Download Electrolux EXI12HD1W Service manual
SERVICE MANUAL AIR CONDITIONER Electrolux Home Products Italy S.p.A. Corso Lino Zanussi, 30 I - 33080 Porcia – PN Fax: + 39 0434 394096 Publication number 599 76 40-62 EN Edition: 02-2013 Rev 0.0 MODEL: EXI09HD1W EXI12HD1W 7DEOHRI&RQWHQWV 7DEOHRI&RQWHQWV 6XPPDU\DQG)HDWXUHV 6DIHW\3UHFDXWLRQV 6SHFL¿FDWLRQV 8QLW6SHFL¿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¿HGLQVWDOOHUVDQGVHUYLFHSHUVRQQHODUH DOORZHGWRLQVWDOOVWDUWXSDQGVHUYLFHWKLVHTXLSPHQW 8QWUDLQHGSHUVRQQHOFDQSHUIRUPEDVLFPDLQWHQDQFHIXQFWLRQV VXFKDVFOHDQLQJFRLOV$OORWKHURSHUDWLRQVVKRXOGEH SHUIRUPHGE\WUDLQHGVHUYLFHSHUVRQQHO :KHQKDQGOLQJWKHHTXLSPHQWREVHUYHSUHFDXWLRQVLQWKH PDQXDODQGRQWDJVVWLFNHUVDQGODEHOVDWWDFKHGWRWKH HTXLSPHQW)ROORZDOOVDIHW\FRGHV:HDUVDIHW\JODVVHVDQG ZRUNJORYHV.HHSTXHQFKLQJFORWKDQG¿UHH[WLQJXLVKHUQHDUE\ ZKHQEUD]LQJ 5HDGWKHLQVWUXFWLRQVWKRURXJKO\DQGIROORZDOOZDUQLQJVRU FDXWLRQVLQOLWHUDWXUHDQGDWWDFKHGWRWKHXQLW&RQVXOWORFDO EXLOGLQJFRGHVDQGFXUUHQWHGLWLRQVRIQDWLRQDODVZHOODVORFDO HOHFWULFDOFRGHV 5HFRJQL]HWKHIROORZLQJVDIHW\LQIRUPDWLRQ :DUQLQJ ,QFRUUHFW KDQGOLQJ FRXOG UHVXOW LQ SHUVRQDOLQMXU\RUGHDWK &DXWLRQ ,QFRUUHFW KDQGOLQJ PD\ UHVXOW LQ PLQRULQMXU\RUGDPDJHWRSURGXFW RUSURSHUW\ Ɣ0DNHVXUHWKHRXWGRRUXQLWLVLQVWDOOHGRQDVWDEOHOHYHO VXUIDFHZLWKQRDFFXPXODWLRQRIVQRZOHDYHVRUWUDVK EHVLGH Ɣ0DNHVXUHWKHFHLOLQJZDOOLVVWURQJHQRXJKWREHDUWKH ZHLJKWRIWKHXQLW Ɣ0DNHVXUHWKHQRLVHRIWKHRXWGRRUXQLWGRHVQRWGLVWXUE QHLJKERUV Ɣ)ROORZDOOWKHLQVWDOODWLRQLQVWUXFWLRQVWRPLQLPL]HWKHULVN RIGDPDJHIURPHDUWKTXDNHVW\SKRRQVRUVWURQJZLQGV Ɣ$YRLGFRQWDFWEHWZHHQUHIULJHUDQWDQG¿UHDVLWJHQHUDWHV SRLVRQRXVJDV Ɣ$SSO\VSHFL¿HGUHIULJHUDQWRQO\1HYHUKDYHLWPL[HGZLWK DQ\RWKHUUHIULJHUDQW1HYHUKDYHDLUUHPDLQLQWKH UHIULJHUDQWOLQHDVLWPD\OHDGWRUXSWXUHDQGRWKHUKD]DUGV Ɣ0DNHVXUHQRUHIULJHUDQWJDVLVOHDNLQJRXWZKHQ LQVWDOODWLRQLVFRPSOHWHG Ɣ6KRXOGWKHUHEHUHIULJHUDQWOHDNDJHWKHGHQVLW\RI UHIULJHUDQWLQWKHDLUVKDOOLQQRZD\H[FHHGLWVOLPLWHG YDOXHRULWPD\OHDGWRH[SORVLRQ Ɣ.HHS\RXU¿QJHUVDQGFORWKLQJDZD\IURPDQ\PRYLQJ SDUWV Ɣ&OHDUWKHVLWHDIWHULQVWDOODWLRQ0DNHVXUHQRIRUHLJQ REMHFWVDUHOHIWLQWKHXQLW Ɣ$OZD\VHQVXUHHIIHFWLYHJURXQGLQJIRUWKHXQLW :DUQLQJ $OOHOHFWULFZRUNPXVWEHSHUIRUPHGE\DOLFHQVHGWHFKQLFLDQ DFFRUGLQJWRORFDOUHJXODWLRQVDQGWKHLQVWUXFWLRQVJLYHQLQWKLV PDQXDO Ɣ%HIRUHLQVWDOOLQJPRGLI\LQJRUVHUYLFLQJV\VWHPPDLQ HOHFWULFDOGLVFRQQHFWVZLWFKPXVWEHLQWKH2))SRVLWLRQ 7KHUHPD\EHPRUHWKDQGLVFRQQHFWVZLWFK/RFNRXWDQG WDJVZLWFKZLWKDVXLWDEOHZDUQLQJODEHO Ɣ1HYHUVXSSO\SRZHUWRWKHXQLWXQOHVVDOOZLULQJDQGWXELQJ DUHFRPSOHWHGUHFRQQHFWHGDQGFKHFNHG Ɣ7KLVV\VWHPDGRSWVKLJKO\GDQJHURXVHOHFWULFDOYROWDJH ,QFRUUHFWFRQQHFWLRQRULQDGHTXDWHJURXQGLQJFDQFDXVH SHUVRQDOLQMXU\RUGHDWK6WLFNWRWKHZLULQJGLDJUDPDQGDOO WKHLQVWUXFWLRQVZKHQZLULQJ Ɣ+DYHWKHXQLWDGHTXDWHO\JURXQGHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK ORFDOHOHFWULFDOFRGHV Ɣ+DYHDOOZLULQJFRQQHFWHGWLJKWO\/RRVHFRQQHFWLRQPD\ OHDGWRRYHUKHDWLQJDQGDSRVVLEOH¿UHKD]DUG $OOLQVWDOODWLRQRUUHSDLUZRUNVKDOOEHSHUIRUPHGE\\RXUGHDOHU RUDVSHFLDOL]HGVXEFRQWUDFWRUDVWKHUHLVWKHULVNRI¿UHHOHFWULF VKRFNH[SORVLRQRULQMXU\ &DXWLRQ Ɣ1HYHULQVWDOOWKHXQLWLQDSODFHZKHUHDFRPEXVWLEOHJDV PLJKWOHDNRULWPD\OHDGWR¿UHRUH[SORVLRQ Ɣ0DNHDSURSHUSURYLVLRQDJDLQVWQRLVHZKHQWKHXQLWLV LQVWDOOHGDWDWHOHFRPPXQLFDWLRQFHQWHURUKRVSLWDO Ɣ3URYLGHDQHOHFWULFOHDNEUHDNHUZKHQLWLVLQVWDOOHGLQD ZDWHU\SODFH Ɣ1HYHUZDVKWKHXQLWZLWKZDWHU Ɣ+DQGOHXQLWWUDQVSRUWDWLRQZLWKFDUH7KHXQLWVKRXOGQRWEH FDUULHGE\RQO\RQHSHUVRQLILWLVPRUHWKDQNJ Ɣ1HYHUWRXFKWKHKHDWH[FKDQJHU¿QVZLWKEDUHKDQGV Ɣ1HYHUWRXFKWKHFRPSUHVVRURUUHIULJHUDQWSLSLQJZLWKRXW ZHDULQJJORYH Ɣ'RQRWKDYHWKHXQLWRSHUDWHZLWKRXWDLU¿OWHU Ɣ6KRXOGDQ\HPHUJHQF\RFFXUVWRSWKHXQLWDQGGLVFRQQHFW WKHSRZHULPPHGLDWHO\ Ɣ3URSHUO\LQVXODWHDQ\WXELQJUXQQLQJLQVLGHWKHURRPWR SUHYHQWWKHZDWHUIURPGDPDJLQJWKHZDOO 6SHFL¿FDWLRQV 6SHFL¿FDWLRQV 8QLW6SHFL¿FDWLRQV 0RGHO : $ (;,+': &%B. &%B. &%B. &%B. ,QGRRU (;,+':, &%1B. &%1B. &%1B. &%1B. &URVVÀRZ ĭ; 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(°C) 60 40 Condition Indoor:DB20℃ Indoor air flow: Turbo Pipe length:5m 20 0 -7 -5 0 5 10 Outdoor temp. (°C) 6SHFL¿FDWLRQV 1RLVH&ULWHULD&XUYH7DEOHVIRU%RWK0RGHOV Indoor side noise when blowing Outdoor side noise when Compressor speed changed 45 55 35 Noise/dB(A) Noise/dB(A) 40 30 25 20 Supper High High Middle Low EXI09HD1W EXI12HD1W 50 45 20 30 Indoor fan motor rotating speed 40 50 60 70 75 Compressor Speed(rps) 2SHUDWLRQ'DWD &RROLQJ 7HPSHUDWXUH FRQGLWLRQć 0RGHOQDPH ,QGRRU 2XWGRRU (;,+': (;,+': 6WDQGDUG SUHVVXUH 303D a +HDWH[FKDQJHUSLSHWHPS 7& WR WR 7& WR WR ,QGRRUIDQ PRGH 2XWGRRUIDQ &RPSUHVVRU PRGHUSP UHYROXWLRQUSV 785%2 +HDWLQJ 7HPSHUDWXUH FRQGLWLRQć 0RGHOQDPH ,QGRRU 2XWGRRU (;,+': (;,+': 6WDQGDUG SUHVVXUH 303D a +HDWH[FKDQJHUSLSHWHPS 7& WR WR 7& WR WR ,QGRRUIDQ PRGH 2XWGRRUIDQ &RPSUHVVRU PRGHUSP UHYROXWLRQUSV 785%2 37KHDLUSLSHSUHVVXUHJDVYDOYHVLGHSUHVVXUHFRQQHFWWRLQGRRUDQGRXGRRUXQLW 7,QOHWDQGRXWOHWSLSHWHPSHUDWXUHRIHYDSRUDWRU 7,QOHWDQGRXWOHWSLSHWHPSHUDWXUHRIFRQGHQVHU 127(6 0HDVXUH VXUIDFH WHPSHUDWXUH RI KHDW H[FKDQJHU SLSH DURXQG FHQWHU RI KHDW H[FKDQJHU SDWK 8 EHQW 7KHUPLVWRUWKHPRPHWHU &RQQHFWLQJSLSLQJFRQGLWLRQP &RQVWUXFWLRQ9LHZV &RQVWUXFWLRQ9LHZV ,QGRRU8QLW 188 290 912 542 135 235 Φ55 Φ55 60 80 143 2XWGRRU8QLW 714 320 776 286 540 257 8QLWPP 510 5HIULJHUDQW6\VWHP'LDJUDP 5HIULJHUDQW6\VWHP'LDJUDP INDOOR UNIT OUTDOOR UNIT 4-Way valve HEAT EXCHANGER (EVAPORATOR) Accumlator Compressor HEAT EXCHANGER (EVAPORATOR) Strainer Electron expansion valve Strainer COOLING HEATING 5HIULJHUDQWSLSHGLDPHWHU /LTXLGPP *DVPP 6FKHPDWLF'LDJUDP 6FKHPDWLF'LDJUDP (OHFWULFDO'DWD 0HDQLQJRIPDUNV 6\PERO &RORU6\PERO 6\PERO 2* 25$1*( :+ <( 5' <(*1 %1 %8 %. :+,7( <(//2: 5(' <(//2:*5((1 %52:1 %/8( %/$&. 3DUWV1DPH 3527(&7,9(($57+ &203 6$7 <9 ;7 &2035(6625 29(5/2$' :$<9$/9( 7(50,1$/%/2&. (OHFWULFDO:LULQJ Ɣ,QGRRU8QLW 0 RT1 TUBE TEM.SENSOR DISPLAY L1 AP1 CN1 CN2 L1 0 RT2 N 13 N ROOM POWER BN L YEGN BU DISP-1 DISP-2 TUBE COM-OUT XT1 W1 BU BU N(1) BK 2 3 BN YEGN W2 BK W3 BN CAP AP2 AC-L L-OUT K4 JUMP W4YEGN OUTDOOR UNIT ROOM TEM.SENSOR EVAPORATOR PE PGF PG SWING-UD HEALTH-L HEALTH-N M FAN MOTOR M RD BU COOL PLASMA GENERATOR SWING MOTOR(U.D) 6FKHPDWLF'LDJUDP Ɣ2XWGRRU8QLW L TUBE OUTROOM EXHAUST TEM.SENSOR TEM.SENSOR TEM.SENSOR EKV RT1 RT2 RT3 θ θ θ L3 4YV BU LX1-1 CN2 I N D O O R U N I T BU XT N(1) BK 2 BN CN1 4V AC-L2 AP1 L1 L1 L1 3 YEGN L4 BU N BN CN1 CN3 AC-L3 L4 BK COM-OUT L4 BN BU AC-L N1 L4 PE AC-L1 BN YEGN AP2 AC-N2 AC-L OFAN U ELECTRIC BOX MID.ISOLATION SHEET V BU OVC-COMP W BU YE RD PE YEGN AC-N1 AC-N PE PE BN LX1-2 X1 L2 SAT RD M L2 L2 BU YE RD U V YEGN W COMP. E NOTE: Motor ground only YEGN applies to the iron shell motor. FAN PE COMP 7KHVHFLUFXLWGLDJUDPVDUHVXEMHFWWRFKDQJHZLWKRXWQRWLFHSOHDVHUHIHUWRWKHRQHVXSSOLHGZLWKWKHXQLW 6FKHPDWLF'LDJUDP 3ULQWHG&LUFXLW%RDUG ,QGRRU8QLW Ɣ7239,(: Live wire of health function Port of Port of neutral wire indoor fan Solidstate Auto relay button Feedback of indoor fan Port of motor for vertical swing Port of motor for horizontal swing Protective tube Buzzer Main chip Port of indoor ambient temp sensor Port of indoor pipe temp sensor Power of switch Port of display Highfrequency Communication port transformer Ɣ%277209,(: 6FKHPDWLF'LDJUDP 2XWGRRU8QLW Ɣ7239,(: inductance pin1 inductance pin2 fan neilsbed four-way valve compressor electric heater chassis electric heater 10-core communication cable compressor Ɣ%277209,(: temp. sensor overload protection electric expansion valve )XQFWLRQDQG&RQWURO )XQFWLRQDQG&RQWURO 5HPRWH&RQWURO2SHUDWLRQV Turbo Button Press this button in COOL or HEAT mode to put the fan into the high speed Turbo mode and the air conditoner will work at maximum power. 5HPRWH&RQWURO'HVFULSWLRQ Press again to cancel this function. X-Fan Button Press the X-Fan button to active the Self-Cleaning. After the unit is turned off the indoor fan will continue operation for 2 minutes to dry the indoor unit prevent from bacteria and mildew growing. Timer On Button Press this button to set the start time. Timer Off Button Press this button to set the stop time. Swing Button: Press this button, the louver will swing up and down automatically. Press again to cancel it and the louver will stay at its last position. ON/OFF Button Press this button to turn the air conditioner ON or OFF. I Feel Button: Press this button, the remote control will send the temperature information to the indoor unit every 10 minutes. The unit will operate to reach the set temperature at the location of remote control. Presss again to cancel this function. Control Button: Forward Backward Mode Button By pressing this button, AUTO, DEHUMIDIFY, FAN, COOL, and HEAT (COOL only model has no HEAT feature) mode can be selected progressively. Press the setting. button to increase the temperature button to decrease the temperature AUTO mode is default while power on. Under AUTO mode, the initial value would not be displayed, and it will run in the desirable Tem. Press the setting. In Timer On/Off or Clock functions, use these buttons to set the clock or timer adjustment. Under HEAT mode, the initial value is 28°C; Under other modes, the initial value is 25°C. AUTO DEHUMIDIFY FAN COOL Clock Button: Press this button and the Clock symbol will blink. You can press Control buttons and to set the time you want. HEAT Light Button Press this button to switch the indicating lights of the indoor unit ON or OFF. The normal condition at start up is ON. Fan Button By pressing this button, Auto, Low, Medium and High speed can be progressively selected. When the unit is turned on, Auto fan speed is the default. In DEHUMIDIFY mode, the fan speed is at Low speed. Temp (Temperature) Button Press this button to change the indoor unit display of the set temperature to the room temperature. Eco (Economy) Button Press this button to start the Eco operation. This is ideal for the users to use while sleeping. Press again to cancel the function. Note: Under heating mode, press T " emp and Clock buttons to turn on the function of heating the indoor room temperature to 8oC. )XQFWLRQDQG&RQWURO 5HPRWH&RQWURO'LVSOD\,QGLFDWRU Transmission Indicator: Displays when the remote control transmits signals to the indoor unit. Fan Speed Display Displays the selected fan speed in the following sequence: Turbo Display Displays when Turbo function is selected. “ ” (Low), “ Auto. I Feel Display Displays when I Feel function is activated. In Auto speed, only “ ” symbol displays. Eco Display Displays when Eco function is selected. Healthy Display Displayed by pressing the Healthy button. Press the Healthy button again to remove. NOTE: there is no such indicator for the models without Cold-Plasma function. Room Temperature Display Displays when the temperature shown on the LCD screen is room temperature. It can be switched on/off by pressing the Temp button. Programmed Temperature Display Lights when the remote control displays the set temperature. It can be switched on/off by pressing the Temp button. Timer On/Off Display Displays when the Timer On/Off function is activated. ” (Medium), “ ” (High) and Swing Display Displays when the Swing function is selected. X-Fan Display Displays when the X-Fan function is activated by pressing Turbo and Healthy buttons at the same time (for models with Cold-plasma function) or by pressing X-Fan button (for models without Coldplasma function) Temperature Display Displays the room or set temperature in °C or F. No display in Fan mode. Time Display Displays the Clock time (must be set) and/or the on/off time of the timer. Mode Display Displays the current operation mode, including Auto ( ), Dehumidify ( ), Fan ( ), Cool ( and Heat ( ). ) NOTE: The Cool model does not offer a Heating option. )XQFWLRQDQG&RQWURO 'HVFULSWLRQRI(DFK&RQWURO2SHUDWLRQ 1. Temperature Parameters Indoor preset temperature (Tpreset) Indoor ambient temperature (T amb.) 2. Basic Functions Once energized, in no case should the compressor be restarted within less than 3 minutes. In the situation that memory function is available, for the first energization, if the compressor is at stop before de-energization, the compressor will be started without a 3-minute lag; if the compressor is in operation before de-energization, the compressor will be started with a 3-minute lag; and once started, the compressor will not be stopped within 6 minutes regardless of changes in room temperature; (1)COOL mode The condition and process of cooling If Tamb. ≥Tpreset COOL mode will act, the compressor and outdoor fan will run, and the indoor fan will run at the set speed. If Tamb. ≤Tpreset-2 , the compressor will stop, the outdoor fan will delay 30 seconds to stop, and the indoor fan will run at the set speed. If Tpreset-2 ≤Tamb ≤Tpreset , the unit will keep running in the previous mode. In this mode, the reversal valve will not be powered on and the temperature setting range is 16 ~30 . Start cooling Tamb. Tpreset Original operating status Tpreset –2 ˚C ≥ 6 min. ≥ 3 min. ≥ 6 min. Stop cooling Compressor Outdoor fan Setting fan speed Indoor fan Run Protection function Overcurrent protection Stop If total current is high, the compressor will run in limited frequency. If total current is too high, the compressor will stop, the outdoor fan will delay 30 seconds to stop, indoor unit will display E5 and outdoor yellow light will blink 5 times. Antifreezing protection When the antifreezing protection is detected, the compressor will stop, the outdoor fan will stop after 30 seconds, and the indoor fan and swing motor will keep running in the original mode. When antifreezing protection is eliminated and the compressor has stopped for 3 minutes, the compressor will resume running in the original mode. During antifreeze protection min Compressor Outdoor fan Preset speed Indoor fan Run Stop (2) Dehumidifying Mode Working conditions and process of dehumidifying If T amb. T preset, the unit will enter cooling and dehumidifying mode, in which case the compressor and the outdoor fan will operate and the indoor fan will run at low speed. If T preset -2 T amb. T preset, the compressor remains at its original operation state. If T amb.< T preset -2 , the compressor will stop, the outdoor fan will stop with a time lag of 30s, and the indoor fan will operate at low speed. Protection Protection is the same as that under the cooling mode. )XQFWLRQDQG&RQWURO +($70RGH ķ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ĸ &RQGLWLRQDQGSURFHVVRIGHIURVW :KHQGXUDWLRQRIVXFFHVVLYHKHDWLQJRSHUDWLRQLVPRUHWKDQPLQXWHVRUDFFXPXODWHGKHDWLQJWLPHPRUHWKDQPLQXWHVDQG RQHRIWKHIROORZLQJFRQGLWLRQVLVUHDFKHGWKHXQLWZLOOHQWHUWKHGHIURVWPRGHDIWHUPLQXWHV 7RXWGRRUDPELHQW ˚ &7RXWGRRUWXEH& &7RXWGRRUDPELHQW ˘ &7RXWGRRUWXEH& &7RXWGRRUDPELHQW ˘ &7RXWGRRUWXEH& &7RXWGRRUDPELHQW ˘ 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&XWRIIWDLOLQJZKHQURXWLQJWKHZLULQJRQO\ ł &XWRIIWDLOLQJDQGWDLOLQJZKHQURXWLQJERWKWKHZLULQJDQGSLSLQJ 7DNHRXWWKHSLSLQJIURPERG\FDVHZUDSWKHSLSLQJSRZHUFRUGVGUDLQKRVHZLWKWKHWDSH DQGWKHQPDNHWKHPSDVVWKURXJKWKHSLSLQJKROH$VVKRZQLQ)LJ +DQJWKHPRXQWLQJVORWVRIWKHLQGRRUXQLWRQWKHXSSHUKRRNVRIWKHPRXQWLQJSODWHDQG FKHFNLILWLV¿UPHQRXJK$VVKRZQLQ)LJ 7KHLQVWDOODWLRQVLWHVKRXOGEHFPRUPRUHDERYHWKHÀRRU External connection electric wire Liquid side piping Gas side piping insulation Tailing 2 Tailing 1 Liquid side Piping insulation Finally wrap it Water drainage pipe with tape Fig.3 Left েৢ Left rear Right Fig.4 Right rear Fixing hook Mounting plate Mounting plate Fig.5 ,QVWDOODWLRQRI&RQQHFWLRQ3LSH $OLJQWKHFHQWHURIWKHSLSHÀDUHZLWKWKHUHODWHGYDOYH 6FUHZLQWKHÀDUHQXWE\KDQGDQGWKHQWLJKWHQWKHQXWZLWKVSDQQHUDQGWRUTXH ZUHQFKE\UHIHUULQJWRWKHIROORZLQJ +H[QXWGLDPHWHU Ɏ Ɏ Ɏ Ɏ Ɏ 7LJKWHQLQJWRUTXH1ÂP ̚ ̚ ̚ ̚ ̚ 127(&RQQHFWWKHFRQQHFWLRQSLSHWRLQGRRUXQLWDW¿UVWDQGWKHQWRRXWGRRUXQLW +DQGOHSLSLQJEHQGLQJZLWKFDUH'RQRWGDPDJHWKHFRQQHFWLRQSLSH(QVXUHWKDW WKHMRLQWQXWLVWLJKWHQHG¿UPO\RWKHUZLVHLWPD\FDXVHOHDNDJH Indoor unit piping Taper nut Piping Spanner Torque wrench ,QVWDOO2XWGRRU8QLW (OHFWULF:LULQJ 5HPRYHWKHKDQGOHRQWKHULJKWVLGHSODWHRIRXWGRRUXQLW 7DNHRIIZLUHFODPS&RQQHFWDQG¿[WKHSRZHUFRQQHFWLRQFRUG WRWKHWHUPLQDOERDUG:LULQJVKRXOG¿WWKDWRILQGRRUXQLW )L[WKHSRZHUFRQQHFWLRQFRUGZLWKZLUHFODPS &RQ¿UPLIWKHZLUHKDVEHHQ¿[HGSURSHUO\ 5HLQVWDOOWKHKDQGOH 127( Ɣ,QFRUUHFWZLULQJPD\FDXVHPDOIXQFWLRQRIVSDUHSDUW Ɣ$IWHUWKHZLUHKDVEHHQ¿[HGHQVXUHWKHUHLVIUHH VSDFHEHWZHHQWKHFRQQHFWLRQDQG¿[LQJSODFHVRQWKHOHDGZLUH 6FKHPDWLFGLDJUDPEHLQJUHIHUHQFHRQO\SOHDVHUHIHUWR UHDOSURGXFWIRUDXWKHQWLFLQIRUPDWLRQ Handle N(1) 2 3 Brown Black Blue Yellow-green Wire clamp Power connection cord ,QVWDOODWLRQ0DQXDO Manifold Valve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ultimeter -76cmHg Manometer Hi handle Lo Handle Charging hose Low pressure valve Fig.6 Vacuum pump 2XWGRRU&RQGHQVDWH'UDLQDJHRQO\IRUKHDWSXPSXQLW 'XULQJKHDWLQJRSHUDWLRQWKHFRQGHQVDWHDQGGHIURVWLQJ ZDWHUVKRXOGEHGUDLQHGRXWUHOLDEO\WKURXJKWKHGUDLQKRVH ,QVWDOOWKHRXWGRRUGUDLQFRQQHFWRULQDĭKROHRQ WKHEDVHSODWHDQGDWWDFKWKHGUDLQKRVHWRWKHFRQQHFWRU VRWKDWWKHZDVWHZDWHUIRUPHGLQWKHRXWGRRUXQLWFDQEH GUDLQHGRXW7KHKROHGLDPHWHUPXVWEHSOXJJHG :KHWKHUWRSOXJRWKHUKROHVZLOOEHGHWHUPLQHGE\WKHGHDOHUVDFFRUGLQJWRDFWXDOFRQGLWLRQV Drain-water hole Bottom frame Drain connecter Hose (available commercially, inner dia. 16mm) &KHFNDIWHU,QVWDOODWLRQDQG2SHUDWLRQ7HVW &KHFNDIWHU,QVWDOODWLRQ ,WHPVWREHFKHFNHG 3RVVLEOHPDOIXQFWLRQ +DVLWEHHQ¿[HG¿UPO\" 7KHXQLWPD\GURSVKDNHRUHPLWQRLVH +DYH\RXGRQHWKHUHIULJHUDQWOHDNDJH ,WPD\FDXVHLQVXI¿FLHQWFRROLQJKHDWLQJ WHVW" FDSDFLW\ ,VKHDWLQVXODWLRQVXI¿FLHQW" ,WPD\FDXVHFRQGHQVDWLRQDQGGULSSLQJ ,VZDWHUGUDLQDJHVDWLVIDFWRU\" ,WPD\FDXVHFRQGHQVDWLRQDQGGULSSLQJ ,VWKHYROWDJHLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKH ,WPD\FDXVHHOHFWULFPDOIXQFWLRQRU UDWHGYROWDJHPDUNHGRQWKHQDPHSODWH" GDPDJHWKHSURGXFW ,VWKHHOHFWULFZLULQJDQGSLSLQJ ,WPD\FDXVHHOHFWULFPDOIXQFWLRQRU FRQQHFWLRQLQVWDOOHGFRUUHFWO\DQG GDPDJHWKHSDUW VHFXUHO\" +DVWKHXQLWEHHQFRQQHFWHGWRDVHFXUH ,WPD\FDXVHHOHFWULFDOOHDNDJH HDUWKFRQQHFWLRQ" ,WPD\FDXVHHOHFWULFPDOIXQFWLRQRU ,VWKHSRZHUFRUGVSHFL¿HG" GDPDJHWKHSDUW $UHWKHLQOHWDQGRXWOHWRSHQLQJV ,WPD\FDXVHLQVXI¿FLHQWFRROLQJKHDWLQJ EORFNHG" FDSDFLW\ ,VWKHOHQJWKRIFRQQHFWLRQSLSHVDQG 7KHUHIULJHUDQWFDSDFLW\LVQRWDFFXUDWH UHIULJHUDQWFDSDFLW\EHHQUHFRUGHG" 2SHUDWLRQ7HVW %HIRUH2SHUDWLRQ7HVW 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he breaker trips at once when it is set to “ON”. Air conditioner can not start up Trip of breaker or blow of fuse The air conditioner does not react after it is powered ( after the plug is inserted, the buzzer does not sound and the remote startup has no response) to ground to see if there is any leakage. The breaker trips in few minutes when it is set to “ON”. The circuit or the part of the air conditioner has malfunction. They heat and break the insulation and lead to short circuit or creepage. Measure the insulation resistance or eliminate the malfunction one by one. If the breaker itself has malfunction, then replace the breaker. No power Check power supply circuit. Power plug is not well plugged in and poor connection. Check if the plug is properly plugged in and make the loose contact firm. Fuse of controller burnt out Change controller fuse The transformer connection is loose or has bad contact or the transformer has malfunction. Fasten the wiring; measure the output voltage of the transformer , if it is incorrect, change the transformer. Controller is broken Check remote controller Remote controller is short of power The remote controller does not receive signals (after it is powered, the buzzer will sound, unless it has malfunction) Measure insulation resistance Remote controller malfunction Receiver loose or poor connection Receiver is broken Power voltage is too low Change batteries First, press the manual switch button AUTO,if there is no response,check based on the above methods. If it runs normally after pressing the button, check again whether the installation position and the connection wire of the reception head is correct. If it is correct,then replace the receiver or the remote controller. Check the voltage. If it is lower than 10% of the rated voltage, check the cause, improve the power supply condition and add the stabilized voltage power supply. 7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ Improper set of temperature Adjust set temperature If cooling (heating) load is Check the forecasted load of cooling (heating) proper The refrigerant has leakage or is insufficient Check and fill the leakage, then vacuumize it and supplement the refrigerant as required Leakage between the high presMalfunction of refrigerant flow sure and the low pressure inside the compressor Malfunction of four-way valve Local block of capillary Poor COOL(HEAT) operation Replace the compressor Blockage of cooling system Replace the four-way valve Replace the capillary Judge whether the system is blocked by observing the condensation of evaporator and the pressure value of the high pressure manometer and take measures to deal with the system. Heat insulation for the connection pipes of the indoor unit and the outdoor unit is bad. Make sure that heat insulation for the thick and thin pipes is good. Heat insulation must also be provided for the joint andthe exposed part of the copper pipe . Block of outdoor heat exchanger Clean the dust accumulated on the surface of the heat exchanger. Air filter were blocked Clean the filter Fan speed was set too slow Air circulation is insufficient Fan rotation speed becomes low The installation position of the outdoor unit is not appropriate. The outdoor temperature is too high. To set the fan speed to high or middle speed Capacitor Replace the damage capacitor Motor damage Replace the motor Good ventilation must be provided for the installation position of the outdoor unit. Properly install the rainproof plate or the sunproof plate. If the maximum cool air still can not meet the requirement, it is suggested to replace the air conditioner. The air tightness is not enough. People come in and out too frequently. There are heating devices indoors. Keep certain air tightness indoors, try not to use electricalappliance with large quantity of heat 7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ The indoor fan motor is burned or breaks or has the heat protector malfunction. Replace the fan motor or the defective part. The fan does not The built-in heat protector of the motor breaks frequently because the Replace the fan motor run when it is set to supply air. motor is abnormal. Wrong connection The fan capacitor has open circuit or is damaged. Make the correction connection based on the circuit drawing. Replace the fan capacitor of the same type and same specification. In the cooling and The outdoor fan motor is damaged. Replace the fan motor heating mode, the compressor Wrong connection Make the correct connection based on the circuit drawing The outdoor fan capacitor is damaged. Replace the fan capacitor runs, but the outdoor fan does not run. Malfunction of compressor Replace the compressor Breakage of running capacitor of In the cooling and heating mode, the outdoor fan runs, but the compressor does not run. compressor The voltage is too low or too high. Wrong wire connection The protector itself has malfunction. The refrigerant is not enough or is too much. The compressor is too hot and leads to the action of the protector. Replace the capacitor Manostat is recommended. Connect the circuit diagram correctly Use the multimeter to check whether the contact of the compressor is on when it is not overheated. If it is not on, then replace the protector Adjust the volume of the refrigerant The capillary is blocked and the temperature rises. Replace the capillary The compressor does not run Replace the compressor smoothly or is stuck. The air discharge valve is damaged The protector itself has malfunction. Replace the protector 7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ The torque of the swing motor is not enough The swing fan does not run. Wrong connection First, check whether the connection is wrong. If no, replace the parts The controller is damaged(IC2003 is damaged, the swing relay can not close, etc) Controller malfunction (IC2003 broken, creepage of parallel capaci- Change controller In cool, heat mode, the tor of relay loop, relay is broken etc.) outdoor unit and compres- Wire loose or wrong connection Correctly wire according to the drawing Improper setting of temperature Adjust setting temp. Drainage pipe blocked or broken Change drainage pipe Wrap of refrigerant pipe joint is not Re-wrap and make it tight. sor will not run. Water leakage close enough. Fan of indoor unit contacts other parts Foreign object in indoor unit Compressor shakes too much Adjust fan location Take out the foreign object Adjust support washer of compressor, and tighten loosen screws Abnormal sound and shake Touch of pipeline of outdoor unit Separate the touching pipeline. Touch of inner plates 1. Tighten connect screw. 2. Stick absorbing clay between plates. Louver of outdoor unit touched outer case. Adjust location of louver. Abnormal sound inside compressor Change compressor 7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ )ODVKLQJ/('RI,QGRRU2XWGRRU8QLWDQG3ULPDU\-XGJHPHQW Display Method of Indoor Unit NO. 1 2 3 Malfunction Name High pressure protection of system Antifreezing protection In defect of refrigerant 4 High discharge temperature protection of compressor 5 Overcurrent protection 6 Communication Malfunction 7 High temperature resistant protection 8 EEPROM malfunction 9 Limit/ decrease frequency due to high temperature of module 10 Malfunction protection of jumper cap Indicator Display (during Dual-8 blinking, ON 0.5s and OFF Code 0.5s) Display Operation Cool Heating Indicator Indicator Indicator E1 E2 Display Method of Outdoor Unit Indicator has 3 kinds of display status and during blinking, ON 0.5s and OFF 0.5s A/C status Yellow Red Green Indicator Indicator Indicator During cooling and drying operation, except indoor fan operates, all loads stop operation. During heating operation, the complete unit stops. OFF 3s and blink once OFF 3S and blink twice Possible Causes During cooling and drying operation, compressor and outdoor fan stop while indoor fan operates. OFF 1S and blink 3 times OFF 1S and blink 9 times F0 Possible reasons: 1. Refrigerant was superabundant; 2. Poor heat exchange (including and bad radiating environment ); Ambient temperature is too high. 1. Poor air-return in indoor unit; 2. Fan speed is abnormal; 3. Evaporator is dirty. 1.In defect of refrigerant; The Dual-8 Code Display will 2.Indoor evaporator temperature show F0 and the complete unit sensor works abnormally; stops. 3.The unit has been plugged up somewhere. E4 OFF 3S and blink 4 times OFF 1S and blink 7 times During cooling and drying operation, compressor and outdoor fan stop while indoor fan operates. During heating operation, all loads stop. Please refer to the malfunction analysis (discharge protection, overload). E5 OFF 3S and blink 5 times OFF 1S and blink 5 times During cooling and drying operation, compressor and outdoor fan stop while indoor fan operates. During heating operation, all loads stop. 1. Supply voltage is unstable; 2. Supply voltage is too low and load is too high; 3. Evaporator is dirty. E6 OFF 3S and blink 6 times Always ON During cooling operation, compressor stops while indoor fan motor operates. During heating operation, the complete unit stops. Refer to the corresponding malfunction analysis. E8 OFF 3S and blink 8 times OFF 1S and blink 6 times During cooling operation: compressor will stop while indoor fan will operate. During heating operation, the complete unit stops. Refer to the malfunction analysis (overload, high temperature resistant). OFF 3S OFF 1S and blink and blink 15 times 11 times EE OFF 3S OFF 3S and blink and blink 6 times 6 times EU C5 OFF 3S and blink 15 times During cooling and drying operation, compressor will stop Replace outdoor control panel AP1 while indoor fan will operate; During heating operation, the complete unit will stop All loads operate normally, while operation frequency for compressor is decreased Wireless remote receiver and button are effective, but can not dispose the related command Discharging after the complete unit is de-energized for 20mins, check whether the thermal grease on IPM Module of outdoor control the radiator is inserted tightly. If its no use, please replace control panel AP1. 1. No jumper cap insert on mainboard. 2. Incorrect insert of jumper cap. 3. Jumper cap damaged. 4. Abnormal detecting circuit of mainboard. 7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ Display Method of Indoor Unit NO. 11 12 13 14 15 Malfunction Name Gathering refrigerant Indoor ambient temperature sensor is open/short circuited Indoor evaporator temperature sensor is open/short circuited Outdoor ambient temperature sensor is open/short circuited Outdoor condenser temperature sensor is open/short circuited 16 Outdoor discharge temperature sensor is open/short circuited 17 Limit/ decrease frequency due to overload 18 Decrease frequency due to overcurrent Indicator Display (during Dual-8 blinking, ON 0.5s and OFF Code 0.5s) Display Operation Cool Heating Indicator Indicator Indicator Fo F1 OFF 3S OFF 3S and blink and blink 1 times 1 times Display Method of Outdoor Unit Indicator has 3 kinds of display status and during blinking, ON 0.5s and OFF 0.5s A/C status Yellow Red Green Indicator Indicator Indicator When the outdoor unit receive signal of Gathering refrigerant ,the system will be forced to Nominal cooling mode run under cooling mode for gathering refrigerant OFF 1S and blink 17 times 1. Loosening or bad contact of indoor ambient temp. sensor and During cooling and drying mainboard terminal. operation, indoor unit operates 2. Components in mainboard fell while other loads will stop; down leads short circuit. during heating operation, 3. Indoor ambient temp. sensor the complete unit will stop damaged.(check with sensor operation. resistance value chart) 4. Mainboard damaged. OFF 3S and blink once AC stops operation once reaches the setting F2 OFF 3S and blink twice F3 OFF 3S and blink 3 times F4 OFF 3S and blink 4 times Possible Causes temperature. Cooling, drying: internal fan motor stops operation while other loads stop operation; heating: AC stop operation OFF 1S and blink 6 times OFF 1S and blink 5 times During cooling and drying operating, compressor stops while indoor fan operates; During heating operation, the complete unit will stop operation During cooling and drying operation, compressor stops while indoor fan will operate; During heating operation, the complete unit will stop operation. 1. Loosening or bad contact of Indoor evaporator temp. sensor and mainboard terminal. 2. Components on the mainboard fall down leads short circuit. 3. Indoor evaporator temp. sensor damaged.(check temp. sensor value chart for testing) 4. Mainboard damaged. Outdoor temperature sensor hasnt been connected well or is damaged. Please check it by referring to the resistance table for temperature sensor) Outdoor temperature sensor hasnt been connected well or is damaged. Please check it by referring to the resistance table for temperature sensor) F5 OFF 3S and blink 5 times OFF 1S and blink 7 times During cooling and drying operation, compressor will sop after operating for about 3 mins, while indoor fan will operate; During heating operation, the complete unit will stop after operating for about 3 mins. 1.Outdoor temperature sensor hasnt been connected well or is damaged. Please check it by referring to the resistance table for temperature sensor) 2.The head of temperature sensor hasnt been inserted into the copper tube F6 OFF 3S and blink for 6 times OFF 1S and blink 3 times All loads operate normally, while operation frequency for compressor is decreased Refer to the malfunction analysis (overload, high temperature resistant) F8 OFF 3S and blink 8 times OFF 1S and blink once All loads operate normally, while operation frequency for compressor is decreased The input supply voltage is too low; System pressure is too high and overload 7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ Display Method of Indoor Unit NO. Malfunction Name Indicator Display (during Dual-8 blinking, ON 0.5s and OFF Code 0.5s) Display Operation Cool Heating Indicator Indicator Indicator Display Method of Outdoor Unit Indicator has 3 kinds of display status and during blinking, ON 0.5s and OFF 0.5s 19 F9 OFF 3S and blink 9 times OFF 1S and blink twice All loads operate normally, while OFF 3S OFF 3S and blink and blink 2 times 2 times OFF 1S and blink 4 times All loads operate normally, discharge 20 Limit/ decrease frequency FH due to antifreezing 21 Voltage for DC bus-bar is too high PH OFF 1S and blink 13 times OFF 3S and blink 11 times Possible Causes Yellow Red Green Indicator Indicator Indicator Decrease frequency due to high air A/C status operation frequency for compressor is decreased while operation frequency for compressor is decreased Overload or temperature is too high; Malfunction of electric expansion valve (EKV) Poor air-return in indoor unit or fan speed is too low 1. Measure the voltage of position L and N on wiring board (XT), if the During cooling and drying voltage is higher than 265VAC, turn operation, compressor will stop on the unit after the supply voltage is increased to the normal range. while indoor fan will operate; 2.If the AC input is normal, During heating operation, the measure the voltage of electrolytic complete unit will stop capacitor C on control panel (AP1), operation. if its normal, theres malfunction for the circuit, please replace the control panel (AP1) 1. Measure the voltage of position L and N on wiring board (XT), if the voltage is higher than 150VAC, 22 Voltage of DC bus-bar is too low OFF 3S and blink 21 times PL OFF 1S and blink 12 times During cooling and drying operation, compressor will stop while indoor fan will operate; During heating operation, the complete unit will stop turn on the unit after the supply voltage is increased to the normal range. 2.If the AC input is normal, measure the voltage of electrolytic capacitor C on control panel (AP1), if its normal, theres malfunction for the circuit, please replace the control panel (AP1) 23 Compressor Min frequence in test state 24 Compressor rated frequence in test state 25 Compressor maximum frequence in test state P0 (during blinking, ON 0.25s and OFF 0.25s) (during blinking, ON 0.25s and OFF 0.25s) Showing during min. cooling or min. heating test P1 (during blinking, ON 0.25s and OFF 0.25s) (during blinking, ON 0.25s and OFF 0.25s) Showing during nominal cooling or nominal heating test P2 (during blinking, ON 0.25s and OFF 0.25s) (during blinking, ON 0.25s and OFF 0.25s) Showing during max. cooling or max. heating test 7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ Display Method of Indoor Unit NO. Malfunction Name Indicator Display (during Dual-8 blinking, ON 0.5s and OFF Code 0.5s) Display Operation Cool Heating Indicator Indicator Indicator Compressor 26 intermediate frequence in test state P3 (during blinking, ON 0.25s and OFF 0.25s) Display Method of Outdoor Unit Indicator has 3 kinds of display status and during blinking, ON 0.5s and OFF protection of phase current for P5 (during blinking, ON 0.25s and OFF 0.25s) 28 29 30 Malfunction of module temperature sensor circuit Module high temperature protection PU P7 P8 Showing during middle cooling or middle heating test During cooling and drying Refer to the malfunction operation, compressor will stop analysis (IPM protection, loss while indoor fan will operate; of synchronism protection and During heating operation, the overcurrent protection of phase complete unit will stop current for compressor. operation. OFF 3S and blink 15 times compressor Charging malfunction of capacitor Possible Causes Yellow Red Green Indicator Indicator Indicator Overcurrent 27 A/C status 0.5s OFF 3S and blink 17 times OFF 3S and blink 18 times OFF 3S and blink 19 times During cooling and drying operation, compressor will stop Refer to the part three—charging while indoor fan will operate; malfunction analysis of capacitor During heating operation, the complete unit will stop During cooling and drying operation, compressor will stop while indoor fan will operate; Replace outdoor control panel AP1 During heating operation, the complete unit will stop During cooling operation, compressor will stop while indoor fan will operate; During heating operation, the complete unit will stop After the complete unit is deenergized for 20mins, check whether the thermal grease on IPM Module of outdoor control panel radiator is inserted tightly. If its no use, please replace control panel AP1. Decrease frequency 31 due to high temperature resistant H0 10 times during heating operation 32 Static dedusting H2 protection 33 Overload protection for compressor OFF 3S and blink All loads operate normally, while operation frequency for compressor is decreased Refer to the malfunction analysis (overload, high temperature During cooling and drying operation, compressor will stop while indoor fan will operate; During heating operation, the complete unit will stop operation. 1. Wiring terminal OVC-COMP is loosened. In normal state, the resistance for this terminal should be less than 1ohm. 2.Refer to the malfunction analysis ( discharge protection, overload) resistant) OFF 3S and blink twice H3 OFF 3S OFF 1S and blink and blink 3 times 8 times 7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ Display Method of Indoor Unit NO. Malfunction Name Indicator Display (during Dual-8 blinking, ON 0.5s and OFF Code 0.5s) Display 34 System is abnormal Display Method of Outdoor Unit Indicator has 3 kinds of display status and during blinking, ON 0.5s and OFF 0.5s H5 OFF 3S OFF 1S and blink and blink 5 times 4 times 36 Module temperature is too high H5 OFF 3S OFF 1S and blink and blink 5 times 10 times 37 Internal motor (fan motor) do not operate H6 38 Desynchronizing of compressor H7 OFF 3S and blink 7 times 39 PFC protection HC OFF 3S OFF 1S and blink and blink 6 times 14 times Refer to the malfunction analysis (overload, high temperature resistant) operation. During cooling and drying Refer to the malfunction operation, compressor will stop analysis (IPM protection, loss while indoor fan will operate; of synchronism protection and During heating operation, the overcurrent protection of phase complete unit will stop current for compressor. operation. 1. Bad contact of DC motor feedback terminal. Internal fan motor, external fan 2. Bad contact of DC motor motor, compressor and electric control end. heater stop operation,guide 3. Fan motor is stalling. louver stops at present 4. Motor malfunction. location. 5. Malfunction of mainboard rev detecting circuit. During cooling and drying Refer to the malfunction operation, compressor will stop analysis (IPM protection, loss while indoor fan will operate; of synchronism protection and During heating operation, the overcurrent protection of phase complete unit will stop current for compressor. operation. During cooling and drying operation, compressor will stop while indoor fan will operate; Refer to the malfunction analysis During heating operation, the complete unit will stop operation. OFF 3S and blink 11 times OFF 1S and blink 14 times DC fan motor malfunction or Outdoor DC fan motor malfunction lead to compressor system blocked or the connector stop operation, loosed OFF 3S and blink 23 times OFF 1S and blink 9 times compressor stop operation and To protect the electronical Outdoor fan motor will stop components when detect high 30s latter , 3 minutes latter fan motor and compressor will power restart OFF 1S and blink 16 times compressor and Outdoor fan motor can’t work 41 power protection L9 OFF 3S and blink 20 times 42 Indoor unit and outdoor unit doesn't match LP OFF 3S and blink 19 times Failure startup while indoor fan will operate; During heating operation, the complete unit will stop L3 malfunction 43 During cooling and drying operation, compressor will stop OFF 3S OFF 1S and blink and blink 4 times 6 times H4 IPM protection Outdoor DC fan motor Possible Causes Operation Cool Heating Yellow Red Green Indicator Indicator Indicator Indicator Indicator Indicator 35 40 A/C status LC OFF 3S and blink 11 times Indoor unit and outdoor unit doesn't match During cooling and drying operation, compressor will stop while indoor fan will operate; Refer to the malfunction analysis During heating operation, the complete unit will stop operation. 7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ Display Method of Indoor Unit NO. Malfunction Name Indicator Display (during Dual-8 blinking, ON 0.5s and OFF Code 0.5s) Display Operation Cool Heating Indicator Indicator Indicator Malfunction of phase current 44 detection circuit for U1 Display Method of Outdoor Unit Indicator has 3 kinds of display status and during blinking, ON 0.5s and OFF 45 46 47 48 dropping for DC bus-bar Malfunction of complete units current detection The four-way valve is abnormal Zerocrossing malfunction of outdoor unit OFF 3S During cooling and drying operation, compressor will stop and blink 13 times while indoor fan will operate; During heating operation, the Replace outdoor control panel AP1 complete unit will stop OFF 3S and blink 20 times U3 U5 U7 U9 During cooling and drying operation, compressor will stop while indoor fan will operate; During heating operation, the complete unit will stop Supply voltage is unstable OFF 3S and blink 13 times During cooling and drying operation, the compressor will Theres circuit malfunction on stop while indoor fan will outdoor units control panel AP1, operate; please replace the outdoor units During heating operating, control panel AP1. the complete unit will stop operation. OFF 3S and blink 20 times If this malfunction occurs during heating operation, the complete unit will stop operation. 1.Supply voltage is lower than AC175V; 2.Wiring terminal 4V is loosened or broken; 3.4V is damaged, please replace 4V. During cooling operation, compressor will stop while indoor fan will operate; during heating,the complete unit will stop operation. Replace outdoor control panel AP1 OFF 3S and blink 18 times Frequency OFF 1S and blink 13 times 49 limiting (power) 50 Compressor running 51 The temperature for turning on the unit is reached OFF 1S and blink 8 times 52 Frequency limiting (module temperature) OFF 1S and blink 11 times Possible Causes Yellow Red Green Indicator Indicator Indicator compressor Malfunction of voltage A/C status 0.5s OFF 1S and blink once 7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ Display Method of Indoor Unit Indicator Display (during NO. Malfunction Name status and during blinking, ON Dual-8 blinking, ON 0.5s and OFF 0.5s) 0.5s and OFF 0.5s Code Heating Yellow Red Green Display Operation Cool Indicator 53 Display Method of Outdoor Unit Indicator has 3 kinds of display Indicator Indicator Indicator Indicator Defrosting Possible Causes Indicator OFF 0.5S and blink once Normal communication 54 A/C status OFF 3S and blink once (during OFF 1S blinking, and blink ON 10s twice and OFF 0.5s) Defrosting will occur in heating mode. Compressor will operate Its the normal state while indoor fan will stop operation. 7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ +RZWR&KHFN6LPSO\WKH0DLQ3DUW &DSDFLWRUFKDUJHIDXOW)DXOWZLWKRXWGRRUXQLW$3EHORZUHIHUVWRWKHRXWGRRUFRQWUROSDQHO 0DLQ&KHFN3RLQWV Ɣ8VH$&YROWPHWHUWRFKHFNLIWKHYROWDJHEHWZHHQWHUPLQDO/DQG1RQWKHZLULQJERDUGLVZLWKLQ9$&a9$& Ɣ,VWKHUHDFWRU/FRUUHFWO\FRQQHFWHG",VWKHFRQQHFWLRQORRVHRUIDOOHQ",VWKHUHDFWRU/GDPDJHG" )DXOWGLDJQRVLVSURFHVV Turn on the unit and wait 1 minute Use DC voltmeter to measure the voltage on the two ends of electrolytic capacitor Voltage higher than 200V? Y Fault with the voltage testing circuit on control panel AP1 Replace the control panel AP1 N Measure the AC voltage between terminalL and N on wiring board XT(power supply) Voltage within 210VAC~250VAC? N Shut down the power and repair the power supply to restore the range 210VAC~250VAC power on and restart the unit If the fault is eliminated? Y Y Shut down the power and wait 20 minutes; or use DC voltmeter to measure the voltage on the two ends of capacitor , until the voltage is lower than 20V N Check the connection of reactor (L in the Electrical Wiring Diagram) If the wiring of reactor Lis normal? N Connect the reactor Laccording to Electrical Wiring Diagram correctly Re-energize and turn on the unit Y Replace the control panel AP1 End N If the fault is eliminated? Y 7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ ,30 3URWHFWLRQ 2XWRIVWHS )DXOW &RPSUHVVRU 3KDVH 2YHUFXUUHQW $3 EHORZ UHIHUV WR WKH RXWGRRU FRQWURO SDQHO 0DLQFKHFNSRLQWV Ɣ,VWKHFRQQHFWLRQEHWZHHQFRQWUROSDQHO$3DQGFRPSUHVVRU&203VHFXUH"/RRVH",VWKHFRQQHFWLRQLQFRUUHFWRUGHU" Ɣ,VWKHYROWDJHLQSXWRIWKHPDFKLQHZLWKLQQRUPDOUDQJH"8VH$&YROWPHWHUWRPHDVXUHWKHYROWDJHEHWZHHQWHUPLQDO/DQG1RQWKH ZLULQJERDUG;7 Ɣ,VWKHFRPSUHVVRUFRLOUHVLVWDQFHQRUPDO",VWKHLQVXODWLRQRIFRPSUHVVRUFRLODJDLQVWWKHFRSSHUWXEHLQJRRGFRQGLWLRQ" Ɣ,VWKHZRUNLQJORDGRIWKHPDFKLQHWRRKLJK",VWKHUDGLDWLRQJRRG" ,ƔVWKHFKDUJHYROXPHRIUHIULJHUDQWFRUUHFW" )DXOWGLDJQRVLVSURFHVV Energize and switch on IPM protection occurs after the machine has run for a period of time? Y Use AC voltmeter to measure the voltage between terminal L and N on the wiring board XT) If the voltage between terminal L and N on wiring board XT is within 210VAC~250VAC? N Check the supply voltage and restore it to 210VAC~250VAC Y Restart the unit. Before protection occurs, use DC voltmeter to measure the voltage between the two ends of electrolytic capacitor on control panel AP1 Voltage between the two ends of celectrolytic capacitor is higher than 250V Y Please confirm: 1. If the indoor and outdoor heat exchangers are dirty? If they are obstructed by other objects which affect the heat exchange of indoor and outdoor unit. 2. If the indoor and outdoor fans are working normally? 3. If the environment temperature is too high, resulting in that the system pressure is too high and exceeds the permissible range? 4. If the charge volume of refrigerant is too much, resulting in that the system pressure is too high? 5. Other conditions resulting in that the system pressure becomes too high. The connection of capacitor C2 is loose. Reconnect the capacitor C2 according to Electrical Wiring Diagram. Then, Restart the unit. Y N Stop the unit and disconnect the power supply. Wait 20 minutes, or use DC voltmeter to measure the voltage between the two ends of capacitor C2, until the voltage is lower than 20V Remove the wires on the two ends of capacitor C2. Then, use capacitance meter to measure the capacitor C2. Verify as per the Parameters Sheet. If capacitor C2 is failed? Replace the capacitor C2. Then, energize and start the unit. Y Replace the control panel AP1 N If there is any abnormality described above? Y Y Connect the control panel AP1 and compressor COMP correctly according to the Electrical Wiring Diagram. Then, energize and start the unit. If the resistance is normal? N N If the unit can work normallv? If the unit can work normally? Y Y N Take corrective actions according to Technical Service Manual, and then energize and start the unit. Replace the control panel AP1 N Use ohmmeter to measure the resistance between the three terminals on compressor COMP, and compare the measurements with the compressor resistance on Service Manual. Y N Stop the unit and disconnect the power supply. Then, check the connection of capacitor C2 according to Electrical Wiring Diagram. Refer to the Electrical Wiring Diagram and check if the connection between AP1 and COMP is loose and if the connection order is correct. If the connection between AP1 and COMP is unsecure or the connection order is wrong? If the unit can work normally? N If the unit can work normally? If the unit can work normally? Y N Y Replace the compressor COMP N Use ohmmeter to measure the resistance between the two terminals of compressor COMP and copper tube. Resistance higher than 500MΩ? Y Replace the control panel AP1 END 7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ +LJKWHPSHUDWXUHDQGRYHUORDGSURWHFWLRQGLDJQRVLV$3KHUHLQDIWHUUHIHUVWRWKHFRQWUROERDUGRIWKHRXWGRRU XQLW 0DLQO\GHWHFW Ɣ,VRXWGRRUDPELHQWWHPSHUDWXUHLQQRUPDOUDQJH" Ɣ$UHWKHRXWGRRUDQGLQGRRUIDQVRSHUDWLQJQRUPDOO\" Ɣ,VWKHKHDWGLVVLSDWLRQHQYLURQPHQWLQVLGHDQGRXWVLGHWKHXQLWJRRG" )DXOWGLDJQRVLVSURFHVV Overheat and high temperature protection Is outdoor ambient temperature higher than 53? Y Normal protection, please operate it after the outdoor ambient temperature is normalized. N 20 minutes after the complete unit is powered off. Is heat dissipation of the indoor unit and outdoor unit abnormal? Y Improve the heat dissipation environment of the unit N Does the outdoor fan work normally? N 1. Check if the fan terminal OFAN is connected correctly 2. Resistance between any two terminals is measure by an ohm gauge and should be less than 1K Ohm. Y Replace the fan capacitor C1 Replace the control panel AP1 Replace the outdoor fan End 7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ 6WDUWXSIDLOXUHIROORZLQJ$3IRURXWGRRUXQLWFRQWUROERDUG 0DLQO\GHWHFW Ɣ:KHWKHUWKHFRPSUHVVRUZLULQJLVFRQQHFWHGFRUUHFW" Ɣ,VFRPSUHVVRUEURNHQ" Ɣ,VWLPHIRUFRPSUHVVRUVWRSSLQJHQRXJK" )DXOWGLDJQRVLVSURFHVV Power on the unit Is stop time of the compressor longer than 3 minutes? Restart it up after 3 minutes N Y Does startup fail? Y Are the wires for the compressor connected correctly? Is connection sequence right? N Connect the wires as per the connection diagram Y Replace the control panel AP1 N If the fault is eliminated? N Replace the compressor Y End 7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ 2XWRIVWHSGLDJQRVLVIRUWKHFRPSUHVVRU$3KHUHLQDIWHUUHIHUVWRWKHFRQWUROERDUGRIWKHRXWGRRUXQLW 0DLQO\GHWHFW Ɣ,VWKHV\VWHPSUHVVXUHWRRKLJK" Ɣ,VWKHLQSXWYROWDJHWRRORZ" )DXOWGLDJQRVLVSURFHVV Out of step occurs once the unit is powered on. Out of step occurs in operation Is stop time of the compressor longer than 3 minutes? Is the outdoor fan working normally? Is the outdoor unit blocked by foreign objects? Are the wires for the compressor connected correctly? Is connection sequence right? Is the connection made in clockwise direction? Replace the control panel AP1 Connect the wires correctly Replace the control panel AP1 If the fault is eliminated? If the fault is eliminated? Replace the compressor Replace the compressor End End Check if the fan terminal OFAN is connected correctly Replace the fan capacitor C1 Replace the outdoor fan Remove foreign objects 7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ 2YHUORDGDQGDLUH[KDXVWPDOIXQFWLRQGLDJQRVLVIROORZLQJ$3IRURXWGRRUXQLWFRQWUROERDUG 0DLQO\GHWHFW Ɣ,VWKH309FRQQHFWHGZHOORUQRW",V309GDPDJHG" Ɣ,VUHIULJHUDQWOHDNHG" )DXOWGLDJQRVLVSURFHVV 20 minutes after the complete unit is powered off Is the terminal FA for the electronic expansion valve connected correctly? Connect the wires correctly Resistances between the first four pins close to the terminal hole and the fifth pin are almost the same, less than 100 ohm. Replace the electronic expansion valve If the fault is eliminated? Replace the control panel AP1 If the fault is eliminated? Coolant leakage, refilling the coolant End 7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ 3RZHUIDFWRUFRUUHFWRU3)&IDXOWDIDXOWRIRXWGRRUXQLW$3KHUHLQDIWHUUHIHUVWRWKHFRQWUROERDUGRIWKH RXWGRRUXQLW 0DLQO\GHWHFW Ɣ&KHFNLIWKHUHDFWRU/RIWKHRXWGRRUXQLWDQGWKH3)&FDSDFLWRUDUHEURNHQ )DXOWGLDJQRVLVSURFHVV Start Check wiring of the reactor (L) of the outdoor unit and the PFC capacitor Whether there is any damage or short-circuit? Y Replace it as per the wiring diagram and reconnect the wires If the fault is eliminated? N Remove the PFC capacitor and measure resistance between the two terminals. Is the resistance around zero? N Y The capacitor is short circuited and the capacitor should be replaced Restart the unit If the fault is eliminated? Y N Disconnect the terminals for the reactor and measure the resistance between the two terminals of the reactor by an ohm gauge Whether there is any damage or short-circuit? N Y Replace the reactor Restart the unit If the fault is eliminated? Y N Replace the control panel AP1 N Y End 7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ &RPPXQLFDWLRQPDOIXQFWLRQIROORZLQJ$3IRURXWGRRUXQLWFRQWUROERDUG 0DLQO\GHWHFW Ɣ,VWKHUHDQ\GDPDJHIRUWKHLQGRRUXQLWPDLQERDUGFRPPXQLFDWLRQFLUFXLW",VFRPPXQLFDWLRQFLUFXLWGDPDJHG" Ɣ'HWHFWWKHLQGRRUDQGRXWGRRUXQLWVFRQQHFWLRQZLUHDQGLQGRRUDQGRXWGRRUXQLWVLQVLGHZLULQJLVFRQQHFWZHOORUQRWLILVWKHUHDQ\ GDPDJH" )DXOWGLDJQRVLVSURFHVV Start Y Did the equipment operate normally before the failure occurs? N Check the wiring of the indoor and outdoor units with reference to the wiring diagram Check wiring inside of the indoor and outdoor units Y Is the connection right? N N The AP1 voltage detection circuit is at fault Y Correctly connect the corresponding wires for the indoor and outdoor units with reference to the wiring diagram Are wires broken? N If the fault is eliminated? N Check the communication circuit of the outdoor unit If the fault is eliminated? The communication circuit is abnormal Y N Replace the main board AP1 of the outdoor unit If the fault is eliminated? N Replace the main board of the indoor unit Y Y End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tart Measure voltage at the Test 10 position as shown in the diagram with a voltmeter Value jumping N Y Measure voltage at the Test 15 position as shown in the diagram with a voltmeter Y Value jumping N Y Fault with outdoor unit Measure voltage at the Test 11 position as shown in the diagram with a voltmeter Value jumping End N Y Measure voltage at the Test 12 position as shown in the diagram with a voltmeter N Value jumping Y The communication circuit of the outdoor unit is normal 7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ $SSHQGL[ $SSHQGL[5HVLVWDQFH7DEOHRI$PELHQW7HPSHUDWXUH6HQVRUIRU,QGRRUDQG2XWGRRU8QLWV. 7HPS˄ć˅ 5HVLVWDQFHNȍ 7HPS˄ć˅ 5HVLVWDQFHNȍ 7HPS˄ć˅ 5HVLVWDQFHNȍ 7HPS˄ć˅ 5HVLVWDQFHNȍ 7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ $SSHQGL[5HVLVWDQFH7DEOHRI2XWGRRUDQG,QGRRU7XEH7HPSHUDWXUH6HQVRUV. 7HPS˄ć˅ 5HVLVWDQFHNȍ 7HPS˄ć˅ 5HVLVWDQFHNȍ 7HPS˄ć˅ 5HVLVWDQFHNȍ 7HPS˄ć˅ 5HVLVWDQFHNȍ 7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ $SSHQGL[5HVLVWDQFH7DEOHRI2XWGRRU'LVFKDUJH7HPSHUDWXUH6HQVRU. 7HPS˄ć˅ 5HVLVWDQFHNȍ 7HPS˄ć˅ 5HVLVWDQFHNȍ 1RWH7KHLQIRUPDWLRQDERYHLVIRUUHIHUHQFHRQO\ 7HPS˄ć˅ 5HVLVWDQFHNȍ 7HPS˄ć˅ 5HVLVWDQFHNȍ 5HPRYDO3URFHGXUH 5HPRYDO3URFHGXUH 5HPRYDO3URFHGXUHRI,QGRRU8QLW :DUQLQJ 6WHSV %HVXUHWRZDLWIRUDPLQLPXPRIPLQXWHVDIWHU WXUQLQJRIIDOOSRZHUVXSSOLHVEHIRUHGLVDVVHPEO\ 3URFHGXUH 5HPRYHSDQHO D %HIRUHGLVDVVHPEO\ LQGLFDWRU E 2SHQ IURQW SDQHO UHPRYH VFUHZV IL[LQJ LQGLFDWRU DQG ORRVHQ FODVSV RI VXSSRUW 7KHQUHPRYHLQGLFDWRUDQGVXSSRUW VXSSRUW IURQWSDQHO F 3XVKWKHURWRUVKDIWRQERWKVLGHVRIWKH SDQHOWRPDNHLWVHSDUDWHIURPWKHJURRYH 5HPRYHWKHSDQHO 5HPRYH¿OWHU /RRVHQWKHFODVSVRQ¿OWHUVXEDVV\SXVK WKH¿OWHULQZDUGVDQGWKHQSXOOLWXSZDUGV WRUHPRYHLW ¿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¿[LQJ HYDSRUDWRU DQG ERWWRP FDVH DQG WKHQ UHPRYHWKHHYDSRUDWRU 5HPRYDO3URFHGXUH 6WHSV 3URFHGXUH 5HPRYHD[LDOÀRZEODGHDQGPRWRU D 0RWRU&ODPS 5HPRYHWKHVFUHZVFRQQHFWLQJWKHPRWRU FODPSDQGERWWRPFDVHDQGWKHQUHPRYH WKHPRWRUFODPS &URVV)ORZ)DQ E 5HPRYHWKHVFUHZVFRQQHFWLQJWKH&URVV )ORZ )DQ DQG )DQ 0RWRU DQG WKHQ UH PRYHWKH&URVV)ORZ)DQDQG)DQ0RWRU )DQ0RWRU 2*DVNHWVXEDVV\RI%HDULQJ F 7DNHRXWWKHVKDIWFXVKLRQEORFNUHPRYH WKHVFUHZVRIVWHSSLQJPRWRUDQGWKHQ UHPRYHWKHVWHSSLQJPRWRU 5HPRYDO3URFHGXUH 5HPRYDO3URFHGXUHRI2XWGRRU8QLW :DUQLQJ Steps %HVXUHWRZDLWIRUDPLQLPXPRIPLQXWHVDIWHU WXUQLQJRIIDOOSRZHUVXSSOLHVEHIRUHGLVDVVHPEO\ Procedure 1.Remove big handle Before disassamble. Remove 1 connection screw fixing big handleand then removethe big handle. big handle 2. Remove top cover top cover Remove 3 connection screws among top cover plate, front panel and right sideplate. Then remove top cover plate. 5HPRYDO3URFHGXUH 3.Remove grille and front panel Remove connection screws between the front grille and the front panel. Then remove the front grille. Remove connection screws connecting the front panel with the chassis and the motor support, and then remove the front panel. Grille Panel 4.Remove axial flow blade Axial flow blade Remove the nut fixing the blade and then remove the axial flow blade. 5.Remove right side plate Remove connection screws connecting the right side plate with the valve support and the electric box. Then remove the right side plate. Right side plate 5HPRYDO3URFHGXUH 6.Remove electric box assy Electric box assy Remove the 2 screws fixing the cover of electric box. Lift to remove the cover. Loosen the wire and disconnect the terminal. Lift to remove the electric box assy. 7.Remove 4-way valve assy Unscrew the fastening nut of the 4-way Valve Assy coil and remove the coil. Wrap the 4- 4-way Valve Assy way Valve Assy with wet cotton and unsolder the 4 weld spots connecting the 4-way Valve Assy to take it out.(Note: Refrigerant should be discharged firstly.) Welding process should be as quickly as possible and keep wrapping cotton wet all the time. Be sure not to burn out the lead-out wire of compressor. 8.Remove capillary sub-assy Unsolder weld point of capillary Sub-assy, Capillary Sub-assy valve and outlet pipe of condensator. Then remove the capillary Sub-assy. Do not block the capillary when unsoldering it. (Note: before unsoldering,discharge refrigerants completely) 5HPRYDO3URFHGXUH 9.Remove motor and motor support Motor support Remove the 4 tapping screws fixing the motor. Pull out the lead-out wire and remove the motor. Remove the 2 tapping screws fixing Motor the motor support. Lift motor support to remove it. 10.Remove clapboard sub-assy Clapboard Sub-Assy Loosen the screws of the Clapboard Sub-Assy . The Clapboard Sub-Assy has a hook on the lower side. Lift and pull the Clapboard Sub-Assy to remove. 5HPRYDO3URFHGXUH 11.Remove Compressor 1 Remove the 2 screws fixing the gas valve. Unsolder the welding spot connecting gas valve and air return pipe and remove the gas valve. (Note: it is necessary to warp the gas valve when unsoldering the welding spot.) Remove the 2 screws fixing liquid valve. Unsolder the weld- Liquid valve ing spot connecting liquid valve and remove the liquid valve. Gas valve 2 Remove the 3 footing screws of the compressor and remove the compressor. Compressor -)