Download Kenmore 580.76081 User's Manual
Owner'S Manua_ Manual del Propietario ROOM AiR CONDm ACOND_CIONADOR DE AIRE DE VENTANA Mode_, Mode_o 580.76081 Distributed by Sea_, Roebuok and Co,, H _osea_,oom an Es_tes, IL 6017g TABLE OF CONTENTS .............. WARRANTY 2 ................................................... 2 SAFETY 3 _mpo_ant Ssfety Instructiens Featur._s ................................... I0 Usn 9 t_® Ar Conditioner ,10 Disp ay .............................................. 11 Remote Cor_t_o 12 3 MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL _NSTALUNG REQUREMENTS TNE POWER ....... 4 CORD .... 4 _NSTALLATi©N 5 ns chat o_1Requiremer_ts 13 ArFt÷rCeanng Ar Car' didoner 13 Cieaning ........................... t3 Bow to Remove the Freni Gre 6 How to nsta 6 Removal from,a 8 OPERatiON TROUBLESHOOTING ..................... I4 9 9 No,me Sou ds 9 MASTER PROTECTION AGREEMENTS Capacity and R_Jnning Tree ................... g SERVICE FULL 'ONE YEAR WARRANTY ROOM AIR CONDiTiONER ON FO_e ey_8 f_cr_ithe area, f purchase who t is ai_"cared :o ers eper ted and ma rqa r_ed fat nerm;B _9o_T'oat,/r_g acc_srdi% le the _r_strucliens iethS ,s_mer'e menus Sears wi r@®r ths s_r cors@[_ener, free of charge if defeet;v rne e#e or workmar'_eh # FULL FIVE-YEAR WARRANTY 0#4 SEALED REFRIGERATION SYSTEM _or five yaars from typedata of purchase when _hs sr tend tlena_ pe_a ed ar_d ma r_ta qed for aeo_ 14 Be_o_e Cal ir_g ForSewc÷ ..................... HOw an Why .................. room !3 5 nS_a/la_on ............................................. I'_arf_}al ................ (sg accord ng to l_fsa ss r%,ctietss r this av,,ne_s r_,artua Sears'_!l repair he soled refr_gersSo_'ssystem {consist ng o_ re rge@n oennec_i g ub;_g, ad compressor), free of charge defe¢_v@ n matera or ,_,,_or_,:_sanship, NUMBERS so ........... Back Cov÷_ WARRANTY SSRV_C_ _S AVAILABLE CONTACT NG SBARS SER'ViC_ AT BY Wa _art2 caT®re;go appl ice ,_,',,_,_,__,_co d t orders used for emcom_¢_ereal praa_e hausehad purpasea The _;arranl apples only we uae _'_t_}e U tee States ha y,re,Suct s h T'_s ,,#arrsnty g ,cos you speofi¢ ega/ri@°_ s and yo may a/ss ha,co ohe_ ri9 ,,,,,hiehray from state te state Dlst_buted by Sea_, Roebuck and Co. Ho_an Estates, JL 60179 I PORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS The safety ms r_._#stK}F_s betew ,_,a te_ you how _o se y'ou_ room at damage 1oyet ROOM AIR COND TONER o_di one_ _.aeyed harm te you self or Aved _e hazard o_ e as'Iris a see:k. Do sot use an extension card o an adapter pug Do set remove asy prong from the pews core. FOR YOUR SAFETY Do so sto_e o_ use gess ne or o_er flarrm' abe vapors and ::suds in _horio n ty of ths Or any o_he applaa_ce, Road p_@u_ iobes Ier fiammabi ty and PREVENT ACCIDENTS To _educ® t_e risk of fro o octdeal shock o inury to pe_soas when usr_g you_ ar condii one _!o_cw base precouio s r_c:cling the foiow n_; Be sa/_etee ectr ca! sam€ice s adequate for the mode you have ohesee f the e sonar oner S to be _ssta ed n a vdndov_, yes wi prebab y wan;l to oteas bo_h sdes of the gasS _st the wndow s a _ip_e-backtype with a _sreen pane i_scuded, you may want to remove the screen comp!e_ely be_o_e insta lotion @e_nd prong cod oBe s_re !_e ar co dit oner has b®e_ aecoreb/and certes y nSSaSed actor@rig to the sepa a e esta lot cn ns rust one ptoqd®d witt_ des masua Sase ths sanuai and nsta_tat on ns uoaons for passible future use n "emovin 9 o_ _oinsta [ _g th_s U_t, ENERGY SAVING IDEAS , The c_#,scity o the room ar _','snd one must fit the _aom sse for stricken ar_ sat s_actory o Use goves ,0_,.'hen har, d :rig the at cendi_ e_e Be oa_e_u to eyed ouls fisem sap mete fins on lrolt arid rear eels. salttherooma_candtionero hash dyads of'your ome A _qndow 8%4 _aoes no_ i boat because t s Shaded most o he _e:y. Do not bits k ar con_ti_ner flow nside wilh birds euaairrs, o us ure e_ o_£oide wth:shr bs, er_c[osuree or ocher buldi gs _LBCTR_CAL _NFORMATtON _r OeC COleti_igofyour_ew_o®F co_d 8one s sta_ed on he seral pike Reler to the _'ating when cheoki% 8'_eelec_ ca _qsiromen_s ,, Csse the Soar and wail rag stern sac the irexp_ace damps so coo sr d@ooT_otoscae u_ _he rite the duct work, Be sure the a_ oond:t oner s pe_o_ 7 greunded_ To mnmze shock a_d fire hazards p_epe_ 9ro nd}n_ s i po_t,s_':,The pews cord s oq p@edwit's a _h_seoprang ground ng pug tar p_'oteobo ago s sock hazards. Keepb ds and drapes otherw dowsdssed dbrng the s nnest pail; of _he day. C}ean the air tier as recommended n the MA I"._TENANCE section e_ hs mar;uaL Your ar cendtene m at be pluggo_ n_e _s o prosody grounded well _'ecep_a o t the wall _ecepSac e you ntehd _e so is re adog atoy g_susdod or protected by a timedeay fuse o o:rcuit _beaker have o qua_ed o setdoar '_stal the p_ape receptacle Pra#e na laban or'_dweatAet strip#sng n you home wil ":ep _eop ,_uarmair ®u a_d ese ar in , Ex_oma _,::use shading wth t_ees, pants or owe ngs vu,{Ihelp redes tear eendit asses work earl '_ Do ot run a condtone_with a pro_ec ve eoo,/edn9 Ths eeud resu!t in mechan ca! damage withiA he a:r conditioner. Operale heat peduc_ng app anses s_._chas ranges wa he_s, dryers, and d shv,'ashe_s d the ceoes pats c_he day. De eel uae am e_te_8_on ee_d o_ am odap_e_ _3- ng OBSERVE ALL LOCAL CODES AND ORDINANCES, RECOMMENDED DO NOT UNDER ANY C/RCU_ST,ANCES, REMOVE THE POWER SUPPLY CORD GRO#ND PRONG_ ELECTR}CAL GROUND TH_S A_PUANCE iS REQURED ON A 250 vet ,50 Nz, AC or!y 20A Fused and properly g_'our deal electrical suppy s equired. A time delay fuse or tree deJey e[cut breake[ s recommended Use a deal ca_ed circe t sem/sg ony hs appisnce GROUNDING METHOD For you pe sor_a! s,afetv this ap_siance must be g_OLsded_ This appi a c÷ has a power s ppy oct8 w{h a3-p@_g goending plug To m nimiz® pose b!e ShOCkhazsrd_ the cord ross{ be p ugg®d s® a mstng grounding type we/, _'®cept8¢e and grounded n aece dance ¢_tf_ _h® NSl era £ectdca Code (ANSI/NFPA 70) iat®s[ e@to and al loea codes a_r'w] o_dinanees a rasing wa 6¢®ptace s not ave abe i s the p®_sosa! respossib {ity and ob get os of the customer o hav'e a proper y grousded 3prong _a eoep_acse heisted by a DO NOT USE AN EXTENSION CORD° 230V, Pew6 eo_xJr_sy i e_;oe a ¢uramt irt® rupte de'dc_,. 4 tss a_>sreset bu tc_'_s # ended on h@ ..... / f:4u case Tb,e d_,_.,ta shssd e Scscd es s pe iOd_C_;,ISiSby _S! #_;SS r'@tle TIIT butoq andln _ heRB8 t b _e*' Jt heTBSTi;,!tlcm q_ da®_ o i: po_ _lbe_ engage, S_Wbsflel_','d rso 8y d:scon ;n _e use of the ar cc¢,dil one an{_ coRta_st_ qaa Ied eer,o6c@tec_r}cian HOT_ T_-e suape ,_£_, be _t_eren Use Wall R®cep @_ ii I ' cole ,4 3-!ii acoe_@ng to s Powe _r'_odeL S_,ppy ................................ $ L............................................................... 14@5¢ d_,¢ts S4,_4da:_8£CV, 10 L P, { ,)1 bf®_,k¢tr }ec_ricai 1_,;< 2XL' AC 3*AK+ Ou,_¢; i g ................... _ I;_gAi:£Ud AC bet:woes Sock 6szaKS Piu_ i_o ;s g oun_3ed 3 p®isg e_, ':eL Do ns8 _a,move gout@ p crag, DO sO use an 888pt@r, DO nO use at, e_tens o8 cord Fa;ure efee','/ese irs_ttuctons cs,n resui death fte or e eel;reel shoe!< {i,is,_da d :2eL;F, You c_.n cheese ........ Ir_;nI_rl f @l_i#ite_:, USING .,..L,.! _,_#oreel ode bebw aocerdia SILK 'A" ase_,tf_e steppe usi g sores'lele ee Ir_e pe,_er cord ts_e 9h ell "A'L 9 to your ,Mndcw US}NG and eed $LT see! shape ad 1_ ¢ ferente B ' Fasten i:r_e st.oppe using Jet screw _ole, asd o_ate [_repe6y t,o cad the owe: cord out hreuOh el _B" ................. L:;:; ......I ....... cord _: IN:STALLATION REQUREMENTS :NSTALLAT':ON NARDWAR: Your s es#dicne_ ;r_[ r:[e £4andar_J double :_% w_ndows¢,dIh;,:Clue¢[8,'_r@ening wi_'_:ssf 23 s 36 _ches (_X:r:@ _e914sm} (SG • L®we sssb mus_ open suffic ent/y to a ici_,,a sea vedicat opehng o 15 nches (38sr_m) 8de severs asd the _sar o yse air cosd£ ener mu{_t have sear a_ space to a ie,_ienough a_{ow though _he condenser fist hea remora, The rear o the unit rr_,S :be e_ dsors net _'ide a b@tdn_ o_ garage. ,] ................. 8An ] ........ V 'dov_ ::............ Off:el .......}_, 8ii FiG 2 ELECTRICAL SARV_CB CheCk your avsik@ e e ectdcal sewice The pewer puppy a,/a lab e '_'_us be the same as ths_ shoran Oa the Jn _arnep a e (fend on right side ot ca net,_ At made_s are equ p;_ed with a 5 prong serv ce p_dg to proqde proper serv oe sad safe _os ve ground 8g Do not change 9_s9a any way Do not use an edac£er 9ug f yes present wal outlet does net m_/:sh yo_,, pug, ca/a qua iJied ,@ectrioian 1o mae the neoessa y co rect ons SAVE CARTON end _;hs OWNE:R S MA#. UAL fo _uture _efe_ehse. The eaen iS the be_I way to s_ore unit durin 9 writer o_'when no_ inuse NAM_ OF _ARTS QiTY A B SDE CURI?? N SILL SUPPORT 2 2 C BOLT 2 D LOCK NUT SCRE'W: 25/64 _' 2 13 ............ _ SCREW _i8" G ......... SCREWs £8' S 5 FOAM STRAP : : FOAM SEAL , L BRACKET 1 R 8@ U_RED TOOLS: T@ht P_lir;g !o've:s , Standard s r_,,drive_ Ph_Fsseev_ rive_' , Ple:s Sharp kne ,378_ rich open end wrcnCh 0 aqusiab e ',,,o,_e_,@ • 'l,_, rteh hex SoCket asd _alchet 8 erstr cdl 1i4-neh d: _5_ bit , _e ?ck a oca£icn e_hich_,_ii alov_ you to biow _xhecold a_ so !he area ycu e/ant Windows ,_a@8fa _s_a/e @'_mLs be st_'o g e_'_osgbte s_@pe4 _he weghi elthea cen@itbner Good ns'!aatosw h spade atter_t oe to the _ope_ position el the u wll asset" he chance :ha_ sew[ca wII be needed. 4Se .,/ ..... I_ _,. :>-. X.. -..,. -:..., .z # the a# eo_dit_o_e_ _s blocked by a s_o_m window _ame, see step !9 o_ page 8 be_o_e _ Remove the or®we whch tas_ n _he cab nei a_ beth sales ad a_the bacX. Save ad® sarews D sc_rd back screw . % ',-// ...... "' .... ...... ,..... , ._....<::<,..,.. : WheF_ oe<x 9meret_anone_'eom, nasa on ocatiart s re%/ mpoxa _To c®e >_ur _eema, cod a m,aslbe bow fern he air condi!o e_ r_ HOW TO INSTALL •?,,n.. _Ope 8q window, Ma:_ a [neen w[sdow inne_ si caper o_the Care_ulSypace the cabinet en the w nde'¢,,issue s[_ and algn the center of cabinet front v_h t_e <'crater Ir_e marked n the wrdow irma si ! _.:t:<;i_-." ,.._jJ RG. 7 Psi{ the boto_ v0*ndew sash _dthe H S_e base p cabinet fh_ ._ out af the C_@matb_ 9 pping tw_rd e a_d pul fo_waK_ e b_ang NOT_; Oa r@ pu th,e v_isdo_*,sash _ewn_ so,igh_y tha_tbem@,.eroe o sdecsranis_ea_ced F_G. 8 _Lr,es_ asse¢rb[ethesl pa¢Isin FG g, FiG. 5 ......e_ s@ 5"£ s e<:_ein(!T_rls J poets using he ..................................................... p "tu'_a !_,©00 R .......... %, _-,£. JU, uO R ino eu_,pe_ /T_MDI _;ide and o,_'e!' _ide a,fha a tend[toner. Fasten the cs£aiss qs _heun v{lh scre_S (}T'EM El _G _6 o 9 _Selct nspostio thatwllpacelesl s ppo s nee' he oufermos_ _oir_ on 5B {FIG, 18), A_sCr_the s_l supper_s to e cannel 'rack hoe C0Se5_to _he selected posi_ of_ usrg _ a' TmB E C' _Pace :he sii suppo ',q dew s l'e sgh (FG s wththe ff oabi e on he ssJeeC(edpesitels cab no1:sPoud be insta{led wth a _ery (about/4} 11), Be sure lo ise_1 the drab_ p:pe nto base pan bolero instaSaties T eaircend_onerm,s beinst edwthas_ghtti (/4'} downw_ d _®_he o_s de prose:_dra nags d excess co @s_'sedwater thr@sgh 1he drap ppe, (FIG. sS) downwa_8 sward _he outside A_just the be'is nd the ca_a'_et the r_,_s el sl suppo s to love _Go i5 FIG, 1t _Side h<'; cPassS ;)rite h¢ c._sbkset FG 16) CA_TiON: or so@Jrty p_; pOSeS, re r:sial sde 9sret,us you em@_ed in Step 1 _ Atsa._h' _ _he cabinet to the Lnner st by dr °ir_g the scre_s, ! E_ F] through the .,0'_,®_GudS ¢tO the wndow nner (FG, i2} j,<, #tS,_d2>'"}b,_ d " _ck Ssraw 4 i ,,,.:_;47 : N Pul eacb:sidec_ Ataeh eac:,s s de c£ain ,_,_ TEM F a':filty to te oeachsdeof _, ndow sash ssing Jo'we:_vrdov sas. (FGo '_.... FiG. 16 _ FRONT iNSTALLATION nst_ the_enlgr {packed sepeeta!y} antethe cabn®Iasfoiowa {oakuppertabsofrestg leintos}oso_'_ the cabmet top {FIG 9} Rushran gAesips rewards theeabre_;norder _osapsdeebsintotbecabne_ !FG 19} Open he inet gnle (FIG, 20} +hq_Ia 1he serew {iTEM _} through t_qefmPt _!'ie (FG 20) Coseinet@_iie FG 21} {L Sz_RAHCE " i!li: _i !i! i} _ii Frsn nstesles iFIG° 12 !ill REMOVAL NG, 19 FROM WINDOW %jrnc,fi eric uW;!U the e_rerrdr o,'_e. Remove he re< gNe See HOW TO REMOVE THE FHON'? GR =L.B Refer b page 3 U_serew he_do cows 1hetyos_ _lse4 <: S:ep 15, o 8hde he a_ s_d t e_er oul of _he<;anrmt, B CAF_EFULf<O?TO DROP T. Hc;d ar:l: t f_rmiy8be €'hoe way sd ou_ Once removed set 7.safey <mr , Ae@cve 1be£ back(d: from ',,indc-t0 fsme end the sash sea fern b®'_,,eenhewtndows oUnas e'_,,!_e sde 8mains from the ',,,,nd¢_/lame Fold hem back S the Sales o_he cab r:e Ran<re scie_s art chit_gcabinet _ hhe sd Be cereu nol !olet Cab¢}e'{al o¢<e screws ate ÷mov6_ , Remev÷ cab net from e_ndcw ape _ing_ , Pace air car@ one€eta sabine: Re nrds sde 'sCrewS and F_onl G le, P_eceun ard ali assemb y £sro,_,'aron axrcer',dto,so ssppr;g ceo's and sickle e Cieen @7 slate o Ar eondi_ionerscovered in _:hiSmarius pose an excess v®weieht hazmd, i%o'O or men people a_,eneeded o @@,,ean:dnstai tee unt To paves @uy o etsn use #re.per ifJng and car(de9teen queswhe mev}g r:, Whashandln_thearoond_ane bosses! o avoid cuts from sham mete fine e_ f<e£tef,sd ee co;s, ° Make SUrea condit oner does net fel durng ressova, @_P AIR CONDITIONER _S BLOC:KED BY 5TOR_ WINDOW FRA#_E I ete.m-_wines p'esents inteff®rece fasle_ a 2' wde weed _s:_pto Ihe nor window across the ;..I wdth el _e 5il, The wood strip shoud be tqc_; e caQhte asetheheghtd ewndcws! se hat the , r it cart be i aedwithOUt_nie_e_er:cefromthe the s_em _,vir_dew9ame. See FIG 22. -8- NOW AND WHY You' room a co_dt ener p_®vdes the _ciews 9 unctions te make et weather ,eng mo_e comforsbSe: o Cools a 8c_8uates cot't'prssso¢ 'nay qe%ee hgh o chedhum® pulsetn_ nose h_,_Iyoer_oeandef, sam ai_ o Lowers tamsid y by removing exsess mosL re F_ers e@ts_Jmme£irse dus airborne mpu es ii i drt and sor_e ThearoendSoqe p rfoms_hesefuncionsby dr_® n9 vsem ar through a filter whet traps @Jet ad dd particles, The air then passes ova coe_ ng es wh h refrigerates _he air and _÷moves excess moistus T_e same air s then fetunsed 1o the _oom-eooe_, alder and ties;no Most_,_re remeved fern the rusm a_ s carded to the outs de a_d evaporated "You may hear ar mevemert ram the %e Your aJ 8ondtione! is designed to be ca%, o operate and to provide pieety of ea@ng power NORMAL SOUNDS £s Asd®from ha_ ularfas_ r @s andcom russet soer,_ds ¢mn 9 fr®m you_ a_ send 8ore_ you w_! or_eeif_ a _,,h e hea a p n#ing sound, Ths s the resu_ o_ mostu e ben_ picked t@ f_om the e in the room ard thrown e#ainst the a c_ndtie e s fan, This s normal a_sdshoud sot be cause fe_ concern Ass, do st t',',eaa m;ed £ yes ee a signet hissn 9 o gurel n9 sound comng f@m yo_,r a__oend t one_ afro t s eft Tsese a_e _o_ma eeeaJs noises You nay hear dmpSe_sof water hitling the condenser sauS e_ a ping r,g o_' e! eking sound_ CAPAC Tiy AND RUNNING TIME Prope_ ur,¢ sze e impotent _s de@dn 9 he des _ed caroled fer the a@a you wan_ to cool The poser sine s determ ned by tee number o_ sqaare feet n the area to be cooled indoor and outdoor Iempe_a_u_e sad numdy Wh®neve e heat or humidity sad s abe,o'e norms the er send tiorie must run longer and moo cries to keep @e des;red temperature _eu have se oct@ Usderhesvyheat oadeond ie s eereondtioner may need Io runee_i_stanty to ezep tf_e tempe_at_J_e yOUwar_' A bm_S S'y_ he ME© FAN Sef.!_g tO a rcu ate tr,e room at may rnae t som_sr[able ever faugh the ai she _,engcooed Thsw de reassyour est due o9 _ USING THE CONDiTiONER Tore uoe_he sko e e eC rl_.; shock or ,qcry _o persons read the _T,po_ant SAtieTY st'ue_oss aesop betoe operetn this To begi_ e_era£_sg the e_t @®ad tioset nstaHa_ior_ follow these sleds: s_et I Pug isthe e: cor_itiener To proven eec ca hazards, do ot _:se an exter_sien co;d or a__ 2 Set the exsaus/_ yen to the CLOSE pos ioe, 8 Set the TIRs::' Cent@ to the coo esSseSg 4 So,_#e MODe cenlro e the h ghost COO_,, levis 5, Aqus _he to av,erster oemto£aS ear f!ow_ 6 Ones _t_eroom @ cooed, adust the TEMP and Mode Co ral otheseth_gye_fndmost eer'rdortabie, NOT8 : If I/'e a eo_sditiener s t _ed e_, wai 3 m nutes befo'e #sets i _9_Th: tows p_as r÷ inside the cs_v,preeso bs squeeze Faibre o wet 3 mrsutes befo'e rests!fig may cause i_elf c er_ ope aria you move tee TBMP Cos_rel o a wa'msr tses immediately ec to a soo_e seting theu_'i wl shut oil Wet 3 mn{£es bdo_e esta8 9 1_Cab net 2 Ve$oa Ar Dbeci o£ Louvers 3 Hsdzo,qta Air ODect;or_Lo vet's 4 inlet Gdie 5 A)r £!ter 6 FOFx!Gri_e 7 Coat,el Pane 8, P@/_erCord 1@,Condo se 13, Brace 14. U;_per Gude 15, tecta _-s t6 Remote Costre VENT CONTROL The Venl Co ire aows _hear c n,,d!:e_er e eitker eo@uat® nsSe sr (CLOSE} @-ex_@, s_ air Is 8he out€ de (OPEN) (F!G, 25} , The CLOSE pet tton USed whe_ me×imum ceoirtg sd_sked t mayaso be sod fo ai! red_cu atio¢_wthout _xs_ 9 v_he Ihe e_ cor_dtor_er ase in _e _AN _ost_on, The OPEt pes t}an _emoves stele air rein the room sad exhauss ! to the ou%de Fhesh s}_ s drawn r_e te seem _hreugh yo_ horses erm8 ssr #s_esages The OPeN or CIo,,OSBisositien ce_ be used 'with _ULL OPEN / PUSH CLOSE -O o sr_ is ,ff Truersets _sabe cf he_rs bdere _sni_ starS. 8,/e@'#@ yo. _c;_T _r_er tutors a@a cos ne ime_ seSin;;asfc oas' i H:or _ 2 Hears ........... 12 Hous _a:irru_i ....MODE - dyeD, me Wu pus'_ this busch o ENERGY SAVER: wi! Sh among COOL ENERGY SAV R arid FAN ,,The sq ste#_ when the compressor Steps Soo ing. ABp_s:×mate y e_@ry3 mrutes he fan w!l los Or_and check the reom ar to deqe_m s® n,eeded coos s _,e ; the u,_ t ,runs as prev ous seAt/leg opetadon _OR_ZONTAL AIR D_R_CT_©N CONTROL ?he/'_o_izo a ar d_ec en is ad?Jsksdy s£w__ he ,,_e_ _cal /e_sve_-a h arc ¢ _,,Ii'sys,._f n er%_:_. {FG. 28} .,<<;3; " ; ,-%9 /d J:¢' V_RT[CAL AIR D RECTiON CONTROL %e ,_e_tca a e¢_et_is adt_sl.edtN m,s_ingt_e #odzo._a_ ouve/s @ and de_q v_ilhl_ou S%e_t_s. (FIG 27 REMOTE CONTROL NOTE The Rer_ot® Controi wi r_,etssese pFor;,erly ! st_,srs99hi shnes or' the ser_sor wnew Con@i_o,_® r here are obstacles betv_'een 1he Remote Co'!rol a_sdhe A Cor_d_ione_q Eveo' tree you pus_ buttes, you wi heaFs [see# Item _h8 Air Conditioner - Eve9 :_m yo_ push h B',_£F<_YSAV i:_ bJ,i_'_@_' of 1he A_ t Wi shift amO% COOL, ENERGY SAVER sr'_dFAN ', ?be a_ stops ,A'heethe eempresso sS:epseoe[s 9 Approx male y ever}: 3 m_ u ¢s9t_e [a_ vAi tun Or and be¢.k the ,_oomt HOW TO tNSERT BATTERIES e de m_ineI coc_% is seeded. NTO REMOTE CONTROL 1. Re#eve th eo_,'e em the _.ek o'_fi'e emeIe cor'_o e. , Ope_ 1heeve s!:cGtdr_go !he am:;r_v di ®d:e or_ he 2 r_sed S_s balser_eS. oBe sure hat the I/} nd (-} di e@o_ a_; :.e,red. • Be st_rehat box ba_ter4esre r_es,_ 3 Re,.a e_Pxthe cove: - 12 Do cot use eehatgeabl¢ ba_teres Sue' ba e_es dff÷r f_omstandard @'yeels n shaBe @m®_ebnS a_sdpe£o mas£e_ Reosovehe ease es from he @meIs cc_s ole _he a co_d c,re _i_t_ot goBg _obe use:; fo_ an e:_te_'%ed e%d_ of tin. AiR F_LTER CLEANING HoiW The A F_.e ,_,!1beams d_y as I _e_ eves dual: _rc_mthe _qsd8 at. It heud he washed at east eve_,y2 _ueeks f he Ar F!ter romans fu of tit's the ar ibv_ _,_il decrease as8 tl'_eosoaing t:rspacl,y wl be eduoed possiby damaging _he us( TO REMOVE o Oper_ tve 'st THE FRONTGRILLE 9rile dow,_y,_va_C , Remove the, scre,_, seoudn 9 he Front G_Be, , P s'sthe 9 _e c from/?to ot_:_mand p thetup oFthe 9ds away I?om he ease to the lop: :abs out of thor sots, ,Pu the cletgiefopward graspn 9both abs, _henpuiiou_thea fite__ ( G 28} Wash the A F e_"_der the aaoeT, vo4hwarm waer Be su,'e _o shake oFFal lhe _ate _bed.are _epscng ha _i_,e, {FIG,29} F_G, 5t AIR CONDiTiONER NOW TO REPLACE FRONT GRILLE CLEANING Cean _h fiat4 9_ile and nlet gfib_bywipr,g c_ohdampe_e r_am dde_8_g@_t sOl,tOn w h a _G3 THE Attach Ihe rent gdie !o 8he cabinet by :,nse£ ny _he tabs nthegr e to thesiotson he frontofthe cabinet P_,st he g_He n unti_ t snaps into pace, 'the cab m_t my be washed '¢dt!_md soap o do<ergo t arid u_:e'wa_m '_ate& then pal shed wth _e ensu_s_ceslinued peak eMc ency_ he cor_dense{ cob(outdOorS esttheunit sheudbec ecked perk>J ca y end ceased I toy be,saree cogged with, S{xst o d_ ff_:;m he atmasphefe Brush o_ vec_um exede toe o _emeve debts f_on' fins ( _'%_,__ii/_ } _., S '¸¸ F_G.32 F_G -13 BEFORE CALLING FOR SERVICE C} e_b_ .... t e _,[o _! td" S_e a s_i_ ',_, ,, _eB, yOL evcd an um]e_d{;,d service s/ : ..... P:__al _, m_c¢_:<;_'v_,.,_ quick refe_e_ce to 1;qs m_r_ 1_' me' THE A_R CONDWiONER W_LL NOT ORERATE_ Check if Then.. _'cdq_j [_, !T}' nix; ,,? o4t. Houee iuse b o_,,,_; of c rc t break÷rS_s_ d %tecter'{rt_y_cpTerd vieelst_ed Ptess_;_ RES£Tbuton}ocaledopbse#swe'co # e RESEiT buiort ,s sly®_gaqed dss>nt'4_e_se a r'ccadB o_s(_rasd co sta£{ s o _e _a ied sew_{;e se@t_ciaa AiR FROM UNiT #089 NOT FEEL COLD ENOUGH° Check _:. Then A_rdis _ibxo_: s r÷srSc1÷4 Dotes, e ;'@_n¢,_ sers, eft cgeq. C_S _1_' ess_.p6¢ TB_ A_R CONDItIONeR Che_:;k _f., O_£sd TURNS ON AND _'umpesaura b u£remeJy "or C_as÷do_x's,w,r_do,_,,s, "_:¢s s est. OFF RAPIDLY Then Set FAe_SPEED of H 1,r: , LEt _;'_ ar _/s! e,:'<iru; COS f_/s:e_ NOISZ WHEN UNiT 18 COOUNG, Check i_.... Then... WATER DR_PP_NG _N$_DA ROOM WHeN Check f_,o WATER DRIPPING Check _f.o OUTS_D_ UNiT IS COOUNG, The_ siccondI_or_ s#h_ o 1he8_;s@ to a;s_,*, v, e d_r:a e, Rder c _ rslz a of F: ctc s !:_che,A vXl:q_ssde, " WREN UNiT _$ COOLING, The_ INDICE DE MATERtAB I5 GARANT_A 5 SEGUR DAD ........................................... !B Carat e2sticas 22 Use del equipo de ai@ asor_dic onado .23 Im od.an_ss r_s_cciones de segu4dad ..... 16 RSQUSR_BNBNTOS BLECTB_CO8 17 /NBTALA@BNBEL CABLE ELEBTB1CA /NSTALAC_BN 17 18 D®sp e]ue ................................... Co'_t o ten o_o MANTEN£'AIENTO Limp®z de ........................................ ft_odei air 26 .............. 26 L mpi_sz8e:d e_uiBo de a_'e Ubsrd conado '-26 C0mo a rei lla ffortal ................ 26 _.srno 8 tee Tx)tsza e sriie aRtero¢ ...... 26 Req ler_i®r_tos pate ]staac6p 8 {nsbfl aci6 ..................................... 9 CORRBCCION nsla/ado ...........................................9 La®mnacondei 24 25 DE FALLAS ................. 27 Aqes de Ya?'_ar parssx_wcio.................. 27 ventana ...................21 ACUSRDOS DE PROTBCCION ...................................................... 22 ESPECIAL{ZADA ...................................... 30 C,_mo y po que 22 So_l dos _o m_ oe 22 PARA PEDIR SERViCIO ...... C_.bie ,aT ssera OPBRACI_N Capac dad y tempo de fbac O!"_ame?io ,,22 GARANTiA DE UN ANO PeR EL EQU_PO DE AI}R:E:ACOND_CiONADO DE HABITACtON Durar_.le ;n a_:_ecomp ere a _s{_£r de/a feCP_{_ de comp_a s eta ÷qu o de air8 _.co_'d8io,sado recibe mar_tenme_toyse :i spara®lenfiame_o norm de h_>_SBsciSn sees as nsr_ccon®s isdc,sdas en es_e '_anua d@ prop etado Seas epa_aigateiiameneeseeiu ode a e asonO eiossdo s i. ene slgon deleclc e_xmateria/es e fabr cac @s GARANTiA TOTAL DE CINCO A_4OS POR 8L $1STBMA DE R:SFRIGBRACION HERNETICANENTE S_LLADO Durante once s_es a psdi de/a fecha de compr_ s ese equpe de _e asend oonado tedbe ma_:_esSmesgysest{zaT4m_e en smeno r'o_ms de hsb tacid_s segOn/as sst_'ucc ones nd cgsdss eH ese manua de pro_ e',:£_o_ Seas _epara_s_£ _ ate.itamecte el s sterna d÷ r I 9eradB'n t_en's@oame'se selado ({suecxsesisteen el a{jur_te _ef !_e_a_teos/>0o_deccne i nyo Com_es0_} si tee _;_Sr 4deco ® m_ et a e_:_. e f.:_i:¢ c_aeOr, 2L 92R'VIC_O D_ GARANTiA _S D_SPON_BL8 CONTACTAN#O AL SBRV_C_O SIARS AL 1=800-4-MY°HOM8 +' Ls preteccioP de Qaranta cubre un c'amer,!e a hess eq iposdea_ acel_,dicien_s o uS dis!I[ uSo domestico y se as_ use co s_,serC:al 8st_s 9atast _ solo Ssse vadez m enirss e _oducto se est_ (_Sar'_ Jr)et"es _stad, e5 U_ dos, Estaga_a t Aedadeechoslegaesespecffcosy usted _._ede tenet owes de_'echo que vsr_a¢ de estado e_' estado D_stibuted by ;_a_, R_bu_ Ho_a_ 8s_es, IL 60179 - 15 - a_d Oo. MPORTANTE$ NSTRUCCMONES DE SEGUR DAD .as s_uentes instrucc or es de se_uridad e nd s&_Ancorns sa 5u ,q@po de airs send s;or;ado de ¢abiSic 6s pa_s evils dano_ pars usted m S_/r_O y _sarasu 8QBPO ©8 ARC ACO_,,SOC ONA©O predL_sLesa_a .'er Si cO ti® ®_s[_dve£eneb;_ssobe e ear,_eser isfamsbe de os msmos y otas salve:dens as PARA PRCVENiR aCCiDCNTC$ Parate ere resgs e rcenr4c$ dsscargas elebs!reaso es or;es persesales a usa su equpo de a'e ssondc®eado sine as p_ecasc4eses b&scas, ere #asque s_,i ias s@uie_e_t il ',/re e; 5@Sre_de _sssrds y e_srgas s_xrcas Heuse un csbe@ es_4sas@n_us ensb;÷sad_ads_ Hs @rose a_t%a de t_s 8spigas 5÷;en_?su÷ d_#os,86s ce a_meaado e ec_ksa Toms. de co_ enle de paed con C© ex Cabs de a *qeritaC 6_ B a 8eF_a a de,lads de COl%ex r 8 ter&s de 3 te_m naes. S e equpo de are asonCicionado debe nS a a_Se err una ventans a usted probab!eme tee corn/ene in-pier p_'mete ambos lades de vdio. Si a ventana eS eel Spo de @s pane es sen ss Fssne indudo de pan,alia e cow erie saca_ a ventsaa sempte_amsnte an_eS de a nsbsac 6n AsegC@se @eqt;e e equpode a e aoondaciesado ha sd ssSado coffees:ames e y con Segsr_dad segon se se@ala err las ns:txuc:cio:ses sepa arias de instalacon q_@ venen en este m ac_s_aq Conserve este menus y as inst_ucciones de r,s_:aac 6n esaa usariss pesib!eme#te ep e! _eturo al sacar e rose s ics£a_a_esa ss Ca@. • Use gusntes a manes el exqupc de a/_s osse pe ses frentales y p@_ter,ores _NFORMA@ON ELECTR_CA £n a pace _e sere de fsb#satxte se ndiea c,_H es esta _3tac8 sua_s@ovaya a ver_;oar ?05'eqt_e_!rn es has A_g@_ss de Le e_ sqd@o de airs ssop,@cor ad® _..;_s eoch@e d8 tree @apigasco8 c@-;®x:6n a er:_a pa'a p_@egerqe @;e e%os de eases ss @@:/_ncss Su eq i_:ode ar_÷a4'osd£ioqade @be e_ch_sbse en us_edp e%ssa _r no eS£_;c seli-ect£pse!s%e & qerrs e so ®etalwotegida @n u_ _s_be ee acd@' No ps%a s Iunc e.'ss e/eqs_pe _ aideaooncic_sns@ _:m un_ s:.iss£s _xe esters ex_ }o_en@na Esto podda scasksnar dsC_ssrn_,&,_;oosentre del @@ acend%'{ona@ No _Se _a sable de, e_er_s_Sh _i on en_hefe Term pal de s_ae_©s8 era. s Bspnt gunacrct'_stancia so e quiteoevite e use de a cosexi6n a terra de esta c a,dia _D_A8 PARA AHORRAR 8NBRGiA La cai_asdad de equpo de are ace#d s onado debe serres ponder a_ (amaSs de la habitas 6n pea e fur_c osarn ento efeiente y saris actor o de eqe so, , lnaca e e equ{po de a_e asend cesado de abtasidn _e e ado scrub earle de s. begat. IJ_a _,÷_tans or @r_ada sacs e nort8 es ;e _eo" po__e4 _i# ...... s:.somb's ta m8 yo_' psane ....... do:d8 _,_qobocue e_[luio <deeke haci.a e area'or sea pets seas. co ieas e rnums es: o a parts 8e auerasots <@ stos. pa_edesuotas Cons ruSSSOsCS mode que el are rio no se escape ni pot la chmenear pc !eeoc duces de_@a. _'Lipe e re 581ate come se recomesda er_ la sees 6n "MANT_N M NTO _ de este ma _;ai o8i a siars ento oorreeto y as juntas '_erm@Ccases pue£as } veaIanas es su tsogar e ayudsran a isarxener e are calie_tesuea y el ale f:o ades_: @o • A dade so _bra ex!eman_en e a !a c_sa co levep ales dursn e Is parts mt_s!adel @a, ffIETODO RECOMENDADO DE CONE×iON A T_ERRA Pot su p_opa seg_ddad ®ate apa ate eb® canect_a_sea e_a Bse apara}o v®r_e equ pado cos un cab/i®de a menta_c6n y usa clavia de _esterm:_naes Para r®duOr a maxmo e !se :set®de cheque e ectr 0o, 81®abe debe @sat conectado a una cortex 0 de pared oo_cenexbfia eta yestaco ex6ndebe hace_se de acue de cos a 8}area edic 6n det C6dgo Elec rico Haciona {AHSIiNFRA 70) as£ tense con as c6d gas y again®rites eca/es S o exst® usa conex:i6s de pared adecuada @ caent® t_ese a _esponsab Bdad y a obl gaci6s de mandsr insta!a_ con us e ectr cista ca #icado, _na eerie× 6n de pared adecuada de _®®termssescon conex6n a te a. RESPETE TODOS LOS C@D_GO$ Y REGLAMENTOS BAJO N_NGUNA CiRCUNSTANCIA CORTE_ QU_TE O E'V_TE EL US@ DE &A CONEX_ON A T_ERRA DE ESTA CLAVJJA_ ESTE APARATO NECES_TA SER CONECTADO A TIERRA° Se _equ eb÷ u_a a im®ntac 6n eiect_ cs CA adecuadam®nte co_eatada a tiefia co un fusbe de 20 A, de 60 Hz y de 250 V' Se retain enda u fusib ® de retardO o un d syuntor de c rcu,te que a mart® so amen1®a ®sqaapaq£o NO US8 CABLB EL_CTRICO DE 1!5V-_ S 8 ot::n!_£;SY so sedeacon®ca o s ÷ _8@ t _;11111:1s' NOTA L.8>rma puede s.erdierente segOns Ufi@ ®48_sc_'ss s de a _ared ................ -" Sasd rd i2 / _ _ " ®nc!_.edeS .............. , ,._A. l_s, _sdeo, Co ssumo de Ene_£a '_ AC Ut c8 f,, bed÷ {_AMP e ,m ' ....... ' S Lseasd@ _, hi; ,_:÷t.p t_S ied Li# @i_S ..... '' ° s@ .,9 8 L a¢0idc :nado _c_sea_en(xss'aco cs'_wss@cnico _Se ses.: o cua/iaa@ _j ............... 7::/:::: ° i I! t7 o i REQUER[M!ENTOS _NeTALACt@N P_EZAS DE MONTAJ8 PARA Su eq@#,ede sie e.soseici _ssdoe®inStaa@ en vendettas s _nda_de dote _sne @r_at'_ehosde sbe_u@ b_e @ 584 mm a 8* mm {28a 86 ptigsdas) (Fgus ' ,_ Si ss ®qupo 88 are aoond£ one@ es r,sta ado p@' !ia _sed el smaso de; ags)e c er, !a,#aed !_erseue _'sedr na abetsr8 _;,ca _bede381 mm (15 pt; gadss. Lss relas des_ adores ateraes y a pa£e posSe,q@del eqspc de ae seond s shade debs _eer Ls r;,ee pesbre de !a uddad d@ qu_ds_"a/_i8 tbre eedem;c de u editc o gaffe S_fsda _fi_ ea epec 9 SERWC O ELECTR:_CO CerT_mebe oil es la a! m;er'_ acie.r ei c rsa ate :eg_ a s_:d6 eib ,,,aamel_c_6 e@_rcadssod edebeser la tnsm_ q,ues.. _:es, a J la plac_ el !_,¢, oa ,_,,.,ea usdad (que se hala es el ado de_"echod;eIgabbe e de comesle 8leer58} modes e$ meselOf_e_ar: equ patios cos 8n eseh_;tede tes asp @aspea s. n si:rsr8s Sen4¢i6CO_£et_0 ?'una con®×}@1a tea segu:ra} S®sliva No,eembe e erich ® de ten@ s eros, he use s_enchute dsfistad¢ S sc /@'hace ct_";en _ de paed ae_ua no puede _.saree con _','_ ®nctde d®l ec{upo, lame a n e ectdcsta caMeado fsq/e qee efetNtee_ase@ eceoee$ neee$8 iss. CONSE@VELA CAJA y e£e MANUAI_OEL PROP _(f'FARO _q,_ que/e s_,/a cerise_Isw_'c a e'_ e M_o La c:a:} e la me}or mane@de c'onse_:a e udad @ r£Rle el nviemo o cuando ne est4 en use. esle ; 8,_,', os 05 El ar/!: 8.8:e_ mS'sO8 a @8 c/@eedo pe a._e seran xBuesto$:: q_e se h&bl ?_(Ode _eee exce8 ege _,e tssetesn_cas_ipr'o@adaspa_ bvnt_"' y mover ur4da¢ Cuidadsseme_te ir_epeosl_® e lu-r d d_ e afre aco_d]conadt seas pueste Asegureseq/Je e UgaZ seeesgee peso de seed8 sobetnpe_ededg _empe pm/@'@aSo_ ofqan sags su ae scc-@c onade _s cu dado Use setee_qin _e stile o 2 de atlas A:ee _ese 8mee ae aco_'8 dot;ado 8 } se cage dU_l ._ _,s!Ss.,,.I, HER_AMIENTAS R;EQIo_8 RIDES Guantes ap!etados _,Destom I sdor n,emma[ * Oestorr_ Ilado_ Ph_ps Prises Cuchiefoso Lave s_#ess o Jiave ab er!a de :B_8 o Uave hexs_oss de csbe y t sq,.e e de 154 de pu g,kda oCqt:a p_-:ts _'_edr , Taado e ee_rics , B:oea de e.s _ode 1/4 E_COIi urilu ar qce Iepe_'mis Ivs eEf_ do a _,ea q® decse& _,88 ver_isses 8e s(_ uses Barb Ca et_St_Jac5n deben tar@: a resiSt@Fie41s/4 w,i@/]_@ _afa sepses el r}est de eqeipo dR s£re scu,'_d_8 onsdo_ U'ta buena sots/seen cars sent@ es ecia a Is co s¢1_ posid@s dR ,a usida8 disminu a Is p,tsbsbSl dad de q_se sea, is@cessFio else!sAt 58paracionee Cuasdo se desea 8nra_ m_s de one !ssxbl,ac_Ss a nstalacon as sy mpo£sr_!e pues le qua e are io no @b_a®squna_ Paaenf si'sus sb_sciones, e as o debe @splszs_se desde el @qipo de ere acondkxonado come _ ® cns b:ayecor:s rec'a Abta is, *er_ta_a Ma q_,_@ S_B :r_®8 ,@f_ a C®l's{rO de a rehiss oR s ve',qta.ns(o en s pcs ces @eseads de equho de ai@ ace d cienade'_ Cobque cuidacosamefl 8 e gab nets en a eSsa de s ventana y slneela ssa_cacenWa/en Ispade toss i ere ce_s ia iSsea carat ai marc,ads en Is ®pea de a ve sans NSTALARLO Saque o_ ur'_ uS qs_e_Segu _t e gabirtee en at'boB sdcs y e" Is pare _oster o i ii ...... / ; _ ©as ;ca s, ur_dad sscarrdoe, de 9u gabinete _ sgs 8ride e ass, gel: rec _ @r_,:e d la base } t 'srdo de sis hac ,_ de _ts_a 'r erttias sest e:ne e} {;ab steta, _ i l'_e dei _r_ars8nerar de_n'_dR Is as con e mace ! j_ ...... de a_,_er!ar s _ca aba/a so_ef o hasa qua se 8 cuen te Is gsa NOTA; No t de mace de a venl na lar_.....i_"4at.8?".dv qua _uede test1 g do el m@_, m:_eno dR',pare 9to, % _Co elac_ dR_s ma iTEM aa ®xtens on apro iads ©espegue e re'rue zo y peguelo er_e ado de sbsi® ei madco de a vemaqa _ nse£e os t:','@ne es de gus IWEM A} es is %_a supe_ ®r y as guss de marco de equipo dR sirs scar dicior_ado. Su®8 as oa,£ nas en a u_sdad cs_r estomi/os TEa E; _,19 o C 88@ y® _.v _,_ _ 88 a ®tSss_s. rtsu/'s @f_@iede ca_:i! de @so _e e #s @aci!,}s c_tn !a pgs_¢i@ se eccionada _smx_oe %smio iTE}? E;, _ Csoqt®e S>pole ea'_t@pech@ co gai:;¢e la posic6r sS_';,;.::OIOr_H%_ e _e echo @e_/emtxa _gea ce_cs@ pgaSa ®_'s 8f£3 '_m t_aca Sbz<oy @es_ee p n@_ £s_se£a de Sas_srse 6s as ep,s@-_e _;a@ equ,:ibra e athlete _F'ee ss@sr! {teaate_®cos/ car del gabise e _s 8sc@s ss¢_ a s_-,sccs se ®c8ensda _,ssa sSs ................................................... ,!!_. .......................... #01¢8__ 8 /%St la ";:%:£,,, : 'i'_ ;'_C_}@ eft e gabs®t_ has _ espaci_:_l£be ®_"':_'s a ca@ n%*ris_@ ia _t_@d £ e8as e,sec_@@ a yes,aria U's÷a 8r_8 de e@s_sa ITld H} f>cvs_a ps's cub esla abe@ra,, ', F _Se db;_ @88',8a tO a;at® asa as® @ 8,qar X. :SS 05 858 IS Ca 8..,6 e ,p_s,e_ S _a _,8 ÷¢1 asOl'S ha§a us kt (e ve_i'llac 6ri, m/hens, _® e a parle A, _ssa a irearozo'iacofia a@e& 20 I staJe!s tre ej afor_a oenelgabine®de a de ia _e;la fiends saeia debao deeds Is pa_t® Em ue _as puntasde a reiilaffor_a hacee nseaa_ as lesgesasdeqa re la denb'o de gabin®te, , Abe la r'qla de ent_ada @sele @ ..I _.-, _.,rr'is,_ {I? D4 E} a raves ce Sarela !ontal _:: o,,._c,_, ee¢_ente de bsee Ce els eiiadeen_S a de a eo_'1awnas Vea/.a _9urs 22. La sere 5 p_orde ises de mede,s de set epro× rr_adamese as qua el marco,de a con eventass o el li£@n@ medea (sen @8s case} pa_eque e: vspo emana@ de a ur,ded pseda drena_ adecx_adareent_ac;a eie×e_ar. P_stae_r__:e_,rbsls st5 de medea (de a x_a_ame_(_ 6' de a @7i deat_choTdelssmeerose de p m8 ieen) en eiss o de}al@izare<_e@rnve ado ccs {a pe,,tepes e_ic de s eizazis_e_£ Atoms es sapsFeesL era@is fsjs 8so le-,,.es!aAe soSe£e L cosecSem,ue_ca er _aF!eus 2:2 ! !,2" rail' S8rwt e _/f_A C F;E....... ;," EC le eli ! N L M_',R £@h {_ 1 NSTALAC OhSRENTAL LA EgiMiNAC ON D8 LA 7£NTANA , A_ _e e ,£:xncicons® s_ee. , @s_/÷8 se ssleeet, Yes @t_/O A R EbSPL&ZA EL GRLLE bes err,is e to,re d la:x_@÷ sted :_st /_en ef Pat.:o15. • Bee!see _@sdieaf'ado_a@eosere de/ga sere TeNGA C DA00 £a A a GOTX Teacaer_B 8e'neqte b mar_e_l e,"iersquades a ues Usa vezq_: ado e pus8se%_dad 8e_ade la menses e _a_Wtess 8e marie de ,,'ee__:a7 e see de bares de 8tire e!l,!_isense. ,,Destami/8a cc_li_;adel ladedal ma'c'.sce yen 8r_. O,_eeos@%<s_ ° e hssSadoe de abnte Gee e 80_s7 c cer'ects_' _ab_b @ae_s l"@ga.:_da® nea :e @ qssC£_.s ne8 fa£a_ausas82c::_ oss.,:_ C.,:Bn , ©rote at; nee @{_ at_s_4e vea':ar_a Co_@_.e eses,r@ee ado a_@ean e gab eta Vee'_xa a s£,talarIo s_n[_ts de _ade7 G_'Seasee_ , Celoq e ssedad :_'b@'_a de a assembles e_sel carte- ee_.o de er_,4:o c_e[_s_,_ienscct 7 er_a I.eca en li_":_:aecs£ 8 7_gsr, NS_SALAC ©N FRONTAL BLO@UEABO_OR EL _ARCO DE LA C©_¢"TRA'VEt,4TANA Si eont_Je t#a r'_ed4e_e_4eun ;eta de m;,de_ ee 2_de arcbea alI_iza r'_teor ela ve_t es _® a:tra,_;eseIs a_ehw'a tea de s_eiza _ ston de made_s£debe set su ,ee81eme¢_?e _._eso tsaraeasnSar la al_Ja de al%_zar de a venlase de ta n"an @qce b unisad _}uedaset nstabda ss la _ edemas'be a dai mace _,21 ,, cOMo Y PeR @us _r_ _x:qee_ v' use@ MeD FAN ps_'£h®_ere mc:_:: e are per :shsb#as _a t:_ rxeC_e el s_;enSe s/a@,'-:se_s cer:bttUtl¢ ash cease e: eet'; re :<s@er?r:a_sdoe s:oe _ie:s _.s _es iemps @;_equpo de s_e acosdicionsdo de bsb aci,as brnda assg ®nte.sfunc_o ®s pars hac®r q ® a vda ÷ncrmas cLs 6os sea sas cosfls£abi8: , Dffna y hace chcufai e are o Dism suye a humedad dmiia execs v8. y css,,s mayo ussuer,xba b_'_e @arabs de st÷ ecendic c,"_a/Sep:as ex@ciricide_d _?ebm @ ':,,mayores _rA_ ce SSSOSde se t:':: ® is Pabitasies sale a humedad ,, _s_ta el pore e sees y d_unas imBs ezas t_ass o£aaas en e aire dd ci_'a reran e o _Jlmsd P:_ sempr sotegt_ (!f_oe:qs_su E equpo de a_' aCOr 8icioeado feaze estas lu_eiones hasiendo pasar @ a;;@ de re®die arab ente a troves de un fire que straps as pa ic asdepolvoysuco, E_are_ssaentoncee po_unsepe [ndeenframenteq<_e ref gerae a)re y eimna e excess de humedsd n" sine ere eg_sss esSenCes a entdsdo_, S®ssdor y' mpisdo del aN® des ambieste La humedad exlraida dei are arab esse es evade a ex[e: 0_ y ®vaperada Su aide as®edit seeds esS. dise_iado pars @pe_sry sumnstra unaenorm÷ sense e÷c am÷no, SONIDOS NORMALES e pn:Sd C#Ur]tJdO a do ,dem_m oe r uidode ulsscO :;us viene y so vs Ve_i_ade_ ............................ ::g,u:a £s; Ademae de los sort dos re9 ares de mote de ven_ ado y e compress que seen de sc_equpo e a_e ecend cienado_ used escsc era do ve es csssdo u sonde meta ee Sere soqde es preduc de po£ ia Is re®dad q_.sees _eco9 ds 8el are ene arab ente yes ansads cents e venti aden'ass equpe de ee ecend c o ado, Esto es :as:gonorms qte o debe so met're de preocupaeien Do igs's/ mode_ no se e_smqesi tse_d escueh8 _ :gels SOsde do s hi:do e bsdsetee _oves enle de ss equips d® 8e aeend c onaee despses qsje e spaga Esos sen ui@ss r®rmaeS de effserante CAPAC:DAD Y TIEMPO DE FUNC!ONAMiENTO Hgs_a £S A: deed4 t:@ dee _ a ceme4dsd @fse_@ _¢Fs e ansa que _es; qeere ereus, es r?portarslade_eudna e },::rrai:8 torte:de 08 la :;n;<Js_ Ue_ undsd f_eqter:s noten@'a !a csspacdad a.ra @ ris_Sdense S: s-ee csb osa 8 fama_e {_,decusdses de 8::'r:i_xie ps" e sOmero do m_£os c;adrsccs que tSFe @ tea que Sodsses edrw ss ¢_4s per £ _em@_rstus inter:or [ eeetio y _e" a t_ur_ec_d. Un_ t_@ad de,me ego _:ande (:q_ris pe@ 'lO dets_s:ede{:e dejasd@a a:ea £{8 _cmeSS:, @e !s csgs _e,ns!c,'s@ verslla@:,Te!:t_ _o' ÷red'as @ e p>sm]s_, e: ®cdipe @ sJ_(secor.dtcio_t_ de.de_u_s:st_; i"pas lard, s pass t:ss£!er':: s emp£:<ausa®see,de g<se8sl_bi tts sdecxsior:sso. 8:,: condL t¢_cede _a serge t_'m ca rout,, /_s_:Ja, p,sede st nevsessdoq_e _ eqb@s de are :aosneiOp, W,_t fs_hci¢#_e oss_hsterdemedepe'e mrt r/st :e f,giqser_,seaca - 22 - use DEL EQUIPO DE AIRE CAR ACT ER :ST CAS Pas reducJr el _'es9o de nce_'_dio descargas ¢ @circa o es ones _ersosa ea lea las _MPORTA_$TES _4ST UCCONES DE SEGUR ©A© aries de ope_a_ este spars o 6 5 3 7i 4 Pa_a ¢omeI_0zs_ s uti_iza_ e! eqU_e d¢ aide a_oHdicio#ado siga es_es pes_s .Encbul _ aqupodeaireace dee ade (Pars p @_,enrr;esgos de de cargas e 8ctdcaS O use us cafse de extension r us eschufe sdastador_ 2 Ajuste e axtrac_o de sire es s p{ssci@e CLOSE 3. A/uste e centre de MO©E a mes ate n ',o_si fres©o 4 Ajuste el cone de ve#_ eSer e _sAs ast_£_vef 5 Ajuase {as a,i }as desv_aderas pa_ egret un _ujo conf@Sab e de are 6 Una vezque a eb[tac_6n a hay er'ff ade ajuste e conbo de tern eratura TEMP a a graduation ue uteri cot's dare r_@seonfo_able NOTA; S se ape_a e a_e a(:and cenado espe_te8 ms :ca sees dev@ve_ e an@ dedo Esio permte qua se es_,es ce 8 _@@aa dentro del eomp_eser S no s@ue estas ;as rucc ones e equipe podfe func esa:_cen peas eric enos S us_ad uevee TEMPe conbe a_.nwsr_er er_ts_c÷sin tediiatsme_e esps_a usa cok2csc6n m&s_res,ca Isundadapagar8 Espe_®3n u_s, g 8 11 210 t3 Figur_ 1 Gabi ee 2 C,e%cler vert ca d® a_e 3. Deflector he; z,::mLal de a_'e 4, Tams de site 5 _q_rode s ÷ 6 Panda f_osta 7 Tabe@ de coat,el 8 Co_d@sde s im®ntad6s ®¢,c ca 16 CONTROL 24 9, _ wporeeer 10. Condesss o_ 11 Cop/p_eser S2 Reap® Ie abase 13- PuSta 14 G asvpetor 15_Co!t na 8 Cent el "emoe DE VeNTILAC_aN El cef_ol de v nt}Jscan ge_"_te qua e equips de sere ac_ndice_,:;o hags fecirc_.;lare arc, ene ntenor de a hsMSsz'_ds_, {CLOSE) o s_que e are h ci_ ® e£_<:_ {C@BN} {F;g@_a2@ :!tPie C:;B id\t ae desea ,,s _su£damen e tax,me Tamb @spue@ ugs_se pars haoer _ee,r::a}s_re[ ale @ne@iar la Bah a,s6n auan@ @ equ p_sde are acer_diosnade ae ausa e_'_B p<_sic5s FAN ,;a p_s 8¢_'sOPEX e_'t:raee a8 estancado @ f_ hsb_a_o6ny/o expt lea h{ica Ibea., E are es a,,,_tdo hacia @ neder de is _Fab_ac6n a _avas de os pass ea notmales de ae que se ha:lar_e_ las La p@GiC(@_ CI_.OS£ oLa _es Oia" OPEi', o CLOSE p ede usarse sea csa!qser sdec_can d '_,®_tile@sr P3LL OPeN / _iU:_H CLO$_ {TIRAR P£RA ABR_R/E_P:USAR PARA CBRRA_) FI#_ta 25 o 2} _. • Caca v@ _,m p_esi@e÷sieb;st t_ cuado el s_ema.oest@'etand,,p ,_ '_,e m_ cede,_ d_temse:e Hares _3 Horas !2 }-_oss msx:imes _,_,._s.._'_ ...... _ gu_te'a ORERAC!@,4DE NICIACIOh: , S la uisad ess apagada e n&me_ede _se_!i_#dos d8 Reto de _,:_rssaa_2ss de cO:T_ _sr_£os @ u'dad =Coda _ez 8ue p_'8.siesees@bocr_ tsar Soe sslema es6 operas@, ® m _o_,_o_ 8e tempo se atSt8 ,¢ a mane@:Ikora 2 H.Fa.s ,S,_.: as ...... 12 HS_SS maxrras de a Sfls er_te ....kaODO Cede ,,,ezCue presio e ÷se boSCr<camba ®nt® OOOL(FR SCO} ENERGY SAVER(ECONOM/CO} y _AN{VEN T"L,ADOR) A ORRADOR DE ENERGiA: El veqt sd@ se det_e e cuand® e compressor _'_os_gue e_'#riasdo @rox_madamer_t® coda 3 msutos e vent iado se escende_a y s_cestaM vesf ca_ a e pe_{_tu a de_ ¢ua£o pare saber s es necesade _4s enfr_em eme Fi£_m £7 :24 CONTROL REMoTe P_÷eauci6n; d spas iovo de se FOi_emo one fuss enar_aaries ada_ente si a yes aria Se_:so_a dl sco_sdSsonad®r de a;_e as expses a a uz f(sert@_o @ hay obstSculoa ent:e @ disp£sitivo de toni@ remote y e acandc shader de a_e, C_aando opera e a_e s(xssdieiesado con e co_"_:el remetc debar& or us to ENECND_DO/A_AGADO oPara ENCE!N©_i£R el sislema pmsionee bore ;4p_rs APAGARLO p esione el bo6s e_r_vez Bte bo86ntiese p ©:_dad sabre redesos alas botz>nes Ceade Ud, o e_ciesde pe_pdmeravez ei ssSea es_] @eI la IesspemL aes de 72, AJUST8 D:ELA TEMPERATURA , :stebet6npue e co {obr a efrpeaurad8 86'La e'rpe_s _cs.da1F,8 so @ued8&usa c;'teauem_camerte. de gado es grade desde @'F asia , VELOC_DAD DEL VENT_LADOR oCda ',,s_zqua passe {Aite * Ba:o Made MARCADOR es_ebet6n, e austes Ale} ce-m_oseas: DE ENC:ENOIDOiAPAGADO OP_/;{A.CON D8 ARADA: , S !s ucdad carte, e/tOm÷so} de con u tes do Req do Seres bass apse9 C@a ve_ qua pssose este bot6n cuande a sistama estr} operas@ e mstcsdo_ de tempo sea usta_£ de a sguene mane[a: 1Hera _2 ass 3 eras ........ 12 o_as mgximas, [_ -OPERAC 0N DE N C£ACION: S a uqdad eat_xapaag,£_da_ el n0 'r_erade (:oh :,_nmede Relo} do hems areas de cam enzos de ur_ida8 Cads vez qse presione este bot6n cuando el s _£ema®ate spa'ands el ma_cader 5e tempe se qes_ar_ de asiGu ante mane_a tHo{a 2 Haas 3 Hares ...... 12 Ho_a5 m_x m_a Cadove_r _!o pr@ag"ee$e /" baxi ........e:'te COOL(FRES30, cashiers E_'4ERGf 8R JER(ECOh 0LqCO -AHORRADOR DE ENeRG[A: o Ei vent ador se detene cuandeei eomp ease teesge e_ddado Apreximadamenlecads 3 minutese: ven_:l_dosee ce4de a, y nee® ta vet} cat la 1cape a ur_ del caa_8 ;;,asssabe s es n@ceea_ ©sse esI_amish e come A BATERIA$ DE ADICI,ON EN EL CONTROL REMOTe 1, ©u!e a cube _ de ia eepalda del d tee o_ ,'eme . Abra a cub en:e segOn a di'ece6n de la fiecha 2 Nets ba_e_as_ _'s_} egure que el (_) y (} lea d _eCCionesson @£_ec'!a8 No a_ilse 9atens ecargsblea @ste sen di esentas do forms, do d menses y use reSpeCle a as ba.ter as secaaus ass ', Seque as mater as del [elemande cuasde el aeondi, bn;_dor o,o,_ya aee usade durante see #_t@segure qua almbss ba_e as sen nuevas 3 Re,oscars la cube_la ,x 25 o LIMP_EZA DEL FiLTRO DEL ARE Et i Itrtsde she se ra ensuciand a m6dda q_e va atta_as@oe p@yctT_ro'_esies!e @l Sirei£ero_ s #lee{so lava e is @! ¢_®a me_J_os cad_-_ dos sersanas S @ :;rs deeake _ryY,aflece e%, de £s!vo e Suo de aire 8iSmr_.Xr_ y s÷ _edsdr_. en_iamie@o8el equpo cos _Tke ce! _':ia e en?ada hacia elaHe a£assr_do _mbss es@isets y @ de f@ d_ a{re basts ssca_o _(.av®eJf:!tr,s@eis_s 6s 8@sa_:@ia a P.,seg_,_es8 @e eim na_t.oda e a!a sacsdbndo f 8 astes de yore a 5{_neIo en su ::,osc 0¢_(Figu s 29} Fig_a Z8, UMPJEZA DEL EQUPO DE AiRE ACOND_@ONADO F}_uta 30 C_MOSACAR LA REJILLA ANTES DE LLAMAR PARA SERVICES Cheque I&si@3e _:e SI_ pare ase u_:m e s e fes,2Sd _s:SS6_C_S;; 0 /_a-'_ _ paF ser,?co, este msaua p_ece e_a_ _sa s_r'ads ps_ra sea, co 8nsscessfis U_'a @eenc EL EQUIPS DE AIR8 AC©N@iCiONADO NO IFUNC_ONA_ IL EQUiPO DI A11£ ACONOICIONADOIE APAGA Y B£ _NC_INQI RAPIIAI££NT£ SI ISCUCHAN RUIQOSCUANOO LA UNLOAD_STA IHFRIANDO ¢.'1]@ I_! d8 }& ,e a",£ i :aiM'8!" s_3_1_,3i°@ £ i;;i,;(,i£%<x_o'( 8 i"SII_D-_i r s OYI-A!I8 1 ii%=110i ` IL AGUA GOTfA DINTtO DE bA NABITACIIN CUANDO LA UNLOADEStA lN!IRlANDO. 8I AGUA GOT£A AIQIIA CIAHDO LA UNtDAO ESTA INFRIAN DO - 27- _pid_¢ _28_ _29 _ Mast÷r Protection Agreements Congratu!a#o_ss on roaM%2 a small pu,'r,_ase, Your ",ew Her:toe'@ pre@ucf S des:ned sad mar_@ac£ured for yea_s e dependab e cpera_ on B llikea! pod @s tmayequ_epueve_tve manta u:OeOr e fromlmetetme 4/_a£o when hav_S9 a Master Srotee iea Ag aem÷nt can save ysu money and aggravate® @t<sqaSe a ,Cfasa," Protection Ag@emen _ow a td preheat ,ycu;se_t _rem,_e_axpected hess,%,a_d expense he Mane Protec ors AQreemes_ also t_es exend the e c,t yeu_ new product, ads '_,,ha£sr'@[uded in the Ag cement: i;_} Expe_ s®w[c@ by our I2,000 profess one _! Unlmt£ed _ervlce as@ no c_arge fo; p_s_Ss and abe_o a covered epais [_ 'No4emOa g_a_a_tee- cap acema_t @ty®ur covered p_'OdUC; fou or more product f i as ec_curwhn tweL, e months _] P_educt replaceme_ Ct_mlbe i×eS [f you_ cow;, ed pre@_c: [{2! 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