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WABCO ~ SERVICE MANUAL 6071 TYPE "EL" THREE INDICATION CODED CONTINUOUS CAB SIGNAL AND SS-3 OVERSPEED PROTECTION OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE August, 1979 B-79-75-2146-2 UNION SWITCH & SIGNAL DIVISION AMERICAN STANDARD, INC. Swissvale. PA 15218 ... WAS CC 'V'~ TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION I II III IV v ... VI VII VIII IX x XI PAGE GENERAL DESCRIPTION THEORY OF OPERATION CAB SIGNAL INDICATIONS WAYSIDE CONTROL OF CODED RAIL CURRENT WAYSIDE CONTROL OF CUT IN/CUT OUT AND RUNNING TEST LOOPS DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION OF ONBOARD EQUIPMENT CIRCUIT OPERATION OF ONBOARD EQUIPMENT MAINTE.NANCE AND TESTING OF ONBOARD EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE AND TESTING OF ONBOARD OVERSPEED EQUIPMENT PARTS LIST AND ORDERING INFORMATION EQUIPMENT REFERENCES OF EL CAB SIGNAL SYSTEM i 1 1 2 4 5 5 9 13 15 19 20 WASCD ~ LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Page 1 Wayside and Cab Signal Aspect Diagram 3 2 Typical EL Cab Signal System Receiver Set Up 6 3 EL Cab Signal Speed Control System Block Diagram 11 Three Indication Speed Control Locomotives and MU Cars Relay Operation 18 5.lA EL Cab Signal System Receiver Diagram 21/22 5.lB EL Cab Signal System Receiver Diagram 23/24 6.lA Type EL Cab Signal and Overspeed Standard Circuits (EX MU Cars) 25/26 Type EL Cab Signal and Overspeed Standard Circuits (EX MU Cars) 27/28 Type EL Cab Signal and Overspeed Standard Circuits (EX MU Cars) 29/30 Type EL Cab Signal and Overspeed Standard Circuits (Chopper Cars) 31/32 Type EL Cab Signal and Overspeed Standard Circuits (Chopper Cars) 33/34 Type EL Cab Signal and Overspeed Standard Circuits (Chopper Cars) 35/36 Type EL Cab Signal and Overspeed Standard Circuits (Diesel 3700) 37/38 Type EL Cab Signal and Overspeed Standard Circuits (Diesel 3700) 39/40 Type EL Cab Signal and Overspeed Standard Circuits (Diesel 3700) 41/42 Type EL Cab Signal and Overspeed Standard Circuits (Diesel 2000 Series) 43/44 Type EL Cab Signal and Overspeed Standard Circuits (Diesel 2000 Series) 45/46 Type EL Cab Signal and Overspeed Standard Circuits (Diesel 2000 Series) 47/48 4 6.lB 6.2A 6.2B 6.2C 6.3A 6.3B 6. 3C 6.4A 6.4B 6.4C ii WABCCJ 'V"A:..'V' SECTION I GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Coded Continuous Cab Signal System was developed to provide in the cab of the locomotive, a signal that is always plainly visible to the engineman, and which at all times shows the conditions ahead and promptly indicates any changes in those conditions. Means are provided for automatically sounding a warning whistle after a more restrictive cab signal indication is given and for silencing this whistle by operation of an acknowledging switch. SECTION II THEORY OF OPERATION 2.1 GENERAL THEORY The system employs alternating current at a frequency of 90 or 60 hertz per second, fed into the rails at the exit end of the track circuit, as the medium for continuously transmitting indications of trackway conditions to the moving train. This AC track circuit current is the trackway element of the system. The two proceeding cab signal indications are obtained by interrupting this alternating current at regular intervals, each proceed indication having its own distinctive "code" or rate of interruption. These "codes" may be measured by their number of interruptions per minute, and the values employed are as follows: Cab Signal Indication Code 180 per minute VMA VL 75 per minute No Code VR SV (Overspeed) The VR indication (the most restrictive indication of the system) is obtained not only when the AC track circuit current is cut off, but also in any track circuit in which the alternating current is steady in value and is not interrupted at a code rate. The system inherently provides immunity from interference of an unsafe character by foreign current because the enginecarried apparatus is designed to respond selectively to the alternating track current periodically interrupted at the code frequencies and to this character of current only. 6071, p. 1 WABCCI ~ Voltages of the same frequency and code rate as the rail current are induced in receiver coils carried on the locomotive and these voltages, after being amplified, are used to operate a code following type relay called the "master" relay. This relay .in turn governs two decoding units. The 180 decoding unit is responsive to a 180 code rate only, and the 75 decoding unit is responsive to any code rate. The associated decoding relays in turn control the cab signals and the timing valve magnet. The acknowledging relays are also controlled by the decoding relays in such a manner as to require the engineman to "acknowledge" a change in the cab signal indication when the change is to a more restrictive indication. SECTION III CAB SIGNAL INDICATIONS The primary source of speed information is the wayside equipment, and its purpose is to define the stop points and code change points along the track. The cab signal conveys to the engineman, in advance, the condition of the traffic in the area he is approaching. Figure 1 shows how the speed limit indication changes as one train closes in upon another train ahead. Assume that Train B enters the first of four blocks with the fourth block being occupied by Train A. As the engine passes the insulated joints, CC, for code change, the VMA aspect will be maintained, and this aspect will persist throughout the first block. When the engine passes over the insulated joints entering the second block, the cab aspect will immediately change from VMA to limited speed and the warning whistle will sound. The engineman must immediately take steps to bring the train speed down below the limited speed. When the engine passes into the third block the cab signal aspect will change to VR and the train speed must be reduced below the VR speed. As for the previous code change, the whistle will again sound and the engineman must operate the acknowledging switch to silence the whistle. As mentioned previously, the train must be operated below the VR speed in such a manner as to be able to stop short of any track obstruction. While Figure 1 shows a train closing in on another train, it should be realized that various wayside conditions will set up any number of variations of the previous analysis. As an example, instead of having Train A in Figure 1, we can have a controlled signal at the cut section between blocks 3 and 4. If this signal is at VR, Train B would operate as previously described since a stop is required at about the same point. The SV (red) lamp is an overspeed indicator and will be illuminated anytime an overspeed condition exists. For further information on the overspeed see Service Manual 6082 (Overspeed System and Axle Generator). 6071, p. 2 WABCC ~·~ 0 0 0 :t/E- $\f VR Vl VMA 0 0 0 * 0 SV VR VL VMA 0 0 ~ SV VR VL VMA 0 ~ 0 0 SV VR Vl VMA cc 0 0 * cc cc cc cc cc cc 0 SV VR Vl VMA 0 0 0 * SV VR Vl VMA Figure 1. Wayside and Cab Signal Aspect Diagram 6071, p. 3 WABCCI ~ SECTION IV WAYSIDE CONTROL OF CODED RAIL CURRENT The apparatus used for operation of the Coded Continuous Cab Signal system consists of two main parts: 1. 2. Wayside Equipment Rolling Stock The main concern with the wayside will be to point out what must be provided in the track circuits to provide the necessary information in the cab. The code transmitter, located in the wayside portion of the system, is the mechanism which interrupts the flow of AC. It consists of contacts actuated by an electrically driven pendulum which is mechanically tuned to the code frequency. A separate code transmitter is used for each code frequency. Located at the code change points are the instrument housings. Inside the housings are relays that continuously detect track conditions on either side of these locations. Then by proper circuiting through the various relay contacts, the following types of energy can be fed into the track rails: 1). 2). 3). 4). With no train approaching, steady 60 or 90 is fed into the rails. With a train approaching a wayside location and the track conditions ahead permit VMA speed, 60 or 90 Hz. energy interrupted at a rate of 180 times a minute will be fed to the rails. With a train approaching a wayside location and the track conditions ahead permit operation at VL speed 60 or 90 Hz. energy interrupted at a rate of 75 times a minute will be fed to the rails. With a train approaching a wayside location and track conditions ahead permit operation at VR speed only, no energy will be fed to the rails. As mentioned earlier, the rail energy as provided under 2, 3, and 4 above will provide cab signal aspects of VMA, VL and VR. When a train enters an occupied track circuit, NO CODE will be received on the locomotive because the rail current will be shunted by the wheels and axles of the train ahead. Likewise, any condition such as broken wire, open or misaligned switch, or loss of power, or any condition that produces steady (uncoded) AC rail current, or no rail current will result in the display of the most restrictive cab signal indication. 6071, p. 4 WABCD "V'tA./ SECTION V WAYSIDE CONTROL OF CUT IN/CUT OUT AND RUNNING TEST LOOPS At certain locations where trains enter and leave cab signal territory, test loops have been installed for the purpose of turning on and turning off the cab signal equipment on the train. The cut in/cut out loop serves to turn on the cab signal equipment by a 60 or 90 Hz.signal coded at the 180 rate when the train is entering the cab signal territory. When the train is leaving the cab signal territory, the loop is energized with a high energy 60 or 90 Hz. signal coded at the 180 rate. This with proper manipulation of the switches on the lococomotive will cause the cab signal equipment on the locomotive to be inactive. When it is desired, that the cab signal equipment be cut out at locations other than a cut out loop, such can be accomplished by actuation of the Standing Electric Cut Out (SECO) switch (both decoding relays must be de-energized). The {SECO) switch is located outside of the locomotive or car and can be reached from the ground. This location ensures that the locomotive or car is not moving when the switch is operated. SECTION VI DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION OF ONBOARD EQUIPMENT The electrical equipment used in the EL Cab Signal System is shown in schematic circuit form in Figure 6.1 through 6.4. 1). The Track Receiver is the unit by which the control is transmitted from the rails to the apparatus on the train. The receiver is made up of a pair of laminated iron bars on each of which is a molded coil complete with cable molded as an integral part. The two coils are connected so that the voltages induced in them by the rail current are additive. The receiver is mounted ahead of the front truck and is so located as to have a clearance of from 8" to 12 11 between the bottom of the bars and the top of the rail and having the center of the coil mounted directly above the rail.(Figure 2) 2). The equipment box houses the amplifiers, decoding units, control relays and main terminal board. All components of the apparatus are shelf mounted and the shelf is supported at the top and bottom on compression-type rubber mountings designed to afford maximum protection from shock and vibration. 6071, p. 5 WABCD ~ WABCD ~ CIIBLES TO JUNCTION BOX MAX 12 4 MAX 12" NOMI()" /YJ/N 8 I NOIYl!O'' 11 MIN B'' _jl __ _ PARTNO.l--t VIEW t .C" NEW CHOPPER CARS - WIDE GAUGE PARTNtJ. WABCC ~ Mf/X./2" NOM./0'' MIN.8 11 MAX.12" I ~r NOM./0" MIN8" -T- --~x- I II 1f VIEW EXISTING Figure 2. 6071, p. 6 B DIESELS AND MU - NARROW GAUGE Typical EL Cab Signal System Receiver Set-Up WAEICC 'V",A./ The equipment box is of welded steel construction and is dirtproof and watertight when closed. 3). The speedometer is cabin mounted so that its readings are plainly visible to the vehicle crew when in their accustomed positions. 4). The acknowledging switch is located within convenient reach of the engineman. A change in cab signal indication is acknowledged by pressing the button and allowing it to return to normal. 5). For operation outside of a cab signal territory the acknowledging switch, cut out relay and EPCO are used when passing out of signal territory. The speed control and cab signal is cutout by operating the acknowledging switch while passing over a circuit carrying high current at 180 code. 6). DC Power (32V) is supplied from the F42 Converter to the cab signal equipment by way of a 64 Volt battery. 7). The timing valve, OSRP, which is controlled through contacts of the OSR and OSPP relays, forms a link between the electrical and pneumatic equipment. When de-energized, it causes the warning whistle to blow and if appropriate action is not taken within a specified delay timing of 6 seconds, a train control brake application will take place. Air pressure is provided to the 6 second delay horn by way of a reducing valve at a pressu~e o! 3.16 Kg per sq. cm. 8). An electronic governor, which has a magnetic pick-up mounted on the journal box, controls the overspeed relays, which impose the appropriate speed limit as required. 9). A frequency change over switch, located in the cab, is used to select either the 60 or 90 Hz amplifier depending on the territory over which operation is desired. NOTE: In some cases the change over switch directly controls the amplifier selection, while in other cases the change over switch controls the FS (Frequency Selection) relay that in turn selects the amplifier to be used. 6071, p. 7 WABCD ~ 10). All of the functional elenents -- the amplifiers, the master relay, the two decoding units, the one PL-59 relay and the three PN-59 relays -- are separately detachable by means of plug connector terminal boards. Each unit is enclosed in a dustproof case equipped with a convenient handle for removal and carrying of the unit. The amplifier unit and each decoding unit are held in position by a latch and thurJb screw. Each PN-59 relay and PL-59 relay is raounted on a base pernanently attached to the rack in the equipment box and is held securely in position by hexagonal nuts applied to the threaded ends of the two guide rods on the mounting base. These guide rods also serve to align the relay so that its plug connectors will properly engage the receptacles on the mounting base when the relay is plugged into position. Each PN-59 relay is identical and, therefore, completely interchangeable. The PL-59 relay is indexed by indexing pins so that it cannot be interchanged with a PN-59 relay. The GJ relays are front nounted and may easily be replaced by removal of the two mounting bolts and pulling off the push-on wire terminals. The printed circuit boards are plug connected and retained in their card file by a hold in bar. 6071, p. 8 WABCO ~ SECTION VII CIRCUIT OPERATION OF ONBOARD EQUIPMENT (Refer to Figure 3) The input signal for the onboard equipment is picked up from the rails by two receiver coils that are mounted over the rails in front of the lead axle. These two coils are connected in series so that the signals induced into them by the rail current are additive. A two stage circuit, filter and amplifier is located between the track receiver and ~he master relay. This filter (tuned for 60 Hz or 90 Hz) provides the required rejection of noise that would interfere with the proper operations of the Cab Signal System. Following the filter is a Darlington connected pair of transistors that amplify the output of the filter. The output of this pair is transformer connected to a fullwave bridge rectifier. The DC from the rectifier bridge is a pulsed signal that is used to turn on and off alternately two Darlington pairs so that the current flowing in the master relay coil reverses in step with the code signal in the rails. The master relay is of the DC polarized-stick type, that is, its armature will be held by the permanent magnet in whichever position it occupied while last energized. With alternating current of code frequency in its coil, the relay is energized periodically in opposite directions and, therefore, the contacts move from one position to the other at the code frequency. The relay thus responds to code frequency current only when this has a value greater than a predetermined minimum, and its contacts are thereby held firmly closed by ther permanent magnet in one position or the other,· except during reversals of current. When the master relay is operating, it causes direct current from the 32 volt supply to flow alternately through one half or the other half of the primary section of the decoding transformer, causing the magnetic flux of this transformer to alternate in direction of the code frequency and thereby to deliver alternating current of code frequency to the decoding circuits. The output of the decoding transformer (housed in the 75 code decoding unit) is applied to the 180 decoding unit. The 180 decoding unit is tuned to resonance at 180 code. It consists of a capacitor in series with the primary winding of an adjustable air gap reactive transformer having its low voltage winding connected through a full wave rectifier to the A decoding relay. The A decoding relay will thus respond only when the voltage applied to its associated decoding unit has a frequency of 180 cycles per minute (3 cycles per second) A secondary winding on the decoding transformer is connected through a reactor to a rectifier which feeds to 6071, p. 9 WRBCD ~ the L relay. This is an untuned decoding circuit and the L relay will respond to any coding action by the master relay. The contacts of the decoding relays are used to supply 32 volt energy to the proper lamp in the cab indicator, to energize the whistle magnet and to control the acknowledging relays and other various control functions required in the cab signal system. The acknowledging relays are energized directly whenever the acknowledging switch is pressed. Releasing the acknowledging switch will de-energize the relays unless power is supplied over the stick circuit for each relay. Thus, when in 180 code, no acknowledging relays are held in the energized position. In 75 code, the RP is energized. In no code, the RP and LP relays are energized. Since the L relay is energized on both code frequencies, on a charge from 180 code to 75 code, the cab signal will change directly from "VMA" to "VL". On 180 code, it does not matter, if the L relay is up since energy is cut off from its contact fingers by the open back contacts of the A relay. With the..:\. relay picked up, the "VMA" cab signal is lighted over the following circuit; B32, contact 8-7 on the EPCO contact 2R-1R on the SECO switch, terminal post 18, #2 front contact on the A relay, terminal post #23 to the "VMA" lamp in the speedometer. Under this condition, energy is delivered to the timing valve B32, contacts A and B of the OSR, contacts C-D on the OSRP, terminal post 34, 3L and 4L of the SECO switch, a closed contact on the stop insuring pressure switch, to the TV Magnet. Return common is through a second contact on the stop insuring pressure switch. De-energizing either the OSR or the OSPR relays will deenergize the timing valve. The OSR relay is controlled by the overspeed detection circuits and the OSPR relay is controlled by the contacts of the acknowledging relays. On code change from 180 to 75, the A relay will release and the L relay will remain energized. The "VL'1 cab signal will then be lighted by energy from terminal post 18, #2 back of the A relay, front contact of "L" relay, VL Lamp to C. The circuit of the VMA cab signal will be broken at the #2 front contact of the A relay. The OSRP relay circuit will be broken by the opening of #1 front of the A relay. De-energizing the OSPR relay breaks the power to the timing valve and causes the whistle to sound, and if the speed is below the allowable maximum speed for the "VL" aspect and acknowledgement is made, the timing valve magnet will be reenergized. 6071, p. 10 WAEICD ~ WAYSIDE EQUIPMENT FILTER ....---+----1 AMPLIFIER t----::iil'IDECODING AND DECODING RELAYS CAB SIGNAL INDICATORS RECEIVER WHEELS & AXLE SPEED SENSOR SPEED COMPARISON AUDIBLE ALARM AXLE DRIVEN SPEEDOMETER Figure 3. BRAKE & THROTTLE CONTROL EL Cab Signal Speed Control System Block Diagram 6071, p. 11 WABCO ~ Acknowledgement applies 32 volt power to the RP relay over the following path: B32, acknowledging switch in the acknowledge position, terminal post 27, #1 back contact of relay CO to the pick-up coil of the RP. Stick energy for the RP relay coil is supplied from B32, #1 back contact of A, front contact of RP, stick coil of relay RP to C. When the acknowledging switch is returned to the normal position, energy for the timing valve magnet is supplied over the same path as described earlier for the "VMA" signal. The OSRP being energized from B32, #1 back of the A relay, #1 front contact of the L relay, front contact of RP, back contact of LP, terminal post 32, acknowledging switch to term 29. NOTE The speed for "VL" must be below the speed allowable for that aspect in order that relay CSR will be energized. On a code change from 75 to no code, the L relay will release and the RP relay remains energized. The release of the L relay breaks the circuit to the timing valve magnet causing the whistle to blow. The "VR" cab signal will be lighted over B32, back contacts of A and L relays. VR Lamp to C. If the speed is below that of a "VR" signal, acknowledgement can be made. This energizes the LP relay over the back contacts of the A and L relays. The timing valve magnet is re-energized and the whistle stops blowing as described earlier. A change in code to a less restricting signal, for example a higher speed limit does not require acknowledgement. Going to a 75 code from no code will pick the L relay, breaking the stick circuit to the LP relay. The L relay front contact Ll, maintains power to the OSPR relay through the front contact of RP and the back contact of LP. Since the higher speed limit is not exceeded, the timing valve remains energized and the whistle does not blow. Similar action occurs on each upward move, each time de-energizing the appropriate acknowledging relay. Operation in non signal territory is accomplished by acknowledging, while passing over the high energy cutout loop at the end of signal territory. When this is done, the appropriate resistor is connected in series with the track receivers so that a normal signal level is delivered to the input terminals of the amplifier. The high energy level in the cutout loop is coded at the 180 rate, thus the A relay will become energized. Under this condition, energy is delivered to the P coil of the EPCO from B32, Acknowledging switch, terminal post 27, #3 front of A, terminal post 35, P coil of EPCO to common. Approximately 3 seconds after the P coil on the EPCO has been energized, the contact fingers on the EPCO will move. The cab indicators lights will go dark, and the 6071, p. 12 WA.CCI ~ CO relay will be energized. Energy will be delivered to the timing valve magnet over contact 10-9 of the EPCO and the whistle will stop blowing. When the end of the cutout loop has been reached, the acknowledging switch may be released and the "cut out" will be sealed in. Automatic cut in will occur anytime either decoding relay is energized for at least 4 seconds. When signal territory is re-entered and the track receivers are over a track circuit carrying coded cab signal energy, the warning whistle will start to blow and the cab signal indicator will light and display the then applicable cab signal indication. If 180 code is received, an acknowledgement is not required and the whistle will not blow. However, if 75 code is received, then an acknowledgment must be made and the speed must be within that imposed by the cab signal. SECTION VIII MAINTENANCE AND TESTING OF ONBOARD EQUIPMENT 8.1 FIELD MAINTENANCE For testing the onboard equipment, the main power switch must be closed and the voltage measured between the B32 and C terminals on the equipment box terminal board, should lie between the limits of 30 and 34 volts. Circuit protection is provided by two 5 ampere fuses of the glass enclosed removable cartidge type in tubular holders, flush mounted on the support bracket along with the power and wheel wear switches. These fuses are located in the 32VDC supply circuit and can readily be extracted from their holders for examination by unscrewing the threaded cap marked "Fuse". (WABCO UJ71163) CAUTION All amplifiers and decoding units are drawn tightly into position with a hardened locking screw. Care must be given to see that all units are pulled up tight before closing the equipment doors otherwise equipment may be damaged. Relays PN-59 and PL-59 are held in their fully inserted place by means of elastic stop nuts which engage the threaded ends of the relay guide rods. These relays, anyone of which, may be removed by first removing the two elastic stop nuts and pulling.directly on the handle of the relay. To insert a relay on the rack, it should be started by first bringing it up slowly to the point where the relay plug connectors begin to engage the spring receptacles in the mounting bases. When it is determined that the plug connectors and receptacles are in proper alignment, the relay should then be pushed to its final position. The primary purpose of the guide rods is to support the relay and provide a means of tightly clamping it against its mounting base. · 6071, p. 13 CAUTION Do not push relays into plug connectors from end of guide rods, receptacle or relay damage may occur if proper alignment is not obtained. Pickup adjustment is made by use of a variable resistor with a slotted top and located on top of the amplifiers and marked pickup adjustment. This resistor is equipped with a locking nut for lock down after adjustment is made. To check and adjust pickup, proceed as indicated'in the instruction manual for the test. However, the track receivers must be positioned directly over the test loop or rails and 8 to 12 inches (203 to 304 mm) above the rail or test loop. Move code selector switch on test set to the 180 code position and slowly increase rail current until master relay begins to operate uniformly. The rail current frequency must agree with that of the amplifier being checked. Depress "steady current" pushbutton switch on test set and read rail current. This value of current should not be less than 1.95 amps nor more than 2.4 amps. If the pickup is outside these limits, it may be raised by turning the pickup shaft adjustment clockwise and lowered by turning in a counterclockwise rotation. NOTE Master Relay operates on other codes with 2.4 amps in the rail circuit. If the pickup test of the cab signal equipment cannot be brought within limits of 1.95 amps and 2.4 amps by means of the pickup adjustment, it may be that the amplifier is defective. This should be determined by replacing it with an amplifier known to be in good operating condition and if this results in the pickup being brought within proper limits, the defective amplifier should be sent to the repair shop for further test. Although the 180 and 75 decoding units appear to be identical, the components inside the case are different. To prevent a decoding unit from being inserted in the wrong place in the equipment box, the indexing pin and connectors are arranged differently on two units. A test jack is provided in each decoding unit to measure the current to the unit. The currents tested should conform to the values given in Table B. When the decoding current values no longer conform to the values given in Table B, the decoding unit involved should be removed and sent to the relay shop for test and inspection. 6071, p. 14 w11aca ~ SECTION IX MAINTENANCE AND TESTING OF ONBOARD OVERSPEED EQUIPMENT The axle generator, two printed circuit boards, and the speedometer are all contained in the overspeed subsystem. The axle generator is directly coupled to the axle of the car or locomotive. The electrical output from the axle generator is an AC signal with a frequency that is proportional to speed. One printed circuit board - the Shaper Limiter, performs its functions as follows: 1). Provides an AC signal to the speed governor that is proportional to speed. 2). Provides an output signal when the vehicle is not moving. 3) Produces the speedometer drive signal. The second printed circuit board, Speed Governor, receives the speed signal and also a DC signal from. the Shaper Limiter printed circuit board. The DC signal from the Shaper Limiter is passed through the decoding relay matrix which establishes the allowable speed limit. The circuitry on the speed governor board compares the speed established by the signal in the rails and the actual speed as indicated by the signal derived from the axle generator. At any time the actual speed exceeds that allowed by the signal in the rails, the overspeed relay will be de-energized. The speed governor board characteristics are modified slightly by the wheel wear switch so that compensation may be made in the speed signal as the diameter of the wheel is reduced by its wear or grinding. Frequency of the speed signal from the axle generator required for the various speeds are shown in the following table. 6071, p. 15 WABCCI ~ CLASS OF VEHICLE MU & CHOPPER l·lU IS 3700 DIESEL LOCOHO'i'IVES 2000 DIESEL LOCOMOTIVES SIGNAL ASPECT WHEEL DIA1-1ETER (Hll) SPEED KM/H FREQUENCY {HZ) MAX. MIN. VL (75 CODE) 914 895 876 50 50 50 205 210 214 193 198 202 VR (NO CODE) 914 895 876 20 20 20 89 91 93 77 79 81 VL (75 CODE) 1050 1029 1003 35 35 35 128 130 134 118 120 123 VR (NO CODE) 1050 1029 1003 20 20 20 77 79 81 67 69 71 VL (CODE) 1118 1048 980 35 35 35 120 128 137 111 118 126 VR, (NO CODE) 1118 1048 980 20 20 20 73 78 83 63 68 72 (75 FREQUENCIES FOR THE ABOVE TABLE MAY BE CALCULATED FROM THE FORMULA FREQ (HZ) = 3. 537 X SPEED IN Kmlb:._ WHEEL DIAMETER IN METERS The checking of the overspeed system may be done with the locomotive stationary. An artifical speed signal may be fed into the system by connecting an audio oscillator to terminal posts 40 and 41 with a 0.5 Hy ohoke 20 ohms or less DC resistance between the oscillator and the equipment box shelf terminals. If the choke is not used, then the OSR will not be energized when the frequency of the oscillator is at a frequency of 12 Hz or less. Note that the magnetic pickup must be connected for proper operation of the system since the inductance of the pickup is used in the circuitry of the Shaper Limiter board. Voltage level out of the audi~ oscillator should be 0.5 volts RMS for proper operation. 6071, p. 16 WABCO ~ CODE FREQUENCY SERVICE LIMITS RELAY MILLIAMPERES A L LIMITS 180 MAX. NOM. MIN. 75 0 55 4,8 55 48 MAX. NOM. MIN. 2 0 55 48 MAX. 0 0 5 TABLE B DECODING RELAY CURRENT NOTE These limits apply with exactly 32.0 volts applied to· the equipment and they will vary almost directly with the voltage applied, therefore at 30 volts, the minimum current at the tuned frequency may be 45 milliamperes. Decoding relays - Style PN-59, 40 ohm slow acting-calibration on steady DC. Maximum Pickup 37.5 milliamperes Minimum Release 15.0 milliamperes On code, the pickup will be slightly less and the release slightly higher than the steady readings. pc. 6071, p. 17 ti °' 0 ....J I-' .. TABLE A . 'U RELAY OPERATION I-' CX) THREE INDICATION SPEED CONTROL-FEPASA LOCOMOTIVES AND MU CARS CODE Seq. Freq. u 0 w 75 p A R D Acknowledge Final Relay Position Switch Decodinq Position Acknowledae RP LP L A D D E E Normal CAB SIGNAL OSR E OSPR E Alarm No Name VR Normal D E E D E E No VL Normal E E D D E E No VMA Normal Ack Normal D D D E E E D E E D E D E E E D D E Yes Yes No VL Normal Ack Normal D D D E D E D D E E Yes Yes No VR D D E E E D 180 D 0 w 75 N w A R D M 0 0 E E v E ACK= Acknowledge D = De-energized E = Energized NOTE** ~~The above table is based on no locomotive (car) movement and no artifical speed signal being introduced into the system. Figure 4. Three Indication Speed Control-FEPASA Locomotives and MU CARS Relay Operation SECTION X PARTS LIST AND ORDERING INFORMATION If i t becomes necessary to replace components during unit maintenance, the following procedures should be followed in obtaining replacement parts. a) Standard Parts All electrical and mechanical part replacements for this unit can be obtained through your local Field Office or Representative. However, many of the standard electronic components can be obtained locally in less time than required to order them from WABCO. Before purchasing or ordering replacement parts, check the parts list for the value, tolerence, rating and description. NOTE When selecting replacement parts, it is important to remember that the physical size and shape of a component may affect its performance in the unit, particularly at high frequencies. All replacement parts should be direct replacements unless it is known that a different component will not adversely affect system performance. b) Special Parts In addition to the standard electronic components some special components are used in this unit. These components are manufactured or selected by WABCO to meet specific performance requirements or are manufactured for WABCO in accordance with our specifications. Most of the mechanical parts used in this unit have been manufactured by WABCO. Order all special parts directly from your Local WABCO Field Office or Representative. c} When ordering replacement parts from WABCO include the following information: 1. 2. 3. 4. Unit nomenclature Unit serial number A description of the part. WABCO part number. 6071, p. 19 SECTION XI EQUIPJ:.IEN'I' REFERENCES OF EL CAB SIGNAL SYSTEII Circuit Plans are included at back of Pamphlet. Equipment Pamphlet# Equipment Box - HU Cars and Chopper Cars Locomotives 3700 Series Locomotives 2000 Series Shelf for Box - NU Cars and Chopper Cars Locomotives 3700 Series Locomotives 2000 Series Fuse - 5 amp Amplifier (60 Hz,) S.H6072 (90 Hz.) 81-16072 Master Relay U-5683-A U-5684-A 180 Decoding Unit 75 Decoding Unit U-5684-B Style PN-59 Relay U-5624-A Receiver (One Unit} U-5626-A Receiver Junction Box KP Relay SH-3623 Style PL-59 Relay SU-4549 Receiver I1ounting Bracket Receiver Cable Grip Acknowledging Switch Actuator Acknowledging Switch Contactor Block Tiraing Valve Speedometer U-5778 F-42 Converter V=O Shaper Limiter PCB SM6082 Speed Governor PCB Series) (Locomotives 3700 Speed Governor PCB (MU Cars) Speed Governor PCB Locomotives 2000 Series EPCO Relay Standing Electric Cut-Out Switch (SECO) Change Over Switch (60/90Hz) nagnetic Pickup, Adapter, Cable and Connector Ass. Magnetic Pickup (only} Impulse Generator OSR and OSPR Relays Cut Out Switch 6071, p. 20 Part Number UN451088-2701 UN451088-2702 UN451088-2703 UN451489-2901 UN451489-2902 UN451489-2903 J71165 N451463-0201 N451463-0202 N326921 N326919 N326920 N273665 N396279 Nl91500 N386991 !'1199455 N311300 J725853 J725707-0069 J337050 N451126-1701 N451033-2901 N451404-6801 N451404-7601 N451404-7602 N451404-7604 Nl43170 N300011 J725707-0068 N451125-5502 J738109 J712086 N398348 WABCCI ~ 5-~-M. REC!alVE.R 066ZO~ JUl'IC:TION SH. C.8262. '.Bo>< SH. WIRl"4Cii IA$lJ'IM RECIEVE/i' R.R. I AS SHOWN X3!16Z81/ ~DIA.,,,,,,, D UN3!16Z79 5 UNZ/5777 3 x UN.!196/!41 s UN2JS777 3 y L.&N. AS SHOWN 3 3 3 x I.e. ,'JS.SHOWA/ i! i! WtJ<INf 'I UN4.JZDn 5" UNZ/5777 UN43Z/60 5 5 UNZ/5777 UNf.J532!1 UNZl!i777 c~ ASSHOWN 2 l>w6. 514. SeeMo.i.. To. 2 I See h'bin To.b. .3 2 UN311300 .DESCRIPTtOt.l Recei"e.1'2Sf>I '22 'Box• Junc.+ion Connec+or.Ca.ble Grip y• . NOTES.· Whit• AS SHOWN Pc.No. rte RsiD APPl.lCATION @-4 WHIT/Ii MOUNT/Ni$ NEC/EVER ON LOl:OMOnVE II //!1111//MUM CLEAl?ANC£ OF 3 /(z SNA££B£ MAINTAINED BETWEEN TH£ COREAND I/NY FER/t/JUS h/ETALPA~IJF TH£ LOCOMOTIVE. White G.u.ul W1.-1wo .D1~1u11•1 'x . 8LlleK IUD WIR/Nti D/RliRI//Yl fg W!011n+in9 Coi I ft:. No. 'z" Coil Pc. F,-o,,+ Holes WA&GQ to ,,..,.,. '-&/ to l"/Jdl" fa• Plef. Onl.:, Pip& Tops i Dlo(ii,208 SH.2 MA><iMu"' length of cable 4~, ""' . Cut to su,t inst..1lat1on ,.,.,uireMtnt ""' Spoo.e.<":S "TO QC- Le,r S,111. ,;z_c.c.t:.\'1CA'"S C-«.CY\.o'\JC... . t..J,\,,..e,.c,. Q.'C"C.. ffl.0 Ul\-\-c.d.. O"-\_oe,o ""-b-\- t'\le.... i... i '·, ( .I .l . ./ 5-rvLL "GIM!4A Two Figure 5.lA Pt£cE Tll!AC:K P.E.c.e:.,vER W•TH j :,_....1...__ MOU>ED Ruaae:.- Con..s EL Cab Signal System Receiver Diagram 6071, p. 21/22 WABCD ~ n , 1 1 • ~ - - • f l l f T H C O.• f'IIN .• PA.Clft ...... VIEW'C" PAfi'TNO. BLESTO~~ WCTION8 ll" tJOM.IO· , i~e· , MAX/2" NOltl./0" c ~-~9 -~-----~---J.1- • V!EW:51* & FOR PARTNO'S ON VIEWS 'A;a"&'c" SEE OWq a,,zoB-SH.Z PART N O . ~ ~ ____..... ' ---------- CIIBLES TO--- ./~ J{INCTION B{l)( ~~ J j4fi.,.. MAX ll" M1110· _jl____ // • ~~T 1 ..., MAX 12" 4zj ~ 1 0 " __j[_ VIEW'A" __ 1"'''"1'"'"'1'"'"'1"''"'1'"'"'1"''"'1 I,1--~.~.~RT-N~U~M~BE=Rc--+----~ Ii\ I ••=~=·=.n~.O~N----1-----~M7.AT=E=R~>A~L/sn==7.c.=..=cA7.T=.o=N:---~ __ "' ___ ,__ ---fflQIOffflfn--·H'ffW----·___ .__MtftCI' __ _ _ _ _ _ _ ID _ _ __ -•mClllm:llnnSl'IIJI••-• _____ _ -----__ ___ ---------- ••mcartun••-to•-O*UUJD ...,. _ _ ._..,.,,nco,c;,m., .,,, ... ... ----TD·-·. __, _ . , . . . . . _...,.osto,n G.lltClOSOtoln*HN ............ UW'!' ...,.g _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _,.a.a!D ... C l - 1 ' - - · - - . . ~-llilQlt.HUU Figure 5.lB EL Cab Signal System Receiver piagram 6071, p. 23/24 WABCD ~ THREE WIRE TWISTED EQU ll'lENT BOX • FT-I FT- BK .., !. ..." "' ..l! 1 "A' EHO REVERSER ACK.SW• FT-2 NC * a: OBU • BK WG AMPLIFIER 10 9 TWISTED PAIR ·1 FSl""".:-.!!o~-~!.l!fiii"Jl-ls!....-1-----,'FS 2P THREE WIRE TWISTED ,N REVERSER '"K'END AFS * "1f'END FSSW A IO HFS-1 IL OR •• LFS-1 3P >NlR OG !> AMPLIFIER WO =---t'lo,11.---- ~ • !> &GHZ 7 J' L B 2 932 R CIRCUIT BKJ:" * -------<11..--1•--~--::J-'+.,s::.•.,-~~ M::1.. { \ ~ '" ,_m, POWER SW• 0 c c SA 4,-0 TWISTED PAIR L __ . co-, w 3-WIRE TWISTED TWI STEO PA IR 4R BK --.- II: ... ".. u ''e"END II: I• ACK.SW. REVERSER ~ 1,---4-l!llL, mres: ''B"END II) FT-I FT-2 NC TC :,: < 0: .. 3. FT-l FT-I w BK ~ OENOT£S TRAI? LINE ,JUMPER MOTOR CAR TO r,.A• TRAILER PIN #4} II ~)!{~MOTOR CAR TO * SUPPLIED ·a· BUR DENOTES TRAIN LINE JUMPER TRAILER (PIN#,) BY OTHERS IN •.. 1'1tNG WABCO TPAIN CONTROL ANO/OR CAB SIGNAL EQUIPMENT, ALL •IRU:G EXTERNAL TO THIS EQUff'MENT SHALL BE RUN SO THAT ISot.ATIOH IS OBTAINED FROM OTHER LOCOMOTIVE OR CAR WIRING TO PREVENT MIS- y L...!!R"--f---f------;'.)CA;}-11.+*f"-tlt--{ L L _ -- ___ _ OPERATION OF THE TRAIN CONTROL AND/OR CAB SIGNAL SYSTEM FROM INTERFERENCE. TRAIN CONTROL AND/OR CAB r.-:;;;:--,I "S"END SPEEDOMETER INDICATOR ~:,,.9:~T•f:!~)~~~ :: :~s!=~~s~:!!:T~A~::s AS P0sSl9LE FROM OTHER LOCa..>TIVE OR CAR WIRIN IN ORD£R TO OBTAIN MAXIWM ISOLATION• TWISTED ANO/OR SHICLOEO WIRING SHALL ALSO BE USED WHERE INOICATE'.0· ~8'ENO REVERSER FSSW ~ HFS-1 4• L&"C-f ~ THREE WIRE TWISTED ~~~~~A-+-+-1-'-"•-.11--~G 1 , ALL TRAIN CONTROL AND/OR CAB SIGNAL WIRING SHOULD BC' '"' ACCORDANCE WITH ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN RAILROADS, OPERATIONS ANO MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT " MECHANICAL DIVISION,. MMNAL OF STANDARDS ANO ~= .~:~~°':..~ch~:°':'o!':~L 9'2 :~~==DE~~:~' STOCK STANDARD REVISED I 973. 5• ALL RELAYS SHOWN WITH POWER ON AND ACKNOYILED&EMENT MADE, WITH NO CODE BEIN& RECEIVED• 6• ALL TWISTED WIRING TO 8£ ONE TURN PER FOOT MINIMUM• VL !-------:~~__,,_Rf+H"i°-.i--{Y '--"-~~~)-<-(~~~'~G-...{ 1 L.........Sos"'-~-~--"~...---'........+-:'""-III--{ .__~c=-~~~---1~ *JUNcTIONL _ _ _ I I I I I J BLOCK A£Q. I 3&111-l 3 4- 0-71 Figure 6.lA Type EL Cab Signal and Overspeed Standard Circuits (EX MU CARS) TYPE El CAB S IGnlll AN! ®ERSPEED STAMJARO CIRCUITS 6071, p. 25/26 WAEICCI ~ cc ll.' N.C. 4L ACK SW PA"END I .!!l.L.......~N-.o-.e~.(J"IJ~'<;,,~ I I 832-A I w,usn.£ I I A I 2l I ,-----, EPCO c INSUR ING NESSURE ff• ct.OS£ AT 120 PSI OPEN AT 80 PSI ··a,,. END RBR L ____ _JI OSRP OSR l c TV OSK D T IMINB VALVE .. B--,.NO 34 ACK.SW. ~'9'" ENO ~N.o.~~ TO 45 LB "IA SUPPLY 8 20 G YBK OBK co OSRP-2 OSRP-1 OSRP-1 OSRP-1 NOTES: I. ~ "CK SW '"B.,ENO "·'l ~ DENOTES mA IN LINE JUIPER MOTOR CAR TO TRAILER "A" BUS I OSRP-1 IOOOMF'D ~~f-- DENOTES TRAIN LINE JUMl'£R MOTOR CAR TO TRAILER 'B" (PIN 1#4) 2• BK •• 11-•'-,....,W.,_._...._.......,,_ l• I * SUPPLIED BY dTH£RS ::t~~1Ru:L~o"::!~.:~!~~~ ~~ :::.=·=T IN WIRING WABCO TftAIN CONTROL AND/DR CAB SIGNAL OTHER LOCOMOTIVE Oft CAR WIRING TO PREVENT MISOl'ERATIOH OF Tli£ TR> IN CONTROL ANO(OR CAB SIQNAL SYSTEM FROM INTERFERENCE. TRAIN cOtfTRot. ANO/OR CAB SIGNAL WIRf:S SHALL BE RUN THROUGH )'HE:IR O'IN FERROUS CONOUIT (PIPE) AND BE PIIY<"ICALLY SEPARATED AS ""CH AS POSSIBLE FROM t\T!.ft='q t.OCOt'OTIVE OR CAR WIRINe IN ORDER TO 09TAlt• 1/.AXIWM ISOLATION• TWISTCD ANO/Oflf SHll:L0£0 WlftlNa SHALL ALSO DE US£0 WHERE' INDICATED· I IL _______ I q Yj' OftTIO,.,.L RECORDER USE 4• ALL TRAIN CONTROL ANG/OR CAD SIGNAL li'UUNG SHOULD BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN ftAILROAos, OPERATIONS AND MillNTEHANCE O£PARTM£NT. MECHANICAL DIVISION, WtNUAL Of' STANOARO!I AHO lffl'.COINEM>EO PltACT ICU• Sl:CT ION F LOCOMDT IVES ANO :~:~R~~:.c!:.:1~:io•:~~~ $. PRACTICE FOR ROLLINS ALL RELAYS 8H01IN WITH POWER ON AND ACIOIOYLE:D8EIIE:NT aoe:. WITH NO CODE BEIMI RECEIVED· . - - - - - - - - - . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -......- TYFE EL CAB SIGNAL AIIJ OYERSPEED STAM>ARD CIRCUITS Figure 6.lB Type EL Cab Signal and Overspeed Standard Circuits (EX MU CARS) 6071, p. 27/28 WABCD ~ r--1 TWISTED SHIELDED PAIR BELDEN 1401 OR EQUIVALENT I -- -- EQUll't.£M' BOX - - - - --- --- --- --- - - - --- --- - - , I ' I I ,.... I I 15 ...... MM HS • 3 • • 2 I II SPEED ... SPARE WO SPARE 0 "A' END r------, OG OOVERHOR NO,l 40•7802 OBU I I I I ov~'--~...-,1-+1-i:Fl:1-'"-"'--'-~~~-<1 OY ••~~~-t-+<1-t--cFu-~~~~1--~-u G SPEEDOMETER- L ~~A!!!!!_ I t...l 0 ys BLOCK 1 I I L 11 8 END USE o •• I 6 ' :~~~~;~ I *JUNCTION ...J c E} OR 3 t I I II BUS ::. L TO METER-~-.....- t - + - t - U - U - ~ ~ - - - - - - u ~ - -weu -~~---~ I I co I I I I I I I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _J NO'IES'. I• • C~R·,~1=.:~, LINE JUWER MOTOR ~ ) i { ~ Q E N O T E S TRAIN LINE JUMPER MDTDII CAR TO TRAILER •a• (~IN #4) * .JUNCTION 2. * SUPPLIED 3. IN WIRING WABCO TRAIN CONTROL ANO/OR CAB SIGNAL BLOCK BY OTHERS ::l~:T1'\J:L~Ow::;e.:~:;r~ i~ ~:i:.:~l=T OTHER LOCOMOTIVE: OR CAR WIRING TO PREVENT MISOP£RATION OF THE TRAIN CONTROL AND/OR CAB SIGNAL SYSTEM FROM INTERFERENCE• TRAIN CONTROL ANO/OR CAB :«::~r•t=~~,~~ : =,:~s~::,::\:E:;:s AS POSSIBLE FROM OTHER LOCOMOTIVE OR CAR WIRING IN ORDER TO OBTAIN MAXIMUM ISOLATION• TWISTED AND/OR SHIELDEO WIRING SHALL ALSO BE USED -.£RE INOICATEO. 4• ALL TRAIN CONTROL AND/OR CAB SIGNAL WIRING SHOULD BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASSOCIATION o,r AMERICAN RAILROADS, OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT, MECHANICAL DIVISION, MAMJAL OF STANDARDS AND RECOf61ENOED PRACTICES, SECTION F, LOCOMOTIVES ANO ELECTRICAL EQUIPIAIENT, WIRING PRACTICE FOR ROLLING STOCK STANDARD REV I SEO 1973. 5. ALL RELAYS SHOWN WITH POWER OH AND ACKN09.l!:08EMENT M\DE• WITH ND CODE BEINB RECEIVED• TYPE EL CAB SIGNAL AND OVER SPEED STANDARD CIRCUITS .......... -Q 11775 Figure Type EL Cab Signal and Overspeed Standard Circuits (EX MU CARS) 6071, p. 29/30 WA8CCJ ~ r---------------;;;-BO;------------, (BELDEN 19207 OR EqUIVALENT) y u TffaSE TWO CA8LES THREE WIRJ; TWISTED } TWO WI RE TWI STEO ~ST .,E IN A .0111 SEPARATE CONDUIT IZOK ,. BELDEN 19101 OR EQUIVALENT R8U F 'IOlfZ 150K W8R 15 BK . . a: IN IR ACK.SW. REVERSER ~ FS IP BR FT FT- NC 10 AMPLIFIER OOHZ 0 ii! OK ..,..,___r~cc+~~~~-'-"~~-<!--~~~~~~--''--+-~~~~~--'"-~~~~~~~~~~~~-'0;1--~~•~o<--~~~~~~~rw:m.~-1-~~~Ro \E;'""" " ~ '"I FS-1 FS 0 IS MR FS IP •• I TWISTED PAIR (BELOEN I 92 02 OR EQUIVALENT) en OR I C ---~~~~-=c_._~~~--··.I FSSW IA JA .··o ;·L HFS-1 -:-::: 18 LFS-1 10 1 ~ I +. * DA~;~RY{ ~ -64 a &OHZ .. 9 CIRCUIT Bl<R AMPLIFIER II ~ OG ~ WO "" '] 3P '"] RO b RR 5A 4AG Fl F42 CONVERTER "{~ AJT SA 4AQ "~"' BK B TWISTEO PAIR {BELOEN 19102 OR EQUIVALENT) c NOTES: I• 2. EPCO c BK zoow ~~=~~~ R K 19 SECO R co-1 RBK A 3. WBK I R :: TW(~7:E ,~~~ :: =~sr~:~~Hs~=::.:T~~A:E=~S AS POSSIBLE f'ROM OTHE:R LOCOMOTIVE OR CAR WIRING IN ORDER TO OBTAIN MAXIMUM ISOLATION. TWISTED AND/OR SHIELDED WIRING SHALL ALSO BE USED WHERE INDICATED. 18 ZRSECO ~~~:.~=~·=T IN WIRING WA8CO TRAIN CONTROL ANO/OR CAB SIGNAL OTHER LOCOMOTIVE OR CAR WIRING TO PREVENT Ml SOPERATION OF THE TRAIN CONTROL AND/OR CAB SIGNAL SYSTEM FROM INTERF'ERENCE. TRAIN CONTROL ANO/OR CAD 19 3R * SUPPL I EO BY OTHERS ~:~~=TAu:L~o·~:~.~~~~~~ RY 0 24 BUR ALL TRAIN CONTROL ANO/OR CAB SIGNI\L, WIRING SHOULD BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN RAILROADS, OPERATIONS ANO tMINTENANCE DEPARTMENT MECHANICAL DIVISION MANUAL OF STANDARDS ANO ' RECOtMEND£0 PRACTlcis, SECTION F I LOCOMOTIVES ANO ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT WIRING PRACTICE FOR ROLLING STOCK STANDARD REv1SE:o 1973. 4. ALL RELAYS SHOWN WITH POWER mt AND MADE• WITH NO CODE BEING RECEIVED• 5. ALL TWISTED WIRINB TO BE ONE TURN PER FOOT MINIMUM ACKNO'M.EDOEMENT R RG *' L ___________ JUNCTJON BLOCK M-------------·~ WLTICONOUCTOR CADLE-INCLUDE 3 WIRES SHOWN ON SH 3606 TYPE EL CAB SIGNAL ANO OVERSPEED STAMlARO Cl RCUITS 1-!!#l~~(&I-~:11775 Figure 6.2A Type EL Cab Signal and Overspeed Standard Circuits (Chopper Cars) D 451276 .ax IMU.-OtlU. . . . 6071, p. 31/32 WABCD ~ ,-------- ACK SW 1ll-..:;j--N.O. II TU.. NI VA\.VE EQUIPI.ENT BOX - - - - - - - - - - - - - , I .°'\ BH-A • TV-I I r-----, £PCO RBR L ____ _JI OPEN AT ---PSI~ ,-.--cl TV I cL ~ IL__ _ ·_···JI I c I ~: • I i I 20 10 CLOSE ~T---PSI t OPEN K I I AT - - -PSI SUPPRESS JON PRESSUI£ SWITCH YBK ACK SW co '-OTES: R l2 L ____ _JI I• N.C. 2. 0 30 ....i 30 8US IOOOMFD c "' •• 11-•=--,-wv--""'"-."""'"' .. 9Y OTHERS IN WIRING WABCO TRAIN CONTROL AND/OR CAB SfGNAL EQUIPM!E:NT • ALL WIRING EXTERNAL TO THIS EQUIPt«NT SHALL BE RUN SO THAT ISOLATION IS OBTAINED rftOM OTHER LOCOMOTIVE OR CAR WIRING TO PREVENT MISOPERATION OF THE TRAIN CONTROL ANO/OR CA9 SIGNAL SYSTEM FROM INTERFERENCE. TRA J N CONTROL AND/OR CAB SIGNAL WIRES SHALL BE RUN THROUGH THEIR OWN FERROUS CONDUIT (PtPE) ANO BE PHYSICALLY SEPARATED AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE FROM OTHER LOCOMOTIVE' OR CAR WIRING IN ORDER 'l'O OBTAIN ..."AXIMJM t!OLATION. TWISTED AND/OR SHIELDtD WIRING SHALL ALSO 9£ USED IWHERE INDICATED· 0: 0 0 * SUPPl I £0 3. ALL TRf.lN CONTROL ANO/OR CAI SIGNAL WIRING SHOULD BE tN ACCORDANCE WITH ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN RAJLR~os. OPERATIONS ANO MAINTENANCE DEPARTJ.eNT M£CHANJCAL DIVISION• MANUAL OF STANDARDS ANO • Rl!CQt&CNOl!:D PRACTICES SECT JOH F LOCOMOT I V£S ANO ELECTR.CAL EQUIPMENT ·wrRING PRACTICE FOR ROLLING STOCK f;TANDARO RE'Vlsio 1973. 4• ALL Rd.AYS SHOWN Wint POtl£R ON AND ACKN>lt.EOGEMENT Ml\0£ w:nH ND CODE BEING RECEtYf!D· OSRP . OPTIONAL RECORDER USE I Q ~ L.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _J TYPE EL CAB SIGNAL AN> OIIERSl'EED STN«lAAD CIRCUITS --- 0 451276 11n1 Figure 6. 2B Type EL Cab Signal and Overspeed Standard Circuits ( Chopper Cars) .......... ...,..... ~ ~ l60s 6071, p. 33/34 WRBCD ~ JUNCTION -------;71 SHIEL0£0-TWISTED PAIR BE:.DZN ,4.l8 OR EQUIVALENT I I I I I I I I I I L_ ___/ •• ll&V II M'.lTES: I• 2. * SUPPLIED BY OTH£RS IN WIRING :::l~T WABCO TRAIN CONTROL AHO/OR CA9 SIGNAL Au:L~ow~~G .:~:;~:; J~ :::.:~':-' OTHEfl LOCOMOTIVE OR CAR WIRING TO PM:Vl!:NT MISOPERATION OF THE TRAIN CONTROL ANO/OR CAB SIGNAL svsn:u FROM INTERF'!'.R£NCE.TftAIN CONTROL AND/OR CA8 SIGNAL WIMS SHALL SE RUN THROUGH THEIR OWN F'!'.RROUS CONIJUJT (PIPE) AND Bl!'. PHYSICALLY SEPARATH AS WCH AS POilsu,u: FRON ~ R LOCOMOTIVE OR CAR WIRING IN ORDER TO 08TAIN MAXIMUM ISOI..ATION. TWIS'R:D ANO/OR SHll!:LO£D WIRIN8 SHALL At.SO Bl! USED ~Re: INOICAT!:O. 3• ALL TRAIN CONTROL ANO/OR CAB SIGNAL WIRING SHOULD BE IN ACCORDANCE' WITH ASSOCIATION OV AMtRICAN ::~:::!£ ~~r:..OIIS ~=A~;r:~=.::•:.,TMDtT, Rl!:CotM:NH'.O PRACTlciS SECTION F LOCOUOTIWS AHO ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT• ·w,n1Na PRACTICI!: FOR Rot.I.ING STOCK STANDARD REVISED I 973. 4., ALL RB.AYS SHOJIN WITH POWER ON ANO ACKNO'M..EDGEMENT MA.OE, WITH NO CODE BEINO RECEIWD• TYPE EL CAB SIGNAL AND OVER SPEED S{AMJARD CIRCUITS --- D 451276 11771 Figure 6. 2C Type EL Cab Signal and Overspeed Standard Circuits ( Chopper Cars) - ......... ...._ 6071, p. 35/36 WAS CD ~ EQU IPl.ENT BOX YB THREE WIRE TWJST£0 • A FT-t SK . ......" ., "A''ENO REVERSER !I ACK .SW• FT-I * NC "' ,_~ WG w BK BK TWISTED PAIR FS 0 >P THREE WIRE TWISTED "1."END REVERSER ... ,.., END f'SSW AFS * IA 90 HFS-1 IL OR OG AMPLIF'IER 10 LFS-1 '"1 MR s FS WG -] 3P WO B i 832 CIRCUIT BKR * +32 ..~.. {-------40..---11'---,\c---:J-:-':"-:-<~~--I F42 CONVERTER -32 ~ -:n WBK c F2 TWISTED PAIR •L - - r-::: I JI 2 --EPc0....._,c~o'----rll---=-----. 1 'i I ------<1 CO-I w 3-WIR[ TWJSTEO TWISTED PAIR 4R 1 •e"END REVERSER ACK.SW. FT-2 NC - ~ ~ - - - - - · - FT- I ''e"END NOTES: re "..."' I• < a: 2. P'T-1 w BK 3-WIRE TWI STEO .. a"ENO REVERSER -*- 'e• 1 BUR * SUP Pl I Et' SY OTHERS I IL IN •. ,-IJJG WASC'.1 TPAIN CONTROL ANO/OR CAB SIGNAL EQUIPUENT. 'LL ... EXTERNAL TO THIS EQUIPJ.ENT SHALL BE RUN SO THAT ISOLATION IS OBTAINED FROM OTHER LOCOMOTIVE OR CAR WIRING TO PREVENT MISOPERATION OF THE TRAIN CONTROL ANO/OR CAB SIGNAL SYSTEM FROM INTERFERENCE• TRAIN CONTROL AND/OR CAB ,~wa ~:,::~ r·~=~~ y _ R -- _ - - - ,~;~ =~ =~~s:~:~:Hs:~!!:r::"A:E:;:s AS POS~l':1L£ f'qOM OTHER LOCOMOTIVE OR CAR WIRING IN ORDER TO OBTAIN '4AXIMUJ.1 ISOLATION• TWISTED AND/OR SHl:'.L1:1r::o WMING SHALL ALSO B£ USED WHERE INDICATED. END FSSW BFS R8K II I~ BK "a: !!! ... ...a:" .. ~-1---"--" HFS-1 3• ALL TRAIN CONTROL AHO/OA CAB SIGNAL WIRING SHOULD BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN RAILROADS, OPERATIONS AND MAINTE~NCE DEPARTMENT, Me:CHANICAL DIVISION, ~MIAL OF STANDARDS AND RECOY«NOED PRACTICES, SECTION F, LOCOMOTIVES AND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT, WIRING PRACTICE FOR ROLLING STOCK STANDARD REVISED 1973. 4• ALL RELAYS SHOWN'WITH POWER ON .ANO ACKNOYC.EOGEMENT IM\OE WITH NO CODE BEING RECEIVED· 5. ALL TWISTED WIRING TO BE '"'ONE"" TUftff PER FOOT MINIWM· LFS-1 932 DIESEL LOCOl.l)TfVES f37oo) flrd. 13SS2G-.S? 107 ,-zz-74 Figure 6.3A TYPE El CAB SIGNAL ANJ 0/ERSPEEO . STANlARO CIRCUITS Type EL Cab Signal and Overspeed Standard Circuits (Diesel 3700) 6071, p. 37/38 WABCC ~ ,--------ti EQUIPl.£NT BOX - - - - - - - - - - - - , • • TIIIINI VALVE 1 I OSRH 'A"'ENO .... \ ......r~v~-~·~~~~~~~~~~~~--, I ~~~~~~~ EftCO ~ TV. t II .-----, EPCO RllR L ____ _JI TV • 20 G 11 OBK !\OTES: co OSRP-3 J• 2• OSRP-2 ll N•C• J., eus OSRP IOOOWO 115 •• I + ALL TRAIN CONTROL ANO/OR CAS SIGNAL WIRING SHOULD BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN RAILflPADS, OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE DEPARTM!NT • MECHANICAL OIVISION• MANUAL OF STANDARDS ANO ::~:~DE::~~~s .•~:~~otfPR:~h~~o:g! ·~L~: 2t c IN WIRING WABCO TRAIN CONTROL AND/Off CA9 SIGNAL EQUJFiMtNT, ALL WIRING EXTERNAL TO THIS EQUlflM!NT SHALL BE RUN SO THAT ISOLATION IS 08TAIH!'D Ffff>M OTHEflt LOCOMOTIVE Oft CAR WOtlNG TO PREVENT MISOPER~TION OF THE TRAIN CONTROL AND/OR CA9 SIGNAL SYSTEM FROM INTERFERENCE.TRAIN CONTROL AND/OR CAB SIGNAL WIRES SHALL BE RUN THROUGH THEIR 011N FERROUS CONDUIT (PJPE) ANO BE PHYSICALLY SEPARATED AS WCH AS POSSIBLE FROM OTH£R LOCOMOTIVE: OR CAR WIRING IN OAKR TO 09TAIN MAXlhl.fM l!OLATION. TWISTED AND/OR SHIELO!:D WIA If.IQ SHALL ALSO BE USED WHERE INDICATED. AC\?W OSRP-f •• * SUPPL l!'.O BY OTHERS TAD STOC~ STANDARD REVISiD 197J. I 4• ALL R.ELA VS SHOWN WI TH POWER ON AM> ACKNOR.EDGEW:NT M\DE WITH NO CODE BEING RECEIVED• .. OPT ION.'L RECOROEA USE I • Q ~ '-------------_J DIE"1!L LDCOMlTlvt:S (3700) TYl'E EL CAB SIGNAL AM> <MRSl'EED STNIWID CIRCUITS Figure 6. 3B Type EL Cab Signal and Overspeed Standard Circuits (Diesel 3700) 6071, p. 39/40 wA,acc ~ -- ..., ~ I I I SH I EL OED TWISTED PAIR BELDEN uoa OR EQUIVALENT I I I I I I 40 I L_ __,. a 1003141J 3 10491&1 811W ll&V e z 1021MM I e II Sl'EEO eOVEANOR N<l5140.t- 7601 Sl'AII£ co IIO au PAR£ r-----, I I I I I TO METER oe ----1---'5!.....--l+Jl--l!!sP:.!ML-_~:::>----....l!!!:l<.-----' L 3f ov----+---'-----11-+l--"C!..::..-'---.1~ ,< •t.r:'E·J:::.. r----__ -_-__ I I I I I ci D I SPl£DmiE~n:==•~---l---.!!R_ _-I-.+-"""-+----,() L!!~~~~.J I O .. I I • L _______ _ --- --- --- --- ------ --- --- I ' --- --- --- --- --- J t«ms: I • * 2. IN WIA'._ING SUP~ 11:D BY OTH1!:RS ~=~:.=·= WABCO TRAIN CONTROL ANO/OR CA9 SIGNAL i!:l~~L~o·::::~.:~~;::.1~ TO METER OTJEft LOCOMOTIVE' OR CAR WIRING TO PREVENT Ml90P!RATION OF THE TRAIN CONTROi.. AHO/OR CAB SIGNAL SYSTl!l.1 FROM INU:R,.l!RENC«. TRAIN CONTROL ANO/OR CA9 SIGNAL WIMS SHALL DI!' RUN THROUGH TH£1R OWN RmtOUS CONDUJT (Pll'f!) AND Bit PHYSICALLY SltPA..ATl!D AS ..,CH ov-~~''---~--'-~-1-<>-1-->c'--+-' AS PQPtl!ILI: FROM OTHER LOCOMOTIVE OR CAR WIRING IN ORDER :1°0 09TAIN IMXIIIJM ISCN.ATION. TWISTED AHO/Off SHll!l.Cl!ED WIRING SHAt.L ALSO 91! US£0 IW«RI: INDICAT!'D. ~~'~---"------H'"1---' SPEEDOMETER ys OY .,..,_l_ _..2..__-j~f"S,:,PM-"--'-'I I c OPT•O..A~ RECORDER USE oeu I I I :R G} OR I L .!_A!_J~C~D!,__J :S. ALL T~IN CONTROL ANO/OR CAB SIGNAL WIRINa SHOULD 8£ IN~CCORDANCE WITH ASSOCIATION CW AM!'RICAN =~Mt:.: :::::!!:"' ~=Ar:r:~:.::"::On.NT • Rl!CMN!MttD f'RACTlcis. SECTION ,. LOCOMOTIVES ANO ~u:cT~ICAL t:QUIPM!'NT ......... PRACTICE FOR ROI.LING STOCK STANDARD REVISED lt?J. 4. ALL R£l.AYS SHOWN Wl1H POWER ON AND ACKN:>111.EDGEMENT M\OE ~Int NO CODE BEING RECEIVED• / DIESEL LOCO...,TIVES (3700) TYPE EL CAB SIGNAL ANO OVER SPEED srAMJARD CIRCUITS Figure 6.3C Type EL Cab Signal and Overspeed Standard Circuits (Diesel 3700) 6071, p. 41/42 WABCD ~ THREE WIRE TWISTED w FT-J f'llJll'IAFt.lT MX BK ,.A, 1 ENO REVERSER ACK .SW• P'T-1 * FT-2 NC ... OBU • BK AMPLIFIER to BK TWISTED PAIR '",r-P_,,o___.,"'is MR ~2"'•'-t----,:: ... THREE WIRE TWISTED '1 JN JR 11 "A ENO REVERSER .t,:• END AFS * FSSW A 90 IL HFS-1 OR OG •• l.FS-1 AMPLIFIER WO CIRCUIT BKR * \_:J~::~,~c-1 ul:~ { _ _ _ _..._ _ ~ w .. .. "' .".. TWISTED PAIR 3-WIRE TWISTED TWISTED PA IR 18 1.--------..,,.. BK ''B"END --.- 0: !fl (,) 0 n2 CONV£RT£R ''o.,ENO 0: ACK.SW. FT-I FT-2 NC NOTES: ,. * TC (,) < .-T-1 FT-I 2• w THREE WI RE TW I STEC BK "e•ENO -.- REVERSER " 11 8'ENO FSSW BFS •• IL HFS-1 3. LFS-1 8 B-32 832 SUPPL I EC 9Y OTHERS I IL IN WIRING WABCC, TPAIN CONTROL ANO/OR CAB SIGNAL EQUIPMENT, l,LL *l-11:;G EXTERNAL TO THIS EQUIPMENT SHALL BE RUN SO THAT ISOLATION IS OBTAINED FROM OTHER LOCOMOTIVE OR CAR WIRING TO PREVENT MISOPERATION OF THE TRAIN CONTROL ANO/OR CAB SIGNAL SYSTEM FROM INTERFERENCE• TRAIN CONTROL ANO/OR CAB SIGNAL WIRES SHALL BE JIUN THROUGH THEIR OWN FERROUS CONDUIT (PIPE) ANO BE PHYSICALLY S!:PARATED AS MUCH AS POSSl9LE FROM OTHER LOCOW>TIVE OR Cli,R WIRING IN ORDER TO OBTAlff MAXIMUM ISOLATION· TWISTED ANO/OR SHl::u~c:o Wl.flNG SHALL ALSO BE USED WHERE INDICATED. _ ALL TRAIN CONTROl AND/OR CA9 SIGNAL WIRING SHOULD 8£ IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASSOCIATION OF AMtlUCAN RAILROADS, OPERATIONS AND IMINTENANCE D£PARTMENT, M!:CHANICAL DIVISION, MAMJAL OF' STANDARDS ANO RECOIM:HOED PRACTICES, SECTION F, LOCOMOTIVES AND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT, WIRING PRACTICE FOR ROLLING STOCK STANDARD RE:VISED 1973. 4 • ALL RELAYS ARE SHOWN WITH POWfR ON AND ACKNOWLFDGEMFNT MADE• WI TH NO CODE BE J NG RFCE I VEO S. ALL TWISTED WIRING TO Bf ONE TURN PER FOOT MINIMUM -- - - - "e"ENO SPEEIKNETER INDICATOR L-------"-+e-1-,'r.;-~-:-.:: -, ++t-i"'I---M--<.,L '-------"-R I '------""-+4+'-"--,111-{ II I I OIFSFL LOCOMOT IVF{2oso) Jl£Q. I 3GtZl-1 G.O. 01 07•- 0-1• Figure 6.4A TYPE El CAB SIGNAL AMJ OYERSPEED STAr«JARO CIRO.JITS Type EL Cab Signal and Overspeed Standard Circuits (Diesel 2000 seri.s) I II 6071, p. 43/44 WABCD ~ a::. • tUJIG VALV!" H.1'flo.: ·' •l I .,.~ffC u,-1 [PCO !531 --;r, 1., TVC Cl L ____ _JI TV-3 OSfiP TV " 1' tMIHli VALV( "'B""f"HO ¥ft11STL£ 0 TO 45 LB ,.IP SUP,.LY .... G 111 " 20 10 ~----T_vc___--,. I "'" ~----~TVC=--~·-------------' CLOSf AT 6.;:,NG f fl.:tssunr 120 PSI SWITCH OPFN AT 10 PSI ..,. .. ACK SW Y"3K CO Y&K '------'-=--' .• VOA 17 I ,, I L ____ _J ,, N.C. ~--=o,.s:.:.••c.-;;.:•~-----" O RP- .•. ACK SYi I I I lO·..___.,:O,oS;;.R•:__ _ _ NC_~ BU! I OSRP NOTES: IOOOMFO I • •• •• I f-+"-,e--wv--+--""---<t-,-, 2. I I I IL ________ · * SUPPL 1£0 !5Y dTHERS U1 WIA ING 'IIIA9C'O TR~ IN COHTROL ANO/OR CA9 SIGNAL EQUIPMENT• All JlflAING [:,tT£ANAL TO THIS EOUIPWNT SHALL 8£ AUN SO TH#T ISOLATION 1- OBT• INf'I' FPOU OTH£R LOCOMOl tvE OP CAR WIRING TO PR[',/£NT MISOPERATION Of' TM[ TRI IN CONTl'lot ANO/OR CAB Sl6HAL SYST£M F'ROU INT£RF[R£NCE .. TR, 1N CONTROL ANO/OR CAB SIGk,\L WIRES SHALL !,£ RUN THROUGH THEIR OWN F£ .. ROUS CONDUIT (PIPE) ,No BE PIIY"'ICALLY StPAR.-TCD AS ....CH AS POSSIBLC F"ROM nTLflt"III LOCCl'..,TIVE" OR CAA WIRING fN ORDER TO OBTAH :.:AXhaJ'-' ljOL:.TION,1 TWl~TCD AHO/Off SHl£LDED WIRING SHALL ALSO 8£ USCO Jl'HER£ INDICATCO. I OPT IOf.,j#,L RECORO(R :,. usr ALL TRAIN CONTROL ANO/Oft CA! SIGNAL WIRING SHOULD BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASSOCIATION OF AMCRl~AN R,t,ILROADS, OPt:r:tATIONS ANO •tfrlT[NANCE D(PARTMENT., MCCHANICAL DIVISION, MANUAL OF STANDARD"' ANO :~;~~:oc:::;:.;:s ·.!!~~!O:R:C1 ~~~ ~L~= 1 Q ~ _J STOCK STANDARD R[Vlsi:o I 173. 4 • ALL Rf LAYS ARE" SHOWN WJTH POWFR Otf ANO ACKN0"1.£06£Mf"NT MA.Of. WITH NO coor Bf ING R£CflV£0 ,---------.--0-,,-s-,-L-l_OC_OYO_T_I_VF_s"'"(,-.-.-o"'"l-------,-+ TYf£ EL CAB SIGNAL ~ OVERSl'EED STAl\llARll CIRCUITS Figure 6.4B Type El Cab Signal and Overspeed Standard Circuits (Diesel 2000 seriies) 6071, p. 45/46 WABCD ~ SHIELDED -TWISTED PAIR BE"LOEN 8408 OR EQUIVALENT /: I I I I ,. I I I I I L---J ,-- -- -- -- -- -- -- I I I I I •• I I / •• I., 15 WR BKW I 8&V I 080MM • ______ .... ro ..... I 099MM I II SPEED GOVERNOR N4514047"0<> SPARE WO SPARE OG I I I 0 ov--'-------,,--l....+---~S~PM~-~''-------{) ca eus :R I c E} u I L ~~A!.2!!._ .J O I I OY *JUNCTION BLOCK !~~: 5 g~E s~ 3 607) USE ,. rs 832 SPEEOOMl TER- I g:~~~~:~ OBU • I I e I METE•--=----11-4....~--...::S~P~,.!..------Q-----'"""'u"-----' I II I I 3 I I I 8JAIA. 2 I I r-----. - - - - --- --- - - - - --- --- --- - - - , 1 I I I EQUIP!,£NT BOX 6 IL _____________________ ~ J r-----, I ro I II I I c I 32 ov-~--t--t-t>+-~-----~ I I SPM-1 5 W:TER--''---_,__-H>+-"-------' u~~'!!L J SPEEDOMETER- !\OTES: ,. * * JUNCTION BLOCK 2. SUPPLIED SY OTHERS IN WIRING WASCO TR.. l'\4 CONTROL ANO/OR CAB SIGNAL EQUIP"4ENT ALL WJRING EXTERNAL TO THIS EQUIPMENT SHALL SE ~N SO THAT ISOLATION IS OBTAINED FROM (SAME ONE AS SHOWN ON SH 3607) OTHER LOCOMOTIVE OR CAA WIRING TO PREVENT MIS- OPERAT ION OF TH£ TRAIN CONTROL AND/OR CAB SIGNAL SYSTEM FROM INTERFERENCE• TRAIN CONTROL AND/OR CAB .. ~::~Twi:~;E)~~~ : : :~sr~=~:Hs~::T:"A:E:::s AS POSSl9LE FROM OTHER LOCOMOTIVE OR CAR WIRING IN ORDER TO OBTAIN MAXlt..UM ISOLATION. TWISTED AND/OR SHIELDED WIA ING SHALL ALSO BE USED WHERE INOICATEO. 3. 4. ALL TRAIN CONTROL AND/OR CA9 SIGNAL WIRING SHOULD 9E IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASSOCIATION 0, AMERICAN RAILROADS, OPER,t,TIONS AND MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT, f'-"CrtANICAL DIVISION, MANUAL OF STANDARDS ANO RECOMMENDED PRACTICES_, SECTION F, LOCOMOTIVES ANO ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT, WIRING PRACTICE FOR ROLLING STOCK STANDARD REVISED 1 973. ALL RELAYS ARE SHOWN WITH POWER ON AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT MADE WITH NO CODE BEING RECEtVED OIFSE'l LOCOUOTIVf'~ (2050) TYPE El CAB SIGNAL AND OVERSPEEO SfANOARO CIRCUITS WAEICD Figure 6.4C WESIIICIIIIUS( • . u t C8IIPMY Type El Cab Signal and Overspeed S~andard Circuits (Diesel 2000 series) 6071, p. 47/48