Download User Manual - Thermospace air conditioners
Before using your air conditioner , please read this manua l car efully and kee p it for futur e reference. INVER TER SPLIT- TYPE ROOM AIR CONDITIONER KSIL USER´S MANUAL R e ad T hi s M a n u a l Inside you will find many helpful hints on how to use and maintain your air conditioner properly. Just a little preventative care on your part can save you a great deal of time and money over the life of your air conditioner. You'll find many answers to common problems in the chart of troubleshooting tips. If you review the chart of Troubleshooting Tips first, you may not need to call for service. CONTENTS REMARKS ..........................................................................2 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Warning ......................................................................... 3 Caution ..........................................................................4 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Parts names ........... ..........................................................5 Special functions ................................................................6 Operating temperature.............................................................7 Manual operation .................................................................7 Airflow direction control.........................................................8 How the air conditioner works ....................................................9 CARE AND MAINTENANCE Care and maintenance ............................................................10 OPERATION TIPS Operation tips ..................................................................12 TROUBLESHOOTING TIPS Troubleshooting tips ........................................................... 14 C AU TI ON C on ta ct a n a ut ho ri se d se rv ic e te ch ni ci an fo r re pa ir o r m ai nt en an ce o f th is un it . C on ta ct t he au th in st al le r fo r in st al la ti on of t hi s un it . T hi s ap pl ia nc e i s no t in te nd ed fo r us e by pe rs on s( in cl ud in g ch il dr en ) wi th re du ce d p hy si ca l, s en so ry or m en ta l ca pa bi li ti es , o r la ck o f e xp er ie nc e an d kn ow le dg e, un le ss t he y ha ve be en g iv en s up er vi si on or i ns tr uc ti on c on ce rn in g u se o f th e a pp li an ce b y a p er so n re sp on si bl e f or t he ir s af et y. Y ou ng c hi ld re n s ho ul d be s up er vi se d t o en su re t ha t t he y do n ot pl ay w it h th e ai r co nd it io ne r. I f th e p ow er c or d is to b e re pl ac ed , r ep la ce me nt w or k sh al l b e pe rf or me d by a ut ho ri se d pe rs on ne l o nl y. I ns ta ll at io n wo rk mu st b e pe rf or me d i n ac co rd an ce w it h t he n at io na l wi ri ng s ta nd ar ds b y a ut ho ri se d pe rs on ne l on ly . SOCIABLE REMARK When using this air conditioner in the European countries, the following informations must be followed: DISPOSAL: Do not dispose this product as unsorted municipal waste. Collection of such waste separately for special treatment is necessary. It is prohibited to dispose of this appliance in domestic household waste. For disposal, there are several possibilities: A) The municipality has established collection systems, where electronic waste can be disposed of at least free of charge to the user. B) When buying a new product, the retailer will take back the old product at least free of charge. C) The manufacture will take back the old appliance for disposal at least free of charge to the user. D) As old products contain valuable resources they can be sold to scrap metal dealers. Wild disposal of waste in forests and landscapes endangers your health when hazardous substances leak into the ground-water and find their way into the food chain. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS To prevent injury to the user or other people and property damage, the following instructions must be followed. Incorrect operation due to ignoring of instructions may cause harm or damage. The seriousness is classified by the following indications. WARNING This symbol indicates the possibility of death or serious injury. CAUTION This symbol indicates the possibility of injury or damage to property. Meanings of symbols used in this manual are as shown below. Never do this. Always do this. WARNING Connect with the power properly. Do not operate or stop the unit by switchin g on or off the power. Do not damage or use an unspecified power cord. Otherwise, it may cause electric shock or fire due to excess generation. It may cause electric shock or fire heatdue to heat generation. It may cause electric shock or fire. Do not modify power cord lengt h or shar e the outlet wit h other appl iances Do not operate with wet hands or in damp environment. Do not direct airflow at room occupants only. It may cause electric shock or fire due to heat generat ion. Always ensure effective earthing. No earthing may cause electric shock. It may cause electric shock. This could damage your health. Do not allow water to run into electric parts. Always install circuit breaker and a dedicated power circuit. It may cause failure of machine or electric shock. No installation may cause fire and electric shock. Dis connect the power if Do not drink water drained str ange sounds, smell, or fro m air conditioner. smo ke comes fro m it. It may cause fire and It contains contaminants and electric shock. could make you sick. Do not open the unit during operation. It may cause electric shock. Use the correctly rated breaker or fuse. Do not use the power cord close to heating appliances. Do not disassemble or modify unit. There is risk of fire or electric shock. It may cause fire and electric shock. It may cause failure and electric shock. Ventilate room before operating air conditioner if there is a gas leakage from another appliance. It may cause explosion, fire and, burns. Do not use the power cord near flammable gas or combustibles, such as gasoline, benzene, thinner, etc. It may cause an explosion or fire. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS CAUTION When the air filter is to be removed, do not touch the metal parts of the unit. Do not clean the air conditioner with water. Ventilate the room well when used together with a stove, etc. It may cause an injury. Water may enter the unit and degrade the insulation. It may cause an electric shock. An oxygen shortage may occur. When the unit is to be cleaned, switch off, and turn off the circuit breaker. Do not put a pet or house plant where it will be exposed to direct air flow. Do not use for special purposes. Do not clean unit when power is on as it may cause fire and electric shock, it may cause an injury. This could injure the pet or plant. Do not us e thi s air co nditione r to pre ser ve pr ecision devi ces , foo d, pe ts, plants , and ar t object s. It may ca use dete riora tion of qua lit y, et c. Stop operation and close the window in storm or hurricane. Do not place obstacles around air-inlets or inside of air-outlet. Turn off the main power switc h when not u sing the uni t for a lon g time. Operation with windows opened may cause wetting of indoor and soaking of household furniture. It may cause failure of appliance or accident. It may cause failure of product or fire. Do not use strong detergent such as wax or thinner. Use a soft cloth for cleaning. Ensure that the installation bracket of the outdoor appliance is not damaged due to prolonged exposure. Always insert the filters securely. Clean filter once every two weeks. Appearance may be deteriorated due to change of product color or scratching of its surface. If bracket is damaged, there is concern of damage due to falling of unit. Operation without filters may cause failure. Do no t place he avy object on the power cord and take care so that the cord is not compressed. Use caution when unpacking and installing. Sharp edges could cause injury. If water enters the unit, turn the unit off and disconnect the power , contact a qualified service technician. There is danger of fire or electric shock. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Parts names Indoor unit NOTE: The indoor unit you purchased would like one of the following. There is a slightly difference on front panel and display window, but the features are the same. Indoor unit 8 aut o t im e r def r os t i on 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Front panel Air inlet Air filter(under the panel) Air outlet Horizontal air flow grille Vertical air flow louver(inside) Display panel Connecting pipe, drain hose ( A) r un a ut o t im e r d ef . Outdoor unit ( B) 9. Connective cable 10. Connecting pipe 11. Stop valve Outdoor unit Air inlet(side) Air inlet(rear) NOTE: 9 Air outlet 10 11 All the pictures in this manual are for explanation purpose only. Your air conditioner may be slightly different. The actual shape shall prevail. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Indicator Lights on Display panel NO TE:T h e d is p la y pan e l of th e ind oor un i t y ou p urc h as e d ma y b e loo k l i ke on e of t he fol low i ng: 2 1 3 1 2 4 3 au to ti mer d e f ros t io n 4 Signal receptor (A ) ru n a u to Auto indicator: This indicator illuminates when the air conditioner is in AUTO operation. Timer indicator: This indicator illuminates when TIMER is set ON/OFF. Defrost Indicator (For cooling& heating model only): This indicator illuminates when the air conditioner starts defrosting automatically or when the warm air control feature is activated in heating operation. Ion Indicator Lights up when Ion feature is activated and Ionizer can generate abundant anions to fill the room with refreshing and natural air. NOTE: This function is only available for air conditioner adopts Ionizer. DIGITAL DISPLAY: Displays the current setting temperature and malfunction/protection code when the air conditioner is in operation. ti mer d e f. Frequency display: This display is separated into five zones. The zones illuminate based on the compressor current frequency. For example, higher frequency will illuminate more zones. RUN indication lamp ru n This lamp illuminates when the air conditioner is in operation. (B ) AUTO indication lamp Lights up during the Auto operation. ru n io n ti m er de f . Ion indication lamp(optional function) io n Lights up when Clean Air feature is activated and Ionizer can generate abundant anions to fill the room with refreshing and natural air. TIMER indication lamp ti me r Lights up during Timer operation. (C ) DEFROST indication lamp (For cooling & heating models only): de f. Lights up when the air conditioner starts defrosting automatically or when the warm air control feature is activated in heating operation. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS N OT E : T hi s m a nu a l d oe s n o t i nc l ud e R e mo t e C on t ro l le r O p er at i on s , s ee th e < <R e mo t e C on t ro ll e r I ns t ru c ti o n> > p a ck e d w it h t h e u ni t f o r d et a il s . Operating temperature Mode Temperature Room temperature Outdoor temperature CAUTION: 1. If air conditioner is used outside of the above conditions, certain safety protection features may come into operation and cause the unit to function abnormally. 2. Room relative humidity less than 80%. If the air conditioner operates in excess of this figure, the surface of the air conditioner may attract condensation. Please sets the vertical air flow louver to its maximum angle (vertically to the floor), and set HIGH fan mode. 3. Optimum performance will be achieved within these operating temperature. Suggestion: For the unit adopts an Electric Heater, when the outside ambient temperature is below 0 OC(32 OF), we strongly recommend you to keep the machine plugged in order to guarantee it running smoothly. Manual operation Manul operation can be used temporarily in case the remote controller is disable or maintenance necessary. NO TE : Th e u ni t mus t be tu rn ed o ff be fo re op er at in g the m an ua l c on tr ol bu tt on . If th e un it i s o pe ra ti on al , c on ti nu e p re ss in g t he ma nu al c on tro l bu tt on un ti l t he u ni t i s of f. 1 Open and lift the front panel up to an angle until it remains fixed with a clicking sound. 2 One press of the manual control button will lead to the forced AUTO operation. If press the button twice within five seconds, the unit will operate under forced COOL operation. Close the panel firmly to its original 3 position. Panel ● Manual control button AUTO/COOL ● CAUTION: This button is used for testing purposes only. You had better not choose it. To restore the remote controller operation, use the remote controller directly. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Airflow direction control A dj us t th e a ir f lo w di re ct io n p ro pe rl y ot he rw is e, i t m ig ht c au se di sc om fo rt o r c au se un ev en r oo m t em pe ra tu re s. A dj us t th e h or iz on ta l lo uv er u si ng th e re mo te c on tr ol le r. A dj us t th e v er ti ca l lo uv er m an ua ll y. To s et t he ve rt ic al a ir f lo w( Up -- Do wn ) d ir ec ti on P er fo rm t hi s f un ct io n wh il e th e u ni t is i n o pe ra ti on . U se t he re mo te c on tr ol le r to ad ju st t he a ir fl ow d ir ec ti on . Th e h or iz on ta l lo uv er c an be m ov ed a t a r an ge of 6 O fo r e ac h pr es s, o r s wi ng u p an d d ow n au to ma ti ca ll y. P le as e r ef er t o th e R EM OT E CO NT RO LL ER O PE RA TI ON MA NU AL f or d et ai ls . Ra ng e To s et t he h or iz on ta l a ir f lo w di re ct io n ( le ft - r ig ht ) M ov e t he v er ti ca l lo uv er ma nu al ly t o ad ju st th e ai r f lo w i n th e di re ct io n y ou p re fe r. Vertical louver (three places) I MP OR TA NT : B ef or e ad ju st in g th e v er ti ca l lo uv er s, t he su pp ly p ow er m us t b e di sc on ne ct ed . F or so me m od el s, t he ve rt ic al l ou ve r ca n b e ad ju st ed b y u si ng t he r em ot e c on tr ol le r . P le as e re fe r t o th e RE MO TE C ON TR OL LE R OP ER AT IO N M AN UA L f or de ta il s. CAUTION Ra ng e Do not operate the air conditioner for long periods with the air flow direction set downward in cooling or dehumidifying mode. Otherwise, condensation may occur on the surface of the horizontal louver causing moisture to drop on to the floor or on furnishings. Do not move the horizontal louver manually unless it is necessary. Always use the remote controller. When the air conditioner is started immediately after it was stopped, the horizontal louver might not move for approximately 10 seconds. Open angle of the horizontal louver should not be set too small, as COOLING or HEATING performance may be impaired due to too restricted air flow area. Do not operate unit with horizontal louver in closed position. When the air conditioner is connected to power (initial power), the horizontal louver may generate a sound for 10 seconds, this is a normal operation. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS How the air conditioner works SLEEP operation 7 ho u rs ti mer o f f S et T e m per a t u re 1 ho ur 1 ho ur Coo ling SLEEP operation 7 h o urs ti mer of f Set Te m per a ture 1 h o ur 1 ho ur Hea ting AUTO operation When you set the air conditioner in AUTO mode, it will automatically select cooling, heating(cooling/heating models only), or fan only operation depending on what temperature you have selected and the room temperature. The air conditioner will control room temperature automatically round the temperature point set by you. If the AUTO mode is uncomfortable, you can select desired conditions manually. SLEEP operation When you push SLEEP button on remote controller during cooling, heating(cooling & heating models only), or AUTO operation , the air conditioner will automatically increase (cooling) or decrease (heating) per hour for the first 2 hours, then hold steady for the next 5 hours, after that it will switch off. This characteristic maintains both enery saving and comfort in night operation. DRYING operation The fan speed will be automatically controlled under dry operation. During the dry operation, if the room temperature is lower than 10OC(50OF), the compressor stops operation and restarts until the room temperature is above 12OC(54OF). Optimal operation To achieve optimal performance, please note the following: Adjust the air flow direction correctly so that it is not directed on people. Adjust the temperature to achieve the highest comfort level. Do not adjust the unit to excessive temperature levels. Close doors and windows on COOL or HEAT modes, or performance may be reduced. Use TIMER ON button on the remote controller to select a time you want to start your air conditioner. Do not put any object near air inlet or air outlet, as the efficiency of the air conditioner may be reduced and the air conditioner may stop running. Clean the air filter periodically, otherwise cooling or heating performance may be reduced. Do not operate unit with horizontal louvre in closed position. CARE AND MAINTENANCE Care and maintenance Cleaning the Grille, Case and Remote Controller Turn the system off before cleaning. To clean, wipe with a soft, dry cloth. Do not use bleach or abrasives. NOTE: Supply power must be disconnectd before cleaning the indoor unit. CAUTIONS Filter Handle A cloth dampened with cold water may be used on the indoor unit if it is very dirty. Then wipe it with a dry cloth. Do not use a chemically treated cloth or duster to clean the unit. Do not use benzine, thinner, polishing powder, or similar solvents for cleaning. These may cause the plastic surface to crack or deform. Never use water hotter than 40OC/104OF to clean the front panel, it could cause deformation of discoloration. C le an in g t he a ir f il te r A cl og ge d ai r fi lt er re du ce s th e co ol in g e ff ic ie nc y of t hi s u ni t. P le as e cl ea n t he f il te r on ce ev er y 2 we ek s. 1 . L if t th e in do or un it p an el u p t o an a ng le un ti l it st op s wi th a cl ic ki ng s ou nd . 2 . T ak e ho ld o f t he ha nd le of t he a ir fi lt er a nd l if t i t u p s li gh tl y to t ak e i t ou t fr om th e fi lt er h ol de r, t he n p ul l it d ow nw ar ds . .. 3 . R em ov e th e AI R F IL TE R fr om t he in do or u ni t. Cl ea n th e AI R F IL TE R on ce t wo we ek s. Cl ea n th e AI R F IL TE R wi th a va cu um c le an er or w at er , th en dr y it u p i n co ol p la ce . CARE AND MAINTENANCE 4 . R em ov e th e Ai r Fr es he ni ng F il te r f ro m it s su pp or t f rame ( on some mod el s). (The optional filter include :Plasma Dust Collector/ Silver Ion filter /Bio filter /Vitamin C filter/3M air purifier filter, etc. The removing and installation methods are slightly different, see the pictures marked 1 and 2 on the left. Clean the air freshening filter at least once a month, and replace it every 4-5 months. Clean it with vacuum cleaner, then dry it in cool place. . . 1 Do not touch the Plasma Dust Collector Filter within 10 minutes after opening the front panel it may cause an electric shock. , 5 . Install the air freshening filter back into position. 6 . Insert the upper portion of air filter back into the unit, taking care that the left and right edges line up correctly and place filter into position. M ai nt en an ce 2 If you plan to idle the unit for a long time, perform the following: (1) Operate the fan for about half a day to dry the inside of the unit. (2) Stop the air conditioner and disconnect power. Remove the batteries from the remote controller. (3) The outdoor unit requires periodic maintenance and cleaning. Do not attempt to do this yourself. Contact your dealer or servicer. C he ck s b ef or e op er at io n Check that the wiring is not broken off or disconnected. Check that the air filter is installed. Check if the air outlet or inlet is blocked after the air conditioner has not been used for a long time. Cau ti on Do not touch the metal parts of the unit when removing the filter. Injuries can occur when handling sharp metal edges. Do not use water to clean inside the air conditioner. Exposure to water can destroy the insulation, leading to possible electric shock. When cleaning the unit, first make sure that the power and circuit breaker are turned off. OPERATION TIPS T he fo ll ow in g ev en ts m ay oc cu r du ri ng n or ma l o pe ra ti on . 1 . Pr ot ec ti on o f t he a ir c on di ti on er . Co mp re ss or p ro te ct io n Th e co mp re ss or ca n' t re st ar t fo r 3 m in ut es a ft er it s to ps . An ti -c ol d ai r ( Co ol in g an d he at in g mo de ls o nl y) Th e un it is d es ig ne d no t t o bl ow c ol d a ir o n HE AT mo de , wh en t he in do or h ea t ex ch an ge r is in o ne o f t he f ol lo wi ng t hr ee si tu at io ns a nd t he se t te mp er at ur e ha s n ot be en r ea ch ed . A) Wh en he at in g ha s ju st st ar ti ng . B) De fr os ti ng . C) Lo w t em pe ra tu re h ea ti ng . Th e in do or or o ut do or f an st op r un ni ng w he n d ef ro st in g (C oo li ng a nd he at in g mo de ls on ly ). De fr os ti ng ( Co ol in g a nd h ea ti ng m od el s o nl y) Fr os t ma y b e ge ne ra te d on th e ou tdoo r un it du ri ng h ea t cy cl e w he n ou td oo r te mp er at ur e is l ow an d hu mi di ty i s h ig h re su lt in g in lo we r he at in g ef fi ci en cy of t he a ir co nd it io ne r. Du ri ng t hi s c on di ti on a ir c on di ti on er wi ll s to p he at in g o pe ra ti on a nd s ta rt de fr os ti ng au to ma ti ca ll y. Th e ti me to d ef ro st m ay va ry f ro m 4 t o 10 m in ut es ac co rd in g to t he ou td oo r te mp er at ur e an d th e a mo un t of f ro st bu il d up o n t he o ut do or u ni t. 2 . A w hi te m is t c om in g ou t fr om th e in do or u ni t A wh it e m is t ma y ge ne ra te du e to a la rg e te mp er at ur e di ff er en ce be tw ee n ai r in le t a nd ai r ou tl et on C OO L mo de in a n in do or en vi ro nm en t th at h as a hi gh r el at iv e h um id it y. A wh it e m is t ma y ge ne ra te du e to m oi st ur e g en er at ed f ro m de fr os ti ng pr oc es s w he n t he a ir c on di ti on er re st ar ts i n HE AT mo de o pe ra ti on a ft er de fr os ti ng . 3 . L ow n oi se o f t he a ir c on di ti on er Yo u ma y h ea r a lo w h is si ng s ou nd w he n t he c om pr es so r is ru nn in g or h as ju st st op pe d ru nn in g. T hi s s ou nd i s th e s ou nd o f th e r ef ri ge ra nt f lo wi ng o r c om in g to a s to p. Yo u ca n a ls o he ar a lo w "s qu ea k" s ou nd wh en t he c om pr es so r i s ru nn in g or ha s ju st st op pe d ru nn in g. Th is i s ca us ed by h ea t ex pa ns io n a nd c ol d co nt ra ct io n o f th e pl as ti c pa rt s in th e un it wh en th e te mp er at ur e is ch an gi ng . A no is e m ay b e he ar d d ue t o lo uv er re st or in g to i ts or ig in al p os it io n wh en po we r is f ir st tur ne d on . 4 . D us t is b lo wn ou t fr om t he in do or u ni t. Th is i s a n or ma l co nd it io n w he n th e ai r c on di ti on er h as n ot be en u se d fo r a l on g ti me or du ri ng f ir st us e of t he un it . 5 . A p ec ul ia r sm el l c om es o ut f ro m t he i nd oo r un it . Th is i s c au se d by t he in do or u ni t gi vi ng of f sm el ls p er me at ed fr om b ui ld in g ma te ri al , f ro m fu rn it ur e, o r s mo ke . 6 . T he a ir c on di ti on er tu rn s to F AN on ly m od e fr om CO OL o r HE AT (F or c oo li ng a nd h ea ti ng mo de ls o nl y) m od e. Wh en i nd oo r t em pe ra tu re r ea ch es t he te mp er at ur e se tt in g on ai r co nd it io ne r, t he co mp re ss or w il l s to p au to mati ca ll y, a nd th e ai r co nd it io ne r t ur ns t o FA N o nl y mo de . Th e co mp re ss or w il l s ta rt a ga in w he n t he i nd oo r te mp er at ur e r is es o n CO OL mo de o r fa ll s o n HE AT m od e ( Fo r co ol in g an d h ea ti ng m od el s on ly ) t o th e se t p oi nt . OPERATION TIPS 7. Dripping water may generate on the surface of the indoor unit when cooling in a high relatively humidity (relative humidity higher than 80%). Adjust the horizontal louver to the maximum air outlet position and select HIGH fan speed. 8. Heating mode (For cooling and heating models only) The air conditioner draws in heat from the outdoor unit and releases it via the indoor unit during heating operation. When the outdoor temperature falls, heat drawn in by the air conditioner decreases accordingly. At the same time, heat loading of the air conditioner increases due to larger difference between indoor and outdoor temperature. If a comfortable temperature can't be achieved by the air conditioner, we suggest you use a supplementary heating device. 9. Auto-restart function Power failure during operation will stop the unit completely. For the unit without Auto-restart feature, when the power restores, the OPERATION indicator on the indoor unit starts flashing. To restart the operation, push the ON/OFF button on the remote controller. For the unit with Auto-restart feature, when the power restores, the unit restarts automatically with all the previous settings preserved by the memory function. For some models, the machine is special designed with Auto-restart function for the open angle of the horizontal louver.Power failure during operation or pressing the ON/OFF button on the remote controller will stop the unit completely.When the power restores or pressing the ON/OFF button on the remote controller again,the unit restarts automatically with all the previous settings including the open angle of the horizontal louver by the memory function. So we strongly suggest that the open angle of the horizontal louver should not be set too small,in case the condensed water forms and drops from the horizontal louver. Press the AUTO/COOL button under the front panel and the open angle of the horizontal louver will be restored to the standard angle when the condensed water forms on the horizontal louver. 10. Lightning or a car wireless telephone operating nearby may cause the unit to malfunction. Disconnect the unit with power and then re-connect the unit with power again. Push the ON/OFF button on the remote controller to restart operation. TROUBLESHOOTING TIPS Troubleshooting Tips Stop the air cond itioner immediate ly if one of the follow ing faults occur. Disconnect the power and contact the neare st customer service center. If the followin g code appears on the LED window, disc onnect the powe r and conta ct the service peop le: E0, E1,E2,E3,E4,E5,E6,E 7,E8 or P0,P1,P2,P 3,P4, P6. Fus e blows frequently or circu it brea ker trips frequentl y. Other objects or water penetrat e the air conditione r. The remote con troller won't wor k or work s abnormall y. O pera to n ind ic a t or o r oth e r i nd i cato rs flas h r apidl y an d thi s flas h c an no t be s topp ed by disc onnectin g t he po w er an d the n c on n e ctin g i t i n a ga i n. Malfunctions Cause Powe r cut Unit not cooling or heating (Cooling/ heating models only) room very well while air flowing out from the air conditioner What should be done? Wait for power to be restor ed. Unit may have becomeunpl ug ged. Chec k tha t plug is sec urely in wall rece ptacle. Fuse may hav e blown. Repl ace the fuse. Battery in Rem ote controlle r may have been exha ust ed. Replac e the battery. The time you have set wit h timer is inc orr ect. Wait or cancel timer setting. Inapprop riate tempera ture Set te mpe rature correc tly. For setting. deta il ed method please refer to " Usi ng re mote control " section. Air filt er is blocked. Clean the air filter. Doors or Windows are open. Close the door s or windows. Air inle t or out let of indoor or outdo or uni t has been bloc ked. Clear obs tru ctions awa y first, then rest art the unit. Compress or 3 minutes prote ction has been activa ted. Wait. If the trouble has not been corrected, please contact a local dealer or the nearest customer service center. Be sure to inform them of the detailed malfunctions and unit model. Notes: Do not attempt to repair the unit yourself. Always consult an authorised service provider. 7909 N.W. 54th Street, Miami, FL 33166 USA Tel: (305)594-4972 Fax (305) 675-2212 T h e de s i gn an d s p e ci f i ca t i on s a r e s u bj e c t t o c ha n g e w it h o ut pr i o r n ot i c e f or p r od u c t im p r ov e m en t . C o ns u l t w it h t h e s a le s a g e nc y o r m a n uf a c tu r e r f or de t a il s .