Download ColorTelevision User`sGuide
OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ® Color Television User'sGuide ForModels: AV-32D500 AV-32D200 AV-27D500 AV-27D200 /I/ustration of AV-27DSO0 and RM_-,343 Feb.1999 No.51514 od IMPORTANT SAFETY PRECAUTIONS 6 If an outs-¥1eantenna LScorrected IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS whet] the Tt/set is to be le# unetlendsd foran extended penixI of _'ne, unplugIf flora ine weJIo_Jel and disco,x_ect the of the Na_onaJ_ ar_e_n_ This will ptm,ent _v_age fo p,_duct due to Zgh_ing atc_rns ot_ line su_gea. rl_l pmmrd. to lfxop_ Q_,Jnctng of thems_ ar,:l _opo_g set has been engineered _d w_in an equila_ereJtdengle is intended to The lightning flash with arrowhead syml_, alert the user to the p_ of uninsulated •dangerous ',,_t_ e" wi_in the products 6qnctosum that rney be of sufficient magnitude to conUituts a risk of electpo shock to p_scns. The exofamazon point within an eClU_ foreraJ triangle is of intended to _operalf theng_ andtomaints* the presence important hence (servicing) in_ in the lfterature accompanying the appliance. WARNING: wln_Io an antonna dischargeunit,size discharge unit, elec_0de. menufactured to assure your safeguards imxxpotated in this Wsot. observe the following basic rules for its instaJl_on, use and serv;clng. And also fOllow a_lwarnings and inductions marked on your TV set. 7 An out,de anle_na _ vicinity of oveltleed power _n_ Or other e_c_ic light or power ctrcuit_, C_where it can fail Into SuChpower lines or circuits. When an out=lde anlenna system, extreme €*are _ould be taken fo keep ft0m touching such power lines or c_mult_as contact wh_hIhem mlght be falal AI_I=F.=q i ILECTRIC&L COD_ SERVICE 15 Ltnplugthis_V s_t Imm _e wa_ cutlet and refersen_c_g to _alilfed s_v;_ persor._l under_e fo_o_ng con_it_: AC line plug (one A. Whenthe power c_d or pl_ blade of the plug is w4dei"than the other). C. If the _/set has been exposed to r_dnor wet er. c_ered in _e oc_va_ng k%tru_s UNIT. 1 Operate orJy from the power source specttJed on me unit. 2 AVOidd_tlg Ihe AC plug and pO_e¢ CO_i. 3. Avoid improper InstaJlatio(1_ never position the unit where good ventlfai_on is una_r_ able. 4. DO not aJk_wcOjects ot liquid into the cabinet openings. 5 _ntheeventofUou_, unplugtheunitand ca_la semite technician. DO notattemp_to repair it yourself or remove the rear cove_ Changes or modificaifons not approved by JVC could voidthewotranly " When you don't use Ibis 1V set for a long beriodOflfme,be serefodisoonnectboththe power plugfromtheAC ou;let and antennafor yoursafe_ • TO prevent electric shock do not _se th_s polar;zed plug_ an e_ _,_ncord,receptacieor otheroutlet unless_ bladescan be fully inse,,ted to i_ever_ b_de exposure. one way. Sl'lO_ld you be unable _oInP,ett the plug fully Into the outiet, t_y_ng _ plug. ShOLddit slfllfad to flL co.act y_v (dectr;cJan. 2 Operate the 3_/set ofby flora a I;X>_ r source as InOfoeted I_e "iVset to normal operaU_. 8 I_/seL_are providedw(thven_ilal_openingsinthecabinet toatlowheatgeneratedclur_goperat fontobe reteaSed. Therefore: On _he W set or refer to the operaBlg lastruc_ons for 61is -- f_ _in_mati_. If you am not sure of the type Of power _y to your home. consultyour TV Set deaJo¢o_inceJ po_er =etby p_acingIto._a bed, =ola,nJg,etc. -- Near place _ 1V set in a "polltqn"enclosure unless company: For battery operat_n, refer to the operaling instructions. 3 Overloaded AC Outletsand _on COrdsare dangerous, and SOaze frayed power cords and broken Plugs. They may result in a shock or fire h,szerd. CaJl your se_ce techrde_n for replacement 4 DOnot aliowanything to rest on or rollover t_e power cord, and do not p_ace the TV =et where power CC_dis subject to traffic Ot =buse. This m_y re,suit in a shock ot fire hazard. proper ver,_letfon ispm_d_l. -- Never cov_ 61_ opel i_g$ "/_lth_ cfo_ or olher materJal -- New_"10_._theIV _ r=sar_ O_Wa raoT_oror he_ reg_e_ I To avid persm_aJInjury: -- Do natp_c_ aIV a_ton a s;op_gsh_funles_ imoper_s_oJed. -- Use only a carl or stand recommended by the TV set manufanturer, -- DO nottrytoroll a eattwithsmalfcastersacrossthresholds c_deep pl_eca_. -- _I basement, _x near swir_ning po_, etc. E. If_e 1V s_ hasbeen _pped o_d_naged h any_,_ F When the 1V set exhibits a distinct change inperfof mance -- thi s indicates e ne_ for service. block _e bottom ven_la_o_ slots of a porteble _ or shelfmountingOfK_Jldfollow themanufacturer's instructions, and shoutduse a mountingkitapproved by the tTlanufacture_ 5 Do not use this IV set neat water -- fo_"example, near a bathtub, weshbowl, kitchen sink. c_launmy tub, in a wet asimpmp_ adjust. meritOf o_er Controlsr_ay n_t in damage _b-._vailo(1_ require_ workby a qu_Jr_ied tec_nk_ianto ro,_xe This safety feature allow= the p_g to ffi into _e power OUtleto_ TO INSURE PERSONAL SAFETY, OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING RULES THE USE OF THIS is damsged odrayed, B. If liquid h_$ been spilied into the _/set TO PREVENT FIRE OR SHOCK REGARDING DOiCJ<stops._cassive force, and uneven surfacesmay cause _lould no_be IOCaZedin the INSTALLA'RON 1 Your 1V set is equfppe(I x_th a _ 14 A 1V sef a_d cart ccwt_*'_atlonshould be mm'ed w_h care. D If 1heIV se{does n_4operete norrrlaliyby fc_lo_ingIhe operat_,gIns_ci_m.s. Adjusto_lythose convols U,.atare HAZARDS, DO NOT E)(POSE THIS T_. SET TO RAIN OR MOISTURE. CAUTION: s_Jctum, _e 1V se( and carl COllbina_m to ovet/_/n. personeJ seJety.But mlprcper use cen msu/t in pc_en_a/ electrical shock Or life hazzuds. In order n0_to defeat the z_ information w#_ respect and iltaJln f_r yo_lr laf_¢/. EleCtrical energy can perform many useful functions. Tn_ TV P,V_==v=_r_ toqu=m__ Code pro_es of gr_ng cc_d_, foc_tinn of en_ conneceon teqlJr_me_ for the g_}n_g CAUTION: 13 F0r added ptotect_n of the W set dunng a ighmli_gstorm or against_0_tagesurges and built_p s_a_ccha_ss. Sec_n 810 gn:_nding of the _ Pfolle to _e 1V _L be surethe antenna system i_ g_oundedso as m p,'o_de some _ USE 10 C_u_o_ c;_m_ a_outdropping c_i:_sring d_s L, toI_e_' set "_g_ cabl_ oper,hgs,So_ t_=m_pareca_yheza_(_ uc_ge__d coqtact c_ reset_ a fireor eloctt:_shc_= 11 Unplug the TV se_ from the waJIcuret before cleaning. Do not use liquid or an aerosc_cleane_ 12 k_ add ao:asso6_ _oa W se( _a_ hasn0t been des_Ted fo. Ibis_ F_Ch_d_ns may lu_ h a haz_ 16 CO notaitempt to se_ice this"_Vset yc_m,eff asopening or removingcovers may e_pose you to dange_ voltageor o61erhazards. Refer a_ servic_g to qua_k_l se_ce pemoreeL 17 When replacement p_Is a_ required, ha'_e_e service technician verity in writing ihat the repot p,_ts he u.s_s he',_ _he same safety characteds_cs_ ihe onginaJpar_. Use of manufacfo_ specified replacement parts can p_evs_ fire, shock, or cther hezards. 18 Upon completion Of any seP*tcec#repaL*sto Fr=s1V set, Please as_ the servfoetechnicianto pectonnthe safety chod< d_cribed inthe mar,JfaclurePsseneca literatma. 19 Wl_n a TV set reaches 1heand ofits use_l lifo,improper dis_x_aJcould rasu_ in a pintumtubeiml_OSiOn.A.Ska q_ied se_ice t_c_an io dispose of _e IV set 2O Note to CA3_/system instelle£ Thie reminder is provided to call the CATV system inStallers attenbon toArttole 820_K3of the NEC that provides guidelines for proper grounding and, in pad[cu_a_specifies that the cable ground shaJJbe connected to the grounding system Of _he building, as close to the point of cable as prac_Cal. CONNECTIONS CONNECTIONS TABLE CONNECTIONS GETTING MENU 9 10 11 11 11 12 FUNCTIONS Symbols Used in thisGuile ............ Onscreen Menus................... Plug In Menu ..................... Language AutoTunerSetup Set C,_ck .................. Finish Inibal Setup ..................... Cha_nst Summary Channel Guard-Lock V_hip .................... Set Lock Code .............. PfctureAdjust .................... T_t Cok_ Picture Bt_ht Detail Noise Mut#lg Set Video Status CO Sound Adjust.................... 5 5 _ 6 7 8 8 STARTED Remote Controls......... : ......... Power ......................... AdjustingVc4urne .................. ChangingChannels ................ Seleng the CATVand VCR codes ........ -- READ ME FIRST! RF Connectors 1) Refer to the €onnection Inntructlons In the uler'l guide for each component you plsn to connect. They will provide more detailed informs[ion about their products, and they will toll you what plugs and cables are mquirab. OF CONTENTS Connections Checklist................ Front ang Rear Pane_D_agrsms .......... Cable & VCR Connections............. Connectmg to a DVD Player............. Connecting to a Camcorder............. Connectingto an ExtornalAmplifier......... Connectingto JVCAV Compu Link EX CaPable G_npcnents ............. CHECKLIST 14 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 Treble Ba_,_e MTS (Mul_annst Stereo Sound) Some SoundAdvice Clock/Timers ..................... On/Off Tkner InitialSetup ...................... )3/Spea_r Aud_ Out Cm'_ooner,t-/n Ck;_sd Captk:w BUll"ON 23 • Yellow plugs are Video connections • Red plugs are fo_ Right Audio connections • Whha plugs are Left Audio (Mono) connections 24 25 FUNCTIONS 26 Exit 26 .......................... 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 28 5) Each Jack on the back of the TV is labeled. resd these irmb_cticqls and still do not fully understand the connectio_ process, seek assistance. Plug 0 AN Input Plug If you 6) The/IV Compu Unk Cable hi supplied with the JVC devlce which you want to (=ollneCL If you do not have one, but you do have a JVC Compu Link capable VCR o{ HiR, contact your locei JVC deaJe_ FRONT AND REAR PANEL DIAGRAMS FRONT PANEL DIAGRAM AV-32D500 • AV_2D200 AV-27DS00 • AV*27 D2CO APPENDICES Troubleshooting ................... umited Warranly................... AuthorizedSor_k:e Centers ............. Spec fflesticP..s .................... 3) Pertorm oils hookup nt i dine. if you have many accessories to connect, make sure each connection is correct by checking to see that it works propeity before attempting the ne)d connection. (For example, eiweys start with the RF or Cable connections, make sure it WORKS.IP_n move o_ to video or VCR connections.) S-Vldeo 4) Unplug the power cord between each connection. Menu Button ..................... Display ........................ Video Status ..................... Sleep Timer ...................... BBE .......................... Hyper SurrOund................... TV/Video ....................... 100+.......................... VCR Buttons ..................... Muting......................... Return+ ....................... Number Buttons(10 Key Pad) ........... PIPOrVM_ve ..................... Freeze ......................... Swap ......................... Channel -/+ for PIP.................. Source ........................ 2) Most AN input jacks and plugs sre cntor coded: 29 30 31 32 REAR PANEL DIAGRAM AV-32D500 • AV-32D200 AV-27D500 • AV-27D200 AV Compu Unk Cable CONNECTIONS CABLE & VCR CONNECTIONS 1) Comnect cable or _'derlna RF wire OUtfrom the wall, /n to the spl_er RF ir_lJL 2) _ RF wire o_t from the splto_r RF output, in to t_e VCR RF input. 3) Cormem RF _re out lmm the sptl_r RF e_¢, _ to the TV VHF/UHF _ut. 4) Connect yellOWvideo o_ble out f_om the VCR Video ou_p_Jt,in _othe TV Video Input jack. 5) Connect while audio c_le cut from the VCR Le_ Audio output, in to the "IV Left Audio input j_ok. 6) P__nect red su_o cab_ o_ from the'K:R Rg_ iu,_ro ouepu_.,_ to _.e W ._X Audo _ _ O ff your VCR is mono # llas cn;y one audio out jack, connect it to TV L/Mono _uL 1) Connectthe cab_eRF wlre outfromthe weJl,k_to the cable boxinput. 2) Coe.r,actRF_,_eout fromthecable box P,Foutput,_ _ theVCR RI:ircut, 3) ConnectRFwire outIron tt_ VCRRFoutput..,nto the1V VPIF/UHFInput. 4) Cormecty_lowvldeo cable cutfrom th_ VCRVtoeoo_Jtputin to theTVVldeo inputjack. 5) Connectwhiteaudio cable out f_cmthe VCRL_I_audiooutput.#__ _ W _ _ _p_ _. 6) Connectr_ audioca_ out_omtheVCRRi_ AL_OoutpC,into_e W RohtAudo in_t jack, O if y_urvCR Ismonoit has on_/oneaudiooutj_k. cm_ct # to 71/La4onoinpuL CONNECTIONS CABLE & VCR CONNECTIONS CONTINUED 1) Connect Cable RF wire out from to splitter RF input, 2) Cc_nect RF Gutfrom splitmr RF _tl_Jt, m to cable box RF input. 3) Connect RF wire c_ from cable box RF output,/n to VCR RF input. 4) Connect RF wire out born Sl_ttte_ RF output, in to TV VHFtJHF input+ 5) Connect yellow video citableo_ born VCR Video output,/n to 33/Video input iack. 6) Connect white aUdio cable ou/from VCR Le_ audio output,/n to 1_/Left Audio input Jack¸ 7) _ red a_o ca_ _lcm V_ _ _:_o o_,ut, ,_ to 1V _ght Audio i_c_t_ac_ [_ lf your VCR ;s rnono it h_s or#y orm _udio outjack, connect ff to TV L/Mo_ input. CONNECTING TO A DVD PLAYER 1) Connectgreen cable outfromDVD playar"y" video_Jtput, in to 13/"y" componemt input. 2) ConnsctI_ue cabk_out from DVDI_Yer "PB" ,_icieooutput,in toTV "Ps"c_rnpo_entinput. 3) Connect_edcable outh'omDVDplayer"PR"v'=deO output_in to1_ _PR"_omponentinput. 4) Connectred audiocable out fromDVD Leltaudiooutput,.$1to TVLeftAudioinput2. 5) Connectwhiteauto cable o_tfromDVDRig_audiooutp_ _to IV RightAudo Input_ £ andr_d are t_e mostcommoncolc_sof DVDcable_. &xne modelsmay vary cable _ors. please cor,_ the u.se_ matwal for youtOVOp_yer for mo_ein_+ O Be carefu/not to c_fuse #'mred DVDcab/e m_ththe red audioGutputcab/e,lt _ _ _ _ _ set_ c_'mec_ns (DVDor audiooutput)befotmstatt;ngtoe otherto _void accidenta_ _wtct#ng _ _$. O Pleasesetth_ COMFONENT-/Non the/ni_WSatupMenu fo 'yES"v,_enever_ connecta D_ _a_ _ CONNECTIONS CONNECTIONS CONNECTING TO A CAMCORDER CONNECTING TO JVC AV COMPU CAPABLE COMPONENTS LINK EX 1) White audio cable out from carncorder, in to TV Left Audio input jack. 2) Ye_towvideo cable out from camcorde_ _ to TV V_deo input jack. 3) If you have a stereo model oamcorder_ connect the Red Audio cable out from the Carncorde_ in to the TV Right Audle input jack. TO CONNECT TO S-VHS ACCESSORIES: Keep the audio connections the same as for a non-S*VHS VCR or camcorder (above), and use the special S-VHS cable that catTm with the VCR or Carncorder. ! ) S-VHS Plug out from VCR. in to TV'S S-Video input. CONNECTING TO AN EXTERNAL NOTE_ A) The AV Compu Link EX cable has a male 3.5 mm (mono) mini plug on each end. AMPLIFIER B) If your JVC brand VCR has A Code/B Code Refrtote Control Switching (see your VCR instructions), using VCR A Code wi]] switch the TV to video Input 1. If you use Input 1 for Video out frownthe cable box, use Input 2 here. Using B Code will switch the TV to Video Input 2. C) To connect a JVC HiFi receiver or amplifier for a completely automated home theater, see the HiFi receiver's instructions for detailed hookup diagrams. • In order for the VCR to start playback automatically, the recording tabs must be removed from the VHS tape. ff the tab is in place, aut_natic switching starts when you push the VCR P_Y button. " AV COMPU LINK EX is compatible with the following 1998 receivers: RX-664V, RX*665V, RX-774V, RX-884V, RX- 1024V, and later _tver models. "** Please consult the user's manual for your JVC DVD Player on how to connect a JVC DVD Player using AV Compu Link EX 1) 'v%_iteaudio cable out from TV Left Audio output jack, in to Amplifier [Left] input. 2) Red audio cable out Ifom 33/Right Audio output jack. in to Amplifier [Right] input. NOTE: A) Set the T,/Speaker to OFF (page 25). switchthe audio output to VARI (page 25), and adjust the sound with the TV remhte_ VCt.UMEbutton. Gq I GETTING REMOTE STARTED GETTING CONTROLS STARTED POWER O Make sure that the TV/CA_/sw_h is set to TM Switoh to CAW _Jy to operate a cable box. £3 press the Powm button cn _e remote contrc_or the TV front penel. The On T, ner letup wili glew rod. O The first time you turn on the _ the "Rug In Menu" will appea_ you should turn to the Plug In Menu section (page 15) now to learn more abo4Jt this menu. To turn the power off, press the Pow_ button again. The On Timer Jampwill go out. O When the TV is off, the OnTimer lamp remains on while the On/Off Timer function is active, but at a reduced brightness. ADJUSTING [] VOLUME Use the V__UME-{-_ buttons ( •• ) on the front panel or remote control. Use the VOLU_E- ( • ) button to lower the voJume. Press the VOLUME÷ button ( • ) raise the volume. ::::::::::::: ] Press the MVnNGbutton to instantJy torn the volurne off to zero. To restore the volume to the previous volume level, simply press the MU11NGbutlon again. CHANGING RM_-343 AV-32D500 • AV*27E_00 CHANGING THE RM-C342 AV-320200 • AV-27D2(X) BATTERIES CHANNELS [] lO _ dl_ =:_. Press the numbers on the rernote_ tO key pad. For single<tigit channel numbers press 0 then the number. For chennels above 100, pre_ the 100+ button plus the 2-digit number. [] ChIHyl_w _mn button. Be sure to use on/y size AA batferfes. *Ibs_n tbed_ ] Push down on the remote's back cover and stide towards the bottom to remove it. ] Insert the two supplied AA battaries, carefully noting the "+" and "-" rrlarlengs on the batteries and remote control. ] TO avoid a short circuit, insert "-" end first. Slide the cover back into place (until it clicks into position). one _ a free,press thar_'s C_ So_ bu_ 8_d re_. • To _an mrough the chr, neb ray e/_dy, h_d dovm the remote's C_,#,-M_m ,Sc_ I:x_:_. Ntef two channeb go by at hemal speed, _e n_t of 1hechanr_ v_llspeed by at the rate @ f_ chonr_ p_ _ You_I n_ seei_ _ thechonn_ mty thechoag_ng_ nurnbem_ theho_om ofthescm_ [] Return. 0 If the remotB contr_ a_ts erratical, tepfece the bat_fies. Typical battery life i_ usuaJ_ about six months to one yeaK £3 We recommend alkaline batteries for a fenger battery life. NOllE: When you change the batteries, try to complete the task w_in 3 minutes, ff it takes leng_r than 3 minutes, the remote control c_des for your VCR and/or Cable box will have to be reset (page 12). Press and release the RE_JRN+button tOreturn to the previous channel. First, select a channe_ (game #1). Then, select another channel (game #2) with the 10 key pad and push the RE1_RN+ button to flip directly back and forth. [] Return+. Press and hold down the RETURN+button for three seconds. The message, =RETURN CHANNEL P_OGP.N_MED !" witt _pbaar and you cart scar_ as you wisP,.Press _+ again a_d you will go back to the Return+ channeL To cancel a Return+ channel, press and hold down the RE']_IRN + button for another three seconds and the _age, "RETURN CHJ_NNEL CANCELLSD !" appears. 0 Pressing a number key Or temlng the set off v_/siso cancel a Return+ channel GETTING SETrlNG STARTED THE CATV GETTING VCR SETUP & VCR CODES CABLE BOX OR SATELLITE SETUP Theremote is prog_ and down. w_ththe CATV aqd Sa_ifte codes fcr poweron and o_ 10key, and _lannel up 1) Determine the correct code from the "CATV& Satellite Codes" chat betow. 2) Slide the 2-Way Mode Selector Swftchto CATM 3) Press and Se_ddown the DtsP_Y button 4) Enter the 3-digit code with the 10 key pad while continuingto hold down the DtsPt_ybcttc_ 5) Release the D_Pu_y buti_n 6) Confirm the operation of the cable box, The remote is pre-programmed with the VCR codes for power on and power off, pla_,,stop, fast-forward, re.rid, and chenne/ up and down. 1) Determine the correct code from the "VCRCodes" chart (below). 2) Slide the 2-Way Mode Selector Switch to TV. 3) Press and hold down the DtsP_y but_n, 4) Enter the 3_[gif code ',_,iththe 10 key pad while continuingto hold down the D_SFL,_¥ button. 5) Release the DtS_¥ buttc_. 6) Co_firm the operation of the VCR. £3 When you record a channel, press the PLAYbuttonwhile continuing to hold down the RECbutton. Note : If your VCR does not respond to any code on the chart, use the Search Codes Function below, VCR Codes vcP_I (_o_E8 Note : if your cable box or satellite box does not respond to any code _1 the chart, use the Search Codes FunctJonbelow _in_r_ CATV vJd*O C*_am_ _e_& Pim_ O3S 027_ 0_2 029072.073.074 OO30O6 063, O71 _rlJg _is Ma_es _mt.oo _4 0_. 029, 064 045, 024, _7 043. _. _Q4 & Satellite GABLE E_J_ N3C Codes COOE8 D_mor_d =Jgb 024 0G2, 0_ 061,032 _2 r O51 068.069 024, _2. 025 aZ9 3C Brand _r#r_ 062, 061 Q22. 043 021r ¢_21057, _3 040. 041. _42. 045 049. _24 055,024,023.026.021,0_. 021. 022. _7. _ 049. _0, _t. 064 m _oV_ _e _ma_Nc _a_n _omw _UlLE BO)3_ )CA kML"_¢ I=ga_ P_T, brmdt S¢_t_ 037, 03_ 051, 038 051 A_mta 057. 058. OS_ 051. 047 Tl_lpbo_ Tm _=_¢_m 032, _61 O67 047.061 O44 €_ffAL E B ECh_W Q_. Z_ Zeq_l,_ SmelUte VCRI K4tm_ I-II_ (HUO_ Pmmmr4c Phr,_ 100 106 112 1_4_ 111 104 1_ _0_ 103 T_th_l tJ_dm 106,109, 107 ¸ 101 1_, 1_ 043. 026, OTT, 061. ¢_25,04,_ Q_O1078 II0 029, 030 063 r 046 O46 Search Codes Function : 1) Slide the 2-Way Mode Selector Switch to CATV 2) Press the TV power and RE1URN+ buttons simuifaneouslyfor more than three seconds, then release. 3) Press q[3/POWER and check if the accessory respa_ds. 4) If respanse,pressRE_eN+. if the_ewas no response, repeat Step 3 un6l Isere is a _. if you repeat Slep 3 rnorethan 70 timesaod there isstil_no re_, use $_eeccesso_ remote. umd ;E ;G_ '*'ldeo ,3ok_a_r G_m_ Hltad_l In_Zr, t Rechw JenReq ,NC K_w.r, od 027. _6. 003. (_4& Q_7. 051. O64 06& 064. CQ3, 045. 024, 0_3 _3& 040. 047. 048, 041 _? 058,045 038. 040. 047, 048. _41,042, 078, 090 047 r 027, 062 _4._3 028. Q21. _. Q26 _Q0 hmn_y 020. 000 024 044_.0_0. Qe9 C24. _, 064 045, 0_3, 00_, 004, O43 Qel. 000. 001 Q_8. _'7. Qel 0_0. _01. 002. 00& 0C4. _6 00& 004. 064. 0_ CODE8 064, WGA COOBS _50 632, C_25 _2. 032 0_0 Q_2, 051 _, 0_6_ 0_0 063 O28. 029. 0_0, 0_2, 0_3. _31, 0_ 0471062 CODIW O32 06f 032 05B. 064, 040. 041. 042, 04& STARTED X,_t er Iw_o S_'k ICA C,4& (_8. 05& 060. 021,022r 03& O24. O27 _. 04& 046, 06_. ¢,23._,Q4.031. C4& _33. _Z_7 Q_3, 0_4 083, 03& 067 , C40. VCRS CODES S=r_zuno _37, 0_, 062, 033, 0_ Sanyo 063. 067. 091. 071 0_). Q_I. Q62, 067. 0_. 075 _g.lture $1no_r _oqv _/2(_0 2_00 02"/,005 O75 O27 S_a 0311 _l r_o o64 r_ O21,_2, _3, o24 r_dka ro_ba /e_or Re_*_=_ 024 _7 0"/0 069. 046 O79 OO5 (_5. 036. 067. 044. _1 0_3, 0_, 004. 005 044.082.064 (m_ha !_ o24r _7 068. _Q3. 024. 031. 060. _. 0eS. _7 O67 Search Codes Function : 1) Slide the 2-Way Mode Selector Switch to TV. 2) Press the VCR Pow_ and R_+ buttons simultaneouslyfor morethan three seconds, then release. 3) Press VCR Pow_ and check if the ac_essoq_responds. 4) Ifthem was a _e, press R_J_N+. If them was no response,repeat Step 3 untilthere is a response.If you repeat Step3 rnc_e_a_ 80 Urnesand there Is stJllno response,use the acce.ssowremote. Q40. _ _ THE ONSCREEN PLUG MENUS IN MENU THE 81fMBOLS USED IN THIS GUIDE &_f PLUG V'.rflSnEN_"yOU _e Up and down arrows _sth_ book, press the M_'_U UP or MENU DCWN buttofl to: • Move verlJcally in the main menu. • Move through a _Jbrnenu. • Move to the next letter. I1umber. or other Ghoice in 8 Subrnenu. (x + • Back up to co/rBct an error, or • Channel Up o( Down Whenever you see lef_ and hght arrows, press the MENU L_T or MENU P,_ button to: • Select the highlighted item, cf • Select the options in a submenu, (x • Volume Up or Down (_ Tr_ "P_ss Bud;ton" me_,ns yo_ _ button c_ the remote cOnvol Hess that The 'He_ping Hand" points to the highlighted or seated _ecr__r__ re_r_. V,d_ To ule the Menu. th,e &V _mci 41b" descr_t:ed _bove. button, the display N_. press the MENU b_3on and then use buttons to move around the it ym_ com_nt;e p_ss_r,g th,e M_'_U will skip t_ the next menu screen. Ttte menu screens shown m this boo_ are representations of the menu screens On your s6t, not exact rep/iGation$, mm _rA The*Piugln Menu"ony appears#_ h_t_t timethe TV_ p_ug_d{n IN MENU AUTO TUNER SETUP ca/Iv when you first turn on the 73/after ptuggJng it in. The Pug In Menu sets the default preferences for you for: During Auto TunerSetup, the TV will automatically scan _rough all available channels and memorize the active ones so that _en you scan, you do not pleti up weak or no_ channels. _3]he Language in which you want the onscreend_sp_ys_ e.ppe_. 0 The AutoTuner Setup ofchannels to be included in sc_q. 0 Set the clock to the ptope_ tJrneso that your timer functions willw_k. &V To AUTO TUNER SETUP • • To operate LANGUAGE _ur J_ _ev_ _tiows_ _o choosefromEnglish,French,or Spanish omscrsenmenusand displays. • • &Y To choose CABLE or AIR To move to START • • To start pragramrning _kY To LANGUAGE • • To choose the language Ftq2_g takes apptoxknat_ty 1 to2mmu_s No_ No_se Muting w_t r_, work whys Auto Tuner Setup is _rking. PLUG IN MENU SET CLOCK The C/_k _ the heart of all #met funcll_,s, The c/Gck must be set before the timer functions v,ork. &V To SET CLOCK • • To operate INITIAL FINISH Once you have set up the items in the Plug/n Menu you must select Finish. &• • • TOFINISH Toexit Note: Y_J can resst tho preferences that you set here in the Plug In Menu via the regular JVC Menu system. • • TO setthehour (AM/PM) • • • To move to minutes To settheminutes • To move toSTART CLC_K • • when done withsettings To starttheclock CLOCK _ ON/OFF TIMER MESSAGE CHANNEL SUMMARY You can add or delete channels from channel scanning. You can also k;ck out any "unauthorized" viewers from one or up to all 125 channels. (_ Press the MB_tj Button &• To CH/C_NELSUMMARY • • To operate • • • • • • To set the hour (AM/PM) You can manuallyset chanr_.s to scan 63atwere too weak to be piskeci up dodng Aufo Tuner Sstag. Con•seedy, if a channel was too weak to _ a good _lure but was picked up anyway, delete it by remo_ng the _L(If you have not pe_ _e Asto TO_erSetup doscribab on page 15. do so n_v.) GUARD - LOCK &• TOCHANNEL SUMMARY • • To operate &• TO the L.cx_kcolumn The access code (0) to lock or unlock thatzero channel Use the CHAN_L -/+ button to go to any othe[ channel you want _olock (_ EXIT when finished CHANNEL GUARD MESSAGE: This message appears when a viewer attempts to watch a guarded channel : (_ &• _ -/+ to se_ct the c'nannel To the SCAN column • • To include or delete from scan I_ Exrrwhen finished To watsh a channel you have iscked, enter the lock code ualng the 10 key pad. If the wrong lock cede is entered,this message will appear: To move to minutes To set the minutas To move to START CLOCK when done with settings To start the clock Note: Channels set to scan will be marked with an -_. Note: S_ne cable systems experience interference from radio frequermie6 Cable Channel 95. If you like, you can delete this channel from scanning by removing _e q. Comft_u_t a_ove... (D CHANNEL Note: Noise MutJng will not work while you are in the Channel S_mmary menu. If you do not set the clock but attempt to use the On/Off Timer, you will get the following message: <1• SETUP Note_ See _Set Lock Code'_ for more information_ ,-= _ _ INITIAL SETUP INITIAL ¥.CHIP Your7Y is equipped with V-Chip U.S. PARENTAL RATING SYSTEMS Programs with the following Ratings are appropriote for Children. program y_r 0 7VYIsApl_forAJlCidldmn. Programs _'e created for very young viewers and should be suitable for all ages, inclediog children ages 2 - 6. TV to rece_, or not recer_, Whan a v_ewerat_r_o_ fo wafoh a btod<edchannel this message appears: O TV "It'/is for Older Children. Most parents would find such programs suitable for children 7 and above. There may exist some mitd fantasy violence or comedic violence. Children should be able to discern reality from fantasy. Uwfo,_w_ RaUn_ To watch a channelyou have Iocked_enter tha ldck cede ualng _e lO key pab_ To set up the TV Parental Guideline Ratings... I_ &V Press the IvIFJ_13utton TOV-CHIP • • To operate (Lock icon appears) _) Pre_ _ fo _ V4_ip menu • • To turn V-Chip ON or OFF &V To move _ Sk_r JV P_TINGS VIEWING GUIDELINE8 V_V LSfor V]OL_CE I FANTASY ViCL_CE _1 S stands f_ SEXUAL CONTENT O L stands for strong LANGUAGE _1 D stands for suggestive DIALOG are appropd_e for _e _=#re aud/_€_ DWecUorLsto Block Viewing: Une up the cumor in the column (_/ PG, TV G. efo.) with the content row (V_ & etc.) and pmsstha AorV to move the cursorld tha correct Ioca_n, _3 TV 14 Parents Strongly Cautioned. Progr-'on_conteJnsc_n:ematerial may ha unsuitablefor children unde" the age of 14 includingpo_ible intenseviolence, sexual situations, strongcoarse language, or intensely suggestive dialog. Parents are against unattended viewing by chilofe_ under 14. O TV MA Mature Audiences Only, lbese progran_ are sbecificallyf_( abuits and may be unsuitablefor anyone uaber 17 yeansof age. T',/MA p_grams may have extensiveV,S, L. _rD. To set up Movie Ratlng_s... (_ &Y Press the MENUbutton TO V-CHIP • • and press <1 or I="to turn the locking feature _n or off. An item is kx:_ed ifthe iconA appears instead of a "--'. TO operate (Lock icon J_J appears) (_ An example. To block viewers under 14 from _11shows: &V Press ZEROto access V-Chip setup options To SET MOVIE RATINGS • • To enter movies menu Move the cursor to the top row of that column and add a lock icon. Once you've put a lock on the top row, everything in that cotumn is automatically locked. &_r To the TV 14 Column • • To turn on the lock TV G stands for Gener_ Audkmce. Most parents would find programs suitable fo! all age groups. contain lit'deor no violence, no strong language, and littleor no sexuaddialog or situaitons. [3 "R/PG Parental Guidance Suggested. May contain some. but not much, strong lenguage, limited violence. and some suggestive sexuat dialog or situations. It is r_dab that parentswatch these programs first, or with their children. SETUP Press Ex. when done No_: If you want to change the setup, move the cursor to the top COlumn and change to 'J and then you can select individual catagones to block. 0 NR - Not Rated. Ttlis is a film that has no rating. In many cas6_ these films were i_ fro_ o_m counttios.Othe"NR finns m_y be from amateur Woducem who didn't intendto have their flk'nwibely raleesab. NR (Not Rated) Programming may contain all types of prograrnming ldc/udiag chhi/dren's programming, fc{eign programs, or adu# mat_aL O G - General Audience. In the opinion of the review board. these films contain nothing in the way of sexual content, violence, or language that would be unsuitable for audiences of any age. O PG - Parental Guidance. Parental Guideance means the mov_ may contain s_me co, tents such as mild vk3lence,Borne brief nudity,and sl_Ong language. The contents are not deemed intense. 0 PG-13 - Parents Strongly Cautk)ned. For parents with children under 13, they are cautiOned that the content of rnovle_ with this rating is more explicit in sexual, language, and viofence content than PG. 1 INITIAL SETUP 0 R Re.rioted. These films contain material that is explicit in nature and is not recommended for unsupervised children under the age of 17. 0 NC-17 NO One Under 17. These rTx_es am _nalpered what m_t parents would feel is too adult fo_ thor children to view and can consist of strong language, nudity, _otsnce, suggestive and ex_icit subject rnattets. 0 X NO One under 18, Innappropriate for anyone under 18. D/mctlonB to Block Movie Vlewlng.. Inordertoblock"viewers from ar'_or 811of these sortsof contents,pressthe Aor Vto move thecurse"to thecorrect l_taln, and press• or • to tornthe l_king feature _ or off. An item islocked if_e _ iconappears insteadof a -m.. To blockviewersunder X and NC-I 7 ratedfrom shows: &V • • &V • • q_) INITIAL signal will be in the "Unratad Programming" category. Accessing V-Chip Informa#on: Examples of Unrated programs: To access Rating information about a certain program, pre_s the V-CHI_ button while viewing that program, this appears: Emergency Bulletins Locally o_iginatad programming News Political Programs Pub(ic Service Announcements Religious Programs Sports Weather Some Commercials Note: TV programs or movies that do not have rating signal will be blocked if the Unratod Category is set to LOCK DIrecUm_ to Block Unrat_l (_) &Y Press the M_qu button TO V-CHIP • • TO operate If you want to set your V_;hip settings to block all programming above TV PC: Programs: Press 0 (zero) when TV-PG is diSpLayed &V (_) Press EXiTwhen done tha M_lu buti_ To SET LOOK CODE • • TOoperate • • To choose the number If you want to set your V_hip settings to block all programming above a current setting such as TV PG*V (with vioisnce): &V TO move to the next place (_ &Y TO RNJSH • • To save settings and exit Press O (zero) when W_F13 - V is displayed Continue to follow these directions all four numbers for Note: If you for'orgelet the Lock Code you can set another one this same way. Note** After a power interruption you must reset the lock code. AboutUnratedPrograms: ,=_. _ All Programming above TV PG will be blockap! Pre_sEXiTwhen dOrle Unrated p_gramming refers to any ptograrnmfog that does not contain a rating signal. Programming on tatsvision stations which do not broadcast ratings _) AV ZEqO(tha access code is zero) Examp/e2: To View o_ Block LOCK CODE The Lock Code locks and unk_cks Channel Guard and V_hip settings. Wr#e this four digit number down and keep it safe! a To UNRATED • • Nota: For Childrens programming you can block TV-y and Y programs by Pressing "0" when Y is displayed during a program. Programming for audiences Other than children_ audiences will not be affected. The padlock icon appears Press Z_O to access V-Chip setup options To the NC-17 Column To turnon thelock F.xampleI: You can block programs that are not rated. To theX Column To tornon the tsck m i If you decide you want to block this category of viewfng, press '0" while the above screen is visible, and all programs from that category will be locked. SETUP All Programming above TV PG with Violence will be blockedl PICTURE TINT Adjust the levels of red and green. (_ &V SOUND ADJUST Press the MENUButton To TINT NOISE MUll3NO Inserts a blue screen and aliminates r_ise from channels that are not broadcasting o[ are too weak. To accentuate green To accentuate red &V To NO_SE MUTING &y To move to the next • • To turn ON/OR: Note: Noise Muting will not work when you operate the Auto Tuner Setup or Channel Summary, SET VIDEO STATUS (_) AY • • &V Press the MENUButton To COLOR To make colors more vivid Save a set of Picture Set_ngs and access later as "Choice". To subdue colors _) &y Press the MENUButton TO SET VIDEO STATUS • • TO operate To move to the next PIOlFUNE Picture allows you to adjust the picture_ range of black and white. • • &V • IP TO move to the next kY Press the MFJ_ Button To BRIGHT • To lightenthe picture • AV TOdarken the picture To move to the next DErA/L Adjust the level of detail in the picture. (_ 4,y • • Ay Press the MENUButton To DETAIL To make the picture sharper To make the picture smoother To move to the next (_ &V • • AV Press the MENUButton To BASS To emphasize bass To reduce bass AY • • MTS (Mul_.hannel Television Sound) MrS t_chnalogy gives you a choice among stereo, _, and Second Audio Programs (SAP). (m) &y • • Press the MEe,'UButton To MTS Select the mode To move to next TREBLE _e Trab_ _ edjus_ent feature a#ows you to ralse or lov_ tha leval of high_ _c_s _ _e TVs sound AV Press the MENUBu_on TO PICTURE To increase contrast To decrease contrast BN/@NT Adjust the degree of fight and dark. Tne Bass _ve/ adjus_n_t fea_He allows you to raisa or lowsr P_e leval of Iower _ _ #Te71rs sound. Pmss rne Me_J Buttc_ • • COLOR Adjust both the vividness and sub_aly of #le cok_ BASS ADJUST Press the MENUButton TO TREBLE TO emphasize treble To reduce treble TO move tonext (Ti_eON A/R a_rowtelL_y_u ff rhe cutrentsignal contalns Stereoor SAP) Note: Keep the TV in STEREO mode to get the fenest sound quaJity, WeE Note: SAP will allow you to hear an alternative soundtrack, if available, TO operate the TINT opUon The Balance adjustment feature allows you to cenatr the T_ sound to yc_r needs. Note: Choose MONO to reduce excess noise in a program or channel. To move to the next option (_ Press the MES_JButton AY To BALANCE Repeat_e abovsstepstoseteachopen. Ay TOSAVE AS CHOICE • • To save settings and exit Note: Access your "Choice" settings by pressing the VIDEOSTA_JSbutton on the remote control, • To shift the speaker balance to the right • To shift the speaker balance to the left &lr To move to next CLOCK/TIMERS ON/OFF TIMER YOU tell the TV to Use it as an alarm program reminder, you*re home when house. INITIAL turn on and off to wake up, as a or to simulate that you're out of the 1_ ,kV Press the ME_qU Button To ON/OFF TIMER • • To operate Note: A Timer Preview window (D-500 series only) will appear in the PiP. lower right corner of your screen. 7 seconds before the Timer changes the current channel to the timed program channel. TV SPEAKER You can listen to the TV speakers, or if your set is c_nected to a stereo, turn them off to listen to the ster_ speakers, (_ Press the MENUButton &• To TV SPEAKER p • • Timer activates Exfr when finished • • • TO set the hour (AM/PM) you want the TV to turn on To move to minutes To set the minutes • Toaccept ON TIME and to rno.,e • tu OFFTIME (sat _ne agan) To move to CHANNEL To select channel • • • (Preview of ON/OFF Timer program) 2"s_onde tater... 4 To move to MODE • • • Choose ONCE or EVERYDAY To YES NO <1• • Choose YES for on, NO for off To FINISH • • TO save settings COMPONENT.IN Get the best quality video from your DVD player by using this setting and the DVD inputs at the rear of the television. Set the Video2 input either to the component input (for DVD) "YES; or to the composite video input (for a reguler VCR player) "NO_ (_ Press the MENUButton &• TOCOMPONENT-IN • • TOturn the input ON or OFF (_ E_ff when finished To turn the speaker ON or OFF NOte: TV Speaker will be cancelled after a power interruption. • • SETUP Note: Before you set TV Speaker from Off to On, make certain thot the volume kivel Is IowJ If the Volume is high, the sound will be extremely loud when you turn iton. Note: For more information on connecting a DVD player, see page 7. AUDIO OUT Select fixed level or variable level audio ou_out signals, CLOSED CAPTION ff they are included in a program, you can view closed captions or text information. I_ Press the MENUButton &• TOAUDIO OUT • • To VARI or FIX Note: This function is to be used with DVD players only, For connecting VCR's, see page 6, (_ &• Press the MENUbutton TO CLOSED CAPTION • • To operate • • TOselect CAPTION, TEXT or OFF &• To CAPTION or TEXT • • TOselect a caption (CCl to CC4) or text channel (TI to T4) Timer activates Note: in order for ON/OFF Timer to wed<, the clock must be set. After e power interruptionthe clock will be cancelled. VARI: Adjust the volume of the external speaker by using the TV's V__UME+_ button or remo_ control. Note: ON/OFFTirner cannot be set to locked or guarded channels. FIX: Adjust the volume of the external speaker with the audio device controls. Note: When using exlerneJ amplifiers and speakers, shut off the TV Speakers (above). • • • To accept that selection and move to FINtSH To exit and save settings BUTTON FUNC MENU The MENUbutton a/tows you to access the onscreen menu system. Another complete discussion of these butter,s and the menu system is located on paget4, Once you press the menu button, the CHANNEL -I+ ( &V ) and VOLUMe-/+ ( 41_ ) buttons work to operate the menu system. • Press ( &y ) to rr_ve up and down in the menu system, TIONS BUTTON VIDEO STATUS The V_o S_JS bUtton lets y3u select _e "Choice"satticgs of t_ Set Wdeo Sletus rr_enu,or reset tu factory sattJngs. "ChoiCe" consists of the settings that you sg.ved in the Set Video Status menu, page 22. "Th=mter" for a film-like look to video. (_ DISPL&Y Theenscrean display shows the current status of timers and inputs. BBE high definition audio adds natural, clear and extracrdinary sound to any program. MUI1NG The MunNG button toms the sound off completely when you press it. Press it again to restore Lha volume to the previous level. =b"tar_ard" resets the picture settings to factory standard levels, VIDEO STA_JS • Press ( ,<b- ) to operate a feature in the menu systarn. The FXITbutton lets you leave the menu system or tom off PIP when you ptess iz BBE FUNCTIONS JRfPER SURROUND Create a deep, 3-dimensional sound effect by channeling the sound through the TV's front firing speakers. I_ HYP_ SURROUND RETURN+ Therearetwo kindsof Return.,. Re_m.p -- Set a "Ratum Channel" to return to after scanning with CPP, NN_ -/+. (_) &'.an with _ W lr11111_ The Sleep Timer will turn off the TV for you in case ycu fall asleep. Pn_ram tt to work in inte/yals of 15 minutes up to fSO mlnuats. DtSPLAy TV/V_o RETURN+ controls the TV's input mode. Note: TOc_cel a Returnchannel, and hc_l Return+ f_r a/lo_ef 3 secures ur_l "RETURNCHANNEL CANCELLED!" appears. 100 + The 100+ button lets you access all channels above Channel 99. R_um -- Retom to the last channel viewed after moving to another channel via the 10 key pac_ To move to Channel 124: 20 seconds prior to the automatic shut-off, this mesaage will appear: CI T]_echanr_ or AV input (Oh. 07) (_ 100+ _) 4 (f_Jr) RETURN+ Move to another channel with the 10 key pad. (_ Q Current time (12:20 PM) Q Sleep Timer ndnutes remaining (Off) Not=: Each press of the DtSPLAybutton changes the display mode: If you select time or channel, the time or channel (or video input) will remain on the screen. You then have 20 seconds to press the Sleep Timer button to delay turn off for another 15 mtt_t:to& -/÷ TV/V#DEO SLEEP TIMER MESSAGE: [3 On/Off ]3rner status (Everyday, on at ;_00 PM, off at 1_00 PM) REIL_N+ and hold to_ 3 seconds VCR Iltrl'ro_t_l This remo_ will control y_ur VCR. You can play, rewind and fast.forward, feceS, pause, stop, move channel up and down, and power on and off Note: This remote is preset with the code 000 to control a JVC VCR. For any other brand, you mult set up the manufacturer's code (page 12.) RElURN+ Nole: _en P_ ls on, _'_eRE_Um,_bu_t_n function affects only the main screen. MmlB_ B_ I IO KElf R_D Chengech_,_ wi__e1O keyped. For example,tomove to Channel7: (_) 0(zero) (_) 7(seven) BUTTON FUNC ON/tiOV£ (Picture in Pinture) PIP allowsyou to wewtwopictures simuitanecus/y TIONS TROUBLESHOOTING FREEZE Youcan freeze the picture in _e main screen into the PIP windo_ No power • See if the power cord became unplugged, • Perhaps you have experienced a blown cimuit breaker or fuse or a power outage No pictureor sound • The antenna could be disconnected. i_ _) (PIP) ON/IVfoVE m I_ FREEZE • The input mode _ Note: When the PIP is off. pressing FREEZEtakes a snapshot of the main screen and puts it into the PiP window.., great for catching those mail order addresses. Note: When the PIP is on FPJEF1E stops the PIP picture. Note: The PIP channel and mai_ screen channel will appear in the display rnon_ntarily right after you turn on PiP. You can teave them up permanently by pressing DISPL_,yuntil you reach the mode. SWAP CHANNEL Change 4+ I| Poorcolorquality For the channel PIP in the PIP _findo_ CH4+ Lines or streaks acro_ the 8creell the source • Perhaps the Or_ Timer is set, press the power button, check page 24 • The power was ir,te_lJpted or Ibe _ cord unplugged. * 33".eSleep Timer rnay pe seL see page Z6. • The clock needs to be reset. See page 16. lih i • Tint a_l cefo_ may be Improderly adjusted, Check • _peo Status mode may be set to an inappropriate pege 22. setting. Check page 22 • There cOUld be interference from another energy consuming appliance, such as a computer, another TV or VCR. Move any other such appJlenees ter ther away fr(Jcn the TV. Double picture (Ghosts) • A building or akplane the antenna position, Snowy pleture/ Image noise • The antenna may be damaged, dilated or turned, Check pages 6 to 7. It it is dan_ged, you will have to replace it. Screen is 8G% bisck Nots: When you connect the component input (OVD) to V-2, the PIP window will be blue. • Maybe you are too te," from the TV. you must be within 23 feet (or 7 n_ters). • Make sure the channels a_e progran',m_d. See Channel Summary, page 17. • Perhaps _e channel is locked, select it with Ihe 10 key pad and futlew les_uctions. • Ti_ere could be intederence 5ore a running high wattage appliance such as a hair_ryer, vacuum Gisane_ or nectl sig_. You will have to move the anterma away from the source of the interference or change it to a coaxial cable which is less prone to inledarence. for the PIP to any of can reflect the original signal producing delayed one. Adjust the antenna connection. • Ctoc_d Caption Text Mode is on. • Make sure 6_e MTS mode is properly set. Refer to page 23 for details on setting MTS Modes. * TV Speakers may be turned off in the menu. see page 25. I'i'llli ........ Stotic ai_icify Note: When the PIP screen has no signal, the PIP window will be blue. a sec_d, 1" B_q_JaJ (x slemo I:_rjans cant ke hm=d No sound from TV speakers at all Note: Each press of the On/MovE button will shiftthe PIP window one position. normally. • Check that the batteries are still wothJng and properly installed. • Make sure there are no objects blocking a clear path from the remote to the _L Spotted pleture I_UmCE You can select not be set properly, refer to page 27. • Check that the 2-way mode sefecto_"switch is in the proper pesitto_ -- 8st to TV to view televis_n You caNrlotsaiect a certefn channel The clock is wrong _ windo_ You can move the PIP window the TV's four corners. notoperating YGucan swap the P/P picture and the main picture. Note: The PIP Screen is 1/9 of the regular screen size. Once PiP is turned on, the ON/IVIOV_E button operates the Move feature. Remote controlis Powertomsoff SWAP EXiT to turn PiP off or video) could • The tuner mode (in the menu selection) could be set improperly, refer to page 15 • The staiton may be having dif_cul_es, check to see if other channels are operating Occa.s_n_ c_ackJing sounds I'liln[ • It is nofmef to toef a surge of stegc aleci_'icity if you brL,sh over or touch the screen. • It Js normal th_ the ]_' to emit crackling sounds whefl turned on or off Unless the soond or picture become abi!orma[, this is fine, AUTHORIZED SERVICE SPECIFICATIONS CENTERS JVC Type HOW TO LOCATE YOUR JVC SERVICE CENTER "rOLL FRF.._: 1 (800) 837-6722 _r Cmt_, Recep_on Forma Reception Range NTSC system, STSD system (Mult_channe[ Sound) VHF 2 to 13, UHF 14 to 69 Sub Mid, Mid, Super, H_per and Uli_a bands ] (181 channel frequency synthesizer system) or _ _e Con_'_*t_ United _a_es, _1-8OO-537-5722 _n_rder t_ n_e_veSe_4om. _;e m_8t _t_n Salef_cWan_ fr_m y_ur _ for youcw#J_r;z_i read _e k_c_ mewlc_ b_Nwt _ to mcain yo_r S# _ befo_ _p_a_g b_eur4L _nther -- JVC AC !20_ Power Source Pow_ JVC SERVICE & ENGINEERING COMPANY OF AMERICA DIVISION OF JVC AMERICAS CORR 133W I 1.9A 60Hz 128W / 1.8A 123W / 1.8A i 32"/80 cm measured Screen Size FACTORY SERVICE CENTER LOCATIONS diagonally, 27"/68 cm mee.sured fall square diagon aJly,full square 5.0W + 5.0W Audio Output }ear custc_er; In ord_" to rsceive the mcet satJsfactlC_from your purchase, read thls guide before opera_ng the unit, and baize caiting _r service make sure yo_ check _ Tn;o_Jeshoo_ngpages at the end of this book. In the even_ that repeatis necessa_, or _3 address nearest you, please refer to the fac_c_yservice center list below, or vAthin_ con_nentaJUnited States, call the t_l free nurnbe_above fo_an au_0dzed service center Renumber to retainyour bill of sale forwan'amy sen'_e. 5cm x 12 onotalx2 SpeaY.efs Antenna Terminal 75 ohms (VHF/UHF) terminal (F-_ype connector) 107 Littte Falls Road Fallhald, NJ 07004-2105 973) 808-9279 15_X_Lakes Parkway Lawrencevitle, GA 30_43-5857 (404} 339-25L_ 705 En_rise Street Aurc_a, IL 60504_149 (630) 851-7855 _nal 5665 CorporateAvenue Cypmq, CA 90630-0024 (714) 2298011 296_ Mapunapuna Ple_e Honolulu, HA 96819-2040 (808) 833-5828 10700 Hammedy Suite ! 10 Houston, 33( 77043 (713) 9_5-9331 S-",rldeo Input Jack _ 1vp-p 10ositiva, 75 ohms(negativesyncprovided) C: 0286 Vl>P (burstsign_J,75 chrns 13 Cummings Park Wobum, MA 01801 (781 } 376-9100 8192 SLateRoad 84 Da_qe.FL 33324 (954) 472-1969 890 Dubuque Avenue South San R'ar_sco. CA g4_80-1804 (650) 871-2666 CompormntInpu Jack Y:1Vl>Ppositive,75 ohms(neqeu_esyncpro_eq) I:_: 0.7 Vp-p, 75ohms Sophist_at_d electronic products may require occasior_ sen,ice JuSt as qua/P//s a key_o_d In ff_e engineertng and pr_uc_n _f the _de arr_y _f JVC pmducts_ m is key t_ maintajning the h_ _eve/_f pe_rmance _ _J_ J_ is word famous¸ The JVC semite and engineering orga_zation stands behind ow products, JVC _ICE r Morn than O to 1,_Vrrns (+6 dBs), k_w impedance AVCompe UnkE_ Jack CAUTION Toprev_t e/6c_ical slx_k, do nct o_en the cabinet. No user _b/e pa/ts inside Don't servl_e yourself. Refer to oua/ified sen_e it_wsonn_. ACCESSORIES _ Video: 1 Vp-p. 75 ohms AudiO:500 mVrrns (-4 dBs), high impedance input Jecks Audio Output Jacks NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS & ENGINEERING COMPANY OF AMERICA DIVISION OF JVC AMERICAS CORE 1700 Valley Road Wayne. New Jersey 07470 pa_ you_ JVC unit ln theoriginat cart_ c_ _4_eof equivalent and s_ng_. Enck_e, _ the un_ a tet_ s_t_n_ the prob/ern or syrnptom that ex_sts_nd also s copy ohthe receiot or bi!/ of sa!e y_u _ived when you purchased your JVC uniLPdnt y(_r home re_urnaddress on _he outside end inside of the IF the YOU SHIP THE PRODUCT --1 c_ton. Send to appropdate JVC Facto_ySen_e Cen_ as 118W/1.7A I TOpurchase acce_rles for your JVC product you may contact _ou_ /ocaJJVC Dea_ UnltsclStatas ca_ tofl_ : I (_0) a_2-23_ Or from the I (400 HZ when modulated 100%) 3.5 mm mini jack x 1 D_=e_e_s ('_chas (Wx H x D)- (crn} 33 7_'x2Tx 21 5_ 85_9 x 68.4 x 54.B Q'q 295_" x 23 1/4' x 19 lfZ 75_. x 59.0 x 49.40T_ Weight (Ibs.) Weight (1_,) 114.4 (thS.) 78.1 (thS.) 52.0 (kl_.) 35.5 (kg.) Accessories Remote con frc_ x 1 • AA Sat_eries x 2 Spec/f_a_nssub_t _ocha,'_ew_,_ not,_e. JVC COMPANY OF AMERICA DIVISION OF JVC AME_tlCASCORP. 1700 Valley Roeq Wayne, New Jersey 07470 JVC" JVC CANADA, INC. 21 RnChdeneSquare $carb_'ough, Ontario Canada M1X "_A7 o< LCT_IA o_ _