Download Durabrand DBVT1341 Service manual
DBVT1341 Series A SERVICE MANUAL COLOR TELEVISION/VIDEO CASSETTE RECORDER ORIGINAL MFR’S VERSION B Design and specifications are subject to change without notice. DBVT1341 SERVICE MANUAL COLOR TELEVISION/VIDEO CASSETTE RECORDER REVISION 1 MFR’S VERSION B MFR’S VERSION IC4001 A LA71200M-MPB B LA71201M-MPB Please file this revision with the original version. CORRECTION NOTICE MFR'S INCORRECT VERSION REF.NO. A PCB010 CORRECT DESCRIPTION SYSCON PCB ASS'Y VMX210A REF.NO. PCB800 DESCRIPTION SYSCON PCB ASS'Y VMX210A Change of IC ELECTRICAL REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST MFR'S VERSION A PART NO. REF. NO. IC4001 I03F3200M0 IC MFR'S VERSION B DESCRIPTION LA71200M-MPB R1085 PART NO. DESCRIPTION I03F301MN0 IC LA71201M-N-MPB R801R7225J RC 2.2M OHM 1/10W R4018 R903N8822J RC 8.2K OHM 1/8W R903N8123J RC 12K OHM 1/8W R4021 R903N8273J RC 27K OHM 1/8W R903N8223J RC 22K OHM 1/8W R4034 R903N8104J RC 100K OHM 1/8W R903N8823J RC 82K OHM 1/8W R4044 R801R7104J RC 100K OHM 1/10W R801R7474J RC 470K OHM 1/10W R4050 R903N8473J RC 47K OHM 1/8W R4052 R903N8682J RC 6.8K OHM 1/8W R903N8822J RC 8.2K OHM 1/8W R4053 R903N8562J RC 5.6K OHM 1/8W R903N8682J RC 6.8K OHM 1/8W C4050 E50HU5010M CE 1 PCB800 A57805A01A SYSCON PCB ASS'Y VMX210A E50HU5R22M CE 0.22 UF 50 V SYSCON PCB ASS'Y (MFR'S VERSION) A57805A010 VMX210A UF 50V DEL SYSCON PCB's are interchangeable. PRINTED CIRCUIT BOREDS SYSCON/CRT (INSERTED PARTS) (CHIP MOUNTED PARTS) SOLDER SIDE SOLDER SIDE (MFR'S VERSION B) (MFR'S VERSION B) ADD W261 ADD R1085 TAB_SW LDM+ 2.4 2.2 0 7 CAP/M/F/R 8 VCC(5V) C1071 OSD_BLK C1004 100P CH R1036 4.7K 10 CENTLED OSD_B C1023 220P CH C1037 390P CH OSD_G C1067 100P CH 100P CH C1046 20P CH L1001 2.2uH 2.5 R1005 2.7K R1040 C1047 18P CH 33K 42 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 32 31 REC LED TV-POWER T-REC LED 33 RESET-L FROM/TO CHROMA/IF HD X-RAY_TEST VD C-RESET 0 C1040 18P CH 8 AFT_M X1001 12MHz 2.6 2.1 5.2 SDA 1.5 C1050 20P CH 5.2 OSD_BLK RESET AT+5V_BACKUP AT+5V E/V_MASK 4.8 VCR_POWER_H RENT_H TV_POWER_H 0 SPOT_H 0 TV_POWER_H VCR_POWER_H 1 MS_SEN B Q1003 RPI-352Q01R CAP_F/R 0.5 4 1.4 NOTE: THIS SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM IS THE LATEST AT THE TIME OF PRINTING AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE 4 3 0 0.9 REEL SENS Q1005 RPI-301 NC NC VCC SCL A0 A1 A2 VSS REC_LED T-REC_LED 3 0 2 0 1 4 FROM/TO I/O E/V_MASK RENT_H IIC_OFF ON_TIM_LED TV_POWER_H REC_LED T-REC_LED KEY_A KEY_B REMOCON_IN SCL SDA FROM/TO SOUND AMP 0 3 TV_POWER_H TV_A_MUTE TONE_CTL CM_ADV_AUDIO CA/MA_SEL R1049 H.AMP_SW2 4.7K OUT IN 1 2 GND 3 5.1 0 MEASURED WITH THE DIGITAL TESTER DURING PLAYBACK E 2 PCB800 VMX210 TUNER VIDEO SIGNAL DEFLECTION SIGNAL CAPSTAN AFC SIGNAL CYLINDER AFC SIGNAL CYLINDER APC SIGNAL NOTE: THE DC VOLTAGE AT EACH PART WAS D 4 0 EEP ROM IC IC1099 S-24C04BDP-LA 8 0 CAUTION: DIGITAL TRANSISTOR C 5.2 7 TEST C1083 0.0022 B SPOT_H SEN_LED 4 W882 B 0 6 SDA 1 4 1.4 0.8 CAP_FG 2.6 5 RESET 0 NC 5 5.2 CAP_CTL OSD_G OSD_B 6.3V 220 YK 2 OSD_R C1026 0.01 F C1049 22P CH X1002 32.768KHz 1.3 5 SCL C1048 18P CH 18K 1 LDM_F W825 0.01 F COMP C1082 REMOCON_IN C1058 1.2 5.2 3 6 FROM/TO DEFLECTION R1051 0.8 2 1M R1034 680P CH C1038 50 49 SERVICE 48 46 45 44 43 0 2.6 4.7K R1047 4.7K 390 R1019 6.3V 100 YK DUMMY_V.SYNC KEY_B REEL_T KEY_A AFT_M ENV_DET BOT EOT MS_SEN-A 5.2 3 1 A 47 52 SD-IN(MONI) 54 HLF 55 VHOLD 57 NUA 56 CVIN 58 H/C-SYNC 59 V-SYNC 60 OSD OUT1 61 CENTER LED 53 OSD-VCC XC_IN(32KHz) C1003_1 FG SD_SYNC 0 25V33 YK VCO 6 0 CM_ADV_VIDEO NC 0 0.1 F 5 1.2 2 C1017 CTL 5.1 33K 4 COMP FROM/TO CM/MOV ADVANCE MS_SEN A Q1009 RPI-352Q01R 100 R1087 I LIMIT H.AMP_SW1 0 2.5 M C1021 1.3 SENSOR SW Q1002 2SC2412K GND 3 X-IN(12MHz) R1085 C_ROTARY V.REC_ST_H C1068 0.0022 B 2.2 CTL- X_RAY X-RAY_TEST TV_POWER_H SYSTEM RESET IC1003 R3111N311A/C 0.0033 B TMC-J08P-B1 MOTOR GND MS_SEN-B MS_SEN-A PGIN+ ENV_DET 5.2 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 5.2 5.2 0 2.2 0 5.2 2.3 2.6 2.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5.2 NC 5.2 5.2 0 NC NC 47K R1052 PGIN- R1050 FROM/TO CAPSTAN DD UNIT 2 EXT-MUTE 9 R1046 1.5K C1032 R1082 1 F 6.3V 220 YK C1064 33K 2 1 MS_SEN-B SEN_LED M-COM C1090 CP1004 X-OUT(12MHz) VCC VCR-POWER 8 23 SENS LED 7 0 7 CTL+ 41 0 6 24 SP-H 5 22 DEGAUSS_H 4 22 1/4W PG GND 1 B TAB_SW 5.2 NC TUNER_CONTROL 0 X-RAY_TEST 0 XC_OUT(32KHz) S114Z R1083 7 V-OUT 1K PG OUT CLKSEL 21 LDM-FWD 3 20 LDM-RVS 2 W-OUT R1066 GND 6 U-OUT R1079 5 62 B 63 G 64 R 65 NC 67 NC 66 V REC START H 69 CS 68 SDATA 70 SCLK 71 IIC-CLK1 73 FF/REW-L 72 IIC-DATA1 75 VOLUME 74 JUST CLOCK CAP-PWM DRUM-PWM CAP FULL 1 LDM_R 3 2 270 R1002 M-COM 1K 1SS133 W833 CP1005 (CD2001) IMSA-9604S-07Z14 4 OSC-IN2 H.SW TP1002 NC W894 W-OUT 49 OSD-VSS 9 FROM/TO MICRO MOTOR 3 NUB OSC-OUT2 31 ON-TIMER LED H.SW D1004 Y/C_CS H.SW RENT_H SD_VIDEO DUMMY_V.SYNC 50 TAB SW 32 RENT_H 1.4 1.4 0 3 V-OUT C1062 C_ROTARY TAB SW SW1001 SPVF130100 CAP_F/R U-OUT R1033 LM+ H.AMP_SW2 2 C1010 220P CH R1021 10 C1060 C1009 220P CH R1020 22K R1017 39K R1035 OSD_R 22 R1007 V.REC_ST_H Y/C_CS Y/C_DATA 100P CH SCL Y/C_CLK SDA R1042 220 R1038 220 C1029 0.0068 B C1061 100P CH 0.1 F TONE_CTL C1028 REEL_S REEL_T REEL-T REEL-S 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 CTL AMP-OUT 100 DEW 19 HI-FI-H.SW 0 TIMER SYSCON MICON IC IC1001 OEC7059A AMP C 99 ANALOG VCC 18 VIDEO-H.SW 5.1 CTL+ 17 ENV-CMP-IN 10 CTL- H.AMP_SW1 1 0.001 B 33 E/V_MASK/PLAY LED 16 HEAD.AMP.SW 2.5 Y/C_DATA C1031 98 AMP-VCC 15 COLOR ROTARY 82K 4.7K LM- 2.6 16V10 KA C 14 REMOCON-IN 2.5 5.2 4 LDM- C1027 0.0039 B C1022 0.1 F 0 Y/C_CLK 6 7 VSS 13 DUMMY-V.SYNC 560 0.2 AMP-VREFIN 12 CAP-LIMIT R1013 2.5 AMP-VREFOUT 11 CAP-FWD 560 0 1 BOT 3 D1003 SID1050CM R1018 2 0 5.0 VCC FROM/TO Y/C/A/H.AMP 220P CH 48 CM_ADV_AUDIO/AV2 10 KEY B R1009 2.5 DRUM-PG 9 KEY A 50V4.7 KA C1019 0.001 CH 5.1 2.2K R1003 CP1006 (CP101) IMSA-9604S-04Z14 0.1 F C1035 DRUM-FG 8 AFT(REC) FF/REW_SW Q1004 DTC124EKA R1011 0.1 C1034 84 CA/MA_SEL 6 VIDEO-ENV 16V 22 KA C1020 EOT SENSOR Q1013 PNA2604M010R 4 R1012 10K CTL+ FROM/TO DECK NC CM_ADV_VIDEO/AV1 83 SP/LP/EP-H 7 AFT(MONI) C1016 0.6 AMP-VSS 5 HI-FI-ENV 10V 47 KA CAP-FG BOT C1015 C1018 U-OUT V-OUT W-OUT M-COM 0.1 F 2.0 12 CTL- 4 R1053 220 4.7K BOT Y OUT 15 16 U OUT 10.1 EOT LGND 13 R1064 1K 1/4W 14 V OUT 0 1/4W 0 EOT 1K CYL_PG 2.5 82 TV_A_MUTE 89 10.1 0 17 0 LDM_F 81 VCR_A_MUTE 90 X OUT 5.2 POWER_FAIL_L 91 W OUT 13 18 0 0 8 R1032 10K VCR_A_MUTE IIC OFF 92 Y IN 5.9 93 M COM 12 19 7.5 3.3K R1008 C1013 11 CAP_FG 0.0039 C10911K 1/4W B R1084 0.0022 X CYL_FG R1080 1 1 22K R1028 IIC_OFF LDM_R 5.1 94 X IN 0 R1001 95 RF W849 96 VREF 10 VCC NC 0 CA/MA_SEL 11.5 0.0022 B LVCC C1084 U IN 11 21 20 S811X S811Y 0 5 R1075 4.7K TV_A_MUTE W819 9 22 11.5 12.2 1 CYL_FG 0 97 BFGO SERVICE TP1001 C1056 0.1 F NC NC 4.9 4.2 0 2.3 1.6 2.1 5.2 0 5.2 4.8 0 4.9 2.5 2.6 0 0 4.7 0 0 0 0 0 0.9 0.9 0 1.8 2.5 0 0 0 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 VCR_A_MUTE H (SYSCON PCB) (MFR'S VERSION B) R1045 W810 CYL_PG 0 G 3.3K 98 V IN PG OUT2 PGIN- 5.9 X_RAY_SW Q1023 0 2SC2412K 5.1 11.5 NC 6 W IN 0.2 X_RAY 3.3K MSSEN-B 0 PGIN+ 100 99 23 11.5 NC PG OUT1 8 25 24 11.5 NC C1 R1044 MSSEN-A 2.6 2.3 0.0022 B R1073 CYL_DRIVE C1065 CAP_CTL 2.6 R1048 PG IN(-) 2.6 C1077 C2 4 PG IN(+) 5 26 CX 6 0 VREG 7 0.022 B C1070 VCO IN 4.7K BL01RN1-A63T6 CYL_DRIVE W919 P.CON+5V 0.0047 B 29 0 27 0.1 B C1069 0.0022 B C1073 VC 1.9 28 560K R1054 C1080 PC OUT R1029 MTZJ5.6B 5.0 0.1 F 3.7 7 B1001 R1039 18K D1014 2.5 C1078 0.1 F FC 1.0 C1089 GND 1 30 0 2 0.1 F 3 CYL/LOADING MOTOR DRIVER IC1004 LB11880 C1007 F MICON SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM DEGAUSS_H POWER_FAIL2 P.CON+5V GND AT+12V MOTOR_GND H_GND TV_POWER_H 8 E SD_SYNC D 1K C R1031 B FROM/TO TV POWER 25 SPOT H A F 1 G H SPEC.NO. M578-05A O/R NO. K175001 CHASSIS EXPLODED VIEW (TOP VIEW) 300 502 348 M2003 UN4001 333 334 504 501 335 H5002 342 H5001 336 314 324 341 347 503 315 306 323 331 508 508 305 322 301 302 312 AA 313 AA 332 AA AB AB AA AB M101 318 304 AA 325 309 AA 319 AB 307 AB 506 345 320 AB 346 AB 507 AB 316 317 AB 321 AB AB AB CLASS PART NO. GREASE G-555G MARK AA MG-33 AB I-3 NOTE: Applying positions AA and AB for the grease are displayed for this section. Check if the correct grease is applied for each position. CHASSIS EXPLODED VIEW (BOTTOM VIEW) 300 303 M2001 AA 510 339 338 AA 510 AA 329 337 AA AA 311 310 AA 509 AA 510 AA 340 AB 308 AB 344 AA 327 343 AA 326 AB 328 AA 505 330 CLASS PART NO. GREASE G-555G MARK AA MG-33 AB I-4 NOTE: Applying positions AA and AB for the grease are displayed for this section. Check if the correct grease is applied for each position. MECHANICAL REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST REF. NO. PART NO. DESCRIPTION 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 A5A303C720 85OP700037 752WSA0230 753WSA0118 899HV3T000 702WPA0832 761WPA0225 735WPAA267 753WUAA006 CABINET,FRONT ASS'Y HOLDER,LED SHIELD,CASE HEAD AMP PLATE,EARTH-SYSCON HOLDER,ANODE WIRE CABINET,BACK HOLDER,DECK BUTTON,REC SPRING,EARTH HEAD AMP 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 726000A023 741WUA0019 85OP700038 701WPJB518 722552A016 711WPA0114 712WPJB272 713WPA0075 7230006830 752WSAA040 SHEET,CRT SERVICEMAN SPRING,EARTH HOLDER,END SENSOR CABINET,FRONT SHEET,RATING PLATE,FRONT FLAP GUIDE,REMOCON SHEET,LED PLATE,DECK SHIELD 120 121 122 123 124 125 723000A823 735WPDA523 743WKA0032 7220001119 755WPA0026 722000A023 FILM,DECORATION BUTTON,FRAME SPRING,FLAP(COMBO) SHEET,CSA WARNING PLATE,COVER LIGHT SHEET,HWC 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 8117540B04 8117540A64 8107630604 8110630A24 8121F50B84 8110630A04 8110630804 8109I30804 8110330804 SCREW,TAPPING(B0) SCREW,TAPPING(B0) SCREW,TAP TITE(S) SCREW,TAP TITE(P) SCREW,TAPPING(B0) SCREW,TAP TITE(P) SCREW,TAP TITE(P) SCREW,TAP TITE(B) SCREW,TAP TITE(P) TRUSS TRUSS BRAZIER BRAZIER FAI20 FLAT BRAZIER BRAZIER WH7 FLAT 4x20 4x16 3x6 3x12 5x28 3x10 3x8 3x8 3x8 210 211 8109630802 8109I30A04 SCREW,TAP TITE(B) SCREW,TAP TITE(B) BRAZIER WH7 3x8 3x10 --------------- 791WHAA016 A5A303C975 792WHA0271 792WHA0272 793WCDA975 JA5K0100 J5A30301 LAMIFILM BAG INSTRUCTION BOOK KIT PACKAGE,TOP PACKAGE,BOTTOM GIFT BOX POLY BAG INSTRUCTION BOOK J1-1 CHASSIS REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST REF. NO. 300 PART NO. DESCRIPTION A5A305A420K DECK ASSY 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 85OA400227 85OA500026 85OP200290 85OP600581 85OP500083 85OP800324 85OA000459 85OA200089 85OA200090 PINCH ROLLER BLOCK AHC ASS'Y BELT,CAPSTAN (S) WORM BASE,AC HEAD SPRING,AC HEAD MAIN CHASSIS ASS'Y CLUTCH ASS'Y ARM IDLER ASS'Y 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 85OA300065 85OA300066 85OA400223 85OA400232 85OA400233 85OA400231 85OP800358 85OP900736 85OP900748 85OP900749 LOADING ARM S UNIT LOADING ARM T UNIT INCLINED BASE T UINT 3S P5 ARM ASS'Y 2 TENSION ARM ASS'Y (WT) INCLINED BASE S UNIT SPRING,LOCKER CASS,HOLDER CASS,SIDE L CASS,SIDE R 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 85OP900739 85OA900228 85OP000496 85OP200291 85OP200292 85OP200308 85OP200311 85OP200312 85OP200313 85OP300194 LOCKER,R LINK UNIT POST,CASS GUIDE REEL,S (S) REEL,T (S) GEAR,IDLER GEAR,CLUTCH GEAR,COUPLING LEVER,CLUTCH GEAR,MAIN LOADING 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 85OP400490 85OP400492 85OP400520 85OP400532 85OP400533 85OP600573 85OP600574 85OP600577 85OP600578 85OP600579 LEVER,TENSION HOLDER,TENSION CAP.P4 BAND,TENSION CONNECT,TENSION ARM,BRAKE T BAND,BRAKE T CAM,PINCH ROLLER CAM,MAIN ROD,MAIN 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 85OP600582 85OP800322 85OP800350 85OP800355 85OP800356 85OP900750 85OP900744 85OP900745 85OP900746 GEAR,JOINT SPRING,TENSION SPRING,BRAKE T SPRING,COUPLING SPRING,RING LEVER,LINK 2 LEVER,FLAP CASS,OPENER BRACKET,TOP 3V REF. NO. A5A305A420K ! ! ! ! J2-1 PART NO. DESCRIPTION 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 8107226804 810A123504 8107226404 8102120604 8109126604 810A130404 810A126504 82Q264713N 82P184505N SCREW,TAP TITE(S) BIND SEMS A SCREW,TAP TITE(S) BIND SCREW,PAN SCREW,TAP TITE(B) PAN SCREW/WASHER(A) SCREW/WASHER(A) POLYSLIDER WASHER POLYSLIDER WASHER(CUT) 510 83ETW30000 E-RING 3 CD1501 CD1502 H5001 H5002 M101 M2001 M2003 UN4001 122H071603 122Y021902 1523D91034 1543D02013 1596P98001 1510S98036 1589S11014 A5A305A500 SMCD-7X151 2Y021902 HVMXA1072A HVFHP0032A MXN13FB12K3 F2QVB08 I2OAL03 A5A305A500 CORD JUMPER CORD JUMPER HEAD (AUDIO CONTROL) HEAD (FULL ERASE) MOTOR (LOADING) CAPSTAN DD UNIT MICRO MOTOR CYLINDER UNIT ASS'Y 2.6x8 M2.3x5.0 2.6x4 M2x6 2.6x6 M3x4 M2.6x5 2.6x4.7xT0.13 1.8x4.5xT0.5 ELECTRICAL REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST REF. NO. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! R415 R420 R439 R442 R444 R447 R449 R450 R500 R501 R502 R510 R512 R514 R517 R528 R802 R805 R810 PART NO. DESCRIPTION RESISTORS R002T22R2J R801R7822F R801R7223F R801R7153F R801R7183F R65582680J R63502010J R655U2010J R655815R6J R0G3K2275K R5Y2CD2R2J R3X28B100J R903N8105J R002T2563J R3X181R33J R3X181331J R63581R22J R3X181123J R3X181123J R3X181123J RC RC RC RC RC R,FUSE R,FUSE R,FUSE R,FUSE RC R,CEMENT R,METAL OXIDE RC RC R,METAL OXIDE R,METAL OXIDE R,FUSE R,METAL OXIDE R,METAL OXIDE R,METAL OXIDE E02L02222M E02L04102M E02L03102M P4J7F3474J P4N8FJ912H E02LTD2R2M E02LT3331M P61101224J P611T1224J P2472B224M C0JTB0513K E51CGC471M E02LT3471M C03L0R7H3K E62NFC221M CB3930MQ2K C03L0R713K CB3930ML3M C03L0R7W2K C0PWB07H3K CE CE CE CMPP CMPP CE CE CMPL CMPL CMP CC CE CE CC CE CC CC CC CC CC D2WT011E10 D2WXN49370 D97U03001B D97U03301C D97U03001B D97U03301C D2WT011E10 D1VT001330 D94TA27011 D94TA11B13 D97U06R81B D1VT001330 D2WXN49370 D2WXN49370 D97U01001B D2WXB290S0 D2W0B290S0 D2WXB290S0 D1VT001330 D2WXRU2AM0 D2WXB290S0 D1VT001330 D1VT001330 D97U03301B D97X03301B D28TELS2N2 D2WTRM11C0 D2WXB290S0 D2WTRM11C0 D2WTRM11C0 D97U05R61B D2WTRM11C0 D1VT001330 D97U01801B D97U01801B DIODE SILICON DIODE SILICON DIODE,ZENER DIODE,ZENER DIODE,ZENER DIODE,ZENER DIODE SILICON DIODE,SILICON DIODE ZENER DIODE ZENER DIODE,ZENER DIODE,SILICON DIODE SILICON DIODE SILICON DIODE,ZENER DIODE SILICON DIODE SILICON DIODE SILICON DIODE,SILICON DIODE SILICON DIODE SILICON DIODE,SILICON DIODE,SILICON DIODE,ZENER DIODE,ZENER DIODE RECTIFIER DIODE SILICON DIODE SILICON DIODE SILICON DIODE SILICON DIODE,ZENER DIODE SILICON DIODE,SILICON DIODE,ZENER DIODE,ZENER 2.2 OHM 1/2W 8.2K OHM 1/10W 22K OHM 1/10W 15K OHM 1/10W 18K OHM 1/10W 68 OHM 1/2W 1 OHM 1/2W 1 OHM 1/2W 5.6 OHM 1W 2.7M OHM 1/2W 2.2 OHM 5W 10 OHM 3W 1M OHM 1/8W 56K OHM 1/2W 0.33 OHM 1W 330 OHM 1W 0.22 OHM 1W 12K OHM 1W 12K OHM 1W 12K OHM 1W REF. NO. PART NO. D536 D537 D601 D602 D605 D608 D609 D610 D611 D612 D613 D614 D615 D619 D620 D621 D791 D793 D1001 D1003 D4003 D28TELS6N6 D1VT001330 D1VT001330 D97U08R21B D2WT11ES10 D2WXSB1400 D97U06R81B D97U06R81B D97U06R81B D1VT001330 D1VT001330 D1VT001330 D97U06R81B D1VT001330 D1VT001330 D1VT001330 0021E2Q150 0021E2Q150 D1VT001330 0010100320 D1VT001330 DIODE RECTIFIER DIODE,SILICON DIODE,SILICON DIODE,ZENER DIODE SILICON DIODE SCHOTTKY DIODE,ZENER DIODE,ZENER DIODE,ZENER DIODE,SILICON DIODE,SILICON DIODE,SILICON DIODE,ZENER DIODE,SILICON DIODE,SILICON DIODE,SILICON LED LED DIODE,SILICON INFRARED LED DIODE,SILICON ! IC351 ! IC401 IC501 ! IC502 IC601 IC1001 ! IC1003 IC1099 IC4001 I01DP75110 I01TD55220 I1KA98R050 0002500450 I06FC61206 I56F57071A IC7J0311A0 A5A304C015 I03F301MN0 IC IC IC PHOTO COUPLER IC IC IC IC IC Q403 Q404 Q405 Q406 Q407 Q505 Q507 Q510 Q511 Q601 Q602 Q603 Q604 Q605 Q606 Q608 Q609 Q611 Q612 Q804 Q805 Q806 Q1003 Q1004 Q1005 Q1007 Q1008 Q1009 Q1011 Q1013 Q1023 Q1024 Q4001 Q4002 Q4003 Q4005 Q4006 Q4007 Q4009 Q4010 Q4011 Q4012 TNAAJ05003 TPAAD05003 TC5T01627Y TD30026270 T8YJ2412K0 T6YJ1037K0 TCATC31980 TJXG5NC500 TCAT032034 T6YJ1037K0 TCAT032034 TCAT032034 TDWT00400E TDWT00400E TCAT032034 TNAAJ05003 TNAAJ05003 TNAAB05003 TNAAB05003 TC3F042170 TC3F042170 TC3F042170 0002700530 TNAAC05002 0002700590 TNAAB05003 TNAAB05003 0002700530 0000M00390 0000M00390 T8YJ2412K0 TNAAC05002 TCATC31980 TCATC31980 TPAAC05002 TAATA12660 TCAT032034 T8YJ2412K0 T6YJ1037K0 T6YJ1037K0 T8YJ2412K0 T8YJ2412K0 COMPOUND TRANSISTOR COMPOUND TRANSISTOR TRANSISTOR SILICON TRANSISTOR SILICON TRANSISTOR SILICON TRANSISTOR,SILICON TRANSISTOR,SILICON FET TRANSISTOR, SILICON TRANSISTOR,SILICON TRANSISTOR, SILICON TRANSISTOR, SILICON TRANSISTOR SILICON TRANSISTOR SILICON TRANSISTOR, SILICON COMPOUND TRANSISTOR COMPOUND TRANSISTOR COMPOUND TRANSISTOR COMPOUND TRANSISTOR TRANSISTOR,SILICON TRANSISTOR,SILICON TRANSISTOR,SILICON PHOTO COUPLER COMPOUND TRANSISTOR PHOTO COUPLER COMPOUND TRANSISTOR COMPOUND TRANSISTOR PHOTO COUPLER PHOTO TRANSISTOR PHOTO TRANSISTOR TRANSISTOR SILICON COMPOUND TRANSISTOR TRANSISTOR,SILICON TRANSISTOR,SILICON COMPOUND TRANSISTOR TRANSISTOR,SILICON TRANSISTOR, SILICON TRANSISTOR SILICON TRANSISTOR,SILICON TRANSISTOR,SILICON TRANSISTOR SILICON TRANSISTOR SILICON or CAPACITORS ! ! ! ! ! C354 C402 C407 C423 C424 C431 C433 C451 ! C506 ! C507 C509 ! C511 C517 ! C521 ! C530 C535 ! C539 C541 C801 2200 UF 16V 1000 UF 35V 1000 UF 25V 0.47 UF 250V PMS 0.0091UF 1.25KV 2.2 UF 250V 330 UF 25V 0.22 UF 100V TF or 0.22 UF 100V TF 0.22UF 275V PHE840 0.001 UF 500V B 470 UF 200V 470 UF 25V 0.0022UF 2KV R 220 UF 200V 470 PF 250V 0.001 UF 2KV R 0.0033UF 250V 820 PF 2KV R 0.0022UF 2KV B D404 ! ! ! ! ! ! D405 D407 D408 D409 D410 D411 D412 D413 D501 D505 D507 D508 ! D510 ! D512 D513 D514 ! D515 ! D517 D518 ! D519 D520 D521 D528 D530 D533 ! D534 ! D535 11E1-EIC 1N4937 MTZJ30B T-77 MTZJ33C T-77 MTZJ30B T-77 MTZJ33C T-77 11E1-EIC 1SS133T-77 HZ27-1L TD HZ11B3L TD MTZJ6.8B T-77 1SS133T-77 1N4937 1N4937 MTZJ10B T-77 SB290S SB290S-B-EIC SB290S 1SS133T-77 RU2AM-EIC SB290S 1SS133T-77 1SS133T-77 MTZJ33B T-77 MTZJ-33B-T72 10ELS2N-TA1B2 RM11C-EIC SB290S RM11C-EIC RM11C-EIC MTZJ5.6B T-77 RM11C-EIC 1SS133T-77 MTZJ18B T-77 MTZJ18B T-77 ! ! ! ! or ! ! ! ! or AN7511 AN5522 KIA78R05PI TLP621(GR) M61206FP OEC7071A R3111N311A/C-TR S-24C04BDP-LA LA71201M-N-MPB TRANSISTORS or or 10ELS6N-TA1B2 1SS133T-77 1SS133T-77 MTZJ8.2B T-77 11ES1-EIC SB140-EIC MTZJ6.8B T-77 MTZJ6.8B T-77 MTZJ6.8B T-77 1SS133T-77 1SS133T-77 1SS133T-77 MTZJ6.8B T-77 1SS133T-77 1SS133T-77 1SS133T-77 LTL-4224-031A LTL-4224-031A 1SS133T-77 LNA2702L010R 1SS133T-77 ICS DIODES D401 ! D402 D403 DESCRIPTION DIODES KRC111SRTK KRA104SRTK 2SC1627_Y(TPE2) 2SD2627LS-CBC11 2SC2412KT146 R,S 2SA1037AKT146R,S KTC3198-AT(Y,GR) STP5NC50FP KTC3203_Y-AT 2SA1037AKT146R,S KTC3203_Y-AT KTC3203_Y-AT 2SD400E 2SD400E KTC3203_Y-AT KRC111SRTK KRC111SRTK KRC102SRTK KRC102SRTK 2SC4217(D,E)-RAC 2SC4217(D,E)-RAC 2SC4217(D,E)-RAC RPI-352Q01R KRC103SRTK RPI-301 KRC102SRTK KRC102SRTK RPI-352Q01R ST-304L ST-304L 2SC2412KT146 R,S KRC103SRTK KTC3198-AT(Y,GR) KTC3198-AT(Y,GR) KRA103SRTK KTA1266-AT(Y,GR) KTC3203_Y-AT 2SC2412KT146 R,S 2SA1037AKT146R,S 2SA1037AKT146R,S 2SC2412KT146 R,S 2SC2412KT146 R,S COILS &TRANSFORMERS L401 ! L502 J3-1 021679472K COIL 029T000092 COIL,LINE FILTER 4.7 MH 1R0A103F24 ELECTRICAL REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST REF. NO. PART NO. DESCRIPTION COILS &TRANSFORMERS REF. NO. PART NO. ! L503 L601 L603 L607 L612 L801 L1001 L1003 L4001 L4003 L4005 L4006 L4009 T401 ! T501 T4001 028R140031 0331920018 02167F470J 021LA6220K 021LA66R8K 021673221K 021LA62R2K 02167H220K 02167F220J 02167F101J 02167F470J 02167F470J 02167F101J 045009003J 0481290804 031626009R COIL,DEGAUSS COIL COIL COIL COIL COIL COIL COIL COIL COIL COIL COIL COIL TRANS,HORIZONTAL DRIVE TRANSFORMER,SWITCHING COIL,BIAS OSC ! F502 ! FB401 FH501 FH502 FH503 FH504 OS753 ! SP351 ! J351 J701 ! J801 060G131014 RCA JACK 060Q401075 RCA JACK 066X120014 SOCKET,CRT 081PC2R504 043213015R 06710T0006 06710T0006 06710T0006 06710T0006 077Q037002 070C533019 070W535002 DF5EL3R0A0 076R0CG010 076N0CG010 0145K00055 098Y1404B9 100CT3R505 100CT01207 100DA32R01 100CT3R502 8R140031 3192001 47 UH 22 UH 6.8 UH 220 UH 2.2 UH 22 UH 22 UH 100 UH 47 UH 47 UH 100 UH ETH09K14BZ 81290804 1626009 ! TH501 TM101 ! TU601 ! V801 X602 X1001 X1002 X4001 JACKS HTJ-035-28A AV2-24D-5 HPS3200-010501 0504101T34 0504101T34 0504101T34 0504101T34 0504101T34 0504101T34 0504101T34 0504101T34 0504101T34 0504101T34 0508A11002 SWITCH,TACT SWITCH,TACT SWITCH,TACT SWITCH,TACT SWITCH,TACT SWITCH,TACT SWITCH,TACT SWITCH,TACT SWITCH,TACT SWITCH,TACT SWITCH(LEAF) VR401 VR502 V1263H3BT7 VOLUME,SEMI FIXED V1163L2BTC VOLUME,SEMI FIXED PCB010 PCB030 PCB110 A5A303C010 PCB ASS'Y A5A303C030 PCB ASS'Y A5A303C110 PCB ASS'Y EVQ21505R EVQ21505R EVQ21505R EVQ21505R EVQ21505R EVQ21505R EVQ21505R EVQ21505R EVQ21505R EVQ21505R MXS01380MPP0 RH0683CJ3R EVNCYAA03BY2 P.C.BOARD ASSEMBLIES VMA227A TEXA28A TCA377A MISCELLANEOUS CF603 CF604 CP351 CP353 ! CP401 ! CP502 CP504 CP505 CP757 CP801 CD4001 CP1001 CP1003 CP4001 CP4002 CP4003 CP851A CP851B CUS012 ! F501 125C108027 024HT03553 024HT03553 024A8407C3 024HT03553 024HT03553 024HT03564 06CH27090A 06CH12435A 120R414903 06CH2A019A 06CU82039A 06CH012101 WHL6032038 06CH01408A 1022045R72 1022T45R72 1011T4R504 1011T4R517 0694260139 0694270139 069S450089 069S420110 069W01001A 069W01001A 06942A0139 069S320010 122L061501 06972C0010 0694240139 0697240600 069J760029 0697120320 067U010049 067U010049 800WFAA008 081PC05004 ANTENNA ROD CORE,BEADS CORE,BEADS CORE,BEADS CORE,BEADS CORE,BEADS CORE,BEADS CORD CONNECTOR CORD CONNECTOR CORD AC BUSH CORD CONNECTOR CORD CONNECTOR CORD CONNECTOR FLAT CABLE CORD EIS CONNECTOR FILTER,SAW FILTER,SAW FILTER,CERAMIC FILTER,CERAMIC CONNECTOR PCB SIDE CONNECTOR PCB SIDE CONNECTOR PCB SIDE CONNECTOR PCB SIDE CONNECTOR PCB SIDE CONNECTOR PCB SIDE CONNECTOR PCB SIDE CONNECTOR PCB SIDE CORD JUMPER CONNECTOR PCB SIDE CONNECTOR PCB SIDE CONNECTOR PCB SIDE CONNECTOR PCB SIDE CONNECTOR PCB SIDE WIRE HOLDER WIRE HOLDER CUSHION C FUSE 51MS025LCC 3213015R EYF-52BC EYF-52BC EYF-52BC EYF-52BC PIC-37143TH5 SG04D11BNA or NF-16D27W ZPB45BL3R0A R25-1195 or RC-CG010 TECC1040PG32D A34JXV70X53N45 3.579545MHz 12MHz 32.768KHz 3.579545MHz CAPACITORS CC................... CERAMIC CAPACITOR CE................... ALUMI ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR CP................... POLYESTER CAPACITOR CPP.................. POLYPROPYLENE CAPACITOR CPL.................. PLASTIC CAPACITOR CMP.................. METAL POLYESTER CAPACITOR CMPL................ METAL PLASTIC CAPACITOR CMPP............... METAL POLYPROPYLENE CAPACITOR VARIABLE RESISTORS ANT001 B402 B403 B501 B503 B602 B604 CD351 CD352 ! CD501 CD757 CD801 CD803 CD851 CD852 CF601 FUSE TRANSFORMER,FLYBACK HOLDER,FUSE HOLDER,FUSE HOLDER,FUSE HOLDER,FUSE REMOTE RECEIVER SPEAKER SPEAKER DEGAUSS ELEMENT TRANSMITTER TRANSMITTER TUNER,VHF-UHF CRT W/DY CRYSTAL HC-49/C CRYSTAL HC-49/U-S CRYSTAL DT-26 CRYSTAL HC-49/U RESISTOR RC................... CARBON RESISTOR SWITCHES SW751 SW791 SW792 SW793 SW794 SW795 SW796 SW797 SW798 SW799 SW1001 DESCRIPTION MISCELLANEOUS T4-216BNK-BK W5RH3.5X5X1.0 W5RH3.5X5X1.0 BL02RN2-R62T2 W5RH3.5X5X1.0 W5RH3.5X5X1.0 W4BRH3.5X6X1 CH27090A CH12435A 0R414903 CH2A019A SM1098-009-1A CH012101 AWG26 10C BLACK 320MM CH01408A SAFGP45M7VFYZR0B or SAF45MFY220ZR EFCT4R5YS5A EFCT4R5MW5 173979-6 173979-7 A1561WV2-A5P A1561WV2-2P 003P-2100 003P-2100 1-173979-0 A2361WV2-2P 2L061501 TMC-J12P-B2 173979-4 TOC-C04X-B1 IMSA-9604S-06Z14 TMC-T02X-E1 B2013H02-10P B2013H02-10P 51MS050LCC J3-2 SPEC.NO. M5A3-03C O/R NO. K1Y5017 A B C D E F G H Y/C/AUDIO/CCD/HEAD AMP SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM (SYSCON PCB) P.CON+5V P.CON+5V 47uH 0305 C D L4005 0.01 F C4060 3.3K 50V 1 KA KA C4067 C4066 0.022 B 50V 1 W818 1.4 17 18 19 20 0 1.5 0.1 2.2 NC 0 16V 10 KA 3.1 2.2K R4062 3.3M C4053 50V 4.7 KA 4.0 C4054 C4057 TU_VIDEO 1 F C4047 FRONT_VIDEO 16V 10 KA C4050 1.6 C4051 2.9 6.3V 33 KA 3.6 R4032 R1025 100 1/4W 100 R4025 C4038 100uH 0305 4 1 Y/C_VIDEO SD_VIDEO 0 DUMMY_V.SYNC 4.9 2.8 2.2M R4068 W888 C4046 0 50V 3.3 KA 1.8 5.0 P.CON+5V 5.0 BUFFER Q4009 2SA1037AK TU_AUDIO SD_VIDEO R4029 0.7 47K 1/4W SYNC IN Q4007 2SC2412K 2.8 R4026 C4043 39K 0.1 F SD_SYNC RECORD COLOR SIGNAL PLAYBACK LUMINANCE SIGNAL PLAYBACK VIDEO SIGNAL AUDIO SIGNAL(REC) AUDIO SIGNAL(PB) TUNER VIDEO SIGNAL RECORD LUMINANCE SIGNAL RECORD COLOR SIGNAL 0 1/4W R4016 1SS133 470K 1/4W 2 2.2M D4003 3 VD PCB010 VMA227 PLAY_LED Y/C_AUDIO 0.047 B C4014_1 390 R4037 FROM/TO CHROMA/IF TU_VIDEO Y/C_AUDIO 18P CH C4037 50V 1 KA C4035 6.3V 100 KA 1.5M 0.1 F 5.6K P.CON+5V 68 1/4W 0.1 F C4042 R4060 R4048 B C4041 0.22 2.3 L4009 W873 P.CON+5V 5 SD_SYNC PLAY_LED 2.0 NC 2.0 2.3 SD_VIDEO 100K C4052 16V 10 KA 2.6 H.SW R4035 50V 4.7 KA C4049 3.1 ENV_DET 82K C4048 C4024_1 C4036 KA R4024 3.0 2.8 H.AMP_SW1 R4034 3 NC C4076 CTL+ 2.3 R4028 1.7 B CTL- 47K 1/4W 16 10M 10M 0 C4044 15 MAIN EMPHA S DET FIL DUMMY_V.SYNC 0 0.1 F C4045 22 Y-GND VCR_A_MUTE 6.3V 220 KA Y-VCC 4.7K FM AGC FIL 14 1.0 1.7 R4033 40 39 37 36 35 34 30 26 25 24 R P R4059 0.6 0 VD MEASURED WITH THE DIGITAL TESTER DURING PLAYBACK R V.ENV TP4001 BUFFER Q4011 2SC2412K 4.9 R4056 4.7M W897 B 1.0 13 25V 4.7 C4034 820P B KA 0.01 F C4010 NOTE: THE DC VOLTAGE AT EACH PART WAS A C4065 R4042 8.2K 5.0 12 50V 3.3 330K P V.SYNC SEP BUFFER Q4010 2SA1037AK 1.7 SOPB 33K 2.4 11 4 C4029 PB FM EQ S-EQ FM AGC R4023 2.3 470 10 R4022 C4032 6.8K 8.2K R4019 1 G-1 9 22K C4033 6.3V 47 KA HOT 2.2 0.0033 B 2.3 0.1 F 2.5 8 C4075 22K 7 R4057 6.8K BIAS OSC Q4006 0 KTC3203_Y MAIN DE-EM AUTO PHASE PHASE EQ EQ BIAS fo-ADJ Q-ADJ R4021 C4030 5.2 2.2 6 1K 33 KA R4055 C4028 6.3V 0.01 F W887 C4027 C4074 3.3K 2.2 R4020 10K 2.3 5 4 5.2 R4011 0 0 6.3V 220 KA 2.2 3 2.2 0.7 R4003 100uH 0305 R4015 10K 0 0 5 0.01 F R4010 3 C4005 4 0 2 6DB QV/QH SUB LPF MUTE REC:LP<EP PB:EP 2.7K GND 0.7 R4002 L4003 BIAS CTL Q4005 KTA1266 2.2 AGC TC2 SYNC SEP VHS 150P CH R4061 FE HEAD(HOT) 2 EQ AMP SP,LP Vref 2.3V R P REC AMP PB,EE R4058 FE HEAD(GND) 0 AUDIO PB SW Q4001 KTC3198 0 AUDIO PB SW Q4002 KTC3198 CP4003 TMC-T02X-E1 1 5 C4006 560 TO FULL ERASE HEAD 2 6 C4025_1 0.015 B AE HEAD(+) R4001 C4004 220 KA 1 CTL- MKT AE HEAD(-) CTL+ C4002 CTL- 2 COIL,BIAS OSC T4001 1626009 1 5.3 100V 0.022 3 SW Q4003 KRA103SRTK 0 V.REC_ST_H W880 2 CTL+ 5.2 6.3V CP4002 IMSA-9604S-06Z14 FM DEM REC FM-EQ VREF PB,EE 1 Y/C/A/CCD/H.AMP IC IC4001 LA71201M-N-MPB LINE AMP LPF P 2.0 P.CON+5V R ALC DET 3 FROM/TO HEAD AUDIO CONTROL ALC C4031 6.3V 22 KA 1 2 3 R4018 R4017 KA 2.3 NC 0 0.1 F C4023 DOUBBLE LIM V.REC_ST_H 0 R NORMAL A-VCC 16V 10 KA C4021 R4053 6.8K 47K 1/4W R-EQ TEST A-GND 80 6.3V 22 4 P FM MOD 150 R4006 C4012 4.9 28 70 71 72 73 74 P 76 0.1 F BAL TC1 R Y/C MIX NC1 R 2.2 C4020 39K 1/4W R4004 15 1/4W AUDIO PB PB-C Y-LPF NL EMPHA 1/2 FBC P 75 R4052 8.2K R4007 TU_AUDIO FRONT_AUDIO AUDIO REC P 0 P.CON+5V 5 CLAMP NL EMPHA R N.L. DEEM 2.0 NC 6 R DETAIL ENH L 77 1 P Y/C_CS 0.1 F R R P H P REG 4V VIDEO AGC YNR/COMB Sub CONV 78 SP-CH2 (L) 1 2 3 PB-C ACC DET 4.21M BPF HA PRE GND 79 SP COM 2 3.58M BPF1 R + 2.0 SP-CH1 (R) 3 VCP ACC AMP P 2.0 4 P 33 HA VCC CLAMP B.D B-UP AMP 32 Main CONV VCA 31 L VCA PB AMP 3.58M BPF2 C-LPF 0 FROM/TO MICRO MOTOR P 29 P R IN 27 P H CLAMP 23 65 R R 1.8 CP4001_1 TOC-C04X-B1 AUTO-BIAS CNC BGA 69 R4012 820 DRIVER OUT BGA BGA P 1.7 6.8K OUT R4014 R4064 TIMMING CCD BEFORE P R AFTER 68 16V 47 KA 1 F C4009 C4055 22uH 0305 REC AFC PB APC VSS PLL VSS 5.0 P.CON+5V B Y/C_DATA 390P B L4001 REC APC SLD CLOCK 6 Y/C_CLK 0.1 F 0.7 NC Y/C_VIDEO 2.2 0.8 42 41 4Fsc 21 64 0.7 NC 5 0.01 F ALWAYS VDD 5V R P 66 0.7 NC 320FH VCO VX01 ACC DET 67 0.047 F 680K 1.5K 1.8 C4061 FROM/TO MICON C-VCC SERAIL DECODER Y/C_AUDIO R4038 38 AUDIO C-ROT C-GND MUTE RF-SW HA SW IN FRONT_VIDEO 0.1 F 180P CH CHROMA DET 0 56 FRONT_AUDIO 47 KA C4059 NC 4.8 4.8 4.8 5.0 1.9 2.6 4.0 3.3 3.3 2.3 5.0 5.0 0 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 4.0 0.047 F C4015 62 C4019 HA GND 63 0 0 57 6.3V VCR_A_MUTE 61 0.068 B COMPOUT ENV DET KILL DET FROM/TO IN/OUT 100CT3R502 X4001 2.8 0 59 58 0.5 60 2.2 C4016 4 R4043 6.3V 47 KA 50V 1 KA C4064 C4062 6 7 C4058 820 L4006 R4039 2.7K R4051 W858 3.4 2 0.022 B 18K 0.1 F GND NC 5.0 4.0 1.8K C4063 R4054 C4069 P.CON+5V 47uH 0305 Y/C_CLK Y/C_DATA H.SW Y/C_CS 12K R4047 12K R4045 R4041 FROM TV POWER 7 8 BUFFER Q4012 2SC2412K 100K R4044 ENV_DET H.AMP_SW1 VCR_A_MUTE 8 CAUTION: DIGITAL TRANSISTOR 1 NOTE: THIS SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM IS THE LATEST AT THE TIME OF PRINTING AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE E F G H G-2 A B C D E F MICON SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM FROM TV POWER G H (SYSCON PCB) POWER_FAIL2 C1071 100P CH OSD_BLK CENTLED 1K R1031 R1036 4.7K 10 C1037 390P CH C1023 220P CH 10 C1004 100P CH OSD_B OSD_G 220 R1038 C1010 220P CH A G-3 B C 1M R1034 680P CH C1038 50 SERVICE 49 48 46 45 44 35 32 31 REC LED T-REC LED 33 34 36 37 38 39 40 41 43 47 52 SD-IN(MONI) 53 OSD-VCC 55 VHOLD 57 NUA 54 HLF TV-POWER X1001 100CT01207 C1040 18P CH C1048 18P CH AFT_M SCL H_CTL 5 SDA 2.1 5.2 OSD_R C1026 0.01 F C1049 22P CH OSD_G X1002 100DA32R01 1.3 1.5 OSD_B C1050 20P CH 5.2 OSD_BLK RESET AT+5V_BACKUP AT+5V PLAY_LED 4.8 NC 0 NC 0 VCR_POWER_H TV_POWER_H PROTECT TV_POWER_H VCR_POWER_H 4 FROM/TO IN/OUT TEST VCC 8 A1 3 0 2 0 IIC_OFF REC_LED T-REC_LED KEY_A KEY_B REMOCON_IN SCL SDA 5.2 7 EEP ROM IC IC1099 S-24C04BDP-LA 0 6 A0 2.6 4 0 1 0 3 TO SOUND AMP TV_POWER_H TV_A_MUTE NC 5 4 NC NC 0 R1049 R1051 4.7K OUT IN 1 2 5.1 GND 3 0 1SS133 D1001 3 0.9 2 PCB010 VMA227 TUNER VIDEO SIGNAL DEFLECTION SIGNAL CAPSTAN AFC SIGNAL CYLINDER AFC SIGNAL CYLINDER APC SIGNAL NOTE: THE DC VOLTAGE AT EACH PART WAS MEASURED WITH THE DIGITAL TESTER DURING PLAYBACK D VD 8 2.6 CAUTION: DIGITAL TRANSISTOR NOTE: THIS SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM IS THE LATEST AT THE TIME OF PRINTING AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE HD 0 S818Y 1 POWER_OFF_H X-RAY_TEST 0 RESET SYSTEM RESET IC IC1003 R3111N311A/C 1.2 NC 0 0.1 F 4 0 REEL SENS Q1005 RPI-301 FROM/TO CHROMA/IF NC C1068 0.0022 B R1022 4.7K LDM_CTL W825 0.01 F C1082 REMOCON_IN C1058 390 2 5.2 4 1.4 18P CH 4.7K R1047 4.7K 47K R1052 1 C1047 X_RAY X-RAY_TEST H_CTL AT+5V C1017 0.5 0 5.2 3 33K 1 R1050 R1083 0.8 MS_SEN B Q1003 RPI-352Q01R 0.8 2 4 1.4 33K 1 5.2 3 100 R1087 5.2 2 33K FROM/TO DEFLECTION MS_SEN A Q1009 RPI-352Q01R 2 R1040 5.2 5 6.3V 100 YK DUMMY_V.SYNC 0.1 F C1039_1 KEY_B KEY_A REEL_T R1019 R1046 REEL_S AFT_M 4.7K ENV_DET BOT R1030 MS_SEN-B MS_SEN-A EOT MS_SEN-B MS_SEN-A W894 2.5 2.5 CAP_M/F/R 3 56 CVIN 42 H.SW TP1002 NC 100 0 20P CH R1005 2.7K SCL R1070 H.AMP_SW1 C1046 L1001 2.2uH 27 28 29 30 0 5.2 5.2 0 4.7K 9 H.SW 5.0 5.2 NC 0 SDA 2.4 2.2 0 26 6 VSS 0 25 H.AMP_SW1 SD_SYNC 2.6 REC_LED 0 24 T-REC_LED 1.4 1.4 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 0 0 0 5.2 5.2 0 2.2 0 5.2 2.3 2.6 2.6 0 NC NC NC DUMMY_V.SYNC 6.3V 220 YK 9 0.0022 B 8 18K 1/4W 7 C1003_1 6 RESET-L 25V 33 YK 5 EXT-MUTE 4 XC_IN(32KHz) VCR-POWER 3 C1043 0.01 B 58 H/C-SYNC 59 V-SYNC 60 OSD OUT1 62 B 61 CENTER LED 63 G 64 R 65 NC 66 V REC START H 67 NC 69 CS 68 SDATA 70 SCLK 71 IIC-CLK1 73 FF/REW-L 72 IIC-DATA1 74 JUST CLOCK CAP-PWM 75 VOLUME 2 CTL- PLAY_LED A2 22K 39K CAP FULL DRUM-PWM REEL-T REEL-S 81 82 83 1 CTL+ 0 4.7K 1 F TAB_SW XC_OUT(32KHz) 31 ON-TIMER LED R1066 47K R1018 C1042_2 CTL AMP-OUT 32 RENT_H C1083 0 TIMER SYSCON MICON IC IC1001 OEC7071A AMP C VCC C1021 5.2 100 DEW CTL+ 33 PLAY LED 25 PROTECT C1025 0.0022 B 99 ANALOG VCC X-IN(12MHz) R1054 5.1 NC PROTECT 10 CLKSEL 24 H_CONTROL 2.5 OSC-IN2 4.7K 330K R1011 2.6 16V 10 KA 49 OSD-VSS R1055 R1016 C1027 0.0039 B C1022 0.1 F 0 270 1/4W SW1001 MXS01380MPP0 FF/REW_SW 0 Q1004 KRC103SRTK 0 2.5 ENV_DET 5.2 NC OSC-OUT2 23 NC 560 1 B R1078 TAB_SW NC 50 TAB SW 1/4W R1013 98 AMP-VCC CTL- 7 V.REC_ST_H NUB 22 DEGAUSS_H CTL+ C1019 0.001 CH 0.2 Y/C_CS H.SW C1062 SD_VIDEO 21 NC R1012 10K 560 C 20 LDM CTL R1009 5.1 0 5.1 LED DRIVER Q1024 KRC103SRTK R1033 X-OUT(12MHz) 19 HI-FI-H.SW 50V 4.7 KA AMP-VREFIN 18 VIDEO-H.SW S825Y 5.0 4 0.001 B VSS 17 ENV-CMP-IN C1018 2.5 AMP-VREFOUT 16 HEAD.AMP.SW 330K R1073 3.9 D1003 LNA2702L010R Y/C_DATA X-RAY_TEST 15 COLOR ROTARY 16V 22 KA 2.5 DRUM FG/PG 14 REMOCON-IN C1016 0.6 13 DUMMY-V.SYNC 10V 47 KA NC 12 CAP-LIMIT C1015 C1020 0.1 220P CH Y/C_CLK C1031 48 (AV2) 11 CAP-FWD 2.0 82 TV_A_MUTE 10 KEY 2 CENTLED 0 6 7 (AV1) 83 (EXT MUTE) 8 AFT(REC) 4.7K CTL- EOT SENSOR Q1013 ST-304L R1020 R1053 0 AMP-VSS 9 KEY 1 C1084 BOT R1048 CAP-FG 7 AFT(MONI) 13 1K 1/4W EOT 2.5 6 VIDEO-ENV FROM/TO DECK BOT SENSOR Q1011 ST-304L FROM/TO Y/C/AUDIO/HEAD AMP C1035 1K 81 VCR_A_MUTE 5 HI-FI-ENV R1064 CD852 CH01408A R1017 220 W810 C1013 0.0039 B 1K 1/4W IIC OFF BOT CAP_FG CYL_DRIVE 5.2 11 EOT CYL_CTL R1008 MSSEN-B CYL_FG/PG 12 5.9 3.3K IIC_OFF LDM_CTL MSSEN-A 11 CAP_CTL W805 84 LDM_CTL 85 CAP_CTL NC POWER_FAIL_L 86 9 10 NC R1001 87 LD/CY_VCO 88 NC 89 5.1 90 TV_A_MUTE 1/4W 91 GND 8 5 4.7K R1075 0 GND[M] 7 0.1 F VCR_A_MUTE 92 3.3K I_LIMIT 0.1 F C1089 CAP_M/F/R C1034 390K 93 6 CAP_M/F/R 94 5 R1010 95 4 VCC VCR_A_MUTE 0.0047 B 3 22uH ELC0607 96 CAP_VCO 97 2 R1045 8 10K NC 0.9 0.9 0 1.8 2.5 NC 0 0 0 4.8 0 4.9 2.5 2.6 0 0 4.7 0 0 4.9 4.2 0 2.3 1.6 2.1 5.2 0 5.2 0 0 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 CAP_FG 98 CAP_FG 25V 47 YK L1003 5.6K R1032 NC 5.6K 100 99 220 YK C1032 CP1001 (CP101) TMC-J12P-B2 1 C1007 5.9 X_RAY_SW Q1023 0 2SC2412K 0.2 X_RAY 16V 47 YK 16V FROM/TO DECK C1001 R1035 OSD_R 22 R1007 4.7K C1009 220P CH 220 R1063 R1021 C1060 100P CH V.REC_ST_H Y/C_CS Y/C_DATA SCL Y/C_CLK SDA R1042 0.0068 B C1029 4.7K C1061 100P CH 0.1 F C1028 REEL_S REEL_T R1029 R1044 7 6 0.1 F CAP_CTL R1028 GND 22K 1/4W CYL_DRIVE C1065 GND MOTOR+12V SERVICE TP1001 C1056 0.1 F P.CON+5V SD_SYNC 8 E F 1 G H G-4 A B C D E F G H IN/OUT SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM (SYSCON PCB) 6 4 GND 3 SOUND_GND FRONT_VIDEO_IN 7 2 SOUND_OUT FRONT_AUDIO_IN 5 1 SP_OUT 173979-7 GND (CD351) CP353_1 FROM/TO OPERATION 9 8 REMOCON_IN 10 8 GND 5 7 4 KEY_A 6 3 T-REC_LED NC AT+5V 2 REC_LED 1 KEY_B 4 (CD757) CP757_2 1-173979-0 3 Y/C VIDEO FROM/TO OPERATION 2 GND 1 1 2 GND AT+5V 3 SCL 173979-4 4 SDA Y/C AUDIO 5 IIC OFF TEST POINT 6 INT-MONI 173979-6 B.OUT CP1003 7 CP351_1 TEST POINT 8 7 NC NC C4206_1 0.0022 B 6 6 FROM/TO SOUND AMP SOUND_GND SOUND+ W806 SP_OUT 5 FROM CHROMA/IF 5 AT+5V INT-MONI FROM/TO MICON B.OUT IIC_OFF SDA 0 REC LED SW(AI) Q1007 KRC102SRTK 3.6 0 ON TIM/T-REC LED SW(TO) Q1008 KRC102SRTK 0 4 (AI) 3.6 0 W912 W903 REC_LED 4 (AI) SCL T-REC_LED W866 FROM/TO TV POWER 75 R4201 GND KEY_B KEY_A REMOCON_IN 3 3 FROM/TO Y/C/AUDIO/HEAD AMP Y/C_AUDIO Y/C_VIDEO FRONT_AUDIO 2 2 FRONT_VIDEO NOTE: THE DC VOLTAGE AT EACH PART WAS MEASURED WITH THE DIGITAL TESTER DURING PLAYBACK 1 PCB010 VMA227 B.SIGNAL CAUTION: DIGITAL TRANSISTOR TUNER VIDEO SIGNAL NOTE: THIS SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM IS THE LATEST AT THE TIME OF PRINTING AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE AUDIO SIGNAL(REC) 1 AUDIO SIGNAL(PB) A G-5 B C D E F G H G-6 D E F CHROMA/IF SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM W829 11.0 FROM/TO MICON REG. Q603 KTC3203_Y 100 820 1/2W R654 C674 120P CH R668 1K L612 470 1/4W 1M R643 47K 0 17 16 2.8 3.0 UNREG+8V 2.2K VD R648 OSD_BLK C658 R652 0.22 B C688 4.7K C630 0.056 B 100P CH R639 W827 0.1 F C660 4.9 4.9 GND C664 4.8 MKT 2.0 V_OUT HEATER R641 V_FEEDBACK 22K R649 0 180V H_OUT 2.2K H.PLUSE 12K R613 W874 8.0 H_GND 8.0 3.7 4 V_OUT OSD_R OSD_G OSD_B D621 W850 HD R636 W872 D620 CP851A (CP851B) B2013H02-10P 10 CUT_OFF D619 1SS133 R635 100 9 B.OUT 8 G.OUT 1SS133 7 R.OUT 6 W828 NC H_GND1 4.5 TUNER VIDEO SIGNAL 0 S107Y S107X 0 H CONTRO Q611 KRC102SRTK 0 1SS133 1SS133 H CONTRO Q612 KRC102SRTK D613 3.7 1SS133 POWER_OFF_H 0.4 0 TO CRT GND 4 3 CUT OFF B.OUT G.OUT R.OUT NC 5 3 NC 180V D612 1K 1/4W R655_1 AT+5V B.OUT G.OUT R.OUT 1.0 4.5 R.SIGNAL CUT OFF SW Q608 KRC111SRTK 470 1/4W VCR_POWER_H 100 100 R603 SDA SCL TV_POWER_H H_OUT FROM MICON H.PLUSE R602 P.CON+5V_SW HEATER D614 R650 AT+5V 5 ACL 0.01 F AT+12V 2 FROM/TO DEFLECTION 12K C659 6.3V 100 KA R627 NC 12K 7.3 100 1.5K 1.5K R659 W846 C656 11ES1-EIC S818X 100 1/4W 1.5K R658 R666 0.01 F 6.8K C647 1 B C645 R631 C629 1K 68P CH 1K R624 R657 B602 AT+30V GND R647 W878 MTZJ6.8B D609 15 4.8 6 TO SOUND AMP D605 2.2K 0.1 1SS133 FROM/TO TV POWER C665 16V 10 KANP 16V 47 KA 21 20 18 14 4.0 10K C639 68P CH G OUT R OUT 13 4.0 27K R642 4.7 C655 12 3.3 19 POWER ON CONT H.PLUSE OUT 11 3.0 R646 5.6K 0.01 F 10 0 AT+5V 8.2K MTZJ6.8B 9 0 B.OUT R638 63V 1 D611 8 2.6 AFC FILTER 7 0.4 SDA 6 3.2 DEF H OUT 5 2.5 STRAT UP Vcc C675 W5RH3.5X5X1.0 W862 B IN D610 MTZJ6.8B 5.0 SAW FILTER CF601SAFGP45M7VFYZR0B IN IN G OUTOUT 1 2 3 4 5 3 SCL 4 3 5.0 R656 W901 0.1 F C687 W871 1.5 FBP IN 2 1 R626 1 3 64 C634 1.5 CHROMA IC IC601 M61206FP H VCO F/B IF AGC FILTER 0.01 F L601 3192001 0.022 F 17 V OUT 16 B OUT RF AGC OUT 0.01 F 0.22 B 64 VIF IN 1 VIF IN QIF IN 62 2.7 63 C622 V RAMP FEEDBACK 2K 2.9 NC 2.3 AFT OUT VIF Vcc 60 390K C602 C673 C654 32 V RAMP CAP 2.4 4 TO IN/OUT INT-MONI 31 26 24 VIDEO CHROMA Vcc 22 0.01 F 2.2K VD 30 29 28 27 PROTECT fsc OUT 23 0 R601 14 Y/C_AUDIO AUDIO_OUT D615 50V 1 KA AFT_M R614 TU_AUDIO 100CT3R505 CHROMA APC FILTER G IN FAST BLK 59 C621 TU_VIDEO 0 R IN 34 EXT C in 33 8.7V REG OUT 32 X’TAL 31 ACL/ABCL 7 SD_VIDEO 3.0 25 VIF GND 18P CH 100 C652 C651 47P CH C650 0.015 B 50V 1 KA TV/Y IN VIDEO/CHROMA GND 5v REG 8.2K R633 R644 0.1 F C640 C649 53 54 R665 VIF VIDEO OUT 470 6.8uH 100 R628 R663 C643 50V 22 YK C644 5.7V REG OUT(FOR CPU) 51 52 3.3 2.2 0 IF 11 37 R669 50V 0.22 KA C672 0.01 F 3.2 3.2 2.0 8.8 36 35 34 33 0 100P CH C604 330P CH VREG Vcc VIF APC FILTER FROM/TO Y/C/AUDIO HEAD.AMP C648 3.0 C627 D602 MTZJ8.2B MCU RESET 49 50 C618 9.0 55 680 0 V PULSE OUT 46 SW REG CONT 47 LIMITER IN 48 IF AGC 49 QIF OUT 50 AUDIO OUT VIF VCO F/B 56 R609 FM DIRECT OUT 57 1SS133 EXT AUDIO IN 3.2 50V 2.2 KA 220 1/2W D601 0 5.5 NC3.7 5.6 41 40 39 38 2.0 150K NC R607 NC 10 1 F C632 29.3 +30V 9 3.0 10M C624 16V 47 YK AUDIO BYPASS 58 R618 NC 8 C631 0.0047 B TU_AUDIO 4.9 +5V 7 47 NC 8.2 8.2 8.2 4.0 NC 46 45 44 43 42 2.3 1 F NC 6 TECC1040PG32D C625 C623 2.5 SDA 5 TU601 2.4 Y/C_AUDIO 2.5 SCL 4 15 10K 2.5 3 5 680 1/4W NC 2 R612 AUDIO_OUT 61 1.8 2.3 W848 C610 12 100P CH C605 13 50V 4.7 KA C612 AGC 1 R608 2.0 Hi Vcc 48 6.3V 470 YK B604 INT-MONI 2.0 6 5.6 10K R625 C636 470 INTELLIGENT MONI 47uH 0305 L603 W865 R615 CF603 EFCT4R5YS5A 10V 1000 YK R622 POWER_OFF_H C641 100 BUFFER Q601 2SA1037AK 8.3 5.6 W4BRH3.5X6X1 0.01 F 0 HD L607 VCR_POWER_H CF604 EFCT4R5MW5 R620 1.9 22uH 2.6 AFT_M 330 TU_VIDEO SCL 1K R616 W895 SDA 7 5.0 W801 OSD_B OSD_BLK 8 REG. Q606 KTC3203_Y REG. Q605 2SD400E 8.3 5.0 REG. Q604 2SD400E OSD_G H 8.2 8.8 R676 5.5 SB140-EIC 5.5 50V 22 YK C667 OSD_R 8.0 D608 4.8 REG. Q602 KTC3203_Y 0.01 F AT+5V AT+5V_BACKUP VD 8.3 220P CH 4.8 AT+5V Y SW OUT PROTECT R660 8 G (SYSCON PCB) 16V 47 YK R610 C X602 B MTZJ6.8B C653 A H GND HEATER NC 2 180V 1 FROM TV POWER R672 AT+12V 1K 1/4W 0.8 5.0 2 PROTECT Q609 KRC111SRTK 0 H_GND G.SIGNAL B.SIGNAL PROTECT PCB010 VMA227 DEFLECTION SIGNAL LUMINANCE SIGNAL 1 COLOR SIGNAL PLAYBACK VIDEO SIGNAL A G-7 CAUTION: DIGITAL TRANSISTOR NOTE: THE DC VOLTAGE AT EACH PART WAS MEASURED WITH THE DIGITAL TESTER WHEN THE COLOR BROADCAST WAS RECEIVED IN GOOD CONDITION AND PICTURE IS NORMAL. B NOTE: THE RESISTOR MARKED F IS FUSE RESISTOR. THE ALUMI ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR MARKED NP IS NON POLAR ONE. C NOTE: THIS SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM IS THE LATEST AT THE TIME OF PRINTING AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE D E CAUTION: SINCE THESE PARTS MARKED BY CRITICAL FOR SAFETY,USE ONES DESCRIBED IN PARTS LIST ONLY F ARE 1 ATTENTION: LES PIECES REPAREES PAR UN ETANT DANGEREUSES AN POINT DE VUE SECURITE N’UTILISER QUE CELLS DECRITES DANS LA NOMENCLATURE DES PIECES G H G-8 A B C D E F G H SOUND AMP SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM (SYSCON PCB) 8 8 7 7 FROM/TO IN/OUT W808 SP_OUT SOUND+ SOUND_GND 6 W814 6 8.2 5 3.5 6 0 8 + 4 - 3 5.1 FROM MICON 2 0 5 3.4 7 SOUND AMP IC IC351 AN7511 5 1 0.3 3.9 R359 TV_A_MUTE 47K R353 TV_POWER_H 68K C354 C357 GND 0.001 CH R352 SOUND_GND FROM CHROMA/IF C356 C351 50V 2.2 KA 4.7K SOUND+B 16V 2200 YK FROM TV POWER C355 4 C301 0.0068 B 50V 10 YK 4 R357 AUDIO_OUT 16V 10 KA 3 5.6K 3 2 2 NOTE: THE DC VOLTAGE AT EACH PART WAS MEASURED WITH THE DIGITAL TESTER WHEN THE COLOR BROADCAST WAS RECEIVED IN GOOD CONDITION AND PICTURE IS NORMAL. CAUTION: SINCE THESE PARTS MARKED BY CRITICAL FOR SAFETY,USE ONES DESCRIBED IN PARTS LIST ONLY NOTE: THIS SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM IS THE LATEST AT THE TIME OF PRINTING AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE ARE ATTENTION: LES PIECES REPAREES PAR UN ETANT DANGEREUSES AN POINT DE VUE SECURITE N’UTILISER QUE CELLS DECRITES DANS LA NOMENCLATURE DES PIECES AUDIO SIGNAL(REC) PCB010 VMA227 1 1 A G-9 B C D E F G H G-10 A B C D E F G H POWER SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM 8 5A 125V (SYSCON PCB) 2.5A 125V 8 CAUTION: FOR CONTINUED PROTECTION AGAINST FIRE HAZARD, REPLACE ONLY WITH THE SAME TYPE FUSE 5A 125V (F501) AND 2.5A 125V (F502) ATTENTION: POUR UNE PROTECTION CONTINUE LES RISQUES D’INCEIE N’UTILISER QUE DES FUSIBLE DE MEME TYPE 5A 125V (F501) ET 2.5A 125V (F502) 7 7 TO SOUND AMP C516 SOUND+B 500V 470P B S802X GND D505 SB290S D515 C521 MTZJ33B F 1 C527 25V 470 YK D507 12 D517 13 14 250V 0.0033 KX 2 1 GND HG 12V ADJ POWER_FAIL 10ELS2N C519 W856 500V 470P B D519 15 SB290S 135V MOTOR+12V 470 YK SB290S-B-EIC 16 17 10 1/2W R651 10 1/2W UNREG+8V 5V REG IC IC501 KIA78R05PI 3 FROM/TO CHROMA/IF 18 H_GND AT+30V IN 1 D513 1SS133 R640 1 1/2W LG 500V 470P B 11 R503 5V COL GND (MOTOR GND) C523 SB 12V NC 6 4 NC C539 POWER_FAIL2 35V 8 DC IN B 0.022 C536 C511 NC 10 3.4 SWITCHING Q511 KTC3203_Y 0.5 10K R527 C530 P.CON+5V 4 SG MHE MTZJ5.6B D528 R554 22K 1/4W GND C505 OUT 2 GND 3 SW 4 AT+12V UNREG+8V W834 C534 16V 1000 YK AT+5V R507 47K TO MICON S802Y 330 1/4W 10K R516 POWER_FAIL POWER_FAIL2 4.20 MTZJ10B 4.89 POWER_FAIL Q505 2SA1037AK 5 GND T501 81290804 3 R505 2.7K R529_1 2 4.9 AT+12V AT+12V 270P B 10ELS6N 250V 470P KX R553 10K D501 200V 220 YXF C541_1 D512 5 50V 47 4.7K 1/4W +B SB290S 160V 1 KA 0.4 C537 1K R513 39K 1/2W 3 R532 56K 1/2W FROM/TO IN/OUT D536 R530 GND 500V 470P B C524 D537 R531 R524 3 0.4 MTZJ18B R533 560 1/4W 1.8K 8.02 D534 2 53.6 5.4 TO DEFLECTION R508 H_GND C522_1 16V 1000 MHE 1 54.4 1.2K 1/4W VR502 330 FEED BACK SWITCHING Q507 KTC3198 15.7 R P.CON+5V 56K 1/2W C518 C532 C554 0.0022 B 6.0 C517 AT+30V H_GND_1 5W TLP621(GR) RU2AM-EIC 2KV 0.0022 GND R512 R514 R501 FEED BACK IC502 1SS133 D508 R511 1M 1/4W 0.0056 B 1SS133 4 +B ADJ 1W 2KV 820P R 10 3W R502 2KV 0.001 R W5RH3.5X5X1.0 330 SWITCHING Q510 S5NC50FP C510 D533 2.2 TO Y/C/AUDIO/HEAD AMP D510_1 B503 MTZJ18B R517 121.7 D 0.33 1W 51MS050LCC FH502 FH501 EYF-52BC EYF-52BC FH503 51MS025LCC EYF-52BC D535 D514 2 FH504 EYF-52BC 6 +B B501 BL02RN2-R62T2 0.5 S F502 2.5A125V 1SS133 1 1M C515 4 1M 100V 0.01 MKT F501 5A125V 3 1M R525 5A 125V R510 HS501_1 763WSAA013 200V 470 UP L502 1R0A103F24 R506 1SS133 22 1/4W S102A AC120V_60Hz CD501 0R414903 C535 CP504 003P-2100 C509 PHE840 BLACK ZPB45BL3R0A S101A C506 WHITE 275V 0.22 BLADE WIDE 5 RM11C-EIC RM11C-EIC W838 R504 G 3.4 D530 D520 TH501_1 R528 0.22 1W 4 R500 C507 RM11C-EIC C508 2 RM11C-EIC D518 SOUND_GND TP601 D521 500V 500V 0.001 B 0.001 B 1 CP505 003P-2100 1 CP502 A1561WV2-2P 2 6 2.7M 1/2W +-10% 2.5A 125V DEGAUSS COIL L503 8R140031 NC HS504 763WSA0019 AT+5V R522 P.CON+5V_SW 100 1/4W GND 2 S825X PCB010 VMA227 NOTE: THE RESISTOR MARKED F IS FUSE RESISTOR. THE ALUMI ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR MARKED NP IS NON POLAR ONE. 1 A G-11 B NOTE: THIS SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM IS THE LATEST AT THE TIME OF PRINTING AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE NOTE: THE DC VOLTAGE AT EACH PART WAS MEASURED WITH THE DIGITAL TESTER WHEN THE COLOR BROADCAST WAS RECEIVED IN GOOD CONDITION AND PICTURE IS NORMAL. C D E CAUTION: SINCE THESE PARTS MARKED BY CRITICAL FOR SAFETY,USE ONES DESCRIBED IN PARTS LIST ONLY F ARE ATTENTION: LES PIECES REPAREES PAR UN ETANT DANGEREUSES AN POINT DE VUE SECURITE N’UTILISER QUE CELLS DECRITES DANS LA NOMENCLATURE DES PIECES G 1 H G-12 A B C D E F G H DEFLECTION SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM (SYSCON PCB) 8 8 V.OUTPUT IC IC401 AN5522 THERMAL PROTECTION AMP + PUMP UP GND Vcc 1 7 2 3.6 3 25.9 4 2.0 5 0 6 12.5 7 26.3 7 3.7 V_FEEDBACK C402 R449 5 100V 1 1/2W 0.22 TF C451 MTZJ30B D403 CP401 A1561WV2-A5P 4 W840 3 W857 NC 2 6 1 HS401 763WSAA013 V801 A34JXV70X53N45 W807 GND 5 TO DY MTZJ30B R408 D404 C407 12K C405 R415 17 V_OUT 2.2 FROM/TO CHROMA/IF 1/2W H_CTL 680 1/4W 82K V.POSI VR401 2.2K METAL R419 1.8K R414 R416 50V 1 KA R411 FROM MICON R413 33K +-1% 470 25V 1000 YK R401 6 330 1/2W 18 35V 1000 YK R421 220 1/2W C406 35V 100 MHE 11E1-EIC D401 D402 1N4937 5 ACL L401 H.PLUSE 1SS133 PMS 1SS133 B402 W890 135.0 0 R450 8.1 5.6 1W 1N4937 D413 C431 25V 330 YK D412 1N4937 1 3213015R COL 6 2 9 10 1 TO CRT 4 HV E180 B+ AFC HEA TER FOCUS F GND 8 0 E12 NC 4 22.3 E27 3 1.5 GND 8 E8 NC 5 SCREEN S GND 0 11 ABL 7 3 0.7 R423 D405 R490 11E1-EIC W847 2 68K 1/4W 0 SWITCHING Q404 0 KRA104SRTK C432 10.8 50V 0.1 YK SWITCHING 0 Q403 KRC111SRTK D410 HZ11B3L MTZJ6.8B CAUTION: DIGITAL TRANSISTOR 0 8.2K +-1% 4.9 R442 15K +-1% R420 X_RAY D409 C433 51K 1/4W D408 R440 HZ27-1L FROM/TO MICON X-RAY_TEST R444 (W058) 18K +-1% W915 +B 56K 136.0 W824 AT+12V R441 FB401 W832 W823 W5RH3.5X5X1.0 HS402 763WSAA013 0 W884 1.3 C424 1.3 6 R460 1 68 1/2W R447 W816 100 1/4W 500V 0.0022 B 19 2 CD801 SM1098-009-1A 250V 2.2 YK H_GND_1 0 4 2 CD803 CH012101 262.0 H.OUTPUT Q406 2SD2627LS -CBC11 262.0 FROM/TO DECK 5 7 1 W907 R439 H_GND 22K +-1% GND 3 22.3 3 500V 0.001 B W813 NC 0.2 50V 22 YK FROM TV POWER C418 R456 0.5 H-DRIVE 0 Q405 2SC1627_Y C417 31.0 31.0 4.7K 1/2W 22P CH B403 W5RH3.5X5X1.0 T401 ETH09K14BZ C416 W853 2 R422 20 W917 C438 R404 1K 1/4W 4 R402 H CONTROL SWITCH Q407 2SC2412K 0.3 1/2W 680 4.89 0.05 1/2W 680 H_OUT R G B 250V 0.47 D411 MPP AT+5V D407 1.25KV 0.0091 180V C422 W863 H_GND 9 10 8 6 11 W820 C423 HEATER 250V 1 MHE 4.7mH 0909 10K 1/4W CAUTION: DIGITAL TRANSISTOR W811 PCB010 VMA227 R453 W817 180K 1/4W 1 NOTE: THIS SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM IS THE LATEST AT THE TIME OF PRINTING AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE NOTE: THE DC VOLTAGE AT EACH PART WAS MEASURED WITH THE DIGITAL TESTER WHEN THE COLOR BROADCAST WAS RECEIVED IN GOOD CONDITION AND PICTURE IS NORMAL. A G-13 B C CAUTION: SINCE THESE PARTS MARKED BY CRITICAL FOR SAFETY,USE ONES DESCRIBED IN PARTS LIST ONLY D ARE ATTENTION: LES PIECES REPAREES PAR UN ETANT DANGEREUSES AN POINT DE VUE SECURITE N’UTILISER QUE CELLS DECRITES DANS LA NOMENCLATURE DES PIECES E 1 NOTE: THE RESISTOR MARKED F IS FUSE RESISTOR. THE ALUMI ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR MARKED NP IS NON POLAR ONE. F DEFLECTION SIGNAL G H G-14 A B C D E F G H CRT SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM (CRT PCB) 8 8 J801_1 HPS3200-010501 0 0 5 0 6 126.5 7 104.1 8 4 3 9 127.5 127.5 1 TP801 BLUE AMP Q804_1 2SC4217 132.5 7 0 F R802 21 7 12K 1W R807 2.8 2.7K 1/4W 2.5 R808 4.7K R814 2.7K 1/4W R811 FROM CHROMA/IF 9 8 7 6 5 NC 4 H_GND 3 HEATER 1 GREEN AMP Q805_1 2SC4217 132.1 470P B 2.9 R805 22 12K 1W 2.5 H_GND1 HEATER 2 5 6 TP802 NC 180V 180V 5 R812 4.7K 10 390 C809 CP851B (CP851A) B2013H02-10P GND GND CUT_OFF CUT_OFF B.OUT B.OUT G.OUT G.OUT R.OUT R.OUT R815 6 390 C810 470P B TP803 R810 4 4 L801 RED AMP Q806_1 2SC4217 23 220uH 12K 1W R820 132.3 2.7K 1/4W 2.8 2.5 W836 3 4.7K R816 3 C801 2KV 0.0022 B R813 390 C811 470P B ACCESSORY C805 ANT001 T4-216BNK-BK 1 NOTE: THE DC VOLTAGE AT EACH PART WAS MEASURED WITH THE DIGITAL TESTER WHEN THE COLOR BROADCAST WAS RECEIVED IN GOOD CONDITION AND PICTURE IS NORMAL. A G-15 B CAUTION: SINCE THESE PARTS MARKED BY CRITICAL FOR SAFETY,USE ONES DESCRIBED IN PARTS LIST ONLY NOTE: THIS SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM IS THE LATEST AT THE TIME OF PRINTING AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE C D E ARE FOCUS GND 1 TM101 R25-1195 2 S801 SCREEN GND 2 FROM DEFLECTION PCB110 TCA377 CP801 (CD801) A2361WV2-2P 100P CH 2 R.SIGNAL ATTENTION: LES PIECES REPAREES PAR UN ETANT DANGEREUSES AN POINT DE VUE SECURITE N’UTILISER QUE CELLS DECRITES DANS LA NOMENCLATURE DES PIECES F 1 G.SIGNAL B.SIGNAL G H G-16 A B C D E F G H OPERATION SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM (OPERATION PCB) 8 8 9 GND 8 AT+5V R777_1 1K 1.5K 1/4W 1 Vout R793_2 EVQ21505R 1/4W REW/REV SW794 5.6K EVQ21505R 1/4W LTL-4224-031A 2 B+ 6 EVQ21505R HEADPHONE_JACK J351 HTJ-035-28A 1 NC 5 7 NC 6 NC 4 R350_1 W815 KEY_A 4 T-REC_LED 6 3 REC_LED 7 2 KEY_B 22 1/4W W805 5 3 5 1 3 GND 270 C755_1 6.3V 220 KA 4.5 R754_2 1/4W R774_1 FF/CUE SW793 EVQ21505R PLAY SW792 2.7K 10 1/4W VOL DOWN SW797 VOL UP SW796 1/4W 1/4W EVQ21505R STOP/EJECT SW791 EVQ21505R 1.5K R776_1 EVQ21505R CH UP SW798 1/4W 1/4W R773_1 W811 5 REMOCON_IN EVQ21505R CH DOWN SW799 10 1K R772_1 EVQ21505R R775_1 820 FROM/TO IN/OUT CD757 (CP757_2) CH2A019A 1/4W REC/OTR SW795 6 820 R771_1 EVQ21505R POWER ON/OFF SW751 R778_1 4.5 270 1/4W 0 R766 T-REC D791 OS753 PIC-37143TH5 LTL-4224-031A 7 REC/OTR D793 7 2 NC R351 W814 W812 C382 4 16V 100 KA 22 1/4W 4 H 3 2 1 E VIDEO H E 4 3 3 AUDIO L FRONT AV JACK J701_1 AV2-24D-5 FROM/TO IN/OUT CD351_1 (CP353_1) CH27090A 7 2 FRONT_VIDEO_IN 6 GND 5 FRONT_AUDIO_IN 4 SOUND_GND 3 SOUND_OUT 2 SP_OUT GND 1 SPEAKER 2 CD352 CH12435A 1 SP + 2 SP - PCB030 TEXA28 SP351 SG04D11BNA 8 OHM NOTE: THE DC VOLTAGE AT EACH PART WAS MEASURED 1 A G-17 NOTE: THIS SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM IS THE LATEST AT THE TIME OF PRINTING AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE WITH THE DIGITAL TESTER WHEN THE COLOR BROADCAST WAS RECEIVED IN GOOD CONDITION AND PICTURE IS NORMAL. B C D CAUTION: SINCE THESE PARTS MARKED BY CRITICAL FOR SAFETY,USE ONES DESCRIBED IN PARTS LIST ONLY E ARE ATTENTION: LES PIECES REPAREES PAR UN ETANT DANGEREUSES AN POINT DE VUE SECURITE N’UTILISER QUE CELLS DECRITES DANS LA NOMENCLATURE DES PIECES F TUNER VIDEO SIGNAL 1 AUDIO SIGNAL(REC) G H G-18 A B C D E F G H INTERCONNECTION DIAGRAM 8 8 3 5 2 H H 3 OS753 7 CD352 B+ V.OUT 1 2 SP_OUT_L GND 1 2 4 SOUND_GND SOUND_OUT_L 3 3 4 6 GND FRONT_AUDIO_IN 5 6 5 FRONT_VIDEO_IN 7 7 2 3 4 5 1 1 KEY_B 2 REC_LED 3 T-REC_LED KEY_A 5 4 6 8 7 6 7 9 GND AT+5V 8 CP351_1 BLADE WIDE AC120V_60Hz CD501 9 CD757 CP757_2 6 CP1001 CD351 SP OUT SPEAKER SP351 S101A WHITE BLACK 7 SOUND GND REMOCON_IN 10 1 10 2 OUT SWITCH LOGIC MR FG SENSOR LM LOADING MOTOR M101 GND 8 OHM HALL HALL VCC IN ROTOR MAGNET 2 TM101 6 7 MAIN COIL 1 FRONT AV JACK J701_1 2 HALL SENSOR AUDIO L VCC VIDEO 4 OPERATION PCB PCB030 TEXA28 J 4 G E 1 1 O E J351 1 CAP_FG 1 2 CAP_VCO 2 3 VCC 3 4 CAP/M/F/R 4 5 I_LIMIT 5 6 MOTOR_GND 6 7 GND 7 8 LD/CY_VCO 8 9 CAP_CTL 9 10 LDM_CTL 10 11 CYL_FG/PG 11 12 CYL_CTL 12 6 CAPSTAN DD UNIT DECK MECHA ASS’Y M2001 S102A 1 2 3 4 5 5 5 DEGAUSS COIL L503 6 7 DEGAUSS COIL 1 DEGAUSS COIL FBT FB401 2 2 1 CP502 CD2001 FFC 4 FOCUS SCREEN 3 1 V-OUT 2 W-OUT 3 M-COM 4 GND 5 PG OUT 6 PG GND 7 4 CYLINDER UNIT ASS’Y UN4001 CP401 CH2 CP4001_1 5 NC U-OUT MICRO MOTOR M2003 1 4 1 3 2 SP-CH2 (L) 2 2 3 SP COM 3 1 4 SP-CH1 (R) 4 CH1 SP HEAD 3 CP851A 7 8 CRT SOCKET J801 ANODE V801 9 H.V 3 3 2 1 NC 180V 6 4 7 R.OUT HEATER 8 G.OUT 5 9 B.OUT NC 10 GND CUT OFF 1 CP851B 2 GND CP801 GND F H GND 1 2 CRT 6 4 10 TUNER PACK CUT OFF 9 TU601 B.OUT 8 G.OUT 7 R.OUT 6 NC 5 NC 10 9 GND FOCUS 5 SCREEN S801 H GND 4 HEATER 3 NC 2 180V 1 FFC CP4002 11 IF NC CRT PCB PCB110 TCA377 SYSCON PCB PCB010 VMA227 +30V 8 7 NC CD801 HEAD AUDIO CONTROL ASS’Y H5001 +5V 6 AUDIO PB 6 AUDIO PB 5 AUDIO REC 5 AUDIO REC 4 CTL+ 4 CTL+ 3 CTL- 3 2 AE HEAD(-) 2 AE HEAD(-) 1 AE HEAD(+) 1 AE HEAD(+) AUDIO CONTROL CTL- 2 AE 6 5 SDA 4 SCL NC 3 NC 2 1 CP4003 2 FE HEAD (GND) 2 FE HEAD (GND) 1 FE HEAD (HOT) 1 FE HEAD (HOT) FULL ERASE HEAD ASS’Y H5002 AGC U IN 1 1 A G-19 B C D E F G H G-20 WAVEFORMS Y/C/AUDIO/CCD/HEAD AMP 1 PB MICON 6 1.0V 20µs/div 0.5V 20µs/div 2 POWER ON POWER ON 7 100mV 0.1µs/div POWER ON 0.5V 10ms/div 11 PB 0.5V 0.5ms/div 13 PB 1.0V 5ms/div DEFLECTION 3 PB 8 PB 9 REC 10.0V 5us/div 18 PB 10.0V 5ms/div 1.0V 10ms/div 0.5V 1ms/div 5 17 0.5V 5ms/div 1.0V 10µs/div 10mV 20us/div 4 POWER ON 10 PB 19 2.0V 20µs/div 1.0V 5ms/div NOTE: The following waveforms were measured at the point of the corresponding balloon number in the schematic diagram. H-1 WAVEFORMS 20 200mV 20µs/div CRT 21 50.0V 20µs/div 22 50.0V 20µs/div 23 50.0V 20µs/div NOTE: The following waveforms were measured at the point of the corresponding balloon number in the schematic diagram. H-2 MECHANICAL EXPLODED VIEW 205 J801 205 111 PCB110 (CRT PCB) 205 L503 205 V801 120 206 116 122 206 206 108 121 207 207 B 117 123 PCB030 (OPERATION PCB) 110 SP351 125 115 118 113 101 I-1 MECHANICAL EXPLODED VIEW 202 114 202 207 202 202 209 203 204 204 106 119 204 202 109 103 208 201 210 105 211 FB401 112 209 211 104 102 104 201 112 PCB010 (SYSCON PCB) 210 204 124 107 I-2 W832 R447 W890 B403 3 W840 C422 W820 C627 C624 C418 C42 B402 01 4 C42 FB401 C432 Q406 W884 HS402 T401 W016 W862 P8 R490 W816 C431 C417 D613 D612 D614 51A CP8 W279 R404 R1064 W054 W056 W823 L1003 C1032 C D402 C402 W817 R453 R460 C433 W828 W863 W280 C1007 W055 C1001 D605 9 00 Q1 CF601 W075 W074 W077 W002 D407 C652 W901 W036 W034 W033 TP601 W037 W872 W007 C659 C612 0 C53 T4001 W082 W897 W080 W087 R505 R532 R533 D501 C4009 W105 R517 D535 Q510 2 50 R R531 35 C5 C534 C524 C522_1 D517 W011 D537 W856 CP4001_1 W103 W211 C519 W012 14 R5 C518 R1016 W199 W201 W285 W291 28 R5 CP502 D514 W283 D513 L4006 L4005 W119 C4047 W117 X4001 W118 C4062 C4065 C4058 R4048 W225 W228 W227 W229 W190 W825 W230 R4016 W270 W269 W273 W232 W188 W231 W014 TH501_1 W274 W834 HS504 W041 C4063 C4067 C4052 C4048 C4049 W196 W197 W191 W193 W198 C4053 C4051 R503 R1028 C1015 C1018 C4035 C4027 C4023 C1016 W207 L1001 D521 C507 W114 W116 R501 C506 W111 W218 TP1001 W113 W814 C356 C508 W262 W215 W806 W217 W222 W221 W223 W115 R612 W112 S102A HS501_1 D533 D507 C505 D528 C4025_1 C4004 C4012 W106 R4004 C4034 D4003 C4030 C4031 C4010 W081 W153 W154 W161 W164 W159 W158 W155 W157 W165 W162 W160 W156 W168 W169 W167 W175 W086 W084 C537 W287 X1002 CP4003 C610 L603 C523 R529_1 R553 W088 C648 002 CP4 R668 W089 W035 R654 W093 W092 C655 W171 D621 D620 W178 W186 W179 W286 W170 W173 W242 W240 B501 R423 C407 C644 C641 W067 W064 W065 W288 W850 W066 C649 W129 W126 D611 D609 W130 W131 W174 R1066 CP505 W807 W003 D411 R422 R402 2.5A125VOR250V F502 W023 W857 D602 FH503 CP401 D601 C632 D610 W068 W072 W070 W073 W071 B602 D615 W069 W135 W138 W145 R666 W149 W142 W137 W140 S818Y W141 W147 W146 W143 W148 Q603 C1058 R511 D410 C643 L502 00 R5 W048 W808 W108 TP1002 TP4001 CD501 D530 W259 F-4 F-3 W001 W811 D405 W019 W915 W020 W063 D408 10 W061 W057 W059 C665 W060 W124 TP803 W234 Q1003 W233 C1003_1 W047 CP353_1 IC351 D518 FH501 F501 FH502 W006 D520 CP1003 W912 W107 Q1013 C351 W214 5A125VOR250V CP757_2 C354 C355 W109 W213 S802X C509 T501 D512 W838 S101A W110 D508 W266 W049 W220 W040 S825X W268 D519 CP504 S825Y C511 IC501 W121 W096 W097 R522 L4009 W267 D505 C516 W095 S107Y W043 W042 W194 W192 W122 W120 C4042 W272 W099 W249 W248 SW1001 W098 W189 W250 R4029 W195 W045 R4006 W255 W044 R4032 IC1099 C4046 R524 D510_1 C4045 W205 S802Y R4028 W254 W253 W101 W100 W200 X1001 W209 C517 W203 W202 W210 W078 W888 R4007 Q511 D536 C541_1 B503 D515 L4001 W013 R512 D534 W289 W104 W046 C515 W024 IC502 R508 R4014 W212 W237 W208 W206 C1020 W236 W257 W239 Q4005 R554 L4003 W853 C1021 W238 W152 W276 Q507 W290 C521 W026 W858 Q4001 Q4002 W005 W866 C539 W028 W163 VR502 R651 W029 W027 Q4006 W243 W827 W172 W008 W871 W032 W031 C664 C4002 W085 R640 W030 D619 W176 W246 R415 C405 W277 CP351_1 IC401 FH504 D403 HS401 Q604 C406 R408 W004 R421 R449 C451 W282 D401 R419 W917 W824 W009 W185 W182 C438 R440 TU601 Q605 W091 Q606 L612 W874 W181 W829 W094 W184 W021 W127 R650 W022 B604 W144 X602 W125 W187 Q602 CF603 R1010 D412 D404 R1008 L601 W076 W051 R607 W805 D1001 C VR401 W801 W878 01 CF604 C687 W128 S818X 0 P1 L401 W139 W090 W177 W247 D608 D1003 W166 W244 W180 W245 W151 W848 Q1005 R1051 R802 Q405 W895 L607 W134 W150 Q1011 C801 W018 L801 D409 R450 D413 R807 R672 W836 Q806_1 B R655_1 W123 W847 R805 S107X J801_1 TP802 R456 S801 CP 851 TP801 Q804_1 SOLDER SIDE CD852 CD803 W813 R820 Q805_1 R808 R8 PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDS SYSCON/CRT (INSERTED PARTS) F-5 Q404 Q407 Q612 Q611 81 R1009 R4059 C1022 Q1004 C656 C1084 R676 C673 R652 Q608 01 R1045 R1044 C1035 C1031 C1038 C1071 R1048 R1032 R1042 W865 R1087 R1030 51 C1026 31 C1040 C1049 C1048 C1068 C1050 C1046 R1040 C1047 R1005 R1031 C1056 R1033 C1061 R1078 R1034 C1062 C1034 C1083 10 IC R1017 R1029 R1001 R1075 R1038 C1029 R1053 C1025 Q1023 R1021 C1013 R1035 C1009 C1010 C1004 C1023 C1037 R1036 R4047 C4043 R1052 R1019 C1027 Q4007 R1020 Q4009 R1007 Q1024 C1065 R4044 R1025 R4026 W810 R660 R1054 Q4011 R1012 C1019 R1013 C1028 W873 C4038 R614 C621 C4076 C1089 R4045 C4041 R602 R639 R643 C630 R642 R4061 C4044 Q4010 R659 C4075 R613 R627 R4058 C658 R648 R4025 C4054 C4050 C4060 R4035 R4034 R4062 R4033 R4054 R626 W894 R663 R625 C653 R649 33 R631 C645 R638 R4010 C4005 C4006 R603 17 R658 C4024_1 R4060 C4066 C4061 R4038 C4059 C4057 R1047 R1046 C1042_2 R357 C357 C1039_1 Q1007 Q1008 R815 1 R4056 R4055 R624 R657 C654 R4201 R814 C634 R656 C639 R4024 R4023 1 R4037 C4033 C4014_1 R4022 R4057 R4053 C4037 C4036 R4068 21 R647 C688 C660 Q4003 R646 C4020 R4018 R4017 C4029 C4032 R4019 R4021 01 40 IC C4064 R4039 41 C675 C629 C647 49 1 R4020 R4011 60 R669 R4064 R4012 R1011 R352 C301 R353 R1083 R601 R1050 W284 W818 C811 R813 Q601 R4043 R4041 Q4012 R1073 R609 R622 R644 C651 R4001 W887 C4074 C4028 C4055 IC R608 R4042 C622 C605 R610 C4021 R633 R4003 R4002 C650 W025 61 C625 C636 R4015 C510 R615 C623 R665 C618 C674 R4052 C4015 C4019 R4051 C4016 R510 R506 R504 C4069 C672 C640 Q505 R620 R628 R525 R618 W880 C532 C536 R359 R641 C416 R636 R616 C631 R527 R516 R442 C527 C554 R507 R444 R439 R530 C602 R513 R420 W907 R441 R413 C604 R416 R414 R401 R411 PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDS SYSCON/CRT (CHIP MOUNTED PARTS) SOLDER SIDE C4206_1 W903 R1070 C1060 R1018 C1043 1 C1082 R1063 R1022 R1055 R1049 R635 C667 IC1003 Q609 R816 C1017 W846 Q403 C805 R811 C809 C810 R812 F-6 SERVICING NOTICES ON CHECKING 1. KEEP THE NOTICES 6. AVOID AN X-RAY As for the places which need special attentions, they are indicated with the labels or seals on the cabinet, chassis and parts. Make sure to keep the indications and notices in the operation manual. 2. AVOID AN ELECTRIC SHOCK There is a high voltage part inside. Avoid an electric shock while the electric current is flowing. 3. USE THE DESIGNATED PARTS The parts in this equipment have the specific characters of incombustibility and withstand voltage for safety. Therefore, the part which is replaced should be used the part which has the same character. Especially as to the important parts for safety which is indicated in the circuit diagram or the table of parts as a mark, the designated parts must be used. 4. PUT PARTS AND WIRES IN THE ORIGINAL POSITION AFTER ASSEMBLING OR WIRING Safety is secured against an X-ray by considering about the cathode-ray tube and the high voltage peripheral circuit, etc. Therefore, when repairing the high voltage peripheral circuit, use the designated parts and make sure not modify the circuit. Repairing except indicates causes rising of high voltage, and it emits an X-ray from the cathoderay tube. 7. PERFORM A SAFETY CHECK AFTER SERVICING Confirm that the screws, parts and wiring which were removed in order to service are put in the original positions, or whether there are the portions which are deteriorated around the serviced places serviced or not. Check the insulation between the antenna terminal or external metal and the AC cord plug blades. And be sure the safety of that. (INSULATION CHECK PROCEDURE) There are parts which use the insulation material such as a tube or tape for safety, or which are assembled in the condition that these do not contact with the printed board. The inside wiring is designed not to get closer to the pyrogenic parts and high voltage parts. Therefore, put these parts in the original positions. 5. TAKE CARE TO DEAL WITH THE CATHODE-RAY TUBE 1. Unplug the plug from the AC outlet. 2. Remove the antenna terminal on TV and turn on the TV. 3. Insulation resistance between the cord plug terminals and the eternal exposure metal [Note 2] should be more than 1M ohm by using the 500V insulation resistance meter [Note 1]. 4. If the insulation resistance is less than 1M ohm, the inspection repair should be required. [Note 1] In the condition that an explosion-proof cathoderay tube is set in this equipment, safety is secured against implosion. However, when removing it or serving from backward, it is dangerous to give a shock. Take enough care to deal with it. If you have not the 500V insulation resistance meter, use a Tester. [Note 2] External exposure metal: Antenna terminal Earphone jack HOW TO ORDER PARTS Please include the following informations when you order parts. (Particularly the VERSION LETTER.) 1. MODEL NUMBER and VERSION LETTER The MODEL NUMBER can be found on the back of each product and the VERSION LETTER can be found at the end of the SERIAL NUMBER. 2. PART NO. and DESCRIPTION You can find it in your SERVICE MANUAL. A1-1 CONTENTS SERVICING NOTICES ON CHECKING .................................................................................. HOW TO ORDER PARTS ....................................................................................................... CONTENTS ................................................................................................................................. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS .................................................................................................... DISASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS 1. REMOVAL OF MECHANICAL PARTS AND P. C. BOARDS ............................................ 2. REMOVAL OF DECK PARTS ............................................................................................ 3. REMOVAL OF ANODE CAP .............................................................................................. 4. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION OF FLAT PACKAGE IC ................................................. KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS ..................................................................................................... SERVICE MODE LIST ............................................................................................................ PREVENTIVE CHECKS AND SERVICE INTERVALS ............................................................ WHEN REPLACING EEPROM (MEMORY) IC ..................................................................... SERVICING FIXTURES AND TOOLS ..................................................................................... PREPARATION FOR SERVICING ......................................................................................... MECHANICAL ADJUSTMENTS ............................................................................................. ELECTRICAL ADJUSTMENTS ............................................................................................... BLOCK DIAGRAMS TV ............................................................................................................................................ Y/C/AUDIO/CCD/HEAD AMP ................................................................................................. MICON/OPERATION/IN/OUT ................................................................................................ PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDS OPERATION ............................................................................................................................ SYSCON/CRT ......................................................................................................................... SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS Y/C/AUDIO/CCD/HEAD AMP ................................................................................................. MICON ..................................................................................................................................... IN/OUT ..................................................................................................................................... CHROMA/IF ............................................................................................................................. SOUND AMP ........................................................................................................................... POWER ................................................................................................................................... DEFLECTION .......................................................................................................................... CRT .......................................................................................................................................... OPERATION ........................................................................................................................... INTERCONNECTION DIAGRAM ............................................................................................ WAVEFORMS ............................................................................................................................. MECHANICAL EXPLODED VIEWS ........................................................................................... CHASSIS EXPLODED VIEWS ................................................................................................... MECHANICAL REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST ......................................................................... CHASSIS REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST .................................................................................. ELECTRICAL REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST ........................................................................ A2-1 A1-1 A1-1 A2-1 A3-1~A3-4 B1-1 B2-1~B2-6 B3-1 B4-1, B4-2 C1-1, C1-2 C2-1 C3-1, C3-2 C4-1 C5-1 C5-1 D1-1~D1-4 D2-1~D2-5 E-1, E-2 E-3, E-4 E-5, E-6 F-1, F-2 F-3~F-6 G-1, G-2 G-3, G-4 G-5, G-6 G-7, G-8 G-9, G-10 G-11, G-12 G-13, G-14 G-15, G-16 G-17, G-18 G-19, G-20 H-1, H-2 I-1, I-2 I-3, I-4 J1-1 J2-1 J3-1, J3-2 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS G-1 TV System CRT CRT Size / Visual Size CRT Type Deflection Magnetic Field BV/BH Video Head 13 inch / 335.4mmV Normal 90 degree +0.45G / 0.18G NTSC 1Speaker Front 1.5 x 2.5 Inch 8 ohm 1.5 W 1.0 W VHS Player / Recorder NTSC No OVD-7 Front 3 2 Head FM Audio Head No Color System Speaker Position Size Impedance MAX 10%(Typical) Sound Output G-2 VCR System System Video System Hi-Fi STEREO NTSC PB Deck Heads G-3 Tuning System DECK Loading System Motor Audio /Control Erase(Full Track Erase) Tape Rec PAL Speed NTSC Play PAL NTSC Fast Forward / Rewind Time (Approx.) Cassette Forward/Reverse NTSC or PAL-M Picture Search Frame Advance Slow Slow Speed Variable Slow Broadcasting System Tuner and System Receive CH Destination Tuning System Input Impedance Mono/Yes Yes SP/SLP SP/LP/SLP FF:4'50"/REW:2'30" at T-120 SP/LP/SLP=3x,5x/7x,9x/9x,15x CH Coverage Intermediate Frequency G-4 Signal Picture(FP) Sound(FS) FP-FS Preset CH Stereo/Dual TV Sound Tuner Sound Muting Video Signal Audio Signal Hi-Fi Audio Signal G-5 Power Power Source Input Level Output Level S/N Ratio (Weighted) Horizontal Resolution at SP Mode Input Level Output Level Harmonic Distortion at SP (1KHz) Frequency Response Dynamic Range : More than Wow And Flutter : Less than Channel Separation : More than Harmonic Distortion : Less than AC DC Power Consumption G-6 Regulation G-7 Temperature G-8 G-9 Operating Humidity On Screen Menu Display at AC at DC Stand by (at AC) Per Year Power Fuse Dew Sensor Safety Radiation X-Radiation Operation Storage Protector Menu Typical at SP at LP at SLP Type A3-1 US Sysytem M 1Tuner USA+CATV F-Synth VHF/UHF 75 ohm 2~69, 4A,A-5~A-1, A~I, J~W,W+1~W+84 45.75MHz 41.25MHz 4.5MHz No No Yes 1 V p-p/75 ohm 50 dB 220Lines RCA-8dB/50Kohm 1.5 % 100Hz - 10kHz 100Hz - 6kHz 100Hz - 4kHz 120V 60Hz 65 W at 120V 60Hz 5 W at 120V 60 Hz Yes No UL/CSA FCC/DOC DHHS/HWC +5oC ~ +40oC -20oC ~ +60oC Less then 80% RH Yes Character GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Timer Rec Set Channel Setup TV/CATV Auto ch Memory Add/Delete Guide ch Set TV Setup V-chip Set On/Off Timer Set Picture Audio Sap On/Off Auto Repeat On/Off On/Off Timer Set System Setup Clock Set Language Auto Clock On/Off Standard Time Daylight Saving Time Commercial Advance Marking On/Off Blueback On/Off Playback Auto/Manual Unmarked Tape Movie Advance Go To Movie Go To Preview G-CODE(or SHOWVIEW or PLUSCODE)No. Entry Clock CH/AV Tape Counter(Linear Counter) Tape Speed Sleep Time Stereo/Audio Output Bilingal SAP Control Volume Level Bright / Contrast / Sharpness / Color Tint Bass/Treble/Balance Manual Tracking Play/Stop/FF/Rew/Rec/OTR/T-Rec/Pause/Eject/Tape In (Symbol Mark) Auto Tracking/Manual Tracking Caption / Text Index Muting Hi-Fi Repeat Zero Return DEW G-10 OSD Language G-11 Clock,Timer and Timer Back-up G-12 Remote Control OSD Language Setting Calendar Timer Events One Touch Recording Max Time OTPB Valid Time Sleep Timer Max Time Step On/Off Timer Program(On Tim / Off Tim) Auto Shut Off No Signal No Operation Timer Back-up (at Power Off Mode) Unit Glow in Dark Remocon Power Source Voltage(D.C) UM size x pcs Total Keys Keys Power 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A3-2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No No English French Spanish English 1990/1/1 ~ 2081/12/31 8 prog/ 1 month 5 Hours No 120 min. 10 min. 1 prog. 15 min. 5 sec. RC-CG Yes 3V UM-4 x 2 pcs 41 Keys Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS 9 0 CH Up CH Down Volume Up Volume Down Input Select Play F.Fwd Rew Pause/Still Stop Rec/OTR Eject Counter Reset Speed Timer Rec TV Monitor Quick View Program Slow Auto Tracking Set/Tracking+ Set/Tracking Menu Enter Cancel Call TV/Caption/Text Sleep Timer Muting Zero Return CM Skip Audio Select G-13 G-14 Features Accessories Auto Head Cleaning Auto Tracking HQ (VHS Standard High Quality) Auto Power On, Auto Play, Auto Rewind, Auto Eject VIDEO PLUS+(SHOWVIEW,G-CODE) Auto Clock Forward / Reverse Picture Search One Touch Playback Auto CH Memory Closed Caption TV Auto Shut off Function End Call Index Search SQPB CATV CM Skip(30sec x 6 Times) Comb Filter TV Monitor Program Extend Choke Coil Energy Star Dirty Head V-chip USA V-chip CANADA V-chip Zero Return CM Advance Movie Advance Owner's Manual Language w/Guarantee Card Remote Control Unit Rod Antenna Poles Terminal w/300 ohm to 75 ohm Antenna Adapter Loop Antenna Terminal U/V Mixer DC Car Cord (Center+) Guarantee Card Warning Sheet Circuit Diagram Antenna Change Plug Service Facility List A3-3 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes No Yes No Yes No No English/French YES Yes Yes 2pole F type Yes No No No No No No No No GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Important Safeguard Dew/AHC Caution Sheet AC Plug Adapter Quick Set-up Sheet Battery No No No No No UM size x pcs G-15 Interface G-16 G-17 Set Size Weight G-18 Carton G-19 Cabinet Material AC Cord AV Cord (2Pin-1Pin) Registration Card ESP Card 300 ohm to 75 ohm Antenna Adapter Switch Power Play Pause/Still System Select One Touch Playback Channel Up Channel Down F.FWD/Cue Eject/Stop Main Power SW Volume Up Volume Down Rew/Rev Rec/OTR Input Select Indicator Power Rec/OTR T-Rec On Timer CS Key Light up Rec/OTR One Touch Playback Play Terminals Front Video Input Audio Input Other Terminal Rear Video Input Audio Input Video Output Audio Output Euro Scart Diversity Ext Speaker DC Jack 12V(Center +) VHF/UHF Antenna Input AC Inlet Approx. W x D x H (mm) Net (Approx.) Gross (Approx.) Master Carton Content Material Dimensions W x D x H(mm) Description of Origin Gift Box Material Dimensions W x D x H(mm) Design Description of Origin Drop Test Natural Dropping At Height (cm) Container Stuffing(40' container) Cabinet Front Cabinet Rear A3-4 No No No No No Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Red Red No No No No No RCAx1 RCAx1 Head Phone(Stereo & Mono, 3.5mm) No No No No No No No No F Type No 362 x 370.5 x 382 11.0 kg (24.3 lbs) 12.5 kg (27.6 lbs) No Yes Double Full Color Carton w/Photo 423 x 447 x 443 As per Buyer's Yes 1 Corner / 3 Edges / 6 Surfaces 62 700 Sets PS 94V0 DECABROM PS 94V0 DECABROM DISASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS 1-3: TV/VCR BLOCK (Refer to Fig. 1-3) 1. REMOVAL OF MECHANICAL PARTS AND P.C. BOARDS 1. Remove the 2 screws 1. 2. Disconnect the following connectors: (CP757, CP351, CP401 and CP502). 3. Unlock the support 2. 4. Remove the TV/VCR Block in the direction of arrow. 1-1: BACK CABINET (Refer to Fig. 1-1) 1. Remove the 5 screws 1. 2. Remove the AC cord from the AC cord hook 2. 3. Remove the Back Cabinet in the direction of arrow. Front Cabinet Front Cabinet 1 1 1 1 2 UP TO RELEASE 1 TV/VCR Block 1 Fig. 1-3 2 Back Cabinet 1-4: DECK CHASSIS AND SYSCON PCB (Refer to Fig. 1-4) 1 Fig. 1-1 Remove the screw 1. Remove the screw 2. Remove the screw 3. Remove the Deck Shield Plate in direction of arrow (A). Remove the screw 4. Remove the Cover Light Plate in direction of arrow (C). Remove the 3 screws 5. Disconnect the following connectors: CP1001, CP4001, CP4002 and CP4003). 9. Remove the Deck Chassis in the direction of arrow (B). 10.Remove the screw 6. 11.Remove the Syscon PCB in the direction of arrow (C). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1-2: CRT PCB (Refer to Fig. 1-2) CAUTION: BEFORE REMOVING THE ANODE CAP, DISCHARGE ELECTRICITY BECAUSE IT CONTAINS HIGH VOLTAGE. BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO REMOVE OR REPAIR ANY PCB, UNPLUG THE POWER CORD FROM THE AC SOURCE. 1. Remove the Anode Cap. (Refer to REMOVAL OF ANODE CAP) 2. Disconnect the following connectors: (CP801 and CP851B). 3. Remove the CRT PCB in the direction of arrow. 1 3 2 CRT PCB Front Cabinet 5 Deck Shield Plate 5 (A) 5 Deck Chassis (B) Syscon PCB 6 4 Fig. 1-2 Cover Light Plate (C) Deck Holder Fig. 1-4 B1-1 DISASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS 2. REMOVAL OF DECK PARTS NOTE 2-1: TOP BRACKET (Refer to Fig. 2-1) 1. In case of the Locker R installation, check if the two positions of Fig.2-3-B are correctly locked. 2. When you install the Cassette Side R, be sure to move the Locker R after installing. 1. Extend the 2 supports 1. 2. Slide the 2 supports 2 and remove the Top Bracket. NOTE 1. After the installation of the Top Bracket, bend the support 1 so that the Top Bracket is fixed. Locker R Top Bracket Check if these positions are locked. Cassette Side R 1 1 Top Bracket 2 Fig. 2-3-B 2 Main Chassis 2-4: LINK UNIT (Refer to Fig. 2-4) Main Chassis 1. Set the Link Unit to the Eject position. 2. Unlock the support 1. 3. Remove the (A) side of the Link Unit first, then remove the (B) side. Fig. 2-1 2-2: CASSETTE HOLDER ASS'Y (Refer to Fig. 2-2) 1. Move the Cassette Holder Ass'y to the front side. 2. Push the Locker R to remove the Cassette Side R. 3. Remove the Cassette Side L. Main Chassis Link Unit Cassette Side R Locker R Main Chassis (A) (B) Link Unit 1 Main Chassis Fig. 2-4 Link Ass'y 2-5: LINK LEVER/FLAP LEVER (Refer to Fig. 2-5) Main Chassis Cassette Side L 1. Remove the Link Lever. 2. Remove the Flap Lever. Fig. 2-2 2-3: CASSETTE SIDE L/R (Refer to Fig. 2-3-A) 1. Remove the Locker Spring. 2. Unlock the 4 supports 1 and then remove the Cassette Side L/R. 3. Unlock the support 2 and then remove the Locker R. Flap Lever Locker Spring 1 1 Link Lever Cassette Holder 2 Fig. 2-5 Locker R 1 1 Cassette Side R Cassette Side L Fig. 2-3-A B2-1 DISASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS 2-6: LOADING MOTOR/WORM (Refer to Fig. 2-6-A) 1 1. Remove the screw 1. 2. Remove the Loading Motor. 3. Remove the Worm. Tension Connect Tension Band 1 3 Tension Spring Tension Arm Ass'y Loading Motor Tension Holder 2 4 Worm Main Chassis Fig. 2-7-B • Screw Torque: 3 ± 0.5kgf•cm 1 Fig. 2-6-A NOTE NOTE 1. In case of the Tension Band installation, note the direction of the installation. (Refer to Fig. 2-7-C) 2. In case of the Tension Band installation, install correctly as Fig. 2-7-D. 3. In case of the Tension Connect installation, install as the circled section of Fig. 2-7-E. 1. In case of the Worm installation, check if the value of the Fig. 2-6-B is correct. 19.2 ± 0.1mm Tension Band Tension Connect Fig. 2-7-C Safety surface for pressing of the insert. Fig. 2-6-B [OK] Tension Connect 2-7: TENSION ASS'Y (Refer to Fig. 2-7-B) Tension Band 1. Turn the Pinch Roller Cam clockwise so that the Tension Holder hook is set to the position of Fig. 2-7-A to move the Tension Arm Ass'y. 2. Remove the Tension Spring. 3. Unlock the 2 supports 1 and remove the Tension Band. 4. Unlock the support 2 and remove the Tension Arm Ass'y. 5. Unlock the support 3 and remove the Tension Connect. 6. Float the hook 4 and turn it clockwise then remove the Tension Holder. [NG] Tension Connect Tension Band Fig. 2-7-D Tension Connect Main Chassis Tension Arm Ass'y Fig. 2-7-A B2-2 Fig. 2-7-E DISASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS 2-8: T BRAKE ARM/T BRAKE BAND (Refer to Fig. 2-8-A) 1. Remove the T Brake Spring. 2. Turn the T Brake Arm clockwise and bend the hook section to remove it. 3. Unlock the 2 supports 1 and remove the T Brake Band. Idler Gear Idler Arm Ass'y S Reel T Brake Band (A) 1 Hook section 1 T Reel (A) T Brake Arm 1 T Brake Spring 1 Fig. 2-8-A Fig. 2-9-A NOTE NOTE 1. In case of the S Reel and T Reel installation, check if the correct parts are installed. (Refer to Fig. 2-9-B) 2. In case of the Idler Arm Ass'y installation, install correctly as Fig. 2-9-C. 1. In case of the T Brake Band installation, install correctly as Fig. 2-8-B. [OK] T Brake Arm T Brake Band T Brake Arm [NG] T Brake Band Fig. 2-8-B Big Hole (S Reel) 2-9: S REEL/T REEL/IDLER ARM ASS'Y/IDLER GEAR (Refer to Fig. 2-9-A) 1. Remove the S Reel and T Reel. 2. Remove the 2 Polyslider Washers 1. 3. Remove the Idler Arm Ass'y and Idler Gear. Small Hole (T Reel) Fig. 2-9-B [OK] Clutch Gear Idler Arm Ass'y NOTE [NG] 1. Take care not to damage the gears of the S Reel and T Reel. 2. The Polyslider Washer may be remained on the back of the reel. 3. Take care not to damage the shaft. 4. Do not touch the section "A" of S Reel and T Reel. (Use gloves.) (Refer to Fig. 2-9-A) Do not adhere the stains on it. 5. When you install the reel, clean the shaft and grease it (MG-33). (If you do not grease, noise may be heard in FF/REW mode.) 6. After installing the reel, adjust the height of the reel. (Refer to MECHANICAL ADJUSTMENT) Idler Arm Ass'y Clutch Gear Fig. 2-9-C B2-3 DISASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS 2-10: CASSETTE OPENER/PINCH ROLLER BLOCK/ P5 ARM ASS'Y (Refer to Fig. 2-10-A) (1) 1. Unlock the support 1 and remove the Cassette Opener. 2. Remove the Pinch Roller Block and P5 Arm Ass'y. 1 (3) 2 2 2 (2) A/C Head Cassette Opener A/C Head Spring 1 Pinch Roller Block A/C Head Base P5 Arm Ass'y • Screw Torque: 5 ± 0.5kgf•cm (Screw 1) Fig. 2-11-A Spring Position Fig. 2-11-B Main Chassis Fig. 2-10-A NOTE 1. Do not touch the Pinch Roller. (Use gloves.) 2. In case of the Pinch Roller Block and the Pinch Roller Cam installation, install correctly as Fig. 2-10-B. 2-12: FE HEAD (RECORDER ONLY) (Refer to Fig. 2-12) 1. Remove the screw 1. 2. Remove the FE Head. Pinch Roller Block Can be seen the hole of the Pinch Roller Cam. 1 FE Head P5 Arm Ass'y Can be seen the hole of the Main Cam. Fig. 2-10-B 2-11: A/C HEAD (Refer to Fig. 2-11-A) 1. 2. 3. 4. Remove the screw 1. Remove the A/C Head Base. Remove the 3 screws 2. Remove the A/C Head and A/C Head Spring. • Screw Torque: 5 ± 0.5kgf•cm • The FE Head is not installed on the Video Cassette Player. NOTE 1. Do not touch the A/C Head. (Use gloves.) 2. When you install the A/C Head Spring, install as shown in Fig. 2-11-B. 3. When you install the A/C Head, tighten the screw (1) first, then tighten the screw (2), finally tighten the screw (3). B2-4 Fig. 2-12 DISASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS 2-13: AHC ASS'Y/CYLINDER UNIT ASS'Y (Refer to Fig. 2-13) 2-15: MAIN CAM/PINCH ROLLER CAM/JOINT GEAR (Refer to Fig. 2-15-A) 1. Unlock the support 1 and remove the AHC Ass'y. 2. Disconnect the following connector: (CD2001) 3. Remove the 3 screws 2. 4. Remove the Cylinder Unit Ass'y. 1. Remove the E-Ring 1, then remove the Main Cam. 2. Remove the E-Ring 2, then remove the Pinch Roller Cam and Joint Gear. 1 NOTE Main Cam 1. When you install the Cylinder Unit Ass'y, tighten the screws from (1) to (3) in order while pulling the Ass'y toward the left front direction. 2 Pinch Roller Cam Joint Gear Cylinder Unit Ass'y AHC Ass'y Fig. 2-15-A 1 NOTE 1. In case of the Pinch Roller Cam and Main Cam installation, install them as the circled section of Fig. 215-B so that the each markers are met. (Refer to Fig. 2-15-B) (3) 2 (2) 2 (1) 2 • Screw Torque: 3 ± 0.5kgf•cm Fig. 2-13 Pinch Roller Cam 2-14: CAPSTAN DD UNIT (Refer to Fig. 2-14) Marker 1. Remove the Capstan Belt. 2. Remove the 3 screws 1. 3. Remove the Capstan DD Unit. Main Cam Capstan Belt Capstan DD Unit Fig. 2-15-B 2-16: LOADING GEAR S/T UNIT (Refer to Fig. 2-16-A) 1. Remove the E-Ring 1 and remove the Main Loading Gear. 2. Remove the Main Rod, Tension Lever, Loading Arm S Unit and Loading Arm T Unit. 1 1 • Screw Torque: 4 ± 0.5kgf•cm Main Rod 1 1 Main Loading Gear Fig. 2-14 Loading Arm T Unit Tension Lever Loading Arm S Unit Fig. 2-16-A B2-5 DISASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS 2-18: CASSETTE GUIDE POST/INCLINED BASE S/T UNIT/P4 CAP (Refer to Fig. 2-18-A) NOTE 1. When you install the Loading Arm S Unit, Loading Arm T Unit and Main Loading Gear, align each marker. (Refer to Fig. 2-16-B) 1. Remove the P4 Cap. 2. Unlock the support 1 and remove the Cassette Guide Post. 3. Remove the Inclined Base S Unit and Inclined Base T Unit. Marker Main Loading Gear Cassette Guide Post 1 Marker Inclined Base S Unit Loading Arm T Unit Inclined Base T Unit P4 Cap Loading Arm S Unit Fig. 2-16-B 2-17: CLUTCH ASS'Y/RING SPRING/CLUTCH LEVER/ CLUTCH GEAR (Refer to Fig. 2-17-A) 1. 2. 3. 4. Remove the Polyslider Washer 1. Remove the Clutch Ass'y and Ring Spring. Remove the Clutch Lever. Remove the Coupling Gear, Coupling Spring and Clutch Gear. Fig. 2-18-A NOTE 1. Do not touch the roller of Guide Roller. 2. In case of the P4 Cap installation, install it with parallel for "A" and "B" of Fig. 2-18-B. 3. In case of the Cassette Guide Post installation, install correctly as the circled section of Fig. 2-18-C. 1 Clutch Ass'y Ring Spring "A" Coupling Gear "B" Clutch Lever Coupling Spring Clutch Gear P4 Cap Cassette Opener Fig. 2-18-B Fig. 2-17-A NOTE [OK] 1. In case of the Clutch Ass'y installation, install it with inserting the spring of the Clutch Ass'y into the dent of the Coupling Gear. (Refer to Fig. 2-17-B) Cassette Guide Post Clutch Ass'y [NG] Cassette Guide Post Coupling Gear Fig. 2-18-C Fig. 2-17-B B2-6 DISASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS 3. After one side is removed, pull in the opposite direction to remove the other. 3. REMOVAL OF ANODE CAP Read the following NOTED items before starting work. NOTE * After turning the power off there might still be a potential voltage that is very dangerous. When removing the Anode Cap, make sure to discharge the Anode Cap's potential voltage. * Do not use pliers to loosen or tighten the Anode Cap terminal, this may cause the spring to be damaged. Take care not to damage the Rubber Cap. INSTALLATION 1. Clean the spot where the cap was located with a small amount of alcohol. (Refer to Fig. 3-3.) REMOVAL 1. Follow the steps as follows to discharge the Anode Cap. (Refer to Fig. 3-1.) Connect one end of an Alligator Clip to the metal part of a flat-blade screwdriver and the other end to ground. While holding the plastic part of the insulated Screwdriver, touch the support of the Anode with the tip of the Screwdriver. A cracking noise will be heard as the voltage is discharged. Location of Anode Cap GND on the CRT Fig. 3-3 NOTE Confirm that there is no dirt, dust, etc. at the spot where the cap was located. 2. Arrange the wire of the Anode Cap and make sure the wire is not twisted. 3. Turn over the Rubber Cap. (Refer to Fig. 3-4.) CRT Screwdriver Support Alligator Clip GND on the CRT Fig. 3-1 2. Flip up the sides of the Rubber Cap in the direction of the arrow and remove one side of the support. (Refer to Fig. 3-2.) Fig. 3-4 4. Insert one end of the Anode Support into the anode button, then the other as shown in Fig. 3-5. Rubber Cap CRT Support Fig. 3-2 CRT Support Fig. 3-5 5. Confirm that the Support is securely connected. 6. Put on the Rubber Cap without moving any parts. B3-1 DISASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS 3. When IC starts moving back and forth easily after desoldering completely, pickup the corner of the IC using a tweezers and remove the IC by moving with the IC desoldering machine. (Refer to Fig. 4-3.) 4. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION OF FLAT PACKAGE IC REMOVAL NOTE 1. Put the Masking Tape (cotton tape) around the Flat Package IC to protect other parts from any damage. (Refer to Fig. 4-1.) Some ICs on the PCB are affixed with glue, so be careful not to break or damage the foil of each IC leads or solder lands under the IC when removing it. NOTE Masking is carried out on all the parts located within 10 mm distance from IC leads. Masking Tape (Cotton Tape) Blower type IC desoldering machine IC Tweezers Fig. 4-1 IC Fig. 4-3 2. Heat the IC leads using a blower type IC desoldering machine. (Refer to Fig. 4-2.) 4. Peel off the Masking Tape. NOTE 5. Absorb the solder left on the pattern using the Braided Shield Wire. (Refer to Fig. 4-4.) Do not add the rotating and the back and forth directions force on the IC, until IC can move back and forth easily after desoldering the IC leads completely. NOTE Do not move the Braided Shield Wire in the vertical direction towards the IC pattern. Blower type IC desoldering machine Braided Shield Wire Soldering Iron IC IC pattern Fig. 4-2 B4-1 Fig. 4-4 DISASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS INSTALLATION 4. When bridge-soldering between terminals and/or the soldering amount are not enough, resolder using a Thintip Soldering Iron. (Refer to Fig. 4-8.) 1. Take care of the polarity of new IC and then install the new IC fitting on the printed circuit pattern. Then solder each lead on the diagonal positions of IC temporarily. (Refer to Fig. 4-5.) Thin-tip Soldering Iron IC Soldering Iron Fig. 4-8 5. Finally, confirm the soldering status on four sides of the IC using a magnifying glass. Confirm that no abnormality is found on the soldering position and installation position of the parts around the IC. If some abnormality is found, correct by resoldering. Solder temporarily Solder temporarily Fig. 4-5 2. Supply the solder from the upper position of IC leads sliding to the lower position of the IC leads. (Refer to Fig. 4-6.) Solder IC NOTE When the IC leads are bent during soldering and/or repairing, do not repair the bending of leads. If the bending of leads are repaired, the pattern may be damaged. So, be always sure to replace the IC in this case. Soldering Iron Supply soldering from upper position to lower position Fig. 4-6 3. Absorb the solder left on the lead using the Braided Shield Wire. (Refer to Fig. 4-7.) NOTE Do not absorb the solder to excess. Soldering Iron IC Braided Shield Wire Fig. 4-7 B4-2 KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS A A/C ACC AE AFC AFT AFT DET AGC AMP ANT A.PB APC ASS'Y AT AUTO A/V B BGP BOT BPF BRAKE SOL BUFF B/W C C CASE CAP CARR CH CLK CLOCK (SY-SE) COMB CONV CPM CTL CYL CYL-M CYL SENS D DATA (SY-CE) dB DC DD Unit DEMOD DET DEV E E EF EMPH ENC ENV EOT EQ EXT F F FBC FE FF FG FL SW FM FSC FWD G GEN GND H H.P.F : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Audio/Control Automatic Color Control Audio Erase Automatic Frequency Control Automatic Fine Tuning Automatic Fine Tuning Detect Automatic Gain Control Amplifier Antenna Audio Playback Automatic Phase Control Assembly All Time Automatic Audio/Video Burst Gate Pulse Beginning of Tape Bandpass Filter Brake Solenoid Buffer Black and White Capacitance, Collector Cassette Capstan Carrier Channel Clock Clock (Syscon to Servo) Combination, Comb Filter Converter Capstan Motor Control Cylinder Cylinder-Motor Cylinder-Sensor Data (Syscon to Servo) Decibel Direct Current Direct Drive Motor Unit Demodulator Detector Deviation Emitter Emitter Follower Emphasis Encoder Envelope End of Tape Equalizer External Fuse Feed Back Clamp Full Erase Fast Forward, Flipflop Frequency Generator Front Loading Switch Frequency Modulation Frequency Sub Carrier Forward Generator Ground High Pass Filter I K L M N O P R S C1-1 H.SW Hz IC IF IND INV KIL L LED LIMIT AMP LM, LDM LP L.P.F LUMI. M MAX MINI MIX MM MOD MPX MS SW NC NR OSC OPE PB PB CTL PB-C PB-Y PCB P. CON PD PG P-P R REC REC-C REC-Y REEL BRK REEL S REF REG REW REV, RVS RF RMC RY S. CLK S. COM S. DATA SEG SEL SENS SER SI SIF SO SOL SP STB SW : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Head Switch Hertz Integrated Circuit Intermediate Frequency Indicator Inverter Killer Left Light Emitting Diode Limiter Amplifier Loading Motor Long Play Low Pass Filter Luminance Motor Maximum Minimum Mixer, mixing Monostable Multivibrator Modulator, Modulation Multiplexer, Multiplex Mecha State Switch Non Connection Noise Reduction Oscillator Operation Playback Playback Control Playback-Chrominance Playback-Luminance Printed Circuit Board Power Control Phase Detector Pulse Generator Peak-to Peak Right Recording Recording-Chrominance Recording-Luminance Reel Brake Reel Sensor Reference Regulated, Regulator Rewind Reverse Radio Frequency Remote Control Relay Serial Clock Sensor Common Serial Data Segment Select, Selector Sensor Search Mode Serial Input Sound Intermediate Frequency Serial Output Solenoid Standard Play Serial Strobe Switch KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS S SYNC SYNC SEP T TR TRAC TRICK PB TP U UNREG V V VCO VIF VP V.PB VR V.REC VSF VSR VSS V-SYNC VT X X'TAL Y Y/C : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Synchronization Sync Separator, Separation Transistor Tracking Trick Playback Test Point Unregulated Volt Voltage Controlled Oscillator Video Intermediate Frequency Vertical Pulse, Voltage Display Video Playback Variable Resistor Video Recording Visual Search Fast Forward Visual Search Rewind Voltage Super Source Vertical-Synchronization Voltage Tuning Crystal Luminance/Chrominance C1-2 SERVICE MODE LIST This unit provided with the following SERVICE MODES so you can repair, examine and adjust easily. To enter SERVICE MODE, unplug AC cord till lost actual clock time. Then press and hold Vol (-) button of main unit and remocon key simultaneously. The both pressing of set key and remote control key will not be possible if clock has been set. To reset clock, either unplug AC cord and allow at least 5 seconds before Power On. Set Key Remocon Key VOL. (-) MIN 0 Releasing of V-CHIP PASSWORD. VOL. (-) MIN 1 Initialization of the factory. NOTE: Do not use this for the normal servicing. VOL. (-) MIN 2 Horizontal position adjustment of OSD. NOTE: Also can be adjusted by using the Adjustment MENU. Refer to the "ELECTRICAL ADJUSTMENT" (OSD HORIZONTAL). VOL. (-) MIN 3 Adjust the PG SHIFTER automatically. Refer to the "ELECTRICAL ADJUSTMENT" (PG SHIFTER). VOL. (-) MIN 4 Adjust the PG SHIFTER manually. Refer to the "ELECTRICAL ADJUSTMENT" (PG SHIFTER). VOL. (-) MIN 5 Adjusting of the Tracking to the center position. NOTE: Also can be adjusted by pressing the ATR button for more than 2 seconds during PLAY. VOL. (-) MIN 6 Operations POWER ON total hours and PLAY/REC total hours are displayed on the screen. Refer to the "PREVENTIVE CHECKS AND SERVICE INTERVALS" (CONFIRMATION OF HOURS USED). Can be checked of the INITIAL DATA of MEMORY IC. Refer to the "WHEN REPLACING EEPROM (MEMORY) IC". VOL. (-) MIN 8 Writing of EEPROM initial data. NOTE: Do not use this for the normal servicing. VOL. (-) MIN 9 Display of the Adjustment MENU on the screen. Refer to the "ELECTRICAL ADJUSTMENT" (On-Screen Display Adjustment). Method Press the ATR button on the remote control for more than 2 seconds during PLAY. Make the short circuit between the test point of SERVICE and the GND. Operations Adjusting of the Tracking to the center position. Refer to the "MECHANICAL ADJUSTMENT" (GUIDE ROLLER) and "ELECTRICAL ADJUSTMENT" (PG SHIFTER). The EOT/BOT/Reel sensor do not work at this moment. Refer to the "PREPARATION FOR SERVICING" C2-1 PREVENTIVE CHECKS AND SERVICE INTERVALS The following standard table depends on environmental conditions and usage. Unless maintenance is properly carried out, the following service intervals may be quite shortened as harmful effects may be had on other parts. Also, long term storage or misuse may cause transformation and aging of rubber parts. Time Parts Name 500 hours 1,000 hours 1,500 hours 2,000 hours 3,000 hours Notes Audio Control Head Clean those parts in contact with the tape. Full Erase Head (Recorder only) Capstan Belt Clean the rubber, and parts which the rubber touches. Pinch Roller Capstan DD Unit Loading Motor Tension Band Capstan Shaft Tape Running Guide Post Replace when rolling becomes abnormal. Cylinder Unit Clean the Head : Clean : Replace CONFIRMATION OF HOURS USED POWER ON total hours and PLAY/REC total hours can be checked on the screen. Total hours are displayed in 16 system of notation. NOTE: The confirmation of using hours will not be possible if clock has been set. To reset clock, either unplug AC cord and allow at least 5 seconds before Power On. 1. Set the VOLUME to minimum. 2. While holding down VOLUME button on front cabinet, press key 6 on remote control simultaneously. 3. After the confirmation of using hours, turn off the power. INIT 00 83 POWER ON 0010 PLAY/REC 0003 Initial setting content of MEMORY IC. POWER ON total hours. PLAY/REC total hours. (16 x 16 x 16 x thousands digit value) + (16 x 16 x hundreds digit value) + (16 x tens digit value) + (ones digit value) C3-1 PREVENTIVE CHECKS AND SERVICE INTERVALS CLEANING 2. TAPE RUNNING SYSTEM NOTE When cleaning the tape transport system, use the gauze moistened with isopropyl alcohol. After cleaning the heads with isopropyl alcohol, do not run a tape until the heads dry completely. If the heads are not completely dry and alcohol gets on the tape, damage may occur. 3. CYLINDER Wrap a piece of chamois around your finger. Dip it in isopropyl alcohol. Hold it to the cylinder head softly. Turn the cylinder head counterclockwise to clean it (in the direction of the arrow). (Refer to the figure below.) 1. AUDIO CONTROL HEAD Clean the Audio Control Head with the cotton stick soaked by alcohol. Clean the full erase head in the same manner. (Refer to the figure below.) NOTE Do not exert force against the cylinder head. Do not move the chamois upward or downward on the head. Use the chamois one by one. Audio Control Head Cylinder Head C3-2 WHEN REPLACING EEPROM (MEMORY) IC If a service repair is undertaken where it has been required to change the MEMORY IC, the following steps should be taken to ensure correct data settings while making reference to TABLE 1. NOTE: Initial Data setting will not be possible if clock has been set. To reset clock, either unplug AC cord and allow at least 5 seconds before Power On. INI +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +A +B +C +D +E +F 00 88 0A 62 63 43 14 34 09 51 38 30 66 00 40 00 10 10 B2 9A 92 93 00 00 00 15 08 00 A9 0F 94 3E 06 04 20 06 29 01 17 10 60 32 3A DA D7 10 15 20 25 26 27 30 28 29 2A 2C 2E 30 32 34 36 38 3A 3C 3E 40 41 42 40 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 50 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 60 63 64 66 69 6D 74 79 7C 7E 7F --- --- --- --- --- --- Table 1 1. Enter DATA SET mode by setting VOLUME to minimum. 2. While holding down VOLUME button on front cabinet, press key 6 on remote control simultaneously. ADDRESS and DATA should appear as FIG 1. ADDRESS INIT 00 DATA 83 POWER ON 0010 PLAY/REC 0003 Fig. 1 3. ADDRESS is now selected and should "blink". Using the PLAY or STOP button on the remote, step through the ADDRESS until required ADDRESS to be changed is reached. 4. Press ENTER to select DATA. When DATA is selected, it will "blink". 5. Again, step through the DATA using PLAY or STOP until required DATA value has been selected. 6. Pressing ENTER will take you back to ADDRESS for further selection if necessary. 7. Repeat steps 3 to 6 until all data has been checked. 8. When satisfied correct DATA has been entered, turn POWER off (return to STANDBY MODE) to finish DATA input. The unit will now have the correct DATA for the new MEMORY IC. C4-1 SERVICING FIXTURES AND TOOLS (For 2 heads model) VHS Alignment Tape JG001 (VN 2 S-LI6 3 ) JG001A (VN 2 S-CO13 ) JG001Q (VN 2 S-LI6 3 H) JG001T (VN 2 S-X6 3 ) (For 4 heads model) VHS Alignment Tape JG001B (VN 1 S-LI6 3 ) JG001I (VN 1 S-CO13 ) JG001P (VN 1 S-LI6 3 H) JG001S (VN 1 S-X6 3 ) JG002B Adapter JG002E Dial Torque Gauge (10~90gf•cm) JG002F (60~600gf•cm) JG005 Post Adjustment Screwdriver Part No. SV-TG0-030-000 (small) JG153 X Value Adjustment Screwdriver JG022 Master Plane JG024A Reel Disk Height Adjustment Jig JG100A Torque Tape (VHT-063) JG154 Cable Tentelometer Ref. No. Part No. Parts Name JG001 APJG001000 VHS Alignment Tape (For 2 heads model) Monoscope, 6KHz Remarks JG001A APJG001A00 VHS Alignment Tape (For 2 heads model) Color Bar, 1KHz JG001Q APJG001Q00 VHS Alignment Tape (For 2 heads model) Hi-Fi Audio JG001T APJG001T00 VHS Alignment Tape (For 2 heads model) X Value Adjustment JG001B APJG001B00 VHS Alignment Tape (For 4 heads model) Monoscope, 6KHz JG001I APJG001I00 VHS Alignment Tape (For 4 heads model) Color Bar, 1KHz JG001P APJG001P00 VHS Alignment Tape (For 4 heads model) Hi-Fi Audio JG001S APJG001S00 VHS Alignment Tape (For 4 heads model) X Value Adjustment JG002B APJG002B00 Adapter VSR Torque, Brake Torque (S Reel/T Reel Ass'y) JG002E APJG002E00 Dial Torque Gauge (10~90gf•cm) Brake Torque (T Reel Ass'y) JG002F APJG002F00 Dial Torque Gauge (60~600gf•cm) VSR Torque, Brake Torque (S Reel) JG005 APJG005000 Post Adjustment Screwdriver Guide Roller Adjustment JG153 APJG153000 X Value Adjustment Screwdriver X Value Adjustment JG022 APJG022000 Master Plane Reel Disk Height Adjustment JG024A APJG024A00 Reel Disk Height Adjustment Jig Reel Disk Height Adjustment JG100A APJG100A00 Torque Tape (VHT-063) Playback Torque, Back Tension Torque During Playback JG154 APJG154000 Cable Used to connect the test point of SERVICE and GROUND PREPARATION FOR SERVICING How to use the Servicing Fixture 1. Unplug the connector CP757 and CP351, then remove the TV/VCR Block from the set. 2. Remove the Operation PCB from the set, then connect it with the Syscon PCB. If necessary, connect CP351. (Front A/V Jack Input Terminal) 3. Short circuit between TP1001 and Ground with the cable JG154. (Refer to MAJOR COMPONENTS LOCATION GUIDE) 4. The EOT, BOT and Reel Sensor do not work at this moment. At that time, the STOP/EJECT button is available to insert and eject the Cassette Tape. C5-1 MECHANICAL ADJUSTMENTS 1-2: CONFIRMATION AND ADJUSTMENT OF TENSION POST POSITION 1. CONFIRMATION AND ADJUSTMENT Read the following NOTES before starting work. 1. Set to the PLAY mode. 2. Adjust the adjusting parts for the Tension Arm position so that the Tension Arm top is within the standard line of Main Chassis. 3. While turning the S Reel clockwise, confirm that the edge of the Tension Arm is located in the position described above. • Place an object which weighs between 450g~500g on the Cassette Tape to keep it steady when you want to make the tape run without the Cassette Holder. (Do not place an object which weighs over 500g.) • When you activate the deck without the Cassette Holder, short circuit between TP1001 and GND. (Refer to ELECTRICAL ADJUSTMENT PARTS LOCATION GUIDE) In this condition the BOT/EOT/Reel Sensor will not function. Standard line of Main Chassis 1-1: CONFIRMATION AND ADJUSTMENT OF REEL DISK HEIGHT Tension Arm 1. Turn on the power and set to the STOP mode. 2. Set the master plane (JG022) and reel disk height adjustment jig (JG024A) on the mechanism framework, taking care not to scratch the drum, as shown in Fig. 11-A. 3. While turning the reel and confirm the following points. Check if the surface "A" of reel disk is lower than the surface "B" of reel disk height adjustment jig (JG024A) and is higher than the surface "C". If it is not passed, place the height adjustment washers and adjust to 10(+2, -0)mm. 4. Adjust the other reel in the same way. 0.5mm (Adjusting range) Fig. 1-2-A Adjusting parts for the Tension Arm position Tension Band Master Plane (JG022) The Tension Arm top will move to the inside direction of the Main Chassis. Reel Disk Height Adjustment Jig (JG024A) The Tension Arm top will move to the outside direction of the Main Chassis. Bend Fig. 1-2-B 1-3: CONFIRMATION OF PLAYBACK TORQUE AND BACK TENSION TORQUE DURING PLAYBACK 1. Load a video tape (T-120) recorded in standard speed mode. Set the unit to the PLAY mode. 2. Install the tentelometer as shown in Fig. 1-3. Confirm that the meter indicates 20 ± 2gf in the beginning of playback. Fig. 1-1-A 1. After confirmation and adjustment of Tension Post position (Refer to item 1-2), load the cassette type torque tape (JG100A) and set to the PLAY mode. 2. Confirm that the right meter of the torque tape indicates 50~90gf•cm during playback in SP mode. 3. Confirm that the left meter of the torque tape indicates 25~40gf•cm during playback in SP mode. Reel Disk Height Adjustment Jig (JG024A) Reel Disk Master Plane (JG022) • USING A CASSETTE TYPE TORQUE TAPE (JG100A) (B) Tentelometer 10(+0.2, -0)mm (C) Video Tape (A) Height Adjustment Washer 2.6x4.7xT0.13 2.6X4.7xT0.25 Fig. 1-1-B P1 Post D1-1 Guide Roller Fig. 1-3 MECHANICAL ADJUSTMENTS 1-4: CONFIRMATION OF VSR TORQUE NOTE 1. Install the Torque Gauge (JG002F) and Adapter (JG002B) on the S Reel. Set to the Picture Search (Rewind) mode. (Refer to Fig.1-4-B) 2. Then, confirm that it indicates 120~180gf•cm. If the torque is out of the range, replace the following parts. NOTE Check item Replacement Part 1-4 Idler Ass'y/Clutch Ass'y 1-5 Install the Torque Gauge on the reel disk firmly. Press the REW button to turn the reel disk. S Reel side: S Reel/Tension Band/Tension Connect/Tension Arm Ass'y T Reel side: T Reel/T Brake Band//T Brake Spring/T Brake Arm 1-5: CONFIRMATION OF REEL BRAKE TORQUE (S Reel Brake) (Refer to Fig. 1-4-B) 2. CONFIRMATION AND ADJUSTMENT OF TAPE RUNNING MECHANISM 1. Once set to the Fast Forward mode then set to the Stop mode. While, unplug the AC cord when the Pinch Roller Block is on the position of Fig. 1-4-A. 2. Move the Idler Ass'y from the S Reel. 3. Install the Torque Gauge (JG002F) and Adapter (JG002B) on the S Reel. Turn the Torque Gauge (JG002F) clockwise. 4. Then, confirm that it indicates 60~100gf•cm. Tape Running Mechanism is adjusted precisely at the factory. Adjustment is not necessary as usual. When you replace the parts of the tape running mechanism because of long term usage or failure, the confirmation and adjustment are necessary. (T Reel Brake) (Refer to Fig. 1-4-B) 2-1: GUIDE ROLLER 1. Once set to the Fast Forward mode then set to the Stop mode. While, unplug the AC cord when the Pinch Roller Block is on the position of Fig. 1-4-A. 2. Move the Idler Ass'y from the T Reel. 3. Install the Torque Gauge (JG002E) and Adapter (JG002B) on the T reel. Turn the Torque Gauge (JG002E) counterclockwise. 4. Then, confirm that it indicates 30~50gf•cm. 1. Playback the VHS Alignment Tape (JG001 or JG001B). (Refer to SERVICING FIXTURE AND TOOLS) 2. Connect CH-1 of the oscilloscope to TP4001 (Envelope) and CH-2 to TP1002 (SW Pulse). 3. Press and hold the Tracking-Auto button on the remote control more than 2 seconds to set tracking to center. 4. Trigger with SW Pulse and observe the envelope. (Refer to Fig. 2-1-A) 5. When observing the envelope, adjust the Adjusting Driver (JG005) slightly until the envelope will be flat. Even if you press the Tracking Button, adjust so that flatness is not moved so much. 6. Adjust so that the A : B ratio is better than 3 : 2 as shown in Fig. 2-1-B, even if you press the Tracking Button to move the envelope (The envelope waveform will begin to decrease when you press the Tracking Button). 7. Adjust the PG shifter during playback. (Refer to the ELECTRICAL ADJUSTMENTS) The position at FF mode. Pinch Roller Block Stop at this position. Cassette Opener The position at STOP mode. Capstan DD Unit NOTE Cassette Holder Ass'y After adjustment, confirm and adjust A/C head. (Refer to item 2-2) Fig. 1-4-A Torque Gauge/Adapter (JG002F/JG002B) CH-1 Envelope (TP4001) CH-1 Track Torque Gauge/Adapter (JG002E/JG002B) CH-2 Track CH-2 SW Pulse (TP1002) Fig. 2-1-A Entrance Exit S Reel Max T Reel Fig. 1-4-B A B A:B≥3:2 D1-2 Max Fig. 2-1-B MECHANICAL ADJUSTMENTS 2-2: CONFIRMATION AND ADJUSTMENT OF AUDIO/ CONTROL HEAD 2-3: TAPE RUNNING ADJUSTMENT (X VALUE ADJUSTMENT) When the Tape Running Mechanism does not work well, adjust the following items. 1. Confirm and adjust the height of the Reel Disk. (Refer to item 1-1) 2. Confirm and adjust the position of the Tension Post. (Refer to item 1-2) 3. Adjust the Guide Roller. (Refer to item 2-1) 4. Confirm and adjust the Audio/Control Head. (Refer to item 2-2) 5. Connect CH-1 of the oscilloscope to TP4001, CH-2 to TP1002 and CH-3 to HOT side of Audio Out Jack. 6. Playback the VHS Alignment Tape (JG001S or JG001T). (Refer to SERVICING FIXTURE AND TOOLS) 7. Press and hold the Tracking-Auto button on the remote control more than 2 seconds to set tracking to center. 8. Set the X Value adjustment driver (JG153) to the 4 of Fig. 2-2-B. Adjust X value so that the envelope waveform output becomes maximum. Check if the relation between Audio and Envelope waveform becomes (1) or (2) of Fig. 2-3. 1. Playback the VHS Alignment Tape (JG001 or JG001B). (Refer to SERVICING FIXTURE AND TOOLS) 2. Confirm that the reflected picture of stamp mark is appeared on the tape prior to P4 Post as shown in Fig. 2-2-A. a) When the reflected picture is distorted, turn the screw 1 clockwise until the distortion is disappeared. b) When the reflected picture is not distorted, turn the screw 1 counterclockwise until little distortion is appeared, then adjust the a). 3. Turn the screw 2 to set the audio level to maximum. 4. Confirm that the bottom of the Audio/ Control Head and the bottom of the tape is shown in Fig. 2-2-C. c) When the height is not correct, turn the screw 3 to adjust the height. Then, adjust the 1~3 again. Audio/Control Head Reflected picture of Stamp Mark Envelope P4 Post (1) CH-3 Audio (2) Fig. 2-3 Stamp Mark 2-4: CONFIRM HI-FI AUDIO (Hi-Fi model only) Fig. 2-2-A 1. Connect CH-1 of the oscilloscope to TP1002 and CH-2 to the Hi-Fi Audio Out Jack. 2. Playback the VHS Alignment Tape (JG001P or JG001Q). (Refer to SERVICING FIXTURE AND TOOLS) 3. Press and hold the Tracking-Auto button on the remote control more than 2 seconds to set tracking to center. 4. Press the Tracking Up button and count number of steps which the audio output is changed from Hi-Fi (10KHz) to MONO (6KHz). 5. Press and hold the Tracking-Auto button on the remote control more than 2 seconds to set tracking to center. 6. Press the Tracking Down button and count number of steps which the audio output is changed from Hi-Fi (10KHz) to MONO (6KHz). 7. If the difference are more than 3 steps, set the X Value adjustment driver (JG153) to 4 of Fig. 2-2-B. Change the X Value and adjust it so that the value becomes within 2 steps. Audio/Control Head 3 1 2 4 Fig. 2-2-B Audio/Control Head Tape 0.25±0.05mm Fig. 2-2-C D1-3 MECHANICAL ADJUSTMENTS 3. MECHANISM ADJUSTMENT PARTS LOCATION GUIDE 4 5 6 3 2 7 1 10 9 1. Tension Connect 2. Tension Arm 3. Guide Roller 4. Audio/Control Head 5. X value adjustment driver hole 8 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. D1-4 P4 Post T Brake Spring T Reel S Reel Adjusting parts for the Tension Arm position ELECTRICAL ADJUSTMENTS 1. BEFORE MAKING ELECTRICAL ADJUSTMENTS 2. BASIC ADJUSTMENTS (VCR SECTION) Read and perform these adjustments when repairing the circuits or replacing electrical parts or PCB assemblies. 2-1: PG SHIFTER 1. Connect CH-1 on the oscilloscope to TP1002 and CH-2 to pin 4 of CP1003. 2. Playback the alignment tape. (JG001A) 3. Press and hold the Tracking-Auto button on the remote control more than 2 seconds to set tracking to center. 4. Press the VOL. DOWN button on the set and the channel button (3) on the remote control simultaneously until the indicator REC disappears. If the indicator REC disappears, adjustment is completed. CAUTION • Use an isolation transformer when performing any service on this chassis. • Before removing the anode cap, discharge electricity because it contains high voltage. • When removing a PCB or related component, after unfastening or changing a wire, be sure to put the wire back in its original position. Inferior silicon grease can damage IC's and transistors. • When replacing IC's and transistors, use only specified silicon grease (YG6260M). Remove all old silicon before applying new silicon. (If the above adjustments doesn't work well:) 5. Press the VOL. DOWN button on the set and the channel button (3) on the remote control simultaneously until the indicator REC disappears. 6. When the REC indicator is blinking, press both VOL. DOWN button on the set and the channel button (4) on the remote control simultaneously and adjust the Tracking +/- button until the arising to the down of Head Switching Pulse becomes 6.5 ± 0.5H. (Refer to Fig. 2-1-A, B) 7. Press the Tracking Auto button. On-Screen Display Adjustment 1. Unplug the AC plug for more than 5 seconds to set the clock to the non-setting state. Then, set the volume level to minimum. 2. Press the VOL. DOWN button on the set and the Channel button (9) on the remote control simultaneously to appear the adjustment mode on the screen as shown in Fig. 1-1. CH-2 TV 6.5H CH-1 00 OSD Fig. 2-1-A 15 Fig. 1-1 3. Use the Channel UP/DOWN button or Channel button (0-9) on the remote control to select the options shown in Fig. 1-2. 4. Press the MENU button on the remote control to end the adjustments. CH-2 CH-1 6.5H NO. 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 FUNCTION OSD H CUT OFF RF AGC DELAY VIF VCO H VCO H PHASE V SIZE V SHIFT R DRIVE B DRIVE R CUT OFF G CUT OFF B CUT OFF NO. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 FUNCTION BRIGHTNESS CONTRAST COLOR TINT SHARPNESS FM LEVEL LEVEL SEPARATION 1 SEPARATION 2 TEST MONO TEST STEREO X-RAY TEST Fig. 2-1-B 2-2: VCO FREERUN 1. Place the set with Aging Test for more than 10 minutes. 2. Receive the VHF HIGH. 3. Disconnect the Antenna while receiving the VHF HIGH and set to the Noise screen. 4. Once turn off the Power and turn on the Power again. 5. Approxi. 3 seconds later, input the Antenna again. 6. Connect the digital voltmeter between the pin 5 of CP351 and the pin 1 (GND) of CP351. 7. Activate the adjustment mode display of Fig. 1-1 and press the channel button (03) on the remote control to select "VIF VCO". 8. Press the VOL. UP/DOWN button on the remote control until the digital voltmeter is 2.5V. 9. After the 2.5V adjustment, countdown the VIF VCO step No. by 1 step with the VOL. DOWN button. Fig. 1-2 D2-1 ELECTRICAL ADJUSTMENTS 2-3: RF AGC 2-8: HORIZONTAL PHASE 1. Receive the VHF HIGH (63dB). 2. Connect the digital voltmeter between the pin 5 of CP351 and the pin 1 (GND) of CP351. 3. Activate the adjustment mode display of Fig. 1-1 and press the channel button (02) on the remote control to select "RF AGC". 4. Press the VOL. UP/DOWN button on the remote control until the digital voltmeter is 2.9V ± 0.05V. (TV SECTION) 1. Receive the center cross signal from the Pattern Generator. 2. Using the remote control, set the brightness and contrast to normal position. 3. Activate the adjustment mode display of Fig. 1-1 and press the channel button (05) on the remote control to select "H PHASE". 4. Press the VOL. UP/DOWN button on the remote control until the right and left screen size of the vertical line becomes the same. 2-4: CONSTANT VOLTAGE 2-9: VERTICAL SHIFT 1. Connect the digital voltmeter to the TP601. 2. Set condition is AV MODE without signal. 3. Using the remote control, set the brightness and contrast to normal position. 4. Adjust the VR502 until the digital voltmeter is 135 ± 0.5V. 1. Receive the center cross signal from the Pattern Generator. 2. Using the remote control, set the brightness and contrast to normal position. 3. Activate the adjustment mode display of Fig. 1-1 and press the channel button (07) on the remote control to select "V SHIFT". 4. Check if the step No. V. SHIFT is "3". 5. Adjust the VR401 until the horizontal line becomes fit to the notch of the shadow mask. 2-5: CUT OFF 1. Adjust the unit to the following settings. R CUT OFF=128, G CUT OFF=128, B CUT OFF=128, BRIGHTNESS=128, CONTRAST=100 2. Place the set with Aging Test for more than 15 minutes. 3. Set condition is AV MODE without signal. 4. Using the remote control, set the brightness and contrast to normal position. 5. Activate the adjustment mode display of Fig. 1-1 and press the channel button (01) on the remote control to select "CUT OFF". 6. Adjust the Screen Volume until a dim raster is obtained. 2-10: VERTICAL SIZE 1. Receive the cross hatch signal from the Pattern Generator. 2. Using the remote control, set the brightness and contrast to normal position. 3. Activate the adjustment mode display of Fig. 1-1 and press the channel button (06) on the remote control to select "V SIZE". 4. Press the VOL. UP/DOWN button on the remote control until the SHIFT quantity of the OVER SCAN on upside and downside becomes 10 ± 2%. 5. Receive a broadcast and check if the picture is normal. 2-6: WHITE BALANCE NOTE: Adjust after performing CUT OFF adjustment. 1. Place the set with Aging Test for more than 15 minutes. 2. Receive the color bar pattern. 3. Using the remote control, set the brightness and contrast to normal position. 4. Activate the adjustment mode display of Fig. 1-1 and press the channel button (10) on the remote control to select "R CUT OFF". 5. Using the VOL. UP/DOWN button on the remote control, adjust the R CUT OFF. 6. Press the CH. UP/DOWN button on the remote control to select the "R DRIVE", "B DRIVE", "G CUT OFF" or "B CUT OFF". 7. Using the VOL. UP/DOWN button on the remote control, adjust the R DRIVE, B DRIVE, G CUT OFF or B CUT OFF. 8. Perform the above adjustments 6 and 7 until the white color is looked like a white. 2-11: SUB BRIGHTNESS 1. Receive the monoscope pattern. (RF Input) 2. Using the remote control, set the brightness and contrast to normal position. 3. Activate the adjustment mode display of Fig. 1-1 and press the channel button (13) on the remote control to select "BRIGHTNESS". 4. Press the VOL. UP/DOWN button on the remote control until the white 10% is starting to be visible 5. Receive the monoscope pattern. (Audio Video Input) 6. Press the INPUT SELECT button on the remote control to set to the AV mode. Then perform the above adjustments 2~4. 2-7: FOCUS 1. Receive the monoscope pattern. 2. Using the remote control, set the brightness and contrast to normal position. 3. Turn the Focus Volume fully counterclockwise once. 4. Adjust the Focus Volume until picture is distinct. D2-2 ELECTRICAL ADJUSTMENTS 2-12: SUB CONTRAST MANUAL White 0% 1. Receive the color bar pattern. (RF Input) 2. Using the remote control, set the brightness and contrast to normal position. 3. Activate the adjustment mode display of Fig. 1-1 and press the channel button (14) on the remote control to select "CONTRAST". 4. Press the VOL. UP/DOWN button on the remote control until the contrast STEP No. becomes "100". 5. Receive the color bar pattern. (Audio Video Input) 6. Press the AV button on the remote control to set to the AV mode. Then perform the above adjustments 2~4. 100% Red Level White 100% 2-13: SUB TINT 1. Receive the color bar pattern. (RF Input) 2. Connect the oscilloscope to TP801. 3. Using the remote control, set the brightness, contrast, color and tint to normal position. 4. Activate the adjustment mode display of Fig. 1-1 and press the channel button (16) on the remote control to select "TINT". 5. Press the VOL. UP/DOWN button on the remote control until the section "A" becomes a straight line. (Refer to Fig. 2-2) 6. Receive the color bar pattern. (Audio Video Input) 7. Press the INPUT SELECT button on the remote control to set to the AV mode. Then perform the above adjustments 2~5. Fig. 2-3 2-15: OSD HORIZONTAL 1. Activate the adjustment mode display of Fig. 1-1. 2. Press the VOL. UP/DOWN button on the remote control until the difference of A and B becomes minimum. (Refer to Fig. 2-4) TV 00 OSD A 15 B Fig. 2-4 2-16: SUB SHARPNESS "A" 1. Activate the adjustment mode display of Fig. 1-1 and press the channel button (17) on the remote control to select "SHARPNESS". 2. Check if the step No. of SHARPNESS is "40". 3. Press the AV button on the remote control to set to the AV mode. Then perform the above adjustments 1, 2. Fig. 2-2 2-14: SUB COLOR 2-17: H VCO 1. Receive the color bar pattern. (RF Input) 2. Connect the oscilloscope to TP803. 3. Using the remote control, set the brightness, contrast, color and tint to normal position. 4. Activate the adjustment mode display of Fig. 1-1 and press the channel button (15) on the remote control to select "COLOR". 5. Adjust the VOLTS RANGE VARIABLE knob of the oscilloscope until the range between white 100% and 0% is set to 4 scales on the screen of the oscilloscope. 6. Press the VOL. UP/DOWN button on the remote control until the red color level is adjusted to 110 ± 10% of the white level. (Refer to Fig. 2-3) 7. Receive the color bar pattern. (Audio Video Input) 8. Press the INPUT SELECT button on the remote control to set to the AV mode. Then perform the above adjustments 2~6. 1. Activate the adjustment mode display of Fig. 1-1 and press the channel button (04) on the remote control to select "H VCO". 2. Check if the step No. of H VCO is "4". D2-3 ELECTRICAL ADJUSTMENTS 3. ELECTRICAL ADJUSTMENT PARTS LOCATION GUIDE CP1003 TP1001 TP4001 TP1002 TP601 VR401 VR502 TU601 FB401 CP351 FOCUS VOLUME SCREEN VOLUME SYSCON PCB TP801 TP803 J801 CRT PCB D2-4 ELECTRICAL ADJUSTMENTS 4-3: STATIC CONVERGENCE 4. PURITY AND CONVERGENCE ADJUSTMENTS NOTE Adjust after performing adjustments in section 4-2. NOTE 1. Receive the crosshatch pattern from the color bar generator. 2. Combine red and blue of the 3 color crosshatch pattern on the center of the screen by adjusting the pair of 4 pole magnets. 3. Combine red/blue (magenta) and green by adjusting the pair of 6 pole magnets. 1. Turn the unit on and let it warm up for at least 30 minutes before performing the following adjustments. 2. Place the CRT surface facing east or west to reduce the terrestrial magnetism. 3. Turn ON the unit and demagnetize with a Degauss Coil. 4-1: STATIC CONVERGENCE (ROUGH ADJUSTMENT) 1. Tighten the screw for the magnet. Refer to the adjusted CRT for the position. (Refer to Fig. 4-1) If the deflection yoke and magnet are in one body, untighten the screw for the body. 2. Receive the green raster pattern from the color bar generator. 3. Slide the deflection yoke until it touches the funnel side of the CRT. 4. Adjust center of screen to green, with red and blue on the sides, using the pair of purity magnets. 5. Switch the color bar generator from the green raster pattern to the crosshatch pattern. 6. Combine red and blue of the 3 color crosshatch pattern on the center of the screen by adjusting the pair of 4 pole magnets. 7. Combine red/blue (magenta) and green by adjusting the pair of 6 pole magnets. 8. Adjust the crosshatch pattern to change to white by repeating steps 6 and 7. 4-4: DYNAMIC CONVERGENCE NOTE Adjust after performing adjustments in section 4-3. 1. Adjust the differences around the screen by moving the deflection yoke upward/downward and right/left. (Refer to Fig. 4-2-a) 2. Insert three wedges between the deflection yoke and CRT funnel to fix the deflection yoke. (Refer to Fig. 4-2-b) RGB R G B 4-2: PURITY RGB R G B UPWARD/DOWNWARD SLANT NOTE RIGHT/LEFT SLANT Fig. 4-2-a Adjust after performing adjustments in section 4-1. 1. Receive the green raster pattern from color bar generator. 2. Adjust the pair of purity magnets to center the color on the screen. Adjust the pair of purity magnets so the color at the ends are equally wide. 3. Move the deflection yoke backward (to neck side) slowly, and stop it at the position when the whole screen is green. 4. Confirm red and blue colors. 5. Adjust the slant of the deflection yoke while watching the screen, then tighten the fixing screw. WEDGE WEDGE WEDGE DEFLECTION YOKE DEFLECTION YOKE SCREW MAGNET SCREW 6 POLE MAGNETS 4 POLE MAGNETS PURITY MAGNETS Fig. 4-1 D2-5 WEDGE POSITION Fig. 4-2-b TV BLOCK DIAGRAM V. OUTPUT IC IC401 AN5522 MICON/ OPERATION/ IN/OUT SCL SDA Q602, Q603 AT+5V_BACK UP AT+12V Q604, Q605 Q601 60 11 AFT OUT 33 39 46 13 53 POWER ON CONT FM DIRECT OUT 5V REG MCU RESET 1 2 Q407 H-CONTROL SW PUMP UP 3 5 H_CTL 7 MICON/ OPERATION/ IN/OUT Q406 Q405 SW REG CONT VIF IN 5 NC 42 8.7V REG OUT 64 41 5.7V REG OUT (FOR CPU) 5 4 55 VREG VCC 1 VIF VIDEO OUT 4 VIF IN VIF APC FILTER 1 SAW FILTER CF601 56 57 EXT AUDIO IN 1 RF AGC OUT 52 IF AGC 62 63 48 IF AGC FILTER CHROMA IC IC601 M61206FP VCC AT+5V REG. BUFFER TU601 AMP AT+12V REG. REG. TU_AUDIO TU_VIDEO Y/C_AUDIO Y/C/AUDIO/ CCD/ HEAD AMP THERMAL PROTECTION Q606 H-DRIVE H. OUTPUT DY AUDIO OUT 50 SDA 10 SCL 5 FAST BLK 27 R OUT 14 G OUT 15 B OUT 16 FB401 3 1 COL HV 2 +B J801 6 E180 7 ABL F 9 AFC S F 7 V801 CRT 11 10 HEA 8 E180V 31 V OUT 17 V PLUSE OUT 29 V RAMP FEED BACK 21 ACL/ABCL Q804 BLUE AMP MICON/ OPERATION/ IN/OUT X' TAL H. PLUSE OUT FBP IN H OUT SW. CHROMA APC FILTER Q404 35 32 12 6 7 Q805 GREEN AMP Q609 POWER ON SW. TV_POWER-H VD SW. HD X602 3.579545MHz OSD_BLK OSD_B MICON/ OPERATION/ IN/OUT L503 DEGAUSS COIL OSD_R TH501 OSD_G 2 2 1 1 POWER_FAIL Q611 POWER FAIL SW. D518, D520, D521, D530 AC IN +B ADJ VR502 Q507 FEED BACK SW. SOUND AMP IC IC351 AN7511 6 T501 8 Q511 FEED BACK AFT_M 2 RECTIFIER F501 SWITCHING IC502 TLP621(GR) 8 5 13 AT+12V 14 UNREG+8V J351 HEAD JACK CD352 SP+ SP– 1 SP351 SPEAKER 4 POWER_FAIL Q510 SWITCHING 11 5 16 3 F502 5V REG IC IC501 KIA78R05PI E-1 P. CON+8V RED AMP Q403 X-RAY_TEST Q608 CUT OFF SW Q806 X-RAY 6 P. CON+5V VCR_POWER-H TV_POWER-H TV_A_MUTE MICON/ OPERATION/ IN/OUT E-2 Y/C/AUDIO/CCD/HEAD AMP BLOCK DIAGRAM X4001 3.579545MHz Q4010 Q4012 50 41 49 P NC 66 REC APC L H R R CP4001 1 65 P 2 SP-CH2 (L) 72 P 73 P CLAMP AUTO-BIAS CCD H L R 74 REC APC Main CONV 3 SP_COM 4 SP-CH1 (R) 37 3.58M BPF2 62 HA GND CYL 38 VSS 43 4FSC PLL VX01 NC 67 BUFFER BUFFER Y/C/AUDIO/CCD/HEAD AMP IC IC4001 LA71201M-N-MPB B-UP AMP C-LPF SERAIL DECODER AGC P 53 Y/C_CLK 54 Y/C_DATA 55 Y/C_CS MICON/ OPERATION/ IN/OUT OUT VCA 36 ACC DET VD TV 9 3.58M BPF1 REC AMP VIDEO AGC NYR/COMB 7 39 SYNC C-ROT SEP RF-SW IN 57 AUDIO 58 MUTE HA SW QV-QH ENV DET 59 H. SW VCR_A_MUTE ENV. DET CP4003 FE HEAD 1 FE HEAD (HOT) LINE AMP 8 2 FE HEAD (GND) EQ AMP AUTO BIAS 6 LPF R P ALC 1 2 3 V.REC_ST-H 60B 1 2 3 SYNC SEP MUTE PB.EE 24 26 25 Q4009 BUFFER DUMMY_V. SYNC Q4007 SYNC IN MICON/ OPERATION/ IN/OUT SD_VIDEO SD_SYNC Q4011 P. CON+5V CP4002 HEAD AUDIO CONTROL 11 BUFFER 6 AUDIO PB COIL, BIAS OSC T4001 5 AUDIO REC 5 2 4 CTL+ 6 3 3 CTL- 2 AE HEAD(-) 1 AE HEAD(+) 3 4 5 2 10 80 76 32 30 NC 28 Q4005 TU_VIDEO BIAS CTL TU_AUDIO Q4006 Y/C_AUDIO P. CON + 5V BIAS OSC 4 Q4001, Q4002 AUDIO PB SW TV 1 Q4003 SW FRONT_AUDIO FRONT_VIDEO CTL+ MICON/ OPERATION/ IN/OUT CTL- E-3 E-4 MICON/OPERATION/IN/OUT BLOCK DIAGRAM TIMER SYSCON MICON IC IC1001 OEC7071A SW1001 50 TAB SW 1 3 1 4 1 2 CAPSTAN DD UNIT 1 4 2 2 TV 3 2 MSSEN-B MS_SEN B Q1003 3 4 MSSEN-A MS_SEN A Q1009 80 REEL-T REEL SENS. Q1005 H_CONTROL 24 H_CONTROL X-RAY_TEST 41 X-RAY_TEST VCR_POWER_H 27 VCR-POWER CP1004 12 CAP-LIMIT 76 CAP-PWM 87 CAP-FG 1 4 5 9 10 11 12 34 POWER_FAIL_L 85 X-OUT(12MHz) 39 1 OUT SYSTEM RESET IC IC1003 R3111N311A/C-TR POWER FAIL2 AT+5.6V P. CON+5V RESET-L CAP_FG CAP/M F/R I LIMIT CAP_CTL LDM_CTL CTL_FG/PG CYL_CTL 11 CAP-FWD 20 LDM CTL 90 DRUM FG/PG 77 DRUM-PWM X-IN(12MHz) 38 XC-OUT(32KHz) 36 XC-IN(32MHz) 35 Q1023 X1001 12MHz J701 X_RAY_SW AUDIO L X1002 32.768KHz 3 4 FRONT_VIDEO 1 2 FRONT_AUDIO VIDEO CTL+ 95 CTL+ CTL- 94 CTL- V-REC-START-H 66 V. REC_ST_H CVIN 56 SD_VIDEO SD_SYNC VIDEO-H. SW 18 H. SW SDATA 68 Y/C_DATA SCLK 70 Y/C_CLK CS 69 Y/C_CS VIDEO ENV 6 ENV_DET VCR_A_MUTE 81 VCR_A_MUTE IIC-DATA1 72 5 SDA IIC-CLK1 71 6 SCL CTL AMP-OUT 97 EEP ROM IC IC1099 S-24C04BDP-LA X_RAY Q1004 SDA FF/REW_SW Y/C/AUDIO/CCD/ HEAD AMP 13 DUMMY_V. SYNC DUMMY-V.SYNC Q1013 EOT SENSOR AT+5.6V D1003 3 EOT 61 CENTER LED FF/REW-L 73 SCL R 64 OSD_R G 63 OSD_G B 62 OSD_B AFT(MONI) 7 AFT_M OSD OUT1 60 OSD_BLK V-SYNC 59 VD H/C-SYNC 58 HD TV_A_MUTE 82 TV_A_MUTE KEY 1 9 TV-POWER 28 KEY 2 10 POWER ON/OFF REC/OTR STOP/EJECT PLAY FF/CUE REW/REV OS753 Q1011 BOT SENSOR TV TV_POWER_H Q1024 LED DRIVER Y/C/AUDIO/CCD/ HEAD AMP 4 1 BOT REMOCON-IN 14 REC LED 30 2 3 Q1007 REC LED SW (AI) CH DOWN CH UP VOL. UP VOL. DOWN AT+5V REC/OTR D793 T-REC D791 Q1008 T-REC LED E-5 29 ON TIM/T-REC LED SW(TO) E-6 PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDS OPERATION SOLDER SIDE R777_1 R775_1 C382 R776_1 W009 W805 SW794 SW792 SW793 SW791 R773_1 R774_1 R771_1 R772_1 W811 R793_2 R778_1 CD352 F-1 CD351_1 R766 OS753 R754_2 CD757 W002 SW796 W001 SW798 W815 W008 W814 R350_1 SW795 J701_1 W003 SW799 W004 W005 SW797 W007 W006 SW751 W812 R351 J351 C755_1 D793 D791 F-2