Download Eaton Powerware Plus 1 Operator`s manual

Powerware Plus 18
Operator's Manual
*' Powerware Plus 18 +4 # *+)*<1'3(03.#/%' 0/-+/' .+%30130%'4403<%0/530--'&
&'4+)/'& 50 1305'%5 :063 '26+1.'/5 (30. %033615+0/ 03 -044 0( +/(03.#5+0/
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%*#3)'& %0/&+5+0/ *' #&7#/%'& 48+5%*+/) 5'%*/0-0): 64'& +/ 5*+4 '/#$-'4 5*'
6/+5 50 *#/&-' # 8+&' 3#/)' 0( +/165 70-5#)'4 #/& (3'26'/%+'4
Special Features
-- Powerware Plus 18 .0&'-4 %0.' 8+5* 5*' (0--08+/) 41'%+#- ('#563'4
36' 0/-+/' &06$-'<108'3 %0/7'34+0/ 01'3#5+0/ (03 %0.1-'5' -0#& 1305'%5+0/
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'26+1.'/5 (30. #-- 108'3 4063%'4
650.#5+% #/& .#+/5'/#/%' $:1#44 #4: #%%'44 50 +/165 065165 #/& $#55'3: %+3%6+5 $3'#,'34
#5%*+/) -+& 1305'%54 %+3%6+5 $3'#,'34
563&: -+/'<61 #/& .#5%* %#$+/'54 #3' #553#%5+7' '/06)* (03 #/: 0((+%' 03
%0.165'3 300.
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'%5+(+'3 +/7'35'3 #/& .0&6-'4 #3' *064'& +/ (#%503:<4'#-'& (+'-& 3'1-#%'#$-'
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#&&+5+0/#- 065165 ,! (03 /0/-+/'#3 -0#& #11-+%#5+0/4
Two year Best Power limited 8#33#/5: #/& '95'/&'& 8#33#/5: 4'37+%' #/&#/#&#
System Overview
63+/) /03.#- 01'3#5+0/ +/%0.+/) %0..'3%+#- 108'3 +4 (+-5'3'& 50 3'&6%' /0+4' #/&
41+,'4 *' 3'%5+(+'3 1307+&'4 +40-#5'& 3')6-#5'& #/& (+-5'3'& 108'3 50 5*' +/7'35'3
1035+0/ 0( 5*' +/165 108'3 50 5*' 3'%5+(+'3 +4 64'& 50 %*#3)' 5*' $#55'3: *' +/7'35'3
1307+&'4 (635*'3 3')6-#5'& #/& (+-5'3'& 108'3 50 5*' -0#& / 5*' '7'/5 0( # 4'7'3'
07'3-0#& 03 6/+5 (#+-63' 5*' 650 :1#44 ('#563' 48+5%*'4 5*' -0#& 50 5*' (+-5'3'& +/165
108'3 :1#44 ('#563' .645 $' '/#$-'& ( $:1#44 +4 /05 #7#+-#$-' 5*' +/7'35'3 %#/ 45+-4611035 &+((+%6-5 -0#&4 (03 # 4*035 1'3+0& 0( 5+.'
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1305'%5'& '26+1.'/5 8*+-' 3'%*#3)+/) 5*' $#55'3:
Powerware Plus 18 1'3#5034 #/6#- LTM-1336B
1 Introduction
System Requirements
&3&1,*-& 3)& 3.3"+ +."% 1&04*1&,&-32 *- 5.+3;",/&1&2 .' 3)& &04*/,&-3 8.4 *-3&-% 3.
/1.3&$3 6*3) 8.41 )& +."% 2).4+% -.3 &7$&&% 3)& 1"3*-( && *(41& "-% 3)& '.++.6*-( /1.$&%41& 3. %&3&1,*-& 3)& 3.3"+ +."% 1&04*1&,&-32
#3"*- 3)& +."% 1"3*-(2 '1., &*3)&1 3)& -",&/+"3& .1 ./&1"3.12 ,"-4"+ .' 3)&
&04*/,&-3 8.4 *-3&-% 3. /1.3&$3 )& 1"3*-(2 "1& +*23&% *- &*3)&1 6"332 ",/&1&2 .1 ",/&1&2 ,"7 .1 5.+3;",/&1&2 ' 3)& 1"3*-( *2 *- 6"332 ,4+3*/+8 #8 3. .#3"*- 3)& 1&04*1&,&-3 3)*2 *2 3)&
38/*$"+ 1&+"3*.-2)*/ #&36&&- 6"332 "-% 5.+3;",/&1&2 1"3*-(2 *- ,.23 $.,/43*-(
' 3)& 1"3*-( *2 *- ",/&1&2 .1 ",/&1&2 ,"7 ,4+3*/+8 #8 3)& *-/43 5.+3"(& .1 3. .#3"*- 3)& 1&04*1&,&-3
%% "++ .' 3)& 1&24+3"-3 1"3*-(2 3.(&3)&1 3. .#3"*- 3)& 3.3"+ +."% 1&04*1&,&-3
.' 3)& &04*/,&-3 3. #& /1.3&$3&% && 3)& &7",/+& *- *(41& 3 COMPUTERS
50 VA
3 X 2 AMPS X 120 = 720 VA
50 VA
3 X 100 WATTS X 1.4 = 420 VA
420 VA + 720 VA + 50 VA = 1190 VA (Total Load Requirements)
' 3)& 3.3"+ +."% 1&04*1&,&-32 .' 8.41 /1.3&$3&% &04*/,&-3 &7$&&%2 3)& $"/"$*38 .' 8.41
8.4 ,423 &*3)&1 1&%4$& 3)& -4,#&1 .' /*&$&2 .' &04*/,&-3 8.4 "1& /1.3&$3*-( .1
42& " 6*3) " +"1(&1 +."% $"/"$*38
)&- %&$*%*-( .- 6)*$) /*&$&2 .' &04*/,&-3 3. 1&,.5& '1., /1.3&$3*.-
1&,&,#&1 3)"3 /1*-3&12 (&-&1"++8 )"5& " +.6&1 /1*.1*38 .,/43&12 ,.-*3.12 "-%
,.%&,2 38/*$"++8 )"5& " )*()&1 /1*.1*38 #&$"42& 3)&8 $.4+% #& /1.$&22*-( .1
31"-2,*33*-( %"3" 6)&- " /.6&1 .43"(& .$$412
Your UPS is designed to work with threeĆphase, AC power sources.
!.4 -&&% 3. *-23"++ "- *-/43.43/43 ./3*.-2 $"#*-&3 *' 8.41 1&04*1&,&-32 *-$+4%&
"- &73&1-"+ ,"*-3&-"-$& #8/"22 /.6&1
%*231*#43*.- 4-*3 .1 *-/43 '*+3&1 && 9-23"++*-( 3)& -/4343/43 "#*-&3 .- /"(&
'.1 ,.1& *-'.1,"3*.- "#.43 3)*2 ./3*.-
Powerware Plus 18 /&1"3.12 "-4"+ LTM-1336B
Estimated Battery Run Times
" +,#&, -*0 ( ," ,,*0 +-))(*, ,#&+ #+ Output Watts
Two EBC2
One EBC1
Cabinet[ + Two
EBC2 Cabinets[[
Three EBC2
#+ ('2"% -%% ,,*0 #', [[ #+ (' -%% ,,*0 #',
Special Symbols
"+ (&&(' +0&(%+ &0 (-' (' 0(-* On #'#,+ ," (' )(+#,#(' ( +/#,"
Off #'#,+ ," ( )(+#,#(' ( +/#,"
Bypass #'#,+ 0)++ (',*(% +/#,"+
Battery #'#,+ ,", ," )(/* )*(.# ,( ," %( #+ (&#'!
*(& ,,*#+
Input Breaker #'#,+ ' #')-, #*-#, *$*
DC Breaker #'#,+ #*-#, *$*
Powerware Plus 18 )*,(*+ '-% LTM-1336B
Output Breaker $# %$!%$ ""
Battery Connector $# $ *! #$ $ " " $$"(
Fuse $# %#
Input Neutral Configuration Switch $# $ !%$ %$"
%"$ #'$
Bypass Reset Switch $# $ (!## "#$ #'$#
Ground $# $ %#$ " " % $ #
Emergency PowerĆOff $# "( ! '"* #'$ "
$ Delta $# $ #'$ ! #$ " $ -'" !%$
Wye $# $ #'$ ! #$ " '( *'" !%$
Input $# $ !%$ $ #
Output $# $ %$!%$ $ #
Inverter $# $ &"$" %
Powerware Plus 18 !"$ "# % LTM-1336B
Risk Of Electric Shock $# $$ "# $" # #
!"#$ $ ## $ '" # % #"&
Caution: Refer To Operator's Manual " $ ( %" !"$ "#
% " $ "$ Powerware Plus 18 !"$ "# % LTM-1336B
Powerware Plus 18 LTM-1336B
UPS Operations
&# $,)),4'+% 0#!1',+0 "#0!/' # 1&# !,+1/,) -+#) $2+!1',+0 ,-#/1'+% *,"#0
+" #//,/ !,+"'1',+0 +" 1&# 6-00 +" *#/%#+!6 ,4#/8$$ $#12/#0
UPS Control Panel Functions
+"'!1,/ )'%&10 /# ),!1#" ,+ 1&# $/,+1 -+#) "'0-)6 0## '%2/# ,+ -%# ,01
/# '+3'0' )# 4&#+ 1&# '0 ,-#/1'+% +,/*))6 +" '))2*'+1# ,+)6 4&#+ ,+# ,$ 1&#
$,)),4'+% !,+"'1',+0 '0 -/#0#+1
/##+ 4&#+ '0 '+ ,/*) ,-#/1'+% *,"# $ 6-00 '0 #+ )#"
1&'0 '+"'!1,/ $)0&#0 4&#+ 6-00 '0 2+3') )#
#)),4 4&#+ '0 '+ 6-00 *,"# 6-00 $)0&#0 '+ 1&# #3#+1 ,$ -&0# /,11',+ '+01))1',+ )/* ,/ ),00 ,$ ,+# -&0#
#)),4 4&#+ '0 ,-#/1'+% '+ 1&# +811#/6 *,"# )0&#0 4&#+
1&#/# '0 --/,5'*1#)6 14, *'+21#0 ,/ )#00 ,$ 11#/6 1'*# /#*'+'+% $ 1&# '0
+,1 /2++'+% ,+ 11#/6 1&'0 '+"'!1,/ $)0&#0 4&#+ 1&# 11#/6 '0
"'0!,++#!1#" 11#/6 /#(#/ ,-#+ ,/ 11#/6 "'0!,++#!1#"
#)),4 4&#+ '0 '+ + 3#/)," !,+"'1',+
&# 21,*1'!))6 04'1!&#0 #14##+ ,/*) +811#/6 +" 6-00 *,"#0 0
/#.2'/#" 4'1& +, ,-#/1,/ '+1#/3#+1',+ ,-&'01'!1#" "#1#!1',+ +" 04'1!&'+% ),%'!
#+02/#0 1&1 +6 !&+%# '+ *,"# ,$ ,-#/1',+ '0 21,*1'! +" 1/+0-/#+1 1, 1&# ),"
&# *,+'1,/'+% 0601#* '+"'!1#0 1&# !2//#+1 *,"# ,$ ,-#/1',+ +" 3/',20 !/'1'!)
Operating Modes
&# Powerware Plus 18 UPS &0 $'3# ,-#/1'+% *,"#0 1&1 /# "#0!/' #" '+ 1&'0
0#!1',+ ## '%2/# $,/ ),!( "'%/* ,$ 1&# ,-#/1',+ +" '%2/# ,+ -%#
$,/ 1&# ),!1',+ ,$ 1&# $/,+1 -+#) '+"'!1,/0
Powerware Plus 18 -#/1,/0 +2) LTM-1336B
Figure 2. UPS Block Diagram
Normal Mode
In Normal mode, incoming AC commercial power is filtered to reduce spikes and noise.
A portion of the utility power is automatically redirected to charge the battery. During
this mode, the battery charge condition is monitored. If the utility AC fails or falls out of
specified limits, the UPS automatically goes to OnĆBattery mode. The UPS
automatically returns to Normal mode when the utility power returns to within specified
The Normal indicator lights during normal system operation. If Automatic Bypass is
enabled and the utility goes out of specified limits, the Normal indicator flashes and
Bypass is not available.
On-Battery Mode
In OnĆBattery mode, the battery system provides DC power that is converted to
conditioned AC by the UPS. Depending upon the battery capacity, the system operates
in the OnĆBattery mode until the battery is fully drained. Output power is then no longer
available to the load. If incoming power returns within specified parameters, the UPS
automatically returns to Normal mode.
When the utility fails and the unit transfers to OnĆBattery mode, the Normal indicator
goes off, the Battery indicator illuminates, and the alarm sounds. Press the Horn
Silence button to turn off the alarm. The Battery indicator flashes and the alarm sounds
again when the battery is almost discharged. When the battery reserves are depleted,
the Battery indicator goes off and the UPS no longer provides power.
Overload Mode
The Overload indicator illuminates when the system goes into an overload condition
due to one of the following conditions: overload current is between 106% to 124% of
rating for 10 minutes, 125% to 149% for 30 seconds, or greater than 150% of the output
current rating for 10 cycles. The alarm sounds. Push the Horn Silence button to turn off
the alarm. If the Bypass feature is disabled or not available, the unit shuts down. If
Bypass is enabled, the unit transfers to Bypass mode in an overload condition.
Powerware Plus 18 Operator's Manual (LTM-1336B)
Bypass Mode In the Bypass mode, the UPS transfers the critical load directly to the filtered utility
power, provided the bypass source is available. The transfer occurs due to one of the
following conditions:
Load current is between 106Ć124% of rating for 10 minutes, 125Ć149% for 30
seconds, or >150% for 10 cycles.
UPS internal temperature exceeds safe operating range.
UPS output falls out of the specified voltage limits.
Output real power exceeds specified limits.
Load current inrush (surge) exceeds peak current capability.
When the unit is in Normal mode and automatically transfers to Bypass due to an
output current overload condition, the UPS attempts to return to Normal mode. After an
output power overload or any other abnormal condition, return to Normal mode must
be done manually (system startup). The UPS remains in Bypass mode if three
autoĆstart attempts fail within a 10Ćminute period.
To switch to Bypass (with Bypass Configuration switch enabled), hold the UPS Off
button for three seconds. The Normal indicator goes off and the Bypass indicator
If the alarm sounds when the UPS Off button is pressed, then Bypass is
not available. If the UPS Off button is pressed for three seconds with Bypass not
available, the UPS enters Load PowerĆOff Mode.
If the Bypass mode was entered from Normal mode, wait approximately one minute
before trying to return to Normal mode. The UPS waits for internal voltages to bleed
down before proceeding to normal mode of operation. Press the UPS On button once
to return to the Normal mode.
Load Power-Off Mode
To switch to Load PowerĆOff from Bypass mode, hold the UPS Off button for three
seconds. The alarm sounds while the UPS Off button is held, and the Bypass indicator
goes off when the bypass voltage is removed from the load. Press the UPS On button
once to return to Bypass mode.
If Bypass is not enabled or the Bypass indicator is blinking (indicating that Bypass is
not available), the UPS enters Load PowerĆOff mode from Normal mode. To switch to
Load PowerĆOff from Normal mode, hold the UPS Off button for three seconds. The
alarm sounds while the UPS Off button is held, and the Normal indicator goes off when
the voltage is removed from the load. The UPS waits for internal voltages to bleed
down before proceeding to Normal mode of operation. Press the UPS On button once
to return to the Normal mode.
Load PowerĆOff can also be entered by turning off (O) the output breaker.
Audible Alarm
An audible alarm sounds a pulsing tone when the UPS is in Overload or OnĆBattery
mode. When there is one minute or less of battery time remaining, a constant tone
sounds. The alarm also sounds a constant tone if the UPS is on battery and the
UPS battery is disconnected (battery breaker is open or battery disconnected).
Powerware Plus 18 Operator's Manual (LTM-1336B)
Bypass Plus (50/60-Hz inputs and outputs only)
The UPS Bypass Plus feature contains two features in one: Automatic Bypass and
Maintenance Bypass. The UPS Bypass Plus features are available only when the
Bypass Configuration switch is enabled; this switch is factoryĆconfigured according to
your order.
Bypass operation requires that input and output voltage and frequency are the same. If
the UPS is operating as a voltage and/or frequency converter, bypass must be
disabled. See Final Configuration" on page 47.
Automatic Bypass The UPS automatically transfers the protected equipment directly to the utility AC
power, provided the bypass source is available, when one of the following conditions is
Load current is between 106% to 124% of rating for 10 minutes, 125% to 149% for
30 seconds, or greater than 150% for 10 cycles.
UPS internal temperature exceeds safe operating range.
UPS output falls outside of the specified limits of voltage.
Output real power exceeds specified limits.
Load current inrush exceeds peak current capability (surge).
When the unit is in Normal mode and automatically transfers to Bypass mode due to an
overload condition, the UPS attempts to return to Normal mode. After output
realĆpower overload failure or any other abnormal condition, return to Normal mode
must be done manually (system startup). The UPS remains in Bypass mode if three
autoĆstart attempts fail within a 10Ćminute period.
Maintenance Bypass The Maintenance Bypass switch is located under the top cover of the UPS (see
Figure 10 on page 39). When activated, this switch allows for onsite servicing of the
UPS. Be sure that the output breaker is turned on ( I ).
This equipment is always electrically live. Users must remove utility
power by external means.
Failure to follow instructions results in load power interruption.
When operating in Maintenance Bypass, your equipment is not protected
from power outages.
To transfer the load to Maintenance Bypass:
. Hold the UPS Off button until the Normal indicator goes off and the Bypass
indicator illuminates.
. Turn the Maintenance Bypass switch from off to on.
. Open (O) the input breaker and battery breaker.
Powerware Plus 18 Operator's Manual (LTM-1336B)
2 UPS Operations
To transfer the load back to the UPS:
. Close ( I ) the input breaker and battery breaker.
. Turn the Maintenance Bypass switch from on to off.
. Press the UPS On button and wait until the Normal indicator illuminates
indicating that the UPS is operating in Normal mode.
Local/Remote Emergency Power-Off
The Emergency PowerĆOff (EPO) feature disconnects the protected equipment from all
power sources by opening (O) the UPS battery breaker and the output breaker. The
EPO does not disconnect the UPS from the input AC power source.
To operate, press the Emergency PowerĆOff button located on the front panel of the
UPS (see Figure 3 on page 13).
After the EPO button is pressed, the internal logic power supply is on if AC
power is present at the UPS input.
With the Emergency PowerĆOff feature, a Remote Emergency PowerĆOff (REPO) switch
can be wired to the UPS. This allows a normally open, pushbutton switch to be wired to
the UPS. This REPO switch can perform the same functions as the EPO pushbutton
located on the UPS front panel. See Electrical Installation" on page 43 for information
regarding its electrical ratings and installation.
After the EPO or REPO switch has turned off the UPS, you can restart the unit by first
opening (O) all the circuit breakers (input, output, and battery) and proceeding with the
system startup defined in System Startup" on page 24.
Powerware Plus 18 Operator's Manual (LTM-1336B)
Powerware Plus 18 LTM-1336B
UPS Control Panel
)& '.++.5*-( 1&$2*.-1 *%&-2*'7 2)& $.-20.+1 "-% *-%*$"2.01 .- 2)& '0.-2 /"-&+ 1&&
*(30& "-% 2)& '0.-2 /"-&+ %*1/+"7 '3-$2*.-1
,&0(&-$7 .5&09
'' 5*2$)
.0,"+ -%*$"2.0 0&&-
7/"11 -%*$"2.0 !&++.5
"22&07 -%*$"2.0 !&++.5
4&0+."% -%*$"2.0 !&++.5
.0- *+&-$&
&-3 322.-
&+&$2 322.-
322.- 322.-
Control Keys and Indicators
)&1& /31)#322.- $.-20.+1 "0& .- 2)& '0.-2 /"-&+
0&11 2)& ,&0(&-$7 .5&09'' 15*2$) 2. 230- .'' 2)& +."% /.5&0 %30*-( "- &,&0(&-$7
$.-%*2*.- )& ,312 #& 0&12"02&% "'2&0 "- &,&0(&-$7 /.5&09.''
0&11 2. 12"02 3/ 2)& 0&11 2. 1*+&-$& 2)& "3%*#+& "+"0, 2. /&0'.0, " +",/ 2&12 .0 2. 2&12 "3%*#+& "+"0,
0&11 2)& .0- *+&-$& #322.- '.0 "//0.6*,"2&+7 1&$.-%1 2. /&0'.0, 2)& .0- "-%
*()21 2&12 30*-( 2)& '*012 '.30 1&$.-%1 2)& /"-&+ *-%*$"2.01 *++3,*-"2& 30*-( 2)& -&62
'.30 2. 1*6 1&$.-%1 .-& .0 ,.0& .' 2)& *-%*$"2.01 (. .32 30*-( 2)& +"12 '&5 1&$.-%1
2)& "+"0, 1.3-%1 )& 2&12 &-%1 5)&- 7.3 0&+&"1& 2)& .0- *+&-$& #322.- "'2&0 2)&
"+"0, 1.3-%1
0&11 2. 1)32 %.5- 2)& Powerware Plus 18 /&0"2.01 "-3"+ LTM-1336B
Menu Button
Press the Menu button to return to previous menu level. If you are not sure which menu
is currently displayed, press the Menu button repeatedly until the Main Menu displays
1. UPS Status.
Select Button
Selects the currently displayed item shown on the second line of the LCD Display or
enters the next menu level. For example, if the display shows MAIN MENU on the top
line and 2. Meters on the second line, pressing the Select button enters the Meters
menu and shows the INPUT VOLTS (L-N) option.
Up or Down Arrow Buttons
Changes the cursor position within the menus, status screen, or event queue. For
example, if the display shows MAIN MENU on the top line of the LCD Display and
1. UPS Status on the second line, press the down arrow button to move to the next
menu item, 2. Meters.
Right or Left Arrow Buttons
Shows possible device settings in menus and scrolls through the screen messages; or
moves the cursor position when entering the password or the date and time. For
example, if the LCD Display shows Password on the top line and AAAAAA on the
second line, press the right arrow button to move the cursor one position to the right
See UPS Control Panel Functions" on page 7 for information on the Normal, Bypass,
OnĆBattery, and Overload indicators.
Using the Front Panel Display
You can use the front panel display to set up and monitor the UPS. The display has a
Main Menu and a System Setup menu with several userĆselectable options.
The Main Menu
The Main Menu contains the following options:
1. UPS Status
2. Meters
3. Alarm Queue
4. Active Alarms
5. Battery Data
6. SW Version
7. System Setup
Use the up and down arrow buttons to display the Main Menu options. Press the Select
button to enter one of the submenus.
Powerware Plus 18 Operator's Manual (LTM-1336B)
1. UPS Status
)& 3"342 /03*/. %*20,"82 3)& .4-#&1 /' $411&.3,8 "$3*5& ","1-2 ".% 3)&
$/.%*3*/.2 )& '/,,/6*.( 3"#,& %&2$1*#&2 3)& %*''&1&.3 $/.%*3*/.2
System Normal
UPS On Battery
.5&13&1 2400,8*.( ,/"% #80"22 "5"*,"#,&
*2 /. #"33&18
Load On Inverter
.5&13&1 2400,8*.( ,/"% #80"22 ./3 "5"*,"#,&
Syncing To Bypass
.5&13&1 )"2 1"-0&% #43 ,/"% *2 23*,, /. #80"22
Inverter Ramping Up
.5&13&1 )"2 #&&. 23"13&% ".% *2 1"-0*.(
Rectifier Ramping Up
&$3*'*&1 )"2 #&&. 23"13&% ".% *2 1"-0*.(
&$3*'*&1 /1 *.5&13&1 /. #43 ./3 2400,8*.( ,/"%
&$3*'*&1 ".% *.5&13&1 /''
Inverter Overload
5&1,/"% $/.%*3*/. *.%*$"3&% '1/- *.5&13&1
Rectifier Overload
5&1,/"% $/.%*3*/. *.%*$"3&% '1/- 1&$3*'*&1
Output Brkr Open
43043 #1&"+&1 /0&. ./3 2400,8*.( 0/6&1 3/ 3)& ,/"%
UPS On Bypass
80"22 *2 2400,8*.( 0/6&1 3/ 3)& ,/"%
2. Meters
)& &3&12 /03*/. %*20,"82 2823&- -&3&1 5",4&2 /#3"*.&% 3)1/4() 3)& 2&1*",
$/--4.*$"3*/.2 .&36/1+ /1 $",$4,"3&% '1/- 3)& 5",4&2 /#3"*.&% 3)1/4() 3)& .&36/1+
2& 3)& 40 ".% %/6. "11/6 #433/.2 3/ 5*&6 3)& '/,,/6*.( -&3&1&% 5",4&2
Input Volts (L-N) *.043 5/,3"(& &"$) 0)"2& ".% ,*.&;3/;,*.&
Input Volts (L-L) *.043 5/,3"(& &"$) 0)"2& ".% ,*.&;3/;,*.&
Output Volts (L-N) /43043 5/,3"(& &"$) 0)"2& ".% ,*.&;3/;,*.&
Output Volts (L-L) /43043 5/,3"(& &"$) 0)"2& ".% ,*.&;3/;,*.&
Average Battery Voltage
DC Link Voltage
Inverter Frequency
Input Frequency
Output kW 2)/6. "2 #"1 (1"0)2 6*3) &"$) #,/$+ 1&01&2&.3*.( "001/7*-"3&,8
/' $"0"$*38 ;9 4.*32 /.,8
Output kVA 2)/6. "2 #"1 (1"0)2 6*3) &"$) #,/$+ 1&01&2&.3*.( "001/7*-"3&,8
/' $"0"$*38 ;9 4.*32 /.,8
Phase Load Current ,/"% $411&.32 0)"2& ".% "1& 2)/6. "2 #"1 (1"0)2
6*3) &"$) #,/$+ 1&01&2&.3*.( "001/7*-"3&,8 /' $"0"$*38 ;9 4.*32 /.,8
Time & Date %*20,"8&% *. 3)& !! '/1-"3
Powerware Plus 18 0&1"3/12 ".4", LTM-1336B
3 UPS Control Panel
3. Alarm Queue
(% +!1, 4%4% ./3).- $)2/+!82 3(% ,.23 1%#%-3 !+!1,2 !-$ %5%-32 )#(1.-.+.')#!+ .1$%1 ,.23 1%#%-3 &)123 2% 3(% 1)'(3 !-$ +%&3 !11.6 "433.-2 3. /!!#1.22 3(% 2#1%%- !-$ 5)%6 %-3)1% $%2#1)/3).-2 2% 3(% 4/ !-$ $.6- !11.6 "433.-2 3.
2#1.++ 3(1.4'( 3(% 04%4% (% !+!1,2 !1% $)2/+!8%$ )- 3(% &.++.6)-' &.1,!3 2%04%-#%
-4,"%1 $!3% 3),% !-$ $%2#1)/3).- .& 3(% !+!1,
4. Active Alarms
(% #3)5% +!1,2 ./3).- $)2/+!82 ! $%2#1)/3).- .& %!#( !#3)5% !+!1,
5. Battery Data
(% !33%18 !3! ./3).- $)2/+!82 )-&.1,!3).- !".43 3(% "!33%18 & 3(% )2 14--)-'
6)3( -.1,!+ 43)+)38 3(% !33%18 (!1'% "!1 #(!13 )2 $)2/+!8%$ & 3(% )2 14--)-' ."!33%18 3(% !33%18 ),% %,!)-)-' "!1 #(!13 )2 $)2/+!8%$ !#( "+.#* .- 3(% "!1 #(!13
1%/1%2%-32 !//1.7),!3%+8 .& 3(% 3.3!+ 3),% ()2 #!+#4+!3).- !224,%2 ! #.-23!-3
+.!$ .- 3(% & #423., "!33%1)%2 !1% 2%+%#3%$ 3(% "!33%18 5.+3!'% )2 $)2/+!8%$
6. S. W. Versions
(% %12).-2 ./3).- $)2/+!82 3(% 2.&36!1% 5%12).-2 &.1 3(% &1.-3 /!-%+ )-5%13%1
!-$ 1%#3)&)%1
7. System Setup
%+%#3 3(% 823%, %34/ ./3).- 3. %-3%1 3(% 823%, %34/ ,%-4 ()2 ,%-4 )2
/!226.1$:/1.3%#3%$ !-$ /1.,/32 8.4 &.1 3(% 823%, %34/ /!226.1$ &3%1 %-3%1)-' !
5!+)$ /!226.1$ 3(% 823%, %34/ ,%-4 !//%!12
The default password is MEMORY. It is recommended to change the default
password to ensure security (see page 20). Contact your field service
representative if you have misplaced your password.
Powerware Plus 18 /%1!3.12 !-4!+ LTM-1336B
The System Setup Menu
From the System Setup menu, use the Menu button to return to the Main Menu. When
altering settings under the System Setup menu, the Select button saves a change and
the Menu button cancels the change (unless otherwise indicated). An asterisk (*)
displayed on the left side of the item indicates that the item is currently selected.
The System Setup menu contains the following options:
1. Select Type
2. H. W. Modules
3. Sync Range
4. Adj Out Volts
5. Comm Setup
6. Relay Setup
7. Set Language
8. Set Time & Date
9. Contrast Adj
10. Horn Volume
11. Clr Alarm Queue
12. Set User Pwd
13. Battery Config
Use the up and down arrow buttons to display the System Setup options. Press the
Select button to enter one of the submenus.
Use the Select Type option to select the output voltage and output frequency type for
the UPS. The UPS kVA rating is displayed for information only, it cannot be changed.
Use the right and left arrow buttons to display all options for each category. Press the
Select button to save an option. In this submenu, pressing the Menu button does not
cancel changes; it returns the cursor to the previous menu.
The UPS must be off and the output breaker must be open (O) in order to change the
Select Type setting. If the UPS not turned off and the output breaker is closed ( I ), you
can only view the type setting.
After selecting a new type option, press the Menu button to exit the Select Type
submenu before turning on the UPS.
Powerware Plus 18 Operator's Manual (LTM-1336B)
3 UPS Control Panel
*' '-'%5 :1' 46$.'/6 %0/5#+/4 5*' (0--08+/) 015+0/4
65165 !0-5#)'
! !
! !
! !
! !
! !
! !
*'4' 015+0/4 #3' 13'4'-'%5'& &63+/) +/45#--#5+0/
#/& %#//05 $' %*#/)'& $: 5*' 64'3
65165 3'26'/%:
; (this option is factoryĆconfigured and cannot be changed by the user)
0&'- 6.$'3
2. H. W. Modules
4' 5*' " 0&6-'4 015+0/ 50 7+'8 #/& %*#/)' 5*' 13'4'/5 4:45'. *#3&8#3'
%0/(+)63#5+0/ *+4 015+0/ %0/5#+/4 5*' (0--08+/) '/53+'4
:1#44 /45#--'&
6.$'3 0( 65165 *#4'4
/7'35'3 /45#--'&
'%5+(+'3 /45#--'&
0.. 0#3& /45#--'&
4' 5*' 61 #/& &08/ #3308 $6550/4 50 7+'8 5*' '/53+'4 /-: 5*' 0.. 0#3& /45#--'&
015+0/ %#/ $' %*#/)'& $: 5*' 64'3 4' 5*' -'(5 #/& 3+)*5 #3308 $6550/4 50 %*#/)' 5*'
7#-6' 3'44 5*' '-'%5 $6550/ 50 4#7' :063 %*#/)'4
*' .645 $' 0(( #/& 5*' 065165 $3'#,'3 .645 $' 01'/ +/ 03&'3 50 %*#/)' 5*'
" 0&6-'4 4'55+/) ( 5*' +4 /05 0(( #/& 5*' 065165 $3'#,'3 +4 %-04'& :06
%#/ 0/-: 7+'8 5*' " 0&6-'4
(5'3 4'-'%5+/) # /'8 7#-6' 13'44 5*' '/6 $6550/ 50 '9+5 5*' " 0&6-'4 46$.'/6
$'(03' 563/+/) 0/ 5*' 3. Sync Range
4' 5*' :/% #/)' 015+0/ 50 4'-'%5 # &'7+#5+0/ 0( 5*' 65+-+5: (3'26'/%: (30. 5*'
/0.+/#- +/7'35'3 (3'26'/%: *' +/7'35'3 53#%,4 5*' 65+-+5: 8+5*+/ 5*' 3#/)' '/5'3'& +/ 5*+4
015+0/ ( 5*' 65+-+5: +4 0654+&' 0( 3#/)' 5*' +/7'35'3 01'3#5'4 #5 /0.+/#- (3'26'/%: *'
3#/)'4 #3'
4' 5*' 61 #/& &08/ #3308 $6550/4 50 7+'8 5*' '/53+'4 4' 5*' -'(5 #/& 3+)*5 #3308
$6550/4 50 %*#/)' 5*' 7#-6' 3'44 5*' '-'%5 $6550/ 50 4#7' :063 %*#/)'4
Powerware Plus 18 1'3#5034 #/6#- LTM-1336B
3 UPS Control Panel
The UPS must be off and the output breaker must be open (O) in order to change the
Sync Range setting. If the UPS is not off and the output breaker is closed ( I ), you can
only view the Sync Range submenu.
After selecting a new value, press the Menu button to exit the Sync Range submenu
before turning on the UPS.
4. Adj Out Volts
Use the Adjust Output Volts option to adjust the output voltage to ±5% of the nominal
output voltage. The UPS must in Normal mode while adjusting the output voltage.
Use the up arrow button to increase the percentage; the down arrow button to
decrease the percentage. The changes are made in realĆtime and remain effective after
you exit the Adjust Output Volts submenu. The Menu button does not cancel changes
within this submenu.
As an exception in the 127/220V configuration, the output voltage may be
adjusted up.
5. Comm Setup
Use the Comm Setup to set up the serial port for communication with a terminal and
printer or in a computer mode. Output modes are for ASCII computer, binary computer,
terminal, and printer. The I/O port must have the following parameters set up correctly
to establish and maintain communications: baud rate, data size, hardware handshake,
software handshake, and parity. Three standard sets of I/O port parameters are
available for modem, twoĆwire terminal (no handshaking), and terminal with software
handshake. All I/O port parameters can be customized.
Use the up or down arrow buttons to view the list of set up parameters. Use the right
and left arrow buttons to view other settings.
See Chapter 4, UPS Communications" for more information on the communication
6. Relay Setup
Use the Relay Setup option to display and change the LAN Relay Interface
configuration. Standard configurations include: AS/400,® Novell,® and AT&T®/Default 1. In
addition, all relays can be customized. Use the up and down arrow buttons to view the
list of options.
7. Set Language
Use the Set Language option to select a language for the display. You can select
English, French, German, Portuguese, or Spanish. Use the up and down arrow buttons
to view the options.
8. Set Time & Date
Use the Set Time & Date option to set the time, date, and format of the values. Use
the right and left arrow buttons to change the format (for example, MM/DD/YY to
DD/MM/YY). Use the up and down arrow buttons to change the numeric values.
9. Control Adj
Use the Contrast Adjust option to change the contrast on the display. This option may
not be available for some Plus 18 models. Use the up and down arrow buttons to
adjust the contrast. Press the Select button to save the setting.
Powerware Plus 18 Operator's Manual (LTM-1336B)
10. Horn Volume
3' 4*' /2. !/,5-' /04+/. 4/ 3'4 4*' #,#2- */2. 6/,5-' 7/ 6/,5-' 3'44+.)3 #2'
#6#+,#$,' (/2 4*' #,#2- ,/5& #.& 3/(4 3' 4*' ,'(4 /2 2+)*4 #22/7 $544/. 4/ 6+'7
11. Clr Alarm Queue
3' 4*' ,'#2 ,#2- 5'5' /04+/. 4/ '-048 4*' ,+34 /( #,#2-3 +. 4*' #,#2- 15'5' 2'33
4*' ','%4 $544/. 4/ %,'#2 4*' #,#2- 15'5'
12. Set User PWD
3' 4*' '4 3'2 " /04+/. 4/ -/&+(8 4*' 53'2 0#337/2& (/2 4*' 834'- '450 -'.5
"*'. '.4'2+.) 4*+3 /04+/. AAAAAA #00'#23 /. 4*' &+30,#8 3' 4*' ,'(4 #.& 2+)*4 4/
-/6' 4*' %523/2 0/3+4+/. +. 4*' 0#337/2& (+',& 3' 4*' 50 #.& &/7. #22/7 $544/.3
4/3%2/,, 4*2/5)* 4*' %*#2#%4'2 6#,5'3 / 3#6' 4*' 0#337/2& 8/5 -534 02'33 4*'
13. Battery Config
3' 4*' #44'28 /.(+) /04+/. 4/ 3'4 8/52 $#44'28 %/.(+)52#4+/. /2 3'4 50 4*' 3834'(/2%534/- $#44'2+'3 '' 0#)' 4/ 53' 4*+3 /04+/. (/2 %/.(+)52+.) 2'-/4' $#44'2+'3
*' (/,,/7+.) %/.(+)52#4+/.3 #2' #6#+,#$,' (/2 4*' #44'28 /.(+) /04+/.
/ #44'28
534/- #44'28
3' 4*' 50 #.& &/7. #22/7 $544/.3 4/ %*#.)' 4*' 6#,5' / 3#6' 4*' 6#,5' 02'33 4*'
','%4 $544/.
Powerware Plus 18 0'2#4/23 #.5#, LTM-1336B
UPS Communications
()(4 61 6+( )14 $'',6,10$. ,0)14/$6,10 $%176 6+( (.$; 06(4)$&( +( (.$; 06(4)$&( ,5 5(6 72 6+417*+ 6+( 1//70,&$6,10 26,10
,0 6+( ;56(/ (672 /(07 10 6+( )4106 2$0(. ',52.$; 6 +$5 241*4$//$%.( 4(.$;5 )14
18(.. $0' $0;$0< 0(6914-5 $5 9(.. $5 )14 6+( $&+ 4(.$; &$0 %(
,0',8,'7$..; 241*4$//(' %; 6+( &7561/(4
Communications Interface
+( Powerware Plus 18 ! +$5 $0 =
2146 6+$6 2418,'(5 ;17 9,6+ )7.. =
&1//70,&$6,105 6 +$5 5(.(&6$%.( %$7' 4$6(5 1) 14 $0'
12(4$6(5 ,0 6+( /1'(5 '(5&4,%(' %(.19 ()(4 61 6+( )14
$'',6,10$. ,0)14/$6,10 $%176 6+(5( )($674(5
+,5 /1'( 2418,'(5 $0 $.6(40$6( 75(4 ,06(4)$&( 61 6+( ! 4700,0*
'$6$ 6+417*+ $0 :=&1/2$6,%.( 6(4/,0$. 57&+ $5 $ " +( ',52.$;(' '$6$
,5 75(4=5(.(&6$%.( %; $ /(07 5&4((0 #+(0 $ '$6$ 5&4((0 ,5 5(.(&6(' ,6 &106,07175.;
72'$6(5 61 4().(&6 6+( 56$6( 1) 6+( ! +( )1..19,0* 126,105 $4( $8$,.$%.( )41/ 6+(
/(07 5&4((0 .$4/8(06 7(7( &6,8( .$4/5 (6(45 &4((0 ,/,& &4((0
$66(4; $6$ $0' (6 ,/( $0' $6(
+,5 /1'( 2418,'(5 $ +$4' &12; 1) 6+( $.$4/ /(55$*(5 ,0 6+( $.$4/
+,5614; 37(7( 75,0* $ 5(4,$. 24,06(4 )6(4 5(.(&6,10 4,06(4 /1'( 5&$05 6+( &744(06
$.$4/ +,5614; 37(7( $0' 24,065 $.. 6+( $.$4/ (064,(5 6+$6 +$8( 016 %((0 24,06(' ;(6
7%5(37(06 $.$4/5 $4( 24,06(' $5 6+(; 1&&74 26,105 (:,56 61 4(24,06 6+( $.$4/ 37(7(
61 24,06 $.. $&6,8( $.$4/5 /(6(4(' '$6$ 14 /$&+,0( &10),*74$6,10
+,5 /1'( 1762765 ,0)14/$6,10 6+$6 4().(&65 6+( 56$6( 1) 6+(
! !5,0* 6+( )$&614;=$8$,.$%.( 24161&1. ;17 &$0 94,6( 51)69$4( 61 ,06(4)$&( 9,6+ 6+(
,0)14/$6,10 2418,'(' %; 6+( )4106 2$0(. ',52.$;
+,5 /1'( $.51 1762765 ,0)14/$6,10 6+$6 4().(&65 6+( 56$6( 1)
6+( ! $0' ;17 &$0 94,6( 51)69$4( 61 ,06(4)$&( 9,6+ ,6 0 $'',6,10 6+,5 &1/276(4
/1'( $..195 6+( 5;56(/ 61 12(4$6( 4(/16(.; %; 5(0',0* 6+( ! &10641. &1//$0'5
Powerware Plus 18 2(4$6145 $07$. LTM-1336B
Powerware Plus 18 LTM-1336B
UPS Startup and Shutdown
",) *2//2:-1+ 6)'7-216 ()6'5-&) 7,) #! -1-7-%/ 32:)5=21 6;67)0 67%5783 %1( 6;67)0
6,87(2:1 %.) 685) ;28 ,%9) '203/)7)( 7,) -167%//%7-21 %1( '21*-+85%7-21 2* ;285
#! &)*25) 3)5*250-1+ 7,)6) 352')(85)6
)*25) '211)'7-1+ ;285 3527)'7)( )48-30)17 72 7,) #! %1( 67%57-1+ 7,) 6;67)0 7%.)
% *): 0-187)6 72 -()17-*; %// '21752/6 %1( -1(-'%7256 21 7,) *5217 3%1)/ 6)) -+85) 21
3%+) Initial Power-on
!-1') 7,) 6;67)0 7;3) -6 *%'725;=6)7 %''25(-1+ 72 ;285 25()5 -7 -6 127 0%1(%725; 7,%7
;28 6)7 7,) 7;3) !)) 7,) /%&)/ 21 7,) 5)%5 2* 7,) 81-7 *25 7;3) -1*250%7-21 * ;28 :%17 72
9)5-*; 25 ',%1+) 7,) 6;67)0 7;3) 3)5*250 7,) *2//2:-1+ 67)36
3)1 7,) 723 '29)5 2* 7,) #! $)5-*; 7,%7 %// 7,5)) &5)%.)56 -1387 &5)%.)5
&%77)5; &5)%.)5 %1( 287387 &5)%.)5 %5) -1 7,) 326-7-21
33/; -1387 32:)5 %1( '/26) 7,) -1387 &5)%.)5 -1 7,) #! '%&-1)7
",) *5217 3%1)/ -1(-'%7256 '20) 21 %1( 7,)1 +2 2** ",) %/%50 6281(6 -1(-'%7-1+
7,%7 7,) &%77)5; &5)%.)5 -6 23)1 5)66 7,) 251 !-/)1') &87721 72 7851 2** 7,)
5)66 7,) )18 &87721 72 (-63/%; %%&$
5)66 7,) (2:1 %552: &87721 817-/ ($% % " %33)%56
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Powerware Plus 18 Operator's Manual (LTM-1336B
" "# #"%
4(55 6+( 4,*+6 $0' .()6 $4419 %766105 61 8,(9 6+( 2155,%.( 5(66,0*5 )14 6+(
126,10 4(55 6+( (.(&6 %76610 61 5(.(&6 $0 76276 "1.6$*(
5(66,0* +( .,0(=61=0(764$. .0 $0' .,0(=61=.,0( 81.6$*(5 .. $4( ',52.$;(' 10
6+( /(07
4(55 6+( '190 $4419 %76610 61 8,(9 6+( 126,10 !5( 6+(
4,*+6 $0' .()6 $4419 %766105 61 8,(9 6+( 5(66,0*5 4(55 6+( (.(&6 %76610 61
5(.(&6 $0 76276 4(37(0&; 5(66,0* ! " ! " $ ('
!" ! ! " " " " " %& !" #"#"
$" #& !"" $ & "" " ! "" " #"#"
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10.; 126,10 ;17 &$0016 &+$0*( 6+,5 5(.(&6,10
#$,6 5(&10'5 )14 6+( ! &10),*74$6,10 61 &1/2.(6( 6+(0 24(55 6+( (07
%76610 )174 6,/(5 61 4(6740 61 014/$. 12(4$6,10 4(55 6+( (.(&6 %76610 10&(
61 4(6740 61 6+( /(07
System Startup
$-( 574( 6+$6 6+( ! ,5 1)) $.. ,0',&$6145 $4( 1)) 6$46 72 ;174 5;56(/ $&&14',0* 61
10( 1) 6+( )1..19,0* 241&('74(5 '(2(0',0* 10 9+(6+(4 6+( ;2$55 )($674( ,5 (0$%.('
14 ',5$%.('
With Bypass Disabled
+( ;2$55 10),*74$6,10 59,6&+ ,5 ,0 6+( 215,6,10 ! ! " & !""
(' #"!
22.; 219(4 61 6+( ! %; 4$,5,0* 6+( 612 &18(4 $0' 6740,0* 10 6+(
,0276 %4($-(4 $.. ,0',&$6145 ,..7/,0$6( )14 $2241:,/$6(.; 6(0 5(&10'5 $0' 6+(0
740 10 6+( 176276 %4($-(4
740 10 6+( %$66(4; %4($-(4 19(4 ,5 016 5722.,(' 61 6+( .1$' ;(6
4(55 6+( ! 0 %76610 6+( $.$4/ %((25 $0' 6+( $66(4; $0' ;2$55
,0',&$6145 ).$5+ $5 6+( 4(&6,),(4 67405 10
)6(4 $2241:,/$6(.; 5(&10'5 6+( ;2$55 $0' 14/$. ,0',&$6145 ).$5+ $5 6+(
,08(46(4 67405 10 #+(0 6+( ! ,5 10 6+( 14/$. ,0',&$614 4(/$,05 .,6 ,0',&$6,0*
6+$6 6+( ! ,5 12(4$6,0* ,0 14/$. /1'(
With Bypass Enabled
+( ;2$55 10),*74$6,10 59,6&+ ,5 ,0 6+( 215,6,10 ! !"" ! " $
(' #"!
22.; 219(4 61 6+( ! %; 4$,5,0* 6+( 612 &18(4 $0' &.15( 6+( ,0276
%4($-(4 $.. ,0',&$6145 ,..7/,0$6( )14 $2241:,/$6(.; 5(&10'5 $0' 6+(0
740 10 6+( 176276 %4($-(4
740 10 6+( %$66(4; %4($-(4 +( ;2$55 ,0',&$614 4(/$,05 10
+( ! 5722.,(5 ,0&1/,0* 219(4 61 6+( .1$' +( ;2$55 ,0',&$614 ).$5+(5 ,0
6+( (8(06 1) $ 2+$5( 416$6,10 (4414 (( 2$*( )14 6+( $224124,$6( ,0276 9,4,0*
Powerware Plus 18 Operator's Manual (LTM-1336B
1%22 3(% - "433.- (% !+!1, "%%/2 !-$ 3(% !33%18 !-$ 8/!22
)-$)#!3.12 &+!2( !2 3(% 1%#3)&)%1 341-2 .-
&3%1 !//1.7),!3%+8 2%#.-$2 3(% 8/!22 !-$ .1,!+ )-$)#!3.12 &+!2( !2 3(%
)-5%13%1 341-2 .- (%- 3(% )2 .- 3(% .1,!+ )-$)#!3.1 1%,!)-2 +)3 )-$)#!3)-'
3(!3 3(% )2 ./%1!3)-' )- .1,!+ ,.$%
System Shutdown
(43 $.6- 8.41 2823%, !##.1$)-' 3. .-% .& 3(% &.++.6)-' /1.#%$41%2 $%/%-$)-' .6(%3(%1 3(% 8/!22 &%!341% )2 %-!"+%$ .1 $)2!"+%$
With Bypass Disabled
(% 8/!22 .-&)'41!3).- 26)3#( )2 )- 3(% /.2)3).- ()2 )2 ! ,!-$!3.18
2%33)-' &.1 ;9 4-)32
1%22 !-$ (.+$ 3(% && "433.- (% !+!1, 2.4-$2 &.1 3(1%% 2%#.-$2 !-$
3(% .1,!+ )-$)#!3.1 '.%2 .&&
41- .&& 3(% )-/43 "1%!*%1 "!33%18 "1%!*%1 !-$ .43/43 "1%!*%1 3. %-241%
3(!3 !++ /.6%1 )2 1%,.5%$ &1., 3(% /1.3%#3%$ %04)/,%-3
With Bypass Enabled
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&.1 ;9 4-)32
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Powerware Plus 18 Operator's Manual (LTM-1336B
Powerware Plus 18 Operator's Manual (LTM-1336B
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$,)),4'+% +2* #/0
+ 1&# +'1#" StatesandCanada 1-800-356-5737
Or 1-608-565-2100
Or your nearest local Best Power office
Powerware Plus 18 Operator's Manual (LTM-1336B
Powerware Plus 18 Operator's Manual (LTM-1336B
Product Specifications
Powerware Plus 18 UPS Technical Specifications
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Powerware Plus 18 Operator's Manual (LTM-1336B
Powerware Plus 18 UPS Physical Specifications
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Powerware Plus 18 UPS with I/O Cabinet Technical Specifications
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Powerware Plus 18 Operator's Manual (LTM-1336B
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Powerware Plus 18 UPS Battery Specifications
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7&"01 .0 " ,"6*,3, .' %&&/ %*1$)"0(&1
Powerware Plus 18 Operator's Manual (LTM-1336B
Powerware Plus 18 Operator's Manual (LTM-1336B
Powerware Plus 18 Installation
!*' (0--08+/) 4'%5+0/4 &'4%3+$' :063 " 1#%,#)' #/& 5*' +/45#--#5+0/ #/& 1*:4+%#4'561 0( 5*'" 5*' 015+0/#- +/165065165 %#$+/'5 #/& 3'.05' $#55'3+'4
Unpacking and Inspection
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Site Preparation
03 015+.6. 4:45'. 01'3#5+0/ $' 463' 5*#5 :063 4+5' %0/(03.4 50 5*' (0--08+/)
41'%+(+%#5+0/4 #/& 3'26+3'.'/54
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Important Safeguards
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Powerware Plus 18 Operator's Manual (LTM-1336B
Installing the UPS and Battery Cabinets
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Powerware Plus 18 Operator's Manual (LTM-1336B
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Figure 7. Securing the UPS Cabinet and Mounting Plate
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Figure 8. Front View of the Powerware Plus 18 UPS
Powerware Plus 18 Operator's Manual (LTM-1336B
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Figure 12. Connecting the UPS and Battery Cables (Top View)
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Figure 13. Connecting the UPS and Battery Cables (Right Side View)
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!*' Figure 14. Connecting a Second Battery Cabinet
Powerware Plus 18 Operator's Manual (LTM-1336B
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Top View
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Powerware Plus 18 Operator's Manual (LTM-1336B
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Electrical Installation
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Power Cable Terminations
Wire Function
Terminal Wire
Size Rating*
(Entry Size)
I ((
No Connection
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Remote Battery
Remote Battery
I ((
I ((
-$ 4 3 "*++$, 1&,$ -$ 4 3 "*++$, 1&,$ %*, .$,(&) '- )# %*,
#*/!'$4, .$# )$/., '
Powerware Plus 18 Operator's Manual (LTM-1336B
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Powerware Plus 18 Operator's Manual (LTM-1336B
Final Configuration
(3'1 7/4 *#5' +.23#,,'& 3*' 0'1(/1- 3*' (/,,/6+.) 23'02 (/1 3*' $70#22 #.& +.043
Bypass Configuration
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Installing the Power Distribution Module (optional)
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Powerware Plus 18 Operator's Manual (LTM-1336B
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Figure 21. Battery Cabinet with PDM (Rear View)
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Powerware Plus 18 Operator's Manual (LTM-1336B
65165 '3.+/#-4
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Battery Cabinet
UPS Cabinet
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Powerware Plus 18 Operator's Manual (LTM-1336B
Installing the Input/Output Cabinet (optional)
0.; 37#.+(+'& 5'48+%' 2'45100'. 57%* #5 # .+%'05'& '.'%64+%+#0 5*17.&
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1706+0) .#6'
Figure 23. UPS with I/O Mounting Plate
Powerware Plus 18 Operator's Manual (LTM-1336B
,#,&# #',-%%-#(' ( -" +*.#+, -"- -" &(.'-#'! )%-, (%- -(
-" %((+ #!.+ (+ -#% +#%% ' &(.'-#'! )--+' ,#,&#
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Figure 24. I/O Seismic Installation Mounting Pattern
,#'! -" I (%-, 1(. -(($ (.- 0"' .'%(#'! " #'- (%- "
#'- -( -" &(.'-#'! )%- , ,"(0' #' #!.+ Powerware Plus 18 Operator's Manual (LTM-1336B
#("'" %*&
%) '
Figure 25. Mounting the UPS and I/O Cabinet
#&'#" ' "'& "'# ' $$%#+!' " #$%'" $#&'#" *' '
''%, '# ' %' # ' "' & &#*" " (% "' #("'" '
Figure 26. Front View of the Powerware Plus 18 UPS with I/O Cabinet
Powerware Plus 18 Operator's Manual (LTM-1336B
$+-3$ 1'$ 14- 0"/$40 *-" 1$# 1 1'$ 1-. /$ / -% 1'$ ! 11$/6 ,# " !(,$10
0$$ (&2/$ $1 (, 1'$ 0"/$40
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Figure 27. Rear View of the Powerware Plus 18 UPS with I/O Cabinet
$+-3$ 1'$ 1-. "-3$/0 -% 1'$ ! 11$/6 ,# " !(,$10 !6 .2**(,& 1'$ 1-. "-3$/
1-4 /# 1'$ /$ / -% 1'$ 2,(1 1- /$*$ 0$ 1'$ 0./(,& * 1"' ,# *(%1 1'$ "-3$/ -%% 1'$
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Figure 28. Top View with UPS and I/O Cover Removed
Powerware Plus 18 Operator's Manual (LTM-1336B
9 0&. 4)& 4/0 $/6&2 /' 4)& $"#*.&4 #8 3,*%*.( 4)& $/6&2 ,"4$) '/27"2% ".%
,*'4 50 "3 3)/7. *. *(52& /6&2 "4$)
4&0 Figure 29. Removing the Cover Latch from the UPS and I/O Cabinet
10 &-/6& 4)& 2*()4 3*%& $/6&2 /' 4)& $"#*.&4 #8 2&-/6*.( 4)& -/5.4*.(
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/2 /. 0/3*4*/. ,"$& 4)& 7*2& ",2&"%8 /. ".% 0/3*4*/. /2 /. 0/3*4*/. && *(52& Powerware Plus 18 Operator's Manual (LTM-1336B
Figure 30. Changing the Output Voltage
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%, ," %('!* ( ," ,/( %+ -, ," *,#'#'! +,*)+
('', ," ,( ," #*+, ,,*0 #', ,"*(-!" ," ,() -,(-, #' ," #', #!-* ',*('',
Figure 31. Connecting the Battery Cables - UPS and I/O Cabinets (Top View)
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#!-* ," #',+ * '(, )*&'',%0 &(-', ,( ," %((* 0(- '
+%# ,"& )*, ,( &$ ," ('',#('
Powerware Plus 18 Operator's Manual (LTM-1336B
&+)'&&+ $*
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Figure 32. Connecting the Battery Cables - UPS and I/O Cabinets (Right Side View)
'&&+ *'& ++)/ #&+ / *$+#&! #+") '& ' +" +.'
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+( *+ ++)/ #&+
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Powerware Plus 18 Operator's Manual (LTM-1336B
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Top View
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Powerware Plus 18 Operator's Manual (LTM-1336B
%-/5.4 4(% 2)'(4 3)$% #/6%2 4(!4 7!3 2%-/6%$ &2/- 4(% #!").%4 ).
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4(% 5.)4 ,/3).' )43 3!&%49 !'%.#9 !002/6!,3
Electrical Installation with I/O Cabinet
.,9 15!,)&)%$ 3%26)#% 0%23/..%, 35#( !3 ! ,)#%.3%$ %,%#42)#)!. 3(/5,$
0%2&/2- 4(% %,%#42)#!, ).34!,,!4)/. )3+ /& %,%#42)#!, 3(/#+
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!##%33 3% 4(% &/,,/7).' 02/#%$52% 4/ 0%2&/2- 4(% %,%#42)#!, ).34!,,!4)/. &/2 9/52 Powerware Plus 18 Operator's Manual (LTM-1336B
*0". +**" 0&+* *,10 ".)&*(/
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Figure 35. I/O Cabinet to UPS Cabinet Wiring (Rear View)
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7 (/18( 6+( $&&(55 2.$6( $0' &100(&6 6+( 9,4,0* 61 6+( 6(4/,0$. %.1&-
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Wire Function
Terminal Position
Tightening Torque
Terminal Wire Size
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Powerware Plus 18 Operator's Manual (LTM-1336B
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Voltage Metering
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Powerware Plus 18 Operator's Manual (LTM-1336B
Installing Remote Batteries
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Determining the Battery Capacity
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Remote Battery Installation
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Powerware Plus 18 Operator's Manual (LTM-1336B
"&' '#"
Remote Battery Configuration
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Powerware Plus 18 Operator's Manual (LTM-1336B
Description: Outline Drawing 3600-012K, 3600-015K, &
& 3600-018K Drawing No. 110719045
Sheet 1 of 1
Revision A
Description: Oneline and Installation 3600-012K,
3600-015K, & 3600-018K Drawing No. 110719046
Revision A1 Sheet 1 of 2
Description: Oneline and Installation 3600-012K,
3600-015K, & 3600-018K Drawing No. 110719046
Revision A1 Sheet 2 of 2
Description: Battery Cabinet Installation and
Mounting 3600-012K, 3600-015K, & 3600-018K
Drawing No. 110719062 Revision A1
Sheet 1 of 2
Description: Battery Cabinet Installation and
Mounting 3600-012K, 3600-015K, & 3600-018K
Drawing No. 110719062 Revision A1
Sheet 2 of 2
Description: Three-Phase PDM Installation 3600-012K,
3600-015K, & 3600-018K Drawing No. 110719090
Revision A1 Sheet 1 of 1
Description: 3600-012K, 3600-015K, & 3600-018K
Schematic Drawing No. 110712322 Revision A
Sheet 1 of 1
Description: I/O Outline and Installation 3600-012K,
3600-015K, 3600-018K Drawing No. 110719176
Revision B Sheet 1 of 1
Description: I/O Cabinet Oneline 3600-012K,
3600-015K, & 3600-018K Drawing No. 110719175
Revision C1 Sheet 1 of 5
Description: I/O Cabinet Oneline 3600-012K,
3600-015K, 3600-018K Drawing No. 110719175
Revision C1 Sheet 2 of 5
Description: I/O Cabinet Oneline 3600-012K,
3600-015K, & 3600-018K Drawing No. 110719175
Revision C1 Sheet 3 of 5
Description: I/O Cabinet Oneline 3600-012K,
3600-015K, & 3600-018K Drawing No. 110719175
Revision C1 Sheet 4 of 5
Description: I/O Cabinet Oneline 3600-012K,
3600-015K, & 3600-018K Drawing No. 110719175
Revision C1 Sheet 5 of 5