Download KTM 640 LC4 Motorcycle User Manual
MANUFACTURER'S UMITED ONE YEAR WARRANTY LEGACY® LEGACY SOUND CORP. warrants this unit to be free from defective material or workmanship and will repair or replace this unit or any part thereof if it proves defective in normal use or service within one (1) years from the date of original purchase. Our obligation under this warranty is limited to repairin� or replacing, at our discretion, the defective instrument or any part thereof when it is returned, transportation prepaid to the Legacy Service Center at the address below. This warranty will be considered void if the unit has been tampered with, improperly serviced, subjected to abuse or misuse or if installed in a commercial vehicle. This warranty does not cover accidental damage. When returning this unit for service, please include $15.00 for return postage and handling. Send your unit to: IMPORTANT: Pack carefully in original carton if possible. We are not responsible for damage incurred in returning items for repair. A letter stating your exact street address, daytime phone number, and the problem you are experiencing should be included. You must also enclose a copy of the original receipt as proof of date of purchase. F OR YOUR PROTECTION Completely and immediately mail the Product Registration Card so that we may contact you directly in the event a safety notification is issued in accordance with the 1972 Consumer Product Safety Act, or for other reasons Legacy may deem necessary. TECHNICAL S U PPORT HOTLINE Our technical department will gladly answer any questions you may have about our products. They cannot, however tell you the status of a repair, or handle other customer service situations. 1-800-934-2277 Monday through Thursday, 9AM to 5PM Friday 9AM to 2PM Eastern. LEGACY® VVVVVV�legac::ycaraLldlo_c::ol'T"ll LEGACY SERVICE CENTER 1600 63rd Street Brooklyn, NY 11204 -4!S..s. -.:...s. -7'..s. r--..... . -s. ..s. . _- .. �..s. __... � . ... - ......s. .... . ... .. -�;S..s. « .-�....s. « .-"4.�� « .-��� .. ., �... congratulations... Congratulations on !.lour purchase or an American series ampllrler. You have purchased a quallt!.l product designed and engineered to give !.IOU man!.l !.Iears or uncompromlsed musical service. American series ampllrlers are designed with the latest technolog!.l available. which provtdes headroom ror even the most demanding peaks and d!.lnamlc ranges round on modem CD's and recordings. table of contents reatures and speclrlcatlons LA-I.qOO/LA-200ID LA-SS9/LA-7S9/LA-9S9 LA-ISS9/LA-23S9/LA-2SS9 LA-6S9/LA-IOS9 electrical connections LA-I.qOO/LA-200ID LA-SS9/LA-7S9/LA-9S9 LA-ISS9/LA-23S9/LA-2SS9 LA-6S9/LA-IOS9 stereo/mono Input connections LA-SS9/LA-7S9/LA-9S9 LA-ISS9/LA-23S9/LA-2SS9 2/.q channel Input connections LA-6S9/LA-IOS9 2-9 10-11 high level Input connections 17 s!.lstem wiring speaker connections 18 mono Input connections 19 speaker connections 20-21 speaker wiring 22 mounting and Installation 23 24 25 LA-6S9/LA-IOS9 LA-SS9/LA-7S9/LA-9S9 LA-ISS9/LA-23S9/LA-2SS9 LA-6S9/LA-IOS9 LA-6S9/LA-IOS9 12-15 LA-I.qOO/LA-200ID 16 protection clrcultr!.l and troubleshooting precautions LEGACY AIII.rlcan OWNI!I" MANUAl: LEGACY Alllarlnn OW.U'I MANUAL - 1 features and specifications MONO BLOCK AMPLIFIER LA-1400 LA-20010 features and controls MONO BLOCK AMPLIFIER LA-1400 LA-20010 • • sub sonic level control pOWIr ••ppli. Stiffly regulated PWM power supplies. MOSFET switches maintain raled power over a wide range of battery voltages. ..II IOnic DDnb'a1 When the sub sonic selector switch is in 'ON" mode, this fitter control fJ8fIIIi/s continuously variable adjus_t from 10 IrJ 100Hz. ... baa.. 1l1li DDnb'a1 This control pennil3 adjustment of the bass leve/ up to an increase of approximalely up IrJ 18dB. erDllOVll' I.. .... lilllr Adjustable from 20Hz to 250Hz with a slope of 24dB per octave.This allows for the adjustment of the upper point of the frequency bandwidth and the respective subwoofer. prellctiDi lir.H.., Protection against thermal, overload and short circuit conditions. output pawer @ 14Av DC, 5111z RMS I'll",., lit @4 Ohms RMS I'll",., lit @2 Ohms MulIII/IIII I'll",., 0/ItpIIt lrequenc,respanse LA·14OB LA·IOBID 115WMONO 215WMONO 2OOOWMONO 2S0WMONO 38SWMONO 3000WMONO -- 2DHz-250Hz(±3d8J pawenupply voltage min speaker Impedance -- 2oomV-6VAdjustable 1-4 Ohms 2-4 Ohms 0.1% SIll ration >9Od8 bass boast 0-+18d8 sub sonic liltar 10-1ooHz 40A I11III 213x43x305 10.14x1.69x12 ®® .@I. ®® .@I. . ..... ���\i SII ...... 0 "0- ��� @ I power/protection LED low pass frequency control phase shift switch sub sonic switch input level control @ \��� Iil!ill I�@FISE@�I I power fuse @ 213x43x330 10.14x1.69x13 power fuse [��� I����I 't'O'l I power terminals 50A � lJass boost level control line level outputs power terminals LEGACY Am.rlcan OWNEII'S M.MUAL ... UUT LI ---";�""',I;",.--_ .�- line level inputs dimensions (W x H x L) Inchtls ��� ,.....- -- 14.4V OC Neg. Ground (10.5-16V) IJl.D luse @ 10K Ohms input impedance input sensitivity -- ----+-+--- - , I l!i!ill HH 1�1!r!I��1 I 't'O'l- I @ speaker connections - - ��m , ��m @ speaker connections � LEGACY Am.rlun's MANUAL • 3 features and controls 2 ch amp LA-SSg LA-7S9 LA-9S9 features and specifications 2 ch amp LA-SSg LA-7S9 LA-9S9 • � ""_lCbIr When usBd with normal. full rangtl system, set this switch to "FULL' . "you wish to USB th6lntBmaI crossover to powsr a driver or SfMClfIc frequency range, use the "LPPor WPP FOR the 'LOWPASS' OR •....II_@14A1DC,11Hz HIGHPASS" settifIfJs. Inplt ..... cam .. Enablss th6matching of Input I6VB1s to the output "VBls from head unit (or other signal source). T1Ie input sensitivity of adjustment ranges from 6Vto2OOm1l crossat.- .... ... ncy caml When crosso�r mod9 s61Bctor is in HIGHPASS m0d8. this control S8ts the lower frequencylimit for audio program sent to the speakers. When crossover mode selector is in LOWPASS mode, this control sets the uPfJ8r freqU9llCY limit for audio program sent to the sp9ak8rs. T1I8 crossover Is continuously varfabl6 adjustment from 40 to 250 Hz .... 1IDad allCblr This selector switch permits the bass level an increaJJIJ of 18dB. (/A-5891789/989) .It IOnic caml When th6sub sonic ssJsctor switch Is In "ON" mode, this flltsr control permits continuously variable adjustment from 10 tD 100Hz. (/A-18891238912889) 1... ....llnptl: This amp futures RCA type jacks for high Impedance Input. Use these with car stereo output which uses RCA type connector cables. high InIllnplll: If your car stslSO jacks iUS not RCA type output, US6the high-low fBV9I Input adaptor to connsct the spsaksr output fBads of car stereo and the RCA input jacks of amp. UI II.. 111"",11 This amp futures RCA jacks for AUXline outputs. Use these for unlimitsd system expansion to the next AMERICAN. IID111r LED This Indicator Is fffumlnatBd In GREEN when power Is applied. ,1r....dla.LED This indicator is illuminated in RED when the buiff-in protection circuitry is actitated. IID111r", The fuse protects the amplfffer and your car's electrical system from short circuit conditions. IIDRr IIrIIInlll Use these connectors to defiver powsr, ground, and ISmots tum-on control to the amplfffer. .,..or cannlClan These terminals are to guatantee high conductiwty and minimum signal Joss. LEGACY Am.rlcan OWNEII'S MAMUAL • • • I/JIII'mrIU IIIw 1111114".. 1/JII1'mr@2111w 1III@2"" ..... ". .."., ".".114.."., inti·.." ...."'" .. I.pllllpodl." 111.,- ,.,.,. LAoS" LHIS LA·... 35K01fsx2 50 KOIfsx2 50 KOIfsx2 15K01fsx2 4IJI) KOIfsx2 800 KOIfsx 1 50 KOIfsx2 75 KOIfsx2 75 KOIfsx2 100 KOIfsx2 5aJ KOIfsx2 1000 KOIfsX 1 l00wattsx2 150 KOIfsx2 150wattsx2 200 KOIfsx2 1000 wattsx2 2000 KOIfs X 1 15 Hz-30KHz ""-_Jr..".,. _('"Hd} ,.."" - � .,.$ . .. � a ...... EII HIIIHI'RIS " - ����� ©) I power/protection LED low frequency control AUXlineautputs high frequency control input level control 200mV-6VAdjustable >95dB >65dB 1:<llsstI.., nltllts ""1'Ia ....._- ��� ®® d@;i. ®® L@. � , , low level inputs 10KOhms ,.",JIIlSItJrItr ,..,,,"' ,.,.,. l1/li1/1""" ..""., ..".,.".,. AiI/II'Ia ---........ _ ... ",.... ©) LlNEIIUT ,,� -- Bass Boost sel�tor 40Hz-250Hz 40Hz-250Hz O!+18dB 20A ©) 213 x431221J 1O.14xl.69x9 _ 'W .,>11 0 s S 0 :l!:J �'r:l!' 1��igj�1 �_ • � L � ��� ©) 30A 14.4V DC Neg. Ground (1O.5-16V) 213x43xlOO 1O.14xl.69x7.5 ��� I!!!�!!!I _ 2-4 Ohms UOhms 20A crossover mode selector 213x431305 10.14X 1.69 X 12 power terminals speaker coMections power fuse LEGACY Am.rlcan OWMI!.'S MANUAL - 5 features and specifications 2 ch amp LA-ISS9 LA-23S9 LA-2SS9 • __ _ _ ,_ _ _ c__aency cantral ..II IOnic IInlr lWIb;h .... bDDIt level control ••lIlDlle control ,.. ,.... '"pul h'lh ,.... '"pul All ... .... _ I!IJ !IIIIIOtIII1!IJ __ ,_11111'." ....lkIr Dannlam IIflm userI willll/OllTlal. fullraJ/{/8 sys/rIm. setfh/s swilr:lJto "FUU'. "you wish to use /fie inIBma/CfIJSSO\f)(/0 _• dtivefor'I1IJCiflc frequency""", use /fIe"/.PF"or 7fPF"FOR /fie 'LOWPIISS" OR HIGHPASS' sem� fna/i/e5/f1e matdIing 0/input"""Is to /fie otJtpu/_ from _IHIR (or _ signal svutaI). TIle input sensilivi/y 0/ili/jUs/men/ ranges lrom 6Yto2WTI� W1IetJ crossover mode selector is in HIGHPASS mode, this COIlIrol sets the lower frequency limit foraudio prooram sent to tile speakers. When crossover mode selector is in LOWPASS mode. this control sets the upper frequency limit for audio pfO(Jram sent to the spea/(BrS. TtIe crossover is continuously variable adjustment from 40 to 250 HZ. Ttlis selector switch permits the bass level an increase of 18dB. Ttlis control permits adjustment o( the bass level up to an 1flCfBiJS8 of appfDl(imal,1y up to llkJB. When the sub sonic selector switch is in ·ON· mode, thIs ntter control perml/s continuously variabl, adjus_t from 10 to 100Hz. TIIis i6TIfJ fflafures RCA type jacks frJr high impedanc8 input USB _ willi car sIrirBo output which uses RCA type connec/or cables. "your cars1etriojacks at. no! RCA type output USB /fie higfl.kJw I,ve{ input adap/rJ( Iv conned /fiespealref otJtpu/ leads 0/carsIrirBo "'" /fie RCA inputjacks 0/"",. TIIis "'" _ RCA jacks /orAUXline outputs.Use IfIeS8 for un/imifl>d SJS/I1m IIIf/IIIIIISiOI1 v the r>JJdAMER/CNI. TIIis _is ii_in GRfENwhen_is iI/IIlIied. TIIis _is ii_in RED when /fie lluill-inpm/eCIiOn ciIr:vihy is acliraled. TIle fus8pro/ec/s the i1I1¥J/ifier"'"_ car"s ,_ SJS/I1m from sIIo!I citr:uit condffi0tr3. Use _ COI1I16Ctofs to deliver_ f}fDIJflI1, "'" """"" fum.on control Iv IIi8 i6TIfJlfflei: Tflese lBrmina/s are to ouarantee hlah conductivity and minimum signal loss. features and controls 2 ch amp LA-ISS9 LA-23S9 LA-2SS9 • • IIIJul paw.@IU,DC, 11Hz LA,'''' .".'14_ 1511 W6IJsx2 ,.04_ 25IJ W6IJsx2 .".01_ 25IJ W6IJsx2 ,.01_ �". ... ",-"..,114... IfIIIII'ICY rapDnu • LA·t311 2OOwmtsx2 lXJwmtsx2 lXJwmtsx2 400wmtsx2 2tXXJ wattsx2 41XXJ wattsx I lXJ W61Jsx2 1500 W6IJsx2 mJWllJSxl ---- 15Hz-3D KHz lXJwatlsx2 4511 watIsx2 4511 watIsx2 660 watlsx 2 2500 watIsx2 5lXXJ WlIJSxI sub sonic Ie¥eI comol ---- bas:s l>o0oi level COIirol --- Input Impedance ,.",.rtI,. _ SNIIII"" ,.""reI;,pm l1/li mJl/II t:""'ol ..".,.,,811 __ "/flits "",., ... ,., -- 10K Ohms (@ ---- 200mV-6V Adjustable >95dB >65dB ---- 40Hz-25OHz 40Hz-250Hz ,.,..., O-+I&lB SllII_It:"1W 10-100Hz atd/If .... ', t'Cf ...... ---- 2-40hms 1It/IfII... ---- 4-8 Ohms IIIJIJIa _I. 40A 50A 60A ""_"""'" WI".,. 14.4V DC Nell. Ground (ID.5-16V) dIIIIuIhIIIs (If�H�IJ .. 213x43x381 iJdII I0.14xl.69xI5 213x43x432 I0.14xl.69xI7 213x43x532 I0.14xl.69x21 ��� ®® ®® � ,;) JDll "i" ��O' ��� d § j 111__-= LIN(aUT R d @i ll H-alJUl - .- I klw ... inpul> ----- ,- (@ I power/protedion LED low frequeocy control AUXlire OI.tpul> higl fTeq,.oncy oorlml if'llUll""; control crossoYer mode selector sub sonice filef swilI:h ��� II!I=�I - (@ power terminals - (<0 ·1. 10 Is S] 0) ,;,J-� I�-ml _ , �_ . t • ��� (@ speaker connections power fuse LEGAC merle. N. ' A LEGACY Am.rlun OWIII!!.'S MANUAL · 7 features and specifications .q ch amp LA-6SS LA-lOSS features and controls .q ch amp LA-6SS LA-lOSS • ..- __• .. _ _ II7Ien _ with _. full/aI1f/II sys/1lm. set /his"';1!:h ID 'FUll '. Ifyuu wish to use the inJemaJaDSSINfJIiDfX1M1Iil dtIvet orspecific "-range. use the 'U'f"1J( 'IIPf" FOR the 1DIII'ASS' DR HlGHPASS'seJtings. fnabIeIJ the maI!:hir>g 0{input _ID the ou/puI_ from head/RIa (or other signalsoon;e). The inputSlJtJSitivity 0{adjustment tangOS from 6VID lYXi71v. CIIIIIftIr trlll..lnq ClItnII .... ba... _Iletar lowl_llnput hlah I_I Input lUIlin. lutp"" ,...r lID illMKlloo IS When crossover mode SIJ/tJCtor is in HIGHP)S5 mode, this control sets the lower frequency limit tor audio fJflJDraffl sent to tiJ6 speakers, When crosSOVfJf mode SBifJdor is in LDM'ASS mode, th is control sets the upperfreqUBncy limittor amiia program sent to th8 sp8akers. TheCfOSSOYfJ{ is continuously vaJiablea.djustment from 40 to250 HI. Th is selector switch permits the bass 181/8/ an incrtJaS8 of 18dB. This amp filalures RCA /yp8jacks for high itnpll(ianc8lnpul. Uselhese with car sfBreo output which USBS RCA Iyp8 connector cables. Ifyour cars//iteojacks am n al RCA /yp8 0IJ1pu( the hlg!>-Ia. I,ve/ Input adaptorID conned the speaker au/pllt leads alcar51efI1o .nd the RCA Input jacks ofamp. This amp fBal1Jres RCA jacks torAllX line outputs. USB th8se ou/puIs Use these tor 1HIlimilBtl sysl8m expanslonlD the flBXIAMERICAN. Th� indialJrJf � illuminated in GREEN .,." fJOWfIf � app/ifJd. Th� indialJrJf � illuminated in Rill .,." the buih�n proIedion cirr:u11Ty tsiIW/aIBd. __ The fusepro/Iids the """ilierandyrJIIfcats _!ys/J!m from shoJI ckr;uita>ndltions. _ _ Use thesecoonedrJr.i ID deli""_ grwnd, andremtJi8funH1n control ID the """ifllil: ...... _.. ""'" _ "" ID fIIIIlIl1IIe< high ctJfIductivity and minimum signal"" aulliut plIWII@14A1DC,llHz _". tH _ .@4_ .. ".@1_ .@1_ ..... ".., "".h.It4., frequlRCY lespanse Input Iqllllaice """",." • LA·'" 50 watts X 4 75 Wattsx4 75 Wattsx4 I(}() Watts X 4 500 Watts X 4 I()(}() Watts X 2 LA·"" I(}() Watts X 4 150 Wattsx4 150 Wattsx4 2(}() Watts X 4 I()(}() Watts X 4 20(}() Wattsx2 ---- 15Hz-30 KHz --- IOKohms -uniIMty -- 1"1 � '''.'i.' r@J --- ---- ell 11211lW..,1 i'llUS --- AUXline IlijlUs N• • A ch 1/2 aOSSOYer roode selector en 314 ,,"""'" roode seIecIor ell 314 bass boosl_ ��� i ®® QlI@ma ®® @ ,�� I LI"�lIur L R Dlllf� UI u�, � •� ® �®� DI DI Sf4 CH4 ---=..J I ��� r@J L powerfprolo:tion LED ell 314 low 0veI ifllUI> ell 314 i'llUS 1M! cootr� ell 112 ifllUI> 1....1 ""'lml ---- ��� power fuse merle. *= �IM power terminals LEGAC DIIII ell 112 bass __ --- """",,. --- 200mV-6VAdjusfabl. >95dB $/II1'IIIi1lll /I_nel """""'l1li >65dB _rei' nltlltl /til"'" 40Hz-250Hz 40Hz-250Hz tIP "'" .. ..., O/+I8dB ",td,.,,,,..,, ,.,.". 2-4ohms ...... Hi Ohms ..... 8IliIIM AIIIIII nil 3114 5Il4 "",.,.."", WIIIage 14.4V DC Neg. Ground (IO.5-16V) �1IiIII {WxHI LJ - 213x43x355 213x43x 432 ,... 10]4x1.69x 14 10]4x1.69xI7 ---- � f! M 1Ii� .� 1El ..... - r@J :�===�����=�==F�==�==E �==�====== L.. __________ _ speaker connections LEGACY A.m.rlnn OWIII!!.'S MANUAL · I electrical connections .q ch amp LA-SB9 LA-ICB9 electrical connections 2 ch amp LA-SB9 LA-7B9 LA-9B9 LA-IBB9 LA-23B9 LA-2BB9 • • • • (@ L...-_ I e = (f) = 112V battery lI!r-mI ��� I���I : -:]11 ��II:-II_���I ��� - - .,. - head unit [0�1 to �more turn-on +12V '" S]I le G)1 1 2V �-,-- battery (@ mono Input connections 2 ch amp LA-SSg LA-7S9 LA-9S9 stereo Input connections 2 ch amp LA-SSg LA-7S9 LA-9S9 • Dalng • • Dalng low IBVBlinput!l • low IBVBlinput!l head unil l/R Audio Oulputs --1J.;Jfil ..... To a second amplifier -------- Y Adaptors Dalng high IBVBlinput!l HlllVEL INPUT AD APTOR from speaker terminals LEGACY Am.rlcan OWNEII'S M.MUAL Dalng ANOlliERAMERIC ANAMPLIFIER HlllVEL INPUT AD APTOR �F:::t t::=t:::3 from speaker tenninals high IBVBlinput!l HI LEVELINPUT AD APTOR t:::C===t-----I :: ANDlliER AMERICANAMPLIFIER LEGACY Am.rlun's MANUAL - ,3; mono Input connections 2 ch amp LA-ISS9 LA-23S9 LA-2SS9 stereo Input connections 2 ch amp LA-ISS9 LA-23S9 LA-2SS9 • ualna • • ualna low IBVBlinput!l • low IBVBlinputa head unit l)R Audio Outputs 1J.;J§i� ..... To a ,,",ond amplifier --------- ualna Y Adaptors high IBVBllnput!l ualna LEIIEL high IBVBlinput!l '.lONe H-WEII m::J IIIIIIJ Hllal PIllS � "'. -""'L.. � .. HI lEVELINPUTADAPTOR from speaker tenninals LEGACY Am.rlcan OWNEII'S M.MUAL ... .. .... ANOl1iERAMERICANAMPLIFIER HI lEVEL INPUTAA D PTOR �F:::t t::=t:::3 from speaker terminals HI lEVELINPUT AD APTOR t::::c:===J--..... ANOl1iER AMERICANAMPLIFIER LEGACY Am.rlun's MANUAL - '5 2/4 channel Input connections .q ch amp LA-SSQ LA-IOSQ • lJRREAR AudioOutputs lJR FRONT AudioOutputs 2 eN � eN head unit L======::::Ill;J� "g"go.!blo� Input connections using low levellnputa high level Input connections .q ch amp LA-SSQ LA-IOSQ • floating ground connections HI LEVEL INPUT ADAPTOR � eN 10iiii¥31 FRONT L R L R harness wiring for cammon graund connections CH3/4 CH1/2 �� �� REAR 1�iiii¥31 REAR L R L from speaker termiRals Y adaptors from speaker terminals R FROIIT speaker connections 2 ch amp LA-SB9 LA-7B9 LA-9B9 • LA-IBB9 • mono Input connections 4 ch amp LA-SB9 LA-ICB9 • • LA-23B9 • LA-2BB9 IKBreo Output made (@ - - - ��� l�m�1 @ 0 s s 0 I Bridged mona output mode (@ ��� Imlml @ Iww-ml - . ," " "l}-C'!' 0 s < RIGHT speaker LEFT speaker s 0 @-� I morlea •• • A 2 CN mona Input cannectlona ualng low levellnputa (@ �II! . Imrlll - • '@ " ��� ..-�II!., - - MINIMUM SPEAKER IMPEDANCE 4 OHMSI ..., 1.+ low levellnputa I+ �II!+ < . I speaker LEGAC ��� � CN mana Input connectlonl ullng (@ LEGACY A.m.rlnn 0 •• 11'1 MANUAL · , , speaker connections .q ch amp LA-6SS LA-lOSS � CN Output m Ode � ;;;;:�� ���E�5� � �� speaker connections .q ch amp LA-6SS LA-lOSS • • :;;;� ;;; ______ -,-.+ .. . ,-.+ ,-.+ ...... L REAR speakers L R FRONT speakers 2 CH Btereo Output mode with mono Bridged &ubwoofer Output (@ - - .,. ,110 S 0 ��� I���IIIS @ @-r:!l' �II m� r-ml Im-!miii II I ��� �@�. �',@'�' Bridged Dual mono Output mode (@ - - .,. S]I 0 ��� I���I � :]11.-(-Ii ����I ��� ���:.-f-_ -I ,+ ,-. .. . R speakers -, I + ,-. _ (@ MINIMUM SPEAKER .. . IMPEDANCE 4 OHMS! L I + � SUBWOOFER (@ MINIMUM SPEAlER 1M PEDANCE ' 1+ 4 OHMS! ,-. .. .L _ -,-.+ R" • SPEAKERS sListem wiring mounting and Installation MONO BLOCK AMPLIFIER LA-I.qOO • LA-2001D • Your new American LEGgarnElifier comes complete with all required mounting hardware. When determining a suitable location in your vehicle for the amp, please remember that it is a high-power electronic device capable of generating high heat. == o For this reason, alap chaase a lacalian in JIIur vehicle which hIS law libralian,adequale IInliiatian,a minimum aI dust,and na maisture. Be sure to mount the amp in such a manner as to allow reasonable airtlow over the cooling fins. Mark the lacatian far the maunling screw hales by positioning the amp where you wish to install it and use a scribe (or one of the mounting screws) inserted in each of the mounting holes to mark the mounting surtace. If the mounting surtace IS carpeted, measure the hole centers and mark with a felt tip pen. LJR Audio head unit TO SATELLITE LINE INPUT Outputs AMPLIFIER lefare ta drill the maunling hales,take nate allIIJ wires,lines ar allier devices in JIIur vehicle which may be lacated behind tile maunting ..rllce! Then drill pilot holes in the mounting surtace for the mounting screws and insert them. Tighten the screws securely. ta JIIur amplifier, plelSe abserve the Use at least 8 gauge wire for power and ground connections. srum aUTrUI ClnIlCTlln (@ ��� ll!!il!!l @ Wire the amplifier directly to the car battery. a IS .:; 0 - .:; I��� �I '@' ; -I I �+ � » subwoofer For the ground connection, use the shortest possible wire to a good chassis ground point. ��� (@ 11111111 SPIIIII IIPmlCI 2-' IIIIS! American LEGACY Series amplifiers feature built-in fuse systems. These fuses protect both the amplifier and the electrical system in your vehicle from tault conditions. If you ever need to replace the fuse in your American LEGACY Series amp, use a fuse of exactly the same type and rating. A different type or rating of fuse may result in damage or fire. notes troubleshooting liD autput. p'rotectlon clrcultru The built-in protection circuitry in the American Legacy Series amplifiers will disable the amplifier if it senses an input overload, a speaker short circuit, or extreme temperature conditions. When the protection circuit is activated by any of these conditions, the Protection LED will be illuminated. If this occurs, carefully inspect the system to determine the source of the problem. If the shutdown was a result of a thermal overload condition, allow the amplifier to cool down before attempting to restart it. • If the shutdown was a result of an input overload, or speaker short circuit, be sure to correct the condition before restarting. • The amplifier can be restarted by turning the remote power OFF and then ON again. Confirm that all terminal strip connections are secure and tight. Check both in-line and built-in fuses. Both the +12Vand the Remote terminals must have +12V referenced to chassis ground. Confirm that the audio signal sourca (car radiO, equalizer, etc.) is connected and is supplying output sig nal. To check if the amp is supplyinQ sig nal, unrlug the cables from th e signal source (but leave them plugged into the amp). Bnetly tap the center Pin of each 0 the disconnected RCA plugs with yourlinger. This should produca a noise (teedback) in your speakers. Only Dne clulnnel works. Conlirm that all terminal strip connections are secure and tight. Check the Balance control on the head unit (or other source) to verify that it is set to its midpoint. If you are using the Low Level RCA input, reverse the input plugs at the amplifier (i.e., switch the L with the R). If the channels wh ich is silent switches to the other side, the problem is either in the head uniVother source or the connecting cables. Welk autp.t. Readjust the Input Level Control(s) to better suit the input signal. IIDIse In tile audlD. If the noise is a ''whine· whose pitch follows the engine speed, confirm that the amplifier and any other signal sourcas (head unit, etc.) are properly grounded. If the noise is a "clicking" or ·popping" noise whose rate follows the engine speed, this usually means that the vehicle is equipped with resistor spark plugs and wires, or that the ignition is in need of service. Check the rounting of the speaker and input wires to make sure they are not adjacent to wires which interconnect lights and other accassories. If the above steps fail to improve or clear noise interterence, the system should be checked by a professional mobile audio installer. precautions Do not operate the amplifier when it is unmounted. Attach all audio system components securely within the automobile to prevent damage, especially in an accident. Do not mount this amplifier so that the wire connections are unprotected, or in a pinched condition, or likely to be darnaged by nearby objects. Two 4-ohm IPMIt..., wired In PIIr,II,1 lD I bridg.d Iwo-ehlnn.! amplifi.r. will preHn! • 2-ohm mono loed to th. amplifi,r. lIOn'TWO-CHANIII!L AMPUFIIItI DO NOT 1U1'� I-otIM IIIONO OPERATIONI AIlII'UFER DNMGE COULD RElILT1 Before making or breaking power connections in your system, disconnect the vehicle battery. Confirm that your head unit or other equipment is turned off while connecting the input jacks and speaker terminals. If lOU need to replace the power fuse, do so only With a fuse identical to that supplied with the amplifier. Using a fuse of a different type or rating may result in damage that isn1 covered in the manufacturer� warranty. 4...ho""oIA..,nn.r (O,.... nl'nSIo...) YES! :t- Four 4-Ghm ..,e.u" wired In 1It,,-.o, wli p....m • 4-ohm lo.d 10 .. ell chanl'llli 01 1M ampllft.r. Mod four ChMlMI1 will work well In thl' aanfiguretion. ...."""......." ..., (O,.,...". IrIoIl.� 11.,0) NOI Four +ohm .pM"''', wired In p ...n., 10. brldg..:l fuur-d1.nn.l.mpllft.r, will p....t. • 4..,hm mono lOG til thl ..,pllll.,. MOlT FOUIt-CIlANIilEL AMP'LFEItI DO NOT"�J.OHM IIDNO OP'EltAlIONI Mft.l'lEIlIIAMAGIE COULDalULTI