Victoria USER GUIDE FOR THE INDEX TO SUBJECT MATTER OF VICTORIAN LEGISLATION IN FORCE As at 1 June 2014 OFFICE OF THE CHIEF PARLIAMENTARY COUNSEL VICTORIA 2014 Contents Page 2 General principles Scope and structure of the index Legislation indexed Subjects indexed Level of indexing Subject headings See and See also references 2 2 2 3 3 4 Using the index Presentation of entries How to make an enquiry 5 5 5 Using Victorian legislation and OCPC website 6 List of Acts indexed 7 List of Statutory Rules indexed 24 1 General principles This index is based on a set of guidelines developed within the Office of the Chief Parliamentary Counsel Victoria in accordance with standard indexing principles. Specific principles relating to such matters as the type of material indexed, how it is indexed, and the presentation of the index entries, are outlined in the sections which follow. Scope and structure of the index Legislation indexed What is indexed All unrepealed principal public Acts and unrevoked principal Statutory Rules of Victoria as at the date of the publication. This includes principal Acts and Statutory Rules which are not yet in operation. The titles of Acts and Statutory Rules which are not yet in operation or with provisions which are not yet in operation are printed in italics in this index. Lists of the Acts and Statutory Rules indexed in this edition appear at the end of this index. What is not indexed Repealed and revoked legislation By-laws, local laws and other subordinate legislation (except for Statutory Rules) Legislation of limited application, such as local and personal Acts and Acts relating only to particular lands Text of Codes and other applied or adopted laws Subjects indexed What is indexed The main subject(s) of any piece of legislation, including: - subjects of general interest - legal concepts - some statutory bodies and other proper nouns. Other subjects dealt with substantially by the legislation and considered important enough to index. The main occurrence(s) of certain common subjects which appear in a number of different Acts and Statutory Rules. 2 What is not indexed The following subjects are generally not indexed: Definitions. Minor, insignificant references or aspects of a subject which are an integral part of another broader subject. Common recurring subjects concerned with the administration of legislation and considered part of the general subject to which they relate, such as inspectors, licences, fees, permits, offences, registration. For example, the provisions relating to fishing licences, permits, fees and infringements would be found in the Acts and Statutory Rules referred to under the subject heading Fishing. What is partly indexed Some subjects which recur across the legislation, such as contracts, freedom of information, transport, are indexed only by reference to the Acts and Statutory Rules where they are mainly dealt with, and not when they are considered an aspect of another subject. For example: Transport is indexed in its own right, as are particular forms of transport, such as Road transport and Public transport. The transport of specific goods and substances, however, is not indexed because it is considered as part of the subject matter relating to the specific goods and substances. The provisions relating to the transport of food, or waste, or radioactive substances, for example, would be found in the Acts and Statutory Rules referred to under the headings, Food, Waste, and Radioactive substances respectively. Level of indexing Subjects are indexed by reference to the titles of whole Acts and Statutory Rules. No details are given of the parts, divisions or sections of the relevant legislation, nor of its specific application to the subject matter. Subject headings Principles of construction and use The subject headings used in this index have been developed within OCPC Victoria and are based on the terms and concepts found in Victorian legislation. As far as possible, they have been constructed so that they: - have their own inherent meaning; - accurately reflect the treatment of the subject matter in the legislation; - establish a single, preferred term for the one concept. Subject headings of a general nature include all aspects of the subject. Most subject headings consist of one or several words without further qualification. 3 Sub-headings Sub-headings are used, as required, to indicate the specific aspect of the subject that is being indexed. For example: Children Children - Criminal proceedings Children - Custody Children - Forensic procedures Terminology The terminology of the subject headings is based as much as possible on that of the legislation. Where various terms for the one concept exist or are found in the legislation itself, the term used in the most recent legislation has been preferred in most cases. See and see also references See references See references are used to direct the user from a non-preferred term to the preferred subject heading(s). For example: Addicts See Drug dependent persons Contracts of sale of land See Sale of land Victorian Meat Authority See PrimeSafe See also references See also references direct the user to related or more specific subject headings which may be relevant to the enquiry. For example: Children See also Minors Petrol See also Unleaded petrol Some see also references consist of a phrase directing users to a series of headings, too numerous to list individually, which either all begin with the same or similar word(s) or are examples of more specific headings. For example: Animals See also Other headings beginning with Animals The names of certain animals, e.g. Dogs 4 Using the index Presentation of entries A typical index entry consists of the following elements, arranged in alphabetical order within each sub-group: Subject heading See also references (if applicable) Titles of principal Acts Titles of principal Statutory Rules Sample page Index entries Extraction of petroleum See Petroleum Description of elements of entries Non-preferred term (normal typeface) See reference to preferred subject heading (in bold) Extractive industries See also Quarries and quarrying Subject heading (in bold) See also reference to another subject heading which may be relevant to the enquiry Titles of Acts relating to this subject (normal typeface) Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994 Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) Act 1990 National Parks Act 1975 Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development (Extractive Industries) Regulations 2010 Titles of Statutory Rules relating to this subject (normal typeface) How to make an enquiry Think of the key terms and concepts associated with the enquiry. Search for these words in the index. Refer to the Acts and Statutory Rules listed in the index under the relevant subject headings. Use the table of provisions or the individual index or, if using the electronic copy, do a keyword search, to find the provisions relevant to the enquiry. 5 Using Victorian legislation and OCPC website Hard copies of the Acts and Statutory Rules are published: as individual titles; as twice-yearly volumes published at the end of each parliamentary session of all the Acts assented to and Statutory Rules made in that session; as reprints if amended. All hard copy publications are available from Information Victoria's bookshop or on subscription from Anstat. Versions of legislation are published on the Victorian Legislation and Parliamentary Documents website at, which consists of three different repositories: Parliamentary documents, for Bills under consideration by Parliament; Statute Book, for all the Acts assented to and Statutory Rules made in any one year; The Law Today, for all principal Acts and Statutory Rules, as amended and as in operation at any given date. Further information relating to Victorian legislation is available under Publications on the Office of the Chief Parliamentary Counsel's website at This site is linked to the Victorian Legislation and Parliamentary Documents home page and other relevant websites. 6 List of Acts indexed Acts Indexed Title Act No. A Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 Aboriginal Lands Act 1970 Aboriginal Lands Act 1991 Abortion Law Reform Act 2008 Accident Compensation (WorkCover Insurance) Act 1993 Accident Compensation Act 1985 Accident Towing Services Act 2007 Acts Enumeration and Revision Act 1958 Administration and Probate Act 1958 Administrative Arrangements Act 1983 Administrative Law Act 1978 Adoption Act 1984 Aerodrome Landing Fees Act 2003 Age of Majority Act 1977 Agent-General and Commissioners for Victoria Act 2007 Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (Control of Use) Act 1992 Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (Victoria) Act 1994 Agricultural Industry Development Act 1990 Albury-Wodonga Agreement (Repeal) Act 2003 Alcoa (Portland Aluminium Smelter) Act 1980 Alpine Resorts (Management) Act 1997 Alpine Resorts Act 1983 Ambulance Services Act 1986 Anglican Welfare Agency Act 1997 ANZ Executors & Trustee Company Act 1983 ANZAC Day Act 1958 Appeal Costs Act 1998 Architects Act 1991 Arts Victoria Act 1972 Asbestos Diseases Compensation Act 2008 Assisted Reproductive Treatment Act 2008 Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 Attorney-General and Solicitor-General Act 1972 Audit Act 1994 8 16/2006 8044 38/1991 58/2008 50/1993 10191 30/2007 6188 6191 9916 9234 10150 79/2003 9075 64/2007 46/1992 73/1994 48/1990 62/2003 9434 89/1997 9974 114/1986 23/1997 9898 6198 87/1998 13/1991 8357 69/2008 76/2008 20/2012 8305 2/1994 Acts Indexed Title Act No. Australia Acts (Request) Act 1985 Australian Airlines (Intrastate Services) Act 1990 Australian Catholic University (Victoria) Act 1991 Australian Consumer Law and Fair Trading Act 2012 Australian Crime Commission (State Provisions) Act 2003 Australian Grands Prix Act 1994 10203 15/1990 24/1991 21/2012 52/2003 68/1994 B Bail Act 1977 Bank Integration Act 1992 Bank of South Australia and Advance Bank Act 1996 Biological Control Act 1986 Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996 Border Railways Act 1922 Borrowing and Investment Powers Act 1987 Broiler Chicken Industry Act 1978 Building Act 1993 Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 2002 Bus Safety Act 2009 Bus Services Act 1995 Bushfires Royal Commission (Report) Act 2009 Bushfires Royal Commission Implementation Monitor Act 2011 Business Franchise (Petroleum Products) Act 1979 Business Licensing Authority Act 1998 Business Names (Commonwealth Powers) Act 2011 9008 42/1992 33/1996 57/1986 43/1996 3194 13/1987 9199 126/1993 15/2002 13/2009 68/1995 18/2009 6/2011 9272 49/1998 79/2011 C Cancer Act 1958 Carers Recognition Act 2012 Casino (Management Agreement) Act 1993 Casino Control Act 1991 Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994 Cemeteries and Crematoria Act 2003 Charities Act 1978 Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 Chattel Securities Act 1987 9 6213 10/2012 94/1993 47/1991 52/1994 80/2003 9227 43/2006 15/1987 Acts Indexed Title Act No. Child Employment Act 2003 Child Wellbeing and Safety Act 2005 Children, Youth and Families Act 2005 Children's Services Act 1996 Choice of Law (Limitation Periods) Act 1993 City of Greater Geelong Act 1993 City of Melbourne Act 2001 Civil Aviation (Carriers' Liability) Act 1961 Civil Procedure Act 2010 Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) (Enforcement) Act 1995 Climate Change Act 2010 Co-operative Housing Societies Act 1958 Co-operative Schemes (Administrative Actions) Act 2001 Co-operatives National Law Application Act 2013 Coal Mines (Pensions) Act 1958 Coastal Management Act 1995 Commercial Arbitration Act 2011 Commission for Children and Young People Act 2012 Commissioner for Environmental Sustainability Act 2003 Commissioner for Law Enforcement Data Security Act 2005 Commonwealth Arrangements Act 1958 Commonwealth Places (Administration of Laws) Act 1970 Commonwealth Places (Mirror Taxes Administration) Act 1999 Commonwealth Powers (De Facto Relationships) Act 2004 Commonwealth Powers (Family Law-Children) Act 1986 Community Based Sentences (Transfer) Act 2012 Company Titles (Home Units) Act 2013 Competition Policy Reform (Victoria) Act 1995 Confiscation Act 1997 Congestion Levy Act 2005 Conservation, Forests and Lands Act 1987 Constitution (Appointments) Act 2009 Constitution (Supreme Court) Act 1989 Constitution Act 1975 Constitutional Powers (Coastal Waters) Act 1980 Constitutional Powers (Request) Act 1980 81/2003 83/2005 96/2005 53/1996 100/1993 16/1993 5/2001 6808 47/2010 90/1995 10 54/2010 6226 41/2001 9/2013 6221 8/1995 50/2011 79/2012 15/2003 84/2005 6223 8026 34/1999 84/2004 92/1986 59/2012 19/2013 74/1995 108/1997 74/2005 41/1987 70/2009 22/1989 8750 9366 9408 Acts Indexed Title Act No. Construction Industry Long Service Leave Act 1997 Consumer Credit (Victoria) Act 1995 Control of Genetically Modified Crops Act 2004 Control of Weapons Act 1990 Conveyancers Act 2006 Coroners Act 2008 Corporations (Administrative Actions) Act 2001 Corporations (Ancillary Provisions) Act 2001 Corporations (Commonwealth Powers) Act 2001 Corporations (Victoria) Act 1990 Corrections Act 1986 Council of Law Reporting in Victoria Act 1967 Country Fire Authority Act 1958 County Court Act 1958 Court Security Act 1980 Courts (Case Transfer) Act 1991 Court Services Victoria Act 2014 Credit (Administration) Act 1984 Credit (Commonwealth Powers) Act 2010 Credit Act 1984 Crimes (Assumed Identities) Act 2004 Crimes (Controlled Operations) Act 2004 Crimes (Mental Impairment and Unfitness to be Tried) Act 1997 Crimes Act 1958 Crimes at Sea Act 1999 Criminal Organisations Control Act 2012 Criminal Procedure Act 2009 Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978 Crown Proceedings Act 1958 Cultural and Recreational Lands Act 1963 53/1997 41/1995 7/2004 24/1990 75/2006 77/2008 42/2001 43/2001 6/2001 80/1990 117/1986 7569 6228 6230 9499 43/1991 1/2014 10091 11/2010 10097 15/2004 16/2004 65/1997 11 6231 56/1999 80/2012 7/2009 9212 6232 7101 Acts Indexed Title Act No. D Dairy Act 2000 Dangerous Goods Act 1985 Deakin University Act 2009 Defamation Act 2005 Disability Act 2006 Docklands Act 1991 Domestic Animals Act 1994 Domestic Building Contracts Act 1995 Domicile Act 1978 Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981 Duties Act 2000 37/2000 10189 71/2009 75/2005 23/2006 22/1991 81/1994 91/1995 9231 9719 79/2000 E EastLink Project Act 2004 Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010 Education and Training Reform Act 2006 Educational Institutions (Guarantees) Act 1976 Electoral Act 2002 Electoral Boundaries Commission Act 1982 Electricity Industry (Residual Provisions) Act 1993 Electricity Industry Act 2000 Electricity Safety Act 1998 Electronic Conveyancing (Adoption of National Law) Act 2013 Electronic Transactions (Victoria) Act 2000 Emerald Tourist Railway Act 1977 Emergency Management Act 1986 Emergency Management Act 2013 Emergency Services Superannuation Act 1986 Emergency Services Telecommunications Authority Act 2004 Energy Safe Victoria Act 2005 Environment Effects Act 1978 Environment Protection Act 1970 Epworth Foundation Act 1980 Equal Opportunity Act 2010 12 39/2004 69/2010 24/2006 8901 23/2002 9801 130/1993 68/2000 25/1998 7/2013 20/2000 9020 30/1986 73/2013 94/1986 98/2004 39/2005 9135 8056 9404 16/2010 Acts Indexed Title Act No. Equipment (Public Safety) Act 1994 Essential Services Act 1958 Essential Services Commission Act 2001 Estate Agents Act 1980 Evidence (Commissions) Act 1982 Evidence (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1958 Evidence Act 2008 21/1994 6244 62/2001 9428 9766 6246 47/2008 F Fair Work (Commonwealth Powers) Act 2009 Family Violence Protection Act 2008 Farm Debt Mediation Act 2011 Federal Courts (State Jurisdiction) Act 1999 Fences Act 1968 Film Act 2001 Financial Agreement Act 1994 Financial Management Act 1994 Financial Sector Reform (Victoria) Act 1999 Fire Services Commissioner Act 2010 Fire Services Levy Monitor Act 2012 Fire Services Property Levy Act 2012 Firearms Act 1996 First Home Owner Grant Act 2000 Fisheries Act 1995 Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988 Food Act 1984 Foreign Judgments Act 1962 Forests (Wood Pulp Agreement) Act 1996 Forests Act 1958 Fortification Removal Act 2013 Freedom of Information Act 1982 Fuel Emergency Act 1977 Fundraising Act 1998 Funerals Act 2006 13 24/2009 52/2008 42/2011 54/1999 7733 87/2001 39/1994 18/1994 37/1999 73/2010 81/2012 58/2012 66/1996 5/2000 92/1995 47/1988 10082 6916 16/1996 6254 48/2013 9859 8976 78/1998 77/2006 Acts Indexed Title Act No. G Gambling Regulation Act 2003 Game Management Authority Act 2014 Gas and Fuel Corporation (Heatane Gas) Act 1993 Gas Industry (Residual Provisions) Act 1994 Gas Industry Act 2001 Gas Safety Act 1997 Geelong Lands (Steampacket Place) Act 1996 Geelong Performing Arts Centre Trust Act 1980 Gene Technology Act 2001 Geographic Place Names Act 1998 Geothermal Energy Resources Act 2005 Goods Act 1958 Government Superannuation Act 1999 Graffiti Prevention Act 2007 Grain Handling and Storage Act 1995 Greenhouse Gas Geological Sequestration Act 2008 Groundwater (Border Agreement) Act 1985 Guardianship and Administration Act 1986 114/2003 24/2014 88/1993 112/1994 31/2001 99/1997 30/1996 9406 67/2001 7/1998 7/2005 6265 8/1999 59/2007 45/1995 61/2008 10218 58/1986 H Health (Commonwealth State Funding Arrangements) Act 2012 Health (Fluoridation) Act 1973 Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (Victoria) Act 2009 Health Practitioners (Special Events Exemption) Act 1999 Health Records Act 2001 Health Services (Conciliation and Review) Act 1987 Health Services Act 1988 Heavy Vehicle National Law Application Act 2013 Heritage Act 1995 Heritage Rivers Act 1992 Honorary Justices Act 2014 House Contracts Guarantee Act 1987 Housing Act 1983 Human Services (Complex Needs) Act 2009 14 40/2012 8506 79/2009 51/1999 2/2001 25/1987 49/1988 30/2013 93/1995 36/1992 32/2014 44/1987 10020 16/2009 Acts Indexed Title Act No. Human Tissue Act 1982 9860 I Imperial Acts Application Act 1980 Impounding of Livestock Act 1994 Imprisonment of Fraudulent Debtors Act 1958 Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission Act 2011 Information Privacy Act 2000 Infringements Act 2006 Instruments Act 1958 International Transfer of Prisoners (Victoria) Act 1998 Interpretation of Legislation Act 1984 9426 89/1994 6276 66/2011 98/2000 12/2006 6279 67/1998 10096 J Judgment Debt Recovery Act 1984 Judicial College of Victoria Act 2001 Judicial Proceedings Reports Act 1958 Judicial Remuneration Tribunal Act 1995 Judicial Salaries Act 2004 Juries Act 2000 Jury Directions Act 2013 Jurisdiction of Courts (Cross-vesting) Act 1987 10063 20/2001 6280 22/1995 38/2004 53/2000 12/2013 29/1987 L La Trobe University Act 2009 Land Acquisition and Compensation Act 1986 Land Act 1958 Land Conservation (Vehicle Control) Act 1972 Land Tax Act 2005 Land Titles Validation Act 1994 Legal Aid Act 1978 Legal Profession Act 2004 Legal Profession Uniform Law Application Act 2014 Leo Cussen Institute (Registration as a Company) Act 2011 Libraries Act 1988 Limitation of Actions Act 1958 15 75/2009 121/1986 6284 8379 88/2005 114/1994 9245 99/2004 17/2014 82/2011 80/1988 6295 Acts Indexed Title Act No. Liquor Control Reform Act 1998 Livestock Disease Control Act 1994 Livestock Management Act 2010 Local Government (Brimbank City Council) Act 2009 Local Government (Rural City of Wangaratta) Act 2013 Local Government Act 1989 Long Service Leave Act 1992 Longford Royal Commission (Report) Act 1999 Lord Mayor's Charitable Fund Act 1996 Loy Yang B Act 1992 94/1998 115/1994 15/2010 65/2009 53/2013 11/1989 83/1992 42/1999 54/1996 35/1992 M MacKillop Family Services Act 1998 Magistrates' Court Act 1989 Maintenance Act 1965 Major Crime (Investigative Powers) Act 2004 Major Sporting Events Act 2009 Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009 Marine (Domestic Commercial Vessel National Law Application) Act 2013 Marine Act 1988 Marine Safety Act 2010 Marine Safety Legislation (Lakes Hume and Mulwala) Act 2001 Marriage Act 1958 Meat Industry Act 1993 Medical Research Institutes Repeal Act 2008 Medical Treatment Act 1988 Melbourne and Olympic Parks Act 1985 Melbourne City Link Act 1995 Melbourne College of Divinity Act 1910 Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Trust Act 1996 Melbourne Cricket Club Act 1974 Melbourne Cricket Ground Act 2009 Melbourne Market Authority Act 1977 Members of Parliament (Register of Interests) Act 1978 Mental Health Act 1986 Mental Health Act 2014 16 69/1998 51/1989 7289 79/2004 30/2009 56/2009 36/2013 52/1988 65/2010 74/2001 6306 40/1993 63/2008 41/1988 10206 107/1995 2275 71/1996 8546 15/2009 8993 9223 59/1986 26/2014 Acts Indexed Title Act No. Metropolitan Fire Brigades Act 1958 Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) Act 1990 Monash University Act 2009 Monetary Units Act 2004 Motor Car Traders Act 1986 Multicultural Victoria Act 2011 Municipal Association Act 1907 Municipalities Assistance Act 1973 Murray-Darling Basin Act 1993 Museums Act 1983 Mutual Recognition (Victoria) Act 1998 6315 92/1990 76/2009 10/2004 104/1986 14/2011 2080 8526 39/1993 9903 62/1998 N National Australia Bank and Bank of New Zealand Bank Act 1997 National Electricity (Victoria) Act 2005 National Environment Protection Council (Victoria) Act 1995 National Gallery of Victoria Act 1966 National Gas (Victoria) Act 2008 National Parks Act 1975 National Rail Corporation (Victoria) Act 1991 National Taxation Reform (Consequential Provisions) Act 2000 New Tax System Price Exploitation Code (Victoria) Act 1999 Non-Emergency Patient Transport Act 2003 Nuclear Activities (Prohibitions) Act 1983 Nudity (Prescribed Areas) Act 1983 10/1997 8/2005 10/1995 7482 30/2008 8702 76/1991 6/2000 43/1999 69/2003 9923 9942 O Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 Occupational Licensing National Law Act 2010 Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2010 Ombudsman Act 1973 Open Courts Act 2013 Outworkers (Improved Protection) Act 2003 Owner Drivers and Forestry Contractors Act 2005 Owners Corporations Act 2006 17 107/2004 66/2010 10/2010 8414 58/2013 22/2003 49/2005 69/2006 Acts Indexed Title Act No. P Parks and Crown Land Legislation Amendment Act 2013 Parks Victoria Act 1998 Parliamentary Administration Act 2005 Parliamentary Committees Act 2003 Parliamentary Precincts Act 2001 Parliamentary Salaries and Superannuation Act 1968 Parole Orders (Transfer) Act 1983 Partnership Act 1958 Payroll Tax Act 2007 Penalty Interest Rates Act 1983 Perpetuities and Accumulations Act 1968 Personal Property Securities (Commonwealth Powers) Act 2009 Personal Property Securities (Statute Law Revision and Implementation) Act 2010 Personal Safety Intervention Orders Act 2010 Petroleum Act 1998 Petroleum Products Subsidy Act 1965 Pharmacy Regulation Act 2010 Pipelines Act 2005 Planning and Environment (Planning Schemes) Act 1996 Planning and Environment Act 1987 Plant Biosecurity Act 2010 Police Assistance Compensation Act 1968 Police Regulation Act 1958 Pollution of Waters by Oil and Noxious Substances Act 1986 Port Management Act 1995 Pre-school Teachers and Assistants (Leave) Act 1984 Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1986 Prisoners (Interstate Transfer) Act 1983 Private Security Act 2004 Professional Boxing and Combat Sports Act 1985 Professional Standards Act 2003 Prohibition of Human Cloning for Reproduction Act 2008 Project Development and Construction Management Act 1994 Property Law Act 1958 18 79/2013 44/1998 20/2005 110/2003 4/2001 7723 9960 6330 26/2007 9967 7750 60/2009 74/2010 53/2010 96/1998 7293 39/2010 61/2005 77/1996 45/1987 60/2010 7722 6338 27/1986 82/1995 10135 46/1986 9881 33/2004 10183 100/2003 72/2008 101/1994 6344 Acts Indexed Title Act No. Protected Disclosure Act 2012 Public Administration Act 2004 Public Authorities (Dividends) Act 1983 Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 Public Holidays Act 1993 Public Interest Monitor Act 2011 Public Notaries Act 2001 Public Prosecutions Act 1994 Public Records Act 1973 Public Safety Preservation Act 1958 Public Sector (Union Fees) Act 1992 Public Sector Employment (Award Entitlements) Act 2006 85/2012 108/2004 10003 46/2008 119/1993 72/2011 52/2001 43/1994 8418 6348 74/1992 15/2006 Q Queen Victoria Women's Centre Act 1994 103/1994 R Racial and Religious Tolerance Act 2001 Racing Act 1958 Radiation Act 2005 Rail Management Act 1996 Rail Safety Act 2006 Rail Safety National Law Application Act 2013 Rain-making Control Act 1967 Reference Areas Act 1978 Regional Development Victoria Act 2002 Regional Growth Fund Act 2011 Relationships Act 2008 Religious and Successory Trusts Act 1958 Research Involving Human Embryos Act 2008 Residential Tenancies Act 1997 Retail Leases Act 2003 Retirement Villages Act 1986 Returned Servicemen's Badges Act 1956 Road Management Act 2004 Road Safety Act 1986 Road Safety Camera Commissioner Act 2011 19 47/2001 6353 62/2005 79/1996 9/2006 22/2013 7637 9093 53/2002 8/2011 12/2008 6357 74/2008 109/1997 4/2003 126/1986 5948 12/2004 127/1986 47/2011 Acts Indexed Title Act No. Royal Agricultural Showgrounds Act 2003 Royal Botanic Gardens Act 1991 Royal Children's Hospital (Land) Act 2007 Royal Melbourne Hospital (Redevelopment) Act 1992 Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology Act 2010 Royal Park Land Act 1999 Rural Finance Act 1988 45/2003 87/1991 48/2007 23/1992 4/2010 46/1999 44/1988 S Safe Drinking Water Act 2003 Safety on Public Land Act 2004 Sale of Land Act 1962 Seafood Safety Act 2003 Seamen's Act 1958 Second-Hand Dealers and Pawnbrokers Act 1989 Senate Elections Act 1958 Sentencing Act 1991 Serious Sex Offenders (Detention and Supervision) Act 2009 Settled Land Act 1958 Severe Substance Dependence Act 2010 Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004 Sex Work Act 1994 Sheriff Act 2009 Shop Trading Reform Act 1996 Shrine of Remembrance Act 1978 Small Business Commissioner Act 2003 Snowy Hydro Corporatisation Act 1997 South Melbourne Land Act 1986 South Yarra Project (Subdivision and Management) Act 1985 Southgate Project Act 1994 Sport and Recreation Act 1972 Sports Anti-doping Act 2005 St Andrew's Foundation Act 1997 State Bank (Succession of Commonwealth Bank) Act 1990 State Concessions Act 2004 State Electricity Commission Act 1958 State Employees Retirement Benefits Act 1979 20 46/2003 109/2004 6975 24/2003 6362 54/1989 6365 49/1991 91/2009 6367 43/2010 56/2004 102/1994 9/2009 38/1996 9167 6/2003 105/1997 99/1986 10215 57/1994 8344 70/2005 85/1997 94/1990 82/2004 6377 9363 Acts Indexed Title Act No. State Owned Enterprises Act 1992 State Sport Centres Act 1994 State Superannuation Act 1988 State Trustees (State Owned Company) Act 1994 Status of Children Act 1974 Stock (Seller Liability and Declarations) Act 1993 Subdivision Act 1988 Subordinate Legislation Act 1994 Succession to the Crown (Request) Act 2013 Summary Offences Act 1966 Summer Time Act 1972 Superannuation (Portability) Act 1989 Superannuation (Public Sector) Act 1992 Supported Residential Services (Private Proprietors) Act 2010 Supreme Court Act 1986 Surveillance Devices Act 1999 Survey Co-ordination Act 1958 Surveying Act 2004 Sustainability Victoria Act 2005 Sustainable Forests (Timber) Act 2004 Swan Hill Pioneer Settlement Authority (Repeal) Act 1994 Swinburne University of Technology Act 2010 90/1992 117/1994 50/1988 45/1994 8602 113/1993 53/1988 104/1994 60/2013 7405 8297 14/1989 87/1992 49/2010 110/1986 21/1999 6388 47/2004 65/2005 48/2004 46/1994 4/2010 T Taxation (Interest on Overpayments) Act 1986 Taxation Administration Act 1997 Telecommunications (Interception) (State Provisions) Act 1988 Temperance Halls Act 1958 Terrorism (Commonwealth Powers) Act 2003 Terrorism (Community Protection) Act 2003 Therapeutic Goods (Victoria) Act 2010 Tobacco Act 1987 Tourism Victoria Act 1992 Tourist and Heritage Railways Act 2010 Trade Unions Act 1958 Traditional Owner Settlement Act 2010 21 35/1986 40/1997 46/1988 6392 14/2003 7/2003 25/2010 81/1987 9834/1992 79/2010 6397 62/2010 Acts Indexed Title Act No. Transfer of Land Act 1958 Transport (Compliance and Miscellaneous) Act 1983 Transport (Safety Schemes Compliance and Enforcement) Act 2014 Transport Accident Act 1986 Transport Integration Act 2010 Transport Superannuation Act 1988 Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition (Victoria) Act 1998 Travel Agents Act 1986 Travel Agents Repeal Act 2014 Treasury Corporation of Victoria Act 1992 Trustee Act 1958 Trustee Companies Act 1984 6399 9921 27/2014 111/1986 6/2010 33/1988 4/1998 52/1986 16/2014 80/1992 6401 10168 U Unauthorized Documents Act 1958 Unclaimed Money Act 2008 Underseas Mineral Resources Act 1963 University of Ballarat Act 2010 University of Melbourne Act 2009 Unlawful Assemblies and Processions Act 1958 Urban Renewal Authority Victoria Act 2003 6403 44/2008 7095 5/2010 78/2009 6406 59/2003 V Valuation of Land Act 1960 Very Fast Train (Route Investigation) Act 1989 Veterans Act 2005 Veterinary Practice Act 1997 Victims' Charter Act 2006 Victims of Crime Assistance Act 1996 Victoria Grants Commission Act 1976 Victoria Law Foundation Act 2009 Victoria Police Act 2013 Victoria Racing Club Act 2006 Victoria State Emergency Service Act 2005 Victoria University Act 2010 Victorian Arts Centre Act 1979 22 6653 77/1989 98/2005 58/1997 65/2006 81/1996 8887 10/2009 81/2013 40/2006 51/2005 14/2010 9354 Acts Indexed Title Act No. Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 1998 Victorian College of Agriculture and Horticulture Act 1982 Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation Act 2011 Victorian Conservation Trust Act 1972 Victorian Energy Efficiency Target Act 2007 Victorian Environmental Assessment Council Act 2001 Victorian Funds Management Corporation Act 1994 Victorian Industry Participation Policy Act 2003 Victorian Inspectorate Act 2011 Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine Act 1985 Victorian Law Reform Commission Act 2000 Victorian Managed Insurance Authority Act 1996 Victorian Plantations Corporation Act 1993 Victorian Renewable Energy Act 2006 Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation Act 2011 Vital State Industries (Works and Services) Act 1992 Vital State Projects Act 1976 53/1998 9812 58/2011 8350 70/2007 81/2001 61/1994 72/2003 70/2011 10257 44/2000 11/1996 61/1993 72/2006 62/2011 82/1992 8896 W Warehousemen's Liens Act 1958 Water (Commonwealth Powers) Act 2008 Water Act 1989 Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards Act 2005 Water Industry Act 1994 Westernport (Crib Point Terminal) Act 1963 Wildlife Act 1975 Wills Act 1997 Witness Protection Act 1991 Workers Compensation Act 1958 Working with Children Act 2005 Workplace Injury Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2013 Wrongs (Public Contracts) Act 1981 Wrongs Act 1958 23 6412 75/2008 80/1989 5/2005 121/1994 7018 8699 88/1997 15/1991 6419 57/2005 67/2013 9669 6420 Acts Indexed Title Act No. Y Young Farmers' Finance Council Act 1979 9333 Z Zoological Parks and Gardens Act 1995 24 106/1995 List of Statutory Rules indexed Statutory Rules Indexed Title SR. No. A Aboriginal Heritage Regulations 2007 41/2007 Accident Compensation Regulations 2012 115/2012 Accident Towing Services Regulations 2008 169/2008 Administration and Probate (Deposit of Wills) (Fees) Regulations 2006 90/2006 Adoption (Intercountry Fees) Regulations 2012 151/2012 Adoption Regulations 2008 10/2008 Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (Control of Use) (Fertilisers) Regulations 2005 122/2005 Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (Control of Use) (Infringement Notices) Regulations 2013 156/2013 Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (Control of Use) (Ruminant Feed) Regulations 2005 160/2005 Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (Control of Use) Regulations 2007 82/2007 Agricultural Industry Development (Polls) Regulations 2011 38/2011 Alpine Resorts (Management) Regulations 2009 136/2009 Architects Regulations 2004 51/2004 Assisted Reproductive Treatment Regulations 2009 177/2009 Associations Incorporation Reform Regulations 2012 128/2012 Audit (Public Bodies) Regulations 2005 65/2005 Audit Regulations 2013 21/2013 Australian Consumer Law and Fair Trading Regulations 2012 62/2012 Australian Crime Commission (State Provisions) Regulations 2014 4/2014 Australian Grands Prix (Formula One) Regulations 2006 157/2006 B Bail Regulations 2012 148/2012 Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Regulations 2008 114/2008 Borrowing and Investment Powers (Guarantees) Regulations 2007 29/2007 Borrowing and Investment Powers (Stock, Bonds and Debentures) Regulations 2007 101/2007 Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Regulations 2013 56/2013 Building Regulations 2006 68/2006 Bus Safety Regulations 2010 110/2010 Business Licensing Authority Regulations 2013 31/2013 25 Statutory Rules Indexed Title SR. No. C Cancer (BreastScreen Victoria Registry) Regulations 2013 22/2013 Cancer (Reporting) Regulations 2012 8/2012 Casino Control (Boundary Redefinition Fee) Regulations 2005 38/2005 Casino Control (Licence Fees) Regulations 2005 21/2005 Catchment and Land Protection (Register of Interests) Regulations 2006 151/2006 Catchment and Land Protection Regulations 2012 90/2012 Cemeteries and Crematoria Regulations 2005 76/2005 Charities Regulations 2005 141/2005 Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities (General) Regulations 2007 135/2007 Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities (Public Authorities) Regulations 2013 129/2013 Chattel Securities (Continued Register) Regulations 2011 166/2011 Chattel Securities (Purchase Price) Regulations 2008 109/2008 Child Employment Regulations 2004 60/2004 Child Employment Regulations 2014 43/2014 Child Wellbeing and Safety Regulations 2007 102/2007 Children, Youth and Families (Children's Court Family Division) Rules 2007 24/2007 Children, Youth and Families Regulations 2007 21/2007 Children's Court (Evidence – Audio Visual and Audio Linking) Rules 2008 11/2008 Children's Court (Family Violence Protection) Rules 2008 156/2008 Children's Court (Personal Safety Intervention Orders) Rules 2011 94/2011 Children's Court Criminal Procedure Rules 2009 189/2009 Children's Services Regulations 2009 53/2009 City of Melbourne (Docklands Co-ordination Committee) Regulations 2007 64/2007 City of Melbourne (Electoral) Regulations 2012 30/2012 Climate Change Regulations 2011 128/2011 Co-operative Housing Societies Regulations 2005 3/2005 Co-operatives National Law (Victoria) Local Regulations 2014 3/2014 Co-operatives Regulations 2008 133/2008 Community Based Sentences (Transfer) Regulations 2013 78/2013 Confiscation Regulations 2008 57/2008 Conservation, Forests and Lands (Contracts) Regulations 2010 11/2010 Conservation, Forests and Lands (Infringement Notice) Regulations 2013 66/2013 26 Statutory Rules Indexed Title SR. No. Conservation, Forests and Lands (Primary Industries Infringement Notices) Regulations 2013 61/2013 Consumer Credit (Victoria) (Administration) Regulations 2006 95/2006 Control of Weapons Regulations 2011 140/2011 Conveyancers (Professional Conduct and Trust Account and General) Regulations 2008 49/2008 Conveyancers (Qualifications, Experience and Fees) Regulations 2008 48/2008 Coroners Court Rules 2009 131/2009 Coroners Regulations 2009 120/2009 Corporations (Ancillary Provisions) Regulations 2011 34/2011 Corrections (Police Gaols) Regulations 2005 101/2005 Corrections (Victims Register) Regulations 2014 23/2014 Corrections (Victims Register) Regulations 2004 108/2004 Corrections Regulations 2009 40/2009 Country Fire Authority (Contributions) Regulations 2009 64/2009 Country Fire Authority Regulations 2004 9/2004 County Court (Fees) Regulations 2012 146/2012 County Court Civil Procedure Rules 2008 148/2008 County Court Criminal Procedure Rules 2009 183/2009 County Court Miscellaneous Rules 2009 56/2009 Court Security Regulations 2004 95/2004 Courts (Case Transfer) Rules 2011 101/2011 Credit (Administration) (Committee) Regulations 2006 32/2006 Credit (Administration) Regulations 2004 167/2004 Credit Regulations 2004 165/2004 Crimes (Assumed Identities) Regulations 2006 74/2006 Crimes (Confiscation) Regulations 2004 56/2004 Crimes (Confiscation) Regulations 2014 42/2014 Crimes (Controlled Operations) Regulations 2008 127/2008 Crimes (DNA Database) Regulations 2012 127/2012 Crimes (Extra-Territorial Offences) Regulations 2009 65/2009 Crimes (Mental Impairment and Unfitness to be Tried) Regulations 2009 69/2009 Crimes (Search Warrant) Regulations 2004 141/2004 Criminal Organisations Control Regulations 2013 34/2013 Criminal Procedure Regulations 2009 169/2009 Crown Land (Reserves) (Domestic Firewood ) Regulations 2012 92/2012 Crown Land (Reserves) (Tour Operator Licence Fee) Regulations 2011 41/2011 Crown Proceedings Regulations 2011 151/2011 27 Statutory Rules Indexed Title SR. No. D Dangerous Goods (Explosives) Regulations 2011 37/2011 Dangerous Goods (HCDG) Regulations 2005 96/2005 Dangerous Goods (Storage and Handling) Regulations 2012 132/2012 Dangerous Goods (Transport by Road or Rail) Regulations 2008 166/2008 Disability Regulations 2007 60/2007 Docklands (Register of Rights) Regulations 2007 65/2007 Domestic Animals Regulations 2005 151/2005 Domestic Building Contracts Regulations 2007 25/2007 Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Commonwealth Standard) Regulations 2011 88/2011 Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Confiscation) Regulations 2004 59/2004 Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Drugs of Dependence - Synthetic Cannabinoids) Regulations 2013 164/2013 Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Industrial Hemp) Regulations 2008 98/2008 Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Regulations 2014 15/2014 Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Precursor Chemicals) Regulations 2007 84/2007 Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Precursor Supply) Regulations 2010 130/2010 Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Volatile Substances) Regulations 2004 68/2004 Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Regulations 2006 57/2006 E EastLink Project Regulations 2008 81/2008 Education and Training Reform (School Attendance) Regulations 2013 157/2013 Education and Training Reform (School Safety) Regulations 2011 165/2011 Education and Training Reform Regulations 2007 61/2007 Electoral Regulations 2012 86/2012 Electricity Safety (Bushfire Mitigation) Regulations 2013 62/2013 Electricity Safety (Cathodic Protection) Regulations 2009 151/2009 Electricity Safety (Electric Line Clearance) Regulations 2010 47/2010 Electricity Safety (Equipment) Regulations 2009 36/2009 Electricity Safety (Installations) Regulations 2009 164/2009 Electricity Safety (Management) Regulations 2009 165/2009 28 Statutory Rules Indexed Title SR. No. Electricity Safety (Registration and Licensing) Regulations 2010 21/2010 Electronic Transactions (Victoria) Regulations 2010 70/2010 Environment Protection (Distribution of Landfill Levy) Regulations 2010 98/2010 Environment Protection (Environment and Resource Efficiency Plans) Regulations 2007 138/2007 Environment Protection (Fees) Regulations 2012 115/2012 Environment Protection (Industrial Waste Resource) Regulations 2009 77/2009 Environment Protection (Residential Noise) Regulations 2008 121/2008 Environment Protection (Scheduled Premises and Exemptions) Regulations 2007 77/2007 Environment Protection (Ships' Ballast Water) Regulations 2006 59/2006 Environment Protection (Vehicle Emissions) Regulations 2013 159/2013 Equipment (Public Safety) Regulations 2007 53/2007 Essential Services Commission Regulations 2011 155/2011 Estate Agents (Contracts) Regulations 2008 97/2008 Estate Agents (Education) Regulations 2008 128/2008 Estate Agents (Exemption) Regulations 2005 169/2005 Estate Agents (Fees) Regulations 2007 79/2007 Estate Agents (General, Accounts and Audit) Regulations 2008 39/2008 Estate Agents (Professional Conduct) Regulations 2008 46/2008 Estate Agents (Retirement Villages) Regulations 2006 100/2006 Evidence (Affidavits and Statutory Declarations) Regulations 2008 58/2008 Evidence (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Witness Identity Protection) Regulations 2013 92/2013 Evidence (Examination of Witnesses Outside the State) Regulations 2011 28/2011 Evidence (Transcript Fees) Regulations 2007 42/2007 Evidence Regulations 2009 162/2009 F Family Violence Protection Regulations 2008 153/2008 Financial Management Regulations 2014 29/2014 Firearms Regulations 2008 22/2008 First Home Owner Grant Regulations 2011 25/2011 Fisheries (Fees, Royalties and Levies) Regulations 2008 4/2008 Fisheries Regulations 2009 2/2009 Flora and Fauna Guarantee Regulations 2011 147/2011 29 Statutory Rules Indexed Title SR. No. Food (Forms and Registration) Regulations 2005 143/2005 Forests (Domestic Firewood) Regulations 2012 91/2012 Forests (Fire Protection) Regulations 2004 77/2004 Forests (Licences and Permits) Regulations 2009 166/2009 Forests (Recreation) Regulations 2010 30/2010 Forests (Tour Operator Licence Fee) Regulations 2011 42/2011 Freedom of Information (Access Charges) Regulations 2004 74/2004 Freedom of Information Regulations 2009 33/2009 Fundraising Regulations 2009 72/2009 Funerals (Infringements) Regulations 2011 71/2011 G Gambling Regulation (Commercial Raffle Organisers) Regulations 2006 38/2006 Gambling Regulation (Pre-commitment) Regulations 2012 134/2012 Gambling Regulation (Premium Customer) Regulations 2011 3/2011 Gambling Regulation (Prescribed Connection and Prescribed Profit) Regulations 2009 114/2009 Gambling Regulation (Race Fields) Regulations 2008 103/2008 Gambling Regulation (Signage) Regulations 2005 60/2005 Gambling Regulation Regulations 2005 61/2005 Gas Safety (Gas Installation) Regulations 2008 165/2008 Gas Safety (Gas Quality) Regulations 2007 113/2007 Gas Safety (Safety Case) Regulations 2008 164/2008 Gene Technology Regulations 2011 91/2011 Geothermal Energy Resources Regulations 2006 37/2006 Greenhouse Gas Geological Sequestration (Exemption) Regulations 2009 150/2009 Greenhouse Gas Geological Sequestration Regulations 2009 149/2009 Guardianship and Administration (Fees) Regulations 2008 132/2008 30 Statutory Rules Indexed Title SR. No. H Health Practitioner Regulation National Law Regulation 42/2010 Health Records Regulations 2012 87/2012 Health Services (Private Hospitals and Day Procedure Centres) Regulations 2013 113/2013 Heavy Vehicle National Law Application (Infringements) Regulations 2013 152/2013 Heritage (General) Regulations 2005 18/2005 Heritage (Historic Shipwrecks) Regulations 2007 80/2007 Heritage (Infringement Notices) Regulations 2012 34/2012 Human Tissue Regulations 2006 7/2006 I Impounding of Livestock Regulations 2008 66/2008 Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission Regulations 2013 5/2013 Infringements (General) Regulations 2006 76/2006 Infringements (Reporting and Prescribed Details and Forms) Regulations 2006 75/2006 Instruments (Fees) Regulations 2004 117/2004 J Juries (Fees) Regulations 2012 106/2012 Juries Regulations 2011 68/2011 L Land (Tour Operator Licence Fee) Regulations 2011 40/2011 Land Acquisition and Compensation Regulations 2010 44/2010 Land Conservation (Vehicle Control) Regulations 2013 3/2013 Land Regulations 2006 118/2006 Land Tax Regulations 2005 178/2005 Legal Profession (Admission) Rules 2008 15/2008 Legal Profession Regulations 2005 152/2005 Legal Profession (Practising Certificate Fees) Regulations 2012 19/2012 Library Purposes Trusts Regulations 2010 89/2010 Liquor Control Reform (Prescribed Class of Premises) Regulations 2008 13/2008 31 Statutory Rules Indexed Title SR. No. Liquor Control Reform (Prohibited Supply) Regulations 2005 171/2005 Liquor Control Reform Regulations 2009 134/2009 Livestock Disease Control Regulations 2006 172/2006 Livestock Management Regulations 2011 158/2011 Local Government (Electoral) Regulations 2005 98/2005 Local Government (General) Regulations 2004 130/2004 Local Government (Long Service Leave) Regulations 2012 4/2012 Local Government (Planning and Reporting) Regulations 2014 17/2014 M Magistrates' Court (Arbitration) Regulations 2010 43/2010 Magistrates' Court (Family Violence Protection) Rules 2008 157/2008 Magistrates' Court (Fees) Regulations 2012 105/2012 Magistrates' Court (Judicial Registrars) Rules 2005 166/2005 Magistrates' Court (Miscellaneous Civil Proceedings) Rules 2010 141/2010 Magistrates' Court (Occupational Health and Safety) Rules 2005 59/2005 Magistrates' Court (Outworkers) Rules 2006 69/2006 Magistrates' Court (Personal Safety Intervention Orders) Rules 2011 96/2011 Magistrates' Court Authentication Rules 2011 58/2011 Magistrates' Court Criminal Procedure Rules 2009 181/2009 Magistrates' Court General Civil Procedure Rules 2010 140/2010 Magistrates' Court General Regulations 2011 55/2011 Major Crime (Investigative Powers) Regulations 2005 73/2005 Major Transport Projects Facilitation (Notification) Regulations 2013 130/2013 Marine (Domestic Commercial Vessel National Law Application) (Prescribed Information on Forms) Regulations 2013 100/2013 Marine (Drug, Alcohol and Pollution Control) Regulations 2012 46/2012 Marine Safety Regulations 2012 45/2012 Meat Industry Regulations 2005 49/2005 Melbourne City Link Regulations 2009 7/2009 Members of Parliament (Register of Interests) Regulations 2013 4/2013 Mental Health Regulations 2008 111/2008 Metropolitan Fire Brigades (Contributions) Regulations 2009 63/2009 Metropolitan Fire Brigades (General) Regulations 2005 132/2005 Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) (Extractive 3/2010 32 Statutory Rules Indexed Title SR. No. Industries) Regulations 2010 Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) (Mineral Industries) Regulations 2013 126/2013 Monetary Units Regulations 2004 88/2004 Motor Car Traders Regulations 2008 144/2008 N National Gas (Victoria) (Declared System Provisions) Regulations 2014 22/2014 National Parks Regulations 2013 115/2013 National Parks (Tour Operator Licence Fee) Regulations 2011 43/2011 Non-Emergency Patient Transport Regulations 2005 135/2005 O Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007 54/2007 Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Regulations 2011 153/2011 Owner Drivers and Forestry Contractors Regulations 2006 153/2006 Owners Corporations Regulations 2007 130/2007 P Parliamentary Committees Revocation Regulations 2013 85/2013 Parliamentary Salaries and Superannuation (Allowances) Regulations 2013 83/2013 Parliamentary Salaries and Superannuation (Provision of Motor Vehicles) Regulations 2013 84/2013 Parole Orders (Transfer) Regulations 2004 75/2004 Partnership (Fees) Regulations 2013 77/2013 Personal Safety Intervention Orders Regulations 2011 89/2011 Petroleum Regulations 2011 30/2011 Pipelines Regulations 2007 15/2007 Planning and Environment (Fees) Further Interim Regulations 2013 127/2013 Planning and Environment Regulations 2005 33/2005 Plant Biosecurity Regulations 2012 49/2012 Plumbing Regulations 2008 136/2008 Police Regulation (Agency Photographs Fees) Regulations 2009 92/2009 Police Regulation (Fees and Charges) Regulations 2013 162/2013 Police Regulations 2013 67/2013 Pollution of Waters by Oil and Noxious Substances Regulations 2012 7/2012 Port Management (Port of Melbourne Safety and Property) 115/2010 33 Statutory Rules Indexed Title SR. No. Regulations 2010 Port Management (Prescribed Bodies) Regulations 2012 124/2012 Port Services (Local Ports) Regulations 2004 81/2004 Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Domestic Fowl) Regulations 2006 143/2006 Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Regulations 2008 162/2008 Prisoners (Interstate Transfer) Regulations 2004 76/2004 Prisoners (Interstate Transfer) Regulations 2014 26/2014 Private Security Regulations 2005 77/2005 Professional Boxing and Combat Sports Regulations 2008 82/2008 Professional Standards Regulations 2007 122/2007 Property Law (Fees) Regulations 2004 115/2004 Protected Disclosure Regulations 2013 7/2013 Public Administration (Review of Actions) Regulations 2005 174/2005 Public Health and Wellbeing Regulations 2009 178/2009 Public Interest Monitor Regulations 2013 8/2013 Public Records Regulations 2013 139/2013 R Racing (Racing Integrity Assurance) Regulations 2010 12/2010 Racing (Specified Race-course) Regulations 2006 128/2006 Radiation Regulations 2007 89/2007 Rail Safety (Local Operations) Regulations 2006 96/2006 Rail Safety National Law (Limited Accreditation Exemptions) Regulations 2014 31/2014 Regional Growth Fund Regulations 2011 65/2011 Relationships (Fees) Regulations 2009 142/2009 Residential Tenancies (Caravan Parks and Movable Dwellings Registration and Standards) Regulations 2010 49/2010 Residential Tenancies (Rooming House Standards) Regulations 2012 17/2012 Residential Tenancies Regulations 2008 55/2008 Retail Leases Regulations 2013 41/2013 Retirement Villages (Contractual Arrangements) Regulations 2006 99/2006 Retirement Villages (Records and Notices) Regulations 2005 162/2005 Road Management (General) Regulations 2005 63/2005 Road Management (Works and Infrastructure) Regulations 2005 62/2005 Road Safety (Drivers) Regulations 2009 95/2009 Road Safety (Driving Instructors) Regulations 2010 9/2010 Road Safety (General) Regulations 2009 115/2009 34 Statutory Rules Indexed Title SR. No. Road Safety (Traffic Management) Regulations 2009 129/2009 Road Safety (Vehicles) Regulations 2009 118/2009 Road Safety Road Rules 2009 94/2009 Royal Botanic Gardens Regulations 2004 148/2004 Rural Finance Corporation of Victoria Regulations 2008 52/2008 S Safe Drinking Water Regulations 2005 88/2005 Sale of Land Regulations 2005 28/2005 Second-Hand Dealers and Pawnbrokers (Exemption) Regulations 2008 141/2008 Second-Hand Dealers and Pawnbrokers Regulations 2008 140/2008 Sentencing Regulations 2011 159/2011 Serious Sex Offenders (Detention and Supervision) Regulations 2009 187/2009 Severe Substance Dependence Treatment Regulations 2011 5/2011 Sex Offenders Registration Regulations 2004 121/2004 Sex Work (Fees) Regulations 2004 129/2004 Sex Work Regulations 2006 64/2006 Sheriff Regulations 2009 112/2009 State Superannuation (Revised Scheme Medical Classifications) Regulations 2009 57/2009 State Superannuation Regulations 2008 69/2008 Subdivision (Fees) Further Interim Regulations 2013 128/2013 Subdivision (Procedures) Regulations 2011 112/2011 Subdivision (Registrar's Fees) Regulations 2004 116/2004 Subdivision (Registrar's Requirements) Regulations 2011 111/2011 Subordinate Legislation (Legislative Instruments) Regulations 2011 52/2011 Subordinate Legislation Regulations 2004 91/2004 Supported Residential Services (Private Proprietors) Regulations 2012 61/2012 Supreme Court (Administration and Probate) Rules 2004 54/2004 Supreme Court (Administration and Probate) Rules 2014 10/2014 Supreme Court (Adoption) Rules 2005 133/2005 Supreme Court (Corporations) Rules 2013 112/2013 Supreme Court (Criminal Procedure) Rules 2008 12/2008 Supreme Court (Fees) Regulations 2012 145/2012 Supreme Court (General Civil Procedure) Rules 2005 148/2005 Supreme Court (Intellectual Property) Rules 2006 163/2006 Supreme Court (Miscellaneous Civil Proceedings) Rules 2008 94/2008 Supreme Court Admiralty Rules 2010 24/2010 35 Statutory Rules Indexed Title SR. No. Supreme Court Library Fund (Investment) Rules 2012 120/2012 Supreme Court Library Rules 2009 96/2009 Surveillance Devices Regulations 2006 73/2006 Survey Co-ordination Regulations 2014 39/2014 Surveying (Cadastral Surveys) Regulations 2005 56/2005 Surveying (Registration Fees) Regulations 2005 8/2005 Sustainable Forests (Timber Harvesting) Regulations 2006 84/2006 T Taxation Administration Regulations 2007 126/2007 Terrorism (Community Protection) (Chemicals and Substances) Regulations 2006 80/2006 Terrorism (Community Protection) (Prescribed Standards) Regulations 2007 81/2007 Tertiary Education (Fees) Regulations 2004 67/2004 Tobacco (Victorian Health Promotion Foundation) Regulations 2011 47/2011 Tobacco Regulations 2007 109/2007 Tourist and Heritage Railways Regulations 2011 102/2011 Transfer of Land (Fees) Regulations 2004 118/2004 Transfer of Land (General) Regulations 2004 37/2004 Transport (Conduct) Regulations 2005 69/2005 Transport (Infringements) Regulations 2010 4/2010 Transport (Passenger Vehicles) Regulations 2005 66/2005 Transport (Safety Schemes Compliance and Enforcement) (Infringements) Regulations 2014 32/2014 Transport (Taxi-cab Industry Accreditation) Regulations 2007 149/2007 Transport (Taxi-Cab Licences – Market and Trading) Regulations 2005 164/2005 Transport (Taxi-cab Network Service Provider Accreditation Exemptions) Regulations 2007 150/2007 Transport (Taxi-Cabs) Regulations 2005 67/2005 Transport (Ticketing) Regulations 2006 86/2006 Transport Accident (Administration of Charges) Regulations 2011 29/2011 Transport Accident (Impairment) Regulations 2010 31/2010 Transport Accident Regulations 2007 49/2007 Transport Integration (Public Transport Development Authority) (Transition Facilitation) Regulations 2012 21/2012 Transport Superannuation Regulations 2008 110/2008 Travel Agents Regulations 2007 137/2007 Treasury Corporation of Victoria (Prescribed Agencies) Regulations 2004 92/2004 36 Statutory Rules Indexed Title SR. No. Trustee Companies Regulations 2006 36/2006 U Unclaimed Money Regulations 2009 11/2009 V Valuation of Land (General and Supplementary Valuation) Regulations 2003 153/2003 Veterans (Patriotic Funds) Regulations 2008 19/2008 Veterinary Practice Regulations 2008 7/2008 Victims of Crime Assistance (Delegation) Regulations 2013 138/2013 Victims of Crime Assistance (Special Financial Assistance) Regulations 2011 145/2011 Victims of Crime Assistance Rules 2010 84/2010 Victoria State Emergency Service Regulations 2006 130/2006 Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (Fees) Regulations 2013 53/2013 Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (Oath and Affirmation of Office) Regulations 2013 45/2013 Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Rules 2008 65/2008 Victorian Energy Efficiency Target Regulations 2008 158/2008 Victorian Inspectorate Regulations 2013 6/2013 Victorian Plantations Corporation (Register of Plantation Licences) Regulations 2008 125/2008 W Water (Drillers' Licences) Regulations 2012 72/2012 Water (Lake Eildon Recreational Area) (Houseboats) Regulations 2013 60/2013 Water (Long Service Leave) Regulations 2011 79/2011 Water (Notice of Disposition of Land) Regulations 2010 72/2010 Water (Register of Interests) Regulations 2010 71/2010 Water (Resource Management) Regulations 2007 75/2007 Water (Subdivisional Easements and Reserves) Regulations 2011 13/2011 Water Industry (Waterways Land) Regulations 2013 25/2013 Water Industry Regulations 2006 159/2006 Wildlife (Game) Regulations 2012 99/2012 Wildlife (Marine Mammals) Regulations 2009 143/2009 Wildlife (State Game Reserve) Regulations 2004 147/2004 Wildlife (Tour Operator Licence Fee) Regulations 2011 44/2011 Wildlife Regulations 2013 64/2013 37 Statutory Rules Indexed Title SR. No. Workplace Injury Rehabilitation and Compensation Regulations 2014 41/2014 Working with Children Regulations 2006 29/2006 Wrongs (Part VB) (Dust and Tobacco-Related Claims) Regulations 2006 47/2006 Wrongs (Part VBA Claims) Regulations 2005 27/2005 38