulator 6---18 -13- MZ800 [ll] MZ-IPI6 Main PWB Unit PARTS CODE NO. QCNCMI009ACZD QCNCMIOl5ACZZ QCNCM2414RC2F QCNW 1012ACZZ QSOCZ6440ACZZ RCRSZI006ACZZ RMPTC8332QCKB VCCCPUlHHlOOD -·9 VCEAAUlAWl07Q 10 VCEAAUlHW225Q 11 VCKYPUIHB331K 12 VCTYPUINXI04M 13 VHDDSI588L2-l 14 VHEHZIIA/// 1 15 VHi LBI257// 1 16 V HiM 5 M 8 0 5 0 H 0 1 17 VHiM74LS244-1 VHiSN75451B-l -- 18 19 VRD-ST2EYI03J 20 VRD ST2EYI04J 21 VRD ST2EY221J 22 VRD-ST2EY332J .23 VRD-ST2EY561J 24 VRD-ST2EY562J 25 VS2SA673-C/-l 26 VS2SB739-//-1 27 VS2SC458KS/-I 28 VS2SD788 C/EC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PRICE RANK AB AC AH A L AG AD AD AA AB AB AA AB AB AC AM AZ AM AG AA AA AA AA AA AA AE AD AC AC NEW MARK PART RANK C B C C C C B C C C C C B B B B B B C C C C C C B B B B Connector (4pin) Co nnector{~pinl. Connector (26pin) Connector wire IC socket (40pin) X TAL 6MHZ Block resistor (3.3Kox8 1/8W +10%) Capacitor (50WV 10pF) Capacitor 10V 1001lF 6.5.pXlO) Capacitor 50WV 2.211F) Capacitor 50WV 330pF) Capacitor l2WV O.lOllF) Diode (DS1588L2) Zener diode (HZllA) IC LSI IC (M74LS244P) IC (SN7545l B) Resistor (l/4W 10KO ±5%) Resistor (1/4W 100KO +5%1 Resistor (1/4W 2200 ±5%) Resistor (1/4W 3.3KO +59102 Carbon resistor (l/4W 5600 +5%) Resistor (l/4W 5.6KO +5%) Transistor (2SA673-C) Transistor Transistor (2SC458KS) Transistor (2SD788 C/EC) PART RANK D D D D D D D D D D D D C Instruction book Packing cushion A Packing cushion B Packinj;! accessories Packing case Poly bag (50 x 60mm) Poly bag (180X280mm) Poly bag (80 x 220 30Ul Poly baj;! (240X300mm) Poly baj;! (lOO X 300mm) F mark label Pen label Label (U.K. only) (Made in Japan) DESCRIPTION [2] MZ-I PI6 Packing Parts c PARTS CODE NO. TiN S E 1 2 1 3 A C Z Z PC US SI 0 14 AC Z Z PCUSS1015ACZZ SPAKA1559ACZZ SPAKCI560ACZZ SSAKAOO06UCZZ SSAKHOOl5HCZZ SSAKA0231QCZZ SSAKA20 1 OKCZZ 10 SSAKA5004CCZZ 11 T LAB S 0 9 1 8 F C Z Z 12 TLABZI027ACZA 13 TLABJI083CCZZ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -- PRICE RANK AG AL AH AH AH AA AA AA AA AA AA AB AA NEW MARK N N N N N N DESCRIPTION c---- - - - f----_ .. .~--- -~-- _. _. -- --~ --- • -..- -14- MZ800 [l2J MZ-l P16 Packing Parts ,3 ,5 [l MZ-l E20 NO, PARTS CODE 1 LANGT1080ACZZ 2 SPAKA1589ACZZ 3 SPAKC1590ACZZ 4 SSAKH3010CCZZ 5 T 5 ELF 1 0 0 2 A C Z Z 6 XBPSD30P06KSO PRICE NEW PART RANK MARK RANK AK N PWB angle C N AE Packing cushion 0 AT N 0 Packing case AA Poly bag (180 x 240nn) 0 AA 0 label AA Screw (3X6KS) C DESCRIPTION • -15- MZ800 • Index PARTS CODE PRICE NEW PART RANK MARK RANK NO. (C 1 CCABBI006ACZA -CC ABB I 0 (8 ACZB CCOVHI002ACZB cTrATIOOIACZA CSFTZIOOIACZZ I I I 4 7 AM AS AQ AK AH DSOCN034 4 PAZ Z 5- 13 DU"f'(T-~ I 4 0 9 ACZZ 1- 6 DUNT-1420ACZZ 1- 7 b UNT~l42TA CZZ 1- 8 DUN-i'-=ITj 5 ACZZ 1- 9 Du-r:,ffG141zACU- ---:---1- 2 -D-UNTG1Tf-jAC-n 1- 3 OUN-fK 14 18ACZZ 1- 4 b UN-fKl- 4 I 9 AC ZZ 1- 5 -bUNTK142S-AC ZZ 10- 16 b-UNTK 14 2 6 AC ZZ 10- 17 10- 8 DUNTMI051ACZZ AF BS BM BM BK AX AX ---Tor-- 10211010- I --rG]c;9~J;lJ!LQ~~_~~ 10- 10GCABBI008ACZC GCOVHlO 02 ACZZ 1GC-OV-HlOO§ ACZB 1GFTA'RIO 19ACZZ I1df'TARI021ACZB 2GTTARI024ACZA 1GFTARI025ACZZ GnATTOoTIc ZA 101GLE.GGI020CCZZ GCE-GPIOOICCZZ 10(H 1 HBO-GsffiTA CZ -jifp NLC I 0 0 4 ACZB 1(J1 10TKNBZI005AC02 ( L1 CANGK 1082 ACZ'Z 101LANGTI077ACZZ LANGTI078ACZZ 110CANGTI079ACZZ TANGTI080ACZZ 135lBNOCOO08PAZZ LBSHZ2029SCZZ 32CCHSMIOIOACZZ 10LCHSMIOl6ACZZ 10LCHSMIOl7ACZZ 1LCHSMIOl8ACZZ T, -HT6 Z I 0 0 2 ACL 2 10TH-LDZl- 0 0 2 ACR2 lOTHLDZ"lO"05 A 210TX-BZ0038FCZZ (N 1 10NSFTZIOOIACZA 10NSFTZIOOIACZB (P 1 5PCOVSO 181 VAZZ 5PCOVS0215PAZZ 1PCUSSI002ACZZ 12~SUSS I 0 14ACZZ 12PCUSS1015ACZZ 10~_C UT-1 0 0 1 ACZA 10PGiOW1001ACZZ 1PGUMS1266CCZZ f-pRbARO 143 PAZZ 5PROAR0144PAZZ 5PSPAB1003ACZZ 10P'ZETE1005ACZZ 10PZETi0021PAZZ 510PZETV1010ACZZ (Q 1 6QACCE3620QCZZ 6-£':AC CZ3 f'2-1QC NI 3QCNCM1009ACZB IlQCNCM1009ACZO 3QCNCM1009ACZi 3QCNCM1009ACZL 3QCNCM1009ACZO 3QCNCM1010ACZZ 11QCNCMI015ACZZ z- czz- ~: 2 3 10 34 ** BA BF AL BW N N E N N C B E E E 0 0 N N N N C C E E E 35 2 12 5 25 18 24 36 AC AE 9 AG N 0 20 27 28 19 I 4 I 3 21 22 13 10 AH AC AC AB AK AA AB AQ AM AQ AY AB AB AD AA N C C C C C C C C C II 4 37 C N N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N 0 C N N 0 0 C C AC AG C C I C C C 38 AG AF AA AL AH AD AB AA AF AE AA AA AE AC 2 1 2 l 3 4 5 6 2 AL AL AA AB AC AC AC AF AC 14 2 3 6 12 26 46 47 13 14 3 IJ QSW-COO03PAZZ QSW-K1031ACZZ QSW-P1009ACZZ QSW P1010ACZZ QSW P1011ACZZ QSW-Z1032ACZZ QTANS1002ACZZ QTANS1003ACZZ [ R1 RC FZ030CPAZZ RC QZ0023PAZZ RCRS 1007ACZZ RCRSZ1006ACZZ RH-iX0464PAZZ RH-PX0075PAZZ RMPTCB102QCKB RMPTC8103QCKB RMPTC8332QCKB RR-XZOO08PAZZ RTPEK1006AC84 RTRNZ0035PAZZ RTRNZ0081PAZZ RTRNZ0110PAZZ RVR B1450QCZZ RVR-MO 0 89 PAZZ (S1 SPAKA1559ACZZ SPAKA1589ACZZ SPAKA1624ACZL SPAKA1624ACZR SPAKA1625ACZZ SPAKCI552ACZZ SPAKCI556ACZZ SPAKCI560ACZZ SPAKCI590ACZZ SSAKAOO06UCZZ SSAKA0231QCZZ D C 25 26 2 QCNCM1038ACZZ QCNCM1056ACZZ QCNCM2414RC2F QCNCW1008AC03 QCNCW1013ACZZ QCNCW1270CC2J QCNW 1012ACZZ QCNW 1013ACZZ QCNW 1049ACZZ QCNW-1065ACZZ QCNW-1076ACZZ QCNW-1108ACZZ QCNW-1109ACZZ QCNW-I110ACZZ QCNW 1111ACZZ QCNW 1112ACZZ QFS COO02PAZZ QFSHAOO01PAZZ QJAKCOO04PAZZ QJAKC1013CCZZ QSOCAOO03PAZZ QSOCZ6418ACZZ QSOCZ6428ACZZ QSOCZ6440ACZZ 0 0 0 0 AC AL AB AN AB AE AF AC AE AD AB II PARTS CODE N N N N 0 0 0 0' C C C C C C C 0 C C C C C C C B IJ SSAKA2010KCZZ SSAKA5004CCZZ IJ SSAKHOOl3HCZZ SSAKHOOl4HCZZ SSAKHOOl5HCZZ SSAKH3010CCZZ [T] TiNSEI213ACZZ TiNSG1212ACZZ TiNSM1294ACZZ TLABE 1119ACZZ TLABEl120ACZZ TLABJ1083CCZZ TLABS0918FCZZ cJl-_ABS 112 8ACZZ TLABZI009ACZC --16-- NEW PART NO. PRICE RANK MARK RANK 3- 8 AM C 1- 29 AG C 11- 3 AH C 1- 15 AC C 3- 7 AC C 3- 9 AE C 11- 4 AL C 10- 15 AD C 6- 4 AN C 6- 3 BA 0 2- 5 BA C 10- 23 AL N C 10- 24 BD N C 10- 34 AE N C 1- 30 AK C 1- 31 AG C 5- 11 AD A 5- 12 AA C 5- 14 AD C 3- 10 AC B 5- 54 A F C 3- 11 AD C 3- 12 AE C 3- 13 AG C 11- 5 AG C 5- 53 AK B 1- 16 BH C 3- 14 A F B 10- 35 AC C 10- 36 AD C 1- 32 AM N B 1- 17 AD C 1- 18 AD C 553115533- 25 28 15 6 21 52 16 11- 7 29 18 16 18 17 18 19 5655535- 17 AE AD AV AD AF AK AD AD AD AB BB AE AH AT AE AC C C B C B B B B B C 0 N B C B B B 66666- 11 12- 5 13- 3 12- 6 6- 17 12- 8 12- 9 6- 9 12- 10 6- 10 6- 16 12- 7 13- 4 AH AE AH AH AM AQ AQ AH AT AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AB AA AA N N N N N N N N N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 126666121266- AG BE AC AC AC AA AA AB AA N N N D D 1213- 4 2 13 14 15 12 I 6 5 20 21 13 11 22 21 0 0 0 C 0 0 D -- MZ800 PARTS CODE TLABZ1010ACZZ TLABZ1027ACZA TLABZ1102ACZZ TLABZ1103ACZZ TSELF1002ACZZ [ V] VCCCPU1HH1000 VCCCPU1HH101J VCEAAA1AW227M 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Control Dept. Reliability & OJaIity 639-" ."pan . Nara ,_ I Yamatokoriyama, Printed in Japan October, 1984 ®